Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Amor Monday, September 28, 2009: Carlota has a nice day

Friday we saw Carlota in her doily swearing she was going to make Mac’s life one big long screaming nightmare. As if she hadn’t already.

And sure enough tonight here is Rufi helping sobbing Mac into a chair in the kitchen. Mac wails how could she? and Rufi throws a prayer heavenward that Paloma will forgive Mac.

In her room, Paloma has her photo album of her parents open and is sobbing while she looks at the photos. Mac pounds on her door, begging to see her. Flipped out Paloma screeches I don’t want to see you! Don’t call me hija! Leave me alone! Across the hallway, Carlota leans on her own doorway and smiles smugly. Mac shakes her head at her and gives up.

Padre Chris is about to get in a car and leave, but Inez and Elisa (another church lady) spot him loading his suitcase and they run over in a panic that he’s leaving permanently. He assures them he’ll be back in a few days. Carry on ladies, he says, and they say okay, relieved.

Paloma on her hands and knees with her elbows poking up and her face practically buried in the carpet looks like one of those horror movies where a person is about to turn into a giant insect. She remembers Mac explaining that she gave Paloma away so she could have a stable family life. It looks maybe a little lightbulb has gone off in her head. She jumps up and runs out of her room.

Mac in her room is praying ayudame to the Virgin. Paloma comes in and Mac is thrilled, but Paloma is on a mission. She wants to know who her father is. Tell me! Mac just looks distressed. Tell her, Mac!

We can only dream.

Mac says he was the love of her life, but now he doesn’t belong to the world of men. ( I was worried Paloma would think he’d had one of those operations, but apparently Paloma is too pure to think of that.) You mean he’s dead? she wails. Mac nods yes.

What was his name? Paloma demands. Mac says it’s not important now, and it’s better you should think of Javier as your father. Paloma’s not settling for that, though. She starts frantically rummaging through Mac’s things, looking for the Box of Secrets and the photo she knows was in there. She finds the box, opens it and… empty. She goes nuts.

I tore up the photo, Mac swears. Paloma screeches that Mac’s secrets are now her secrets too and she wants to know his name. Mac says he was a wonderful man, a man who loved her as much as she loved him. You are the child of that love, Mac says.

Paloma: Why did he leave then?

Mac: He didn’t know you were on the way.
P: Why didn’t you marry?

M: We wanted to. We would have made a family and been so happy and he would have given you so much love.

P (sobbing) Then why…?

M: Destiny separated us and that’s why I had to do what I did. I’m sorry, that’s all I can tell you about your father.

Well, this should keep us busy for a number of episodes.

Inez is on the phone with Diana, telling her that having Romina in the house probably isn’t a good plan. It could lead to ….things. Like what? Diana wants to know. Inez says like intimacy between Em and Romina. Diana says that would be great! Inez is shocked and says but they’re not married. Diana scoffs and says you weren’t stuffy like that when you sang in the cabaret. Inez says that was just singing.

Diana arranges herself on the couch says believe me, I’m not sorry about any of the men I’ve had in my life. And you know what? Orlando was the best. Inez says oooo! Would you go to bed with him again? Diana says I sure would, but he probably hates me. But we could really catch fire. Inez says and Rafa? Diana says, well, sure, if he drops by for a conjugal visit. We women have that power you know, we just have to know how to use it.

If Romina can seduce Emiliano, she says, all the better. She’s really rich and one thing this family definitely lacks is money. And if I help her, she’ll reward me well, I’m sure.

That was fun, but now it’s back to Paloma, still unglued. She wants to know what Mac is hiding and why she won’t tell her at least her father’s name. Mac says what I want is for us to talk now, so that you understand that what I did was out of love. Paloma wails don’t you understand that in one moment my whole world exploded? That everything I believed isn’t true?

M: I know it’s hard for you, and for me too.

P: Please don’t tell me half-truths – tell me everything. Who was my father? If you don’t tell me, I won’t forgive you! I won’t talk to you until you tell me! I have to know! You didn’t just abandon me at birth, you abandoned me when I most needed you – when I thought I was an orphan when my parents died. I really could have used a mother then!

M: But then we were closer than ever.

P: As my aunt – and you let Carlota be my guardian.

Mac stutters about the will, and how there was nothing she could do.

P: (yelling) Of course there was! You could have fought for me, no matter what the will said.

M: Carlota wouldn’t have let me.

P: As my mother, you would have more rights. You let her mistreat me! Why did you do so little? You abandoned me twice!

Carlota is out in the hallway, not even having to press her ear to the door since Paloma is shouting. She smiles her smug Carlota smile.

P: You have never loved me as a daughter.

M: Yes, I always did, just in silence!

P: And when were you thinking of telling me? Never, right? If it hadn’t been for Tia Carlota, I never would have found out, right? Don’t expect me to regard you as a mother now!

Out in the hallway, Carlota is gleeful.

Camila is in Orlando’s office’s waiting room. He’s surprised to see her there. She reports that she was able to talk to Romina and she needs to talk to Angelica to get her head straight, apparently not paying attention to the fact that Angelica is at work. But doting Orlando doesn’t mind and says she’ll be out in a minute.

Now Paloma is weeping over a picture of her parents. Why didn’t you tell me? It’s all so clear now that I think of it. She has a sepia flashback to a childhood talk with Mac when she asked Mac why she didn’t have any children and Mac told her I don’t need anybody but you. You are my only hija. Paloma says we’ll play pretend that you are my mother.

Carlota cuts into this loving scene telling little Paloma to go take a bath. After she leaves, Mac says why don’t you like us to show affection? Carlota says just because. And because you’ll confuse her and I don’t want her to forget that Sagrario was her mother. You agreed! Paloma overhears this and comes in and says What did you agree to? Why do I have to remember that? Mac says because everyone has just one mother.

Wow, Paloma sure has a good memory.

Now Paloma picks up a picture of her and Mac and sobs Why? Why did you let Carlota treat me so mean when I was little? Why didn’t you stand up to her? Why?

Orlando gives Camila some coffee and she fills him in on Romina looking for her dad and he wonders why that’s a problem. Camila says she wants Romina to come home. There’s something about Diana that she doesn’t think she’s the best influence. Orlando offers to help dig up Samuel and says just get the information that Romina has so far. Camila takes him up on it.

She remembers that he had something on his mind when he came by her house last night. What was it? He says oh, nothing pressing. We can talk about it later. He kisses her on the top of her head.

Angelica and Em finish up a work discussion and she asks if he has a new cell, because his mother has been calling the office number. Em is bummed and says he doesn’t want to talk to her – she’s mad at him for leaving the house when Romina came to stay. He fills her in on what happened. He knows his mama would love to have him back with Romina and he just wants to stay out of the whole thing.

Carlota comes into Paloma’s room but Paloma throws herself on her bed and says she doesn’t want to see anybody. Carlota says it’s too bad her parents died – she never would have known the truth. Paloma says she wishes she didn’t know it now.

Carlota tsks that she never was in favor of keeping the secret. The timpani go boom. She says the pain of a deception is horrible. Paloma looks up from her pillows. Carlota says It was hard for me to see her get all your love when she didn’t deserve it.

Paloma says Sagrario and Javier accepted me as a daughter. Carlota says they couldn’t have children, and when Mac wanted to get rid of you, I rebelled. I suggested that they adopt you. Paloma says but my birth certificate doesn’t say anything about me being adopted. Carlota says Sagrario promised to keep the secret. She even went around in maternity clothes while Mac stayed hidden.

Paloma says did Mac ever think of abortion? Carlota says over my dead body! She had done enough bad stuff without committing a crime like that. Only Sagrario, Javier, Rufi and I knew. Oh, and our father. He was so devastated by her pregnancy that he dropped dead of a heart attack. Mac has felt guilty ever since, and in a way she was at fault. And she’s felt guilty sometimes about adopting you out, so she changed herself into your “adorable” aunt.

Come here, my love, says Carlota and Paloma cuddles into her arms. Carlota says ever since you were born, I strove to protect you, to care for you, to save you from the bad influence that Mac was in your life. Everything I did, I did so you would be a good woman, not like her. Paloma’s frown suggests that Carlota may have overplayed her hand.

Nope, I was wrong. Paloma says I hate her. Carlota says I know. Now you can trust only me. I realize I’m not your mother… I just never knew how to show you my love. Paloma clings to her and sobs.
At this juncture it is pleasant to contemplate the gory deaths of previous telenovela villains and to wonder what variation or combination of those await Carlota.

Chris is back at his home church talking to Padre Benito. He says he really didn’t want to leave Real del Monte before he confronted Carlota about everything she did. Padre B doesn’t see how the Carlota thing has anything to do with his big crisis of doubt. Maybe he’s in love? He has to pick: the church or Macarena.

Rufi has brought Mac some tea and is trying to soothe her. Mac says she had no idea that Carlota had so much venom in her that she would even destroy Paloma. Rufi thinks that Paloma will forgive Mac if they just talk. Mac says they already did and it didn’t work. Rufi says give her time to absorb the news. Meantime, say a rosary. Mac takes her rosary in hand and gets down on her knees.

Padre Benito advises Chris that God’s love takes many forms. If it weren’t for Mac, you wouldn’t have become a priest. Chris throws his hands up. Padre B says maybe this is just a test of your vocation. He reminds Chris that it’s been 20 years since his romance with Mac and things tend to get romanticized over time. Chris says I feel like our future was cut off prematurely. Padre M says that future is in the past and don’t forget you’re married to God now. (Is this true? Are priests the Grooms of God?) Who do you love more, God or Macarena? Chris looks exasperated. Padre M says when you know the answer to that, you’ll know what to do.

Romina and Diana are playing Chinese checkers. They gripe about Em – Romina’s sure he blabbed to Camila that she was at Diana’s, and Diana is annoyed that he doesn’t answer her calls. Romina says mine either. I’m going to have to go by the office and find out why he blabbed.

Romina: My mother can be difficult.

Diana: Maybe that’s why your father left?

R: Probably.

D: If you were my daughter I would have done anything to keep your father with you.

R: My mother is all about herself.

D: Do you think they could get back together? Because I’ve heard your mother is going out with someone.

R: I don’t want to talk about him. I can’t stand him. I don’t know what she sees in him.

D: Well, he’s not your father. Don’t you think parents should stay together?

R: Sure.

D: Why don’t you tell Emiliano that you believe a child should do everything to keep its parents together?

Diana says we’re a good team. Romina jumps all of her marbles.

Paloma asks Carlota that since her father was the man that she and Mac were both in love with, can she tell Paloma his name? Carlota says that’s between you and Mac. I don’t want to cause any more pain in this family. I don’t want Mac to hate me. Paloma says I think you two have hated each other for a long time, but sometimes you love each other.

Carlota says you must understand her health is fragile. I don’t want this to end up in a tragedy. Paloma says you should have thought of that before. Carlota says I know. It was just the emotion of the moment. I get so tired of living a lie. Let’s just wait and see if she tells you.

