Saturday, October 17, 2009

ENDA October 16. An unholy alliance is formed.

From Thursday: Emiliano’s love cures all ills. Paloma decides she can overcome her crisis of faith and marry him, and she goes off to talk to Carlota about it. Romina catches Rafael and Camila sittin’ in a tree…er, standing in the parlor, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.

Today: Romina, hoping to avert the love, marriage, and baby carriage crisis, throws a tantrum. She makes a good argument for avoiding parenthood, if nothing else. Camila begs for forgiveness and swears she was not seeing Rafael before he filed for divorce, but Romina is convinced they are having a huge torrid affair and it is a huge betrayal she will nunca jamás forgive, not least because Rafa is the father of the love of her life. Romina says they are no longer family. She leaves.

Rafa sits on a stone wall and calls Joel for reinforcement.

Cruelota refuses to discuss a wedding while she’s still thinking up a way to murder Emiliano, oops, I mean because they are still in mourning. Cruelota thinks Paloma is just flighty and capricious. Paloma swears it’s the real deal and they are going to marry, so Cruel gets all purple and crafty and says she will support them if it lasts, but it’s best to wait awhile. Marrying so soon would just look bad. She refuses to speak to Emiliano yet. After Paloma leaves, she goes back to her fake praying and gets an evil glint in her eye.

Camila sobs and gets Romina’s voicemail. Romina sits in a café ignoring the calls. She looks sad, but probably just because everything is not suiting her whims, not because she feels bad about the misery she’s causing.

Paloma reports to Emo that Cruel doesn’t think they’re really in love. Emo doesn’t care and doesn’t want to wait to marry, and to heck with Cruel. Paloma likes the way he thinks.

Rafael and Joel meet at Rafa’s apartment so that he can properly wallow in misery, in a bathrobe. He must have already finished the ice cream; I don’t see it. Joel thinks the divorce will be more complicated if Diana finds out about Camila. Rafa is more worried that things are bad between Camila and her daughter. Joel reminds him he also needs to worry about Emiliano, who is after all Diana’s son.

Romina goes to Germán’s apartment. He momentarily freaks out that Emiliano could arrive at any moment, but his hormones quickly short out his brain. They kiss passionately and stagger to the bedroom.

The Purple Peoplekiller rants that a wedding is the last thing she needs. She’ll solve this by making Paloma realize that Emiliano is not for her.

Rafael calls Camila, feeling horribly guilty about the whole situation. He thinks they need each other more than ever now, and offers to try to talk to Romina. Cami thinks it’s hopeless, and isn’t sure it’s a good idea for them to be together.

Emiliano returns to the bachelor pad. The movie is still playing, but Germs is not in sight. Germy and Romina, on the bed, stop mid-writhe but don’t answer Emo’s calls. Finally Germs goes out to listen to Emiliano’s swoony report that he and Paloma are in love and will marry soon regardless of Cruel’s crabbiness. Romina overhears all this, and leaves while Emiliano is looking the other way. Emo hears the door slam and teases Germy about sneaking out a lady friend, but doesn’t know who it was.

Emo moons.

Paloma and Emo exchange sweet nothing text messages.

The next day:

Carlota yells at Licenciado Rosas. He will help her whether he likes it or not. Rosas thinks it’s too late; Dr. Bermúdez knows too much and won’t stop investigating. Carlota wants to send Rosas on a long all-expenses-paid vacation. He agrees, not knowing what kind of one-way trips she typically sends people on. They will destroy the evidence before he goes.

The madre superiora wants Cris to give classes to the kids. He’ll think about it. Romina and Paloma walk by, and Cris asks to speak with Paloma. Romina looks irritated and/or suspicious.

Camila, completely falling apart, calls Angélica and begs her to see her.

Padre JuanCris wants to help Paloma get her faith back and marry Emiliano. They share a long hug.

Rafael and Emiliano meet for breakfast. Rafa tells Emo about Camila. Emo is not at all happy, but is gracious and understanding. They agree that Diana would NOT be understanding.

Romina makes a call, presumably to Aaron, and says that he needs to make her (presumably Paloma) feel bad. Now that’s love. She hangs up and calls Carlota, offering to form an alliance. When Paloma appears she claims to have been looking for a room to rent, as she needs to move after the awful thing she found out. Romina spews crocodile tears while Paloma hugs her.

Rafael just can’t stay away. He goes to Camila’s shop. Bad move. Camila wants to end their partnership and their friendship so she can try to fix things with Romina by letting her get her bratty way as usual.

Emiliano talks to Padre Juan about his parents’ divorce. PJ counsels him to be supportive of them both but not to feel responsible for any of it; this is their business.

Romina recounts the horror of The Kiss to Paloma. She thinks it is absolutely the worst thing that could ever possibly happen, and calls Camila a slut (golfa). Paloma is shocked and defends Camila. Romina says she can’t look Diana in the face and must leave her house, but her mother still has control of her money and she has nothing. She asks to stay with Paloma.

At the office, Orlando chastises Emiliano for not focusing on his work. Emo says he’ll get the batteries in (poner las pilas). After Orly leave, Emo moons.

Paloma doesn’t think Cruelota will agree to have Romina as a guest, and doesn’t look happy at the prospect of asking. Romina hands Paloma off to Aaron, who gets straight to the abuse setup by accusing her of treating him coldly and just using him. Paloma and her new backbone protest that he was the one telling people they were novios and she never led him on, but she is polite and apologizes for the misunderstanding. He says he wants her. Run, Paloma, run.

Cruelota goes to Dr. Rodolfo’s office to yell at him to stay away from her family, right in front of his secretary. She threatens to sue him for extortion and intimidation if he doesn’t stop his investigation. It is ever more a mystery why she has a reputation as a fine upstanding citizen. All Carlota ever does is yell and threaten people, when she’s not busy murdering them. The doc smiles to himself. There must be something to find if she’s trying to stop him.

Rufi flips through an address book and finds Carmen’s information.

Orlando reminds Emiliano that he said he had some papers on marketing strategies which they could apply at the platería. They go off to Emo’s house to get them.

Paloma tells Rufi she’s not really excited about helping Romina. Rufi says that’s because Romina is a bad friend. Paloma still feels sorry for her. Rufi thinks Romina should just make up with Camila, and if she stays with the Espinoza de los Monstruos family Paloma will either have to stay away from Emo or tell Romina they’re novios.

Romina convinces Cruelota to go along with her plan and compliments her on being such a great maestra of evil. Carlota is pleased. That’s probably the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to her.

Paloma asks Cruelota for permission for Romina to stay in their house. Cruel agrees too easily and Paloma is stunned. Carlota claims Mac’s death has made her more sensitive, and she wants Paloma to be happy.

Orlando and Emiliano go to Diana’s house. Orly waits in the living room while Emo goes to look for the papers and calls out to Diana. Orlando sees a photo of Diana and is muy, pero muy impactado. It is Gudelia!

Avances: Cruelota and Romina act like jerks.


Sortilegio #9, 10/16/09: Finders Keepers

[Better take your shoes off and get comfy with the brew of your choice. This one is full of fine moments and Hubby wanted the complete rundown. –ed.]

First the redux from the night before: The dark and brooding Bruno, aka Broodo, has barged into Mary Jo’s bedroom while she was getting changed and gives her the third degree about what she and Alex were talking about earlier. Bruno’s pissed cuz she ignored him the entire day and spent it with Alex. She finishes putting her bathrobe on and sasses back with a “why not?” since Alex is tons better company. Bruno asks if Alex is wise yet and if he went to Saqui to investigate. MJ plays dumb. Bruno warns her again not to fool around with Alex because he’ll tell AJ the whole story then, and it won’t matter to Bruno what happens to her once the feces hits the proverbial fan. Just then Papi Pedro walks into her room with those stupid flowers for MJ (giving some of us in Viewerville a weird and totally unwanted Henry Gibson goes Latin moment). Bruno takes one look at him and yells “What’s HE doing here?” This time Alex actually hears the commotion and heads for MJ’s room. MJ and Bruno go out through the balcony window just as Alex walks in. When Alex asks Pedro where they were going Pedro plays dumb. When Alex catches Pedro in a lie about not knowing Bruno from before, Pedro blames his faulty memory on being an old codger. Alex smiles and invites the old guy for a drink.

Outside, Broodo and Mary Jo –in her bathrobe and sans “foundations” -- discuss their next steps. (Ok. Ok. It’s either very risqué or very déclassé. Either way, she’s walking around an estate like that with her supposed B-I-L in just a bathrobe and pants. I choose option #2 –totally trashy. MJ’s humbler roots are definitely peeking through.) Mary Jo tells Bruno he can blame himself for the miserable situation they find themselves in, but she allows that it is what it is and suggests they find a plausible way to get themselves away from there ASAP. Bruno asks what she thinks is “plausible.” MJ says she wishes she’d been courageous enough to have explained things from the start and then there might be more options, and, as it is the last thing she wants is for her daddy to spend the rest of his days in jail. Unfortunately, they are up to their necks in it now. She adds he knows Alex well enough to realize that they won’t get anywhere by forcing things with him. Anyway, Alex has now accepted the idea of a divorce.

Bruno wants her to tell Alex tomorrow morning to start getting the paperwork ready. She says they can’t pressure him and besides, Alex has been very good to her and to her father. Bruno says it’s only because the only thing that Alex wants now is to sleep with her because he’s hot for her bod. “Or hasn’t he suggested it by now?” (Eh! There could be worse things in life --and having to sleep with a creep like Bruno would definitely be leading my top 10.) He gets rough with her when she won’t answer him directly. MJ gets in his face and says sure he has, but adds that at least Alex was decent enough to let her be when she refused. Ruh-Roh! Bruno’s machismo has just been called into question. “Decent! Ha! He’s a hypocrite,” he tells her. He praises women, gives them jewels and gifts just to win them over, and once he has them he sends them packing! That’s what he’s doing with her. Sure he’s going to give her a divorce, but only after Alex has succeeded in getting his way.

Inside, meanwhile, AJ loosens up Pedro’s tongue with a few, well-timed, tragos [drinks/literally, swallows]. Pete eagerly tells him about his merchandise biz. Alex hints about some of it possibly being illegal, but P-I-L Pedro, with both sets of his fingers and toes secretly crossed, swears that none of it is illegit [chueco]. AJ smiles and offers him another hit o’ hooch.

