Sunday, June 10, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #21-22 Fri 6/8/12 The Lovelorn Can't Make Up Their Minds


Rod and Gala are talking in Rod's room after the Torreslandas party. She starts right in about Luci's "amante" crashing the party. Rod reminds Gala that Luci was at the party because of Pato and she has the right to a private life, even though he isn't happy about this at all. Gala accuses Luci of leading Rod around by the nose. Rod thinks she is lying about Luci.

Aldo has taken Lorenzo to Inferno to meet up with Violetta. Lorenzo says he can go, but Aldo wants to stay cause after all he took Lorenzo to his party, now he wants to go with Lorenzo. They cut in front of the line, and Aldo somehow manages to get them in.

The party is still going on at Torreslanda. Hanna is trying to set up her friend Boris with Lola her friend. Lola is really into Boris. Lola is going outside to wait for her Dad and Boris goes with her. Now Hanna and Melissa are line dancing and Hanna tells her she hopes everything goes well with Boris and Lola, and wasn't Luciana like a fairy princess tonight? They really like her and they think Rod was very taken with Luci tonight.

Gala is crying, oh, boo hoo for you! Rod tells her not to cry. Gala says you like that SERVANT more than me!!!! Boo Hoo! Gala claims that Luci is obsessed with Rod and she will not ALLOW that servant to steal her fiance. Rod also promised to take Gala home.

Now we have Luci in bed, but she isn't sleeping. She is thinking of Hot Bod Rod and that kiss! She is very conflicted about him.

Pato is in bed too, not sleeping thinking of Luci. He thinks about when she walked into the Torreslanda party and he is smiling.

Hanna is dancing with Boris now. He has come back into the party after making sure Lola's Dad picked her up. They start a slow dance. She tells Boris that her friend Lola is very in love with him. He says so sorry so sad but I'm in love with you Hanna. He wants her to be his novia. He tells her she doesn't have to answer now, she can just think about it. She tells him she thinks of him as a friend or a brother. He tells her to think about it.

Lorenzo and Aldo are now inside Inferno. Lorenzo wants to look for Violetta and asks Polo the bartender if she works there. He says yeah she does, and Violetta is almost behind Lorenzo. He is telling Polo he knows her from back home in the North. Polo tells him she is right there, Lorenzo turns around and at first Violetta doesn't recognize him, he tells her his name, Lorenzo Jacinto Flores, then she finally gets it and gives him a big ole hug. He can't beleive it is Violetta either in costume. She begs him not to tell her Mama Magda what kind of job she really has, and oh, by the way did she come with. He tells her no on both counts. He brings Violetta over to the table to meet Aldo who has another girl on his lap. Aldo introduces himself and says that he is Lorenzo's boss??? (Someone clarify, I could have sworn that is what he said to Violetta). Aldo Torreslanda. Well ole Lastra is sitting nearby and perks up his ears at the Torreslanda name. Lorenzo also asks if he can stay with Violetta and she says sure we are like family.

Max and Rosa are getting ready for bed, and he is happy the party was such a success. She asks why he is so preturbed about Vicky coming to the house. He says he doesn't want his employees to think they are friends. Snob. Anyhow, Rosa says something about Jeronimo's wife abandoning the family for a married man, and leaving Vicky and Jeronimo when she was a little girl. Max gives Rosa the stinkeye which she doesn't see. Rosa says poor girl and Max rolls his eyes which she doesn't see either.

We have a Hot Bod Rod sighting. He is alone in his room, no shirt on, looking out the window and thinking of everything Gala said to him. He is especially thinking of the "amante" part.

Rosa has gone back to see Padre Honesto. The guilt about Aurora and her daughter are eating at her. She tells Padre about Luciana coming to the party last night and how she looked like a queen. Padre reminds her that Luciana was only there for Pato. Rosa tells him she provokes her something fierce. Padre asks her if she is thinking of Aurora again. She says Max really liked Aurora and she is still thinking they were involved. He tells Rosa to talk to God and why didn't she talk to Claudio that day at the cemetary? She says she is a coward. He extends his hand to Rosa but she doesn't take it. Padre leaves and she cries.

Mati and Luci are in the kitchen. Luci is dressed in her native dress. She tells Mati that Lorenzo is coming by to pick her up and then her and her brother and her friends are going to Chapultepec Park. She wants Lorenzo to see it. In comes Frigid and right behind her Rod the Bod. Well Rod would like a word with Luci in the biblioteca (library) if you please. He leaves and Frigid gets on Luci's case and tells her to hurry the Master, oh um, Rod is waiting for her, hurry up. Luci goes and Mati gives Frigid the stinkeye. Frigid says she hopes Luci gets a reaming, but Mati tells Frigid that that can't be cause they were dancing last night and she looked like a princess! Frigid is all out of sorts, and Mati asks her sweetly if she would like a cafecita. Now Frigid is giving Mati the stinkeye.

Luci comes to the library and he tells her he always wants to know the class of person working in his house. Luci wants to know what the hey he means by that. He says he needs to protect the family and he is pithed. She starts to get up from her chair and leans toward him, almost in his face, and tells him well if you don't like me, I'll just go. He wants to know who that guy was that crashed the party last night, her lover, her husband, her boyfriend??? He wants to know and no lies now. She tells Rod the Bod that she came to the big city to find a decent job and all she could find was a maid's job. She is a decent girl and a hard worker. Her brother left the North and came to Mexico City too. That is the guy that crashed the party, Lorenzo Jacinto Flores, her brother! She gets up to leave and tells him Adios! He begs her to stay. He tells her Pato really needs her and to please forgive him. Then of course here come the smoochies. He keeps kissing her and apolgizes for that too. He just can't help it. She is kissing him back, but then pushes him away. He is getting married soon. He says everytime he is near her, he can't help kissing her. Luci tells him to stop, she just can't. He tells her she is so beautiful and he drags her back and holds her. She says she can't again. He says it is inevitable everytime he is near her. He wants to be with her. He tells her it is the truth, every word. She puts his hands off of her, and says she just can't. He is crying, she is crying. Mati comes in and says her brother Lorenzo is here; Luci goes.

Julie and Gala are working out at the gym. Julie is worried about how bad she looks, but says ah, it must be the late party last night. Gala is witching as usual about Luci. She is now blaming Frigid for everything that happened last night. If the Estupida has just done what she told her, Luci would have never made it to that party, doncha know. Gala is also mad cause Rod continues to live at home using the excuse of Pato's accident and that he wants to be near Pato. Julie thinks that's a stupid reason, cause all Pato does is lie there all day in bed. When does Rod spend time with him? Gala doesn't like Pato either. Julie suggests they get their own place, sooner rather than later. Then Gala would be calmer.

Frigid is listening at doors again, and sees Mati coming back, so she runs to the stove and is stirring a pot on the stove. The phone rings and Mati answers and says its for Frigid. Well Frigid has a funny look on her face cause it is, wait for it, Gala the horrible. Frigid gets on the phone and yeses and noes Senorita Gala. Mati is in the kitchen the whole time. Once Frigid gets off the phone, she leaves and Mati says to herself. Oh, so it WAS Frigid that caused all this mess with Luci. Gala is very bad.

Hanna is in Melissa's room and she wakes Melissa up. She tells Melissa what Boris told her last night and she just knows that Lola will be pithed when she finds out.

Luci goes to Pato's room and tells him that Lorenzo is here, staying with her friend Violetta and that Lorenzo is her bro. He tells her she can go. She says she will be back by tonight. He tells her he understands love, it makes the world go round.

Lorenzo is at the gate and Luci meets him there. He puts his arm around her and they start walking, when who should drive by in his sporty car, Anyone???? That's right, Mr Hot Bod Rod, who just had to check out Luci's bro and gives him the death ray before he continues on. Lorenzo tells Luci Mama Paz wrote a letter for her and she tells him they are going to Chapultepec Park.

And here we have the comedy of the episode, its Don Aquiles at the hotel. The desk clerk is talking to him thru the glass. He tells Don A there is a cheap place to eat down the street, I think a Chinese Place. Don A so doesn't like that, he thinks it is food for poor people, the clerk also mentions bread and milk too. The clerk says if you are looking for something better, go to Chapultepec Park, uh oh. He goes and drives his big SUV around and finds the park.

