Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Llena de Amor #63 Mon 11/8/10 Hearts afire, among other things

Friday: Paula has a bad feeling. Me too. Begoña offed, the baby abandoned by the roadside, Oliver shot, Bernardo and Fedra dragging Gretel away, Marianela having another spell.


Eman tells Mari she has to get to a doctor first thing tomorrow. She wants to go home. He says he wants to be with her tonight. They kiss. I feel better!

At the big casa, Paula and Benigno are preparing a welcome-home for the new beauty queen, flowers and music and everything. Brandon comes into the living room with Nereida in her civvies (a sexy dress) in tow, looking for her, but the Nereida says she left with Eman.

Eman is telling Mari that she’s beautiful – she shyly says no man has ever said that to her. He tells her he wants to be with her forever. More besos. Oops! He’s taking off his coat. Mari says she’s scared he’ll just evaporate. He says he wants to love her completely, which is usually an icky come-on line, but this is our Eman, so it’s actually sincere. More besos.

The two mafiosos are having a beer. The bald one feels bad about what they’ve done. Not the woman so much, but abandoning the baby. They get a call from Lorenzo in jail. He says he has a little problem, but there better not be a scratch on that baby, or he’s siccing the big boss on them. The non-bald one tells Lorenzo everything’s fine and hangs up. The two guys laugh and head out to find the baby.

At the hospital, Emil calls home to reach Fedra, but gets Axel, who says she’s not there. Emil wonders where the hell she is.

Fedra and Bernardo have dragged Gretel into a clinic, into a padded cell in fact. Fedra tells her that one day she’s going to thank her for separating her from that policeman. No, no no! protests Gretel. Boo, hiss, boo!

Mari and Eman are in bed, but fully clothed. She says she’s dreamed of this moment. He love-talks her. More besos, lots of candles. Adjusting her glasses, she tells him she’s never been with a man. He says they can just hug.

Gretel sobs to her mother that she is her living conscience, the conscience she never had. Fedra is an excrescence, she killed her tio, and now her lover. Fedra tells her that where she comes from, survival is everything, and to survive, you get rid of whatever stands in your way. Kill me too! Gretel begs. Fedra strokes her face and hair and tells her that death is a prize, and she hasn’t earned it. Better they leave her here. Bernardo throws Gretel against the upholstered walls and he and Fedra knock to get out. They leave and Gretel freaks out.

Marianela tells Eman that she’s afraid her she won’t please him, meaning her body. Aw, poor kid. But he tells her he’s crazy about her, and he’s discovering himself what real love feels like. Meantime, her powerful superstructure bra juts a huge breast skyward like Mt. Everest, almost dwarfing Eman. That alone could inspire a fellow, I’m thinking.

The two baddies drive back to where they left the baby in a pile of branches, but it’s gone!

Brandon asks Axel if Eman has a bachelor pad or something where he could have taken Mari – he’s worried that she’s okay. Axel gets mad and says she’s not the victim, Kristel is. Why, she was taken straight from the contest to the hospital. Axel tells him to get out, but Brandon plops down on a couch, folds his arms defiantly and starts waiting.

For some reason, there’s a breeze in the lovers’ chambers, we can tell from the candles. The hot winds of love? Mari wants Eman to snuff them all out so he can’t see her, but he wants to soak her in. Things get hot and heavy, and we can see a bare arm, so she has her shirt off at least. Maybe everything!

The baddies are circling the neighborhood in their mobmobile, looking for the baby, but no luck. The bald guy tells the other one that if Lorenzo tells the boss about it, it’s all his (the other guy’s) fault. Okay, says the other guy, inexplicably. They keep looking.

It’s getting even hottier and heavier! Eman wants Mari to feel completely desired. If it weren’t for the gutting candles in the foreground and a huge bouquet of roses, we might see things that would make us blush.

Outside the clinic, Fedra tells Dr Peralta he knows what he’s to do. He tells her not to worry, he’ll take good care of her daughter. He walks off a little heavy-hearted maybe. Fedra and Bernardo figure they need to go get rid of Oliver’s body. Fedra thinks it would be a good idea to burn the cabin. Brilliant! says Bernardo.

Papito! Calls out Gretel, troubling deaf heaven with her bootless cries. Get me out of here!

In the cabin, we see Oliver, wounded in the chest, but trying to get up to save his damsel in distress.

Axel still wants Brandon to leave, but he says he’s glued to the spot until Mari comes home. He gets a call – Oliver! He’s on his way.

Ceiling shot of Mari and Eman in passionate embrace.

Brandon’s GPS must’ve gotten him to the cabin (Calle del Bosque, turn left at the toadstools) because it looks like he beat Fedra and Bernardo there. Maybe they stopped off for matches, a hot dog and a can of gasoline at the Seven Eleven. Brandon carries his friend out, swearing Fedra’s going to pay.

Oliver doesn’t want to go to the hospital because the police are looking for him. He doesn’t want to be behind bars where he can’t find Gretel and save her.

Fedra and Bernardo arrive with, sure enough, big cans of gasoline. Though it’s raining, Fedra splashes hers around on the outside, and Bernardo does the inside. Neither seems very concerned about keeping the gas off themselves, but what the hey. While happily splashing the furniture inside, Bernardo realizes Oliver isn’t there. He rushes out to tell Fedra, and they realize they can say they came and shot Oliver because he had kidnapped Gretel. Perfect! But Fedra just can’t resist, she throws a lighted match. Bernardo is furious – how will they explain a fire?

Bernardo literally tries to drag Fedra from the scene, but she shakes him off, transfixed by the fire. How like the burning boat it is! she exclaims. Look at those flames!

It’s morning now, and Axel is having breakfast, while Delicia, Nereida, Benigno and Paula wonder where Marianela and Fedra are – their beds weren’t slept in. Delicia figures Marianela spent the night at her aunt’s, and says she’s got good sense. Axel gets mad at her for always defending Mari, who’s not a good person.

In come Fedra and Bernardo who said they were trying to rescue Gretel, and they had a good lead, but the policeman got away. Axel tells her that Emil is at the hospital with Kristal, who lost her baby, but is going to be okay.

We’re in Kristel’s hospital room. Kristel’s asleep, and so are Emil, who has fallen asleep on the couch, and Netty, who has fallen asleep against him. She awakes and thinks how lovely it is to wake up next to him. He awakens and goes to Kristel’s bedside. She feels hot, maybe a fever. Netty takes a look and realizes she’s hemorrhaging.

In another bed, Mari wakes up to find Eman looking at her adoringly. Lots of love talk. He’s joyful, and says she’s all his. More kisses. Miraculously, the candles are still burning.

The doctor tells Emil and Netty that it’s serious – they’re going to have to do an emergency hysterectomy. No babies in Kristel’s future.

Dr Peralta tells the psych nurse that Gretel is schizophrenic and dangerous. Also, if anybody inquires after her, the nurse is to say that there’s no one at the clinic by that name. He tells her to give Gretel a double injection. The nurse protests that it’s dangerous. He tells her to hop to it, he’s ready to start electro shock therapy. The nurse is worried that that’s inhuman, the injections alone should suffice. The doctor orders her to do as told. The nurse approaches Gretel, who must be already drugged, because she’s asleep.

At Netty’s the ladies (minus Netty) all wonder how Begoña is doing on her flight to Italy, and they say the house seems so empty without her and the baby. They hope Marianela shows up before Netty finds out she’s missing. Yowza! Here comes Brandon, with bleeding and agonizing Oliver, who he plops on the couch.

Gretel awakes just as the nurse is about to inject her. She asks her to let her leave. The nurse strokes her forehead and says everything will be okay. No! Fedra! whispers Gretel. The nurse injects her and she drifts off into drugland.

The nurse looks at the syringe and says to herself that a double dose would kill Gretel. She decides not to follow orders.

Oliver is in Gladiola’s arms and Brandon rebukes him for running off. Brandon says he’s going to do things the legal way, and off he heads do Do the Right Thing, though I have no idea what that is.

He’s going to turn me in! wails Oliver, who wants to leave, but Gladiola wants him to wait for the doctor.

Eman has taken Mari to a big patio restaurant which is completely empty, which must mean a big savings on extras. He tells her that they make the best quesadillas in Mexico, though it’s puzzling that nobody is there ordering them up. Mari says she felt good after exercising, and he says he’ll be her personal trainer. They gaze into one another’s eyes.

Ilitia has dialed up her mama and while she’s waiting for her to answer, their maid tells her to just let her mother enjoy her vacation, and tell her later. Ilitia tells her to mind her own business and get back to making breakfast, and also that she happens to be very tactful at delivering bad news. This I gotta see.

Ilitia tells her mother that while she’s off lying around the beach, her husband is in jail. Great tact, says the maid. Ilitia smirks.

Mauricio’s cousin Lorena comes to see him in jail. Other jailbirds leer, and so does Lorenzo, who thoughtbubbles that she’s hot. She tells him she couldn’t reach his father who’s still missing, and his mother is on vacation in South Africa. He asks her to get hold of the family lawyers. She tells him that Kristel just lost their baby, and why didn’t he tell her about Kristel being pregnant?

Axel tells Nereida he’s going to go see Kristel in this hospital. Nereida observes that he and Kristel used to fight like cats and dogs. He’s surprised. Anyway, he says, she’s a good friend of my girlfriend. Nereida can’t believe he has a girlfriend. Of course, he says, Lorena. Nereida says the one who came here and threw a big scene because you rejected her? Axel asks her to explain. She asks him when he came to be interested in women, because from what she heard, his tastes were um… different.

In the hospital corridor, Netty tells Emil that Kristel needs lots of love right now. He sighs that he wishes Fedra were like Netty. Netty would have been such a wonderful mother to his children. They can’t turn the clock back, but there’s still the present. His marriage to Fedra is shot. He asks Netty for a hug, just a hug. She hesitates, then hugs him.

Fedra of course walks by and sees. She comes over and fake-calmly asks them what they’re doing.

Mari and Eman are walking in a park, and are remembering when their parents brought them there as kids and they played together. Mari finally confesses that she was in love with him since she was a kid, and that she’d always dreamed of being with him. He’s touched by the knowledge and says he will always be with her. In fact, one day, he is going to marry her.

Avances: Mari and Eman are still missing, lost in their little love bubble. Gladiola reassures Netty that they’ll show up. Mari and Eman ride horses, carve their initials in a tree, kiss. He proposes, they walk up the aisle of a church. They know they’ll have to face the family.


