Saturday, March 03, 2007

Mundo de Fieras Friday, 03/02/07: "One More Stroll Down Memory Lane"

Tiberio finally talks his daddy, Don Demian Demento, into going upstairs to get himself cleaned up, shaved and put to bed. He calms him down by promising to take him back to the grave after he takes a long nap and eats something. It seems to break Tiberio's heart to see Demian literally out of his mind with grief.

El Coyote is let into the living room where Jos and Gabe are having coffee. He walks through the door and immediately shoves Cortito out of the way and looks over to find he's stepped into it big time. (Ruh-ro-o-oh......)

Gabe is impactado as hell and stands up and starts yelling at him, "What in blazes are you doing here??" Then Gabe turns around and howls at his ex, "What business do you have with this guy?" (King of the jungle growls start up in the background here so I suppose Gabe has finally grown his....... mane.) Even Jos is impactada we see, 'cause Jos actually looks petrified and she is silent for once.

Gabe keeps screaming at her, "Did you know this damned S.O.B. was the one who kidnapped Luisito?" Then he yells at El C., " What are you doing out of jail?" Jos finally shakes free of her fright and screams one of her best "How dare you!!" at El Coyote. "Get out of here or I'll call the police!!" He stumbles through till he hits on apologizing as his best excuse. "I c-came t-to t-to apologize! I have served my debt to society and I wanted to ask your pardon for all the harm I caused you. I'm full of remorse and I had to get it off my conscience."

Gabe isn't buying anything El Coyote is selling. "I don't believe a single word or tear of yours!" "I know you might not trust me and I'll understand. But I hope you'll forgive me for the suffering I've caused you." El Coyote backs out the way he came in and leaves.

When Ti leaves the bedroom Demian looks over at Regina's empty side of the bed and begins to hug her pillow and cry out her name over and over. "Your pillow still holds your scent." Then, Percy Sledge starts wailing When a Man Loves a Woman in the background. (I'm wondering just how much they paid for the right to use that song. It had to be a bundle considering how often we've had to listen to it by now. Regina's character is dead and buried but we still get it loud and long.........)

Dolores comes over to speak with Tiberio and finds out Demian is now back home. Ti tells her how he found him crying over the grave and that he'd been literally living at the gravesite ever since the funeral a month ago. She tells him she's staying in case Ti needs her help with him. Ti thanks her and leaves her on the couch a while. Before he goes he kisses her hand. So now it's Dolores time to remember.

Dolores remembers all the nasty incidents leading up to Tiberio's finally accepting her as his mother --especially the triumphant scene in the hospital when he broke down crying on her
shoulder there. Yes, we get treated once again to him crying "mama....mama....mama....mama....mama....mama" twenty times on the shoulder of a woman who practically looks like his kid sister, while lullabye music tinkles and chimes so sweetly in the background. (When we get scenes like this one I thank God for FF>> and thumbs.)

Back in the kitchen, Mayeya and Cortito discuss El Coyote's so-called apology. They think he's lying for some reason. She reminds her new hubby that El Coyote never is sorry for anything and never ever apologizes to anybody.

On the street El Coyote is kicking himself for showing up at Jos' place without calling her first to let her know. He knows she's going to be one bad a$$ b*tch when he does finally speak to her. So, he tries to figure out a way to make sure Gabe doesn't realize they are involved together at all in any way.

Back at the manse Jos asks Gabe if she believes her when she says that she has no idea why El Coyote showed up. Gabe says he doesn't know if he should trust her. (Aw, are we back to that again?) Jos whines about this and says he's always dissin' her. He stops himself from saying anything else to her --thinking why waste his breath --then just says he'd better leave. He adds though, that he's taking Luis David with him until Mariangela returns, so that he can take care of him himself. She says that's ridiculous, but Jos eventually goes upstairs to get Nina and the baby's things. First, though, she takes a detour into her bedroom and takes out a small cassette recorder from a drawer. She sends Nina out of the room to get L.D.'s things packed and then tapes Luis David saying "momma."

Demian sits in bed. He says to himself that the whole bedroom speaks to him of Regina. He then remembers Regina lying dead in her hospital room. He again blames his son for killing "his own mother", and he promises himself that Juan Cristobal will pay for causing Regina's death.

J.C. at the same time is remembering his mother's death scene and his father later rushing in to his hospital bed, roaring that he's a murderer and then slapping him. He cries from the tremendous guilt and suffering he feels about her death.

Back at Gabe's apartment we see he's upset because Nic still hasn't heard anything from his sources about Mariangela's whereabouts. He hangs up the phone and says to himself, "We were so close to being happy. This happiness cannot just go up in smoke." He starts remembering how he won over Mariangela bit by bit and their finally making love together. He sits there thinking and says, "I hope you are alright, wherever you might find yourself." Then he says to himself, "I would even give her up as long as she'd be okay."

--Roll credits!


Duelo (mostly) Vocabulary Words

Hi everyone! Some of the Duelo de Pasiones recappers have been adding interesting/new vocabulary words to their recaps. I have been keeping a list of all these words, plus a few additions from some of the other recaps, and I thought I would share what we have so far. Thanks goes to Carmel for starting this educational and fun trend. If I have forgotten any choice phrases or words let me know and I'll add them to the list. Also, if I have misspelled anything please let me know and I will correct it.

ablandar = to soften
acomodo = job, arrangement
a la venta = on sale
andrajosa = in rags
amargado/a = bitter, also a noun meaning bitter person
a pesar de = in spite of
apestoso/a = stinky, foul
arrabatar = to snatch
atolondrar = to confuse
aventura = an affair, adventure
averiguar = find out
bocadillos = sandwiches, also a term for speech/thought bubbles
cachas = beefcake, hunk
canalla = scoundrel, cad, swine
canallada = rotten or mean thing to do
canijo = jerk
castrado = castrated
chamaca = slang for girl
conquistar = to win over (a person), and to conquer (for land acquisition)
consejo = advice
coraje = anger or courage
cortina = curtain
creída = conceited
cualquiera = floozy, nobody
cuernos = horns
(poner [los] cuernos a alguien = to cuckold somebody)
cuna = cradle
delito = crime, offense
desairar = to slight, snub, offend
desconocer = to not know
doblegar = to bend
embustero/a = lying or liar
empapado/a = sodden, soaked
energúmeno/a = lunatic
(se puso hecho un energúmeno = he went ape-shit)
enojón = irritable
entrenado = trained
escarmentar = to learn a lesson
esclava = a type of bracelet
esquivo/a = cold, aloof
estirado = snooty
extranjero = foreigner
fallecer = to pass away
farsa = farce
fingido/a = feigned, false, pretend
espantoso/a = terrible, horrific
fuetazo = lash
fuete = whip
galán = handsome young man
gallito = braggart, cocky (gallo = rooster/cock)
gaznápiro/a = simple-minded, dull-witted
gentuza = riffraff, rabble
Go Bears = Go Bears
grave = seriously ill
guera = blonde girl (careful, this is offensive in some countries!)
hada = fairy
hacendosa = hard-working
inmiscuirse = to interfere, meddle
juicio = judgement
lana = wool, slang for money/dough
lascivo/a = lascivious
limosnera = beggar
locura = madness
maldita sea! = damn it!
maldición! = damn!
mandar = command, be in charge of
menos mal = just as well, thank God
Mira el burro hablando de orejas! = Look at the donkey talking about ears!/That’s the pot calling the kettle black!
molestar = to distrub, to bother
nomina (de pago) = payroll
pachanga = party and /or partying
patadas= kicks
pantano = marsh, bogplomazo = bullet hole
polvos = powders
pordiosera/pordiosero = beggar
porfis = slang for por favor
por supuesto! = of course!
prometido = promised, engaged, fiancé
puñal = dagger
rabieta = tantrum
raices = roots
resbaladizo = slippery (surface)
señito = shortened version of señorita/señora
soborno = bribe
someter - subdue, to put down
sueldo = salary
tarado = idiot, defect
teniente = lieutenant
terco = obstinate, stubborn
tierno = affectionate
velorio = wake, part of funeral before the burial
vientre = belly, abdomen
zafado = nut case
zopenco = dummy

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La Fea Más Bella #223 3/2/07 Everybody* Loves Aldo

*restrictions may apply
Friday Night Fights

Reviewing the melee so far, for scorekeeping purposes:

Aldo makes the Grand Gesture of yelling that he loves Lety. Fern does some yelling of his own. Great, now there are two lunatics yelling outside an office building... where's a cop when you need one? Fern says "see, I can yell too."

Fern then approaches Aldo in a threatening manner. Aldo punches him, more or less in self-defense. I wish I could say it was pure malice, but I'd do the same thing if someone were to approach me the way Fern did. So I'm calling it even at this point, in terms of aggression.

Fern quickly recovers and punches Aldo, "so you'll learn to stay out of my territory, you meddling interloper!" (Fern is now +1 for aggression.)

Fern takes a swing (Fern is now +2), which Aldo blocks. They struggle. Aldo says Lety should decide - Lety looks a little surprised. If I were Lety, I would tell both of them to go jump in the lake.

Aldo angrily approaches Fern and hits him again (so now Fern is back to +1). Lety tells Fern to leave.

Fern says "Lety made a commitment to me! ...a work-related commitment," he adds. (WEENIE!) And then he hits Aldo. (Fern back up to +2.) Lety tells Aldo maybe he should leave.

Aldo goes for another punch, which Fern blocks, and then swings again with his left, which I can't tell whether Fern blocked it or not, but now they're even again.

Then Fern swings (blocked) but gets Aldo with his other fist (we don't see this one land, but Aldo sags against him momentarily). Now Fern is +2 again and they are strangling each other. Lety tearfully runs away.