I have to know, begs Paloma. I need to know who I am, where I came from. Carlota is all fake kind saying we have to consider Mac’s health. When she’s better, maybe she’ll speak from the heart without lies.

Angelica and Camila are at the outdoor café. Camila realizes she shouldn’t have pulled Angelica away from her work, but Angelica says Orlando wants to please her. Camila says when they first started going out, she didn’t think anything would come of it, but he’s constantly surprising her. Angelica gets a faraway look in her eye and says what a fine fellow he is. She catches herself and snaps her attention back to Camila.

They get to the point: Samuel. Angelica thinks it’ll be good for Camila to get that resolved and over with. She also thinks Samuel might be wanting to get back together, plus Romina will be wanting the same thing.

Rafa comes into his old house and is surprised to find Romina there. Romina explains and when Diana come into the room, Romina is smart enough to leave them alone. Diana explains that Camila isn’t able to give Romina the support she needs. Rafa says and you can? He drops the subject and says he wants to talk about them. Diana is excited that there will be a reconciliation. He says no way. What’ll it take to buy my freedom?

Romina and Aaron are walking and discussing their plan which doesn’t seem to be working now that Aaron can’t say he and Paloma are novios. Now he has to think of a plan B. They both agree that Paloma is acting a little different lately.

Aaron takes his glasses off, which makes him look like more of a threat. He is seriously interested in Paloma, plus he doesn’t like losing – anymore than you do, he adds. Romina explains that she’s staying at Em’s house and sooner or later he’ll cave. Aaron says good, when he does let me know and I’ll let Paloma know. Then she’ll want payback time.

Diana tells Rafa she made a vow until death do them part and she’s keeping it. Rafa says if you were religious, I’d buy that, but you’re just trying to aggravate me. There’s no love left. Diana says I’m going to be your wife until my dying day. Rafa says there’s ways to get a divorce, and you seem to want to turn it into a fight. Diana says I have ways too. Let’s see who wins.

Em ( the only happy guy tonight, but that’s because he’s clueless) is at work and leaves the umpteenth message on Paloma’s cell. He decides to try the main number at Paloma’s. He gets Rufi who says she can’t get Paloma right then and no, no there’s no problem. He says to tell Paloma it’s about the church thing. Rufi says okay and hangs up. Doesn’t anybody ever say goodbye when they hang up?

German comes up to Romina on the street and gives her a playful hug. He says you know you wanna. Romina says wow, such an ego! German says Lili said the same thing. Wanna go…? Romina says no.

German says he knows she’s staying at Em’s. Romina is surprised but suggests that she and Em had a hot night last night. German laughs and says he knows she’s lying. She keeps up her story. He gives her a kiss and she pushes him away. He says I’m going to Mexico City tomorrow and you could come and we could go to the address where your father was staying. Romina looks serious. German says see you tomorrow.

Rafa and Joel are talking in the office. You know, just regular guy talk. Okay, maybe not, you be the judge. Joel reports that he had a nice time with Monica, but he’s still pretty affected by that whole thing with Sofia. Rafa reports that he talked to Orlando and was really annoyed that Orlando seemed so sure of Camila, plus now Diana won’t give him a divorce. Joel says didn’t you tell me that you kissed her? Rafa says yes, but with no divorce….

Romina bursts into Em’s office, giving him the opportunity to say ¿Qué haces aquí? She’s mad because he doesn’t answer his cell and because he told Diana where she was. He says he’s sorry it upset her, but it was the right thing to do. She says she feels totally betrayed. He says don’t exaggerate. You need to work things out. She comes around his desk and says I need you. He escapes and says it’s obvious we see the things very differently. Romina says that’s why I come see you - I know you’re right. Please don’t turn your back on me. She holds out her hand.

Avances: Paloma rebukes Rufi for keeping the secret. She wishes she were dead and sure enough we see her passed out on a park bench. Em is alerted.


Monday, September 28, 2009

MEPS 9/28: Fr/Ed gets what Damian didn't. Gardenia gives up.

Whipping through the house with Fr/Ed behind him, Artemio finds his guards lying on the floor. Hmm, seems he cannot trade Lili's corpse for the Head of Ed, as he had planned, because Barbara stole Lili away -- after giving "Greco's Renowned Drowsy-Drink-Drops" to all his guards (plus Ms Bagel-Bun) in champagne she told them Artemio had sent along to celebrate some big business success.

"Barbara told us you commanded we tip our glasses," whines Bagel-Bun. The bodies on the floor are dragged away.

Barb throws Lili on a bed: "You won't get hurt if you behave. Shout as loud as you like, there's nobody to hear you. Now, put on your PJs and go to bed." Cero appears and reassures Lili.

Barb calls Artemio and reports that she has the cargo. He's furious; when he tells Fr/Ed, Fr/Ed narrows his eyes and shakes his lips in dudgeon.

Fr/Ed's cat-burglars are pacing at his house, worried. Fr/Ed appears and tells the whole story. Fer calls Barb. Barb, driving, grinning maniacally: "I was expecting your call." Barb's on her way to Fr/Ed's house to negotiate, so cat-burglar Santi has to make like a banana and split. The Mud Queens also leave.

Fr/Ed updates Father Bosco, who advises: "Get Lili back and then get out of here while Fer still thinks highly of you, thinks you're an honest guy. Let her remember you kindly."

Barb arrives, Esteve leaves. Barb congratulates Fer on her ferocity: "You must have inherited it from me." Long story short: "I'll give Lili back, and disappear forever, if you two convince Aurora to leave the nunnery with me." "But she's bearing Santi's child!" "No, she's bearing MY grandchild. You have till noon tomorrow. If you fail, then I'll just kidnap her anyway and you'll never see Lily again." Barb leaves.

Fr/Ed tells Fer, "We should tell Barbara's plans to Artemio and provoke a fight between them." "Oh, I get it, because Artemio thinks Aurora is dead!"

Meanwhile Artemio is soliloquizing about Barbara: "One who betrays me doesn't live to betray another day." He sounds like Darth Vader.

Suddenly Fr/Ed is at Artemio's office and tells him Barb's motive is - Aurora Mendoza! Artemio is impactado and grouses: "Barbara's the worst mistake of my life. She's a fatal weapon, I educated her that way, but I always knew if she found out her daughter was alive all her hate would be focused on me."

"What do you care about Aurora?" asks Fr/Ed. "I'm her father. I've only seen her three times, but to know she existed was an intense consolation to my soul. Aurora is the only thing I made without hatred in my whole life. Barbara knows I ripped that kid from her arms at the moment of birth and said she was dead. All I can expect from Barbara is destruction."

Scene change. Fer to Fr/Ed: "What a whirlpool all this is! Before the s--t hits the fan I want to say how much I've appreciated you and come to depend on you." "Let me look at you," he murmurs nicely, "for as long as I can. Soon we separate forever. I love you more than you can imagine, I've loved you since forever and will love you until forever." Kisssss.

Etcetera. Where did this giant bed with red satin sheets come from? More etcetera. Commercial. More etcetera. Two aging virgins finally get some. They spend the night in the red bed of amor and then swirl about in a hot-tub (I guess) overlooking a fabulous CGI view.

Meanwhile somewhere Gardenia is crying and saying, "Eduardo, I'll love you forever, even though there's no future in it! You're not going to leave!"

Barb packs her diamonds into a suitcase. Daffy arrives and mildly wonders why he didn't see her last night, she says it was some business meeting, now she's going out, he says he'll see her at dinner, she thought bubbles "You'll be waiting a long time, because today I start a new life." Meanwhile Daffy thoughtbubbles: "Ah, Barbara, she's a haven of peace in my sea of troubles." Heh.

Fr/Ed to Artemio: "we can work together and keep Barbara from absconding with Aurora." "What do you care?" "She's expecting Santi's baby!"

"Oh, eeuwww, my grandchild is an ELIZALDE? My blood is mixing with theirs again? This is an irony of the worst writers! I want to barf!" Fr/Ed says the two of them can work together to stop Barbara. "But what do I get out of it?" "Your mother's diary and the Head of Ed."

"Why is Eduardo hiding?" "He isn't hiding, he's agazapado, crouching down, waiting for the right moment to attack! He's been waiting ever since Barbara Greco unfairly accused him of abusing Fernanda Elizalde!"

"You seem to know him well." "Well enough to know that you and the Elizaldes caused him the greatest pain a person can take." "No, ME! I had the worst pain!! And in total war, there are always innocent victims! That boy defied me and made me his enemy to the death!"

Fr/Ed implies he knows where Barbara is, but he won't tell Artemio because she has Lili, somewhere... Artemio says Barbara will be coming by to get her dossier, because it will be important to her to start her new life with a clean identity. "So I'll make her tell me where Lili is, and then you have to give me the Head of Ed."

At the office, por teléfono Fer explains all to Santi.

Gardenia comes in. "Why aren't you wearing your uniform?" "Because after I say what I've come to say, you're going to fire me." Long story short, after asking "did you know Santorito is in love with you?" she tells Fer: "Fr/Ed is Ed, I've seen his passport." And Margarita and Jacinto have known all along. And this all came about when he came back from Gringoland and saw what had happened to his mother, and he decided he'd had it with the Elizaldes. "He couldn't even go to see his mother buried." Fer remembers her agony, seeing his name inscribed on his mother's tomb...

Gardenia says she told Errika Ed was in love with Fer, and admits that she (Gardenia) has been in love with him forever. "With all my heart, but he was always in love with you. But I don't want him to leave and the only way to keep him here is if he marries you." Fer has the commercial break during which to think it over.

Greco's Renowned Drowsy-Drink-Drops appear again: Barb forces Lili to drink them. The ghost of Cero points out to Lili, "Drink or she'll kill you."

Damian's sleazeball cousin says the plans are underway. Damian: "Give Lucio a message, he'll know what to do." That's it for them tonight.

As Gardenia leaves Fer's office, Fr/Ed shows up and wants to talk to Fer, who takes a minute to collect herself. She says he can come in. He wants to tell her all the plans, he's in a good mood and wants a kiss, she slithers away from him and gets angrier and angrier. He keeps asking why. "You want to know why, MR. FRANCO SANTORO?"

end of episode.


un Gancho al Corazón Mon 9/28/9 Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!

We begin tonight with a replay of Moni's more or less triumphant return from her brief odyssey with Mao which was skillfully and artfully described by Hombre de Misterio. Therefore we begin tonight's adventure with our Hombre's words:

"Beto and Nieves go into their apartment and proceed to argue about Moni. Nieves thinks he should have more trust in Moni, no one’s stealing his girlfriend. Maybe not stealing, more like borrowing, but he won’t stand for it. Nieves convinces him to calm down, be happy for Moni, and when she returns, he can ask her whatever he wants.

