Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Llena de Amor #115 (Mex. 120) Tue 1/25/11 Oliver finally solves the liars-and-truth-tellers riddle.

Malicio’s in a big hurry to ditch Kristel at the altar and collect on Victoria’s ever-so-vague promise of…not much, really. What did she agree to? Anyway, I guess Fonskanka figures he’ll be able to die happy, if the idiot remembers there’s a bounty on his pumpkin head if he doesn’t get hitched to Kristel. The frootloop fresa is so charmed by her cheatin’ Cheetoh, she agrees to a wedding the next day.
Over at the pensión, Malicio’s intended booty prize and her low-flow-showerhead hair are sobbing and will someone please put on a different record? This one keeps skipping. Emanuel stands there and listens to his barely-disguised beloved tell him yet again that he’s a low-down bastard thieving murderer, as bad as his mother or even worse. He’s heard all that before, but it’s news to him that Marianela was poisoned by the chocolates he gave her. He denies having anything to do with that. He would never hurt his gordita! Never! “Your gordita hermosa is dead,” Victoria says. Emanuel reels, but seems to get that she’s speaking metaphorically, I think. “Admit that you’re guilty of trying to murder her!” “The only thing I’m guilty of is loving Marianela more than anything else!” MariVicky stares at him, with his tears and pain mirroring her own. Does she soften a bit? He leaves.
Fedra staggers out of Lowrenzo’s blechelor pad bedroom, giving a rave review. She tells him not to worry about being left out on the street. She’s got a new business venture, a luxury resort in Cancún, and she needs sucios, ermmm, socios (I think we can assume she’s already got all the sucios she needs). Fedra tells Low to get as much money out of Muñeca as he can before the divorce, to invest in her project. Low thinks Fedra should give him a piece of the action as a gift. She reminds him that this is an investment not just for himself, but also for his daughter. Not that she deserves it, says Low. Fedra sniffles that someday that pair of ingrates will pay, and Emanuel will be on his knees begging her forgiveness.
But let’s look at a cuter pair for a few minutes. The champagne Axel pours for a toast at their romantic dinner makes Delicia cough and choke, but no matter. He asks her again to go to the benefit party with him. That’s just for starters, though. Every day forever after, he wants to make her feel like the most special and important woman in the whole world. Delicia finally agrees. Much happiness.
Haven’t we seen this scene before? Manolo hauls falling-down-drunk Oliver into their bedroom, drops him on the bed, and falls on top of him. Oliver hollers for more booze, but Manolo tries to convince him to settle into bed. “If you were a woman, I wouldn’t put up a fight,” Oliver slurs. Tempting, but Manolo struggles to stay in character as Oliver laments that he spent so much time searching for his Gretel, and then she stabbed him in the back again. GretelMan struggles in silence, resisting the urge to put Oliver out of his misery. Don’t resist, GretelMan. Oliver cries that Gretel never loved him, never. Manolo gives him a hug, under the pretext of helping him take his jacket off. “But you care about me, right? You love me. I remember you said you did.” GretelMan agrees this is true. “And you’ll never hurt me. It’s weird, I get so jealous when I see you with someone else,” Oliver drunkenly babbles. He grabs Manolo and plants a big kiss right on the smacker. “You liked that, right?” Oliver says. He goes for seconds but Manolo pushes away. “I can’t continue this farce. You and I have to talk. I can’t keep deceiving you.” Gretel pulls off the mustache and wig, but Oliver has fallen asleep. Gretel kisses him and wonders if telling him the truth is a good idea (lemme help you out here, Gretel – YES!).
He-manuel is on the hunt, and he’s loaded for Spiderus. Ron-Weasley-torture-size Spiderus. “I KNOW you were the one who poisoned Marianela! Tell me the truth!” Eman yells, and Mild-Mannered Bernie tries to play the put-upon innocent. “You used me! You knew Mari trusted no one in the house except me, and you knew I gave her chocolates! You poisoned them! Tell me everything!” Uh, sounds like you’ve got it all, Eman. Bernie distracts Eman momentarily and runs away. Good luck getting away from a world-class athlete, stodgy Spidey.
MariVicky sobs in bed and whines about that liar Emanuel and Doris tries to calm her down. Netty comes in and is sad that she didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to that nice boy Emanuel. MariVicky is irate that Netty believes him. Netty says she’s found out that he didn’t hurt Marianela and he’s totally decent, and she believes in admitting when she’s made a mistake. MariVicky says if Marianela were here, she’d be furious at her auntie’s betrayal. Emanuel is a MURDERER!
Spidey runs down the hall and hides around a corner. Whew, safe. Emanuel casually strolls up, grabs him, and demands an explanation. Spidey employs Fedra’s tried-and-true Deny, Deny, Whine and Deny trick. While Eman’s warming up to beating a confession out of him, Fedra walks in and asks if he’s drunk. No, he only wishes he were, so he could escape this nightmare. He tells his mother to admit she ordered her mutt Bernie to do the dirty work and kill Marianela. Of course Fedra won’t admit this, only that she wanted Mari out of her way. Eman warns them that when he gets proof, he’s sending them to jail. {Emanuel. Take note. As has been discussed on this blog: You don’t tell your enemy, “Ha! I have a knife!” You stab them, and THEN you say, “Ha! I have a knife!”} Eman heads upstairs, where I hope he plans to sleep with one eye open and his finger on a trigger.
Next morning, wedding day? Not so much. Fedra puts the kibosh on Malicio’s and Kristel’s plan. Los Ruiz y de Teresa are super fancy big important uppity people; they can’t just get married like it’s nothing, without pomp and circumstance and announcing it to all the fancy folk. Mauron suggests they announce the wedding at the big benefit event.
Over at the agency, MariVicky wears terrible-looking bloomers with a tank top that just looks grungy, and Emanuel announces to the gathered staff that Marianela is now the majority owner of the business and Victoria is representing her shares. Subtext: You’d better suck up to this raging icy beyotch, even though we’d all like to chuck her out on her magic pull-out hair. Vicky reminds them all that they need to work super hard, because they’re way behind on preparations for the benefit. She does not mention that they’re behind because the management spend all their time fighting amongst themselves. Emanuel tells them all to rest up over the weekend so they can hit the ground running on Monday. Victoria says no way; they’re all working this weekend. Ilitia is mad. I’m not sure why she’s even there, but she’s mad. So is Eman, but he isn’t in charge anymore.
Oliver wakes up with GretelMan wrapped around him and holding his hand. GretelMan wakes up and immediately lets go. “Don’t let go of my hand! Can’t you see I’m suffering?” Oliver has definitely gotten over his squeamishness. GretelMan asks him if he remembers kissing him the night before. Oliver says he was drunk, but if that’s what it takes to get Gretel out of his head, then so be it; he’s ready for a repeat. Manolo jumps away and tells him to try to understand Gretel. Oliver is hurt that she’d do that to him, dance nearly nekkid for a bunch of posh old geezers just to mock him; it’s like she’s spitting in his face. “You’re an idiot. You couldn’t see an elephant if it were right in front of you,” Manolo points out. “What would you know about it? I wonder whose bed she slept in,” Oliver snerks. “Gretel never stopped loving you, not for a single instant,” Manolo says, and then pulls off the wig and mustache. “Well, guess whose bed I slept in, and who I slept with? The same man, Oliver Rosales, I want to love for the rest of my life.”
Emanuel tries to negotiate with Vicky about the work schedule. She says that even though he’s the absolute worst person in the world, she admits he’s indispensable in this business, so she’ll tolerate him. He says he’ll save her the trouble on the weekend; he won’t be here. Ilitia interrupts to ask Vicky where she got her makeover…because she looks terrible and Ilitia wants to be sure she never goes to that place. MariVicky ignores that and asks Eman why he can’t work on the weekend. “Well, some of us have lives, which you would know nothing about, and my lovely wife and I are going to the beach to enjoy a honeymoon.” He and Ilitia smooch to emphasize the point. Mari fumes.
MariVicky tells Emanuel the only excuse she’ll accept for his not working is that he’s dying, and unfortunately, he appears to be in excellent health. Eman says too bad; he promised his wife the vacation, and that’s his priority. Emanuel and Ilitia sashay off, and Marianela manages to shake with rage while simultaneously looking like a wax statue of herself.
Not quite the happy reunion Gretel was hoping for. Oliver is sobbing, but not out of joy. “How could you?! You’ve been here for weeks, sharing my room, and you never told me the truth?!” Gretel wants to explain. Oliver doesn’t want to hear it. “All the love I had for you, you killed with your lies and deceits. Get out!” Gretel finally insists on explaining: “I didn’t want to leave you! I’ve been locked in the cellar for TWO YEARS, with no window, nothing! It took me two years to get a chance to escape! I had to leave you, because Fedra said she’d kill you if I didn’t!”
Fedra sobs to her loyal lackey…boo hoo hoo, her son betrayed her and he has to pay, it’s all Marianela’s fault, she wants to see that girl dead and roasting in an incinerator, but first she wants her to suffer. Bernardo worries what will happen if Emiliano finds Marianela first. Fedra agrees that’s a possibility, thanks to that wretched Victoria de la Garza. She knows about Fedra’s past! She knows about La Mala Noche! She’s got to be eliminated. Bernardo calmly pours Fedra a drink and says it’s a good thing she’s got her lover on the job, then. Better hope he gets it done right and doesn’t hurt Fedra more than he helps her. “You’re such a pessimist. He and I see the glass half full, and you see it half empty,” she snarls, swiftly making the glass totally empty. Fedra’s optimistic view is that if la albóndiga and el espagueti (the meatball and the spaghetti, i.e. Marianela and Victoria) turn out to be the same person and Lowrenzo kills her, it’s a two for one! The sale of the week! The war is on, to the death. Fedra murderously eyes another glass of hooch.
Axel is helping out at the agency. He brings the benefit invitations to Muñeca and gets to take one. Hmm, wonder who he’ll give it to. Lowrenzo walks in. “What part of ‘you’re out of this business and out of my life’ didn’t you understand?” He tries to smooth-talk her, but she just points out she could charge him with fraud. Instead, she’s just going to have him sign the divorce papers, and then he’s out of her life the same way she found him, without a centavo. She’s reached her limit. He says he is not agreeing to the divorce. She whips out her checkbook. “How much for you to disappear?”
Oliver is still wrapping his mind around the levels and layers of Gretel’s lies. They’re both crying, remembering the cruel things she said to him. Gretel says Bernardo was spying to make sure she did it. If she hadn’t, they would have killed him for sure, and she never could have lived with the guilt. “But you did kill me! That day, you wounded me so deeply I will never recover!” Gretel says she did it because she loves him, but if he wants her out of his life, she’ll go. She walks to the door. “No! Don’t leave me again!” Oliver grabs her and we finally have our happy reconciliation, with passionate smooching and everything.
Lowrenzo drives a hard bargain. Muñeca is so eager to be rid of him that she agrees to give him her remaining shares in the agency. But she’s keeping the kids. He argues that Cristián is his child, not hers. “Well, try to take him. Just try. But I’ll leave you in the street if you do. Keep in mind we’re married por bienes separados. I don’t have to give you anything.” Lowrenzo is in a quandary, now. The kid or the money? “Well, for the moment anyway, I’ll leave you your office, and your three pens and four pencils. Have a nice day!”
Let’s take a trip to the beach. Honeymoon time. Our not-so-newlyweds are dressed for the tropics and admiring the ocean view. Emanuel wants to go run on the beach. Ilitia thinks they have better things to do. “Remember our beach vacation, before?” Of course Emanuel remembers. He imitates Ilitia: “Baby, it’s too hot. The mosquitoes are biting me, Baby. Baby, the bed is too hard; how am I supposed to sleep here, Baby? It’s horrible, Baby, Baby, Baby.” Ilitia protests that she doesn’t talk like that. Besides, they’re in a five-star hotel this time. It will be way better. Straight off, it doesn’t look like it will be much better; Emanuel isn’t listening to her, and she starts whining that his mind is elsewhere, Baby; he’s probably thinking of the agency and that wretched Spanish girl, Baby. Emanuel distractedly says he wants to go down to the beach.
The agency crew sets up for the party while MariVicky rants and whines and does nothing helpful. Doris deduces that she’s annoyed that Emanuel is off on a romantic vacation with his wife. “I don’t care what that jerk does with his life,” Mari protests. Uh-huh, sure, Doris rolls her eyes. Meanwhile, Lowrenzo climbs up into the catwalk. Doris and Mari bicker about Mari’s feelings while Low cuts something. Doris shrieks, but Mari does not see the light, either literally or figuratively, and get clonked on the head.
At that moment, Emanuel and Ilitia are smooching on some bridge, but Eman’s psychic connection tells him something is wrong. He tries to explain, but Ilitia just thinks he’s nuts. He wants to call the agency, but Ilitia stops him. She thinks it’s time to get busy. She doesn’t give him Kristel’s “FOCUS!” speech, but he tries to get into the swing of things anyway.
Everyone in the publicity agency is freaking out, but it seems they might actually be calling for help. Someone even says, “Don’t move her! Don’t move her!” Good grief, have telenovela writers finally learned something about first aid? Lowrenzo sneaks out the door…and runs into Emiliano on the sidewalk. He claims he’s just upset about his issues with Muñeca. Emiliano doesn’t want to get involved. The ambulance pulls in as André carries MariVicky outside. So much for not moving her. They explain what happened and Emiliano is furious about the sloppy safety violations.
Emanuel and Ilitia make out on the pier thing. Eman’s phone rings but Ilitia takes it away and throws it in the water, making a HUGE splash which washes up over the pier from both sides. He freaks out.
André leaves Emanuel a message about Victoria’s accident. Emiliano is heading out to the hospital. Netty appears in the lobby and tells Emil they have to talk. He tells her about Victoria’s injury. She tells him anything that happens to Vicky is his fault. His and his nefarious family’s!
Emanuel and Ilitia make out in the water. He gets bitten by a cangrejo (crab). But he is tough, so ni modo. Ilitia, however, is a bit uncomfortable with the idea of getting it on surrounded by cangrejos and tiburones (sharks). She’d rather head back to the hotel, all civilized with nice sheets and everything. She tells him she never wants to be with anyone but him, and nothing will separate them, ever.
Emiliano declines to accept responsibility for what happened to Vicky. Netty yells at him all irrationally. His witch wife won’t rest until Marianela is dead, so she must be behind everything that goes wrong.
Ilitia and Eman haven’t made it back to their room; they’re on the beach, but Ilitia seems to have been bitten by something. Eman tries to kiss it all better. He gets a phone call (on what phone, I’m not sure), and when he hears what happened, he says he’s on his way back to the city.
Avances: Emanuel hovers over MariVicky’s hospital bed, and she deliriously tells him she loves him.