Back outside again, Mary Jo says this is all Bruno’s doing. He listens attentively and pretends again to be sorry for getting her into this mess, then agrees it’s best if she does leave there ASAP. MJ shakes her head wearily and says things are getting more and more complicated for her there. He’s made things so difficult for them all. He promises again to get her out of it without hurting any of them. For that reason, he says, he hopes she doesn’t do anything “naughty” [with AJ] because he wouldn’t be able to endure it. MJ, now properly primed, asks Bruno why he did this to her since they could have been so happy together otherwise. She tears up. “I loved you so much!” Bruno caresses her cheek and asks if she doesn’t still love him. After a few wavering seconds, Mary Jo comes to her senses and refuses to answer that one. Instead she tells him she never imagined he could do such a horrible thing to her and then asks him to swear he had nothing to do with the semi-trailer that nearly killed Alex.

Bruno swears on his mama’s life (a ready stack of bibles being currently inaccessible) that he didn’t. He tries stringing her along then with the same cockamamie story about so many other attempts on Alex’s life and that sooner or later somebody would have succeeded in killing him anyway. MJ says he can’t possibly think she could believe something so absurd, because what it would mean is that Bruno planned this deception thinking about Alex’s probable death. “How many years were you willing to wait? Ten? Twenty?” But then, too, she says, it would mean that he knows who these people are and if that’s true, he has to stop them or else, by keeping quiet, he becomes their accomplice! Duhn-duhn-n-n! Bruno pretends to see her side of things and says he’ll agree to tell, but only after MJ’s gotten divorced.

Back inside, Pau comes downstairs and finds her papi still flapping his jaws with Alex and reminiscing about the good ol’ days when he still had two good legs to chase his women with. Vicki walks in and tells them supper’s ready. Mary Jo comes back inside and says she hasn’t been with Bruno. Alex stays back a minute with her to ask why she fibbed to the others about being with Bruno. MJ fibs again and says that Bruno only wanted to know why they had brought back her father. Alex thinks to himself that in order to lie well, one has to have a good memory. He’ll see how well she does.

Just then Alex notices Bruno coming back inside the house and, feeling the need to mark his territory a bit better, AJ immediately lays a major lip-lock on Mary Jo while pretending not to notice Bruno’s there and forced to watch the two of them. (Interesting how this feral display of canine-infused machismo immediately grabs one’s semi-snoozing hubster’s attention and produces a tribal guffaw. It’s something akin to a pack of howling wolves under a full moon.) Bruno takes one sour look at the way MJ seems to be enjoying herself and leaves with his tail dragging between his legs. Once the door slams shut, AJ shakes his hind leg and beams. He’s still top dog, so it’s back to Mary Jo and mojo.

Somewhere in town, at the club perhaps, Maura and her kid sister are having dinner together. Mau is complaining to her that about now Mary Jo is thinking she’s the lady of the house and probably sitting down to dinner with Alex. Kid Sis says, well, even though it’s got to be rough for Raquel and Vicki, she’s married to him now and if Alex is in love with her, it’s got to be expected. Mau can’t believe he’s in love and anyway, everybody knew Mau and he were romantically involved [tener que ver]. All things considered, she’s feeling like a fool and it’s as if he’d slapped her in the face.

Kid Sis tries to offer some sisterly advice like turning the page and finding somebody new. Mau isn’t having any. She thinks MJ is just a rustic novelty for Alex and that eventually he’ll get bored, “just like Roberto said.” Kid Sis wonders what she means. Mau offers that Bobo seems to think that Bruno and MJ knew each other from before and for some reason have not told anyone. Kid Sis laughs and says Bobo’s got nothing to do all day so he goes around making up things out of boredom. Mau wants her sister to make friends with MJ so that the two of them might find out something juicy about her. Kid Sis says bad idea; it wouldn’t work, especially since she is Mau’s sister.

After dinner Vicki finds Alex in the study. She tells him she has the feeling people are hiding things from her. She wants to know if he really married MJ or not. Alex says of course he did and then tells her not to worry, that he’s begun to remember some things, though the wedding isn’t one of them. She wonders why he and Mary Jo still aren’t sleeping together. He explains MJ’s not wanting to rush things since he still has his doubts. Vicki says she doesn’t believe him then asks if he got married on the sly because he was ashamed of MJ’s humble family situation. Alex says she knows he’s not prejudiced about people’s humble beginnings and gives Fernando as the perfect example: he had nothing, but his scholarships and his tenacity got him where he is today. Vicki reminds him she was talking about Mary Jo and not ‘Nando. Alex says it was something that happened and he surprised them is all. She still doesn’t believe him but won’t force it. After Vicki leaves, Alex tells himself he knows he should tell her the truth, but he won’t since he knows it would only hurt her. (Ever heard of “tough love,” Alex?)

Back at the restaurant Mau gives her sister the 411 about the “Mrs. Robinson-Graduate” thing ‘Nando and Vicki apparently had going on the night before. The two giggle and figure if Bruno and Raquel found out they’d have a heart attack. (That means the t-n gods have given it their stamp of approval then. Sorry, but a close college buddy of one’s son is a bit too incestuous for me. Let her carouse through Cougar Heights if she wants, but not with her son’s best bud. Double Ewwww!)

A bit later Pau, Pedro and MJ are taking a walk on the grounds. Pedro tells them both about his flub-up with Alex over knowing Broodo from before. He doesn’t think Alex suspects anything but he warns Mary Jo to be careful around Bruno because Alex saw them leave together; and Pedro didn’t like the look Alex had on his face one bit. MJ wonders what was said after. Pedro fills her in on the lie he told and MJ is at a loss what to say if he asks her about it. Pau offers something inane but MJ says she’s already told so many lies it is getting hard to keep them all straight. She doesn’t need to add another one. They go inside and start up the stairs for bed.

Bruno stops MJ and tells her they need to talk. She says no, she’s going to bed. He won’t let her. Alex walks in on them at that point and tells her to go on up. Broodo starts up behind them but Alex calls him back. (Here’s where the CC cuts out, so I’m flying without a net.) Alex says he wants Bruno to tell him everything that’s gone on between Bruno and MJ up to now. He warns his stepbrother not to try lying to him either. Bruno says there’s nothing to tell, but Alex says there darned well is. “You met her three months ago; you set yourself up in an apartment that you rented in my name; you bought a judge who, by the way, supposedly disappeared--as have others involved in this, and you obtained a marriage certificate in mine and Mary Jo’s names. Afterwards, you arranged a semi-trailer accident from which I was saved but which killed an innocent man!”

Bruno of course denies it all but in the next breath says Alex has no proof with which to accuse him. Alex agrees that he hasn’t yet because the judge’s record-book with his signature is gone; but he’s sure that the signature in it was faked. Bruno shoots back that AJ’s lost his memory along with his sanity and insists Alex is trying to persecute him now because he hates him. It’s just a way for Alex to get rid of him, he says. (Infantile, but effective.) Alex yells back at Bruno: “You did it to kill me!” “—I wish!” [Ojalá=would to God] Yeah, I wish to God you had died! Nothing would give me more pleasure than to see you dead for real!”

Vicki races back down the stairs from the ruckus. She wants to know why they’re arguing. Alex warns his mother not to believe a word he says. Bruno lies to her and says that Alex has gone crazy, that MJ won’t pay attention to him and so he’s blaming him, thinking they’ve got something going on. (It’s like a couple of jr. high kids fighting. Happy Days in reverse. Ugh! Unpleasant flashbacks of fraternal fracases with my two who, at least, finally grew up! Viewerville commiserates with Victoria and appreciates the reason she’s cornered the market on brown hair dye.) Broodo turns around then to Alex and tells him it’s not his fault if Alex rubs his wife the wrong way [caer mal] and then races off up the stairs. (Nanny-nanny-boo-boo!) Vicki asks Alex if that’s really what they were arguing about. “Are you really jealous of him?” Alex pauses, then turns around with all the wrath of Cain for Abel in his eyes. “I want Bruno out of this house!” Vicki is maternally impactada.

At the same time, Bruno knocks furiously on MJ’s door. When she answers, he tells her that if Alex comes upstairs asking about him to tell him that they only met after she arrived there; and no matter how much he insists not to tell him otherwise or anything about the rest of it. She wonders if Alex found them out. Bruno says Alex suspects but doesn’t have any proof. “Tomorrow morning you get those divorce papers started! If you don’t want to end up in jail with your father and sister, you have to do what I tell you to! Understood? He might try to pressure you by saying he won’t do anything against you, but don’t you believe a word!”

Downstairs Vicki wonders if MJ suggested something. Alex, still fit to be tied, tells her it was nothing like that. “It’s just better this way and that all there is to it. I want him out of here! Period. End of discussion!” That’s not good enough for her. Alex tries to explain and says he can’t stand being around him right now and if Bruno stays, something terrible could happen. She’s got to understand that they’ll never get along and things have gotten to the point that it’s best he cuts the cord right then and there. Bruno should leave for a while; and he should even leave the country. (The CC reappears here.)

Vicki’s in tears and says Bruno’s bitterness is getting worse by the day and she’s afraid that he’ll start hanging with a bad crowd and that it could destroy him if he’s left alone to his own devices. (OMG! Cut the damned apron strings already, woman! He’s freaking 32 years old!!) Alex states the obvous: Bruno’s a grown man and can get along by himself now. AJ can’t deal with him anymore and he shouldn’t have to. After all, he’s not the guy’s father. Anyway, it’s not his fault that Bruno’s the way he is. Vicki says no, it’s hers. She made too many mistakes along the way. (Cue the violins.) He never accepted her marrying Alex’s dad and then giving Baby Alex her attentions afterwards.

Vicki tearfully admits to being a failure as a mother. Alex, the Good Son, tells her she’s all wrong about that. She says maybe not with him, but she was definitely a failure with Raquel and Bruno. He says she shouldn’t blame herself for them because they have their own personalities. Anyway, he knows she loved his dad and she says, yes, he was the love of her life. Vicki stands up then and tells him to think through kicking out his brother like this because the idea of breaking up the family will be extremely hard on her. He nods, but we all know a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do; and Bruno better not let the door hit him where the good Lord split him.