"Until you die," Aldo hisses. "You're gonna die," Fern gasps. "Your brain is smaller than mine. At least die quietly," Aldo rasps. They butt their heads together.

Meanwhile, in Marcia's office, Alicia is saying that Lety is doing the same thing to her that she did to Marcia. When Marcia was about to marry Fern, Lety got between them. Now Alicia is about to marry Aldo, and Lety's in the way again.

Marcia is kind enough not to laugh in Alicia's face. She reminds Alicia that she and Fern were together for three years, and even as a little girl she dreamed of marrying him. Alicia whines that Marcia just loves to belittle her problems, but even though she and Aldo have only been together a short time, it's been so intense and passionate that it's like she's known him all her life.

Marcia thinks it would be a good idea to check up on the fellas. Alone in Marcia's office, Alicia tells herself that what happened to Marcia won't happen to her, because she's so much better than Marcia - more attractive and interesting. She tries out her new name, "Alicia Ferreira de DomenzaEEN."

Lety and Marcia meet at the elevator, glare awkwardly at one another, then go their separate ways - Lety to hide in her office, and Marcia to witness the carnage outside.

Aldo and Fern are still locked in battle, so evenly matched that their body positions are nearly mirror-images; leaning into one another, still grabbing at each others' necks. Aldo's sneakers, denim & linen clothing, and blondish hair contrast sharply with Fern's good shoes, expensive suit, and darker coloring.

They sag to their knees simultaneously, still gasping and choking. Exhausted, they both drop their hands and pause to catch their breath. Just a moment later, Fern reaches for Aldo and resumes the fight (Fern now at +3). "I'm going to kill you," he tells Aldo, but they're too tired to fight, plus Aldo notes that Lety has already left. He pragmatically (teasingly?) suggests that they can stop fighting now that Lety's not there to see.

They nudge each other aggressively and circle warily. Fern asks Aldo what are his intentions towards "my Lety." Aldo says she's HIS Lety, and that he's not going to manipulate her the way Fern did. Fern accuses Aldo of poisoning Lety against him. He complains that ever since she met Aldo, she hasn't been the same around him. She's cold and stubborn and solemn. Aldo's the person who put out her "light."

Aldo says it was Fern, not him, who put out Lety's "light." Aldo's helping her recover it - and it will be his. "You're in love with Lety, right?" Aldo scoffs.

"You're just trying to use that against me," Fern says. Aldo says Fern's his own worst enemy. The love Fern feels for Lety is very fragile - he puts himself first. His love is conditional on being returned by Lety. He taunts Fern that Lety has to feel good so she can save the business that he destroyed. His love is twisted and false. He won't bring himself to say that he loves her, yet he'll fight openly for her?

Fern has been staring at Aldo through all of this speech as if Aldo's been speaking Klingonese or Elvish. Finally he says, "you don't know what I've done, or how I feel about Lety, or what I'm going to do for her."

Aldo says he's sure of his love for Lety. It's not false or conditional, and wants nothing in return.

Fern shoves Aldo and Aldo shoves him back; I've lost track of the score, but it's clear that Fern has been the more physically aggressive of the two (though it's also clear that Aldo enjoys baiting him).

Marcia comes running down the hill just as the shoving match begins to escalate. She interposes herself between the two snarling dogs. Fern politely tells Marcia to go away. She yells at him and demands an explanation. "It's about Lety, isn't it?"

Again, weenie Fernando cannot bring himself to admit the truth. "He bugs me," he complains. "Ever since he got here, Conceptos has lost its personality, its character, identity, beauty, y'know... it's different, it's awful."

She yells at him impatiently and he asks her to leave him alone. Aldo, the meddling interloper, tells Fernando that Marcia cares about him. Fern accuses Aldo of pretending to be nice, all the women of Conceptos are crazy about him, but nobody's buying into his boring philosophy; nobody!

"You're full of opinions," Aldo observes, and Fern steps forward, angrily promising to give him another "opinion." Marcia flings herself - all 100 pounds or whatever she is - against Fern to hold him back! (Okay, so she's not Emma Peel - but at least she's not running away and hiding! Not that I blame Lety, but today I have to give the prize to Marcia.) She tells him to go home, dress his wounds and get ready for his trip. He makes a feeble excuse about having things to do, but meekly lets her lead him back into the building. She throws a worried glance over her shoulder at Aldo, who waves her off. Fern looks back suspiciously and makes some aggressive-looking gestures at Aldo (something like "we're not finished yet - I'll meet you here later").

Lety and Tomas rehash

Lety doesn't quite make it back to her office before the cuartel surrounds her, asking questions. She says she'll tell them later, but they tell her not to be mean, they're worried and need to check out their suspicions. Lety begs off and says she needs to talk to Tomas, but Alicia interrupts. She starts to address Lety as "Garnacha" but cuts herself off and continues in a more civil tone, asking where Aldo is. Is he coming back?

"I have no idea," Lety says grumpily, and stomps off to Tomas's office. She is barely through the door when she bursts into tears. "I don't know what just happened," she tells him. She says Aldo and Fern were fighting and it came to blows. He asks why she didn't stop the fight. She says she was paralyzed - she felt even worse than that time when Fern and Tomas fought.

Hurt, Tomas wants to know why this time is worse. She says it's because Tomas is her friend, but Aldo had just finished saying that he was in love with her. Tomas, who has only known about this love for like an hour himself, says "finally he's told you!" He pulls up a chair, wanting all the juicy details. "You knew?" Lety asks sharply. He says Aldo told him when they were speaking man-to-man, blond-to-blond. Lety says this has all happened so fast. Tomas assures her that Aldo really does love her, but he also brings up the strange fact that Fernando was fighting with him. Lety says she's sure he wasn't fighting for her - he's defending the company's honor; he feels threatened by Aldo - maybe Aldo will get Lety to take the company away. (Not a crazy theory, since Fern's original conquest of Lety was meant to prevent Tomas from doing the same thing, back when Fern and Omar thought Lety and Tomas were an item.) But Aldo was defending her for real.

Tomas says that's a point in his favor. Lety says Aldo deserves better than for her to have a relationship with him only out of gratitude. (Maybe so, but I bet he'd take it.) He deserves someone to love him with all her heart - and she, Lety, can't do that, because she still has feelings for Don Fernando. (Yeah, she calls him Señor to his face, but behind his back he's still Don.) She's too confused to know what to say to Aldo.

Eager to keep Aldo away from Alicia, Tomas tells Lety to just think about it. She promises to do so and whines again about having to be near Fern.

Yeah, poor Lety, sucks to be you, huh?

In the Vortex of Stupidity

The Vortex of Stupidity is the place I used to call the executive lobby. If you don't know why I've decided to give it this particular name, consider some of the conversations that have taken place here:
  • Fern informs Ariel that recycling has nothing to do with bicycles.
  • Sara pretends to be interested in Lety's lawyer.
  • Alicia tries to embezzle $50,000 from Conceptos to save her car.
  • Alicia tells Luigi she just found out that Peking is now called Beijing, and it's the capitol of China.
  • Lola destroys Yazmin's cell phone, and Alicia gleefully does a little flamenco-style dance on its remains.
  • Ariel asks Alicia for a photo of herself in her underwear, so he can pimp her out to his alleged "friends."
  • Lopez drools and threatens to fire one or more members of the cuartel.
  • The cuartel chatters idly, or matches "wits" with Alicia.
  • There is an uproar over a couple of red paper bags.
I could go on, but someone's probably waiting for me to finish this recap.

Aldo emerges from the stairwell at the same time Fern and Marcia step off the elevator. The two men both dash towards Lety's office. Fern runs into Lola's desk; Aldo taunts him mischievously. Alicia sees the bruise on Aldo's face and runs over to him, wanting to help. He tells her not to worry, and excuses himself, heading back to his own office.

Marcia tells Fern that they need to "talk." He tries to brush off her concern, and whispers to her that it was only a fight.

"FIGHT??" the nosy cuartel repeats loudly. Lety comes out of Tomas's office just in time to hear this. She and Fern look at each other, then hurriedly go to their respective offices.

Deep Thoughts

At his desk, Aldo remembers telling Lety that he'll fight to win her love.

Luigi is fighting on the phone with Ruli. He says he's met the man of his dreams. He tells Ruli it was nice while it lasted, but now it's over. He won't let Ruli talk. He denies receiving any gift from Ruli.

Irma's ears perk up and she tries valiantly to tell Luigi that the bear was from Ruli, but Luigi doesn't have time to listen. He tells Ruli they can still be friends if he wants, but apparently Ruli does not want. "Fine, then we're through. Goodbye forever!" Luigi hangs up and asks Irma what she wanted. She starts to say something about the bear, and Luigi realizes he hasn't thanked his Prince Charming for it yet. He dashes off with the bear, leaving Irma to answer the phone, which is already ringing.

Irma ignores the phone and follows Luigi into Aldo's office. Luigi takes one look at Aldo and panics about what happened to Aldo's pretty face. He offers to call for a helicopter. Irma comes in and he tells her to go get some first-aid stuff. Aldo assures them that he's okay. Luigi remembers the bear again and tries to thank Aldo for it and the very nice card. He tries to tell Aldo that he accepts Aldo's offer to be together for the rest of their lives, but Irma gets between them and, with much persistence and many apologies to Aldo, explains to Luigi that the gift was from Ruli.

Luigi leans against Aldo's desk, saying he's having not a mimisqui (palpitations) but a mim-oso (I guess some sort of pun about a bear-sized heart attack). He scolds Irma for not having told him before. He tries to say something to Aldo, but runs out of the room in humiliation!

