Friday, September 12, 2008

Cuidado con el ángel cast (pictures and descriptions)

Translated from

Marichuy - Sweetheart of the barrio (neighborhood), sweet and noble, but with a strong, rebellious character. She has moments of authentic seriousness and others of being seriously amusing. She had a childhood and adolescence full of sadness, but she overcomes her problems and almost always her attitude toward life is totally positive, agile and light.

Juan Miguel - He is attractive, cultivated, of a good family, very serious. He lives tormented by a grand secret in his past. He is an important psychologist with a tremendous desire to help those who need a guide in life. His character is strong, but weak with Marichuy, towards whom he has a strong affection which becomes love. When very young he married Viviana, who made his life intolerable. He has a five-year-old daughter, Mayita.

Estefanía - A sexy, vain, egotistical, ambitious woman, capable of doing anything which will propel her out of the middle class. Her character is strong, she doesn't have a conscience. With the help of her aunt Isabel, she is passing as the lost daughter of Cecilia and Patricio, and has successfully gotten herself into their house. She wants to destroy Marichuy because she gained the love of Juan Miguel, the man Estafanía wants for herself, and afterwards because she discovers Marichuy to be the real daughter of Cecilia and Patricio.

Candelaria - A humble, ignorant and sympathetic woman, she lives in a tenement and works at whatever comes her way in order to survive. Her poverty has not made her bitter. She is an optimist, talks easily, is simple and honest. She adores Marichuy, to whom she gave shelter after finding her sitting in a doorway. For her, Marichuy is the daughter she never had. She has a heart too big to fit in her chest.

Cecilia - She is good, sweet and very pretty, an elegant but discreet (??) woman. She is tormented by the memory of the daughter she had to abandon. Her husband Patricio had gone far away leaving her alone and she, thinking herself at death's door, left her daughter in the hands of a priest who had come to give her the last rites. It will take Cecilia a long time to realize her daughter is a girl who she has so near to her.

Onelia - An elegant upper-class woman, mother to Viviana, Juan Miguel's wife. She lives with them and helps her daughter in every way and through her commits all sorts of villainy. She is venomous, arrogant, and manipulative. She despises Marichuy for being humble and considers her a danger when Juan Miguel brings her to his house. When her daughter disappears and is given up for dead, Onelia notices something more than simple friendship is developing between Marichuy and her son-in-law; her hatred for the girl grows stronger.

Viviana - Juan Miguel's wife, she is sexy, elegant and sensual; proud of her social position, egotistical and capricious. She loves Juan Miguel, but not to the point of renouncing her diversions and infidelities. Furthermore, she fights with him often. When she's given up for dead in an accident, she decides to live the life that pleases her. She returns destroyed, a ruin, but even though she soon recovers and wants to regain her position at Juan Miguel's side, her past catches up with her.

Patricio - A distinguished upperclass man of strong character. With his wife Cecilia and with Estefanía, whom he believes to be his daughter, he is affectionate but firm, even though at times Estefania manipulates him with her evil powers (malas artes). He is stubborn but of good sentiments, a very honest judge who is sometimes unjust. He doesn't know he is Marichuy's father, he disapproves of her way of life and she, in his opinion, ought to be in reform school.

Isabella - Estefanía's aunt, a perverse woman who dominates her niece. She uses people, she'll do anything for money because she's always been in a precarious situation. She is a venomous liar. On occasion she has brushed up against high society and wants to gain this world at all costs. She is the brains behind Estefania's ill deeds until Estefania rebels.

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Guapos bloggers (and potential Cuidado bloggers) sign in!


Soon Guapos will be over. Beckster will be abandoning the 8 pm time slot so she can ogle and smirk at the unshaven male loveliness of the idiot Reyes brothers. Maggie is staying on in her slot. Guapos team, phone home (either email me privately or write a comment here): are you signing on with the lovely Marichuy and yet another installment of "Who's baby are you?" and if so are you happy with your night?

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Cuidado con el ángel (Be careful with the angel, Don't mess with the angel) - English synopsis

Translation of the sinopsis from the esmas site.

Cuidado con el Ángel (Don't Mess with the Angel)

When Marichuy was born her mother, believing herself about to die, gave her to a priest who took her to an orphanage. At 14 years old, Marichuy fled the institution and began to ramble all over, making her living as she could.

The years pass and one day she is attacked by a drunk, which causes her to feel rancor towards men and to suffer nightmares that drive her to despair.

Candelaria, a washer-woman, gives her a home and becomes a mother for her. Marichuy works in whatever way she can to help Candelaria. One day she gets herself involved in a mess and ends up in court, where the judge is her own father (though neither knows of the relationship). She is defended by Juan Miguel San Román, a psychoanalyst.

In order that the girl not be sent to jail, Juan Miguel takes responsibility for her and takes her to live at his house. Juan Miguel is a widow and his mother-in-law makes life impossible for Marichuy.

To avoid problems, Juan Miguel takes her to live at the house of judge Patricio Velarde and his wife Cecilia (the true parents of Marichuy), who at the same time have welcomed Estefanía (an astute young woman who is passing as the child they abandoned).

Juan Miguel and Marichuy fall in love and marry. Nevertheless, on the day following their wedding night, she uncovers a big secret from Juan Miguel's past and therefore spurns him, distances herself from him and refuses to see him again.

When she realizes she is pregnant, Marichuy will not tell him and flees the province with Candelaria, ending up at the hacienda of Leopardo, who gives her shelter and falls in love with her.

Marichuy gives birth and Leopardo wants to marry her and adopt her child, but she tells him she is already married and that what she feels for him is only friendship.

Leopardo doesn't give up and begins to gain her love. Later, he discovers that her husband is Juan Miguel, whom he has known for a long time, they were classmates. The two men vie for the love of Marichuy but, for her, the decision will not be easy.

Marichuy's sweetness and beauty reminds us of an angel, and there are those who think they will be able to destroy her easily, forgetting that an angel is capable of vanquishing a demon, and that's why - be careful with the angel!

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Doña Bárbara - Thurs., Sept. 11: Orestes gets a Darwin award; Marisela finds out the truth about DB and Santos

After being hit with the poisoned thorn, Orestes collapses, BP palms the thorn. Santos accuses DB of being responsible but she claims she didn't do anything.

Lorenzo witnesses Antonio telling Cecilia that he loves her.
Lorenzo calls her shameless and says that he will kill Antonio.

Orestes dies.
Santos asks the doctor if Orestes could have been poisoned and the doctor says that is a possible explanation of Orestes' symptoms. Santos remembers that Orestes was drinking from a bottle that BP had.

Popular opinion has DB responsible for Orestes' death but Santos doesn't want to believe.

Lorenzo tells Cecilia that he can't understand how an educated, refined woman could fall for a nobody ('don nadie') like Antonio. Lorenzo says that Cecilia is a victim and that Antonio is taking advantage of an old maid ('pobre solterona'). Antonio accuses Lorenzo of being bitter and envious. He is reaping what he sowed when he abandoned Cecilia to go after DB. Cecilia calls a plague on their houses and runs away.

The beauty pageant is called off.
Marisela says that she would have won if Orestes hadn't died and nasty Luisana says that she couldn't win a beauty contest on her best day and that she looks pathetic in her costume.
Marisela does not really understand the word,'pathetic,' ('patética') which sort of sounds like the Spanish word for the leg of an animal, 'pata.' She says to Luisana, "Who are you to talk about 'pathetic' with those long skinny legs you have, 'heron legs!'" ('quién habla de patética con esas patas flacas y largas que tiene, ¡patas de garza!').

Santos raises his suspicions about the bottle Orestes drank from before he died but DB calls his bluff and they both drink from the bottle.

At dinner at Altamira, Luisana asks Santos how it feels to be the lover of a murderer. Marisela is listening. She comes in and tells Luisana that Santos would never sleep with DB. Marisela says that she will make Luisana pay for what she said about Santos.
Marisela's idea of payback is to put an iguana in Luisana's bed.

But then she sees Santos going out very early. She goes to El Miedo and finds that DB has gone out also. Then she spies on them having sex in the waterhole ('pozo') and her heart is broken.

Cecilia is lost in despair about whether she can find love but then all the village folk come to help fix up the school and she cheers up.

Lorenzo catches a ternera leaving a bottle in his room.


Guapos Thursday September 11, 2008: Alex tells Rosario that her stigmata don’t have to bleed

Connie comes by to tell Mili to look out for herself. Meaning what? asks Mili. Meaning watch out for Alex, says Connie.