And here she is. The whole crowd screams as Cinderella returns to the barrio. Estrella can’t believe it, she’s so happy she has to pinch (pellizcar) Moni. They ask if she found her mother, but the answer is no, and Moni doesn’t even want to search anymore. Beto comes up, gives her a big hug, saying Monita, my heart, my life, my little cutie, and Nieves hugs her, too. Beto says he was so worried. Yeah, so worried that you got drunk, adds Estrella. Moni apologizes for not calling, but the lines were down. No matter, says Beto, I just have one question for you. It’s very important. Between you and Mauricio, is there something? That is, did you sleep together last night? Well, Moni HAS promised to tell the truth, and it looks as if she’ll answer this one………..on Monday."

Well, it's Monday so let's see what our girl has to say. Now for our formerly creative Moni this would have been a pan comido (piece of cake); for the new improved version, this presents a challenge. Not accustomed to telling the truth even if it's as effective as a lie, Moni reverts to her boxing skills and deflects the question countering with a jab, "How can you say such a thing?" Well said. Unfazed he presses his case. Careful Beto, don't ask about things that you really don't want to know. Exasperated, she recounts her adventure up to and including passing the night in Mao's embrace. Now Nieves becomes the inquisitor. She wants to know what Moni has learned about her mom. We're stating to sense that hay un gato encerrado (we smell a rat) over what Nieves knows of Isabel Lopez. She seems relieved when Moni says that she knows no more than she did before. She is rescued by Pau and Estre. As they saunter off, Estrella turns and hurls a silent taunt toward a steaming Beto who acknowledges it with a gestured threat of his own. Nieves turns to Beto and asks if he noticed. Yes, he notices the horns sprouting from his forehead, but no, it's that Moni is now being truthful with him while he's still deceiving and betraying her with Mao's novia. Nonetheless, Beto vows vengeance on his ex-brother and for emphasis assumes the trademark stance of el Fantasma Vengador. He's off to the gym to rally the troops.

Teresa is relieved to see Mao safe and sound, as is Connie who embraces him warmly and then informs him of her valiant rescue of the kiddies from the evil clutches of Jero who was going to evict them from the castle. Teresa confirms this though she seems puzzled by Connie's motherly concern. Mao begins to tell her of his ordeal, but when he mentions Moni, Connie tells him that she doesn't care about the details, she is just happy that he is safe and sound. Hey, I could get used to this new improved Constanza. Mauricio is wondering who abducted Connie and replaced her with this pleasant android.

A pensive Aldo is at school remembering his shock at finding Estrella with Tono. His ruminations are invaded by the appearance of a bubbling Katia, freshly back from Italy, flashing all manner of silent signals that she is available. The wedding is back on and it looks like they'll be getting to see each other every day. Neato, huh? A little less thrilled than she he turns to walk away but she informs him that Mao is back s they stroll off together to tell Luisa and Dani.

In the office, Sal, flanked by Gabi, is bemoaning recent events and attempting damage control by phone when Mao appears. They are delighted that he is OK, but Sal urgently needs to speak with him, so off they go to Jero's office. There they find Jerónimo seated comfortably behind his desk. In Mao's absence Jero has taken advantage of a precipitous drop in the value of Groupo Sermeño, owing to speculation about Mao's demise, to acquire an equal position in the company to Mao's, 45%. Now he has equal say in the operation of the company and is thinking about queering the deal between Groupo Seremeño and Fabrimex. A proposition very important that Mao has put together. Jero then shoos them from his office. This latest maneuver by Jero is pretty impressive. Looks to me like Ximena gains a bit of power since she holds the other 10% of the stock.

Luisa is thrilled that Mao is safe. She hurries off, leaving Aldo at the mercy of a sweetly predatory Katia. She confirms that Aldo is a free agent and coincidently so is she, sooo... Catching Aldo off guard she moves in for a kiss. He resists at first, but, what the heck. ¡Beso! Rather tame, but then these are kids.

In Sal's office Mao is admitting that it's not as though Sal hasn't warned him on numerous occasions of Jero's perfidy, Now they must wrest control of the company from his greedy hands. The door opens and Ximena, nudging Connie aside, bursts in, joyful that her primuchi (Ximenese for cousin) is safe. Connie catches up, pulls her back, and marks her territory with a kiss on the mouth. Mao endures. He instructs her to let him know immediately if Jerónimo attempts to molest her again. he leaves and she makes herself at home, collapsing comfortably into his chair. Ximena mirrors the satisfied collapse with similarly outstretched arms. How nice that her cousin was so disturbed finding out about her and Jero, Connie beams, and the Fantasma Vengador too, Connie scowls.

Katia and Aldo are still kissing, warmly but chastely. Ivan interrupts and is informed that they are novios by Aldo. "Yes for an hour, fifteen minutes, and thirty seconds," adds Katia. Uh oh, she's one of those. He is underwhelmed and leaves. They pick up where they left off. Well OK, since he seems willing.

Oscar is conferring with Jero in his new office. Now that he is on top he'll need Oscar as his loyal assistant (fiel perro) a position that Oscar rejects. Jero still needs his help. Jero, like a cat, thinks that he is self-sufficient, but actually he is Oscar's pet, a kitten, "Say meow." Jero seems awed. Connie replaces Oscar, "Here is my kitten," boasts Jero as Oscar leaves. She messes with his mind by pointing out that he can never replace Mao. She has been in bed with both, and well...Jero just doesn't measure up. Ouch.

Ivan is studying in the kitchen. Aldo comes in for a glass of milk, "You'll go blind with so much reading." He is greeted with a cold shoulder. Ivan is miffed by Aldo's apparent dumping of of Estrella. I understand, but Ivan doesn't know the whole story, does he?

In the coffee room Moni and Pau confer. Moni whines about Mao, but this time it's not all about her. Pao faces a dilemma. Cristian has asked her to come live with him up north. She's tempted, but doesn't want to move away from her friends. No problema. Moni will help her convince him to stay.

Connie has come seeking assistance from a rather chilly Nieves, who cautions her about tuteando so quickly with her. Now, actually this has the potential of being a formidable team. She is wanting to marry Mauricio and wants Nieves to push Beto to marry Moni. She is offered coffee but prefers green tea which Nieves doesn't have but offers to go to a neighbor's to get some. "No,thanks." She offers Nieves money. Nieves is offended but does agree to cooperate.

In the coffee room, an emboldened Pau makes progress with Cristian, she loves his exciting police stories and especially enjoyed him showing her the morgue. She brings up marriage, he chokes briefly, but then agrees to marry her. After all he is afraid of nothing, but he certainly looks worried.

Estrella see's Connie taking her leave of Nieves, and doesn't like for a minute this unholy alliance. She makes a call...to Aldo?

Moni bring Mao his capuchino and lingers to offer encouragement and support as he whines about his problems with Jero, "...a rock in my shoe." They embrace and kiss just as el Fantasma Vengador, looking like a dissipated Power Ranger, pops in, without knocking, surrounded by his wrestling buds from the gym, who make an interesting menagerie themselves. Surprisingly, we aren't really surprised by their presence. He is angry and confronts Mao with the circumstances. Mao tries to say something but Beto , without asking permission orders, "¡Tú callate la boca! ¡Sí, te tuteó, tú cállate la boca!" ¡Bravo,Beto! Clearly annoyed Mao claims, "We were simply talking." "Yes, cheek to cheek (ccahete a cachete)." Mao fires Beto and threatens to call security which evokes a mocking, unison "Oooh," from Beto and his goon squad. He then vents his disappointment in his former hero and gestures the implied threat of future reprisal as he ushers out the support group.

Impressed and frightened Sal and Gabi look on as Beto, whom Jero identifies by scent, seizes the opportunity to avenge Connie. He places him in a headlock, gouges his eyes a bit, then releases him to the violent ministries of his entourage. Appalled, Gabi insists that Sal call up security. The wrestlers pause and look to Sal. After a moment to consider, he signals for them to continue the pummeling. Anyone who is playing the gancho drinking game, that is, a drink for every blow struck, should consider suspending play at this point. Moni sees the action through the window and steps through the door, holding it shut to prevent Mao's exit. Finally Paula and Cristian arrive. He attempts to quell the riot, ordering everyone, "Up against the wall!" (ya gotta like his spunk) but is met with the derisive "¡Oooh!" from the wrestlers, this time a little less in tune. Gab offers to call for backup. Once again,"¡Oooh!" Beto relieves Cristian of his batón and as more security personnel arrive a melee ensues. Sal is drawn into the fray as Beto orders Moni to release Mao. Mao however tosses a heavy jug through the glass and steps out to face Beto. "Maurica (marica= girly-man), tú y yo, masca contra la cabellera de pelo de muñeca vieja (you and I, mask against the hairdo from the hair of an old doll) and he assumes his stance. (Now the CCs said something a bit different that didn't make a lot of sense to me. This is what I actually heard. Please feel free to jump in.)

Estrella finds Aldo outside the movie theater, and tries to make up with him and explain about Tano, but surprise, surprise, Aldo really doesn't have time. He has a date. With Katia who has just scurried up. They kiss. Estrella wilts.

Beto and Mao are shouting at each other but an idea has struck Casteño. Haw about a real match between the two? The idea catches on. Mauricio will need two weeks to train. Mauricio extends his hand to shake with Beto but withdraws it just as Beto reaches for it, grabbing and holding...Moni's right bubi. (This scene was on You Tube but was cut out for our viewing on Univision, but I put it in the recap anyway.)

"What's happening?" she asks no one in particular as she removes Beto's hand. Cristian, disheveled but game, offers to press charges, but no need, they will settle matters in the ring in two weeks. Beto gathers his troops and they back into the elevator. As the doors close, Beto farts.

Moni fusses at Mao for agreeing to such a thing, Beto will puree him, but he wants to hear no more. Moni storms out vowing to give Beto an earful. Sal is wheeled into Maos office by Gabi. Poor Jero is the last to recover, vainly calling for help, he struggles, unaided, to his feet.

Outside the theater, Aldo presents Katia as his novia to a rather unenthusiastic Estre. I had been feeling bad for Aldo but now my heart goes out to Estrella. When she leaves, Katia presses Aldo about his relationship with Estrella but he is worried that they will miss the movie so he rushes her inside. Good thinking, my boy.

In the office, Gabi and Sal are warning Mao of the danger and stupidity of this agreement to face Beto in the ring, Gabi wonders about testosterone in the brain, but he is adamant. Oh yes, we want to see this genetic line preserved.

As they head down the stairs Beto thanks his gang for their support. He tells them goodbye and urges Costeño to bathe...with champu. Moni catches up with him and without warning, starts throwing punches, promptly knocking him down. She calls him a collón (coward). He can't just stand by and let blondie steal the future mother of his eight children, he points out. She is not happy with any of what just occurred and warns our reeking wrestler that if she got back with him it was because she thought he had changed, "If you get into the ring with Mauricio, you lose me, forever." Oooh!



Sortilegio - Hi Everybody!