He calls Saimon in for an explanation. Saimon just explains that Aldo only took the bear up for him, and he's sure the gift was from Ruli. Luigi berates Saimon; Saimon cries that "the receptionist out there" (PM) calls him a cricket and an insect and now Luigi is calling him a bug; would Luigi like to call him anything else?

Deflated, Luigi dismisses him. Irma counsels Luigi that Ruli obviously cares for him a lot, and there's nothing going on with Aldo. This isn't what Luigi wants to hear. He talks about chemistry and electricity. Irmita tactfully tries to tell him that Aldo isn't... but Luigi doesn't want to hear it. She urges him to speak with Ruli, but Luigi's still mad because Ruli told him to burn in hell!

He goes on some more about how much he likes Aldo, and not Ruli, and tells her to stop judging him with those probing eyes and go check on Diva, his dog. He whines that she doesn't understand him.

In the Well of Morons (it's not as deep as a vortex)

In Marcia's office, Alicia wants to hear all about those two men fighting over the Corncake. Marc says Lety wasn't there when she arrived, but they were still fighting. Afterwards, Fern claimed that they weren't fighting over Lety, but over Conceptos. (WEENIE!!!)

Alicia, for one, likes Fern's explanation. It means nobody was fighting over Lety.

Marcia says that when Fern talked ugly to Marcia, Aldo defended her to him. (Sorry, I had this backwards before.) Alicia is glad to hear that he is such a gentleman - a real Prince Charming. And all hers!

In the Hall of Idiots and Everlasting Rehash

I'm not sure what Omar is doing at his desk. It looks like he might be trying to clean his mouse and keyboard, but I think his real focus is ignoring Fern. That's right, Fern walked in with bruises all over his face... and Omar doesn't want to rehash.

Fern can't stand it and wants to tell Omar all about it. Omar guesses that it was Aldo. He thinks it's funny that their "presidentolita" inspired such passion. Fern wants to cancel his trip. Omar wants to know how Fern can justify this to Marcia and Lety. Fern thinks Marcia already knows enough that she won't need an explanation. As for Lety... Omar does a little impression of Fernando. "Lety, I'm staying because I'm not going to let you..."

Fern interrupts him impatiently, but yet again, these two actors are cracking each other up. They remind me of Tim Conway and Harvey Korman. They recover quickly and Fern accepts that he has to go to NY, but he makes Omar promise to keep an eye on Aldo. (Y'know, like Alicia used to spy on Fern for Marcia. LOL!)

Omar doesn't like this assignment to keep Lety and Aldo apart. Is his tie red, or is it orange? I can't tell. Was he wearing that at the restaurant people's meeting last week? I don't remember! Anyway, Fern doesn't care what Omar thinks. He just smiles and wiggles his eyebrows at Omar to let him know that's the way it's going to be.

They argue about this, and Fern has to beg a bit, but the outcome is that Omar promises to do it.

In the Lair of the Monster Ladyparts Seashell of Doom

Lety is sitting on the wrong side of her desk, gazing thoughtfully at what used to be Fern's chair. She plays with her little Zen garden - I guess she never noticed Fern's initials there - and the seashell painting behind her leaps off the wall and bites her, thinking she was a Cabbage Patch Kid.

Not really, but Aldo does sneak up on her. She says she's sorry she left him alone with Fern. He says no, the mistakes were all his. He shouldn't have taken her out of the office to tell her how he felt, but he wanted to tell her how important she is to him. She only replies "I'm sorry, I can't, I can't." He says he's the one who's sorry - his impulses got the better of him. He didn't mean to pressure her. She says it's not fair to him, and he doesn't know how happy she'd be if she could say she loved him too.

He says he's sure that one day, she will say it to him. In the meantime, she says, she feels awful that he makes her feel so wonderful, when she gives him nothing in return. His presence gives her strength, and his love gives her confidence.

He says that thanks to her, he's able to fight passionately for something. His love for her motivates him. It gives him the energy, strength, and focus to win her love.

In the Shrine of Alicia

Tomas is admiring his Alicia photos when Aldo comes a-knockin'. Tomas notices Aldo's bruises and says he knows that Fern has a heavy hand. Tomas proceeds to turn over all of the pictures on his wall, to reveal his additional Alicia photos. Aldo doesn't pay much attention to this as he wonders aloud why women, especially Lety and Marcia, are so attracted, so crazy, so in love with Fernando.

Tomas says he has money, and Aldo admits that he's likable. Tomas says - I kid you not - that Fern's "an adorable boy."

Aldo changes the subject to Alicia. Does she really think they're getting married? Tomas says yup, she's got the dress and everything. Aldo asks Tomas's opinion as to what it might take to convince Alicia that this is not so without hurting her. (My suggestion: a cashier's check.) Tomas replies that she's very sensitive - he lied to her once, and she'll never forgive him. He admits that he was pretty horrible to her, and she throws it in his face every chance she gets.

They joke briefly about Tomas's haircolor - Aldo pretends to be surprised that it's not natural. He braces himself to talk to Alicia; Tomas asks him to remind Alicia that he's available.

It's getting dark outside...

...but the Vortex of Stupidity is lit as brightly as ever. Lopez tries to get familiar with PM, and she rebuffs him. He's looking for Lety - he wants to give her her new name badge. They all ooh and ahh over it, and PM thinks they should throw a party in honor of its presentation. Lopez is as confused by this as I am; Sara explains that it's not just a badge, it's a symbol.

Oh, I see. In that case, break out the tequila!

In La Presidencia, Lety is telling her diary that sitting in Fern's old office, she's reliving everything. She wants to transform the room so it's more hers and less his. The cuartel and Lopez interrupt, sparing us a potential verbal rehash of the last 10 months. They start talking about the Knights of the Round Table. PM makes a little speech about heroism, efficiency, and friendship, and they present her new name badge. Woop-de-doo. Lety should check the drawers and see if Fern left any "Richard" behind. Lopez plays a fanfare on an imaginary bugle.

Back in the Vortex, Alicia is swooning over her engagement photo again. Aldo approaches and invites her out for coffee. Why not dinner, she asks? He says he just wants to chat with her in a quiet place. "I understand," Alicia says flirtatiously - totally not understanding. "You want us to make some plans?" "Actually, no, I would like to tell you about MY plans," Aldo answers. (Alicia has an auditory hallucination, er, flashback of Tomas warning her that Aldo isn't in love with her.) Suddenly, Alicia remembers - she can't go out with Aldo - she has other plans. He tells her he hopes it goes well. She looks disappointed.

Meanwhile, in the Shell Cave, Lety is touched by the name-badge presentation. She tearfully thanks them. Alicia comes in to lighten the mood. She calls them all spiders - "little spiders," she amends for the sake of civility, and tells Lety it's an endearment - and says Fern and Omar are looking for the cuartel. They all rush out to see.

Lopez obsequiously tells Lety he hopes she likes her new name badge. She says yes, she likes it. "Anything else?" he inquires hopefully. She says no, and he bows profusely and leaves.

She admires her badge, but wonders aloud if she can handle all of this.

Next week

Using techniques he read about in a comic book at the age of 9, Ariel suavely whines-and-dines Lety. Fern provides snacks.

handy words
botiquín=medicine cabinet
güero=blond man
príncipe azul=Prince Charming (literally "blue prince")


Friday, March 02, 2007

Mundo Apologies

Got to a late start on the blogging (like almost 24 hours late...) and when I pushed play realized that the satellite signal was so scrambled I couldn't even understand what D, Jossie, Gabe, MA and Leo were whining, fighting and fussing about. Many Mundo apologies.


Acorralada #34 Thursday 3/1 Fedora plays Perry Mason

First, a highlight reel for Tuesday and Wednesday:

The big trial begins.

We are in a courtroom in Miami, with an American flag behind the judge, but everyone is speaking Spanish. Oh, and by the way, they seem to be following some international system of justice, where the criminal trial and a civil case are going on at the same time. It seems like Doc Evil has a lawyer representing him in a defamation case involving Diana’s self-defense claims. Since she claims that he lured her to his apartment for sex and drugged her drink, and that she threw the drink on him to escape, and that he chased her, and that she pushed him down the stairs accidentally, he is defending his spotless reputation from her filthy lies, etc.

Gaviota as defense attorney wears the uniform of professional lawyers everywhere: a tight, low-cut black sheath dress with short sleeves, red FM pumps, and of course, bright red lipstick. On day 2 she wears a similar dress with white shoes and a white corsage. Gaby has lately been favoring a series of girlish plaid jumpers over sleeveless ruffled blouses. It's like she's channeling Dorothy, but we're not in Kansas anymore. If Sylvia were next to her in the Afro wig, they could answer a casting call for a Spanish-language version of The Wiz.

As the trial begins there are a series of scenes where Doc Evil says something and Diana jumps up and says “You’re a liar.” Then Diana says something, and Doc Evil stands up and says “you’re a liar.” Then the judge shouts “Order in the Court,” or whatever that is in Spanish.

Meanwhile, Pancho returns from his honeymoon and immediately sleeps with Paola. Paola begs him to let her be involved with his next jewelry smuggling incident—because she loves danger.

Diego comes to the trial and is very angry when he sees that Max shows up. (Max seems to be having doubts about his rejection of Diana.) Diego gets in a fight with Max in the hall and gets arrested, I think. Then he goes out and gets very drunk. Later he is at his mom’s house and is really blotto and raging like the lunatic stalker that he is. He’s raging that Diana should marry him so that he can give the baby a name. He is made that she went back with that “imbecile.” Caramelo tells him to sleep it off, and he says he can’t sleep. Caramelo is blinded by newlywed passion and burbles about how of course, she has married the right guy, and her love is so true, and she wants the same for Diego.

