Friday, June 26, 2009

Gancho - Thurs 6/25 - A horndog, a Billy goat, a punchy monkey, a coldcock, a crying croc, a ferret face, a bird on a wire...welcome to the menagerie.

Hi everyone. I think sometimes I take liberties with translations, especially slang. If you have other ideas or know other or better ways of phrasing these things please let me know. After all, we are here to learn, right?

Here is my name and nickname key:

Monita = Moni = Valentina = Val
Mauricio = Mau
Constanza = Consti
Gabriela = Gabi
Ximena = Xime

Maid Teresa fills Monita in on Mau's sad background. His wife died in an accident and in typical TN fashion his poor wife was pregnant. This effectively put an end to his accelerating career as a race car driver. Monita's says judging by the way he drives he's still racing. Maid asks Monita why she's so interested in the patrón. Moni protesteth too much and huffs off to Aldo's room.

Moni walks in on Aldo who is in his undies trying to repair a lamp. Heh, he covers his manhood with a big pillow but he's no Ed Yanez sez Moni. She tries to fix the lamp, plugs it in, it sparks, she throws it on the bed and the bed catches fire.

Constanza and Mauricio argue because she spilled the beans to Ximena about him adopting. When they arrive home they are greeted by fire engines in front along with his extended family plus Monita; they seem to be in a daze but physically fine. They report that luckily Ricardo and Aldo put out the fire which only burned Aldo's pillow and mattress.

Of course Mau tells them them it's OK and Moni should calm down. Aldo kisses Moni and thanks her, not sure why. Thank you for burning my bed? For comparing me to Ed Yanez? Moni says she's headed home and she thanks Mau for understanding which pisses off Constanza. Ricardo the chauffeur gets to drive her home. Will it be her real home or the fake place?

At their favorite restaurant Geronimo gossips with Ximena about Mau's probs with Consti. Ximena might be naturally spacy but tonight she's also slightly tipsy.

Slimy guy Bonillo calls Geronimo from a pay phone a few steps away. (What, he doesn't have a cell phone?) Bonillo asks how will Mario be able to give him money if he keeps hanging out in expensive places? Geronimo looks around and sees Bonillo smirking like a ferret (if ferrets could smirk) just outside the room.

Consti wants Mau to fire Monita but he refuses. Why should he just because she nearly burned down his house, it was an accident. Consti tries bitchiness and when that doesn't work she tries another tack, she's just worried about him and doesn't know how to treat the sweet kiddies, sniff sniff. She's gonna go home cuz the burny smell makes her nauseous. (Uh oh...NAUSEOUS???)

Over at the jail Snow brown tries to get sweet sonny Betito out of jail but the desk cop says no way lady he can't leave until tomorrow, sorry but justice is blind. Snow says justice is also slow. Some guy bumps her with pizza boxes. Gee, I wonder who the pizza is for? Betito, king of the jail, has charmed everyone and holds court with the police, the guards and the inmates who are all hanging out in his cell. Desk cop tells Beto his mom was there and maybe he should go home. His fans convince him to stay just one more hour.

Ricardo the chauffeur drops Moni off at her fake house and says he has instructions to walk her inside. They bicker good naturedly and Ric finally gives her a kiss on the cheek and sez she's special. Who should walk by but Nieves with cara impactada.

As Ximena and Geronimo leave the expensive restaurant she spies Bonillo driving off and goes nuts cuz he's the handsome dude she was telling her bro about, that festival of extreme manly hotness (which is how I translate un festival de galanura). Geronimo tells her he's the guy that got the boot and he's probably going after Ximena only to bug him. He tells her if she thinks it was love at first sight she must have fallen from the cradle too many times because her neurons aren't firing. (Siblings can be so cruel.)

Monita gets back to the barrio and gives Estrella the brief on her big night. Nieve arrives and pouts a bit as she tells Monita that Beto is still in jail. Nieve cheers herself up a bit by insulting Estrella.

Aha...Bonillo is waiting for Ximena when she gets home. She suggests they remove their masks, yes there was a brutal chemistry between them when they met, but if he wants more she needs him to look her in the eyes and know he's being sincere with her. Is he with her to bug her bro? He responds by laying a big fat kiss on her. She pulls away and he pants, "If you trust me call me," and hands her his card. She nibbles at it and swoons.

Nieve is trying to telecommute with aliens via a circular radome on her head. Oh sorry, it's a large roller which, based on her prior hairstyle, serves no purpose whatsoever. She gives Monita a hard time because she saw her with Ricardo. Monita assures her the guy is only a coworker and it was only a little peck goodbye. Nieve starts to scold and at that moment Beto arrives, surprise!! However he wants to know why Nieve thinks Moni will hurt him. They make up a story that Monita wants to stop fighting. Beto cheerfully tells them no way and he wants his Mona to show up at the gym tomorrow to rendezvous with Don Cesár.

Next morning Constanza waits for Monita to get off the bus. She confronts her about the previous night and says the kids could have died due to Moni's ineptitude. If she has any shame she'll resign at once.

Monita runs into the building in tears. She tells Paula she is a disaster as a secretary and she's going to resign and be managed by Don Cesár the big manager of all the boxeadoras and be a champion in Las Vegas. Paula doesn't want to see Monita with a face full of bruises or taken to Vegas by the freeloader Beto. The phone interrupts them; Moni will deliver two cappuchinos to Mauricio and then resign.

Mau tells Salvador that he will have to have lunch with the gringos alone, Mau is a father now. The smarmy gringo arrives and totally leches over Monita. Isn't it funny how gringos are portrayed in these shows? How I wish it were patently false. Gringo suggests that Mau invite the muchacha to dine with them. Monita slaps the gringo hand away and asks what's up with this churlish blonde guy?

Geronimo and Ximena discuss the orphans while they breakfast on the ubiquitous orange juice. He's concerned because if the orphans are legally adopted then they could usurp Geronimo and Ximena's inheritance in the event something were to "happen" to Mauricio. Ximena seems uncomfortable with this conversation.

Her cell rings and as she rummages through her rummage sale of a purse Geronimo whines some more about the lost inheritance. The call is from her good friend Consti who is in a funk from sorting through the horrible mess at Mau's house. While asking Ximena to go shopping with her Consti grabs the distasteful photo of the orphan's mom and throws it in the wastebasket. (I dare anyone to try to suggest this isn't deliberate maliciousness. I dare ya!) Geronimo tells Ximena he wants to know absolultely everything about those snot-nosed brats, what time to they go to bed, what time do they get up, what are they allergic to, but above all else where do they work? Ximena is incredulous, "Where do they work?" She looks at Geronimo like he's the one who fell out of the cradle too many times.

Monita has been at work less than thirty minutes and already Mau is giving her the first time-out of the day. He tells Gabriela to keep an eye on Moni while he goes back to the disgusting gringo.

Mau introduces Salvador as his right hand man. Billy the gringo wants to talk biz but first can they bring him the girl to sit on his lap? (I say do it and let's see what happens.) Salvador mutters that the Yankee is quite the horndog. Mau scowls.

Meanwhile Gabriela tells Moni it's not all the gringo's fault, Moni is partially to blame because of the slutty way she dresses. (Gabi, you are SO last century!) Gabi nastily instructs Moni to NOT make a scene, no she cannot interrupt Mau from his important meeting, and please behave while Gabi works on her schedule.

Consti continues to pretend-clean and tells Teresa to wash all the kid's clothes and throw away this little bag of trash (which we know holds the one and only pic of their dear, departed mama). She keeps waving her hands around like they are covered in filth and then she wipes her hands on her bosom. Weird.

Aldo goes into his room, sees that things have been moved about, and notices that mama's pic is missing.

Meanwhile Ximena is in the living room bonding with the orphan girls and asking them to call her Auntie Xime. Consti grumpily tells her to stop the cute talk otherwise the kids will never respect her. Tia Xime doesn't care, she wants to teach the girls how to shop. Aldo bursts in and demands to know where in the hell is the picture of his mother? Consti tries to brush by him but he demands "Did you touch the picture of my mother, yes or no?"

Over at Sermona Geronimo gives Salvador and Gabi a hard time for not telling him about Mau adopting the kids. They give him the brush-off and he mutters that they are in a conspiracy against him.

Monita exits the ladies room and is accosted by Billy the horny goat. He asks for a little kiss and she punches him out. I guess you could say she cured his hot c**k with a coldcock, hee hee. Mau runs up "What did you do?" and Moni resigns on the spot.

Mau is incredulous and says the gringo is worth millions to them. Moni says she punched his client, burned his house, he would be better of without her.

Consti and Aldo have a yelling match and are finally interrupted by Teresa who has found the picture that landed in the trash "by mistake". Tia Xime wants to apply the shopping cure to their wounded feelings but Aldo refuses. Consti cries her crocodile tears and rushes out, she only wanted to get to know them! The orphan sisters scold Aldo for making her cry.

Moni sprints away in her high heels and escapes on the bus while Mau frantically looks around.

Back in Sermona Mau, Gabi and Sal discuss their problem lying supine at their feet. Sal spots Geronimo listening to them and warns them that the walls have ears. Mau instructs Gabi to hunt down Moni so he can talk to her.

Billy slowly gets to his feet and Mau is interrupted by a call from the weeping Consti. He must come home immediately because Aldo insulted her and she felt he was on the verge of hitting her! She is afraid to leave the room for fear of running into him. What a lying beeeyatch. Mau leaves without signing the contract.

Moni shows up to the gym in her dress and heels but Don Cesar doesn't seem to mind. He wants to support her career and earn them millions in Vegas.

Consti waits with Ximena in Mau's room. When she sees him arrive she pinches her eyes to make it look like she was crying and tells Xime to keep quiet and contradict nothing. She cries on Mau's shoulder that Aldo was terrible, he insulted her and ruined the perfect day she had planned. However behind Consti's back Ximena wags her finger and shakes her head so Mau will know Consti is lying. Hooray Ximena! Consti keeps wailing while Mau tells her to lower her voice.

His phone rings and it's Salvador, nobody knows anything about Monita. Mau tells Gabi he doesn't care how but she must find Monita!

Don Cesar inspects Moni's sore hand and says it's her ligaments. He aks Monita does she want to return to the ring or not? Beto answers of course she does! Cesar says he can teach her to hit with her left, once they get to LV nothing can stop them. Beto is thrilled and thinks Monita is happy too. She rubs her hand and half-heartedly agrees.

