Saturday, June 16, 2012

El Talismán #98 Fri 6/15/12 Bodas and a BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG! (Complete)

Old sins cast long shadows. M Hercule Poirot

La Joint Boda de Sarita, Gabriel, Genoveva and Tomás:

Something besides a boda is up at El Tal.  There is “The Plan.”  The living room is all decorated, the guests are gathered.  Tracy has talked Panchito into taking her to the wedding and they arrive last.  She’s in a sharp looking aqua dress and he’s in a fancy Piggorio look-alike red shirt and blue jeans.  Antonio is also in blue jeans, Camila in a shiny beige off the shoulder, gathered front, tight fitting dress (no baby bump yet).  If Lucrazy weren’t crazy, she’d be a natural recruit for the next formal wear catalog from Talbot’s.  She looks gorgeous in her red, floor length, bosom-revealing gown.  A real knockout.  Pedro is tieless but not clueless.  There are whisperings and shifty looks among Pedro, Margarito, Antonio and Valentín.  Lucrazy is alert and watchful—she’s not going to let Pedro out of her sight.  Camila asks permission of Antonio if she can go up and see the brides.  Obviously Antonio would be embarrassed to say no in front of all these people, so he accedes to her request.  Once upstairs, Camila relaxes with her friends.  The brides know of “the plan” but wonder why Camila doesn't just call the police already.  Camila pins Sarita's hair and both she and Geno thank Camila profusely.  Downstairs, Pedro and Antonio engage in very small talk.  When is the sorpresa, asks Antonio.  Soon, answers Pedro.  Antonio suggests that maybe it’s time for Pedro to marry Lucrecia.  Padre talks to Pedro alone.  He must be in on “the plan,” too, since he warns Pedro to please act natural around Antonio so he doesn’t suspect anything.  Padre is ready to begin.

Upstairs, Camila starts out the door only to be surprised by Lucrecia, who came up to get some papers or something for the Padre.  She warns her to Stay Away from Pedro.  She knows Camila is still in love with Pedro and married or not, she’s a threat to her snagging Pedro, so Stay Away or Else.  Camila gives as well as she gets.  She tells Lulu to ask Pedro why he doesn’t love her.  It’s none of Camila’s business.  Sarita and Geno give a couple of good yanks to their very elegant strapless wedding gowns and touch up their hair with a special Suave product within reach and they are ready, too.  They leave the can of spray stuff on the bureau for a camera close-up and exit.  Pedro comes up to escort the brides down.  He’ll be walking Sarita up to Gabe and Geno’s father (we guess) is doing the honors for her.  Tracy is crying the hardest.  Panchito apparently told her that if he had a ring on him right now, he’d ask her to be his novia.  She’s in heaven dreaming of her own boda now.  Lucrazy is daydreaming of her wedding day to Pedro.  Pachelbel’s Canon accompanies the brides.  This is a double wedding and both brides are beautiful.  Gabe is definitely in love with his bride.  No buyer’s remorse here after all.  Tomás tries to take a peek down Geno’s décolletage as she recites her vows.  No buyer’s remorse here either.  The vows go on without incident and they are pronounced husbands and wives.  Everyone claps as the couples get to kiss.  Now it’s time to paaaarty.  Champagne flows.

O.M.Gawd, a new character shows up!  On the last day?!  She must have won the drawing to be an extra at the wedding with a few lines of dialog from among the thousands of entries.  It’s Carmen.  Sarita does her excited mouse squeak.  Carmen hugs the Padre, so she must be a graduated orphan.

Antonio and Pedro cross paths again.  Antonio clues Pedro in that he knows the baby Camila is expecting is Pedro’s, but it won’t do Pedro any good because as her husband, he’ll claim the child as his.  He’s planning on taking Camila far away to raise the child together.  With a sly look on his face, Pedro clues Antonio in that that is why there are such things as DNA tests.  Antonio says, ha-ha, you’ll have to find her first (Antonio is quite delusional, no?  He wanted El Alca all for himself, yet he’s going to move away so Pedro can’t order a DNA test on him.  Hmmm.)

In Piggorio’s Gloomy Room-1:

The Pig is in bed, hog-tied (sort of) and in comes Lucas.  The Pig doesn't speak or move, but says Dios Mio in his head. He can't believe Lucas is there. Lucas sees he’s still alive, Oh, Happy Day (not really).  Lucas and Doris gloat over his condition and discuss their plans for him as if he couldn’t hear them, while of course wanting him to hear it all.  Doris can't wait to be Mrs. Pig Negrete and all that entails. She tells Lucas she wants a legal marriage license now, not a fake one.  After The Pig is gone, Antonio might check the documents and discover they are fake.  She doesn’t want to risk it.  The drawback is, that paralyzed he cannot sign the marriage license.  Lucas can arrange that but brings up payment.  It’s going to cost her a million dollars, chump change for what this rancho is worth.  Doris’ head is swimming with dollars, once she is married to Piggorio, of course.  No prob—they call Jaime, Doc-Not, who happens to be visiting Rita and Rennie.  The conspirators tell Jaime they need something to reverse the paralysis, even if it’s temporary, so he can sign stuff and say Acepto.  Jaime says he can lower the dose temporarily so the Pig is able to move and speak, and then up the dose and he'll be dead in days.  Jaime says he’ll be right over.

Elvira Moves Out of María’s Place:

Armando and Elvira apparently were not invited to the wedding, so they are together at María’s.  She’s musing about her own, very own, new apartment.  Army is, say what??  Yes, she’s got Rennie’s apartment.  All she has to do is pay off a couple of months left on the mortgage with money she’s going to get from Antonio.  Her son does not believe she’s back to trusting that Rennie nor going to get money from the Ant.  Elvira swears that this time it will be different, there’s no reason for Rennie to try to cheat her since he’s leaving for Florida today and the Ant has already promised the money.  Elviral invites Army to come live with her, but he’d rather stay where he is.  He’s sure Rennie is deceiving her.  No, no absolutely not, Elvira replies, she’s checked it out and it seems to check out (honey what exactly did you check out, tell us).  If he wants to stay at María’s, that’s his business, she’s going to go pack.  Elvirus is now ready to roll and her parting conversation doesn’t go well.  She tells Army he’s so ungrateful.  He reminds her that if it weren’t for Tía and Angel, who knows what would have become of them.  ElVirulent thinks he’s exaggerating.  She warns her son that Angel could run him off any time.  He only used you to get to Florencia Negrete.  Cara impactada.

Army lays it on hard.  He says she’s been everything *except* a mother.  The lady protests that all she ever did was give him her love, helped him become a man, have him help her—his mother—and his sister Camila.  He tells her not to bring Camila into this conversation.  Hasn’t she realized yet, that of all the things she did to her family, the worst was that she ruined Camila’s life?  For that he will never forgive her.  She can’t believe that her children didn’t value everything she did for them.  SLAM goes the door.  Elvira is so outta there with her little red suitcase.

M&M visit El Capitán:

Manuel and María have arrived together at the police station to ask El Capitán how the investigation into Mariana’s murder is going.  Well, El Capo says it’s still on-going.  Manuel is not convinced they’re doing enough.  It’s not right to set aside the death of an innocent woman.  El Capo is a little offended.  He has no intention of setting the investigation aside.  The deed will not go unpunished.  They tried to get a statement from Don Gregorio, but unfortunately, he’s ill and couldn’t do it.  Manuel doesn’t believe a word of that.  El Capo assures him it’s true.  He has suffered an embolia (we keep thinking they are calling it an imbroglio—how fitting) and can’t speak—and as a doctor, Manuel should know what that involves.  Manuel is cara impactada.

R&R Vacate To Vacation in FL:

On cue, Jaime arrives at Rita and Rennie’s to see their bags are packed, ready to leave on a jet plane.  But first, Renato wants his share of the money Antonio is going to pay them.  He can’t, he hasn’t been paid yet, but promises to send the money to Rennie (says one grifter to another).  Rennie says he’ll be in touch and send him his contact information.  He and Rita want to be kept informed on what’s going on with the Negretes—there’s a lot of money in play—oh, and include the bank account number where he’s depositing the check.  Jaime gets the phone call from Lucas and skedaddles.  As Rita and Rennie head for the door, Elvira shows up, pithed because they were supposed to have been long gone.  Renato tells her off—she’s the worst thing that ever happened to him in his life.  ‘Til Never, Elvira.  The two make it to the airport and through security (we bet the TSA guys fought over who would give Rita a pat down) and are waiting for their flight to Florida, (land of moneyed widows).  They chuckle over what Elvira will discover about the apartment. 

In Piggorio’s Gloomy Room-2:

Doris and Lucas are now snuggling on the bed, right in front of the Pig. Lucas has his arm around Doris and they are just rubbing it in to the Pig. The Pig doesn't move, just stares at them, and swears venganza.  The drug Jaime has promised might not take effect until night time and Doris is concerned about Antonio, Camila and Florencia being in the house.  She’ll take a chance, though.  Jaime finally arrives with the poison-reversal dosage; he can’t just pick it up at the corner drugstore, don’tcha know.  Oh, and who, btw, is going to pay him?  Doris will—after she inherits the place (and Jaime is apparently ok with this).  Jaime says by this evening the Pig will be able to move. Piggorio is now pretending to be asleep.  Lucas makes Jaime stay with the Pig.  Doris can’t be expected to watch him all by herself.  He is to call Lucas as soon as he gets some speech and movement back, capish?   Doris is like finally she will be the Dueña of Alcatrash.  She has a strange gleam in her eyes, and throws her arms open wide, bwwwhhhhhaaa.