Alex meantime is in a park, cuddling the baby. Rosario comes to meet the baby, takes her in her arms and says she’s so happy to hold a baby after having lost her own and she gets tearful. She makes over her, calls her granddaughter. Rosario says she brought a present – it’s a chain with the Virgin de la Soledad, like Mili’s. She smooches the baby and says she’s glad it’s not a last kiss, like happened with Mili.

We’ve arrived at the day before the wedding, and the wedding planner is out in the garden with Luci, Rocky and Vale. A bit late to be doing planning, I’d say, but here we go. She plans a clarinet and harp duo for the music. Rocky thinks that would be boring – why not a band for dancing? The planner lists some gourmet foods a leading chef will prepare but Rocky says the guests will starve, he’d rather have Socorro to whip up some good old Mexican food. The planner tries to get Luci to intervene, but Luci says I just want their wedding to make them happy. It’ll be great, says Rocky and by the next morning you’ll have a new grandchild on the way. Vale tells him to hush up.

The planner says it’s really easier to plan when the future groom is not present. Rocky says are you running me off? Vale sweet-talks him into going to see Horacio. Ever the effervescent, Rocky heads toward the house, but he runs into Nuevo Ramses who remarks that Rocky’s getting married tomorrow. Rocky rubs it in a bit and tells him he’s not invited, so there. Ramses says Connie had me do the invitations and one of them has my name on it, so there. Rocky says come on then, you can die of envy.

Braulio is having a romantic phone conversation in the lobby. He and Paolo set up a date for tomorrow (!), Paolo will pay for the theater and Braulio will pay for dinner. Ramses walks in and hears Braulio say No you hang up first. Ramses rolls his eyes. Braulio says we’ll hang up on three… one, two, three! But he checks and Paolo is still there. He titters and Ramses interrupts.

He wants to know if Rocky is having a bachelor party and Braulio says yes, at Bobby’s house. Ramses says you’re inviting me, right? Brauilio says no, and dramatically tells him that he has another date – there is someone else in his life. He can imagine how Ramses must feel, but sooner or later he’d have to find out. (I’m getting confused about the days – Braulio made a date for tomorrow, but now it sounds like the bachelor party, not the wedding, is tomorrow. I don’t want to back up the tape to find out if I misunderstood during the wedding planner scene.) Ramses is puzzled and tries to say something, but Braulio is on a roll: Let me go, I beg you, just let me go! And he runs off.
What’s up with him? poor dim-bulb Ramses thoughtbubbles.

We’re back in the park and apparently Alex has just told Rosario that Mili has a bad opinion of her. He tells her he can’t keep lying. Rosario, apparently unconcerned by her daughter’s unhappiness, begs Alex not to tell. Tell her the truth, says Alex, that’s the only way she will understand why you hate Connie so much. Rosario says I have to think about it. Alex is that what you want? That Mili grow distant from you because you want to harm her daddy? Rosario says my life blah blah abandoned blah blah knew she was his daughter but still she was a servant blah blah … what kind of man would do that? He’s got to pay!

Alex tells her that he and Mili have been through hell and high water to get to where there are now, namely happy and about to start a family. They want to stay away from negative vibes. Rosario radiates more of them, though. She says Connie hates you and he wants to destroy your business and your love. Alex says their love is tan grande not to mention tan fuerte that nothing can touch it. Rosario says you think so, and you’ve been blinded by the fact that you’ve spent your life trying to attain Connie’s love and respect and you believe one day he’ll change, realize his mistake, and give them to you. Dream on.

Alex says I know he loves Mili – I’ve seen it. Rosario says he loved me, adored me, and when we found out we were expecting a child, he was the happiest man on earth. And then what happened? He told me he was going to marry someone else, and he threw me out into the street like a bag of trash, which is why I dress this way. (I made that last part up.) He thinks he’s invincible, but don’t worry, I’ll take care of him.

Suddenly the rain from hurricane Ike pours down on them. And it was sunny just a second ago! This global warming is making the weather very unpredictable. They make a run for it through the sunny rain, laughing.

It’s pouring on the wedding planning group too. They head for the mansion, but Rocky appears and he and Vale romp around in the rain, then she pushes him in the fountain and later she’s in the fountain too and they romp some more and then smooch. Ah, young love!

Inside, Nuevo Ramses is on the phone getting someone to get him a few gorgeous gals as a surprise for the stag party. He thoughtbubbles We’ll see if Vale marries you now, chauffer!

Connie and Mili are in the car, and it’s pouring rain outside there too. He says he’s brought Mili to meet a person named Rosela di Llano – he got her address from Peralta. Mili says I already know her – she came to see me in the hospital. She’s very pretty. Connie says I can well imagine. Mili says it’s better if we just leave. Connie says no, I brought you to meet her because she’s your rival. She’s very dangerous, she’s your enemy and it’s best to keep enemies close. She came to see you in the hospital to get close to Alex. He and she are lovers.

Mili is beyond impactada – she says it’s a lie. He says it’s true. What’s the best way to get close to a man? Get close to his wife. Mili is badly shaken. She snatches the address paper from Connie and says I want to go alone. She runs through the rain to Rosario’s apartment building.

The door to Rosario’s apartment is open – I guess she hasn’t read about all the rich folks getting kidnapped in Mexico. She’s in her white spa bathrobe with her hair up in a towel and she’s holding the baby. Uh oh, here comes Alex in a matching spa bathrobe. A maid hovers in the background. I didn’t know being in the rain made you want to shower and wash your hair, but apparently that’s what they did. Through her open door we see Mili out by the elevators, studying the piece of paper.
Rosario is saying I’d like to be with the baby every day. Alex says I can’t bring her every day. Mili spies them from the hallway and is horrified. Rosario says it’s important that Mili think our relationship is business and nothing else. She says ah, Alex, and puts her hand on his check. If you bring me the little girl two or three times a week, I’d be in heaven. I love holding her in my arms. Mili looks like she’s been slugged in the stomach and she heads for the elevators. Alex says pretty soon we’ll be a family.

Mili is outside in the rain, devastated. Connie runs out of the car and says what happened? Mili is sobbing why? why? Connie hugs her and says you won’t be alone. (Forgive me, Padre Manuel, but I have hate for Rosario in my heart right now.)

Inside Rosario and Alex are having a nice cuppa. Alex wants to know what her plans are concerning Connie. Rosario says never mind about him, he’s not worth it. Alex says he’s worried what if some tragedy occurs… Rosela says you mean like would I put a hit out on him? I’m not like that. Everything I’m planning is legal. Alex says well I feel a little bit better.

Rosario says Connie wouldn’t give up everything for me and his daughter. I want to see him stripped of everything – his business, his political career, his money. What about his family? says Alex. Rosario says he doesn’t care about that, just money and power.

Mili is sobbing in the car. She doesn’t understand. Why did he do that to her? Why now? Connie says it’s not your fault. Alex is messing in with her to work against me. That’s not for sure says Mili. Connie asks what the woman said and Mili says nothing. I didn’t talk to her. I wanted to talk, I wanted to shout, but my voice failed me. It was like I couldn’t get any air. She melts down. Rosela was there with Rosario. With my daughter!

I’m going to kill him with my bare hands, says Connie. Mili says no, I don’t want you to harm him. Connie says, I shouldn’t dirty my hands. I know some guys who could catch him outside his office…. Mili says no! no! no! Connie says Alex has hurt you and he’s trying to destroy me. I can’t just sit on my hands. You’ll feel better when you see his face all pounded to a pulp. Mili says if you lay a hand on him, I’ll never forgive you.

Connie says you’re very upset, we’ll talk later. Your room is still as it was, you can move right back in. Mili is hysterical and says take me to my house, not somebody else’s! Take me to my house! Connie says I want to protect you. Mili shouts at him Take me or I’ll get a taxi! Connie says okay, we’ll talk tomorrow after Vale’s wedding.

Alex tells Rosario she doesn’t need to lift a finger to destroy Connie. Everyone in the family has withdrawn from him. He sees that all the money in the world won’t buy him the love of a son, or the smile of a baby in his arms. And if he doesn’t do something himself to change, he’s going to end up alone in his old age. That’s what will hurt him most, and that’s what will be his punishment.

Alex says look forward in your life towards love. You went 20 years without your daughter and now is the time to enjoy her and not spend your time on a vengeance that will just leave a bitter aftertaste. Go to Mili, tell her the truth. You both need to start healing the wounds of the past. Let Mili’s love teach you to forgive everything. Rosario looks serious.

