Tuesday, October 05, 2010

El Clon Tuesday October 5: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 164: We are officially in las últimas semanas and as you might expect, everything is looking very bleak. Marisa seems to have survived Natalia’s attack, but to judge from her increasingly irrational behavioral, she may have suffered brain damage. At Said’s house, Paradise is Found. And Lost.
  • Is Gloria in danger from crazy Paula?
  • Has Pablo really been Maliciated?
  • Is Latifa too late to rescue her Mohamed from his own stupidity?

Tune in tomorrow…

At home, Albieri escapes from Luisa’s vigilance by telling her he’s going to buy a newspaper.

At Cris’s bar, Dora tells Vicki she won’t be attending Cris’s wedding – after all she’s marrying the man who’s trying to take Dora’s son away. Vicki encourages Dora to find happiness with Miguel and not to wait for some Karla to snatch him away. And Osvaldo is history, she says. A rey muerto, rey puesto! (The king is dead! Long live the king!)

Albieri joins Girl Reporter, Amalia, at a restaurant. He announces: Quiero hablar contigo sobre el clon. (I want to talk to you about the clone.)

Said gets home from his Chicago trip to find the household fairly calm. Samira and Amin are with Jadiya and they are anxious to tell him what has been happening. Rania, Amina and Jade come downstairs and have no bloody scratches on their faces.

The Naz tells Said she has in fact turned his home into a paradise by her strong leadership.

Dora tries to talk Daniel out of going to Casa Ferrer, but he is set on visiting Rosa and Natalia. After he leaves, Estela tells her daughter that arguing with him will just make him more determined to be with those people.

Cris is at home looking at dresses in a magazine and chatting happily with Vicki about the wedding. She wants her dress to be a daring choice, something unexpected.

Natalia, still sporting her new Unabomber look, is back at the Casa Ferrer. Lucas comes home, learns that Natalia is there and asks Marisa: ¿Ya te pidió disculpas? (Did she apologize to you?) Marisa admits that Natalia said nothing. Lucas becomes furious and storms upstairs. He slaps her hard across the cheek. ¡Basta! ¡Ya no más! He has had it with her. She in turn is outraged that he raised a hand to her and threatens to call the police. Go ahead, he says, and you can tell them where you got your drugs. I forbid to raise your hand to anyone in this house, he tells her. Si lo haces, te encierro! (If you do it, I’ll lock you up.) And even though it hurts me, if you continue like this, I will have to turn my back on you.

When Lucas leaves the room, Natalia complains to Rosa that Lucas hates her and blames her for his unhappiness.

Lucas tells Marisa, waiting downstairs, that Natalia is completely out of control. (Está descontrolada!) She has gone too far. [Duh!]

Leo walks in on the scene and asks Marisa how the wound (la herida) is. The wound is fine, she says: Lo que me duele es el alma. (What hurts me is my soul./My heart is breaking)

On the Pass Along the Misery Theory, Lucas turns on his father and wants to know how he can think of getting married at a time like this. Leo tells him he needs to go on living his life.

Snoopy Ramón knows that the owner of the apartment Alej and Natalia were subletting is now threatening to complain to the police if Alej doesn’t make good on the stuff the druggies robbed. Alej is going out to try to fix things and warns Ramón not to tell Gloria anything – he’ll knock his teeth out if he does! As soon as Alej leaves, Gloria skillfully extracts the truth from Ramón by making a similar threat (What is it with these people and my teeth? wonders Ramón)

After trying and failing to get money out of her family, Natalia is ready to leave again. Lucas runs after her shouting that if she leaves, she can just stay in the street. At that moment, Daniel comes walking up the driveway and Natalia throws herself into his arms. She’s afraid Lucas is going to hit her, she says. You leave her alone! says Daniel. And he looks accusingly at Lucas. You are not my father, says Natalia to Lucas. To Daniel she says: No soporto más! (I can’t take any more!)

When Lucas goes back inside, Rosa tells him his father wants to talk to him. Let him call the clone, (que le llame al clon) answers Lucas bitterly. Nevertheless, he joins his father and Marisa. It’s time to make a decision, Leo declares, and it’s incumbent upon Lucas to do so since he is Natalia’s father. Marisa suggests that Natalia is acting out because she feels they are rejecting her. But we’ve been at her beck and call 24 hours a day, says Leo.

No, listen, says Marisa. We should reward her for her insufferable behavior, the felony assaults and robberies and drugs. Let’s show our trust in our out-of-control wildly aggressive cocaine-crazed daughter by buying her a new car!

Back at the restaurant, Gloria tells Alej that she knows all about the apartment furnishings. She’s not going to let him continue paying for Natalia’s mistakes. He should go to the gym to train – she’ll take care of it.

Pablo gets to Not Really Malicia’s apartment and asks her right away why she said she was on a business trip. He knows it was a pleasure trip. And Malicia begins maliciating:
Whoever told you that is lying, she says. Rogelio had confidential business in Paris – so confidential that even Zein doesn’t know the details. But go ahead and call him and he can tell you that what I’m saying is true. Of course I’d lose my job for revealing confidences…but that’s not important. All I did in Paris was think of you.
And Pablo says: And all I did was think of you. Discúlpame, he says. Perdón. (But there is something hard in the set of his jaw that makes me think he hasn’t been totally maliciated. We’ll see.)

At the clinic, Escobar listens as Anita tells Julio that Malicia is back. And guess what? Julio smiles and guesses: ¿Sedujó al jefe? (She seduced her boss?) Yes.

Clara is back at her post at Empresas Ferrer. She and Caro have also heard the news. And no, she tells her friend, Rogelio hasn’t called.

Albieri is at the clinic. He tells someone on the phone that he’ll be there in an hour. Luisa and Padre Andres overhear him and Luisa wants to know who he’s meeting. The Mendelsons, old friends and colleagues, geneticists who are in Miami for just a brief time, he says. In his office, he admits to Andres that he lied to Luisa; in fact he’s going to meet with a journalist. He wants to get a sense of her work. So you’ve decided to go public? asks Andres. Albieri insists that is not the case. Not yet.

Marisa and Rosa are chatting about the new car for Natalia (the clinical term would be folie à deux, I believe -- two people sharing the same delusion or madness) when Gloria arrives at Casa Ferrer demanding to speak to Natalia’s father or mother. Right now!

Gloria tells Marisa that Natalia emptied and then sold absolutely everything from the apartment she was sharing with Alejandro. Now the owner wants be be reimbursed and even though the furnishings were used, he wants to be paid as if they were new.

Dora is just leaving her apartment for work when Daniel asks if he can bring Natalia to meet her. She’s really nice, he tells Dora. Her father treats her very badly – I had to protect her today. Dora’s not thrilled with the idea but finally gives her consent.

When Dora leaves, Daniel goes to his room, and veil in hand, daydreams about Jade and the kiss they shared in the ruins.

Unfortunately, Paradise has been Lost at Said’s house. Jade: Don’t treat me like a maid! Rania: That’s exactly what you are in this house, a maid for Jadiya! Said comes home before they have escalated to the hair-pulling, eye-scratching stage.

At Mohamed’s house we are treated to the two faces of the Naz: First she gives Farid a tongue-lashing for letting Latifa leave. Then, when Samira asks her if she thinks her father will take a second wife, she turns maternal and comforting: No, she answers. He adores your mother.

Luisa is getting anxious. What’s taking Albieri so long? She has Anita look up the telephone number of the Mendelsons.

We know what’s taking so long – Albieri is lecturing Amalia on stem cells and their potential use for organ replacement.

Anita has called the Mendelsons. They aren’t even in Miami!

And Albieri and Amalia continue their conversation. No, no hice un clon (No, I didn’t make a clone) he says. Usted podría hacerlo? (You could do it?) she asks. You mean do I have the knowledge, the technique – well yes, I know how to do it, boasts Albieri.