“The Plan”:

Festivities at the boda are on high.  Pedro slips away; Margarito starts moving toward the exit;  Antonio and Valentín are alerted; Camila looks suspicious; Lucrecia starts to follow Pedro, but Antonio stops her and brings her back telling her to keep an eye on Camila and for no reason let her leave the house.  He’s going to see where Pedro went—and no, don’t worry, he’s not going to do anything to Pedro.  Val delays Margo from leaving by saying, long time, no see, amigo, why not have a trago together.  Margo declines. 

Pedro is racing across the lawn toward El Alcatrash, Margarito chases after him.  Margaro thinks he’s nuts to do this alone.  Pedro says he has to.  Margaro returns to the reception and tells Lulu that Pedro went to get more champagne.  Pedro makes into Val’s office, separate from the main building and gets down to business.  He forces the cabinet door open, where he is sure the vials are and holds them up in triumph.  Oh, oh, here comes Antonio through the door behind Pedro.  What have we here, he says, caught with the hands in the dough.  Antonio is so sorry to have found him because he’ll have to shoot him for trespassing.  The d*ck-head delays long enough for Pedro to go off before the gun goes off.  The flasks break.  Pedro trashes the office and taunts Antonio to shoot already.  Ooops, he does (we could have sworn the “sorpresa” was to put blanks in the gun beforehand).  Pedro goes down face first.  Mama Mia, he’s Muerto—at least that’s what Antonio thinks.  He doesn’t even kick him or turn him over—bad job, dude.  Fortunately for Camila, the shot was to the shoulder and not in his avocados.

Flor and Angel have sneaked back to El Alca because daddy’s not home and mommy doesn’t care, to smooch in the hallway (come on Angel, find an empty room.) They hear the shot ring out and go to see what happened.  Doris also hears the shot and wonders what it was.  She tells Flor sadly that sooner or later her daddy is going to go to jail.  Cara impactada de Flor.

Antonio is outta there.  Running back across the lawn towards El Tal, he shoots Margaro, on his way to see what happened.  He’s fatally shot (not quite) in the stomach.  Bleeding profusely, he knows he bought the farm.  But wait, here comes Pedro, holding his shoulder to kneel and cradle Margaro.  After some anguished pleading not to die, Pedro manages to pull out his cell phone and calls for an ambulance.  He leaves Margaro and heads toward the reception.

Not “The Plan”:

The wedding reception is in full swing, when Ooops, Antonio shows up out of nowhere and grabs Camila around the neck, from behind and points the gun at the guests—Hostage Situation—Call 911.  Antonio says nobody move or he’ll shoot Camila.  His demented self is blathering on about loving Camila more than anyone else at the wedding—waving his gun around.  He adores her; she’s his wife; she *HAS* to love him.  Antonio would rather have her dead than with that indio.  He turns to her in her panic and instructs her that she’s going to *learn* to love him (he repeats this endlessly for the next 35 min or so, so we will not repeat it again).  Camila screams, “Suélteme,”  she’s not going anywhere with him.  He doesn’t obey but starts screaming for the keys to the truck—where are the keys to the truck—gimmie the keys or I’ll start shooting everybody.  Lucrecia wants to know where Pedro is.  With a maniacal grin he says Pedro is Muerto.  Lucrazy lunges at him, but the folks hold her back.  Tomás tries to reason with Antonio.  Tranquilo, hombre, Camila is his wife, she’ll do what he wants, she’ll go with him.  Camila is still screaming she doesn’t love him, never will.  Gabriel finally hands over the keys.

Kidnapping in Progress:

The only way Antonio has to keep Camila from jumping out the other side of the truck is to knock her out cold.  Antonio is outta there.  Pedro comes running and tries to get into the back of the truck, but it’s weaving madly and he gets dropped by the side of the driveway.

Antonio and Camila are holed up in what looks like a hotel room.  Brilliant idea, since it’s The Only Hotel Inn™ Fresno.  Camila is bleeding from the forehead and Antonio is lovingly applying cotton balls (what his are made of) to staunch the bleeding.  He says he’s still willing to forgive her.  All she has to do is fall in love with him; that’s all. Camila is agitated, the only one she’ll ever love until she dies is PEDRO.  The Giant Beltbuckle starts to get rough with her, Pedro is Muerto; she’s in love with a dead man.  Doesn’t she realize all that he could have given her, if she had just loved him?  Camila wants him to let her go.  He can’t.  All he ever wanted was a happy family like any other normal couple, but no, just look at how she paid him. It’s Camila’s fault that he turned into this (we say, who writes this stuff anyway).

Antonio tries to feed Camila soup.  She refuses.  He appeals to her maternal feelings; do it for your baby.  He cares for the child as if it were going to be his own.  Cam says her child needs nothing from him.  She screams at his fantasy of having a perfect family with her.  Antonio tries again to get her to have some soup.  She throws the dish full soup at him.

Antonio has trussed up and gagged Camila.  He’s pulled the curtains.  He’s cleaned up the soup from his face (Damn Aaron looks fine with his HAIR unglued, falling across his forehead in dark and curly locks.  What a hunk.  If he’d looked like this when he first met Camila, she’d surely have fallen for him instead of Pedro.  Then we’d have had an entirely different telenovela titled, El Alcatraz.  Too late, that yacht has left the dock.)  Antonio is still singing the same old song about how happy they would be with her at his side, with this baby and all the other children they will have.  Camila is crying through her gag while he shakes her.  He would have given her everything, what more does she want?

Miraculous Recoveries in Progress:

Pedro is ok.  He’s at the hospital recovering with a sling around his arm and wearing a traditional white hospital nighty.  Dr. Raúl is leaning over him.  They were able to get to Margaro in time and he’s in serious condition, but will probably recover.  Pedro struggles with the Doc to get out of there and go after Camila.  Doc tells him that no one knows where they are, but the police are looking for them everywhere.  Padre comes in next, but isn’t very hopeful.  El Capitán is next, but is very hopeful.  All exits are covered, highways, airports, even other states have been alerted, but so far, no sign of them.  Pedro just can’t sit there with his brazos cruzados while Camila is out there.  El Capo understands how he feels, but even if Pedro knew where they were, how would he resolve the situation by himself. 

Santiago is praying over a comatose Margaro telling him that even though he wasn’t his real father, he’s always been good to him and Margaro can’t leave him. >>FF (this was the only one, can you believe it.)

Now it’s Lulu who comes to the hospital to see Pedro.  She complains that she had to throw a tantrum to get in, Mi Amor.  The reason, he replies, is that he didn’t want to see her and left instructions not to let her in.  He finally gets his avocados back and tells her to get lost.  He never cared for her.  Lulu is crushed.  He goes on—all she ever did was pressure him and that’s not how things are done.  Lulu reminds him that he promised that if she changed, they’d have a chance.  Wait a min there, he yells over top, how can she say she loves someone she’s harmed so much.  With that he dismisses her with a Lárgate, pero ya, Vete.  Pedro has veted himself out of the hospital and hops in La Viejita with Gabriel at the wheel.

Val Gets Grilled:

El Capitán has him at the station.  He wants to know where Antonio has taken Camila.  Valentín swears he knows nothing.  He only saw what everyone else did at the reception.  And no, the Beltbuckle never told him what the plan was, although he told him there was a plan.  Like the disappearance of Mariana, maybe, aims El Capo.  Val wants to know what does one have to do with the other.  Antonio told him to go to the wedding, even though he didn’t want to.  Whirling around and what about the explosion near the airport, El Capo tries again to trip him up.  Val says No, No, No.  Careful bud, says the captain, they have plenty of information on him and the Negretes, but not sufficient proof, or not sufficient enough proof to prosecute.

In Piggorio’s Gloomy Room-3:

The Pig is still in bed, but not letting anyone know he can now move and speak. The Pig wants Panchito.  Back from the wedding, Panchito comes in, just as if he heard his Papa Pig with ESP. Jaime leaves Panchito while he goes to get something to eat. As soon as Jaime is gone the Pig says he can move his arms and hands. He doesn't want Panchito to say anything, he just wants Panchito to listen. He tells him to go get a notary, move it, go, and don't let anyone see him and tell no one.

Lucas comes back and says oh, still alive.  He tells him that if he signs on the dotted line, he’ll have a painless death.  Doris comes in with the Judge. The Judge says, oh, so sorry you are sick. The Judge asks the Pig if he is voluntarily marrying Doris and The Pig says sí.  Ah, Mi Amor now they can get married, Oh, Happy Day.  The ceremony is short and sweet (not really). The Pig signs and now Doris is la Sra. Doris de Negrete de Negrete, Queen of El Alcatrash!! Finally, bwaaaahhhhhaaa. Lucas has a sh*t eating grin on his face. Doris and the Judge leave and Lucas tells the Pig, too bad he has to die.  Well, everyone has to die.  It was all a matter of business, nothing personal. The Pig tells Lucas to enjoy Doris while he can.  Don Gregorio tells himself to hang on until the notary arrives.

Panchito has brought the notary to Alcatrash. He tells the notary to be quiet and follow him, and don't let anyone see him. Doris and Lucas are coming out of The Pig's room, and Panchito has to quick, pull the notary into an adjacent room so no one will see them. They are hiding out, as Lucas and Doris are happily counting their chickens before they hatch, so to speak.  Lucas is sooo happy he wants to get en flagrante with Doris asap. Doris is like here at Altrash, why not it’ll be hers soon.  The Pig is wondering why it is taking Panchito and the notary so long to get there. Jaime is with the Pig and tells him business is business.  In a little while he'll be already to go to the grave. Doris has brought Flor in to say goodbye.  Flor is just so upset. She sits on her Granpa Pig's bed and cries and says she’s so sorry for all the bad she and Fabi did. She is crying and kissing his cheek. The Pig is thinking he's sorry he won't be around for Flor and is apologizing in his head to her.