Luci sees Mili coming into the house like the walking wounded, but Mili tries to cover up. Luci tells her that Lina will be staying overnight because it’s Bobby’s party night, and Alex won’t be staying. No? says Mili in a tiny voice. No, says Luci, he’s staying over at Bobby’s. Luci says there’s nothing worse than a meddling mother-in-law, but I know you and Alex were arguing and I just want to ask you to try to be happy for Vale tonight for her bachelorette party. Mili says sure. Luci tells her to have a nice hot shower and she’ll make her some tea.

The guys plus Horacio are slugging down beers and whooping it up. All the ladies, including Sor Cachete are at Mili’s house laughing and Vale is having a ball. It looks like they are going to TP her. Now the guys are arm wrestling and drinking shooters, and they keep giving Rocky shots and cheering him on to drink them. The girls have TPed Vale, in a way – she is draped to look like a bride. Rocky is really drunk now and he is drinking from the bottle. He could end up in the hospital this way, but the guys, who are still sober, are laughing it up.

A taxi delivers Horacio and Bobby, who both look passed out, to Casa Belmonte. Nuevo Ramses comes out, smiles craftily and swaggers and puts on some lip balm.
Karla has just finished her pole number and she goes over to Homeless Hugo’s table. She says I thought you weren’t coming back. You ran out and I thought I was an idiot to open up my history to you and then you take off. Hugo says, in his best naco talk, that what she told him touched him profoundly. He says he once was in love with someone who didn’t love him back and her story brought all that back. He gave everything just to hear her say “I love you” but she never did.

Out front of Casa Belmonte Horacio and Rocky are hugging and almost falling over. Rocky says tomorrow I marry the love of my life. I was a chauffer, a gardener, an exterminator, a tire guy, I got beat up, but did any of that stop me? No! He says to Horacio I love you man, and they hug again. Rocky says listen up, because nobody will be more honest, more sincere than I am being with you right now. He staggers. I gotta go pee! And he heads for the bushes.

Hugo is telling Karla that the important thing is that she understands him, that he’s not a bad guy. They seem to be really connecting. She says I slept with a father and his son at the same time. If you think badly of me, I won’t blame you. You’re great, really honest, says Hugo. One thing … tell me the truth, he says. Did you fall in love with either of them? Yes, says Karla, or so I think. But let’s not talk about that. I’m alone now.

Hugo says nobody likes to be alone. Sez you, says Karla, and you a vagabond! Hugo says why do you think I come to visit you? They are leaning across the table toward each other and Hugo bounces his eyebrows. Karla looks lovely when she smiles. She leans back in the booth, chews a fingernail happily and looks at him flirtatiously.

Rocky comes into his room at Casa Belmonte, he is hanging onto the doorknob and the walls for support. We see some impressive cleavage – it’s a woman, and there’s another one. The other one says We are your stag party present and we are here to fulfill all your fantasies. They drop their slinky robes and stand there in their underlovlies. Oh wait, there are three of them! Rocky crawls onto the bed and they stand over him looking like Victoria’s Secret models in their panty and bra ensembles. Rocky says excuse me, but when I see a bed, I can’t help myself. They hmmm appreciatively. Good night, says Rocky and conks out. They try to wake him to no avail.

At the pole-dancing place, Macarena is singing and Hugo admires her voice. Karla tells him that she has a twin who is a nun. No kidding! says Hugo. Karla says I recall you said you sing with your friend who plays the guitar and that you two are the best street musicians in Mexico. Karla asks when he sings, and he equivocates. Monday maybe Wednesday and Friday. Karla says tomorrow is Wednesday. Hugo gets vague.

The models are standing over sleeping Rocky telling Ramses, who is there with a camera, that they can’t wake him up. Don’t worry, says Ramses, when he sees the photos, he’ll think he’s had the best night of his life. Every man dreams of sleeping with three hot models like you. One of the girls says his fiancée won’t see these, right? Of course not, lies Ramses. He tells them to undress Rocky and then pose. They start in and Rocky smiles in his sleep and says wait until after the wedding.

Karla is trying to nail Hugo to a time when she can hear him sing and complains that she works at night. Hugo sets up a daytime time. Macarena is belting out her song onstage and Hugo chair dances a little.

Macarena’s torch song continues and we see an arty shot of Alex looking pensively out the window of Bobby’s apartment with moonlight on his face and then we see Mili bent over in a chair, sobbing. We see Vale in bed, smiling in her sleep. Then we see Ramses getting his shot. The girls are draped over Rocky’s sleeping form, but he isn’t exactly nekkid, as he has a T-shirt and boxers on. Click. Click. Click. At the club, Macarena finishes her song and the spotlight swoops around.

It’s morning at Mili’s little orange house and Luci is telling Vale to come eat a little something. The doorbell rings. Uh oh. Oh, whew, it’s only Robledo who wanted to hand-carry some papers for Luci. He tells her her money is all set. But he says there’s something… naw, he’ll ask Connie later. Luci says what? He says about Mili’s shares, there seems to be another seller and he can’t figure it out, but he’ll straighten it out on Monday.

Robledo says he has to talk to the person who’s going to help (I have no idea what he means, but Luci says uh-huh). He understands Connie’s position about Vale – she needs to understand that marriage is not a whim. Luci says uh-huh skeptically. Robledo says the person who is pretending to be a judge will bring it off beautifully. Uh-huh says Luci . (Oh, now I get it.) She sees Robledo out and heads for the phone, muttering that she can’t believe it! A fake judge! She dials up Nestor and says I need your help.

Chamuco and Gloria are in the kitchen. Chamuco says where that smile I love? Gloria says Vale is getting married, Lina is already married, and Mili has even already divorced and here’s me still single. Peer pressure is a rough thing, even if you create it yourself. I’m your boyfriend, don’t worry says Chamuco. Gloria says she read a magazine article and now she knows he’s one of those guys who’s afraid of commitment. Chamuco says what is it you want me to do? Gloria says let’s get married today!

Rocky is getting dressed for his wedding day and Alex is looking on. Rocky says he thought of kidnapping his chiquita like Alex did with Mili, but he never did because he thought a wedding was the right way to go. Rocky says how much he loves her and he asks Alex if he looks good for her, like a movie star? They joke around.

Nestor comes in and Rocky looks surprised, but Alex rolls his eyes. Nice manners, Alex. Rocky said they didn’t expect him, but Nestor says Luci sent him and there’s been a change of plans. We see Vale in her wedding gown – so lovely. She asks Mili and Lina if she looks okay, she is nervous. They swear she looks divine. Vale says she wants to look beautiful and the girls reassure her. Vale tells Lina to say “tu” for heaven’t sake, they’re friends!

Mili says Rocky loves you like crazy, he’s noble, he would never do anything to hurt you. She starts to break up and Vale says don’t cry, it’s catching. Mili says it’s just that weddings make me sentimental. Lina says you didn’t cry at mine! Luci comes in and exclaims over Vale. Vale says where were you? You disappeared! Luci says there’s been a change of plans. Vale gives her a look and freeze frame.

I wonder how they’re going to resolve all this in a week.

Avances: Mili tells Alex now she knows why he wants to work with that woman. She knows everything! He is cheating on her with Rosela! Alex looks shocked.


Querida Enemiga Thurs 9/11 - Will Sara play Misty for us?

Al tells Sara that Lorena remains the love of his life. She completely loses it, her mouth gets square and she bares all her teeth as she hisses "you're blind and completely loco!". (Honey, that's saying the donkey has big ears!) She says he's crazy for a woman who deceived him. (Hmmm...) She gets totally hysterical and screams she will not be dumped for that falsa Lor. Al, convinced Sara is not worth the trouble, yells back that she'd better leave, NOW. He even raises his voice and waves his arms around a bit. Al is so over Sara. Again.

Meanwhile Lor tosses and turns in bed and recalls kissing Al in the rain, then she remembers her long slow Ernesto kiss. Sigh.

Sara tries a new tack with Al, she tells him if he plans to go looking for Lorena he can find her in the bed of Ernesto Mendiola her lover, one of the greatest chefs in Mexico. Does it hurt, does it hurt to imagine Lorena in bed with him? Al physically tries to throw her out but she wrenches free and stomps out. The camera rests on Al's unhappy constipated look as the lightning and thunder crack behind him.

Ivan strolls into his Tio's living room with a quadruple decker PBJ dripping jelly (or a ketchup/mustard sandwich oozing goo). He deliberately shakes the red goo onto tio's carpet after Ern asks him to be careful. Satisfied, Ivan walks off as Ern rolls his eyes, he can't deal with this teen right now.