Larry sleeps with Pilar and wears a multicolored bathrobe. He then seems to scold her for not being Gaby. What a jerk.

Among my other favorite recent scenes:

FM went shopping at the mall with Max. She gets away from Max, but who should she see but her ex-husband Andre, who doesn’t know she’s FM. Well, they get in a fight in the parking lot, because he must want to know where she’s been for two years or so, and she shoves him into the trunk of his own car! She’s a real tigress! He was then acorralado, banging and shouting for passersby to let him out. But he didn't see her with Max. As far as I know, he still doesn't know she's the twin of RM, etc.

Also, we finally get to see Gaviota sing--or lip synch--at the bar. But she only gets out a few notes. It seems that Diana fancies herself an electrician and is taping together a frayed lamp cord backstage. Her inept repair is guaranteed to short out the circuits if not bring down the premises in a big fire. Sure enough, after Gaviota chokes out a few notes, the lights go out. All the patrons leave while the place is dark. Paco is a bit annoyed but smiles indulgently at Diana as if she is the dopey child who must be protected. Gav looks sheepish.

Back to Thursday 3/1

When we left Wednesday, during a break, Max came up to Diana in the empty courtroom. He kisses her and she kisses him back. We open on that scene. Gaviota comes in and tells Max to get out and scolds Diana for being with him.

Max and Andres discuss Diana. Max seems to be wavering.

Sylvia and Camila come in. Sylvia has a new wig today: A spiky pitch-black number. Camila gloats that Marfil doesn’t know that her beloved spouse is at the trial. Of course Camila doesn’t know that Marfil is really Faux Marfil.

FM tells O that Max went to the trial. O is impactada.

Gaby tries to comfort Diana. Diana says that she and Max will never be together. This makes no sense after the kiss.

Camila busts in and gloats that Diana is almost down and out—she throws in a muerta de hambre for good measure.

Now we cut to the beach, where Lunkhead is lounging in a multicolored Speedo. He’s mooning over Gaby.

Then suddenly we see a shot of Larry in the house talking to Bruno. He’s castigating her for doing something with those cards that Gaby wrote. I’m not sure what. It seems that the shot of Larry on the beach is an error in the editing room.

Camila adds insult to injury by calling Diana an igualada. Diana actually calls Camila “basura” (trash). Finally some gumption from her. There ensues a lengthy, repetitive catfighting scene.

Paola is talking to Rene in her room. She is mooning over Pancho’s sexual prowess, and she alludes to the special deal they have cooking.

More catfighting between Camila and Diana.

Now Doc Evil is on the stand. He says that Diana came to his house to talk about a difficult operation. She’s a cinica descarada—a cynical insolent one. I knew her for two years. She was always coming on to all the doctors but never delivering the goods. When I found out she took my gold watch I went after her, but she threw me down the stairs to kill me. (or something like that). Gaviota eschews cross-examination. Gaviota puts her arm around Diana at the recess. Diana’s bra strap is peeking out of her cap-sleeved dress.

Back at Mansion, O asks FM if Max has returned. FM screeches that he’s at the trial.

The family is standing in the hall talking about the trial. Andres taunts Gaby. Max comes over and Gaby defends Diana. Then she asks him how Larry is. She calls him Senor Maximiliano. He says she doesn't have to be so formal, as she is his sister-in-law. She should start to tutear.

Cut to Larry on the beach. Now we see him in full Speedo’d glory, lounging on a bench. Ay Gaby, he says. You are at the trial.

Max tells Gaby that Larry is okay, but he reminds her that Pilar came home. Yes, she says, she came to my house to insult me.

Max whips out his cell phone and calls Larry. Larry picks up (but a minute earlier he was clad only in Speedo with no phone or pockets). Max says that Gaby is asking for him, and Larry is silent.

O cross-examines LaLa about Max going to the trial. Lala makes like Sergeant Schultz. O is drinking a double scotch, and she accuses Lala of lying. O and FM toast to their future takedown of Diana.

Andre is the next witness. As he is sworn in, he thought bubbles, “Prepare, nurse, you muerta de hambre—I’m taking you down.”

Back in Paola’s room, she is swooning some more about Pancho’s super maximo sexual technique. Rene seems to be doing Pilates mat exercises on the bed. He is lying on his back with his legs straight in the air.

Paola is speculating on how much her mother would hate it if she found out that Paola was sleeping with the son of a servant. Gee—guess she’ll find out—because guess who’s listening outside the door: Bruno!

Bruno immediately goes and reports to O. FM smirks. O is impactada.

Back at the trial, the prosecutor asks Andre about Diana, and he repeats more of the same, and how on the night of the incident, she threw Evil down the stairs, etc. There’s something about a fire starting. I don’t really understand this part, and I never saw the original episode where this happened. Help, anyone?

At the mansion, O comes up to the bedroom and asks “since when are you doing it with Lala’s son?” A big bitch slapping fest begins. Rene peeps through his fingers as if he’s watching a scary movie.

Back at the trial there’s more shouting by Diana about the lies.

Back at the mansion, O shouts that Paola has brought terrible shame on their illustrious family by sleeping with the son of a servant. Paola points out that her brothers are worse—Larry married a servant. You were always hyper fastidious. Yes I love a “muerto de hambre”—and I’m proud of it. (using the masculine of our favorite insult).

Back at the trial, Gaviota cross examines Andre. How long have you been a liar? He denies it. So if I were to have two witnesses who contradicted you, what would you say? I would say they are lying. He shrugs. Wiggy Sylvia’s jaw drops.

The defense calls Paco.

Bruno and FM are gloating about the trial. This is odd, because I thought they weren’t getting along. FM reminds Bruno that her real hubby, Andre, is a witness. Bruno had forgotten.

O is now preparing to lock Paola in her room. Nancy—bring the keys. Yolanda tries to stop her.

Paco is on the stand. He testifies that Andre was at his bar the night of the incident—not at Doc Evil’s house. How does he remember that? Andre was getting very drunk. The police had to be called, and the bar was shut down. Max actually smiles in his constipated way.

O is talking to Lala. How long has your son been going out with my daughter. Lala denies anything. Reminds O of the car accident. Does your son use drugs? No! O gives Lala the afternoon off but sends her home to find Pancho. If I understand this correctly, she wants Lala to fetch Pancho back to the mansion. When last I checked, I don’t think that O has the power to compel Pancho to appear . . . but I’m sure he’d be happy to show up for a showdown.

O asks Rene if he uses drugs. In his best Eddie Haskell manner, he replies that no, of course not, he is a dedicated athlete and his body is a temple, etc. In this scene, O is wearing a very low-cut red dress. Her boobs are pushed up higher than Alicia Ferrera’s. You can actually see the line of demarcation where the implant is inserted.

Back at the trial, the defense now calls Viejo Lorenzo. Doc Evil asks his attorney “who the devil is this old coot?” Lorenzo testifies to the same stuff as Paco. “could he have also been at Dr. Evil’s house?” “No. Only if he were a clone,” he says triumphantly. Lots of laughter in courtroom. Camila looks perturbed.

O is pressing Rene on who is giving her daughter drugs. He “doesn’t know.”

Pancho is on his cell phone planning this evening’s caper. His mom comes over. We have to talk, she says. Why are you still seeing Paola? You’re a married man now. You can’t cheat on your wife. Uh-oh. Caramelo overhears!

Back at Granny S’s, they are happily going over the day’s trial proceedings. Diana tells Gav she’s a great lawyer. Thanks, hija (daughter!), I hope you are found innocent.

Now Diego the drunk comes in bellowing about Diana and Max. You said you were going to marry me, he says, but as soon as that imbecile comes around you forgive him. Does he know you are having a baby? Granny S is really impactada! So is everyone else. The camera cuts to each shocked face, and the credits roll.


Duelo de Pasiones-Theme “Soy Insensible a ti” translation

Yes it is a snow day here in Minneapolis. I just had take a crack at translating this song. Anyone with a better translation feel free to jump in.

Intérprete: Alicia Villarreal

Ya no voy a esconderme de ti,

para ocultar mis sentimientos,

ya no quiero llorar a escondidas callando el amor,

que por él yo siento.

Ahora es tiempo de que te enteres,

las cosas que suceden cuando tu te vas.

Ya no voy a fingir el amor que en verdad,

ya no siento,

tantas veces lloré de sentirme tan débil, tan sola,

viví un tormento.

Ya no pusiste fuego a la hoguera,

ahora soy fría a tus caricias,

soy insensible a ti.

Me has engañado muchas veces,

tantas veces de las que no me puedo imaginar,

me has mentido, tantas veces,

que ya no puedo seguir ocultado la verdad.

Un duelo de pasiones es lo que he vivido,

pero callarlo ya no puedo,

porque contigo estoy en cero, y él me pone a mi.

Soy insensible a ti.

Ya no voy a fingir el amor que en verdad,

ya no siento,

tantas veces lloré de sentirme tan débil, tan sola,

viví un tormento.

Ya no pusiste fuego a la hoguera,

ahora soy fría a tus caricias,

soy insensible a ti.

Me has engañado muchas veces,

tantas veces de las que no me puedo imaginar,

me has mentido, tantas veces,

que ya no puedo seguir ocultado la verdad.

Un duelo de pasiones es lo que he vivido,

pero callarlo ya no puedo,

porque contigo estoy en celo, y él me pone a mi.

Me has engañado muchas veces,

tantas veces de las que no me puedo imaginar,

me has mentido, tantas veces,

que ya no puedo seguir ocultado la verdad.

