Thursday, October 04, 2007
Amar Sin Limites #56, Wednesday 10-3: Fiera vs. Fiera
Back at Eva's terrace: Eva informs Ivan that from now on Diego will be her chauffeur/bodyguard and Ivan should teach Diego everything he needs to know about security. Show of hands: How many people would like that to include shirtless martial arts training? Just checking. For now, though, Eva tells Ivan that Diego is checking to see that Perez-Castelar is actually working on freeing the guy unfairly accused of killing Abuelo. Ivan seems surprised that Eva would approve of that.
Jail: Diego tells Piero he only got him a lawyer because of Lidia. Diego's sure Piero didn't do it. Piero suggests that if his ex-non-wife could accuse him without proof, perhaps Diego could accuse the person he thinks actually did kill Paco. Diego refuses. Piero tells Diego that he already has a lawyer, Perez-Castelar, who Mauricio sent. Now Diego believes Eva about the lawyer. Piero tells Diego he'll stick with Perez-Castelar because he doesn't want to owe Diego anything. Diego tells Piero he hopes he gets out, but if he ever hurts Lidia….Yeah, try that again after you've had some training from Ivan and ditched the sweater and we'll see if it's any more convincing.
Hospital: Mauricio's doctor is telling GSD and Leo that they're still stumped about what Mauricio's got. He wonders if either of them could tell him how Mauricio caught the disease. Heh, GSD's been lobbying for that information for weeks now (in TV time anyway) and still hasn't gotten it. GSD says they're still working on the answer to that question. Doc tells them he'll have to make a report to the health authorities and GSD agrees he should do that. Doc leaves. Leo is not happy about the reporting thing and reminds GSD that Eva won't like it either. GSD is unconcerned, and he thinks it will get more people involved in looking for a cure, but also that once the authorities find out about all the shifty stuff going on, they'll protect "us" (I guess he means Mauricio, Leo, GSD, and Azul?). Leo says he's only thinking about Azul and not worrying about the consequences, but GSD reminds her he's also concerned about her and Mauricio and all the people who could get sick with this disease. I'm going to give it a name…Melodramitis. GSD tells Leo to think of all the people who could die if Melodramitis spreads worldwide. Leo looks like she's trying to remember what her face is supposed to look like if she wants to look like she gives a damn.
Eva's terrace: Burgay calls Eva to tell her Doc is asking too many questions. Eva gets off the phone and tells Ivan they've got to go resolve this thing. Ivan looks like he's thinking "Can't we just kill them all?" She tells Ivan to have Diego meet them at the hospital. Ivan tries to snark about Diego needing to be around if he's going to be Eva's "bodyguard" but Eva nips that right in the bud. Ivan looks pouty, but, you know, in a really manly, I-could-kill-you-without-breaking-a-sweat kind of way.
Hospital: Azul is sitting in one of the lobby areas when Ceci comes in with Caty. Caty wants to see her dad, but she wants Azul to take her to the park nearby to buy something for him. Azul agrees, but Ceci says she can't go with them--she needs to go to work. Azul gets all pouty because she has so much to talk to Ceci about, but Ceci says she doesn't want to lose this job. Ceci's a better woman than I am--she didn't say, "I don't want to lose this job on account of you like I lost the last one." Azul and Caty are off to the park. Ceci runs into Andres and accepts his offer to take her to work. Awww, I see that "friendship" thing is working out for them so far.
Jail: Perez-Castelar tells Piero that it's Eva Santoro he should be grateful to, not Mauricio, and he'll get Piero out of jail on the following conditions: (a) he leaves Lidia, (b) he gets back together with his ex-non-wife, and (c) he can't tell anybody that was the deal. And no, he may not have any information about why this is the deal. Piero is understandably confused.
Hospital: Eva and Ivan find GSD and Leo in one of the many waiting areas. Eva wants to know what information GSD gave the doctors. He says it was just what was necessary to save Mauricio's life. Eva informs him they have to fix that error by getting Mauricio out of the hospital ASAP. Azul comes up, having heard the last bit, and she and Eva play a round of "Whose is bigger?" over whether or not Mauricio will be taken out of the hospital. Diego joins the group in time to hear Azul swear that she'll keep them away from Mauricio. Eva feigns amused disbelief and Diego looks brooding. Commercials. When we come back, Eva's asking what authority Azul has. Diego helpfully, if grouchily, says Azul is Mauricio's fiancée. Azul agrees that on her authority as fiancée, she'll be the one making the decisions around here. Eva laughs that Azul is so far from being able to make decisions, all she should do for the moment is "acatar" (comply with) them (I'm assuming by "them" she means "the ones I make"). Azul declares that Eva better check herself, because she still doesn't know what Azul's capable of (ummm, making bad decisions, believing people's lies, breaking up with Diego repeatedly, pouting…no I'm pretty sure she knows Azul's capable of all that). Azul grabs Caty (who was apparently standing behind everyone throughout all this) and says "let's go, you don't have to hear this." Ivan starts to go after her, but Eva stops him, saying this is a woman-to-woman thing. Poor Ivan, he's a badass, but even he can't spontaneously change sex. He looks disappointed. Diego looks grim. Leonarda looks like she'd like to have an expression, but the Botox froze her eyebrows up like that permanently.
Jail: Piero still doesn't understand why Eva wants him to leave Lidia and go back to his ex-not-wife and Perez-Castelar is still not answering him. There's mention of Piero not wanting to go back to Spain because he has "cuentos pendientes" (unfinished business) there too. Perez-Castelar gives him the hard sell. I think this guy tried to sell me and Mr. 5ft a time share apartment once. We barely got out with our lives. Piero is not so lucky. He finally agrees to leave Lidia, but tries to weasel out of going back to Lucia (e-n-w). Perez-Castelar tells him there's no negotiating with Eva--you take the full package.
Casa Moran: Lidia is telling Mama and Papa about her visit to the hospital. She says she left a message with Leo and Andres and Papa says she done good. Mama disagrees and says Diego won't like it. Well, ok, but that's hardly a sound argument.
Hospital: GSD explains to Eva that Azul is upset because she "found out" the truth about Mauricio's illness, by accident, when he and Leo were talking to Doc. Eva says she understands Azul's attitude, but GSD needs to get her to back off if he wants to keep being able to look for a cure for her. Eva says she's going to go find a way to fix this mess.
Caty and Azul come into Mauricio's room with a big bunch of blue and silver Mylar balloons. That's cute, actually. Sometimes I almost find myself liking the moppet…but then she speaks and it's all over again. She wants Mauricio to, like, hurry up and get better already, but in the meantime she weasels her way into staying at Azul's place. GSD and Leo come in and GSD tells Mauricio he's looking better. Mauricio says he just woke up that morning feeling better. Azul points out there are too many of them in the room and GSD says he needs to talk to her, so the two of them leave Leo and Caty with Mauricio. Oddly, though, after they leave Caty seems to disappear. Leo pulls up a chair and fills in Mauricio about Eva wanting to move him and Azul fighting with her. She also tells him Azul called herself Mauricio's fiancée in front of Diego. Screw the balloons, Mauricio likes that present much better.
Out in the waiting area, GSD tells Azul she shouldn't get into it with Eva. Azul, however, is only concerned about what Diego thought. Allegedly, GSD taught Azul that nothing is more important than a human life (which, of course, is why he chain smokes) so she's just sticking up for Mauricio since he's too weak to do it himself. GSD says if anything happens to her, he'll die. Azul tells him that she's determined to make sure Caty keeps her dad because she needs him, just like Azul needs GSD. Awww.
Eva and Diego go to the waiting area outside Dr. Linares' office (the doctor who's been treating Mauricio). Eva needles Diego about how Azul stuck up for Mauricio. Diego doesn't want to talk about her. Eva questions whether Diego would have done his job and defended her from Azul, but Diego says that even in the line of duty, he won't disrespect Azul or any other woman. Ivan comes up to tell Eva that Dr. Linares is on his way. She asks Ivan to let her know when Azul leaves Mauricio's room. She needs to speak to him and with his FIANCÉE there she won't be able to do it. Emphasis on fiancée is hers, not mine. She's really enjoying this far too much.
Julio's boutique: Andres is walking Ceci in to work. She's gabbing about Azul and Mauricio, but Andres wants to talk about "us". *swoon* He thinks they're getting along much better as "friends". Ceci says she wants to do what she's never done in a previous relationship. Andres is willing to do whatever she wants. She wants to have a long "friendship" and get to know him little by little. She pokes at his cut lip, which for some reason makes them both giggly.
Hospital: Eva and Diego are still waiting for Dr. Linares. Eva wants to know if the confusion about Perez-Castelar was cleared up. Diego says Mauricio's the one who sent him to defend Piero, but he's confused about why Mauricio and Eva would share a lawyer. Eva says he's a good lawyer and she once recommended him to Mauricio and no, she doesn't care if he works for them both. She asks Diego to leave so she can speak to Dr. Linares alone, but she doesn't like it when he says "yes, boss". She reminds him he has to stick close by now that he's her bodyguard and her life is in his hands. Diego leaves and Eva says that her life really does depend on him more than he thinks.
Casa Moran: Mama tells Lidia she should go visit her hubby in jail, but Lidia's all "jail? Gross!" Mama gives her the "Stand By Your Man" speech and says if she's going to go around saying she supports her husband, she'd better do it in deeds, not just words. Lidia looks unconvinced.
Hospital, and a scene in which Azul and Leo actually get along: Azul lets Leo know Caty's in the room. Leo passes on the message from GSD that he's gone to visit Tia Inés. Azul's going to go do the same, after she finds a nurse to give her something for all the crappiness she's feeling…why, she thinks she may even be running a slight fever. Azul asks Leo to stay there and guard Mauricio. She wonders if Eva has left and Leo says she thinks so.
Dr. Linares' office: Eva tells him her company has invested a lot of time and money researching Mauricio's illness. She wants to move him out of the hospital and that way poor Dr. L can avoid having to do all that nasty reporting paperwork. Besides, he gave Mauricio a transfusion before making the report and, oh, won't that make things even messier?
One of the many waiting rooms: Leo is on the phone to Andres, giving him an update, but Andres is barely listening because he's at Julio's boutique with Ceci. Leo asks where he is and says "brillas por tu ausencia" (you are conspicuous by your absence). She tells him to get back there right away and he hangs up on her mid-sentence. Ceci makes a face as he gets off the phone and he tells her he has to get back to the hospital. Ceci asks him not to disappear on her and he says he's going to come find her later…he wouldn't want to lose this wonderful "friendship". He gives her a kiss with the un-bruised side of his mouth and leaves.
Julio's boutique: Ceci comes in, to Gaspar's surprise. She tells him Azul has been sick, with what no one knows, but she refuses to rest so…. Gaspar says he hopes Azul gets better and Ceci gets to work! But in a nice way.
Dr. Linares' office: He'll let Mauricio leave, as long as Eva takes responsibility. She says she'll set him up in a house close by and pay Dr. L to keep an eye on him. Then she offers him a job with the company and says all he's got to do is keep his mouth shut. Dr. L is considering it. (I had typed "keep his mouth shot", but shhhhh…don't tell Dr. L his life is now in danger, he'll figure it out soon enough.)
Hospital hallway: Azul bums something off a nurse for pain and fever. It's not clear whether she actually takes it, as she sees Diego and has to go find him to tell him Eva's a bad, bad woman. Diego's like, whatever, you don't get to tell me what to do. Ivan's standing in the hallway watching them. Diego tells her she's out of his life and Eva has only tried to help him--whereas Azul broke her promise and got back together with Mauricio. Diego says he's staying with Eva. Commercials. Ivan leaves the hallway. Diego says he's going to stay by Eva's side "in everything". Azul weeps that he needs to understand, blah, blah, blah. He says she's not going to get him away from Eva. Azul asks when he sold himself to Eva. Diego pushes her up against the wall and says he did it when she went back to Mauricio. Lots of heavy breathing. He backs off and says the marriage is a good business arrangement for her and she slaps him. He pushes her back up against the wall (hello, security? This place is as bad as Telemiami General!) and there's more heavy breathing.