The two younger kids run out, they can't sleep, they're afraid, is Lorena around? Ern tries to allay their fears, he carries them to bed.

Maruja can't sleep either. She recalls Jaime's words, that he wants to be friends. She sighs, "just friends, nothing more". Lorena joins her and admits that Ern kissed her. What should she do? Maruja says her mom always said when someone sighs hard it's because their soul wants to fly somewhere else. "Cuando uno suspira muy fuerte, es porque su alma desea volar a otra parte." (Caray readers, please correct my translation if it's off.) She asks Lorena where does her soul want to fly?

Ern reads the kids a story but it makes them sad because their mom used to read it to them. More amazing waterworks from the expert crier Gina. Ern promises them that they won't be alone, this is their house now and he loves them very much.

Maruja warns Lorena that Ern is very experienced in the ways of love and has had a lot of women. She advises Lor to take her time to get to know him better. Lor tells Maru that recently, due to the tragedy, she's had the chance to see another side of Ern, a more strong and sensitive side, nevertheless she doesn't think he's the man of her life. "Who is?" asks Maru, "Alonslow?" Lor waits a bit too long before answering that she can't love a man who doesn't believe in her. (Lorena, Ernesto believes in you!)

It's morning and Ern, used to keeping Chef's hours, sleeps soundly on his couch. The little kids wake him up, they are already dressed for school and they're late! Ivan left and there's no time for breakfast. The drive to school is a disaster, the kids are terrified that they'll get in an accident and scream until Ern pulls over. Traffic honks behind him. "Tio are you mad at us?" they ask.

Alonslow calls Paula and tells her he's coming over to get Toribio. Pau tells Torbi he can't stay there because the house is full with Val and her kids. Torbi resists saying he has more right to be there. Paula insists he has to leave with Al because he has a house and Val and the kids don't. Bottom line, Don T is chicken shit to face Al.

Vasco visits Jaime at his new digs. Jaime says the apartment is great but the new landlady is loco. Vasco indicates he's at the family biz in order to save it. Vasco asks if Jaime is really going through with the divorce. Absolutely says dad.

Cut to Cougar Barb on the prowl. Chalo is washing the limo wearing only his shorts. She pretends to be interested in his education by giving him a history book, he pretends to be interested in the book. They are both interested but the book has nothing to do with it. Chalo smiles to himself. I predict boinkage in the near future.

Sara arranges to have more money deposited into her account and whines about Al dumping her. She'll never let him go, never!

Jaqui bothers Sara about some wine auction thingies and Sara threatens Jaqui there could be a reduction in force if things are hard with the company.

Jaqui goes to Icky and tells him she suspects something is up with Sara. He tells her when Sara splits they'll check out her computer. Vasco enters the office and they all stare at each other.

Paula tells Alonslow about Amalia tricking Torbi out of his money, she tells Al to go easy, Toribio did it for love. Torbi becomes angry that Pau told Al (did he really think she wouldn't?). He feels like an old fool and says he refuses to go home with Al. He waves his arms and stomps out of the room. Al tells Pau he broke up with Sara. Pau doesn't look too happy. Oh yeah, Al just broke up with her best client.

Over at the Armendariz kitchens Jaqui whispers into her cellular that Sara is busy tasting and now is the time to spy. Sara, pissed off at the world, tastes the first dish and pronounces it horrible. Vasco tastes it and says it's excellent and Sara is full of it. "You will respect my authorotay" shouts Cartman, I mean Sara, as she heads for her office.

Jaqui stalls Sara while Icky tries to get into her computer. He can't figure out the password so he rifles through her papers. A bright red folder jumps out at him; what luck, it contains her bank statement!

Later Icky and Jaqui review the statement and see that Sara has deposited large sums of money into it. Icky thinks it's proof that she is stealing money from her own grandmother.

Jaqui, trying to return the evidence, busts into Sara's office with the bright red folder while Sara is texting Alonslow. Oops! Sara doesn't notice the bright red folder, (give me a break,) and decides to go for a coffee, allowing Jaqui to put the folder back in the drawer. Oh right.

Al gets Sara's text, she can't live without him and she never failed him, he rolls his eyes.

Oh my, Black Widow Amalia lumbers up to Al and wants to talk to him.

Lor shows up at Ern's place and is suprised to see the children are not at school. Tio overslept then drove too fast and... "Little by little" soothes Lor. She offers to help them unpack before she goes to her cooking class, and guess what, Tio Ern is the teacher.

Meanwhile Ern is outside Lor's house, almost goes in, and refrains lest he seem obsessive.

Alonslow scolds Amalia for betraying his pa. She denies it, she only told a little lie. She tells him she loves his pa and weeps convincingly, she wants Al's help. Al remains cold and firm, his pa moved out and won't come back. OK, she's got me fooled. Nice job black widow. Too bad Al's not buying it.

Torbi is at Pau's being a couch potato. She tells him to find some activities. What, Tai Chi in the park, he sneers.

Now for the saddest (and for me the most real) scene of the day. Lor helps the kids unpack and little Gina pulls out a shirt, she takes a deep sniff, it smells like her mother. (I remember that happening to me about 5 years after my mother died. I found a box with some of her clothing and when I opened it I could smell her. Wow, the memories that blasted through my head, I didn't know if I was happy or sad. Both I guess.) Anyway, Lorena suggests they save it, she's really nice to these kids, no wonder they like her.

The maid brings ice cream, the kids lick their lips, and Lor announces she has to go to class. Maid says please come any time, she's great with the kids. Lor looks at them affectionately, she's really falling for them.

Paula tells Torbi that Dario wants to get back together with her. He's not too happy to hear the news and asks if she wants to get back with him. She says maybe she'll do it for Bettina. Torbi says Dario will always be Bettina's dad, whether Paula marries Batman or the Bionic Woman or whomever. She laughs and tells him she's grateful to have a psychologist as a dad. Ah papa, why is love so hard? That's the question of the day, he says.

Bettina comes home and is bummed that Ivan hasn't called. Torbi comments that everyone suffers from love.

Dario and Jaqui and their lawyers are in front of the divorce judge. She wants alimony and Dario thinks not. He throws her photo of betrayal at the judge. Much arguing ensues and the judge says he'll grant the divorce immediately. Clearly these two do not belong together.

Ern's maid dusts his statues with a paintbrush and tells him Lor came to visit.

Over at the cooking school Lor and her friend discuss Maestro Ernesto's situation, so sad that his sister died. Friend says he's lucky to have Lor around to comfort him. Suddenly the kids run in and hug Lorena. Ern follows, smiling.

He tells the kids to behave and they say OK as long as they can play with Lorena. Ern explains to his class that his niece and nephew are there today, the students all wave hello. He explains he's a bit off today so bear with him please. Little Gina pipes up that her parents will help him from heaven. Ern looks serious and kind of sad as he starts class. Lorena watches him with an interested expression on her face. Is this the new and improved Ernesto?

Valeria tells Al that she plans to leave to be closer to her family. Al is bummed, he likes her there. She tells him he and Sara can visit her. He gets his constipated look and tells her he broke up with Sara.

Ern gives a tutorial on salad making. Lor's friend submits her vinaigrette for him to try. To her surprised delight he pronounces it very good. He whispers something in Lor's ear. Nor sure what it was but Lor slips a note in his pocket.

Val tells Al she always thought Sara was cold and calculating. (Since when? She was sucking up to her last time I saw). Al says he can't stop loving Lorena; Val says it's a lost cause, didn't he have proof she betrayed him? He says now he's not sure. Val says it might be too late but if he really feels that way he should talk to her.

After cooking class the kiddies run toward some yummy brownies which gives Ern a chance to read Lor's note. She needs to talk to him after work. Ern gives us a beautiful smile.

Bruno and Diana move into their new apartment. She makes him carry her over the threshhold to avoid bad luck. Whoa, way too late for that Diana. He says the three of them will be very happy. "The four or five of us," she adds, she wants lots of kids. Bruno urps, uh later on that. He goes into pig mode and tells her he doesn't want her to go back to work, he demands it as her husband. She announces she's his wife, not his slave, and he can't demand anything. "We'll see" he says to the empty room.

Ern gets home with the kids and sulky Ivan waits outside the door. He's been waiting three hours.

Julian shows Omar his pictures in ABC sports and Omar goes on and on about Julian enjoying young bodies while he has the chance. Zuly overhears and thought bubbles that it's obvious Omar has a younger woman despite what Maruja said.

Diana unpacks a picture of Bruno and looks at it like maybe he's not the guy she thought he was. She's probably thinking that maybe he's a big asshat and she made a mistake dumping Vasco.