Un duelo de pasiones es lo que he vivido,

pero callarlo ya no puedo,

porque contigo estoy en celo, y él me pone a mi.

Soy insensible a ti.

Insensible a ti, él me pone a mil.

Soy insensible a ti.

Sung by Alicia Villarreal

I will no longer hide myself from you

To hide my feelings

I will no longer want to cry in secret silencing the love that I feel for him

Now it's time that you know

What happens when you leave

I will no longer pretend the love that truly,

I no longer feel

So many times I cried, feeling weak and so alone, I lived in torment

You no longer light the fire in the hearth

I am cold to your caresses

I feel nothing for you

You have fooled me many times

So many times that now I can't even think of them

You have lied to me so many times

That now I can no longer continue covering up the truth

A duel of passions is what I have lived

But quieting it, I can no longer do

Because with you I am nowhere, and he puts me back to me.

I no longer have feelings for you.

(Repeats from third stanza)


Thursday, March 01, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #222 3/1/07 In Which Lety Referees

Aldo talks to someone on the phone about the great love he feels. Of course, he is referring to his love forLety, but Luigi, who is eavesdropping, thinks Aldo is referring to him. When Aldo refers to competition from “the other man” Luigi thinks Aldo referring to Rulli. Just then, Mr. Roper walks in and catches Jack and Chrissy in a compromising… oh wait, sorry (this novela is triggering Three’s Company flashbacks again) Back in his office, Luigi jumps around in excitement over his Aldo’s impending proclamation of love which he expects will happen any moment now.

Irmita answers a phone call from Rulli. She confirms that the received the gift. She promises to tell Luigi that Rulli called. As she hangs up, she smiles and thinks “Oh, these young’ens…”

Tomas watches Alicia from afar and feels bad for her, knowing that she mistakenly thinks that Aldo is interested in her. Should he tell her? No, he decides, because she’d slap him again. Meanwhile, Alicia cries at her desk. Tomas looks worried about this. He goes to her desk and asks her what’s wrong. She says it’s something Catastrofico. He looks worried, but then she explains the death of her cell phone. Tomas reaches into his pocket, hesitates, then takes out his own cell phone. He offers to lend it to Alicia. He has a hard time handing it over and his fingers squeak on desk as he pulls away, indicating just how hard it was to let go of the phone. Alicia happily takes the phone and rewards him with an “Ayyyy Tommy!”

Julieta asks Robopop what do he thinks of Aldo. Robopop says he seems decent. Julieta says she thinks he is enchanting, and so does Lety. Robopop asks if mom is trying to marry them off and quickly adds that Lety is too busy and has too many responsibilities to think about marriage.

Tomas writes his cell phone number on a yellow sticky note for Alicia. Tear tracks have left streaks down her face but she is ecstatic. She looks at the sticky for a second and says she has already memorized the number. She promptly disposes of the sticky by pasting it on the front of his hair. (Tomas really looks like Woody Woodpecker with that new shade of strawberry blonde he’s sporting.)

Tomas then goes to Lety’s office and Lety asks why he’s so cheerful. He explains he and Aldo are not good buddies, which pleases Lety. He also explains that Aldo told him he’s not interested in Alicia, which leaves the path open for Tomas. Lety suggests that he immediately go over and propose marriage to her. He sits under the Ladyparts Shell From Hell painting and ponders this suggestion seriously before Lety points out that she was just kidding. Lety realizes the painting is upside down. She wonders how that happened but doesn’t give it much thought before asking Tomas to fix it.

Marcia returns from her apartment with her wedding dress. She tells Alicia she doesn’t want it at home since the situation with Fern is not looking too good. Alicia volunteers to take it off her hands and says she will use it for her wedding with Aldo. Marcia sarcastically agrees to give Alicia the dress if she ever marries him. Alicia points out that it will need to be altered.

Alicia walks out to the lobby where she glides around with the dress to show the cuartel and talks about her impending nuptials to golden boy Aldo. Tomas sees this from afar and runs to Aldo’s office. Poor Tom is so hurt that his new BFF has betrayed him. He calls Aldo a traitor for lying about his feelings for Alicia, and says he knows all about his plans to marry Alicia; she’s already got the dress and everything! Mr. Roper… uh, I mean Aldo asks Tom what the heck he’s talking about. Aldo assures Tom that he (Aldo) has no interest in Alicia. Tom doesn’t believe him until Aldo spits out “I love Lety!” Tomas is impactado. Aldo smiles and nods.

Marcia and Alicia go to her office where Fern’s is on the phone. Her arrival makes Fern very uncomfortable. Alicia takes out the dress and he asks why she brought it here. She goes for the sympathy points and says she can’t bear to keep it at home. She asks Alicia to leave them but he makes hasty exit. Alicia-- always great for pouring salt on open, bleeding, throbbing wounds-- points out the effect Marcia has on him. Marcia is disgruntled.

Tomas thinks it’s great that Aldo doesn’t care for Alicia or her peras. Aldo is worried about how Alicia could possibly think they an item. Tomas says Alicia has a picture of the them at the restaurant. Aldo’s light bulb finally clicks on and he realizes she must have misunderstood him last night. Tomas congratulates Aldo on his feelings for Lety. Aldo agrees that yeah but she loves Fern. Tomas thinks time she forgot that canijo. Aldo whines that every time he tries to talk to Lety about his feelings, she talks to him about her suffering for Fern. Tomas guesses that Aldo is afraid she’ll reject him. Aldo again agrees but on the spot he decides he’s going to stop being afraid. He grabs Tom by the lapel and Tom grabs Aldo back. Aldo continues “When one feels true love… [insert flowery new-age pontification here]…” Aldo lets Tom go and runs out of the office.

Sarah sees that Lety looks worried asks Lety is she’s you troubled about what the PG said. Lety responds by giving an unambiguous look of anxiety.

In his office Luigi baby-talks to his overgrown teddy bear and plays peek-a-boo with it. Alicia comes in with the wedding dress and says she needs a favor. She announces that she’s marrying Aldo and needs the dress altered. Luigi says that’s impossible, because Aldo only loves him. She says he told her last night he wants to be with her forever. Luigi -- almost literally-- puts his card on the table; he shows off the card that came with the monster-bear. He points to the part that out that says “Forever”. Alicia scoffs. He calls her bluff and asks where her engagement ring is. They refuse to accept each others stories. Luigi says she’s crazy and asks the monster-bear if he agrees. Alicia says that she won’t invite Luigi to her wedding.

Tomas overhears the conversation, and Alicia catches him as she leaves Luigi’s office. Tom asks Alicia what the dress is for. Alicia explains that she’s going to marry Aldo. Tom asks if they have set the date. Alicia says that, as a matter of fact, they have. Tomas hesitantly asks if she’s sure he loves her. She, of course, is sure he does. He wonders if maybe it’s a misunderstanding. Alicia asks what the heck he’s talking about. Tom hesitates again. He suggests that she talk to Aldo. Alicia and demands to know. Tom finally breaks down and tells her that Aldo doesn’t love her. Alicia doesn’t believe him. She insults him and hits him with the bodice of the dress. Tomas spits out that Aldo does love her because he loves Lety. Alicia is mortified at the thought. She insults him some more before running off.

Aldo goes to Lety’s office and says they must talk. Lety says she’s really busy, but Aldo doesn’t care and insists that they go for a walk right now. As they head through the lobby, she tells PM she’ll be back and won’t be long. Aldo adds that actually, she might be a bit late. He tickles Lety’s chin and she giggles. The cuartel swoons.

Alicia walks into Marcia’s with the dress. She’s furious with Luigi and Tomas. She recaps her arguments and Tomas’s revelation about Aldo and Lety, adding “Hah imagine that! How ridiculous.” Marcia is very quiet and pensive. She reasons that Fern fell for Lety, and that didn’t seem possible either. Alicia reasons that Fern is crazy and not normal. Marcia, adds that Aldo did give her the giant Ladyparts Shell From Hell, plus, they hung out together in Acapulco… plus, she’s noticed that during the meetings, he looks at her in a very special way. Alicia refuses to believe it until she sees it for herself.

Fern discusses his trip with Omar in their clubhouse… uh, I mean office. Marcia comes in and announces that she is packed and ready to go. She accuses Omar of conspiring with Fern to plan this trip to send her away. Omar offers to leave so they can talk but they insist that he stay. She asks Fern if he is aware that ALDO IS IN LOVE WITH LETY. Fern loses his balance and knocks over the stuff on his/Omar’s desk.

Outside Conceptos, Lety and Aldo walk and she goes on about work. Aldo tells her to let him talk. He says that attitude indicates there is something she doesn’t want to face. But he says that he needs to fight for what is most important in his life. She asks what that is. He responds that it’s his love for her. He kisses her hand (sorry, Aldo, not feeling any chemistry here).

Fern tries to regain his composure. Fern unconvincingly claims that he doesn’t care whether Aldo loves Lety, but they must respect the business, because this is not a bordello. Again, Omar offers to leave so they can talk but they won’t let him leave. Marcia says “Yeah, right, just like you have respected it.” She sarcastically adds that he is the poster boy for honesty and ethics, and morality. Fern impatiently rolls his eyes. He stutters and then suddenly remembers he has something he must ask Lety about right now and runs out . Marcia winces and hisses “yeah, right!”

Fern rushes into Lety’s office, slamming open her door, then runs back to the lobby where he anxiously asks PM where Lety is. PM reports that she went out with Aldo. Fern and Alicia exclaim “What?!!” at the same time. He leaves and Sarah perceptively observes “Troy is burning.”