Natalia and Paula are hanging around a pool close to Gloria’s place. Nati wants to go find Alej. Paula will wait for her.

Luisa gets home. Albieri’s not there.

Gloria comes home pleased with the outcome of her visit to the Ferrers. Ya lo solucioné todo. (Now I’ve fixed everything.) she tells Alej. She gave them the apartment owner’s number and they will deal with him directly. They paid her for her chairs. After all, I won’t sanction anyone’s vices. (alcahuetear: to act as a pimp, procurer; to cover up).

Natalia arrives on the scene and wants to talk to Alejandro. Is Paula with you? Gloria asks. Yes, she’s right over there, close by. Gloria goes off to look for her, determined to take care of all her business at once. [This makes me very nervous. Gloria is tough and smart but Paula is vicious and crazy and carries a knife. You writers better not let anything happen to Gloria!]

Enrique PSA about using drugs to avoid the difficulties in life.

Nati and Alej talk. She tells him she is alone and everyone is against her. No, he says, I’m here for you and I always will be.

The final scene takes place in Fez. Latifa has arrived and is schlepping her suitcase towards Alí’s house. Inside, they are waiting for the comerciante Yaser and his daughter Zuleika to arrive. Zoraida says to Alí: Abdul está tan contento, parece que él es el novio. (Abdul looks so happy you’d think he was the groom.) The actual novio, however, looks miserable. ¿Por qué Ala me permitió hacer eso? (Why did Allah allow me to do this?) Mohamed no quiere casarse con una segunda esposa. (Mohamed doesn’t want to marry a second wife.) You brought it on yourself, says Alí, and there’s nothing I can do about it now.

Credits roll


Dinero 10/5: a lot of blackmail, and Marco wears a bear suit like Marlene Dietrich's

  • Rafa paces and rants at the jail. He punched Marco instead of giving in to his blackmail (i.e., Marco dropping the charges against Rafa's ma in exchange for Rafa's leaving Ale forever).

    Julieta says Rafa must do as Marco says, nothing is as important as their mother's release.

  • Ale seethes as the unctuous Daniel, calling her chiquilla (kid), proposes: he'll buy back her hacienda and return it to her in exchange for - her undying devotion.

    When she rejects that proposal, he seems to settle for: time enough to show her what a grand heart he has.

    She tells him he's vulgar and starts to leave, reminding him that Rafa is the love of her life! Daniel: "I have lots of money and I have the whole world, but nobody to share it with ... at least, nobody like you..."

  • Marino is ecstatic that some guy with a coat of arms in his office promises to buy all of Auto Siglo's flotilla of trucks.

    Beltran and Dona Arcadio are equally ebullient at the news and warm to Marino's proposed coup.

    Marino then lords it over the other employees, gets Ramirez to sew the sleeve of his jacket back on, and happily practices his future threats - he'll be punishing them for their disrespect - he'll be docking his subordinates three days of pay if they rebel ...

  • Zetina shows up and the happy comrades persuade him that Rafa is not going to hire him again. All that money wasted on his incompetent spying! They tell Zetina (Samudia, Segovia, Sisichina) to give up, maybe try selling shoes from a catalog (since cars and photography are not his forte). He says they'll never see him again.

  • At the prison, Julieta yells and barks at Rafa: "Yield to Marco's demands and give up Ale forever or I won't ever speak to you again."

  • Ale droops home. She's horrified by her dad's depression - he won't eat, he just sits and plays with his fingers and thinks about his future funeral and cremation. Rosario says he'll die if this continues.

    Ale remembers Daniel's offer. Oh no! The only way she can think of to save her daddy's life is to give in to the chantaje (blackmail) of the perfidious millionaire! Because it may be that only recuperation of the hacienda will life Jorge's spirits...

  • Rafa goes home alone and bam, there's Vicki Vicki Vicki at the door!

    He tells her all. She remembers Marco making a pass at her at the psychologist's office. "I know him a bit, I've seen him around, I could talk to him!"

    Her deal: she convinces Marco to let Rafa's mom out in exchange for - Rafa's undying devotion.

    Rafa is horrified but agrees, while apologizing to Santa Claus fot the terrible lie - "it's an emergency!" To stall, he insists that VVV keep their newly-revived relationship secret - or it will get wrecked like last time...

  • Ale cries in bed, wondering who Rafa might be with, that he isn't answering his phone - and wondering if she will always be so jealous of him.

  • Daniel calls: "I'm sweet, simple, and stubborn. Have you thought about my proposition?" "Yes, and I accept."

    "An excellent decision, you won't regret it." "I'm regretting it already." "I'm not a monster! Let's meet tomorrow early and hammer out the details."

    She agrees - and wonders how Rafa will take it when she says she has to break off their relationship.

  • Chavez and Marco have a victory celebration at the bar. Over a few bottles of whiskey, they decide to have a huge party, which Marco will enjoy all the more because he is back in the full flush of potency! They'll throw it at his apartment - "Ale will be crawling back soon enough, but meanwhile we have the place to ourselves."

  • So, when Rafa dials Marco's number, there's no answer because the rumba line chez Marco is too loud - the boys are wearing pieces of a bear suit and the girls are in garters.

  • Since they couldn't get through to Marco, Vicki and Rafa agree to meet early in the morning, deal with Marco, and spring Eleanor.

  • Susana performs a gratuitous product placement of some hair stuff.

  • Marino gloats, gloats, gloats about his huge truck sale and impending rise to power. The general says there's nothing worse than a prole who forgets his origins. "Remember, there's many a slip twixt the cup and the lip," Jimenez adds.

  • Doña Arcadio tsk-tsks over her spy camera as she watches the salesforce gossip and wonders why her top execs are absent.

  • Rafa and Ale (each uneasy and annoyed that the other's phone has been turned off) arrive late. Ale, crying, tells Susana she just spent the worst night of her life.

    When she explains the deal Daniel has convinced her into, Susana asks, "Are you ditching Rafa?" "I have no choice, I have to save my father's life."

Tomorrow: everything is worse, but la pajarita does talk with Marco.


La Fea Más Bella #33-34 10/5/10 Noche de Perros.

Read Kim's original recap. Note, that recap covers Caps 32B – 34A. Cap 33 starts at the section, “Missing Recap 10: Delicious sandwiches.” If you don’t want to read ahead, stop at the section, “Missing Recap 12: Setups.” That begins Cap 34.

Capitulo 33, Noche de Perros

“Noche de perros,” means “night of the dogs,” but it also means a sleepless night, i.e. insomnia.

1. Tom brings Lety the checkbook and spots Alicia.

2. Saimon urges the cuartel pity Alicia and give her the check; they just laugh. Marta says she’s trying to get Omar to move in. Which upsets Paula. Which upsets Saimon.

3. Fern teases Omar because Alicia is pressuring him to move in.

4. Fernando tells Lety to loan Conceptos 300K pesos from FI, and he gives her a blank promissory note (pagaré) and letter of instructions. He needs Conceptos to be indebted to FI. When she asks why, he dodges, then he wonders why she’s worried.

5. Ariel calls Alicia with more threats. Paula gives her a snotty look and goes to Omar’s office, where she starts to seduce him. She says the door is locked, and he gives in. Alicia walks in, mid-liplock, and makes a scene. Paula just laughs.

6. Alicia tells Fernando she quits. Okey-dokey. Fernando reams out Omar for his indiscretion. Luigi counsels Ali to not quit. Lopez tells Ariel about the scandal.

7. Lety pleads for Paula’s job and reminds Fernando that by labor law, Omar is just as culpable as Paula. Omar begs Fern to get rid of her to avoid the awkward situation. Fernando says no way. That poor girl shouldn’t pay the price for Omar’s lack of self control.

Fernando tells Lopez to give her a verbal reprimand only. Lopez tells Paula that the decision is his. He will decide when they have a late night “counseling” session, somewhere private.

