Saturday, November 07, 2009

Sortilegio #23, Nov. 6, 2009: Getting Mired with Secret and Not So Secret Admirers

Capítulo 28
First the 2-minute replay: Mary Jo scolds our Sunshine Boys, Papi Pedro and Chucho, for causing such an embarrassing scandal for Alex and his family; Maura, having heard about the bar fight on the radio, calls Raquel to give her the juicy details. On her way back to the main house, Mary Jo has a run-in with Bruno. She asks what it will take for him to leave her and Alex in peace. He pretty much tells her he wants the money and the girl: he wants her to divorce Alex. She objects and starts after him but trips. The two fall to the ground in a most compromising position.

Bruno grabs Mary Jo by the arms and keeps hold of her. Mary Jo doesn’t care and doesn’t miss the chance to continue her little “critique” of this creep. She says he’s going to get half the money and wonders what else it could be other than revenge. Bruno says that’s right, but there’s something else he wants as well: her. He emphasizes this desire with continual attempts to kiss her. In between his failing efforts at seduction, he explains that his plans didn’t include her ending up with Alex. She resists and continues fighting him off --and telling him off. “Your plans failed and you turned me into his wife. You handed me over to him!” “—I don’t want him to have you!” She tells him he’s crazy; that he manipulated her but he can’’t make decisions in her life for her now. He tells her to listen up. He loves her and says he will have as much money as Alex. (--And your point is?)

Mary Jo isn’t the naïve impressionable little Mexican maiden she was before, though. “First of all [antes que nada], I don’t believe you love me; and secondly, it has nothing to do with money.” “—So then, it’s because he’s more handsome!” (I would offer a bit of “handsome is as handsome" does here, but that might be a bit too complex for El Bruto.) She says it’s neither. It’s because he deceived her and took her for a fool. “[Alex], on the other hand, did nothing but help me; he supported me in every sense of the word.” Bruno knows what that means. “—You fell in love!” “—So what if I did?!!” Bruno says he can accept the deal Alex offers him but if she doesn’t agree to do what he says then he’s going to force her [por las malas]. Mary Jo wants it spelled out for her. Bruno obliges. “Everybody is going to find out that I am Antonio Lombardo’s son and that my mother fooled around on her [first] husband!”

Mary Jo pushes him off her. “Get away from me!” She counters his threats with her own. “—And if I tell that you impersonated your brother, that you forged his signature on the marriage certificate, and that you planned his death and made an attempt on his life?” “—I’ll deny it. Hmmm. After all, there’s a guy you’re talking about, right? Somebody named…uh…Mario Aguirre?” She says she doesn’t know him and tries to walk away from Bruno. He grabs her by the arms again and stops her. His devious brain just keeps puttin’ out. “Who knows? Perhaps while I was deceiving you, you came to an agreement with him to send me packing so you could get end up with all of it.” “—That’s ridiculous!” He looks her up and down with pent up lust. “--Lot’s of people believe that foolishness.” He plants an impudent kiss on her cheek and walks away. “See ya.” MJ’s left with a new set of problems to mull over now.

Inside the main house, meanwhile, Victoria gets a call from her oedipal admirer, the tentative tempter, Fernando. He talks her into coming with him to see the archeological site that morning by saying it will help her out of her funk. She tells him he’s a dear and hangs up. He hangs up the phone and says to himself, “Yes, and God willing, you have told the truth, Victoria.” Felipa notices Vicki smiling afterwards and says it’s time Vicki had a boyfriend. Vicki doesn’t think so at her age. Felipa mentions Dr. Hernan as a possibility but Vicki swears he’s way too boring. Felipa suggests Nando as the other option. Vicki shakes her head and properly suggests the obvious disqualifier: that Nando could be her son. Matchmaker Felipa immediately points out that he isn’t her son, though, and then reminds Vicki that she is a single, attractive, widow, even if she did pass mile-marker 21 a couple of decades and a half or so ago. “That’s all I need --a relationship, and with the way my kids have branded me an adulteress now. Anyway, what gives you the idea that he’s interested in me?” Felipa says you’d have to be blind not to recognize it. Vicki forbids her to discuss it any further, but she can’t help smiling a bit to herself about it once Felipa leaves. Forbidden fresh fruit ripe off the tree. She tries shaking off the feeling by throwing herself into her work.

On the other side of the house, Zeke is dressing down Chucho for getting drunk the night before. Chucho admits he overdid it last night. MJ walks in on them as Zeke is leaving. Chucho takes the opportunity of his second apology to mention the woman, Mechita, who was defending them at the bar and who got put in jail along with them. “Didn’t your father tell you about her?” “—No.” Chucho wants permission to go back to the jail and talk with her. She says it isn’t her place to say, but he says she’s married to the big man and Chucho is her employee. She says fine, as long as he lets somebody know when he goes. He thanks her and says the saints should bless her with a child.

Outside on the grounds somewhere, Bruno is giving Erick a wad of cash. (Man! Whoever taught this guy to dress had to be both cross-eyed and color blind!) Bruno tells him to buy the biggest and best arrangement of flowers he can find to send to Mary Jo. “Have it say they’re from ‘Mario Aguirre’.” He changes his mind and says to have his cousin do it instead. Erick mentions that in the afternoon he is taking Paula to school and afterwards is going to give her a driving lesson. Bruno, no doubt devising another devious deceit, takes a few seconds to process and says it's
perfect and then walks off.

In the kitchen, Zeke is voicing his displeasure at Chucho for letting him know he’s got permission from Sra. Mary Jo to see the woman at the jail. Zeke says if it were up to him he wouldn’t be going anywhere after the drunk he put on the night before. Felipa intercedes and says the man is only going to see what he can do for the poor girl who probably hasn’t got anyone else in the world to look out for her. Zeke figures if it’s a woman who went to a dive like that, she has got to be a whore. Chucho refuses to hear anything nasty about a woman who, he says, works in whatever way she can to support a sick brother. He knows this because she told him so before the row started. Zeke pretty much says that’s what they all say. “It’s a great excuse when they get caught messing around in ratty bars like that.” Felipa tells him not to be so cold-hearted. Women don’t work in places like that because they like it; they do it out of necessity. The phone rings at that point. It’s Zeke’s cousin come to interview for the new chauffeur’s job.