It starts pouring outside now. MJ’s staring out the window waiting for the next shoe to drop. Alex walks in on her and asks, “According to you, what works best with a woman? Kindness or force? Or rather, what would work best with you?” MJ doesn’t understand what he’s getting at. “Getting you to tell me the truth,” he says. He corners her at the window. “Surely Bruno already gave you a heads-up. Wasn’t he just here?” “—No.” “—Don’t lie. Don’t. Lie. He did come and he told you I am aware of everything. And you know what? I can put you in jail for the rest of your life --and not just you, but your father and your little sister, too! (Guess AJ decided on option #2.) If you tell me everything from the beginning, then perhaps, perhaps I might decide to be generous with you.” He starts the inquisiton. “When did Bruno suggest the plan to you? How did he convince you to pass as my wife? How did he do it, Mary Jo? HOW???”

MJ manages to get out from under and runs out onto the balcony and into the rain. Alex chases after her. She slips in a mud puddle by the lake. Alex has a sudden change of heart. “What are you trying to do? Catch pneumonia and die?” She breaks into tears and says yes, that’s exactly what she wants to do. She wishes she could die. “—Don’t say that! Don’t!” He pulls her out of the mud and hugs her closely. “I can’t let you die on account of that miserable jerk!” They stare into each other’s eyes for a long, rain-drenched, romantic moment before he carries her back into the house and up into his room.

Mary Jo is sobbing inconsolably. “Calm down. Calm down now.” He sits her on the bed and tells her to get her clothes off. She says no. He tells her either she takes them off or he’ll take them off for her. She has a modestly drenched tank top on over her bra. He hands her his robe and a towel to dry her hair. He takes off his muddy sweater. (YUMMY! Unfortunately for female Viewerville, he stops there.) He sneaks a peek. “Go on, start talking.” She starts her wearied tale of woe. (Viewerville gets a peek at him changing on the other side his bed.) “—I married Bruno thinking he was named Alejandro Lombardo. We all knew him as that. He never wanted us to introduce him to our friends.” AJ tells her to keep going. “—After a civil ceremony we went to eat at his apartment. A drunk hit the car and then he got a call from his work telling him he had to return to Merida to take care of some business for some clients. The next day [al otro día] Sra. Victoria called me saying they’d found the receipt from the marriage license and that Alex had died. The next day I arrived here, but Bruno didn’t come home until that evening.”

AJ asks her why she didn’t say anything to him once she realized what was going on. MJ explains how Bruno had threatened the three of them with jail, and that she felt it was totally unfair. Alex wants to know why she came back. She tells him how she couldn’t stand deceiving everybody and went home, how Bruno threatened and frightened her and made her return. AJ sits down next to her, looks her in the eye, and asks her if Bruno is in love with her. She says that’s what he tells her, but if you love somebody –AJ interrupts and wants to know how she feels about Bruno. MJ admits that she used to love him, but she is emphatic that now she does not. He asks if they’ve ever slept together. She says never, neither before nor after the wedding. He wonders why not. She explains she’d always believed in waiting till after the wedding, but well, she’s already explained the rest.

Alex then asks her what Bruno told her about the accident. Mary Jo gives him Bruno’s bull sh!t explanation about the many murder attempts on Alex’s life and how she tried to get him to warn Alex. AJ’s angry that she could have believed this claptrap, but she defends herself saying how could she have known otherwise? Besides, he got her so involved in such a tangled mess that she was desperate to know what else she could have done. Alex asks how Bruno got her father to go along with it. “Did he find something out about him?” MJ nods and asks if he’s going to go to the police now. “I’m begging you. Please don’t put my sister and dad in jail. I was the coward, it’s all my fault. Please!”

Alex says he won’t, provided she does what he asks. Mary Jo says she’ll do anything at all. “Then get undressed. We’ll take a shower together since we both need one. Afterwards we’ll go to bed together.” She pauses a couple of seconds and then refuses. He hugs her again and kisses her forehead. “Don’t worry. I only wanted to test you.” (¡Ay! Enough of this torturing her already!) He tells her he’s not that despicable and only wants her to keep mum about it all. She’s not to tell a soul. Not her father, her sister, Bruno and least of all, Victoria. He’ll try to figure something out in the meantime. MJ promises and then cries out the rest of it as he continues to hold her in his arms and comfort her. (I’m on hanky box #2 by now.) She says he’s got to think the worst of her after all this. He’s surprised by her comment and asks if it really matters to her. She looks pathetically up at him and says it matters a lot. He’s speechless. She finally picks up her things from the floor and pads away. He sits down to mull it all over as Uni allows us a much needed bio break while they take care of insuring a payroll.

The next morning, Bruno is sleeping in. Vicki walks in and opens the curtains. “—What the Hell?” Vicki wants a chat with #1 Son. She tells him Alex wants him to leave and wants to send him out of the country. This gets him going with a start. “Why?” (As if he didn’t know already.) AJ thinks he’s rude, intolerant, whatever. They just have never gotten along. Mama advises a little begging for mercy by promising to behave. (Get real, Ma!) He refuses to humiliate himself like that. (No duh, Vicki!) Bruno says that he’s already decided to split, but it’ll be him who decides and not Alex! Mama cautions him to be careful since the clause in his daddy’s will may say Alex has to take care of him till the day he dies, but it doesn’t specify how much he has to give him. All he has to do is give him just enough to keep a roof over his head and food to eat and Bruno’s obviously been used to getting quite a bit more than the bare minimum around there.

Bruno tries a sympathy ploy here. “I’m your son and you wouldn’t let me go without, now would you?” She’s ready to smack him. “--If you’d just try getting along better with others!” She warns him if he doesn’t mend his ways not only will he be locked out, but everyone will eventually shun him. “Now get dressed and go down for breakfast!”

Vicki heads downstairs to her office and begins a conversation with Felipa. She gripes to Felipa about the same ol’ same ol’ and then tells her about Alex’s decision. Felipa says it’s about time Bruno goes off on his own anyway. He’s old enough to have a family and yada, yada… (Why are the poor and humble always the clearest thinkers in these things?) Of course, Felipa still thinks it’s best to come out with the truth about their being siblings and see if it doesn’t change things for the better. Vicki is afraid Bruno will only get even angrier and doesn’t dare try it. Anyway, it’s her fault for falling in love like mad with Alex’s father, she says. And what would she tell them: I cheated on your father, you were born and my lover was Alex’s daddy? It would end up like a Greek Tragedy. (Vicki, I’d say you were living through one already. You just don’t know it yet, lady.)

Alex is on his way out and headed for work when Mary Jo comes down the stairs and says “Hi.” MJ is off to visit her dad. AJ reminds her to keep mum. She says of course she will, and then asks Alex what is going to happen to her now, how long is he going to let her stay there? Alex tells her that they’ll just have to wait and see, then invites her to dinner that night. He warns her not to try to skip out on him because he’s given orders not to let her go out. She says she had no intention of skipping out on him, but with that attitude--! He interrupts her and says she’s not in a position to make demands on him. “Don’t take my decisions as a show of weakness towards a pretty woman.” She gives in and he sends her off to visit with her dad.

Broodo races down the stairs and tries avoiding a confrontation with AJ. Alex, though, is anxious to grind him down a bit more, no doubt making up for all that bullying back in the day. “Hey, Bruno. I really want to thank you!” Bruno asks what he means. Alex smiles a little too disingenuously. “—That I really like the wife you chose for me and I’m thinking I’m gonna keep her.” He winks and struts out the door. Zingo! Broodo is now seething.

Mary Jo has a chat with her papi over coffee and donuts. He wonders how things went last night with her and Sr. Alex. She says fine and that she’s decided to give it up to God. That, of course, makes Pedro feel much better. Pete struggles to discuss things he says would be better for a mother and daughter chat, but bottom line, he doesn’t want her to feel obligated to stick it out with Alex if she’s against it. He suggests a divorce. She says they’ve already discussed it and they’re getting one. She figures they’ll discuss the details at dinner tonight since they’re going out to eat.

On her way back to the main house Mary Jo runs into Bruno. He’s hoping she kept mum with Alex when he questioned her. She lies that he didn’t say a word to her about it. Bruno runs on about how Alex is probably waiting to tell her after he’s gone to bed with her. He says this time though, Alex isn’t going to get his own way. Tonight, Bruno says, he’s arranged for them all to leave for the U.S. MJ says they haven’t got passports and such. He says they’ll stop in the capital first to get them and it will be easy to do. The main thing is to disappear without Alex knowing where they’ve gone to. She refuses to go like that. She wants to leave in a more respectable way and reminds Bruno that Alex has already agreed to the divorce. Bruno says she’s crazy if she thinks AJ’s really going to give her one, especially now that he suspects the truth. She refuses. He demands she does what he tells her but before MJ can refuse again, Vicki comes outside looking for him. MJ escapes into the house.

Vicki wonders what’s going on between the two of them. Bruno lies and says he’s only trying to mingle and asked MJ out for a walk. Vicki says he’s lost his mind. That’s all he needs after getting into it with Alex over her the night before. He insists it was all innocent and walks off.

Meanwhile, at the office, Fernando tells AJ that the photo of him and Mary Jo is indeed a fake. Alex says he suspected as much and when he discussed things with Bruno last night he, of course, denied everything. “---What do you mean?” “—That Bruno showed up claiming to be me, falsified documents, etc., etc.” Afterwards, though, AJ explains further, he spoke to Mary Jo and she told him the truth, all of it. ‘Nando asks if he’s going to turn them into the police. AJ says no, he isn’t. ‘Nando thinks that’s a bad idea and that MJ’s dazzled him. Alex gets upset and says no she hasn’t, that Mary Jo is only a victim in all of this and that the one who should be reported to the police is Bruno! Fernando tells him he’s got to think about his mother. This sets off Alex even more.