La Verdad Oculta EP91 01/25/2011 – Carlos and Adolfo love Yolanda; Viewerville loves Julio Alemán

*At Zaida’s Psycho Eddie and Milady de Braless have a pleasant night filled with bickering, drinking, and meaningful, lustful looks, and eventually in the bedroom they discover they have much in common. Sexy sax time. In the meantime Yolanda’s maid calls Carlos because she’s very worried about the lady. Back to Zaida. After the exercise the exhausted lovers discuss why Zaida freaked out at Elsa’s, and Édgar learns about a letter that is very important for the woman.

* Carlos arrives at Yolanda’s condo, breaks the locked door of the bedroom, and when he realizes she tried to kill herself, he desperately tries to wake her up. At Zaida’s Elsa shows up to reproach her for manhandling Caramelo. Oh come on, they were just playing, that fool JJ misinterpreted the situation! Really? Elsa doesn’t know who to believe but she surely doesn’t want to see Édgar in her flat again. After she leaves Eddie asks Zaida if she wants to enter Elsa’s flat to look for the letter. And how? Don’t worry, Eddie knows how to do it. Two minutes later he’s in front of Ulises’s door: he pulls a very sad face and then he wakes his best friend up. Sorry for bothering him, but he’s been so kind to him and Eddie needs to speak with a friend… Of course, sit down, and tell daddy Ulises what his problem is. Errr, could he give him something to drink… a cup of coffee, maybe? While Ulises is in the kitchen Édgar steals the key for Elsa’s flat and when his golden-hearted pal returns to him, he tearfully confesses to him he has a very bad relationship with his mother.

*Carlos heartbreakingly cries over Yolanda body until he finds out she’s still alive. Then the frightened boy drives her to the hospital like a madman. Why did you do that, Yolanda, how could you be that stupid, please, react! Although inside he claims to be his son, he can’t stay with her, he has to wait outside. Next morning a nurse tells him the doctors managed to save Yolanda’s life. Carlos calls his tired, disheveled father who freaks out when he learns what happened to his redhead helpmate.

* After learning that Zaida isn’t interested in any kind of emotional relationship, Édgar presents the keys to the lady. However, they don’t find anything in the flat, and they run into Elsa in the hallway – but luckily Zaida manages to distract her with a few sweet words. Worried Adolfo arrives at the hospital where Carlos gives him a heads up. The boy doesn’t like Dolphie’s rude behaviour towards him, and warns him to be careful because in that moment he can’t tolerate anything from him. Finally a doctor shows up and tells the Ávilas that Carlos brought Yolanda in the hospital just in time. They may visit her now. Me first, says Adolfo. Inside he learns from the doctor she’s still in a very bad shape and she obviously has no will to live. He shakily approaches her, caresses her face and begs her: Yolanda, wake up! Please, react. She can’t do that to him, he’s all alone, don’t leave him, please.

* Zaida’s legs, smile and chest show up at JJ’s and gives reluctant and frightened Caramelo a notebook that calms the little girl down. They become friends quickly, and Zaida learns Caramelo couldn’t read The Letter. By the way, does Zaida have letters? Of course, she’s got hundreds! Tomorrow she’ll bring them along and they could bargain. She gives Cara a letter if she gets another in return. *Viewerville: clever* However, the girl doesn’t own the famous letter anymore, she’s given it to Chicles. Oh, no! When Asunción arrives at home Zaida says goodbye to her newest best friend forever and in the garden tries to charm Chicles, too. She invites him for an ice-cream, but the genius mini-goon finds her behaviour suspicious. She convinces him she’s JJ’s friend, they met in Puerto Vallarta, doesn’t he remember her? Oh yes, she came with the man who had that suitcase! Oops. Zaida looks around hoping that nobody heard that.

*In the hospital Carlos is allowed to visit Yolanda at last. While he’s begging to Yolandita to wake up and promising her that he’ll take care of her and won’t let anybody hurt her, outside Adolfo gets a phone call from Eddie who tells him the strange story of Caramelo, JJ and the chalkboard. Apparently Zaida is very interested in a letter. Adolfo’s all ears, and says he needs that letter by any means.

* After having an exhausting night and a VERY long sleep, Juan José and Alejandra declare their love for each other again. Alejandra tells him about the great show Gabriela, David and Mario performed at the council, which JJ finds interesting, but obviously his mind is on something else. Sexy sax time again.

