Thursday, December 07, 2006
Mundo de Fieras, 12/6 In which Joselyn gets to be really nasty to all the good guys who come seeking to see Luisito.
Joselyn tells Luisito that he is better off with her since he had so many accidents when he was living with his father. The kid starts to say that the accidents weren’t his father’s fault when Joselyn goes ballistic and tells him not to contradict her. Clemente and Miriam come in to welcome Luisito to their house. Miriam takes Joselyn out and Clemente notices that Luisito is hyperventilating. He asks him why he is so afraid and did his mother say something to him? Luisito says that everything is ok in a way that says just the opposite.
With Miriam, Joselyn starts smashing the bric a brac saying that she could barely keep herself from belting the kid when he said that he missed his father. Miriam is more concerned about the video that Nicolas has. She urges Joselyn to get it back as soon as possible and then set a trap for Nicolas. ‘Speaking of traps,’ says Miriam, ‘how did it go with Clemente?’
Candelaria tells Father Anselmo about her fears that Miriam will take Leo away from her.
Gabriel comes to the house to see Luisito. Joselyn says that she has custody and has the power to decide who Luisito sees. She tells Gabriel that he knows the price for seeing his son – withdraw the demand for a divorce.
JC and Paulina fix up their apartment. Paulina says that she has never seen her father look so sad. Paulina wonders again how someone got into their apartment and JC speculates that someone had a copy of the key.
Karen buys a cell phone telling herself that JC and Paulina are wrong if they think they are going to be happy.
Gabriel and Joselyn continue to have the same conversation – if G wants to see Luisito, he has to withdraw the petition for a divorce. Gabriel gets angrier and angrier and starts huffing and puffing like a wild beast himself.
Clemente has a very similar conversation with Miriam saying that Joselyn has no right to keep Luisito from seeing his father. Miriam says Joselyn has the right and has made her decision. Clemente gives Miriam a check and as soon as he leaves, she sits down to try forging his signature.
MA comes to see Candelaria. Candelaria says that she is very sad because Leo’s real mother has shown up. Candelaria won’t tell MA who it is but she says that she is going to see the real mother and ask her what her intentions are for Leo.
Now the comic relief. Mayeya and Cortito sneak through the house to bring Luisito a piece of cake.
Gabriel tells Nicolas that Joselyn won’t let him see Luisito unless he withdraws the petition for a divorce. Since Luisito is the most important thing in his life, Gabriel says that he will accede to Josleyn’s demands. Nicolas asks Gabriel to let him talk to Joselyn before he withdraws the divorce petition. Nicolas says that he has something that will make Joselyn change her mind.
Mayeya and Cortito engage in some slapstick to make Luisito laugh.
Gabriel and Demian meet outside their offices. Demian tells Gabriel that he is sorry about his situation with Luisito. He also tells Gabriel that he will let him build his project. Gabriel says the he appreciates his brother’s support.
Luisito isn’t hungry for his dinner. Team Mayeya and Cortito ask how they can make him feel better and Luisito asks them to take him to his father.
Karen implements the next part of her plan to split up JC and Paulina. Using the cell phone she has just bought, she leaves a compromising text message for JC. Paulina reads it and is upset. JC tries to make light of it but then he says that he has to go out.
Back at forgery 101, Miriam has mastered Clemente’s signature.
Meanwhile, Clemente has come to visit Candelaria. He gives her money for MA. All of a sudden, Clemente is struck with a terrible headache.
MA has come to Joselyn’s house to beg to see Luisito. Since Joselyn is the last person who would be moved by such an appeal, she takes full opportunity to insult and humiliate MA before ordering her out of her house forever. During this scene, we get lots of close ups of the make up on Joselyn’s eyes that make her look like a raccoon.
Nicolas tries to use the video he has of Joselyn and Didier to let Demian see Luisito. After some sparring, Joselyn agrees to the deal but only to let Gabriel see Luisito one time. Nicolas presses but Joselyn holds firm. It’s not clear if Nicolas accepts the deal but he leaves.
Mayeya and Cortito are trying to sneak Luisito out of the house but Miriam catches them. M & C say they are only taking Luisito out into the garden but Miriam says that he cannot go out of the house.
JC goes to the phone store where Karen bought the phone but the clerk won’t give him any information.
Paulina comes into Josleyn’s house to see Luisito. Joselyn tells her that she has no right to be in the house since she isn’t Gabriel’s daughter by blood. Paulina says she may not be related to Gabriel by blood but she is his daughter and Luisito is her little brother. Joselyn tells Paulina that she doesn’t like the tone of her voice and that if she wants to come into Joselyn’s house, she had better change it.
Nicolas shows Dolores some the results of an investigation that suggest that Edgar could be alive. She is impactada.
Leo goes to see Candelaria and they demonstrate how close they are. Candelaria can’t tell him why she is so sad.
Upon seeing the documents that suggest that Edgar may not have died on the boat, Dolores immediately fantasizes that all her problems are solved. Nicolas brings her back to reality and tells her that she has to be discreet at least until it is proved that Edgar is alive.
Paulina seems to have gotten past the evil Joselyn and is doing a puzzle with Luisito. When Luisito asks why he can’t see Gabriel and MA, Paulina tells him the truth – Joselyn won’t allow it. Luisito vows to leave his mother’s house and never return.
Candelaria is having coffee when Miriam comes in. Miriam pretends that she has come to see how Candelaria is doing but Candelaria says that she knows everything – that Miriam abandoned a baby in the church and that she is Leo’s mother.
Clemente staggers into his house and is immediately confronted by Joselyn. ‘Are you feeling ok?’ she asks with fake concern. Clemente says that Joselyn has to let Gabriel see his son. Joselyn says that Clemente has no moral authority to lecture her since he had fathered a child out of wedlock. Joselyn says that she hates him and would like to see him penniless on the street. Clemente protests that he has enough to live on and Joselyn tells him that Miriam has cleaned him out. He doesn’t have a penny.
Leo comes to see MA who is upset that she can’t see Luisito. He tells her that Joselyn will change her attitude. MA asks how he can defend her. He says that is not defending her only trying to understand her. She is always fighting against everyone – Leo feels sorry for her. MA does not share his compassion even though they are sisters. Leo says that he understands but something has happened and he cannot judge Joselyn. He goes on to say that it is the same with Miriam. She isn’t very nice but he likes her. He says that it is very strange but the feeling is very strong.
At first Miriam denies that she is Leo’s mother but then admits it. Candelaria calls her that she is the worst of mothers – a woman without a soul or a heart. Miriam slaps Candelaria and tells her to shut up. Candelaria strikes back at Miriam. She says that she is better than Miriam; she has feelings. Even animals don’t abandon their children. Miriam says that Candelaria doesn’t know her motives and can’t judge her. Candelaria responds that nothing would justify what she did. She goes on to say that Miriam isn’t even sorry for what she did. Why has she come to Candelaria’s house? Miriam says that since she has learned that Leo is her son, she wants to get to know him and see how he is doing. They were continuing to insult one another when the TiVo stopped.
Labels: mundo
La Fea Más Bella #161 12/6/06 Songs of Meaning, Useless Dance and a Borracha
Ana Leticia talks to Bore and asks if she can confess something, she tells him about her many surgeries and he says he can’t tell at all, that she looks perfect. She’s like Copperfield, magic, magic, magic. She tells him she had three liposuctions at the same time, can he imagine?
Back stage, Luigi walks in with Hanna and Ashley. Luigi asks them if they are nervous and they say no. He asks if there is anything he can get for them and in unison they say no thanks. He jokes and makes them say it again. He tells them how talented they are and asks if they ever thought of having him, Luigi Lombardi make a video with them. They said they would love that. He then begs them to sing Soy Mujer, and they all sing it together. How cute, they love him. He loves them. Ahhhhh!
Marcia walks away with the cell phone she finds the number calls it and realizes it was Lety. She hangs up on her. She tells herself of course that Fer must be checking up on the balance with that fool. Then Ariel shows up, he makes sure to mention that he’s not there to watch her boyfriend win an award, he’s there only because T&H demanded it. He asks where Lety is. Marcia says she doesn’t know, around somewhere. Santiago walks in and greets him, Marcia groans at him and walks away. Ariel asks how the finances are going, and Santiago says well, they have a bond worth 26 million dollars. This pleases Ariel who congratulates him.
We are treated to an amateur, very amateur Rockettes show back in the salon. That seemed a bit useless to the event but, whatever. Fer asks Marcia if she got in touch with Ariel and she said no, he’s here now. Fer essentially begs her to stop drinking and takes away her champagne. She instantly grabs another from between T&H.
Ana Leticia continues to discuss her surgery with Bore with a flower in his hair. Marcia is introduced to him and is polite but tells them Ana Leticia has to come with her because Ari is here and she hasn’t greeted T&H yet. Once they leave, Bore tells his cameraman (now that guy is a true feo) that he hopes that she doesn’t come back over because all she talked about was Liposuction and surgery and Botox and he thinks the only thing she hasn’t done is her stomach. I think he wishes she’d staple her mouth. She’s crazy!
Back at Conceptos the cuartel has given up on waiting with PM. Sara was sleeping and dreaming about a non-existent Novio and Lola has to go home to get her children from Juanita, who has to get home by herself and the metro is going to close. Simon tells Lola to take Sara because if Lola goes with Sara then she will scare away all the thieves anyway. Sara retorts that the only one who is going to be in trouble is Paula Maria if she stays here with that jerk.
Then we flash to an 80’s ish suggestive pseudo rock number that Abitchia ends up crashing out at the end. This number, I guess, was at least pleasing to the male audience I suppose. Santiago remarks at how lovely she is. Ariel says how much do you want to spend. If you have 50,000 pesos, you can spend the night with her. She overhears and goes to smack Ari.
Sarah pounds on the door of Lopez to ask if they can all go. Just when they think maybe he’s asleep and they can sneak out, he opens. PM asks if she can finish tomorrow. He jokes that maybe she could finish the next day, or next week. He yells at them and says no, you must finish today. She tells him she wouldn’t finish until 5 am! He says well I’m in the same boat. Simon sticks up for her and tells him to stop yelling at them. Roller Derby chick busts out and also yells for him to stop yelling and to show respect. He says his problem isn’t with her. He doesn’t want problems with her (of course not, she could take him in a second). He goes back in with a squeak of his bald cranium. PM tells them not to worry about it and to go home. They will but Sara tells Simon not to fall asleep or even blink because Lopez might step out of line. Simon says he’ll have to step over my line first. Just in case you didn’t think he would do such a thing to an employee, he pokes his antennae back out of the door and makes a kissy/ licky face. Eww.
Ariel continues hassling Abitchia about Santiago. He asks her if she brought her photo and makes sure he informs her what a wealthy financier Santi is. He makes sure to mention to him her six semesters of Finance. Marcia comes to grab him and he leaves them alone. Santiago asks then if she would like to go somewhere to chat about finances. She says no. She actually blows him off and runs over to Bore begging him to fake he is her novio.