“The only thing that matters to you is my mother, right?” ‘Nando takes a quick step back and says AJ’s family matters, too.” (Fernando, you’ve turned into such a disappointment. What a waste of blonde chromosomes. Sheesh.) AJ yells back at him that MJ also has a family: a family who is poor and desperate and that has been forced by circumstances to lie and to carry on a charade!” (Viewerville is on its feet and cheering! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! You go, guy! You handsome hunk o’ he-man!) Fernando backs off just as the phone rings but warns his friend he might be falling for a woman with the face of an angel who is very much of the flesh. AJ gives him a dismissive “We’ll see about that” as Bruno saunters in.

Bruno says his mother told him AJ wants him out of the country. Alex says yep, he does. Bruno surprises him by saying he’s fine with that. There’s one hitch though. He wants a million bucks before he goes. They dicker a bit and Alex agrees to $500,000 American. Take it or leave it. Bruno says fine. He leaves to get his check cut. Alex stops him first to give the knife an extra twist. “What about Mary Jo? Are you leaving her to me without a fight?” Bruno doesn’t take the bait, but does slam the door on his way out.

Fernando tells Alex he’s being too provocative. AJ says that’s exactly his intention. Let him fume! [¡Que reviente!] Alex says he’s set up his security to insure that Bruno doesn’t take MJ away. Fernando reminds him he’s got one month from the time of his supposed marriage to annul it, unless he’s had sexual relations with Mary Jo. “You should think about that because you only have a few days left.” Question is, will Alex be up to the challenge?


Sortilegio: Hello from a new recapper

Hello everyone,

I'm new to the Caray, Caray! blog (and to the blogosphere, for that matter) and so I'm just posting a test post to see where it will show up and also to say hello. I'm looking forward to blogging this - it looks like a tremendous amount of fun and I've loved the comments I've seen from the readers.

Hasta pronto - I'll be blogging Sortilegio on Monday, October 19.

Saludos y besos,

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Gancho Friday October 16th The Saddest Episode Ever (Except for Ximena and Rolu, of Course)

Many of us have been wondering just how many times our cute characters can keep catching each other kissing, how many times Mau and Moni can break up and reunite the same day, and above all, how can this show possibly last over 200 episodes without getting repetitive? Well, tonight, we may have the answer, as we finally get some real drama. I’m not sure I like it, and who knows where it will lead, but our perfect little world ain’t quite so pretty anymore. Let’s see what happened.

Isabel collapses to the ground in the vecindad. Alicia says Moni has to know the truth – her mother is dying, and Valentina is the only one who can save her! Nieves adds that she knew Alicia was terminally ill (desahuciada), but urges Alicia to explain the Moni saving her part. But there’s no time, says Alicia, we have to get her to a hospital. Moni, tears flowing, cradles her Mamá’s head, begging her not to die, kissing her hair tenderly.

Mientras tanto, Aldo and Estrella are also kissing, albeit not quite as tenderly. In fact, Aldo laments that he’s “dying” to “be” with Estrella, but she’s a bit relieved they didn’t have money for the hotel room. Aldo kisses her again (and across the way, Connie captures this moment with her high-end camera).

Isabel is strapped to the gurney, loaded into the ambulance, as Beto gives Moni words of encouragement. Moni will ride with her Mom, and asks Paula to call Mauricio to let him know what’s happening. Paula also calls Estrella, effectively rescuing her from persistent Aldo, who, once having gotten the idea that he’s about to get lucky, can hardly think of anything else.

In the hospital waiting room, Moni’s crying, Beto’s pensive, but just as he gets up to console Moni, his rival appears. Mauricio, equally as sad and caring as Beto, presents a strong physical contrast – while Beto is sporting his trademark tee shirt and jeans, Mau, a good head taller, is wearing an off white suit over a light purple dress shirt, unbuttoned. Beto silently hits his fist against the wall in frustration. After Mau gives Moni comforting words, Beto tells him he’s not wanted here, this is a family matter. Of course Mau says it’s between him and Moni, and Nieves cautions the boys this is not the time and place for an argument. The doctor comes out, relates that Isabel’s condition is fragile. He tells Moni that the only way to save her Mom is a bone marrow transplant (trasplante de médula) that only she can provide. The life of her mother is in her hands!

Across town, Connie tells Jerry why she’s smiling like a cheshire cat. She’s just taken some juicy photos of Aldo kissing that slut Estrella. So far, nada with Luisa and Ivan, but she’s working on it. And how about you, Jéro? Got Mau’s little trip lined up yet? (they have to get him out of town for a few days, so Connie can work on the judge). Yep, Mau’s agreed to go to Mérida, and Oscar’s got a golf date today with the judge. Everything’s going well (toda marcha sobre ruedas, literally everything’s going on wheels). Enter Ximena with lots of packages, she’s been shopping for the boda, and is her usual super upbeat self. But where’s my brother-in-law? asks Jerry, exasperated. He’s right behind me, pipes Ximmy, then realizes maybe Rolu might have a problem following in his wheelchair. She calls in the hall, Rolu!!! Not there. Wait a minute, she has to think (not so easy for her), and presses her fingertips to her forehead to get the ol’ brainwaves flowin’. Okay, let’s see. She was pushing him along, looking in some display windows (aparadores), saw some divine things, told Rolu not to move, went inside, bought all these cool little things for the photo album for the wedding, and came home feeling fine (“muy tranqui”). Connie laughs, where’d you leave him? Not sure, says Ximmy, as Jerry grabs her around the throat, he wants to kill her for her carelessness, she HAS to get married to that guy. Ximmy needs a little help, how about it, Connie? Connie doesn’t give a damn (me importa un pepino – literally, I don’t care a cucumber) about Ximmy’s happiness, and flounces out, leaving Ximmy to the mercy of Jerry and his murderous ways, as he grabs another weapon, and Ximmy protests, no, el cojin, no, porfis (please, not the cushion)!

Mau asks the Doctor if there’s any risk to Moni if she donates bone marrow. The Doctor says no, but of course there will be monitoring (seguimiento) of Moni, if she agrees to donate. She immediately agrees, although Mau, still looking guilty, asks her to think about it. But there’s no time, and Doc is going to get everything ready. But first he asks if she has fasted (estás en ayunas?). Turns out she hasn’t eaten anything all day, which is actually good for this operation. Mau and Moni go to visit Isabel, leaving Beto to complain he’s left out in the cold like a tombstone (lápida).

Time to find Rolu! Ximmy’s putting up missing posters, showing Rolu in his cast, but she’d rather have put up a poster of Rolu looking handsome in his racing outfit. Jerry reminds her how dumb that would be.

With Mauricio silently observing, Moni tells her unconscious mother that since Isabel gave her life, this donation is the least Moni can do in return. And they have so many things to tell each other, her Mamá HAS to survive. She still doesn’t know why her mother left her, but begs her not to leave again. The nurse tells Moni it’s time to go. After they leave, Mau looks at Isabel, saying to himself, what have I done? (what is he hiding?)

In the waiting room, Beto and Mau spar a bit more. Mau ask Aldo not to tell his sisters, and by the way, how did he find out? From Estrella. Huh? Estrella volunteers that Aldo left a book in the barrio, and came to get it (yeah, right). Alicia gives Mau encouraging words.

At the police station, Cristian’s desk cop informs him that a missing person (persona extraviada) was brought in, and it’s Cris’s turn to make the report. Affirmative, says Cris, where is he? Well, he can’t talk, and there he is. Cris turns, and Rolu is wheeled in. Cris gets out his notepad, and proposes that if the answer is yes, the subject should look Cris in the eyes. If it’s no, the subject should close his eyes (wonder if Rolu’s getting confused with all these communication systems?). Question 1: Are you in danger? Rolu stares right at Cris. 2: Did someone abandon you on purpose? Eyes shut. 3: Who did it, a man? Eyes shut. 4: Okay a woman, then. Your novia? Slight pause, then eyes shut tight. Cris takes the pause to be a maybe. He puts down the pad. He understands. Novias are dangerous. At first, they’re so nice. Then they get jealous. Then they get violent. He bends down close to Rolu’s face. But you know what? he confides. I love her. And I miss her (starts weeping). Oh, my Pau. Rolu looks is if he’s in a nuthouse.

Beto’s nerves are making him hungry. Nieves gives him some cash, says to go get a sandwich, bring back change. Mau gives Aldo money to buy Estrella, Paula and himself something, and they go off, leaving Nieves to confront Mau. She knew about Isabel’s sickness, but didn’t know that Moni could save her. She looks up at Mau. Did you know? Mau admits he did. Then why didn’t you tell me? Maybe Isabel got close to Moni just for this. Mau is silent, but Alicia comes over, and says that’s enough. Nieves isn’t deterred. She looks Mauricio in the face, and tells him that if Isabel is playing some game with Moni, has come here just for the transplant, and then is going to leave Moni again, and Mau knew about this, Mau is going to pay very dearly. He’ll lose Monita para siempre!

At the station, a jubilant Ximena greets her favorite invalid. One moment, señorita, injects Cris. The subject named you as responsible for his condition, so we have to detain you for investigation. Jerry tells Cris of the pure love his sis has for the subject. Ximmy says she’ll treat him like one of her prize jewels. But the declaration, protests Cris. What are you talking about, this guy can’t declare anything, look at him. Rolu closes his eyes to say no, but it just looks as if he’s a zombie, so Cris is convinced, and will release the subject, just needs Jerry to sign a receipt.

Randy Aldo tells Estrella they could find an empty hospital room to….you know. Getting desperate huh? she kids. Must think about it 10 times a day. More like 100, he corrects. Tano enters, and they awkwardly separate. After asking about Moni, he asks what’s up with Aldo. Aldo says what are you waiting for? Tell him you’re through with him and with me now. Estre’s a bit tongue-tied.

Moni has donated the marrow, and is recovering in a hospital bed. Both Mau and Beto are there. Mau woos her with soft words, Beto offers to get some snacks, leans in to give her a quick kiss, but is pulled back by Nieves, who tells him not to pester (hostigar) la Monita. Moni recoils a bit from the onion smell, but wants to know about her Mamá. They don’t know yet, but the Doctor is with Alicia. The door opens, and the Doctor and Alicia walk in, very slowly. The music sounds dark. Moni has a hopeful smile. But Alicia shakes her head, and the Doctor says, I’m sorry, but she couldn’t endure the operation, and she passed away (falleció).