Outside Dr. Linares' office: Eva tells Ivan that Dr. L will let Mauricio be moved and won't report his illness to the authorities. She says he might help them out, but if he becomes a liability Ivan gets to take care of him. Ivan looks giddy at the prospect. Eva wonders where Diego is and Ivan fills him in. Just about him being with Azul, though, since he wasn't around to see the heavy breathing.
Hallway: Diego tells Azul not to lay a hand on him again; she replies she'll hit him harder next time. She says she understands his relationship with Eva now: she pays him too much money and has given him a job he's not qualified for. Diego tells her she's lost him and one day she'll be sorry. He's going to make lots of money and one day he'll be able to buy what Mauricio bought--a woman like Azul. Azul says he's the one who's going to be sorry one day. Azul leaves and Diego smacks the wall in frustration, and then leans against it breathing hard. I bet his ambition is to one day play Heathcliff. He's really working on the tortured brooding.
Julio's boutique: Ceci is showing a dress to a customer when Arnaldo walks in. Gaspar wonders why he's there since Julio wasn't expecting him. Gaspar calls Arnaldo on coming by to surprise Julio--he says if you want to avoid unpleasant surprises, you should always call ahead. Arnaldo wants to know if Julio's seeing someone else. Gaspar doesn't think so, and he also wouldn't lie to Arnaldo. Arnaldo wants to know if Gaspar would let him know if Julio was cheating on him and Gaspar wonders if Arnaldo would put him in that position. Arnaldo points out that Julio went out for dinner last night with someone and now coffee with that same someone. Gaspar says that doesn't mean anything. Ceci, that metiche (busybody) wants to know what's going on. Arnaldo says Gaspar already answered his question. Hm, do you get the feeling Julio cheated on Arnaldo before and that's why they broke up the first time? Either that or Arnaldo thought he was cheating and made a big stink about it, as members of the Toscano family are wont to do.
Café: Julio and Burgay are talking business again. Julio still doesn't want the offer. Burgay says he's got a better offer: he'll give Julio however much money he wants and in exchange, Julio hires a certain person to work in the boutique. Julio assumes it's Burgay's boyfriend, but Burgay explains he's representing a rich woman. Burgay says whatever sum of money Julio needs, he can have it right away. Julio looks doubtful.
Mauricio's hospital room: Caty and Leo are leaving as Eva is coming in. Eva tells Mauricio he's got to get Azul to back off. Plus he's being moved to a house nearby. Mauricio doesn't want to leave his house, but Eva reminds him it's not really his. She tells him he's worth more to them alive than dead, but just for now.
Inéz hospital room: Azul laments that she'd been so busy with Mauricio that she forgot about her poor, beloved Tia Inéz. GSD says they should go, all this emotion is bad for her. She complains about Diego being with Eva. GSD says Diego seems like an honest person. Azul says he's on the side of "that woman" who infected Mauricio and threatened to infect Caty. GSD asks if that's what Mauricio told her. He has a worried and/or suspicious look on his face. Azul cries that this guy who she thought was "different" turned out to be a "patán" (a guy who will do whatever to get what he wants, but tries to come off looking like a gentleman) with no scruples.
Tomorrow: more Fiera-on-Fiera action, or so we're promised.
Labels: amar
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Destilando 10/3: "Really, Sofia, you'd better stop lending my things to your brother."
Rod repeats his Oscar-winning crying scene, in shuddering gasps telling Dani he needs an exorcism, he must drive Gaviota from his soul so he can leave her in peace and also not end up in a straitjacket himself. He says he doesn't want to stalk her and fight with her. He snarls YET AGAIN about Dr. Blondie's luggage. "This was the worst day of my life - I was ridiculous, I was such a dummy, I'm falling into a bottomless pit, I'm going crazy, please help me." [If this was the worst day of his life, he's been awfully lucky. -- Ed.]
Daniela's choreographer had recommended psychologist Dr. Erika, who in fine telenovela style is a babe, to treat the tortured sex-deprived manchild.
So Dani goes to see Rod at his office next morning (greeting Aaron, who's smirking at what a mess Rod is, as "the most sinister member of the family").
Rod, all rumpled and hungover (getting a lot of work done no doubt) shouts he won't see the shrink after all (he waits till Dani has Dr. Erika on the phone, of course, so she hears the whole thing) - Dani is annoyed - he says, "well, I won't see her in an office, because I'm not just any regular kind of guy and I don't like rules." [Are you Rod Rangerettes STILL liking him?] Dr. Erika agrees to see him, instead, at 8 that night at a fancy restaurant.
The odd spasm of jealousy which caused Elvis to say Adios the other night is over. He comes back into the room (still in the same shirt so it hasn't been long), asks Daniela's pardon, and they embrace in mutual distress over poor Rodrigo.
What's the name of that high-rise where Rod and Isa live, Basurio? I always misread it basura, garbage. So in the House of Garbage Frankie is drinking his rosé wine (because he's tired of the champagne Isa is always offering) and she is chugging the champagne (cause she's drinking for two). He says he has to go back to the missus cause it's 11:00. Isa wheedles him into staying longer. He (cymbal crash) drops his tie in the corner just before he leaves.
Hilario and two of his dames are sitting in some coffeehouse, he doesn't want to go home because San Juana is there. They warn him he won't be quit of her by making her angry. Cut to her, angrily stuffing his half of the dinner into her gullet and saying in the end she will be mistress of his bones. (It sounds sort of scary in English.) Hil's boss Cassandra (who also would like to be mistress of his bones) calls and SanWanna gives her a pointless earful.
And now to dispose of Gaviota, Clara, Dr. Blondie, and the placid herd of rich international investors. Clara is nervous, wondering if - after the previous night's debacle - Rod will show up to take her to the airport. Gav is sure he will, but Roman shows up instead and informs us all that Rod has gone back to the city and that he, Roman, has been charged with taking Clara to the airport.
However, she decides to go with the investormobile instead (Dr. Blondie invited her).
Gav is impactada - "He left, he left!" she thought bubbles (I know Ferro is very fond of these moments of crystalline obviousness).
The herd crosses the plains to Teuchitlán, which is very pretty, and gets yet another Chamber of Commerce moment. [BTW I've seen similar 'sacred ball fields' in Puerto Rico. They are not impressive in the slightest, in fact the guards at the gate couldn't keep from cracking up at the idea we were going to pay good money to see them. --Ed.]
At the herd's last stop, CRT (I believe those might be real, actual CRT bureaucrats making cameo appearances, they appear so stiff and false), Gaviota decides: "If Rod believes Aaron rather than me about that damn luggage, then he doesn't really love me."
Elsewhere, Sofia yells at Francisco for being so late coming home last night, no doubt he was with his "panther." He says, "Sofia, mon cherie, you know you're the only woman in my life, in future I'll be home at 11..." (seeing the unplacated look on her face...) "... 10..." she yells, "NINE O'CLOCK AND NOT A MINUTE LATER!!"
Daniela enters, asks Francisco to leave so she can talk to her sister, and pleads that (at least while Rod is blubbering insanely) Sofia be an ally to her brother rather than to Minerva and Isa. He needs peace and less pressure, Sofia should talk Isa down out of her Amazonian frenzies of jealousy and castigation.
So off Sofia goes to do just that. When she rings the bell Isa rushes around to hide the champagne bottles etc. Hearing about Rodrigo's increased instability and woe, Isa of course wants to go on about Gaviota. She shamelessly thunders: "How would you feel if your husband Francisco were to be involved with another woman? But if you think the shrink can pry my husband out of Gaviota's clutches, I'll support this plan."
Then - cymbals crash - Sofia finds the tie. Isa says it must be Rod's; however, that obviously won't fly because it's expensively embroidered with Frankie's initials. "Well, you certainly don't think I was alone with your husband, do you?? He must have forgotten it here that night we dames were so drunk." "...the first, and last, time for me..." reminisces Sofia... who, then, icy and stricken, mutters that she has to go pick up Frankie's special delectable tidbits and stalks out.
Isa calls Frankie, who is sleeping and hence misses the point of her hysterical report. "Oh, my special green silk tie has been found? Thank goodness, it was so expensive!"
He is sleeping yet again, with cucumbers on his eyes, when Rod bursts into the room. At first Frankie thinks he's about to get separated from his family jewels - in every sense - because surely Rod has found out about his dalliances with Isa - but no, Rod has just come to yell about the two little hotties who were asking about Frankie - in a very familiar way - yesterday on the plaza. Rod says he'll kill Frankie if he ever betrays Sofia, and leaves. Frankie is relieved.
Isa paces until Belisario, maybe he's the building superintendant, answers her summons. She asks for a bunch of phone numbers and clearly has some ass-covering maneuver in mind. It will be revealed in some subsequent episode.
"Where's the chauffeur? I certainly can't be expected to carry these bags!" Yes, it's Frankie! Waiting impatiently for Sofia to return so they can get to the airport... She arrives with a threatening look...
This is his finest hour! What an experienced bluffer he is! He yells at her for being late! She asks if he's been missing a tie. "Why, yes, a special green silk one, I think the employees here can't be trusted"
She pulls it out of her bag. "Oh mon petit fleur, thank goodness! It's such a special expensive tie, 200 Euros, it would be so hard to get it duplicated!"
She asks why it was behind Isa's sofa on the ground! He says, "My special tie, 200 Euros, on the Ground!?? Really, it's TOO bad of you, it's your fault, after all, you're in charge of taking care of my special things! So you better stop lending my special things to your brother! Be more careful in the future!"
Frankie exits, wincing as he ostentatiously picks up some small item to carry out to the car. "Careful, don't wreck your manicure," warns Dani on the way in. She tells Sofia, "Now that we're really sisters again, you can count on me any time." They embrace.
And it's night-time, and Rod and Dr. Erika meet at the restaurant.
Tomorrow: more of the same.
Labels: Destilando
Acorralada Separated at Birth
Sharon in the manicomio? . . . v. Sissy Spacek in Carrie!
I was watching Sharon attack Fedora, and I was struck by the resemblance. The blue hospital gown really completed the picture.
Labels: acorralada
Oh, my god, these are even funnier
Labels: acorralada
Special treat for Acorralada fans
Labels: acorralada
10/1 Juan Querendon
Paula tells Marely that she is going to meet with Monica to try to save Juan's job as well as her own. She says that she know that Monica has a lot of influence over CL.
Pastor and Ivonne are talking about CL's personnel house cleaning plans. Pastor says he is going to try to save Juan and Paula from getting axed. Ivonne asks why he would want to save Paula, his competition? He said it behooves him to have her there because when she dumps Juan, he is certain that Juan will run to his arms. Ivonne calls him a masochist.
CL calls Paula extension right as she is leaving for lunch. Marely picks up the phone and he grills her about who she went to eat with, how long ago did she leave, etc. Marely stays mum and says she will let her know that he called. He says not to tell her that he called.
Paula tells Juan that she is going to have lunch with Monica to try to save their jobs. He tells her that Monica is very fond of her and that will help Paula. Juan thought bubbles that at that moment, he could care less about the job, but was more touched that Paula would go to such lengths to save him.
Juan and Paula arrive at the restaurant. He tries to accompany her inside, but she tells him to come back for her later. He looks disappointed, but she explains that she and Monica are going to talk about girl stuff. He does some more thought bubbling and pictures the two ladies talking about him and debating what his sexiest attributes are. :)
Pastor goes to talk with CL. CL asks if Paula and Juan's last paychecks are ready. Pastor tells him he is making a mistake getting rid of them. CL is bummed that Paula replaced him with a mere chauffeur. Pastor uses his "pastor-logic" to try to persuade CL. He tells CL to do the opposite of everything he has done so far and do the opposite of what he feels like doing.
Monica sees Juan outside the restaurant and invites him to join them. He declines and says he will see her later.
Pastor plants the seed in CL's head that perhaps Paula and Juan are not really involved and asks for proof. CL explains that the looked mighty cozy at his house and looked like a couple.