After work Rossy helps Lorena get dressed in her street clothes and announces that Lorena looks great. Lor has butterflies in her stomach. I don't care what she looks like, if she worked in a kitchen all night she smells like fish and garlic.

Alonslow waits outside the restaurant like a stalker. He gets a text message from that nasty piece of work Sara telling him that Lorena will betray him and he doesn't deserve it.

Lor walks out, Al gawks and thought bubbles how lovely she is, Ern drives up, gives her a brief kiss and they drive off. Bwaahaahaa Al you idiot!

Ern says he's going to take her to a special place, a surprise. They arrive at an overlook high above the city. Ern gives her his jacket so that we can see his awesome biceps, Thanks Ern.

Lor says from up there the city seems tiny, beautiful, like one could conquer it. He tells her she can, she's a woman with talent, character, a big heart. He tells her he loves her. She asks, really? To answer he gives her a nice long kiss. A real one, with music and everything.

She tells him she loves him too but she's afraid. He says she taught him to love. Oh man, he's a much much better kisser than Alonso. Do it again! The best thing about his kisses, he smiles at her afterward! He's happy, he holds her and she's happy too.

She smiles and thought bubbles, after today my life is new, goodbye to Alonso and the rain and hello to the dawn.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fuego 9/11: Forgive me, no I won't, forgive me, no I won't, and a miraculous non-leaking lunchbox.

So, no Spanish subtitles for me tonight, which made me understand why people have been complaining about the background noise of this show - loud chirping crickets, waterfalls, rain, miscellaneous scratching noises. Here's what I could glean:
  • Juan goes to see Unibrow, aka Pedro's father (and a terrible mumbler, but I'm not complaining, least we don't have to watch him kissing anybody in this telenovela). Unibrow shows Juan a picture of yore, with Juan's mom next to him (a younger version of Unibrow). Sister and brother. Unibrow says he'll do whatever he has to, to get Pedro to trust him.

  • At the Tumbao Rosario and Eva hug. They've decided even if Gabriela is telling the truth and they are not daughter and mother, they love each other as if they were. Margarita asks, "what if your real mother turns up?" "I don't think about it - I don't need anybody but Eva."

    Later Margarita reveals to Eva: "Rosario is my daughter." Eva is, like, impactada.

  • Pedro sulks, waiting for Juan. When Juan gets back and sez he's been to see Unibrow, Pedro the Hairy premieres the night's theme: "I will never pardon him, never!"

    Juan says, "Here's some advice: kids can't divorce their parents, he'll always be your dad, and you're lucky to have him, I dream about my parents but they're gone. Listen to your heart and then decide."

  • It's night, thunder and lightning, and as the storm rises the boys storm the hacienda. First, Oscar sneaks in on Jimena who, lying in bed wearing a cheesy white satin ribbon in her hair - the kind we wrap presents with - and hugging her red satin stuffed heart, says audibly: "Oscar, I miss you."

    But when Oscar-in-the-flesh comes around the corner, looking handsome and appealing, she says she doesn't want to see him, ever again, he betrayed her. He says he had to do it for his sister, but he fell in love, and he gives her excellent puppy-dog eyes (I would have melted), but she says go away and don't come back.

    She doesn't look happy when he leaves, via the balcony - it was hard for him to get down that rope with one arm, I bet - and rides away.

  • Sarita paces, prays, takes out her quill pen and starts a letter to Franco, then stops, paces, complains of the pain of life, she can't find peace, suddenly a voice is heard. Franco is serenading her, she melts and then refreezes, I have things like that in my refrigerator and they aren't a pretty sight.

    He sings but to no avail. He should have shaved if he wanted this tactic to succeed; she throws water on him and tells him to leave. He, too, goes out via the balcony on a rope and also rides away.

  • Sofia tosses in her bed. She dreams of Juan, they have a wonderful dreamy kiss, sigh. But it's a dream. She goes downstairs to put water in a flower vase and sees Fernando sneaking out of mom's bedroom. She comes back upstairs, perplexed by what she saw. "He's playing with mother, she'll suffer, I'm sure."

    She hears a whinny. It's Juan and his horse staring plaintively up at her window. "We have to talk." She says no, he says he and Capricho will stay all night. It starts to rain. He is like John Cusack (right) in "Say Anything," except he has a horse instead of a car. In the morning they're still there, both man and horse are drenched and shivering.

    (You note I feature the horse prominently. Poor thing, out in the rain, he didn't ask for it. On the other hand, my donkey does this too, of his own free will. He spends hours in the rain shivering when he has a perfectly nice house.)

    So Sofia finally agrees to talk. He takes her to Libia's tomb and kneels and asks her to forgive him. No dice. He gets mad, "You pardoned your father but not me? He lied to my sister!" No dice. She wants to walk home alone but he insists on taking her.

  • Pedro takes Unibrow to church because it's probably been several decades since he's said confession. So now he'll confess his sins to Father Bouffy. Bouffy says it's never too late. (A PSA in behalf of your local clergy.)

  • Ferd smokes a cigar at the bottom of the stairs. Gab shows up and asks why he's so nervous, is he worried that Sofia's out?

    And speak of the devil, at that VERY moment Sofia and Juan show up. And so does Don Augustin. But though the scene looks dramatic, nothing happens.

  • Quintina has painted a clown's mouth on herself with lipstick. She and the lawyer, who appears to be living in, have a real or fake kiss (I can't tell) and she gets a megaphone and very rapidly fills him in on the whole story. He falls asleep during the telling. She misses her "General."

  • Meanwhile her General, playing toy soldiers all alone, misses her too.

  • At the bakery, Juan (the only one who ever works) is thinking of the Sofia bread and, coincidentally at that VERY moment, so is Sofia! Kozmik Synkrony!

  • Gramps tells his daughter how Furd deceived him and will deceive her, too. Gab says complacently, "He has nothing, it's all in my hands." "No, he manipulates you in the name of 'helping' you." "No, it's mine, all mine, and don't come around here or I'll have you thrown out in the street."

    Then Gab gives Furd a massage in the study and says "Everything I have is yours." He smirks.

  • At the Bad Love Bar, Armando is handing Rosario a bill of goods, the line Furd sent him with, that is to say: "Make her trust you."

    But maybe Armando is a double agent and really means it? "Rosario, let's join forces, I'll protect you." "No, I can't move against Furd, he'll take my son and I'll never see Luisito again. Anyway, you're Furd's dog, why would you change sides?"

    "Because I hate him too, he humiliates me." "Wouldn't you betray me?" "No, because I'm tired of him and want him to pay."

  • Juan is still kneading dough, the other brothers come in, they're all despondent not to mention crabby because they've been rejected by their women, Oscar drops more rolls, Franco picks them up and puts them back on the tray (will they at least be sold at a discount?), the lawyer and all nag Juan to remember where his father put his will. Juan figures it out! It's under the tree!

  • Furd brings Luisito into the hacienda, Sofia is happy to see the boy but not happy to see who he's with. "You feel nothing for him, Furd, you're just trying to impress me. I know you were in my mother's bed."

    Furd says they have to talk: "Aww, sweetie, if you just say the word I'll come back to you." Sofia barfs (not really). Gabriela comes in and asks what's up. They don't tell.

  • The Reyes Bros. and the lawyer go to the tree and poke and dab at its roots with small, ineffective sticks (they remind me of those wimpy extras wielding agave pikes so unconvincingly in Destilando).

    Despite the inadequate toolage, the boys (or, probably, some hapless Televisa studio assistants) manage to make an impressive hole and pull out a banged up antique metal lunchbox and open it with a big knife and guess what, the will is in it, and it's not even water damaged in the slightest! And it names the boys as their dad's sole heirs. (Well, it names Libia too, but she won't be getting her share.)

Tomorrow: a visit to the tomb. Raquel and Gabriela are not happy campers.


Pasión de Gavilanes, Wed. 9-10- Swamp Tio finally appears!

Two more days left!
For those following along on You Tube, we are up to the end of 192-4

Sarita and Franco visit Rosario who says that she really loved Franco but didn't know how to handle it and did bad things.

Juan overpowers Feonando and takes charge. Here Grabiela and Feo are 'eating locally.' Later, Juan manages to catch an eel that they eat further demonstrating his superiority to Feo as a wilderness guy even though he is crippled.

The guy who knows the swamp finally shows up from Canada and it turns out he Los Reyes long-lost uncle, Anibal. He is known on TW as the Swamp Tio. It's perfectly obvious that he is Ruth's father, too, which provides a reason for the resemblance between her and Libia. He organizes an expedition into the swamp to find Juan and Grabiela.