Mau tries to dry Moni’s tears. Beto can’t bear to be in the room with Mau right there, and walks out. Moni can’t believe it, she finally had her Mom with her, had her affection, and now she’s gone. Alicia and Nieves leave Mau and Moni alone. Mau assures her that her Mamá left in peace because she got to see her, be with her, and will continue being with her. Moni feels alone. Mau says she has her neighbors, her friends, and she has him. He loves her. Never abandon me, she implores. Never, he replies and bends down to give her a gentle kiss.

In the hall, Tano doesn’t want explanations, he’s through with Estrella, after hearing Aldo say Estrella came back to HIM. He stalks off, and Estrella’s a little peeved at Aldo, too, so she pushes him away, and goes off in another direction.

Moni is happy her Mom found out that she (Moni) loved her. Mau thinks that Isabel felt guilty for all her errors, but since you pardoned her, she was at peace. Moni wants to go talk to her (dead) Mom, one last time, but Mau says Moni has to rest from her operation. Besides, I’m with you now, he adds. Let me cuddle you (déjame apapacharte). Moni still wants to see her Mom, but Mau says that’s up to the doctors. Then at least Moni wants to go the chapel and pray, light a candle (veladora). Mau agrees, he’ll get a wheelchair.

Beto complains to his Mom that he can’t get near Moni, but Nieves reminds him that Mau is the novio now. Others start to get the news, Aldo, Estrella, Paula. Mau asks Nieves to help keep everyone together, and not bother Moni in the chapel, while he has to go take care of the post-mortem procedures (trámites). Alicia tells Mau that Isabel had requested something if she died, and her wishes must be respected. She goes with Mau.

In the chapel, Moni asks the Lord to care for her Mamá. Tell her I never hated her, despite what I said, how could I hate the woman who brought me into the world, without whom I could never be talking to You now? Beto is behind her, tenderly strokes her hair. Moni says she was asking God to care for her Mamá. Of course He will, says Beto, and I’ll care for you. Can I hug you? Of course, I need you, and they hug. (Amazingly, no one walks in to interrupt). Beto continues. Although you no longer love me, I’ll always care for you, and I’ll always be there for you, in good times and bad. Although I prefer the good ones. But I’ll always be close, remember that. She kisses his cheek, he kisses her hand, and gives her privacy to resume her prayers.

Estrella tells Aldo in no uncertain terms how disappointed she was with him. She wanted to explain things to Tano, and by Aldo’s shooting off at the mouth and bragging that Estrella was his now, he really acted immaturely. Well, says Aldo, I have to defend what’s mine. What’s yours? What am I, an inflatable doll you got from Santa Claus? (She actually says "from the Three KIngs", who are the Mexican Christmas gift-givers). She doesn’t want to see him now, and goes to comfort Moni.

Moni’s back in her hospital bed, Paula and Nieves are comforting her, and Estrella joins them. Beto’s also in the room, sitting in a chair. But where’s Mauricio? Taking care of procedures. Gabi and Sal arrive, give their condolences. Sal asks when the wake (velorio) will be. Alicia enters, there won’t be a wake. Isabel was very clear, she wanted to be cremated, for no one to cry, and didn’t want a mourning (luto) period. But, but, but, Moni starts to protest. Alicia repeats it was Isabel’s final wish, and Mauricio’s taking care of the details now.

In the hall, Beto calls Connie on the phone, he needs her. She’s not in the mood. Well, adds Beto, I know you like me for my body, but what about my sad soul? I’m in the hospital. Connie laughs, still the zipper thing? No, the mother of La Monita died, can you believe it? This perks Connie RIGHT up. She figures Mauricio is there, then just hangs up on Beto. Ximena is with Connie, and Connie tells her la changa mayor se murió (the older monkey died). Ximmy is shocked. Connie sits down, kicks up her feet, eats a cherry, and gloats about Moni’s pain, but that’s NOTHING compared to what she’ll feel when I crush her like the cockroach she is! She’ll be as dead as her mother. Ximmy thinks this is quite ugly of Connie and she’s very mala. Yeah, says Connie, you better not get on my bad side, so keep your mouth shut! Ximmy zips it, throws away the key.

Mauricio enters Moni’s hospital room, which is filled with all her friends, carrying a small, polished wooden box, containing Isabel’s ashes. He gives it to Moni, who starts, Mamita, then stops, this can’t be my mother. I had a Mamá, now all I have is this.

After the commercial, we’re at the funeral. Most of our characters are there, all in black (some are less formal than others, Ivan has sort of a goth tee shirt). It’s a sunny day, and the priest says a prayer. Moni’s holding the wooden urn. The priest says she can deposit the ashes into the niche in the wall of what I believe is called a columbarium. She sadly places the box in the niche, and turns to hug Mauricio. But as she looks over Mau’s shoulder, her face turns from sad to angry, and she asks “what is THAT woman doing here?” It’s Connie, not missing the opportunity to twist the knife. Please get rid of her, says Moni to Mau. Mau turns to the red-clad Connie, tells her there’s no reason for her to be here. Connie says she just came to give condolences (el pésame) to Moni in her moment of sadness. Mau sees right through her, firmly requests that she leave. And she does, putting on her sunglasses, but breaking into a secret smile on the way out.

Beto lowers his sunglasses, decides to follow Connie. Nieves lowers her eyes, decides to follow Beto. Beto catches up to Connie, how come you’re wearing red? Well, it’s the color of passion, I just want to raise your spirits. You’re raising, you’re raising, pants Beto, he wants to go off with her, when from behind he hears “Roberto Ochoa, where are you going?” It’s Nieves. Beto’s going for some companionship. If old Doll Hair gets Moni, he’s getting some comfort, too. And by the way, Ma, if you want to help, make some food! He gives her a list. Nieves can’t believe he’s going with La Flauta (Nieves’ nickname for Connie). Why not? replies Beto. She’s my boss. I’m just going to WORK (hint, hint). And they’re off, arm in arm.

Back at the columbarium, Paula and Estrella promise to keep Moni company, they’ll do lots of stuff together to cheer her up. Mau will, too. Cristian shows up with some nice flowers, offering his condolences (in cop speak, of course, giving condolence for “the tragic and final outcome of her progenitor”). Nieves invites everyone back for tamalitos and atole (which is what Beto requested).

Ximena tells Rolu it’s the first death they’ve been to together, isn’t that romantic? But she wonders, since Moni’s Mom just died, should they postpone the wedding? Rolu quickly blinks twice. But Jerry jumps in, telling Ximmy there’s nothing better after a funeral than a nice wedding. Ximmy likes his philosophy, isn’t it great Jerry is so positive? She tells Rolu the wedding’s on!

Sal gets really close to Gabi, who calls him guapo, but warns him not to get too close, Lorenza’s right over there, and Gabi doesn’t want to be the next one to fill those niches. However, Lorenza may have other things on her mind. Oscar slides up to her, can’t get over their little trap (encerrón) from the other day. Ssshh, I’m a married woman, she whispers. Fine, he replies, if you want me to leave, just say the word. Her reply? “We’ll meet in one hour in the same hotel.” As she fans herself from the heat, he whispers in her ear “Don’t forget the whip!”

Moni wants to stay a little longer with her Mamá, her Mamá’s going to be so lonely in this place, it’s so cold. Mauricio comforts her, he’ll stay with her. We see the plaque, Isabel López, 1960-2008. The sad episode ends.

But the previews are a shock!!! Mau’s phone rings, and Isabel’s alive! They faked it, and Mau knew about it, although Mau tells Isabel Valentina was destroyed! Here come the anvils!


Desahuciar – to declare terminally ill, also means to evict, in another context
Toda marcha sobre ruedas – everything’s going well, literally everything’s going on wheels
Aparador – a store window or display window
Me importa un pepino – I don’t give a damn, I guess Rhett could have said to Scarlett, “Francamente, mi querida, me importa un pepino!”
Cojin – cushion
Seguimiento – monitoring, or tracking of an animal or satellite
En ayunas – on an empty stomach, to have fasted, note that desayuno means breakfast
Una persona extraviada – a missing, or lost person
Hostigar – to pester, to bother
Déjame apapacharte – let me cuddle you


Friday, October 16, 2009

Sortilegio #8, 10/15/09: It's All About Pedro

...and fortunately for us, not about Bruno.

From yesterday:

MJ and Alex go back to the hotel room and the dinner for 2 shows up.

Paula talks with her mouth full which makes it even more difficult to understand her and tries to convince her dad to talk to MJ and get her to go through with the marriage for all their sakes.
Wine drinking and laughing leads to some heavy duty making out. Between kisses Alex tries to convince MJ that this is a good thing and they are married so its ok. (Kind of reminds me of the old Meatloaf song Paradise by the Dashboard Light). MJ says something but frankly I'm not paying that much attention to what is being said. Whew! Hose me down. MJ puts a halt on things and sits up and turns away. She says it is too hasty (precipitado) and she's tired. She says there's nothing to say. You've lost your memory and you don't know me. If you only want someone for an adventure that is not me. Alejandro looks a little—frustrated, to say the least. She says if nothing else she has her dignity and stomps out. Alejandro calls himself an imbecil.


The next day they are having breakfast at the hotel with Pedro who is all gussied up and looking his Sunday best. He goes on and on about how lucky Alejandro is to have a wife so young and beautiful like MJ. Alex agrees. Pedro says the breakfast is so delicious. Paula looks bored and tells her dad that it's just breakfast, so get over it. Pedro is gushing about what a dream it is and how beautiful the place is and the waiters are so attentive. Alex looks amused and reaches over with his fork and stabs some food off of MJ's plate. Why do men do that anyway? I think she needs all the food she can get so knock it off. Pedro apologizes about being so excited and says they are just simple (sencilla) people and aren't used to it. He can't wait to tell his friends all about it. Then he raises his orange juice and makes a toast to the happy couple. Alex says he has to leave because he has some things to do. Pedro again thanks him and Alex tells him he's welcome (no hay de qué). He pays the check and leaves. After he leaves Pedro says what a good man he is. He is very attentive. What good luck for you!