Hi everybody. I'm Connie and I'll be recapping the Thursday night episode of Sortilegio. I studied Spanish from the 4th grade through 3 semesters in college but it is so true that if you don't use it you'll lose it. When I met my boyfriend 5 years ago (he's from Guatemala) it got me interested in relearning Spanish. So I bought some CDs and started watching the Telenovelas and Spanish TV in general. Now I watch in Spanish with no subtitles and get most of it. Occasionally I will just not be able to figure something out and if that is so I'll will let you know so that all you seasoned Spanish speakers and recappers can help me out. I may not have vocab to share right away but I will eventually get there. Looking forward to it. See ya!

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

ENDA: Friday 9/25/2009 "Paloma Learns the Truth, but not the Whole Truth"

Romina is having dinner with Diana and Emiliano. He doesn’t appear too happy about being part of this little group. Romi flirts and Di comments on what a cute couple they make. E wants to escape and offers to go get the fruit. Di insists she’ll do it, hoping that sparks will re-ignite if she leaves the two of them alone. It’s a futile hope, but she’s delusional. Ro comments to E about how lucky he is to have a mom so wonderful like Di. E reminds her that Camila is a great mother.

Padre Mateo is waiting for Padre Juan Cristobal. When PJC returns, Padre Mat demands to know where he was. PJC says he went to find Carlota. PM isn’t happy to hear this and says that it’s a bad idea, PJC shouldn’t go looking for Carlota and stir things up from the past. PJC says that Carlota came looking for him, so he was merely responding to that. PM again reminds PJC that it is best to leave the past in the past. PJC says that things are complicated. PM is worried that PJC will stray from his path. PJC reassures PM that he should have confidence in him and that he’s sure there is light at the end of his path. PM hopes it is light and not darkness.

Rafael and Joel appear to be having a meeting with Rafa’s divorce lawyer. The lawyer urges Rafa to come to some sort of agreement with Di or else the divorce can be dragged out for years. Rafa says that Di appears to be stalling. The lawyer tells Rafa that in his opinion, everyone has a price. So all Rafa needs to do is figure out what Di’s price will be and then the matter can be settled. Rafa’s not so sure, but he wants to get things moving. The lawyer advises Rafa to not get involved with another woman while he and Di are still married. It will complicate things and swing favor toward Di if she can slap an infidelity accusation at Rafa. The lawyer restates that it is important for Rafa to get Di to come to an agreement sooner, rather than later.

Emiliano makes some phone calls. He comes downstairs with a packed bag. Both Di and Romi are surprised to see this. He tells the ladies he’s leaving. They both try to talk him into staying. He tells them it is OK, he’ll be out of the house however long it takes for Romi to sort things out with Cami. Romi says she feels terrible pushing him out of the house. He tells her it is OK. He won't listen to their insistence that he stay home and he leaves.

Paloma and Macarena are still at Cami’s house. Mac is comforting Cami and Pal is busy making phone calls, searching for Romi. Lando arrives and wants to know what’s happened. Cami fills him in on Romi leaving home. He tells her that he’s sure she’s OK.

E heads to Germán’s place. He can stay there as long as he needs to. Germie says he’s heading to the DF for a couple days. E gives Cami’s house a call. Pal answers. She fills him in on Romi’s leaving. He tells her he already knew and that’s why he’s calling. He lets her know that Romi’s at his place and will be staying there. He’ll be staying with Germie. He knew that Cami would be worried and he wanted her to know where Romi was, even though Romi didn’t want anyone to find out that she was staying at Emiliano's.

Rufi tries to talk to Cruelota as she’s eating her dinner. She can tell that Cruelota is upset with her. Cruelota doesn’t want to talk. Rufi tells her that she knows she has a heart, it is just that she closed it off years ago. Rufi is sure that her heart can be opened (I'm convinced Rufi is wrong on this count). Cruelota isn’t in the mood to take advice from the hired help and let's Rufi know she doesn't care to discuss it with her.

Pal and Mac are leaving Cami’s. As they are saying their good-byes, Mac urges Cami to remain open to the possibility of love. Pal overhears this and tells her aunt that she should follow her own advice.

E finds a green camisole stuffed in the cushions of Germie’s chair. He teases Germie about it and Germie is uneasy.

Pal and Mac come home and Cruelota chides them about messing around in everyone else’s business. She taunts Mac, trying to get her to tell Pal what’s really been going on. Mac is unwilling to fall prey to Cruelota’s taunts. She and Pal head upstairs.

Germie calls Lili and tells her that she looked quite lovely when he saw her earlier. She isn’t happy to hear from him. He says he thought they’d be able to remain friends. She ends the call. After hanging up, she wonders when she’ll be able to forget him.

The next day Mac is telling Rufi what to tell Cruelota if she asks where Mac has gone. Cruelota walks in on the conversation, so Mac tells her she’s headed to the church. Cruelota ponders if it is an ulterior motive that is taking Mac there. Mac tells her she’s got a clear conscience and she leaves the house.

At school, Lili fills Pal in on the phone call she got from Germie. She admits that it upset her a little. She and Pal talk about Emiliano. Lili confides that it makes her a little happy knowing that Pal and E’s relationship has put a monkey wrench into Romi’s plans. Pal asks what she means. Lili says that Romi was trying to get E to sleep with her. Now that plan has been thwarted, Lili is delighted.

Mac goes to see the family lawyer. She wants to see Javier’s will because she is sure that her brother provided for Paloma. The lawyer tells her he can do that, once they get Cruelota’s permission. Mac knows this is a ruse and she gives the lawyer a piece of her mind before she leaves.

One of the nuns has a conversation with the Mother Superior about Angelica. She believes Angie was really good with the students and it was a mistake to fire her. MS listens and is willing to admit that she might have fired her in haste. She wonders if Angie would be willing to come back.

Mac goes to Cruelota and lights into her about having to get her permission to see Javier’s will. Cruelota comments on how bold Mac has become since PJC has returned to town, but the strength she’s found in him isn’t real because he’s now a priest. Mac isn’t in the mood for Cruelota’s taunts and tells her that she knows that Javier and Sagario left Paloma well cared for and she’ll prove it. Mac tells her sister that she (Cruelota) has underestimated her (Mac) when she didn’t realize that Mac would be willing to fight tooth and nail to protect her daughter. Paloma walks in on this last bit of the conversation and demands to know “what daughter?”. Cruelota pounces-“Tell her, or are you still holding onto the secret you’re afraid to break?” Mac tells Cruelota -“Be Quiet!” Pal insists on being told what’s going on, she’s got a right to know. Cruelota goes on to tell Pal that Mac had a child and because she was ashamed, she gave the child away to her brother Javier and his wife. “You see, Paloma, your true mother is really Macarena.” Paloma tries to digest all of this and asks Mac if it is true, “are you my mother?” Mac cries. Cruelota fans the flames some more trying to get Mac to speak. Paloma doesn’t want to hear it from Cruelota, she wants to hear it from Mac. Sobbing, Mac admits that she is Paloma’s real mother. Pal struggles with the idea that Mac gave her away, that she was ashamed of her, that she didn’t care for her. She asks Mac “Why?” Cruelota goads, “Tell her why you gave her away, Macarena.”

Padre Mateo gives Padre Benito a call. He’s worried about PJC and fears that his obsession with his past might pull him away from the priesthood.

Mac tells Paloma she made a choice that she thought was the best for Pal. Pal tells her it all was a lie, her whole life has been a lie and that Mac sent her away. Mac tells her that she was always there, always near to her. “But you lied to me my entire life!” Mac assures Pal that she’s always been important to her. “No, I’ve not been important. It was more important to guard your dirty secret!”, Pal tells her and we can see that Pal’s words are like sharp daggers being stabbed into Mac’s heart. Cruelota is there to pour salt in the wounds and tells Pal that Javier and Sagario adored her and that she was in every way their daughter. Mac sobs more upon hearing these words. Mac implores Pal to listen to her, she calls her “hija.” Pal lashes out and tells her to never call her “daughter”. “You were ashamed of me and now I’m ashamed of you,” the daggers are going deeper and twisting. Mac tells Pal that she was so happy when she learned she was pregnant, the happiest woman ever. Pal doesn’t believe her. Mac begs her to let her explain, she can explain it all. Pal doesn’t want to hear it and she runs off. Mac goes after her, but breaks down crying in the doorway. The camera pans to Cruelota, now awashed in her purple glow. She is smiling, cruelly of course.

Cami goes to Di’s to talk to Romi. Di pretends (rather poorly) that she has no idea why Cami is looking for Romi there. Cami tells her that she knows Romi’s staying with her. Di gives up the lie and says that Romi left for the day, but then Romi’s cell phone rings and Cami recognizes the ring tone. She starts to holler for her daughter.

Pal collapses on the floor of her room and mutters “it can’t be, it can’t be.” She cannot believe it.

Mac turns on Cruelota, “How dare you!” Cruelota tells Mac that she is a coward and would continue to hide behind her disguise of the ‘perfect’ aunt role. Well, she won’t be doing that any longer. Mac says that she’s going to protect Pal and to make sure that Pal is given what Javier and Sagario set aside to provide for her. Mac will prove to Pal that Cruelota has been hiding her inheritance from her. Mac tells Cruelota that Pal will be leaving, going to school, getting out from under Cruelota’s control. Cruelota tells her to go ahead and push the matter, but do it and suffer the consequences. Cruelota tells Mac that her little secret will become common knowledge among the townspeople. Mac says, “Don’t you threaten me!”

Pal remembers Sagario’s dying words, that Pal should let Mac be like mother to her. Pal also remembers other tender moments she had with Mac…one time when she told Mac that she felt like a mother to her.

Di eavesdrops as Cami and Romi have words.

Cruelota tells Mac that if she pushes the matter, she will not only let the whole town know about Mac’s “child of sin”, but she will make sure that Pal learns who her father is. “Don’t you dare!” Mac yells. “So, what do you think they’ll call her…child of sin or the priest’s daughter?” Cruelota asks. “You’re sick!” Mac tells her. “You’re a slut.” Cruelota replies.

Mac later seeks comfort from Rufi. She sobs that she’s lost her daughter, that Pal hates her. Rufi tells her to cry and let it all out. Mac sobs that she would have never believed how much Cruelota hates her.

Padre Mateo tells PJC that he talked to Padre Benito. They both think it is wise that PJC go back to DF for awhile. PJC insists that now is not the time, he can’t postpone this conversation he needs to have with Cruelota. Mat says that PJC needs to go and go soon. The conversation will have to wait. It appears that PJC agrees to leave later that afternoon, but he tells Mat that he will be speaking to Cruelota at some point down the road.

Cruelota is sitting at her vanity, putting on her lacy collar. She mutters into the mirror that Mac will pay dearly for stealing the only man she’s loved. She mutters that today is only the beginning of the nightmare in which you will live. END OF EPISODE


Saturday, September 26, 2009

MEPS 9/25/09: The M-I Team Gets Goose Eggs or the Case of the Purloined Prize

Capítulo #15_?