Over at Papi Pete’s bungalow, meanwhile, Paula is telling him that the drunk he pulled the night before was a major social faux-pas. They are members of the Lombardo family now and it can’t happen again or Alex will lose patience with them and throw them out onto the street. As far as she’s concerned it would be best if he’d stop pal-ling around with the likes of Chucho, too, since he’s only a servant there. “You don’t see Alex out partying with Ezequiel, now do you?” He insists they are different. She says no, they’re part of the Lombardo clan and should behave that way. She then proceeds, in her designer duds, to crudely slurp juice out of the grapefruit half she’s just cut for herself. (That’s class, Pau.)

Outside in the driveway, Zeke is giving his cousin lessons in diction and proper Spanish grammar. No slang allowed from a cousin of his! The cousin wants to know what Sra. Raquel is like. “She’s difficult to deal with, but you’ll have to put up with it if you want to keep your job.” The cousin isn’t exactly enthused. (It’s a job, dude. At least you’ll have one.)

Inside the chalet, Raquel and Roberto are playing cards. She brings up the gossip Mau told her about MJ’s daddy. Raqui is dying from shame at the thought of what the papers are saying about it all. Bobo tells her not to exaggerate. The two old guys were just trying to have a good time is all. Raqui says he would excuse any twisted thing. He suggests it’s a matter of being tolerant with others so that they might be as tolerant with you. She jumps on that and says, so that means he could absolve [justificar] her having a lover then? Bobo draws in close and wonders if she’s never actually had one. She denies without denying. “How dare you!!” Bobo asks how should he know, since he doesn’t really know much about her comings and goings anymore. She says she doesn’t know much about what he does, either. He kids about keeping it mysterious then because it makes for more interesting sexual relationships. (Viewerville wonders if this is a hint of possibly re-igniting something between the two of them, perhaps? Guess we’ll have to wait to find out.) There’s suddenly a knock at the door. It’s Zeke with the new chauffeur.

Zeke introduces Arturo and the only thing Raquel can manage to do is gripe about the guy’s age. Zeke, ever the salesman, turns this objection into an advantage. “He’s a mature man, yes, but that only means that he is more experienced. (Here, here!!) He’s totally trustworthy.” She says she prefers Erick. Zeke explains that Erick will be occupied taking Mary Jo’s sister, Paula, back and forth to school in the afternoons now. Raquel has a fit. How in the world, she exclaims indignantly, could Alex be giving “that menial” the use of a chauffeur, especially with her souse of a father who’ll go into any shepherd’s hut [tugurio] for his jollies and at the expense of dragging her family’s good name through the mud? Bobo, definitely the mannered one of this disgusting duo, intercedes and says it’s not something they need to discuss right now. He thanks Zeke for introducing them to Erick’s replacement and lets them leave. He turns to her in disgust. “You’re so frighteningly rude you could make anybody’s hair turn.” He grabs her, throws her down onto the couch, and leaves her to sulk. (Bobo does have his finer points at times.)

At the office, Fernando gives Alex’s secretary, Mari, a list of hotels to call with instructions to see if there’s a Mario Aguirre registered. He tells her it’s a private matter and to be kept confidential. He goes into to speak with Alex who is discussing the situation of the will with his attorneys, Guerra and Quiñones. They discuss the options when the bastard son of a man wants to contest the man’s will. They explain that it will be very difficult for someone to win a challenge to a will, even with a DNA match, unless they can prove the person to be mentally unstable at the time, or that the person was under pressure and somehow forced into it. On the other hand, it could be a very long and unpleasant process if the complainant is determined to make problems. He could try to harass them with all sorts of allegations until the they finally give in. Alex thinks the only way to stop it would be to threaten the complainant with jail, proving that he committed a crime. The lawyer asks if the man actually committed a crime and Alex says he has his suspicions, but there’s no proof yet.

Back at the manse, Ulises catches up with Mary Jo on her way to visit her father. He tries to get chummy saying she looks a little lost and lonely around there. He asks about her family and where she’s from, yada, yada. She says her mother’s dead and there’s nobody left back where she hails from. He tells her they have something in common, that he’s also a long way from home. (Uh, yeah. That’s a great line.) He makes small talk about taking her back to her hometown sometime so that she can show him the sights. He smiles charmingly and adds that from now on she should consider him a friend. MJ says thanks and scurries into her father’s bungalow. Uli drops the slimy smile and walks over to visit Bobo.

Bobo tells Uli that Raquel is having another tantrum in her bedroom because of the scandal MJ’s daddy caused the night before at some bar. “It’s pretty hilarious the way the old guy was gettin' down with the girls, dancing and drinking and then somehow managed to get hauled out by the police and put in jail.” Bobo thinks it’s a hoot but Raquel’s given herself a migraine over it. Uli invites them to eat with him at Fogon that evening then remarks about the trouble Alex seems to have with his in-laws. Bobo shakes his head and says, “Nacos!” [Stupid trash.]

Mary Jo is too quiet around her father and he tries to get at what’s bothering her if it’s not her still being upset with him for what happened the night before. She refuses to open up with him. “Nothing’s wrong, so stop already.”

Back at the office, Mari, Alex’s secretary, tells him she came up with nothing from the jewelers regarding the engagement ring. “It’s got no distinctive marks or brand and they said there are thousands like those.” Alex calls the house looking for MJ. Zeke tells him she’s visiting her father but he can’t transfer the call because he had the phones taken out. Alex tells him to have the phone company set it back up immediately. (Guess money talks and bull sh!t walks in Mexico. No way we Americans could get phone service re-installed that quick!) He leaves word he’s too busy to come back for lunch.