Juan is in the parking lot doing some more thought bubbling.
Paula and Monica are talking about Paula's relationship with Juan. She is talking about how Juan awakened new sensations in her, how she never knew herself until she met Juan, etc, etc.
Pastor and CL are still discussing the possibility that Paula and Juan are in cahoots to make it appear that they have a romance and that Paula invented it to make CL pay for his lies. He looks like he is buying it.
Back at the restaurant, Paula is still yapping about how wonderful Juan is. [I wish she'd get to the point already]
Juan is still in the parking lot and still thought bubbling...
Pastor (a.k.a. the puppet master) is explaining that Paula and Juan are playing everyone so they in turn should play them and flip the script. He tells CL to let them keep their jobs.
Paula finally gets to the point and tells Monica that her relationship with Juan is causing them trouble at the corporation. She explains that CL feels that she is jeopardizing the image of the corporation by having a romance with the chauffeur. She says that she does not want Juan to lose his job. Monica says she is sorry about that as well, but does not offer to help.
Mama Cachon goes to pick up Yadira. Yadira refuses to go.
Paula exits the restaurant and tells Juan that things did not go as planned and that Monica did not offer to help. He tells her not to worry. She tried and that they will find a "fatter hog" (i.e. better jobs) She says she wishes she had his optimism, goes into some labor market information and how great the conditions are at Farrell. He tells her not to worry.
Pastor is telling Ivonne what a wonder puppet master he is and how he planted the seed of doubt in CL's membrane about the legitimacy of Paula and Juan's relationship. He is pretty pleased with himself. Ivonne congratulates him on his handiwork and asks how he does it.
Yadira and her mama are talking about why she left the house and what a dumb move that was. Yadira expresses her unhappiness about being controlled and is tired of her mother's watchful eye. Nidia tells her not to pressure Enrique so much. She gives her daughter some advice about pursuit and capture.
Nidia tells her to not chase and the best thing she can do is go home with her.
CL requests to see Juan in his office. Juan enters and CL tells him that the office has been all abuzz with rumors that he is going to fire him because of his relationship with Paula. Juan reminds him of their conversation in which CL told him to be prepared to suffer the consequences. Juan says that he is ready. CL said that when he said consequences, he didn't mean he was going to fire him. He says that he is going to help him and Paula.
Marely tells Paula not to worry.
CL tells Juan that since he does not have the same status as Paula so he is going to promote him to an executive position. Juan asks what are the strings? CL says no strings.
Pastor is on pins and needles waiting to hear what CL decided. Juan tells him that he is going to stay. Pastor is muy feliz. Pastor tells Juan that it was his idea, Juan summizes that CL is not sincere, but will continue to stay there nonetheless.
Juan tells Paula the good news that CL has offered to help them out and that he is going to have a new position within the compay. She looks muy impactada.
Labels: Juan
Acorralada #180003 Monday and Tuesday 10/1 and 10/2 4 down and 3 to go by my count . . . will this ever end?
Monday, we see that Emilio and Caramelo get married finally. They have their civil ceremony, and they're going to meet Paco in PR to have their church ceremony.
Everyone is trying to push Max and Diana together. There is a funny scene where Dr. V's mother tries to push Dr. V and Diana together, but Granny DS intervenes. Max and Diana are sent into the library separately by Fedora on the pretense of looking for her glasses. She now wants to push them together. She has repented of all her foolish anger and revenge. She also wants Larry and Gaby to get back together. Fans, we have only three days left. They had better materialize William Levy soon, even if he's in a pirate costume.
Meanwhile, Marfil is preparing to poison Pedro. She has two drinks ready for a toast; his has the poison in it. She is interrupted by the maid asking some dumb question about a recipe. She gets angry and follows the maid out of the room. Now Pedro thinks something is up. He wonders why she wants to have a toast when they hate each other. Good lord, why is he still living with her?
He switches drinks!
Now, folks, he seems to know there's poison in it, he wants to harm her--could he be convicted of murder? This would have made a great final exam question in my first-year law school Criminal Law class. He doesn't know for sure that there is poison in the glass, so maybe not. Still . . . This is the kind of brain-teaser they torture you with. You have to argue both sides.
Anyway, she comes back, they toast, she drinks the wrong glass--and gets sick.
Tune in tomorrow, to see Camila ask the immortal question: Marfil was taken to the hospital? What hospital?
On Tuesday, Max and Diana continue kissing in the library. I have not forgotten how disgusted we are about their getting together. I just have no more energy to resist. I will say that I was disgusted how he drowned her protests with "hey, hey, quiet," in his disgraceful overpowering way. Then they are interrupted by Dr. V. It's a little embarrassing. It seems they are on the road to getting back together, but their one stumbling block now is Diego.
Marfil is is on her deathbed. She says to Pedro: I guess you were smarter than I was, old guy.
She confesses all the crimes to that prosecutor guy: the kidnapping of Diana's baby, the manicomio in the jungle, the killing of Fiona. I'm not sure she confessed to killing Debora. They discuss how evil she is. (Remember when she was the good sister? This is forgotten.) Just before she dies, a vision of Debora greets her, welcoming her to hell. Then she dies, and a hologram steps away from her body into the spirit world. What great FX!
The next day, Max has a pathetic funeral in the rain for Marfil. The priest sprinkles holy water while he stands by, the only attendee. Then Diana shows up for moral support.
Poor Yolanda, meanwhile, is going to prison for her offenses! Not fair! It's not clear, but I suppose she pled guilty to something. It seems she will get a short sentence. So now there's no way she can marry anyone, pobrecita.
Jorge, Lorenzo and Silvia are in charge of the bar. I'm not sure, but they may be planning a new entertainment program. I fast-forwarded through that discussion. Who cares?
All that's left is to rid us of Diego (and Pancholon is still at large. For Panchi Panchi, I envision him riding through the streets of the DR, looking for rich women, like Charlie of the MTA. Will he ever return? No, he never returns, and his fate is still unlearned . . .)
Diego calls Max and finally declares he's ready for the big showdown. He wants to kill Max and Diana. Max is going to meet Diego on a lonely beach! Credits roll.
Labels: acorralada
Destilando Amor, Tues October 2: where Aron manages once more to spread his venom
Minnie and Aron are on the phone while He's in his hotel room. Minnie is upset at Aron; she needs him back right away. They hang up. Aron, to himself: Minnie, you're making me tired. In that, a blond chick comes out in her towel, Aron says sorry babe, I gotta go back to Mexico tomorrow. She says well, it's not too late we can still have fun tonight. A: one thing amorcito: you can't be loud when the phone rings, ok?? besito besito besito...
At her apartment, Isa is with Fran....she's going to put on some music and get the champagne that's been chillin especially for this occasion. Fran doesn't want Champagne, but rather a glass of Red Wine. He chooses a high quality Bordeaux wine,"splendid for love"... They kiss passionately
Clarita and Gaviota are talking about Doctor Coffee. Gavi mentioned how talked about her in a very nice way in front of people. Clarita believes this is the doctor's way of letting her know he's in love with her. Gavi thinks no, he was being professional. Then, we hear a Mariachi serenade... Gavi feels its her gorgeous Rod... she's runs to the window, and is quickly disappointed to find out its dr Coffee.... [ least dr coffee is a better singer than Rod :) ] Back to Clarita: hija! you STILL don't get it?? He's in love with you!!!
Then we see Rod drive in with his own band in the car...they get out..
Gavi, back on her bed, looks uniterested in peeking out of the window. Clarita convinces her to go outside and take a peek... they see Rod arrive with a banda grupera....great, now we have both Dr Coffee AND Rod singing... thank goodness I can mute the TV. Looks like neither one is willing to give up, as Clarita and Gavi watch in amazement, and manage to shake their booties left and right for a tidbit.
Gavi: Ma, they're going to drive me nuts!!! She goes back in the room. Rod calls after her. Dr Coffee, angry in defeat, walks into the complex and pays the musicians. He looks mad "I need a drink".
Outside, after the music stops...we see Aron applauding Rod with a loud 'Bravooo!!". R: now what do you want. A: Talk to you. Rod, reluctantly to the band: ok guys, you can leave.
Upstairs, Clarita is sad that they're not playing anymore...she wants to go outside. Gavi says no...
Rod and Aron are downstairs by the pool, discussing Mariana and Dr Coffee. Aron tries to brainwash Rod: I have proof to let you know that they spent time together in Manzanillo. We all saw how Santovena was in Gaviota's room putting a necklace around her neck. His luggage was in there too... I'm telling you the truth!! Get her out of your head!! They push each other into the pool...fighting under water, punching above water, back under.... POW...PAAAAAH!!...SWOOF!!
Gavi and Clarita are having memories of when some guy (Don Jorge??) serenaded some lady sometime around the 50's... for some reason this gets Gavi enraged and she goes downstairs to give those 2 a good shake...
Back outside, Rod gets out of the water and Aron yells at him calling him estupido.
Now, at the bar, a wet Rod and Santovena are drinking. There comes Gavi, to 'Thank' them leaving Clarita yelling 'como asi???'. Right before Gavi gets there, Rod goes: Doctor, I'm tired of this. Santovena: me too! Rod: oh really?? And what about you being in her room in Manzanillo??? Gavi gets there just in time to partake in the conversation. Rod complains to her and Dr Coffee about the famous midnight call and luggage in Mariana's room. R: What's that supposed to mean?? Now you're gonna say you also have an explanation for that??!! Gavi: Yes there is an explanation, but I'm not going to give it to you, because I don't need to explain to you why I do anything that I do!! I'm sick and tired of this! You're both playing with my emotions all day!! I want to live like a normal person and I cannot do it!! That's it, you used up my patience!! Rod: no worries, I'm tired too, and I'm starting to believe what everyone is saying and it's not worthed! I swear I'll leave you both alone. It's over. OVER!!! He leaves.... And with this, we are exposed to the beginning of a long biased battle, based on a lie, infused by a third person, believed by Rod, unexplained by Mariana, and misunderstood by the rest of the telenovela world. *sigh*
Gavi and Alonso, are at the bar. Alonso apologizes to Gavi; she goes back upstairs.
Aron is in his room with the blond chick; the phone rings, it's an angry Minnie. [Just wondering, does Minnie have any other expression in this novela?? ]. Aron: Amorcito, I just got in a fight with Rod. We ended up in the pool, that imbecile almost killed me for his dumb Gaviota.
Clarita and Gaviota are in their room... G: today has been the worse day ever!! No ma, Rod crossed the line, we can't continue like this. Beyond the emotions I feel when I see him, he makes me anxious!! I need him to leave me alone...
In the middle of the agave's, Rod parks his car and fiercely walks out with tears rolling down his cheeks. He then runs as he cries. R: Gavi!! I swore this to you and I will fulfill my promise this time. This is the end of this story, this is the end of the Rod that made you suffer. You don't know how much I hate you; on this land our love began, and here it will die. Maldita Gaviota!!! Wherever you are, Malditaaaa!!!
Elvis and Dani are talking; Dani assures him that he's the only one for her and that he need not be jealous of Dr Coffee. She gets a phone call.... for a while, we can only hear heaving breathing coming from the other line. In a dark, lonely room...Rod is crying: you need to come for me; I need to free myself from the ghost of Gaviota!!! You need to come for me, someone needs to get her out of my heart and soul!! Please, help me, I cannot make it by myself. Dani, crying, asks him to tell her what happened. Rod thinks Gavi and Santovena are together. Dani: Rod, Gavi told me the truth. Alonso's stuff were in her room only because Alonso went to congratulate Gavi and that's when Aron came. Rod: Dani, I know, but i don't want to follow her anymore. Yesterday was the worst day of my life; I embarrassed myself, she doesn't want me!! Dani!! I'm falling in an endless loop and see no way out! Maybe you're right when you say I'm going crazy!! Dani!! D: Rodri, please relax!!! But Rod cries inconsolably saying "God, please take her out of me!!". --Wow, hats off for Rod, he's convinced me!!!
- Sofie finds Fran's handkerchief at Isa's house...