Now we see Alex's real motive for visiting Pedro and that is to do some first rate detecting. He starts by going to the public records office and asks for a copy of the marriage certificate. He looks at it and asks if there are witnesses (testigos) the clerk says yes. He says he would like to look at the book to see the signatures and says he'd like to talk to the judge. Good luck with that! The clerk says that the book is not open to the public but he will go check and be right back. The clerk comes back and says the judge is out of town indefinitely and the book is missing. Alex says thank you and takes his envelope and leaves. He goes to the address of the first witness and finds that it is a public laundry place. He goes to the address of the second witness and asks a man who is sweeping if he knows the witness and he says no. Hmmm, you can see the wheels turning.

MJ and Pedro are walking and talking in the market. He is still singing the praises of Alex and MJ tells him that she's only known him for 2 weeks. Pedro says when he met her mother he knew immediately that she was the one. Pedro asks MJ if Alex suspects anything. MJ doesn't think so. She says something about cat and mouse and I couldn't understand the first part. (Readers, please feel free to fill in the blanks.) This man is good Pedro says and he's educated. He has a respected name. MJ says she doesn't accept the name just to keep them out of jail. It's what you want. I'm ashamed and it is dishonest.

Alex shows up at the house and hands his envelope to the driver who's been keeping a watch over MJ. Alex tells him they will be leaving. Alex asks him if MJ left. Driver says she went to the market with her father. Pedro tells MJ not to worry if she wants to tell Alex the truth when he returns it was all the fault of oh what's his name? Bruno, yeah that's the ticket. Bruno. There's a knock on the door and Alex has returned. He tells her that if she doesn't have any other plans they are going to head home. Paula comes flying in in a huff and says she didn't get accepted back to the school. She'd missed too many classes. Alex asks her what she is studying and she says computers. He tells her that they have a fine school in Mérida and why doesn't she come back with then? Paula is overjoyed. MJ pours cold water on everything and says that her dad can't stay there alone. Pedro says sure I can. Alex comes up with the brilliant idea for Pedro to come to Mérida with them kind of like a vacation. Pedro is ecstatic and Paula starts squealing. Ack! Alex tells them to all get packed so they can leave. Pedro thinks Alex is the cat's meow and just can't stop thanking him. MJ tells him he doesn't have to do all this for her family and he says he wants to. However, his real purpose was to distract everyone so he could grab the picture and stick it down his pants. Maybe if he unbuttoned the button it would help get that picture hidden better. You know, I could help with that. It's not bathing or swimming but a girl has to take what she can get. Uh, sorry, I got distracted.

Back at the Hacienda de Rainbow Brite we see Raquel and Maura playing scrabble with lots of cleavage showing. Maura said something but it was cut off but I think it had something to do with Alexandro. Raquel says he's always busy with work. They gossip about Alex marrying MJ and just can't believe it. Maura says there is proof but Raquel says who knows. He hasn't said much. Maura thinks it is just strange. It's very mysterious. Maura thinks Raquel should ask her mom. Surely her mom will know.

Bruno and Pimp Daddy E (PD for short) are talking and PD says it was an easy plan. Remember when we talked about it at the disco? She was the perfect woman. We flashback to when Bruno first met MJ at the disco. Bruno says your cousin messed everything up. It cost a lot of money. PD wants to know what else they could have done. The car blew up. Could you imagine that Alejandro would survive it? Erik says that Alex has more lives than a cat, and Bruno said that even a cat can die.

In the Hummer Paula in her annoying voice is telling her dad about the house. It's so big and beautiful and each room has its own bathroom. Pedro looks fascinated. Alex is talking to Zeke on the phone and asks him to call Fernando and have him come to the house this evening. He turns and smiles fondly at MJ who is staring out the window.

Victoria and Felipa are talking in the office. Victoria says that when they were children Bruno resented Alex and Raquel was arrogant. I never told them they were the children of Antonio. I didn't want them to think I was an adulteress. Felipa says not to think about it. Vick says I've kept it in all these years. I lived those marvelous years with 3 children and Antonio. One day I will have to give in and tell them. Felipa tells her that she is sure they love her. They will understand. There's a knock at the door. Zeke walks in and says he's sorry to bother her but Joven Alex just called and is on his way home and that he is bringing the father of MJ. She wonders why Alex lied to her about where he was going.

Maura slinks up behind Bruno and wants to know what he is doing there alone. He says nothing, and doesn't look like he wants to talk. Maura wants to know if Alex is back and what does he think of his sister-in-law. Think about what he wants to know. She's got something up her sleeve but he says he's not interested what do you want? You know Alejandro and I were together. He was together with lots of others says Bruno. Maura thinks he didn't marry well. You are in love with her but she's not in love with you. How do you know she's not in love with me? Maura says if you are so sure of your sex appeal I have an opportunity for you. Are they playing “I'll show you mine if you show me yours?” I think Bruno is losing and should really button up that shirt.

They arrive at the house and Pedro just can't imagine being the owner of all this. Congratulations he says to Alex. MJ says she can't believe her father is here and thinks that Bruno is going to be furious. Victoria is talking to Hernan and Fernando and making some hideous flower arrangement. Why didn't he say where he was really going? Fernando says maybe he changed his mind. Victoria says he always justifies what Alex does. Alex introduces everyone and Pedro looks really nervous. Zeke walks up and stops dead in his tracks. I can't quite figure out the look on his face. Is he surprised? Or disgusted? I can't tell. Zeke leaves to get the luggage and show him to the guest house. Victoria says Alex has the right to invite whoever he wants to the house but she doesn't understand why he didn't tell her where he was going. He says MJ doesn't like to be too far from her papa. Victoria's no dummy so she's not buying it.

Pedro is amazed at how beautiful the place is. The lakes and the the gardens. Alex and his family live like kings. Maura walks up to Raquel who is on the other side of the lake and says oh look it's your little sister-in-law. Who is that with her?

Hernan wants to know why Alex lied and he says he had to check out something. What kind of things? I had to find out what was going on. There was a very interesting description of Alejandro Lombardo. Dark hair, strong, young. The same description they gave at the apartment. It's a very different Alejandro Lombardo. I went to look at the marriage license and the witnesses for MJ were her father and her sister. The witnesses for me turned out to not exist. One address was a public laundry and the other never heard of the witness. He said the judge is out of the country indefinitely and he can't check the original signatures since the book is missing. It's very interesting. Fernando thinks someone planned it very well. Alex thinks the accident was no accident. Hernan says it could have been a drunk driver. Alex says (big pause) someone was trying to kill me. No! Really? What was your first clue? Dun, dun, dun Alex asks that they don't say anything and Hernan says if that is what you want, of course.

Paula tries to convince MJ that everything is going to be ok but MJ thinks they might be thrown out of the house. Pedro comes out of the bathroom and just amazed at the bathroom and finds there is beer in the frig. How totally exciting! Pedro is worried that he made a bad impression on Victoria and Alex's friends. MJ reassures him that everything went just fine. Pedro is worried that MJ is so sad. He tells her none of this is her fault. If he finds out I'll tell him it was my fault for everything.

Fernando doesn't want to say anything to Victoria and for certain doesn't want Bruno to find out the latest news. Fernando doesn't think it is Pedro but he is sure there is another accomplice, If MJ was a cold calculating woman she could convince me that she was my woman. She could have another side. Fernando thinks that if they accept that plan then she could convince him they were married. Do you have confidence in her? Perhaps. Alex says that is exactly what I was thinking. Too many times she was afraid. Very afraid. There were things that if they were discovered the blame could fall on the family. Alex wants to know what is going on so that is why he invited the father here. Fernando says that we know the man is tall, strong, with dark hair, knows your signature and knows when you are coming and going. He hates you and wants you dead. They both come to the conclusion that Bruno fits the description. Duh! No kidding. Fernando wants him to be careful and think of the scandal this would cause to the family. And most importantly think what it would do to Victoria. Alex says a scandal doesn't interest him. I think of my mother all the time. Fernando says he does too. Hmmmm, that's interesting! Alex pulls the picture out of the desk and gives it to Fernando and asks him to check it out. Fernando leaves and runs into Victoria in the garden. She wants to know what the boys were talking about. Fernando tries to shovel some BS her way but she is way too smart for that. Tell me the truth. I have to know what is going on. He tries to convince her that everything is normal but she knows better and says nothing is normal. She says they met in Cancun, she's always nervous and they are never together. You know and I'm not stupid. I have to know what is going on. You are my friend. He still tries to get her to believe everything is fine but she says this is her family and she has a right to know what is going on. Maura is slinking around in the background trying to listen to every word. Fernando gives Victoria a hug and looks at her with those puppy dog eyes and says he understands completely. He says forgive me and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

Raquel barges in and demands that Zeke tell her who was with MJ. He tells her it was MJ's father. Raquel wants to know why the father of this woman is here. Like it is really any of her business. Victoria says he is here for a visit. Raquel makes an insulting remark just as MJ walks by. Upset, MJ runs up the stairs. Alex wants to know what happened and asks Raquel what she said. Of course, she said denies saying anything. She was just talking to her mom and MJ walked by. Nothing really. Mentirosa! Alex comforts MJ and wants to know what was said. She says it was just the truth and she has no business being there much less her dad. She wants to leave. She says his sister is ashamed of her and doesn't want them there. Did you bring him here to make a fool out of him? He grabs her by the hand and drags her downstairs. He grabs Raquel and tells her she has to apologize. We get a quick perdon and Raquel runs off and MJ goes back upstairs.

Bruno, apparently not remembering Alex's threat from the other day, barges in MJ's bedroom and catches her as she's starting to undress and says why haven't you talked to me yet? What was Alex doing snooping around? She says he didn't tell her anything. Why didn't you call me? MJ says she didn't have time. Let's go, we have to talk. She says no. He says ok we will talk here as he plants himself in a chair. Don't tell me you are in love with him. He's a thousand times better than you. We get a split screen with Alex in his room and MJ and her dad and Bruno in the other. Bruno is talking so loud that Alex can hear him through the wall. Bruno wants to know what Pedro is doing here and Pedro says as he's holding the beautiful flowers that he's picked for MJ says it is all his fault. MJ had nothing to do with it. MJ says let's talk somewhere else and Bruno manhandles her and they walk off. Just as they are exiting stage left, Alex enters stage right and wants to know where they are going. Pedro says I don't know. I don't know anything. Alex wants to know what happened and Pedro says he doesn't know. He wasn't paying attention. Alex says this was the first time you've met Bruno right? Pedro says that he hadn't had the pleasure before. Alex says he understands that Bruno is the one who gave him the 411 that he was dead. Pedro is impactado. Dun, dun, dun.