Capitulo 34

Kim’s recap for Cap 34 spans two web pages. ReadCap 34, Part 1, starting at the section, “Missing Recap 12: Setups.” Then go to Cap 34, Part 2, and stop at the section, “Missing Recap 14: Alicia, Lety, and Lopez get unlucky.” That’s the end of Cap 34. Then come back here to discuss it..

Take heart. Kim’s section headings and episode breaks will line up, starting with Friday’s shows.

1. Fernando repeats to Luigi that the expensive models are for the shoot only. Lui brings in the models to say “pretty please.” Fern agrees to use them but at a reduced rate.

2. Saimon doesn’t want Paula to meet with Lopez, but she can’t afford to lose her job. Saimon offers to take care of her and Jaimito.

3. Claudia Bosh visits Fernando since Marcia is traveling. Lety has to work late, so Fernando tells her not to leave her office for any reason until he tells her to. Lety hears Claudia say, “Are you sure no woman could change your mind about getting married?” Lety says to herself, “I could.”

4. Lopez is hitting on Paula in an antro. Marta is afraid to give Lopez’s cell and home numbers to Saimon.

5. Alicia tells her dad she quit. Omar arrives to apologize. Ali will get back with him under two conditions: that Paula is fired, and that he moves in, or better yet, marries her. Omar says that’s asking too much, and he leaves.

6. Alicia goes to Ariel’s to beg for work. The only business deal he’ll make with her has to involve sex.

7. Lopez tells Paula he wants some of what Omar got. Saimon apparantly reached Lopez’s wife. She comes to the antro in robe and curlers, yells at him, swats him, and drags him home.

8. Fernando uses his usual line: he might be convinced to marry somebody else, but first he’d need to take a test drive. He should have an answer by morning. While Lety suffers in her cave. They leave for Fatima’s apartment but Fernando forgets to tell Lety.

Do you want to play a game?
It's called, "Pick your favorite Jaime Camil mustache!" Today we saw him in a green pencil mustache. But this is not the only time he's worn a 'stache. So please tell me your favorite from these choices:
A. Green pencil
B. Captain Hook
C. Revolutionary
D. Payaso

Thank you, Pata, for the pencil mustache screen shot. (I know I could've included the one he grew for LEP, but that's not as much fun!)

FOLLOW THIS LINK to see the payaso mustache.


Llena de Amor #41 Mon 10/4/10 A little TLC (Todo Lo Contrario) makes all the difference.