- Gavi tells Clarita that Rod doesn't love her....
- Dani calls the one and only psychiatrist in Mexico, Erica...
- Erica and Rod agree to meet for a consultation
Labels: Destilando
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Juan Q 10/02 No man has a good enough memory to make a successful liar*
Juan approaches Paula and says that he would like for them to do something tonight. Paula begs off again saying that they’ll talk about it later. Juan smiles some more and backs out of the office. Paula looks at him guilty. As she should, the witch. (Sorry, I know that was a little strong!)
Juan approaches Marely and spins. He comments about how it’s a beautiful day. She wants to know what’s happened. He mentions that he is currently working. Juan makes a sweep of all the ladies in the room and then enters the elevator and dances his way down to the garage. He thinks about his good fortune – a raise and a date. He manages to solemnly gather himself before the elevator doors open.
In CL’s office, Pastor extols the virtues of Juan. He’s not just a servant; Juan’s a charismatic leader. CL sarcastically cuts in that Juan must be the unknown hero. CL accuses Pastor of playing CL for Pastor’s own benefit. CL thinks that Pastor wants to keep Juan by his side. Pastor replies that that would be very unethical and egotistical on his part. Pastor accuses CL of being unjust with him. CL moves on to the subject of what to do with Juan. He figures that Juan doesn’t know how to do anything; Alirio doesn’t do anything. They would make the perfect pair! Pastor objects, but CL explains that Pastor needs to earn an assistant. Once CL and Paula are back together, CL will have no problem giving Juan to Pastor as an assistant. I could be wrong but I think the drift of this conversation was that if Pastor gets CL and Paula back together he’ll be rewarded by Juan. Correct me if I’m wrong!
Kike cannot believe that Juan’s being promoted. Juan thinks it was just a matter of destiny. Fernando warns Juan to be careful. Fernando thinks that its very strange that CL would offer a promotion to a man who dealt him such a blow. Juan’s not worried about it at all. He’s also happy that Paula has finally opened her eyes to Juan and discovered his true potential. Kike replies that if this were true he would be out on the street right now. Fernando asks Juan what his post will be. Juan doesn’t know, but he’s not worried about that. Kike reassuringly says that everything is going well. Kike reminds Juan that they have homework for tonight.
The men go over to the desk. Kike comments that Juan won’t be able to pull of the same thing tonight that he did the night before. Kike wants to start with math. Juan says that he’s already done it. He claims to be great at math when he’s alone and that it’s Kike who confuses him. Kike asks if Juan will help him with his homework. Juan assures Kike that he will. Juan takes over Fernando’s chair and the men get down to work.
Yadira’s not so sure that Nidia’s plan to make Kike jealous will work. Yadira points out that Nidia tried this with Juan and ended up married to someone else. Nidia asides that this marriage was due to extraneous circumstances. Nidia wonders aloud who she could use to make Kike jealous. She mentions Fernando but this gets a quick, negative reaction from Nidia. Nidia covers by saying it’s a bad idea because the two men work together. Yadira wants to know who. Nidia motions toward the flowers, implying that Gutierrez would be a good option. Yadira, for obvious reasons, doesn’t like the plan.
The men continue to work on their homework. Juan explains multiplication in colorful terms. The “X” is masculine. It makes lots more letters. Okay, so I’m going to admit my handicap when it comes to math right now. Juan tries to explain, and I’m bad enough at math that I think I’m buying his argument. He says something about “X” being the lowest number. Kike’s just as confused as me. Fernando finally cuts in to explain. He explains that letters are used to represent an unknown number. Juan acts as though that’s what he was saying the whole time.
Nidia continues her argument for Gutierrez. Yadira can’t be going around with just any monkey. Yadira replies that Gutierrez is no Brad Pitt. Nidia agrees, but she thinks that Gutierrez will fit his purpose. Nidia thinks that if Yadira uses just any guy, then she’ll come down a level. Yadira should use a guy who’s got class, a good family, a good body, is successful, etc. Ummm… has Nidia met Gutierrez? I have no idea who she’s describing. Plus, Gutierrez has shown an effort to be serious with Yadira. They glance at the flowers. Yadira thinks that Nidia is playing her. Nidia denies this. Yadira still wants try to find someone else. Nidia says that all Yadira and Gutierrez have to do is talk. Yadira finally agrees, but only if Nidia helps keep Gutierrez at bay.
Kike finally catches on to what Fernando’s explaining. Juan celebrates and says that this is what he’s been explaining to Kike all along. I don’t really think it was, but okay. Kike doesn’t think it was the same thing either. Juan lets it slip that he won’t be in class again tonight. He’s going on a date with his girlfriend.
Who looks very thrilled at this moment. She’s complaining to Marely about CL. She can’t believe that CL is playing with Juan like this. [Snicker, snicker – how ironic that she would say that! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!] Marely wisely points out that Paula should be focusing this energy on work. Paula grabs a notebook to revise, but immediately starts talking about CL again.
Ana, who can apparently come and go at work whenever she pleases, enters the office and greets the girls. Paula isn’t happy and wants to know why her mother is here. Ana explains that she got out of work early, but that she can leave if Paula’s busy. Paula says that she would rather leave with Ana. Marely takes her leave.
Paula’s not buying Ana’s story and wants an explanation. Ana tells Paula that her office is opening a branch in Monterrey. They need somebody to be in charge of the branch. Just because Paula’s work ethics are so excellent, Ana thinks Paula would be perfect for the job.
Pastor complains about Juan going to work with Alirio. Ivonne doesn’t think that Alirio will be any competition for Pastor. Pastor doesn’t like her playful attitude. He just wishes that the relationship between Paula and Juan ends soon.
Ana argues her point. Paula acts like a brat and won’t even look at her mom. Ana’s been elected to the Monterrey team. Paula wants to know if this means her mother will be traveling there a lot. Ana doesn’t know at this point. Paula decides to think about the possible open position. The women resolve to go out to get something to eat. They debate over who’s taking the other out.
Kike yells at Juan. He thinks that Juan will be expelled from the school. Kike reminds Juan that they resolved to go to school together at night in order to better their lives. Juan’s got something more important on his mind – Paula. He sees her approaching him in the garage and thrusts Kike to the side. He asks if it’s time to leave. Paula apologetically explains that she’ll be leaving with her mother. Juan asks what time she wants him to come by the house. Paula says that they won’t be able to go out tonight.
Alirio does do something at work. He sleeps! The phone and he awakens. It’s Nidia and she wants to know if he’s coming home early. She wants to calmly talk about Yadira and Gutierrez. Alirio thinks it’s a great thing that Nidia’s finally coming to reason on the subject. He’s glad that Nidia’s allowing him to make decisions as head of the house. Nidia whimpers.
Paula explains that she and her mother have to talk about an important issue. Juan says it’s not a problem. Mother always comes first. They take leave of each other until the next day.
Kike wants to know why Juan and Paula are not leaving together. Juan says that he re-thought his plans and decided to cancel the date. Juan’s priority is studying. Kike likes this change.
Pastor comes to Ana and happily greets her. She mentions that Pastor has not come by her house to see her paintings. Pastor uses the “I have a ton of work” excuse. He says he definitely wants to come over to buy a painting for his home. Ana says that she’s home early a lot (translation: my daughter calls me to take her home early practically every day) so he can come by at any time. Pastor has a great idea and thinks that today would be the perfect day to stop by her house. Ana agrees, but she has to wait for Paula. Pastor thinks that this will be great.
He goes to Ivonne and tells her that he’s going to Paula’s house. He found a golden opportunity to find out about her relationship with Juan. Paula approaches her mother who explains that Pastor will be coming along. Paula screeches that Ana should have made up an excuse. Pastor enters the crowd and says that it’s a good time to go. He asks if his tagging along bothers Paula. Paula answers a question with a question and implies that she’s not bothered. The three head to the elevator while Ivonne watches.
Ivonne enters CL’s office. She asks if they are leaving. She reminds him that he has a date with her tonight. He asks where she wants to go. She wants to go to a nice restaurant. CL agrees, but with conditions. He won’t be seen leaving the office with her.
Just because it’s such a good idea, Juan wants to get a tattoo of Paula’s name. He has this really creative idea. A heart, placed close to his heart, with an arrow through it. Inside the heart will be Paula’s name. Umm…that’s not very original. I’m pretty sure that I saw at least 5 older men at the bar with a tattoo like that. Oddly, none of them were accompanied by women. No, Juan decides to spice it up by putting “Juan and Paula” inside the heart. Kike thinks they should think about school. Juan doesn’t care; he’s sure that Paula will love that he’s marked himself for her. Juan wonders where he can get this done. Kike hedges but finally says that he may have a friend who can do it. Juan gets excited and thinks that tomorrow would be perfect. They head into the school. Juan greets everyone.
We get to see a new room in the Davila house. Pastor paws through Ana’s paintings. She tells him to look through them all and that they’ll talk later. Pastor seems unsure of which to choose until he pulls out the full-on nude and in color Juan painting. He immediately tells Ana that this is the painting that he wants.
Ana replies that there are many more, better paintings. This is one of the first ones she did and she did it when she was interested in painting a nude, male figure. Pastor disagrees with her assessment. He thinks that the painting is very regal. Ana points out that it’s a painting of Juan. She says that she’s got a bunch more figure paintings that are better. Pastor won’t hear it. He’s got Juan covered in oil right before his eyes; that man is not going to let go. Ana’s never had someone talk so passionately about her work. Pastor declares himself an unconditional admirer of Ana. He says that he has to have the painting. He shouts at it to talk. Next, he turns to Ana and asks how much it costs. Ana says that she has no idea. She never thought to sell it; she didn’t even remember that she possessed it. Pastor caresses the painting.
Gutierrez accuses Alirio of playing with him. Alirio strongly denies this. Alirio promises to keep his word. Alirio explains that they have won over Nidia, and that’s the hardest part. Nidia’s a direct line to Yadira. Alirio says that he’s completed his part; it’s now up to Gutierrez to follow up. Alirio mentions that he hopes that this ends their business relationship. Gutierrez promises that if Alirio fulfills his part, then Gutierrez will fulfill his.
Paula wants to know how things are going. Ana says that it’s going well. Pastor promises to pay the next day. Paula offers Pastor a drink. He says that he doesn’t usually drink, but he accepts this time. Pastor politely comments about how nice her mother keeps the house. Paula doesn’t buy it and she wants to know exactly why he’s over at the house. Pastor adjusts his toupee and explains that yes, her mother’s paintings interest him. He also says that he wants to speak with Paula about Juan.
My Torts professor jumped bodies and landed in Juan’s teacher. She slams the homework on the desk and tells her students that they suck. There was only one good homework assignment, the rest were terrible. The guy next to Juan straightens, ready to be congratulated. Oh, no. The good paper was not the Tomas Mora look-a-like. It was our beloved Juan. Juan graciously accepts her congratulations, but Kike thinks it’s a bunch of bull. The teacher tries to hand the marker to Juan and wants him to explain the homework.
Ana overhears Paula and Pastor’s conversation. Pastor wants to know why Paula’s with Juan. Paula explains that she fell in love with him. Pastor retorts that this only happens in novelas. Paula doesn’t answer this and asks if Pastor has not noticed what a magnificent person Juan really is. Pastor shyly agrees. Paula thinks it makes much more sense that she would be with Juan then with a guy like CL. Pastor doesn’t buy it. He just doesn’t believe in her claim of love. He asks her where this torrid romance may go. Paula assures him that she will do the impossible to maintain the relationship. Ana can’t believe what she’s overhearing.
Juan erases the board and prepares himself to make a fool of himself. He asks to see his paper. He thinks to himself that he’s drawing a blank. He begins his lesson. Juan starts by saying that the letter X stands for a hypothetical number. He repeats this several times. Kike, apparently a little bitter, raises his hand and says that he doesn’t understand. Kike would like a clearer explanation. Juan looks at Kike threateningly while smacking a yardstick in his hand.