La Verdad Oculta EP39 11/08/2010 - More tears, shouts and flirting

* After witnessing that a rich playboy is smooching with his precious little daughter the indignant Fausto tries to scare him away and when he learns from a very polite and humble David that he and Gabriela have just got married he collapses. He's inconsolable, he doesn't want to listen to the kids and runs into his room. David comforts his heartbroken wife then he leaves. Two minutes later Fausto also storms out of the flat furiously, leaving his stunned daughters behind.

* Juan José, the Clueless Dumbass visits Elsa, the Whining Shrew, and they had their 659th fight over their relationship, her wish to be independent, his wish to protect her, who has changed and who hasn't, and what about Medina and Alejandra. While they're shouting each other's head off the phone starts to ring. Hello? Hiiii, Mauriciooo, how are youuu? Oh, JJ's face is priceless. Medina offers her a receptionist job at his office which she gladly accepts. JJ, whose face became sourer and sourer every minute while he was listening to their friendly conversation, restarts their debate and says he could offer her a job if she wants to work that much... But the new, upgraded Elsa 2.0 sends him to hell.

* Roberto visits Alejandra to revive their so-called friendship, but she's so irritated by him and quickly leaves for work. Yes, she has an important client whose name is Juan Ocampo.

* In their hotel room Susana discreetly steals a few diamonds. Hmm, it looks like the neverending epic love of Marky and Susanho is gone with the wind.

* Roberto and David have an uncomfortable conversation about the wedding. David warns Rob to never disrespect his wife again, and when Iago tries to whisper more poisonous tales about Carlos again he threatens him. Rob pulls a Smeagol: okay, okay, he'll do everything that the precious hobbit wants, but please, he'd like to remain his friend! You're an idiot, says David and he leaves.

* Faustiago tries to visit Mario but the bitchy blonde Cerberus who guards the front door bangs it into his face. He sneaks into the headquarters and has a walk in the secret tunnel. In the bedroom he wakes up Mario and gives him a bit of hell. He's sure Mario is the one who arranged the marriage! But Mario only wants them to be happy and rich and he plans to tell them the truth. Oh no, you didn't.

* In Medina's office the handsomest architect pays sweet compliments to Elsa who's very grateful for his offer, but in the meantime she worried about that the job won't fit her. No, she'll be perfect!

* Leonardo and Ramón interrogate Salomón about Elsa, the loan and her quit. Slimebag Sr. talk about her very benevolently, no, he doesn't find her behaviour suspicious, but he starts to tremble a little bit when Leo mentions the defenseless little girl has a big brother who's involved in two murders and drug traffic. *Viewerville: LOL*

* While Alejandra and Mina are examining JJ's house and Roberto shows up again and he's very interested in her work, in the mysterious Juan Ocampo and in the big hole in the middle of the kitchen. JJ also arrives at the house but doesn't notice Rob. He's enchanted by Alejandra's welcome kiss on his cheek but in the meantime he's too distracted by the quarrel with Elsa and doesn't care about the reconstruction much. After he he leaves the house the girls, as usual, gush about him.

* For five minutes the show turns into Die Hard 5 in which Leonardo McClane, the biggest hero of Novelaland and his colleagues eliminate a kidnapper clan and rescue a frightened, tied up woman.

* Marcos asks Susana to talk with Elsa.

* In the AFI office Ramón and Leo (who's still heartbroken) talk about Elsa's strange disappearance. What if she's involved in the stolen diamond business of her brother?

* Elsa learns from her friend Lulu that the cops were looking for her at home and at the garment factory. She asks Lulu that if her brother looks for her please tell him she disappeared, she knows nothing about her.

* In the hotel room Asunción is watching a Chantal Andere telenovela when a depressed JJ arrives at home. He tells Asunción he had a fight with Elsa, but anyway, he's more concerned about that he was awfully vapid when he met Alejandra. Who is so lovely, so beautiful and smells so good... Asunción gets fed up with the fanboy crush and bursts out: if you're so much into the pretty, rich, sophisticated and awesome Alejandra then leave poor, simple, caring and loyal Elsa in peace, Mr. Count of Monte Cristo!

* In their flat Fausto softly, coyly asks Gabriela if she really loves David. Yes. And is she sure about his feelings? Hell yes. He's a good boy, and the fact that he's married her proves that. She kisses her father and cries for his forgiveness to which Fausto responds that he only wants her to be happy. Doorbell, David came for Gabriela. Fausto looks at his daughter and gives his permission, though it's very hard for him to let his beloved daughter go. *Viewerville: Where is my handkerchief?!* After the young couple leaves Julieta joins her crying father. She's happy for Gaby who is so lucky, she has a great guy who loves her... While she's still a miserable waitress.

* In Club Sagitario Bertha and Roberto have a drink with Adolfo. Dolphie quickly gets rid of Roberto by sending him into the office
and starts to pay compliments to Bertha: David is an utter idiot for choosing a waitress instead of her. *Viewerville: Run, silly girl, run!*

* Fausto calls Mario and tells him he has decided: he accepts his offer.



El Fantasma de Elena-Index

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Monday, November 08, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #79-80 11/8/10 Nature boy, the slap dance and the peace pipe.

Capitulo 79.Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 75 to 79. Then come back here to discuss it.

Paula asked me to post this link to dialog translations for these episodes.

Capitulo 80.Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 80 to 81. Then come back here to discuss it.

Paula asked me to post this link to dialog translations for these episodes.


Saturday, November 06, 2010

Llena de Amor #62 Fri 11/5/10

I'm not going to be able to get a recap up, real life has sucked up my entire weekend again - can anybody help me out? Thank you in advance.


Eva Luna #5 Fri 11/5/10

Feel free to fill or make any corrections. I have only watched the first episode and this one, so I am behind.

Dan and Laurita pull in the driveway and she jumps out and loudly informs her dad "It's her! It's her! From the drawing!" Dan and Eva just stare at each other and smile. Laurita takes the initiative and introduces herself to Eva. Eva tells her that she has a pretty name. Dan asks her what she's doing here? Mrs. Renata sent me to return this package to you that you had left behind. I didn't know you lived here. you have a beautiful home. Laurita tells her dad to invite her in and show her the place.

The brother of the dead servant (Rita) that Marcela had killed goes to her company and causes a scene blaming her for his sisters death. Leonardo starts shoving Rita's brother around, but Marcela puts a stop to it and begs the brother to come into her office to talk about things calmly.

Dan is showing Eva around and she takes an interest in one of his paintings. Is this an abstract art? Do you know art asks Dan? No replies Eva. Well just a little. I have pretty good art books. Jackie comes to offer them a drink, but Eva refuses. She has to go now. Laurita rushes in and says not yet. I have something to show you. Laurita asks Jackie to help her find it.

Marcela asks Rita's brother why he thinks that she had something to do in the death of his sister. Have you spoken to the police about this? No, replies brother, unfortunately I am just starting to remember this all now. But be assured I will. Stay calm and take a seat then replies Marcela. I'm fine replies brother. Okay then replies Marcela. I advise you not to go to the police. First because you have no proof. Second that investigation can bring things, ugly things out about your sister. What are you saying, asks Rita's brother? Your sister was mixed up with some bad people and got all caught up. Then I will make it my mission to put you in jail for years for defamation.

Dan is showing Eva the pool, kicking in toy pools. Dummy decides to throw a big one at Eva who is not prepared and knocks her in the pool. He laughs at her. She's not happy. Then she pushes him in.

Marcela and Rita'a brother are calmed down and she offers him a drink.

Everyone rushes out of the house to see the commonion. Eva wants to leave. Where's the exit? She gets three different answers.

Marcela brings Rita's brother a coffee that she herself made. I yell at the t.v. not to drink but he drinks it anyway.

Eva walks home cold and wet. Victoria pulls up wanting to know what happened. Eva tells her she rather not talk about it. Victoria gets a call and forgets all about Eva. She tosses her keys to Eva and tells her to put the car away. Inside the house Eva is explaining to Renata why she has come back wet from Dan's house. Renata gets onto her for going into his house.

Drunk guy yelling at his kid. Don't really know much about this.

Francisco the butler/confidante/driver inquiring about the lady. Eva replies Dan with a cheesy grin.

Leonardo gets onto Renata for letting Eva go over there to drop off a bag. She is here to take care of my dad. Renata sees no reason why she couldnt't take the bag over there since his dad was sleeping and she had nothing to do. Because those are my orders replies Leonardo.

Rita's brother's is driving down the road and starts getting sick. He recalls Marcela insisting he have a coffee before he leaves. To help him relax. He has an automobile accident, and the policeman tells Marcela that the driver was being taken to the coroner's, so he apparently died. So we can add another murder to her likely toll.
It seems Doña Justa has a problem with her sister. She’s gone to church to pray and the priest tells her to talk to her sister to try to resolve it.

Eva helps sew up a ripped garment for Vicky right before an important magazine interview at the manse. Guess this makes her a few points with both Bimbutt and her bitchy mama.

Stud Thief, aka Tony, and Alicia go gambling together at El Gallo’s club. Leo is there and Alicia accidentally bumps into him. They lock eyes and Leo likes what he sees. So does Alicia it seems.

Meanwhile, Eve is getting ready to head for the bus home that night. Daniel’s chauffeur, Francisco, pulls up and literally has to beg her to take some flowers his boss sent over for her. He’s also supposed to drive her home. Daniel’s waiting anxiously for his cell phone to ring with word from Francisco that their plan worked. After first refusing she gives up and agrees to both the flowers and the lift home. Francisco makes the call to Dan after dropping her off.

Tony loses all the money Alicia made at the gambling table and they head home.

Francisco gets back to Daniel’s and assures him that even though Eva didn’t read the card he sent with the flowers that a woman is always curious. There’s no way she won’t eventually read it.

Eva gets to her room and does start reading Dan’s note: “Eva, at times men are slow and clumsy, extremely clumsy. I hope that if the flowers don’t do the job that hopefully these words will. I am sure that by now you think I am detestable—you’re favorite flirtatious compliment for me. What happened this afternoon was foolish on my part and I ask your forgiveness. A thousand pardons, please! I swear it wasn’t my intention to laugh at you or to make you feel bad. On the contrary, I wanted you to feel comfortable in my home and I even was looking to impress you a bit. So I am going to suggest something. How about supposing that what happened this afternoon didn’t and that I wasn’t such a clutz and that you didn’t fall into the water. The only thing that we cannot suppose is that your face that is so lovely didn’t smile again. So, please forgive me and the next time we see each other present me with another smile. “ Eva melts after reading this and smiles.

