Saturday, March 06, 2010

Salvaje 03/5/10: More Romp and Ridiculous Circumstance Aboard The Love Boat; Renato Falls Overboard for Aimee

Capítulo 11

Amorous adventure abounds for one and all as Viewerville settles in to watch another Geritol [] hour full of ludicrously licentious hijinks aboard "La Princesa", aka, The Love Boat. [Ed's note: this might be best read while imbibing Sangria and listening to a little Spanish Flamenco.]

It is not quite midnight as Regina spies Juan (not quite my ideal of Errol Flynn) and Aimee (not exactly the celluloid essence of Olivia de Havilland, either) running off for a few stolen kisses through a nearby doorway. Juan and Aimee, unable to wait to get it on and/or to take it all off are, appropriately enough, behind a set of French doors, amorously swallowing each others tongues. Though Viewerville notes it to be characteristically daring of them, it also realizes that it ain't exactly a smart move considering French doors have WINDOWS! Regi's heart is in her throat as she watches Papa Rodrigo start for said door. Ruh-roh! (Note the Mejia touch: Rodrigo is symbolically wearing a beak-nosed mask reminiscent of the kind worn by doctors during the Black Plague in 16th century France to protect them from the smell and the contagion of the masses.) It seems Papa Rod is looking for his errant daughter, Aimee. Regi is wide-eyed impactada fearing that the jig is finally up for her twin sis.

Suddenly loud Folies Bergère music begins playing and Papa Rod is immediately distracted by three cancan-dancing [] cuties. Rod, unable to resist, returns to Regi among the audience on the dance floor. He makes sure to take it all in before sniffing and commenting that the spectacle is immoral and shows just what kind of despicably decadent shipline this is. He asks the foppish Federico (great call on that one, Kat!) to take Regi back to her cabin while he tries looking for his other impressionable daughter. Regi suggests to Papa that she can go looking for Aimee on the way back instead of her papi. Foppy Feddy, unctuously agreeing that this is not a suitable milieu for "decent people," suggests they go on ahead and that he'll look for Aimee himself. Rod reluctantly agrees and drags Regi off with him. Only the truly cultured and the crass (which is everybody else) remain as the "scandalous" performance concludes and the scandalized Madame Marlene has Fay Man grab her hoofing hookers --amid loud applause-- off the stage and back to their cabin for a good scolding.

The MC now announces that only a few seconds remain till midnight when all will have to take off their masks. Jimena wants to avoid being recognized as the gypsy girl from the ship. She fakes feeling faint and asks Gabriel to get her something to drink. As the countdown begins, Gabe suggests taking off her mask because that should make her feel better immediately. Ah well, forget that. "Mena" races up the stairs and out onto the deck right as the clock strikes twelve. Gabe heels behind her.

Feddy unmasks, looks around the ballroom, and then searches the area behind the French doors. (Viewerville gasps expecting the worst.) It's empty, however. Apparently Juan and Aimee have found another spot topside to continue making out. Juan tells Aimee how beautiful she is and how her beauty is like a bright star at night that guides him on the high seas. "We are destined for each other." He then declares that she is his and always will be. She says shut up and keep kissing. "Your kisses make me delirious, Juan." Juan puckers up and plunges ahead.

Down below, in the hookers' cabin, Mme. Marlene bitches out her brood for embarrassing her with their ridiculous display. The girls apologize and say it was only their intention to liven things up a bit for the guests. Marlene says that everyone will know it was them but the girls insist that with the wigs and masks and their costumes nobody will have any idea that it was them dancing. Marlene accepts their apology but grounds them for the rest of the voyage. They can't leave the cabin till they arrive in port.

Back up top, somewhere else on the ship's starlit deck (a real oxymoron) Gabe asks Mena why she won't take her mask off. He's anxious to see her face and to formally meet her. She asks if it's that important and he (of course) says it's more important than she could ever imagine. She might think he's crazy but he has fallen helplessly in love with her. The masked Mena says that's impossible because he doesn't even know her. Gabe says love has hit him like a lightening bolt [rayo]. "That's what's happened to us." Suddenly Mena hears her mama and dreadful Dagger Man approaching so she has Gabe hide with her under a tarp. They listen as Dagger Man and Mama gripe about not being able to find her. Dagger Man is angry with Mama. "You're to blame! That's why the little savage does whatever she wants!" He stops the harangue when he thinks he hears some of the crew [tripulación] approaching. He says it will be bad news for them if they're caught up there. They start back down as Mama says she'll make the michievous little thing pay big time when she finds her.

After they've gone Gabe asks Mena (still masked) who they were looking for. Mena lies and says she doesn't know. Astute little Gabe asks then, why did we have to hide under the tarp? Mena only answers him with a kiss and imaginary Spanish guitars suddenly play romantic strains in the background.

In another part of the darkened deck Juan and Aimee are still sucking face. Aimee says she has to go or her father will kill her. Juan agrees to let her leave, but on one condition: that they continue seeing each other once they've landed. She says of course. That's a given. He adds that she must also talk to her father about them. "Don't forget!" Aimee stammers through a yes, of course, and kisses him again. She starts to leave. Juan stops her again. "--Don't forget! We are destined for each other!" She kisses him a final time and leaves. Juan, pleased with himself, breathes in the sea air.

Down below, Rod is griping to Regi about the outrage [inaudito = outrageous] of a spectacle they witnessed at the ball. Regi tries to suggest that it was just a harmless diversion for the passengers but her fuming Papa tells her not to offer her opinions if she doesn't know what she's talking about. Just then Aimee appears. Feddy is right behind her. Papa wants to know why she's so late getting back. El Foppo tattles and says he only just came across her at the doorway as she was entering. Foppy looked everywhere but she wasn't there to be found. Aimee lies and says she was looking for them, too. When she realized they'd left the ballroom she decided to come back immediately to the cabin. Rod rants again about the scandalous ocurrence during the ball. Feddy postures in agreement, saying it's a shame that the owner of the ship has apparently overlooked [pasar por alto] the fact that there are decent people in this world! Aimee smiles impishly over at Regi who simply rolls her eyes. (I'm with you, Regi. Stuff a sock in it already, Feddy.)

Back on deck again, sometime in the wee hours of the morning, Mena (still masked) kisses a sleeping Gabe good-bye. She gives him a forlorn adios. "Good-bye my love of a single night. Sure as the stars above we'll never see each other again." She disappears into the night.

Down in their cabin, Rod tells his daughters and Feddy that starting the next morning they'll eat breakfast in their cabin. Feddy is of course, invited to join them. Aimee tells Papa that they can't possibly stay cooped up in their cabin till the end of the voyage. Rod relents and says yes, he's exaggerated things a bit, but still, if they leave the cabin it will be in a group, as a family. That way they can avoid mingling with the less desirables travelling on the ship. El Foppo wholeheartedly agrees before taking his leave of the ladies. Once Foppy is finally gone, Rod tells them that he feels Foppy is a fabulous catch for Regi and that (duhn-duhn-duhn-duhnnnn!) he's arranged for Regi to marry him. Regi respectfully objects, saying that he needs to realize that she is a woman and not a little girl anymore. She refuses to marry Feddy or any one else he might have in mind because she is in love with another man. (duhn-duhn-duhn-duhnnn-duhn-duhnnn!)

Said lucky fella, Renato, is now home telling his mama, Leonarda, how happy he is that her bout with migraines [jaquecas] has ended. Leona, smiling, says that then, he should avoid bringing up disagreeable topics in the future. He asks if she means Juan. She gets fidgety and says yes, exactly that! Renato says he doesn't mean to upset her, but truth be told, he feels sympathy for the poor guy. Growing up for Juan has had to be a rough go. Leona says a bastard's life is full of shame. "It's repugnant!" Renato replies that given he really is a bastard, that's all the more reason he deserves some sympathy. Rosenda comes in at that point to inform them that Renato's carriage is ready. He tells his mama that he's going to town to find out when Rodrigo and the twins will be arriving in port. Oh Happy Day!! Leona and he are both overjoyed at the thought of seeing the three again after so many years. Rosenda, taking her proper place as a part of the wallpaper, is not so much. Renato anxiously looks forward to "the welcome surprises" their return signifies. (So do we, Hotstuff. So. do. we.)

Back on the ship, Rod tells Regi he's going to ignore her foolish outburst and that she will marry Federico Martin del Campo. He warns her that she had better now start being more considerate with Feddy and watch herself, because once they get to Veracruz, if she doesn't mend her ways he'll lock her up in a convent! The girls go to their bedroom. The old RamRodder gripes to himself that the last thing he needed now was to have one of his daughters disobeying his orders.

In their bedroom, Aimee begs Regi to tell her who she's in love with. She wants all the juicy details. Regi refuses. The only thing she will tell Aimee, she says, is that if she is forced to marry Feddy, she will cheerfully take herself to the convent!

Mena sneaks back into her cabin and begins hiding her ballgown and shoes.

At the same time, Gabe is telling Juan about the mysterious maiden that he met at the costume ball, how he fell asleep from drinking too much, and that when he woke up she'd disappeared. Juan laughs and says he'll help him find her. Gabe is upset because he can't understand why she'd leave without even saying good-bye.

Before she can crawl into bed, Mena's mother wakes up and demands to know where she was. Mena cowers.

Juan gives Gabe advice about women and their unpredictability. Gabe leaves for bed. Juan laughs to himself and wonders what Mena's got planned for Gabe.

Mena's mad mama notices all the clothing Mena has been trying to hide under her mattress and accuses her of stealing them, all the while searching for any stolen jewelry she can keep. Mena swears she didn't do anything bad and did not steal the clothes. "Mama" tells her she ought to skin her alive for all the trouble she's caused ever since she took her in [recoger]. She's just a good-for-nothing! (Ah-hah! Mena is an orphan!)

Regi can't sleep. She sits up in bed and tearfully tells herself that she won't marry Feddy. Renato is the only man she loves. She would prefer life in the convent a thousand times better than a life with Foppy Feddy.

It's daytime in Veracruz, still. Renato runs into an old friend of Rod's, Don Fulgencio, and his blonde bimbo of a wife, Eloisa. (Eloisa looks to me like she's nearing her sell-by date, too.) They invite Renato for coffee.

Back on the ship, fuming El Foppo de Federico goes up top for some night air and to cool his jets. Our scheming Feddy surmises that with Rodrigo's support, despite Regina's snub, he will marry her. He will then have control of the Montes de Oca fortune and once they're married, the rebelliously unconventional [renegada] Regi will get her just desserts. (Feddy, something tells me you're better off pawning that ginormous rock on your finger and investing the cash in part ownership of a going business somewhere.)

Meanwhile, Fifi, one of Marlene's girls, can't stand the thought of being locked up in their cabin. She sneaks up top for some air also. Like a moth to the flame, Feddy cannot resist. He introduces himself to her. "Did I frighten you, fair lady?" Fifi says no, it's just that her "tutor" is very strict and doesn't know she's come up there. Feddy says fear not, mum's the word. He kisses her hand. (Oil slick alert!) Feddy asks if he didn't see her at the ball. Fifi says no, that's impossible because her tutor would never allow her to go to something like that. They're pretty much cloistered. "As befits young ladies of your rank [distinción]." Feddy wants to know more about her. Fifi tells him that her name is Josephina Lugo y Cazón and that she belongs to one of the wealthiest [adinerada] families in Spain. She's very lonely because she's not been permitted a relationship [relación = romantic involvement]. Fifi now asks to know something about him.