Back at the Biz bossy Gabi asks Paula about her Pal Monita. Paula insists she doesn't know Monita outside of work and denies having her telephone number. What we have here is the classic case of catching flies with honey, which Gabi is not doing.

Aldo defends himself to Mau and explains that sometimes he gets mad and sees red; losing the only pic of his mom set him off. Is Mau going to punish him? Mau asks is Aldo going to ask Consti to forgive him? Aldo is cornered on this one and knows it. Little Daniela runs in and asks if Monita is coming to visit them today, please say yes. Mau looks like he's about to cough up a hairball.

Beto wants to celebrate but Moni isn't in the mood. He's super excited that her career is about to take off and thinks she should be kissing his feet instead of making a yucky face. She tells him her yucky face is because his feet smell! Ah well, he dances away down the sidewalk even though his girlfriend is in a bad mood.

Alone, Monita cries a little. Estrella finds her and Moni tells her she's sad because she's a born loser.

Mañana: Mauricia searches the barrio for Monita. Later he tells a lovely and smiling Monita she has no idea how much he looked for her. Uh oh it looks like this little scene is interrupted by a surprised Beto.

Brutal = killer, awesome
Cara de guácala = yucky face
Un complot en mi contra = a conspiracy against me
Un festival de galanura = a festival of heartthrobs, of extreme male hotness
El gabacho está como deseosón = The yankee is quite the horndog.
Guero desabrido - distateful, vulgar, unpleasant or churlish blonde guy.
Hay pájaros en el alambre = the walls have ears (Lit. there are birds on the wire)
Mocoso = snot-nosed brat


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Gancho Wed 6-24-09 - Just a little red whine and some esquincles

Mau announces he’s going to adopt the ninos. This prompts Sal to need some air.

The kids argue about whether they should stay in their place or go. Aldo the macho in training argues to the two girls that they all should escape but the girls get a good feeling about things and refuse to leave.

Moni in her finest ballerina outfit is reminding Mau what a good thing he is doing because the kids have no one to turn to. She mentions yes, she didn’t have the greatest childhood and did sleep in street once. He is moved and goes for an eyelash that has fallen on her cheek. This closeness is interrupted by Gabi who busts in. Moni runs off saying she has to go help Pau.

Costena Morales shows up at the gym and begs Beto to join him in the ring and they spar.

Xime is in a bar and having a rather weird courting session with Marcos Bonilla. She wants to feel his nose, something I do to all my dates too, and he, like the enamored man he is, obliges. When the check comes, she runs off without leaving money or digits for him. Stooge.

Moni and Pau are talking, Moni forgetting to do something, but she can’t remember what.

At the gym, Beto keeps telling the jefe that Moni will come soon. Beto gets his arse kicked.

Mauri wants to adopt the kids but Sal and Gabi try to talk him out of it. Mauri gets a call that Bernarda is here. She enters that they need to talk, the judge wants to take them because she has no authority.

Gabi and Moni fight about having decorum. Gabi realizes she doesn’t understand then accuses her of jumping on Mau in his office. Moni turns all boxadora on her. Gabi begs for defense from Sal. Mauri pulls Moni to go with him, she‘s still forgetting something though.

Beto is at home yelling that Moni stood him up and he can’t believe she would do this after it was so hard for him to get her this interview. He thinks that it was the Chino’s fault, that he wouldn’t let her off work. He goes to give him a piece of his mind. Nieves begs him not to go.

Mau explains what’s going to happen and then asks her to wait in the car. She agrees and daydreams in the car. She then thinks back to when she and Mau met, and when she told Beto she had to work when he mentioned the meeting. She then remembers she forgot him. Nieves finally answers the phone but Estrella is not there. She tells Moni to call her cell, she has a cell.

Meanwhile, Jackie Chan meets luche libre. Beto is looking for his “monita” in the store but our Chinese storekeeper shows him a “Monito” (a monkey statue). The Chinaman says there is no Monita. Beto doesn’t understand and yells for his girlfriend. He gets love Chinese style instead.Three guys come out to defend the store and do a kung fu style number on Beto. The cashier ladies call the policia.

Mau comes out to find Moni gone.

Moni and Estrella show up at the store only to find the police have arrived and are taking Beto away. They try to talk the cops out of it. Without pesos, that won’t work well.

Chauffeur tells Mau what happened to Moni, and Mau tells the kids, they can be his if they want. What the hell was that repeating explosion noise? Anyone? Aldo tells the kids not to go for it. The girls do, but Aldo wants to talk to Mau alone.

Gabi and Sal chat over the sudden change of Mau and she recites them. Sal thinks she is being a gossip, but she says it’s just that she cares about her buddies, even him and she strokes him very affectionately. He gets nervous. Gabi wants to know how his life is beyond the four walls of work. He grunts and shakes his head. He isn’t revealing anything.

Aldo tells Mau he is concerned about the girls. He’s sixteen and not stupid. He doesn’t want Mau to get bored of them one day and throw them in the lake. Mau swears he completes his promises. Aldo submits and goes for his suitcase. Mau approves of his character.

Jero is telling Marcos he has no money to pay him and tells him to go to hell. Just then Xime comes in and says she is in love. Jero says again? He wants to meet him when he hears about mountains of money.

Nieves and Moni contemplate what happened to Beto. Estrella thinks the Chinese women is very resentful and she even got mad when the man offered Estrella some candy once.

Moni doesn’t want to go with Snow to the station because she is worried about work and so Star offers to go. Snow doesn’t want her though because she thinks if she shows up there with her they will think she is a streetwalker lowlife. She isn’t? Just kidding. She prefers to go alone. Star knows Moni has a guy on the brain.

Meanwhile Beto is heading up the Vegas highlife in jail and apparently winning. The guard comes to let him go. He manages to buy off the guard to tell his Ma he can’t come out, he’s in for something really awful. Guard sees the pesos and complies.

Conni arrives and gets a super sorpresa, the three kiddies have been installed in the house and come out asking questions of Mau and Conni looks like a huge stick was just thrust up her….

Ivan argues with his abue over the arrival of the three kids and points out quite astutely that this will make 3 times the work. Abue says, also quite astutely, that this is Mau’s house and he can do as he pleases. No sh**. Ivan spews more teen angst but wanders off.

Mau sends the kids to THEIR rooms and tells Con he adopted them. Mau argues with Con over not mentioning the kids (whoops) and it gets nasty, she wants her due and feels she hasn’t gotten it in all this time. She thought they would form their own family. She wants to know what her place is. He says his girlfriend his woman. We see that little Danny is spying on them.

The kids love their rooms but Aldo Killjoy keeps telling them to get off their cloud, no one is this lucky. Right on cue Danny runs in saying Mau’s novia doesn’t like them. My reception broke up here, but it looks like Con and Mau keep arguing about the insta-family. No defense of the villainess, but really, if my boyfriend did that to me, I’d be a tad miffed too. Looks like I missed Aldo appreciating his great bedroom, and Con wondering if Mau would have changed his mind for her. He says no. She says fine we’ll forget it for now but they have to go to dinner, they canceled before. He wants to stay with the kids for the first night, but she pitches a hissy, so he agrees to go but to come back early.

Back at the impresa, Moni shows up and gets an earful by Gabi wondering where she was not working. Gabi and Moni fight over who should answer the phone. It’s Mau and he wants Moni to do him a favor. We see her showing up at his door. She comes in and happily greets the kids. He walks up with his chica all dressed up. Awkward moment approaching. Con gets introduced and she makes sure she lurches her breasts forward and proclaims she’s his novia. The first gancho is thrown. Weird smile from Moni.

Conni tells her not to keep him long because they are on their way out. Moni loves the house. Mau tells her he’ll pay her extra to watch the kids, but she’s there because she loves the kids. She wants to use the phone.

Back in the bedroom Conni starts her parade of questions. She thinks the girl isn’t ugly and wants to know what’s her deal. He tells her she’s new. He asks her not to talk about the kids with his cousins.

Moni calls Estre and tells her where she is and learns Estre hasn’t seen Beto. Estre teases her that her boss must be the guy she’s after. She says she’s only there for the kids, he has a girlfriend. She acts like she’s talking to her aunt when they come up. Conni doesn’t like that Moni thinks they have the same taste, because of their earrings. Moni goes to the kid’s room and sees the picture of their Mom. Luisa goes to the kitchen and runs into Ivan. Ruh ro, hormones flow. Aldo cuts them short. Abue too kicks them all out of the kitchen. Aldo has to pull Luisa away. Sheesh.

At dinner Xime, I guess, is drunk. She sort of seemed like instead she had a brain injury. She wants them all to toast to the couple. They reluctantly do so and Conni grabs her arm not liking a toast about a possible wedding and gets a dressful of red wine. She runs to the bathroom. Bro asks cous if the couple is having problems. He says change the subject.

In the bathroom Conni whines about having to throw out the dress and Xime says it’s not so bad, what’s up your keester. Uh oh…Conni spills that Mau has filled the house with orphans.

Back at said orphange, Moni is chatting with Teresa and learns that Mau is a widower, that he was in a race in Europe and got back to find that his wife was in an accident and died. And that’s all we get for tonight.


MEPS - Wednesday, June 24 - secrets, lies, confrontations and a confession

(Tonight's recap is written by Jody, substitute recapper for CherylNM )

Episode #93(?) - June 24, 2009:
* Jacinto and Camilo have a fierce confrontation about Gonzo's car which Camilo knows that Franco has outside the corral/stable area of the Elizalde plantation.

* Fr/Ed and Steve are in the office discussing Don Artemio (DA)'s birth certificate - they are curious about the connection to Manzanares' murder, and what Soledad's connection to DA is. Fr/Ed reads DA's mother is Ana Gregoria Bravo and the father is unknown - He's really curious about the evil shadow that's lurking over everyone's lives.

* DA makes a surprise visit to Padre Bosco at Parish San Rafael. DA wants to make a confession. Padre Bosco is muy impactado.

* Fr/Ed thinks Padre Bosco may help answer some of their questions. Gardenia enters and interrupts. She has serious problems with what's happening at the house and tells Fr/Ed that she quits. Fr/Ed acts muy impactado.