* While Chicles is eating a big cup of delicious ice-cream, Zaida is asking him if he has many letters. Hell yes! And where does he keep them? He hid them. And… What about THAT letter? Where did he get that? He found it in Puerto Vallarta. In the meantime Elsa visits her new favourite boss who’s very satisfied with her work and gives her a check. He asks her about her daughter and her ex-boyfriend (is there any chance of getting together again?), and gives her another name, address and an expensive necklace to sell.

*In the bar Zaida offers 1000 pesos for the letter but warns Chicles not tell anyone about their transaction. His mother and Juan José wouldn’t let him keep the money. In the Genovés villa another trap is set for furious Adolfo who visits FaustiMario. While he’s telling Mario he’s in a hurry and don’t dare waste his time, at the headquarters David and Leo watch them on a TV screen. Mario tells him he has proof that Dolphie killed Marta. Viewerville and Adolfo: yawn.

* Zaida gives Chicles 50 pesos and asks him to go home for the letter. Great! Chicles runs back to JJ’s house, where his angry mom prohibits him to leave the building again. No, young man, you won’t spend your whole life on the streets! While Zaida is waiting for him in the bar, Chicles is forced to study. However, his stomach hurts much, so Lucha and Asunción learn he spend the afternoon with a specific lady. Oops.

* Adolfo finds Mario’s newest accusation amusing, did he seriously think he would fall for such an old trick? But all right, show him that proof! No way, says Mario, but Adolfo knows perfectly what proof he is talking about. Of course he knows it: Mario has nothing! That tumor inside his head surely made him demented! Mario should spend his time with more productive activities. Oh, and one more thing. Adolfo doesn’t believe that a waitress became a professional manager from one day to the next. He’ll find out what happened and he will kick the the Genovéses out of the Campo Real management.



Tuesday, January 25, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #183-184 1/25/11 Exorcism, Suicide, or Anesthetic?

Capitulo 183.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Alicia refuses to take Fern’s messages, but he tells her that when he recovers the presidency he’ll fire her. Great scene! Saimon wears Fern’s badge in support. Fern sends Saimon to retrieve his car.

2. Omar tells Fern he was ordered to keep Fern out of bars and get Lety out of his heart. Omar thinks that if Fern goes out with women he’ll forget Lety, since she’s not really a woman. Fern says that neither Marcia nor any other woman can take Lety out of his heart.

3. Fern takes offense when Omar thinks no other man would go out with Lety. Fern holds fast that Lety won’t take their company. She’s a good person and he believes in her.

4. Fernando implores Julieta. “Please, please ask her to give me one more chance.” Tom tells Fern that he talked to Sanchez since Conceptos brought in lawyers. Conceptos now belongs to FI. Fern’s world crashes because he concludes that Lety wants to take the company.

By the way, Julieta is making chiles en nogada, a Puebla specialty that is really delicious but really labor intensive. You can only find it in restaurants for 2-3 months out of the year. In 2008, I had the opportunity to enjoy chiles en nogada en Ciudad Puebla, along with mole pablano. YUM!

5. Aldo shows Lety his dream restaurant, but it’s just an abandoned construction site. His dream died when his wife died. He moves to kiss her and she pulls away. The magic is crushed and he wants to leave.

6. Fern starts drinking hard, straight from the bottle. Omar suggests that maybe Lety plotted it from the beginning. Fern says Omar is an expert at turning him against Lety, and he won’t let him do it this time because he loves her. He still holds fast to his belief in her.

7. Fern jokes to his mom that he’s going to find a priest to do an exorcism, to get rid of the demon inside him. He’ll come back in the morning so they can finish erasing the little that is left of his liver, his heart, and his brain. She orders him to come back and HE DISOBEYS HER!

8. Lety counsels Miss Puebla because her parents never cared about her.

9. Julieta starts to read Lety’s diary.

Capitulo 184.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Mama reads Lety’s diary, hoping to help her daughter. “No one will give me the chance to show how much I can love. I will be his shadow and his breath. It will be my meaning of life.” Her reading continues through the episode.

2. Seeing the flask, Saimon offers to drive Fern wherever he’s going. Fern says he’s going to Hell.

3. Omar tells the women that they’ve lost the company. Marcia yells, “Lety wants Fern to kill himself!” Saimon reports that he drove away drunk, and Marcia worries about the image of Conceptos.

4. Miss Puebla quits so Lety says she’ll be the stand-in because Puebla needs her. The bellas and Caro tell her she’s beautiful because of her attitude. Miss Puebla stays for her own sake, not her parents’.

5. Fernando sees Aldo’s boat and complains that boats don’t belong on the beach. Then he realizes, neither do cars. MamaT finds out he’s in Acapulco, and Marcia goes looking for him.

6. Fern sits at the bar and asks, “Why did you do this to me, Lety?” He remembers how much she loved him and bawls, “Only God knows how much I love you, Lety.” He stubbornly picks a fight with six pro wrestlers. His face says, “This is what was supposed to happen. Here it comes.” The bartender says, “They’re going to kill you,” and he answers, “You’re right.”

7. The men pummel Fernando. Lety, Aldo, and Fausto enter the bar, and Lety has a premonition that she’s going to see someone she knows. Fausto hustles them out because of the fight. They drag Fernando into the hall, and Lety wants to help although she doesn’t know it’s Fernando. Fausto makes them leave.

8. Fernando mumbles, “How I miss you, Lety,” and he passes out. When he awakes and realizes he’s not dead, he goes back to finish the job.


Eva Luna #56 Mon 1/24/11 Julio Gets The Last Laugh

Cap. #56

We rewind to just as Renata starts calling for Aurelia.  It seems like it’s time for Eva to make like a tree and leave.......(Ok. Ok. I know. That one’s as old as the hills, but then so am I.)  We assume she does.

At the modeling agency, it’s another dram-edy of errors as Daniel is trying to fire Alicia.  Ali won’t go and stands her ground.  (Good girl!)  He demands an explanation of what she’s doing there of all places.  She yells back at him that that’s what she was doing. (Of course it sounds like a Greek opera here and sort of difficult to follow, even with Spanish CC’s.  No way I’m going with their English ones for this!)  She tells him she refuses to let him continue to insult her and the only “thief” there is Daniel!  “--First you seduced her and then to get her out of the way you accuse her of something she didn’t do!.” He’s pulling his still unknown rank. “--Get out of this business place now!” Ali tells him the owner hired her and he can fire her.  “--The owner?”  Daniel is confused. Yeah, yells, Ali.  “--Leonardo!!”  Daniel is even more confounded and upset. “--Leonardo!!???”  Daniel stands there flabbergasted-impactado.

Meanwhile, at the Casino, our tightfisted and suspicious Tony is telling said owner, Leo, that he’s beginning to get a bit upset and wants to know what’s really going on between him and his “girlfriend”, Alicia.   Yeah, he could be getting jealous for nothing, but that’s what he’s there to find out.  If he’s right, though, it would be a very serious situation.  Leo gets miffed, hedges, and pulls rank.  Yes, it’s a mistake all right, says Leo, and the only one who’s going to be sorry is Tony!  He’s supposed to do the job he’s given him --finding Eva-- and that’s it!  That’s all he’s getting paid to do.  As Leo storms off, Tony tells himself again that if he finds out that Leo’s been messing with Ali he’s going to pay big time.

Back at Ali’s make-up station, Dano is still spitting nails at her.  “--Leonardo!  Yeah, I can just imagine!  First Eva and now you!”  Ali asks him what Leo has to do with Eva in all of this.  Dano screams back at her not to play dumb.  He says he knows very well the class of people she and her sister are and their fine little game they’re playing!  Ali is ready to pull her hair out.  “--What are you talking about?” “--I know now how you go looking for wealthy families and get involved with the men so that you can hook one of them, gain their confidence, rob them, and then leave for another town and start it all over again!!”   (Dano, though, left Bimbutt in charge of his thinking cap.  He doesn’t stop to think that if Ali left town she couldn’t be working there now. Can somebody order him a beanie, too?)  She asks him where he got such a stupid story.  He is not listening.  “--Eva did exactly that with me. You tricked me in order to gain my confidence and then made me one of your victims.  I fell for it like a fool!”  Ali tells him he’s crazy.

Back at the Arismendi mansion, Renata comes out to get Aurelia to prepare a couple of trays with refreshments for the family while they listen to the reading of the will.   Ren sees the glass of water Eva was drinking from and asks Aurelia who she was talking to.  Aurelia has her answer ready and tells her it was her glass and it was only Jacky coming by to give her sympathies to the family for Don Julio.  Ren asks if she mentioned Eva or her whereabouts and Auri says no, she didn’t.  Ren warns her to be careful not to cover for Eva because not only would she lose her job but she’d also likely be thrown in jail as an accomplice or for obstruction of justice. 

In Marcela’s office at the ad agency, Giorgio brings in some paperwork with the current expenses for the modeling agency.  Marcy can’t believe the cost overruns it seems.  Well, it was Toyboy Bruno’s doing.    Marcy hasn’t got time to gripe at Bruno about it now, she’s got to race back home for the reading of her dead hubby’s will. 

Over in the other part of the building, Ali and Dan are still at it.   She accuses Dan of making this all up to malign them.  “--We’re decent people!  The only victim here is my sister!”  (At least somebody is finally standing up for Eva.)   Ali isn’t gonna take it with her tail between her legs like others might.  Dan insists he’s not making anything up and nothing they say will make him fall for their little game again.  She calls him a charlatan and a vile liar.  He made Eva believe he loved her then got her into some jam to get the police after her, she screams.  He asks her what in the hell she’s talking about!  Ali says she doesn’t know, but he was pretty crafty about it.  He believes she’s a wicked person.    Ali’s trying to clean up her sister’s image with him, he screams back. (--well, yeah!) Ali says she has no reason to because her sister is totally innocent and didn’t steal anything from him!  He says well she can tell it to the judge!   Ali warns him that one day he’s going to be darned sorry for ever having doubted Eva.  (Query: Anybody ever wonder how many ways you can serve crow?)  Dan says he’s going to find Leo and get her fired from there because he is also an owner there, just the same as Leo!!  “--And when you see your sister tell her I hate her for all the harm she’s caused me!”  As Dan walks away, Ali is drop-jaw-impactada with his major revelation.