Feddy tells Fifi that he's also single since he's never had time for luuuhhv. He's been too preoccupied with problems of the several businesses he has world-wide. He's come to [Latin] America to take care of one of them. (Who's puttin' on who here?) He wonders how long she'll be in Veracruz. Fifi stutters and stammers that it all depends on her there. "--It's late. I really have to leave now before they realize I've been gone." Feddy gently grabs her as she turns to go. "Could we have another chat on another night like this that (he moves in to kiss her) so invites...romance?" Fifi dodges the attempted kiss, gives him a definitive "No," and walks quickly away. Feddy thinks to himself with a greedy smile, that if things don't work out with Regi he now has another choice to escape his poverty [miseria].

Back in Veracruz, Eloisa is complaining to Renato at the outdoor cafe that she's got to stay home while hubby Fulgencio goes off to Mexico City. Fulgencio reminds her it's only a business trip. Renato says no harm in taking her too and letting her buy out the stores while he's busy negotiating. Fulgencio says he is simply looking out for her safety. Times being what they are with the political unrest, he explains, it's just not wise to have a lady wandering through a city alone like that.

Eloisa changes the subject to the preparations at the finca for Rod and family's return. She "worries" that with Noel back at the estate in Veracruz the finca must be in dire need of attention. Renato says though they're overjoyed at their return, he does miss the tranquility of the country. Eloisa asks when he's thinking of settling down [sentar la cabeza]. He says when he finds the perfect woman. "Fully" chides her for being so forward, especially since she's a married woman and should show interest in him. Fully then tells Renato that he'd like to stay a bit longer and chat, but he does have to rise early the next morning for his trip to M.C. Eloisa asks Fully if she has permission to visit Leonarda while he's gone. Fully says fine, since Leona is a very sensible and discriminating female. (Viewerville fights that nagging gagging response.) He has no problem with her keeping company with the likes of Leona. Renato thanks him for the praise expressed for his mother. Eloisa smiles (methinks a little too broadly) and says to tell his mama that she'll be coming by soon. She and the grizzled Fully head home. Renato doesn't miss the provacative smile Eloisa shoots him over her shoulder behind the old dude's back.

At the estate, Leonarda fingers an old picture of Rod and his twin girls. She is determined that nobody, not even his own daughters, will get between her and her Rodrigo now that he is returning to Veracruz.

During breakfast the next morning Foppy notes that Regi hasn't eaten a morsel. She politely says she hasn't any appetite. He gets on his high-horse and complains that since she isn't in a sociable mood he prefers to leave. (I say don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya!) Rod stands up and asks him to stay. He does a mea culpa, saying that Feddy is like one of the family. "--Isn't that right, Regina????" Aimee shoots Regi a warning glance. Regi takes her time but eventually heels, sort of. "--Yes, Father. Whatever you say." Feddy smiles at himself, his power-play having been satisfactorily executed. Rod suggests they all take a walk around the deck together. Feddy sweetly asks Regi how she likes that idea. Regi smiles broadly. She says she thinks that's a great idea and she would like nothing more than a chance to take some pictures, provided that Feddy carries her camera for her.

At the same time, Mena is also headed up top. Juan grabs her leg and asks what little game she has in store for Gabe.

Gabe, meanwhile, is on deck reading a letter telling him that "Juan's house has been rented and the timber concerns are under control as well. All awaits their arrival. --NB." Gabe wonders who NB is. (I think that's a CC typo and should be NV, as in Noel Vidal.) His attention is caught by a young woman he mistakenly thinks is the mysterious Mena and he quickly apologizes for his mistake.

Speaking of the real Mena, Juan wants to know why she's trying to trick Gabe. She says she doesn't want Gabe to make a fool out of her. She explains that Gabe would be ashamed if he knew the truth about her being a gypsy girl. Juan asks if that means she's breaking it off between them because she's a gypsy. Mena says it's not that at all. She will tell him, she says, but at the right time; she begs Juan not to tell Gabe in the meantime.

Up on deck, Regi (sly girl) doesn't get mad. She just gets good and even running Feddy ragged placing and changing the camera around to supposedly get just the right light and shot. (Ten points, team Regina!)

The ship's captain tells his first officer that they are nearing the waters of Veracruz and in a few days they should be in port waters.

That night Regi secretly watches as Aimee pads her blanket with pillows and escapes from the watchful eye of her father to secretly rendezvous with Juan.

Time passes. Mena catches secret glimpses of Gabe. Rod catches secret glimpses of Mme. Marlene. Feddy continues his secret nighttime chats with Fifi. Mena suffers "Mama's" abuse. Even Juan has fun teasing the be-Jesús out of Regi while she's trying to take photographs. Oh, yes. It's all just Love, American-o Style these last few days and nights of this oh, so enchanted voyage. (Quite honestly, the only thing that makes watching this part of the farcical romp worthwhile has been the music. Kudos to the sound and music editors this go 'round. The piano flourishes and the Spanish guitar were an unexpected touch of genius.) FF>>

One starry night, Mena appears wearing a (WTF?) lace-veiled hat and has a brief romantic encounter with the gullible Gabe. She kisses him and disappears once more. Nope. He still doesn't get her name, so marvelling at the stars in the night sky, he decides to think of her as his "Estrella".

Mena visits Aimee and Regi (we suppose to return the clothes, because suddenly she's back in gypsy garb) and promises to come looking for them once they've arrived. They share hugs and kisses and a heart-felt "Adios" as a lovelorn Gabe returns to his cabin and mourns the loss of his Estrella. "She's escaped me. She's escaped me!"

In the lounge, Rod tells Feddy that Regi's fit regarding her interest in another man took him by surprise. He suggests showering her with flowers and perfume. "That is the way to capture a woman!" Feddy is a quick learner. No sooner said than done. A nasty looking bunch of red roses suddenly arrives at Regina's door with a note. "With my affections, Federico....." Regi grabs the medallion Renato gave her. "Neither Federico nor my father will succeed in erasing you from my heart, Renato. ¡Ay! How much I love you!"

In the living room of the Veracruz manse, Renato is barely listening as Eloisa plays Beethoven's "Fur Elise" on the piano. He's more interested in the telegram he's been reading. Rosenda, in between frowns, is spying on the two of them. Eloisa sits down very close to Renato and asks if he liked the piece. He says oh yes, of course, and explains that he's been looking over the cablegram that tells when their guests will be arriving. Eloisa puts an affectionate hand on Renato's knee. "I hope you aren't disillusioned. People change over time." Renato stops to process, but it isn't clear whether he's processing the hand on his knee or her worldly advice.

Back on the ship, Regi is in her robe and ready for bed but Juan is there with her and Aimee and refusing to leave --at least without Aimee. He starts to kiss Aimee when suddenly there's a knock on the door from their Papa. Panic time!! Juan says he wants to give her papa the straight scoop on the two of them. "I want to speak with him once and for all." Aimee, instinctively noting that discretion is the better part of valor in circumstances like these, insists that he must not. "Not now!" Instead of shoving him out the bedroom door and into the passage-way, however, she and Juan jump under the covers in her bed. (Oh, that's rich --and so delightfully daring. This deserves a big 10 on the laugh-o-meter --not!) Regi nearly has a heart attack as she opens the door and peeks out. "Papa, Aimee has gone to sleep and I'm getting ready to do the same." Rod says all right. "--Don't forget that tomorrow we disembark. Finally this nightmare will end!" (As Foppy would say, "I second that sentiment!") Aimee and Juan have a big silent yuk at Regi's expense before leaving through the bedroom door. (Dunno about you, but nothing has made me more of a landlubber than taking this cruise with this ship of fools.)

Up on deck Juan tells Aimee he's been thinking of speaking to the captain of the ship to have him marry them right away. That way her papa couldn't object. "Your father couldn't deny us then." Aimee immediately puts the brakes on such a rash idea. She demurely reminds him that she promised to speak to her father and says she will do exactly that. Juan gives in but warns her that if she hesitates [titubear] he will speak to her father himself in person. She agrees then tells him to kiss her as if it were the last time.

The next morning Leona is primping at her mirror. Clemencia walks in and remarks that she seems a bit too excited about Don Rodrigo's return. "Shouldn't you be thinking more about your husband and son?" This sets Leona off. She loses her cool and starts yelling at the impudent Clemencia. "Stop being a bird of bad tidings! Trying to wreck my good time like that! Just get out! Get out. Go into the hall and wait for them! Leave me in peace! Git! Go on!" Clemencia leaves and Leona takes another look at herself, perhaps wondering if she's aged.

Back aboard in Juan's stateroom, Gabe is readying the luggage. He says he's glad to see how cheery Juan is. Juan says passion has managed a miracle. Gabe says well, then, maybe he will forget about his plans for vengeance. Big mistake. Juan turns violent and threatening. "My oath for vengeance is irreversible! I will take vengeance on the Montes de Oca family until nothing is left of them, not even under the tiniest of rocks!!" Gabe apologizes. Juan tells him that one should not confuse passion with duty. "I could feel happy about being so romantically involved, but I am not forgetting the principal reason for taking this trip: revenge! My revenge!" (Oh. Okiedok.)

The Love Boat sails ever closer to shore. Rod looks on and remembers his past; Aimee looks on in anticipation of a new adventure; Regi is excited at the prospect of finally seeing Renato again; Feddy is excited about his prospects with Regi; Juan readies himself to finally take his revenge. The ship eventually makes port in Veracruz and the passengers disembark.

Noel checks his watch as Clemencia yells to the family that their guests have arrived. The narrator tells us that "finally the long wait has ended." "...The announced encounter is about to take place. Impatience alone is reflected in the expressions of Noel, Renato, and Leonarda who stare impatiently and longingly towards the main entrance of the finca's impressively enormous house. Rodrigo's smile excites the soul of Leonarda who, with great effort, contains her desire to yell to him and race off to embrace him. The angelic presence of Regina appears next to her father, looking timidly at everyone until her eyes suddenly meet those of Renato. Her heart would seem to be at the point of exploding as finally she is standing opposite the man she loves. In contrast to Regina's calm and sweet beauty enters Aimee, smiling openly, fully aware of her commanding beauty and her powers of seduction."

Renato's tongue goes from lip length to floor length in a matter of seconds. "Renato cannot take his eyes off Aimee because of a deep feeling, a feeling that has awakened in his heart and soul. He has fallen deeply in love with Aimee." Ruh-Roh!


El Clon, Fri, March 5 - I don't want to work. I just want to bang on the [drum] guitar all day

Ali takes the letter from Jade. We have a little discussion about why Said and his siblings speak Spanish - their mother was Mexican and learn that many people in Miami speak Spanish. Then Said suggests that Ali open the letter. He does. Jade has written that she can't marry Said because she isn't a virgin anymore. She knows this was 'haraam' but she is in love with another man who will convert to Islam and marry her. This other man is Lucas, the godson of Ali's friend.

Ali is impactado but he pretends that the letter said that a close friend of the family is ill. Catty Nariza says that she knew the letter contained bad news. It was no wonder that Zoraida didn't want Nariza to give Ali the letter. Ali ushers them out to go to dinner and when they have gone out of the room, he gives Zoraida a look.

The ever lovely Leo tells Cristina to stay away from Lucas. Cristina jumps into Leo's car. She tells him that he still loves her. He denies it. He kisses her but this time it doesn't 'take.' Leo says that he doesn't love her any more. She ruined his family. And what's more he has found a new woman. Cristina wants to know who the slut is.