El Presidente Arrives in Fresno:

Amid all the commotion in various parts of Fresno and its environs, President Obama has arrived to deliver an important speech.  From the steps of The Only White House Inn™Fresno, he announces that he’s personally suspending the deportation of young people under 30 now who were brought to the U.S. by undocumented parents under the age of 16.  Bravo.  Santiago is safe from ICE.

Elvira Moves Into Rennie’s Place:

Elvira is luxuriating in her new, very own pad.  She looks so happy and self-satisfied (and so alone).  She grabs a coffee and the remote, turns on the tv just in time to hear that Flight 666 from Fresno just exploded in mid-air.  No survivors.  (Tell us that this isn’t lame.  They copied Doña Bernarda de Iturbide in Triunfo de Amor, letra por letra—poor innocent victims, we said, and viewerville didn’t get to see her suffer.)  Elvira’s stunned.  But, Elvira just picks herself up, dusts herself off and starts trying again.  She goes to a lawyer, probate, no doubt.  She’s dressed in appropriately in black.  No her late husband had no family, except a..a..a..niece, but she died in the same crash.  Well, the helpful lawyer will check the records to see if it was in Renato’s name and if everything is in order, the apartment is hers.  She mentions the mortgage.  He sees no problem if she continues to make the payments.  Elvira is relieved since there are only a couple of months left to pay.

Rescue in Progress:

Antonio is pleading with Camila, if she had only loved him, they could have been enjoying life.  As it is, they have to flee and he’ll lose everything he had.  Camila is still gagged so no one can tell what she’s trying to say.  The Beltbuckle finally loosens and removes the gag.  Camila whimpers, please, let her go.  The BB says no, they can ever be separated.  She *is* going to fall in love with him, understand (we know, we promised, but this is absolutely the last time we say it).

Camila pretends to be asleep on the bed with The Ant, him with the gun still in his hand. She moves slowly, takes the cell phone and calls 911.  At that point he wakes up and Camila provokes a fight.  He doesn't know the cell call actually went thru and the police at the station track down his location.  They call El Capitán who is with Pedro and Padre at the hospital and tell him that the call originated from The Only Hotel Inn™ Fresno.  El Capo marshals his forces and stakes out the hotel.  He is sure this must be where Antonio has sequestered Camila since the truck he was driving was found nearby.  Detective Hawt comes running up to tell the Capo that they are in Room 24.  (Eww – we are so over our crush on Hawt Detective.  Did you see him run?  We might give him a break, this is a critical situation.)  They plan the assault.  They turn to see Pedro hopping out of La Viejita.  El Capo shakes his head, just what they needed, eh?  What on earth is he doing here, he asks Pedro.  He needs to leave and not interfere.  Gabriel is ok with leaving, but Pedro insists on staying.  So they put Pedro in the back of a patrol car (no cuffs and the window is down—tsk, tsk, bad police procedure; someone will need to take a refresher course).

Inside Room 24, Antonio is telling Camila what they will have to do to evade discovery.  They’ll have to leave at night to minimize the risks.  Camila looks miserable.  All of a sudden, they hear, “Antonio Negrete—we have you surrounded.”  Said Antonio goes NUTS.  The gorgeous bandito puts a gun to Camila’s head and inches her toward the door.  Pedro goes NUTS on seeing Camila in danger and he’s still in the patrol car.  When nobody is looking, he reaches through the open window and lets himself out.

Obviously Antonio has not planned far enough ahead.  He abandoned the truck, so all he can do is stand there, gun to Camila’s head.  El Capitán, man of action, waits for no (other) man.  He takes the first shot and gets The Belt in the leg.  How he managed to miss Camila is a wonder in sharpshooting.  The Belt keeps shouting, Es Mía, Es Mi Esposa, but lets go of Camila and she drops to the ground.  A cop runs to her.  The Belt starts firing at the cops and he goes down in a hail of bullets. (Aaron, honey, you can die on our front steps anytime; you are a pro—best dying scene in a long time.)  Freed from the patrol car, Pedro rushes to embrace an hysterical Camila, while in the background, they can hear Antonio calling her name as he dies.  Pedro and Camila cry emotionally in each others arms hugging and kissing at their good fortune.

In Piggorio’s Gloomy Room-4:
Enrique, the Notary, an old friend of the Pig's enters and the Pig tells Panchito to guard the door from the outside while the Pig has a conference with Enrique. After Panchito leaves, Pig tells him this is the last job he'll ever have to do for him and to listen well and to do exactly as he says.

Now Jaime is alone with the Pig and Panchito has come back in. He tells Panchito he is in charge and Panchito asks his Papa how he is? Jaime just laughs and says oh, this is HIS Papa. He leaves. As soon as Jaime leaves, the Pig talks to Panchito and tells him to listen, just listen cause it's important. To the infernal strains of a Devil’s Chorus, he tells him his legal name now is Francisco Negrete.  Just then Lucrazy bursts in, interrupting a sweet father-son moment to ask him to forgive her for all she has done.  She is crying and he puts his arm around her. She needs his help you see, to get Pedro back. (Look Lulu, Papa is dying, he can't help, jus' sayin'). He just holds her as she cries.  Doris and Jaime come back in.  Doris drags Lucrazy away from Papa Pig and exit while Jaime examines the Pig and says his heart is very weak, and will give out soon. Panchito wants to know really, how is his condition and Jaime tells him, his organs are failing, his mind soon will too, and he doesn't have long. Panchito is extremely upset, he wants Jaime to help the Pig, do something. He tells Panchito he is sorry.

Ding Dong the Bell Tolled for Thee:

Alberta has just heard about The Beltbuckle’s rusty end and is telling Doris.  For some reason, it’s Tracy that will relate the news to El Piggorio and Panchito.  Panchito is so upset he is a little rude to Tracy because he’s trying to get Jaime to do something for his father. Tracy has come to tell them something, but Panchito doesn't want to listen.  Finally she yells out that the Beltbuckle is dead!  Just then The Pig yells at Jaime, "doctor," takes his arm out from under the covers, points the gun he had in his hand at Jaime and tells him this is for Antonio and shoots him dead,  right in front of Panchito and Tracy. Panchito has the deer in the headlights "luke" and is shocked, but the Pig isn't done yet. The Pig now says, he ain't waitin for no death, he’s coming for it, raises the pistol and shoots........

We interrupt the scene with this well known little ditty, from the Wizard of Oz:

Ding Dong the Pig is Dead
Shot himself in the head
Ding Dong the Wicked Pig is dead.
Sing it high, sing it low
Ding Dong the Wicked Pig is Dead

Un Mes and/or Mess Después:

1) The happy newlyweds are having a picnic at El Tal.  On the menu is Domino’s Pizza, delivered.  They are certainly enjoying the pizza.  It shows.  Geno and Tomás announce they are staying in Fresno.  It’s a great place to start a family—no, no, they aren’t expecting, yet.  Sarita and Gabe are thrilled and Gabe actually starts talking about a family-starting business, but not just yet.  Sarita still owes him several more stories (like Saucy Red Riding Hood / Big Bad Wolf).

2) Camila is with Armando and Angel at María’s cum Angel’s apartment.  She’s finally getting her interrupted civil ceremony tomorrow in order to be married to Pedro every which way she can.  But wait, the doorbell rings, No Puede Ser, it Elvira wanting to talk to Camila—Alone.  Did she hear correctly?  She’s marrying Pedro?  Camila reminds her she’s actually already married to Pedro, doesn’t she understand that?  Camila doesn’t want to argue; she loves her mother, wants her to be happy, but please leave her in peace.  Elvira won’t quit while she’s not ahead.  She tells Camila that someday she’ll know who Pedro really is and predicts that Camila will come crying back to her and she’ll be there to console her because Pedro is not the right man for her (for pity sakes, woman, leave it alone; get a life; start with anti-sour grape shots and stop spreading unwanted germs).  Camila carefully considers what to say to her mother.  She decides that Elvira is a lost cause, a lost soul, so with a minimum of sarcasm says, great, she’ll call her.

3) Pancho and Tracy are in the El Alca kitchen chatting.  Pancho gets all mooney and romantic and Tracy gets her ring and a marriage proposal.  He doesn’t want to wait.  He wants to leave because he knows Doris will inherit everything as Don Gregorio’s widow.

4) Dr. Raúl tells Camila and Pedro that they are going to be the parents of a baby girl.  They are overjoyed and yes, they are going to name her Mariana.

5) Doris breaks the news to a zoned-out Lucrecia that she’s off to the manicomio today, right after they read the will.  Lucrecia is sad because if she’s locked in a manicomio, Pedro won’t be able to find her when he comes for her.  Doris says foggeddaboudit, she doesn’t want any loquitas in *her* house.  Next she goes to the household help and tells them she’s letting them go and they should be prepared to leave immediately after the will is read.  They are useless and she has no need of them any longer.

6) Here comes Enrique the Notary to read El Piggorio’s will.  Doris can hardly contain her excitement.  She knows Don G left everything to her, so chop, chop, get with the program, it can’t be very long.  Enrique tells her she’s quite correct, it’s comprised of few lines.  She listens as he begins, “I, Gregorio Negrete, being of sound mind and body…” and urges him to get to the good part “….leave everything to the most loyal person in my family—as long as that person keeps the household staff on, treats them well, pays them well, takes care of my granddaughters and my only daughter, Lucrecia.”  To Doris, he leaves the thing she wanted the most—his love, bwwwwaaaahhhhhhaaaa.  His heir is to be Francisco Gomez, aka Pancho, Negrete, his son.  Doris has a cara impactada, especially when she hears the codicil that she’s the one who has to, Wait For It, LARGATE DE MI RANCHO immediately.  (That's what you get for aiding and abetting, just sayin'.)

7) The last that is seen of Doris, she is over at Ho-House crying to Brigitte who takes pity on her.  Life must go on, is her philosophy, as she hands her a glitter mask, saying, “Catherine is back.”   At least Doris *has* a steady job (for which she should be grateful, in this economy, just sayin’).