A bit later the bouquet comes for Mary Jo. Raqui nosily rushes in to see who sent them and grabs the card. “Mario Aguirre?? Who’s that?” Zeke discretely says has he wouldn’t know. She rushes off to gripe about it to Mama. “Mary Jo is a married woman!” Vicki says the man could be simply a friend of hers and a gift doesn’t mean anything. Raquel is fit to be tied. Vicki turns the conversation to herself and the recriminations from her kids. After complaining that what her mother did doesn’t justify spit, she reminds her that she didn’t come to talk about her or that. She came about Mary Jo and the shameful way her family carries on around them. Vicki says it’s Alex’s wife and his business. Raquel mentions that Bruno told her they were getting a divorce soon. Vicki is icy-veined impactada.

MJ returns to the house and Zeke gives her the bouquet. When she reads the card she tears it up immediately and tells him to throw them out. She runs upstairs to her room and begins to pace. “There’s some conspiracy here [conjura]. Somebody is setting a trap for me. It can’t be. It can’t be!!” (Query 1: Now if she can reason that much out, what amount of brain matter does it take for her to guess who that somebody is? Query 2: If her hubby has been this great rock of support, why not come out with it and keep on his good side this time? Viewerville can only sigh in frustration cuz once again it looks like MJ has come down with a case of the slowfias.)

Downstairs Alex finally comes back from another day of slogging through more of his personal problems. His solution? Gifts for MJ and Pau. MJ greets him and smiles. Ohh! Gifts! Thank you! He smiles and tells her he had Zeke set up the phone in her daddy’s digs cuz then when he calls he can find her. (Hmm. Maybe he got them cell phones instead of perfume?) She tells him he shouldn’t have. (I say especially if it ain’t candy or perfume.) He notes that she seems a bit distant (male code for being an icy b!tch, I’m sure). He asks why she’s so formal. (Oh, Alex. How soon we forget those little things, like the nasty asides about Mario Aquirre and the interrogation of her papi in the back of the hummer the day before. Why should she be anything but after that?) She says nothing’s the matter and then asks if he spoke to the lawyers. Before he can answer Raquel rushes into the living room from Vicki’s. The first thing out of her mouth after “Hi, little bro’ ” is a sly question to MJ about the bouquet of roses. Of course Alex asks about them and Raqui is eager to explain. “Oh, somebody sent Mary Jo a bouquet…uh…somebody named…Mario Aguirre?” Bingo! Alex takes the bait and MJ is scared-speechless impactada that Raquel should mention that of all things. He frowns at her accusingly.

The next thing we see is Alex dragging MJ into their room for an accusatory consult. “I don’t have any reason to lie to you! I don’t know that man!” “—So why did you throw the flowers away?” “—I told you! Because it means nothing to me!” “—And if Raquel hadn’t said anything, you would have kept quiet about it?” MJ defends herself. “Of course I would! I am fed up with your distrust! I am fed up with everything that’s going on around here! (How about a good “Maybe Raquel needs to mind her own beeswax!” thrown in for good measure?) Your family hates me! Mine only causes you problems, and I just want to leave here already!!” Alex yells back that the problem is she doesn’t trust and she never is direct about anything. (He’s got a point there.) “You never tell the truth!” “—Of course that’s right. I don’t want to continue living in this hell and I would rather that you’d have handed me over to the police!” His motor’s racing in overdrive, too, about now. “I would have done it—“ “—Yes, and I’d have been less bothered!” “—Yeah, and what about the child we’re going to have?” (Excuse me, but you aren’t “having” it, buddy boy. She’s the one who gains the weight, pukes her guts out, screams in pain when the water breaks and the little critter takes its sweet time sliding down and out into the big wide world.)

Mary Jo tells Alex there is no baby. She was only a little late. He says he doesn’t believe her. She says she could care. He threatens to take her to a doctor. MJ says she’s not going to any doctor’s, and BTW, since he promised to take over her dad’s apartment and sell it, hurry up and do it so she can take what money’s left and leave to start a new life. She throws his gifts in his face and leaves for her room. Felipa runs into her in the hallway. She tells MJ that Sra. Victoria is waiting to speak with her. (That’s all she needs now, right?) They leave Alex standing in the doorway with smoke curling out of every visible orifice. Alex slams the wall with his hand in a last fit of anger and goes back inside as Uni breaks for the pause that refreshes. (Viewerville takes a much needed breather.)

As we return to an episodio that just keeps on giving, Raqui is giving Mau the 411 on the bouquet from said “Mario Aguirre” and the scene it (she, actually) caused. Mau is intrigued. Raqui says Alex looked as pale as death. Mau wants to know what MJ said. “What’s she going to say? As far as I’m concerned, with that class of people, knowing the tricks they pull, she’s up to no good. If she weren’t she’d have told him about it, don’t you think?” Mau agrees and massages the story along. “—Don’t doubt it’s a lover of hers.” “—You think so?” They agree to get the gang together for dinner to figure out a way to find the guy. Mau hangs up and immediately calls Uli to congratulate him on being so artfully clever in sending Mary Jo the flowers from “Mario.” Uli, though, swears that it wasn’t him who sent the flowers. Mau is confused and wonders who did if it wasn’t him. Red flags are popping up for Uli. He tells Mau he has no idea, but this game of theirs is starting to bug him.

Back at the manse, Victoria is trying to get to the bottom of the “Mario Aguirre” problem with Mary Jo. “So you don’t know him?” MJ says that’s exactly what she’s saying. Vicki asks isn’t it a little odd that this Sr. Aguirro would go to the trouble of calling and then sending flowers to a perfect stranger? Mary Jo agrees that it doesn’t make sense, but she swears that it’s just as she explained it. Vicki tells her there’s no reason to be frightened, that MJ can be sincere with her about this. “If there’s anything you want to tell me, you can.” MJ says it would be better for Vicki to tell her what she thinks because MJ’s told her everything she knows already. Vicki says, well, from the first time they met, she had the impression that Mary Jo was a fine girl and totally incapable of concocting a scheme about marrying Alex, unless somebody had forced her and is now threatening her. “Could it be this Mario Aguirre?” Mary Jo is indignantly impactada. “You think that guy and I are accomplices?”