Rosa is confessing to Jesus on the Cross in Padre's office. Padre comes in and she tells him she wants to confess. He tells her to go tell Claudio she lied to him about Aurora and her daugther. Meanwhile, Claudio is back at the cemetary and has brought another beautiful bouquet of white roses to Aurora's grave. He is talking to her again, but no sound. Rosa is at the gate, sees Claudio and pauses as if she is going to go in. She changes her mind and leaves.

Oscar and Conny are out to brunch it seems. He is asking if he can ask her a personal question. He wants to know, as attractive as she is, why doesn't she have a boyfriend or lover? She says she has friends for the theater, shopping. She asks him the same. Why doesn't he have a young thing? He says he had a very demanding girlfriend and they have broken up. He tells her he wants something different. He tells her she is different. She smiles at him. (Note to Conny,what are you waiting for woman, snap that gorgeous man up , jus' sayin').

Luci and Lorenzo have come to Violetta's bringing food. Violetta is going to the park too, and says she'll be ready in five minutes, while she is eating. Lorenzo gives the letters he got from Mama Paz and Mama Magda to Luci and Violetta, and Luci goes downstairs to use Dona Estella's phone so she can call them in Het Het.

Jeronimo and Vicky are having breakfast and discussing Max and Rosa. Jeronimo says they are good people. Vicky says that Rosa comes to the salon she works at. The phone rings and Vicky answers. It is Max wanting to meet her at the park cafeteria for a talk. She tells her Papa it is a client and she has to go. She goes.

Luci is downstairs and Dona Estella and Marinita (Thanks Vivi) are there. Luci calls her Mama Paz and thanks her for the letter. Mama Paz tells her to look out for her brother Lorenzo. She promises she will. Ariche talks to Luci too. He wants to know when she is coming back. She doesn't know, they tell each other, they miss each other. Magda comes on the phone and wants to talk to Violetta. Luci says she isn't there, she is getting ready so they can go to Chipultapec Park. The phone goes back to Paz and she gives Luci her blessing. There is a loud knock on the door. It is a desperate girl that wants to be let in. Dona Estella lets her in. She tells Dona Estella her name is Serena and she is running from someone she owes rent to. She can't pay it, it seems.

Rod and Gala are together in an apartment ( I have to say here, I don't know which apartment, I don't know if its their new one, or his, I don't think it is hers). He is staying at the apartment from now on. She wants to know why now. Isn't he worried about Pato? Rod gets a call from his friends, Gabe and Marco, who are coming by later. Gala is all happy and leads her Hot Bod Rod to the bedroom so they can get, you know, en flagrante!

Max and Vicky are at that cafeteria at the park. He doesn't want her at his house again, it isn't decent he says (What???? You are an old dog, jus' sayin') She says she played it cool and Rosa never suspected a thing. She says he is right and she won't do it again and asks for his forgivness (Note to Vicky: You are NOT a doormat, don't let him treat you like one, just break it off with him already, He aint worth your time, jus' sayin'). But she says it is her job afterall. She wants to spend a little time with him. They go to get en flagrante.

Rosa is in Pato's room when Aldo comes in. He is complaining it is Sunday and he needs to rest up after all the work he did last night, Oh Please Aldo, really. He says he woooorrrkss ssoooo hard. Oh, please, Aldo needs help. He says Luci's brother Lorenzo helped him out last night. Well Rosa is so not happy with that. He needs permission for Lorenzo to come to the house. She leaves all pithed off. Pato thinks.

The whole gang of Luci's friends are ready to go to Chapultepec Park. There is Violetta and Polo, Dona Estella and Marinita, Serena , who is tagging along, Lorenzo, and they run into Claudio outside. He had come by to see Luci, she invites him to come too. And there is Mati who came to visit Dona Estella. Claudio calls to her, and asks if she remembers him. She has a sour look on her face, but she comes along too. They all get to the park and Luci is riding the carousel lost in thought. Dona Estella and Mati are at a table right by the carousel and Claudio sits with them and Claudio talks to Mati, she still has that sour look on her face.

Rod, Gabe and Marco are watching a soccer game. Gabe and Marco are cheering the team, and Gala is serving snacks. Gala goes into the kitchen, and Rod is very far away with his thoughts. The guys try to get his attention, but he is very far away, lost in thought. Finally they get his attention, and ask him if he is nervous cause he is getting married soon. Rod looks at both of them, and tells them he isn't so sure he is getting married!


Rod is loco in love with Luci.

Will Rosa finally tell Claudio the truth about Luci and Aurora? Tune in Monday to find out!!!!!


Saturday, June 09, 2012


Recap by Anita

Your Intrepid Reporter feels some of lo de antes bears repeating.  Antonio and Camila are having an intimate breakfast in the kitchen with Tracy and Alberta in attendance (and all ears, of which Antonio is keenly aware).  The conversation is one sided.  The Ant says Camila must eat for the sake of *HIS* hijo.  He wants him to be born healthy and can’t wait to see him riding horses.  What about names, my darling, he tries engaging her in conversation.  Camila isn’t into playing his game, so he asks Tracy if she would like an hija or an hijo.  She sputters whatever God sends.  Antonio goes on and on about his future heir.  He’d like a boy since he already has two girls.  In the background Bertie is bug-eyed impactada.  And, he declares to all ears present, he wants her to get pregnant again just as soon as this baby is born.  Camila is seething.  The Ant continues, oh, and what about taking childbirth classes. 

He will not stop, so Camila excuses herself abruptly to go get some air.  Antonio follows her out to the porch.  She turns on him—why is he keeping up this farce. Well, my dear, he says, twirling his non-existent mustache, that’s what she agreed to—to act like a happy couple waiting for their first child—and someday she *will* come to love him.  Never.  She’ll always love Pedro.  Antonio wants to shut her up quick.  He doesn’t want to hear that name.  So, no more pretense; she has to behave as if it is real. 

Fortunately for a gagging Viewerville, the scene switches to Maria’s apartment where the cousins are having an early morning conversation.  Army congratulates Angel for getting half-way to first base with Flo before mama bear “catched” them.  Angel is cool with mama bear and apparently she is with him.

We next see Flo & Fab having a phone conversation (YIR seems to remember it was a very strict internado—no skyping or e-mails, but I guess phone calls before breakfast are ok).  Flo tells her sister all about her date with Angel and that Army sends bunches of kisses (poor thing still must not have her number).  They hang up and Flo admits to herself that she can’t stop thinking about Angel—he’s such an angel.  Bertie rushes in to interrupt her daydream with the *BIG* news.  Her Papa and Camila are expecting a baby.

Once over her initial shock, Flo just doesn’t believe it.  At 15 (or is it 16, 17, or 18 now), she knows the baby tale and can’t believe Camila could have gotten pregnant that fast.  Bertie looks at her in surprise.  Well, well, it’s like this…Flo stops her.  She’s talking about how it could be possible when Camila hasn’t been happy with The Prince of Swirling Darkness of the Giant Shiny Beltbuckle since day one and the two spend all their time fighting (and don’t even sleep in the same room, don’t forget).  Bertie comes back with, if it’s not his hijo, then how could the Ant be so happy about it.  Flo, exasperated, is running out of arguments, but she’s sure that baby is not her daddy’s. She reminds Bertie that Camila was with Pedro before she married the Ant.  It’s probably Pedro’s kid.  She’ll never accept that kid.  Flo is going to find a way to get out of there.  She wants to leave *right now* and go to Canada to join her sister.  Bertie says that if Camila wasn’t happy with Antonio, she’d be the first to get out of here—why hasn’t she left.  Could it be that Antonio did something to force Camila into marriage (oh, Bertie, you are so close).

Elviral has emerged from her lair at Maria’s to find Angel and Army in a happy mood.  She tries to crush it by announcing that Angel’s mother is getting married.  Angel is happy for her and so what.  Elvirus notes cattily that Maria told her she wasn’t including him in her plans.  She’s not telling him this to hurt him, btw, just telling the truth.  Elvira can’t go along with what Maria is doing—not thinking of her son first.  In fact, just wait, after they are married Maria will forget all about him.  Angel reflects on that for one NY minute.  He knows his mother very well, she wouldn’t do that, but he *is* sure that once they are married, his mom and Manuel are going to live at Manuel’s, leaving this apartment to him.  And the first thing he’s going to do is throw her out.  Elvira is stunned.  He says he’s tired of her interfering in everybody’s lives—look what she did to Army and Fab, then she successfully separated Pedro and Camila from achieving their happiness.  He’s not going to let Elvira ruin his mother’s and Manuel’s happiness.  She continues as if she hadn’t heard him, saying that Manuel isn’t worth a thing, especially for having gone out with two sisters at once.  (She doesn’t realize the big door she just opened; Angel doesn’t even need to ring the doorbell to go right in).  Does she mean the way she forced Armando to go out with both the Negrete sisters at the same time?  Keep it up and she’ll have to deal with him.  Angel storms out.  Armando is left with the lethal e-Virus.  He leaves, too, before she can infect him.