The dancers run back in the dressing room and Luigi congratulates them. He sees Irmita, and worries that she is ill again. Did she pass out again? No she says she’s fine. He tells her that she should go home. She doesn’t think she wants to go to her house.
Back in the salon Bitchita explains to Bore that that guy over there is acosting her so she told him she has a jealous boyfriend and that he needs to leave her alone. Bore gets freaked out that she has a jealous boyfriend. She reminds him that he’s the boyfriend. He boldly asks what he can do for the young man. Abitchita’s plan worked, he frightened away Ariel’s slimy buddy. Now this guy trys to move in for a piece and she tempers him. So he goes to leave, but she asks him for another favor, now to help with that other guy, the one with the yuk face!!
We are now in the salon when Caro introduces HA*ASH. When I went to post this I now see that Amanda has already “spoiled” you, but since I love this song and spent the time on this I’m leaving it in for your enjoyment again. It appears slightly different at least.
I. Qué Hago Yo?
II. by Ha-Ash
III. album: Mundos Opuestos (2005)
Entraste como un rayo de luz
Como un aire encantador
Liberaste con tu hechizo
A mi recluso corazón
Tu dulzura corrió por mis venas
Creí en tu intención
No pensé que fuese un engaño
Ni una mentira tu amor
Me dices que te esta llamando
Te vas sin un adiós
Sé muy bien que harás en sus brazos
Dime que hago yo
Que hago con mis labios
Si me ruegan tus besos
Que hago con mis manos
Cuando suplican tu regreso
Que hago con mis noches
Que hago con mis días
Que hago con tu esencia que se aferra a la mía
Dime que hago yo
Hablamos solo cuando puedes
Te abrazo al esconder
Que no haría para tenerte
A mi lado al amanecer
Mis amigos dicen que te olvide
Que antes de ti no era igual
Antes de ti mi vida no tenia sentido
Antes de ti no sabia amar
Coro x 2
Que hago yo
You came in like a ray of light,
Like an enchanted breeze,
With your charm you freed
My cloistered heart
Your sweetness once ran through my veins
I thought you had good intentions
I didn’t think that your love
Could be a lie or deceit
You tell me she is calling
You leave without a goodbye
I know quite well you’ll be in her arms
So tell me what am I to do
What do I do with my lips
If they are to beg for your kiss
What do I do with my hands
When they pray for your return
What do I do with my nights
What do I do with my days
What do I do with this essence of you which clings to me
Tell me, what do I do?
We speak only when you’re able to
In hiding, I hold you
What I wouldn’t do to wake
With you by my side
My friends say I should forget you
Who, before you, I wasn’t the same
Before you, my life made no sense
Before you, I didn’t know love
What am I to do
Throughout this song Fer and Marcia are each having flashbacks of romantic moments. Hers with him, and his with, well, Lety!!! Fer smiles but Marcia just bawls. Caro looks at her and can guess what's going on.
Back in the dressing room. I- I don’t want to go to my house. L- says, oh, you want to play at the big blowout, huh. No I know, you just don’t want to be alone. You want me to come and stay and take care of you and hug you. I-Actually, lend me your phone. L-Sure who do you want to call? I-My house. L-Ok, just push 1 and send. But if you are here, who’s going to answer there? I-Um well, my phone was out of order before and I want to see if it’s been fixed. L-He tells her ok, then push 1, it’s in my memory. I- says I’m the number one? He says yes you are number one. The only one. Man, there is a human side to him afterall. She calls and I guess no one (like her estranged husband) answers so she seems pleased and agrees to go home. Luigi tells the girls to take care of their own costumes because Irma is now out. Luigi asks Juan to get a car and take her to her door, and then come back. Hurry! He gives her a kiss because she deserves it and praises her for the work she did on this spectacular. It went so well because of her. Is any one tearing up out there? I’m contemplating a tear at least.
Back at Conceptos, Lopez slams on PM’s desk to wake her up and he startles PMS. He asks Simon to take an envelope to Luigi at the event. He wonders why at this hour. Lopez says they are contracts that the dancers haven’t yet signed. Simon thinks no, it must be finished by now, they can sign in the am. Lopez questions who makes the orders, and he doesn’t care he wants it done now. So Simon grabs PM to go with him. Lopez stops him to see if she’s done with her work yet. She says no, so he says she can’t go and Simon needs to go by himself. Simon protests and says he’s not leaving her alone. Lopez assures him that he will watch over her. Simon asks who will watch over you then? He says no way am I leaving her here. Lopez orders him to go, and he keeps protesting.
Now a “Happy” Song from Ha*ash – well musically it sounds happy anyway…..
Amor a Medias
Aunque busques ya no hay
un motivo para estar a tu lado y en soledad.
Te regalo los porques de una amor que solo fue
como una oracion dicha sin fe.
Yo te di lo mejor de mi
y a cambio solo recibi nada de ti....
La mitad de una mentira no es la verdad
no pretendas,
digas lo que digas ahora se que no
Amor a medias no es amor
La mitad de un promesa no es algo real
porque te engañas?
tus palabras no me atraparan ya no
Amor a medias no es amor.
Cuantas veces me enrredé
en las historias con las que me vendias lo que nunca fue.
Y si no sentí amor
ahora se que no fui yo
era el frio en tu corazon.
Te busqué, y aunque te tuve junto a mi
no te senti...
La mitad de una mentira no es la verdad
no pretendas,
Amor a medias no es amor
La mitad de un promesa no es algo real
porque te engañas?
tus palabras no me atraparan ya no
Amor a medias no es amor.
Although you look for one, now there’s no reason
to be with you yet be lonely
I tell you how love ends up
like a prayer said without faith
I gave you my best
And you gave nothing back
Half a lie is not the truth
Don’t pretend
You can say what you want
But now I know that half a love
Isn’t love at all
Half a promise isn’t anything real
Why are you trying to deceive me?
Your words won’t get me now, not now
Half a love isn’t love at all
How many times you tangled me
In the stories you betrayed me with
Stories that never happened
And if I never felt love
Now I know I’m not the cause
Of your coldheartedness
I sought you, and though I had you with me
I didn’t feel you
Throughout this song, a much animated and drunk Marcia implies the words towards Fernando while pointing at him. Fer winces at one point. He gets excited when the singer plays directly to him. Marcia gets mad, but Caro calms her. The audience is totally into it, Marcia gets back into her pointing.
Ricky congratulates Fer and everyone on their success. Fer thanks him for contracting them. Fer chastises Ariel about the award. Ariel admonishes him that he’ll see what happens at the committee meeting.
Ricky toast to Fer and Marcia’s wedding. Marcia is thrilled. Caro says now it’s time to party. Humberto wants to go home to sleep so he can be fresh for the committee meeting. Marcia invites everyone to her apartment for champagne. Fer declines.
Back at Conceptos Simon insists to Lopez that they are going. He can fire you if he wants. S- Go ahead Fire her! But you are not staying here alone with her. Lety comes out to see what is going on. Lopez continues being indignant until they are saved by the bell. His wife calls, and he changes from his authoritative yelling to very submissive baby talk to her and tells her he’s on his way home. The other three laugh hysterically. They are finally free. Lety tells them they should go now, but PM worries about Lety being stuck here now alone. Simon said not to worry about Lety, nothing will happen to her. Lety agrees. PM tells Simon he shouldn’t have said that.
Marcia wants to know why Fer won’t go to her house. He tells her that he has to go to Conceptos to see how Lety is doing with the balance. She goes into a drunken tantrum…oh fine…go ahead then. She tells him multiple times.
Ana Leticia presses Caro to learn if Fer has an amante. Caro tries to get away from her.
Santiago tells Ariel that he met Lichita’s boyfriend, Ariel wants to meet him now. He goes over. She introduces them and he asks them questions that the both answer differently and the gig is up. That Ariel, he’s such a swift guy!! He asks if they are getting married, and Alicia says maybe, and he says well then, he’ll be able to lend you the money to get your car back. Bore is impactado. Abicia is mad. Bore takes the fast road away from her. Ari then tells Santi that is not her boyfriend. Bore goes backstage to talk with Luigi and fights with Cristina over who gets the exclusive interview. Luigi enjoys that they fight over him, he trys to solve it, but Bore gives in and lets Cristina go first, that he’ll just wait right there. Just right there, in the lounge with all the dancers preparing to undress. Yeah, just wait right there for a little while.
Marcia gets ready to leave, at least Ariel makes sure that she isn’t driving. That’s a nice brotherly thing to do.
He continues his conversation with Santi who hears that Conceptos is having a meeting. Ariel says that it’s going to be rough because he wants to sell his shares in Conceptos. Santi says wait really? Everyone knows that Conceptos has a hard time with the banks and that it is deeply in debt. Ariel is impactado.
Now it’s time to see if Lety makes or breaks the day. Someone gets one or the other at least.
Labels: fea
Duelo de Pasiones-Index
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
The ORIGINAL Mexican La Fea?
Anybody remember this?
UPDATE: In looking at some detailed recaps, rather than the brief synopsis, I think it'd be fair to say that it was "strongly inspired by" the Colombian series (much like Ugly Betty in the US), but it might be a stretch to call it a remake.
I don't know what happened to the Greek version (Maria the Ugly, aka Maria, i Aschimi, aka Μαρία, Η Άσχημη). It was supposed to start November 6, I think, but then didn't. Legal troubles? I don't know.
Labels: fea
Heridas de Amor Tuesday 12/5 - In which one suspects the viewers have been the victims of serious bedroom-scene editing
When Liliana says she and Sofia have to leave Pamela gets hit with the bitch stick and says "Good, go then!" Liliana calls her on the bad 'tude and tells Pamela she can talk to her like that but if she talks down to her daughter then she (Lil) might forget she's a lady.
Meanwhile Miranda is making nice with Sofia and promises to be her friend. Lil tells Al she'll address the cases of Chaquiras and Romeo tomorrow.
Luis Alberto has come to visit Nuria at the depressing San Llorente estate. Berta intercepts him and wants to know why he's there. She tells him Nuria doesn't remember the tragedy of her baby's death. Anyway, Nuria is heavily sedated and can't see him (Luis Alberto) now. Berta asks LA if he's in love with Nuria. He admits it and says he'll return tomorrow.
Berta calls "Cesarin" to tell him that only he can help with this new development. She asks him why he never noticed this "little problem" of LA loving Nuria before.
Flor and Renata are lazing on their chaises and discussing love. Flor wants Renata to go back to Juan since he said he'd give Renata another chance. Renata doesn't know what she feels or what she wants. Here's the situation: Just imagine, Juan leaves his free clinic and over the years he reproaches her, or even worse, he doesn't say anything to her and instead hates her in silence. Or she goes to live with him, reproaches or hates him. Dear God are those the only scenarios this self-absorbed twit can imagine?
Vicente and Luciano are meeting with Alejandro and Miranda to give Al some bad news. Julio and Cesar have stolen the last of their shareholders (a cement factory and a toy factory?) and this has dealt a mortal blow to the company. Al won't be bummed out by this news, he just wants to be alone with Miranda.