* Margarita is at home. Flor is in the depths of despair and still in her bedclothes. She's depressed not only about Vladimir but also not having a job with Grupo Lactos anymore. Knock at the door. Flor hides in her room. Margarita welcomes Fer inside. Fer is looking for Flor - she wants Flor to be her new assistant. Margarita goes to bring Flor out from the back bedroom. Flor cries happy tears.

* Gardenia attacks Steve for flirting around with Venus in the office - Steve tries to play dumb - Gardenia says she saw the two of them in the window. Steve stutters. Fr/Ed scolds Steve about what Gardenia says happened and says Gardenia is correct and says Venus and Martina need to move out immediately. Steve acts impactado and agrees with Fr/Ed. Fr/Ed tells Gardenia that she is not permitted to quit. Gardenia is satisfied by the results and leaves happily. Alone, Fr/Ed and Steve congratulate themselves on their very successful acting job.

* Barbie meets with Police Chief to give him the evidence and tells him they are dropping the charges against Damian - because he's innocent.

* In the confessional, Padre Bosco listens to DA's confession/orders. DA states that this confession will remain in secret for eternity (para siempre).

* Outside Las Animas house, Jacinto blurts out to Fr/Ed and Steve about Camilo's tantrum and threat over the car. Fr/Ed laughs and suspects that Barbie is behind it. Jacinto is frustrated and wonders what to do next? Fr/Ed has a plan and says that at the party they will start to take care of Camilo Elizalde.

* Barbie and Police Chief continue their discussion about dropping all charges against Damian and the Chief says that he will officially halt the search for Damian immediately. He leaves the office. Barbie immediately gets on her computer and sends off and email to Damian. When she's done with the email, she receives a phone call - from Adolphina at the clinic. Adolphina tells her the shocking news that Lili has escaped and disappeared from the clinic. Barbie is furious and demands to speak with Obregon. Adolphina tells her that he's not there.

* DA continues to give his confession to Padre Bosco - only leaving out all the details and specific names - he tells of the string of murders he's done and how he felt invigorated by them. He admires and respects people like Padre Bosco who don't have that blemish on their lives. DA tells Padre Bosco again that this confession will remain in secret. Bosco is impactado and nervous.

* Barbie gives Gonzo the shocking news about Lily's disappearance from the clinic. He's impactado and upset.

* DA continues to tell Padre Bosco how he wants revenge against the Elizalde family; that he is the evil cursed shadow that has loomed large over the family for years; how he was to destroy them and rid the world of them once and for all before he dies. DA wants to save Padre Bosco because they now share this secret confession. He retells Padre Bosco that he is bound by his position to keep this secret. If DA finds out that someone has heard about the information from this confession, that DA will kill him. DA then demands Padre give him a blessing.

* Fer is hard at work, talking on the telephone. Erika, all full of happiness and joy, enters the office. She is still totally curious about the mystery love of Fr/Ed's life. Fer stammers not to respond and change the subject. A phone call comes in - from her dad (Gonzo) - he needs to see her in his office now. Fer tries to leave quickly - Erika stops her and retells her excitement about becoming Fr/Ed's fiance. Fer finally leaves.

* In the hallway, Fer murmurs to herself how is she ever going to tell her best friend that she's in love with Franco.

* Damian responds to Barbie's email.

* Meeting of the family minds in Gonzo's office about Lily's sudden disappearance from the clinic. Anibal is visibly upset that his sister, the insane criminal, is out loose on the streets. Barbie enters and convinces Gonzo to let her go alone to the clinic. Gonzo asks Fer to accompany her. She says that's not necessary. Fer insists and doesn't take no for an answer.

* Lily, Martina and Venus are playing a board game and laughing. Fr/Ed enters and interrupts. He brings her a gift - the white king from her chess set. She takes it and hugs it to her chest. He tells Martina and Venus to get their purses and get ready to leave. Lily is upset that Martina has to leave. Martina leaves the room. Martina returns and Fr/Ed and Venus leave the house. Martina and Lily return to playing the board game.

* Fer recalls what Lily said on the tape as she stands face to face with Barbie in the hallway. Barbie makes a threat to her.

* Fr/Ed escorts Venus to the mall where they meet Steve. Steve takes Venus on a makeover shopping spree. Fr/Ed leaves for work.

* Rolando is in his office and tells Maria that the official investigator will be at the office to finish up on the espionage criminal case and he grumbles that he wants Anibal to pay dearly for this.

* Jaime and Maria are at his desk. She sifts through the files on his desk and locates the Grupo Lactos papers. She bluntly questions him on what the papers are doing there? He's impactado.

* Gonzo, Anibal and Camilo are arguing about the charges being dropped against Damian and whether he should be permitted to return to the company and the family. Anibal grumbles his disgust against Damian - Camilo cackles and makes riddles and jokes that only he understands. Camilo leaves - Gonzo tries to explain Camilo's cackling as best he can.

* Camilo stands in the hallway, mutters under his breath about Fey and Fr/Ed's budding romance becoming really serious.

* Venus' transformation - first stop the hair salon.

* At the clinic, Barbie barges into the office, Fer follows. Barbie asks where Dr. Obregon is. Adolfina says he's not there. Barbie insists on speaking with him. Adolfina says that he's no longer the director at the clinic. Barbie is impactado.

* In the office, Flor runs into Vladimir. He's stunned to see her; she scolds him for his attitude and flirting with her. He stutters. Anibal is stunned and demands to know what she's doing there? Flor just leaves without responding.

* Maria and Jaime meet with Rolando in his office. Rolando has some harsh questions for Jaime about the papers. Jaime is muy impactado and doesn't know what to say. Rolando suspends him from the company.

* Barbie and Fer continue to meet with Adolfina. Adolfina gives Barbie the letter from Dr. Obregon. Barbie reads it silently to herself - we see the image of Dr. Obregon as he writes his professional opinion about Lily's permanent psychotic status. Barbie is frustrated and furious. Fer wants to read it. Barbie continues to read with Fer looking over her shoulder. Barbie asks Adolfina when he wrote the letter. She tells them. Fer then asks when Lily disappeared. Adolfina says it happened at the same time as the letter was written.

* Gonzo and Anibal continue their argument about Damian. Rolando's phone call interrupts the argument. Rolando wants to know who Grupo Lactos suspects on their end. Gonzo says there is possible suspicions against Flor Campio. Maria enters Rolando's office and Rolando asks her for the name of the person who gave Jaime the documents?

* Fr/Ed meets with Padre Bosco in the church's office. They discuss the huge favor Padre Bosco did by helping Fr/Ed keep his Franco identity intact. Fr/Ed tells Padre Bosco that he is investigating all clues and leads to help him understand the secret his mother took with her to the grave. Padre Bosco knows about DA. Fr/Ed shows the birth certificate to Padre Bosco.

* Anibal tells his dad that he is positive Flor is guilty of corporate espionage. Barbie and Fer return to the office. Barbie starts to talk about what they found out at the clinic about Lily. Fer then rips into Anibal and attacks him and the family for their horrible attitudes against Lily for the past 15 years that she was in the clinic. Gonzo stands in stunned silence.
ADVANCE: Barbie starts to work to separate Fer and Fr/Ed.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

MEPS, Tuesday 6/23 (#91): Girls Just Wanna Have a Baño That Isn't Haunted

Click graphics to enlarge.
Some scenes are consolidated for narrative convenience.

Rerun of Barb coming back to the table where Gonzo is sitting alone. He's bummed out because his family is desmoronando (falling apart). What would happen to him without her dedication and love? She rewards him with one silent tear of joy and clutches him to her bosom.

Rerun of Aurora cleaning the full-length mirror with "Auxilio" on it. She's praying just to be on the safe side. Santi comes by. Aurora washes her hands before coming out to greet him and acts like nothing happened. She asks him about the dinner. He was mystified by it.

Aurora wants the two of them to take off. He asks if it's because she's bored. No, she says, his family is very nice, but she feels like she's in the way. She'd like to go someplace where she can work and go to school. He'd like that too, but they should wait. He promised Fer he'd stay, and he can't let her down.

Warner Music Group made YouTube remove the audio from the second segment of episode 91 because they didn't give permission for a song to be on YouTube, so I miss some of this part of the Aurora/Santi scene. It went by too fast on TV. Basically, Aurora wants to do something (maybe she's still trying to talk him into going away). Santi tries to talks mushy, but Aurora asks how much longer they need to stay. Worried by her attitude, he asks if there's something he doesn't know. Is she uncomfortable living here? She says she's uncomfortable having to hide her "origins." He knows his stepmom asks a lot of questions. He tries to get Aurora excited about the cheese fair. This seems to help. Now he'll leave her to rest for the evening. Goodnight. He leaves. She looks nervous.

Martina is grating cheese. Venus is pooped. It's hard, complicated work all day long learning to be genteel. Martina tells her not to whine. Venus demonstrates that she has learned the proper way to sit down and asks about Martina's father. He's doing fine. Martina tells Venus about her date with Dr. Carlos. They're novios! Venus is happy for her and supportive.

FrEd takes Lili to her new home, which looks like it might be part of a duplex or a condo complex. It's huge and luxurious and filled with flowers. (Not Miraflores.) Lili is stunned. Fernanda shows up, but approaches a little too fast. Lili is nervous and backs away. At a nod from FrEd, Fer tries again, approaching more slowly for a hug. Lili loosens up and returns the hug.

Fer shows Lili to her new bedroom. Lili loves it. FrEd gloats he knew she'd like a room with ventanales (big windows). Fer is grateful. He tells her that their mission is just starting and excuses himself to do an errand.

Fer serves tea to Lili. Lili asks about a CD. Fer plays it for her; it's Beethoven's Für Elise. Then Lili finds another CD she likes: Cyndi Lauper. Fer puts it in the machine.

Lili warms up, dancing slowly at first. She picks up a remote control and starts singing softly into it as she flashes back to when she danced to this song (which was already old then) as a kid, jumping on the bed and throwing pillows. She hands a spoon to Fer, and they begin low-tech game of Air Karaoke Hero. Their voices become stronger, and soon Lili is jumping around on the furniture and flinging pillows just like the kid she was in her flashback.

Afterwards, Fer fans Lili with a silver platter. (My sister and I have to make do with a crappy melamine platter. And a fan.) Lili wants to do it again. Fer says no, yes (i.e. okay, but not now).