Vicki admits she thinks that Mary Jo is protecting Aguirre out of fear and that perhaps Alex thinks the same. Mary Jo tells her that they are both mistaken then. “I continue telling the truth but if none of you wants to believe me, the only thing I could do is leave.” Vicki’s ears prick up. “Leave?” “—Yes. I’ve been nothing but a nuisance for all of you. My family and I are uncomfortable here and the best thing is for me to go back to my hometown. I’ve already decided to.” “--What does Alex say?” “—We only just spoke about it.” “—And you told him what you wanted?” MJ says she did. She wants to go and thinks perhaps [por lo mismo] it’s better she should leave in order not to be such a problem. Vicki tries to convince her to stay. “—But there are problems in any marriage.” MJ agrees, but says not as many as in this one. (Viewerville might tend to agree.) “Ones like these…well, I think there’s some conspiracy against me.” Vicki finds that hard to believe and asks who would be conspiring against her. Mary Jo says she’d prefer not to answer that. Vicki loses her patience and says just tell her already. “--Bruno.” This is not what Vicki wanted to hear. (I say why ask if you don’t want the truth?) Vicki ignores that answer and says give her a bit to explain things to Alex and get him to agree to let her leave.

Mary Jo says Alex isn’t going to want to. Vicki wonders if he’s that in love with her. Mary Jo says it isn’t that. It’s that he thinks she’s pregnant. Vicki freezes. MJ immediately adds that she’s not, though. Her period came. Vicki continues to stare icily at Mary Jo.

That night Chucho stops by the jail to visit with Mechita. She cries and tells him she’d thought he’d forgotten all about her. He says not to worry her poor self. He came as soon as he could. He offers to get her whatever she needs. She only needs to get out of there. Chucho tells her that’s a tall order for a guy who’s flat bust broke like he is, especially since all his money was stolen. She sobs and says that’s all right, but perhaps he could go see her comadre, Julia, for her so that she could lend them the bail money. (Did she say “us”? As in Chucho and her? Methinks I smell a ratera.) She will give him the address if he’ll go for her. The two are practically sisters, she says. They’re such good friends. Chucho says he’ll go the next morning for her since he can’t stay any longer.

Somewhere, across town, Pau and Erick are driving back home on a semi-deserted street. She’s talking up a storm. He offers to give her a driving lesson. She’s up for it. They exchange seats and he tells her how to use the pedals. She turns on the engine and it’s a mass of fits and starts. The two of them both end up giggling over it.

Chucho and Pedro mull over what Mechita told Chucho. Now Pedro seems to be a part of the “us” and says he hopes that her friend Julia will be kind enough to lend “us” the bail money for Meche. He says really, he hasn’t a cent to his name, either. Chucho says not to worry himself about it because after all, it was all his fault. He’ll handle the debt. Pedro shows off his new phone that big-hearted Alex put in there just for him. Chucho chuckles at the way Alex continues to spoil “Pedrito” despite being angry at the two of them. Pedro mentions then that he has gotten really fond of Alex and hopes nothing bad comes between Alex and Mary Jo. We in Viewerville assume that something will, if for no other reason than old Chucho talks about the need to ward off the Devil after bringing up such bad thoughts.

Pau and Erick arrive home, no worse for wear after her fantabulous day at school and her even more fantabulous driving lesson. She gives him a peck on the cheek and skips away (granted, it’s a bit rough in those 6” platforms, but she manages all the same.) Ruh-Roh! Erick is smitten. (I can only imagine the sweet dreams he’s gonna have tonight! On second thought, thinking back to all those dirty girlie posters in his room, I’d rather not.) He stands there with his mouth ready to oblige the next unwitting fire-fly.

At the same time, the gang is finishing supper together at the restaurant. Bobo grabs Raqui and says it’s time to go. Uli complains that they’re leaving before they’ve told them what Alex said to Mary Jo when he found out about the flowers “that guy” sent her. Raqui says she would but they didn’t say anything in front of her. Bobo gives her a yank and once they’re outside the restaurant walking home he gives her what for. She yells at him for dragging her like that. He yells back that she knows how much it bothers him when she runs her mouth off with whatever she knows about the family and tells the whole world about it. Raqui says they are just anybody. Uli, Lis and Mau are their friends and they always tell them everything. Bobo tells her not to think that when Alex and Victoria find out that it won’t go over like a lead balloon. She says once Bruno gets their part of the inheritance they won’t need either Alex or her mother. Bobo tells her not to count her chickens before they’re hatched. [No canta victoria.] “What your brother intends to do is not going to be so easy and I don’t think he’ll be able to get it.” “—Oh, so you’re a lawyer now?” “—No dear, but I am neither ignorant nor stupid.”

A little bit behind them Uli, Lis and Mau are walking back from the restaurant together. Uli says he can’t figure out who could have sent Mary Jo those flowers and known enough to use the name, Mario Aguirre. He asks Mau if Raquel knows the man is her invention. She says no and Roberto would be less likely to. Uli wonders then if it was Bruno. They don’t know how he found out, but, Lis says, if Bruno was the one who sent them then that means that he didn’t try to kill Alex. “He knows then that Mary Jo had an accomplice and did it to pressure her into telling the truth!” Mau says he couldn’t have known because the name is something they made up. Uli remembers then that Bruno was there the last time he called up Mary Jo pretending to be Aguirre. “Bruno probably sent the flowers to cause problems between Alex and Mary Jo.” The two sisters agree that it makes sense. Uli says he’d like to know why Bruno is so interested in Mary Jo.