Al thanks Miranda for being with him in all these difficult times. They will decide tomorrow what they're going to do but tonight they are going to be together.
Alejandro and Miranda are in the bedroom, alone at last. Al is bare chested, a treat for the ladies. He tells Miranda the thought of this night is what saved him while he was in prison. She is his, all his, until death parts them. Slow camera pan down, past the towel around his waist, and it drops at his feet. Now we are in slow motion, always a good sign, and they kiss passionately... AIEEEEEE!!!! Scene change to a close-up of Cesar's face!
We are in the Hades that is Cesar's apartment. He's smoking and drinking (of course) and someone is relentlessly pounding on his door. It is Sanson and he is bringing the bad news that Alejandro Luque is out of jail.
Cesar wants to know how this could happen. He gave a simple order, kill a high profile inmate as he is leaving a heavily armed facility, is that so hard to carry out? Cesar calls Berta in a snit and demands she come to his apartment. She can't because she's waiting for Guapo to come for Nuria. He wants her to check to see if Miranda is in her room. Charo reports to Berta that Miranda isn't home. Berta tortures Cesar, "They'll separate eventually. Don't forget Alejandro never had a conjugal visit." Cesar says he doesn't appreciate her stupid joke. His sputtering anger amuses her immensely.
Al and Miranda are basking in the afterglow of their love...of which we missed at least 95% I might add. Their love talk consists of plans to countersue Berta and Cesar and to go after Berta for Fab's kidnapping.
Florencia is feeding bebe Enrique and gets a pain in her chest. Renata comes in with the news that Al is out of jail and that perhaps now things can return to normal. We will let the concept of "normal" in this freak show remain undefined. Renata wants a snack but Flor's not hungry. Renata tempts her with a promise of jello and milk. Urk...I did say freak show did I not? Flor puts Enrique to bed (No...don't do it!!) and departs with Renata.
Amparo tells Ramon she's busy with her classes and doesn't have time for him. It was a much longer conversation but that's the gist of it. He leaves, a tear rolls down her face.
There is a knock on Carola's door. Could it be our long lost hunk Daniel? No, it's Doctor Dull making house calls. He struck out with Renata so he's stopping by Carola's for some sympathy and hoochie koochie. He has the nerve to ask her if she loves him! Then he tells her like it is...she has to love him but he won't lie to her he doesn't love her he hopes they can be friends and that she will stay by his side in this one-sided relationship where he gets everything and she gets nothing. Amigos, yes? She nods "yes" and then he kisses her, engulfing her face.
Nuria and El Guapo kidnap bebe Enrique and drive off. Luis Alberto sees them, "That was Nuria, I'm sure of it, but she had a baby with her." He jumps in his car and drives after them, or somewhere.
Flor bursts into Berta's room, Berta who is STILL THERE taking up space. Flor demands, over Lucas's barking, that Berta get up that instant, Nuria has taken her baby, and shut that damn dog up. I don't know why these people don't carry around doggie treats, have they never known any dogs? I could have Lucas on my side in about 10 seconds, as long as it takes to heave a steak his way. This is a new snarlier Lucas. He looks like he really wants to lunge at Florencia and when Berta pokes him he takes a snap at her. Good doggie.
Al and Miranda are in bed but Al is even more covered up than before; no fair. Al says he's going after El Guapo and will work on getting his inheritance back. Miranda wants to go to the hacienda to check on her chocolate. Al says, (NOW PAY ATTENTION EVERYBODY), "No I won't permit it, (kisses her shoulders), I don't want you to go, (kisses her neck), I want you to stay by my side, to be mine always LILIANA, all mine." Yes, he called Miranda Liliana! Miranda is impactada and who can blame her? Al, how are you going to get out of this one?
Cesar tells Sanson he's sure his stupid friends gave his (Cesar's) name to Al. Sanson swears no way because they know things would go very badly for them, but now that Al is free what will Cesar do? For the moment Cesar will squash Al's business. He swore he would end "Senorita e inversiones" (a play on San Llorente Inversiones I presume) and he intends to do it. He still wants Miranda but he has patience, la pa-ci-en-cia (he poofs smoke in Sanson's face) and will bide his time. For now Renata is eating out of his hand which makes them all vulnerable. "You didn't forget our agreement, right boss?" asks Sanson. Remember, he gets Renata when Cesar is finished with her.
Flor is freaking out about Enrique's disappearance. Renata and Charo confirm that Nuria and bebe aren't in the house or garden. Berta starts to call the police but Flor shakes her and blames her for everything. Just then Faby arrives home and hears the news that Nuria stole the baby. Flor yells that she's going to kill Berta for stealing her son, she must tell Nuria to return Enrique immediately. Of course Flor collapses with heart pains. Flor weeps, Fab gives her a magic pill, Renata and Charo look confused. Berta walks over to the crib, lifts the baby pillow and looks under it, throws it back in, shrugs and walks out.
Uh oh, we're back in the bedroom, Al is still wrapped in a sheet and Miranda is fully clothed, not a good sign. He begs her not to go, it was only a mistake, nothing more. She says if he had called her Liliana over the phone or while they were signing papers she would understand (I don't believe her but OK), but while making love, while holding her in his arms, no she cannot understand that. He swears, (looking extremely fetching in his VERY snug little shorts), that it meant absolutely nothing. They go on and on (and on and on) until she says "OK fine, CESAR, you're right." "What did you call me?" Al asks, incredulous. Do I even want to go on with this adolescent conversation?
Thank God, saved by the cell, but oh dear it's Liliana for Al. She's so sorry to interrupt (their first night together...bitch) but it's muy importante. Miranda throws the phone and blasts out.
After getting his rocks off Juan tells Carola he doesn't wish to hurt her. She decides to make a snack but as she talks Juan sees Renata's face and he recalls the happy times when they were together. Then she turns back into Carola. She's all happy and he's...not. She says the pain will pass. Oops, he sees Renata's face again which allows him to kiss Carola who Juan thinks is Renata but who we know is Carola. Just then Raul enters with Veronica and Erika and it's weird trips incorporated in the apartment with pink walls.
Miranda is leaving and Al is running after her, begging her to stay. He grabs her, throws her over his shoulder and carries her back up to the bedroom. She's even beating his back just like in the Popeye cartoons when Bluto steals Olive Oyl. I don't usually go for the caveman routine but anything that moves this plot line along is OK by me.
Back in the pink apartment Erika tells Raul she never thought his bro would cheat on her friend. Veronica reminds her about all the stuff Cesar bought for Renata in NY, "What, you thought it was all for free?" Juan announces that yes (he puts his arm around Carola) he is starting a relationship with Carola because Renata doesn't believe in him and is afraid of loving him. Veronica asks if he is going to divorce Renata. Juan says if she wants a divorce she will have to pay for it by spending a weekend alone with him. Veronica says Renata won't do it. Juan says she will. He says all this in front of Carola who clearly has no pride.
Al throws Miranda on the bed and tries to weasel his way out of his major faux pas. "Blah blah just a mistake!" "Blah blah while making love to me?" He finally tells her that the call was essential, he has to go to court tomorrow and every week to register while he is out on bail. If he doesn't show up they will arrest him. Now doesn't Miranda think that is important enough to call about? I'm thinking yes, so important I'm surprised Liliana didn't mention it sooner instead of waiting until nighttime when Al and Miranda were sure to be in bed, but I digress.
This conversation gos on ad nauseum until finally Alejandro asks, "Don't all the obstacles we conquered together count for anything?" She tries to leave but he holds her (pins her down really) and tells her he's going to prove his love to her, body and soul. She cries, "Don't! Stop! Don't...stop...don't, stop, don't stop. Don't stop! And the romantic music reaches a crescendo as the closing credits roll over numerous scenes of Miranda and Alejandro together and in love.
OK Gloria, we can take it, just how much of the good stuff was left on the cutting room floor?
Labels: heridas
Mundo de Fieras - Dec. 5, 2006
* Jossie fixes her hair and makeup in her bedroom. Miriam brings her the good news from the lawyer - they won the custody battle for Luisito. Jossie is happy - Miriam says Gabriel is at the hospital, worried about Luisito.
* Gabriel is in with Luisito, trying to find the words to explain the bad news - Regina comes in - Gabriel tells them both that when Luisito is ready to leave the hospital he will go to live with Jossie at the palace. Luisito is shocked.
* Miriam vents her frustration to Jossie over Clemente's insistence on including MA in his will.
* MA is talking with Padre Anselmo about her feelings towards Clemente and the truth,
she can't accept him as her father because of her mother.
* Luisito asks Gabriel why can't they live together? Gabriel tries desperately to explain about the law and the judgment saying they can't live together. Regina tries to help with the explanation. Luisito is upset and asks Dad to visit him - Gabriel promises to never abandon him.
* Demian and Dolores are in the home study discussing Demian's suggestion of Dolores taking a long vacation. Dolores wonders why now? Dolores declines the offer and leaves the study. Demian thinks to himself, he needs to find a way to keep her from discovering the truth of Edgar's death.
* Gabriel is still crying and talking with Luisito in the hospital room. Jossie enters, happy to see her son. Luisito tell her not to be offended but he wants to stay with his dad, so his dad won't be lonely. Jossie assures Luisito that he will be safe and well cared for. Gabriel tells Luisito not to worry, they will always be together no matter what. Jossie thinks, 'That's what you think, Gabriel.'
* Miriam is alone in her palace office, thinking of a scheme to stop Clemente.
* JC and Pau are in the office - Tiberio enters to discuss going to a business lunch. Pau leaves.
* Alone at home, Dolores prays for help and guidance.
* Tiberio alone in his office, calls Karen and tells her about his and JC's business lunch plans. Karen is happy to hear the news.
* Mayeya is in the kitchen, cutting up the vegetables and thinking about what she overheard Miriam tell Ingrid about Leo being her son. She doesn't pay any attention to Shorty, so Shorty starts to pester her and she makes up thinking of a party.
* Miriam sorts through the private drawer and papers of Clemente and finds the legal document she was looking for. She mutters to herself that she will make sure he doesn't succeed in his wishes. She then makes a call on her cell phone.
* Candy visits MA in MA's apartment/home school. They discuss Padre Anselmo's advice about Clemente, then they talk about how Luisito is doing at the hospital as well as MA's feelings towards Jossie and Gabriel.
* In the hospital hallway, Pau is furious after Gabriel tells her about Jossie getting custody of Luisito. Gabriel is also upset and frustrated about it.
* Tiberio and JC meet for their business lunch with two ladies.
* Karen meanwhile sneaks into JC and Pau's apartment with the key she secretly made; Karen is setting up a special surprise for the newlyweds when they return home -- Karen trashes the place.
* JC and Tiberio continue their business lunch with the ladies. As the ladies leave, one kisses JC and hugs him. JC and Tiberio talk about the contract.
* Pau is in the hospital room with Luisito talking about the custody and living situation. Pau assures her little bro that she and JC will visit him as often as possible.