Lili asks for Ed. Fer says he's gone. Lili is confused and asks where did he go? Fer sadly says that he's gone far away. Misunderstanding, Lili insists that he's nearby, caring for them. Fer, also misunderstanding, is touched by Lili's seemingly deep understanding of death.

It's dinnertime at Las Animas. Estiv is at the head of the table, flanked by Venus and Martina. FrEd comes home. Venus offers him dinner. He asks if Martina is ready to get the best news ever: Lili is out of the clinic; she's in her new home and asking for her. Martina goes for her jacket. Venus is sad to see Martina go, but FrEd says she's going too. Venus asks if that's the end of their classes. Estiv says no, and more that I miss thanks to no sound in this portion on YouTube. Venus answers excitedly, and then answers again in the fine-folks way.

Aurora gets a nightgown out of a drawer and heads for the bathroom. The bedroom door rattles. Is it a ghost? Aurora invites the doorknob-rattler in. It's Santi. Ha ha, hilarious, but in all fairness he doesn't know about the second mirror incident. He jokingly scolds her for inviting him in without asking who it is. He jokes about being a ghost who's dying of love for her. Kisses. Then he leaves her alone in her room.

She goes into the scary haunted cavernous bathroom and looks nervously at the mirrors. Yep, they're still clean. Then she hears an owl, or at least I think it sounds like an owl, but maybe it's supposed to sound like a ghost. Perhaps it is Moaning Myrtle. Aurora closes the window, but the sound persists.

Someone is lurking outside the window, dressed in a raggedy black costume and rattling chains. Er, I mean a scary figure is rattling chains, oh noes!! I catch a glimpse of the person's feet, but not enough to guess whose feet they might be. (Maybe it's the maid, or maybe it's Camilo doing double-duty on Operation Aurora.) In any case, the ghostly figure is wasted for now, because Aurora doesn't look. But she's nervous enough about the rattling chains.

Too bad they use modern toilets, because this would be a great time to empty the chamber pot.

Barb is muttering in front of her computer, impatiently waiting for Damian to write back. Damian's looking at his computer too, her last message: "Tell me the time and place. This is your last chance to get your life back. I guarantee you won't be sorry." Damian mutters "No, Barbara, this time things are going to be my way. You'll pay with your own flesh for what you did to me."

FrEd comes back to Lili's place with Martina and Venus. Martina and Lili reunite joyfully; Marti introduces Venus. I can't remember if Lili ever met Venus during her brief stay at the Big Cups, but they seem to hit it off now. Lili can't wait to show them her bedroom.

Alone in the living room with FrEd, Fer tells him how grateful she is to see Lily smile again. FrEd says she deserves it. He owed it to the Jinete of Justice. Fer has to leave, but Lili is so happy she doesn't want to spoil the moment by saying goodbye. She heads for the door, but FrEd asks her not to go.

She asks if he wants her to stay with Lili. He says no; she'll be fine with Martina and Venus. He wants Fer to stay so that he can prolong this moment of happiness at her side. She agrees, and they kiss. Easy kisses, this time. She says she's not offended; she's happy. It was a great show of caring, she says, smiling. And then she leaves!

Aurora comes down the stairs, upset. Babs just happens to be there to intercept her. "It happened again!" Aurora exclaims. She tells her about the bloody writing on the mirror. (I don't hear her say anything about the spooky noises outside.) Babs consoles her, but do I see Aurora throw a suspicious look over her shoulder? Eh, probably not.

Babs tells Aurora she knows what she's feeling. Aurora thinks Santi can help her find out who's doing this. Babs says go ahead, but he won't believe you. The same thing will happen to Aurora that happened to Babs. Santi and the rest of the family will think she's hallucinating, but Babs wants Aurora to know she's not alone. She can count on Babs.

Aurora wonders why this is happening to her. Babs says she wondered the same thing, but the padre told her that only sensitive people like them can have paranormal experiences. It's a pain from her past... the soul is searching desperately for help. "Why'd it choose me?" Babs says that, for example, maybe it's Aurora's mother. Aurora is impactada.

Aurora thinks she can solve the problem by leaving the hacienda. Babs disagrees and says it will follow her wherever she goes. That's what happened to Babs.

She asks Aurora to come back and talk to her about this whenever she wants to, because now they share a secret. "I see you not as my stepson's novia, but as my own daughter.

"Calmer now?" Babs asks. "Yes, ma'am," Aurora replies. "Please don't call me that - call me Barbara. Now we are united by a secret." "Thank you Barbara, excuse me." Aurora leaves.

"Mustia infeliz, your hell is just beginning," Barbara says to herself. Last week, I translated "mustia infeliz" as "pathetic loser." This week, let's go with "pitiful twerp" or "miserable pipsqueak."

Damian is at his computer, gloating to himself. "We will tantear el terreno (literally, feel out the ground, i.e. test the waters), my dear Hyena." Babs is getting impatient, but finally gets his emailed reply. "When I get proof that the charges against me have been withdrawn, then you'll have the good fortune to see me." This seems to please her, but here comes Gonzo. She closes her laptop and tells him she was catching up on email.

Gonzo asks what's worrying her. "Fernanda." He's worried too. She's changed. He plans to have a talk with her. Babs says (I think) that women sometimes don't want to discuss things that they think others will find silly. He knows that she's probably upset about the scandal over Damian, but he doesn't understand why she's taking it out on them. Babs says that Fer probably blames them for what happened. If they – that is, Anibal - hadn't turned Damian in to the police, they could have cleared things up with an internal investigation. But now there's no chance she can reconcile with her spouse.

But Gonzo says they had proof against Damian. Babs says she now has proof he's actually innocent! Babs explains the evidence that proves Damian's innocence. It goes by too fast to catch it all, but it has something to do with a credit card that was used to put down a deposit of exactly $3 million for some kind of cheese-making machine. I guess it was all just a wacky mixup! The company is willing to give them their money back.

Fer comes in and says that Erika is fine – she was depressed, but she's better now. She apologizes to Gonzo for the way she spoke to him earlier. He says he wants to talk later, but not now, about giving away his loot during his lifetime. Fer kisses him goodnight, but walks right past Babs. Babs says goodnight. Fer nods coolly in response. Babs asks if Erika was at home. Fer says yes. Babs thought perhaps Erika had gone to the doctor(?). Fer says no, she didn't feel like going out, and leaves.

"See, Gonzalo? Fernanda's different." Gonzo wants to help Fernanda. Babs says they must repair their error; they shut all the doors against Damian, but they need to make it up to her. They have to reopen those doors by withdrawing the charges against Damian. Gonzo agrees, but first he wants to get their money back. Babs will take care of it. He is grateful. She says she just wants Fer to be happy. When Fer gets back her confidence in Damian, she'll also regain her faith in Gonzo. Gonzo is full of gullible gratitude.

Aurora is just getting ready to go to bed when a shadowy figure passes her window. She sinks to the floor, panting in terror.

Fer is going to bed. Will a ghostly visitor pass her window? She prays to Virgencita to give thanks for FrEd getting Lili out of the manicomio. She sees a photo of her mother and asks Virgencita's help in keeping her mouth shut about Babs being a murderer. "I promised Franco... please help me keep my promise!"

FrEd arrives at home and thinks about the evening's kisses. "Fernanda, mi amor. Your lips have shown me that you feel something profound for me."

Camilo is playing with his horsey. Jacinto rides up on his bitchin' bike. Camilo taunts him. "I got down from my horse because I want you to understand perfectly what I'm going to tell you. So listen up good, loser Indian. Tell your patrón Franco Santoro - because he is your patrón, right? – good, so we understand each other, fool - tell Santoro that I, Camilo Elizalde, know he has control of my father's car. And he can do whatever he wants with it!"

(I can't wait to find out what FrEd wants to do with it!)

FrEd and Estiv discuss the birth certificate. FrEd has no idea what relationship could have existed between his mom and Bravo. Steve reminds him that Bravo hired Manzanares and tried to kill Padre Bosco. FrEd remembers that before his mother's death, she spoke of an enemy and mentioned the enemy again in a letter. Estiv says you don't have to be a great detective to know that Bravo's the big enemy.

FrEd wonders why his mother kept the birth certificate hidden in that box. What was she trying to tell him with this? The certificate says that Artemio is the son of Ana Gregoria Bravo and an unknown father. Estiv says this line of their investigation is closed off, but FrEd thinks the only person who might know anything about this, based on the dates in that certificate, is Bosco. And something about "a shadow of evil that weighs on all of us."

The padre is looking at his Bible. Artemio Bravo, the Face of Evil, enters the room. "Hello, Padre Bosco. I've come from far away. Tell me if this is a bad time." The padre asks, "How can I help you?" Bravo replies, "I want to confess." (The padre looks nervous. Does he recognize Bravo, or just sense that this guy is trouble? I can't tell!)

Next time:
Babs acts like a jerk.

Vague, non-spoilery YouTube advances: Gardenia is in a bad mood. A confession gives me flashbacks to FELS. Babs pays a dreaded visit.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Gancho Tuesday June 23, '09 Here We Go Again.....

I hear those trumpets blow again, All aglow again, Takin' A Chance on love.....
Here I slide again, About to take that ride again, Starry-eyed again, Takin' A Chance on love....

Yes, we're knee-deep in romance already. Mauricio and Valentina have met in the rain (shout out to Querida Enemiga) and both are instantly smitten. (Is there any other kind of love in these telenovelas?)

She smiles and the rain stops. (A sign from God! Mauricio's officially in love. For sure now.) They have a little chat about her name. He wants to call her's means strength and bravery...but she usually goes by Monita...not because she's cute (mona) but because she used to hang from the trees like a monkey when she was little. Awww...he's even more smitten now. And he does this look well....absolutely brain-dead, head over heels goofy.

Of course the discussion also included how she was thrown out of the office for attacking Gabriela, the office manager. No problem. He makes arrangements for her to be hired by his assistant Salvador and all is well. Only problem?...he gave her a fake name...Ricardo...the name of his chauffeur. This will result in some misunderstanding and lively goings on later. Our heroine is super adorable and feisty, so watch out!