Aldo reminds Lety of the kiss in the ocean. Lety reasons with Aldo that a kiss is just a kiss. Aldo tells her that when she returned to D.F., he missed her and realized how much she means to him. He doesn’t care if she still loves Fern; she needs to know that he (Aldo) loves her. Lety is confused; so many women, why her, someone who to being with is ugly...? Aldo tells her to stop saying that. Lety adds that in any case, it doesn’t matter because she loves… Aldo tells her “no” and kisses hand. He asks her to let him fight to win her love. Just then Fern runs up to them yelling “Hey! Hey! Hey!” with a fierce look on his face.

Marcia tells Alicia that when she told Fern about Aldo, he went nuts. The look on his face showed that he was dying with jealousy, and he ran right off to find her. Alicia still thinks Tomas made it up. Marcia points out --with good reason -- that whether it’s true or not isn’t important. She observes that two men are in love with the same fea. What do they see in her? What is it about her?

Fern accuses Aldo of using the tacos-and-chalupas project simply to be near Lety. He calls him a trickster. Aldo retorts that Fern is “el burro ablando de orejas” (“the donkey talking about ears”… great variation on the black kettle adage!). Aldo points out that there is nothing wrong with wanting to be near Lety and that he is willing to yell out to the four winds his feelings for Lety. He proves this by turning in all directions as he yells “Let it be known to all of Conceptos that I love Leticia! I love Leticia!… I love…” Fern covers Aldo’s mouth and says he’s willing to do it too but she won’t believe him. He calls out “Love, love..” Aldo points out that he didn’t do it (because Fern never said Lety’s name like Aldo did) . Fern walks toward Aldo and punches Fern in the kisser.

Cuartel speculate about the PG’s vision of two men thinking about Lety. They guess that Aldo and Fern are the two men. They decide that it is very urgent, VERY URGENT, for them to figure out the truth.

Aldo tries to lead Lety away from Fern. Lety asks Aldo to wait, and begins to say something to Fern, but goes after Aldo again and this time it’s Aldo who gets punched in the face. They both grab her. Aldo says Fern’s only interest is his company. Fern tells Aldo to leave him and his… Lety alone. Aldo asks Fern how dare he feel he has the right to defend Lety. Aldo thinks they should let her decide, then knocks Fern to the ground again. Lety suggests to Fern that he leave. Fern says Lety is the president of the company, and she made commitment to him. Lety seems impactada by this.


Catastrofico – Catastrophic
Pera – Pear (as in, “a pear to eat”… not as in “a big pair
of bazoongas in a red satin corset”)
Canijo – Jerk

Mira el burro ablando de orejas - Look at the donkey talking about ears


Duelo de Pasiones, Thursday March 1 - A scorpion, a spider, and a dirty old man

Suddenly playing the jealous husband, Emilio asked Castulo why Thelma had visited him. Castulo said she wanted his help because was afraid of Gaspar.

Ever the rocket scientist, Emilio looked at Castulo, his underwear, and his rumpled bed, and concluded that Castulo was telling the truth. No wonder Orlando hates having this guy as his boss.

Next Emilio confronted Thelma, saying, "Castulo told me everything!" Thelma said guiltily that she could explain, then looked relieved when El Clueless One merely asked why she was afraid of Gaspar.

Thelma said, "This imbecile has me confused with a little doll, a fairy. I can't stand it," that he broke into her room etc., Emilio could ask his uncle if he didn't believe her.

She finished by saying she wasn't afraid for herself but for Emilio because Gaspar might hurt him. Unimpressed, as usual, Emilio left to go interrogate Gaspar. Fuming, as usual, Thelma told her singing Aunt Rebeca she was afraid Gaspar would tell Emilio everything.

At the cave: Luba told Alina that Alvaro wanted her to live at Edelmira's house of ill repute. They agreed that Alvaro had lost his judgement (that's one way of putting it). Alina said he was sick but she would save him by confronting him and opening his eyes! Ignoring Luba's protests, she ran out of the cave.

Meanwhile, Granillo was telling Edelmira that everyone knew that Flor del Campo was pure, virginal, immaculate! Edelmira accused him of exaggerating and said they would make a lot of money from Flor.

Carmen told Rosita and her father that Maximo was Santos's father. Rosita urged Carmen to tell Santos the truth. Her father and Carmen told her that wasn't a good idea. Rosita worried that father and son would kill each other.

Elsewhere, Marianita whined once more about not having a papa. Mariana said, "You are right. It would be better if Jose never existed." (QUE??) She promised Marianita she would have a father.

Marianita asked if Mariana would marry Dr. Fonseca, aka Ricardo, aka Dr. Love. Mariana said, "First I have to be his girlfriend so we can get to know each other. After that, we'll see." Later Mariana informed Dr. Love of her decision, saying, "We will see what happens in time." Dr. Love was hopeful.

In central America: The crime gang argued over how to prevent Jose from leading the authorities to them. Jacinto said they would rescue Jose. Felicia thanked him.

Working late, Elias told a co-worker he wanted to help "someone" (ie Soledad) without hurting someone else (ie Blanca), adding, "You never forget your first love."

Blanca later worried about whether Elias was with Soledad. (As if Alvaro would let Elias within a mile of her!!!) She found a handkerchief embroidered with the letter S among Elias's possessions and said, "Elias, you still love Soledad!"

Back at the cave: Gaspar, who had been sleeping, woke up and immediately started babbling about his muñequita. Luba gave him a drink, saying it was to warm him up, but thought, "Forgive me, son. I know how much you love this woman, but I can't let them kill you for her."

Gaspar reeled around a little, then passed out. Luba told herself, "With these herbs, he'll sleep a good while."

Meanwhile Alina, hurrying through the dark countryside on her way to confront her father, was stung on the shoulder by a scorpion. (Maybe that off-the-shoulder blouse wasn't the best fashion choice for someone who lives in a cave.) She slapped it off and continued on her way.

When she reached the hacienda, Sergio and his shotgun blocked her path, but Alvaro came outside and saw them.

Already feverish from her scorpion sting, Alina gasped, "Luba told me everything you're planning," that she couldn't put up with the mistreatment anymore, "Open your eyes! You need help! Your jealousy --" Suddenly she passed out. Don Loco told Sergio he would take care of her.

He carried the unconscious Alina to a bedroom at Edelmira's establishment. Edelmira examined her and said, "This girl is bad. She has a fever," but said she would cure her.

Don Loco warned her not to let Alina escape, adding, "Remember, this girl is not for sale." Edelina assured him that Alina would be an "eye taco" to her clients but nothing more.

After Don Loco left, Edelmira saw the scorpion sting mark on Alina's shoulder and called Granillo. He gave Alina a shot and told Edelmira she would be fine. Edelmira said she wanted to put Alina to work, then left the room.

Alina woke up and Granillo told her not to be afraid, to relax and rest. But after he left, Edelmira's customer Jeremias (the dirty old man who tried to attack Coral) sneaked into Alina's room and told her gloatingly, "I am your owner now, and you are going to be mine."

They struggled, Alina yelling, "Let go of me! Help, help!" And who should burst into the room to save her but Coral, who pulled Jermias off Alina and threw him onto the bed, yelling, "Leave her in peace!" Go, Coral!

Granillo arrived and Coral told him Jeremias was "abusing the girl." Saying Alina was sick, Granillo shoved Jeremias out of the room. Alina begged Coral to help her escape. Coral said it wouldn't be easy because Edelimira watched her girls very carefully. She told Alina, "Be patient, trust me," adding that Granillo would take care of her. Yeah, he's been doing a great job so far.

Meanwhile, at Valtierra hacienda: Angel, in bed, coughed and fretted. Nurse Susi assured him that his illness didn't make him less of a man, saying he had other qualities. Out of his earshot, she gave a lovelorn sigh and said, "Angel, if you knew."

Luba showed up to visit Angel, who asked anxiously if she had bad news, adding that the only thing that mattered to him was Flor. Worried about his coughing, Luba hesitated.

Susi came into the room. Seeing Angel's distress, she ordered Luba to leave. Racked by coughs, Angel pleaded, "Wait, please, tell me," but Luba left. Angel muttered to himself, "Alina, Flor." He asked Susi to go see Alina the next day. She agreed.

Walking through the dark, muttering to herself, Luba decided to go to Elias for help instead. She went to see Blanca, who told her Elias wasn't there. Luba said, "Flor is in grave danger and he has to save her."

Blanca and Luba agreed that Alvaro was loco and couldn't be permitted to keep abusing Alina. Blanca said she would confront Alvaro.

Emilio reached the cave and found Gaspar passed out cold. Too bad -- that would have been an interesting conversation. (Why is Emilio suddenly concerning himself about Thelma's problems, anyway? Too bad he doesn't spend this much time and effort on helping Alina.)

Meanwhile, Coral climbed into bed, not knowing that nobody was allowed to sleep in this episode. She soon jumped up, screaming, "A tarantula!" Listening in the hall, Castulo (who put the spider in her bed), rubbed his beard ruefully. He's not much of an assassin, is he.

Orlando ran in, picked up the spider with his bare hands, put it in a bowl, and carried it out. Very heroic, I must say. Poor Coral checked under the bed for more spiders. Orlando observed that it was strange that the spider got into the house.

After Emilio returned home and brushed Thelma off once again, she hissed to Singing Aunt Rebeca that Gaspar had to die.

Elias also went home and found Blanca waiting for him. No sign of Luba. Blanca told herself that Elias was too busy to leave work right now, so "I have to save Alina."

The next day: Don Loco whipped his men up against the road construction project while Elias listened and glared. Elias spoke up, saying, "I know why you're doing this! You want to isolate Soledad and continue torturing her without anyone finding out!" He added that Soledad was beautiful and Alvaro would lose her.