We start off with a repeat of the bluffing game in Emiliano’s office at the agency. Emiliano is upset that Begoña never mentioned that she had a baby. Lorenzo pretends to be offended by the lie of omission as well. Begoña placidly says she was sure she had mentioned her baby to Lorenzo. He insists that she did not. Well, they know now, and what’s the issue? The issue, thinks Emiliano, is that this must be an uncomfortable situation with André also working in the same office. André is called onto the carpet and, Michael Jackson-style, insists “the kid is not my son.” Oh, now how are we going to explain all this?
Also having to explain herself is Fedra, who has been caught on the phone by Tia Carlota, making sultry promises of an unforgettable night to the judge to celebrate her victory in the lawsuit. But we don’t get to find out yet how she’s going to keep Carlota out of her affairs.
Gretel is down at the station, begging Oliver to help her. He says he’s sorry, but since Axel is underage they can’t release him until a parent comes for him. Gretel says they won’t come; they threw him out of the house and if they find out he’s in jail, they’ll make things even worse for him. Oliver says there’s nothing he can do. Gretel grabs him and tells him he’s the only one who can help. At least he should let her see her brother. Getting all breathy 2 centimeters from his face seems to help her case.
Fedra does her baby pouty thing and acts all offended that Carlota and her purple hair could misunderstand her like that. The call was just about an invitation to a charity dinner, obvio. Carlota apologizes. Benigno escorts Licenciado Pacheco in. Pacheco tells Carlota that Don Máximo hired him to do the paperwork transferring his money to Marianela, but Fedra got a doctor to declare Max loco. Tia Carlota is NOT happy about that.
Back at the agency, Lorenzo tells André not to even try to deny it, but Begoña backs André up and says he’s not her baby’s father. In fact, that’s the reason they cancelled their wedding; he was too much of a coward to take on another man’s child. Lowrenzo indignantly huffs that he can’t believe there are men who would do that (!). Emiliano just tells them to deal with their personal problems outside the agency. Begoña assures him that they are professionals and can work together just fine. André is looking super annoyed by this whole game, and even more so when Emiliano puts him On Notice.
Fedra makes ugly faces and whines that this picapleitos (troublemaker) Pacheco is just trying to defraud her family. She tries throwing chummy looks to Carlota to get her on her side. Pacheco says he’s going to appeal (apelar) the case of Eva’s estate and prove that the documents were faked. The only estafadora (swindler) here is Fedra! “What the heck is he talking about?” asks Carlota. Fedra plays innocent. “Do you have proof that the judge was bought off?” Carlota asks Pacheco. Not yet, he says, but he’ll get it.
The gents depart. “Who is swindling whom here?” Carlota asks Fedra. “Is it possible that man is telling the TRUTH?!”
Marianela is hard at work steaming curtains at the agency. Emanuel tries to chat her up. She tells him he’s a jerk, going around sucking face with this that and the other woman. He says he doesn’t need her to give him a hard time; that’s what he has Ilitia for. Marianela says she has the right to tell him off, too, because she’s his cousin. “Why do you care?” he asks. Then a thought dawns on him. “You’re jealous, you’re jealous,” he singsongs at her, looking mighty pleased with himself.
Lowrenzo, Begoña, and André fight out in the garden. Lowrenzo thinks they should fight in his office instead. Good idea; that’s probably where his checkbook is and I think he needs to be doling out a lot of moolah if he wants to stay in this game of craps. Begoña is sidetracked by Jacquie, who babbles over diets and kissing Emanuel. “What? I thought you were over that,” chastises Begoña. Jacquie says Ilitia stole him, y ladrón que roba a ladrón… but she wants to know when Begoña is getting married. Begoña admits to her that things are dismal on that front. “But who is the father of your baby?” “Yes, who?” asks Muñeca, walking up behind her.
Marianela insists that she is not jealous. Emanuel is the one who is jealous. Why won’t he leave her alone about her own love life? They argue about who is more annoying. Marianela says she is only in love with her novio Brandon, y punto. Emanuel bunches up the curtains she just steamed and looks a bit steamed himself.
In the office, André tells Lowrenzo that he has had it up to HERE, and he’s not playing along with these stupid lies any longer. He’s going to tell Emiliano the whole story. Lowrenzo says if he does, he will call every agency in the country and make sure André will never work again.
Seems Muñeca and Jacquie’s mother were the best of friends, but Jacquie’s mother died. Who knows, that may be important information later. Jacquie is called off to work.
Begoña spins more lies. She claims apologetically that she was just using Muñeca, because of her work at the orphanage. She had convinced her fiancé André that they should adopt an orphan, and she was going to pretend that her own baby was the orphan. Oh, she is so ashamed. Muñeca figures that he found out the lie and that’s why they broke up. Muñeca still wants Begoña’s help, and they agree they’ll work together at the orphanage.
Fedra is going all out now, tears, quivering chin, gaspy sobs, everything. She just can’t believe that Netty is trying to take everything away from Fedra’s family! Netty wants Marianela’s money to make up for all the failings of her life! Waaaahhhhh!
Back in the lobby of the agency, Emanuel is still stunned that Jacquie has returned. She stuns him even more by planting another big smooch on him, right in time for Ilitia to walk in and see. “What the HELL are you doing here, kissing my novio?!?!!” Jacquie looks smug, and Emanuel displays his well-rehearsed “shucks, I’m busted” grin.
In the jail, Axel and Gretel hug tightly. He swears to her that this was all a misunderstanding and he isn’t into drugs. “What about the other thing, what Lorena said?” she asks. Axel wonders if she’ll throw him out of her life the way their parents did if it’s true. Never, she swears. She just wishes he would have told her what was going on, so she could help. Why doesn’t he trust her and talk to her about things? Axel says he doesn’t know himself what he is. He’s just confused and lost.
Jacquie says in Europe everyone greets with kisses like that. “Maybe in Europe, but here in México, those lips are MINE. Byyyyeeee,” says Ilitia. Strutting out, Jacquie says to Ilitia, “enseñas el cobre a la primera. No puedes negar tus orígenes.” (You’re showing your bad side. You can’t hide your origens/true nature).
Netty and Gladiola are all dressed up to pay a visit to Televisa. Gladiola is limping in her heels and complaining that Netty made the taxi drop them off five blocks away, but Netty didn’t want to be seen arriving in a taxi when she used to arrive here in a limosine. Gladiola thinks that’s a bit much considering their usual mode of transport is the bus. Gladiola isn’t sure their plan is going to work, but Netty is optimistic. Apparently Gladiola has experience as a makeup artist. A crowd of people start shouting in their general direction. Star sighting! Netty at first thinks they recognize her, but is disappointed when it turns out they are raving over some other woman. I should know who she is but I can’t place her. Some guy in a big wig and mustache scares Netty and Gladiola.
Fedra tells Bernardo she can’t stand having that old relic in the house, but Bernie tells her to look on the bright side: next to that old hag, Fedra looks like a spring lamb! She’s got the hair for it, anyway. Plus, she’s going to use Carlota to get her avaricious claws on all the money, and then Tia and her old coot brother can both go to hell. After they’re gone, Emiliano will be in charge of their money, and then, hey presto, Fedra will become a millionaire widow.
Back at Televisa, Netty is still trying to fight off the crazy hairy guy, jumping on a sofa and swatting at him and screaming. She smashes a vase over his head and then starts beating him with the flowers. Lorenzo and Emiliano have naturally got business at Televisa at just this time. Lorenzo is quite taken with the beauty at the center of this spectacle and he introduces himself and kisses Netty’s hand once the crazy guy has run off. Emiliano looks annoyed. Netty pointedly remarks on how Lowrenzo is such a gentleman, unlike SOME people. Gladiola recognizes Lowrenzo from the hospital but he insists that she must be mistaken. The hairy guy comes back and it turns out they’re on an episode of some candid joke show, Loco Vidéo Loco.
Brandon gets a promotion. He’s Inspector in Chief. All the guys come in to congratulate him. Marianela walks in to join the toast.
Ilitia has Emanuel captive in a coffee shop, berating him evermore for his betrayal. He swears he would never betray her. Jacquie was just at the agency because she’s been hired for an ad campaign. Ilitia throws a little fit because she didn’t get the job, and now it will be Jacquie who’s there and available for a game of tonsil hockey whenever Emanuel is feeling puckish. He teases her about her jealousy. She wants him to set a wedding date. When did these two even decide they were back on again? I cannot keep up.
Oliver hustles the other officers out so Brandon and Marianela can have a little privacy. Marianela asks Brandon to forgive her.
Emanuel asks Ilitia if she really thinks he’s going to marry her just so she won’t throw a fit. She says she just really wants to be married ASAP. He thinks she’s pressuring him quite a lot. Ilitia’s all wide-eyed innocent as she says she just wants to make him happy. Doesn’t he want to make her happy, too? “Fine, pick a date!” he yells. “Great, in one month,” Ilitia decides, not at all bothered that he isn’t happy about it.
Brandon says their fight is his fault. He never should have agreed to pretend to be her novio. He just looked like an idiot, because he wanted it to be real but she doesn’t love him. Mari insists that she really cares about him but he says it’s not enough. He can’t go on like this. It’s over. Marianela begs him not to leave her, not now when she needs him more than ever.
Ilitia gets everyone in the café to cheer for their engagement, which makes Emanuel mad. She says she needs to start right away to plan the wedding of the century! He’s just made her entire life! Ilitia blows a kiss and departs, and Emanuel blows a gasket. “What have I just done?!” A little girl comes in and asks for money for medicine for her mother.
Muñeca and Begoña are at the orphanage, panicking because the paperwork says the lease is up today. What to do?!
The little girl, Manzanita, has taken a seat to have a chat. Emanuel asks her whether they have any family who can help. She says they have no one; that’s why she’s asking him. He says he’ll come with her, and she cracks my ice cold heart a bit when she tells him no one will give her money if he’s with her. He tells her she’s done begging; he’s going to come with her to see her mama.
Oliver runs into Gretel at the station and tells her he’ll help get Axel out. She looks relieved and rests her head on his chest and doesn’t object when he hugs her and kisses her on the forehead.
Brandon refuses to continue with the farce of their noviazgo. He just wants her to fall in love with him for real. Won’t she give him a chance to make her the happiest woman on earth? Turns out, she will. Oliver and Gretel burst in.
Emanuel and Manzanita are outside the shack in a garbage-filled slum. The little girl is happy when Emanuel says he’s going to buy medicine for her mom and help them. She wonders if he will stay there and live with them. He says no, her mami is very sick and they are going to take her to a hospital.
Marianela is shocked to hear that Axel is in jail because Oliver caught him in a drug sting. Gretel says the drugs weren’t his; someone stuck them in his pocket when the police arrived. Oliver agrees that this is true and another witness has corroborated the story, but the problem is that they can’t release him except to his parents. Telenovelaland law, I assume. Gretel says their parents want nothing to do with him. Oliver asks Brandon to make an exception and let Axel go. Gretel and Marianela join in the pleading. I really don’t see why they have to keep Axel if he wasn’t charged with anything, but I guess we’re supposed to believe this is a big ethical dilemma for Brandon.
In the aerobics room at the club, Lorena tells Kristel that Ilitia and Mauricio are having an affair. Kristel yells at her for making up filth, but Lorena insists she saw them with her own eyes, en pleno faje (embracing). Ilitia swans in like a parade princess just then, all kiss-blowing and elbow-elbow-wrist-wrist-wrist. Kristel slaps her across the face and calls her a traitor.
Out by the tennis courts, Mauricio is telling Alfredo there’s a lot of money in this bootleg liquor biz; he just needs customs forms so it all looks legal. Alfredo says no way; his father would never get involved in something like this. Malicio says his dad doesn’t need to know. Alfredo says it’s a complicated thing to do, but he is convinced by the radioactive glow of the orange one and a promise of fifteen percent. They shake on it. Lorena comes out and tells them there’s a big fight in the exercise room. People are saying he’s carrying on with Ilitia; can they believe it?!
Kristel is still yelling, and poor Ilitia (!) is crying. She says she’s offended that Kristel would trust cheap gossip more than their friendship. She neglects to tell Kristel what a toad her novio is. Kristel cries, too, mostly because she’s afraid she’ll look foolish if it isn’t true.
Axel is out of the slammer, and Marianela and Gretel have taken him back to Netty’s pensión. He’s worried that it will be a bother for him to stay there. Netty, Gladiola, and Emiliano come in, Netty and Emiliano arguing vociferously about whether she needed him to save her from the crazy guy. Emiliano is impactado to see Axel there.
Emanuel and Manzanita are in the waiting room at the hospital. She wants to see her mom, but Emanuel doesn’t think it’s a good idea. Has she had shots for sarampión (measles), viruela (smallpox), varicela (chicken pox)? No, she has not. He says he’ll have a nurse give her those injections, so she won’t get those sicknesses. Manzanita asks Emanuel if he is a saint. “No,” he says. “Well, are you a hero who defends the poor?” she asks. “Not that, either. Soy todo lo contrario,” he says. “Hola, Todo Lo Contrario,” she says. “Hola, Manzanita, mucho gusto,” he says, as they shake hands and she smiles revealing teeth that could use some dental work.
Emiliano throws a fit and tells Axel he can’t be there, associating with members of the family. Gretel says he can’t prevent her from seeing her brother, Marianela reminds him that Axel is a member of the family, too, and Netty chimes in that Emiliano has no right to throw people out of her home. Netty welcomes Axel and the others escort him up to his new room, leaving Emiliano frustrated. He decides he wants to talk to Netty about Marianela instead. Netty says Mari has nothing to do with him anymore. Wrong, he says. She works for him at the agency now. Netty is surprised.
Carlota has taken her punk hairdo down to the basement to consult with Máximo. Mad Max is annoyed that she would even consider believing anything that viper said, or that Netty would take away Marianela’s inheritance. Carlota says well Netty is an actriz, you know, so we can’t trust her. Máximo says he thinks they have misjudged Netty and been very unfair. He now thinks she is a very decent person and they will suffer the consequences of having punished an innocent person.
Emiliano tries to give Netty a check for Marianela’s university expenses. Netty tears up the check and yells that she and Mari do not need his charity.
Emanuel reports to Manzanita that her mom is going to be fine, but she needs to stay in this super-nice comfy hospital for two days to get better. Meanwhile they need to go buy her some medicine. Manzanita offers her little bag of coins to pay for the medicine, but Emanuel protests that it’s way too much. She should keep that, and they will pay for the medicine with a magic card. Manzanita wonders where’s she’s supposed to go while her mother is in the hospital. Should she go hang out with her friends by the bridge? Emanuel says he’ll take her to a great place that she’ll like a lot.
Emanuel calls Muñeca to ask whether he can take Manzanita to the orphanage for a few days.
Netty and Gladiola do the cleaning in their fancy clothes and catch up. “Remember the partner who was with Emiliano?” asks Gladiola. Netty says of course she remembers that charming gentleman. “Oh, please, I’ll become an astronaut and fly to the moon before that man is a gentleman,” says Gladiola. She tells Netty that she met him before in the hospital. He is a married man and the father of Begoña’s baby! Netty’s jaw drops nearly to the floor.
Carlota yells at Emiliano for letting Marianela work when she should be going to school. He says Mari was very persuasive, and he likes that she wants to work instead of living like a parasite like some other girls ahemKristelahem. Carlota agrees that one shouldn’t live as a dependent of others, like that Netty, who’s hoping to get Marianela’s inheritance. “Who told you that?” he asks, surprised. “Fedra,” she says. Emiliano sets her straight. Netty may be eccentric, but she is no swindler. Tia Carlota decides she needs to find out what’s really going on. Yes, please do.
Recording ends there. Tune in tomorrow to see whether the orphans are homeless.
Picapleitos – troublemaker
Apelar – to appeal
Estafadora – swindler
Enseñar el cobre – to show something bad which should be hidden
En pleno faje – right in the act of embracing
Sarampión – measles
Viruela – smallpox
Varicela – chicken pox (viruelas locas also means chicken pox)