Maria arrives at her office to find a beautiful bouquet of red roses and a note to follow the arrow.  Talking to herself in true telenovela fashion, she finds a ring box on a side table, opens it and says, if he thinks she’s going to put this ring on her finger herself….Manuel, waiting at the door, finishes the sentence that no, he’s going to put the ring on her finger and he’s not going to take no for an answer.  Some sweet, mature, smoochies and hugs follow.  They are both deliriously happy and don’t want to wait another four hours to get married.  How about this afternoon, Manuel suggests.  Well, ok, says Maria, but first she wants to have Angel at her side.  Manuel gets a date with a judge.

Now, what any Talismaniacs remaining in Viewerville have been waiting for….the tender reunion between the prodigal daughter and her loving father.  Well, not quite, it’s more like the resuscitated daughter and the pithed off father.  Pedro and Lucrazylessnow are in the living room at El Alcatrash talking to Don Piggorio.  Doris is present and hovering over the Don.  Lulu is explaining that Antonio was behind the faked death and planned the whole thing in order to send Pedro to jail.  She was too frightened of him not to follow his orders, so she couldn’t let El Pigsty know she was alive.  Doris says they ought to leave because Gregorio isn’t feeling well.  Ignoring his rising blood pressure, the Don yells that no, he’s fine.  Just because he’s having a little trouble with his legs doesn’t mean he can’t defend what belongs to him.  He’s not going let anyone take away what is, Wait for It, MIO. 

Don G tells the re-living daughter that from now one she will stay at El Alcatrash, and cannot leave.  Pedro reminds them that Lucrecia still has to go to the police.  Lulumenoscrazy wants to talk to her daddy alone, so Pedro leaves.  Lucrazynotsomuch explains in a perfectly rational tone, that her happiness lies with Pedro.  Don G tells her she needs a psychiatrist if she thinks Pedro loves her, she’s obsessed.  Lulu retorts that maybe she’s crazy and maybe she’s not, but the one who really needs help is Don G because of his relationship with Doris.  Lucrecia tells her dad to stay out of her life.  El Piggorio pleads, can’t she see he’s up to something?  He married Camila por la Iglesia (#1).  What does she think he’s doing with her?

Out of doors, Camila is getting her 30 min. a day in the exercise yard.  Pedro sees her and approaches.  He desperately wants to know what it is that Antonio has on her to have pressured her into this ridiculous marriage.  She tells him to vete, he can’t be seen talking to her.  He needs to forget about her, go find his happiness elsewhere, like with Lucrazy.  How can he do that, Pedro indicates, when he’s married to her por la Iglesia (#2).  Camila says that can be taken care of by starting annulment proceedings (YIR wonders if Bishop Juan Cristobal will make an appearance). Camila tells him it’s over, acabado, finished and to leave her in paz. Pedro says he can’t.  If it’s over, why did she help him find Lucrecia.  He reminds her that while he was being held in the jail, she promised that she would always love him.  She admits to loving him, but they just cannot be together.  He pleads with her to tell him what made her marry Antonio; if he is to help her he needs to know.  Camila says she *can’t* tell him and to please leave her in paz.

Pedro goes back to El Tal, has a talk with Margarito about the same ole, same ole, but this time he’s convinced it’s Elvira that holds the key and surely she knows what forced Camila into that marriage.  He’s basically eliminated everyone else.  Money is the bait to get her to talk.  All he has to do is put the money IN and the words will come tumbling OUT, just like a vending machine.

At El Trashcan, Doris calls a press conference in the kitchen to let the assembled audience know that it turns out Lulu is alive and well (really?).  Ok. That’s it.  No questions.  No further comments.  She’s outta there—must get back to El Porkie.  He has retired to another room, obviously in distress, leaving Lulu stewing in her own juice.  Doris wants to call the doctor right away.  He says, no way.  It was merely the shock of seeing Lucrecia alive after all the tears he shed.  Although he’s happy to have her back, she obviously needs a specialist.

Don Gregorio begins to unload on Doris.  He begins to talk about his past obsession with Matilde, Don Bernardo’s wife.  He suffered terribly from this obsession, even going to the length of killing for it (woohoo says YIR, are we going to get a reveal next Friday at 2:45 pm—like he *did* kill his never-before-seen wifey to be free for Matilde).  Doris tries to calm him down, it’s not good for his health.  He can’t, he’s on a roll.  He tells Doris she need not worry; he likes her, but isn’t obsessed with her.  She’s only good for sex.  She’ll never wake the passion in him that he had for Matilde (is Viewerville supposed to feel sorry for him that he was unlucky in love).  Doris is hurt; he has no right to insult her the way he just did.  Don G says he didn’t mean to offend her, but that’s the way it is.  He moans that it’s terrible to love someone and not have them love you in return.  He’s empty inside.

The Don’s convinced that Lucrecia has inherited this obsessive trait and it’s manifesting itself in her ridiculous attachment to Pedro.  Antonio managed to avoid the trait.  He notes that the Antonio-Camila coupling is not the same (you could a fooled me, YIR thought it *was* obsession), although he has no idea how the Ant got her to marry him.  Maybe, says Doris, it’s because, Wait for It, HE’S NOT YOUR SON.  El Piggorio nearly has a fatal infarto then and there.  Doris tells him she has always known that little nugget of information.  She reminds him of the friendship between her mother and Don G’s wife and she overheard the words spoken right by his wife.  Don G tries to deny it, but Doris claims he knew all along, too, but didn’t tell because of the shame knowing he had a wife who was not just unfaithful, but produced a child as well (YIR says woohoo, is this going to be another reveal—who is Antonio’s bio-dad and do we care?).

Doris leaves him.  Don Gregorio is sitting there mulling over what has just happened.  He’s furious and throws a glass at the door and it shatters.  He comes to the conclusion that he only has one child, his daughter.  Panchito comes running and wants to know what is troubling him.  Don Gregorio takes a second look at Panchito—well, valgame Dios, he does have a son, even if he is the son of a servant.  He tells Joven Pancho (out of respect for his new status, YIR will now start calling him Joven Pancho) to keep an eye on Antonio and if he leaves, quick send for the notary, because he wants to change the terms of his last will and testament.

Meanwhile, in another part of the house, Antonio walks in to see his lov.. er, sister talking to herself.  He freaks out and lights into her.  She tells him, in quite a normal tone of voice, that it’s all out in the open and Daddy knows all about his complicity.  She’s sure Daddy cares about her and she is important to him.  He tries to get her to wake up, Don G never cared for her, either one of them for that matter.  How is it that she can believe him now when she never believed him before.  Lu is so mad she threatens to take back the management of her part of El Trashcan that she signed over to him.  Antonio says she’d better not.  She looks squarely into the face of that shaggy overgrown facial hair of a glowering smirker that she’s not afraid of him anymore.  She’s not alone any more, Pedro will defend her.  So there, take that, bro (and I’ll see you behind the caterer’s trailer after the scene is done).

Sometime earlier, Elvira, having struck out borrowing money from Maria to pay off Rennie’s apartment, decides that Antonio will lend her the money and she’s going to go see him right now.  (Oh, YIR remembers that Elvira is on the phone with Camila, just as the local metropolitan area emergency weather announcement interrupts and cuts off any further conversation.  Just as well.  We know what Antonio will say and we’re much more interested in the outcome of Pedro’s tantalizing offer.)

In the spacious, country kitchen at El Trasholacan, Bertie and Tracy have their noses glued to the window watching the Pedro-Camila encounter out in the side yard.  Bertie wants Tracy to go out and separate them before Antonio sees them.  When Tracy won’t because she wants them to have a chance to talk, Bertie begins pestering her again to tell her what’s going on.  Tracy is just about to spill the beans when they are interrupted - again, this time by Flo.  She’s convinced everybody in this house is crazy; everybody is fighting all the time.