Latifa asks Jade why she believes Lucas this time. She says that Jade is ruining both their lives for something that doesn't exist. Jade tells her that if Mohamed really loves her he won't abandon her for a mistake Jade made.

Leo comes to see Lucas, who is practicing the guitar. He wants to know exactly what happened between Cristina and him. Lucas gives a slightly edited version - not mentioning Jade. Leo tells Lucas to stay away from Cristina; she has already caused enough damage to their family. Then Leo tells Lucas that he will start working in the company in the afternoon after going to school in the morning. Lucas says, what about his guitar lessons? Leo replies that Lucas isn't going to make any money playing the guitar. Now that Diego is gone, Lucas has to learn to run the company so he can take over when Leo is gone. Lucas says that he doesn't want anything to do with his Dad's business. Too bad says Leo. You start tomorrow. Then Lucas drops the bombshell that Leo has to accept his girlfriend because Lucas is converting to Islam to marry her. Leo replies that Lucas must be drunk or on drugs to say something that stupid.

Ali's guests leave and he tells Zoraida to tell what she knows or he'll have her tongue cut out. He says that she will burn in hell for not saying what she knew. She says that it wasn't her fault. By the time she found out about the relationship, it was too late. Ali says that once she knew, she stayed silent and thereby made herself an accomplice. Zoraida gets on her knees and asks Ali to forgive her but he throws her out of his house.

He starts trying to call the States.

Latifa is dancing for Mohamed when the phone starts ringing.

Ali wants to speak to Latifa but Latifa insists that he talk to Jade. Jade tells a furious Ali that she was following her heart and that she isn't a virgin anymore. Desperately, Latifa grabs the phone and tells Ali that Jade is lying and like she did before about the burns and the dentures. Latifa gives the phone back to Jade with an imploring look and Jade tells Ali that she did lie - she is still a virgin. Before she can say anything more, Latifa snatches the phone and ends the call. Mohamed tells Latifa that Jade has betrayed Said and his family won't accept their marriage and maybe not Mohamed's with Latifa either.

Zoraida takes a tearful farewell from the other women in the house.

No sooner is she out the door than Ali comes looking for her. He is surprised that she has left and goes after her. I guess he can't admit to overreacting so in a masterpiece of logic he accuses her of stabbing him the back and then abandoning him. He orders her back to the house.

Luisa tries to get a rather drunk Albieri to go to bed.

He talks about how brave Betty/Molly Brown is for publicly defending the cloning of humans. He says that he has always caved in to public opinon and he could have been so much more. Luisa leads him to the bedroom still babbling about science and miracle of miracles, he kisses her on the lips but fortunately we're spared seeing Albieri and Luisa in bed together.

Ali tells Zoraida that he made a mistake by letting Jade grow up in the US away from their customs. He says that Jade is a prisoner of a false and dangerous illusion - she thinks that she is in love and that her love is returned. Zoraida asks what if that is true. Ali says that it can't be true. "To us," he says, "love grows when we live together. In the West, that is when it dies." He tells Zoraida to pack his bag; he is going to the States to bring Jade back to Morocco. He says that it is going to be a surprise visit and if anyone finds out beforehand, he will know it is Zoraida's fault.

Jade and Lucas are on the beach. She tells him what he has to do to become a Muslim - he has make a testimony of faith in a mosque that there is only one God and that Mohamed is the prophet. She is sure that one Lucas has converted, her uncle won' t be able to interfere and will accept him as Jade's husband. Lucas is ready to convert right away but Jade says that she will have a sheik, who was a friend of her mother's, make an appointment at a mosque.

Leo tells Enrique about Lucas' latest crazy idea to convert to Islam. Sensible Enrique thinks it is no big deal and if it makes Lucas, who is an adolescent and grieving for his brother, happy, what is the problem. Naturally, Leo can't even comprehend anything that might relate to someone else's feelings. And just to confirm that Leo only thinks about himself, he asks Enrique to set him up with some other women.

Marisa has come to see Rosa and show her some photos of her and Diego. Lucas comes in and looks at the photos. Marisa says that she was crazy for Diego like all the girls.

Albieri tells Betty/Molly and Dr. Molina about his work cloning cattle and horses for Leo Ferrer. Betty/Molly is glad that cloning is becoming so common in animals and hopes it won't be long before a human is cloned. And Betty/Molly goes over the procedure again for our benefit but this time she specifies that the cloning is done with a skin cell. Dr. Molina thinks Betty/Molly is crazy and asks if Albieri agrees with her.

Marisa tells Diego that she will never find anyone like Diego, except him, of course, because he looks exactly like Dieto. Belatedly, she says that he is different from Diego of course. Then she innocently asks if Lucas has a girlfriend. Lucas replies that he does and he is going to get married. Rosa appears to tell Lucas to get ready to go to his father's office. Lucas says that he isn't going to cancel his guitar class to waste time at an office. Rosa protests and Lucas tells her to get it through her head that he wasn't born for business and he will never manage his father's business. He leaves.

Rosa tells Marisa that Lucas is too young to marry and she doesn't approve of his Moroccan girlfriend since she wants to take Lucas far away. Marisa seems to be interested in Lucas under the heading of: If you can't be with the twin you love, be with the twin you've got. Rosa says that she will help Marisa get Lucas.

In response to Molina's question, Albieri says that they are ready to clone a human. Molina replies that many abortions are necessary to get a healthy outcome. Betty/Molly retorts that sacrifices are necessary for science to advance. She says that she will make as many mistakes as necessary to create the first human clone.

Luisa tells Silvia that although Albieri only talked about his career on their wedding night, she is sure that he loves her and he proved it with a night of passion.

Mohamed and Latifa take a walk on the beach. They are both covered from neck to toe and Latifa has her head covered as well. Mohamed tells Latifa that he is worried about the situation with Jade. Virginity is important for his brother's bride. Latifa tells him it was just a joke. Mohamed says that if it is true that Jade is no longer a virgin, Latifa's family will not be worthy of his family. Then Mohamed is grossed out by seeing a woman in a two piece bathing suit with her pregnant belly exposed.

Cristina comes home to find that someone has sent her flowers. She hopes they are from Leo but they turn out to be from Lucas. Cristina's other girlfriend, whose name I cannot remember right now, contrasts Lucas' good manners with those of Leo. She encourages Cristina to call Lucas and thank him.

Leo is haranguing Lucas about his refusal to learn about the family business. Sarcastically he asks what he should do with his company - give it to charity? Lucas repeats that he just isn't made for business. Leo retorts that Diego did it. He learned everything about the business. If Lucas wants to be successful like his father or like Diego was going to be, he has to buckle down ["amarrate los pantalones," literally, "fasten your pants"]. The phone rings. Leo tells Lucas not to answer. Leo tells Lucas that up until now Diego has protected him but now he has to be able to manage on his own. As an example of how he isn't doing this, Leo reminds Lucas that he hasn't had the moles on his back checked out. Lucas says that he will take care of that but he won't work in his father's business. Leo say that he will so. Then the answering machine clicks on so they both hear Cristina's message to Lucas thanking him for the flowers and saying that she needs to talk to him. Lucas leaves the room.

Albieri daydreams about achieving fame as the first person to clone a human. He tells a picture of Diego that when that day happens he will give Diego credit for being the first and only person who beleived in it.

Lucas comes to the clinic presumably to have the mole checked. Dora is waiting there. She sees Lucas and is impactada. She asks where they met before.

The credits roll.


Gancho Friday March 5th Choices

Choices. In real life, we have choices, but we often have plenty of time to decide what to do. At least with things that matter. But life in a telenovela is compressed. The tension is heightened. Many of our characters are going through difficult times. A parent (or two) arrives out of the blue. There’s impossible (or improbable) love. There are jealousy and feelings of abandonment. Secrets are being kept for fear of losing love. Lies are being told. Tonight, many of our characters have decided to choose. But not wisely.

Which brings to mind a choice for me. Should I get all bent out of shape as each character veers off course? Should I sympathize with their plight? They’re so innocent and cute, Moni, Aldo, Luisa, Rolu (okay, not Rolu). Should I try to understand how difficult it is for them? Nah! Not tonight. They deserve what they get (oh you mean Hombre).

We begin our slippery slide into syrupy sappiness in the hospital waiting room, where Nieves caringly tells Monita she loves her like a daughter, unlike Isabel, who abandoned her. Moni replies, Isabel gave me life – not you.

Aldo is pleading with Estrella to get married, but Estrella just feels that it won’t work, that Aldo’s too impulsive, having allied with the onerous Oscar just to achieve his goal. Mauricio urges Aldo to return to the family fold, but when Aldo balks, he tells Aldo he MUST obey his father. Aldo refuses, boldly stating that Mauricio is NOT his father. Bad Aldo!

Jacqui is consoling Luisa, who’s worried about Aldo. Coni comes in to turn the screws a bit. Let’s see, she tells Luisa sarcastically, you lost your parents, Mauricio’s no longer your adopted father, and just imagine if you lost your brother. Hmmm, it looks as if you’re becoming more and more alone. Too bad! As Luisa rushes off tearfully, Coni bites into an apple (just as Hissabel did the other day). Jacqui’s remonstrations do nothing to dampen Coni’s palpable appetite for destruction. She’s having fun!

Mauricio (we should call him Mauricio Sermon – Yo, he likes to pontificate so much) was really hurt by Aldo’s declaration (you can tell because the corners of his mouth are down, instead of straight across), and he, Aldo and Estrella have walked outside of the courthouse. Aldo explains why he said Mau wasn’t his father. Well, like Man, the judge ordered it. And you know what else? I have these papers in my hands, signed by Constanza, so I can do whatever I like! Mauricio doesn’t care about no stinkin’ judge or papers, he IS Aldo’s father, and he stopped the wedding for Aldo’s own good. This doesn’t quite impress Aldo, who decides to give his own little sermon, about choice. He didn’t choose to be an orphan. He didn’t choose for Mauricio to adopt him, and certainly not that La Momia would later become his adopted mother. The only thing he chose in life was Estrella. And you’re taking away the one thing I love. That’s something I’ll never forgive. He runs off. Mauricio starts to pursue, but at this precise moment, Estrella doubles over in pain from her pregnancy, and Mauricio stops to see if she’s okay. Fortunately, Aldo has assured us all how mature he is, so I’m pretty confident he won’t get into any trouble. He’s probably just going down to the bank to open up a new IRA.

Nieves tries to reason with Moni, gently reminding her that Isabel abandoned her. Oh sure, says Moni, because that bum that you loved, that you still love, despite his leaving you at the altar, FORCED my Mom to leave me. Nieves says look into my eyes, I’m sorry to tell you this, but your Mom is lying. This throws Moni into a rage, no, no, no, I don’t want to hear it, why don’t you all just leave! Cesar thinks that’s best. Nieves agrees, but reminds Moni that she’ll be there if Moni needs her. Beto gets very serious, reminds Moni that Nieves cares deeply for her, and there will come a time when Moni’s going to need them more than ever. Believe me, he adds for emphasis. Moni is completely confused at this point. Fortunately, she’ll have Isabel to straighten out everything a few paragraphs from now.

I can’t take it. Everything is so melodramatic. It’s just so, so, so, so, so melodramatic and so, so, so, wait a minute – it’s time for Kissing 101! Let’s head over to Xime’s for some more of her anti-fear-of-intimacy training with Arnie. Xime apologizes for the kiss thing, pretends to flagellate herself over her shoulder as penance, but says this course is necessary, so Arnie can freely share with his significant other. In fact, once this course is over, Arnie might even share his toothbrush! Oh, no, not that, did you know how many microbes - well, anyway, Xime says we’ll go step by step, and the next step is how to greet people, with a handshake and a kiss on the cheek. Oh no, says Arnie, PLEASE not THAT. (I think the melodrama is catching).