Vicky finds out that her mama arranged for her to have the choice job of closing the fashion show as part of a business deal and isn’t happy at all about it.

Alicia gets home and asks about the flowers. Eva tells he they’re from Daniel. She’s about to tell her kid sis the details when she smells cigar smoke on Alicia. Alicia admits Tony took her to a bar. She also tells her that she bumped into a guy there that was the handsomest man she’d ever seen in her life. She never found out his name or anything else about him but she sure hopes that she runs into him again some way or somehow.

Leo goes over to Claudia’s and celebrates his luck at poker that night with a bout in bed.

Eva has Alicia read the letter from Daniel. After she’s done reading, Alicia tells Eva that the guy is obviously in love with her.


La Verdad Oculta 038: Dora and Gabi Keep JJ’s Secret

The scene is set, and like any good murder mystery, (almost) all the players are gathered in a luxurious mansion. Alejandra, wearing a femme fatale worthy dress, is seated next to the mysterious and intriguing stranger Juan Ocampo (aka Juan Jose Victoria Ocampo). Next to them sits Don Mario, the generous millionaire, who is at the center of many mysteries, and his trusty right hand man Abelardo. They await the appearance of the (sort of) happy young couple David and Gabi, and the bitter and jealous niece Bertha. In walks the loyal maid Dora, carrying a tray of refreshments, with a contented smile on her face, because today they all celebrate the marriage of her “hijo de alma” (son of her soul/heart), who just might be the son of her very own flesh and blood. She spots our mysterious stranger and that smile immediately disappears into a look of shock and amazement (cara impactada) that tells us, and our hero JJ, that she recognizes who he is. He shifts uncomfortably under her gaze, but neither one of them lets on to the other players that they recognize each other. And here begins our story tonight.

Dora silently puts the tray on the table and walks away. Ale introduces Mr. Ocampo (JJ) as the man who bought the property next door that she is renovating. Mario is jovial and takes great interest. But if he recognizes who JJ really is, he does not let on. In strolls pouty Bertha to spoil the party, wanting to know why David is taking so long. Happy Mario is not surprised that he’s a bit late considering he has to pick Gabi up at her house, and she would want to take a little extra time to get gussied up for such a special occasion. As she can serve no constructive purpose in the conversation, Bertha decides to go elsewhere to pester other people with her uselessness. Namely, the servants, to check on how the preparations are coming. She passes David, Gabi and Juli, who are just arriving, and everyone in the living room stands to greet them. Ale introduces everyone to Juan, starting first with Gabi. As soon as she introduces them, Gabi and JJ flash back to their first meetings in the market and on the bus, when he was JJ Victoria- Version 1.0 (the scruffy edition). Gabi, like Dora, decides to stay silent about it for the moment. When David cheerfully greets him, Juan’s response is tepid. They all head in to the dining room.

We leave our mystery dinner party for a smaller gathering over brews between Carlos and Roberto. Carlos is still shell shocked that David actually married Gabi. She’s pretty and all…but to marry a waitress! He wants to know if Roberto knew this was in the works, but the master manipulator feigns total ignorance. (How is he keeping all the lies and half truths he is telling Carlos, Adolfo, David, Bertha, Juli and his father straight?) Carlos thinks the best way to mess things up for David and Gabi will be to tell David “the truth” (which is really a big fat lie) about what happened between him and Gabi at the beach house. But for now, he’s thinking of finding some amusement elsewhere, and Elsa fits the bill. He’ll go visit her this evening. Roberto thinks that’s a good idea since “un clavo saca otro clavo” (one nail gets rid of another/a new love interest makes you forget the last one).

We next see Leo and his partner Ramon. They have been staking out Elsa’s apartment building, waiting for Marcos to make an appearance. But neither he nor Elsa has been spotted since they spoke to her the other day. Leo drinks his coffee with a weary, far away look. Ramon asks him what’s wrong as he’s noticed he’s looked a bit sad of late. Leo admits it. He went to visit his daughter in Durango, and each time he leaves her and home he gets a bit nostalgic and homesick. Ramon thinks there might also be more, but Leo doesn’t admit to it. They get back to talking about Elsa and how strange it is that she just disappeared after they spoke to her. They decide to continue to question the neighbors.

Back at Mystery Manor, the champaign cork has been popped, nearly hitting Juan in his handsome face, and the festivities have begun. Ale thinks Juan has good luck (which we all know is true), but he thinks the only good luck he has is being there, with her, right at this moment. Mario is excited for the young couple to go on honeymoon, perhaps in Europe. He wants Gabi to get to know all the wonderful European cities—Barcelona, Paris, etc. He turns to Juan, knowing that as a man of the world, Juan must have travelled through these cities. “Sure, sure. I’m like the Count of Monte Cristo. I’ve travelled to places like…France! Yeah, that’s it. France.” Mario lets him off the hook by agreeing with him that France is indeed lovely, but doesn’t press for details. Gabi humbly chimes in that she would love to travel abroad, and has wanted to visit these places, but she’s only had the opportunity to get to know many places in Mexico, due to her father constantly changing jobs and moving them. Oh and she and her sister had that wonderful trip to L.A. recently!

Mario tells her all that’s changed now. She will get to travel! He addresses her as hija, and when she politely addresses him back as Señor and in the formal Usted form, he asks her to call him Mario. He’s her father in-law now, and will almost be like a second father to her. He can’t hide his excitement thinking of the day of the religious wedding ceremony, how beautiful everything will be, and above all how beautiful Gabi will be. David gives her a loving kiss in agreement with his father, and Ale questions what he thinks of all this since he hasn’t really said a word all evening. He answers that anything Gabi wants is what he wants, and Bitter Bertha fumes silently.

Mario stands to make the first toast (brindar) for the happiness of his child (children), and for Gabi to encounter a second family with their family. Both Gabi and David beam happily and stand to toast with his (their) father. Everyone else also stands to toast with them. Abelardo then suggest that, as Dora is as much a part of the family as he is, she should be with them to make the toasts. Mario agrees and speaks glowingly of Dora to Juan, as one of the maids goes off to find Dora. Juan looks a bit uncomfortable at the mention of Dora, but is saved from another uncomfortable encounter with her when a maid brings word that Dora isn’t feeling well and prefers to stay in the kitchen. Abelardo makes a nice toast, and then boorish Juan decides to jump in. He stands and makes a toast to life- that although not always happy, at least we can hope for justice (justicia) at its end. He gives Mario a hard significant look as he says these words. Everyone else looks a bit taken aback by such a strange toast for newlyweds, but Mario seems determined NOT to let anything or anyone rain on his parade this special day. He toasts with Juan, but David looks concerned. Ale wonders out loud at the toast since it doesn’t seem like life has been unfair to Mr. Ocampo. He lies that it hasn’t, and especially not now that he’s sitting here next to her. He struggles back and forth with using the formal or informal address (usted/tu) with her. They share a goofy grin and privately toast their combined luck. David and Gabi share an intertwined toast and kiss. Mario chuckles in delight at all the young love in the air. Bitter Bertha pouts and sulks.

Roberto meanwhile is having his second encounter with an Avila man this evening. Adolfo is not letting him off as easily as Carlos did, however. Adolfo is roughing him up and shaking him by his lapels after hearing Roberto has been barred from entering the Genoves house. “What did you do?! Something stupid right?!” Roberto swears he did nothing. That Mario somehow got it into his head that he was influencing David to do some idiotic thing (tonteria)- a sham wedding (boda falsa).

At the mansion, after-dinner drinks are being served in the living room. Gabi and the men are the only ones present at the moment and Gabi and David hang back canoodling near the bar. Mario calls David over to speak with him on the couch, and Juan finds his moment to move in and chat with Gabi. She eyes him suspiciously as he approaches. “Isn’t your name Juan Jose Victoria?” He asks her not to say anything and that he’ll explain later. Their conversation is cut short by David’s return.

At Elsa’s, Carlos has come looking for some distraction and is pounding on her door calling her name. Viewerville is very happy at this point that JJ made her move to the hotel. We are even happier when our favorite hero of the show, Leo, comes walking up behind Carlos, wondering what his business is there. He recognizes Carlos as the owner of Club Sagittarius and reveals they are conducting an investigation that involves Elsa’s brother. If Carlos sees his “friend” Elsa, have her get in contact with them. He and Ramon leave a bewildered and annoyed Carlos standing at Elsa’s door.

We cut to a very worried Fausto who is calling home and can’t reach his daughters, who should be home at this hour. We then see one of them, Gabi, strolling by the Genoves pool with her new husband David. She wonders why he’s been so quiet the whole evening and asks if he still thinks something happened between her and Carlos. If he still doubts her, she thinks they should just end things now before they go further (religious ceremony, living together, starting a family, etc.). Since he’s looking at her lovely face at the moment, no rival is present, and no little devil (Roberto) is whispering in his ear, he tells her how much he loves and adores her and wants to be with her. He kisses her passionately.

At the front door of the house, Ale is bidding Juan good night. Neither seems to want the evening to end and they make plans to see each other tomorrow, about the construction of the house of course. “Hatsa mañana.” She closes the door, but then leans against it, grinning from ear to ear.

Mario and Juli are in the living room, having a drink and a chat. He wants her to also think of this house as hers, and she thanks him. He wonders if she plans to still work at the club, and then offers her a good position at one of his other hotels anytime she wants one. (Do it Juli!) She thanks him enthusiastically. Mario tells her he will have Abelardo take her home, who is at that moment in the kitchen asking Dora how she is. She begs off, saying that she’s not really sick but mainly tired. Plus, she didn’t feel it was her place to be there making the toast with the family. Abelardo thinks this is nonsense considering how loved she is by David and Mario. Dora is agitated, refuses to listen, and begins to head to bed. Ever the gentleman, Abelardo tells her how wonderful the dinner and the preparations were, and thanks her. She smiles and walks away happy. He leaves to take Juli home, and Mario wanders off to bed with a spring in his step and a song on his lips. It has been a very happy day for him.