8) Panchito observes Looney Lu imagining Pedro at her side.  Panchito gently tells her not to worry, he’s found a way to help her.  Instead of wringing his hands, he’s been wringing his hat, which is now in shreds.  Looney Lu is to start treatments tomorrow.  Lu just looks straight ahead murmuring that she knows Pedro can’t live without her and he’ll come for her.

Días Después:

Armando comes to Elvira’s new, very own, apartment to say goodbye.  Right after Camila’s wedding ceremony, he’s leaving for Canada.  He leaves Elvira on a sad note.  Then she hears a knock on the door and thinks it’s Army coming back to her.  A bunch of men are standing there.  They are the repo men along with an official with an eviction notice.  But, it’s MIO, she only owes another month to pay off the mortgage.  Señora, the note on this apartment hasn’t been paid for two years.  He instructs the repo men to start clearing the place.  Renato got the last laugh.

La Extra Final Final No More Bodas At El Tal:

The radiant couple descends the carpeted stairway (Whew!! Camila made it all the way down without falling.  Good omen.)  The Aceptos are accepted by the Judge and that’s it.  Smiles and kisses, more smiles (of relief we would say) more kisses, a little speech from Pedro on how sick and tired he got after all the drama, but en fin, there is a big POR FIN.  SE ACABO!

Post Script

BOOM!  Flight 666 explodes in the air.  No survivors.  Tiger print fabric cascades to the ground (in our imagination).  RIP Rita and Rennie.  You both offered the viewing audience (all 8 of us) some awesome crotch shots.

Answers to the Match the Quotes Game:

1.  Elvira - Todo esto es MIO
2.  El Capitán - Te tenemos rodeado
3.  Valentín - No se nada
4.  Renato - Hasta Nunca, Elvira
5.  Camila - Dejame en PAZ
6.  Lucrecia - Mi AMOR
7.  Antonio - Dame las llaves del camion
8.  Rita - No seas tonto con nuestro dinero
9.  Jaime - Business is Business
10. Dr. Raúl - Va a ser una Niña

End of Final Recap - co-authored by Anita, Madelaine and Rosemary La Otra, additional tweaking and posting by Blue Lass.


Abismo de pasión #68 6/15/12: Anyone Would Mistake the Pillsbury Dough Boy for an Adonis, Right? And Amazing Delusions!

I got rid of cable and I am working with an antennae that picks up Mexican television.  Mexican television has NO ccs.  The hearing impaired don't like Abismo.  Anyways, the channel I watch is on episode 105.  I can only watch Abismo online and there are also no ccs.  Sorry, I didn't catch everything and today, this will be a team effort again.  If you know what was said at certain points, please have at it. 

Alternative Titles  My Lips are Blue

CasaDeKenia Damien and Kenia are in a passionate embrace when Elisa walks in to the bedroom.  Yeah, I know he was caught off guard, but it didn’t appear to me that Damien was doing anything to stop her.  You Damien?  With her?  Elisa runs out of the bedroom and Damien hobbles out after her.  First Florencia and now Kenia?  Damien looks confused.  He reminds Elisa about the lover of her life, Gael.  Elisa screams at him about forgetting her and pollenating with all of La Ermita.  Damien wants to know if she is talking about herself or Kenia?  He says that she did the same thing with his best friend Gael.  Elisa denies that she is like that “type of woman”.   Damien reminds her that she was messing with him and Gael at the same time.  Kenia hurries from her room wearing a revealing pink negligée.  She wants to explain.  Um Kenia, you’re not helping Damien one bit! Go back into your room and change your clothes.  Elisa, storms out into the dark night.  Ingrid comes out of the shadows. 

WitchMountain Paloma opens the door and molests Gael at the threshold.  I have no idea what they are talking about about. ????????

Park Horacio and Dolores are taking a stroll.  Horacio asks Dolores if he can carry her milk forever.  He wants to be the only milkman in her life.  She doesn’t look that thrilled about it so, he asked her to think about it.  If I were her, I would say no just because of the Authur Fonzarelli collar, but we’ll see what she says.  He kisses her, but she still doesn’t look like she wants to say yes. 

KeniaLoveNest Kenia asks Damien to forgive her.  She didn’t know it was him in the dark (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA) Anyone could have made this mistake, since Agosto has a Pillsbury Dough Boy frame and Damien is a muscular wall.  She could not feel the difference?  Damien wants to know if she was really waiting for Agosto?  Frankly, I couldn’t believe it either Damien, but I will suspend my imagination for this episode.  She doesn’t answer and he doesn’t push it.  She tells him that she wants to talk to Elisa to explain what’s going on.  He says that it’s not important.  But you love her Damien.  Yeah, I do, but she’s with Gael.  Damien tells Kenia that she doesn’t feel a thing for her.  Horacio honks the horn to let Damien know that he’s waiting.  When Damien leaves, and Ingrid still waiting outside, knocks on the door.  Kenia comes outside in her cute little revealing nighty and they have a screaming and almost physical confrontation outside. 

WitchMountain Ramona walks in and rescues Gael from being mauled.  She asks Gael what his intentions are towards her granddaughter.  Gael assures her that his intentions are good, and then makes a hasty exit.  Paloma and her grandmother discuss….

ParkBench On the drive home, Damien sees Elisa sitting on a park bench and makes Horacio stop the truck and he hops out.  Damien sees her face and wants to know why she’s crying.  Although she denies it, Damien tells her that she just jealous.  She throws Gael in his face.  Gael is a loyal man.  He tells her that he’s much better without her.  He looks like he’s about to kiss her, she puckers in anticipation, but he gets up and walks off.  She touches her lips.  He left her with hanging in the dark with blue lips. 

CasaDeArango Braulio and Tonia are sitting in front to the house looking up at the moon.  Braulio kisses her on the forehead and tells her that he’s going in.  He’s tired.  He just left her hanging with blue lips.  I don’t know what they are discussing.  Whatever it is, he’s not interested. 

WitchMountain Paloma finds Ramona sitting outside listening to the night sounds.  What are you doing out here?  I can’t sleep.  Paloma doesn’t want to argue after such a great day. 

Iglesia ?????????

CasaDeCastanon Elisa confronts her father about Kenia.  He wants to know who Kenia was kissing in the bedroom.  I told you that it wasn’t important, Elisa says.  Elisa is a very young girl.  I’m a fool.  It’s the story of my life.  Elisa scrunches up her face to cry.  Like me, Agosto’s not in the mood to hear it and bids her quick good night.  We all know that Elisa needs an audience to have a good cry, so she runs off to find “old faithful”, Delores.  After telling her story for 20 minutes, she finally realizes that Delores in not paying a lick of attention to her.  God forbid, Delores thinks of anything else except comforting Elisa in her time of need.  What’s up, Delores?  You’re not focused on me and my problems?  Horacio asked me to marry him.  What did you say to him?  Nothing.  Elisa asks if Dolores loves Horacio.  Elisa tells Dolores that she will support her in whatever she decides and gives her a hug. 

CasaDeArangoOutdoors Horacio returns Damien to the house.  Damien goes in and Tonia rushes over to Horacio.  She begins to ask him where he took Damien because Florencia and Alfonsina were worried.  Before he can answer, Braulio comes back and wants to know why Tonia is talking to Horacio.  Horacio smiles and tells him that he just asked Delores to marry him.  Tonia jumps with glee, smiles and congratulates him.  This means that Dolores is off the market and Braulio can stop pining for her.  Horacio bids them good night.  Braulio does not look pleased.  Tonia is surprised Dolores found somebody to love her because she is very ugly.  Braulio turns and gives his wife a dirty look. 

CasaDeArangoIndoors Damien is in the house cussing out both his momma and Florencia. I don’t know why.  Please explain.  I think he says that he’ll go where he wants to go and when he wants to go there and where he’ll be is where he wants to be.  I think he tells them to get some business and stay out of his.   

CasaDeCastanonKitchen I knew it wouldn’t last for long.  We are back on Elisa’s problems.  Dolores brings Elisa a cup of tea and they discuss Damien and Kenia.  Dolores tells Elisa that it’s all her fault that Damien is pollenating all of La Ermita.  She reminds a shocked Elisa that she made Damien believe that she and Gael were lovers.  Elisa tells Dolores that Kenia and her father are lovers.  Dolores is appalled as we all are, but then she says that he and Carmina have never been happy.  Has the world gone mad?  Disgusted, Elisa gets up from the table.  Please interpret the rest of the conversation. 

CasaDeCastanonMasterBedroom Agosto is in bed removing his glasses when Carmina walks in.  Agosto tells her that he wants to separate.  She begs him not to and tries to touch him.  He rejects her touches and tells her to control herself.  She crawls into his lap, but he looks bored.  I think she wants to lay it on him one last time.  But he’s wearing pajamas and black socks.  I got hot just looking at him. 

Iglesia Paloma has come to the church to visit Gael.  She wants to discuss what happened with her grandmother.  She asks if the Lupe is there and upon finding out that he isn’t, she climbs all over Gael.  Damien walks in on them and starts going off about them not being loyal to Elisa.  Paloma tells Damien that there was never anything between Gael and Elisa.  Elisa only broke it off with Damien because of Alfonsina required it.  If she hadn’t have broken it off with him, Alfonsina was going to have Agosto locked up for the rest of his life. 

CasaDeCastanonElisa’sBedroom Elisa is packing to go stay with Lucio.  Dolores says….

Iglesia Paloma tells Damien that Elisa loves him.  Gael confirms Paloma’s story.  Damien rushes out of the rectory. 

CasaDeDonLucio Agosto has come to tell Lucio that Dolores and Elisa don’t want to live with him.  He’s not going to separate from Carmina.  He’s going to give her another chance.  Lucio all but calls him a fool. 