A nice doctor tells Isabel she can go home, and Alicia is overjoyed. Moni looks confused, and when Isabel asks what’s wrong, says she talked with Nieves. Isabel correctly surmises that Nieves trashed her, but pretty soon, everyone, Nieves, Beto, Mauricio, everyone else will realize they were wrong about me (yeah, right). The only thing that matters is that Valentina and she are together. She kisses Moni’s hand.

Speaking of hands, Xime’s ready for Arnie’s greetings therapy. She pretends she’s just running into Arnie, Hi, Arnie, how nice to see you, reaches out her hand, and Arnie hesitates, then grabs it. Sparks fly,

as either we have static electricity or the writers from FELS finally got new jobs after last year’s fiasco. No matter, next up is the cheek kiss. She kisses him lightly on the cheek,

and boom! He faints again.

Luisa is harta (fed up) with living with Coni, and wants to live with Ivan and Teresa. She’s at their place, tears spilling out, as Tere urges her to go back home for now, and be patient. Mauricio’s fighting for you, but the legal procedures are slow and bothersome (engorrosos). Ivan also thinks it’s best to go back for now. Luisa feels this means he doesn’t love her, and she storms out like a mixed up teenager. Oh right, that’s what she is.

Okay, now we’re really channeling FELS. The sun sets and it’s a full moon (which it always was on that show). We’re at the teen club, and Andrés is at the mike. He’s singing a new song he wrote, and it’s all about Luisa. Luisa, it’s you, I miss you, I thought I had it all, why didn´t you call, but I was wrong, so I wrote this song, you’re my Luisa, I want to get into your camisa (okay I just made up that last part, but not by much), etc. etc. Yes, the boy can sing, but am I allowed to say the lyrics suck? However, as they say, it’s the feeling that counts, and he APPEARS to be feeling it. Luisa happens to have arrived at the club just in time for the song, and I guess if you’re 15 and some boy sings a song with your name, resistance is futile. Andrés notices her, and really pours it on thick, ending with Luisa, it’s you-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u, looking as if he’s cast the line, hooked the fish, and is just about to reel her in.

Meanwhile, our other troubled teen (Aldo) is wandering aimlessly through the streets (I guess the bank was closed), still clutching that consent form. He flashes back to the night in bed with Estre when she rated him 20 on a scale of one to ten, and when he assured her he’d take care of her and the baby. But it’s all gone now. Boo hoo.

Mau and Estrella are back in the vecindad, and Paula and Gabi are relieved to see Estre’s okay. Gabi tells Mau “I told you so” about Oscar being bad, and Mau agrees. The police are looking for him, and if he’s guilty of killing Salvador, he’ll pay. But for now, I have to talk to Estre in private (he’s been in private with her for the last 15 minutes at least, but let’s not quibble). They go into her flat, and that’s that. She insists she’s fine physically (I agree :)), and apologizes for not telling Mau about the pregnancy. But now, she says, he should try to win back Moni’s confidence, and also take care of Aldo, who must be upset. Why not call him now? Mau dials.

Well, Aldo’s made his choice. He’s back at the Ye Olde Drug Dealer’s creepy abode, itchin’ for some mind candy to deaden the pain. The Pusher Man says not to worry about cash for your stash, one Oscar Cárdenas has it covered. Here’s just what you need.

Paula and Gabi debate what to do to help Moni, then clam up when Moni arrives with Hissy and Alicia. Moni doesn’t look too happy when they greet her and Alicia, but say nothing to Isabel (who’s now wearing a light blue warm-up suit, probably borrowed from Moni, completely inappropriate to her snake image).

As Alicia goes to find Tere, Moni and Hissy enter Moni’s place, turn on the light, and there’s Marcos, who was just sitting there in the dark for the last hour (good way to inspire confidence, Marc). With a smile on his face, Marcos greets them. Good evening, Isabel. Good evening (he pauses for dramatic effect), daughter.

After the commercial, we’re transported to an elegant nightclub. Xime, Arnie and Rolu (in his wheelchair) are there, and a foxy blonde in a red dress just happens to be lit twice as much as any other patron, just so we won’t miss her. Very subtle, Mr. Director.

Anyway, I love Xime’s heart necklace (and matching earrings). She’s brought the boys here to continue Arnie’s training. The plan? Slow dancing. Dumping her purse in Rolu’s lap, she glides over to the dance floor, Arnie in tow, and starts her magic. This hand here, around my waist (en mi cinturita), and this one in my hand (en mi manita!). Things are going pretty well, although in the background, we see Rolu lift his glass to the foxy blonde (see above).

Back at Moni’s the dramatic music starts, as Moni challenges Marcos, what are you doing here? Well, he starts genially, the door was without a lock (sin candado), so I just decided to wait for you. And I noticed your championship boxing belt. I’m so proud of you. Moni’s not impressed. In fact, she’s enraged. I don’t want anything to do with you! Get out! She gets into her boxing stance in front of great big Marcos, who looks a bit befuddled

(he HAS been spending a lot of time around Mauricio, who’s pretty much patented that look).

Beto and Nieves discuss strategy, Beto advising they should keep a cool head, like beer (chelas).

And now for Isabel’s Academy Award performance. Or maybe the Vibora’s Choice Awards (she already has an “Oscar” in her back pocket). Voice quaking, she implores, she emotes. Marcos, leave. This time you won’t separate me from my daughter. I’m not afraid of you anymore. Please don’t HIT me again (Moni gasps). Not in front of my daughter. Moni’s enraged. How DARE you lay a hand on my mother, you coward! Marcos denies, but Isabel goes for the throat. You’ll never hurt me again, like those rapists you SENT to attack me! Now I’m not alone, I have my daughter. Isabel is hiding behind Moni, acting afraid and helpless. Moni is defiant. Marcos is speechless. (Me too).

Beto shows Nieves the card Marcos gave him, Marcos offered him a job, if he’s going to be with Constanzia. Beto’s gleeful, Nieves surprised, and Beto suggests, why doesn’t she pardon him? After all, he’s a millionaire, movie star looks, why not? Nieves can’t do it. For one thing, he and that hypocrite Isabel slept together (she says se encamaron, which you can see has the word cama in the middle). And they had a daughter, and stupid me (she calls herself bruta), I never even knew. I just can’t do it.

But over in the teen club, Andrés is hoping he CAN do it, with Luisa. They’re sitting at a table, she’s crying, she’s so sad, she really needs a friend, more than ever. She clasps his hands. But Andrés has other ideas, and pulls his hands away. He can’t give her friendship this time. He’s in love with her, so she has to CHOOSE. It’s Ivan or him, and not just as friends. She’s sobbing away, as he offers to give her a ride home. Our little fishy’s been reeled in, cleaned, put on the fryer smothered in oil, and is just about cooked.

It’s getting pretty hot over at the elegant nightclub, too, as Arnie wonders, do he and Xime have to dance so closely? Sipi, and now it’s time for the next step, cachete con cachete (cheek to cheek, wooo!) They both look pretty dreamy, but now Miss Foxy has come over to Rolu, they’ve done that greeting thing, and seem to have no fear of intimacy whatsoever. Arnie sees this, and wary of a live demonstration of Kissing 101 between Rolu and Foxy, begs Xime to get him a drink of water, he’s parched. She floats off to do his bidding.

Remember a LONG time ago when Estrella asked Mau to call Aldo? Well, it seems Mau couldn’t locate Aldo, and Luisa’s not home either, so he tells Estrella he’ll go home to figure out what to do next.

Outside Moni’s, she’s FURIOUS with Marcos, physically pushing him away, get out, get out! But here’s Mau, who was right outside, urging Moni to calm down. Marcos says it’s useless, Isabel has already brainwashed her (Isabel ya le lavó el cerebro). Mau says he loves her, but Moni won’t listen. How could Mau take the side of this liar, this wretch? Marcos says it’s better if he leaves. But sooner or later, he says to Moni, you’ll have to listen to me, daughter. I’m NOT your daughter, she screams. Get out! He leaves. Moni then spies Estrella, gives her a hug, is she okay? She is. Mau wants to talk, but Moni wants him to leave, too. He does, reminding her that he loves her. Estrella relates how she called off the wedding at the last minute, needs a hug, and Moni gives her one. They’ve both made choices. (The good thing is, they’re women, and they can always change their minds – Hombre’s ducking for cover now, I didn’t mean that!)

Rolu has hustled over to warn Rolu, what are you doing? Rolu, by the way, is standing up, just about to kiss Foxy. Okay, let’s say you’re Foxy Blonde’s (the actress’s) parent. She gets to look very pretty in that red dress. She gets to look surprised, amused, outraged, and look back and forth from Arnie to Rolu. But she doesn’t get to say one word! Of course you can tell your friends, my daughter got to hold Alex Sirvent’s hand for 12 seconds. I guess it’s a start. Did I mention that she’s pretty? Anyway, Arnie and Rolu spar a bit until Arnie tells Foxy did you know he’s married, and she’s off without a word. Rolu insists he wasn’t doing anything wrong, he loves Ximena. Then go over to her, WALK over to her, and ask her to dance, says Arnie. Rolu can’t, he’s afraid that’d be the end of his marriage. Arnie tells him there’s still time to repair the damage, to save the marriage, but the only way is to stop faking that you can’t walk, and confront the consequences, that’s it! Rolu has a big CHOICE to make, and buries his head in his hands.

Marcos is also doing this, waiting in a restaurant when Mauricio arrives to talk. Marcos can’t believe what’s happening. Mau has problems, too, although he does get a phone call from Jacqueline that both Luisa and Aldo are home now. He tells Marcos about how he stopped Aldo from marrying Estrella, and Luisa is very upset these days, but they’re his children. How can he protect them if he doesn’t have custody? He tells Marcos if you really want to show me you’re a good person, now is the time. Help me get back custody of my children. Well, this is no choice at all. Of course Marcos will get Mau’s children back to him. After all, he’s been very supportive in helping Marcos get back together with Valentina. So don’t worry about a thing. Very soon you’ll have custody of your children. That’s a promise.

And in Monday’s previews, we have even MORE choices. Ximena challenges Rolu to walk like a man. And Marcos tells his favorite corrupt judge he wants a do-over. But will Moral Mauricio approve? Also, Mauricio pulls out the big guns (his bare arms) and a dove, hoping to make love, not war.


Escoger – to choose, you can also use elegir, or seleccionar, if you so choose
Engorroso – bothersome
Candado – a padlock, sin candado would be unlocked, or without a lock
Chelas – beers
Se Encamaron – they “bedded” each other
Cachete con cachete – cheek to cheek. A cachetada is a slap on the cheek. Another word for cheek is mejilla
Le lavó el cerebro – brainwashed her (or him), has washed her brain, mine feels as if I went through the spin cycle after tonight’s episode


Mi Pecado-index

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Friday, March 05, 2010

Dinero #35, 3/5/10: The Morning After

Well, the party had to end eventually. The word of the day: resaca (hangover).

Ale and Rafa both have visions of mariachis dancing in their heads while dreaming about the fiesta.

Ale jolts upright the next morning and asks, “What did I do?”