Antonio, roaming around the house, runs into Florencia still in the kitchen and announces his pride of fathership, yep, after all these years, it’s happening again.  She’s going to get a baby brother.  Flo announces she’s leaving to join Fabiola and may the three of them be happy together.  Nah-ah, ain’t happening that way, clues in the Ant.  When this baby is born, Fabiola is coming back and all five of them will be here, togetha.  Flo comes right out and asks how does daddy dearest know this one is his.  Flo obviously has his number.  (YIR didn’t see that one coming.  Score points for Flo.)

Camila returns to the house and is surprised to see Lulubell.  She reminds Camila that she is her cuñadita now and she’s not taking any guff from her.  She’s pithed because she’s convinced Camila told Pedro that she was alive and where to find her.  Camila denies it.  Well, that had better be the truth she says; Camila is married to the Ant now (dang YIR knows she wants Aaron more than she wants Rafael), so leave Pedro the h*ll alone.

Doris has made a quick trip to Brigitte’s House of Masked Pleasures.  They are confabing in the office.  Brigitte is incredulous that Doris went and told the Pigsty that she knew about Antonio’s doubtful parentage (man, YIR can’t wait to see Antonio’s face when he finds out—he might even be happy, but not about losing his inheritance).  Doris is aware that it was a no-no and will interfere with her future plans, but she could not bear Don Gregorio’s stinging words that he only wants her for sex, but never as a wife.

Back with Maria, she’s rounding up the wedding party.  Maria calls Angel and gives him the happy news.  He’s surprised by the haste, but wishes them well and of course he’ll meet them in the judges chambers later this afternoon.   Once Angel says yes, she wants to make sure Armando and Camila will come.  He’ll take care of Armando and Maria will call Camila.  First Angel calls Flo and asks her to go to his mother’s wedding with him.  Yep, a little hasty, but really, it’s not a shotgun wedding.  Flo swoons, of course she wants to be with him.  She’ll meet him there because she’ll go with Camila and Antonio.  Then she accidentally reveals the news of Camila’s pregnancy.  Que? says Angel.  When Maria calls El Alca for Camila, Antonio answers.  He’s emotionally cold, but promises to be there with Camila.  After hanging up, his true intentions are clear—he wants to go so he can tell everyone he and Camila are expecting *MI* hijo.

Pedro has called the office of El Capitan and wants to come in.  He’ll be right there.  He shows up at the precinct with Lulubelle.  She is sounding so perfectly rational and reasonable, viewerville is astonished.  She fills in El Capo with all the information she’s willing to share.  El Capo thinks it’s hard to believe that Lu merely walked out of the cabaña just before the conflagration.  Why didn’t she come forward right away.  Her answer is that with everything she had gone through, wouldn’t it be understandable that she was committed for a time.  She assumed there would be an investigation and she was mad at Pedro; they had argued, just like any other couple.  El Capo stops her.  Wait, wasn’t the “couple” really Pedro and Camila?  The Capitan reminds her that Pedro was actually married to Camila por la Iglesia (#3) at the time.  El Capo thanks them and tells Lulu that she can’t leave the area without permission, while they continue their investigation.  When they are ready to go, Pedro excuses himself and tells Lulu that he has something to do before going home.  He tells her Margarito will come for her and no, she cannot go with him.

The wedding party has arrived at the judges chambers.  The invited guests are dressed up and waiting for the ceremony to begin.  Manuel approaches Camila and in a lowered voice takes her aside.  He wants to know if she knows anything to inculpate the Negretes in Mariana’s death.  Camila’s eyes open wide, but denies knowing anything.  Manuel wants to know if she is prepared to let the killer or killers get away with  murder.

Lastly, Pedro shows up at Maria’s apartment, where Elvira has been sitting kvetching about how could her sister do this to her.  He opens up his briefcase and….it’s manna from heaven.  Elvira has never seen so much dinero—not in her wildest dreams.  This probably isn’t as much as MI CHEQUE, but it’ll do in a pinch.  Pedro makes it simple:  tell him what made Camila marry Antonio and the money is hers, all of it, no strings attached.  Elviral hunts the recesses of her mind for the answer to her dreams.  Elvira makes it simple: Camila is with Antonio because she loves him, now, give her the money, it’s, Wait for It, MIO.  Not so fast, sister, Pedro says she has to tell her the truth.  Elvira insists that’s the reason, so now the money is MIO.  Pedro reminds her that she and he both know Camila on her own would never have married Antonio.

AVANCES—Unbelievably and happily, there are no avances, only finales.  Next Friday, June 15, is the big 2-hour unraveling (there is no wrapping up in this tn).

Recap by Anita; posted by Blue Lass


Amorcito Corazón Discussion #4-8 June 4-8

Please forgive me everyone. I got way behind this week and I sped through the chapters, so I may have missed everything a few things.

Main Events:
  • Marisol goes to find her destiny (Juancho) while her destiny goes to the DF to find his destiny (Marisol.) Marisol sees Juancho getting on a bus and after coming home is convinced her amor is  in the DF. Juancho arranges for a radio station to help him look for his media naranja. No one listens to the radio except Juancho.
  • Fernando tells Isa that Poncho was bragging about taking her virginity. Isa never wants to see Poncho again.
  • Isa and Fernando's hijas become buddies.
  • Hortensia accuses Isa and Fernando of being lovers and later gets Isa fired. Too bad Isa thinks it's Fernando's fault. Isa plans to get work in her carrera: Architecture.
  • Willy finds out Lucía is a monja and wants to win her over (I guess he loves a challenge.) He has lots of scenes and I understand 5% of what he says. There's the schtick in the priest's robe and then some rather kinky shenanigans with Lucías stolen habit. ¿Hay alguien que me puede ayudar?
  • Doris, a former fling of Fernando's arrives in the DF...much to Fernando's dismay. She teams up with Poncho to make trouble for Isa. 
Other Events:
  • Beba and Hortensia look for Willy and get robbed.
  • Cecilio has it bad for Zoe.
  • Álvaro and Zoe are getting divorced. I think Zoe's divorce lawyer is a creep. Does Álvaro get everything because of the prenup?
  • Isa's dad pays the bill for mom's home. Dad's girlfriend is a beech. Isa's mom has a relapse. Dad and mom are not officially divorced.
  • Zoe wants to work.
  • Hortensia starts classes with Willy tomorrow (you know, just to protect her friend.)
Everyone is related:
  • Lucía is Fernando's sis.
  • Willy is Bárbara's brother and they are both Juancho's cousin. Willy and Bárbara's mom, Lala, is giving sewing lessons at the church.
  • Juancho is Marisol's "amor."
  • Bárbara is Marisol's new-found friend.
  • Hortensia is Fernando's suegra.
  • Isa is Marisol's teacher.
  • Beba is very involved with the folks at the school and can arrange a meeting between the principal and Hortensia.
  • Did I miss anything?
A joke I get:
Isa's last name is Cordero (Lamb) and Fernando's last name is Lobo (Wolf.)

A joke I didn't get:
novata/novicia: I assume a play on novata (as in innocent/green/inexperienced) and novicia (novitiate)

Stuff that cracked me up

  • Every scene with Willy boy 
  • Suzy Secretaria
  • Piernas flacas

Poner mi granito de arena: add my two cents; my little contribution
recogelatas: person who survives by collecting and selling aluminium cans.
la sotana: cassock
mitómano(-a): pathological liar
patán (a repeat): lout
al mal paso darle prisa: let's get it over with
el proveedor/la proveedora: supplier
alcahuetear: to act as a go between; gossip; snitch
achahuete: tattle-tale (I'm pretty sure Doris said "alcahuete" or also así, so I'm including all the possibilities.)
firmar a ciegas: to sign without reading

I'll be back Monday with the weekly post. Feel free to fill in my blanks.


Weekend Discussion: Men In Uniform

I'm going to ask for some help here as there aren't a lot of novelas whose heroes (or villains) are military officers, cops, or other men who wear uniforms.  If anyone can think of any beyond this list, please assist with a link!  This entry will be considerably shorter than last week's, so there will be multiple photos of those gentleman who wear uniforms well.  Starting with.....