In his bedroom (recamera) upstairs, David finally looks like he’s enjoying the day. He excitedly tells Gabi that they can keep this room as theirs or they can take a bigger one in the house. Gabi doesn’t understand why they would need a bigger room, when this one is already larger than her whole apartment! The talk of bedrooms seems to have made David frisky. He wraps his arms around Gabi from behind and kisses her neck. She, a bit nervously, tells him how important this all is for her. There has never been another man (implies sexually) in her life, and he is the first man she has ever fallen in love with. He leads her to the bed and assures her that he understands this perfectly. She looks him directly in the eyes and tells him that he’s extremely important and significant to her. (Note this David. She is saying she is not messing around here. This is serious for her. So get it together!) He tells her that she’s also important to him. (Actions, not words, David.) If he’s acted like an idiot, it’s because of jealousy (celos) and because he love her so much. She wants them to leave all resentments (rencores) and the bad moments behind them. (Are you listening , David?) He agrees. They exchange sweet nothings (tu eres mi vida, te adoro, etc.), and begin to suck face. We go to commercial and I begin to wonder if they are not going to wait till after the religious ceremony to consummate the marriage afterall.

We’ll have to wait and see how far things go with David and Gabi. First we head to a couple that’s in dysfunction mode at the moment. Juan returns to the hotel after his evening at Mystery Manor with the lovely Alejandra, to find pouty Elsa who has fallen asleep on the couch waiting for him. She needs to talk to him. He tries to head off an argument by saying he was with some guys doing business (he’s got that cheating spouse thing down pretty well). She’s not interested in that and asks him to sit and talk. The head games begin. He sits next to her, gives her an appreciative look and tells her she looks very pretty. He wants to know if she happy and likes the place. She tells him she is and does, but she wants to go back to her own apartment and space. It’s where she lives, and she thinks it’s best that way. Juan brings up the trouble Marcos could cause for her, plus he just doesn’t like her living by herself. Especially with all those guys sniffing around her like that architect (Medina) and Carlos. She tries to reason with him once again. She’s a decent woman, and if she goes out with someone or someone visits her, there’s nothing bad in it. Juan’s answer: “NO ME GUSTA!” (I don’t like it.) Wrong answer buddy.

Elsa is ticked off (rightfully so). He can come and go as he pleases, but she has to follow his rules and do things as he wants her to? Hell no! She gets up in frustration and tells him he has no business trying to impose his will (voluntad) on her. She leaves the room in disgust.

It’s the next morning and Mario is waking up feeling a bit weak after all of yesterday’s excitement- tricking his children into marrying each other; straightening out his hardheaded son; soothing his daughter; physically throwing a scoundrel out of his house; and planning and hosting a celebratory dinner (that’s a lot for a guy on death’s door). He tells Abelardo how happy, excited and filled with emotion he was. They laugh at how confused, jealous and silly David has been, but Mario is sure they will be happy together. He wants Abelardo to send for the lawyer (notario) so that he can change his will and leave half to David and half to Gabi. (What about Ale and Bertha?). Abelardo wants to know when Mario’s going to talk to the two of them about their parentage (David being his adopted child and Gabi being his natural child), but Mario begs off until Santiago/Fausto returns and they can see about continuing with their plan. Abelardo wonders in Faustiago will follow through. Mario doesn’t know, but it’s the only way to save his fortune for David AND Gabi. This way, they won’t have to break the news to Gabi that Faustiago is not her father, but Mario gets to be close to her and leave her his fortune. It’s a win-win for everyone. (Surely, Faustiago will see it that way. Right?)

David enters and greets his father with a kiss. Mario, ever the proud papa, comments on how handsome he looks, and David inquires about his health. Mario says he’s just tired, but he’ll be up and about soon. He’s surprised that David isn’t still in bed (ahem)… David smiles and tells him not to go imaging things. Last night he took Gabi home a bit late, but only because they were talking (so, that’s what the kids are calling it these days). Mario hopes it wasn’t so late that Gabi can’t come over to have a meal with them that day. David assures Mario that he’ll speak to Gabi about coming over and have the chauffer pick her up. Mario wants her to come over a bit early so that he’ll have the opportunity to sit and chat with her a while. He just enjoys her company so much! (Jealous David should be getting a bit worried right now about his dad’s interest in his wife, but I guess he knows his dad is not the type.) After David leaves, Mario says to Abelardo what a good boy he is, and this is the first time he’s seen him truly in love. He was just lead astray for a bit by that shameless (sinverguenza) Roberto.

Bertha tries to stop David on his way out, wondering why he’s acting like this sham marriage is real. Roberto told her everything and she will not take that woman living here (as if it’s her house). David tells her that Roberto is an idiot and Gabi is his wife and will live in this house. Bertha, knowing the right buttons to push, wonders if it’s not important to him that Gabi and Carlos went away together to that solitary beach house. David turns into the Hulk and approaches her menacingly telling her to butt out of what’s not her business. And she better not dare mention it again!

Limon and Juan celebrate their purchase of the hotel. Limon tells Juan that Mario doesn’t seem like a bad guy. He treated him really well and seems to be a nice, simple guy who doesn’t put on airs. Juan agrees that he does appear that way, but thinks it must all be an act. He thinks Mario is two faced- acts nice to your face, then plunges the knife in your back when you turn around. He wonders if Limon thinks that what Mario did to him was so nice. Mario declared to the police that he saw him speaking to the maid. He wonders if that should have been enough justification for them to throw him in prison. (Hello JJ! He DID see you speaking with the girl. And it was Adolfo’s accusation, a bad lawyer, and the police who put you in prison. Not Mario’s truthful statement. Oh, whatever. Continue with your revenge rant.) Limon tries to get him to see that what’s done is done (ya pasó), but Juan won’t listen. He spent eleven years, ELEVEN YEARS, locked up for a crime he didn’t commit. Eleven years of suffering for his mother. Eleven years of not being able to be with her. He’ll never forget, NEVER! This rant is interrupted by Caramelo, who’s looking for Elsa. Seems she’s packed her bags and left when they were all sleeping. Juan is sure she’s returned to her apartment and leaves to bring her back.

Yolanda has once again, and unwillingly, returned to the Guillens’ apartment to find out if the girls are indeed selling Adolfo’s diamonds. She rings the bell and while waiting for an answer, drops her purse and is helped by gallant Leo, who’s on his way out. Knowing who he is, she gets nervous and flustered but is saved from further interaction with him when Gabi comes out. Leo, as always, gets a wistful look on his face when he greets Gabi, and asks if her father has returned. He then excuses himself, with a parting smile for Gabi. Yolanda asks Gabi if Leo lives in the building and Gabi confirms it. They head inside for some girl talk. Yolanda has heard the gossip that she’s getting married and has left her job, at least that’s what she heard from Adolfo. Gabi confirms this and that she is in fact already married, as of yesterday. Yolanda feigns surprise and asks for the details. She continues to act surprised when she finds out the groom is David Genoves. She then asks after Juli, and when Gabi tells her Juli went out to buy a few things, Yolanda fishes around to see if they’ve been spending diamond money. Gabi telling her that they have to buy things like the wedding dress on credit at the small neighborhood stores; that she does not intend to buy her father and sister a fancy condo and does not consider David’s money to be her money; and that she and David intend to live with Mario, does not fit with Adolfo’s picture of money grabbing jewel thieves. (Give it up already. They don’t have the diamonds!)

Leo enters his office, looking a bit depressed and distracted. Ramon shortly follows. He got information from one of Elsa’s neighbors about where she works. They’ll head there next. Ramon brings up another case they’ve been working on—diamonds that were reported stolen in L.A. (what a coincidence). One of the diamonds showed up here in Mexico, and the description of the guy who sold it matches with the description of Marcos. Leo is now more determined to find him, but once again seems distracted. He finally tells Ramon about Gabi marrying David, and Ramon’s answer is “I told you so.” Women care about money (la lana). You should have told her that you’re rich too. (These guys just don’t get it.)

Another guy who just doesn’t get it, Adolfo, is having a smoke and a coffee, when Yolanda enters saying her own version of “I told you so.” He was wrong. Those girls don’t have two dimes to rub together. They’re still living their poor lives, buying cheap clothes on credit. Adolfo is still not convinced. They’re just clever (listas), pretending in order to throw them off their scent. Yolanda insists and Adolfo glowers. Meanwhile, the real jewel interceptor and seller, Marcos, has just happily bought his trailer truck (camión) with some of his diamond money.

At Genoves Manor, Mario is so eager for Gabi’s arrival that he is waiting outside to open the car door for her and usher her in. Gabi as usual, looks a bit bemused by his attentions, but she treats him amiably. They head to the living room as he tells her she is now the owner/woman (dueña) of this house. He explains that his nieces also live there, but he hopes that Gabi won’t mind and that it won’t be inconvenient for her. Anyway, one day the girls will get married and move out. He wants them all to get along with each other. Gabi assures him she doesn’t mind at all, and that she’ll do her part to make sure they get along. He can’t contain his glee and tells her what a great affection he’s already developed for her. She says she feels the same for him. They smile at each other.

The one niece we know will do her part to make sure Gabi’s home life is not a happy one, has arrived at Roberto’s apartment hopping mad. Bertha wants to know why Roberto told her David and Gabi’s marriage was a sham. He says he didn’t know. His fake judge was ready to do the fake marriage. He thinks Mario intervened and brought the real judge. Bertha is once again amazed that good guy David was going to go through with a sham marriage, but is even more confused about why he’s now going along with the real marriage. The door bell rings, and it’s Adolfo. He’s VERY pleased to see Bertha and knows exactly who she is. She excuses herself and leaves, but Adolfo is left speechless and impactado. “Vaya. Vaya.” (Well, well.) He obviously likes what he saw. He wants to know if she’s a friend of Roberto’s and tells Roberto to invite her to the club that evening. (Dirty old man.) Now back to business. Adolfo wants to know how plans for killing Mario are coming along. Roberto admits it’s more difficult to plan now that he’s banned from the house, but Adolfo urges him to figure it out. He’s in a hurry (me urge) for Mario to disappear. Roberto better follow through if he doesn’t want problems with Adolfo. Uh oh!

David is seeing Gabi home to her door and she’s gushing about how wonderful and caring his father is. “And me? What about me?” She rewards him with a kiss and by telling him he’s the most marvelous man in the world. They are in the middle of sucking face in front of her open apartment door, when a shocked, scandalized and angry Fausto arrives. “GABRIELA!!!!” Uh oh!