First, the obligatory rewind: Babs and Gonzo make plans to visit Cadmilo in the calaboose the next day as long as they get back home before 7 PM, since she has a meeting at the Association afterward. Alone, the conscience-stricken Gonzo considers what a shattering blow it will be for Santiago once he finds out that Aurora’s baby is actually Cad’s. Fernanda tries returning Aurora’s call later that evening, but she only reaches the mother superior. They discuss Fer’s suspicion that Barbara now knows Fer’s been visiting Aurora at the convent. Barbara is determined to get Aurora out of that convent come Hell or high water. As she holds up the bottle of Gonzo’s knock-out drops she says she is certain she has a means to guarantee it.

The next morning Damian gives Lucio Jacobo’s phone number to set up a meeting for further instructions on the plan to get Aurora out of the convent before Barbara can lay hands on her. He tells Lucio that for some unknown reason, the girl has turned into an obsession for Barbara. “She is Barbara’s Achilles heel. We’re going to grab the candy before she can get it into her mouth.” Lucio, our illuminating literary, promises to do whatever it takes to see Barbara Greco crying and broken, hiding in the corners and afraid to be seen, “like the doll in La Muneca Fea, [The Ugly Doll = a Mexican children’s song]. (Uh, sports fans, if you doubted this guy was mentally or emotionally stunted before, this is proof positive.) He and Dam shake hands, now that they’re best buds in the Big-House, and Lucio lights out of there like the Devil to freedom. Dam is left to gripe to himself about Barbara. He tells himself he’s going to spend every minute of his time there planning a way to get even with La Hiena for stabbing him in the back [puñaladas traperas, and another slobber-in-your-cervesa song reference, if it matters].

Barbara calls Artemio and tells him she’s just put the properties from Gonzo into his name per their agreement and, at noon the next day, she’ll be there to hand the notarized documents over to him in exchange for the file on Rebeca Sanchez. Artemio says that was the deal and he’ll fulfill his end of it. She wants to know what his plans are now. He tells her about his meeting with Padre Bosco at 8 PM that night to dig up and verify the remains of Eduardo Juarez. If those are his remains, then he’ll be handing over Lili, “—or what’s left of her!” He allows himself a few snickers. Lili walks into visit with him at that point and he hangs up.

Lili is all smiles and asks Artemio if he’s still angry with her. He gripes at her that he’s still disappointed in her for handing over his mother’s diary to Franco Santoro without permission. Because of it, he says, she’s signed her death warrant.

Across town in Santiago’s hotel room, Fer says she’s getting nervous thinking about having to rescue Lili from Bravo’s place considering it’s got to be full of guards, guns, alarms and security cameras. They’re waiting for a call from Estev once he leaves for San Rafael.

Back at Las Animas, Gardenia shows up to make a play for the affections of Eduardo one last time. “Eduardo, why didn’t you marry Errika?” He says apparently some obliging person stuck their oar in and told her he was interested in somebody else. “—Did you fall out of love with Fernanda?” He is sick of going over the same old same old, he says, but she says she’s hoping she might still have a chance with him. He tells her she’s got to accept the fact he only thinks of her as a sister and that’s all he’ll ever think of her as. He is in love with Fernanda Elizalde and that’s something he cannot change. As for her, he hopes she’ll find somebody to love and who will love her as much as he loves Fernanda. He admits then, that since his love for Fer has no future, he’s now decided to leave there for good and he’s not ever comin’ back. Denia runs off crying. (Could it be that Denia finally gets it?)

Back in the big city, Slick, aka our favorite slimeball, Lucio, enters the Shanghai Chinese restaurant for his big meet with Jacobo. Jaco seems to think about as much of him as the rest of us. Think Pink Panther rejects south of the border. “Damian Gallardo sent me. I am coming to put myself at your disposal.”

It’s visiting hours at the county calaboose and Cad gets a visit from Gonzo and Babs. (From the looks of it, he has apparently heard about those group showers cuz he doesn’t seem to have gone anywhere near soap and water.) He is whining to Gonzo that he’s got to get out of there soon because they’re getting ready to transfer him to prison. Gonzo says Cerisola is doing his best to get a stay so Cad will be kept in the county jail for a while longer. Cad wants to know if Fer is coming to dismiss the charges like Gonzo was supposed to have asked her to. Gonzo can only tell him that he’s told her already. Cad gets angry. He warns his father off the two of them and to be careful. Then he threatens Loafly if he ever comes face to face with her again. Daddy Doofus shakes his bony finger and scolds him. Cad’s got to mend his evil ways. What he’s done to Aurora is unforgiveable, blah, blah, blah. Cad zones out.

Babs tells Cad his father is right. Cad gets the hint and says, fine. He’s ready to give the kid his name and even marry Aurora. Just get him out of that hell-hole and fast. PLEEEEEEASE, Papi? He promises never ever to do anything nasty again.

Ninja Night, 7 PM: Eduardo is in Padre Bosco’s office at the church and the two wait for Artemio Bravo to arrive. Santi and Fer show up at Las Animas. The gang's all there: Martina, Venus, Estev, and Jacinto. They thank them all for agreeing to take such a risk in helping them rescue Lil. Estev tells them that Fr/Ed should be with Father Bosco by now and then if Bravo shows up as planned, he’ll call them all in one hour.

Eddie and Bosco walk out to the graveyard. Bosco admits to Ed that the grave is a fake. Bravo can dig all the way to China but he’ll come up empty. Once he realizes that, there’s no escaping him. Ed says that at that moment then, Eduardo Juarez is going to make his appearance. Bosco shakes his head in despair.

Back at Las Animas, the A-Team (looks more like AA with those ball caps and parkas) goes through the equipment: a lock pick, a portable sound amplifier, walkie-talkies, and a handgun with rubber bullets. (That’s right. This is a family friendly firearm--even though they could still shoot an eye or two out if they’re clumsy enough. Disclaimer Time Out for the kiddies and the emotionally retarded. Beanies off, class? PSA #J-654: Do not try this at home. Duh! If you ain’t been properly trained, then you’re just askin’ for trouble, y punto! Ok. Beanies back on everybody while I jump off my suds-box.) Estev asks if anyone has doubts at this point. Naturally, nobody backs out.

Ninja Night, 8 PM: At the parish church, Bosco takes Eduardo to a side room for him to hide from Bravo. He gives Eddie a rosary and tells him to pray. Suddenly it’s Maria Callas or some such blaring out operatic strains that nearly hide the sound of the doorbell ringing. (Seems that sound tech’s been tokin’ again.) Bravo has arrived. Bosco gives Ed his blessing and asks God to protect them both. He leaves to answer the door. Ed makes the call and tells Estev that it’s time. Operation Lili-pad is a go.

Eddie picks up the rosary. Bosco opens the door and lets Bravo in. The Mission Improbable Team springs into action as the disco-electrico beebops in the background and the screen splits into 2, 3 and even 4-way. So, it’s a tow-truck with a hydraulic lift and a basket from the Cable Guy.

(OMG! Timewarp alert!) Bond flick flashbacks! We’ve got Jaws Borja doing the digging for Hugo Dax Bravo. (Hubby and I can hardly wait for the steel to start glinting the second the guy opens his mouth.) Once the cadaver’s dug up, H.D. Bravo’s trusted eeevil Dr. Higadera will do the necessary tests on it for verification. Padre B. and Bravo’s baddies head outside to the grave.

Estev calls Eddie and tells him they’re on their way. Ed makes sure that Jacinto knows he’s not to take his eyes off Fer the entire time. He tells Estev then to figure on two hours to complete the operation. He hangs up and prays for their protection.

Jaws starts to dig but Bosco stops him and stalls for time by praying. He and Ed begin the Lord’s Prayer in stereo (well, it would have been if the sound editor had been sober at the time).

Outside Bravo’s manse, Fer and Jacinto sit in the yellow FJ as lookouts. She radios Santi to tell him if they don’t come out in an hour she’s going to call the police. Jacinto tells her not to worry because God and the virgencita will protect them and get them all out fine. In back of the manse, meanwhile, the rest of the gang gets into the lift basket. Estev’s no tow-truck operator, but he’s apparently spent a few nights at the Holiday Inn Express. He starts the lift and puts Martina, Santi and Venus up top without a hitch. Martina and Santi go inside. Venus stays out on the roof and waits to signal.

Inside the church, Eduardo bravely fights back the tears as he remembers the letter his mother wrote him (4/3/09 -cap. 34) warning him of the enemy she’d protected him from and reminding him she’d always be at his side, watching over him. At the same time, Fer remembers listening to the taped recording of Lili’s tearful, first interview with Obregon at the clinic when she revealed that it was Barbara Greco who had really killed their mother. “Jacinto, life has been so unfair to Lili.” ‘Cinto reminds her to trust in God and that soon it will be over. She covers her eyes and tells him she is anxious to make it up to her sis and fill her up with love. (Ok. Ok. I admit to pausing for a Kleenex moment here.) Marge, prays that the virgencita will protect them all and bring them back safe and sound. Most of all she prays that she will protect Eduardo from the merciless man who threatens him.

Santi and Martina begin to silently search upstairs for Lili’s room. Martina whispers that the place is so large it’ll be extremely difficult to find it. Fr/Ed calls Santi to see how things are progressing and says he’ll keep Bravo entertained while they continue looking.

Venus radios Estev that there’s still nothing. He tells her no news is good news and to stay calm. (Personally, I think she was just looking for an excuse to play a little with their new toys.) “Cambio y fuera! [Over and out!]

Borja gets tired of digging. Imaginary scissored steel sparkles as he tells Bravo that they’ve sent them to Hell and back digging and it’s long past time since they should have hit pay-dirt (so to speak) and that casket. Bravo signals to Bosco it’s time to ‘fess up [tener la palabra = speak up] cuz he smells a scam in the works. Bosco assures him there’s no deceit and that today is the day he will find Eduardo Juarez. Borja keeps digging. Ed keeps peeking out the window to check on Borja’s progress and gets antsier by the minute.

Back at the mansion, Santi says it’s strange that there doesn’t seem to be anyone there. Martina thinks it’s because they’ve already realized they are there and just want to catch them red-handed. Santi doesn’t agree because he says the alarms would have already gone off by now. Martina takes another look see and says she thinks she’s found Lili’s bedroom.

Meanwhile, Borja stops digging and concludes the gravesite is empty. (It took 7 feet worth of dirt to figure that one out?) Bravo tells Bosco he hopes the priest wasn’t stupid enough to try to fool him. Bosco says he is definitely right about that. “Priests are not that dumb. You don’t have me digging for oil, now do you? Tell me. Should Borja continue digging or not?” “—No! Not now. No.” Bosco throws his hands up in the air in frustration while inside Ed checks his watch and looks to the cross on the wall for answers. (Viewerville waits on pins and needles hoping the diosito is checking his messages this time.)

Upstairs at Bravo’s, Martina and Santi finally enter Lili’s room, but it appears to be empty. Martina finds one of Lili’s sweatshirts on the floor, but the rest of the room is empty. Santi realizes then that they’ve taken her and left. “She’s gone!” Martina weeps in frustration as Santiago immediately calls Fr/Ed to tell him the bad news.