* In the hallway, Gabriel and Jossie have a serious and heated discussion about how she actually got custody of Luisito. Gabriel can't believe it; he should have custody not her. She says like it or not she has custody, and then glares at him.
* Miriam meets in a back alleyway with Coyote, making a illegal drug purchase.
* In the hospital hallway, Regina tries to talk with Jossie about Jossie getting custody of Luisito - Jossie tells her to "butt out".
* Back at the office, JC tells Demian about the successful business lunch. Demian is very happy for the news. Pau enters and is very curious and surprised when Demian tells her about who her husband had lunch with. JC starts to explain it was just business nothing else. Pau is still uneasy. JC continues to explain - Pau apologizes for jumping to the wrong conclusion. Demian accepts the apology and advises Pau never to be jealous, it isn't worth it. Demian leaves. JC makes one last explain to Pau about the lunch, that he is incapable of ever cheating on her - Pau hugs him. Tiberio storms in with bad news.
* Shorty and Mayeya are putting up balloons and decorations in the living room of the palace (for Luisito's return home).
* JC meets with Demian in Demian's office. Demian sits down with JC and has to explain why Tiberio grew up as his godson and not his son; why neither JC nor Tiberio were told the truth until now. Demian admits that he doesn't want any secrets between them - JC believes him (how gullible can JC be?) and say he will always be by his side as his son. They hug.
* Gabriel is sitting by Luisito's hospital bed - they have a tear-filled father-son moment.
* Clemente enters the living room of the palace and notices all the balloons and decorations. Mayeya and Shorty start to explain it is for Luisito's homecoming; Miriam comes down the stairs and continues to explain that Jossie now has custody of Luisito, and he will return to his home here at the palace.
* Leo walks out to the hallway - MA walks out as well. Jossie stays in the hospital waiting area and tells Nicolas that no one will be allowed to visit Luisito at the palace without expressed permission from her.
* Leo and MA stop in the hallway - MA vents her sadness and frustration with Jossie over Luisito - Leo consoles her - she gives him a message for Luisito, and he promises to pass it along. MA walks away. (AY! Ernesto got a haircut and shaved off his sideburns!)
* JC and Pau return to their apartment and see everything trashed and destroyed. Pau panics and freaks out, JC checks all the rooms, Pau cries and wonders who would've done it? why? JC consoles her.
* Karen meanwhile is laying on her bed in her room, thinking about their reactions to the surprise she left them as she rolls on her bed and sniffs JC's shirt she stole from the apartment.
* JC consoles Pau - they discuss how they will get through this disaster - he tells her that this will never break them up.
* Mayeya talks with Padre Anselmo about the secret she overheard at the palace and her need for guidance and advice. Padre advices her to pray to the virgin de guadalupe - she goes over to pray right then and there.
* Gabriel is with Luisito in the hospital - Luisito is in his wheelchair waiting to be released from the hospital. The two have tears in their eyes. Leo enters and tells Luisito the message from MA - Luisito thanks him for the message. Jossie enters, smiling and happy to take her son home. She notes the tears in Luisito and Gabriel's eyes - she consoles her son as she pushes the chair out of the room. Leo leaves also. Gabriel falls into a chair and breaks down crying.
* Mayeya returns to the apartment complex, knowing what she needs to do and praying for the courage to do it.
* Leo finds MA in the hallway - he consoles her about Luisito leaving with Jossie.
* Gabriel is alone in his apartment, hugging Luisito's photo, and crying "Why? Why? Why?"
* Jossie brings Luisito home. Upon entering the living room, Jossie goes ballistic and yells and screams at Shorty and Cheyla about all the balloons and decorations and she orders the two to take everything down immediately.
* Gabriel is still crying and hugging the photo of Luisito when the doorbell rings. He dries his eyes as he lets JC, Regina, Pau and Pedro inside. The group is there to help console Gabriel. Gabriel promises that he will not stop fighting for Luisito.
* At the palace office, Miriam is alone and fixes a mimosa for Clemente, into which she mixes in some of the illegal drugs.
* Mayeya visits Candy in Candy's apartment - Candy wants to hear about how she is handling the work at the palace. Candy can tell that Mayeya is nervous about something and encourages her to talk about it. Mayeya slowly opens up and tells Candy she knows who Leo's real mother is. Candy is shocked!
* On the palace balcony walkway, Miriam brings Clemente a mimosa - to toast Luisito's return to the palace. She watches intently as Clemente chug-a-lugs his whole drink. (stupid man! stupid, gullible man!)
* Candy forces and shakes Mayeya into telling her the identity of the mother; Mayeya says, "Mrs. Miriam is Leo's Mother!"
ADVANCE for Episode 47 - what will happen now that Candy knows the deep dark secret Miriam has been hiding all these years? What evil plans will Jossie inflict on Gabriel when he tries to visit Luisito at the palace?
PROGRAM NOTE: Starting Monday, Noon, Univision will retransmit the mini-holiday novela, "Navidad Sin Fin" (Fernando Colunga plays Pedro the truck driver in Act 1; Jan, Santiago/Luciano, plays Rodito 3 in Act 3).
PROGRAM NOTE: Monday at midnight Univision will broadcast the special "Mananitas de Virgen de Guadalupe" ceremony.
Labels: mundo
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
La Fea Más Bella #160 12/5/06 True love can create miracles
In the bathroom the cuartel and la Oxi continue their war of the words. Sara challenges Alicia to try and stop her. Alicia tell them that even if they wore all of Alicia’s make-up they would not be allowed to enter the event. To prove her point, Alicia calls Marcia to tell her that the cuartel is meddling with the event. The cuartel tease her for calling Marcia, just like a little scared schoolgirl. Lola tells Alicia not to be ridiculous and to hang up the phone. Alicia continues with her conversation and asks Marcia if the cuartel is can go to the event. Sara fights for the control of the phone. Alicia warns Marcia that the cuartel just want to convince her to let them to go to the event. Alicia holds the phone up so that the cuartel can hear Marcia scream out that shouldn’t even think about going. Alicia triumphantly wiggles out of the bathroom with her clown kit.
Luigi and the dancers enter the dressing room and applaud themselves. Luigi calls the girls divine. Luigi II (we’ll call him Two) enters and high fives Luigi. Luigi again flatters the dancers. Luigi tells Juan not to allow Irmita to do anything. (Juan is the hair guy) He brings a chair over to Irmita and tells her she’s not allowed to move from the chair and to supervise from the chair. Irmita says she’ll stay.
Alicia continues talking to Marcia. The cuartel exits the bathroom at the same time Fernando and Omar gets off the elevator. Alicia hangs up with Marcia and walks over to Fernando to ask if she can go with him to the event. He and Omar laugh. Fernando says no. Alicia asks Fernando if he’s going alone. Yes, Fernando confirms and emphasizes that he is going alone. The cuartel say good-bye to everyone, but not before Lopez comes out to tell PM she can’t leave. PM asks Fernando if it’s her hour to leave. He agrees. Lopez says that’s true, but she has too much work to do before she can leave.
Luigi nervously walks around the dressing room. He tells Two how to do the dancer’s make-up. He talks to the dancers and then moves Irmita to the couch. He’s freaking out because Ha-ash is not there yet. Marcia walks into the room and asks Luigi to guess who came to the event. He guesses Ricky Martin, but he gets crazy Ana Leticia! Luigi makes over her and how beautiful she is.
PM and Lopez argue some more about staying. Fernando comes over to Lopez and half embraces him. Fernando asks Lopez if he’s going to the event. Lopez tells Fernando that he is not going. Fernando tells Lopez that he’ll miss him at the event! Lopez says he would love to go, but since Martha has been incapacitated, work is behind. He needs PM to help him with this urgent work. PM pleads with Fernando to let her go to the event. Fernando tells PM he would love to let her go to the event, but Lopez is her boss. Fernando whispers to Lopez to be good. Lopez tells PM to cancel her plans and go back to work. They’re going to be staying very late in the office – the two of them… alone.
Omar and Fernando talk in Fernando’s office about the balance again. Omar hopes that God will bless them. Fernando sarcastically agree. They pensively look at “God’s” office.
Sara volunteers to stay with PM. The rest of the cuartel agrees. PM worries about the kids, but Juana say she’ll take care of it. Saimon enters. He goes on about his future as a computer programmer and then snuggles up to PM. She tells him that Lopez is making her stay in the office. Saimon says that PM can not possibly stay alone. The cuartel tells him that they’re all staying too. Saimon gives one of his little speeches.
Omar and Fernando enter Lety’s office and ask if the balance is done. She tells that it is not. They cannot believe that Lety does not have the balance finished. Omar tries to calm Fernando, who replies (not so calmly) that he is very calm. Fernando tells Omar to leave. Omar exits the office. Fernando asks Lety to honestly answer if she doesn’t want to make up the balance.
Luigi dances around with AL. She walks over to the dancers and does some weird move. She describes her plastic surgery to Luigi. They took some things and they put some things into her body. Luigi tells AL that her boobs are nice, but what did they take. He checks her waist to see if it really is smaller. Marcia looks at and talks to AL like she cannot believe that’s really her sister. Luigi take AL back over to the dancers. Marcia asks Irmita what she’s doing there. Irmita tells Marcia that Luigi needs her (Irmita).
Lety tells Fernando that they’ll discover if she wants to make up the balance. Fernando reminds Lety how important it is for him that she fakes the balance. His life, his future, his credibility, his honor is in her hands. He reminds her that he loves her and is depending on her completely.
Carolina enters to tell Luigi that Ha-ash and some of the invitees have arrived. She greets AL. AL asks Marcia where Fernando is. AL reads Marcia’s face and asks if she and Fernando cancelled the wedding. AL reminds Marcia that she acquired her new appearance just for the wedding. AL loudly asks if the happy couple are having problems. Marcia pulls AL to the side to calm her and says that she and Fernando are having some problems. AL loudly asks if Fernando has a lover. In the funniest move Marcia’s made in a long, long time she chokes AL and tells her to be quiet.
Fernando tells Lety that it’s obvious that she no longer wants him, but if she ever cared about him and if any of this sentiment remains, would she please, please fix the balance. He begs. He needs her, she doesn’t know how much. He tells her that he loves her and she sadly replies that she loves him as well. He comes over and kisses her. She doesn’t resist.
Fernando’s phone rings; Lety breaks the kiss and tells him to answer. He screeches out a hello. Marcia asks why he is speaking to her with so much hate. She says it’s for the invitees and his parents. He says that he’s on his way. Fernando hangs up. Lety tells him good night. He says that he cannot leave Lety like this. He asks again if she’s going to fake the balance for him. Lety says she’ll fix the balance tonight. She tells Fernando that she’s not going to the event, that she would rather remain at Conceptos, working. He promises that tomorrow Marcia Villaroel will disappear from his life. He says that it will be their day. He kisses her good-bye and says he’ll see her tomorrow. Lety breaks down in tears.