Giorgio is praising Money-Mad Marcy for her dedication to the business.  She tells him she’s looking out for her kids to see that all the goods are included in the will.  Just then Olga comes in with a humongous funeral bouquet and a ribbon around it saying “Marcela, my love, soon we will be together.”  They all feel It’s obviously been somebody’s cruel joke and in bad taste.  Marcy wants to know who sent it.  All Olga can say is that the florist got the order a few days ago from someone who wouldn’t leave their name and who paid in cash, with the request to have it delivered today.  She order’s Olga to dump it ASAP and not a word about it to anyone! 

Back at the boarding house Tomas comes in and bullies Adriancito about doing his science homework.  He told the kid, he says, that he’s not going to school.  It’s a waste cuz he’s supposed to help him with a real man’s work.  “--Get your feet on the ground and stop dreaming!” Yadda, yadda.  “--Dry up those tears!  I’m going to teach you how to be a real man!”  He throws the schoolbooks in the trash.  FF>>

Downstairs, Don Ricardo is still lamenting Adrian’s treatment from his father.  Justa and he agree there’s nothing to be done legally because Tomas is the boy’s father and has rights. FF>>;

Later on, in the study at the mansion, everyone’s assembled and waiting for the lawyer to arrive.  Dan tells Leo he wants to discuss something with him afterwards.  It can wait till after the business with the will.  He also asks Victoria if she’s sure she wants him there since this is really a family matter.  Bimbutt tells him he’s like one of the family so he should be there.

At the same time, Eva is in a park on the side of the main drag out of town.  She’s crying over Julio’s death. 

Back at the manse, Leo asks Marcy which will the lawyer’s reading.  Marcy explains that this version was rewritten at her request right after his papa’s accident, to make sure all was in order if anything should happen to him.  Leo says as cold as it might sound, it was the right thing to do since in life you have to be prepared for anything.  The doorbell rings.  Ren goes to bring in the lawyer.  Marcy’s mouth is watering.

Eva manages to eventually hitch a ride with some new-age girl about her age who just happens to read Tarot cards and is into positive vibes.  The jargon is over the top.  (I’ll combine this part of the story because it is too much scene-switching otherwise.)  She gives Eva a pep talk and agrees to take her to her aunt’s which is on the way to San Diego.  At one point they stop for gas.  The girl talks with the attendant and it seems like she might be telling him she’s got that fugitive from the law with her.  They get ready to drive off and a cop car drives up.  Eva turns her face away.  The cop stops them but only to say that the girl has accidentally left her gas-cap off.  He screws it back in for her and they drive off.  Problem avoided.

The lawyer begins by saying that D. J. asked that Ren be there for the reading and that the originals of his will are locked in a safe.  He offers to let them read through his copies of the list of holdings, but they say it’s not necessary.  He begins to read:  Leo and V-Icky each get one quarter of his fortune and …..(drum roll) the other half is left to Miss Eva Gonzales!!!  The whole group look at Marcy as Julio’s Anvil of Just Desserts comes crashing down on her.   (Viewerville does a little jig of victory.  Pop the corks and let the champagne pour!!)  Mean, Murderous, Manipulative Marcy got goose eggs!  Bipkus!   Z.E.R.O.  Marcy says it’s not the will he wrote.  The lawyer says that’s right.  That one was destroyed and this one was written up a couple of days before he died.  He signed it the morning of the day he died, in front of witnesses as required by law. 

While the will is being read, Julio is enjoying a bit of sun and smiling to himself, thinking of how his “widow” is taking the news that Eva now owns the Arismendi mansion.  “For the first time she’s losing her cool in front of everyone.”  What a shame he can’t be there to watch it all.  Marcela underestimated him, he tells himself, with a gargantuan grin, and she is now realizing that she is a poor widow--literally!

The lawyer continues:   Leo and Icky get the properties in N.Y. and Miami.  Ren gets his parents’ old house in Mexico City to compensate her for her care of his first wife and her years of loyalty especially in his final days.  (That means they'll all have to vacate and take up residence of the houses they were left.  Only Eva gets to live nearby.)

Marcy accuses Ren of knowing all about this.  Ren says she really didn’t.  The lawyer chimes in and says nobody knew anything.  It was all done in secret.    He continues reading: Eva gets the country house (the cabin?) and two bank accounts he specifically opened for her in her name, also 51% of the stock in the ad agency, and the Arismendi mansion.  Marcy is fit to be tied!  “--No!  The house is mine!!”  V-icky is near tears.  Eva????  Dano is saucer-eyed impactado and probably thinking she’s an even bigger grifter than he ever imagined!   Icky can’t believe Eva could have managed all of this.  Leo says, well if his father wanted to give them a surprise, he certainly managed to!  Marcy stands up and yells that Julio had to be out of his mind when he wrote this will!  She threatens to challenge it.  The lawyer says no, he was totally sane and the witnesses can confirm it. 

Marcy cries on Leo’s shoulder.  “She took my house and my business!  She took everything away from me!  They left me out on the street!”  Boo-hoo!   Real tears this time!  (I think we can all agree that it couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person--either Eva or Marcy!!)    The lawyer continues.  Icky gets his wife’s jewelry.  Marcy moans in real pain.  “--Nothing!  Nothing!  He left me with nothing!!”   She threatens the lawyer again with challenging the will.  Icktoria can’t believe he would leave half his fortune to that criminal, Eva!  Marcy suddenly turns on Leo with a malicious hiss and blames it all on him for having brought “that whore”  to work there.  She then screams at Daniel and blames him too for believing in the slut!   The lawyer tells Marcy again that the will is air-tight.  Marcy whines over what Julio has done to her, but her dream-turned-almost-worst-nightmare is not quite over yet.  There’s a letter Julio left for her to read.

Julio toasts her reading the letter with a bottle of Perrier since he’s not allowed to drink alcohol.  “--I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!  Everyone must be dying of curiosity wondering what’s in it.  Well, it’s the rest of the challenge for power between us. You thought you were an all-powerful woman, untouchable.  The only thing you’ll be is pitiable!  To your health, Viper!”

Leo and Icky hope the letter gives some explanation.  Ren is still dumbfounded by it all.  Marcy begins to read it to herself.  “You don’t know how  sorry I am not being able to be with you at the moment to see your face but I told you, dear wife, that I was going to show you that you’re worthless!  The only inheritance I leave you --and God knows it’s what you need-- is humility.  Surely poverty will really wrinkle you well.  And when you leave the mansion with your rags,  I’ll be watching you, enjoying your downfall.  Lic. Basañez will give you two more letters in due time.   But for now, Good-Bye.   I hope that with this you finally understand and accept that not even in death from my tomb will I leave you in peace.  --Julio”

Marcy refuses to read the letter aloud or to tell the others what it says.  She crumples it up and takes it with her.  (I wonder if they’ll sneak back in and dig through her trashcan before it’s emptied.  I wouldn’t put it past either Leo or Icky!)   Renata follows her out of the room.

Laurita has a conversation with her mother’s picture and tells her that she misses Eva, and that the police are still looking for her.  She hopes she’ll come back soon, that her daddy doesn’t get any more confused and then comes back with that witch, Victoria!

Eva finally arrives at her aunt’s house.

Marcy goes to her room and blubbers, cursing Julio and hugging her fancy digs. She practically stomps her feet because it’s supposed to be all hers!  She’s earned it!  Nobody will take it away from her!!  (I will want a ring-side seat when Eva has the cops throw Cruella Marcela out on her plentiful patoot.  I’ll have popcorn and beer and I’ll be taking bets on how many men on straight-jackets it will take to pry her fingers loose from those pillars.)

At her aunt’s, Eva finally has a chance to fill in Matilde on what’s been really going on.    She first asks if she knows why her father was so insistent on taking her to the city and who he was taking her to see the day he got run over.  Matilde lies and says she doesn’t.    Eva tells her that day everything changed for her and Ali.  Matilde reminds her that the cards foretold a tragedy.  Eva says the tragedy took place and she did meet the man who would make her life both a Heaven and a Hell. 

Back in the study of the Arismendi mansion, Leo and Icky are kvetching about what their father did to them.  Icky whines over her whiskey and soda that first Eva got involved with Daniel and finished off their relationship.  Then, she finished them off by getting involved with their father and convincing him to leave her half of his fortune.  She wishes Eva would die!  Daniel takes the glass and tells her to stop drinking.  She starts yelling at Leo that it’s his fault.  Why did he ever bring her to the house?  Leo says she fooled him also.  (Have they totally forgotten all the rotten stuff they did to her first!   It’s like they believe all the lies they’ve been feeding Daniel!   There aren’t enough shoes in all of Viewerville to throw at the screen!)  Leo asks Dan what he wanted to discuss with him.  Dan says he’ll leave it for later.  Today’s been enough for them as it is.  It can wait till tomorrow.

Marcy now starts planning a way to regain control of her share.  She tells herself she’s already killed Julio so what’s one more murder on her conscience?   She’s got to find Eva! 