Outside the digging stops and Bravo asks Bosco what they’re waiting for. “--To resolve your anxieties, Artemio, and I assure you that is what is going to happen here.” Bravo orders Borja to fill in the grave. “Are we leaving, Padre? There is nothing else here for us to do at this point.” Bosco tells him to wait. Bravo asks if he’s going to pray a bit more. “You can pray here for the rest of the night because you’re going to need those prayers.” Bosco asks what he means and Bravo wonders if he really needs him to explain. “You are very bold [osado], Padre for having agreed to meet me here just to open up an empty grave. But, I shouldn’t think we will waste the time. Why? Because now I haven’t the slightest doubt. I am absolutely certain that you have always known where Eduardo Juarez is!” (Viewerville bites its nails in angst.)

Suddenly Fr/Eduardo appears out of nowhere and yells over at Bravo. “Artemio! I have Eduardo Juarez!” (Good timing cuz Viewerville’s nails are now down to the quick.)

The M-I team is in a shambles. Operation Lili-pad’s a bust. Everyone is now out front yelling because Lili’s no longer at the mansion. Confusion is the name of this game. Fer and Santi are totally distraught. Fer frantically screams that Lili has to be inside and they just didn’t look hard enough. Martina explains to Fer that the house was totally empty, even the woman who guards Lili was gone, she says. Santi blocks her from entering and says somebody got there ahead of them because the room was messy and looked like Lili’s things were taken at the last minute. All they found was her sweatshirt. Venus thinks it was the guards because the whole house was completely abandoned. Estev asks if Fr/Ed was told and Santi says yes, he told him. They’re supposed to meet him back at Las Animas. Fer cries at the news. “Santi, how long is the fate of our family going to be in the hands of Artemio Bravo?” Santiago hugs her as she screams in frustration and hugs her sister’s sweatshirt.

Back at the gravesite, Fr/Ed tells Bravo that from now on if he wants Eduardo Juarez, he’ll have to deal with him. “--With you?” Bravo turns to Bosco and threatens him. “—This is going to cost you dearly, Padre, and you know what I’m referring to.” Fr/Ed yells back at him. “--Are you referring to Liliana Elizalde?” Bravo looks back over at Franco and raises a bushy brow as Fr/Ed gives a viable explanation. “It was I specifically who asked Padre Bosco to fake this grave because I have extremely formidable reasons to believe that YOU were the one deceiving us and that Liliana is dead!” “--So that’s what you think, Santoro?” Fr/Eddie stares him straight in the eyes. “—Do you have any proof to the contrary?” “—And what would I get in exchange?” “—What you so greatly desire: I will hand you over Eduardo Juarez. Yes. That’s right. I have him and you will have him in front of you the moment you prove to me that Liliana is alive.” (Heart palpatations. Whaddaman!)

Bravo cracks a slight smile and turns to go. “—Think it over well, Artemio!” Bravo barely turns before replying over his shoulder. “—I have nothing to think about.” He begins to walk away. Our boy Fr/Eddie yells back and ups the anti. “—I wouldn’t be so sure of that!” Bravo pauses but keeps his back to Santoro. “--No?” Fr/Eddie plays his high card. “--If you are declaring war against me, I will destroy your plans for revenge by handing over your mother’s diary to Gonzalo Elizalde!” Now he’s got Artie’s attention!

Speaking of Gonzo, he’s eating din-din alone at the hacienda. Tomasa comes in to tell him Pris is coming down. Pris sees the empty table and asks where all the others are. He says Babs is at one of her Association meetings and Fer hasn’t stopped at home all day. Gonzo thinks Fer is avoiding him because he asked her to withdraw the charges against Cad. She still hasn’t, though it’s high time she should have, he adds. (What is it about rape or assault and battery this grizzled old goat still doesn’t get? I just want to throw my hands up in the air and scream!) Pris avoids the obvious and mentions Anibal is off at the Dairy Industry Conference in Rio. Gonzo apologizes for completely forgetting, all things considered. She tries to comfort him and says things will get better for everyone soon. (Cue the violins.) He says that he’s come to think his family is falling to pieces. (Pinch me!) What hurts most is seeing his children suffering.

Back at the gravesite, Bravo starts a game of chicken. He threatens Santoro saying that all he has to do is give the order and he can fill that empty grave with his and Bosco’s bodies. Fr/Eddie counters and says he knows that perfectly well, but (in another classic and most satisfying Mexican standoff) he adds that Eduardo Juarez already has orders that if he does not return in a couple of hours, he’s to give that diary directly over to Gonzo. All he asks is proof that Lili Elizalde is alive. In exchange he’ll give him over Eduardo Juarez. Bravo asks if Juarez will be alive or dead. “--Alive.” Bravo accepts and suggests they go to his house immediately to prove to him that she’s perfectly fine. Fr/Ed agrees. Bosco looks at both of them like he’s ready to hang up his spiritual spurs. Bravo adds a condition that Santoro’s not allowed to leave until Eduardo Juarez is there in front of him. Fr/Ed says fine, but he’s got a condition of his own: the moment Eduardo Juarez appears, Liliana Elizalde is to be set free. Bravo accepts the deal.

At Las Animas, Fer has finally lost it. She pulls out her cell and starts screaming to Estev that she’s got to call Franco immediately and have him demand her sister back. Estev stops her at the last second and makes her realize that a single call can cost Franco his life. She joins the rest of the sullen group and they sit and wait, wait and sit, for some word from Fr/Ed.

Fr/Ed and Artie return to the manse to find it completely abandoned. Bravo wonders where his guards have all gone. He starts screaming for Hilda. Eduardo starts looking and yelling for Lili. Realizing Santiago was correct, Eduardo grabs Bravo by the collar and demands to know what Bravo has done with her. Bravo throws him off and yells back that he has no idea where she is. The two stand there huffing and puffing at each other.

At the summer house, Barbara is pleased as proverbial punch with herself as she pulls tape off Lili’s mouth. She literally has her eyes on the prize.


Sortilegio: STILL still need two recappers!

Well, Connie volunteered for Thursday (hurrah!) but Jody dropped out on Wednesdays. So we need a Wednesday recapper and I'd like to have somebody take the Monday slot (or half the Monday slots) as well. Takers?

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Gancho Friday Sepember 25th. Comfort, Consolation and a One Day Acting Career

This week my wife and I were in Las Vegas. Since we don’t really bet much, we didn’t lose much, and we enjoyed the sunbathing (perfect weather every day), shows (David Copperfield, Rita Rudner and The Beatles Love), and lots of nice meals. But if I did bet, I’d lay good odds that Un Gancho al Corazon will almost always have humor, silliness, and a bit of tenderness. Tonight’s episode fit the bill perfectly. It started just like a prizefight, as…

Monita rings the bell (literally, it’s a hanging bell) of the picturesque house in Moroleón. The lady who answers says Moni’s the living picture of her mother.

In a bar, Oscar greets Jerry, who’s mad that Oski betrayed him by not backing him up in his grilling by Mau over whether he slept with Connie. Although Oscar thinks it was no biggie, together they’ll get tons of money, Jerry cautions him that the student always defeats the master. Oski’s not impressed. Just then Connie arrives, tearfully proclaiming that Mau was in an accident on the highway.

And now it’s Ximena’s turn to shine. Her producer and director (aka the big crook and the not so big crook), ask if she understands the scene. Well, sort of, she fumbles, but could you remind me again? Sure, look across the street. A man’s going to come out with some diamonds. You take them, bring them to us, and give them to us. But no matter what, don’t stop acting until I yell, “Cut!” They give her what she thinks is a fake gun, she waves it all over the place in fun, and they frantically duck. But here comes the “actor” she’s supposed to rob!

Across the street, a well dressed gentlemen takes a little jewel bag from the jewelry shop owner, and is about to enter his big black car, when the fat crook yells “Action!” and gives Ximmy a push. She scurries across the street, points the gun at the man, and tells him she has 3 things to tell him. One, this is a robbery, Two, hands up, and Three, give me the diamonds (she add porfis, or please in fresa-speak). The guy says don’t kill me, but just then the cops arrive! Our two crooks turn tail and run, leaving Ximmy to whisper to the victim, asking where the cameras are, since she wants the best angle. When he agrees no one has said “cut”, she points the gun at him again, big smile on her face!

Despite Connie’s tears, Oscar and Jerry are cold and not very comforting. Jerry callously informs her that Monita was in the car, too, but this doesn’t exactly cheer Connie up. She assures the two that Mau will be okay, although they’re doubtful. She does have a deal for Jerry, and asks him to meet her in the parking lot. When she leaves, Jerry doesn’t deny Oscar’s suspicion that Jerry had something to do with the accident. Jerry then asks Oscar, if the news of this accident became public, what would happen to the price of the Grupo Sermeño stock? It’ll plummet, of course. Jerry then informs Oscar that he’s got a friend ready to buy up shares at the lowest point, which will give Jerry majority control of the company! Today, he adds, the student has graduated. Bursting with self -love, that rat Jerry exits to see what Connie wanted, reminding Oscar to notify the press.

Ximmy’s holding her hostage by the tie, asking how much they’re paying him. The police tell her to lower her weapon. This just prompts Ximmy to improvise, yelling “Give me the diamonds, or we’ll all die!” She points the gun at her own chin
and the guy is so freaked out, he hands her the little velvet bag. She thanks him, goes to give him a hug, but he runs. She then starts running, and crashes right into Estrella! Estre tries to tell the cops it’s a mistake, but they’re not listening, and neither is Ximmy.

In the vecindad, Beto’s helping Nieves with the laundry when Paula rushes in, tearfully telling them that Mauricio’s car was found in a ditch, and Monita had been with him!

And she’s still with him, drinking milk in Alicia’s house. Alicia brings in a photo of Moni’s Mom, from long ago, before she left the town. Mau and Moni look at the photo and smile. Moni asks where her Mom went, but Alicia says they lost track of her, and it’s been 18 years. Mauricio asks if he can use the phone, but guess what! In true novela fashion, there just happened to be a big storm last night, and all the phone lines are down. Of course a half hour away there’s the city of Morelia, they could call from there. Mau starts to get up, but Moni doesn’t want to be left alone. (Guess they’ll just have to spend the night!).

Our very fashionable robber/actress is flouncing along, gun in one hand, big white bag and little jewel bag in the other, getting pretty good speed out of her little white boots. Estrella, in heels, can’t keep up, and calls for help. She calls Rolando, and he drops everything to save the day. Not! He does bring up Tano’s name though, so Estre calls Tano for help.

At the office, Salvador is upset about the company, saying we’re sunk, we’re up to our necks (hasta el cuello) in trouble. Someone told the press about Mau’s accident, and the shares are plummeting (desplomando). Sal’s so desperate he accuses Gabi of leaking (ventilando) the info. Gabi’s offended, she doesn’t even care about the shares, just whether Mauricio is dead or alive. Sal keeps yelling, so Gabi goes to get him some tea, hoping that when Mau comes back, Sal won’t have gone so nuts, he’ll be in the same nuthouse as his wife!