Alvaro said, "Soledad is beautiful, but she is mine. Don't say anything else about her," then went back to inciting his men.

Emilio visited Maximo, who guffawed that Gaspar believed Thelma was a fairy. Emilio remembered his conversation with Gaspar about his "little doll," but all he said to Maximo was, "Thelma, a fairy? This guy is crazy!"

After Emilio left, Maximo twirled his mustache and chuckled, "Ay, a fairy! This woman is bad, bad as the devil!"

Rosita talked to Santos, who was remarkably recovered from his accident the previous day. But I suppose that should be no surprise since Alina, Emilio, and Gaspar have all made miraculous recoveries from gunshot wounds. There must be something in the water in Sierra Escondida.

Coral told Orlando about Alina's latest plight. He replied, "I can save Flor." Coral said, "Tu???" which was rather insulting to Orlando, I thought.

Orlando pulled a petal from a flower arrangement in her room and sniffed it dramatically, then said, "Si, Coral. I love her and I am going to save her." Then he ate the petal! I guess he heard about Maximo's flower-kissing and wanted to out-villain him.

Rosita's father visited Maximo's office and said, "My daughter doesn't love you. She loves Santos." Too bad he didn't tell Maximo that long ago.

Maximo made his usual complaints about that starving Santos. Rosita's father replied that Maximo might be the boss, "but you can't be in charge of things in my daughter's heart." Maximo angrily ordered him out.

Blanca arrived at Edelmira's club and found the miraculously cured Alina cleaning tables.

Emilio returned to the cave. This time he found Gaspar awake. He asked Gaspar about Thelma, and Gaspar predictably said, "She is my little doll, the fairy I knew in the Devil's Cave."

But will Emilio the dimwit finally figure things out? Tune in tomorrow...

words/phrases from this episode:
lana = wool (slang for money)
juicio = judgement
a la venta = on sale
mandar = command, be in charge of


Acorralada #30 – Friday, 02/23/07

Studies in Obsession with Parental Identity

(Apologies for the late posting. Life got in the way.)

Diana drops the P-Bomb on Little Doormat again.

Silvia is still under Larry’s bed, but the bikini briefs have ceased to amuse. She’s getting annoyed. There’s a knock at the door and Yolanda enters. Larry’s rehearsing a slightly different calendar pose. Our Favorite Aunt tries to lure him down to dinner by telling him she’s invited Rene. I’m not sure how Rene qualifies as Larry-bait, but he doesn’t feel like it. It’s killing her, seeing him like this. That’s what he’d like, to die. We’ve heard all this before. Even Silvia’s had enough. On they go until Yolanda says “This marriage of yours was an act of madness,” at which point we get a close-up of Silvia kissing Larry’s underwear. Yolanda urges him, they almost leave, his cell phone rings. It’s Pilar. She’s back, she needs to see him.

At Casa Soriano Diana reminds us that she doesn’t want Max or Marfil finding out about her delicate condition. Gaby asks how Diana can raise a child all alone. For some reason it never occurs to her that Granny M raised two kids on her own. Maybe she’s aware that Diana’s not much smarter than she is. But I digress. Diana makes a little speech about the nobility of single mothers. Little Doormat gets misty-eyed and says she will help Diana take care of her little girl, and so will Granny M. They reprise “Don’t Tell Granny What You Know”.

At Casa Irazabal, Octavia tells Faux Marfil and Bruna they need to verify that the baby is really Max’s. Faux Marfil starts up and to be honest, kids, I just couldn’t listen. Bruna wants Diana’s address so they can pay her a visit, have a margarita, just be girls together. Okay, probably not. Octavia promises she’ll get the address that very morning.

Diana asks for the Virgin’s help. She’ll need it, because Diego just came to visit. They go over the whole proposal thing again. To her he’s like a brother. To him, she’s the woman he loves.

At Lala’s house, Gaby, Lala, Caramelo, Pancholón, and Granny Miguelina are sitting around making merry about the upcoming nuptials.

Casa Irazabal. It takes some doing but Pilar convinces Larry to meet her at an address we don’t get to hear. He hangs up and tía Yolanda asks if he was talking to Pilar. Larry admits it, and ever the boy to say too much, adds that they’ve got a date. Yolanda’s appalled and attempts to dissuade him. The Ill-Fated Boda is rehashed. Like me, Silvia’s getting antsy. Finally Yolanda tells Larry to sleep on it and they go down to dinner. Silvia, irrepressible madcap that she is, kisses Larry’s underwear again before she gleefully stuffs them in her purse.

Paola and Rene are getting ready for dinner. In other words, they’re getting their story straight. Rene is supposed to pass himself off as a straight-A undergrad. This, Paola reasons, will allay the family’s suspicions about her drug use. The fact that she thinks this will work tells us that Paola’s doing serious amounts of drugs. Enter Yolanda and Larry. Rene wastes no time telling Yolanda how beautiful she looks. Enter the Unholy Trinity, Octavia, Faux Marfil, and Bruna. Rene lays some more flattery on Octavia, kissing her hand for good measure. At the end of the line of Irazabal women, almost out of frame, Bruna shakes her head as if to say “Oh, puh-lease! Give me a freakin’ break.” Rene then steps back and remarks how beautiful all the women of the family are. Yolanda makes it clear that she really digs Rene.

Max and Emilio in a restaurant. Max is crabbing about stifled he feels in Casa Irascible. A ragamuffin with dirt makeup walks up with an armful of flowers for sale. The kid tells Max a sob story and Max gives the kid $200 without even buying anything. (Not that I blame him. Those bouquets look as if the prop manager had picked them up at Albertson’s on his way to work.) More jawing about the horrible wrong Diana did him.

We return to Casa Soriano. Close-up of the statue of the Virgin, with a votive candle burning and fresh silk flowers in the vase. Cue dramatic music. “Max will never know that I’m going to have a child by him.” Music swells. Diana sighs. That’s it. That’s the entire scene.

The close-up of Larry’s underwear tells us we are at Casa Sylvia. Camila has changed her white halter top for a black one with a tough, edgy pattern of zippers and chains. It’s not a change for the better, but still an improvement over the lime green thing that made her look like the Town Ho of Bedrock. Silvia has on a long, flame-red wig, a blue baby-doll dress, bright red stockings, and black go-go boots. Even though Camila doesn’t believe in Elsa the Mistress of the Occult Sciences, she’s peeved that Sylvia didn’t get Maxi’s underwear as well. Sylvia kisses Larry’s briefs again and rubs them against her cheek. Ooookay.

Diana at the sewing machine. The pink cammy and the pink plaid capris have been replaced. (Hmmm, my nine-year old niece had the exact same outfit, and she didn’t like it, either.) Now she’s wearing a long-sleeved red sweater and olive green hot-pants. This outfit is not cute. The doorbell rings. It’s Faux Marfil, who as also changed for the occasion. It’s a sassy, mixed-print little sundress, perfect for the beach, or pole-dancing. Faux Marfil checks out the apartment with a look of smug assurance. Diana is impactada.

Paco and Gaviota. Paco brings cups that actually contain coffee to the table. Gaviota says Granny M didn’t want to give anything up. Could she be hiding something? Paco suggests that maybe Gav is imagining it. Enter Caramelo in a sporty white tube dress. She’s ready to do some more trousseau shopping. Paco takes her out, Gaviota goes to the phone and dials.

Octavia is at her desk. She’s done filming her Charlie commercial and is ready for Studio 54. She’s now wearing a black polyester halter-top cut to the waist and sprayed with large white rhinestones. There are three spaghetti straps between her breasts that evidently serve a “lock and load” function. This flirty confection is attached to the black polyester trousers by a ring which provocatively frames her navel. Yowzah. Anyway, the phone rings. It’s Gaviota, just calling to let Octavia know she’s been thinking about her. Octavia’s cranky today. “Why are you calling me, garbage?” Gav tells Octav that she’s the one who’s garbage and there’s some rehashing of what Octavia put her through before Gaviota finally vows to destroy her. Octavia’s not impressed. She got rid of Gaviota once and she can do it again. Not this time – this time Gaviota will turn out to be more of a fiera and in the end, she’ll spit in Octavia’s face. Octavia’s still not impressed. Gaviota swears revenge one last time and hangs up. That went well. Octavia hangs up on her end, informing us that Gav can’t do a thing against her, she hasn’t got the strength or friends to help her, etc. She gets up and slithers around her desk. Octavia’s not afraid.

Back at Casa Soriano, Diana still hasn’t got over the shock of Faux Marfil standing in her humble living room. Faux Marfil is in Chihuahua mode here. She gets right to the point. She wants to know who the father is. Diana is too impactada to reply.

Yolanda comes out to the pool to catch up on her reading for the book club. They’re deep into Patterson’s When the Wind Blows. Rene is in the pool, but not for long. Out he comes to wow Yolanda in his canary-yellow swim trunks. Nothing says “Hot Beefcake” like canary-yellow swim trunks. Yolanda and Octavia are worried about Paola being a drug addict. Public Service Announcement. After telling Rene that he seems like a serious, responsible boy, she admits that she doesn’t know him well and asks if he’s a drug addict, too. Rene is impactado.

Faux Marfil is shaking Diana by the arm. Admit that Maximiliano’s the father! Diana shakes herself loose and denies it. How did Faux Marfil find out? “To defend my marriage, I’m capable of anything, even murder,” snarls Faux Marfil. Diana start up about how the baby has a father but Our Little Blonde Weasel isn’t interested. She could be Diana’s friend and ally, or her worst nightmare. Diana doesn’t get it. After an insulting preamble, Faux Marfil offers Diana money to disappear. Diana refuses. Once again she grabs Diana and demands to know the father’s name. Diana refuses and starts hustling her towards the door. They struggle, but my hopes for a cat fight are dashed. “Remember my words! I could be your worst nightmare!” Diana finally manages to throw her out.