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Friday, June 08, 2012

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of June 11, 2012: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

Hi guys! I'm hoping something in the next line-up of shows catches my interest. I really miss your conversation. I tried Ojo por ojo on Mun2 but found it a huge turn-off. Now, as you've noticed, Telemundo has been running teasers for Rosa Diamante. That's one I'd like to take a look at (if they ever air it!). The actor Mauricio Ochmann is getting star billing and I like him a lot. I notice that Sofia Stamatiades (Hilda in La casa de al lado)is in the cast as well. The story must have something compelling, given the number of remakes: Perla Negra aired in Argentina during 1994 and 1995; and in 1998 there appeared both a Mexican version, Perla, and a Brazilian version, Pérola Negra.

Here's your page. Enjoy!

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Abismo de pasión #63 6/7/12: Bewitched, bothered and bewildered (or The Patio of Lowered Expectations is becoming crowded)

Props to Marta for her lyrics inspiration and Novela Maven for opening up the Patio behind the Cantina.

Old beans:
The Hate Serenade, squeeee!!! I love it. 

I got tired of pleading.
I got tired of telling her that without her I would die of sorrow.
She wouldn’t listen, if her lips opened it was only to tell me “I no longer longer love you.”

I felt my life was lost in a deep, dark abyss, just like my luck.
I wanted to forget, Jalisco style, but the mariachis and tequila just made me cry.

Elmer Fudd gwabs his wifle and appwoaches Dam. He is accompanied by his own feminine serenade of “Dios Mios”. 

“Elisa Castañon, you are the worst thing that ever happened in my life!” Say what you will about Dam Stupid, he can deliver a message in Dam Fine style.

New Beans:
Lolita begs Dam not to say anything he will regret. Too late mamacita. Dam keeps bellowing until Assgusto fires a shot at the moon. Assg points his gun at Dam and calls him borracho, as if everyone deals with their problems Assgusto-style. Dam denies having a drop and tells Assgusto he doesn’t need to shoot him, Elisa has already killed him. “You hear that Elisa? You killed me!”  

Kenia runs out and convinces Dam to leave. Assgusto’s not happy with her departure and Carmina is not happy to see him being not happy, hee hee. And kudos to those mariachis for keeping their cool while under gunfire. Those guys are heroes.

Useless leering Vicente finds Sabrina in the Pro Ce offices. The little slimeball introduces himself, Sabrina notes he’s the kid of a servant, and he brags he is GABINO MENDOZA’S Asistente Personal. Sabrina pretends to be waiting for her bro, but is really hoping to run into Paolo. Chente says Paolo is frequently absent, a subject that he and Gabino have been discussing muy seriamente. He asks Sabrina out, he earns more than his dad and can treat. She flatly refuses, he’s just a kid (escuincle). Ouch, smack down. Gabino, who has been spying, is highly amused and advises Useless not to take that vieja seriously. Chente can get whatever he wants if he puts his mind to it. In fact, Chente reminds him of himself. Ah, young rapey snake in the making.

Over at Hacienda Harangue-O Tonia is still kvetching about Chente working for GABINO MENDOZA.  Fina advises Tonia to forget about the promise she made. This job is good for Chente’s future and doesn’t Tonia have more important things to worry about? 

The mood at Casa Castigo is no happier. In fact Carmeany is in a high dudgeon, castigating Assgusto for playing with his guns again. Didn’t he learn from almost killing Damian? “That was an accident,” he anemically explains. (LOL, what a doofus.) Carmeany says he could spend the rest of his days in jail.  

Oh man, now things get a little weird. Assgusto starts rubbing all over Agent Orange, suggesting his going to jail would be convenient for her. She denies it and he, glasses cattywampus, says not according to GABINO MENDOZA. El Ass admits he has never been happy with her.

Speaking of Paolo, ooh la la he is sulking, shirtless. Tonia interrupts his grumps to tell him that same chica is on the phone for him. Run hunkalicious, run! But it’s not sweet nothings Carmeany has in mind. “You’re an imbecile for telling GABINO MENDOZA about us!” She reams him a new one and vows he will regret blabbing.

Paolo yells Carmina’s name just in time for Big Brother to hear; he wants to know who Carmina is. Paolo goes back to sulking so Guido asks Tonia. The only Carmina in town is married to Augusto Castañon, the father of Elisa.

Speaking of whom, Elisa’s got the water works turned on full blast. Tonight we have tears and high-volume wailing. “Perdoname mi amor!!!! WAAAAAAHH!” FF>>

Horacio is parked outside 527-B Baker Street (Kenia’s casita) and watches Assgusto ride by and note that the Arango truck is present.

Inside, Kenia tries to calm Damian. She knows exactly how he feels and she was surprised that Elisa ended things with him. Dam’s got his own water works going, how could Elisa exchange him for his best bud? Kenia says she really thought Elisa was in love with Dam. Isn’t he going to fight for his love? He says she’s not worth it and he’ll jump start his heart somewhere else. Kenia reassures him that he can count on her. Ruh Roh.

Fina happily informs Flor that she thinks Elisa and Dam are terminado for good and she hopes Flor makes the most of this. Fina also reveals that she offered Guido a job at the Pro Ce and is trying to get him to stay in La Ermita. Wouldn’t that make Flor happy? At this point Flor, rolling her eyes, pretty much concedes to the master and reluctantly agrees to help with Fina’s plans. Fina is miffed to discover Guido has gone out and Flor doesn’t know where he went. 

Carmina is also miffed but strangely lovey-dovey with Assgusto when he finally gets home from his evening ramble. He repels her because she is, well, repellent, and ambles off to the shower.

Lolita announces that someone wants to see Carmina. Not surprisingly, it is Guido, Paolo’s big brother. He’s come to find out the nature of her relationship with Paolo. She feigns ignorance but suggests they take it outside. “Why can’t we just talk in here?” he asks, way too sensibly I might add. She bugs her eyes at him and tells him it's outside or nuthin’. 

I give Carmeany credit for at least being truthful to Guido and admitting she doesn’t want her husband to hear them. Guido asks if she is afraid of her husband. She’s not afraid of hubby, she just wants to avoid conflict. (Snort!! Avoid conflict, that’s a good one. I felt I really had to include that sentence because we needed a laugh.) She instantly goes back into mentira mode and says Paolo has become a nuisance to her niece. Guido is way too much like a normal person to be in this telenovela. He calmly asks if Paolo is after Elisa then why is Carmina making phone calls to him? Carmina says Paolo wasn’t content with harassing Elisa, now he is bothering Carmina too. Unfortunately, given Paolo’s past history Guido is inclined to believe her. 

Moving Target Maru, dressed up and made up, visits Lucio to deliver those papers he asked about. He goes into Aw Shucks mode and tries to laugh off what Gabino said earlier, about her having the hots for him. Maru tells him it wasn’t nonsense, she has been in love with Lucio for many years. She tells him he doesn’t need to say anything and she’s not trying to embarrass him. She knows how much Blanca meant to him. (That’s it, I just opened up the I Love Maru table on the Patio of Lowered Expectations. I’ve loved this actress ever since she was a Madam in Alborada.) 

Assgusto is lurking indoors and ambushes Carmeany as she re-enters the house. “Where were you?” She answers, he doesn’t believe her. While she was outside spinning more web lies he was getting cleaned up. He has his own sneaky business to take care of and he leaves Carmina desperately looking around for someone or something to trash.

Aha! She spies Lolita carrying a tray to Elisa’s room. Be careful opening the door Lolita, you might get washed away in the flood. 

Luckily she safely enters and the expected conversation ensues. “I love Damian more than my own life, boo hoo.”  Lolita wonders what did Elisa expect after making Dam believe she loves Gael? And what is she going to do now about Gael? Elisa admits she was very unjust and egotistical for involving Gael in all this. “Yes, mi niña, unfortunately I completely agree with you.” (That’s it, I just opened up the I Love Lolita table out on the patio. Novela Maven, is it getting too crowded out here?) Lolita scolds Elisa some more and suggests that Elisa find Paloma and explain all the details to her.

Damian is hanging out at the stables, head in hands, when Braulio strolls by and wonders what’s up. Problems with Elisa? Dam says all his problems with her are over. They discuss the contract and Dam says he wants to show mom that he is a man who keeps his word. He promised Elisa he would help her with her tierras and he wants to keep that promise. 

Fina (and her fabulous figure) interrupts and wants to know what they were talking about. He’s only too willing and angrily admits they were talking about the contract that HE signed with Elisa. Fina is so not on board with doing favors for “those people”. Dam says then do it for him. He doesn’t want Gael and Elisa to think he broke the contract out of vengeance. He and Elisa are over, she is with Gael now. 