Back in the study, Icky is whining to Dano about her rotten luck now that Eva has them cornered.  Dan tells her he feels just as badly for them.  She says Eva’s won and her life is over.  Dan says Eva hasn’t won it all and Icktoria isn’t alone.  “--You’re going to get out from under all of this...with me.”  Icky stops and stares at him.  (OMG!  Laurita, better pack her bags again.)

At the boarding house, Ali and Marisol are chatting it up.  Ali still wants to see Mari sing and Mari still refuses to bring her by.  Same ol’, same ol’ yadda, yadda.  FF>>

Eva tells her aunt that the day she and her fiance were to get married in secret, she found out he was the one who’d run down and killed her father.   Neither one can believe it but Eva says it’s true.  So now she’s got to hate him with all her might!  She’s got to!  (Seems to me she either hates him or she doesn’t.  No room for maybe’s with this emotion.  Everybody move your beanie control up a notch.)

Back again at the boarding house, Ali is telling Mari how happy she feels being a professional make-up artist.  Mari warns her again not to get distracted by Leo if she wants to be successful.  Ali says she won’t.  Daniel’s the one who’s distracting her.  Mari doesn’t understand what he’s got to do with the place she’s working for.    She explains that he works there too and is trying to get her fired.

Back in apple-picking country,  (the CC just went out) Eva explains that she had to leave Alicia behind because the police were after her.  She tells her aunt how she was accused of stealing and swears it’s a lie and that she didn’t steal anything.    Her aunt doesn’t need convincing, she says.  She knows Eva’s character.  Eva tells her the version that Leo gave her: that Daniel is accusing her of stealing to make her look bad to the police so that they won’t believe her when she accuses him of running over her father.    She’s helpless now because there’s no way they’ll believe her instead of him!  She’s got to get even with him somehow!  Her aunt says she still has to report the crime so the police will at least begin an investigation.  (Ah!  Another person with a few functioning brain cells!  Rather refreshing, isn’t it?)  Eva doesn’t want to, she explains, because they’ll throw her in jail and the only person who could help her defend herself is now dead. 

Matilde though, isn’t so sure that’s the real reason Eva won’t report Dan to the police.  Eva asks what she means.  Matilde says that by the tone of her voice and what she sees in her eyes, Eva still basically believes Daniel to be innocent.  Eva argues with her aunt over that.  How can he be innocent if everyone who knows him accuses him??/!!! (Seems to me there’s only been one someone and that’s that louse, Leo.)  Matilde reminds her this accusation business works both ways.  Eva’s been wrongly accused, so Daniel might have been also.  Eva flies into a rage and tells her to stop confusing her with all these things she’s stuffing into her pounding head.  The only thing for her is to feed the hate so that she can make him pay for her father’s death.  (Better give it a rest and try again later, Matilde.  Maybe you can undo Leo’s brainwashing.  Add an extra rinse and spin while you’re at it.)

Ok.  Back to the inevitable scene with Icky and Dan.  She asks him if he really means it, sticking by her so she won’t feel so alone.  He says yes.  She was so attentive towards him.  No way he would abandon her now.  He can understand the way she feels; everything with her father has happened so fast and it’s even left him upset and disoriented.   Well, she’s furious over it, she says.   Bad enough Eva’s taking him from her, but then her brother and now-- taking advantage of her father, manipulating everything so that she became his heir!

Said dead father is now placing a call to Eva’s at Justa’s boarding house, trying to locate Eva.  Ricardo answers and covers for Eva.  He tells Julio she doesn't live there and hangs up.  D.J. figures he’s written the number down wrong.

Matilde wants Eva to tell her about the man who was such a help to her.  Eva tells her about finding a job with a wealthy family, the time she spent with Don Julio, and how he was grooming her to join him at his ad agency.  (You’d think the bells would go off in Matilde’s head, but they don’t.  She must have used up the last of the few working brain cells she had with her earlier discussion.) 

Julio hopes the address is correct at least, even if the phone number might be wrong. 

Justa wonders about the phone call and Ricardo explains why he did it.  It could have been the police and he didn’t ask any questions because he didn’t want to raise suspicions.   He really wished he could have had the chance to help Eva prove her innocence.  Justa says he is just that way, wanting to help everyone.  Unfortunately, says Ricardo, no one will let him, not Adrian, not Eva, and not even her.  Justa asks why her?  He says she refuses to let him in on what’s really been causing her so much emotional pain, that “something that prevents her from allowing herself to love again.”  Justa decides the time has finally come.  She agrees to tell Ricardo everything.

Leo now is thinking about the reading of the will and all that Eva inherited.  “--It’s more important than ever now that Tony locates Eva!”

At the same time, Dano and Icky are making nice-nice over each other.  Icky tells Dan that he’s the only nice thing she’ll be dreaming about when she goes to sleep tonight.  (Blechhh!)

Back at Justa’s again, she’s telling Ric how the day she found out she was pregnant, the man she loved was marrying somebody else.  Ric is shocked to learn that Justa had a child.  Justa says, yes, she had a daughter.

Back at the manse, Danny Boy can’t believe how after all he did to her that Icky could be so sweet to him.  She explains, in between sobs and dripping snot, that she now realizes that he never meant to hurt her.  Eva simply confused him and made him doubt her.  Tonight she’s going to pray that the doors to his heart will open up to her again.  (Double blechhh!  My barf-bag runneth over.)   Danny stares at her with stars in his eyes.....Time for Aunt Matilde to get out those Tarot cards!!


Llena de Amor #114 (Mex. 119) Mon 1/24/11 How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child

Friday: Vicky once again tells Netty and Doris how Eman broke Mari’s heart. Hablablabla, we’ve heard it all a million times before. Muñeca throws Lorenzo’s sorry hiney out of the house, out of the business, out of the back account and out of her heart. Ilitia, holding Christian and watching, looks only a tiny bit sad.

Fedra raves to Bernardo about how la gorda is taking over the business, and after that it’ll be the house, and then everything. He tells her he’ll take care of Mari, but Fedra says his services won’t be needed this time, Lorenzo’s going to take care of it. Bernardo is livid, saying he promised she’d always been the queen and he’s never let her down. Fedra reminds him of his previous flops as a murderer, then tells him that not only is Lorenzo a god in bed, he’s better at taking care of her little issues, so she probably won’t be needing him (Bernardo) anymore. Bernardo, having been told that he’s a little gun guy and Lorenzo is a big gun guy, storms out. Fedra grins.

We’re at Muñeca’s. Okay, I’ll go, says Lorenzo, whipping off his neck brace with a flourish, then wincing, but I’m taking my son. Muñeca tells him no, and Ilitia wants to know if he’s going to use force to rip Christian from her arms. Lorenzo, wounded, says he could never lay a hand on her, or on Muñeca, but we know he has no qualms about bloodying people verbally, and sure enough he points out that Muñeca isn’t even Ilitia’s mother, nor Christian’s either because she couldn’t give him any children.

Ilitia says she’s a lot prouder of Muñeca than she is of her daddy, and he better not try to take Christian out of her arms. Lorenzo implores she’s what he loves most in the world. Ilitia, a little too saintly for belief, asks him what he’s waiting for… time to go. He leaves and Ilitia assures her mother everything is going to be okay. They hug.

Oliver comes into a luxury apartment that has a whiff of bordello décor to it, wondering where his date is. Oh, there she is! Or at least her leg, which she slowly waves seductively in the doorway. The rest of her makes an entrance, and it’s La Sirena de la Noche, in a smaller mask, but otherwise a costume similar to what is all the rage on the stage at La Mala Noche. She slinks against him, saying she wants him all night. The champagne bottle he’s holding pops and foams over. I’m not even touching that one…

Eman and Fidel are talking outdoors, Eman furious that the fake Lirio is giving the real Lirio a bad name. Fidel thinks the police are smart enough to figure that out, but what worries him is that they suspect that the real Lirio is a Ruiz y de Teresa. They both want to get the fake Lirio, and Eman points out that the fake Lirio knew exactly what he was looking for and exactly where to go to get it. Who tipped him off? Fidel explains the history of the cash’s wanderings from hand to hand and how it must be the money the real Lirio stole from Mauricio originally. Eman notes that the lirio the fake Lirio left behind was the same one they are using, so it had to be someone who the real Lirio had robbed before, none other than Mauricio!

Muñeca and Ilitia are alone in the living room, Christian having been put to bed. Muñeca asks Ilitia if it’s really true what she said, that she is proud of her. Ilitia, tears in her eyes, says she used to judge her harshly before she found out what it was like to have your husband always thinking of someone else. It’s hell. Muñeca says she would give anything so that Ilitia didn’t have to live through that, and Ilitia says she’s ashamed to say she always swore to herself that she didn’t want to be like her mother.. and now look. They both wipe each other’s tears.

Ilitia actually cares enough to ask if the experience with the (fake) Lirio was awful, and if she’s okay. Muñeca tells how the Lirio was cruel, and how embarrassing it was to be tied up half naked. Ilitia remarks that she was shocked when she was with Brandon and heard. Muñeca is surprised she was with Brandon, but Ilitia assures her she’s taking just self-defense lessons from him. Muñeca advises her against hanging out with Brandon because it could turn into something more, they both know it, wink wink, nudge nudge. Ilitia protests that she’s not some wild animal with no brain. Muñeca says when it comes to passion, we’re all animals. Better not to see him anymore if she wants to save her marriage.

At home, Eman insists Fedra talk to him, and he asks if she’s a murderer. Fedra fakes being shocked, saying that Netty is her worst enemy, and is just jealous because she lost Emil. Eman isn’t buying. How could you? She accuses him of switching teams, that he said he wanted to be her accomplice getting Mari’s money, and then he turns around and gives her a huge chunk of it. Duh, says Eman, I thought it was obvious that I lied to you to find out if you were trying to hurt Mari, because she’s the love of my life. Fedra accuses him of being a traitor, to which he replies that if Mari comes back and it’s all true, he’s going to be the first person dialing the police.