Friday, November 05, 2010

Eva Luna #4 Thu 11/4/10 Bimbo Tantrums, Marriage jeepers, adoption stories (did I hear BINGO!?) and Promotion Promises

Daniel runs out of car and comes to where Eva fell.D: What happened?? Are you alright?E: I think I twisted my ankle.. It was nothing…D: That was scary.E: I thought you were going to run me over.D: I swear I didn’t even see you!! You came out running from the house!E: Its because the dog came after me! I got really scared!D: Take it easy… take it easy… (caress her face) can you stand up? I will help you… hey you won’t be able to walk.E: No, it was nothing. I am alright.D: Where are you going?E: To the bus stop. I just got out of work.D: I will take you in the car so you don’t have to walk.E: No, no, no.D: Please! It’s the least I can do!E: No, I thank you really, but its not necessary. I can walk. Good night… ay!...D: See? It shows you are hurting… come on, don’t make me beg. Get in the car.E: I told you no, don’t insist. I won’t get in the car. It is not right.D: But why? There is nothing wrong with it! E: I am not used to get in strangers cars.D: For Gods sake. I am not a stranger to you… well, not completely. Or am I?E: No.D: Then?E: But I will hold you back and you just got here.D: Please, that is not important. Now I feel guilty for your fall. And I can’t watch you walking all hurting out there. Besides, at this pace, you will get to the bus station the day after tomorrow! E: That’s true.D: Give me your hand. I will help you.E: Alright.D: You scared me so much! Are you sure you are alright? E: I am sorry..D: No, no…
Bimbo no 1 is crying desperate calling Dan’s cel frantically…
Sister and stud burglar are still at the bar, she is nervous, what are we going to do now? He tries to explain he had to switch pants and left his money in the other ones. He asks her if she brought money. She brought $60. He says that’s perfect, that will pay the account and we have $1 leftover for the guy’s tip (LOL). She chugs the rest of her drink and nags about the check being so much. As they left the waiter tells a buddy waiter that he can’t understand how a pretty girl like her goes out with a jerk like that. The buddy says forget about it, don’t get into it and get to work.
D: Eva, can I ask you a question?E: Sure.D: Why are you so distrusting of people? OR… are you like that just with men?E: Life has taught me not to trust anyone. And unfortunately, even less trust men.D: Why’s that?E: As much as men try to hide it, they only have one thing in their minds.D: (surprised) ah yeah? And what’s that?E: To trick and abuse of decent women every chance they get. (she sighs, he looks down discouraged) that’s why I don’t let anyone get too close to me. … well.. thank you, I will stay here to wait for the bus. Good night, Mr…D: Daniel… Daniel Villanueva… but you can call me Daniel.E: I would prefer to call you Mr Villanueva. There is no need for so much familiarity among us.D: Alright. You are right… E: Thank you.(she turns to get out of the car) D: Eva! I only wanted you to know that not all of us men want to mock/trick women. Especially women who are pretty and decent like you.E: (smiles) thank you. (gets out of car and walks away)


One-glove Mrs witch talks to herself, cursing her husband saying his end is near… she is destroying the divorce papers Julio gave her… she keeps cursing him. In comes Bimbo no. 1 she nags to her mother that Dan is not here yet and won’t answer his cel. Witchywoman yells at her to calm down, Bimbo tells her she fells like Dan is slipping from her hands. One-glove witch tells her that this has always been her issue, men need to have a woman who is sure of herself beside them, that is the only way you will be able to control him! Bimbo keeps nagging, months and months go by and he won’t talk about marriage. She has been thinking that she needs to move on with her life without Dan. Mother says no way… she would be ridiculed by her friends, she would be the target of mockery of all press and society. IS that what you want? For everyone to make fun of you and me? Bimbo says of course not. One-glove cruella assures he Dan will end up marrying her. Bimbo asks her to help her make that happen. One-glove cruella says sure, but you also have to do your part.
Adriancito brings his dinner to his dad… his dad is whinning about all the expenses to maintain Adrian. Adrian promises his dad he will not lose any books or get sick to make him spend more money. Adriancito is excited about the food he brought his dad, even Dona Justa says it is the best meal. But dad only yells at him asking when will Adriancito take care of him right. Adriancito gets upset and cries. His dad keeps on yelling at him and accusing him of being a chicken/cluts. Dad serves himself a drink instead while he watches Adriancito cry.
Dan has finally arrived with Bimbo… he is ready to explain what happened but she won’t let him. She is just happy that they are going out tonight.. love you.
Eva is alone in bus stop remembering her first encounter with Dan, then the scene at the car dealer… then when he walked into the kitchen ‘otra vez ud’… ‘que haces tu aqui’? … Eva reprimends herself for thinking about him, she has to forget him. Bus arrives.
Bimbo and Dan arrive at the restaurant. Eva gets home and does not find Alicia. Bimbo no 2 announces that she and Leo have reconciled. Leo is in celebrating mode and he will treat everyone tonight.
Eva gets ot kitchen and greets Justa (fairlady). Fairlady asks Eva how did it go in her job. Eva says well. Eva asks for Alicia, Fairlady says surely she is just taking a walk. Alicia and stud burglar arrive at the house. He is sweet talking her again. Eva arrives and is mad at Alicia for being with him.
Back at restaurant… Leo feels great.. the boys are left alone… Dan comments he sees Leo particularly happy. Leo says because Eva is officially working at my house. That means the race to win her over has started. Dan is not pleased. Leo wants to toast to that.
Stud burglar defends himself with Eva, he won’t stand her insults. Eva says then go on! Eva reprimends Alicia for going out with a felon. Alicia defends him as tender, gentle… Alicia tells her about her day tour around Hollywood… then she nags Eva for treating her like a little girl. She wants to live life, not like Eva.
Back at Restaurant, Leo keeps trying to push Dan into accepting the bet. Says he and Dan used to bet on women all the time… Could it be that in reality you want Eva for yourself? (he has Dan’s attention now, but Dan is still not pleased) In the ladies room the bimbo girls are talking about the same thing, the possibility that Dan is being unfaithful to Bimbo no 1.

At the boardhouse Alicia won’t take any more nagging from Eva. Eva says ok, but I want to tell you something. Eva appologizes. She admits she protects Alicia too much, but she just does not want Alicia to go through a heartbreak like she did. Alicia is surprised, Eva had never told her about it. Eva says that is why I worry about you so much. Alicia promises to Eva she will be careful. Alicia asks is that why you have not fallen in love again? Alicia says that is not right, Eva being so pretty and nice needs to give true love another chance. Eva says she would like that.
Back at rest, Dan wants Leo to stop talking silly. I Don’t want you to play with Eva or with any woman. Leo returns Dan’s words back to him, if you are not interested in her as a woman and she is as decent as you think… why don’t you want to accept the bet which has just gone up to $1K. Besides if I lose it would be a great lesson in humility for me. Dan says alright. With one condition. Don’t force yourself on her or I will be the first one to accuse you to the police. Leo agrees to the clauses.
At the house, Renata and Witchwoman are talking. Renata wonders why Dona Ma accepted Eva to stay to care for Don Julio and without the corresponding references. She says it was to please my son, you know he is my weakness. Renata rebutes yes, you always love more your natural children. Witchwoman reprieves her for saying that. Renata says don’t worry. She is clear that Victoria (Bimbo 1) should never find out that she was adopted. (could Bimbo be Fairlady’s daughter then?) If she finds out, we will both be in trouble. Witchwoman replies not both of us, just you, since you were the one that stole her. Renata suddenly realizes she is still handtied.
At restaurant, Bimbo does not feel like dancing. She would rather talk.
Back at boardhouse… Alicia keeps defending Tony (stud burglar)… admits she is beginning to feel special when she is with him, her heart says he is a good man. Next second we see Tony hugging a girl and another lady, quite older, comes to accuse him of something… He plays clueless… the first girl runs out of the scene, the older one tells him she came to collect on what you did to me.
Alicia tells Eva she knows Tony is no saint, and she won’t let herself be swept so easy. Eva says that does not mean she will let go her watching her. Alicia says ok. Wants to know how it went for Eva at work. The money is good, enough to pay the room and expenses. Eva is hurting on her ankle still… But that is the kicker for her to tell Alicia what happened when the dog followed her and she fell… the guy from the massage and auto show… turned out to be a friend of the family that hired her.
The older woman is still nagging at stud burglar… she curses him and pulls a gun on him… he is ready to p___ on his pants. Alicia asks Eva if maybe this means Daniel is the man of her life and she has not noticed it.

Victoria, Bimbo 1, is trying to convince Daniel to set a date for their marriage. He is very reluctant… he is not backing up, she is lying her nose into the next block saying she can’t wait to become Laurita’s new mother… She keeps trying to get Dan to agree on a date of marriage. But the best she can get him to say is ‘soon’… so she puts on a date, his lucky number, 7, as the date and tries to seal it with a kiss.
Back from commercial… nice try… Dan says he is still not feeling ready to marry again. Bimbo reminds him he suffered greatly with the sudden death of Laurita’s mom. She ‘knows how he feels’ but wants to help him move forward. He thanks her… but… (she keeps insisting in marriage)
The woman is still pointing the gun at Stud burglar… he will pay everything she says he owes her… He humiliated and betrayed her. She says he has to pay. They struggle for the gun.
Dan is sorry but he would rather not set a date for marriage… Childish bimbo says she is feeling like he does not love her enough… no its not that… then what do I need to do?... you are everything to me… if I lose you I will die… yada yada… (he hugs her but is serious)
Woman is still in control of gun at boardhouse… she has a very devilish look on her face… he finally realizes the gun was not loaded.. she says I just wanted to teach you a lesson so you will think about it twice before trying to take advantage of another woman… you excuse of a man…
Alicia and Eva in twin beds… Alicia tells her what happened with Don Ricardo and the pimp Marisol’s ex… at the boardhouse earlier… then he got into Marisol’s room. Alicia wanted to call police but Marisol did not let her. Tony told her Marisol has her ‘rollos’ (runs with law) .. .but would not say anything…
At some nightclub/lapdance club…Marisol is dancing at the tube… pimp is watching over a brawl that just started.
Leo and Bimbo 2 Claudia are in bed.. he is having a nightmare about running over Eva’s dad. He repeats ‘if I ran you over it was your fault!’ Bimbo 2 wakes him up and asks him what was that about… its over, calm down… Leo is defensive and leaves her alone. He does not want her to remind him of it or talk about it.
At club, Marisol and a friend of hers are talking (Carolina DaFonseca?) The friend says this is our lifestyle… we have no options to change… Marisol says her dream was to be a singer, be famous, have money, be able to help her family… she did not want to end up like this…