Juan modestly refuses to take off his wet shirt in front of Grabiela citing her disgust of his shirtlessness when Los Reyes were building the cabaña. We see a flashback to that early part of the novela and Grabi must have been crazy not to have wanted to see this every day.


Querida 9-10-08 - A kiss, a diss, and divorced bliss

We begin with the MTV video that leads to "the kiss" and then.... the let down. Lore stops herself and says this is an error, and this can’t happen, she’d better leave. Ern tries to convince her they did nothing wrong, it was merely a kiss, and he likes being with her, but she thinks she better go and she runs out. Ern thinks to himself how much he wants to give her his love. Lore doesn’t think she can trust him.

Al gives Val some expensive pills that he bought especially for Flor because the clinic doesn’t carry them. He believes they will help.

Lore is telling Rossy of the kiss and her lack of confidence in Ernie’s staying power. Rossy however thinks he’s the bomb and notes that Lore is a little hot about the kiss; she admits that’s true because she’s acknowledging Al is in the past. She rushes off to school.

Jacqui kisses Vasco’s butt and is thrilled he’s there instead of Horty. Vasco tells her to get him all the profit and loss stuff. Sara busts up Jac's parade by yelling at Vasco that she’s going to take some wine for an auction benefit that she’s attending in place of Horty and despite him noting they have losses and not wanting her to do so. Sara just walks all over him that she’s going to do this and that’s the end of it. RRrrrrr....

Jacqui complains to her new meat how those two are putting her in the middle of their hate fights but Icky is distracted. His divorce signing is today, plus he doesn’t like that the twenty something is in charge instead of him. Jacqui gets a call from her lawyer and hopes her divorce will be soon. Weird, what was the point of being married if it only lasted a week. Whatever.

So now Pau is on the phone giving advise for her business when Dario shows up. There are some niceties exchanged but the gist is, Pau marry me again. There is super bad editing here like this was supposed to be the real end of the episode and they cut away to her on the other side stopping the music crescendo mid cresc.. Essentially she says no, things are different, you had 15 years with me and we can’t just erase the errors and no way will us going to Thailand together like you want magically make everything ok. She thinks the money should be invested for Betti’s education or something, they aren't kids anymore. He pulls the old do it for the kid, but Pau very cooly dismisses that as not enough of a reason and she’s not sure she wants him back but she will think about it.

At the judicial proceeding Icky tells the judge he still wants to be married but Val definitely doesn’t. She yells at him for using the kids and reminds him she has proof of his infidelities. Finally he signs.

At the auction Al breaks up with Sara and she begs him not to. She wants to know what she did to make him hate her. She only loved him, blah blah blah. Sorry, I actually side with her, because why would you break up with someone (even her) at a benefit event? No class.

On the sunnier side of town Lore and Ern are at a park with the kids and they scream for a kiss so she relents but only on the cheek. Ern tells her he really likes her and she says how many times have you said that before, she doesn’t want to get in to it. She still doesn’t trust him. He swears it’s different this time.

The Sara /Al whining continues until he leaves, he says she’s strong and will be fine and they will talk later. Jacqui comes up saying some press want to talk to Sara, but she has to clean up her mascara first....oh and yell at Jacqui of course and swear she won’t lose Al.

Chalo is at the mansion, (why?) I think in the library reading the books. Barb comes in and they chat a little about the authors, bonding. He asks Barbi to explain the book.

A nurse gives Snorty therapy saying she’ll be up and around lickety split.

Barb confesses she’s read nothing. Chalo says he hasn’t either and repeated primary school. He mentions something about growing up in his small town of San Martin. This rings a bell for Barb and she thinks Sara is from there too. Chalo feigns that he didn’t know and brushes it off.

At Tori’s building, a claustrophobic husband is stuck in an elevator and Al blames Tori for something again, this?

The divorcee club is drinking wine AGAIN and chatting about Dario’s latest trick. Betti talks to her friend about Ivan not being around. Her friend says guys are like that, kiss and run, but Betti hasn’t kissed him. She dances to RBD with the little girl. Ma yells about the volume, and Ma's friend thinks maybe if she gets back with Dario then Rai will be free. That doesn’t go over well for the preying friend. Just then Val shows up confirming her divorce is final and they console and cheer her telling her it's ok to celebrate and cry.

Maru and Jaime are walking to the apt she intends to show him. He thanks her for helping him and again she says that's the best a friend can do.

Julian gets a new digital camera and takes cute poses of Rossy and remarks how sexy she is.

Jaime looks the apartment and the owner is a little eccentric, she mentions the bed sleeps two, and he says he has no partner, but she says his aura is orange, which means he’s looking for a partner. He takes the apt. And, he likes that it is close to Maru's house and the owner lady promises to read his cards, on the house of course.

Lore shows up with a lollipop for the little girl, and Ern has a soccer ball, and he is surprised Lore didn’t blow him off and showed up. She says she keeps her promises.

Sara yells at Jacqui some more and the organizer thanks her for her generosity. She cuts him off because she’s waiting for her beau.

Ern and Lore share quality time with the kids paying football.

The auction goes on. Al comes back, I don’t get this, I thought he left after breaking up with her, but now he’s back? She greets him and wants to show him off, that one day one of these might be his patient. He’s content with his poor people, but she wants him to aspire to more.

Ern tells Lore again how much he REALLY loves her. He leans in for another kiss and the kids chant again.

Now Al is yelling at Sara for belittling his life’s work. He calls her ambitious. She doesn’t want to argue now, he says he doesn’t want to continue with her. Could they have screwed up these segments out of order? I swear this should go before the other scene. Maybe Al got the call to save his Pa at the elevator fiasco and left and came back? I guess that must be it. Just odd.

Val has custody of the kids and Arty has to pay, they each discuss their situations over more wine. They tell Val about Dario’s proposal. At some point Betti walks through the kitchen and overhears them discussing this and she smiles hopefully.

Al blasts Tori for being immature. He goes into self pity mode and apologizes for causing so many problems and that he’ll give him back the money as soon as he can. Sara calls Al and he is not happy.

At the kitchen Lore pours tamarind sauce on the wrong thing. Maru helps her and notes her distractedness and that she and Rossy need to talk to each other later, work now.

Ern gets a message, surely from a former love, who is in London, but will come to see him when she gets back. I swear she says something about hearing about the in law. Could this be that this woman is actually married or was married to Ern or was it merely figurative... he said he was never married, right? Moni shows up with gifts for the kids who don’t really care, they want Lore. Come on, now what kid turns down a gift, even from someone they don’t like? Right.

Betti talks to Pa and tells what she heard. He begs her to help him turn her Ma around to marrying him again.

Zully is in a hissy fit because Omar doesn’t desire her. She pulls out all of her Oscar Meyers and rips up all her skinny pictures and swears off her worthless diet since he still doesn’t want her.

Speaking of Omar, he’s eating with Vasco.

While Zully is upset, Julian comes in and asks what her problem is. He notes she’s eating like a fiend. She misses Di and doesn’t understand why Sara doesn’t want to live her. Julian says Di, ok, but Sara is a loser, fuhgettaabouther. She cries.

Omar tells Vasco about, ok, say it with me, who predicted this? Erectile Dysfunction. How about that.

Rossy still thinks that Lore should give in to Ern and that he is being honest. It’s thunder storming again so of course she has to be thinking of Al. Rossy thinks she should use Ern to forget Al. Flashback to the first meeting at the taxi. He is thinking of her too.

Ern is worried about Ivan, Moni says he’s probably fine. He thinks he might find out something from Betti and wants to get the number from Lore. Moni doesn’t like the sound of that. Just then Ivan shows up. Moni says she has a gift for him. Ivan chides Ern he thought he was going out with the blond, and now he goes with everyone! He leaves. Ern tells Moni best to leave.

Al is muttering Lore’s name to the rain when Sara shows up desperate to convert him back to loving her again. He just tells her he was clear with her. She doesn’t let up so finally he has to scream he doesn’t love her because he hasn’t stopped loving Lorena and she is the love of his life.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fuego, Wed., Sep. 10: Mothers, please remember to leave your seven-year-olds with explicit instructions to complete upon your deaths.

Buenas noches a todos.

Since the nice people who regularly criticize my posts advised me not to talk about Republicans, sex, or underwear, I guess that only leaves one thing: Fuego en la Sangre…Yippy…

Wow, I don’t want to sound campy, but whoever is doing the Elizondo girls’s makeup is either blind or on some sort of ultra penny-saver, K-Mart budget.