Tano and Estrella both try to convince Ximena she was tricked, there’s no film, I mean, where are the cameras? Ximmy knows they’re cleverly hidden, and when the cops arrive again, she tells Tano not to steal her camera time, this is the scene of her capture. The cops say lower your weapons, Tano takes the gun and gives it to them, disappointing Ximmy, since she wanted to do that, and Ximmy proudly marches to the squad car to be taken away to jail, while Estrella and Tano continue protesting it was all a big misunderstanding.

It’s night now, and at Alicia’s house, there’s only one bed. No problem, says Mau. I’m sleeping in the bed, and you, Moni, can either sleep in it, too, or sleep with Alicia, and all night, she’ll be breathing on your neck like this (he sensuously breathes on Moni’s neck, which she enjoys for a second, but then comes back to reality). Moni suggests a game of rock, paper, scissors, match (piedra, papel o tijera, they apparently don’t have the match, but it’s the same game we play). Whoever wins gets the bed, the loser gets the couch. Mau says he’s a champ at this, but Moni’s not scared. The first hand goes to Moni, her scissors cuts his paper. Second round, he wins (it’s two out of three). They’re tied (a mano) at this point. Next, they both come out with rocks, another tie. Then both have paper, and his hand caresses hers. Final round, Moni has paper, Mau has scissors, he wins.
However, as a gentleman, he gives her the bed anyway, and goes to the living room to sleep on the couch. Before he leaves the bedroom, though, Moni calls him over, tells him that when they jumped from that car, she wasn’t afraid, she knew he’d take care of her, as always. He was also unafraid, because she was together with him. He was just upset they were fighting. Yes, but now we’re not fighting, she points out. He moves in for the kiss, but at the last minute, she turns, see you in the morning. Ah, so close.

At Mau’s house, Jerry informs the three kids that they have to leave, taking all their tattered rag clothes (harapos) and other things with them. And if they disobey…..he takes off his belt! He’s gonna hit them with the buckle side (el lado de la hebilla). Teresa says she’s known Jerry since he was little, and he’s always been bad, but she’s the only one who’s going to deliver any hits! Jerry threatens Terry, too, and the kids are scared until right on cue (remember Connie had a plan with Jerry), Connie pops out, defends the kids, even SLAPping Jerry, demanding he leave, which he does. The kids are in shock that Connie would do this – Aldo and Luisa stare at each other, Dani’s eyes are as wide as moons as Connie ingratiatingly strokes her hair, fixes her collar, telling little Dani that Connie will always defend them, she loves them all.

A woman with short dark hair, clad in a long white nightgown, creeps surreptitiously through the darkened house. She first checks on Mauricio, fast asleep on the couch. The low cellos and ominous bells make one think of Edgar Alan Poe. Next stop – the bedroom. We only see the stranger from behind. She strokes the face of the sleeping Moni, saying Valentina, daughter.
Moni opens her eyes. Mamá? She gets up, but no one’s there. But it couldn’t have been a dream, she saw her! Moni puts a blanket over her head, runs to Mauricio. She’s upset, she saw her mother, but it must have been a dream. Mau says to calm down, he’ll make room for her on the couch. She’s not so sure, but he reminds her that she told him she was never afraid when she was with him. He’ll even protect her in her dreams. She’s still using the formal usted with him (he, of course uses the familiar), but she agrees, he makes some room, she crawls onto the couch, he covers her with his strong arms, as she says yes, hug me tight. He does.

At the police station, Ximmy, arms handcuffed behind her, STILL has three things to tell everyone. 1) the bars (barrotes) of this maximum security prison can’t keep me from getting out, 2) my partners (secuaces) are far away, and I’ll never betray (delatar) them, and 3) they’ve probably crossed the border (la frontera). Hah! Tano, Estrella and Cristian are there. Cristian thinks Ximmy’s a bad actress. Estre says she’s no actress. In that case, Cristian thinks we’re gonna have to medicate her. At this point, the two crooks are brought in, having been captured. Cris asks if she knows them. Sure, they’re the direc and the pródu of the peli (film), hi, guys! Cris soberly informs our gal that these two are professional robbers. Sure, that’s what it looks like, counters Ximmy, but this is the new look of independent film, right? Well, right? Cris sadly shakes his head over and over until finally – Ximena gets it. How could you guys trick me? Cut, cut, cut, everybody, cut!!

Jerry tells Connie that slap was a bit much, but Connie says it had to be credible. Jerry tells Connie that the shares are way down, and who knows who could buy them. Connie thinks Jerry’s like the devil, but Jerry says he IS the devil. However (he adds quietly), Aldo and Ivan are right behind you, having just stuck out their heads. Connie, back in character, SLAPS him again. Get out of the house! The children have suffered enough! She literally kicks him out with a well placed high heel. Aldo remarks to Ivan that Connie’s sudden change is quite strange.

Nieves is sitting alone, worried about Moni, when Estre and Tano walk up, laughing about Ximena, unaware of the accident. Nieves tells them, and Etre starts crying, no puede ser, as she clutches Tano for support.

Ximmy’s home, safe and sound, drinking a strawberry daiquiri, as Jerry comes home, too, talking on his cell, apparently he bought the shares, and grabs the drink right out of his sister’s hand. He wants to toast to his victory as majority shareholder. Cool, she says, and they should also toast to her debut and farewell as “primerísima actriz polifacetica”. This silly title causes Jerry to spit out the daiquiri (right back into the glass). Ximmy goes on to explain her fun day, but Jerry says, sure, you were playing cops and robbers, while our cousin could be dead! Dead, what do you mean? She gasps. Dead, as in chupó faros (sucked headlights), caduco (outdated, expired), se petatéo (kicked the bucket), pasó al otro mundo (passed to the other side), in other words, his body is ashes at the bottom of the ravine. Ximmy still doesn’t fully understand, so Jerry illustrates, using his cell phone as the car, adding the appropriate sound effects. Ximmy is horrified, grabs the phone, praying for Moni and Mau to be okay inside it. Jerry says since they haven’t found the bodies, they’re probably okay anyway, and goes off to bed, grabbing the phone back, making a car engine sound as he guides it out of the room.

In Estrella’s pink room, she’s sitting on Tano’s lap, desperate with worry, as Tano consoles her, hugs her. That must have been some hug, because a few clouds and transition scenes later, they’re in bed, apparently after a night full of consolation. (I guess since Tano never could get back with Ximena, Estrella is his “consolation prize” :) ) It’s morning, and Estre opens her eyes, her mouth comes open, what has she done? She hopes Moni will appear. There’s a knock on the door, maybe it’s Moni. Whoops, it’s Aldo! Noooo! He comes in, sees Tano, and leaves, how could she? Tano doesn’t understand, but Estrella says she just broke her puppy’s heart.

Mau and Moni are up, enjoying a delicious breakfast. They both tell Alicia they slept well. Moni goes to tidy up the bedroom. Mau asks Alicia if she really told Moni the whole truth about her mother, but Alicia denies it, she’s incapable of harming Moni. Mau gives her his card, in case she remembers or finds out anything. Moni and Mau are ready to go, they thank Alicia, who gives Moni a colorful knit bag for the photo of Moni’s Mom. The minute the door shuts, though, the music changes, and Alicia turns and says “Everything’s over now, Isabel. You saw how beautiful your daughter is”. All right, new plotline. What could be the deal with the mysterious Isabel? Could she be disfigured and afraid to show herself? Deaf and dumb? Just embarrassed that she abandoned Moni? Inquiring minds want to know.

Nieves is upset because her baby boy Beto was out all night looking for Moni. Paula tells her not to worry, Beto will turn up. Nieves says if she lost her Beto, she’d lose everything. Paula says, with all due respect, your everything is almost nothing, then realizes how THAT sounded, and tries to console Nieves again. Well, here comes Beto, drunk as a skunk (and smelling like one), being led in by Cris. Where’d you find him? inquires Nieves. In front of the station, he was stumbling back and forth, asking for asylum, and since that’s his second home, how could we refuse? Nieves takes Beto home, and Cris tells Paula “we have to talk”. Uh oh.

Estrella is upset she slept with someone she didn’t know.
Tano says we knew each other, didn’t you make me a sandwich one day? Yeah, but that’s not enough, and besides don’t you, Tano, have something going with Ximena? Well, she was the great love of his life, but wants nothing to do with him now. He has the right to build something with a special person. Estrella is moved, laments that he arrived so late (her timing is always off). Tano wonders about Estre and Aldo, and she tells him the truth, Aldo loves her, and she likes him, no one’s ever treated her with such tenderness and affection. Well, that's because I hadn’t gotten here yet, says Tano. Estre’s phone rings, it’s Moni, she’s okay!

Turns out Cris got a promotion (un ascenso), but he has to move to a city up north. He clasps Paula’s hands, and in a wavering voice, asks if she would leave everything, and come with him.
She has to think about it a little. He pauses a few seconds….well? No, she really needs to think about it a little more. Why doesn’t he go back to work, she’ll call him later. He stands up, says in his official voice, “Understood. Over and Out” (Comprendido. Cambio y fuera). He salutes her, goes off to do his duty, but not before blowing her a kiss. (He’s really an adorable young guy, and I hope he and Paula do end up together).

Paula’s awakened from her reverie by Estrella’s shout, “she’s alive”, and it seems the whole neighborhood gets the news at the same time. Everyone’s happy, everyone’s dancing, Nieves and Beto have their own little dance, until Beto realizes Moni must have spent the night with Mauricio, and he kicks a toy bicycle. Beto and Nieves go into their apartment and proceed to argue about Moni. Nieves thinks he should have more trust in Moni, no one’s stealing his girlfriend. Maybe not stealing, more like borrowing, but he won’t stand for it. Nieves convinces him to calm down, be happy for Moni, and when she returns, he can ask her whatever he wants.

And here she is. The whole crowd screams as Cinderella returns to the barrio. Estrella can’t believe it, she’s so happy she has to pinch (pellizcar) Moni. They ask if she found her mother, but the answer is no, and Moni doesn’t even want to search anymore. Beto comes up, gives her a big hug, saying Monita, my heart, my life, my little cutie, and Nieves hugs her, too. Beto says he was so worried. Yeah, so worried that you got drunk, adds Estrella. Moni apologizes for not calling, but the lines were down. No matter, says Beto, I just have one question for you. It’s very important. Between you and Mauricio, is there something? That is, did you sleep together last night? Well, Moni HAS promised to tell the truth, and it looks as if she’ll answer this one………..on Monday.

Previews: Sal gives Mau the news about the stock shares, Connie and Nieves make a deal, and the Fantasma Vengador and pals decide to kick butt!