Any guesses where Assgusto went? Sho’ ‘nuff he went right back to 527-B Baker Street. He asks Kenia what was Dam doing at her place? She is tickled that he lies about “just passing by” and noticing Dam’s truck. He finally admits he’s jealous. He tells her he adores her, she fascinates and bewitches him, and urk, he lays a big old real kiss on her. Ack, I had to shut my eyes, tell me when it’s over! Oh wait, you guys don’t have to because Pop! goes the Sleazel! Bwahahaha! I love this. “Am I interrupting anything?” demands the Tangel-Ho. 

Assgusto goes on the offense, “¿Qué haces aquí?” Carmina thinks he has his nerve, what is HE doing there making out with a girl young enough to be his daughter? They have their usual conflict non-avoidance and Kenia even pops in to remind Carmina about Paolo. Their relationship is more than a stolen kiss, Paolo is in love with Carmina. Carmina hisses that Kenia just wants to create (create, hah!) conflict between Car and Assgusto. Assgusto yells at them to stop. He apologizes to Kenia, says it was a mistake and it won’t happen again. 

Guido gets home where Flor is waiting up for him. She urges him not to accept Fina’s offer to liquidate his business and work at the Pro Ce. He would be a mere employee of Fina’s and she manipulates everyone. She wants to get back together with Dam and then all of them move back to the DF. Guido tells her he’s sick of her pretending to be concerned about others when she really only thinks about herself. OK, tantrum over, he’ll think about what she’s said. Whew! I’m glad to see Flor is still her devious old self. I was afraid she had finally buckled to Fina.

Speaking of conflict avoidance (we were, weren’t we?), they dispensed with that over at Casa Castigo and are in full-contact Conflict Perseverance mode. Shouting, shoving, “All those years I was totally unsatisfied at your side and I never once was unfaithful.” That lie came out of Carmeany’s mouth by the way. Assgusto says Gabino and Elisa think otherwise. She rips on him for going after a mere child; if she hadn’t interrupted they would have ended up in bed. She claims he cheated on Stef (with her) and now he’s cheating on her. Just another pleasant evening at Casa Castigo.

Guido storms into Pathetic Paolo’s room wanting to know why he’s been pouting in his room all day. Guido says he just spoke to Carmina, not only was Paolo bothering Elisa but now he is bothering Carmina, which doesn’t surprise him one bit. Paolo jumps up and flexes his manly pecs in indignation. Lies! True about Elisa but not Carmina. Paolo thought they were having a real relationship! Guido warns Paolo to shape up or else. (Dang, Paolo looks like he’s already in excellent shape. Just sayin’, but I digress.) Paolo pushes it, and what if he doesn’t, er, shape up? Guido says he will personally press charges against Paolo for knocking up a minor (Kenia) and for attempting to rape Elisa. To wit, Paolo will go to jail. Oh, and I just pulled another table out onto the Patio, this time for the I Love Guido group. 

Carmina stares at herself in the mirror as if she’s seeing Ugly Orange for the first time. She snots and snorts into her hands and smears it all over her face as she recalls Assgusto macking on Kenia. She babbles something, I couldn’t tell you what it is, but she knows she’s toast of the most over-toasted variety. 

Assgusto visits his pal Edmundo Tovar, he couldn’t stay in his house and didn’t know where else to go. He says he is having big problems with Carmina. He’s not certain but he thinks she’s cheating on him. Urp, doc asks who the other guy might be. Assgusto says who is not important, what counts is that he thinks it’s true. He says he hasn’t been the best husband and in fact he’s got the hots for another woman, her eyes, her voice, blah blah blah. But he’s got to stop this relationship because the girl could be his daughter. Edmund says they all make mistakes (thinking’ about boning’ Orangina). He suggests Assgusto try a separation from Carmina while he sorts things out, and maybe at the same time he can start reassessing his relationship with his daughter.

Down at the herbal hut Paloma tells Ramona she’s sad because Elisa and Dam broke up. Ramona says that no matter how many obstacles present themselves, Elisa and Dam were destined to be together and it's no use fighting destiny. (DESTINY! DESTINY! NO ESCAPING THAT FOR ME! ) Paloma hopes Gran can say the same thing about Paloma and Gael. Nope, Ramona says that’s different because Gael’s heart isn’t feeling it and Paloma should just accept it.

Assgusto gets home, goes into Elisa’s room and finds the pic of Stef and Blanca. He tells Elisa to hide it before he burns it. She says he has no right, the pic belongs to her. He retorts that Stef had no right to cheat on him, yet she did. (Huh?) Dad starts to leave but then turns around and says he wants to thank her for what she did for him. Elisa gives dad a big hug and he recoils. Ugh. Dude, I just figured out who the victim of my Hate Serenade is going to be. Now I just have to choose a song. I wonder if I could get mariachis to translate Radiohead’s “Creep” into Spanish? 

Dedicated to Assgusto, as sung from his perspective:
But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here.

Next morning Gabino treats us with his lovely nekkidness from the waist up, sigh. IrritatIng announces she wants to find her son. Gab warns her about showing her face in el pueblo. She shrieks irritatingly (of course) that she’s tired of being cooped up and she’s decided it’s time to tell Gael who his father is. No, no no no, Gabino doesn’t agree, if Gael finds out he’ll take it out on them. Ingrid says Gael isn’t like that, he’s not ambitious like Some People. Ingrid thinks if Gael knows his dad’s identity then he can work to get what is due him. She’s made up her mind.

Dam visits the clinic and Paloma happily greets him. She’s impressed at how quickly he is improving. He thanks her for her friendship and she assures him she cares for him a lot. She says someone told her that he and Elisa are over but she didn’t believe it. He confirms it and she wonders why. “You don’t know?”  asks Dam. Nope, she hasn’t seen Elisa yet. Dam tells her that she has been betrayed too. “Your friend has a new boyfriend, Gael.” Paloma can’t believe it. Dam couldn’t believe it either...until he saw them kissing very passionately. 

Darn, I didn’t get the slap tonight. And no Abismo on Friday. We are denied!

Previews for Monday: Paloma slaps Elisa. Assgusto asks Carmina for a separation.


Thursday, June 07, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #19-20 Thu 6/7/12 Note To Gala: Ever Heard of Karma, Jus' Sayin'


We start off today, where we left off yesterday with the cotton candy pink dress and the five inch heels left in Luci's room so she can go with Pato to the Torreslanda Company Anniversary party. She is very happy with these things and thanks the Virgincita for them. She thinks maybe Conny got these for her. She is extremely grateful.

Back in Het Het, Lorenzo is going to Mexico City to see Luci. Paz and Magda are sorry to see him go there, but happy he will be carrying letters from them for both their girls. He assures them he will be fine, in the big bad City and not to worry so much. (Look dude, Mom's worry that's just what they do, jus' sayin'). Meanwhile down the road, Copio (ole Don Aquile's little henchman) is packing the Don's truck up. Seems the Don has the brilliant idea of following Lorenzo to Mexico City to find his little dove. Don Aquiles is trying to hurry up the process and Copio tells him to be calm, everything is in order. Don Aquiles leaves, and I'm pretty sure Copio is laughing in relief. (Note to Don Aquiles: Hope you get a big ole flat dude).

Lorenzo can't get out of that door fast enought. The women are clinging to him, telling him to be careful, he has to keep assuring them, he will be fine. He gives both of them a hug and Paz tells him she will miss him very much and he tells her he will be back soon.

Mati has come to Luci's room and Luci is still wondering who could have given her this beautiful dress and shoes. Mati knows but won't say. Hanna comes to Luci's room and tells her, it was her that got the dress and shoes for Luci. Luci thanks her so much. Hanna tells her Pato wants her to be beautiful for this party. Hanna is running late and she's gotta go.

The guys, Rod and Pato, are talking and says Dad Max is nervous about this party. Pato wants to know if Rod will dance with Luci. Rod doesn't know. Pato says he has a big surprise for him.

Of course, Julie and Gala have got to get primped at the salon. Julie wants some brunch, and she assures Gala she will be the queen at this ball, uh, I mean this party. Julie wants to know if Luci is coming to this event. Evidentially Gala didn't get the chisme, cause she says if she were a nurse she could see it but Luci is just a, wait for it, SERVANT. (Note to Gala: Ever heard of karma??? Jus' Sayin').