Tomorrow: Bruno acts like a jerk.


En Nombre del Amor, October 15, 2009--Rufi and Dr. B Star in "Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys and the Case of the Troubled Testamento"

Emiliano proposes to Paloma, but she’s not sure, she wasn’t expecting this. He knows it’s not the best time since she’s in mourning but that’s exactly why he’s proposing, to give her an illusion, a dream. Since he met her he’s known that she’s the woman for him. He wants to take care of her, make her happy. She says she loves him and hasn’t ever needed anyone like she needs him now. But she’s afraid that the same thing will happen with him as her other loved ones, everyone dies on her, and it happens to her more than it does to other people. Emiliano puts on his statistician hat and says for that reason, the likelihood of it happening again is minimal (he also says that what happened to her parents was an accident, Inaki had a heart problem, and Macarena was in bad health, and that’s why they died, it had nothing to do with her). Paloma breaks out the anvil bait by declaring that she doesn’t want him to ever leave her life, and Emiliano adds to it by assuring her that he arrived in her life to stay. He asks again if she’ll marry him, and she answers by kissing him, “sí, sí, sí!”

Back in her room, after blowing kisses out the window to Emiliano as he gets in his car, Paloma talks to her picture of Mac--she's sure that Mac would be happy with Emil’s proposal. But Pal is sad that Mac won’t be there on her wedding day, and won’t know her kids . . . you’re never going to be with me again, mama.

Carlota storms in and demands an explanation as to what’s up with Emiliano and why was he in the house. Paloma replies, because we love each other, we’re novios.

Mientras tanto (shout out to the amazing Gancho recappers), it appears that Emiliano has only managed to drive about a block before being so overcome with joy that he has to jump out of his car in the middle of the street and yell to the world, “Paloma, I love you!” over and over (while also standing on the hood of the car).

Carlota slaps Paloma and yells how dare you, a few months ago you were going to marry Inaki, you just started going out with Aron, and now you’re that guy’s girlfriend? Paloma yells back that she wants to be happy and loving Emiliano isn’t a sin. Carlota continues with her insults, saying that Pal goes from one man to another, just like her mother did. Where are your values? Pal tells Carlota that Mac supported her relationship with Emiliano and Carlota complains that Pal’s favorite pastime is hiding things from her. Pal points out that Carlota, Queen of the Hypocrites, is hardly one to talk about values when she’s the one who separated Pal’s parents (because Carlota was in love with Pal’s father). Pal knows that everything Carlota told her before was a lie, and she tells Carlota to butt out of her and Emiliano’s relationship--I don’t care if you like it or not.

Carlota stomps back to her room and vows that Paloma is going to remain at her side whether she likes it or not.

Rufi is in Paloma’s room (to bring her the money to buy back Mac’s necklace); Pal has told her everything about E’s proposal. Rufi is sure that Mac arranged all this from heaven. Pal reminds Rufi that her wedding with Emiliano is a secret.

But apparently it only needs to be a secret from hidden from Carlota, because Emiliano has already shared the news with German (who is pleased for Emil), but asks him not to tell anyone else.

The next day at the breakfast table Ines shows Angelica the letter from her secret admirer, but she doesn’t want to find out who it is. Ines doesn’t want to be disappointed--she wonders what if it’s a joke, or maybe the guy is ugly or married and that’s why he’s sending letters in secret. Angelica thinks maybe he could be shy. In any case, it makes Ines dream and look forward to going to the dispensario, and she wants this illusion to last a long time.

At a jewelry store (or pawn shop?) we see someone buying Mac’s necklace, but all we see is his hand.

Pal talks with the mother superior about Mac--she wants to come back to school because the house feels so empty without her. MS comments that it will be very difficult to not have Mac there but thankfully Carlota is there to care for her, which, from the look on Paloma’s face, makes her feel sick. MS then returns the tuition that Paloma paid when her scholarship was taken away. Pal tells her about the necklace Mac sold to pay for the tuition, and now she can buy it back and not be in debt. Pal lets it slip that it’s the only keepsake she has of her mother’s but covers up when MS asks whether the necklace belonged to Mac or to her mother.

Looks like Emiliano has made the next stop on his Blabbing about Town world tour, because now Cristobal (Padre Juan) is congratulating him on getting together with Paloma. Emil notes that Carlota isn’t going to support them and Cris offers to talk to that demon and soften her up. I think he was sort of joking, but that seems too weird because this show doesn’t have a sense of humor. Anyhoo, Emiliano then asks Cris to keep the secret and also to preside over the ceremony.

Carlota’s shady lawyer, Rojas, says he couldn’t believe it when he found out that Mac died. He feels bad that the last time he saw Mac she was mad at him. Carlota brushes it off, saying he was just putting a stop to Mac messing in things that she had no business in, but he reminds Carlota that in a way it did pertain to Mac since Pal is her niece. Carlota thinks he’s becoming too weak. He notes that he wouldn’t feel such self-assurance if his only sister had just died, but maybe she’s used to having lots of dead people around her. Are you trying to tell me something? No, but when the papers come from Mexico City (re: changing Pal’s pretend father’s will), our working relationship is finished for good.

Rufi visits Dr. Bermudez to return the engagement ring he gave to Mac. She also informs him that Mac had suspected that something wasn’t right regarding Paloma’s inheritance and that things aren’t the way Carlota claims, and that Inaki’s mom came to deliver some papers. She recounts how Mac lost the papers and Carlota found them and burned them. She turns over the burnt remnants.

Rojas claims that when he agreed to remain silent about the will 9 years ago, he thought it was what he had to do, but now he’s not so sure, he doesn’t feel comfortable. So when the papers come, his work with her will be settled forever. Carlota glares purple daggers at him.

Dr. B examines the papers that Rufi recovered and says it seems to be a report on bank accounts and investments--could it be the contents of the will? Whatever it is, count on me, I’m going to help you and Paloma find out what’s behind all this.

At school Pal tells Liliana that she and Emil are novios, but it’s still a secret. Lili promises not to tell anyone and that Romi (who has just come back from the bathroom looking sick) will be the last one to find out. Romi shoves Lili out of her way as Lili goes back to her desk. Paloma tells Romi to see a doctor and Romi lies, that’s what Emil and his mom say too. Romi’s going to ask them to come to the appointment with her.

As they walk home, Pal tells Romi about buying back the necklace and Romi thinks it’s better to use the money for something else; besides, it’s bad luck--wasn't that the one you wore when you were going to marry Inaki? They’re outside Camila’s shop now and when Pal suggests that Romi go in, Romi tells her to forget it, she doesn’t want to talk with her mom. After she leaves, Pal takes some papers out of her bag and smiles.

Another shot of the misterioso man hands--accompanied by música de suspenso--arranging Mac’s necklace in a heart-shaped box.

Camila looks at the papers Pal gave her and says yes, the date passed, but tomorrow I will pick it up. Pal then gives her an envelope with the money to buy the necklace, explains how they gave her the scholarship back, etc. Camila offers to be there for Pal if she needs a mother’s advice or just wants to talk with someone. Pal comments how strange life is--I wanted to have my mother, but I don’t have her; and you want your daughter, but you can’t have her. They hug and cry.

My captions have disappeared again--maybe I should go over to Gancho and see if they went over there. German and Romina run into each other and argue a bit but I couldn’t understand much of what they said. I think basically she said she’s going to get back with Emil very soon but German doesn’t think so, telling her that he (German) continues to be her best option.

Aron has come to the house of horrors with flowers and Carlota tells him he’s welcome there and she’d like him to come more often. My niece needs you--don't leave her alone . . . get what I’m sayin’? Pal arrives home and Carlota announces that Aron is going to have dinner with them.

Romina gets dizzy while packing her suitcase and has to run to the bathroom.

Paloma comes into the kitchen and Carlota scolds her for leaving Aron alone at the table. After Carlota leaves, Pal gripes to Rufi that Carlota probably invited Aron because she told her that she loves Emil. Then she gives Rufi the money she borrowed earlier. Rufi asks Pal not to tell Carlota about Carmen being in Real del Monte and visiting them. Pal wants to know why, so Rufi makes up a story about forgetting to tell Carlota about Carmen’s visit and C yelling at her for being distracted all the time, so Pal agrees to keep quiet.

Dr. Bermudez drops in on Rojas to talk about Macarena . . . dun dun DUN!!

Pal mopes at the dinner table while Carlota and Aron chit-chat. Thankfully he takes his leave. Pal doesn’t like that Carlota invited him and C replies that she’s so ungrateful, she only wanted Pal to have some time with her friends, that they have some distraction. You’re not the only one who lost a loved one, and unlike you I don’t have anyone to replace her. Crocodile Carlota leaves the table while pretending to cry.

Dr. B tells Rojas that before dying, Mac asked him to take care of the will Javier left for Paloma, but Rojas responds that the doc can’t intervene here. Dr. B counters that he and Mac were going to marry, and he has info that if true could hurt Rojas. Rojas then asks, Are you threatening me? (another great telenovela line, along with old favorites like “no puede ser” and “que haces aqui?”) No, of course not . . . I only come to tell you to that I’m going to [Anvil Alert!] take it to the limit to find out the truth. Dr. B wants to prove what Javier’s last wishes were and for them to be carried out.

Rafael comes to Camila’s to give her Mac’s necklace, he bought it for her. She explains how Paloma gave her money to buy it back but he tells her to give both the necklace and the money back to Pal if she wants. Anyway, maybe it’s better if you don’t have anything from me--Rafa goes on to explain his decision about not seeing her anymore. He never imagined falling in love again, but she deserves more than what he can give. He’s hurting her, and he doesn’t want to. “I’m going to leave your life, you don’t have to decide between me and Orlando, I’ll have to accept that I lost you, this will be the last time that we see each other,” etc. She gets all weepy and interrupts him by giving him a big ‘ol kiss, and who should walk in on this scene but Romina.