Rafa wakes far more peacefully and says “How wonderful.” Leonor darts into his room to see if he’s all right; it’s 8 A.M. and no one called to wake him for work. Rafa sits up and clutches his head. Leonor hurries off to fix breakfast.

Rafa calls Ale to make sure she’s all right since she didn’t call him as usual. Ale says her head feels like it’s going to explode; she hasn’t felt this awful since he drove her car over a cliff. (I guess the honeymoon’s over, huh?) Ale reminds Rafa today is the day they have to seal the deal on the trucks.

Ramiro calls Rafa to remind him about the whiskey he needs today. Rafa forgot and promises to bring them. Julieta overhears from the doorway and rushes off to call Jaime.

Ale gets ready to leave for work and spots the bouquet. She holds it and laughs when she thinks about how she got it.

Rosario is on the warpath and asks Ale what happened the night before. Ale says it was just a business meeting where she had a few drinks on an empty stomach; it was nothing important. Rosario is still upset since Ale never did anything like this before. She finds it downright scandalous for a nearly married woman to arrive home in a car with three men. “Think of poor Marco!”

Ale says she isn’t a teenager and doesn’t need a lecture. It’ll never happen again.

Jaime arrives and tells Julieta he couldn’t get the money but he’ll have it in 5 days. Rafa tries to grab a couple bottles of whiskey but Jaime and Julieta stall him for as long as possible.

Eventually, Rafa sees all the empty boxes and is impactado. Julieta comes clean: she took the bottles so she could sell them. Rafa is floored. “Sell them? Why? To who?”

Julieta cries that she wanted to help because she felt like dead weight around the house. Rafa does the math and surmises all the money Julieta made from her “job” was actually from selling his whiskey. Julieta fesses up and tells him that’s how she's been paying for the electricity, water, gas, and groceries.

Rafa is infuriated. Those bottles were worth almost 200,000 pesos. Leonor asks what all the shouting is about. Rafa orders Julieta to tell their madre about what’s going on.

The Siglo employees are all atwitter that it’s 8:30 and neither Ale nor Rafa has shown up for work. Marino says it’s a little fishy that Ale and Rafa disappeared together the day before and still haven’t returned. Ismael/El Bebé asks Marino what he’s insinuating. “Ale has a novio she loves and that’s the end of it.”

Everyone stands at attention when they see Ale arrive. She struggles to stay upright as she greets the employees.

Nelson should change careers and become a detective because he deduces that since Ale arrived so late she must have "had a night on the town” (tuvo jolgorio). Claudia is shocked. “With sex and everything?!” Nelson says no, not that, Ale’s eyes are too glassy. Ismael tells everybody to cut it out.

Susana teases Ale a little about the party and wants to know all the details. She’s never heard Ale sound so happy. Ale does not want to talk about it.

Jaime explains the situation to Leonor and Rafa: Julie trusted a guy who took all of the bottles and promised to pay in full for all of them later. When they came back, the guy’s business was closed and he’d disappeared.

Julie says the guy got away with more than 300,000 pesos. Rafa asks Jaime how he could have let such a thing happen but Julieta swears it’s all her fault. She begs Rafa to forgive her but he has to leave for work.

Ale sees Beltran in his office and he frets about their finances. He asks what happened to the business deal and is irritated that Rafa sell any trucks the night before. Since Rafa’s only sold 2 cars during the month, either he gets the deal done or he’s out of the job.

Rafa finally arrives at work and Ramiro asks about the whiskey. Rafa tells him it’s been stolen.

Rafa meets with Ale in her office. Ale says she handled things very poorly at the party and didn’t even manage to sell one truck. It was a big mistake to accept the drinks; she was foolish in front of the clients.

“But it was a party!” Rafa reasons. “But I’m your boss.” Ale counters. She asks Rafa to excuse her behavior. It was a business meeting they went to, not a party. Ale is embarrassed to have acted like a drunk.

Ale doesn’t want anyone to know what happened and asks Rafa to promise he won’t tell anybody. Rafa says nothing bad happened but Ale doesn’t want the employees to gossip; it could ruin their personal and professional reputations. Rafa agrees but says they have nothing to hide.

They change the topic to their business deal. Ale warns Rafa about Beltran’s misgivings. Rafa understands and mentions the party again. Ale tells him what happened the day before will never happen again. She would be grateful if he forgot it ever happened.

Rafa says forgetting would be impossible. He won’t tell anyone what happened but he’ll never forget that night. Rafa enjoyed himself and loved being with Ale. He saw a woman more amazing than he had never met before.

A clip of their duet replays and Rafa repeats that he’ll never forget it. He leaves and Ale gives one of her trademark smiles.

Marco fumes to Chavez about Ale coming home in a car decked out for a wedding, drunk, with Rafa. Rosario calls Marco and tells him he’s been neglecting Ale. She asks Marco why he never introduced Ale to Licenciado Urdiales. Marco promises he’ll ask Ale out that very night.

Marco hangs up and tells Chavez he’s going to have to do the impossible and set up a meeting with Licenciado Urdiales. Chavez chokes on his wine.

During a business meeting at the Siglo, Rafa and Marino end up in a shouting match that Ale has to put an end.

Humberto Urdiales, the president of an insurance firm, is apparently who Marco says he’s doing business with while he’s busy “doing business” elsewhere. Unfortunately, Marco has never actually met the guy. He’s going to have to get to know him so he can get in better standing with Ale and her family.

Chavez and Marco get around to talking about Rafa’s 140,000 peso payment that’s coming up soon. Chavez asks Marco what he’s going to do with Rafa’s house when he gets it and Marco say he’ll sell it.

Once again, Ale warns Rafa failure is not an option. Susana sees Ale grin as Rafa walks away.

Susana tries again to get more information out of Ale about the party. Ale would rather just forget about it. Susana tells Ale not to regret it; she was happy. Ale says she’ll be plenty happy when she marries Marco. Susana points out to Ale she said she will be happy, not that she is happy.

Random Scene of the Episode: A cowboy wanders into the beauty salon and all the employees drool over him. Ovidia slinks around and promises to take good care of him. The cowboy wants her to makeover his eyelashes because he has a very important meeting with his amigos. Ovi pulls out the mascara and hops to it.

Susana says Rafa is a great guy and tries to get Ale to admit it. Of course, Ale won’t, so Susana asks if anything else happened between her and Rafa worth talking about. Ale’s answer is interrupted by a call from Marco who wants to go out with her later that night. Ale appreciates it but says she's having a rough day at work and is going to end up going to bed early.

Rafa meets with Don Aurelio. Rafa is obviously tense so Aurelio orders tequila to loosen them up.

Marco tells Chavez he thinks Ale is defending Rafa for some reason. Chavez says, God willing, Rafa won’t make his payment so Marco gets his house. Chavez checked it out and is sure they could get a couple million pesos for it. That plus the couple million Marco is going to get for marrying Ale makes for a sweet living. The cherry on top for Marco is that Rafa will be thrown back in jail.

Marco calls Leonor and gives her a nasty message. “The house isn’t going to be yours much longer. Tomorrow morning, I’m going to start the eviction process. I have the courtesy to warn you ahead of time so you can look for a place to go.”

Avances: Rafa does business with Aurelio while Ale waits anxiously at the Siglo.


En Nombre del Amor, March 7, 2010--Finale

For the recap and discussion of the ENDA finale.


Mujeres Asesinas 2, Thursday, March 4: The case of the mistrustful mujer and the neighbor no one listened to.

Tonight, Edith Gonzalez is "Clara, Fantasiosa" (Clara, imaginative)

A maintenance guy drags around a mop and bucket and picks up mail from the floor of an apartment building before taking his mop and bucket and climbing the stairs to the elevator. He opens the elevator door and gasps at whatever he sees.

Let's check out some hot chicks in red dresses, cause that's the last pleasant thing we'll see this episode, I'm sure. Que emane….

A woman uses a straightened out wire clothes hanger to get mail out of a mailbox. The maintenance guy chides her for it. She uses the excuse of not having a key, but he says she could have asked him to open the box for her. Ana Layevska, last seen in Querida Enemiga, and not looking too healthy, walks in to the building and the first woman…ok, I'm going to have to run to IMDB again, cause this show takes too long to give names for anybody…Woman #1, played by Edith Gonzalez is Clara and Woman #2, played by Ana Layevska is Marcela…anyway, Clara starts accosting Marcela with "what are you looking at?" and accuses her of being "Beatriz" and writing letters to Clara's husband. Marcela denies it, but Clara insists that she is Beatriz and is having an affair with Clara's husband. She keeps screaming "you" as the elevator rises. Well, Clara, unless IMDB is lying to me, that's not Beatriz. Whether she's having an affair with your husband remains to be seen.

Back in her apartment, Clara opens the letters. She picks up the phone and calls "Eduardo" to leave him a message that she's waiting for him. The man in question walks in, played by Rene Casados, who is currently in Corazon Salvaje as Noel. His hair is much greyer here, but only half as fluffy. This is a man who's not afraid of a little volume. Maybe he used to be in a hair band and is just trying to keep the dream alive. Anyway, she starts right in with "How did it go? What did you do? Where were you? I just left you a message!" He counters that it wasn't 1 message, it was 12. Also, he talked to the doorman. "How far are you going to go? Do you want us to get kicked out of this building?" She objects that they didn't get kicked out of the last one, they left. He reminds her that they left to avoid being kicked out due to the scandal. She starts to promise something, but he cuts her off. He wonders when things got screwed up between them and why it's so hard for her to accept that he loves her. He doesn't want any more promises. Clara starts playing with her nails.

Marcela brings a tray of tea or coffee into a room where Perla (played by Silvia Mariscal, who I last saw as Jaime Camil's mom on Tontas) sits knitting. She nervously wonders if she remembered to shut the door and Perla says she did and to chill out already. Perla calls Carla a "poor woman" but Marcela says she was worried Clara was going to do something to her. "But why?" "Because she thinks I'm her husband's lover." "Well are you?" "No!" "Then don't worry about it. She'll find the one who is and fight with her." Setting aside for a moment the question of whether Marcela really is sleeping with Eduardo, I'm not sure that it really matters to Carla--if she thinks Marcela's the one, that's enough for her.

Eduardo is fixing his tie in the mirror and gets instantly tense when Clara walks up behind him. She asks him if he's going to see Beatriz. "Did you not hear anything I just told you? Who the hell is Beatriz, anyway?" Clara insists that if he's not going to see her, then all he has to do is say so, and besides they both know who Beatriz is. When Eduardo's eyeballs look like they're about to spontaneously pop out of his head, she starts with the "I'm sorry"-s. She begs him to stay home, but he says he's just going to "the agency." He asks, and she hasn't taken her meds yet because it wasn't time. He says he'll be back later to take her to the doctor. He kisses her on the forehead and says he loves her.

Marcela is waiting for the elevator. When Eduardo gets out, she gets in. They exchange hello's, but it's still unclear whether they even know each other or whether she's thinking "Oh, it's the crazy woman's husband" and he's thinking "Don't look, don't look or Clara will think this is the one!"

At a car dealership, a saleswoman talks to a woman about a car, but fails to close the deal. As the woman walks off, Eduardo walks in. He asks the saleswoman how it went and comments that these days people would rather fix up an old tricycle than buy a new car. The woman nods sadly and tells him that Clara called. Three times. He goes into his office and the saleswoman follows him and asks what he's going to do. We finally get the woman's name, Patricia (played by Lili Brillanti, who's been in a bunch of things I've seen, but for whatever reason, I don't recognize her). Eduardo says that they haven't been in the new apartment long, but the neighbors already are making a fuss. He's still taking her to a psychiatrist and, in fact, they just changed to a new one who came highly recommended. He doesn't think it's done her any good. Hmmm, I'm going to armchair diagnose her with Borderline Personality Disorder but I'll have to see how this all winds up.