Fernando leaves the office and runs into the cuartel. He asks why they’re still all there. They tell him that they’re staying for PM. Sara pets Fernando’s tie. Omar enters and they leave for the event. Omar asks if Lety is going to fake the balance. When Fernando says yes, Omar asks how Fernando got her to do it. Fernando explains that he just spoke honestly with Lety. Omar tries to make a joke out of it but Fernando says the only important thing is that Lety is going to fix the balance. Alicia enters the room and asks Omar if he can give her a ride to the event. Fernando gets a kick out of the fact that Alicia wants to go to the event with Omar. He says that it is the least that Omar should have to do for her. Omar begrudgingly accepts. Alicia asks if it will bother Fernando if she rides in Omar’s car. Fernando says as long as it’s not his (Fernando’s) car it’s fine.
AL and Caro walk around the event. AL asks Caro if she knows if Fernando has a lover. Caro won’t give up any information so AL says she’ll go with Luigi because he’s more fun. Meanwhile, Humberto asks Marcia where is Fernando. She says he’s finishing things at the office and then will be there. Humberto cannot believe that Fernando would miss this great event. Marcia says this won’t happen. Caro enters the scene and tells everyone that the Luigi and Ha-ash are prepared for the festival. Humberto continues talking about Fernando’s absence. Marcia throws back some champagne.
Lety stares at Fernando’s photo on her monitor. She remembers the conversation they just had in her office and the kiss that followed. Lety resolves to herself to help Fernando. PM, Lola and Sara enter to ask if Lety is going to the event. Lety lies and says she wasn’t invited. She also tells them that she’ll be at the office until about eleven at night. They ask about the balance. She tells the cuartel that it’s finished. They tell Lety about the confrontation with Lopez. Sara volunteers to help Lety, but refuses the help. Lety explains that she’s working with confidential information. The cuartel reminds her that they’ll be outside in the secretaries’ area if Lety needs their help. They leave the office and Lety turns back to the picture on the monitor. She says that she will fake the balance because she doesn’t want to destroy Fernando and because she continues to be very much in love with Fernando.
Fernando pushes Alicia out of his way to get to his parents and their group. Humberto scolds Fernando for being late. He asks Fernando if he has everything ready for the meeting tomorrow. Fernando says yes, of course. Omar comes over to greet Humberto. Fernando walks over to Marcia and leans in for a kiss. Marcia rejects him. Teresita doesn’t miss a moment and notices the chilly reception.
Tomas calls Lety and asks what’s going on. Lety tells him that she spoke with Fernando and that Fernando needs her and the fake balance. She cannot ruin his life. Tomas sarcastically says he can understands. Tomas scolds her. He asks Lety if she’s going to continue to allow Fernando to take advantage of her. No, she says. Tomorrow, Conceptos will be over for her. She asks Tomas if he has Filmo Imagen’s balance ready. Yes, he replies. She tells Tomas that all of this will be over tomorrow and then she’s going to disappear. Tomas says he hopes Lety knows what she’s doing, she’s saving Fernando. Lety says she’s tired all of the vengeance. Tomas thinks that Lety is still being deceived. He says he doesn’t want her crying to him anymore. Lety says she is not going to cry anymore. She knows very well what she is doing. Tomas asks Lety how late she is working. She tells him that she’ll be at the office until about 11pm. Tomas asks if Lety wants him to come for her. Of course she tells him, and then asks why he wants to know. He reminds her that tonight is his final night with Alicia. Alicia invited him to dinner in her apartment at 10pm. She asks how Alicia will feed him if she doesn’t even have enough money to feed herself. He tells Lety that love causes miracles. Yeah, because everything turned out so well with Fernando. Tomas explains that his situation is different. Lety tells Tomas to go out with his Oxi. She warns him to be careful. Tomas asks how Lety is going to get home. She says she’ll figure it out, but he is not allowed to shut off his phone. He tells her he loves her and then hangs up the phone so he can solve his problems with his coat.
At the event Alicia to Marcia complains that the Cannes event has not started. Caro passes Alicia and confirms the show will start soon. Caro walks off to greet some man from Televisa. Marcia asks Alicia why Alicia doesn’t leave, if she’s in such a hurry. Alicia says that she must stay and socialize with everyone. Marcia says no one will notice if Alicia leaves. Alicia pretends to be offended. Alicia says that she needs “someone” to take her to the supermarket. Marcia declares several times that she will not take Alicia to the market. Alicia quietly curses Marcia. Meanwhile, Caro talks to some man that I’m supposed to know, but I just don’t. They walk off the stage to find Luigi.
Luigi reminds the dancers, again, that they’re dancing for an important, celebratory event. AL gives her two cents as well. Everyone except Luigi loves it. Caro enters with the man who’s name I’m supposed to know. (MWNISTK). Luigi introduces AL to MWNISTK. Caro warns Luigi that the show should be starting. Luigi puts Caro in charge of MWNISTK. She, MWNISTK and AL struggle to get through the door frame.
Fernando speaks with Humberto about the business and the Golden Lion that Conceptos won. Teresita is proud that their business won such a magnanimous award. Caro enters ands asks if everyone is ready. Humberto says that Ariel has not arrived. Fernando thinks they should start anyway because this is obviously not important to Ariel. Humberto agrees. Caro walks to the microphone and greets everyone. She thanks everyone for coming. Teresita asks Marcia what’s going on with Fernando. Marcia says that it’s nothing, just like always.
Luigi paces the dressing room. The moment of truth has arrived! He’s freaking out. Irmita calms him with his herbal remedy.
Caro goes over how important this award is for Conceptos and for Mexico. She introduces Fernando. Fernando acknowledges his father and the work that he put in to make Conceptos the company that it is. Humberto holds up the Golden Lion. Humberto says he wasn’t sure that Fernando could assume the presidency, but now under Fernando’s direction Conceptos won this great prize! Fernando thinks to himself that if his father only knew that the company was embargoed. Humberto thanks Teresita as well and to everyone who has taken part in Conceptos. Alicia and Omar lead Teresita to the stage. (The boobies must have weighed her down). Teresita gives another rousing speech with lots of thanks. Alicia brushes her hair and ask Marcia if she looks okay. She must look good when Humberto calls her to the stage. Marcia sarcastically laughs. Humberto thanks Marcia who drunkenly enters the stage. She says thanks and giggles. Omar comes up to the stage to say a few words and gets a little emotional while talking about the fight for this dream. Humberto gives special thanks to Luigi. Alicia stands before Humberto says her name, thinking that she is the one who will get special thanks. Luigi cries and says nothing. Fernando leaves the stage with Marcia chasing close behind.
Lety’s phone rings. Fernando asks Lety how everything is going. She says that the balance is going okay. Fernando says he’s asking about her, not the balance. Some girl enters and asks if she can help Fernando remove her scarf from his buttons. He pushes her away. Fernando asks how Lety feels. She says she’s fine. Next he asks Lety if she needs something to eat. Lety says that she’s okay. Fernando says that he’s very happy. Lety says that’s good and that the balance will be done tomorrow. HE says that he’ll come by at eleven. Lety says that’s not necessary. “For you, no, but for me, yes.” He hangs up and leaves the room. Marcia listens to the whole conversation in the background. For once, Fernando doesn’t end the conversation with an “I love you.”
I couldn’t think of a good spoiler so here’s a little regalito from me to you. It will make sense tomorrow. ;-)
Entraste como un rayo de luz
Como un aire encantador
Liberaste con tu hechizo
A mi recluso corazón
You entered like a ray of light
Like an enchanted air.
You liberated with your spell,
My imprisoned heart.
Tu dulzura corrió por mis venas
Creí en tu intención
No pensé que fuese un engaño
Ni una mentira tu amor
Your sweetness ran through my veins
I believed in your intention.
I didn’t think it was deception
or a lie, your love.
Me dices que te esta llamando
Te vas sin un adiós
Sé muy bien que harás en sus brazos
Dime que hago yo
You tell me that she’s calling you.
I know very well what I would do in your arms.
Tell me, what do I do?
Que hago con mis labios
Si me ruegan tus besos
Que hago con mis manos
Cuando suplican tu regreso
Que hago con mis noches
Que hago con mis días
Que hago con tu esencia que se aferra a la mía
Dime que hago yo
What do I do with my lips,
If they beg for your kisses?
What do I do with my hands
When they plead for your return?
What do I do with my nights?
What do I do with my days?
What do I do with your essence that clutches to mine?
Hablamos solo cuando puedes
Te abrazo al esconder
Que no haría para tenerte
A mi lado al amanecer
We talk only when you can
I emrace you in hiding
What I wouldn’t do to have
you at my side at daybreak
Mis amigos dicen que te olvide
Que antes de ti no era igual
Antes de ti mi vida no tenia sentido
Antes de ti no sabia amar
My friends say that I forgot you
That before you there was no equal.
Before you my life did not have sentiment;
Before you I did not know how to love.
Have a great night, everyone!
Labels: fea
HERIDAS DE AMOR - Monday, 12/04/06
Nuria sneeks into Florencia’s room that morning while she’s still asleep and picks up little Enrique. She hugs him and says she knows that Berta lied to her and that he really is Florencia’s, though she did do her part to help give him life. She puts him back down and quietly leaves the room. (Good! The girl is coming back to her senses. What a pain.)
Berta puts on one of Alfredo’s necklaces just to show off in front of Alejandro during the bail hearing. She tells Lucas that it will complicate her plans if Alfredo gets free on bail. She will then have to resort to drastic measures even though she does not want to. (Uh-huh. Sure.)
The judge interrogates Cesar and Bertha. Cesar lays it on thick about dear Charito and them racing in just at the very moment to see Alejandro stand there and mercilessly shoot his beloved godfather, Gonzalo, after hearing arguing and shouting so loud it could be heard from the garden. Bertha confirms that even her niece, Miranda, saw him pointing the gun at them when she came running into the living room. Then it is Miranda’s turn to testify. Lilana again advises her to answer exactly as they planned and if she does not understand a question, to let the judge know immediately.
Luis Alberto meets Julio for lunch. Julio mentions that he finally got the two last clients away from Luciano. Luis Alberts wonders if the SLI is finally finished. Julio says SLI is as dead as Gonzalo. Then L.A. asks Julio if he ever worries that Cesar might do the same thing to him as he did to Gonzalo. Julio refuses to believe Cesar would intentionally try anything against him, his own father. The camera pans up to the trophy head of a bull hung on the wall above their table. --Now I am not sure if they might have been implying what I was inferring from that shot of the bull right then. The “expletive” I was thinking of wasn’t “cow cud”, but more like “cow pies”, which is what cow cud eventually becomes anyway.