Rufi and Dr. B talk in his car about how he’s sure that Rojas is hiding something. Rufi wonders if Carlota is behind it all and Dr. B replies that Rojas couldn’t be acting alone. But what could be in those papers from Carmen? Dr. B tells Rufi to get Carmen’s contact info, but be discreet about it with both Pal and Carlota.

Rojas calls Carlota--he needs to talk with her but can’t discuss it over the phone. She agrees to meet him at his office the next morning, before he leaves Real del Monte to attend to some business matters.

Emiliano brings what looks like a box of chocolates to Paloma. He asks about the flowers and gets annoyed upon learning they’re from Aron. Pal says Aron’s just a friend and informs him that Carlota knows they’re novios but is unhappy about it. Emiliano wants to tell C right away that they’re getting married, so Pal goes upstairs to get her.

Romina, Queen-of-the-Hypocrites-in-Training, no lo puede creer--you and Emil’s dad kissing??!! The Horror!!! Rafael tries to put the blame on himself but Camila shoos him away. Camila swears that she’s not Rafa’s lover but Romi doesn’t believe her and is convinced that she is “the other woman”, that’s why Rafa is leaving Diana. Now I know why my father left you, because you’re a slut. Camila smacks her across the face.

Previews: Pal tells Carlota she and Emiliano want to marry, Romina overhears Emiliano talking to German about marrying Pal.


Un gancho - Oct. 15 Thurs. A fight is won, a past undone? a new love begun?

Wow, well I'm posting a slot for you all to comment on behalf of our captain who has traveled south of the border today and will no doubt return with some wonderful tales for us. We wish her the best, I know she would have done this terrific episode justice.

I, on the otherhand, am merely giving you a condensed version. In fact my DVR gave me a condensed version. My reception was apparently awful tonight (I was out) and I came back to much macroblocking and an hour episode condensed into 36 minutes because of signal issues and missing spots.

So what I gleaned briefly, is that in a one two punch, the monkey outdoes the Barbie and we have ourselves a new peso gallo campiona, La Mona!!! Ma's encouragement inspired her of course. Mau is proud she is his novia. Beto is sour about that.

Everyone goes back to the vecinidad for celebration, including Ma, whom Mona begs to stay.

At said celebration, Katia can't resist calling Estre a golfa and she hauls off and smacks her. Tano and Aldo separate them, Estre goes to her room and tells Tano to leave until the anger fades from her a little. Yeah, what's up with slapping a minor.

OK, so the best part is at some point Coni shows up to the party claiming to be rescuing her sister, and well she ends up with Beto in his newly acquired bachelor pad. They start to get busy, maybe in too much of a hurry and, DOH!!!!!! Beto catches his you know what in his pants zipper. Yeow!!!! I don't have one of those and that hurts me to just think about!!

Coni tries to free him, somehow Xime tries to help and Ma sees them both with their heads "just there" and thinks the worst. Turns out after everyone leaves, he later has to go to the hospital for some "extraction."

OK, so Isabel doesn't feel well and the ladies think she should call a doc, but she doesn't want Mona to know she's sick and says they must keep the secret. Mona of course overhears this part and wonders what is secret. They feign that Ma is trying to rent a room in the building, but maybe none are available so they are waiting. Mona says hers is, and Ma will stay with her. They have what loks like a great night of pillow talk and bonding between Ma and Hija, and ma genuineinly looks to admire Mona who is surrounded by love instead of alone like she has been all the years. We didn't see any creepy smile this time, so maybe she's really feeling it. They bond and end up sleeping in the same bed. Remember this is not uncommon to share this way. Later Isabel can hide her dizzy spells no more and she collapses in the courtyard. In fact we end with Mona wondering que the heck and the others thinking they should tell Mona the truth. But more fun stuff happens on other fronts before that.

OK, remember Estrella was sulking at home after her fight with Katia, well, she shows up the next day at Mau's looking for Aldo. He is surprised to see her and wonders what she is there for. She answers this, and smacks a big one on him. Hurray for love!!! The gist of this is that she wonders if he still wants her to be the first in his life and he assures her of course. They decide his Dad's house is not cool and too many metiches will be sticking their noses in at the vecinidad, so we see them edge up to a sort of seedy hotel. I don't think we see anything beyond that except that Coni saw them making out in front of Mau's house and I think follows them in her car. Oh and she takes pics of them kissing in front.

There is a burning of the Rolu look spoiled wedding dress and everyone roast marshmallows (well, not really, but kind of as they all take in the flames). Oh and I discovered that a virgin male had to burn it to reverse the bad luck, so that's why Aldo set it on fire. Xime thought she was out of luck when she first heard that, but things have a way of working out. :)

Isabel warns Nieves to watch out for the momia and Beto. I think there was no Sal and Gabi or that camp in this one.

In the end Mona learns her Ma is dying and she is the only one who can help save her.

I don't know, those are the big things. Feel free to add as you see fit in the comments and I can always copy over here too. Despite my signal issues, thsi seemed like a great episode, so maybe I'll find and can watch the whole thing.

Thanks all!!


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sortilegio #7, Wednesday October 14: 2 Dozen long stemmed roses … Is it getting warm here?

Or, is it just me?

Alejandro Y María José are soooo good together ... Let me see if I can recap.

We start with Bruto threatening MJ with Jail again, and she better not take him
for a fool. Bruto shoves before he walks out. MJ, is holding her faces cries,
asking God to help her.

Next day, we are not at some kind of Art festival where Fernando finds Victoria
talking with some old guy about art. The old guy says that the way the economy is
at the moment, that Art is a good investment right now.

MJ tells Paula that Bruto gave her the bruise on her face.

Victoria and Fernando are back at home having coffee, talking about how Alejandro is
sure that he never married MJ and how he is going to investigate.
Fernando tells her that her father is poor. Maria says that would explain it, but
she doesn't think MJ is a bad person... Fernando tries to calm her saying that
maybe Alejandro doesn't remember. Victoria and Fernando hold hands.

Paula thinks MJ should have Alejandro’s baby. That would solve everything.
MJ recognizes that she is attracted to the guapo, sexy, Alejandro, but feels
guilty for deceiving him.

The doctor tells Alejandro he is fine. They could do neuro tests for his memory.
Ale says no and leaves.

Alejandro then calls Fernando who is still chatting with Victoria, and has him
meet him at the office where they talk about the deception. Alejandro decides he
wants to talk to MJ’s Papa so he cancels all his stuff and makes plans for Cancun…
NOT. At least I don’t think MJ is from Cancun.

Roberto and Paula have a chat that I did not pay too much attention to. He doesn't work and I think he wants to play with Paula?

Victoria, again asks Bruno about work and of course he tells her he is still on
vacation, Well, why isn't he in Disneyland already?

Bruto goes to MJ's door and he finds that MJ must have read the comments on CARAY and has locked her door.

MJ flees, through the balcony where she runs into Alejandro.

I think she probably was relieved, but now MJ is worried because no one has told
papa that Alejandro is alive.

MJ tries to have Paula call Papa, but, Alejandro hears part of this conversation
and asks for Papa’s number and he calls and tells Papa he is alive and they are
coming to visit.

Alejandro has Paula come along for the ride.

MJ and Paula pack and Paula is arguing the same argument, MJ is as stubborn as a

Roberto tells Bruto that MJ has gone to Cancun with Alejandro.

Roberto and Rachel have a conversation that I missed.

In the car, Alejandro tells MJ they will be staying at a hotel so as not to bother
her father, and after all, they are married.

Alejandro asks Paula if she has a boyfriend and would she be interested in Bruno.
Paula does not like Bruno.

They come to Papa's house where MJ islooking everywhere for Papa.

Alejandro comes across the picture of himself and MJ on the mantel and he kind of looks shocked.

Alejandro asks MJ where it was taken and she doesn’t remember. Are there any others?
MJ says no.

MJ finds Papa and tell him that Alejandro has no memory, so Papa gladly introduces
himself. I think he is of like mind as Paula.

Meanwhile Bruto is brewing about Cancun with Erick.

Then Victoria comes in and Bruno lets out all his frustrations on his Mama. Life
is not fair and it is Victoria’s fault that her husband died leaving them with
nothing. Or something like that.

Victoria runs off and cries.

Back at Papa’s house Alejandro excuses himself and tells MJ he will be back later
and for her to have a nice visit.

Alejandro, or Sherlock is asking everyone on the street if they knew Alejandro.
Finally, he comes finds someone who knew where he lived who describe Ale as young,
with black hair.
Alejandro calls the number on the for rent sign and meets with the owner who did
not actually know Alejandro, but describes him as young with black hair.
Alejandro would like to see the contract, but no, it is private.

Papa, MJ and Paula are having the same discussion. Papa says if it was just him
he would go to jail, but that his daughters are young and can’t go to jail.

Alejandro returns to Papa’s to get MJ. Papa asks him in but Ale declines saying
they are going to retire, but wants to extend an invitation to Papa to have
breakfast with them at the hotel. Papa is really excited about that.

MJ tells Ale she would rather sleep at Papa’s but that didn’t happen because now
they are in the hotel room.

MJ says that people like him are refined and elegant and her Papa is …. Alejandro
finishes her sentence “a good man.”

There are at least 2 dozen red long stemmed roses on the table. Ale ask MJ if
she likes them.

Ale asks MJ if he has told her how beautiful she looks today. He caresses her face
and kisses her cheek.

Alejandro backs off and tells her to relax. They have two rooms. MJ, is happy
about that, and her smile comes back.

Knock on the Hotel door, it is dinner for two.

Paula is telling papa to convince MJ to go for it.

MJ and Alejandro are having cake for dessert as they talk. Alejandro feeds MJ a
cake. They sure look like they are having a nice time. They have another sip
of wine, and then comes the kisses, oh my, they kiss good together.

They lie down, kissing and Alejandro is unbuttoning her top. Ale wants her to let him love or sleep with her.

MJ protests as she is returning his kisses……

Our Galan. Seductive, sexy, smart, naughty, sensible, shrewd… what else?

Here is a slide show of the construction of the Sortilegio casa.

That is it for tonight.

I have had a really hectic week so far and I am traveling Thursday thru Sunday. I
won't be able to check back in until Monday.

Have a great week!


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