Clara sits in a kind of fancy-looking living room, wearing sloppy sweats and holding one of Eduardo's shirts in her lap. She's playing with her hair, so her mom, Mrs. Soler, asks if she wants to go to the salon. "A haircut will strengthen your hair." Clara says she doesn't have time. She insists Eduardo's cheating on her, but Mrs. S brushes it off. Clara has her mom smell the shirt, but she doesn't smell anything. "You don't understand because you don't have to keep an eye on dad." Mrs. S reminds her that he's dead. "Exactly. The only men who don't cheat on us are the dead ones."

In the post-murder timeline, Forense Gerardo watches a tech zip up the body bag. Still no word on who's in it.

Eduardo and Patricia sit and have coffee. Eduardo says he takes Clara to the doc once a month or maybe once every fifteen days, it just depends. Sometimes he takes her or sometimes she goes alone or with her mother. He notices the time and says she has an appointment today and he wants to take her. Patricia supposes Clara must be at home and says she's having a bad time. Eduardo agrees and says he's having a bad time too…a really bad time. Patricia asks if Clara has ever thought that they…"Yes, she has. But don't worry, now I'm with Beatriz, a neighbor." He doesn't roll his eyes, exactly, it's more like he's just too tired to even bother.

At the doc's office, Clara isn't even listening, although she says she is, when Eduardo says she keeps being jealous and causing scenes. Eduardo mentions her pills and Clara insists they're to keep her doped up so that he can go out with other women. The doctor challenges her, "How do you know they're to keep you doped up?" But she doesn't really answer his question, she just tells him he doesn't understand. The doctor says he does understand, he's a doctor. He says she's been receiving treatment for a year. "But I'm fine. You're both exaggerating." Eduardo asks her to tell the doctor about the bells. She sighs and we get a flashback.

Clara is tying bells and chimes above the bedroom door. She explains that since she's on the pills and they make her sleep, she hung the bells above the bedroom door so that if he went out they would wake her up. Yeah, brilliant, but he can also duck to avoid them.

"It was only for a while." The doc asks if Eduardo didn't take them down and he answers something along the lines of "What should I have done?" or "What could I do?" but I'm not clear on whether he did take them down or whether he felt like he had to leave them up. The doctor sighs at his answer and Clara says that the two of them, the doctor and Eduardo, are plotting behind her back. She tells Ed that he's trying to get her out of the way so that he can be with Beatriz. She tells the doctor that Eduardo wants her locked up there so he can cheat with Beatriz. The doctor says no one's talking about having her admitted and what she needs to do is keep following the treatment and she'll get better little by little. Eduardo is nodding.

As they leave the office, Eduardo asks her where she got the idea that he was trying to have her locked up. She says because they didn't ask her for ID or anything, so how do they know she's really his wife, really Clara. He asks if she's really taking her medication. "Why do you ask?" That would be a no, methinks. He says she seems to be getting worse and worse and he's worried about her. They're sitting on a park bench and she tells him to go back to work so he won't worry. He'd rather take her home first. He asks her if she wouldn't like an ice cream from a cart nearby. She's surprised that he would buy her an ice cream and laughs. He reminds her that they once agreed he would get her the sun, moon, and stars. She keeps laughing, "like when we were dating." He's laughing too and says, "yeah, I used to recite you poetry," and he goes over to the ice cream cart. He gets two cones and hands her one. He reminds her that their promises were mutual. "You're throwing it in my face." He insists he's not, he just wants her to be well…and for them to have the sun, moon, and stars. They're both laughing. That's the power of ice cream. But eventually it melts, and the crazy starts again.

Forense Gerardo reports to Det. Capellan that there's not a lot to say. It was the same weapon for all the wounds and there were 64 stabs--add one to the stabbing column for this season. He figures someone very angry or very scared would have made that many wounds.

Marcela finishes getting ready. Perla comments that she hasn't seen her this happy in a long time. Marcela says she's going out with some girlfriends. Perla says it's been a long time since she's gone out and maybe she'll meet someone. "And what would you think if I did? Meet someone." Perla says she thinks Marcela needs to have a life again. "It's been two years since my son died. You can't keep taking care of me forever. There's nothing sadder than a young widow." Marcela says maybe later, but now she's gotta go. Perla tells her to have a good time.

When Marcela gets out of the elevator, Clara is waiting on the stairs for her, still eating her ice cream cone. Damn, I want one now. Upholding my earlier theory, the ice cream itself is gone and it looks like the crazy is back. Clara just wants a word with "Beatriz" to resolve this in the best way possible. Marcela insists that she's not "Beatriz" and that Clara is mistaking her for someone else. Clara shows her the ice cream cone and says her husband bought it for her and she sensed that he loves her. LOVES HER. "That's nice, "says Marcela, "I'm glad your husband loves you. That's the way it should be, isn't it?" She walks off and Clara keeps munching on her cone.

Back in her apartment, Clara picks up a picture of a blond woman…herself as a blond? I can't tell. She picks up the phone and calls the auto dealership. Patricia picks up the phone. She very loudly announces that it's Clara and Eduardo makes the international sign for "I'm not here" so Patricia says he's with a client. Clara hangs up. For one thing, Patricia doesn't sound very convincing. For another, I don't care if this coworker is my soul brother, if he's got a crazy wife who constantly thinks he's cheating, I am not going to lie for him--that way only leads to the crazy wife either thinking you're the mistress or accusing you of covering for him. Either way, it ups the probability of you ending up in a pool of blood.

Patricia finishes up with a client jut as Clara shows up asking for Eduardo. Clara heads right for his office as he throws out his hands and begs her not to make a scene at work. She says she just called and they told her he was with a client, so obviously that means he bought her ice cream and then went to go shag Beatriz. Yes, of course, because when a man buys you ice cream it always means he's getting it somewhere else, how did I miss the signs! Clara keeps asking him where he was as the phone starts ringing. Ed hesitates, so Clara says if he won't answer it, she will. As she and Ed both slap hands on the receiver, the phone stops ringing. Patricia comes over and tells Eduardo it's a Mr. somebody calling about the sedan. He tells Patricia he'll call the guy back. When Patricia leaves, Eduardo asks Clara what she needs and what she wants. "We can't go on like this." Clara thinks he's finally gotten up the guts to leave her. Eduardo says he's always had the guts, but he keeps trying because he loves her. Clara rushes him and grabs him. She starts crying and saying she needs help.

At the police station, Det. Capellan asks Eduardo if he noticed any changes in his wife. Ed says sometimes she got better, but…. He claims he did supervise her treatment, but he couldn't be with her constantly because he had to work.

Clara plays with one of her pills, eventually dropping it in a glass of water and watching it fizz. She pours it into a plant.

Capellan asks Eduardo if the doctor ever used the word "delirio" (delusion). Capellan says specifically, jealous delusions--jealousy with distortion of reality. Ed kind of smiles and she goes on to say, "You look at your wife lovingly--she thinks you have a lover. You bring her flowers--she thinks you have a lover." Eduardo says he understands, but isn't it too late for this?

Marcela, looking sickly again, gets off the elevator. Clara follows her. Out at the street, Clara gets up in her face and says "You're my husband's lover." Marcela insists that she's not, nor is her name Beatriz, and if Clara doesn't cut it out, she's going to the cops. Clara says she's mocking her and she'd better watch out.

Marcela is getting some pastries at a nearby café when Clara comes up behind her and says "Hi, Beatriz." Clara says they can end this very easily if Marcela just shows her some ID to prove she's not Beatriz. Marcela gets upset and begs Clara to leave her alone. She runs out of the café and Clara says, "See how I found you out! See how you are my husband's lover!" She goes up to the counter and says she'll take the bread that Marcela ran off without.

Clara reports to the doctor that she's feeling better. Much better. She thinks it's all over. She asks the doctor, just hypothetically, if he would show ID if one of his patients asked. He's confused and points to his credentials on the wall, saying "I'm a psychiatrist." But, just saying, what if a patient wanted to see that he really is who he says he is. The doctor says he supposes that if it were necessary, he would let a patient see his ID. Clara smiles. I think the good doctor just screwed Marcela over without meaning to.

Marcela and Perla are sitting in the apartment when someone knocks on the door. Marcela looks scared. She creeps up to the door and checks the peephole before unlocking the door. It's the doorman, who came to bring her the mail like she asked. Marcela gets the mail and then shuts the door in the guy's face. She comments to Perla that it's incredible what she's having to do because of that crazy woman.

Clara brings the pastries to her mom. She tells mom that mom can only stay for a little while because Clara is very busy. "With what?" Clara offers her mom coffee, but mom says Clara's not supposed to be drinking coffee with her medication. "Of course I can." Mom complains that it's impossible to get Clara out of the house and she never dresses up, even with all the nice clothes she has. Clara grabs mom's handbag and tells her to please leave. She insists she's busy and walks her mom out.

Perla thinks Marcela should have just shown Clara some ID. Marcela says she shouldn't have to. Perla insists that she would have done it and ended this. "First she's crazy, now she's making you crazy." Marcela thinks she needs to keep something from happening. "How, by killing that woman?" Marcela thinks it's not a bad idea. Perla is shocked.

"Were those her words?" Capellan asks Perla. Perla says yes, "It wouldn't be a bad idea to kill her." She wonders how it got to that point.

Clara serves Eduardo the bread she got from the bakery earlier for dinner. He's a little freaked out that she's just serving him bread. She grabs a piece and puts it on her plate and tells him, "Oh, I know, you're tired of eating this, but you eat it every day with Beatriz, so now you'll eat it with me." She takes a fork and knife and cuts herself a piece of bread, telling him to eat. He asks if she took her pills and she says of course she did.

There's a rattling at the door of Perla and Marcela's apartment. Perla gets up and calls out, "Marcela, is that you?" and the rattling stops.

Marcela gripes to the doorman, who tries to say that maybe Perla imagined it, but Perla objects to that. The doorman insists that he was on duty all day and no strangers came into the building. Marcela says it must have been someone from the building.

Clara's mom goes to Eduardo's work to complain about Clara. She's upset about Clara throwing her out and because she doesn't seem to be getting better. Eduardo insists that he's doing everything he can, because he loves her. And because she's his wife. He tells her that it doesn't matter what he does, every day she gets worse. He says the person he most loves is slipping away.

Forense Gerardo and Det. Capellan are looking at something in the lab when Aranda comes in. She tells Capellan that there was a previous report, but it wasn't investigated. Capellan looks at the file.

Marcela tells a cop what's going on with Clara. The cop says it's normal for Clara to have shown up at the same bus stop and café, "After all, you're neighbors, why wouldn't you shop in the same places?" Marcela insists that the woman is dangerous. The cop finally agrees to take the report, but he doesn't think they'll do much, since he doesn't see a threat. Marcela keeps insisting and asks how much farther it has to go before they do something. He asks her to sign something and she says, "you aren't going to do anything, are you?" She signs the paper and starts to leave, then turns around and says, "You won't do anything because there's been no threat? Fine, here's one, 'I'm going to kill that woman. I, Marcela Rodriguez, am going to kil that woman.' Put that down on your paper." She leaves.