We take a break from our newly hatched lovebirds to check in with the losers. Beto's wondering where Mona's been all day and Estrella's worried about her dress, but she also gets in a few jabs about Beto living off Mona's earnings. That and his chronic need of a bath and deodorant may be part of what's keeping our little heroine pure up 'till now.

Back to the office. Gabriela's in high dudgeon because Mauricio is forcing her to hire the little musaraña (shrew) who almost strangled her to death. Calm down, teach her what she needs to learn, advises Mauricio. Gaby's idea is to put her to work dusting and cleaning along with her pal Paula and this is how she learns Maury's true identity. She finds him leaving the bathroom and shoos him out. You shouldn't be in the boss' office, and certainly not the bathroom! she shrieks. When she finds out he fibbed about his identity, there's hell to pay. But we have to sit through a few ads before we see the confrontation

Okay, here we go. It's pretty sexy. She's going at him great guns; he's not able to explain so he hoists her into the elevator, then throws her into the car (abduction fantasies anyone?) , tells her to fasten her seat belt (okay, no PSA's in my bodice rippers please!) and off they go. He explains, while driving at top speed, that he just felt sorry for her, wasn't making fun of her and now where are they going? Well, to look for the kids he's worried about.

Alright...the kids...sulky, surly Aldo, sweet, smiling Luisa and the little one, Dany, who's running a fever,dribbling snot and hanging onto her mama's picture. They've decided to run away and have holed up in a dilapidated, empty house. No food or medicine of course. And yikes, now a couple of tough hoods show up to give them trouble.

No problem. Help is on the way. Is Mauricio going to save them? Nope. He kind of stands there, wide-eyed, as our feisty heroine roars in, pastes a couple of good ones on the toughs (I've just a scant knowledge of the martial arts but I do know you never want to hit someone in the jaw with your little hurts you more than it hurts them!) but no this story, she knocks 'em down, saves the day, and our galan is even more in love.

While all this adorable mayhem is going on, Jeronimo is back at the office trying to put some moves on a very sulky Constanza. Fortunately Gabriela breaks it up and Constanza reminds the primo that they are going to have dinner tonight, the FOUR of them. (guess this means his goofy sister, some kind of Mexican valley girl type).

Back to the orphanage or whatever it is. The director is relieved and happy to have the kids back. Aldo continues to sulk. Luisa starts to thank Mona but she brushes that aside and gives her a kiss. She starts to shake hands with Sulky and they decide to knock fists instead. Okay, our heroine is warm and affectionate, she's also totally cool. And she loves kids and understands them. Do you get where this is going? SHE'S THE ONE! Alas, it's going to be months and months and months before, you know.....And while all this is going on, the little one has decided to sneak into the car. Uh oh.

Anyway, our smitten Mauricio insists on driving Mona home and tells her fer sure she has a job at his office, but not as the cleaning lady. She's going to be HIS secretary...answer his phone, arrange his papers, make his coffee, y'know, that kind of stuff. There's a lot of goofy, dazed smiling going on throughout all this. And of course she can't tell him where she actually lives, so she fakes an address, sneaks in when another woman leaves and somehow eventually makes her way back to her neighborhood and an outraged Beto. WHERE HAS SHE BEEN ALL DAY?

He's been cooking up a deal and thinks she can fight in Vegas. Wants her to take the day off tomorrow from her job at the "Chinese shop" (her little white lie) so she can interview. Estrellita just wants her dress back. Beto wants a kiss but he smells to high heaven and doesn't get one.

Constanza isn't faring much better with Mauricio now that he's home. He's ignoring her, preferring to shuffle through some "very important papers". Dany has climbed out of the car and is scoping out the grapes in the kitchen. Constanza is now following up on Jeronimo's gossip that Mauricio left the office chasing after another woman. Tight spot for our galan, but just then little Dany appears and lisps that she stowed away in his car because she wanted to stay with him. Get out the hankies, folks, I think we have an instant family in the making.

Once again, the beleagured director shows up with Aldo and Luisa to haul off the little darling. Constanza gingerly pats her on the head like she's afraid of lice and as soon as they leave, sighs "What a nightmare. Just imagine if they lived here!". Uh huh...tune in tomorrow.

Okay. My favorite scene. It's the next morning. Mauricio is looking just fine. Nice blue, form-fitting jogging shirt. Sleeveless, so we can admire his muscle definition. He's not a big guy but he's very nicely put together. Really well-proportioned. Should I go on? Actually the scene was brief. He starts thinking about Mona in the rain, and then about the kids. Funny how those two go together. Next he's home, getting some motherly bullying from Teresa. She won't let him drink cold water (actually he should) and insists on him taking juice instead. (what is it with orange juice in these telenovelas?) Then they get on the subject of settling down and having a family, but she hints that she doesn't think Constanza is a viable candidate. He appears surprised. So far, he's shown some nice deltoids but not a lot of I.Q.

Well, back to our lippy folks in the neighborhood. Beto and Estrellita are razzing each other while Mona tries to sneak off to work in a skimpy pink dress. Beto doesn't want her going anywhere looking that delicious, but Estrellita manages to distract him and how! He calls her a manzana podrida (rotten apple) and she tells him he's the worm (el gusano) in the rotten apple and oh my, he gets a new light in his eye as she sashays off. I think we've located some consolation for our about to be dumped Beto.

Mona, meanwhile, is befuddled by the office phone (She has my sympathies there. I'm a disaster on any kind of switchboard.) Gabriela arrives. Some sneers and innuendos
are exchanged but Mona asserts herself wisely, saying she wants to be taught but without being mocked. Way to go Mona!

Meanwhile, Jeronimo is in a restaurant, suffering through the ramblings of his sloe-eyed valley girl hermana. His erstwhile buddy, recently fired, comes in the restaurant and Jeronimo hides under a chair. Leaves sis with the check. When she protests she has no money, he advises that she offer her body and keep the change. His buddy definitely looks interested. Weird scene.

Mona has graduated from phone duty and is now making capuchinos for her galan and Salvador when who should ooze in but our skanky Jeronimo, ready to put the moves on the new office cupcake. She's having none of it.

She enters the office. Time stops. The heavens open up. Angels sing. Goofy smiles while Salvador watches and quakes in fear. How did you sleep last night, she asks Mauricio tenderly. Well, he didn't sleep well....he was worrying about those kids. More goofy dreamy smiles. But he knows what he's going to do now...he's going to adopt them. Of course, you can, she trills. More dazzling smiles and glazed eyes. It's Love Central.

And that's it for tonight.

Previews: Estrella notices there's a special light in Mona's eyes. She's met another man! She's falling in love. You bet, Estrellita.
And cranky Constanza, (and no wonder after two years of noviazgo) is asking What's my place in your life, Mauricio?

musaraña = shrew
un pesado de lo peor = a real creep
contigo no se puede = there's no dealing with you, you're impossible (Aldo, remonstrating with Luisa for not having brought along the medication)
el cuento de nunca acabar = the never-ending story. (the director talking about the kids running away)
el gusano = worm
la manzana podrida = rotten apple

Dicho of the Day:

Cada oveja con su pareja = (lit. there's a ewe for every ram) There's a special someone for everyone...and in this case, it's surely Mona for Maurico.


MEPS Monday June 23 - Free Lily

This wasn't the most exciting episode, but at least Lily finally left the building.

Fernanda hears Lily’s voice from the past on the tape – “It was Barbara! Barbara killed my mother!”

Margarita gossips with Jacinto, telling him about Flor’s new galan Vladimir. Flor shows up and says Fernanda told her in a couple days she’ll let her know if she was able to do anything about her job. She’s sad though, she says her heart has been broken!

Fernanda listens to the rest of the recording and gets increasingly agitated and upset, rightfully so. On the tape Lily explains that every time her father comes to visit, first they drug her up so she can’t speak. She wants whoever hears this recording to know she isn’t crazy! Fernanda is beside herself, she wants to run home and play this tape for Gonzalo right NOW. Fr/Ed shakes his head no. He looks so surprised that she wants to do this, but come on, it’s the logical thing to do.

Barbara phones Artemio and tells him that Franco and Fernanda are having a secret affair. Artemio says to bring Damian back into the picture so that when Fernanda is having an affair behind his back, Gonzalo will be so upset. This sounds so 7th grade.

Fr/Ed finally convinces Fernanda that someone powerful is behind Barbara and they need to get to that person, so they can’t torpedo Barb with this recording yet. Fern finally, reluctantly, agrees. She also says that Barb is everything to her father, this is going to kill him.

Flor talks through her pain, she feels so stupid for being taken in by Vlad. Gardenia storms in, all heaving breath and sexy, sorry I mean in a huff, she’s beside herself with Las Animas turning into a whorehouse.

Venus shows Martina all the things Esteve has taught her, walking, eating, drinking, sitting, etc. Esteve obviously hasn’t gotten rid of the gum full time yet, she chomps away the whole time. She confesses to being worried about who the person is she is supposed to seduce. I haven’t been keeping up with the recaps, my job is killing me lately, have we all assumed that it’s Camilo? That’s the only thing that comes to mind that makes sense, Venus can seduce him and Fr/Ed and Esteve can use him against his family.

Speaking of (ugh) Camilo, he is laying in bed watching TV while daydreaming about Aurora. He hasn’t seen her be a huge downer in all of her scenes, so he is still swept up in her nice body. I’ve noticed that she has gone to tight jeans now instead of big country skirts. Natasha comes in to try and get him in the mood with some champagne or wine, but he’s not having it. She then suggests pizza, he yells at her that he hates pizza. Basically he just acts like the ass he is and says he has to meet his family and leaves. Why didn’t he just say he had to meet his family in the first place? Natasha cries after he leaves.

Gardenia tells Jacinto and Margarita that she has had enough and is going to quit her job at Las Animas. She thinks Fr/Ed will be so upset when he doesn’t find her there. She is obviously jealous of Esteve paying so much attention to Venus too.

Fr/Ed brings a big bag of cash to Obregon. Obregon says Lily is ready to go. Fr/Ed goes to her room and tells her it’s time to go! Adolfina says goodbye and cries. They slooooooowwwwwwwwwllllllyyyyyyy walk down the hall and Lily stops and knocks on Ciro’s door. She goes into his empty room, Fr/Ed smiles and closes the door to leave her in there. She has an imaginary conversation with Ciro, he tells her to be strong, trust Fr/Ed and Fernanda, she’ll never be lonely again since he’ll always be with her, like a father.