That night Felipa is helping Vicki get ready for bed. Vicki brushes her hair and says she knows that Mary Jo’s has had it rough living there with them, but it’s not their fault. “She should have realized what she was getting into with this farce of a marriage.” Felipa defends MJ and says she still doesn’t think the girl had anything to do with what happened. Vicki says, of course not, it was undoubtedly that Mario Aguirre person. Felipa says still, the whole business with that Aguirre doesn’t square. Vicki says she’s wondered herself about it and can only come up with one answer: MJ and Aguirre planned the whole thing together and then when things didn’t turn out as she’d hoped, she fell in love with Alex and saw a way to attach herself to a good family and decided to stay, forgetting about her accomplice. Felipa says it just doesn’t fit though. This guy would be pretty stupid to show up now that the deception was discovered; she’d think he’d rather hide and not show his face in order to avoid being found out and thrown in jail. Vicki says, then yes, he’s a real dolt for sure.

Felipa doesn’t stop the clock there. “Well, a dolt wouldn’t have been able to think up something like that.” Vicki asks what she’s insinuating. Felipa says, “I’m only saying…..” Vicki doesn’t want to hear it. “My son might be anything you say, but he is NOT a murderer.” “—Whatever you say.” Felipa goes out to get her some tea. Vicki, still in denial, prays to the diosito for it not to be her Bruno. “If it is him, if he were really capable of such a thing, then I am to blame. Only me. No God, no!”

In another part of the house, Alex and MJ take another shower–separately. Viewerville gets to ogle their Adonis as he tends to his nightly ablutions. M-M-MM!!! Definitely worth a few rewinds in slow-mo…..REW...REW... REW

Afterwards Bruno catches Alex in the hall walking to MJ’s room. “Oh, so you’ve tired of your wife so quickly that now she’s got to sleep in another bedroom? Or, did she get tired of you?” Alex walks up to him. “I spoke with my attorneys.” “—Oh really? Great.” Alex asks him if it doesn’t pain him to shame his mother this way, letting the whole world know that she got pregnant from a man who wasn’t her husband; that you both were born? Doesn’t her shame or her pain matter to you?” Bruno clucks. “That’s just the way it is. I am not going to continue being the only one who’s screwed here, either.Alex can’t believe what a ‘wicked brute’ the guy is. Bruno laughs in his face and says it’s all because of that old man and his mother. “Tomorrow I’m sending over my lawyers.” He turns on his heel and exits stage right.

Alex walks over to Mary Jo’s bedroom and knocks. She tells him to come in. He tells her that he doesn’t like their being angry with each other. MJ says she doesn’t either, but it’s not working out for the two of them, and anyway, he’s got so many problems to deal with. He says he knows that and that’s why he needs her the way he does. He thinks they can manage though. “If we stick together it’s much easier to sort out the problems.” She begins to cry. “Apart from yours, there are mine and it’s just not fair.” He caresses her face and says hers are nothing compared to what’s hanging over his family. She asks if he doesn’t think Bruno will let it out about her, too. “—that we were never married, that I tricked you, that my father sold pirated and stolen goods?”

Mary Jo likes the kisses but says she can’t accept Alex doing that for her. (Say what? Are you made of stone, girl?) Alex begs her to understand and say yes. “We love each other and it isn’t fair for you and me to give it all up because of some resentful man whose rage has driven him mad. “—And your mother?” “--Forget her. Forget all of them. Think only about us.” He continues kissing her. (Living rooms all through Viewerville are catching fire about now. Damn!) He tells her he doesn’t want to sleep alone but this isn’t his bedroom. He misses her; he needs her. (Go for it, girl!! He’s not only hot; he’s hot to trot. Don’t tell me after kisses like those that you’re not! –If this scene doesn’t end soon, I’m gonna need an ice bath. ¡Hijole!) Just then Pau raps on the door and breaks the mood. “Are you in there? I want to tell you something!”

Alex asks Mary Jo to tell Pau to go. She yells at Pau to give her a minute, then hints to Alex that she’s got her period. “Oh, right. You told me it’s your time of the month. It’s normal. We aren’t going to do anything; just so we can sleep together is all.” Mary Jo, though, would rather sleep alone. (What a major let-down.) He gives in, though rather reluctantly, and tells her he’ll see her in the morning. Pau is gone. Alex leaves. Mary Jo cries herself to sleep.

The next morning Vicki and Felipa have to eat breakfast alone. Everybody in the family is upset and avoiding Vicki. Felipa says they’ll eventually get over it. Alex comes by to say he’s off to work and can’t stay for breakfast. He explains that he has to be there early because Bruno is sending over his attorneys and didn’t bother to tell him what time they’re supposed to be there. Vicki sighs. “So he’s determined to.” Alex says he really wants to consult with her beforehand. She tells him she trusts him to do whatever his conscience tells him to do. He still wants to have her there when the attorneys show up. He says he’ll call her when they do. She says fine. He leaves.

Felipa can’t believe the brew-ha-ha Bruno’s about to start. Vicki still thinks Bruno will come to his senses and come to some agreement in order to avoid a public scandal, if not for her, then for his sister or his father at least. (Think again, my dear.) Felipa says Bruno is way too angry.

Speaking of rabid, wicked loco’s, Bruto is outside with Erick. Erick is laughing about Pau’s first driving lesson from the night before. Bruno figures she’s too stupid to learn to drive. Erick says she’s not stupid at all. Bruno jumps on him. “What’s the matter with you? Don’t tell me you set your sights on that girl! Besides, you’re way too old for her.” Bruto just had to burst the old dude’s bubble. “No, it’s just that I like her.” Bruno changes the subject. He tells Erick to try to get hold of a stunt man for him. Erick wonders what’s up. Bruno says he’s got a little job for the guy while Pau is out whizzing around in the car that night. Suddenly Erick doesn’t like licking Bruno’s boots (or his butt) much anymore. “You’re not going to harm Paula are you?” Bruno tells him either he’s true to him to the core [hasta el médula] and does what he says, or Erick will end up in the slammer [tambo]. “You got that?” Erick has no choice. “Tell me what I need to do.”