Cesar, El Guapo and Bertha meet elsewhere and discuss whom they want to get rid of next. Cesar mentions that Julio has become and insufferable old geezer who constantly wants to run Cesar’s business his way. He’d love to get rid of him. Maybe with his bad ticker the old fogey could be frightened to death. Bertha then has him reconsider because he’s his father, but Cesar says that was not his choice and he could care less. Bertha says then he can do whatever he wants with him. El Guapo lets Bertha know then that everything is now ready for what she was planning to do with Nuria. Cesar gets angry and reminds her he wanted a divorce and until Nuria signs the papers, Bertha was not supposed to touch her. He goes further and warns them that if anything happens to her before and the law comes after him, then he will point the finger at the two of them.
Miranda is before the judge and is asked if she knew Alejandro came to take vengeance on her father. She answers that she knew beforehand that yes he was thirsting for justice from her father, but he didn’t come to kill him. She knows her husband and he didn’t come to kill him. Vengeance and murder mean separate things. The other attorney asks her if she said that because she really knows him or because she is blinded by love. Miranda panics at that question. Then she answers angrily that she doesn’t understand the double meaning or obscene intent behind the question. Liliana’s face drops and she shakes her head in frustration. The judge tells Miranda to explain her accusatory answer or face the consequences.
They give Miranda a minute to talk to her attorney and Liliana snaps at her for the insulting statement she just made to the judge. (Brainless bigmouth!) Liliana reminds her that the idea is to get Alejandro out of jail, not to infuriate the court. Miranda snipes that she didn’t appreciate their intent to catch her with the tricky two-sided question. Liliana tells her she was just supposed to answer the questions exactly as instructed and not to say anything more. Miranda angrily replies that she is just as well educated as Liliana and she should not be scolding her like a little girl. (If the shoe fits, Miranda..... So what was Miranda thinking? She is as capable as any licensed attorney is simply because she is a San Llorente? --Miranda pay attention to the woman who IS the trained lawyer here and just shut the hell up, ‘cause there ARE people more powerful than the San Llorentes and you’re lookin’ at ‘em!) Miranda snipes back that knows exactly how to reply to the question. Liliana says she better because the way she handled it, the judge could decide to look into her being her husband’s accomplice. So she better go back, sit down and correct the stupid thing she just told the court.
Luis Alberto tells Julio that he was surprised when one day he came in and found out that Cesar had married Nuria to recognize their child. This surprises Julio because he says he always thought Cesar despised Nuria and he thinks back to when he fired Cesar for abusing her at the office. Then Julio lets it slip that Nuria lost her baby and is very sick. Luis Alberto says he didn’t know and Julio explains how it happened.
Charo accompanies Nuria to the church. Nuria stays with Santiago to discuss her anger at God for taking her baby away from her. If he wanted to punish her for all the bad things she has done to others, then he did it the wrong way. Santiago tells her God doesn’t play with people as if they were little toys.
Cesar tells Bertha that they can take Nuria far away and do whatever they like, but they cannot kill her until he gets his divorce. He stomps off and El Guapo offers to teach him better respect for Bertha. She says he absolutely will not touch Cesar with even a rose petal. El Guapo kneels down in front of Bertha and remarks about her new smell. She asks what does she smell like; he says she now has the smell of fear all over her. She is clearly agitated again and walks off. El Guapo says to himself that he’s been looking for a long while for that smell and now he’s found it.
Miranda clears up her statement by telling the judge that being blinded by love would necessarily keep her from being able to discern the difference between the two actions and that loving her husband has nothing to do with understanding the intent to murder. If she were blinded by love of her husband that would necessarily negate her testimony. The judge is happy with this mincing of what the meaning of “is” is and lets her retract her former statement. Liliana is smiling so she figures she answered it the right way this time. Liliana congratulates her on her answer and says she’ll talk to the judge to convince him to let Alejandro go free. Liliana looks up at Miranda and Alejandro kissing through the bars and it seems she wishes it were her and not his wife.
Juan and Renata get together at a restaurant to discuss their situation. Renata asks him when he’s going to give her the divorce and he says never. He says he won’t because he knows the two of them still love each other. He scolds her for throwing away what they had for a trip to New York and a few purchases. So she throws Carola in his face and he says what else could he do? She tries to lie about her and Cesar but Juan admits he saw Cesar and her kissing passionately in the waiting room. Renata says she and Juan are over and it will never work between them. She cannot adapt to his world and he refuses to live in hers. He asks if it would make a difference if he said he would. She says it would be useless because they don’t have anything in common; to live together and make it work they need to have had similar life experiences and they don’t. He wants to know how serious she is about Cesar and if she’ll marry him. She answers that she doesn’t know. Renata says Cesar always behaved well around her but she doesn’t love him. He grabs her and asks if she could ever feel with another man the way she does in his arms. She remembers the first night they ever made love and she cries. Then Juan begs her for one more chance, but Renata says it would be useless because they would only be prolonging a painful situation. Finally, she tells him through her tears she doesn’t deserve him, and if he really loves her just give her the divorce. She walks off and leaves him there stunned and in tears.
Back at Alejandro’s manse Luciano is telling Pamela and Miranda that Miranda’s attitude had put Alejandro’s case dangerously at risk. She has got to put aside whatever is bugging her about the lady attorney and let her do her job. She works hard, gives 100% effort and spends lots of time away from her little girl to do so. Miranda complains that Liliana treats her like a mental retard and that drives her crazy. Pamela chimes in that she agrees with her friend. This frustrates Luciano no end and he finally walks off in disgust. Pamela gripes that once again they are left as the villains of the story. Miranda has second thoughts and tells her friend that it could be Luciano is right about Liliana. Pamela thinks not and that the woman is arrogant, pretentious, and rotten to the core.
Miranda calls up Vicente and asks for any information about Liliana’s personal and professional life. Vicente comes back in with photos and information. He leaves and the two women are awestruck at how darned perfect Liliana appears to be. Pamela says she feels a bit inferior cause Liliana appears to be a jack of all trades, since she has so many accomplishments. Pamela adds, “At least, she’s not a home-breaker and she doesn’t seem to steal husbands.” However, they cannot find anything wrong. She in fact seems to be a wonderful mother. That word stings Miranda.
Bertha comes back to the house and asks for Nuria. Charo tells her they went to the church and she stayed to talk with Father Santiago. Nuria walks in just then and Bertha screams at her for leaving and disobeying her orders. She tells Bertha that Florencia has kicked her out and that Fernanda invited her to stay at her apartment and that she accepted. Nuria also screams back at her that Bertha lied about that being her baby Bertha slaps her silly. Nuria screams at that and asks why she hit her. Bertha yells back because she loves her and because she disobeyed her. Charo rushes in asking if something is wrong with her, but Bertha reprimands her for not knocking. Charo tells her Luis Alberto came to see her. Nuria gets up to go and greet him but Bertha forbids it and leaves her in the bedroom telling her that she will go down to Luis Alberto and to pack her things and leave right away.
Back at Alejandro’s place, Miranda concludes that Liliana is similar to her in all ways. That is why she gets so upset. They both have the same qualities that would attract Alejandro and win his love. The only difference she says, is that Liliana is a mother. Just then, Alejandro walks into the living room. They hug and he says he owes it all to his lawyer. Miranda says too bad she’s not there to celebrate with them. Alejandro says, “She is here. She brought me, but first we had to drop by to pick up her little girl.” Down the stairs walks Liliana with her sweet little girl. Alejandro picks her up in his arms and tells her that she should be proud of her terrific mother. Miranda sees Liliana standing next to Alejandro with the little girl in his arms and, the three together look like a portrait of the “perfect family”. Miranda is beside herself with jealousy.
Labels: heridas
Monday, December 04, 2006
La Fea Más Bella #159 12/4/06
- Marcia reams Lety out for slapping Fern in front of everybody. Lety says it wasn't planned - "He lost control, I lost control -" Marcia snaps: "You never lose control, you are the human calculator, everything's intentional with you. He 'gave you the hand and you took the foot.' You give orders and do what you want, but you have no class." She mocks Lety for being Fern's shadow. "You think you're special with your fancy sports car and expensive restaurants, but you're just an employee, and Fernando's procurer! The owners here are the Mendiolas and the Villaroels! We could throw you out tomorrow."
- Irma talks with her sad-sack bum of an ex, who showed up unexpectedly at her apartment. "Before you disappear for another 30 years, tell me where you live. And what about your brothers?" "Oh, I sleep here and there, wherever I fall. One of my brothers is in an asylum, the other has been dead 11 years, I don't even know where he's buried to put flowers on his grave." After this ultra-pathetic speech Irma says he can stay all day and have something to eat - she is going to work.
She cries outside and then goes to Conceptos where she tells the surprised cuartel, "The cure (staying home) was worse than the illness." - PM is now a receptionist, it appears, and Simon misses her. He says he'll take his computer classes at lunch so they can be together after work.
- Caro visits Lety in her office and asks if Lety's thought about going on the trip with her. "I want to go, get me out of here! My life is in pieces, I'm in hell."
- Fern, his parents, Marcia, and Omar are in the meeting room discussing the wedding. Humberto and Teresita reveal their surprise gift: the palacial house Lety found for the happy couple. Marcia is drooling. Fern stretches his face into a rictus of false happy surprise.
- Ariel overhears Alicia's call from the lawyer about the car and again proposes that he pimp her to his friends. She says she has solved her money problem. Ariel: "Are you getting the money in exchange for one night or several nights?" She takes umbrage. "It's not in exchange for anything, it's a loan." "You'll never pay it back, what's he getting in exchange?" "He's not depraved or sex obsessed, we have a pure relationship, we share everything." "Especially the bank account, how romantic!"
Alicia calls Tomas, who is supervising his car being washed. She's been longing to see him, afraid he's forgotten her, crying, when can they get together? "Tonight. Can I pick you up at work?" "No! I'm going to the Conceptos party. Are you?" "No, I'd see that awful Mendiola and probably kill him." "Well, then come by at 10 pm, I'll cook you a delicious dinner." He mutters about the delicious and tasty - uh, dinner. "Tommy, any possibility you could send over the 500,000 pesos RIGHT NOW?" "Sorry, no, I'm playing golf." - In the boardroom Ariel ignores Humberto's suggestion that business be left to tomorrow's meeting ("Today is purely social!"). He insists on talking about Filmo Imagen, which he has discovered is in Lety's name. Fern defends Lety, Ariel pushes on, saying "You've basically given control of Conceptos to your assistant, that's our patrimony she's controlling!" Fern denies weakly and says Ariel has always hated Lety. Humberto suggests they ask her.
Marcia fetches Lety, who stands her ground coolly, saying Filmo Imagen is indeed her boyfriend's company but he "gave" it to her because she understands finances well and has a good relationship with banks. Ariel asks about the sports car and Lety responds that due to good investments, Filmo Imagen's wealth grew by 52%. Humberto is satisfied, but Marcia insists they should have been informed. Lety responds: "Nowhere in my contract does it say I have to tell you about my personal life."