Juan changes tactics and says that he likes to explain algebra by using examples. He says that algebra is like a soccer team. He begins to draw on the board. The class looks more confused than ever. He asks for questions, but no one understands well enough to ask a question. The teacher doesn’t understand his example, but she still feels the need to congratulate him because it’s clear to him. He kisses her hand and prances back to his desk. The professor makes him group leader. From now on he has to teach things at his level.
Pastor takes his leave of the women. Ana escorts him to the door. She walks back over to Paula and says that she wants the whole truth. What’s this about Paula and Juan having a relationship. Paula plays dumb. Ana won’t buy it. She’s noted something strange these last few days and she knows that Paula’s lied. Ana wants the whole truth. Paula accuses her mother of being paranoid. Ana points out that she overheard Paula saying she is in love with Juan. Ha! Busted!
CL calls his wife and explains that he’s going to an appointment with a Mr. Martinez. She wants to know if he’s going out to have a good time. CL replies that he wishes he had the time, but this is all business. After they hang up he calls Martinez. He tells Martinez to say that he was with CL that night. CL says that he will explain later. Fernando agrees to take CL to where CL says.
Ivonne steps out of what looks to be a restaurant. She guiltily looks at Fernando.
Paula explains to Ana that Paula and Juan have a great relationship. It’s been a friendship, but with an attraction. He’s been a huge support for Paula. The people in the office take things to the extreme. Paula says that she just lets them believe what they want. Ana asks if by “the people” Paula means CL Farrell. Ana catches on quickly what Paula’s doing. Paula doesn’t like being backed into a corner. She confirms that she’s using Juan to get back at CL.
Chambeando – Mexican slang for “working”
Mantener a Raya – To keep at bay
Salvar el Pellejo – To save one’s skin
Zopenco – dope, half-wit
*Abraham Lincoln
Labels: Juan
AMAR SIN LIMITES, TUESDAY OCTOBER 2: MO wakes up and sells Azul the Brooklyn Bridge
Previously, at Eva's suite, Eva has told Ivan not to "disappear" Andres, as Diego does not want blood on his hands and would rather Andres suffer in the here-and- now for killing Paco and Abuelo rather than in the hereafter. Eva also tells Ivan she is feeling extra cheerful because she believes that Diego and Azul have broken up for good. (She obviously hasn't checked the breakup/makeup scorecard lately.) Meantime, at Casa Azul & Ceci, the hospital calls to give Azul information about Mo.
First new scene is at the hospital where the doctor is telling Azul and Ceci that there has been a change in Mo's condition. After a few tense minutes where Azul thinks the worst, the doctor finally announces that Mo has awakened but is still weak and confused. The doctor believes that as Mo's fiancee, Azul will do him a world of good at this time. Azul looks uncomfortable since that's not exactly her title anymore, but she asks to see him. She has a sudden dizzy spell but tells the doctor it's just the scare from Mo's illness. Ceci knows better.
Casa Moran: The uproar over Piero's imprisonment continues with Lidia and Diego yelling at each other while Papa enables Lidia and Mama has Diego's back. Diego is running down Piero's crimes but since he's not charged with murder, Lidia just wants her hubby out of jail. Papa shouts that he also would like this outcome so he can go back to work for Piero and put food on the table. Diego is disgusted that his sister is married to a lowlife and that she and Papa are determined to get Mo to help them spring Piero from jail. He yells that they should stay away from Mo and that Papa should quit the job. Papa says, no way, no how.
Julio's Boutique: Gaspar notices that Arnaldo is looking kind of down and asks why. Arnaldo tries to play it off by saying he's worried about his aunt, but Gaspar knows him too well and guesses that it's about Julio. Arnaldo confesses that he wants a commited relationship and Julio wants to be free. Gaspar agrees with Arnaldo and then suggest that to cheer him up they should go see a movie that I think is called, "How to Catch a Man in Four Short Lessons". That's cute. Aranaldo manages the glimmer of a smile.
Casa Moran: Diego says he can't believe Papa is so unscrupulous as to work with Piero. Papa says it's better to fight to keep a job than to lose it like Diego over un asunto de faldas, a woman. (That was a low blow, Papa. ) Diego shoots back that he was not fired by Mo, but Papa says anyway Diego shouldn't be trying to stop him from dealing with Mo & Co. when his jefa, Eva, is also involved with them. Diego says there is a reason he's working with Eva and Papa sneers, we know, it's that big salary you're getting. Diego says Papa's wrong and he'll prove it.
Eva's Suite: Eva is on the phone with Boris/Dad telling him that she'll e-mail him the files and information Ivan copied from Mo's lab. In the background Ivan is shaking his head and looking panicky (for him). He tells Eva that there was no information on the computer or in the depository. I'm not sure what happened here. Didn't he see what he was copying? Eva looks muy pissed off.
Casa Emilia: Emilia gives GSD some documents she has hidden for him which I presume are the documents Ivan was looking for. GSD apologizes for bothering her but he has to confide in someone. She says, whatever you need. GSD says, "Well, now that you mention it, what I really need is ....." and tries to embrace her, but Emilia is not up for hanky panky and turns her head away. After commercial break we are back at Casa Emilia where GSD is reading over the laboratory documents and nonchalantly trying to take Emilia's hand but she once again rebuffs him, asking him instead how he got the papers out of the lab. He explains that he concealed them in the folder of Mo's medical records that he was taking to the hospital. They agree he must keep these documents away from Mo and from the Eva cartel.
Mo's hospital room: Mo has been sleeping and wakes to see Azul sitting near him. He weakly calls out to her and asks what happened to him. Azul starts to have an attitude with him, like, you really don't know, but she softens and tells him to stay calm. Mo asks for Caty and is reassured by Azul that Caty was frightened for him but is o.k. Mo thanks her for looking out for Caty and for visiting him. She says that he was once someone important in her life, emphasis on past tense, and that she still wishes only the best for him. He says he'll get well for his daughter and for her. She tells him, no, get better for yourself but he just smiles at her weakly and say, no, for you. Azul looks uncomfortable again.
Case Emilia: GSD and Emilia are having coffee and considering whether Mo might be telling the truth about just wanting to find a cure and Eva being in it only for the money. GSD says that judging by how scared Leo is of Eva, he thinks Mo has some cred. He also tells her that Azul now knows that Mo has a life threatening illness but that he did not have the heart to tell her that she too has this disease and that with her blood type she is more vulnerable than Mo and could even die before him. (I agree that would have been a lot to take in.)
Eva's suite: Eva and Ivan brainstorm on how to buy a little time before brutal Boris comes down on them for not producing results. Ivan declares that he'll rummage around the homes of Mo and GSD without leaving a trace and do whatever it takes until he finds out where the missing documents are.
Case Emilia: GSD confides to Emilia that the blood samples from the lab (that were once in her frig.) are now hidden in the lab of his old job at the university, and that in exchange for helping his former colleague on a project, he can use the university lab at night to secretly work on the toxin. Since he'll still be working at Mo's lab during the day, he'll be working 24 hours a day, I guess. And it doesn't seem to dawn on him that Ivan and the rest of the ear-piece crew could follow him to the night lab. I know it's the first place I'd look. So, anyway, is he working on the cure in two places? I'm confused. Emilia warns GSD that he is putting his life at risk by this subterfuge and he tells her that if something happens to him, she must do all she can to see that a cure is found for Azul's illness. Somehow all this talk of risk and possible murder is a turn-on and they begin to passionately kiss.
Hospital waiting room: Ceci has been dozing off waiting for Azul. When Azul comes back from Mo's room Ceci asks her flippantly how her "Romeo" is doing. She can't believe that Azul did not take the opportunity to chew him out for withholding the news about his illness. Azul explains that Mo was just too sick for recriminations and that'll have to wait until he recuperates. They go home, planning to call Leo & Andres with the news that Mo is awake.
Eva's suite: Eva is worrying to Ivan that she can't control what's happening with Mo at the hospital, especially with GSD and Leo giving who knows what information to the doctors. Ivan gets a call on his earpiece that both Burgay and Diego are outside waiting to see Eva. Isn't it the middle of the night? Ivan is summoned into Eva's presence first and gives the disheartening report that Julio is not willing to have investors in his boutique after all. So much for Diego's clean future company. Eva says they'll go Godfather on him, making him"an offer he can't refuse".
Casa Moran: Lidia is still wailing and bitching about Piero's situation and how Fate has dealt her a cruel blow. She rants that Mo has the nerve to be in the hospital when they need his help and that Lucia is behind all this and is a homewrecker. Mama tries to point out that it might be the other way around as Lidia first did the homewrecking. Papa defends Lidia as the only true wife but seems none too optimistic that Piero can be sprung. Papa complains about Diego's lukewam help. (But he did hire a lawyer, dude. How about a little gratitude.)
Eva's suite: After Burgay leaves, Diego storms in all macho and demands that Eva revise his contract. He'll still work for her but only if she...lowers his salary to an amount commensurate with the non-duties he's performing for her. He also gives back the keys to the 'Stang. Eva is like, whatever you say little Diego. In fact you won't be needing a car as you'll be my chauffeur. Diego: "Fine". Eva: "Fine". So now, he's officially not a boy toy anymore. Fine.
Casa A & C: Caty wakes up from a nightmare crying for her papi. Azul and the nanny (who also spent the night) comfort her. Azul gives her the good news that Mo is awake and pinky-promises to take her to visit in the morning.
Eva's suite: Eva wants to chat with Diego about his breakup with Azul. Diego sternly declares he'll never discuss this matter with her and then proceeds to dish. Eva suggests that if Mo dies, Azul will be available, but Diego says he doesn't want anything to do with a woman who prefers someone else even if it's for his money and even if that someone should no longer be with us. Eva is wide-eyed (and pleased).
Mo's hospital room: Leo and Andres are visiting Mo. They all discuss Mo's worsening condition and why Andres looks so golpeado. Actually Andres looks a trifle better this morning. Leo and Andres inform Mo that Diego beat up Andres because he found out from Eva, his protector, that Andres killed Abuelo and Paco. The wheels turn in Mo's head and he thinks he can use the Diego-Eva tie in his plot to fool Azul.
Isela's Cantina: Diego is meeting with the lawyer he hired for Piero. The lawyer reprts that he hasn't been able to see Piero because another lawyer, Castelar, is already working with him. Diego says he'll investigate who Castelar is and he asks the lawyer to please retain the case.
Eva's suite: Eva is meeting with Castelar to get a report on Piero. He tells her that, per her orders, he is pretending Mo sent him and is getting information from Piero about his dirty dealings with Mo. He tells Eva that Mo is funding Piero's company and also arranged the marriage to Lidia to trap Diego and his family. Eva gives Castelar further instructions that we don't hear.
Mo's hospital room: Leo and Andres inform Mo that Azul now knows about his life threatening illness. Mo orders them to pretend he doesn't know that Azul has found out, as Mo wants to deal a premptive strike and "tell" Azul himself. Leo also assures Mo that she has told the doctors as little as possible about his true health condition.
Eva's suite: Castelar is leaving and bumps into Diego who is arriving. Eva later tells Diego that Castelar is working to get the neighbor framed for killing Abuelo out of jail. Diego looks suspicious.
Hospital lobby: Leo and Andres are loitering near the reception desk. They hear Lidia asking for Mo and ask her what she wants. Lidia recognizes Leo and tells her she is there to get Mo's help to get her husband out of jail as he has been accused of killing her brother's best friend, Paco. Leo's wheels start turning, turning.
Piero's prison: Piero gets a visit from Lucia who is gazing at him adoringly through the glass partition.
Mo's hospital room: Azul comes in for a visit and Mo immediately launches into his "confession" about his illness. He feigns surprise that Azul already knows. He starts weaving his story that l) Eva and Co. have threatned him into keeping quiet; 2) Eva is using him as a guinea pig in her plan to infect the world with this mysterious illness and then make a fortune with a cure.
Back in Mo's room after a commerical break, Azul finds Mo's story incredible, like a movie. Mo offers as proof that he is flat on his back in a hospital bed and also swears on Caty that he is not lying. "Would I like to you about this?" Um, yeah.