At the pension, Doris is combing MariVicky’s now long locks. MV raves about what she’s done with it, but face it, MV, it’s just straight hair. MV is plenty glad to get shut of the wig and so are the people in hair and makeup I’m betting, since those braids under the wig must’ve been a lot of work. Me, I liked her look with the wig better. It was perkier and not so droopy. Anyway, Doris leaves, and Consuelo comes in and demands to know what’s up between MV and Brandon. She sniffs something fake about MV and no way is going to let her hurt him. She’s in love with him, so paws off. MV says that Brandon just thinks of Consuelo as a friend (ouch! but true), so maybe Consuelo should be talking to him. Consuelo swears she’s gonna unmask MV. MV blows her off.

Ilitia comes by Brandon’s office and says she has to stop her lessons. She gives him heartfelt thanks, but says it’s best if she’s not around him. He wants to know why – is it maybe that her feelings for him are too strong? She smiles wistfully.

La Sirena is coming on hard to Oliver who wishes he could forget Gretel, but he just can’t. Gretel thoughtbubbles that it’s her, but she can’t tell for his own safety. She is very seductive and he gives in, wondering what it is that draws him to her. I don’t think most men would ask that question.

Fedra feels misjudged by Eman – the love of a mother is sacred, and everything she does is for her children. (Or to your children maybe, Fedra?) Like what you did to Gretel? Eman yells at her. And you’re a murderer! Eman suggests doing the right thing might be more important.

Fedra wonders if he really thinks she’s capable of murder. He asks if she really wants him to answer that. Fedra drags her wing, saying how could he think that way about her, his mother who brought him into the world and did everything for him, etc., boo hoo hoo hoo. Since he feels that way, she’d rather die.

Brandon tries to understand Ilitia and she tries to say that there’s nothing between them, so he wonders if that’s true, then why is she so scared of being around him. They banter gently, she saying that she could never fall in love with somebody so poor and uneducated, and he countering tenderly that he could never fall for somebody so frivolous and shallow. She smiles a small, sad smile.

Fedra is lying curled on her bed, hugging a pillow and bemoaning the pain of Eman turning on her. Bernardo comes in and is all concern to see her that way. Fedra explains that Eman betrayed her, telling her he was her accomplice while all along he was in love with la gorda. He believes I was poisoning her and he’ll send me to jail! Bernardo sits on the bed and puts his arm around her, telling her it breaks his heart to see her that way. She sobs that the one thing she can’t bear is losing Eman’s love, and it’s all Mari’s fault. She wants her dead! She stole her son!

Ilitia wants to make sure Brandon realizes this is goodbye. He sits at his desk and says he understands, and to close the door after she leaves. She lingers, saying it really and truly is goodbye, obviously hoping he will do something, which he does, getting up and saying she just can’t leave without one kiss.

While they’re kissing, we cut to Gretel and Oliver who are kissing too. She’s working her seduction for all she’s got, and finally he capitulates. He lunges in for a passionate embrace, and rips her mask off as he closes in for a big kiss. He gets a split second glimpse of her face, which stops him in his tracks. Gretel? he says, bewildered.

In the foyer of the pension, Doris and MV are having a secret chat. MV is sure that the robbery at the agency was meant to intimidate her. Doris warns her to be careful, and MV launches into her wrath against the R y deT. Doris speaks for us all when she tells her that she doesn’t recognize Mari any more, she’s so full of hatred. It’s going to destroy her. MV goes on about how she’s not going to rest until Fedra and Eman are ruined.

Just then Mauricio drops by with a bouquet of flowers. He admires her new ‘do, and invites her out to celebrate. She tells him not a chance, but he interrupts that he knows she hates Fedra and Eman, so he is at her service. Use me to get rid of them, he offers.

No thanks, says MV. He tries to persuade her that he’d be useful. She says she doesn’t want to kill anybody, she just wants to drive out a few rats in the family. That list includes Kristel and Mauricio himself, by the way, as they hurt Marianela. He swears that if she wants him to leave Kristel, he’d do that for her, and so much more. Really? she says. Would you leave Kristel standing at the altar the day of your wedding for me?

Cut to Kristel who is in front of a mirror in her wedding dress, wailing to a stylist that it’s not glamorous enough, she just has to have everything better than Ilitia. She can’t wait. Nothing is going to wreck her wedding day! It’s going to be the happiest day of her life!

Oliver throws his arms around Gretel and exclaims that she’s alive, but then he pulls back and says Wait a minute. Are you the same person who was dancing for me at that joint? Gretel asks him to let her explain. He thinks that she knew it was him at the club, that she set him up, and that she’s playing with him again just for fun. How many men have you had in your bedroom? How many have you kissed? She swears none. He tells her he spent two years in hell due to her. She protests that he’s the love of her life.

That’s not what you told me that day at your house. Your words are branded into my brain. I see now it’s all true. You’re not going to do it to me again! He grabs his jacket and heads out. She runs after him, but he tells her to leave him alone.

Ilitia shoves Brandon off and tells him that’s exactly why they can’t see each other. He tells her that what she feels inside is in there yelling, begging to be let out. He kisses her neck, telling her she drives him crazy. She smiles, then looks serious and pushes him away. He reminds her of the night they spent together, and she says she was drunk, it wasn’t the real her. He wonders if this is the real her, trembling in front of him, saying she wants to run away, but glued to the floor, wanting him to kiss her, to caress her, to desire her?

She pushes him away and says he’s a curse (maldicion) in her life. She leaves while he tells her te quiero and begs her not to leave him.

MV tells Mauricio if he leaves Kristel at the altar, she’ll be real nice to him. He says if that’s what she wants, that’s what he’ll do, stupidly forgetting Garduño. He kisses her hands. She doesn’t want anybody suspecting, so he’ll have to wait. He says he will, and, smiling his most smarmy smile, he vanishes.

Netty comes and exclaims over MV’s hair. (Nobody seems amazed it’s about a foot longer. Now I know men assume that transformations are the magic of women, and can happen at any time, but women themselves usually want to look behind the curtain.) Not so Netty, who just says she doesn’t care for Mauricio. MV says she doesn’t either and wonders if he’s the Lirio, which makes Netty laugh. MV is surprised she’s laughing – does she know who the Lirio really is?

Lorenzo’s at his bachelor pad, and unhappy Fedra drops in, the bounce completely gone from her step. She gloomily asks him to cheer her up because her son hates her. Ilitia hates me, too, he says, handing her a drink. They lean on one another back to back and sing a sad duet, lamenting, she saying that Eman wants to destroy her, and he that his princess has sided with her mother in throwing him out of the house.

We did everything for them, says Fedra, she even trying to get rid of la gorda so that her son could have the inheritance. Lorenzo swears that Muñeca won’t keep what is rightfully his. He didn’t stick with that awful woman for 20 years just to have her make off with everything. Fedra was stuck with Emil’s awful family, and did everything just for Eman, and now he’s betrayed her.

They turn and face one another and stare sadly at each other for a minute. Lorenzo! Fedra! They fall into a passionate kiss.

Netty tells MV that the Lirio is a good thief. MV kinds of gets it, and says every woman wants a man who’s presence makes her feel like she’s the only woman in the world. On cue, Eman wanders in, without knocking of course.

Oliver is drowning his sorrows in a bar and Mano comes in and sits next to him. He’s glad to see Mano and sobs that Gretel did it again, jerking him around. He swears that it’ll never happen again. He’s going to blot her out of his mind and his heart. Mano puts his arm around him.

MV gives Eman a frosty reception, but Netty tells her to talk to him, give him a chance. Even a coin (moneda) coin has two faces, she says, but I don’t have time to contemplate that intriguing observation. Netty leaves and MV informs Eman that it’s too late for her to receive guests. He says he came to find out how somebody tried to poison his gordita.

A tiny Axel/Delicia scene just to placate us: Axel has made Delicia an elegant dinner with his own hands, and tells her it’s just the two of them and to forget them world. They kiss. We gratefully scarf up this crumb.

MV doesn’t believe for a second that Eman didn’t know about the poisoning. He tells her of course he didn’t, and she doesn’t understand because she’s all dried up inside and doesn’t know what love is.

So why didn’t you save her? MV wants to know. If it hadn’t been for Tia Carlota, she’d be dead. Eman protests that he tried to protect her, and doesn’t seem to notice that it’s a bit odd that tears are running down MV’s cheeks, that’s she’s waaaay to much into this. She calls him the usual, hypocrite, etc.

Mauricio tells Kristel he wants to move the wedding up to tomorrow because he’s so crazy about her, he can’t wait. She squeals with joy. Then she realizes she still needs a to do a lot of stuff for the giant celebration and tomorrow is too soon. No, he can’t wait to be married, to sleep every night in her arms. She bounces and squeaks. She can’t believe how he was mister single guy who didn’t want to marry and now he’s done an about face. He says he had doubts, but now he’s sure she’s the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with. She throws her arms around him and says they’ll marry whenever he wants to.

MV, really coming unglued, rants on about how Eman destroyed Mari, how he tried to kill her, etc. He denies as usual, and she grabs his shirt and yells at him that he’s a murderer, that the poison was in the chocolates that he gave Mari. He’s astonished. You succeeded all right, she says, because your gordita hermosa is dead.

Avances: Mari is furious that Eman is taking off on a trip with Ilitia (who is looking like a much better bet than Mari right now). We see the tropical vacation with kisses. Lorenzo, bent on revenge, is in the rafters of the sound stage, and drops a huge light, which is headed Mari’s way. Look out! yells Doris.