Over in Puebla Juan and the gang present the public notary with the documents that corroborate their relationship to the Robles-Reyes. Yup, everything is in order, but you don’t have the Will. That’s not important say the boys. Of course it is! You don’t have anything without a Will. Juan doubts there was a Will, but Uncle says that there is one because his brother was a responsible and foreseeing guy.

The three girls go to visit Gramps, but it’s Eva who wants to talk. She tells them that she knew that the Reyes were Libia’s brothers, and furthermore, she knew their tactics for vengeance. Of course, the girls can’t understand why Eva would ever betray them so. She reasons that she hated the Elizondo family (Gabit mostly) so much for not letting her keep her biological daughter, so she reasonably hired the Reyes to build the Magic Cabaña. Eva acknowledges that the Reyes were committed to their promise of vengeance, but she knows that they love the girls. It’s too late say the girls. They tell her to leave, and that they never want to see her again. How dare she conceal secrets from them? Eva looks to Sofia, the noble one, for support, but Sofia doesn’t know what to say.

Gabi, watching like a hawk, tells Rosendo that Eva just got the boot, and she wants him to bring her to her by force, if necessary. Apparently they have a lot to talk about. Gabi wants to know why she let the Reyes enter her house. Eva tells her that Gabi has made her miserable for years, and accordingly, she wanted to get back at Gabi. Gabi suggests that Eva could identify with Libia because both were rejected by Bernie. Eva tells Gabi that Bernie never loved her. Gabi tells her that Eva never hurt her, and conversely, she hurt the girls, who will never forgive her, and hate her for the rest of their lives. Gabi tells her to leave and never come back. Gabi throws her head back, and smiles with relief.

Sofia is over at the bakery when Juan and the boys walk in. He is excited to see her, but she pulls away. She confronts him with the fact that he and his brothers came to her house with guns and the intention to kill them. He tries to explain that they were angry and reasonably needed to take it out on someone. She asks him if he thought about all that Sofia would suffer if he told her the truth. He, who doesn’t have that ability to do so, naturally says “no.” Sofia tells him that he killed their love. Talk about overly dramatic. Juan tells her that she is the fire that illuminates his path, he loves her, etc. Sofia is fighting against her feelings, and now her love is turning into hate. She says that she loves him, but she can’t forgive him. Juan apparently has no grasp whatsoever of what is going on, and tries to kiss Sofia. She walks away.

Sofia goes to see Padre Tadeo and tells him that she will never forget about Juan because he taught her what true love is, and how to love. But she can’t forgive him because he hurt her way too much. Padre advises her to forgive him if she loves him so much. What would Padre know about relationships and fake marriages, it’s not like he’s ever been in either, unless you count that weird fling he has with his donkey… Sofia also needs his help. Why is it that Sofia can never stick to one single topic, and always has three or four problems which all need to be addressed separately? So the girls have decided to open a handicraft shop because they want to be independent. That’s a swell idea, if you want to sleep in the gutter and get your meals from the local berry bush. Good luck with that, sweety. Padre, the middleman, is going to fine the best Mexican craft makers for her store in order to promote the best quality. May I ask why the hell Sofia would go to the local priest and ask him to line-up some workers for her new “independent establishment?” I get it that he never attends to his priestly duties and is pretty much the personal confidant and punching bag of the Elizondo household, but for God’s sake, could he at least try to feign an interest in feeding the poor, converting the local heathens, etc.?

Now I’ve heard of watching grass grow, and watching paint dry, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of watching bread rise and then listen to it for the voice of a lover. Essentially, Juan is imagining his bread as Sofia talking to him. Uh-oh! He let the bread burn, sorta’ like his fake marriage with Sofia… He tells his brothers how upset he is about this whole Sofia business.

Ok, I apologize for this in advance, but I have no clue what the following people’s names are. So the poor, but proud, heavyset sister of Quinti (the one in the market) is talking to her two sons. One of them, the less bald one, announces his marriage plans. Everyone is excited and we hear the Televisa wedding music, except the problem is that Eugenia, his girlfriend hasn’t said yes, nor has he asked her. That is a problem… Where the hell did that come from? That would be like me saying that I’ll be the Democratic candidate to the presidency, but I never registered to run, established a party line, campaigned, or secured a party nomination. I really have no idea why they include these silly subplots in this story. Sadly, they make more sense and have more entertainment value than the actual plot at hand.

Sarita and Rosario meet up on the street, and conveniently they wanted to talk to each other. Doesn’t anyone ever call someone and then decide to meet. If this is the case, I’ll just hang-out around the bottom of my driveway and wait for all my friends and teachers to walk on by. Anyway, Sarita acknowledges that she knows that Rosie renounced her love for Franco so that Sarita and he could be together. Sarita tells her that it was in vain because Franco lied to her, and then tried to kill them. Rosie doesn’t believe it, and tells her that the Reyes bros. could never lie or hurt someone. What about the time Juan beat-up Fernie? Rosie tries to convince Sarita to forgive Franco, and love him again.

Franco is really worried about Juan and tells his uncle about it. All he can say is to watch him closely. Silly Franco thinks that lovesick Juan needs a doctor. Uncle tells him that only time and tears can heal a broken heart, etc. After all, Juan has us, and we will never let him fall.

Juan pays a visit to Libia’s special, but albeit creepy grave. He cries about not having Sofia or Libia. He reminds Libia how Sofia swore to love him forever, but now that promise is broken, and she, he, and their unborn son will never be happy. No es para tanto, Juan.

Gabi is reproaching Sofia for defending Eva. Sofia brings up how happy Gabi must be now that the Reyes are gone, she is happy, Sofia blames Gabi for everything that is going on. Nothing new here. Except, where did that pool and fountain come from? And why the hell is Sofia not showing? I feel like it’s been months since Juan planted his little seed in Sofia’s depressed, dark, and overly-hormonal garden… I seriously can’t believe that they are having this conversation: Sofia, yet again, is blaming Gabi for Eva’s unhappiness. I think I might have this conversation memorized--and I only watch the damn show once a week.

So Sofia calls a sisterly meeting in her room. Yay!—just like when they were ten! Sofia wants to do something in the name of Bernie and themselves as a unit.

Gabi is venting to Fernie. She can’t believe that Sofia supports Eva. Fernie reminds Gabi that she is a good mother. As we know, he will say anything to get her to shut up. He reminds her that her daughters will be unhappy while they stay together and remain the happiest people in the world. Again, where have we heard this conversation before?

Oh my God, so many comments, so little time. So, the girls, who now act as a single unit headed by Sofia, pay a visit to Libia and her tomb. My biggest thing about this situation is its display of Spelling-Bee Acting. That is, every time these actresses are together, they are lined-up and repeat their lines while standing in a line. This scene is almost too pathetic for this show because of their outfits, the flowers they are holding, and their little speech about Libia being a victim of her own circumstances and being the only woman Bernie ever loved.

Eva is in the Tumbao dressing room and crying to her sort-of daughter. Nothing we haven’t heard, just how she betrayed the Reyes, and failed Rosario. That one woman who supposedly is a good performer gets jealous and comes out of a closet. Rosario isn’t your daughter! She, or the Televia people repeat that line three times. Then it must be true!

Ok, so Uncle (I don’t know his name) takes the boys to a random creek and shows them some cross that belongs to their parents’ grave. I’m too busy watching and thinking about the fact that every time they go some place they have to be suited up in a hideous “charro” suit and they dramatically jump and leap to their destination in slow motion. Now, why the hell would anybody burry two people in the middle of some muddy hillside near a creek? Juan dramatically wipes the mud away from the tombstone to reveal Libia’s grave along with that of his parents. I know I’m saying this a lot, but how the hell did Libia end up buried there? And don’t tell me she dug her own grave and crawled in. Oh my god, this is too much. Juan starts to laugh, but then breaks down sobbing and clenches the tomb for dear life as he is smothered with mud and rain. Everyone cries and holds on to each other. This is one of the rare moments in my life in which I can truly say I want to throw up.

So after all this time they found the parents’ grave. Everyone continues to cry and miss their parents. The uncle tells the dad that his sons are here: wow, I didn’t know that. So everyone says the “Our Father” prayer and cries. Oh look! Even the magical Disney flower on Libia’s grave sheds a tear.
Story time: Juan relates that “mom” always told him stories, and tells his bros. and uncle the one about mom giving him instructions to complete upon her death. She told him not to cry for her, but for his brothers, to give her belongings to children, to look for her among the people they knew and met, and more Pollyanna shit. Now, my question is why is Juan remembering this, if he said he originally only had one solitary memory of his mother being killed; two, what kind of mother gives her seven-year-old instructions to complete among her death?; and three, how does Juan possess any sort of skill to retell this story accurately? He’s not what I would call a reliable narrator.