Next day Eva is at work bringing Don Julio his breakfast… Mad Max is giving her a hard time but Don Julio calls him a couple times and the dog stays put. At first Don Julio does not want to eat or let her pull shades out… Julio wonders if she will last longer than the others (other ladies who cared for him). Julio asks if she is his assistant or sitter. She says she needs him to take his medicine. Julio asks if she prepared the breakfast herself, she says yes. In that case, he will try some. (she seems to be winning him over by the smile he gives her back at the end of the scene)
At the V household, Dan is trying to get Laurita to eat some cereal… He asks the maid if Laurita is upset… Maid tells him Laurita is sad because she believes he loves his girlfriend more than her.
Bimbo tells Witchmother she was not able to get Dan to commit to a wedding date. Mom says be nice to him and try to get close to his daughter. Whoever wins over the girl will win over the dad.
Chauffer is at Laurita’s school, meets a girl who is bringing her sister. He introduces himself to her, stressing about his surnames, which happen to match surname of a tv celebrity Fernando Conti … she won’t have any.. he says we look alike by the nose… still she won’t have any of it. She makes her exit.
At the office Witchwoman is reviewing some ad campaign strategy proposal by Maritza, Dan’s assistant. Dan helps Maritza pitch for the campaign to Marcela. Marcela agrees that if we win this account, Maritza could very soon become the creative VP at the office. Maritza is thanking Dan for his support and right at that moment Bimbo 1 makes her entrance… Witchwoman repeats her offer that if the client approves, Maritza is guaranteed the promotion…(wanna bet?)
Bimbo came with great news, she will close the fashion show for this famous designer… Witchwoman and Dan congratulate her. Bimbo wants to go on a diet (I wish there were diets that focus on losing some of your rear end, that’s what she needs).
Tony stud burglar meets up with Alicia in the patio of boardhouse… she asks him for her money back. He claims he has a $100 bill and as soon as he breaks it he will pay her. She says fine.
At school, Dan is there to surprise Laurita by picking her up himself.
Don Julio ate his lunch… Eva proudly announces to Renata. Renata tells Eva she has another task she wants Eva’s help. Eva shows more than willing.
Alicia is at school finding out requirements to register. She says Why did I have to promise Eva I would register in school? Now I will have to get studying… She runs into the waiter from the bar the other night… he says he knew he would run into her again. She does not recognize him. We see that Stud Burglar Tony is right behind her observing them.
Bimbos are meeting at gym. Bimbo 2 Claudia tells Bimbo 1 Vicky about Leo’s nightmare and has built a movie in her head.. Remember the day he ran into a tree, the day he had Daniel’s car? Yes… And could it be that instead of a tree, he ran over a person? Rita’s brother came to the office to make a scene for WitchWoman Marcela. She at first believes he came to thank her for paying for the funeral, nope, he is there to accuse her of his sister’s death… Leo comes in and the scene gets real loud…
Dan and Laurita arrive at the house… Laurita sees Eva, who is just coming in, and begins to yell at her dad that it is HER!! … she is the woman from her drawing… Dan and Eva exchange smiles… end of ep…
Next ep seems Leo is either threatening or daring Dan… Dan says he does not like threats, I rather take them as challenges… Leo replies that little doll will be mine.Voiceover: And another rivalry takes off…Bimbo comes out of shower, tells Eva ‘what I have you will never have…’ and voiceover says ‘Never say never! Victoria!’Dan: I want to protect her, I don’t’ want anyone to harm her.’Voiceover: And as if fallen from the sky, Eva Luna will arrive for Daniel!
Posted for martaivett


La Fea Más Bella #77-78 11/5/10 There's a new kid in town.

Capitulo 77.Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 75 to 79. Then come back here to discuss it.

Paula asked me to post this link. It has translations of dialogs from these episodes. Paula warns, they are only rough drafts because she wrote them as a language study exercise. She never intended to post them publicly.

Capitulo 78.Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 75 to 79. Then come back here to discuss it.

I'll try to post some additional highlights later tonight when I get off work. In the meantime enjoy the episodes and Paula's translation from the original airing. I haven't seen the episodes yet but it sounds like we might have another example of the parallel universe that this telenovela loves to portray. Maybe Omar is like the little devil on Fernando's left shoulder and his old friend Ed is the little angel on his right shoulder? Should be interesting.


Llena de Amor #61 Thu 11/4/10 Damsels in distress, Gretel's in a gingerbread house in the woods, a Begoña is plucked

Tonight many of our ladies are stressed or distressed in one way or another. Mari's self-esteem is tested numerous times, Ilitia is tested both physicall and mentally, Kristel's sense of fair play is tested, Gretel is on the run, Netty and Doris run around, Begona is in danger, let's see how our ladies fare in tonight's episode.

From last night…”there's a special call out for Marianela,’the contestant who has stolen all our hearts with her her courage and her beauty’. Enraptured Emanuel laps it all up and adds, And tonight I'm going to steal you away!”

And on that exciting note we begin…

As the crowd warmly applauds Marianela Ilitia gives Eman the stink eye, Fedra sinks lower into her seat with her big glass of wine, and Agent Orange grabs a bell-pull and laughs that Mari’s about to become a big ball of calories. The jackass pulls it and here comes the melted chocolate. Half the crowd laughs and the other half is appropriately appalled. You know who they are so let’s move on to another town…

Yep, it’s Bernardo’s flunky who has found Gretel. She senses something is wrong with the guy, at the same time he calls Spiderus, “tell La Reina I’ve found her daughter.” Oliver goes over and asks the guy why he keeps staring at his girlfriend.

Eman rushes onto the stage. Meanwhile Ilitia snickers that Mari finally has a taste of her own medicine. (This is a play on the Mexican version, “a soup of your own chocolate”. Get it? Har har.) Mari knows it was Orangey and she refuses to let him see her upset. Nety leads the crowd in a grand applause which really irritates Ilitia and Fedra in particular. Mari struts her chocolatey self and Eman says someone will pay dearly.

It must be a little later on because Mari’s hair is perfect and she’s now wearing a pink dress. She gets another special applause while all the boring skinny girls have to go back to the dressing room. Doris waits in said room and shows Mari her deliberately ripped evening gown. (She didn’t do this before when Mari had to shower up? Whatever.) Mari has learned to roll with the punches and is unfazed. She announces to the skinnies that nobody leaves until they tell her who did this! Lorena smirks.

Out in the audience Axel whines to Emiliano about Mari getting more attention than his own sister. Fedra coos approvingly to her stepford son.

Nety and Emiliano discuss Mari and the late Eva. Then Netty reassures him that Gretel is in good hands with Oliver. Uh oh, don’t say things like that in telenovelalandia! It’s the kiss of death.

Oliver asks the weird stalker guy doesn’t he respect foreign women? Yeah, like that cheap trick is going to work after Gretel’s already talked to the guy. Stalker guy says no worries he understands how Oliver feels and he’s leaving. To plan Gretel’s re-kidnap no doubt.

Back at the dressing room Kristel grabs the dress and makes a lot of queen size dress jokes at Mari. Big surprise, nobody admits culpability. Doris has an idea of how to save the day and practically knocks Ilitia over on her way out the door. Ilita has come to have a word with la gorda. They glare at each other through the break.

Ilitia tells Mari that thanks to her Eman cancelled their marriage. Her life has been ruined ever since Mari showed up. (My theory is maybe Eman just doesn’t care for those creepy black see-through glove things she’s wearing.) Mari sticks up for herself and tells Ilitia to blame herself; Eman is probably tired of her spoiled tantrums and sick jealousies. She tells Ilitia that the wimpy fatty no longer exists so back off.

Kristel jumps in, literally, by huffing out her chest and hopping up and down in front of Mari. Is this supposed to be threatening? It’s quite funny really.

The MC introduces the distinguished personages starting with Fedra whose dress practically falls off when she stands up to take a bow. Meanwhile Doris tells Nety how Mari was sabotaged. Emanuel is introduced to the crowd as Nety drags him off, she needs to borrow his wheels. They argue pointlessly for a minute until Eman offers up his keys. Nety and Doris dash off.

Really? The skinny bitches are STILL giving Mari a hard time? Mari, break them in half right now. Ha, she tells Ilitia that she loves Eman and has ever since they were young. Ilitia gets in such a snit that the spittle starts flying. She can’t believe that Eman could be with a butterball like...and Mari lets fly with a mighty slap in the face, “Respect me bitch because we’re not equals!” Oh dear, so true on so many levels. You know, Mari is quite strong and is the only one who can manhandle Fedra. When will these stupid twiggy weaklings stop pissing her off?

Eman confronts Mauricio who says it was an accident, he couldn’t help himself. Right, a big pot of melted chocolate placed precariously above a beauty contest stage was an accident. Orangey advises Eman to take care of his own novia instead of that whale. This earns him a hard punch in the stomach, with Eman telling him to lay off of Mari. Orangey mutters that he’s going to dine on Eman’s ex the mamacita. Oh dear.

Silly scene with Netty and Doris getting on Eman’s wheels, a reverse trike, and Netty insisting she can drive it because she did it in a film 20 years ago. Off they go.

Bernardo and sidekick are lurking outside the club. They tell some guy on a radio that they’re in the club with the contraband and are awaiting instructions.

Agent O slips into Ilitia’s room, grabs her and says they are going to become real good friends tonight. He violently throws her on the couch.

Mari holds up a large red and white striped thing, is it her bathing suit? Those horizontal stripes will never do. Eman walks in and tells her she doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone. After staring into each others’ eyes through the break he reveals it was Orangey who sabotaged her by turning her into a big chocolate truffle so he punched him out. He reassures her that he doesn’t care about this contest; to him she’s the most beautiful woman in the world.

Meanwhile the new BFFs Kristel and Lorena are cutting Mari’s high heels so she will topple over and make a fool of herself. Lorena make a wise crack about there being nothing wrong below the belt with Kristel’s bro. Thanks for that Ho-rena.

Brandon and pal find the contraband. They hear some whistling and Brandon pulls his gun on one of the criminals. Bad guy immediately rats out Lowrenzo. So much for honor amongst thieves. Brandon leaves his sidekick (who is a criminal) to guard the newly-arrested criminal while he goes after Lowrenzo.