Triunfo del Amor #16 1/24/11 Psst, Bernarda, your crazy is showing – or – Talk to the hand.

In which Max and María are in love; Linda and Osvaldo are in lust; and Victoria and JP are in despair.
Max and María Desamparada are apart but each is thinking of the other and sighing dreamily.

As Victoria continues her confession to Padre Juan Pablo, he is troubled at how bitter and hard she seems. He never realized how much harm he had done to her…
Not just to me, she interrupts, to me and our innocent daughter!

Whoa! Say what????

She sees that his shock is genuine and realizes that his mother truly never told him about the pregnancy. Victoria sets him straight. When she found out about the pregnancy, Bernarda called her a liar and threw her out of the house. And all that time he was trying to get closer to God and heaven, she was suffering unimaginable hardship.

And where is the child now? he asks. I have no idea, says Victoria with anguish.

(Well we viewers know where she is: She is practicing her runway walk under Pipino’s semi-watchful eye. It’s hard for Pipino to stay on task when Toni is around and there’s juicy gossip.)

You mean -- you abandoned her? asks JP, appalled. (¿Acaso la abandonaste?) And Victoria tells the story of the car in the night, how she woke up in the hospital and realized her daughter was gone. And the worst thing of all: she never knew if the little girl was dead or alive.

The confession moves to the sacristy. Victoria’s husband doesn’t know about her past – yet another reason she has no peace in her life. JP can’t find the words to respond. That’s because there aren’t any, says Victoria bitterly:
Mientras tú has vivido en el paraíso yo he vivido en el infierno.(While you have lived in paradise, I’ve lived in hell.)

When Victoria leaves, JP, now weeping, kneels in prayer and vows to find his daughter and reunite her with her mother.

Back at his office at the Casa de Modas, Max gives his buddy Fabián some sound advice: No te fijes en Fer. (Don’t set your sights on Fer.)

María smiles as she hears Pipino tell Toni that Max wasn’t flirting with any of the girls at Fer’s party. But her smile fades when he adds: Maybe he misses Ximena. Toni scoffs: That girl’s not for him.

Maybe Toni has written her off, but Ximena – we haven’t met her yet, but we already hate her on María D’s behalf – is still in the game. She phones Max from Paris; he dodges her call. Fabián remarks that Ximena’s going to be surprised when she comes back to Mexico and discovers she’s not the star model of the agency and not Max’s main squeeze.

María’s very interested in the next Pipino and Toni tidbit: Max suspected Ximena was cheating on him (le puso el cuerno); that’s why she was shipped off to Paris. Harsh.

Uh oh, St. Bernarda. Looks like the jig is up. She is irritated when JP interrupts her prayers but JP spits out:
¡Quiero saber por qué me ocultaste que Victoria tuvo una hija mia!(I want to know why you didn’t tell me Victoria gave birth to my child!)
She is stunned and wheels around to face him…
and he continues:
…y quiero saberlo ahora mismo!(...and I want to know right now!)

She is shaken a bit but remembers: the best defense is a good offense. She shoots back:
¿A que viene este absurdo interrogatorio?(Where do you get off grilling me like that?)
But JP stands his ground. He won’t listen to her denials or let her take refuge in empty piety. He insists they must help Victoria.

Bernarda snarls and shows a mouthful of teeth (I’m reminded of the Sea Witch, Ursula, from The Little Mermaid). Victoria is the serpent who brought sin into the garden, she raves. She made you bite the apple…

A lesser man would run from this scary mother. But JP insists: Victoria told him everything. Under the seal of the confessional. And we are talking about your grandchild, he reminds her, your own flesh and blood (sangre de tu sangre).

Osvaldo comes home to find that Victoria has taken to her bed, black eyeshade and all. She feels awful and wants to be left alone. He gives her the kiss-off head kiss, and says ominously:
Lo que tú digas, amor.
(As you wish, my love.)

Back at the office, Oscar confesses to Toni that he’s in love with Victoria. (Yeah. Stop the presses.)

Here’s Max -- a soft gray scarf over an argyle sweater and suit jacket, just the right mix of luxe and cool -- oh sorry, where was I? Oh yes, at the Sandoval home, Max comes in to check on Victoria. He assumes she is still upset about Fer and marvels at how someone so strong can be such a pushover when it comes to his sister. Victoria, however, is determined to help Fer back onto the right path. Max is afraid it may be too late.

Poor Juan Pablo is still closeted with that raging raving fiend he calls madre. She thunders:
¡Victoria es el demonio encarnado!(Victoria is the devil incarnate!)
And those of us at home who are not hiding behind our couches, are standing and shouting back: No! You’re the devil! You!

JP is undaunted. Victoria was an innocent girl when I knew her, he says. As innocent as I was. I was the first man in her life.

This reference to JP’s lapse into carnal sin is too much for St Bernarda. How dare he speak like that in her sanctuary! It’s a sacrilege! No, he counters, I’m just telling the truth. And besides:
¿Te das cuenta que con tu silencio eres tan pecadora como yo?(Do you realize that by keeping silent you’re as much a sinner as I am?)

Bernarda is apoplectic:
¡Soy tu madre y me debes respeto!(I’m your mother and you owe me respect!)
And she slaps JP’s face. Wham. She is breathing hard.

But that’s nothing compared to the heavy breathing going on in Osvaldo’s car. LindoHo is prepared to “give” him whatever he needs – understanding, affection, a quick roll in the hay. (Well perhaps “sell” would be a more accurate word than “give”.)

The Mother Superior pops in on María. Holy Shmoley, she’s leading the cheer for Team Max!
Nadie debe desairar un amor tan grande y tan sincero.(No one should snub a love that is so great and so sincere.)

Still have doubts about Max? Check out the big purple shopping bag filled with toy cars and trucks he brings to Martincito, now recovering nicely in the hospital.

At the Casa Sandoval, the maid brings the still prostrate Victoria some pills for her headache and tells her that Osvaldo isn’t home yet.

Osvaldo and Linda. Horizontal mambo. Blech.

At the apartment, María tells Nathy what Sor Clementina said: that Max really loves her.

The softening-up campaign is working. When María sees Max arrive at the Casa de Modas -- splendid in a red scarf today -- she flies into his arms.

Padre JP prays aloud. There must have been so many times, he says, when the girl needed me and I wasn’t there for her. Domingo overhears him and is puzzled. What girl is he talking about?

Max and María are still outside the office making goo goo eyes at each other. He has no words to describe the depth of his feeling for her. She is still afraid. Listen to your heart, he tells her. María tries to explain that she is fragile; she has suffered a lot and needs to feel safe. He promises he’ll always protect her. Right.

Victoria tells Toni about her confession to Juan Pablo. All those years she spent blaming JP for abandoning her and now she finds out that his mother never told him Victoria was pregnant. It is Bernarda who is to blame and not her son.

St. Bernarda is in fact blaming herself. But not for her sins against Victoria. Self-flagellation is no mere metaphor for our Bernie. She whips her hand until it bleeds. The hand must be punished for slapping JP, the person whose prayers will save her from the flames of hell. Not. She vows to destroy Victoria for bringing sin to her house. She is one scary crazy mother.

María reluctantly agrees to keep her relationship with Max a secret for now. He wants to wait until things calm down a bit in his family.

Padre JP prays for guidance in this, his dark night of the soul (noche negra del alma).

Why speak to JP just now, asks Toni. Victoria replies:
La presencia de Padilla y la locura de mi hiji fueron la gota que derramó el vaso.(Padilla’s presence and my daughter’s stunt were the last straw.)
It’s not a question of revenge, explains Victoria, but rather of truth and justice. By now, JP must have gone to his mother and held her accountable for her actions. That’s the only part of all this I’m enjoying, she says:
La rabia y el coraje de Doña Bernarda al enterarse que su hijo ya sabe todo.(Doña B’s rage and fury when she finds out her son knows everything.)
Yup. That is pretty sweet.

Toni finds it hard to believe JP didn’t know about the baby. But Victoria knows he was telling the truth. Toni wonders what Osvaldo will do when he finds out about her past—
Just then Osvaldo enters.

Linda brags to Nathy and María that she had her way with Osvaldo. Double blech.

Victoria hasn’t heard from Osvaldo since yesterday. What gives? He explains that since she wasn’t feeling well, he thought he’d get out of her hair. So he stayed overnight at Guillermo’s. Then he gives her another of those kiss-off kisses, this time on the forehead, and leaves.

Things are going from bad to worse, Toni tells her friend: if she doesn’t change her attitude, she’s gonna lose Ozzie.

She’s not wrong, dude. Ozzie is savoring the memory of his uh… amorous encounter… with LindaHo.

Nathy doesn’t see any harm in María and Max keeping their noviazgo quiet for now. His mother is kind of… well… difficult.

The unluckiest servant in Mexico, Tomasa, notices the big honkin’ bandage wrapped around St. Bernarda’s hand. When Tomasa asks about it, Bernie tells her to shut her piehole. Then she begins to rant about Victoria coming into the church like a ghost. The girl, Victoria? asks the puzzled (but incredibly valiant) Tomasa.

The others are dust and ashes, continues Bernarda with terrifying displays of dentition. It’s my fault, my fault! (Here she beats her breast with the injured hand.) God, we made a deal! I gave you my son – now you have to honor your end of the bargain!

Tomasa is alarmed. Even in a sea of crazy, this is starting to feel like a tsunami. She wants to call JP but Bernarda pushes her out of the room.

Bernarda resumes her raving: She had to slap JP to stop his recriminations. Now it’s time to go after Victoria. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth! Bwahaha!