Back in her office, she calls Tomas and recounts this harrowing interchange, saying she was humiliatedc by the interrogation, but her plans for tomorrow's meeting will not change. She'll be quitting, and they will all be in hell. - After the parental units leave to get ready for the party, Marcia tells Fern she is not satisfied by Lety's explanation. "OK, get out all the poison you carry around for Lety, just like your brother." "You're blind - you're so weak around her, she manages you like a puppet, and then hits you in front of all the employees! I can't believe you've fallen so low! What's happened to your image? You've become a clown! She's changed you, you're no longer the Fernando Mendiola I knew and loved. You spend your nights drinking and fighting..."
"OK, you're right, I'm not the same man you loved, but you know what, this man right in front of you, this is the one you're going to marry. Does that suit you or not?" "Oh I understand, shall I serve it to you on a silver platter? Do you want to cancel the wedding? There's still time..." He weasels a bit and she says, "OK, you're not in love with me any more, but I'm in love with you and I want to marry the man in front of me." She leaves to get ready for the party.
Omar says, "I thought you were going to cancel the wedding! How can you even think of that? You and I are in checkmate!" Omar's terrified of Ariel, but Fern says Lety saved their butts with her calm responses. "But the smell of suspicion is in the air! Tomorrow Marcia and Ariel will be combing over the balance sheet - it better be perfect." "Omar, haven't you noticed how Lety is winning the war over Alicia? It's because she's brilliant." Omar points out the Oxi is trying to suck 500,000 pesos out of Tomas and Fern broods over his money - passed to Lety, to Tomas, and now perhaps to Alicia. - Alicia demands that Marcia lend her money - she needs to buy groceries for dinner. "You're inviting me to dinner? Oh wait, no, ... Tomas? Do you realize Tomas doesn't own FI, Lety does?" Alicia is muy impactada and says she's going to faint. She recovers when Marcia said it was a present (she no doubt imagines she'll be recipient of the next business.) Marcia: "I'll lend you the money as an investment, since this dinner is a business affair."
- Luigi tries to send Irmita home, but she refuses to go and says "I know without me you'd die." He admits it's true.
- Alicia comes through with the party invitations. She gloats: the cuartel has not been invited, not the penguins, not the giraffe ... they point out she hasn't been invited either. She plants in their minds the possibility of crashing the event.
- Caro repeats her offer to Lety and Lety again accepts. Fern badgers Lety about the balance sheet. She says she's worried about all the suspicion. He flatters her brilliant presentation. She says Ariel will keep investigating and find out about the FI loans. He repeats: only the perfect fake balance sheet will save their butts. After he leaves, she wonders if he deserves his help.
Labels: fea
Mundo de Fieras: 12/04/06 Lobster Boil
Joselyn is vowing to Miriam that she will get custody of lil Lui, by proving Gabe is an unfit father. She has a plan, oh yes she has a plan.
Our happy honeymooners, the now not so hot juvenile appearing JC & his totally enamoured wife Paulina are having breakfast and discussing the "Freak Show" Family Dinner of the night before, like "Geez, Tiberto is my brother." "Yeah and his mother, Delores, whacked my stepsister's Dad, oh and by the way Delores is also Karen's Tia", retorts Paulina. Thank you Paulina for Family History 101, for those of us without enough time to check your Family Tree at the LDS website. Paulina dances off and oh no....she has burned breakfast...oh well JC tells her their love is sustance enough. ****These two continue to annoy me at an alarming rate****
MA now goes to Gabe's departmento, to take lil Lui to "LEG CLASSES", however he is already with Joselyn at the hospital.
We see lil Lui in a therapy tub and the nurse give him one of those gel eye mask things. He puts it on and exclaims it is cool (as in temp not as in hip), I am not sure why unless, they are trying to retard early eye bags. Anyway he is all comfy in his big tube, when Mommy dearest creeps in and turns up the heat from a comfortable 32C (thats 89.6F) to 44C(112F), oh and she does turn on the bubbles too. Oh NO, Lui is overheating he is crying for one is coming, he is screaming, crying...Joselyn is standing around the corner with this really dazed look & I'm thinking (someone's been skipping their meds).
Now a quick cut to Gabe & MA, she has to be going....apparently without lil Lui there, things are awkward. Gabe brings up Leo and she says she is very happy, which is of course all Gabe ever wanted for her anyway..(NOT), there is a knock at the door and NO it is not Lobster Delivery, it is Clemente, now things are really awkward. Clemente wants to talk, but MA will have none of it and rushes out. Gabe tries to console Clemente with those cliches, like give it time.
Meanwhile flashback to the hospital, Lui is still flopping around and help is nowhere in site. I gotta say at this point, as annoying as I find this kid, this is a pretty disturbing scene and if it was on Law and Order, Joselyn's ass would be in jail before the next commercial. Alas this is telenovela world, where justice is never served until the Gran Finale. So Joselyn just keeps standing around the corner, twirling her hair in her red cocktail dress, with that cheshire cat grin. Finally, the nurse and an orderly or therapist run in. (hmmmm I wonder if they were playing hook-up while the kid cooked?) The kid is all red as they pull him out, he continues to scream, five more minutes and it woulda been lobster bibs and a keg of butter. Joselyn runs in and acts muy impacted.
Over at "Dos Hermanos Constructos", Paulina and JC show up giggling that they are a few minutes late, in that, "We're still on our Luna de Miel way", Tiberto can't wait to throw the term Hermano out there. JC is very cordial about the whole thing, when really you just know Tiberto gives semi normal folk that disquieting creep factor, like most zombies or living dead do, that thing where you just sense something is a little off, like right before they try to bite a chuck out of you.
Gabe gets a call while he is consoling Clemente...Yes the kid is still screaming. Meanwhile Miriam shows up at the hospital with her lawyer, they have taken pictures and you can see where this is going. They are going to sue for full custody of Lui. I don't really get how this could be Gabe's fault as he wasn't even at the hosptial and "Baby in "Whatever Happened to" was, but this is not the first time this TeleNovela has defied logic as well as general laws of physics.
Mayeya the weight challenged cook over at the Former Gabe house calls MA, who is now hanging out with Candelabra; Chatty Cathy I mean Mayeya tells MA the news about Lui and MA and Candelabra rush off to the hospital. Regina too gets a phone call while she is at Los Dos Hermanos Constructos and she tell Demian where she is going and she too rushes to the hospital. TeleNovelas are great for hospital scenes, the waiting rooms become instantly full of hand wringing individuals who all have back stories with each other, great tension.
So once we are at the hospital we have Regina, Gabe, Nic, MA, Candelabra, Joselyn, Miriam, Clemente & Leo, plus the entire cast of Rebelde, the Mexican National Soccer Team and the entire Mexican Congress taking a break from that standoff they've been having. It seems Lui has first degree burns and should be okay, provided no infection sets in. There is glaring all round and Clemente tries to make nice with MA, who just can't deal with the whole situation. She realizes that Joselyn knows MA is Clementes daughter and MA does not wish to make Joselyn suffer for it. Yeah that's it worry about Joselyn.
Time passes, Karen shows up at the newlyweds apartment and they all decide to go out together. Once in the lobby she feigns leaving her purse back in the apartment and the dumber than dirt newlyweds give her the key and she runs back upstairs where she promptly presses the key into a bar of soap she just happens to have stashed in her purse. How could you grow up with either Evil Karen as a stepsister or Demian as a father and just trust people at face value...Hello?
Meanwhile over at the Dark Mansion Demian & Regina are in the same room in their night clothes, thing seem to be going pretty well as at least he isn't raping her. Regina tells Demian the tale of lil Lui and Demian looks all concerned. She is pleased with his change. There is no physcial contact shown, for those of you who care, I do not know if Demian has gotten his groove on. I for one hope so.
The next morning Leo bring Gabe some coffee, Gabe is looking all wrinkeled having spent the night in the hospital waitng room. Gabe has a little conversation about how happy he is that Leo and MA are happy, cause her happiness is all Gabe cares about (NOT)...Leo is thrilled to hear the news.
Later Leo is at home with Candelabra getting his daily blessing and a big plate of pans (mexican pasteries), while getting ready to do his Taxi job. Hmmmm see I thought he was using either Meth, Cocaine or prescription diet pills to be working 25 hours a day, but I guess not cause he is gonna chow down on like 15 pasteries. Wait my theory may be correct Leo takes the pasteries over to MA's one room kitchen schoolhouse, were he gives them to the kids and I think he is gonna take the kids to see Lui, while the kids are outside, Leo flirts outragously with MA, giving her a couple of besos and telling her Te Quiro, yep Dude's on a drug high. MA giggles like a school girl rather than a school marm.
This of course is an excellent lead in to Miriam talking to Ingrid (yes, I am happy to report Miriam hasn't whacked Ingrid yet), Miriam is lamenting the whole MA/Clemente situation and how she doesn't want him amending his Will and leaving anything to his little Bastard; MA, it seems she wants Clemente to leave everything to Frederico's little Bastard; Joselyn. The conversation then turns to Leo, now Miriam really has something to lament, you just know she wonders if she can trade Joselyn to Candelabra for Leo, maybe throw in a dress or something hey I've got it give her a plus size Coyote fur jacket like the one Elsa sports.
Chunker Mayeya overhears the conversation and she is all shades of muy impacted.....
Chatty Cathy now has the information on the real madre de Leo, oooooops, this will either lead to yet more stress eating or the info spreading thru Naco Acres like a California Santa Anna wildfire.
Gabe and Nic are at a Judges office and the Judge gives total custody of Lobster Boy, I mean lil Lui to Joselyn. Of all the disturbing scenes, I found this to be the one that seared itself in my brain the deepest, for the love of God, doesn't money always win out in Mexico? How did Gabe's fortune not win out....huh huh? I just don't get it. Now if Demian has really changed maybe he'll give Gabe a free judge whacking.
The sorry state of affairs closes with Gabe crying by lil Lui hospital bed telling the kid that he has to go live with Joselyn. Kudos to lil Lui's acting skills here, cause the kid looked terrified.
If money can't buy off Judges and what not....what is this world coming too? I feel I've lost my moral compass
Labels: mundo
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Heridas Friday Dec 1
Renata, she of the great knowledge of relationships, is counseling Miranda to not worry about Babe lawyer. She tells Miranda to put her in her place. Besides, she has a kid. Is she married? I don’t know. There is something about whether or not she is married, too much is being made of this. Miranda says it’s because the lawyer is hot (yes) and is able to have kids, so she thinks Al’s eye might wander. She confesses to Renata that she has fertility problems. Renata assures Miranda that Al only has eyes for his wife.
Al is trying to convince Babe lawyer that she and Miranda could be friends, Babe lawyer says she doesn’t think so. Al says he wants to work with her when he gets out, file some lawsuits, she can work for SLI, etc. Babe lawyer asks if Miranda knows all this. Al says “uh, no. But it won’t bother her.” Yeah right Al, way to know your woman. Babe lawyer stands up to leave, I see she is wearing a very form-fitting very un-lawyery dress that looks great. She says it all depends on how Miranda reacts to his ideas.
Fern, Julio, and Santiago discuss how easily Rebeca is influenced by Bertha, Julio wants to call her right there and straighten her out, Fern says to wait. Julio gives a little speech about how much he loves Fern as a friend, that Rebeca’s jealousy is unfounded.