Gancho November 6th Moni wakes, Beto aches and Jerry and Oscar – More Mistakes

Alternate Title: After the first time, it’s just like brushing your teeth.

As they say, the darkest hour is just before the dawn. And a few days ago, things were certainly dark. Moni was in a coma, and Mau cried for six months (mercifully, just two days for us). Even when Moni woke up, her happiness was tempered by Constanza’s return, and the realization that Mauricio might have to marry Connie, if he ever wanted to recover his kids. To top it all off, Beto thought the doctor said Moni wouldn’t live through the night, so Beto, Nieves and Moni think the end is near.

But it’s not, and here comes the dawn! Sure, there are still tons of problems, but this was one of the funniest episodes in a while, and here’s how it went down.

We start off with a recap of a tearful Monita, in her hospital bed, telling Mau he has to marry Connie. But Mau won’t hear of it. He’s just jubilant that Moni woke up, and now they can spend the rest of their lives together. He kisses her, and assures her they’ll find a way out of Connie’s conundrum. Of course, Moni, thinking she’s dying, is calm but firm, and urges Mau to face facts.

In the waiting room, Beto’s giving Connie a piece of his mind. Get out! Nieves joins in, leave, you dirty snake (serpentina deslavada). She adds that Mau is here, and what if he found out about you and Beto? Let me handle this, says Beto, putting his baseball cap on backward, as he drags Connie to the elevator and THROWS her in. Nieves remarks to herself that it took a tragedy for Beto to finally send that out of tune flute to the devil (dar al diablo esa flauta desafinada).

Mau is still optimistic, Moni’s waking up has given him new motivation to find a way to get the kids back. Still thinking she’s dying, Moni asks to be left alone to think, and Mau honors her wishes. As he leaves the room, he tells Estrella that Moni said he has to marry Connie, and Estre doesn’t like this one bit. She marches towards Moni’s room.

In the parking lot, Beto tells Connie he never wants to see her again, not her bubis, not her super legs, not her beautiful butt (he’s wavering a little on this, though), not her hot lips, not…..Shut up, Roberto, shoots back Connie, I won’t permit you to treat me like a servant, I’ll never forgive you for how you’re treating me. Well, Beto won’t ever forgive Connie, either. It’s her fault for attacking Moni, who’s now in the hospital like a piece of lettuce. Connie doesn’t back down one bit, says Moni attacked HER, was hitting her, and Connie had to DEFEND herself. Besides, she didn’t hold a gun to the dummy’s head to make her go into the ring when her eyes were bad. Beto’s eyes narrow, are you sure? Connie starts with the crocodile tears, if she didn’t have that pepper spray in her bag, SHE’d be the one lying in the hospital now! She’s tired of this maltreatment, and she’s leaving! She gets in the car, as Beto pleads “wait a moment” (the captions says wera momento) in his cute, accented English. But Connie never wants to see him again, not his arms, not his torso, not his cute butt….(she’s wavering…), nothing, never again! She starts driving away, ignoring Beto’s cries of wait, escusmi, Constanzia! I love yuuuuuuu!

The doctor tells Mau that Moni’s studies came back great, she’s doing fine, and can be discharged in a few days.

Estrella can’t understand what got into Moni, telling Mau to marry the Momia. Moni says don’t judge me. Estre knows Moni, she’ll just die when she sees Mau marry. Yeah, well I won’t see it, says Moni. Huh? I’m going to die, the studies came out bad, I won’t make it through the night. Estrella is shaken. She dazedly walks out of the room, seeing Nieves and Beto (back from the parking lot) are already in full-bore tear mode. (BTW, the three are color coordinated. Estrella has a shiny red outfit and a big red hairband, with black capri pants, Beto has a black tee over a red longsleeved undershirt, and Nieves has a black jacket over a red blouse, red earrings and bows). Estrella wants Beto to talk to the doctor, but Beto thinks what’s the point? Moni’s leaving us. Boo-hoo.

Meanwhile, the happy doctor greets Moni, who wants the truth. How much time do I have left, doctor? Huh? Look doctor, don’t lie to me, I already know everything, just tell me how much time? Oh, maybe 115, 150 years, the studies were great, you’re strong as an oak! As the music changes to the happy, finger picking acoustic guitar theme which sounds like water rolling down the river, the doctor continues to give the good news. You’re doing great. You’ll be out of here in just a few days.

We see our three blind red and black mice hunched over on a little white couch, when out of the air comes a piercing angry cry, “Betttttooooo!” Beto thinks it’s a cry of pain, she’s close to dying now. He needs a candy, tries to get one from his Mommy’s cow-shaped pocketbook. But here comes Moni, walking out with the Doc, angrily demanding, where’d you get the idea I was going to die? You’re not going to die? No, of course not, reply Moni and the Doc. It’s a miracle, exclaims Beto, sinking to his knees, arms extended to God, as Nieves also looks up to give divine thanks.

Moni picks Beto up by his ear, winds up, and delivers one of her patented ganchos to his corazon (actually his jaw), and Beto’s bowled over. Literally. But he LIKES it. Moni’s back.

And guess who else’s back? Xime and Rolu, having a romantic dinner in a restaurant, when Ximmy’s cell rings. It’s Estre, informing her that Moni’s awake, and feeling fine. Ximmy wants to go visit, but Rolu says No. This is my night. Or is Moni more important than I am? Okay, Ximmy’s down with that, we’ll go first thing in the morning. No, says Rolu again. Not tomorrow, not ever. You’re going to have to give up your little friends Monita, Paula and Estrella. Ximmy’s a little impactadasipi.