Luci is about to bring a tray to Pato, when Rod says Good Morning to her and starts sayin' Luci you got some 'splain' to do, not really, but he does ask her who that guy was that was with her. He saw them. She says it was her lawyer and what about it? He is acting very jealous. She goes. Luci goes to Pato's room and Hanna is there. Pato asks her how she liked the surprise. She loved them, and of course unbeknownst to them, who is listening at the door? Of course its the chisme queen Frigid. She hears it all and the small hamster wheel in her brain is turning.

Violetta is coaxing, Ophelia?, to eat and Estella is glad she is doing it. Ophelia is missing her mama. Violetta, the cute bartender ( I think his name is Paolo), Estella and Ophelia are at the park. Violetta and Paolo take Ophelia off to the swings I think and Estella thinks about how much she misses her daughter.

Rosa, Hanna, Melissa and Conny look like they are having a sale for charity. There are all kinds of things here, Hanna is looking at a beautiful blue dress, evening gown type, that is hanging on a hanger, someone donated. Rosa tells her to put it back.

Meanwhile, Rod, Oscar, and Max are at a golf tournment on that beautiful golf course.

Gala and her mama Julie have moved on to massages now (What is it with these people, anyway, you need a massage to attend a party, REALLY). Anyways, the phone rings and it's Gala's of course, and guess who is on the other end, Rod???, Prince William, no of course it is , wait for it, the chisme queen who can't wait to tattle on Luci, about how she is coming to this party. Gala tells Frigid to find a way to stop her from going. Frigid is pleased.

Lorenzo is on the bus, and Don A's truck is still following. The bus is about to pull in the station, and Don A is still following, when the cops stop Don A. They tell him he cannot, absolutely cannot use this bus lane, buses only. Well Don A, who thinks he is all that, argues with the cop. The cop tells him if he continues on they will impound his truck. In the process he loses sight of Lorenzo. The bus is stopped now and the passengers are getting off and Lorenzo is looking around, when Aldo calls him and asks him if he wants to help him out, he'll even pay him. So Lorenzo ends up getting a dolly and carts his bag and Aldo's boxes and they go.

Conny, Rosa, Hanna, and Melissa go get their hair done at the salon Vicky works at. They are done, go home and start getting ready. Hanna and Melissa are together, when Tia Conny comes and gives Hannah that dress she way eyeing at the bazaar. Hanna is over the moon.

Rod is thinking about Luci and that lawyer chap. He is sooo jealous. Pato is ready and goes in the car with Rosa, who, I'm sorry looks like she has a stick up her butt, jus' sayin'.

Melissa and Hanna have come to have a look at Luci and love the way she looks. She does look so beautiful in that dress. Mati comes in and tells her she looks so beautiful. They all have smiles on their faces. Meanwhile, ole chisme queen Frigid is in the hall, doing some indoor gardening, not really, but she is digging wet dirt out of the potted plants and putting it in a bucket..

The party has started at the Torrelsanda business.

Mati is helping Luci get ready. Frigid comes by to see how much longer it is going to take for her to get ready. Mati reminds her not to be late. Mati leaves and as soon as she does, Frigid takes that wet dirt bucket, sets it right in the pathway of Luci's door, goes to the end of the hall and turns off the lights. Luci, meanwhile, is still in her room and prays to the Virgincita, that she would like to have a good time, and for Gala to leave her alone. Well it seems in this instance the Virgincita couldn't intercede for Luci, cause she walks out the door, trips on the bucket, the hallway is really dark,and falls straight into that yukky dark mud, ruining her dress, she starts to cry. She goes back into her room, shoes in hand and looks at the ruined dress and she is filthy from that mud, from head to foot. She is really crying now. Frigid is watching in the hall and is so full of glee. (Note to Frigid: Hope they get wise to your little games soon). Frigid goes and is in the kitchen with Mati. Mati tells the driver that Luci will be down soon. Mati goes up to Luci's room to see what is taking so long. Frigid follows. Mati goes into to Luci's room and can't beleive what she sees, she asks Luci if she is ok. Frigid stands in the doorway with her frozen face of glee and says oh so sorry so sad you can't go to this party and says goodnight and she will send the driver away. Luci stays in the room and cries to the Virgincita, this must not have been meant to be. Luci cries over the ruin of that beautiful dress.

Jeronimo wants Vicky to go to the Torrelanda's party with him. She isn't too happy, but will go with him. He says he has worked for the Torreslanda's a long time and is expected to be there.

Aldo and Lorenzo finally make it to this party, but the staff tells him he has to park elsewhere, and Aldo gets out and looks for a dolly for those boxes. He tells Lorenzo to wait in the truck. Aldo comes back and moves the truck again. Aldo tells Lorenzo , that Aldo has to go to somewhere else, so Lorenzo goes with. It is the Torreslanda house. Lorenzo is impressed that Aldo lives there. Aldo admits its his Tio and Tia's house and he tells him about Pato's accident.

Conny, Melissa and Hanna all come to the party together and Hanna has dropped her little scarf for her dress. Lorenzo sees this and gets her attention so he can give it back to her. The girls meet up with Jule and Gala and Rosa. Hanna is looking for Luci, she can't beleive she isn't there yet.

Frigid and Mati are in the kitchen, and Mati wants to know what Frigid was doing in the servants quarters. Frigid tells her she was looking for Luci. You can tell Mati is not buying what she is selling. Frigid leaves and Hanna calls the house and wants to know where Luci is. Mati explains what happened to the dress. Gala is standing near Hanna when she hears and Gala can't contain her glee either.

Mati comes to Luci's room brings her another dress to wear. It looks like the dress that Hanna liked so much, or one similar. Mati is like the fairy godmother, she helps Luci get ready. Luci is finally ready and looks even better than she did the first time. She is all ready to go, but before she does, Mati has a look around to make sure Frigid isn't lurking around to wreck more havoc on Luci.

In the middle of this party, Oscar, Max, Rod, Pato, and Gabriel and Marco (thanks jlk) are meeting. There was a business deal that Rod, Pato, Gabriel and Marco wanted to do with the Canadians, but Max and Oscar nix the deal. They say now isn't the time. The boys are not down with that.

Back at the party, Pato makes a grand entrance in his new chair and the whole company applauds. There is lots of press there and they are taking tons of pictures. Pato asks after Luci and Hanna assures him he will be in for a surprise. There is a toast. Aldo back at the Torreslanda's has changed his clothes and they are back to the party.

Gala and Rod are together and she wants to know how she looks. He tells her she is beautiful (Just wait there Gala, that karma is comin'). Now there is a film about the company Torreslanda with really heavy beat music. Max is up on stage and introduces Rosa as his wife. Announces it is the 20th anniversary of the company. About this time, as Max is about to say something else, here comes Luci, who is very very beautiful. Rod is agape, he can't close his mouth, and Hanna, Melissa and Pato love how she looks. They are very happy. Everyone is staring and Rosa is way pithed off, that the speech was interrupted, so Oscar, bless him, starts clapping to break the tension. Everyone joins in, including Max, and Hanna, Melissa and friends start chanting Luci, Luci, Gala is coming unhinged she is ROYALLY pithed by this time. Julie isn't happy either. Gala can't understand why that SERVANT should DARE be at this party. Rod tells Gala to be discrete and stop yelling. Oscar, the gentleman that he is, escorts Luci to Pato. Pato is very happy to see Luci. Conny tells Oscar, Luci is very beautiful and he agrees. Max thanks everyone from podium, where Rosa looks like she swallowed ten lemons. Everyone claps for Pato.

Lorenzo meanwhile is still out in Aldo's truck .He is feeling chilly and wraps himself up in a blanket and goes to sleep. Lorenzo wakes up from his little nappy poo and gets out of the truck and stretches. He starts walking around and comes into the kitchen of the party. Lorenzo makes it out to the ballroom, sees Luci dancing with Rod , about this time Aldo comes in too and he is carrying a tray, I guess it was doing waiter duty during this party.

Gala is still very pithed off that Luci actually came to this party. Everyone is trying to make her calm, but she is sooo mad, there looks like there is smoke coming out of her ears and she is growing horns on her head, jus' sayin'. She is sooo jealous.

Jeronimo comes and introduces his daughter Vicky to Max and Rosa. They are flabbergasted that Vicky is Jeronimo's daughter. Rosa remarks it's a small world cause she already knows Vicky. Max tells Jeronimo he has a lovely daughter, ya think?? After they go, Max warns Rosa he doesn't want Vicky at the house again.