The skinny girls in their bathing suits primp and taunt Marianela. Kristel tells her that tonight she (Kristel) is going to have the last laugh. We’ll see.

Orangey is still torturing Ilitia in her dressing room when suddenly there is a knock on the door. It’s Kristel. I wonder if she opened the door to find Orangey humping her friend if that would make her laugh?

Brandon finds Lowrenzo up in the club and taunts him; those who push the boundaries of the law eventually get busted. Low looks a little worried but tries to act cool. Too late, Mr. Porta Lopez, you’re under arrest.

His two murderous henchmen walk toward the door of Nety’s perpetually unlocked boarding house. As they approach, Nety and Doris roll up on Eman’s trike. They run into the house leaving the door wide open for the bad guys to go right in, and they do.

Orangey threatens Ilitia with a knife and then hides. She opens the door for Kristel who notices Ilitia is trembling. Is everything OK? It must have been the scene with that horrid fatty, but it’s time to pep up for the show. Anyway, Kristel has a little surprise for la gorda that will cheer Ilitia up. Doubtful, as Orangey threatens her one more time before he slips out the door, blowing her a toxic toodle-oo.

Brandon has brought Lowrenzo down to the contraband cellar where Lowrenzo swears he didn’t know the stamps on the labels were forged. “That’s what we all say when we’re caught,” pipes up Brandon’s criminal partner. Lowman continues to protest his innocence, he wants his lawyer! “You’re not in charge here,” Brandon points out.

Nety and Doris paw through Nety’s costume collection. Begonia hears them and joins in. Don’t leave the baby alone!!

Low insists he’s just a simple businessman. Brandon disagrees, he thinks Lowman’s the head of the ring. Brandon grabs the young bad guy, the snitch, remember? But he can’t rat Lowman out to his face so now he cries that the head of the ring is…Mauricio Fonseca. Works for me.

Our two biker chicks have found a suitable outfit and dash out the door with Begoña waving goodbye. A second later she is grabbed by the two murderous henchman, one of them covers her mouth and hisses “We’re here on behalf of Lorenzo, who loves you…dead!”

Oliver and Gretel are in a candlelit cabin. He promises that nobody will find them out here in the middle of the woods, far from town. Uh oh. She tells him now that she’s found love and contentment she never wants to lose it. Uh oh. He says he’ll never leave her and they passionately kiss.

Cut to Fedra stomping out of the club with Spiderus in hot pursuit. She swears that Gretel will pay dearly for all the bad she has done to Fedra and she heads for her car. “Where are you going mom?” asks Eman, pacing the street, no doubt waiting for Nety and Doris to return.

Inside, the skinnies strut their stuff in the bathing suit category. The MC announces Marianela, applause please. Ilitia snickers until she hears the crowd roaring encouragement for her nemesis.
Eman points out to Fedra that she’s on the panel of judges and needs to fulfill her commitment like the elegant lady she is. She’s not going to let them say that the jury cheated, is she? (Not sure how her leaving is cheating but OK.)

Back to the contest and Mari is ready to make her entrance, this time in a casual white linen number perfect for the beach or a garden party. (I made up that last bit.) She totters out on the heels of death, arms akimbo and a big smile on her face. The scene is interrupted by Ilitia who grabs the microphone. She thinks Mari should be disqualified for not wearing a bathing suit. Mari grabs back and says one of the principles of being a beautiful woman is knowing what looks good. It’s not necessary to show one’s body in public in order to be judged beautiful. The crowd applauds their approval just as her shoe breaks and she topples onto the stage. The mean, skinny witches howl in laughter which I find particularly distasteful. Once again Eman rushes to her side. Take THAT Ilitia!

Oliver and Gretel snuggle in their little cabin in the woods. Gretel is worried and feels like something bad is going to happen. She begs him not to leave her alone. Suddenly she sits up, she’s afraid to stay there. Please, let’s leave! Gretel has one of her freaky episodes as Oliver tries to calm her.

Marianela gets up proudly, takes off her shoe and hurls it at Kristel’s head. You go girl! Once again the crowd applauds.

Brandon struts backstage and runs into the little mannequin Ilitia. He wonders if she’s jealous of all the applause that Mari’s getting? Ha, she says this stupid crown means nothing mi amor, it's not Milan. Brandon teases her about calling him mi amor, is it because of what happened the other night? No way, she says, it was just a night of drunkenness, nothing more. She gets a twinkle in her eye and insists she forgot about him the next day. He says fine say what you want but you had a great time, the truth hurts doesn’t it? She smiles and brushes past him as “yo soy sexy” music plays.

Gretel has calmed down but is still very worried. She says she has to tell Oliver everything that she’s been keeping inside all these years. She’s going to tell him what Fedra Curiel did! Cara impactada de Oliver.

And that leaves us on the edge of the cliff. Will Mari win the contest? Will Begona get whacked? Will Gretel get kidnapped before she tells Oliver her secret? How will our damsels in distress fare in the next episode?

Tomorrow: We find out who wins the concurso. Eman has arranged a romantic candlelight dinner…in a bedroom?

Aplauso caluroso – warm applause
Bola de sebo - butterball
Sin rodeos – bluntly speaking
Una sopa de tu propio chocolate – a taste of your own medicine (lit. a soup of your own chocolate)


La Verdad Oculta #037: This time Dora does not drop the tray

Roberto gulps at Olvera's rough revelation that the guy threatened him with the cops to comply, and he must accept the couple are truly married. A moment later from the condo, Carlos calls again; and he and Adolfo are both astounded to learn the real-life husband is David -- Carlos more so that crazy David would marry a waitress!

Adolfo kneads his brow, shaking like a leaf, and exits as Yolanda enters and notices the shattered cup and saucer he just dropped. Carlos marvels Adolfo would care, but Yolanda seems rather intrigued at the development when he angrily tells her.

At Juan José's suite, Asunción returns and spins Juan José's impatient anxiety into abject, toe-tapping glee at the news they can buy the hotel. Meanwhile at Gabriela's, her fears were well founded that David thought the worst, as she explains her beach-house story. He maintains too many coincidences happened for it to be true.

Her dad conveniently did not return home, the plane conveniently malfunctioned, Roberto conveniently failed to show, leaving them alone! Gabriela mentions Félix, the man with the patch; but when David still fails to trust her, she angrily demands why he married her. He won't answer and exits, with Gabriela crying in frustration.

At the architectural studio, Alejandra apprises Mina of the strange news and Mario's unbridled happiness, while Mina is tickled to report Alejandra's admirer's visit. They're just both agreeing he's very attractive -- if a bit odd -- when Juan José appears, Alejandra grinning and admitting his ears must be burning.

Luckily, Mina exits for a doctor appointment, so Juan José can gush in private over Alejandra. Commencing with a thinly veiled dinner invitation posing as a strategy meeting, Juan José angles his way into her intimate family marriage feast -- and her heart -- by passionately proclaiming that any man would be comfortable anywhere with her, even in hell. Alejandra is totally bowled over.

At the bedbug hotel, the couple on the lam are deliberating leaving town for the beach -- and as usual, baby making. Meanwhile at the condo, Adolfo conjectures to Yolanda what the recent marriage means about the diamonds.

Yolanda maintains they're just a couple of good kids; but Adolfo ponders if David knows already or will find out about the smuggling from Gabriela. Everyone has their price, and Adolfo charges Yolanda once again with uncovering the truth from Gabriela.

While Juan dresses for dinner and muses blissfully about Alejandra's eyes and mouth and even her walk, Asunción takes him to task about Elsa; but Juan contends after eleven years in jail, he's taking himself off the shelf. When Juan reckons a guy twice his age cannot understand, Asunción informs him in fact, he is still looking for his other half himself.

In Bertha's bedroom, she and Alejandra have a dust up over Bertha's obstinate interest in David. Confused to hear about the supposed fake wedding and Bertha's schadenfreude toward Gabriela, Alejandra declines to get involved, infuriating Bertha. When Bertha assails her decision to bring a guest, Alejandra cares not a whit and blows her off.

In Mario's office, he's expounding on the church wedding and the dinner to square things for Gabriela, when a confounded David interrupts to announce he wants an annulment! Admitting he behaved shamefully, he still should not have to wed a woman he doesn't trust, he shouts.

Mario resolutely refutes David's account of events, pressing his point that she's telling the truth. When David lists his string of coincidences making holes in her story, Mario refuses to believe it. He's sure Gabriela loves David and was happy to marry him. He's not going to permit an annulment.

Hapless Roberto gets the bad luck of the draw, when only Mario is available to answer his doorbell -- and Mario gathers his strength and bodily ejects Roberto, who has the temerity to snicker and claim the fake wedding was "just a joke!"

At the hotel suite, when Elsa enters, Asunción lies that Juan José has gone for a walk; and she is downcast from a string of misfortunes lately: her brother, her boss, etc. She explains she quit her job, and when Asunción shrugs that she's part of Juan José's family, that sets her off again.

She feels differently, and Asunción knows it; but counsels her to give Juan José time after his prison term. When he claims Juan José needs some fun, Elsa explodes that he should have fun with HER! Shaking his head, he insists she's not a girl to fool around with. He wouldn't even allow it; and she admits it.

But all the time he was in jail, she was dreaming of the two of them having a relationship together. Asunción counsels her once again to just have a little patience, and Elsa agrees and thanks him for being like the father she never had. When Asunción asks about Mauricio Medina, Elsa admits he's got a lot going for him; but it's so tedious! Her heart is already taken long ago.

At Gabriela's, Julieta is just contending that David is only jealous, when Leonardo comes to the door. He's almost speechless to learn that Gabriela and David were married. How? When? he asks, slack jawed.

At Mario's, Bertha answers the door to an extremely sharp looking Juan José, and she definitely likes what she sees and treats him very solicitously. He learns she's Alejandra's sister.

In the kitchen, Abelardo gossips with Dora a moment and finds she's known David since he was a little tyke, but has never been married herself. She says she fell in love with someone at 17, but that he deserted her for the United States and now she has no family. But David is like a son, she avers.

Alejandra greets Juan José looking sexy as hell in a black gown nearly frontless and backless; and when they sit together closely on a love seat, he's moved to huskily whisper inanities about her house to her. They share a mutual nervous laugh until she mentions it's her uncle's house -- which sobers Juan José up.