Octavia and Max are in her office. She aks if he’s seen Diana again. Max says no. Look me in the eye, chides Mamacita. Don’t lie to me. Maximiliano tries a diversion. Why bring up memories? She doesn’t want to remind him of her, she just wants to know if he’s seen her again. Max looks her in the eye and says no. Octavia tells him she loves him and saunters to the doors. She strikes an alluring pose for him, then leaves. Max looks bewildered, as if uncertain of which subtext to give to the line: “Diana. Diana.”

Back Casa Irazabal, Rene’s lying like there’s no tomorrow. Yolanda’s buying it; she wants to believe him because he’s just so damn hot. Paola may seem worldly, Yolanda says earnestly, but really she’s just a child. Rene promises her he’ll look after Paola like his own sister. Enter the worldly child herself. She’s wearing a skankilicious leopard-print bikini. Paola and Rene invite Yolanda to put on her bikini and join them. No, no, she can’t, she says, flattered, laughing, embarrassed. Exit Yolanda. Rene says again what a babe tía Yolanda is. Paola pushes him into the pool.

Pilar is eating ice cream at a beachfront café. Larry has his Miami Vice Revival outfit on. Pilar starts right in. ‘I know why you hate me, don’t even want to see me, but I beg you to listen to me.” Pilar’s cock-and-bull story is even better than Dr. Evil’s. Kique did something to her, used some kind of witchcraft on her. He gave her a drink the day before the wedding and it did strange things to her, completely took away her will. Even Lunkhead Larry isn’t buying that. Admit that you love Kique more than me, he says. Pilar’s tearful. “I swear I love you, I can beg forgiveness on my knees” Larry responds by shedding the GTTD. (This is a midshot; no doubt the producer knows a close-up Larry with the GTTD would bear an eerie resemblance to a Keane painting, or a Precious Moments figurine.) Then he tells Pilar he’s married.

Faux Marfil enters Octavia’s office. Lady O inquires how the visit went. Faux Marfil is still in Chihuahua mode but the crack is wearing off some, thank God. She crabs about Diana’s attitude during their brief encounter. After some prompting by Octavia. Faux Marfil says she couldn’t get Diana to confess but she’s sure the baby is Max’s. She adds that Diana seems determined to keep Max from finding out. They have to keep this under wraps, it would be catastrophic if he found out, he’d divorce Marfil. What’s an Evil Sex Kitten to do? "Pay her to go away." Faux Marfil offered, but Diana refused. Octavia doesn’t like this. They have to do something, and soon, before Max finds out, otherwise…Enter Max. He’s not happy to see his bleating bride in Mamacita’s office. What’s she doing there? Close-up of Faux Marfil trying to think up a plausible excuse.

Now Gaviota pays Diana a visit. It’s just one vengeful woman after another at Casa Soriano today. They sit on the couch and Diana blends right in, like a chameleon camaflouging itself. Gaviota asks how her parents died. Well, now that Gav mentions it, she’s confused about that. (No surprises there. She’s easily confundida.) She’d been told they’d died in an accident, but about a month ago a neighbor from the barrio told her that her mother was in jail. Gaviota is impactada. Diana then asked Granny, but Granny became very nervous and denied it and said the neighbor was a gossip. Diana, however, has a feeling that the neighbor is right. Gav tells her that she needs to find out.

Back at the beach, Larry repeats that he’s married. He gives her the Reader’s Digest Condensed version, but Pilar wants details. Who’s the lucky girl? How could you do this to me? Larry’s taken aback. To you? You’ve got some nerve. Rehash of Wedding Humiliation. Pilar turn it back on him: “If you married that soon it’s because you don’t love me.” Larry begs to differ. “On the contrary, I loved you too much.” (Melancholy violin music. I note that Larry uses “quise”, giving that statement a finality that “quería” lacks.) He married out of desperation. He tried to forget her in another woman’s arms. Pilar asks if he succeeded. No, it all went badly. He couldn’t forget Pilar. She insists on knowing know who the little missus is.

We return to Octavia’s office. Faux Marfil claims she was out shopping and dropped in for a surprise visit. Lady O gives Max the afternoon off to take his wife out to a nice restaurant. What a great idea, Faux Marfil crows. Max demurs, he has too much work. Go, Octavia urges, Emilio can pick up the slack. No. Faux Marfil reprises her chicken imitation by way of protest. Max gets as annoyed as I do. “Enough! No more scenes!” Close-up of Octavia looking pensive, calculating. Close-up of Faux Marfil pouting.

At Casa Soriano, Gaviota tells Diana that they have to find out if her mother is still in jail. Diana, unsurprisingly, has no clue where to start. Somber piano music drowns out something she says about giving birth in jail. I’m just venturing a guess here, but I think she’s opposed to the idea.

Casa Irazaba, poolside. Loud music, with the band chanting “Fiera…Fiera…Fiera”. We get a midshot of Paola, probably to include maximum cleavage in that minimal bikini. The phone rings. She gets up and struts over to the table while the band sings “Fiera…They call you Fiera” I think we get it: Paola + leopard bikini = one hot fiera. It’s our old friend Pancho. They engage in witty banter charged with sexual innuendo, mostly double-entendres about bombones. They make a date to meet at 9:00 so Pancho can “eat his bombón”. Rene gets out of the pool. He’s not keen on the idea of Paola hooking up with Pancholón. Why that naco? Her answer is a salacious purr: “He’s the primitive type, and that’s verrry exciting”. Then she pushes Rene back in the pool.

The beachside café again. Larry, in answer to Pilar’s question from the previous scene, proves that he’s as much a gentleman as he is a scholar. His wife’s name doesn’t matter. Pilar, in a fine display of hypocrisy, says he doesn’t know how much it hurts to think that he gave his kisses and caresses to another woman. Once again Larry reveals that the marriage hasn’t been consummated. (Why doesn’t he just rent a billboard so everyone will know?) Pilar asks where this mujercita lives. The “marriage” only lasted two days. Exit Larry. Pilar jumps up and cries out “Larry, don’t leave!” in a distraught voice, but by the time she sits back down, her recovery from this emotional trauma is complete and she’s smiling to herself. She’ll win him back. But first she needs to find that moron he married. Things aren’t looking so good for Little Doormat.

Gaby and Diana are speculating on how Faux Marfil could have known that Diana’s embarazada. Gaby has a flash of intelligence and suggests Dr. Evil. Diana tells her about Faux Marfil’s bribe. Gaby’s moment of sagacity proves to be brief. She thinks Diana should marry Diego to give her baby a father.

Max, asleep in bed. He’s shirtless and alone. Apparently Luscious Little Bro isn’t the only one with well-rehearsed calendar poses. Max is having a nightmare about Diana, alone in a fog, with a baby in her arms. She’s having hysterics. He wakes up crying out “NO!” His shapely, heaving man-boobs glisten with sweat. Yolanda runs in, turns on the light. Max tells her about the nightmare and asks her what it could mean.

Lala’s house. Gaby has decided to pay a visit to Diego. There are no prizes for guessing why. She drops the P-Bomb on Diego, who is impactado. Commmercial.

Diego loses it. He raves on about Max. But Max doesn’t know, he’ll never find out, Gaby says. (Let’s see how many characters are in on the secret so far: Gaviota, Gaby, Diego, Faux Marfil, Bruna, Octavia, Dr. Evil, and Andrés. Max and Granny M. can’t be far behind.) Diego wants Max to do the honorable thing and take responsibility for the child. But he’s married, he’s not going to get a divorce, especially after all the lies going around about Diana. Little Doormat doesn’t want to see to her sister all alone, with a baby in her arms. (This Outcast Madonna image is becoming a recurring one) And that’s where Diego comes in. “Who, me? You want me to be responsible for this child? Nothing would make me happier, but Diana sees me as a brother, not a man.” “So convince her.” Little Doormat makes no connection between this conversation and the one she had earlier with Nancy.

Gaviota’s dressing room. Paco is sitting there as Gaviota comes in. (Do we ever get to see Gaviota perform?) She fills a shot glass with whiskey, or maybe tequila. Just because the mother of las hermanas Soriano might be in jail doesn’t mean that Gaviota is their mother, says Paco. Gav astutely observes it doesn’t mean that she’s not.

At Casa Irazabal, Max and Larry are in the bedroom. Max is wearing yet another bathrobe. He must have quite a collection. “Pilar’s a phony. She’s worthless.” He sits down next to Lil’ Abner, I mean Lil’ Bro, and the rest of the scene is in close-up. Problem is, Larry still loves Pilar. And if Diana turned out to be innocent, would Max forgive her? Dr. Evil didn’t lie. She’s got a trial pending. Neither of those women is worth anything. Larry’s confused, poor lamb. Max tells him to forget Pilar for his own good.

Faux Marfil listens at the door and thought-bubbles: “That’s what I want, Maximiliano, that you forget Diana forever.”

Diana and Gaby. Diana is not at all happy about Gaby’s well-intentioned but stupid little intrigue. Little Doormat had no right to blab her secret like that. “Were you hoping he’d marry me?” she asks. “You know I don’t love him.” Completely forgetting all her earlier promises of support, Gaby gets all moral on her. You can’t just think of yourself, you have to think of your child. It’s not fair that he doesn’t have a father. This leaves Diana impactada.

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