The Elizalde family is all around the dinner table. Fernanda shoots daggers at Barbara with her eyes. Gonzalo announces that he’s distributing his estate now while he’s alive. In her head Fernanda screams “Asesina! Asesina!” at Barbara.

Obregon explains to Fr/Ed that he kept that recording all these years waiting for someone strong enough to take on La Hiena, and Fr/Ed is that person. Fr/Ed won’t shake his hand and basically tells Obregon to get the hell out of here. Obregon takes his “just in case you still didn’t realize I was totally gay” pink suitcase and leaves. Lily is worried and says if she goes home, her father will die. Fr/Ed says she is going somewhere else, somewhere safe, Martina will be with her there all the time. Lily is very happy and excited about this.

Martina walks outside and looks up at the stars, which are white dots on black construction paper, with some super lame special effect shooting starts thrown in. She swoons over Carlos. We see Carlos getting some water from a dispenser, he is daydreaming about Martina and water spills everywhere.

Fernanda’s phone rings, she sees that Fr/Ed is the caller. She sits there and lets it ring while everyone yells at her to answer or turn it off. She finally leaves to answer the call. Fr/Ed tells her he has Lily and invites her to meet them to help Lily settle in. Fern gets the address from him and writes it down. I have a feeling that her writing the address on a piece of paper will have some significance later on, it just seemed like there was a big show of “OK LET ME FIND A PENCIL AND WRITE THIS DOWN.”

Fr/Ed tells Lily that Fernanda is going to meet them, Lily is very happy.

Fernanda grabs her purse from the table and doesn’t know what to say about where she’s going, Tomasa comes in and says Erika called earlier. Fern says oh yeah, I’m going to see her. So, uh, later. Camilo says if Erika needs company she should call her NOVIO FRANCO SANTORO. He gives a meaningful look to Barbara. Anibal yells at Fern that family should come first, but Gonzalo excuses her to go. Barbara immediately gets up also, saying she’ll be right back.

Aurora eats dinner in her room, she left the main table before when Gonzalo announced his plan, she said it wasn’t her business. She goes to the bathroom to wash her hands, she looks down towards the closet and sees written on the full length mirror “Auxilio” in blood.

Barbara calls Erika’s house and pretends to be from the bank, she finds out that Erika isn’t home, she’s out with her parents. Now she knows Fern is going somewhere else.

Aurora cleans off the mirror, praying all the while. Santiago calls from outside, she pretends nothing is wrong.

Barbara returns to the table, everyone else but Gonzalo is gone. He is down, he feels old and disillusioned. He tells her how important she is and that she is the only real thing left in his life. Barbara squeezes out some tears and that makes him feel better. She hugs him and gives her evil happy eyes behind his back.

Tomorrow – Fr/Ed and Fernanda make out some more after getting Lily settled in.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Tontas on Christina Show, Discussion, June 22, 2009

We can discuss the Tontas Cristina Show here. I don't intend to recap it. If anyone wants to summarize any important part, adalante!

From the Cristina web site, it sounds like the guests will be Jaime Camil, Valentino Lanus, Jacque Bracamontes, and Luis Manuel Avila (Sven/Zamora). Others might make appearances as well.

Jacque will probably talk about her new Televisa novela, Sortilegio. Jaime will probably talk about his next project, Los exitos Perez, based on the Argentinian Los exitos Pels. He might also discuss his movie, Recien Cazado which was filmed in Paris in late 2007 and will be released in theaters in Mexico soon. And Valentino? I guess we'll find out.


Lineup for Amor/ 8:00 pm


This will be the lineup my emails tell me:
Maggie: Monday
Julia: Tuesday
Gloria: Wednesday
Nina: Thursday
Chris and Cathy: Friday

If this is isn't right let me know, pronto!
Thanks all,
Melinama your blog mom

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Gancho, Mon., June 22: When the cat's away the mice will play!

Hey y’all, s’up? Another novela, another opportunity to meet estranged family members and laugh, scream at the TV, and gnaw our arms off as we follow our loveable-loser friends south of the border.

Our Mayan ancestors predicted the end of days on 12.21.12. Please, we beg you, come spend money in Mexico and view the Mayan ruins, spend money on our trinkets, and boost our burnt-out economy. When you’re done, watch “Un Gancho al Corazon:” it’s special because its not a painfully regurgitated mess of something that our predecessors invented fifteen years ago.

This is the story of Valentina—Val—who is a seemingly innocent hot little number by day and a spunky pink Rocky-wannabe by night. If nothing else, this show has taken typical Mexican gender roles and expectations and thrown them out the window. Every boxer has a motivation, and Val’s is to fight to pay for her wedding and keep her coach/boyfriend in the lap of luxury. “But my arm hurts.” “Get back in there and suck it up ya sissy.” Some people get the short straw and some people get all the breaks…

Mauricio—Maury—is the rich businessman of the show, and therefore lover of the female protagonist, and secretly arrives via private jet. He hugs Salvador, his business partner, who begs him not to drive fast. Everyone knows that Italian loafers make for a heavy foot…

Maury’s cousin and friend are the bad guys of the show who are involved in unauthorized business dealings on account of Maury having been in New York. While the cat’s away the mice will play! We know they’re bad because they grope all the office secretaries and drink Tequila early in the morning.

Back at the boxing event Val throws some punches and receives a few more. Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down—it all adds to the dramatic effect. Eventually Val takes the final fall and the other chick wins the cash and the trip to Reno. Instead of kind words of encouragement after a tough loss, Val’s coach/boyfriend chews her out and then she goes to tell the lady with the monkey on her head (his mother) that he’s being mean to her.

Maury is clever and already suspects that his cousin is up to something and discusses the matter with Sal who is holding on for dear life. If we learned anything from the Bush/Cheney era it’s “Stay the path” says Maury as he goes left to center to face an oncoming semi. “I need that rush.”

Again, Beto (the coach/boyfriend) is chewing out Val for not using her right arm. She says it hurt a lot and then she punches him with her right arm. Enter eccentric, naïve mother who has the fashion sense of a fourth grader. Help is on the way and it’s just another day for another average Mexican family.

Back at Maury’s business Bonilla (the bad guy, but not related) is meeting with some realtors to seal the unauthorized deal. He just about shit’s himself when Maury and Sal unexpectedly break up the party and cancel the deal. So much for being in New York. I hate it when that happens.

Meanwhile Mommy is tending to Val’s wounds and Beto is still mad. So Val quits boxing and fires her manager/boyfriend.

Bonilla is stupid enough to admit to having a 15% cut in the real estate deal that went bad. Needless to say he’s fired and Sal is going to write his resignation for him.

As we find out, Beto is an ass who does nothing while Val works to support him and his mother. Now that the doctor told her she has to rest her arm for three months, he wants her to get another job so they can have beans and tortillas and throw back a few beers while watching the game. She can’t iron or cook, so she’ll have to sell chicle on the side of the road, or else work the streets like their neighbor. At least this way she might be on TV.

Jeronimo is Maury’s cousin who authorized the transaction, but “never knew that Maury wasn’t in on the deal.” Well, Jerry, when your cousin/boss has no knowledge of a “deal” it’s safe to say he hasn’t authorized it. But, Maury is an idealist and refuses to see things the way they are. “We just thought you wanted to be alone in New York.” “Well, let’s ask Bonilla about it,” suggests Sal. No need, I believe my cousin with my whole big heart. In walks the evil girlfriend with all the shopping bags and tight clothes. Why did she have to find out that her boyfriend was in town from his secretary of all people? Because he doesn’t really care about their empty relationship and is only interested in the sex.

Bonilla and Jerry get in the car and argue about who should have taken the fall. Bonilla threatens to tell Maury about what Jerry did, but then Jerry kicks him out of the car because he’s the powerful one.

It’s a relationship marked by sexual frustration and downright disgust. Little Val forgot her 8 year anniversary with Beto and explains that she hasn’t been in the mood for all these years because she’s been beat up so much lately. “Working the local boxing rings to keep you in hair gel and shell necklaces has taken its toll on me.” She doesn’t really care if he gets fat because she can use it as a pillow. She tells him this, but deep down she can’t get over the fact that she wasted 8 years of her life on this loser. Could you?

Sal tells Maury to find a new chick because Constanza is just not cutting it. So, in a work of cinematographic excellence, Maury and Val ask themselves at the same time “where is my other half?” Well they couldn’t possibly be on the same screen asking the same thing could they?

As it turns out Val is like Mama’s daughter she never had. This time next week Val will be training and running around like she used to. Val’s neighbor Paula works for Maury’s business and heard that they want to hire secretaries tomorrow so Val, who has no secretarial experience, will go for the job. You have to start somewhere…

Maury gets the whole welcoming wagon when he returns home. He wants to go to the bedroom with Connie before and after dinner. After having sex, Maury dreams that he fell asleep at the wheel of a burning racecar and some woman in a red dress pulls him out. Freud would tell us that this is his mother who abandoned him at a tender age. However, some of the greatest psychoanalysts were racecar mechanics. Maury’ mechanic interprets his dream to mean that he needs to return to the race track to relive his dream of becoming a famous racecar driver. This explains why Maury always wants to exceed the speed limit on local thoroughfares.

Even though she knew she needed a dress last night, Val waited until the morning of her interview to find a dress. Karla, the maid from Guapos lends her a dress in which she hardly feels comfortable. It’s more suitable for a karaoke bar, and she would certainly prefer to wear boxing shorts and a tank top, but this is a fancy work place and the beginning of a new life, so why not go all out.

Meanwhile, Maury takes the car out for a spin around the old racecar track. Maury is one of those hopeless romantic types who prefers to see the good in everyone. Sal, an experienced and trusted friend, warns Maury that Cousin Jerry is up to no good, but Maury insists that he is his only family member and therefore he will not question him.

So there’s this school where the roof fell in on the cafeteria. Then a social worker shows up and tells the one lady that a family wants to take little Daniela.

Val is practicing what she’s going to say in her interview and then Maury sees her. It is love at first sight as they both circle each other in amazement. Then Val goes to hide behind a pillar like a small child. Maury likes that in a woman.

Val is not pretty butch, she can’t walk in heels, and has some pretty crass mannerisms. It takes her every effort to walk in heels, but she’s not about to loose her sense of pride.