So, as always, the boys were taking a group shower and, with their bare chests exposed, they go to thank Uncle for giving them a convenient place to go and pray for their parents. You only have to cross a series of mountain ranges, fallen trees, and stony brooks to reach the muddy hillside on which they eternally reside… Other than that it’s a little piece o’ paradise. So Juan introduces Quinti to Vicente, the uncle. She blows him kisses, but Juan tells her to back off because he’s part of the family. Quinti is just another example of the disastrous effects of a low-budget makeup department.

Pedro has gone to pray, and asks what to do about his father.

Juan has gone to visit Alejandro Reyes, Juan’s uncle. And he even has the picture to prove it! By-the-bye, we know him as El Jefe, or better yet, Unibrow. You know, now that I think about it, I am confident that I could write a better script for this show, cast it with local fourth-graders, produce it in my backyard with my kitchen utensils, and it would be far better than this excuse of a novela. Why are random family members always showing up, people are suddenly remembering things they never knew, and everything is blown out of proportion?

Anyway, in case you care, I present you with…

Tomorrow: The tomb the Reyes bros. found has given them strength and hope. But the Reyes have decided to play the roles of creepers, and magically appear on the girls’s balconies. Was it me, or did it look like Jimena was grabbing and rubbing herself instead of that questionably-shaped pillow?


Guapos Wednesday 9/10/08 Rosario wigs out . . .

I started out by "cheating" on my recap: I got an early start by watching on YouTube! Why didn't I think of that before? (Partly because my Spanish wasn't good enough. Now it's a little bit better.)

But first: I was going crazy trying to find out the origin of that music Connie's string quartet was playing during his failed welcome-home party for Mili. I consulted a music-major friend of mine, and the definitive answer is: Johann Sebastian Bach's Air on the G String. (I suppose I could make a joke about Karla wearing a G string as a pole dancer. Ba dum bum.) Anyway, there are about six gazillion versions on YouTube. What's the most ridiculous instrument I can find? How about this rockin' electric guitar version? Calling Jimi Hendrix! Would you believe bottles? Surprisingly well done. The mountain dulcimer? Kinda dull. Shucks, no kazoo or accordion.

Back to our story. Rosario, wearing her black hair, rehashes with Alejandro about how she came to the point she is at now and what she hopes to accomplish by destroying Connie.

Over to the restaurant where Braulio and Paulo are simpering at each other. Nothing worth recapping here. I'm happy that Braulio finally has a boyfriend, but he now seems to be getting a total pass for not telling his poor niece Mili the truth. And he's been leaving the poor Mortimer Snerd puppet home alone. Won't he get lonely? If we don't get a good explanation for the puppet by the end of this series, I will feel gypped. The puppet is Braulio's Rosebud, and we deserve answers!

Back to Rosario's apartment: She has the short wig and glasses on again! Continuity error? Al wants to know why she won't tell Mili the truth. No good answer is really forthcoming, since her rationale is not rational. Somehow she persuades Al to play along for a while. Al's antipathy to Connie gets the better of him, and he agrees. Al gets up to leave, and they stand near the open door. She asks for a hug. Oops--look who's at the door--it's Damian. He is paying attencion!

Back to the restaurant, two women of a certain age at the next table are flirting with our two fans of fancy facial treatments. These gals' gaydar seriously needs a tuneup. The girls pick up the check, and the guys, and the group repairs to the ugly red apartment (Rosario left with Damian). Soon a wild orgy ensues: Braulio and Paolo give the girls neck massages and eye treatments, while the girls moan enthusiastically. The boys make eyes at each other behind the girls' backs. Okay, maybe the girls knew what they were getting into after all. No avocados were harmed during the filming of this scene.

Luci Version 2.0 is beta testing her sobriety at a cafe with Nestor. They have a nice conversation and no drinking. But she's not ready for anything more on the relationship front.

Later, Connie and Luci have a meeting with Robledo about Mili's money.

Next, Damian and Rosario meet with another licenciado, where Rosario buys 60 percent of Connie's company. Rosario asks for Damian's "discretion" in not telling Connie anything. I don't think Damian is familiar that word, but he'll keep the secret for reasons of his own--he doesn't want Connie to know yet either. She wants to know if Al is a good guy--apparently yes, because he's not an Arango. I don't get this, because he's son of Luci, so he is an Arango. Damian makes broad hints about what he saw at the door of the apartment.

Back to Connie and Luci. Connie wants to give Mili the money back, but he wants to use it as leverage to get her to move back. Luci says he has to give it up--Mili will never move back. As an incentive, Mili will give Connie 20 percent of her shares. Connie says he will do it just for Mili--not for the 20 percent. They sign the papers, then Connie shows his true colors after all . . . er, er, don't forget to record the exchange of shares, he says . . . Luci rolls her eyes.

Mili plays with the baby--who is looking really cute! Al comes back from his meeting looking very happy, so Mili immediately senses that he's hiding something. Yes, he did not quit the project after all. He says she should trust him, but he can't tell the whole story now. Mili says she thinks something's up between him and Rosella.

Karla finally has a new costume. She's meeting with her newest customer, Hugo Version 2.2 Homeless Edition.

Hugo wants to know why she has such a low opinion of herself. She says men always want her for a fling and never for herself. Hugo says he's not her type, all well dressed (acicalado) and perfumed. Somewhere in here Hugo says he sometimes performs music out on the plaza with a friend of his. Then he asks who was the low-life he punched out the other night? Oh, that was Damian, a guy I almost married. Cut.

Filler scene with Brau, Pau, and Ros.

Back to Hugo and Karla. She says she always liked Damian's son Hugo, but the situation was strange. A few years ago, he lost his memory in an accident and she took advantage of it and took care of him. She cared for him in the hospital, and it was like a dream, but he recovered his memory and he went back to that stupid Milagros. He was obsessed with her. Then she explains how later she agreed to dress up as Milagros because she really cared for Hugo. Hugo starts crying. I'm crying just remembering it now.

Mili and Al rehash the Rosela situation. Mili has a bad feeling about it. Al says that Rosella has suffered too. Baloney! Al, you should tell the truth!

Damian is now meeting with Connie for one of his daily needling sessions. Damian says that Rosela likes Alex better than Connie--she's Alex's lover. Connie is outraged that she could be enamored with a squirt (esquincle) like Alejandro. Damian says that the men on the Arango side are really irresistible to women, a cross they have to bear. Connie shouts at him to stop, he doesn't believe it. Damian says he saw it with his own eyes . . . oops, caught--what was he doing there?

Back to the bar, where Hugo has left. Karla talks to Sylvester, who teases her that she seems to like Homeless Hugo. That "muerta de hambre"? (lowlife). No, don't make her laugh.

Back to Al and Mili. The baby cries in the background as they argue some more about Rosella.

Hugo goes back and reveals to Damian that he was the guy who punched him. Hugo says that he made mistakes with Carmen (that ancient girlfriend who died, for anyone who forgot, as I almost did) and Mili, but he won't with Karla. She is pregnant, and it could even be Damian's baby. Hugo cares. He's learning to forget Mili.

Andrea and Connie have some conversation that I paid no attention to.

Mili has stormed outside the house, and Alex comes out to talk to her . They start to make up, but when she tries to make him give up this nonsense with Rosela, he balks again, because he made a promise to Rosela. Mili says don't bother talkin to me until you're ready to explain.

Damian tells Andrea about Rosela and Al. Andrea is not happy. She does not want stupid Milagros back in "her" house. Andrea says Al is the same womanizer he was in the past.

Back at the little house, Luci comes home, and Al tells her that Mili walked out. They each reveal to each other that they both know about Rosario. Luci says they must persuade Rosario to tell Mili the truth. Al goes to sleep on the couch, and Luci pretends to read a book.
Al says to himself that he should talk to Mili but no, it will all work out . . .

Next morning, Mili sniffs Al's blanket. Reminds me of the time she was folding his underwear and put it on Flor's head . . . ahh good times, good times. Just then the doorbell rings, and it's Connie. After ascertaining that she's alone, he stammers out the reason for his visit: Do you suspect something between Rosela and Al? Your suspicions are true! Tomorrow: Mili and Connie follow Al and Rosela in a car.


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