La Verdad Oculta #018 2010-10-04: Be Careful What You Ask For

Posted earlier due to pre-emption. Please click here or here. Thank you!


Monday, October 04, 2010

Dinero Mon. 10/4/2010 We're Dealin' ........

Lots of deals going down tonight. Marino's trying to pitch woo and a fleet of trucks. Marian's trying to reel in Rafa again. Marco has plans to thwart Rafa and Ale's romance. Milagros is determined to land Ramirez as a novio. And Daniel has the ultimate deal--the hacienda for Miss Ale herself. So......we had three or four funny moments tonight and a whole lot of misery and manipulation. Let's just start with the raunchy humor and soft pedal the drama. We know the bad stuff won't last so why wallow in it now?

Marino's foray into medieval trucking offices staffed by an oversexed secretary was fun. She offered to heat up his....er, water for coffee and basically was breathing down his neck the whole time. Hard to fathom his charm, but it seems hyper-potent, if short-lived, in this novela. Even better were his negotiations with the eccentric trucking owner. If I'm not offering you the best price ever for the best trucks ever, just stab me in the back, huffs Marino, at which point, the sword from a suit of armor on the wall falls off and slices through his suit jacket. Good stuff. Well at least it was compared to the skulduggery being foisted by Marcos.

Another great moment was the arrival of our equally oversexed nunicita Milagros. For equally unfathomable reasons, she's determined that pompous Ramirez become her novio. When she catches sight of Señora Gloria and all the other wives hovering outside Auto Siglo, she doubles her threat. Not only will she tell Ramirez' mamita on him, she'll let Marino know Ramirez is doing one of his wives. Oh yeah. So man up buddy. I want three dates with you a week, plus you take me to Mass every Sunday. And that's the deal, señor. One more thing. A besito. Lips tightly pursed at la Rafita, she zeroes in and their lips do touch. Another G-rated kiss, but that's all the romance we're getting tonight. Yep. Slim pickings, indeed.

The other bright spot was Daniel having a conversation with Claudia's boobs. No kidding. If you asked him the color of her eyes, I'm sure he couldn't tell you. But a description of her chest....every last detail. She'd love to do him, er, help him find a car but at that moment, Profesora Arcadia calls him to the office. Alas, the moment he turns away from Claudia's monumental cleavage, he's greeted with Trapito's equally monumental buns waving in the air as he cleaned under a car. From the sublime to the....well, forget it. That's it for fun tonight. Let's deal with the painful parts now.

Rafita is prowling around the jail, griding his teeth, hyperventilating and waiting for a call from Jaime. The latter reminds him that coming to blows won't solve anything and he needs to talk to Marco and do whatever is necessary to get Mama Leonor out of jail.

While we fret and worry about Leonor and Rafa, we also get to worry about Jorge. He's depressed and wants to die. And if he can't be buried in his own backyard, just round up a flower pot and put his ashes in there. This calls for more hand-wringing from Rosaura.

Back at the office, Ale's doing a little hand wringing as well. She has a good idea of what Marco will demand. And she's also worried about Marian Celeste who's made it clear that she's still after Rafa. But meanwhile there's a party to plan to try and cheer old Jorge up. And all the Auto Siglo staff will be invited. The more the merrier. Dandy's delighted to hear about the hacienda party plans because he figures it's a perfect time for a barbecue and an opportunity to put Susana's love to the test.

The first chunk of the episode ends with Rafa more or less groveling on the phone to Marco, begging him to please meet with him tonight, not matter how late, so he can get his little mamita out of jail. Marco hangs up, chortling over how he's humiliated Rafa. Chavez worries about the final outcome but Marco's dismisses his trepidation. Just go with the flow, buddy. Enjoy the naquito medio pelado twisting in the wind.

After the ads, we see the New Jaime, who's still as much of a klutz as the old Jaime, back in Leonor's kitchen looking for some food to bring her. He spills milk all over his pants and the floor and has to go change his clothes, but not before bumping into a wall. Seems his new contact lenses aren't as helpful as they should be. But he looks better, goshdarnit, and Julieta seems as charmed as ever with his clumsiness.

Doña Arcadia is equally amused by Daniel's attempts to pull the wool over her eyes. He stoutly maintains he's only there to apologize the Alejandra for his boorish behavior the other day. But the old profesora knows his real plan is to seduce the lady. However that's Ale's business. Arcadia is only responsible for protecting her little perritos so bring on the chicken nuggets and let's keep their cholesterol down. Chatoooooo does just that, clad in a little white chef's coat for the occasion.

Now the scene moves to the bar where Rafa, still grinding his teeth, confronts Marco. No he doesn't want a drink, just tell him what he has to do to get his mom out of jail. Simple. Just stay away from my wife. Rafa makes a huge squinchy face and we go to ads again.

When we come back, Rafa is about to explode and start pounding on Marco. But no, no violence yet. Just think about the deal. Either you leave my wife alone or your mom rots in prison. That's the deal.