CasaDeArangoBreakfastTable Paolo is eating breakfast.  Florencia walks in and tells him how horrible he looks.  That’s just what a bummed out person needs to hear.  She tells him to find another woman.  He shouts at her.  He tells her that Damien will love Elisa for the rest of his life. 

CasaDeKenia Carmina tells Kenia that she and Agosto have reconciled.  She describes in detail how they made love last night.  Kenia looks bummed.  Carmina warns Kenia to stay away from her family. 

Park Agosto and Lucio are in the park discussing??????

CasaDeCastanon Damien rings the bells to alert everyone, including the man that keeps trying to shoot him,that he is has arrived.  Elisa steps out onto the porch.  Damien wants to know why she didn’t tell him about the clause in the contract.  Elisa tries to deny it, but he tells her about Paloma and Gael at the rectory, making out.  She confirms the story.  He tells her that he loves her with all of his soul.  She tells him that nothing can happen between them.  She couldn’t be happy with him while her father is in prison for the rest of his life.  He says they can get around it.  She tells him that his mother made it perfectly clear that if she looks like she wants to be with Damien, she will put Agosto in jail.  Besides, he was with Kenia.  He tries to explain that Kenia confused him with her father. She doesn’t believe it…and neither do I.  I’m just saying, you know a 300 when you feel one.  There’s a difference between Girard Butler and Danny Devito.  OK, then what about Florencia?  Remember the chick that lives in your house, eats your food and tries to sleep with you?  Oh her?  Ummm there is nothing going on between us.  Elisa runs into the house and slams the door.  Damien bangs on the door and begs her to open it for him.  With breast heaving she cries on one side of the door and he cries on the other.   


El Talismán Pre-Finale Special Fri 6/15/12 It Came In With A Whimper and Went Out With Bodas and a BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG!

This final recap is being brought to you in Several Parts by
"All for one and one for Alternate Fresno!"

To begin the Gran Final, we invite you to play a Match the Quotes to the name game.  Draw a line from the quote to the person who said it.  You may rely on your memory or not.  They all come from Friday’s two-hour episode.

Answers will be at the end of Part II.

1. Todo esto es MIO                                      Lucrecia
2. Te tenemos rodeado                                   Camila
3. No se nada                                                 Antonio
4. Hasta Nunca, Elvira                                    Dr. Raúl
5. Dejame en PAZ                                          Jaime
6. Mi AMOR-L                                              Valentin
7. Dame las llaves del camion                          Rita
8. No seas tonto con nuestro dinero                Renato
9. Business is Business                                    Elvira
10. Va a ser una Niña                                     El Capitán

To Continue with the Gran Final, we invite you to enjoy the following original poem.

a skewed version
Por Luis Carroll y R la O

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All nerviosos were the El Tal empleados
And the raisins withered on the vine.

“Beware the Negretes, Pedro!
The jaws that bite, the claws that slap!
Beware the One Called Pig, and shun
The frumious Beltbuckle!”

He took his long lost gun in hand:
Long time the shirtless foe he sought
So rested he by the avocado tree,
And stood awhile in thought.

And, as in dazed thought he stood,
The Prince of Darkness, with bloodshot eyes,
Came panting through the cemetery
And hiccuped as he came!

Uno, dos! Uno, dos! And through Alcatraz
The long needled syringe went in Pig's neck
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galloping back.

“And, has thou slain the Sneering Ones?
Come to my arms, my clueless hombre!
O delicioso day!  Caray!  Caray!
He snorted in his coffee.

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All painted were the glitter girls
And the raisin vines plumped up.

Since Viewerville was shortchanged by at least 20 episodes, we have taken the liberty of restoring them for you.

The Missing Episodes—In Which:
#105 – Through DNA tests it is shown that an unknown person of indigenous blood lines fathered Antonio.
#107 – No gold, oil or historical ruins were found on the back 40 of El Talisman.  Don Gregorio's coveting the rancho was revealed to be pure greed.
#109 – Through DNA tests it is shown that Camila really is Esteban’s daughter after all.
#111 – Elvira is found homeless and wandering around the streets of Los Angeles pulling her little red suitcase.
#112 – Army gets enough money together to go to Canada.  Angel follows.  The cousins and Flor and Fab become Canadian citizens.
#113 – Francisco Negrete (aka Panchito) and Tracy get married.  Tracy makes all the hors d’oeuvres for the reception.  Panchito picks his nose during the ceremony.
#115 – The Orphans arrive from Mexico and among them is Santiago’s mother (don’t ask).
#117 – Valentin goes to Los Angeles trying to look for Mariana and runs into Elvira.  They set up housekeeping together in a big cardboard box.
#119 – El Capitán finally has the pruebas he needs to charge Don Gregorio Negrete with various and sundry crimes.  It has to be done in absentia or post mortem or whatever.
#120 – Meses después – BABY ARRIVES – She looks just like Camila and cries like her, too.


Weekend Discussion: Televisa Remakes We Would Produce

Amigos, damas, y caballeros!  The next photo gallery is in progress, so for this weekend I propose a game that occurred to me the other day as I wrote a comment on LQNPA.

A while back there was sufficiently enthusiastic discussion about my hypothetical Televisa version of Dark Shadows that this game is based on that discussion:

  • Pick a classic US TV program (We'll do movies another time).  Title translation optional.
  • Give your dream cast for the Televisa Remake you would produce.  Actors currently under contract to Telemundo are also invited to the casting call.  Although most or all character names would be changed into Spanish ones, use the original character names for clarity.
  • Make note of any minor changes to setting, character relationships, etc.
  • Comment on any previously posted project.
  • New projects should occur at least every third post, but more frequently is good, too!
Herewith, I propose Televisa's remake of Star Trek, to be called Viajes entre las Estrellas:

Regular Cast:

Captain Kirk............        Fernando Colunga
1st Officer Spock.........    Diego Olivera
Lieutenant Uhura..........    Indhira Serrano
Lieutenant Sulu.............    Pablo Cheng
Lieutenant Chekhov.......   Marcelo Cordoba
Scotty...........................    Mario Iván Martinez
Dr McCoy.....................   Jorge Salinas
Nurse Chapel.................   Sylvia Navarro
Yeoman Rand................   Angelique Boyer
Enterprise Chaplain*.......  Salvador Sanchez

Frequent Guest Cast:

Sarek............................    Alejandro Avila
Amanda.........................   Julieta Rosen
Commodore Mendez......  Cesar Evora
Klingon Commander.......  Guillermo Garcia Cantú
Romulan Commander......  Rene Casados
T'Pau, ruler of Vulcan......  Raquel Olmedo
Harry Mudd....................  Sergio Sendel

*New addition for cultural relevance

Have fun!


Friday, June 15, 2012

El Mundo de Telemundo - week of June 18 - Discuss among yourselves

¡Hola a todos! Another week, another opportunity for great comments and recaps. Let's go!

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Abismo de Pasión #67 6/14/12: People have personality transplants and make numerous annoying house calls. It’s just another day.

Last night we left off with Ramona revealing her huge secrets to...wait for it...a man who already knew and who cannot say a thing about it to anyone else! Ta daaaaa!! Nice going there Ramona. You gonna tell Gabino next?

She also tells Padre that Carmina was pregnant before she married Augusto and she’s going to ask Don A if he was doing the horizontal bop with his sis-in-law prior to marrying Stef. Padre advises against that, who knows what kind of scum will float to the surface if she stirs that pot? Ramona thinks Elisa and Stef’s reputations have suffered too long, it’s time to unlock the chest and let the truth fly out. Padre totally agrees and he, too, has had to keep quiet; he would like to see this business cleared up, but it wouldn’t be worth all the wounds it would open. OK then, she says somewhat sarcastically, so she has to keep her mouth shut. He ominously says that decision is hers, just so she is prepared to deal with the consequences.

Bedraggled Begoña visits Carmina to inspect her decor and give advice about being dumped. She says a separation doesn’t necessarily mean divorce. All relationships go through rough patches and a separation gives a couple time to reflect. Carmina’s jumping out of her skin about now and tries to get Be to leave, but Be pulls Carmina back down on the couch, lol. Be says since Edmundo and Augusto are such good friends shouldn’t they be BFFs too? Carmina gives her biggest fake smile. (Is Fina losing another ally?)

Elisa gripes to Lucio about their contract with La Anita and in so doing reveals to him that it was Alfonsina who loaned her the money. QUE??? Why didn’t she tell him that before? He’s furious to hear the terms. Elisa says so what if Fina ends up with her tierras, they served their purpose if they help her papá. Bah humbug, says Lucio. Furthermore, there’s something else he wants to talk to her about, he heard she and Dam broke up. Is this also part of her contract with Fina? No comment, and Elisa runs off.

Padre ribs Gael about his novia, not Elisa but Paloma. Ha! He saw them last night. They start to dance, no wait, it’s just Padre and Gael doing their body language thingie. Padre’s not criticizing Gael, in fact he was happy to see Gael and Paloma canoodling in the dark. He’s just not sure it’s fair to Paloma if Gael is merely playing around. 

Sabrina finds out Begoña went to visit Carmina and thinks it’s a bit odd. Begoña claims it was just because she thinks they should become good friends like their husbands. Sabrina suspects maybe mom wants to wheedle her way back into dad’s good graces, and won’t this pith off Fina who can’t stand the Castañons? Begoña admits that Dad might be her reason, and Fina can lump it if she doesn’t like it. Heh, just wait until Edmundo finds out his wife is trying to get friendly with his ex-lover.

Lolita reveals to Elisa that Begoña came to visit Carmina, which was weird since Carmina has zero friends. Poor Tia, muses Elisa, no friends and now a separation from papá. Whoa, that’s news to Lolita. Dad is moving out and Elisa’s going with him...and Lolita too. Elisa feels like leaving the house will be burying the last memory of her mamá. Nope, says Lolita, her memory is still in your heart. Awww, the I Love Lolita table is buying a round for the house!