Connie arrives at Jerry’s place in a foul mood. Jerry moves in for a quick hug, but is swiftly rebuffed. How come you and Oscar didn’t tell me what was going on, with La Monita? Six months, and not one call. Well, gee, the truth is, we never thought of calling. Sorry, babe. And by the way, you lost an ally when you chose the Fantasma Vengador. Connie gets misty, informs Jerry that she’s through with Roberto. Cool, replies Jerry, so, ummm, are you having auditions for your next lover, ‘cause here I am! Connie’s tense, so Jerry starts clumsily massaging her shoulders. You know what? says Connie. If you behave, maybe I WILL consider you for the vacancy. Really? says Jerry, what do I have to do? Tell me. Anything. What do you need? Okay, according to Roberto, Moni’s doing very badly. Make sure she doesn’t come out of the hospital alive! If she doesn’t make it through the night, I would be so happy, I’d deliver myself to you, without a second thought. Jerry just about wets his pants.

Ximmy, looking beautiful, stylish and hip as always,

doesn’t want to give up her amigozozas. Rolu thinks he’s all she needs, he’s her husband. But she wants to gossip, to shop, go to clubs, all the super important things in life. Rolu slyly (and meanly) tells her that she no longer needs friends, and she doesn’t need to go out, because he loves her so much, he’ll be her entire world. He wants her to promise one thing. Ximmy wants to promise three things, but one’s enough for Rolu. He very sweetly asks her to promise she’ll give up her friends, and tenderly kisses her. Ximmy, hopeless romantic that she is, can’t help but accept. Te amo, te amo! she yells, suddenly a little shy about her outburst in the restaurant. But Rolu yells, I love you more! (We’re all yelling, Ximmy, don’t trust him!)

It’s Grand Central Station in Moni’s room, with Paula, Cristian, Estrella, Tano, Nieves, Sal and Gabi all gathered around the bed. Cris looks very cop-like in his serious John Wayne pose, legs spread slightly, hands on belt buckle. Classic! Everyone’s happy to see Moni’s doing fine. Of course, their combined joy can’t prevent each from showing a little personality. Nieves thinks Moni should charge Alicia rent, since she’s been staying in Moni’s room. Gabi thinks as long as they’re in the hospital, Sal should get checked out. Sal, blinking furiously, thinks he’s perfectly fine. He then starts looking furtively around the room, leans over to Moni, and whispers, watch out, there’s a hidden camera in the room! Hmmm.

Mauricio enters, says visiting hours are over. Of course, he’s going to spend the night in the chair caring for Moni, watching over her, same as he’s been doing. The group says goodnight and Mau clasps Moni’s hand, looking at her lovingly, smiling broadly.

Beto runs into Ivan in the barrio. He gives Ivan the good news about Moni’s recovery, but adds that Moni kicked him out. And what’s worse, he was also kicked out by his “Conciencia” (his conscience. Don’t know if this was a Freudian slip, but it’s very apropos.) Beto asks if Ivan took care of Beto’s bachelor pad (morada) while he was gone. Ivan says he did, but he sheepishly adds that the expenses were a bit high, and now he’s sharing it with Cristian, Paula’s novio (which means there’s no place for Beto). There’s an awkward moment until Beto decides he’ll just go back with his Mom, who can heal his wounded soul. The two give each other a soul handshake, still buddies.

Moni explains to Mau how Beto got mixed up about what the doctor said. Mau understands why Moni was acting so resolute in asking him to marry Connie. Moni agrees, knowing she was going to die gave her courage. But she still thinks he has to marry Connie, if it’s the only way to get his kids back. She’ll always love him, but he has to do this, it’s the only option. Mau’s cell rings, and it’s Connie. Come right over, the kids are here, they can’t wait to see you. Mau falls for it, but doesn’t want to leave Moni alone. Don’t be silly, she says, I’m fine, go see your hijos. He’s off.

Outside the door, we see “Doctor” Jerónimo hold a clipboard in front of his face to avoid detection. Connie calls him, she’s taken care of Moni being alone, now do what you gotta do. Okay, okay, says Jerry.

Beto enters his Mom’s house, sees a big lump sleeping under the covers, tells his Mom not to criticize, he’s depressed, needs some comforting. None of his dames want to see him, he feels alone. He bends down to snuggle the sleeping form. Can I sleep with you like when I was a kid? All of a sudden, the lump moves, and it’s Don Cesar! In English, Beto goes “Oh my God, Jesus Christ, help me!” (I’m thinking, what big SUNGLASSES you have, Ma! It’s the big bad wolf!)

And for the next scene, I’ll just give you the dialog, since these guys are such a riot. Jerry and Oscar are dressed as doctors, and here’s what they say:

J: Killing someone in cold blood isn’t easy, I never did it. When Bonilla died, it was because the dummy fell into a ditch, and then when I ordered the brakes cut on Mauricio’s SUV, I didn’t get my hands dirty, just gave the order. And that idiot Doctor Lefort…
O: Yes, yes, yes, both of them survived more than once because I get no support from you.
J: All me, all me. I have to beat my chest and come out of the closet.
O: Huh?
J: I’m not a killer, Oscar.
O: Well, that’s what I like about you.
J: Sure, call me what you like, call me swine (canalla), a scoundrel (miserable), ambitious, but I’m not capable of killing anyone with my own hands. (He pauses)….. Have I disappointed you? (Te defraudé?) (He gets a little teary). Yes, I feel that I’ve disappointed you. You’re never going to look at me the same again.
O: Well, well, since we’re being sincere, I’m a corrupt lawyer, a sinister guy who’ll do anything to defeat my enemies, I didn’t mind making Salvador crazy, I enjoy manipulating others, even you, but no…even I have never killed with my own hands.
J: Really?
O: I swear it. Like you, I’ve always given orders to cause accidents, but I never dirtied my hands with blood, never.
J: Good (looks around sneakily), this’ll be our first time. You know that line, Oscar, the first death is the hardest. Then it’s just like brushing your teeth.
O: So, friends together?
J: Together, my teacher.