Flor storms in on Bertha and says that Nuria has to leave right away, and for that matter, Bertha along with her. Nuria claimed to be the mother of Flor’s baby, she’s going crazy! Bertha insists that she only said that Flor’s baby ‘was dying of hunger’, not that it was dead, stupid Nuria just didn’t understand. Flor says that Nuria keeps letting herself into the bedroom to see the baby, acting like she is the mother. Bertha says she should see Nuria as a nursemaid, someone to make being a mother easier. Flor doesn’t WANT it to be easier, she wants Nuria out. They go back and forth for a while. Also, Flor has managed to keep off the baby weight she lost 30 seconds after giving birth, she’s back in her skinny fashionable clothes already. Clothes that anyone with an infant would never wear around a baby for fear of getting puke or poop on them. Bertha manages to throw in a couple bits about not being appreciated for good measure. At the end Flor makes some faces like she’s having heart trouble.
Babe lawyer in her un-lawyerly dress get an extended shot coming into the next scene. Something for the men watching. Charo comes out and says that Miranda won’t meet her, Babe lawyer insists that she needs to see her and complains that she can’t work this way and starts to raise her voice, Miranda struts in and says “the only person who raises their voice in this house is ME.” They stare at each other. Miranda should be jealous, Babe lawyer is hotter than her. Babe lawyer apologizes for yelling. Miranda says that while Babe lawyer usually does whatever she wants, in this case Miranda is paying the bill, so she gives the orders and Babe lawyer isn’t allowed to just show up unannounced. Miranda talks to her like she’s a kid, “is that clear?” Bertha was eavesdropping and realizes right away that Miranda is jealous and thinks “the enemy of my enemy will be my friend.” She does her evil smile thing. The ladies continue to piss on each other’s shoes. Babe lawyer asks Miranda what her problem is anyway, Miranda says her attitude, she treats everyone like employees. Babe lawyer disagrees and they snap at each other a little more and Babe lawyer leaves. Babe lawyer mutters to herself outside about how Miranda pisses her off and is stopped by Bertha. She says “what can I do for you Senora de Aragon?” Bertha says “no no call me Bertha, can I call you Liliana?” Babe lawyer replies “what can I do for you Senora de Aragon?” Ha ha I love that. Bertha apologizes for Miranda and says she’s like that, she thinks anyone close to her husband is trying to steal him. Ha even me, like a mother to her, she thought I was in love with Alejandro! Ha ha they share a laugh over that. Bertha stokes the fire, says that Miranda said bad things about her mothering skills, etc etc. Babe lawyer appears irritated, Bertha’s work here is done. She invites her to meet her for coffee soon, Babe lawyer accepts. Bertha turns to go back to the house, Fern comes out from hiding and stops her. What the hell is going on outside this house, how many hiding places are there? Bertha stops the lawyer, Fern stops Bertha, next Juan will find Fern, then Santiago will be hanging around somewhere telling everyone “it will get better, just wait” and finally the ghost of Gonzalo will scare them all off. Jeez. Bertha asks what Fern is doing there, Fern reminds Bertha that it is her house and Bertha is supposed to leave. Bertha says nothing, this is where I should say she is impactada but she isn’t really, just kind of impatient.
Charo prays to her statue of the virgin. She doesn’t know what to do, Bertha could kill her, etc. She takes a bloody rag from her drawer and has a green flashback of El Guapo coming through and making her help him, creating the bloody rag. Then the part where Bertha comes in and tells her what to say. Back in the present, she puts the rag away again. She is sniffling and crying. There is a knock on the door, Nuria comes in, also sniffling and crying. She tells Charo that her baby is missing and then tells her what Bertha said about switching the babies. Do we know yet if Bertha actually did that, or just told Nuria that to make her all the way crazy, instead of just halfway like before?
Fern is confronting Bertha about what she told Rebeca. Bertha says forget it, they aren’t going to accuse her of anything. They argue a bit, then Fern says she’s coming back to her house to live, so Bertha has two days to leave. Bertha says “you’re kicking me out?” “No, I’m inviting you to leave.” Fern also says to stay away from the house and her daughters. Then she insults the dog and Bertha goes on about how great Lucas is. Man, the women in this show have pissing matches way more than the men do. The men just hit each other, the women have to go nose to nose and bitch at each other endlessly, in the end doing nothing. Bertha tells herself after Fern leaves that there is no way she’s leaving the house, she hasn’t done all this to be left with nothing.
Miranda and Pamela are raking Luciano over the coals for not telling them that Babe lawyer works for SLI and has an office there. Luciano swears that he just forgot to mention it. Miranda says “what is Vicente for then?” Luciano says for financial and fiscal issues, the other things they need Babe lawyer for. Pamela of course sides with Miranda. This is just like girls in college who suddenly have iron-clad evidence of philandering just because somebody’s lab partner is hot. The girls here are really letting their ugly sides show. Pamela gets so worked up that she leaves the room, poor Luciano covers his eyes and mumbles “por dios, por dios.” I want to make the point that with all other things being equal, but Babe lawyer not being such a babe, or being a man, zero issue would have been made of any of this. It’s all about these insecure women being jealous. But don’t tell THEM that! That would make it worse. How do you get out of this mess anyway? Let’s see what Luciano does. Miranda says, “who ordered you to not tell me about her? It wasn’t just you forgetting.” Luciano, of course, says it was Al. What else can he do? We are in for fight number 435 between Miranda and Al.
Renata is giving Flor gifts for the baby. Renata looks strange, Flor and Pamela get right to the point – did she get busy with Cesar in New York? Renata is saved by Fern coming in to see the baby. Fern asks what they were talking about and Flor tells her that they want to know if Renata was bumping uglies with Cesar in New York! Yes, let’s talk about this in front of MOM. Fern says, did you? Renata says it’s too personal. They all say she looks sad. They say Juan is broken up about the divorce, Renata says screw you guys and leaves. Fern tells them that she’s moving back and Bertha is leaving, Flor says great, let me go kick Nuria out now too, she walks out. Pamela and Fern look like, “what the hell was that?”
Miranda finally gets back to business, they discuss business stuff. They talk about the cacao harvest, Luciano says she’s going to have to choose between saving the hacienda and helping Al.
Al is playing handball in the prison yard. Sanson’s boys, that Al converted to himself, tell him that someone paid off the court or whoever to make him guilty at his hearing, that person is Cesar Beltran, of course. Al breathes heavily, which is like being impactado, but also out of breath.
Flor says she wants Nuria out, Miranda says come on, her husband abandoned her and her baby died. Give her a break. They talk about Bertha having Alfredo Luque’s papers, then about Nuria’s papers, then Flor says she’s still kicking her out. I didn’t really understand all of that. Flor says she has to ask Charo something and leaves.
Nuria is holding a pillow like a baby and crying, Charo says she should go see a doctor. Nuria says the pillow is her baby. She is completely nuts. Charo says she has to leave her room. Flor comes in and Charo tells her what’s going on. Flor tells Nuria she has to leave. She’ll give her a little money, but she has to go. Nuria doesn’t appear to hear any of it.
Flor finds Miranda and Fern. Flor says “Do you know who kidnapped Fab?” The others are impactada that she knows and hasn't said anything. She tells them it was Bertha and El Guapo. The others are even MORE impactada.
Francisco, Amparito, Carola, and Raul come back home after being gone for a month, they say. They feel bad for the people who died in the flood again. Eventually Raul mentions to Francisco that for a month, Amparito never mentioned Ramon. They agree that this is strange, maybe it isn’t really love.
Fern and Miranda want to call the cops, Flor says it’s too dangerous. They go over it all again. Miranda says Fab is the only one who can make the accusation. Flor acts as if she has heart problems again. Miranda has whatever happens to be the magic medicine right there on hand. They are all happy that Fern is moving back home, they sure forgot about Fab’s kidnapping in a hurry. Fern wants to protect Nuria, she tells the others that Bertha convinced Nuria that she (Bertha) is her (Nuria) mother.
Miranda tells Gabino what to do with all the cacao, Gabino says that it will be the best chocolate in the country. Miranda says she’ll be there in a couple days. Miranda hangs up and tells Fern and Flor that she has to rest up for Al's hearing tomorrow.
Renata and Bertha return from some fancy dinner out, Bertha raves about it. Bertha comments on Renata’s face, does she feel guilty about going away with Cesar? Bertha says it isn’t the first time she’s gone away with Cesar anyway, right? Renata says this was different, yes, they got busy this time. She feels guilty because she’s still married to Juan. Bertha says whatever, Juan has been screwing Carola anyway. Renata says no, Bertha insists that she saw evidence of that at the hacienda. Renata says she shouldn’t have done it, Bertha tells her to go screw whoever she wants and to keep doing it. She’s like a mother to her? This is how mothers talk? Bertha continues to tell her that she should just be a big slut. What a nutjob this woman is. Renata leaves, Bertha gets on the phone and calls Cesar. She tells him that she knows what happened in New York. They say they need to make more plans. See you tomorrow at the hearing.
Labels: heridas
Translation of Aqui Estaré, the "Fea Mas Bella" swimming-pool song.
by Indisponível, sung by Angelica Vale
Se que nunca me veras, como la niña de tus sueños
se que no te fijarás, en la fachada de mis huesos
es cierto que la luna no es de queso, y que no tengo curvas de modelo
se que nunca entenderás, este absurdo sentimiento
yo se que no tendré jamás, la fortuna de un beso
es cierto que a diario estoy viviendo, en un cuento de adas que me invento
y aun así, te cuidare, casi leyendote el pensamiento
y aun asi, me quedare, siempre a tu lado junto a tus silencios
y aun asi, te seguire, hasta que el mundo cambie y gire al reves
aquí estaré
se que nunca me veras, como la causa de un desvelo
yo se que no comprenderas, que soy el angel de tu cuento
entiendo que tus ojos tienen miedo, de ver a la mujer que soy por dentro
y aun así, te cuidare, casi leyendote el pensamiento
y aun asi, me quedare, siempre a tu lado junto a tus silencios
y aun asi, te seguire, hasta que el mundo cambie y gire al reves
aquí estaré.
I know you'll never look at me like the young woman of your dreams
I know you'll never be entranced by my bone structure
It's for sure, the moon isn't made of cheese, and I don't have a model's curves
I know you'll never understand this absurd sentiment
I know I'll never have the good luck of a kiss
It's true, every day I'm living in a fairytale I invented
And even so, I'll take care of you, almost reading the thought to you
Even so, I'll be here, always at your side in your silences
Even so, I'll follow you until the world changes and turns in the other direction
I'll be here.
I know you'll never look at me like the cause of sleeplessness
I know you won't understand that I'm the angel of your story
I understand your eyes are afraid to see the woman I am inside
And even so, I'll take care of you, almost reading the thought to you
Even so, I'll be here, always at your side in your silences
Even so, I'll stay here until the world changes and turns in the other direction
I'll be here.
Labels: fea
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