Hasta el cuello – up to our necks (in something)
Desplomarse – to collapse or crash (the stock shares did this)
Ventilando – airing, spreading around, we would say leaking (info)
Harapos - tatters
Barrotes – bars, as in prison bars, or bars on a window
Secuaces – henchmen, followers, partners in crime
Delatar – to give someone up, betray them
Chupó faros, caduco, se petatéo, pasó al otro mundo – various slang ways of saying someone is dead
Un Ascenso – a promotion
Cambio y fuera – over and out (as cops would say) or others on a walkie talkie, literally, change and go out


Friday, September 25, 2009

MEPS, Thursday, September 24, 2009 Steve Will Operate a Crane !Creeme!

Gonzo hands Barb the documents that transfer the property that belongs to her. She thinks that when she turns these over to Artemio Bravo as Rebeca Sanchez, there will be no connection to her.

Aurora tells Fer that Barb is her mother and that Artemio Bravo is her father. Fer asks her if she has any proof. Aurora tells Fer that he was the person who sent money to Dominga who brought her up. Fer can hardly believe it.

Ed tells Fr. Bosco that he went to see Erika. Bosco wants to know what made him change his mind at the last minute. He says Fernanda Elizalde. Erika found out his real feelings for Fernanda. And, he says, that Erika said that Fernanda was in love with Franco Santoro, a man who does not exist. Franco says that he’s the person who is there to deal with Eduardo Sanchez’ enemies. Bosco tells Ed that Artemio Bravo will come Monday night to see the body. Ed tells Bosco to lead Artemio to a false grave and to let Artemio’s men open it. He will take advantage of that time to free Lili. Bosco wants to know who will carry out the plan if he’s there while Artemio is opening the grave. Franco says his trusted friends will make sure Lili is safe, and he will tell Artemio Bravo that he is Eduardo. Bosco begs and hopes there will be no massacre. Ed says he will do anything for his friends.

Steve and Jacinto are planning the caper of a lifetime. They have maps and plats of Artemio’s fortress. Steve says everything has to be secret and well planned. Martina and Venus want to help. Steve says it’s too dangerous. Martina will take any risk to free Lili. Jacinto says they could help.

Fer tells Santi that Barb is so smart he has to be careful and make her think he’s in Florence. A knock on the door – it’s Franco. Fred says what’s up, Barb told me that you was out of the country. She explains why Santi is hiding and tells Franco that Barb is Aurora’s mother.

At casa Elizalde Tomasa tells Barb that Fer is with Erika. Gonzo then reveals that Erika and Fred did not get married. Anibal is worried about business, and Pris takes offense. Gonzo says that Fred is a good guy and Barb shares his opinion and that Franco would be good for Fer once she’s rid of Damian.

At the prison, Lucio tells Damian that he is going to be paroled. His sister mortgaged her house to hire a lawyer for him. Damian offers to help. He says he has a job for him. Lucio is all ears. Damian says it has to do with Barbara Greco. Lucio says that’s been his dream, or a nightmare he would like to bury. Damian will get back with him when he is free.

Franco asks how long Barb has known Gonzo. 16 years – since Barb found her with Eduardo. They discuss AB’s vengeance and why Barb would hide the existence of a child. Santi is disgusted because he realizes that Barb would be his child’s grandmother. Fer also tells them that Barb wants Aurora to leave with her. She’s keeping it secret. They have to be very sure that Barb doesn’t get away with Aurora and the baby. Santi is having a fit. Fer says she won’t leave the convent. Franco is afraid that if she leaves, they will lose Lili.

Ani reminds Pris of a convention she forgot about. Pris tells him she knows that Barb has been listening in to their conversations. Pris isn’t sure what she knows, except that Vlad is dead. Ani, always the hothead, wants to fix this situation. He’s still burning that Barb has 60% of Lactos. He is going to prepare a montaje so that his father will know about her infidelity and divorce her. Pris says that Barb is a monster. Do you want me to tell what you are, asks Ani. Well, he’s one character who will never let go of the past.

Aurora doesn’t like to tell lies. Fer asks Aurora if she knows about Lili and that Franco is going to free her and that Artemio Bravo has Lili. She also tells Aurora that Barb and Artemio Bravo have done her family a great deal of harm.

Fer tells Aurora that it’s true that Santi returned for her and is hiding in a hotel. Fer tells her they have to be careful of Barbara. Aurora asks if Barb is capable of hurting her and Santi. Aurora wants to see her father, but Fer explains that Barb won’t understand.

Franco tells Santi about how they will storm the mansion and get past the guards. Santi doesn’t care about the risks. Franco tells Santi that it’s even more serious because you’re Gonzalo’s son. Santi says don’t you think it’s about time I did something for my family.

Aurora has a hard time understanding that her parents are trying to destroy the Elizaldes. A nun runs in and tells Aurora that Barb is there to see her. Barb is at the door with packages. She’s been shopping. Fer has parked her car two blocks away. The nun doesn’t know what to do. She tells Aurora to go to her room and tells Fer to go down the hall and that she can leave when Barb is in Aurora’s room.

Steve is renting a crane without an operator and states that they will pick it up today. Enter his troops, Martina and Venus. He wants to emphasize that this is a dangerous, risky mission. They have studied the plan and they are ready. They beg him to accept their help. He gives in and will talk to them.

Meanwhile Ed clues Santi in on the part they will play. They don’t want the police in on this. Apparently Steve will operate the crane. Did I just write that? Steve, the effete Harvard grad. Go, man, go. Venus and Martina call Franco and tell him he can count on them. Franco says, with tongue in cheek, I hope, that he couldn’t think of better people to help him.

Steve says, what do you say. Martina and Venus accept.

At the convent, Aurora is opening the packages and tells Barb everything is beautiful and Barb is too generous with her. Barb wants her grandchild to lack for nothing. Aurora presses her about her father. Barb, says that as far as AB is concerned, you are dead. He thinks you died in the fire with Dominga. He sent his men to blow up the cantina. Aurora is visibly moved. You were never important to him. Barb asks her to pay attention. Aurora says she needs more time in order to comprehend what Barb is saying. Aurora says she’ll decide when they meet up with Santiago. Barb cracks a smile.

At the prison, Pris visits Damian, who says he never expected her to visit him. She says, you wrote me this note. Damian says it was a little trick to get you here.

Barb tells Aurora that they will have a beautiful house with a garden and place for the baby to play. The four of them will live together. And, Santiago, too, says Aurora. Barb chokes on that. Aurora says, why not call him. Barb reaches into her big red purse. What a shame. I forgot my agenda and don’t have the number. Aurora asks why she and Fer don’t get along. Barb goes into her speech about how much she has done for the Elizalde children, etc, etc. Barb asks Aurora where she got the idea that she and Fer didn’t get along. Just curious, says Aurora. Barb is getting suspicious. Barb says, I’m your mother. Nothing can come between us and hurt you. Barb wants to know if Fer came to visit her. Aurora gets around that one. Barb says it’s hard to get through to Fer, but she doesn’t want that with Aurora. Aurora has a problem hugging her and Barb’s curiosity is working overtime.

Damian is working Pris. Pris tells him that Barb overheard her and Anibal. Pris says can you find out. He says do you think the Hiena will come to visit me. She set me up and that’s why I’m here. He says Pris has to do something for her. Tell your jerk of a husband that I’ll tell the world that your child is not his if he doesn’t help me get out.

At Casa Elizalde, Barb thought bubbles that Fer has been visiting her daughter. Barb lights in to Fer about Steve Norton. She says that Lovely is not what she says she is and that Camilo is in jail because of them. It’s all making Daddy sick. Gonzo is trying to talk to Santi and they can’t reach him by phone. Barb wants Fer to call him at his studio in Florence and hands Fer a phone that she removes from the big red bag.

At the prison, Pris agrees that she will ask Ani to use his influence to help Damian who tries to kiss her hand. Lucio says, so you are connected to Pris. Damian is going to explain to Lucio what he’s going to do, but they have to go to a more private place.

Fer calls Franco and tells them that they are looking for Santiago. She’s going to visit Franco because Santiago made an arrangement with Franco to get in touch with him. Fer says that if they go, Franco may be more inclined to tell them where Santi is. Gonzo then tells Fer that she must withdraw her complaint against Camilo.

Damian says that Barb is planning to leave with the girl. Lucio wants to know if the girl is a nun. They want to get the girl before Barb does.

Barb is yelling at Fer to tell her Santi’s location. Fer says, you’re the one who ordered him out of the country. Franco knows where Santi is staying. So she invites Barb and Gonzo to go to Las Animas with her to talk to Franco. Barb tells Fer and Franco that it is their duty to keep Santiago as far away as possible. Franco writes something on a paper and says he’ll call. Barb says, no, I’ll call. She asks Fer if she has anything else to say to Franco since Fer has not made any attempt to move, and they both leave. Franco is furious.

Fer drives Barb and says she thought you would call Santiago immediately. A donkey passes in front of Fer who has to stop and suddenly a red truck hits her from behind. The driver was distracted. The truck is borrowed. While Fer is talking to the other driver, her phone rings. Barb sees it’s a call from the convent. Aurora asks for Fer and when Barb hears her voice she is muy impactada. Ed: Now what? We know that Barb gives birth and eats her young. What do you think could happen now. This may become a parallel plot to that of Artemio Bravo and Lili.

Fer tries to arrange things with the man. She’ll pay him. Of course he agrees and she gets back in the car. Fer will send the truck to be fixed. Aurora says, how strange to Mother Superior. Aurora expected Fer to answer, but she hung up. MS tells her to call again. A recording says the phone is off.

At casa Elizalde, Pris rethinks her conversation with Damian and that he’ll sell his silence for freedom. She says that Ani is right, Damian is doing anything (dando palos de ciego) throwing sticks like a blind man (or using the buckshot approach) to get out of jail.

Team Franco reviews their plan to storm the castle. Fernando and Jacinto will work together while Venus will give the signal when Santiago and Martina have gotten Lili out of her room. Just then, his phone rings. He tried to call Fer, but her phone was off. She says everything is OK. She wants to know what number he gave Barb. He says his friend Paul in Cortina D’Ampezza is helping him. Fer is getting anxious. He reminds her that there is a six hour time difference between Mexico and Italy and that this will work to their advantage.

Barb is trying to call someone (Paul in Italy). Gonzo enters. No one answers the phone at the place in Italy. She tells Gonzo that it’s not strange that Santi wouldn’t want to deal with them since they made him leave. Gonzo wants her to accompany him to visit Camilo. Of course she would go, but she has something to do. Gonzo says poor Santi when he finds out his great love is bearing his brother’s child.

Fer calls Mother Superior and MS tells her that Aurora tried to call her to advise her that Barb tried to get her to leave, but fortunately Aurora was firm. Fer tells MS to look after Aurora because she realized that Barb has seen her cell phone and knows that she’s been in contact with Aurora.

Barb is furious with Fer and says she better be careful. Barb is pulling off her jewelry and is very pleased with herself. She says, you, Fernanda, will deliver Aurora to me. I swear that my daughter and grandchild will not be taken away from me until death do us part.

End of chapter.


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