After about thirty more-qualified women pass through the interviews, the mean office manager refuses to see Val because she “doesn’t fit the profile of a professional secretary.” She’s dressed for a table dance or street walker, but not a secretary. Hearing this sets Val off onto a rampage and she attacks the manager until the security officers take her out to the street. She sits in the rain until Maury comes to her rescue. She explains that she is not a common street dweller and that she is simply brutish at times. She is bluntly honest and Maury loves that. “She smiled and the rain stopped.”

Tomorrow: Maury tells Val to go talk to Sal—“tell ‘em Ricardo sent you.” Who’s Ricardo?


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Tontas no Van - El Gran Final, Part 2 – And in the End, the Love you Take is equal to the love you Make

After months of frustration, the writers have exactly one hour left to bring love to the good, punishment to the bad, and maybe redemption to one or two. Could they pull it off? Let’s see.

When last we left off, Judy told us how Paulina, in full cat burglar attire, had swooped in and snatched baby Santi. How is it possible! screams big Santi, now home, as Donato, Tina, Jaime and Isabel are speechless. All they can think of is that maybe a window was open. Santi will call the police.

In a hotel, Paulina is cuddling the cute baby, telling him that the first part of her plan worked perfectly. Nothing will happen to our little tyke. But Santiago will PAY. There’s a knock at the door, and it’s a nurse, dressed in pink. Pau shows her where all the baby stuff is (diapers, bottle, I guess Pau has planned pretty well). Pau’s going to go out for a bit. The nurse asks if possibly Pau is hiding the baby, and Pau covers, saying the baby’s father is violent, worse when he drinks, wouldn’t you do the same in my place? Nursie buys this drivel, not noticing Paulina’s smirk on the way out.

In the restaurant, Patricio is telling Irene about his movie project, Veritas, Prince of Truth, wondering if he’s boring her. No way, Irene’s fascinated, she even liked Pat’s wedding story (when Candy stripped and ran). This is way better than reading file (expediente) after file in her law practice. And she understands Pat’s pain, but there were good things, too. He should remake his life. Pat’s not ready, what with losing Patito, today is just not a good time to start over. How about tomorrow? Irene says with a smile. Or the day after tomorrow? Always negotiating, counters Pat, also smiling now. Okay, he’ll try. Well, with that out of the way, let’s enjoy the evening says Irene, as they sip their wine and look into each others’ eyes.

Santiago is criticizing Donato and crew for not guarding the baby well enough, when the phone rings. It’s Paulina, who immediately tells him that she took the baby. Santi is stunned, after all the months of anguish he’s just gone through, is she crazy? (no comment!) Paulina says it’s time for you to PAY for all you’ve done. Fine, what do you want, money? And where are you? Pau hangs up. Santi tells the others Pau’s a mental case, he’s going to her house, hopefully she’s there. Isabel counsels calm.

Pat’s home now, relaxing with a glass of milk, as a toy tyrannosaurus rex (whose face somehow reminds me of Pat) is walking in circles on the coffee table. He says to himself he misses his short and squat (chaparros) monsters (the boys). He looks through contracts, finds the baby’s vaccination record (cartilla de vacunación). He first thinks he’ll deliver it to Santiago tomorrow, but why not go now, he’ll see “Patito” again. Off he goes, telling the toy dinosaur not to fall off the table, he’ll be right back.

Pretty hands are clutching a rosary, two candles are lit, as Candy prays that Santi’s baby is okay.

Over at Santi’s house, he’s just walked outside to the car, leaving a message on the phone for Detective Ambrosini, when Pat shows up with the vaccination record, along with Patito’s favorite toy, a funny face which is making little sounds, but Santi fills him in on the “kid”napping, there’s no time to waste. Pat notes that Santi is upset (alterado), offers to come with Santi to help, and the two get in Santi’s sportscar, our two incredible guys working together.

And now for the scene that had me on the floor laughing. Lalo is playing with his collection of little racecars, especially a red one, wide-eyed, looking about 3 years old. Chayo enters in a huff, Ed’s relieved, she’s back, hooray, but she proceeds to pick up a decorative plate and SMASH it on the floor! Wait, wait, that was a gift from my mother! She smashes another plate. This time Ed laughs, nanny nah nah nah, THAT one was a gift from YOUR mother! Chayo says she’ll keep smashing stuff until he gives her the divorce. Oh yeah, you think you’re the only one who can break things, responds Ed as he grabs her psychology notebook, ripping it to shreds. The two face off, her bangs in her face, their jaws set in determination.

Santi and Pat are in the car, having arrived at Pau’s house, but all the lights are off. Hmmm. They’re about to go in, when Pau comes out with a suitcase. They watch her get in her car, and decide to follow.

A feminine hand grabs a toy red car, and Lalo screams “No, wait!” It took me a year to get that piece for my collection. He grabs her laptop, hoists it above his head, and she begs him to stop, all her information is in it, she won’t destroy his car if he’ll spare the laptop. Fine, but you first, give me the car. This enrages Chayo, who proceeds to tear the roof off that sucker (the car, that is), followed by BOOM, laptop destroyed, he’s stamping on it for good measure. More general destruction follows, Chayo even spilling Ed’s cup of milk all over the place, both are going wild, and I keep thinking these two are definitely made for each other, it’s sort of like a sweet version of War of the Roses.

The woman in black walks across the parking lot entrance to the hotel, unaware she’s being observed by our two heroes. They follow surreptitiously, and see her get in the elevator. In the classic scene, they watch the number on the outside of the elevator to see where it stops. Lucky for us, it’s on the 2nd floor (the building’s about 20 stories tall, and we viewers don’t want to waste time, we want our wedding!). Some of us note that a workman is working on the other elevator, and there’s a yellow caution sign. The other good thing about the 2nd floor is that our boys can use the stairs.

Alas, Chayo and Ed are crying over the spilt milk, the apartment is a shambles, they’re both sitting cross-legged on the floor next to each other, he’s trying to fix his little car, she’s trying to put the keys back on her laptop, neither with much success. She’s still pleading her case, and he finally says you win. “Then you’ll give me the divorce?” He nods sadly. Tomorrow morning he’ll sign the papers. She impulsively gives him a little kiss on the cheek, then looks away guiltily, he’s downcast, defeated, she gathers her purse and laptop, and walks out of his life forever.

Our amateur sleuths have reached the second floor, but there’s a long corridor, and who knows what room Paulina’s in? Not to worry, right on cue they hear the baby crying. They walk down the hall, getting closer, closer, then they hear Pau’s voice. Why can’t you shut up the baby, she demands of the nurse. Sorry, the baby’s hungry, and there’s no milk (good plan Pau, she brought diapers, the bottle, but forgot the milk!). She’ll get some, but when she steps into the hallway, Santi and Pat see her and she flees. Santi tells the nurse it’s their (Santi and Pat’s) baby, the woman that hired her is crazy, they’re calling security, please hold the baby and don’t let anyone in. They race off in hot pursuit, Paulina has descended the stairs, and as she runs past the elevators, she looks back at her pursuers, doesn’t see the yellow caution sign in front of the broken elevator, loses her balance, and falls into the empty elevator shaft! Santi and Pat are horrified, Santi races to get an ambulance, and Pat looks down the shaft to see Paulina, flat on her back, all dressed in black, apparently dead. (Oh how far you’ve fallen, dear evil Paulina). But she’s NOT dead, as we see her eyes flicker.
The next morning, Pat is at Meño’s house, filling in Meño, Gregoria and Candy. Candy is elated that Santi has the baby back, and they ask about Paulina, is she dead? No, it was only the second floor, but there’s damage to her spine (columna), and she could be paralyzed. The important thing is that the baby is safe, and Gregoria even asks if Pat’s shoulder still hurts. Nah, he’s a tough guy.

At Santi’s house, he’s feeding the baby, telling Isabel that after what happened, he NEVER wants to be apart from his son again. From now on, his priorities are his children and Isabel, that’s all. But what about Candy? inquires Isa. Well, he’s lost her. Santi tells Isa that he loves Candy with all his heart, but she no longer cares for him. Are you sure? Yes, he answers, if she still cared for him, she’d put aside her pride and come to him, apologizing for going to Pat’s house and caring for him all those days. Isabel doesn't say anything, but her expression shows what we all know.

Today Charly has to leave for Germany, and the family has gathered to see him off. Meño gives his son a heartfelt hug, telling him how proud he is, asking him to write every day. Gregoria gives him a Virgen de Zapopan y la Guadalajara card for luck, and don’t forget, be proud to be Mexican. They hug as she cries. Pat’s there too, and hugs him as well. Candy is standing behind Chava, her arms lovingly draped around him. Charly tells Chava to promise to behave, and they high five. Gregoria and Pat agree to be friends. Charly says he’ll miss Candy, too, and hopes she’ll be happy. She says she is happy, she has her baby, as she kisses Chava on the cheek. Charly asks if Candy is going to reconcile with Santiago. No, she replies, she loves Santiago with all her heart (see above), but he doesn’t love her. How does she know? Because if he did love her, he would have done something to show her.

We’re at the family lawyer’s office. I guess Chayo and Ed are finally going to do it, the papers are ready to sign, the lawyer (or judge, I’m not sure) tells them all that remains is to decide how to divide their belongings (gee, I thought you do this in advance, but don’t mind me). Chayo says all she wants is her freedom. Ed tells the lawyer that Chayo can have the house. When she protests, he says she should have a decent life, and he made her so unhappy, he wants her to remember him with at least a bit of affection. Chayo says not all their marriage was unhappy, and Ed agrees, remember when we first were together at the beach? She does. And Ed also wants her to have the car, the car in which they kissed many times, he wants her to have it, to remember the good times. And you, what will you remember of me? asks Chayo. As tender music plays, Ed says he’ll remember her as the most beautiful, cute, unique, lovely woman he has ever known, as the only woman he has ever really loved. The judge interrupts, it’s time to sign. Chayo takes the pen, but hesitates. Ed takes his pen, he can’t do it either. They look at each other, and filled with emotion and love, kiss deeply. Well, says the judge (tearing the divorce paper in half), one less divorce, I now declare you husband and wife, you may continue kissing the bride. Yes! as we viewers (me, at least) thrust our hands in the air in a fist of triumph, finally!