Presently a hopeful and happy Mario emerges and greets Juan José -- as Juan Ocampo -- in a fateful handshake. Finding his tongue, Juan José expresses his admiration for Mario's beautiful niece; and as they sit to wait for cocktails, Dora is bringing a tray of hors d'oeuvres when she spies Juan José and begins gasping for air.


Thursday, November 04, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #75-76 11/4/10 Alicia needs a sugar daddy, and she's desperate.

Capitulo 75.
Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 75 to 79. Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Alicia answers Lety’s phone and talks to Tomás. He says he’s a partner with FI and trys his usual call-my-chauffer schtick. The difference is, Alicia buys it and turns sweet. Marcia rummages Fernando’s desk and finds the Paty M photo.

2. Alicia tells Lety that Tom called. The cuartel says he’s Lety’s novio and laughs at Ali because Lety has a rich novio and she has none. She brags that she has an address book full of the best men in the country, and she can snap her fingers and they come running. Ariel hears all this and asks if she thinks he’ll come running. He compares Lety to Frida Kahlo and says that it is amazing that Lety got a novio.. and Alicia is an old maid (solterona).

3. Fernando interrupts Jaimito’s baseball play, then brags to Omar what a good catcher he is. Too bad he doesn’t know which direction goes to first base! (I also discovered on AxM that he throws like a girl.) The cuartel realizes that Tom is a partner of FI, who does business with Conceptos. Lety gets nervous.

4. Ariel humiliates Lety. See the transcript. Fernando comes in, furious, and kicks him out. Lety says, “Don’t worry. He’s right.” She tells him she did it for him. He says that it looks nice, but he likes her old look better, the Lety he knows. He goes back to his office and wants to wash his eyes out with something pretty. Marcia’s photo? Not pretty enough. His toy car!!

5. Alicia complains that the cuartel says she can’t get a novio. Marcia says, “Then introduce them to your novio.” Alicia plans to steal Lety’s boyfriend, both for revenge and because he’s rich. Marcia says that if he’s Lety’s boyfriend, imagine how low class he is. Saimon turns down a lunch date with Jazmín because of a prior commitment to Jaimito. Paula, if you want a father for your son…

6. An attorney threatens to reposess Alicia’s car. Sara tells her to snap her fingers and get one of those rich novios. Lety tells Tom to stop talking to Alicia about FI, and she informs him that he’s her official novio.

Capitulo 76.
Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 75 to 79. Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lola was scared to tell her kids they’re getting divorced, but the kids say it’s the same as it is now. I recommend that you skip the scenes with Efren. They’re even worse than usual.

2. Alicia needs money to keep her car from being repo’d. She asks for a 500K pesos ($40,700 USD) loan from Omar, Luigi (who tells her to put “the girls” to work!), Fernando (she tells him, “not a half million, only 500K), and Ariel (who says he’d have to pimp her for 100 nights to pay it off)

3. Marcia starts telling Fernando about their wild night ahead, while Lety’s still in the room.

4. MamaJ tells Erasmo that Lety is changing her look because she wants to be married, and no boys notice her. Lety explains that she told the cuartel that Tomás is her novio. Tom realizes it will destroy his chance of romance with Alicia. Lety gives Tom advice that could apply to her as well. “That woman is not for you. Leave the romance in the photos where it belongs. It’s too dangerous.”

5. Lety tries to figure out her relationship. Loosely: “It seems like Fernando only admires me. It’s too much to hope that he would desire me. He has Marcia and the models. Paula says that if he likes me, he’ll desire me. He’s never said he loves me. He doesn’t seem to desire me. Something’s missing. It’s a nightmare to see him every day and not be able to hold him. I need him. I do desire him” Meanwhile at the apartment, Fernando is ravenous for Marcia.

6. A few days later they go out, and Lety’s desire has been building up. She can’t keep her hands off him, and he feels guilty. She suffocates him with her goodnight kiss, and she gets him to promise that next time, they’ll go somewhere alone. Meanwhile he’s getting text messages from someone calling him desgraciado and a fraud.

Lety gets home after midnight so now it’s her saint’s day, and tomorrow (the sunrise after the next one) will be her birthday. Mama suggests that it would be special to Lety if Fernando did something nice for her birthday. Boy howdy!

Spanish Lesson: Ariel vs. Lety
In Fernando’s office, Ariel humiliates Lety’s look. Fernando listens behind the door.
L: I’ll deposit your money tomorrow. I give you my word.
A: Is your word as serious as your look? Because You don’t look like and assistant to the president. More like an assistant to the circus.
L: Pardon?
A: Of course. Fernando is a clown. But that doesn’t mean that everyone here has to be a mockery. Be more discreet.
L: You’re offending me.
(Fernando is listening behind the door.)
A: I’m not offending you. YOU are offending the company. This get-up. What were you thinking? Did you think you looked divine? No! you look worse!
L: I ask you to respect me. You’re getting personal.
A: No, you are damaging the image of MY company. Do me a favor. Act like a human, why don’t you?
Fernando enters, quietly seething. Lety fixes her eyes on him.
F: Do me a favor. Don’t disrespect my assistant.
A: Then she should respect herself. Someone with so much responsibility can’t go in public like that.
F to Lety: I don’t think he speaks Spanish.
F to A: I asked you to leave. Get out! NOW! Ariel leaves.
F to L: I don’t like that he messes with you. I will not tolerate him offending you.
L: Don’t worry, Don Fernando. When all is said and done, he’s right. Excuse me.

F to L’s office. Don’t mind Ariel.
L: it’s true.
F: No, that luke.. quite a luke.
L: (glows.) Really? I did it for you! So I’d look different for you. If you like it, I don’t care what everyone else thinks. If you like it, I’m happy.
F: Yes, I like it. But do you want me to be honest? I liked much more, how you looked before. Yes, it may seem strange, but when I see you like that, I don’t know what happened to Lety, captivating, that was here. With her childish smiles. Her arranged her. Her sweet dresses. Coordinated colors.
L: You really prefer how I looked before?
F: YES. I want you to bring back the Lety that I carry here. (points to heart then changes to head.)
L: Okay. I thought you didn’t like how I looked before. That’s why I changed.
F: Aw, what are you talking about? The truth is, at first – you want me to be honest, right? – well, I wasn’t charmed by it.
L: I understand.
F: But later, everything magically changed. I discovered an enchanting woman. And I started to find things that fascinated me about you. So that now, I couldn’t live without them
L: DF, tomorrow I’ll go back to the same as I was before. As always. The Lety that you querer. The Lety that adores you.
F: Can I ask you a favor? We can’t go out tonight, maybe not until next week.
L: I understand. When you can, we’ll go out. I’ll wait.


Life after El Clon or: Dawn comes to Telemundo

If you’ve seen the first few episodes of Aurora, you’ve surely noticed the family resemblance to El Clon. In fact, it seems we are in the presence of a new genre of telenovela, one part science fiction, one part fairy tale. It’s a romance that’s not a comedy (at least not intentionally), but it isn’t a tragedy either with the blood sacrifices that would require.

Take one pair of star-crossed lovers, one set of snooty-patooty parents and one mad scientist with a God complex, season with envy, stir gently, and marinate in the refrigerator for twenty years.

The princess here is a lovely twenty-something dance student, Aurora, who falls in love with Lorenzo, a talented and beautiful dancer. They are kept apart by false friends, social class, their own stubborn pride and finally, by Aurora’s illness, an infection certain to be fatal. Her father, Dr Gustavo Ponce de Leon [hah!], won’t allow her to die. He keeps her frozen in his very own cryonics laboratory while he waits for medicine to find a cure for her illness. She is La Bella Durmiente (Sleeping Beauty) for our time. La Princesa de Hielo (The Ice Princess). And just to show us what a sentimental guy he really is, the doc has also turned Aurora’s dog, Lucero, (not so inside joke?) -- who was dying of sadness after losing her mistress – into a pooch on ice, complete with her own cryocapsule.

Gustavo spends a lot of time contemplating his daughter turned popsicle, wrapped in her cryo-undies and suspended in her capsule. It feels a bit creepy and vaguely incestuous.

And then -- a twenty year leap forward. Aurora still looks like Aurora (Sara Maldonado), except she’s um… well, not exactly alive. But all the other twenty-somethings have morphed into different actors.

Eugenio Siller’s winsome young Lorenzo, for example, has matured into a hunky forty-something Jorge Luis Pila. [Now I understand why all the twenty-somethings looked exactly the same twenty years later on El Clon: they were kept on ice!]

And their offspring, the new generation of twenty-somethings are the spitting image of their like-sexed parent. [If we didn’t know better, we’d be tempted to say they were clones! Perhaps after the Bedouins rescued Albieri in the desert, he found refuge in the more permissive environment of the New York medical community and was responsible for cloning this new generation.] Lorenzo’s young son, Martín, has grown up to be Eugenio Siller. You can see how confusing it will be for Aurora.

The only non-clonish member of this new generation is Aurora’s own daughter, Blanca. Blanca never knew her mother. She thinks Dr. and Sra Ponce de Leon are her parents and Aurora is her sister. Lorenzo, her actual father, doesn’t know of her existence.

Blanca resents Aurora – she refers to her contemptuously as ‘La congelada’ (the frozen one). She perceives (accurately) that Dr. Ponce de Leon has spent all his emotional capital on Sleeping Beauty and has nothing left for Bitter Blanca.

[The over-forty actors get to play themselves twenty years later. I mean really, between forty and death, well, who the hell cares?]

The world hasn’t stopped spinning while Beauty has been asleep. It should be easy enough for her to get used to cell phones and computers and the death of Celia Cruz. But it will be harder to assimilate the changes in her Prince’s life: for the past fifteen years, he has been married to Aurora’s best friend, Natalia. They have raised 3 children: his Martín (identical to young Lorenzo); her Nina (identical to young Natalia; we don’t know who Nina’s biological father is); and their César.

There are lots of close-ups of lovely faces, touristy images of Manhattan, pretty dance studio shots. The actors are engaging and know their job. The Mexican Spanish is easy to follow and the Spanish captions, thus far, have been working well. All told, the ice may be a little thin, but it should be fun to skate on for a while.

And on bleak nights, we can always count on the occasional howler to keep us amused. Check out the writing over Martín’s bed: STRENGHT & HONOR! Indeed.

Anyone else watching? ¿Alguien más lo mira?

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