Night has fallen and Elisa moons over her pic of mom and Blanca, she even kisses it. Oh gosh, please don’t start crying. Whew! Saved by Paloma who has come to apologize. (I’m having a deja-vu here.) Paloma spoke with Gael and he confirmed what Elisa told her earlier. “What a shock that you believe him at least,” snips our heroine in a rare moment of sarcasm. Apologies, excuses, and Elisa suggests they not let a misunderstanding ruin their friendship. Pretty gracious if you ask me. 

There is another thing Paloma came to tell Elisa. When she and Gael were talking one thing led to another and...and...Yes, He is my boyfriend! Squeeee! Jumping up and down. Happy happy joy joy. They hug under the swaying anvils.

Paloma is worried. What if Damian finds out? Elisa tells her not to worry, she can blab to the whole world that Gael is her novio. Maybe Paloma should be asking Gael about this little detail instead of Elisa.

Dam feels the static cling when Clingwrap drifts over to the Proce to annoy him. He rebuffs her and she whines she’s only trying to be friendly. He reminds her that she betrayed and lied to him and he doesn’t want to make the same mistake. (Damian, let me insert one of my best bits of advice. Never go back to a job or an ex. There is a reason it ended in the first place. There. I’ve said it. What you do with this excellent advice is up to you.)

Flo clings and coos that she just wants to show Dam that she truly loves him. Poor Enrique walks in just as Dam begrudgingly allows Flo to kiss him. Enrique sadly puts his documents on Dam’s desk while Flo glares at him. Weird trips incorporated, as my girlfriends and I used to say. After Enrique leaves Dam accuses Flo of being rude. “What, I should give him a hug and a kiss?” she asks. Enough of that stupid conversation, Dam and his short cane leave with Flo hovering nearby.

Augusto visits Lucio to ask him a favor. Can Elisa and Lolita live at Casa Lucio? (Oh Em Gee! This has got to be the first good idea EVER to come out of that toothy mouth. Say yes say yes say yes.) Lucio says yes, hooray!! Augusto tells him he’s going to separate from Carmina, he’s moving out from the quinta, and he thinks Elisa and Lolita would be better off with Lucio. Lucio invites Augusto to live with him too. (No no no no no!) Augusto says no (whew!), he wants to be alone. He’s been a bad husband, blah blah blah, his life is a disaster and Elisa has been the victim. He says he’d like to give her the love she deserves but he just can’t. (Pffffft. I’m immune to that sympathetic yet highly annoying violin music. I’d like to swat you like a fly you dunderhead.)

Ingrid visits Kenia to push her idea about Kenia hooking up with Damian. Kenia is annoyed because mom put the kibosh on her deelio* with Assgusto.
*too gross to define

Clingwrap is still clinging and macking all over Damian, this time in front of Guido. Dad wants Flor to explain what is going on. She didn’t tell dad about it before because he was preoccupied with Tio Tightshirt, but she and Dam are back together. Happy hugs. 

Dam finds Fina and rips on her for firing Paolo without letting him know in advance. Furthermore, Gabino had no right to fire Paolo because Dam already fired Gabino. Fina claims she didn’t know Dam had returned to work and it’s not fair to fire Gabino because he had nothing to do with Fina and Dam’s disagreement about Elisa’s tierras. She doesn’t want to argue about a mere employee, she’s rather talk about his feelings for Florencia. Big eyeroll from Dam. Fina wants to talk to Padre Loopy about their wedding. Bigger eyeroll, why the rush?  He and Flo need time to work things out. 

Tonia interrupts, phone call for Dam, another mystery woman. Surprise, it’s Ingrid Navarro. She knows he and Gael are good friends and she’d like to talk to Dam ASAP, like in 20 minutes. Fina gives Dam the botox death glare and demands to know who called. “It wasn’t about Elisa and that’s all you need to know. Don’t hold dinner for me,” he snaps as he defiantly hobbles out.

Assgusto gets home looking for Carmina. Lolita says she’s out, but she’s prepared a yummy meal for them and they have a guest. “Hey there Don Augusto,”  chirps Kenia. Cara impactada de Assgusto, probably because she’s wearing a dress that leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination. I can even see her belly button through it. He doesn’t like the idea but Kenia begs to stay. She wants to fix the bad feelings between them all. Augusto says those bad feelings have been going on for many years. Elisa suggests maybe Kenia had better go and she runs to grab Kenia’s purse, allowing Assgusto and Kenia to low hiss (thanks Madelaine) at each other. He says they are over! She refuses to accept it. 

Fina summons Chente for his first assignment. Follow Damian and find out where he went and whom he met. Then report back pronto! 

Paloma gets home and asks Ramona if Gael has been by. No, why should he be? Paloma says it's normal for novios to visit novias at home, isn’t it? Que que que?? Come on Gran, complains Paloma, I told you this afternoon but your head was in the clouds. Ramona huffs but doesn’t remember. (Memory anvil?) Ramona asks if Gael told Paloma he loves her. “No, but all in good time. Aren’t you happy that he’s finally paying attention to me? “ Ramona admits that what she feels is terror because she thinks this will cause Paloma great suffering. Paloma calls Gran a wet blanket and stomps out.

Augusto drags Kenia outside and scolds her for coming on to him. She reminds him he’s going to be a free man and they can be together. She’s turning into a Clingwrap too, and he says his breakup wasn’t for her, and if he wanted someone else it wouldn’t be her. She says she’ll go if he promises to come to her later at her house. “Forget it.” She advises him to reconsider because if Carmina discovers her there then Elisa will know about the whole scandal. Aw shucks, he says, since you asked so nicely I guess I’ll see you later.

Fina visits Pathetic Paolo in his messy room. She doesn’t understand what he sees in a woman like Carmina Bouvier. She’s married, poor, and unnaturally orange. He should look for a woman of his own class. Paolo asks does she really think that is something that someone decides? Whatevs, says Fina, she doesn’t like how it’s affecting his brother. Guido is desperate and all he wants to do is leave with Paolo. Paolo is getting the picture, the truth is Fina doesn’t want Guido to leave. He tells Fina not to pretend with him. He doesn’t understand what Guido can offer to her, he knows she just needs a man by her side. SLAP! Its a dainty one but its a direct hit. “I won’t allow you to disrespect me! The only reason I don’t kick you out now is that I don’t want to give your brother another headache!”

Horacio drives Dam to La Fonda to meet Ingrid. Wow, Chente’s little horse must be fast because he’s right there. Dam gets on II’s case about abandoning her job. She says she was very sick but she’s not there to talk about work. She needs his help on another subject, her daughter Kenia is doing badly because she’s madly in love with him. “No puede ser,” he says but then he recalls Kenia telling him he can count on her any time. Ingrid knows he didn’t do anything to lead her on but Kenia is young and impressionable. She just wants Dam to talk to her.

Assgusto tells Elisa that he talked to Lucio about Elisa and Lolita going to live at Casa Lucio. The sleazel, resembling Regan from The Exorcist, creeps over to the door to eavesdrop. Assgusto says he vants to be alone to get his life together. Elisa doesn’t believe he should do it alone, they should stay together. He wonders why, considering he has been such a crap dad and all. Aw, here come those violins again. She says maybe, but he is her papá and she doesn’t want to lose him like she lost her mamá

Pop! goes the sleazel! “You wanna know why dad wants you and Lolita to live with Lucio?  Because he already has another house and woman waiting for him.” Assgusto tells her to callate already. Orangina reveals his mujer is none other than Elisa’s friend Kenia. Assgusto says he made one mistake but he’s not going to repeat it. Then he runs from the room. Way to stick up for yourself dude.

Back at La Fonda Irritating Ingrid (II) is still pleading her case for Kenia. Dam agrees to see her to tell her he doesn’t have corresponding feelings. II says she hopes he’s able to fix his problems with Elisa and Gael. They have been like brothers since they were kids. “Not gonna happen,” he says, “wer’e not friends much less brothers. He betrayed me.” He defiantly hobbles off. The ancient first aid kid hanging askew on the wall cracked me up.

Irritat-Ing calls Kenia to say she just had coffee with Dam, and he is very interested in her. Kenia is livid, II had no right. II says she’s just looking out for Kenia’s interests. Some mutual insults and Kenia hangs up. Kenia says to herself that mom is right, she shouldn’t waste any opportunity. “I hope Assgusto shows up soon.” 

Fina gets all over Flo’s case for not keeping a tighter leash on Damian. A while ago some woman called him and he left. He said it wasn’t Elisa but how can they be sure?

Vicente shows up with the 411. Dam went to La Fonda and he met a woman. He doesn’t know her name but she used to be GABINO MENDOZA’S secretary.

Horacio drops Dam off at Kenia’s and says he’ll be back in half an hour. Ingrid lurks. Dam enters the darkened house. He hears “Yoo hoo, I’m in the bedroom.”

Outside, Ingrid intercepts Elisa who has come to talk to Kenia. II says Kenia is busy so beat it. “My dad wouldn’t dare show up....” assumes Elisa as she pushes her way into the house. She enters Kenia’s bedroom just in time to see Kenia kissing Damian. 

Elisa looks shocked. Damian looks guilty. Kenia sure as hell looks shocked. I look a little confused but am utterly delighted at this mess. 

Avances: Damian was set up! Elisa accuses Dam. Dam sees Paloma kissing Gael and she tells him there never was anything between Elisa and Gael. Will there be a reconciliation?


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #29-30 Thu 6/14/12 It's A Nice Day For A White Wedding

These Epi's were heavy so I snarked them up a bit. 