Cleansing breath. Sweet William in a kayak.


La Verdad Oculta #90: A tale of two sleepers

At Elsa's, Ulises gushes over her jewelry merchandise while she explains that Dante's quite a character; and that he gave her a list of clients to contact. At Campo Real, Gabriela wows the council and shuts up Adolfo by flawlessly repeating from her earphone David's consolidation plans.

When she informs them they're instituting a quality control office to ensure good customer service, she responds pointedly to Adolfo that as a restaurant server, she well learned what good customer service is. Gabriela is a smash hit, and David's super proud she shut down Adolfo.

In closing, "Mario" addresses the Ávila contract, concluding they have only a short time on it left and that at its termination, they'll run an audit and liquidate whatever's necessary to settle their debt with him. Adolfo's simmering but subdued -- and frustrated as he exits ahead of everyone congratulating Gabriela.

At Elsa's, Zaida and Édgar walk in on Caramelo copying out her special letter onto the white board, where Zaida reads "…but the real culprits are Carlos Ávila…" and excitedly interrogates Caramelo loudly enough to alarm approaching Juan José, who objects to the shouting and bullying.

Typically Édgar overreacts, confronting Juan José angrily, earning him a door smashed in his face and subsequent dust up in the hallway. Chicles is digging it; Zaida not so much. And as she intervenes, Caramelo erases the white board. Elsa arrives in time to find Juan José dragging the kids off to her dismay.

In the aftermath, Elsa learns Zaida's the one recommended her to Dante and thanks her. Back at Juan José's, Caramelo gives the salsa-stained letter back to Chicles, it being tainted now by the ugly argument. She couldn't read what she was copying on the board anyway, she tells him.

At Zaida's, she rips Édgar a new one for fighting with the exact guy they are interested in. When she phones to report him to Adolfo, unwise Édgar tries to crush her out of it with a brutal embrace; but he's barking up the wrong virago. She slaps him a hard blow across the face and warns he's going to rue the day he was born.

Back at Juan José's macho Chicles will only clear the table if Juan José promises to help do the dishes; and while the boy disappears, when asked, Caramelo explains about the white board fuss and reminds Juan José she can't read yet. He charges her to always depend on him to stick up for her when someone gives her problems.

In Mario's office, "Mario" effusively congratulates Gabriela on her excellent performance and poignantly assures that her father would be proud of her and that he, "Mario," loves her, too. Zaida visits Alejandra at the studio and manages to do what Juan José insisted, despite Alejandra's yelling at her.

She explains he threatened to break off their business dealings without her apologizing personally, which mollifies Alejandra. What's more, Zaida divulges Juan José loves Alejandra and wants to get back with her. Zaida advises if Alejandra loves him, she should fight for him tooth and nail.

At the tunnel house, while David removes his disguise makeup, he and Abelardo marvel over Gabriela's commanding performance; and David reminds Abelardo he needs to marry her again, because her name was not legal the first time.

Alejandra picks up the phone to call Juan José at home, where he is so happy to hear from her that he makes a date to pick her up immediately; and she eagerly agrees. Back at Mario's living room, "Mario," David and Abelardo toast champagne to smiling Gabriela.

David toasts to the owner of his heart; to the family, including Abelardo; and finally to "Mario" as head of the family -- and privately, glancing heavenward, to the real Mario, his father, RIP. That evening at a romantic restaurant, Juan José and Alejandra make up over dinner; and Alejandra jumps for joy when Juan José gives her a diamond engagement ring.

He missed her terribly while they were apart and wants her to spend the rest of her life with him, if she has nothing better to do. He mentions that Zaida gave Caramelo a problem, which he liked not at all and at which Alejandra is mystified. Meanwhile back in their bedroom suite, David and Gabriela show that married love is no bore fest either.

In Susana's hospital ICU, her fingers move and eyelids flutter, prompting the nurse to shout and run for the doctor. At Juan José's in the bedroom, he and Alejandra make hot love again -- but this time with a huge white rock on her left ring finger.

Next morning, Gabriela regales Julieta and Santiago at their apartment over her triumph at the council meeting, and they are both tickled. Later Santiago visits Leonardo downstairs and reports how things went at Campo Real; that they foiled Adolfo. Before he came in, Leonardo phoned Ramón about a new jewel heist.

Across town, Zaida visits Elsa and learns she sold two jewelry pieces; and she overhears Elsa's ecstatic reaction on the phone to Dante's monstrous commission he's giving her. Elsa reports to him the buyer never asked for provenance, but she assumed it would be forthcoming. Zaida exits, oddly somewhat miffed.

Back at Leonardo's, he gets the idea to have "Mario" invent some pretext for Adolfo to meet at his office and brace him to reveal by hidden camera if Adolfo says anything about the cuff link or reacts somehow. In her condo in bed, sobbing Yolanda feels very bad and places a call to her doctor to come see her right away.

Asunción brings Caramelo home to Elsa's and refuses to stay or even cross the threshold, only repeating his request that the "señorita" ask about his adoption possibilities, which she promises to do the next day. He kisses Caramelo goodbye and exits with a long face.

Yolanda's doctor arrives, where she tearfully explains she's not exactly sure what happened; but after all the years of bottling up all the secrets, she just can't take it any more. He gives her an anti-depressant prescription with the insistence that she visit him first thing next day.

It's a very strong formula she should take one of, twice a day, he says; it might make her drowsy, but it's necessary under these circumstances. Back at Elsa's, Caramelo explains the strange fight in the apartment earlier that neither one can understand.

Yolanda's maid, Juanita, brings the doctor's prescription from the pharmacy to her in bed. Yolanda instructs the maid to let her sleep; and after the maid's exit, Yolanda locks the door. Dumping a handful of pills into her palm, she swallows them all with a glass of water.

Then Yolanda lies back on her pillow to await a deep sleep -- her best friends in attendance all around her; she holds one favorite to her face, pulled from the jewel box tumbled open on the bed.


Monday, January 24, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #181-182 1/24/11 Everybody sings the Marcia Chorus, but Fernando sings counterpoint.

Capitulo 181.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Ariel says that a Japanese would’ve committed hari-kari for much less. Teresita tells Marcia maybe they shouldn’t have left Fern alone. Marcia bitterly says, “He’s alone because he wants to be.”

2. Omar repeats The Marcia Taunt and says Lety made him lose the presidency. (NO! Ariel would’ve exposed everything if Lety didn’t.) Fern stands by Lety – she would NOT take the company.

3. Lety tells Caro that she quiere Aldo. She scurries off and Caro asks what made the big change in her.

4. Tom reports to Lety that the board thinks she wants to keep the company, and she needs to return. She says she’s not ready to leave, and it won’t hurt for Fernando to suffer. Let him learn that if he hurts someone that much, he has to suffer the consequences.

5. MamaT wants to talk and Fern says they’ve already told him everything he’s done wrong. She says she’s not going to scold him and he shows a flicker of hope. She’s worried for him. He says he’s paying for his errors. He takes comfort for a moment, but then says he doesn’t want pity. It’s a process and he has to get through it alone. Ed told him you have to lose yourself to find yourself. Then he can be the hero she hoped for.

6. Teresita asks, “When will that be? When she appears? Even if she returned the company, then what? Would you resolve your life, going along with her?” She knows it’s love for Lety that torments him. MamaT says she probably hates him and wants to destroy him, and maybe she’s found someone new.

7. Caro tells Aldo that Lety thought Caro was setting them up. Aldo asks how Lety responded. She was simply uncomfortable, but now he’s on his own. Caro doesn’t want Aldo leading Lety on then breaking her heart again. Maybe he needs to back off.

8. Teresita is on Fern’s side, as long as he corrects his errors. She wants him to go back to Marcia. He puts his foot down. “I don’t love her and I’m not going to marry her!” MamaT asks whether he really loves Lety, but he won’t discuss it. MamaT sings The Marcia Taunt and The Marcia Pitch. Fernando says to himself, “No, Lety’s not like that, Mama.. MY Lety is not like that.”

9. Tom tells Sanchez to halt the embargo. Sanchez says it’s too late; he can’t reverse it. By tomorrow, the court will rule (darán) in favor of FI. Tom says the process must be stopped.

10. Teresita tells Omar he helped get Fernando into this mess, and he has to help get him out. T orders Omar to make Fernando forget about that woman.

Capitulo 182.
Read K-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Marcia tells Alicia that Fernando’s depressed because he loves Lety and he’s lost her. Ali’s sure it’s witchcraft. She should fight for a man like that. Marcia says she’s fought for years, and she’s tired.

2. Ali’s sure that against someone like Lety, Marcia can win hands down. (Tu servidor recapper wonders, then why does Fernando love Lety despite all Marcia’s efforts?).

3. Lety pushes Aldo to talk to his father. He admits that he’s afraid that his father will not accept him as he is. Aldo shows Lety his house.

4. Fern finds PG (Psychic Guy) and is very worried that Lety is okay. PG says she’s very happy, which bothers Fern because he’s miserable without her. PG says Fern has his process and she has hers.

5. Fern shows off her picture and PG remembers her. PG has to convince Fern that love is based on more than appearance. (What’s up with that?) PG senses that Fern is so angry at himself that he wants to destroy himself. PG advises him to go straight home, and in the morning take care of business.

6. Aldo remembers his advice to Lety: Choose fear and you suffer. Choose love and you find peace. He calls his father and arranges to meet him the next day.

7. Lety dreams that she throws her self portrait into the ocean to free herself, then pulls it out to rescue herself. In the morning she wakes up and realizes she has achieved/accomplished (lograr) her recovery.


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