While Marco is tormenting Rafa, Daniel is doing his best to seduce Alejandra. The hacienda is his trump card. Citing his business contacts, he lets her know the hacienda has been sold but he can get it back for her. But this isn't the right place to talk about it. Let's go to a nice restaurant, have a relaxing drink and some dinner and I'll explain the whole deal.

That negotiation seems to be going nicely. Marco and Rafa, not so much. Rafa's squinchy face has escalated to snorting, snarling, fuming, fulminating and finally punching Marco out. Which pretty much ends the discussion. From his position on the floor Marcos snarls that Rafa's mom is stuck in jail for sure! Marco creeps out and we see Rafa throwing chairs around, kicking tables and making some more squinchy faces. Not his finest moment.

From there the scene shifts to Daniel and Ale at the restaurant. He wants to pull out her chair. She just wants him to leave her alone. And she wonders how he plans to buy the hacienda...like a box of candy? That simple? Indeed. For a man of his wealth and contacts, it is, in fact simple. But of course there's a catch.

Before we get to find out (as if we don't know) we get a little dream action from Jorge. It's 1985, he's got more hair but no more memory, and is thinking of buying a horse for his little Ale's birthday. Alas, her birthday was weeks ago, he can't quite remember her name, nor the name of the horse, nor how much he should be paying for it, and well, this is no dream, more like a nightmare.

And speaking of nightmares, yes, we're back with Rafa, huffing and puffing. The sympathetic bartender offers him a free drink (cortesia de la casa) but he wants nothing. Only to talk to Alejandra. But when he calls Susana, she gives him the news that his love is out for dinner with Daniel Cepeda. Not good news!

And now the kicker. What is Daniel's plan? Well, he'll buy the hacienda and give it to Alejandra. And in exchange, she'll be HIS. And on that ugly note, we end.

A jumble of scenes. Daniel's after Ale. Vicky's after Rafa. Some weird scene with people dancing around in costume. Don't ask me what that's about. Just tune in tomorrow.

jugada de jacque = chess game
quedar bien con alguien = to get in good with someone (Shrimp man wanting to get in good with Rosaur by planning a hacienda party)
una fianza = bail, needed for Leonor
salir con la suya = to get one's way (Marco, the bum)
el mismo torpe que siempre = the same klutz as ever (Julieta musing about Jaime)
propasar = to get out of line, to get fresh (Alejandra worrying about Daniel)
jugando el todo por el todo = Marian, ready to put her cards on the table and play it all to win Rafa
provienes de una excelenta cuna = you come from a very good family (Daniel to Ale)

Dicho of the Day
Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda.
English equivalent: You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
Could apply to Rafa. Although he's come up in the world, he still resorts to violence rather than words, when it comes to solving a problem.
Or it applies to Marco, who appears to be a gentleman but in fact is a lowlife. Ditto for Daniel.


El Clon, Mon., October 4 - Summary for Discussion

Just what we were all hoping for - more of the druggie teens!!
Plot advancement score: -10
Frustration level: 1000
Sorry, no pictures, no Spanish.

Clara and Fernando have the same screaming match as always. Then, what fun! a PDA from Enrique. Enrique doesn't believe his wife and children would forgive him.

When Clara won't give him any money, Fer takes a clock and some crappy ornament that he could maybe get about $1.50 for.

Marisa has been out shopping for Nati in her little dream world. She wants Rosa to organize a dinner for Nati and her friends. Meanwhile, Nati gets a call from Paula and tells her to come over.

Marisa wants to have an agreement with Nati that no one ever talks about what happened so that she can pretend that it never happened.

Rosa asks Marisa who will be boss when Leo marries Cristina. With Leo's history, Marisa isn't sure that will happen. Rosa announces that she won't take orders from Cristina.

Leo wants a small wedding. He has serious problems in his life. Cristina says that she understands but it is important to celebrate. Leo agrees to what she wants. Cristina suggests a wedding at his house with all his high society friends and all her friends from the barrio.

Nati lets Paula in the house and takes drugs again. [Marisa should just call the cops but then there would be a scandal and not having a scandal is more important to her than Nati.]

Hilda sKank can't understand why Consuelo sKank has gone back to the DelValle's.

Albieri wants Amalia's phone number. Luisa tells him that she knows that there is a part of him that is sad that his work isn't going to be recognized. She doesn't want him to go to prison, though. Albieri says to himself that Luisa will never understand what it means not to have your masterpiece recognized. When she leaves, Albieri calls Roberto to get Amalia's phone #.

Jade tells Latifa that she has to go to Fez and she can pawn her jewelry to get money for the ticket.

In Fez, Mohamed doesn't seem very happy. He tells Ali that he has had seconds thoughts and doesn't want a second wife but unfortunately he signed a contract and and has to fulfill it.

Latifa pawns her gold and is going to Fez on Friday. Jade will take care of her kids. Abdul is taking Mohamed around the medina to buy gold for his fiancée. He is going to have an engagement party for Mohamed on Friday. So Friday's lookin' good for something to happen in this story.

More disappointment. Rogelio and Malicia are back from Paris and apparently our wishes that she get sick all over Rogelio were not granted. They had a good time, they kiss and Rogelio promises to take her to Italy next time.

Nati won't let Marisa or Lucas into her room. Leo comes home to announce that he has set his wedding date. They are going to have an intimate ceremony at the house. Rosa asks if Cristina is going to come and live with them at the house. She has heard of 'modern' marriages where the husband and wife live in their own houses. Leo replies that she is more modern than he is. Leo asks Marisa to help him plan the wedding. [Ha! she'll love that!]

The doorbell rings. It's Daniel. He has the photo of him and Nati when there were little. He shows it to Lucas. Lucas doesn't understand how Daniel and his daughter could have been together. Daniel tells Lucas that he wants to be a guitar player. Lucas hears Leo's voice from the past poo-pooing guitar playing as a career. He tells Daniel to follow his dreams.

Enrique comes over. As usual, he is hot to meet Daniel. Lucas tells Enrique that Rosa wants to hear Daniel play the guitar but, like Leo, she didn't care about Lucas' interest in it when he was a teenager. Enrique replies very sensibly that people change as they get older and Daniel is like the grandchild. Lucas is still p*ssed off.

Daniel meanwhile asks everyone how he can avoid ending up like Lucas. Rosa tells him that whenever Jade appeared in Lucas' life, there was a big dustup. When Daniel asks for details, Rosa tells him that Lucas was ready to leave his wife and daughter for Jade.

Amin distracts Farid while Latifa escapes from the apartment.

Gloria tells Alej that Nati called him. He calls her back. Nati agrees to come to meet Alej at Gloria's.

Malicia is all kissy kissy with Rogelio but no sooner is he out the door, then she calls Pablo and says that she missed him and is dying to see him. She tells him that her trip was boring. Diana tells Pablo that she can't believe that he will just ignore the fact that Malicia just got back from a trip with another guy. Pablo replies that Diana doesn't know him.

Marisa asks Leo if she is sure that Cristina wants her to plan the wedding. Leo asks her to imagine a wedding planned by Cristina. At that moment, Nati and Paula, obviously high, come downstairs on their way out.

Leo, Marisa, Enrique and Lucas just stand there and tell Nati that she can't leave, much less with Paula. Finally, Lucas drags her back into the living room. Nati grabs a big ornamental rock and brains Marisa with it and leaves. Enrique says that they need to go to therapy. Marisa doesn't want to tell her problems to a bunch of loser strangers. Enrique says that the people in therapy have the same problems as Marisa. Daniel runs downstairs and asks what is going on.

Rogelio tells Zeín that being in romantic Paris caused him and Malicia to have a fling.

Clara finds out that Rogelio is back in town. She is sure that she has lost him. Another love that Malicia took from her.