Prison: Lucia is declaring that she'll use all her money and influence to get her beloved Piero out of jail. (But why, Lucia, why?) Piero rightly enough reminds her that she's the reason he's in there. Lucia apparently does believe he may have killed Paco, instigated by his "tramp", Lidia. Piero yells some more that he's going to be in jail for a while until he's cleared and then deported. Lucia doesn't seem to have considered that angle and wants him to stay in Mexico. She says he's been ungrateful for her "investment" in him and now will be abandoned by Lidia who is a golddigger. Piero throws her out of his jail.
Hospital lobby: Leo has convinced Lidia that she and Andres are Mo's nearest and dearest and will be the ideal liason between Lidia and Mo. Leo gets Lidia's address and telephone number and tells her to wait by the phone as Mo is now recuperating and will be able to help her get Piero out of jail any minute now. After Lidia leaves, Leo tears up the paper with the telephone number. Andres asks why Leo was giving that B.S. to Lidia about helping her and Piero. Leo says, no my dear, we aren't going to help them, they will help us. She explains that as long as the police believe Piero killed Paco, Andres cannot be implicated. Andres looks impressed by Leo's conniving brilliance.
Mo's hospital room: (Final Scene) Mo continues with his melodrama, stating that he had only wanted to help mankind by finding a cure for this terrible disease and found out too late that Eva's cartel was only interested in dirty profits. He ups the horror quotient here by claiming that Eva had purposely infected him to force him to keep working with her on the toxin. (Why does this sound familiar? Oh, that's right, that's what Mo did to Azul.) Azul wants to know why he didn't denounce them to the police, and Mo says that Ivan had threatened to harm Caty. This sends Azul into hysterics and Mo asserts that everyone involved with Eva is a criminal. When Azul tries to defend Diego as being innocent, Mo messes with her mind, asking why Eva is paying Diego such a high salary for a job he is not qualfied for. Aat the end, Mo pulls out all the stops, sobbing like a baby and saying that Azul was the light at the end of a dark tunnel that came into his life. Azul is sobbing too and says that if only he had confided in her, their relationship might still be going strong. Mo gasps and begs her not to abandon Caty if anything should happen to him. He claims that Eva and Co. are planning to get him out of the way. He's doomed. Azul looks sorrowful some more.
Too much melodrama for me. At this point I was ready to throw something at the television.
Labels: amar
Amar sin limites Monday October 1—Everybody drinks lots of coffee
Switch over to Ivan and Eva on the terrace at her hotel. Ivan tells Eva that from the bugs at Mo’s office he’s learned that Mo is in the hospital (I thought he had people on his payroll to tell him stuff like that). Anyway, Eva already knows since Diego told her. Eva is concerned because Mo can’t die at this critical moment in their project. Ivan says that GSSD took a bunch of stuff regarding Mo’s medical history from the mansion and he didn’t or couldn’t stop him…Eva interrupts that it doesn’t matter. Mo must not die before they get more information about the origins and progress of the disease for her father. (Boris, that is. I think it’s the first time that she has referred to him that way since the confession which struck me a little odd.) Ivan says he’ll take advantage of the fact that everybody’s distracted with Mo in the hospital to put more bugs in, including in the lab. Eva says she’s going to the hospital to see how things are going there. Ivan tells his guys via the microphone to get going on the plan.
Back at the hospital, in the waiting room, Caty, Azul and Ceci are sitting around waiting when Leo and Andres (who looks ghoulishly bad now from all his beatings) come in. Leo announces that Chamita (?) the nanny went to eat and dumped Caty and so there’s no one to look after her. Azul gives a puzzled look and says that Ceci and she can watch her. Andres says Ceci’s going to be busy because *they* have to talk. Leo purses her lips but doesn’t flinch much so I am guessing this is planned. Azul is like, whatever, I’ll watch her. Now it’s Ceci’s turn to purse her lips. Azul, Caty and Leo walk off. Andres takes her hands in his.
We get a rehash of the confrontation between Lidia and the Hospital administrator about her wanting to see Mo to get a better lawyer for Piero and the Hospital Lady telling her that since she’s not family to Mo, she can’t see him. Just then, Azul walks up and the lady nastily tells Lidia that Lidia can talk to herbecause she’s Mo’s PROMETIDA (fiancée) emphasizing the word, for the benefit of Diego as well who has just happened by. Azul catches the end of the conversation and looks stricken. Lidia asks if she’s still his fiancée and Azul starts to say no but Caty is there and chimes in that YES she’s his fiancée and that she’s going to marry her Papa and be her mommy….etc. Azul looks stricken some more and tries to shush her and Diego starts to walk away. Azul begs to talk to him but he rushes off dragging Lidia with him. Caty is upset that Azul is upset. Just then Chamita rushes up and Azul dumps Caty on her and runs after Diego and Caty promptly starts crying.
Back at Casa de Diego’s family, the only ones left are Manuel and Clemencia who are fighting. Manuel is ticked that Clemi told Diego where Lidia went. Clemi says she did it because she was angry at Manuel for allowing her to go to the hospital and not relying on Diego. Manuel doesn’t trust Diego’s desire to help. He’s sure that once Diego finds out that Piero is a lying scumbag, he’s going to try to persuade his sister to leave him. (OK, I added the lying scumbag, he actually said, “his past.”) Clemi looks at him like he’s nuts. “Our daughter can’t be married to a criminal!” Manuel pretends that their marriage vow is sacred and it’s a done deal. And he warns her not to tell Diego about what she knows about Piero.
Back at the hospital Diego is chastising Lidia about being there and trying to get help from Mo instead of from him. Lidia complains that the crappy lawyer he sent says that Piero can’t get out of jail for 72 hours. Diego wants to know why but Lidia doesn’t really know, she says they told her it’s the law but she knows that’s not right. She wails that Piero is going to spend the rest of his days in jail with such an incompetent lawyer. Diego tells her that he will find out what the problem is. Lidia bitches some more about Piero having to spend so much time in jail. Diego says he’ll find out and that he’s sure that if he’s innocent, he’ll be out sooner than she thinks. Lidia tells him that she doesn’t want him involved and she wants to know why she can’t ask for Mo for help. “Because Azul left you and ended up back with him?” she demands angrily. Of course who should be lurking around the corner but Azul looking stricken again. She starts to approach and then who should pop in but Eva who runs up and kisses Diego. Azul runs away before anyone sees her.
Alfredo (yes, I’ll call him that now, since right now he’s neither smoking nor a scientist at the moment) runs into Leo in the corridor. He wants to talk to her about Mo’s condition. He’s REALLY REALLY BAD and she has to help provide him with information. Leo tells him that if Mo can just get a blood transfusion, he’ll be OK. She adds that if Mo doesn’t make it, they are all in trouble. Alfredo says the doctors want his medical history before they will do anything and she has to give it to them. She reminds him that his medical file has a lot of secrets that would cause a lot of trouble if they were known. Alfredo says that if she doesn’t, they are going to contact the ministry of health to investigate this “mystery illness.” He goes on to speculate that maybe they’d be better off if they were all known because then they would be able to work on a cure for everybody. Including her. Leo’s eyes widen and she reflects that she’s always hoped for a cure for Mo, but now she really wants a cure for herself. Alfredo pushes her but she goes back—She says “Maybe if I keep quiet, the cure will be found someday. But if I talk, Eva Santoro will kill us all.” Alfredo dismisses this and tells her that they can solve that problem later. The problem now is saving Mo’s life.
The doctor shows up (the same guy with the deep voice who played General Ochoa on Duelo) and Leo hands over a folder. Alfredo tells him that she has all the information. Leo follows the doctor to his office.
Alfredo walks on to find Chamita and Caty. He asks where Azul is and Chamita tells him that she went to the reception desk. Caty chimes in that Azul was VERY SAD!! Alfredo is all like, “so did she look sick?” Caty doesn’t know but she looked VERY SAD! (Chamita, please do your job and take that whiney kid home! No wonder they don’t like kids in hospitals.)
Ceci and Andres are catching up over coffee in the hospital cafeteria. She is just giving him the report of what happened when they discovered Mo on the floor at the apartment. She finishes up by noting that he’s got some rare disease. Andres gets jumpy wanting to know why she would say that. Ceci says, “well, because nobody seems to know what’s wrong with him.” Finally she asks him why his face looks all mashed up. (Frankly he looks so awful, I don’t know how she can stand to look at him and why other folks in the cafeteria aren’t all staring at him. Even in a hospital with sick and injured people he looks really nasty.) Andres claims that they fired a guard at Mo’s mansion and he got all violent about it. Ceci expresses surprise but Andres says nothing. She asks if the guy was one of those ones who treated her like a criminal when she showed up looking for Azul. Andres assures her that it was “one of those new guys.”
Over at Mansion Malicia, Ivan and maybe Jacinto (can’t really tell) are all decked out in the bunny suits in the lab planting the bugs. Ivan is ticked that they can’t find any lab notebooks or any written notes. They see a computer on the desk but they can’t get into the files because they don’t have the password.
We cut back to the cafeteria with Ceci and Andres. Ceci complains that she really doesn’t know Andres at all while Andres is still claiming that he loves her. She tells him that he needs to see her as a friend first, that’s the normal progression of a relationship. Andres is all puppy dog “Yeah, OK!” he moves closer to her. “But when I’m this close to you, I can only think of kissing you.” She moves in for the kiss and “Ouch!” Love hurts when your face is all bruised! This tender (literally!) moment is interrupted by Leo who does her quick dragon-lady glide into the room. She’s not pleased when she sees what the kids are up to. “Andres! I need to talk to you. ALONE!” Ceci gets up with Leo never even looking at her. Ceci rolls her eyes and leaves. ( Is it just me or with the pink shawl and pink scarf does Leo look like she’s kind of swaddled in pink? I guess it fits her barely restrained evil personality). Leo sits down next to Andres who isn’t happy. You wouldn’t know though because his face is all puffy. He and Leo are now a perfect pair of expressionless masks.
We cut to elsewhere in the hospital where Azul and Alfredo finally meet up and Azul is in tears over Diego’s dissing of her and how he now thinks that she’s still engaged to Mo, thanks to the hospital administrator lady and Caty. Alfredo says he’ll talk to Diego. Azul complains that he’s with Eva. Alfredo says no worries. He’ll talk to him.
Back to Leo and Andres. Leo is chastising him about not being more careful. Especially now that Diego knows that he murdered his grandfather and his best friend. Andres says nothing and prefers to fight with his napkin. When she starts picking on Ceci, he pipes up that he’s hanging with Ceci because she’s Azul’s best friend and that she knows a lot of stuff that can help them. Leo isn’t buying it. She makes fun of the kiss.
Eva and Diego are talking over the Mo situation and she asks him what his sister was doing there. Diego explains that she wanted Mo’s help because Piero had been transferred from the lockup to the regular prison and Diego’s lawyer hadn’t been able to stop it. Eva’s eyes widen and she asks if she can help. Diego says no. Eva makes like it’s an affront that she doesn’t want her help. Just then Alfredo comes in to talk to Diego. Eva and he make small talk about how yes, even though he’s not in the lab, he’s always working…she finally leaves when Alfredo mentions that the topic is Azul. Diego of course looks pained.
When she’s gone, Alfredo explains that it wasn’t Azul that caused him to stick around working for Mo. Diego isn’t buying this explanation. He thinks that Azul put him up to trying to make nice with him and he tells him to stop right there before he loses the little bit of respect that he has left for him. Diego takes off and Alfredo looks like he needs a cig.
Meanwhile, Azul and Ceci are catching up. Ceci remarks on how much has happened this afternoon. They compare notes on how both Diego and Andres are beaten up and Azul wonders if they fought eachother. Ceci tells Azul the story that Andres told her, about the fight with the employee. They argue about how much Azul is responsible for the impression that she cares for Mo. Azul expresses worry for him and for Caty. Ceci does a funny Leonarda impression when she suggests that if something happens to Mo, poor Caty will be left alone with Leonarda.