Gala and Julie are off to the side and Gala has figured out that Hanna was the one to ensure that Luci made it to this party. Julie is trying to calm her down. Gala says that girl is only a SERVANT. Julie tells her to lighten up, put a smile on that face, cause she's in public, doncha know. She wants the press to gets lots of pics of Gala, but of course Gala is still being bitchy. Now Gala is starting to really lose it, cause Pato calls over to Rod and says look at Luci, so beautiful and Rod agrees. He tells Rod he is so happy she is there. Well, Gala has had enough and is really, really being a biotch, in public of all places. She is about to confront Luci, when she bumps into a waiter, and she bumps his tray of drinks and gets them all over her, (Gotta say here Yay!!!!!! I was so waiting for that). Anyway the poor waiter gets an earful from her, how he is an esptupido, and an idiota and she is screaming at him like a loon. Everyone looks at her and thinks of her bad manners in public. The waiter tries to apologize but she is soo not having that, oh no, she would rather humiliate the poor waiter in public. So Max steps up and has the band play to drown out her screeching and tells Rod to dance. In all this mess, Gala runs off to the bathroom with mama Julie and her friends having a hissy fit.

Well, since Don Aquiles has lost sight of Lorenzo, he decides to stay at a hotel. When the desk clerk tells him how much a room is, Don A is just flabbergasted, appalled, struck dumb by how much a room is. He pays it, but complains the whole time. Then on top of that, he wants his change back, LOL. No tips for you buddy. Then of all things he inquires after a valet, LOL again. The desk clerk tells him there are NO valets at this hotel. Don A mutters he should have brought Copio with him. He has to carry his own bag, who wouldna thunk!

So of course Rod goes right up to Luci and extends his hand, and she waits the longest time, but finally lets him lead her to the dance floor. Everyone is clapping and they have a very romantic dance. So Romantic in fact, that you would think they were the engaged couple and not Rod and Ms Snotnose Gala. This dance was so lovely, it reminded me of old movies from the 30's and 40's where the main romantic couple were dancing, but I digress. Rosa of course is looking at them and it looks like she has swallowed twenty lemons by now. She is watching them closely and can't seem to look away. Rod keep telling her how beautiful she is and she explains how Mati and Hanna helped her. Rod and Luci look like they are made for each other. Everyone is looking at them dance. Pato says he never saw a woman as beautiful as Lucy, and Rosa, Max want to know where Gala went, Hanna kind of giggles and says oh the bathroom lol.

In the bathroom, Gala is witching everyone out. Its all THEIR fault, not mine I didn't do anything blah blah. There are other ladies in the bathroom that tell her just clean it and it will be ok, the dress that is. Julie chases them off. Her friend Valentina tries to talk to her, but Gala calls her stupid, all her friends are stupid and one of them tells her, guess who Rod is dancing with???? Gala comes unhinged. She sees Rod and Luci dancing and she wants to go yank Rod away from Luci. Max grabs her arm and tells her to sit down and callate, not really callate, but he should have. The dance ends and everyone claps. Lorenzo is wandering around at this point and sees Luci and calls to her. She is looking around. Well here comes security and they want to throw Lorenzo out. Hanna and Aldo try to stop them. Aldo tells security Lorenzo came with him but security still throws Lorenzo out. Luci follows Lorenzo out and so does Julie,. she wants to see what all the ruckus is about. Luci finds Lorenzo and attempts to give him a great big hug. He is really mad. He says oh, you look like the hoi poli you do, Here we are in Het Het, struggling and look at you! She tries to get him to understand what she has on isn't hers and that she is only a maid for the Torreslandas. He tells Luci he came to Mexico City cause their Mama was worried and little Ariche the nino was worried too. Julie overhears and sees everything. Lorenzo is still not beleiving she is a servant, no matter how hard she tries to explain. Then he asks after Violetta, the nurse. She tells him that Violetta is so NOT a nurse, but works at a club called Inferno. She writes directions for Violetta's place of work and her home. She also tells Lorenzo that Violetta is a good girl and only works there for the money. Lorenzo finally asks Luci to forgive him and she does and gives him a playful slap on cheek and hugs him. She asks Lorenzo how he got there. He says Aldo brought him. Here comes Aldo with a tray of leftovers from the party and tells Lorenzo that this is for him, for helping him out. Luci goes back to the party. Aldo wants to know how Lorenzo knows Luci? He tells him she's my sis, man. Aldo and Lorenzo leave.

Well Gala is back in that bathroom, getting changed into a new dress and she is really roaringly pithed about everything. She continues to call her friends stupid. She is also mad at Frigid for not preventing Luci from coming to this party. Everyone is stupid to Gala. (Listen Gala, tape is too good for you on that mouth, jus' sayin'). Gala is now all primped and ready and happy that Luci is gone from the party or so she thinks. Gala comes out of that bathroom finally and goes to where Rosa is. She wants to know where her Hot Bod Rod went to. Rosa says he went looking for Hanna.

Rosa wants to find Hanna she can't find her. Security came to Max and Rosa and told them about the party crasher, Lorenzo of course and that Hanna tried to intervene. Rosa also wants to know where Luci went. Hot Rod says he will go look for Hanna. Luci comes back to the party and Hot Rod gets her alone and wants to know where the necklace he gave her is. She gives him some type of lame excuse and she says you are marrying soon. He takes her hand, and tells her he loved dancing with her. Luci tells him it was like a dream. He tells Luci she is very beautiful and he leans in as if to kiss her. She is breaking away,when Hot Rod asks her why she is so mysterious, why all the secrets, she is an enigma, by gum. He gently touches her cheek and is leaning ever closer to her face and finally we have touchdown. They proceed to kiss, and it one deep soulful kiss.

Of course Gala is looking for HER Hot Bod Rod, when guess who saves her from finding Hot Rod and Luci kissing??? That's right, mama Julie from her spying mission. She tells Gala all about something incredible she has to tell her. Meantime, Hot Rod and Luci are still kissing. Anyway, Julie tells Gala that she saw Luci with her lover Lorenzo and that Luci has a child, say what???? (Note to Julie: Get a hearing test, so not right). Gala is sooo happy to hear this. She can't wait to tell Hot Bod Rod. Meanwhile, Hot Rod and Luci are STILL KISSING!!!! Finally Luci breaks away and goes. After Luci leaves, here comes Gala and of course ask, Que Haces Aqui??? Rod tells her he is alone and she wants to dance with him. So they go back to the party. Gala kisses Rod and hints about Luci's "family". Hot Rod doesn't get it.

Luci has gone to Pato and she asks him if he needs anything. Max and Rosa are there too and want to know if Pato is ok. He wants to go home and get some rest. Rosa agrees with him and thanks him for coming to the party. Hanna finally makes it back and Max and Rosa wants to know where she's been. Hanna does a loud whistle for Melissa and Rosa is so mad. Pato and Luci are ready to go, and as they are, Gala and Rod come up and Gala does the hinting about Luci's "family" again. Hot Rod is looking funny at Gala again.

Luci is finally home in her room and she thanks the Virgincita for such a wonderful night, and tells the Virgincita, she knows it was wrong to kiss Hot Bod Rod, but she can't help her feelings. She asks the Virgincita to ayudi mi.

Rod and Gala are in Rod's room and Gala wants to stay, but Rod says he is bringing her home. She tells him there is a problem about the guy that crashed the party. He is, wait for it, the lover of Luci. Hot Rod is very upset.


After Lorenzo leaves mama Paz and mama Magda worry for their children in the big bad city and decide to pray. They are sure all the kids will be fine. They are worried cause noone has called to say Lorenzo made it there safely.

Violetta at Inferno working and she asks the bartender where ole Lastra is. Paolo thinks they may get a new owner, but speak of the devil, here he is with his bad toupee (thanks Vivi) and Violetta is very polite to him and leaves. Paolo asks him what is happening now, and Lastra tells him if it is the last thing he does, Luciana will pay!

That gentleman Oscar loves to dance and he is getting Conny to dance with him all the time. He cuts quite a rug. Sigh!

Rosa runs a bingo type cage and the winning numbers get to dance with Hanna and Melissa.


Hot Rod is begging Luci not to leave, to stay for Pato. She is in her native clothing again.


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