Alej is waiting for Nati. When he sees her, he knows right away that she is high. He says that he thought she was better but it's the same old same old. He thought that after she lost their baby, she would wake up. Nati denies that it was her fault that she lost the baby. She says that Alej can't understand what is going on with her and why she takes drugs. She runs away, finds Paula and Alej and then she robs a woman in a car. [Perfect, now Nati has committed a crime. This just gets better and better.]

The credits roll.


Corazon Salvaje: Gordo & Flaca

Aribeth has pointed out some videos of Eduardo Yáñez and Cristián de la Fuente appearing on El Gordo y La Flaca. Enjoy!

Parody with Lili and interview

and here

and here

Thanks to Aribeth!


La Fea Más Bella #31-32 10/4/10 When the Cat's Away...

Read Kim's original recap. Note, that recap covers Caps 30B-32A. Cap 31 starts at the section, “Missing Recap 6: What's more embarrassing.” If you don’t want to read ahead, stop at the section, “Missing Recap 8: Kids, Money and Glue.” That begins Cap 32.

Capitulo 31

1. Fernando accepts Luigi’s bet. Lui says this is the start of a new stage in their relationship. We’ll see.

2. Lety’s parents pick her up at the bar. Fernando goes to Marcia’s and says he feels like he lost something important tonight.

3. Fernando tries to brief Lety about his trip, but she keeps finishing his sentences. It indicates how well she knows him and takes care of him.

4. Fernando informs the executives that Lety will be completely in charge while he’s gone. He tells Luigi the top models are only for the filming day, not preproduction days.

5. Marcia implores Fern to pay attention to the wedding preparations eventually. Lety fantasizes that Fernando dances with her and tells her how much he’ll miss her.

6. Omar whistles and Paula comes running for a nooner. She pouts because he won’t make a commitment. Alicia tells Marcia about how great her relationship is going with Omar, while Fernando eats Marta’s lunch.

7. The cuartel takes a late lunch while “the cat’s away.” Ali tattles to Lopez, but Lety pulls rank. Ali refuses to do work for Lety, so Lety asks Sara and Lola to fill in as secretary to the president, along with extra pay. Ali relents.

8. The two weeks pass as Lety moons over Fernando’s picture, and we hear Angélica singing Aqui Estaré. See the lyrics in English here. Very appropriate for this stage of the show.

9. Fernando calls Lety for the sales figures. She reports that the ad agencies have canceled all their projects, and they’re in deep kimchi.

Capitulo 32

Kim’s recap for Cap 31 spans two web pages. Read Cap 32, Part 1, starting at the section, “Missing Recap 8: Kids, Money and Glue.” Then go to Cap 32, Part 2, and stop at the section, ““Missing Recap 10: Delicious sandwiches.” That’s the end of Cap 32. Then come back here to discuss it.

1. The cuartel moms bring their kids to work since their pal Lety is in charge. Marta says Alicia’s paycheck isn’t ready, just to torment her. The kids find it, and it gets stuck to Ali’s butt. Ali tattles to Lopez.

2. Lety calls the deadbeat clients. Luigi hires top models. Lety tells him they’re only for filming days, not preproduction. Lui says she can’t interfere with his work, and he quits.

3. Tom tells Lety their investments have already earned 300P. Lety tells Pop they’re investing money Don Fernando set aside, and they’re earning management fees for the work. She tells Tom that Conceptos is in financial crisis.

4. The banker visits because Conceptos is behind on loan payments, and he’s heard rumors that they’re short on work. Lety reassures him.

5. Omar convinces Fernando: they lost a lot of business because of the Benny disaster. They’re broke and can’t make loan payments. Fernando wants to take a loan from FI to protect them. FI would lien them first so the bank can’t lien them.

6. Omar advises Fernando to wait and see if the LA deals pan out. Fernando says that by then it will be too late. They need to at least start the process now.

7. Alicia tattles that Luigi quit, thanks to Lety.


Sunday, October 03, 2010

Llena de Amor #40 Fri 10/1/10

Many apologies but I won't be able to do the recap for Friday's episode. I was hoping I could but I am not going to be able to. Sorry and hopefully someone can summarize in the comments.


Saturday, October 02, 2010

Hasta Que el Dinero Nos Separe Friday 10/1/10 ¡Que Le Liberen a Leonor!

Whoa! Televisa starts us off tonight without even the courtesy of a little foreplay. They could warm us up a bit and ease us into the mood with a replay of some of Thursday's sweetness... but nopis. There's a knock on the door, Leonor answers it and the next thing you know she's loaded into a police car by two rather insensitive civil servants (not even uniformed officers) and rudely driven away as our two buenoparanadas, Marco and Chavez look on from across the street giggling like the aging neighborhood bullies they are. So... that's the way it's gonna be, is it? Well, we'll endure. Meintras tanto, Satan is heating the water to boiling in your hot tub in Hell, boys. Yuk it up while you can.

We're not even allowed to go along to keep the terrified saintly Leonor company. Don't worry, we're keeping a record of these slights. No, instead we find ourselves joining an unsuspecting Rafa as he enters an upscale restaurant expecting to sell a Licenciado Urdiales a few trucks. Instead, we see the lovely but dangerous Marian, biological clock ticking, waiting to ambush her prey. As soon as he lays eyes on her, he senses the danger. Too late, "Hola Rafa." Dang she's pretty. That angelic voice, those bewitching eyes, Those pouty lips, those golden tresses, I can smell her from here, Chanel Numero Cinco if I'm not mistaken. I wouldn't wager a centavo on his chances of surviving this frontal assault. Heck, I surrender, Marian. Have your way with me. Just be gentle.

Apparently Rafa's defenses are superior to mine. He takes a stern stance and challenges her. She is prepared. She has arranged a legitimate deal. He should be grateful. He needs to sell trucks and she has found someone who wants to buy trucks. Seller and buyer, so what's the problem with that? Their relationship has been based on business. This is business. "This all could have been handled by telephone," he counters. "Yes, but you know that I'm going to take advantage of any opportunity to see you." He reminds her (as if she's not fully aware) of his love for la Licenciada Alvarez del Castillo. She counters that Ale is married and that needs to get on with his life, punctuating her words by batting those impossibly long lashes over those insistent green eyes. He ponders. I offer my surrender once again.

Over at Autos Siglos, Doña Arcadia, our regal voyeur, is amusing herself by spying on Dandy and Suzy. There's a knock on the door, "¡Chatooo!" She has summoned the jumpy, jittery Jiménez who jumps and jitters for her royal amusement. She informs him of a change in plans. She has found a property here in DF that might be good as a site for another branch of AS. She sends him to check it out but not before offering sympathy for his current living arrangements, what with having to sleep with his father-in-law and all. She is after all, a compassionate monarch, ever mindful of the travails of her loyal subjects. She then orders Chato to get snacks (botanas) for the royal pooches. Keeping an eye on their cholesterol, he fetches chicken nuggets (bolitas de pollo). Bon appetit, mis pups! Any other time this would be very entertaining, but Leonor is rotting in prison, and so far we're the only ones who know and nobody ever listens to us.

On the sales floor, Rosaura gives the brushoff to a shattered Pepeto. She's returning to her family and ultimately to Miami, "Bye hunny." Be careful of the shards of broken dreams left scattered on the floor. Trapito, we need a cleanup over here! Jiménez tells him that things could be worse.

Well OK! Heeere's Vicki. As her ex-bridesmaid and BFF looks on, Vicki paces and frets over the dark forces she has unleashed by consulting Molongo. She desperately needs her Parito back eating from her hand. Best friend asks if it absolutely has to be Rafito. "Yes." Ignoring Vicki's resolve, she points out that there are many suitable attractive men available. Vicki wants to concentrate on her problems, "Not yours!" Faithful full-figured friend focuses, "Fight fiendish forces with good." Vicki approves, "I need a white witch." Not exactly what the friend had in mind, but hey... She shrugs. She knows our Vicki. I'm loving this friend, she's shrewd and she's cute besides.