Andres, Leo and Eva are now sitting in the cafeteria drinking coffee. Leo is asking Eva about her concern for Mo and Eva is all business. And she’s worried that Mo’s disease will be investigated by the hospital and the authorities and blow the operation wide open. Leo wants Mo to be moved to Houston. Eva tells her to keep her informed of his progress. The next minute she’s laughing at uglied up Andres and wants to know what happened to his face. Andres is more than a little ticked and complains that she knows very well what happened. He’s sure that she told Diego that he killed abuelo andPaco. Eva gets huffy that he shouldn’t be asking for explanations from her. Leo starts to get a little worried and puts her hand on Andres’ arm. Eva laughs again and says, no biggie. But she’s not happy about having to put up with his stupidity. She leaves, patting him on the head.
At the reception, Azul, Ceci and Alfredo talk to the administrator who tells them that blood donors are needed for Mo. Azul starts to volunteer and Alfredo is all NO WAY because she’s too weak, has been fainting, etc. Ceci volunteers and Alfredo. They need 5 volunteers. Azul wants to know how Daddy’s talk went with Diego. Alfredo looks uncomfortable.
Switch over to Manuel and Clemi’s where Silvana and Clemi are drinking tea or coffee and chatting. Manuel is lurking in the shadows. Clemi is reflecting that she wonders where she went wrong that her children are in such problems. Maybe Manuel…Just then Manuel shows up to complain that she’s blaming him again and storms out. Diego arrives and wants to know what Dad’s crabbing about now. Same as always is the reply. There is an update about Mo and Silvana wants to know if it’s possible that Mo will help Piero. Diego doubts it. Mo is too bad off to worry about Piero. Silvana looks pensive.
Meanwhile, Piero’s ex Lucia is getting into her house from the street. Suddenly Lidia flys at her and complains that it’s her fault that Piero is in jail. Lucia challenges her and tells her that if Piero gets out, it will be because she gets him out and then he’ll return to HER. (Why? Why would she want that bottom feeder back?) She grabs Lidia by the neck and marches her out of the house. Lidia looks crazed with anger and grief standing outside the house.
Alfredo tries to explain to Azul that Diego is confused and upset. Ceci walks up and complains that her arm hurts from the blood-drawing. Alfredo tells her to quit complaining and leaves. Ceci points out that it’s *she* who has been the one to help out her fiancée. Caty starts whining that she wants Azul to take her home. Azul turns absently to Ceci and asks her to take Chamita and Caty home since she needs to stick around.
At Diego’s house, Diego is explaining to Silvana that Eva told him that Andres killed Abuelo and Paco. Silvana is distressed. She knew all along that Mo and his henchmen were capable of this and worse.
The doc, Alfredo and Leo are having a conference in a hallway. Azul walks up and wants to know everything. At first Alfredo tries to keep the information from her but she insists. And thus she (and we all) finds out that (1) Mo is suffering from a fatal and mysterious blood disorder (2) it’s progressive in breaking down the bodies defenses (3) he’s suffered from it for years. (4) If a cure isn’t found soon, he’s going to die. Azul is impactada into the commercial break and not in an attractive way.
Azul asks Leo if she knew and Leo responds with a terse, “Yes.” She asks the doctor if there is anything that can be done. The doctor says they are doing all they can and it’s in God’s hands. She starts crying Alfredo comforts her and leads her away. The doctor, Quasimodo, I mean Andres and Leo stand there, looking glum.
Switching back to Silvana and Diego at Diego’s house, Diego is complaining that “Everybody at the hospital thinks Azul is Mo’s fiancée. “ Silvana counters that she thinks he’s exaggerating. Diego says “Caty told everybody that Azul is going to be her mama.” Silvana defends Caty, telling him that it’s not Caty’s fault. She lost her mom and she needs someone to give her that love. Diego agrees that Caty isn’t to blame. Azul is. He repeats that Azul is going to marry Maurico. I thought Azul was going to be the mother of my children. Silvana tells him that she hates to see him like this.
Back to the hospital parking lot where Azul and her Dad have taken their discussion outside. Azul is now in the anger stage about Mo, complaining that she had a right to know and it’s wrong that she had to find out about his illness this way. Alfredo tries to dissuade her and suddenly she turns on him asking him if HE knew about this too. Alfredo, who is an incredibly bad liar says no. Azul doesn’t buy it. She gets angry and walks away. He tries to stop her but she heads for the little toy car Mo gave her where apparently Ceci, Caty and Chonita? Cholita? Have been waiting all this time. She gets in to drive and Arnoldo shows up saying he’s leaving too. Alfredo asks about “your aunt.” Arnoldo says she’s the same. Alfredo sees that Azul is not looking so hot so he persuades her to get out of the car and gets Arnoldo to take Ceci, the nanny and Caty home. As they pull away, Alfredo tries to do damage control. He tells Azul that he only learned about Mo’s illness recently. Azul still doesn’t believe him. He finally tells her that that’s why he went back to work. To find a cure for his disease. At first Azul thinks this is worse, that he knew from the very beginning that he was working on a cure for Mo. But he tells her that he knew he was working on a cure, just not that Mo was infected. Azul finally accepts this, it’s the truth after all. She dissolves in tears saying that Mo can’t die, not this way!
Back to Diego and Silvana. Silvana tells him he should talk to Azul again, clear up what’s going on, if she really is going to marry Mauricio. Diego says no way, to have her spew her lies again? He’s not going to talk to her again. Silvana smiles and says, “Yeah, I’ve heard that line before.” (So have we all…) Diego swears that this time he means it. Silvana gets up from the table, she has a dinner date with Flavio and tells him that as she said at Paco’s wake, she’s serious about helping him get Mo and his henchmen and bring them to justice. Diego doesn’t want her to be put in harms way. She’ll go back to see Caty. Next the subject turns to Lidia. Silvana originally came over to talk to Dona Clemi, who needed to unburden herself to somebody over Lidia’s travails. Piero’s still in jail. Silvana says she’s glad that Diego’s helping out with the lawyer. Diego remarks that his sister is just like his dad and that although he loves her, they couldn’t be more unalike. He wishes she had never married “that guy.” He further speculates that Lidia really loved Paco but let herself get seduced away by Piero’s money. He admits that something similar happened between him and Eva. He was impressed with her power and he didn’t see what he was getting into. Silvana asks why he doesn’t just leave his job. Diego says no, he’s there until he can get justice for Paco.
Leo and Andres are back in the hospital cafeteria drinking some more coffee. Andres is puzzled as to why Eva showed up at the hospital. Leo explains that undoubtedly she wanted to make sure that “we knew we were responsible for not allowing the information about Mauricio’s condition to leave the hospital.” Andres tries to figure out who now knows about Mo’s disease. It instantly comes to him. Azul. Leo says that the only one to blame for that is Alfredo and they will have to be sure to tell Mo, who will not be pleased at all by this development. Andres nods.
Over at Eva’s hotel suite, Eva and Ivan are having one of their little chats. He’s filling her in on operation --steal info from the lab--. It went well. They put the bugs in. Eva asks about the information and Ivan says they saw no paper notes but they were able to crack the password on the computer and download all the info on to a memory stick. He hasn’t looked at it yet, but he’s got it all. Eva smiles and calls him her “right hand man.” Ivan smiles too. He asks about her trip to the hospital. Eva tells him that Mo is very bad and that he’s going to have to stay there. She’s worried about information about his illness leaking out of the hospital. She told Leo and Andres to try to keep a lid on things but you can see from her expression that she lacks confidence that they will be able to do it. She also reports that she saw Diego there with his sister, who needed Mo to get Piero out of jail. At the mention of Piero, Ivan’s smile turns to an expression of grave concern. Piero is definitely one of the weak points of this operation.
Diego is still at home, on the phone. Clemi comes in with some groceries as Diego hangs up. Diego tells her that he’s been on the phone with the lawyer. Piero is “afichita.” Which I believe means “has a record.” Diego tells Clemi that they have to tell Lidia. She nods. Ominous music sounds.
Arnoldo shows up at the boutique to talk to Julio. They exchange hellos and Julio says, “What, you don’t wanna know where I slept last night?” Julio, says, “No, why would I ask that?” “I’d rather ask how your Aunt Inez is doing.” Arnoldo tells him she’s the same. Julio cheerfully says not to worry, it’ll all be fine in the end. (Odd thing to say about a woman in a coma) Arnoldo says, he’s not worried about that. He’s worried about Julio’s attitude. Julio pauses and says that maybe they should talk about this later, at home. Arnoldo stamps his foot a little and with his arms crossed says no, they are going to talk about this right now! Julio says no, it’s not the time or the place. And besides, he has a dinner to go to. This makes Arnoldo even more upset. “A dinner, where? With who?” Julio smiles a little nastily and says “Arnaldo…If I don’t ask you questions (about where he was last night) please don’t ask me questions.” So much for the loving couple I guess.
Over at Casa de Ceci and Azul and probably now, Arnaldo. Caty’s there and she and Ceci made a fort in the living room with chairs and sheets. Azul walks in and Caty runs over to show her the fort. Azul has a series of orange flashbacks about the doctor telling her that Mo is dying. Azul hugs Caty and fusses over her. Caty goes into a little speech about how Azul and Mo will get married and live happily together when her Daddy gets better. This of course tugs at Azul’s heartstrings some more.
Julio’s dinner date turns out to be Burgay. Julio is telling him that marketing and other advertising costs are his biggest problem in expanding his shop. He’s leery of a partnership though, “with someone like you” because he’s worked too hard to open the shop to start sharing the profits with somebody else. Burgay wants to know what he means by “someone like you.” Julio complains that Burgay doesn’t know anything about the fashion business and also, his outfit really sucks. (Tie looks like a flag, his suit is out of date). Burgay suddenly looks self conscious. Julio says NO DEAL, gets up, thanks him for the dinner and leaves. Burgay is left grimacing at the table, nervously fingering his loud tie.
Back at casa Azul and Ceci—Azul is on the phone with Chonita, telling her that Caty’s going to spend the night there. When she gets off the phone, Ceci tells her that if she’s going to have Caty around, she’s never going to be able to reconcile with Diego. Azul protests that Caty needs her. Ceci counters that Caty has Leo and Chonita. Azul says, it’s not the same. She drops the info on Ceci that Mo has an incurable disease. Ceci is impactada. And she immediately jumps to the idea that Mo could have infected Azul via sex like VD or AIDS. Azul is mildly impactada by this idea but shakes her head and says it’s more like cancer. Ceci is surprised that nobody ever guessed. “Maybe he didn’t know?” Azul says “no, he knew.” “And he hid it from you?” asks Ceci. “Yes.” says Azul.
Andres and Leo are getting home. Andres asks why Eva told him to thank Diego for allowing him to live. Leo speculates that because Eva just wanted to scare him. But she is in love with Diego and his feelings matter to her. Andres complains that he’d rather get revenge on Diego. He sits groaning with pain from his fight injuries. Leo tells him to cool it. Besides, it could serve them and Mo, if Diego has so much influence over her. She puts his head carefully on his chest as he grimaces in pain.
Azul is putting a cover on the sleeping Caty who is camping out in the living room fort. The phone rings. Ceci gets it and hands it to Azul. It’s the hospital.
Cut to Eva and Ivan—Eva is telling Ivan that Diego doesn’t want Andres killed. “So you are changing the orders you’ve given me?” asks Ivan.
Unfortunately my TiVo cut off here.
Labels: amar
10/1 Juan Querendon
Labels: Juan
Destilando 10/01/07 "Behind Blue Eyes"
No one knows what its like
To be the bad man,
to be the sad man
Behind blue eyes.
Okay Okay so he really isn't a bad man, for those of you support Dr. Blondie...well take it up with "The Who", cause unlike Barry Manilow, I don't write the songs.
Thomas the Tour Bus brings the Tequila buyers to the big Hacienda, they are impressed and will get another history lesson.