The Day Before the Wedding: Mexico City

Max has gone to see Claudio Linares in his office. Claudio wants to know what the heck he's doing there. Max tells him to quit protesting, accept the settlement and move on. Claudio tells Max he is the fraud, besmirched his name, ruined his reputation and his prestige is gone. He wants all of them back. He spent twenty years in the carcel and now is face to face with Max. Max is claiming he wants to help Claudio, but Claudio isn't buying it. He tells Max my wife and child died while I was in la carcel, and he calls Max a coward. Claudio wants his honor back. Max leaves and Lic Barrerra has come by. He is going to help Claudio to try to get all these things back he lost, by doing some investigating. Meanwhile Max has gone back to his office and tells Oscar he needs to do some snooping to see exactly what Claudio is up to.

Rod and Rosa are still in the library discussing if he is getting married or not. He assures her he is. She actually wanted him to marry in the Church not a civil ceremony, but seeing as Gala is divorced that can't happen. Rosa doesn't want any surprises. He tells Mama Rosa to calm down there will be a wedding. Rod goes and Rosa has another talk with Conny about Luci. Conny can't understand why Rosa is always going on and on about this girl Luci, she's obsessed (you can say that again). Conny says she remembers Claudio as a gentleman and is Rosa afraid of the consequences of telling Claudio everything that happened with Aurora and the baby. She just tells Conny she doesn't want Luci anywhere near the family anymore.

Rod encounters Luci and she says they have no more to talk about. Afterwards, Mati brings something of Rod's for Luci to iron. You can tell Luci doesn't want to do it but she does. She prays to the Virgincita again to please help her get through this.

Hanna and Pato are doing a puzzle. They are discussing the wedding. Pato doesn't think Rod will be happy with Gala and Hanna agrees. They will miss him though, when he moves.

Vicky and Aldo are going on a date to Inferno. Vicky tells her Dad she won't be home late. Aldo is a real gentleman. He opens the car door for her. When they get to Inferno, he seats her and they are having a blast, although Lastra is lingering.

Rod encounters Luci again and tells her tomorrow he will be getting married and that he just wants her to know he will always love Luci forevva. She isn't buying it, he is marrying another woman for goodness sake! He tells her he never talked about love with another woman, and that she is the one and only he has ever done that with. He looks at her, as if he is going to kiss her, but he tells her he will love her forevva and he leaves. She is standing there crying, and says you are my one and only forevva.

Frigid the Rigid has opened Luci's letter, looked at it and we still don't know what it said.

Het Het:

Magda is in the office with Copio, when the Don A arrives. He wants to know what she is doing there, missing him perhaps. She gives him a song and dance and leaves. She didn't get what she came for. Magda goes home to Paz and tells her that Don A is back and she didn't get the deeds she was hoping to get. She asks Paz if maybe she has a copy of the deeds in the stuff she brought from her house. She wants her to think really hard about it. These deeds are in Galindo's name, not Don A's and it is only right for her to live on her own land and house. She says she will help her look and help her claim what is rightfully hers. They go take a walk outside and sit. Ariche comes and tells them he wants to see Luci really bad. They tell him maybe soon. Magda tells Paz, hey, let's go to the D.F. and see the girls. Oh, Paz doesn't want to do that. Paz says there are many problems and they go home. Back at home now, Paz opens up to Magda and tells her that she has been keeping a very BIG secret from Magda all these years. You see Luci isn't really her daughter!!! Magda is shocked. Paz tells her as soon as Luci was placed in her arms, she felt as if she were her own. Paz is crying and saying that Luci's real Papa is now out of la carcel and she worries that Luci will run into him in the D. F. Magda will not be detered and tells Paz that they should go to the D. F. anyway, it will give Paz,some well, paz, and that they can see Violetta and Lorenzo too. Uh Oh! Magda has been searching thru Paz's boxes and found a little case. Paz opens it and it is Luci's baby clothes, pics, marriage certificate and on the bottom??? The deeds to the land and house. They are both overjoyed to have found them.

Wedding Day:

Frigid is in charge of everything. Setting up, driving everyone crazy. Everyone is getting ready. Julie and Gala at the apt. Rod and the family at home. Pato and Hanna can't stand Gala but have to respect Rod's decision. Julie is in a zebra striped dress and Julie a nice gown, white, with a veil draped in the back, not on the face.

Luci has decided she will be in the kitchen, during the ceremony. She won't be able to handle seeing Rod get married. Mati agrees she can do that, as Frigid is busy all over the compound making sure all the stuff gets done. Also Padre Honesto has decided to attend the ceremony, by invitation of Rod, even though he will not be performing the ceremony itself. Mama Rosa is impressed. Pato tried to convince Luci to come outside and be by his side during the ceremony but Luci won't budge. Max is walking Gala down the aisle and Julie is following. Luci has gone outside, but she really can't see anything, and goes back inside. Meanwhile, Luci is in her room, looks at the Virgincita, cries and asks the Virgincita to por favor ayuda mi. She remembers Sabine warning her she would cry many tears. Luci says to herself she is sick of crying.

The judge is there, with Rod and Gala and gives Gala the pen, she signs. He gives Rod the pen and.........

We interrupt this Wedding Ceremony with this little ditty:

It is a parday of the song, "For What it's Worth, by Buffalo Springfield

There's something happen' here

What it is , is perfectly clear

Hot Bod Rod refuses to sign

He's gettin' so much resistance from behind

Stop, hey what's that sound Mala Gala has just gone down.

The battle line's being drawn

Rosa and Gala are right, and everbody else is wrong

Frigid is the back up for the two

And poor Luci's employment is on the line

Stop, hey what's that sound, Rosa is lookin' to take Luci down

What a field day for the paps

A crowd is gathering in the streets

It starts when your always afraid

Step out of line, Rosa comes and takes Luci's job away

Stop, hey what's that sound, Frigid is goose stepping Luci out the compound.

Back to the recap.


Rod is about to walk off and Gala of course is down. Rod picks her up and brings her to the library. Rosa has put alcohol under her nose to wake her up and as soon as she does, she is beggin and pleading with Rod not to do this to her. He asks for forgiveness from her, but she is going down the manicomio road and slaps the crap out of him. Everyone is shocked that Rod didn't marry.

The paps are going wild outside, getting in everyone's face and asking questions, they are removed from the compound. For their part, Hanna, Aldo and Pato, and Melissa are glad Rod didn't get married.

Meanwhile Luci is even praying to her dead Papa to help her thru this. There is a knock on the door and it is Frigid of course. Frigid asks Luci if she's happy now, cause Hot Rod didn't get married. Luci can't beleive it. Frigid tells her she wouldn't want to be in her shoes. Frigid leaves, and Mati comes and Luci says she will leave the Torreslanda's house, she can't stay anymore. Mati tells her to go to the kitchen and calm down, but Luci says, oh so I can run into Gala and Julie and they can insult me some more, oh no, can't do that. Mati tells her she will defend her from all abuse and come to the kitchen. Mati leaves and Luci gets a call on her cell. She thinks it is Lorenzo, but it is Lastra. He is threatening her again. He will tell the Torreslanda's what kind of a chippy she really is, unless she meets with him. She tells him she will meet him, manana at a park close to Violetta's apartment. Luci goes down to the kitchen, and Mati is preparing tea for Rosa. Luci leaves and goes to her room.

Everyone is yelling at Rod, Rosa, Julie and especially Gala. She is truly pithed and over the edge. She wants to know why Rod did this to her. Max clears the room. She accuses Rod of loving Luci and this is why he did it, for the SERVANT, right, right!!!! Rod tells her that isn't so (Liar, Liar pants on fire) and he says he wants Gala to forgive him and that's all.

Rosa, Conny and Julie are all in the same room and Julie goes off on Rosa. She calls Rod a patan, and a, wait for it, I had to look this up, too funny burro del mundo! Too funny. Julie is just pithed off, cause there goes all the money she was counting on. Julie says she wants justice, and Conny defends Rosa and says Rosa had no idea Rod would do this to Gala.

Gala, after raising all the hell she can, finally goes with Julie. They go in the chauffer driven car and Gala doesn't even bother to hide her face from the paps at the gate.

Max, Rosa and Rod are now in the library and he tries to explain why he didn't marry Gala. He tells them, he doesn't love Gala and if he had married her he would have been miserable. Rosa can't beleive he didn't marry Gala, after all this, (well, I kinda gotta side with her here, he should have broken up with her before going to the altar, jus' sayin"). Rosa wants to know what Max thinks. He says Rod made his decision and will face the consequences, punto. Rosa gives Rod the death ray and leaves. Rod leaves too.

Luci is going to her room and Hot Bod Rod is there. Rod just wanted Luci to know he didn't get married and it was all because of her, punto. He actually leaves without touching her. After Rod goes, Luci again turns to the Virgincita, and asks why didn't Rod get married (Note to Luci-Look the Virgincita has aydudaed you today, Rod didn't get married, told you why, and yet still ya gotta ask??? Come on now!!!!). Luci has all her pots on the bed and she leaves and goes to Mati's room. Mati tells her Gala won't bother her anymore, but Luci has come to talk about Rod. Luci says she wants to leave the Torreslanda's and move in with Violetta again. Mati gives Luci a hug and tells her she will miss her Musho.

After Rod leaves Luci's room, Max is in the kitchen, and knows precisely where Rod has just been. Max wants to know if Rod wants some coffee? (Memba a couple epi's ago, when Rod had sucked face with Luci, Max was having coffee and saw where Rod had come from lol) anyhoo, Max says you didn't marry because of Luci right? Rod admits it and says Luci has stolen his heart, little by little and he is now profoundly in love with her. Rod says he feels bad for what he did to Gala, but glad he didn't marry her. They interrupt this talk of Luci by talking about some problem with a factory in Miami that Oscar is checking into. Then it is back to Luci. Hot Bod Rod says he wants a relationship with Luci, but Max tells him that Luci is the kind of girl you have an affair with, not marry (Note to Max: You are a big time snobby jerk). He tells Rod to take a little vacay and he'll be fine when he gets back.