Capellan tells Aranda to rain down hell on the dipshits who ignored the report. She says they'd better be ready to explain in front of the judge why they did nothing. "Because now I've got a dead body." Aranda leaves.

Marcela gets on the elevator and Eduardo asks her to wait and gets on with her. She looks really scared.

In her apartment, she considers possible weapons and ends up putting kitchen shears in her purse.

Eduardo sits in his apartment, drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette. Marcela opens the door partway and knocks. She comes in and she and Eduardo say hi, but he sticks his head out the door to check the hallway. She says she didn’t want to be rude earlier, in the elevator, and says she's his neighbor, from 6C. He asks if she's looking for his wife and says she's out. Marcela wanted to talk to both of them, but that's fine, she'll talk to him. She starts to come further into the apartment, but Eduardo freaks out, pointing at the door and saying "Clara!"

Clara is down at that café with her mom. She insists she's got to leave now and her mom asks why she's being this way about her husband. Clara says he's going to go off with Beatriz. "Why would he want me? My hair's falling out, I'm gross, and I can't give him a kid." Mom insists that Eduardo loves Clara, but she's just as convinced that he's sleeping with someone else and she can't understand why mom doesn't get it. She leaves.

Standing in the foyer of the apartment, Eduardo apologizes for what Clara has done, but asks her to be patient. Marcela says she's been patient, but she's afraid Clara will do something to her or to her mother-in-law. Eduardo says she's crazy, but she won't do anything. Marcela is as astounded at him as she was at the cop, "Are you not listening to me?" Eduardo insists that she's not dangerous, but she is crazy and jealous and about to come home, so he's really going to have to ask Marcela to leave.

Clara realizes the elevator is upstairs, so she takes the stairs.

Marcela insists that Eduardo talk to Clara and he says he will. He all but shoves her out the door and calls "thanks" after her. He leaves the door open and goes back inside.

Marcela gets in the elevator and takes it upstairs just as Clara comes up the stairs. Marcela goes into her apartment and Clara to hers, realizing that the door is open. She walks in slowly and sees Eduardo, sitting in the living room eating. "You brought her here, didn't you?" Eduardo heads her off by asking if she talked to her mother, "She's very worried about you. She says you yelled at her in the bakery." Clara insists that he took advantage of her being out to bring Beatriz into their house.

Marcela tells Perla about her conversation with Eduardo. "What is she going to have to do for them to believe me? Kill me?"

Clara says this is why he wanted to move to this apartment building. Eduardo loses it and starts screaming a bunch of stuff that gets muted out and then, "Who is this Beatriz? Where is she?" He pretends he's got her in his hands and then blows her away and says "there, she's gone!" Clara insists her perfume is there. Eduardo asks her to listen to him, but we're way past that now.

Marcela complains that Perla isn't the one being followed around, so of course, it's easy for her. "When your son was sick everybody had an opinion, 'chemotherapy, naturopathy,' they even want to try Reiki. And now when I've got a problem, everybody's got an opinion again, that I'm exaggerating, that I'm worrying about nothing, that she's not going to do anything. The last thing I need is for them to say the crazy woman is me. Everybody has an opinion, but nobody does anything."

Perla tells Capellan that Marcela was right. Nobody did anything, they all kept quiet, and they're all guilty. "We were all accomplices."

Marcela is sleeping.

Clara is sleeping and Eduardo strokes her hair.

Marcela wakes up at 6:30 the next morning. As does Clara. She puts on lipstick. Clara slips into her running shoes and a robe. Marcela brushes her hair. Clara goes into the kitchen and grabs a knife from a drawer. Marcela puts on perfume. She checks her purse and takes out the kitchen shears. She leaves them on her dressing table and leaves. Clara tucks the knife into the sleeve of her robe. Marcela waits for the elevator. Clara watches it go up.

"Why didn't you comply with treatment?" Det. Capellan asks Clara. "Your situation would have been easier to resolve." Clara says, "What situation? Eduardo was cheating on me." She's got blood on her cheeks. Capellan says she's referring to Clara's clinical situation. "I'm fine. Well, I'm fine now. Eduardo's going to stay with me. I asked Beatriz to help me, but she didn't want to. I don't understand why she didn't want to. I asked her to help me but she didn’t want to, so I had to punish her. With a knife, because I wanted to get my husband out of her, the perfume out of her, so I had to open her up all over. But instead there was just blood. Why was there blood? I don't like blood. Why didn't Beatriz want to help me? Why?"

Clara watches the elevator go up and she goes up the stairs after it. Marcela gets into the elevator and Clara locks them both in together and starts stabbing her. Repeatedly. The bloody butterfly flies out of the elevator. The elevator reaches the bottom and Clara opens the door, looks back at Marcela, and walks up the stairs and back into her apartment. She lays the knife on Eduardo's nightstand, climbs into bed, and kisses him on the cheek.

"Marcela Rodriguez was stabbed 64 times. Clara Soler was declared incompetent, being diagnosed with schizoid pathological jealousy. She carried out her sentence in the psychiatric wing of the women's prison."


El Clon 14, Thu 3/4. I know who you should marry.

It seems like a whole lot of this episode dealt with people deciding who should marry (or end up with) whom.

Cris just saved Lucas from getting run over. They get up and brush themselves off. Cris says that Diego left, hating her, but she’s not the opportunist he thought she was. She asks Lucas to her house to help her. Lucas is reluctant but he’s not real good at that “no” thing.

Like son, like father, Leo instructs Jaime to pay Cristina’s bills.

Cristina starts defending herself to Lucas, saying nobody’s perfect, she’s sure Leo cheated on her as well, and the real doozie, what she did wasn’t betraying Leo because she had no emotions for Diego. IOW, the fact that she sleeps with men she has zero affection for, is proof of her high moral caliber.

Lucas asks Cris to tell him what happened with Diego (eww!). He says that he always felt like he and Diego were two parts of a single person, and others treated them that way as well. Now that Diego is gone, he has lost a huge part of himself. He doesn’t know if he’ll be able to pick up the reins of his life himself. He wants to hear the stories of other parts of Diego’s life so he can hang onto more of him. Cris gives him consoling words. She also tells him the same thing we were all yelling at our TV’s last night. She realizes Lucas is mourning the loss of his brother, but Jade has left everything for him and has no place to go; he needs to go and take care of her.

Jade is surprised when Latifa says Lucas came to the house. She says that if he calls, tell him she returned to Morocco. Latifa says you should have never trusted him. Those who don’t believe in God cannot be trusted; they are capable of any (terrible) thing. Latifa thinks Jade didn’t really tell Ali everything. Jade corrects her. “I told him I have to marry Lucas, because.. I’m not a virgin.” Latifa blows up, telling Jade that was a horrible sin and that she hates her.

Ali goes to Said’s house to tell them he was successful in getting the Bedouins to take three of Said’s harem women. Nariza brazenly flatters Ali for his wisdom and negotiating skills, making Ali uncomfortable. He says that after they find jobs for some of the women and marry off others; that will only leave three. Ali will take one, and Said will keep the other two to take care of his house.

Nariza sticks her nose in again. She says she’ll take one along when she goes to live with Mohammed, to do the housework. Ali is surprised she’s going to Mohammed’s, but she explains that she needs to teach Latifa a lot of things, and besides, modestly of course, she (Nariza) knows everything about how to take care of a man and take care of a house. Said looks at her as if she sprouted a tail. Said distracts Ali while Uncle whisks Nariza out of the room like a child who loudly farted at the dinner party. Uncle tells her that if she wants to marry Ali, leave that to the men to arrange. She was out of line.

Uncle says he plans to invest in one of Abdul’s businesses, and he invites Said to be his partner, as long as Said will stay in Morocco to manage the business. Ali says he can send for Jade, and they’ll get married in Morocco. Trato y hecho.

Latifa calls Zoraida and warns her to burn Jade’s letter as soon as it arrives. Before Zoraida can find out the contents of the letter, Ali arrives. He picks up the phone and asks Latifa to tell Jade the news. When Jade hears it, she resigns herself - you can’t escape your destiny.

Cristina arrives. Latifa is scandalized by such a hussy, but Jade insists on talking to her. They go to Jade’s room and Cris tells Jade what’s going on with Lucas. She says that if Jade loves Lucas, go after him! Jade says she’s at least willing to listen if he wants to talk to her. At that, Cris informs her that Lucas is waiting out at the street. They both head out the door, with Latifa barking shrilly and nipping at their heels like a dachshund, but they ignore her. Jade and Lucas lock eyes again, and mash faces again. Latifa is scandalized again, while Cris is delighted with young love and the part she played in it.

So tell me, folks. Did Cris do this for ulterior motives, to get Lucas on her side? Or does she feel she owes Lucas some happiness because she contributed to his brother’s death? Or is it that this woman who has been a total self-absorbed trailer-trash airhead from the start, is suddenly wise, considerate, and altruistic when the plot requires it?

Leo stares at the four walls some more. He orders Rosa to leave Diego’s room untouched.

Dora tells Vicky that after the AI procedure, she won’t set foot in the street for nine months. She’ll stay home with her feet up (eating bonbons?). Walking into her house, she finds a letter from Osvaldo. It gives his final offer: abandon her AI plans, or forget about seeing him ever again. She’s sure it’ll be different when the baby looks like him. Sabes que? Most people think that Orlando’s Fantasyland is filled with characters like Snow White, the Mad Hatter, and Tigger. But me? I think it’s full of telenovias, because nobody can live as far apart from reality as a female character in a novela.

At the clinic, Betty Brown arrives from England, seasoning her Spanish with liberal doses of English. She has a personality very akin to Molly Brown; I think I’ll call her that. Luisa tells her that she and Albieri are getting married, and Molly Brown answers, “What the #ell? No way!” Fantasyland meets bold-faced reality. Molly says, “Albieri never could handle death. It demolishes his whole mental structure. He took hold of you because he’s afraid of being completely destroyed. You’ve got to tell him no.”’
Luisa answers, “But I luuuuv him!”
Molly corrects her. “No, you don’t love him. You think you do because you’re desperate to have a romance. Sorry, Darling, I speak my mind. But if you want to get married to a disaster, go ring your church bell.”
Luisa tries to show Molly her reality. “I know he has problems, but he’ll change.” (Women find their perfect man, marry him, and spend the rest of their lives trying to change him.)
Molly shows her wisdom by quoting two dichos. A. Mejor estar solo que mal acompañado. It’s better to be alone than to be in bad company. When Luisa still won’t budge, Molly pulls out Plan B. A lo hecho, pecho. “Sacar el pecho” means to stick your chest out, but figuratively it’s to face it like a man, suck it up, cowboy up. So the dicho means, “What’s done is done; make the best of it.”

Albieri, at his house, tells Dra. Sylvia and Julio that he’ll go to Morocco next week to try to straighten out the Lucas matter with Ali. Sylvia asks about his honeymoon. Albi says they’ll just take a few days, without Luisa. He can’t give Luisa the appropriate attention with this over his head. (What excuse will he come up with next week?) He confides in Julio, “Luisa wants fire and passion, and I’m just not like that.” The doorbell rings, it’s Ruben Molina, “the father of alternative medicine around here.” They tease him. Julio says he thought for sure that Molina would marry Molly Brown. We find out she is one of the leading researchers in cloning. Molina starts arguing with Albieri about the ethical issues of cloning, when, speaking of the king of Rome (or queen of England?), Molly arrives.