In Pat’s office, Arturo tells how he’s paying for all the repairs to the buildings, the people will all be safe and secure. And he never realized how good it would feel to do the right thing. But now he’s doing it, thanks to Pat. They both say they love each other. Arturo says he’s not going to bother Pat, Margarita or Gregoria now. He’s going to fix all the wrong he has done, and when everything has been made right, he’ll return and recover the time they’ve lost. (Okay, we have our redeemed character!)

In the hospital, Paulina has a brace around her neck, hair pulled back, a bruise on her forehead, and Mario has come to see her. The camera pulls back, and we see she’s sitting in a wheelchair, wearing a modest red, long-sleeved top, a gray blanket covering her legs, her hands clasped together like Whistler’s Mother. She tells Mario she’s paralyzed. Now, HE’s going to have to care for her for the rest of her life. No way, toots, he replies, have a great life, see ya! Not so fast, replies Pau. If you don’t do it, I’ll tell the police you killed Gabino’s father. I know exactly where you buried the body. So you decide. Take care of me, or go to jail (o me cuidas, o la cárcel!) So Pau has her anvil, and Mario his. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving couple.

At the airport, Charly’s walking along talking on his cell, when he looks up to see Lucía’s beaming face. A full mariachi band starts playing, there’s a big sign saying “Farewell (hasta siempre), Charly. Lucía” with a heart behind Lucía’s name. They hug, tears streaming down their faces. They tell each other te amo, and kiss. They gaze lovingly into each other’s eyes, as the band plays a romantic parting song.

At the Institute/Consultorio, it appears Hortensia has taken up Lulu’s lollipop habit, as Isabel arrives, she’s a little worried about Santiago. However, Santi’s not there yet. In the other room, Meño is telling the ladies the latest gossip, that Candy herself told him she still loves Santi. Back out front, Ed and Chayo burst in, feet barely touching the ground, cancel all our appointments, we’ve reconciled, and we want to celebrate! They proceed to make out quite sexily, as everyone looks on, mouths agape. When Ed wonders why they’re not all jumping with joy, Horti takes him aside to clue him in on the one little problem remaining in our cute little telenovela. The leads aren’t together yet, and there are only 15 minutes of air time to go! (well, she doesn’t exactly put it THAT way). Sole takes Chayo aside to tell her the same thing.

But first, a little more good news. Emiliano is in Pat’s office, the movie’s done! Okay, when does the promotion start? It’s already started, say Emil, close your eyes, 1, 2, 3! He unrolls the movie poster, Veritas, Prince of Truth, Pat thinks it’s incredible. They’re gonna celebrate. And the movie debuts September 2nd. Hooray!

As everyone gathers around, Isabel and Meño compare notes. Meño tells how Candy adores Santi, but thinks he doesn’t love her. Isa says, same here, but in reverse. Santi told her he loved Candy, but thought she didn’t love him. Everyone agrees that the two are crazy, but they have to do something. Candy and Santi shouldn’t be suffering for nothing (sufriendo en balde). Problem is, Candy and Santi have a communication breakdown, and won’t admit their true feelings to each other. What to do? The camera slowly zooms in on Meño as he says it’s coming to me, it’s coming to me (ya me está cayendo), I’ve got it!

Chava and Rocío are trying to play, but she wants to play girl games, he wants to play boy games. Donato to the rescue, Isabel says to come along, there’s a surprise. Let’s go!

At the Institute, we see Meño’s clever plan. He’s installed tiny microphones (and presumably speakers, but the producers don’t exactly worry about that part) in secret places in Candy and Santi’s respective offices. Candy’s is on the photo of her and Santi on the desk, as the Institutas look on. Over in Santi’s office, Ed has attached a matching mike on Santi’s picture of Candy, as Isa and Horti look on (good thing they still have those pictures, after “breaking up”). Ed yells through the walls, why do they even need mikes, the wall’s as thin as cardboard, you can hear right through. Meño responds, well it’s not brick (ladrillo), so don’t push on the wall, or it could come right down on you (gee, I wonder why they’re telling us this? :)). Now all they have to do is wait for Santi and Candy to arrive, and confess their great love.

Santi arrives first, asks Hort if he has any appointments. No, she says with a smile, but your mother and Mr. Ed are waiting for you in your office. Santi thinks that’s a little strange. Next, a somber Candy arrives in her red dress, asks Lulu if she has any appointments. No, she says with a smile (maybe I should just cut and paste from here on out), but Don Meño and Chayo are waiting for you in your office. Candy sees Santi standing there, says hello, have a nice day (hah!). They keep looking at each other, but of course, no one says anything more. Santi’s sucking noisily on a lemonade, and Horti tells him it’s bad manners (and I learn the word for suck is sorber).

Meanwhile, Pat welcomes Irene (dressed in a maroon or burgundy suit, her short skirt showing some great legs, and a low cut cream colored blouse) to his office. She reminds him of his promise to start enjoying life, and she’ll give him as much time as he needs. Even if it takes his whole life? Oh, she thinks it’ll be much quicker than that (we agree). She moves in close, touches his cheek, and he takes her hand, asks her to give him time, maybe she’s right. She smiles a smile that could melt an iceberg, and methinks the boy is hooked. I sure am!

Candy is typing on her laptop, as Chayo and Meño lean over in anticipation. Candy looks at them as if they had a screw loose. Chayo starts. Is it true what Don Meño told me, you still love Doctor Plastico? The two lean over the hidden mike. In the other office, Horti, Ed and Isa want Santi to admit he loves Candy. Ed tries to drag him down to the picture. What’s going on, asks Candy. Shut up and listen, says Meño. She hears a voice on some speaker. Ed is saying, just repeat what you told me this morning, repeat it, repeat it. Candy hears Santi’s voice saying fine, I love Candy deeply, but she doesn’t love me. Her eyes light up, finger on her lip, she looks up at Chayo and Meño, both grinning, she sees the hidden mike in the picture, shakes her head, thinking, you guys! Okay, says Meño, your turn, tell me what you told ME this morning. Fine, says Candy, and in a loud voice, leaning into the picture, says “I am crazy in love with Santiago, but he doesn’t love me. Satisfied?” (We hear this from Santi’s office, as he looks high and low for the mike). He finds it, rips it off the picture, talks into it, it’s not true that he doesn’t love Candy. As the friends go outside the respective offices to listen in through the doors, Candy and Santi proceed with one of their trademark stubbornfests, each challenging the other, if you really love me, come to my office and tell me. Of course, no one’s budging. Candy gives him one minute, and the countdown begins. Each thinks the other is coming soon, and that the other is full of him/herself (se esta dando su taco). But Santi remembers the last time this happened, it didn’t turn out too well. All of a sudden they both frantically rush for their doors, but the respective friends are holding them closed until Santi and Candy say the magic words and give in. Candy yells that her door is jammed (atorada), she’s going to lose him. In the hallway, Raúl, Sole and Gregoria arrive with Beto and Chava. Also Zamora, Toño, Jaime, Miguel (one of the abandonados, haven't seen him in a while), Lucía and Rocío happen to show up. Also Carlos, Tina, Donato, and probably 6 or 7 more cast members I left out.

And just like the deflowering of a virgin, Santiago BURSTS through the wall, his maleness on hyperdrive. The two still avoid each other a few seconds as they count down the rest of the minute 4,3,2,1, blastoff! They kiss desperately, then lovingly, as the entire cast comes in, oohing and aahing, then breaking into applause (as do we). We get a beautiful close up, slow motion shot of THE KISS.

And bam, it’s the wedding! No ceremony, just a replay of the above kiss, then we cut to two hands clinking champagne glasses, as fireworks go off on multiple flat screen televisions at the reception. They’re in a huge club, all pink and blue modernistic lighting, even the floor is pink, purple and blue luminescent squares, lots of flat screens projecting various images. Pat’s there with Irene. The crowd yells for another kiss, and Santi bends Candy back for a big one. He’s looking amazing in a white suit, a silver-white tie, Candy looks sweet and modest (for her) in a medieval type princess gown with a peasant veil.

And there’s even more good news. Chayo’s pregnant, Ed’s going to be a Papá! Santi wants to be the padrino. You got it, bro!

Pat is holding Patito/Santiguito, Irene in a fantastic red strapless dress at his side, telling the three kids that the movie opens September 2nd, he gives them movie posters, and they all shout in unision, Veritas, Prince of Truth!

Pat and Irene stand up to congratulate the wedding couple, Pat asks if he can watch the baby during the honeymoon, and Santi jokes sure, you can have him for two years. Irene adds, not to worry, we’ll take good care of him. You TWO? ask Santi and Candy. Well, answers Irene, we’re just good friends now, but it won’t be long! Santi hopes they’ll be happy. Irene says I hope we’ll be REALLY happy, and Pat kisses her!

The dancing starts, and we hear the Tontas no van al Cielo happy theme, which we haven’t heard for a long time, it starts with “She’s a woman in every sense of the word”. We see Santi and Candy in front of the big screens, now showing clouds and blue sky, they agree they’ve said hello to everyone, now they can be together, just the two of them. Santi jokes about wedding food, Candy just wants to be happy forever. Oh how corny (cursi) is my wife, he says. My wife! My husband! One more big kiss, and our prince and princess live happily ever after.


Vocabulario Final (quiz next week)

Expediente – a file or dossier
Chaparro – short and squat
Cartilla de Vacunación – Vaccination record (cartilla means booklet)
Alterado – upset
Columna – spine
En balde – in vain, for nothing
Sorber – to suck (as in lemonade)
Darse taco – to be full of yourself, think you’re it
Cursi – corny, sentimental

Not to be cursi, but it’s been an absolute pleasure doing these recaps. Although sometimes this show was a little frustrating, the Gran Final was exciting, fun, emotional and satisfying.


Cuidado bloggers: I haven't heard from some of you, are you re-upping for Amor?

It may be my mail program or I may be spacing out, but I need to re-check the coverage for the upcoming 8pm show. So far I have:

Chris Ferro and Cathy: both want Friday (can either of you switch so we have more coverage?)

Maggie: would like Monday if Jody leaves or can switch days

I haven't heard from Jody, Julia, or Gloria. Please check in!

Anybody else want to throw a hat into the ring? We can always use new recappers as subs if there isn't a regular spot...

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