Conny and Oscar are having some alone time and Oscar thinks the house is pretty tense. Connie say, oh, and how. Conny tells Oscar, of course Gala blamed all this on Luci. She also tells Oscar that Gala is very jealous. Oscar wants to know if Conny is jealous. She was when he went to the theater with Julie. He likes that. Oscar tells Conny he prefers to be with Conny.

Hanna and Melissa are in Pato's room watching a movie and Rosa comes in loaded for bear. She wants the girls out so they can give Pato some peace. Pato is fast asleep. She takes the remote and turns the TV off. But Hanna and Melissa start telling her about the movie, turn it back on. Rosa sits down and Hanna puts her head in Rosa's lap and Melissa offers Rosa popcorn. Rosa is so not down with this and leaves the girls to the movie (Some Mama, won't spend quality time with her daugher and neice).

The phone rings and of course Frigid the Rigid answers and it is Julie on the other end wanting to talk to Rosa. Rosa gets on the line and asks how Gala is doing. Well this sets Julie off. She tells Rosa, Gala was so traumitized by what happened she had to take a sleeping pill. She says the reason she called is evidently when Gala was getting ready she left some of her stuff and she wants it back. Rosa says she'll check. Julie also lets her have it about Luci causing all of this, Luci this and Luci that, which is triggering the hate button in Rosa. Of course Gala is nowhere near down and out, but sitting right next to her Mama grinning as Julie is going on and on. Rosa insists she doesn't know how Luci caused this. Frigid hears this and eggs Rosa on of course. Rosa gets off the phone and Frigid tails right behind her. After Julie hangs up the phone on her end, she sees that Gala has taken her ring off, and her Mama Julie asks what she is going to do now? Gala swears that she will now be concentrating on venganza against Rod. She swears to it.

Luci is in her room packing, she is leaving in the morning. Rosa and Frigid show up in Luci's room and Rosa lights into to her about all the problems she caused with Rod and Pato, she tells her to pack her things and Largate! She hates Luci and wants her gone. She wants her gone so much she is throwing Luci's things all over the room, Frigid is helping her, and Frigid takes up the box of pots and slams it on the floor. Mati has come in by this time and begs Rosa and Frigid to stop this madness. Mati tells them you can't throw this poor girl out on the street at night, wait for the morning. Luci is checking her box of pots and says yes, I am leaving in the morning. Rosa doesn't want that. Frigid is still throwing Luci's stuff around and Luci and Mati tell her to stop and Luci says, alright I'll leave now. While Rosa is yammering at her for breaking her trust, blah blah. All this time they are screaming at Luci LARGATE. Luci tells them, as she is stuffing her clothes in the box of pots and suitcase she will leave so they stop insulting her. Frigid is now kicking her stuff around. Rosa tells Frigid to goosestep , I mean escort Luci off the property never to return. Luci goes with stuff hanging all over the place. Mati and Rosa are alone and Mati lights into Rosa and tells her what craziness have you just done? Rosa tells her she did it to protect Rod and Pato. Rosa leaves and Mati prays to Dios to forgive Rosa and to forgive Mati herself for never saying that Luci is Claudio's daughter.

Rosa is now in the chapel, praying her rosary, riddled with guilt, as she SHOULD be. Max has come looking for her. He wants to know what the heck she is doing, she says she is praying to releive the suffering (Note to Rosa, go check into the nearest manicomio or better yet, Max you do it) He asks her why she got rid of Lucy, it was to protect her boys she tells him. She tells Max that both Rod and Pato are in love with her and she had to go. Max thinks she is crazy, cause Luci is the only one that was able to connect with Pato and send him on the road to recovery. Max tells her she is completely LOCA. How right that is. He leaves and she goes back to her rosary.

Frigid is goose stepping Luci to the gate of the compound just yelling at her and Largating every few seconds (and by the way, she never gave that letter to Luci). Frigid yells at the guard at the gate that orders of the Patrona Rosa, this girl is never, ever to darken the doorway of the Torreslanda's again, evva. And there is of course another LARGATE and poor pitiful Luci is going out the gate, with her stuff still barely in that box and a half open suitcase.


Stalker guy tells Violetta he is in love with her (Watch out Violetta)

Gala calls Rod and says it was because of Luci we didn't get married right?

Aldo is doing something fishy at Max's office

Max calls Vicky and demands to know where she is? She is at Inferno. Max isn't pleased.

Hanna asks Rod if he is in love with Luci and was she the reason Rod didn't get married? He nods.


El Talismán #97 Thu 6/14/12 Tomorrow, Tomorrow…

Gregorio’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Slumber Party:

Everybody is finding Papa Bear’s bed just right today. Now that Doris is gone, Elvira climbs in and arranges herself in various seductive poses, reminding him of what he’ll never enjoy again. Oh and by the way, she tells him, all that money you were so fond of? I now have direct access to it through my daughter. Elvira promises to come back and visit…again and again and again. But first, she must give him the goodbye he deserves…a hefty slap. Take that!

Doctorcito comes in to give Gregorio his next injection and Panchito shucks and jives his way to the bedside, promising he won’t be any trouble. Aw, gosh, he just wants to be near his Papa. Okay, says Dr. J, but you owe me one – if I ever run into trouble at El ‘Traz, you have to help me. Sure thing, boss, yessir. While the doc is distracted, Pancho palms the medicine bottle. Gag thought-bubbles a lot of stuff we don’t care about re: how he should have treated Pancho better when he could still move his limbs. Too late, rutabaga.

La Casita de Frascos:

Amid the high-anxiety smoochies, Pedro manages to tell Camila he has a plan. Gabriel and Sarita will get married TOMORROW and everyone from El ‘Traz will be invited, including the servidumbre. He will take the opportunity to case the joint for the medicine flasks with Mommy Dearest’s fingerprints – all she has to do is make sure Antonio stays at the wedding.

Camila rabbits off to tell Antonio to put down the pistol and take her home; she’s nauseous. Pedro pauses to say goodbye to the cabinet – “I will come for you TOMORROW!” he pledges – and is surprised by Valentín, who wants to know – all together now – “¿Qué haces aquí?” Pedro swears he was just out for a stroll and Camila who? Val threatens to tell Tony that Pedro was sniffing around; Pedro threatens to tell El Capitán that Val killed Mariana. Cara muy impactada y twitchy de Valentín. Round one to Pedro.

Antonio’s Casa de Amenazas:

Out in the sala, Camila is having another one of those “what planet are you from?” conversations with her mother. Camila confesses that the baby is Pedro’s, and Elvira tells her to just keep quiet about it. Not for long, Camila says, because Pedro’s gonna fix all this TOMORROW. Your baby will be rich, quoth the Nutmother; what else do you want? Oh, I dunno, maybe not to be held captive for the rest of my life by a psycho pistolero monkey?

Antonio is skulking around in the hallway growing his beard on fast-forward, and overhearing this conversation makes him even snarlier than usual. He gets Elvira alone and tells her if she knows what’s good for her, she’ll find out the details of Pedro’s little plan and report back to him toot-sweet. “What about my dinero?” she asks. All right already, he says; I’ll do a wire transfer. But after TOMORROW, Camila is shut up in the house until the baby’s born, and I only want to see you if you’re changing diapers. What a mensch.

Elvira dashes into Camila’s room, cries some crocodile tears, apologizes for being Joan Crawford in a headband, and promises to help with the Pedro Plan. Camila appears to fall for it hook, line and sinker…but does she really tell her mother the whole story? And does Elvira really pass it all on to Antonio? Guess we’ll find out TOMORROW.

El Departamento Three-Way:

Elvira shows up to tell Rennie she’s ready to buy him out. He says he & Rita are flying out TOMORROW and she can move right in. Since they’re still married, no property transfer is necessary. She suspects a trick, but he says he’d do anything to be divorced from her. She flounces out after wishing them a lovely plane crash and death. Rennie promises Rita a whole new world of adventure and absolutely no more with the getting married.

Back at the ‘Traz:

Doctor Jaime comes back to give Don G his evening injection, and Panchito slips the brown bottle back into his maletín. After he leaves, Pancho tells the pig that he swapped the “medicine” for vitamins, and he’ll be up & around in no time. Stalwart piglet! Too bad he only uses his life-giving powers on one-celled organisms. Oh well; maybe he’ll have a chance to save a human being later.

Around town:

-        Geno and Tomás announce that they too are getting married TOMORROW, and Antonio says, “What are they putting in the food over there?”
-        Angel asks Flor to be his novia, and she gives him the capital-K Kiss.
-        Doris calls Lucas on the phone and tells him that she must marry Gregorio TOMORROW.
-        Pedro admits to Gabe and Margarito that he should probably have a Plan B in case something goes wrong. Ya think?

Setup for the Showdown:

Against all odds, it appears that TOMORROW has actually arrived, and El Tal is in a flurry of wedding preparativos. Margarito joshes with Gabriel that it is his last chance to escape, and Gabe answers that he doesn’t have anywhere to go. I think he’s joking. Pedro has gotten Sarita to make Lucrazy her madrina just to keep her out of everyone’s hair. Oh, and he’s paying for the wedding, so I guess poor Sarita figured she’d better go along with it.

All the El Tal men are looking dapper in black and white, and Lucrazy struts in wearing the skintight bright red dress with slutty side cutouts that every bride dreams of seeing on her maid of honor. Cue the bullfight music: Camila makes a grand entrance on Antonio’s arm, and the two couples flare nostrils across the room as a super-duper drumbeat of doom builds to a crescendo…

Amigos, this bodatón is gonna be OPERATIC.


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