Lucas gets home and Leo pesters him that he should’ve called, and he should get the mole checked. Lucas complains to Rosa about his behavior, and Rosa explains that it’s because he’s afraid of losing Lucas too. Leo overhears as Lucas calls the florist to order red roses for Cristina (to thank her for helping him reunite with Jade). Leo walks in and accuses Lucas of going out with Cris. “Don’t you realize that she’s seducing you? Just like she did your brother? She‘s using you to take revenge on me. I forbid you to see her again. If you do, I‘ll kill her.” Ooh. Hard to get happy after that.

Cut to the wedding. It’s the JP, the bride and groom, Sylvia and Julio from the clinic (but not Albi’s close friend Leo), and the two old friends from abroad. Luisa is radiant as she signs the registry, making the act official. When Albieri signs, he and the guests look like the Germans at Versailles. The JP says, “You may kiss the bride.” Albieri turns to Luisa, takes hold of her head, and kisses her forehead. Sylvia cries, but perhaps not for the usual reasons. Molly Brown warns Albi, don’t hurt that girl’s feelings. Albi assures Molly, we’re very good friends. Moll answers, “Mal hecho (badly done). Don’t offer friendship when love is asked for. That will deliver you to misery.”

Back in Morocco, Latifa suggests to Nariza that the newlyweds should be allowed to live alone and get used to married life. Nariza insists that Latifa needs Nariza to teach her how to take care of her brother. Gee, is it just me, or does Mohammed look a lot happier under Latifa’s care than Nariza’s? Meanwhile, the men are talking in the other room. Uncle talks about looking for a husband for Nariza. Ali says marriage is good, but four is too many. If he had it to do over, he’d only marry one. And now way will he take a fourth wife again. (Gee, he didn’t mention that earlier tonight when he volunteered to take one of the harem women as a wife.) Uncle quickly changes the subject; “Nice weather we’re having today, isn’t it?” There’s a knock at the door, and Nariza goes to answer it as if she owns the place. It’s The Letter. Zoraida tries to get it from her hands, but Nariza is determined to take it to Ali herself. I swear, that Nariza would be considered brazen, even in New York City! Nariza barges in on the men and gives Ali the letter, which he ponders.

Leo finds Cris dancing with some man at a disco, and he makes a scene.

Roll credits.


Corazon Salvaje March 4, 2010 Hey, I'm no Gentleman--No Really--I'm Not

From yesterday:

Rod is talking to Aimee and Regina. Regina says she wants to marry for LUUUUVVVVV.

Gab and Juan are talking. I didn’t catch the first part but Rodrigo Montes de Oca is going to pay for everything.

Back to Rod and the girls--Someone in this family died because of love. The girls want to know who he is talking about. He stares off into space.

Maria is talking to her “baby” and screaming for Juan de Dios. FF>>

Gabriel asks Juan to forgive his impertiennce but he thinks they should think about business. He tells Juan that he is out for vengence. Ah, Grasshopper, you are very observant. He says yes, it is my obsession. But right now I’m focused on something else. A woman. Her name is Aimee. Gabe comes up with the idea they can check the captain’s book for her last name. Gabe scampers off.

Aimee is begging her father to tell them the story. He has nothing more to say. Party pooper. He stomps out. Aimee thinks it is funny. Regina is overcome with curiosity. Who could have died for love? Who could it be? Aimee can’t belive that Regina would die for love. Ah but she knows passion. But she wouldn’t die for love. Regina thinks about Renato.

Speak of the devil, we beam over to Finca del Mar and Renato is talking to Noel. He is questioning his dad about Juan that showed up at the house. Why don’t you answer my questions? Leo looks up all smug at Noel. The story of Juan and the family is a long and tragic story. Leo jumps up and starts screaming that Juan is a bastard and not just any bastard but Noel’s bastard. Noel looks at her like Que the Hell! Renato looks confused. Leo is playing it up. Tell your son the truth. Noel grows a set and throws a chair and gets all up in her face. YOU know the real story. What is the real story? Lots of yelling and Leo leans on Renato for support. Renato still looks confused. Juan is your child My half brother?

Back to Juan and Gabriel. He’s brought the book and Gabe wants to look for her name. He starts to read and Juan closes the book and says no. He doesn’t want anyone to know that he’s the MAN. He says this woman will be mine. She is mine.

Juan is pacing the deck. FF>>

Aimee and Regina are in the cabin. Aimee is looking for something and says on no she needs Prissy to do her a big favor (I’m sure that you guys aren’t really paying attention at this point because you are wondering if the puppies are going to get out of the cage. I’m wondering how much super glue it took to keep them contained.) She has to help her otherwise it will be a big tragedy. Yeah, whatever.

Back to Juan on the deck. He is pacing then strides off with purpose. At the same time Regina comes up on deck. It is windy and cold and Regina is wondering why she always does stuff to help Aimee. I’m wondering that too actually.

Meanwhile back in the warm and not windy cabin Aimee is reclining on the bed remembering the kisses and touches of Juan Del Diablo. She is practically purring like a kitten. Juan Del Diablo opens the door and comes in. Aimee sits up in bed. He tells her he knows her name. She stutters something and he says that you need to understand me. I didn’t want to love you. You were looking for me. She wants to know what he is accusing her of. He says something and grabs her. She looks like she is enjoying it. He touches her face and says she is the type of woman that men like him are looking for. He pushes her away. He comes back. You are my woman. Do you understand? She turns away and walks off. Oh yes, I understand. You are a savage. You are everything I desire. He looks disgusted and starts to turn away. He grabs her and kisses her hard. Bodice ripping ensues. He grabs her and pushes her down on the bed. He runs his hands over her body. The narrarator is talking-MUTE-shut up already I’m trying to enjoy the moment.

Dumbass Regina is still standing on the deck freezing. If he doesn’t show up I’m leaving. Duh--ya think? FF>>

Back in the cabin. Juan’s locks are flying free and they are both naked. He tells her she is his--only his. The candlelight flickers as they make the beast with two backs. BREAK--Damn!

Back from commercial we are at Finca Del Mar. Renato and Noel are eating breakfast. Renato is still confused and trying to figure out whether Juan is really his father’s son. Noel says of course not. Clemencia looks a little stunned. Noel promises him that when the time comes he will tell him the truth. Renato is going to check on his mom.

Regina is still up on deck looking windblown and is thinking that the savage is not coming. FF>>

Leo is in the bedroom talking to Rosenda--No way, no how do you go in the passageways. Orca (a/k/a Johnny Cash) is the only one allowed to go there. There is a knock on the door. Leo hurridly gets into bed. It is Renato coming to check on her. Leo fakes being sick. What a heifer. Renato begs her to have patience. He needs his father close to him. Oh Hijo. Don’t ask me that. Well, ok, I’ll try. Rosenda listens at the door.
For the great love that I have only for you. ( I think she should have said the great love I have only for you after my love for myself.)
Regina is back at their cabin and comes in. Uh oh--BUSTED. Juan is looking disshelved with his hair all askew. What is going on? She turns on Juan and wants to know who said he could come into a room with two young ladies. Aimee said it was ok. Regina gives her an earful. Juan looks quite handsome as he lounges against the wall. I was waiting for him to make bunny ears over Regina’s head--but sadly no. Juan and I were just talking. She hugs Regina and makes kissy faces behind her back at Juan. Don’t think bad of me. Juan doesn’t want to hang around listening to their conversation so he high-tails it out of there.

Rod is on deck smoking and thinking about Rosi. Magda walks by and he thinks that woman is very mysterious. If he only knew!

Aimee is worried that Regina is going to tell papa. Aimee begs her not to say anything to Papi. Don’t rat me out. What you are doing has very grave consequences. Juan is only fun for me. I’m not serious about him. Regina is just basically pissed off about the whole thing. She stomps out.

Out in the field Johnny Cash is bitching about the workers. Renato warns him if he lays a hand on a worker one more time he’s toast. Renato wants to talk to Remedio. If Arcadio screws up you will be the administrator of Finca Del Mar. Cool!

Clemencia is putting flowers on Rosi’s grave. Two guys are talking to Clemencia. They talk about visitng Juan de Dios’ grave. They tell her they have to accept that she is dead. I feel in my heart that one day he will return.

Juan on the ship. Regina is out pacing and thinking about Aimee and her mess. What should I do to help my sister. She thinks about Renato--my love. Juan sneaks up on her. You are identical yet different. Please sit down. She doesn’t want to have anything to do with him. She smacks him. He grabs her by the hair and acts like he is going to kiss her.

Leo is talking to Clemencia and freaks out when she sees Clemencia wearing a rosary.

Juan teases Regina and laughs at her. I’m not a gentlemen. He calls her St. Regina. You are not a gentleman. You will never be. She drops her necklace. He picks it up--for Regina

Rosi has the keys and is trying to get out again. The mute girl takes the keys. They hear Johnny Cash coming and hide behind the table because I’m sure he would never think to look there.

Back on the ship. Gabriel is in the cabin and Juan walks in. Are you still working? He tells Gabe to go get some rest. Juan looks troubled and Gabe asks him what has happened. He says he is not usually a gentleman. Doesn’t care to be. But tonight for the first time he was a gentleman.

Regina is back in her cabin. She looks in the mirror and remembers Juan trying to kiss her. She wipes her mouth disgustedly.

Juan looks at her locket. He looks sad.

Regina is saying her prayers and realizes her necklace is gone. Oh no! She remembers it was a gift from Renato.

The knife thrower guy is well--throwing knives. He wants Jimena. FF>>

Jimena is reading Aimee’s palm. Then she reads Regina’s. Regina says to stop with this foolishness. Jimena tells her that very soon something will come back to her. Jimena is giddy about the masked ball.

Everyone is getting ready for the masked ball. The “ladies” are throwing water on each other. I’m wondering who is going to clean up that mess.

Jimena is dressed for the ball. She wonders how they get around in these shoes. Amen sister! She looks beautiful. Aimee is showing her how to dance when Rod knocks on the door. I’m wondering where they get all these fancy costumes in the middle of the ocean.

Jimena is trying to walk in her shoes when she trips and Gabriel catches her. How conveeeenient. It’s love at first sight. She tells him she’ll be waiting for him tonight.

Juan spies Jimena and says good evening beautiful lady. He assures her that no one will know who she is. She wants to dance. Nobody will bother you.

Magda is talking to the gay guy and worrying about Rodrigo. She thinks this is a good opportunity for her girls.

Gabriel is in the office--Juan runs in and says let’s go to the party. Federico, wearing a mask that reminds me of Sauron, Lord of Mordor, wants to dance with Regina but she snubs him. Rod orders her to dance with him. She looks bored and not real happy. My favorite costume is Rods. I look at him and it just cracks me up. It’s something in the beak I think. I mean, look at that mask and tell me if you can take anything he says seriously!

Juan and Gabriel show up and he tells Gab to have some fun. Juan spies Aimee across the room. Gab latches on to Jimena. I’m happy waiting for you. She falls down. He gazes into her eyes.

Magda is still hiding.

Juan is looking at the necklace. Rodrigo approaches Magda but Juan runs interference. Change partners. Juan grabs Regina. He gives her back her necklace. She is happy to see it again.

Rod pairs off with Magda. At last we are together. I am Rodrigo Montes de Oca. She says is Madame somebody.

Change partners again. Juan ends up with Aimee. They try to sneak out. Off go the masks and I’m pretty sure the clothes will follow. Rodrigo can’t find Aimee so he goes looking for her--uh oh.


En Nombre del Amor, March 5, 2010

Discussion post for ENDA, Friday, March 5.


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