Rod brings Gavi into the “Big House”, Rod & Ofelia are happy to see Gavi. Rod has everyone come in and sign the book, kind of like the ones at funeral homes only not so sad. Anyway this book has been around since 1784 & President’s, Tequila makers so on and so forth have all signed it. I may have my history wrong, but I do believe Pancho Villa was not really enamoured with such people. I think many of the huge haciendas were divided up and land was given to the campesinos. Anyway, the Tequila guys all sign and then Rod makes the Doctor sign. Rod is proud of his heritage, but you can see it is all for Gavi, he wants her to be proud of him. Rod then asks Gavi to sign as “ The future Hostess of this Place”. Everyone kinda does the woo-woo-woo thing, especially James. Dr. Blondie watches with beady blue eyes. Gavi refuses to sign, she doesn’t want to make the family mad. Of course Rod thinks she doesn’t want cause of Dr Blondie.
Dinner is served. During dinner, Dr. Blondie rambles on and on about Tequila. Gawd he is fascinating. The falsification of certifications keeps coming up. I’ll label this the “Anvil of Aaron”. Roman gives Rod the high sign, excuse me Dr. Blondie, but here are the traditional Mariachi singers to sing happy birthday to Gavi. James croons right along with them, Dr blondie is mouthing the words, but his lip-sync, is pretty bad. Actually he is using this downtime to suck down a cup of coffee, thus slying reviving his “Super Power Chick Magnet” skills. Ofelia brings the birthday cake. Then it is time to blow out the candles, Gavi wishes for happiness for she & Rod and good health for Clarita. Personally I think Clarita would prefer the 54in plasma as a fair trade for an occasional sniffle. Rod holds her hand as she makes her wish, then kisses her.
Rod pulls Gavi aside, it is present time. He has a very special present for her just from him. He has her turn around as he fastens a necklace around her neck. Gavi looks down to see the exact same necklace that Blondie gave her. Damn. Rod turns her around to see how it looks on her and alas, he sees the duplicate. Gavi explains that the Dr. gave to her as a birthday present. Rod has a look of disbelief on his normally gullible face, first the flower now the necklace.
I believe this quote covers it “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.”
Yep of all crappy silver necklaces in all crappy mercado stands in all the world….
I am creeping myself out here cause it seems that actually Rod & Dr Blondie seem to have some sort of spirtual connection when it comes to shopping, what is next? A cruise to Mantasy Island? I am almost missing that rogue Aaron cause he’d been all over this. Gavi tries to pacify Rod, but Ofelia comes and tells Rod he has a phone call. “Who is it?” Rod queries. “Your wife”, she answers. Rod goes off to answer the phone.
Gavi touches the necklaces and thinks “This can’t have happened”, at least that is what I think she thought. Now I do not know if she means “I can’t believe they both gave me the same present” or “It’s my birthday can’t believe I got the same lame ass silver Agave leaf from two guys who could afford better.” Gavi is a better person than I am so she probably meant the first one. Meanwhile the beady blue eyes take it all in.
Rod is like “what’s up I am busy with my guests, I call you later”. Isa lays it on thick but in a really sarcastic way that I am kind of enjoying in comparison to her earlier, two moods of “I’m pissed” and “I am really pissed”. She passes off the phone to Sofie.
After just a few days at “Bitch Camp”, Sofie puts everything she has learned from the masters in her brothers face. Now Rod has betrayed his wife, his sister and now his cousin. Rod says Aaron was badmouthing his Tequila so Rod & Dr. Blondie kicked Aaron to the curb. Rod wants to know how come Sofie who is his blood is betraying him by aligning herself with his enemies. Her voice reaches a shrillness that has dogs howling throughout the greater DF area. She goes so far as to call Rod an idiot, does he not realize Gavi is boinking the Doctor? Gavi only wants the family money (damn that is gonna be quite a hard cosmic bitch slap when Sofie figures out, there is little or no money, what with Aaron’s bad management, Rod’s stupidity & the loan to Isa’s worthless father, & last but not least Francisco screwing around with the ever persistent Agave plague). I hate Sofie even more cause now I too smirk when Isa literally screws Frankie and figuratively screws Sofie. These women are so annoying that I want them to start lamenting “What a World, What a World”, just like their role model did before she melted.
Rod comes back out and the party winds up.
Off to Mexico City where Hil hooks up with the two girls who SanWanna chased out of the apartment. Hil says he is gonna get rid of her, but he didn’t call the police cause he didn’t want any scandal at the apartment of Cassandra’s cousin, that being Dr. Blondie. Hey I guess Hil didn’t fall off the mountain.
SanWanna is lying on the bed back at the Apartment of Scandels, eating popcorn & watching TV. A girl could get used to this.
Now the group takes the tour over to the Tequila school. We get a lecture from James, all about the fine Tequila. Let’s just leave it at that. Listening to him is like those scenes of Tourette's syndrome. Now everyone is taking pictures and Rod does the arm around Gavi, she must still be pissed cause she is looking none to happy. Everyone congratulates Rod on the fine Tequila, James starts passing out bottles to all the buyers, once again the subject of the lips on the label comes up. Rod explains how his Tequila has the soul & essence of a woman, her scent, her taste. Beady Blue eyes watch as Rod caresses the bottle. The buyers are impressed, Gavi is blushes slightly and meets Rod’s eye, he gives her this awesome smile. Okay Rod I don’t know if Gavi forgives you, but I totally forgive you, hmmm this would be the time for a stroll under the tree and a bottle of that fine Tequila and my new lame ass silver Agave necklace.
The party breaks up. All the different foreign buyers are thrilled and can hardly wait to start marketing the Tequila in their countries. Mr. Wong (the Chinese guy) thanks Rod and I snicker..think reverse engineering & a couple of Agave plants. In eight years you’ll be able to buy the Chinese version at Walmart for pennies on the peso. It is time to get back in “Thomas the Tour Bus”. The buyers go back in the bus and Dr. Blondie tells Rod the day was a great success, the buyers are very satisfied. Rod thanks him for his help.
Gavi stops to talk to Rod. She is very happy and the day is a great success. Rod wants to see her, but no she has to stay with the guests. Rod becomes a little pouty. You have to stay with him, him of the duplicate presents. Gavi says Rod’s presents mean everything to her cause they are from him. She touches his cheek and turns to leave. Gavi is so different from me, if I had to feign vomiting, tie the bed sheets together and climb down the side of the hotel, Dude I’d of been there.
Meanwhile James tells Rod what a swell day it has been. Rod is like not so much, cause Rod knows full well that Dr. Blondie is all hawt to sample “Ardiente pasión”, figuratively not literally cause he would no doubt have a strong cuppa Joe to bring the mood. Rod tells James that Dr. Blondie is smart and good and most likely has a rare blood type and is a regular donor. James tells him to cheer up and our two hero’s “Frank & Joe Hardy” prepare to go to town and celebrate. This may not be the time to bring this up, but Que the Hell ever happened to Acacia? I mean I think I spotted her in the ads for the new Dark Chocolate M&M’s, are those her peanuts in the candy coated shell? Did the body of her uncle (I can’t remember his name) fertilize the crop and we finally got a yield of peanuts after the dismal failure from Meester James? Maybe those ancient Aztecs were right a little bloodletting makes all the difference.
Over in DF, Sofie hangs up the phone from talking with Ofelia, she was getting the 411 on the big fiesta at the hacienda. Sofie tells them that they had food & a birthday party for Gavi with Mariachi singers. That is it. Minnie places a call to Aaron. The hotel tells her he can’t be reached. Minnie screams at the poor person on the other end that he must call his wife it is urgent. Somewhere a telephone just thanked the Virgincita that it’s life was spared for another day. “What a world, What a world”, Sofie & Minnie prepare to leave and the phone rings. Isa asks them to show themselves out as she has take the call from her Papa or as we learn rather her Papi, as she needs to talk to Frankie now. Talk ? so that what the kids are calling it these days.
Rod is back at the hacienda on the phone, yelling at Dani, about how could there be two Agave necklaces. Meanwhile Dr. Blondie is once again yelling at innocent lil Nancy cause he thought Gavi’s necklace was a one of a kind. He tells her to stop crying, but not in a like “hey I’m sorry, really it is not your fault” but more of a “Stop that fricking sniveling, I can’t hear myself berating you”.
Dani tells Rod to calm down, stop acting like kid and stop acting so crazy. Dani then gives him some idea that we can’t hear and Rod is happy. James comes in and off they go to party.
Meanwhile over at the hotel, Gavi has come down from changing into another stunning white outfit. I’ve been to Mexico and white, well not so much. There is endless dust blowing. The buyers load up Thomas again. Two of them are telling Blondie how Rod has the “Gold of all Tequila” and another brings up that Rod is in love with Gavi. Beady eyes. Gavi walks up.
The discussion turns to Aaron who has cancelled his room. Now Blondie questions Gavi about the lips on the label, Gavi tells him that they are hers. See at this point you can see for good or bad she is totally enamored with Rod, this is the “Back Off Dude” time. Beady Blue eyes. Finally the businessmen are bored and want to go hear some Mexican Music. They are unaware that Gaviota the singer is amongst them. “Songs for my Rodriego” available in the lobby. I dunno I’ve heard stories about business trips and so far these guys have only seen Gavi & Ofelia. SanWanna picked the wrong time to go to the city.
Now over to Mexico City, Sofie has taken on a rather aggressive posture with the hired help. She quizzes the maid about Frankie’s whereabouts. The maid of course has no idea. “What a World, What a World”.
Oh look there is Frankie having a snack with Stefano (I still think Stefano is kinda hawt). Frankie confesses that he is intrigued with Isa. With Sofie not so much. He will wait to see how things play out with Isa’s husband. Now I am thinking would that be like your freaking brother-in-law AssHat?
James & Rod are having a Tequila in town when they spot the local guy who is buying up all the sulfate. Rod is like that would be awful if we had a disloyal worker selling off our sulfate. Rod turns his head thus once again his life is spared by the Anvil that just crashed. They leave and walk back to the truck. Two giggling girls (as in female, but plenty old enough to know what they are looking for), come running up to the truck. They think Frankie and his version of the traveling “Trucka de Amor”, is back in Tequila. They asked where Frankie is and when he will be back. Rod says he will be back tomorrow. Rod grills James on what Frankie has been doing in the truck. James says Frankie has lots of Amigas, but James didn’t want to say anything cause he didn’t want sweet little Sofie to suffer. Now Rod spots Thomas the Tour Bus. Can Gavi be far off?
The Tequila buyers & Dr Blondie are all sitting around a table. There is a Norteno band playing. Rod & James pull up down the street. One of the men asks Gavi to dance. So she gets up and dances with him, then another cuts in. It is all good clean fun. Then Blondie asks to dance. Rod spots this from the truck and the God envy/jealousy; PHTHONOS smites him in his heart. Rod jumps out of the truck and tries to walk down the street. James stops him. He is like look there is nothing going on, it is a folk dance. You are getting carried away with your jealousy. Rod agrees and they walk back to the truck. The truck drives off. The dance ends.
Gavi gives the run down of the evening to come, of dinner and so on. The guests toast Gavi on her birthday & Dr. Blondie cause he is such a fine dude. Dr Blondie stands up and starts this speech about who he went six months with out a secretary how he need no one. Then Gavi came into his life and now he is totally dependent upon her, how she has become the most important companion in his life. Gavi looks up at him and smiles. (You know in real life those business guys would be “Is she doing both of them?”)
And we end with that rather disturbing scene. What a World What a World.
Now on to tomorrow….
Looks like Rod tops Dr Blondie by having Clarita come to town as a special birthday gift…we see uber beady eyes.
Dr. Blondie has Marachi singers under Gavi window as Rod walks up with his own band.
(My husband called BS on this one, cause this is like Blondie totally declaring his can’t play that friend card if you have the singers, it only means one thing)…..Remember when Tomas has the singers for Lety’s birthday, even Tomas made it a point that he only did it as a friend cause he knew no one else would ever do it for Lety.
Oh yeah & Aaron & Rod get in a fight and end up in the swimming pool…think Crystal & Alexis Dynasty circa the 80’s…yeah maybe they will rip each others clothes off.
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