Meanwhile, Rafa reminds Marian that he doesn't like to mix business with pleasure. Hmmm, must be a new rule, I don't remember getting the memo. "What if someone sees us and gets the wrong idea?" She reminds him of an older, more widely accepted rule, "All's fair in love and war." "But we're not not in love." "You, no. But I'm hopelessly in love with you." She smiles sweetly and bats those bedroom eyes. He squirms. I melt a little more.

Back from what seems like an endless stream of commercials, it looks as though we're finally going to check back in on Leonor. An officious looking suit without a hint of a smile is talking on the phone, "Do it!" He orders and abruptly hangs up. A meek, weary, and confused Leonor is ushered in by the arresting officers. She listens to the charge. The legal representative (Marco) of Jerónimo Vega (Frank) is pressing a charge of fraud for attempting to sell him her home while it is already encumbered as collateral for a loan. She weakly objects, "It was a trick. I swear, I'm innocent. I made no attempt to sell anything." Well, he has documents proving otherwise. She has the right to call her lawyer, but right now he just wants to fill out the paperwork, "Name?" "Leonor... Nuñez... de Medina." My heart is breaking.

At this very moment her lawyer (a reluctant Jaime) is in the midst of an extreme makeover in the competent hands of Amador and Bugambilia, the happy hairdressers. Bugy tells the haberdashery clerk that they have a fashion emergency. Amador elaborates, " Our friend wants to transform from the namby pamby lad (muchacho ñoño) he is into a youthful handsome man." "Youthful, elegant... I think we can do something," the clerk offers. Jaime is not consulted as a mini fashion show starring an uncomfortable Jaime follows. When done, Amador orders the clerk to pack the purchases up. Jaime is not sure he is satisfied with what they've chosen. Bugy assures him that what he thinks doesn't matter. The important thing is that they are satisfied. "Yes, but I'm the one that pays," Jaime grumbles to no one in particular.

At Groupo Celeste, Cesar presses on with his conquest of Julieta. He sneaks up from behind, covers her eyes, "Up with your hands, this is a robbery." He is going to steal her heart. Gack. She reminds him about the rule forbidding romance at work. He cites a German study that proves workplace affairs increase efficiency. Oh, really? She's not ready to fall in love. He just wants a chance. He steals a couple of quick kisses... ¡El que sigue! (Next!... learned that from Dr. Flippy over on STuD).

A mopey Ale joins Suzy at her desk. She reassures her that Rafa is off on business. Ale is disturbed that Beltrán specified that only Rafa meet the client.Susana sees no problem with Ale joining them. She gets the restaurant name and address for her. Thanks, Suzy, how about a ham sandwich?

Chavez and Marco celebrate their successful effort over whisky in The Oasis. Wouldn't you fellows rather relax in the Jacuzzi? I think it's ready now. Gloating, Marco decides to allow the news of Leonor's incarceration sink in before he contacts Rafa. He also admits that there's little chance that he'll Ale will return to him but at least Medina won't have her either. "Then it's party time!" Chavez says. No, actually Marco's dance card is filled. First he'll enjoy Claudia's charms, with Rafa's crazy but pretty ex-novia next up.

Inside the restaurant Marian complains that she's only done good things for Rafa, the least he could do is be friendly. He agrees but admits that he's worried about Ale's travails over the hacienda and the house. As he explains, a jealous Ale joins them.

At the new apartment, Jorge is depressed to the point of thinking that the best thing for everyone would be for him to disappear. He doesn't want to eat. He misses his Chelita, Why am I even alive?" Rosauro is worried.

Ale 's jealous rant is interrupted by Rafa's cell phone. At last it's his mom with the bad news of her arrest. "I need your help." Rafa hurries off as Marian wonders who could have accused this sweet lady. Ale knows..."¡MARCO!"

Leonor removes her meager jewelry and turns it over to the captain, professing her innocence even as she is escorted to her cell. Have I mentioned that my heart is breaking?

A hungry Julieta is home and wanting her mother to feed her. Mom isn't there and there's no sign that dinner is about to be served. "How strange." There's a knock at the door. "Ay, Mamita, how did you forget your keys?" Juli opens the door without even looking. It's not Mamita. "¿Cómo estás, Juli?" She sizes up the new and improved Jaime. "I preferred the old Jaime." Well, I'm very sorry my Queen, the Jaime you speak of no longer exists. He died, don'tcha know?" Well, she's worried that her mom is missing. Nuevojaime calmly suggests that she stepped out to buy tortillas. "Mi mamá doesn't buy tortillas, she buys bread." "Then she stepped out to buy bread," he confidently says.

Still in the restaurant, Marian thinks that she and Ale should have a drink together and talk. Ale does not, but does tell her that she is divorcing, "It was a mistake." Marian announces her declaration of war. She will fight for Rafa. Ale exits leaving Marian to contemplate just what went wrong with her little plan.

Rafa breathlessly arrives at the police station seeking his mom. He is escorted to her cell amidst admiring whistles from the adjoining cells."¿ Mamacita, estás bien?" More heartbreak for me. I haven't been this sad since Coni (Gancho) was put in jail for murder. Leonor at least has lots of support.

Ale rejoins Suzy and briefly tells her about finding Rafa with Marian, but more importantly, Rafa's mom's been arrested and she thinks she knows who is responsible. "Who?" "Marco." Suzy doesn't look too surprised.

Back at Leonor's cell, the truth dawns on Rafa. "¡Marco!" He vows to see to it that she is released. "But how?" He doesn't know, but he will check with the guy in charge and then get in touch with Jaime. He hurries off. Leonor talks to God. " Diosito, help me. I've never done anything to harm anyone." And that, my friends, is the outrage of this whole affair.

Rafa notifies Jaime who is still with Julieta. This is a new Jaime, indeed. "Don't do anything, I'm on my way," he calmly advises then turns to Julieta and informs her. He may actually be just what we need to sort this out.

Vicki has located a bruja blanca and is consulting with her. Her maid of honor looks on. White Witch (the name of a perfume made in Jamaica which is very seductive) reassures her that Molongo is a charlatan and can do her no harm. Vicki tells her about Marco consuming the potion. "Too bad for him, but it doesn't involve you." She offers a blessed image to protect her soul but there are no guarantees that nothing bad will happen to her. She begins an incantation, but is interrupted by Vicki's pal, who as I said, knows our Vicki, "Ya, ya, ya, ya. That's enough. My friend is already, like, crazy and believes that a demon is going appear in the middle of the night and haul her away feet first. (le va a jalar las patas)" Misunderstanding, WW puzzles, "¿Tatas?" VVV scowls and sticks her tongue out at her amiga. Cute... Next!

Things aren't going well for Marino as he hunts the lions. He pauses at the loading dock of a warehouse to catch his breath. Leaning on (what else?) a Ford truck, he is inspired. He asks two workman for the boss and is directed inside, where he comes face to face with a certified beauty. Both like what they see. He flirts and she flirts back. She offers him her chair while she goes to get the boss. He fiddles with her radio as he reflects on his power over women. Indeed, it is a mystery.

Rosauro calls Ale to tell her of Jorge's sudden plunge into despair. Ale is oddly unmoved. Rosauro seeks advice offering several options. Maybe make the party at the hacienda into a gala affair. Invite the folks from the agency. (YES!) "Whatever. Do what you think is best." Rosauro notes the change in Ale's demeanor, "Is anything wrong?" "No. I've had a difficult day."

Daniel is meeting with Mr. Shrimp and his tio. He wants the paperwork done before a notary. He wants protection. He doesn't want done to him what they are doing to Marco. Mr. Shrimp wants cash. Quintana wants Chavez to continue as administrator. Daniel doesn't care. He has other plans.

What's clear is that Leonor is not getting out of jail tonight. Rafa's still at the police station when he gets a call from Marco. Marco taunts. Rafa threatens. Marco warns. We stew. Judy, HELP!



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