Beto and Don Cesar have a bit of an argument, Don Cesar’s looking quite silly in flannel pajamas with pictures of little airplanes (I think I had that outfit when I was six),

his big black sunglasses, and a sleep mask around his neck. He looks so silly he’s scary, and Beto cowers a bit, as Don Cesar explains that he rediscovered love, it’s a stable relationship. Yeah, right, says Beto, like a stable with a mare and a colt, you were just waiting for the right moment, right? Don Cesar says he’ll have to accept it, and if not, remember, he’s a top boxing trainer, so they can fight over it. He assumes the boxing position.

In Moni’s hospital room, all of a sudden she has to go to the bathroom. She gets out of bed, shuffles to the baño on her still stiff legs, and makes it just in time. Two seconds later, our virgin murderers ominously enter, but no one’s in the bed. Not having gotten the news that Moni awoke, and knowing that people in comas don’t walk around, they cleverly deduce that this is the wrong room. Let’s try next door. After you, inseparable amigo.

Nieves is home, stops the boys from fighting. But Beto wants to know, why did you shack up with this guy when I was away? Because you were away. And did you forget that you’re independent now, and have rented that apartment next to Paula’s? Yeah, well, I don’t have it now, Ivan and Cristian have it. Now I’ve got no apartment, no girlfriend, and no mother! Don Cesar tells Beto not to upset this “love nest”, which gets his foot stomped under the table by Nieves. She decides that all three of them can live there. She wants Beto to accept “Cesarín” like a father. Now sit down, and let’s eat. But Cesar’s in Beto’s chair. No problem, says Cesar, you can sit on my lap. Besides El que se fue la villa perdió su silla (if you snooze, you lose, literally he who left the town lost his chair). She sits Beto down, turns to get the food. As she prepares it, the two guys trade threats, but when she comes back, they pretend to be padre and hijo. Nieves is so pleased, she joins their hands across the table. But when she goes for the frijolitos, they grab knives and forks, en garde!

Our Dos Dumb Doctores have gone to the room next door, occupied by a patient completely covered (including the head) by a sheet, along with a nurse. She doesn’t recognize them, but since she’s new, she figures she just hasn’t met them yet. Her name is Marcela. Oscar introduces himself as Doctor Buen Rostro (good face) and Jerry’s Doctor Cien Fuegos (100 fires). Okay….. So tell us nurse, how’s the patient? Well, the earlier doctor said her studies were bad, and she wouldn’t get through the night (sound familiar?). Oscar taps Jerry, oh, WE knew that.

Of course. The nurse adds, her heart stopped beating a few minutes ago. Jerry, ever the gentlemen (not) opines that in contrast, HIS heart, upon seeing the nurse, is beating stronger than ever. Marcela says this woman just died, and you’re flirting with me? Oscar covers, it’s a real shame. Jerry adds, right, and in the flower of her youth, too. Well, guess there’s nothing else to do, let’s go get a drink, right, pal? They amble out, and after they leave, the nurse looks at the sheet and says “in the flower of her youth? She was 90!”

Mauricio bursts through the door to Connie’s apartment, Dani, Aldo, Luisa! Not here, says Katia. That’s just what Constanza told you to get you to come. “Go to your room” yells Connie, but Katia refuses. She’s not in agreement with Connie’s manipulations, and will stay with a friend. She apologizes to Mau, who knows she actually does care about the kids. As she leaves, Mau’s jaw tightens, his stony stare affixed on the evil Con-niver. She’s not fazed at all, tells him to make himself comfortable, she’s glad he came running. How could you be so cruel, what do you want? is his exasperated response. Oh, just to hear your answer. Have you decided yet? Are you going to marry me or not? Mau feels he has no other option, and says okay. Connie jumps up, overjoyed, tapping her toes, shaking her hair like a victorious lion, smiling in triumph.

Meanwhile, Rolu is showing the ladies (of the viewing audience) his well developed upper body, waiting in the marital bed, as Ximmy’s in the bathroom, getting ready for her honeymoon night of passion, so long delayed. He’s impatient, but she wants everything to be perfect. And here she is. Uh oh, she’s dressed sort of like a french hooker, black striped stockings and garter, little black panties, low cut red camisole, diaphonous black top covering her bare shoulders, she’s looking a little weird, and when we see her face, I thinks she’s gone just a bit too Morticia Adams, with tons of makeup, eyes outlined in black, lips a little too ruby red.

So how do I look? Scary, is Rolu’s shocking answer. He says you’ve ruined the romantic moment, you look horrifying, just look at yourself in the mirror. Ximmy says she can change, but Rolu doesn’t give her the chance. He says forget it, the moment is gone, we’ll just have to postpone (postegar) our wedding night. Ximmy starts to tell him her three things, but he cuts her off, saying shut up! I’m tired, and I’m going to sleep. He turns over (we see that heart tattoo on his back again), as a very disappointed Ximena looks at herself in the mirror, thinks maybe she DOES look scary. I think we see a sneaky smile on Rolu’s face as he goes to sleep.

Connie’s pleased as punch. Mau says he’ll go along with her, he’ll be married to her, but he’ll just have to contain his hatred. Yes, that and much more, now give me a kiss. No way, says Mau, there are limits. Right, limits that I set, says Connie. Mau just wants to see the kids. All in good time, replies Connie. She pours herself a drink to celebrate, announces that tomorrow she’ll move back into his house, as the adoptive mother of the kids. Her bags are already packed. She extends her hand. Could you be a dear and give me your extra set of keys? I know you have a second set in your car. Mau glares, gives her the keys. She tosses them up a little, swirling her drink, giddy with power.

As are our Bumbling Baddies, Jerry and Oscar, clinking glasses in a bar. They’re laughing about how easy it was to kill Moni without even trying. Jerry thinks that maybe, despite Moni’s being in a coma, she felt his presence, and died of pure terror. Sure, says Oscar, but she died LAUGHING at you. If anyone stopped her heart, it was I. MY evil is much more than yours. Jerry feels HE’s got the real energy, and Oscar agrees, just ask that nurse. But let’s not argue, let’s celebrate. Right, says Jerry, and I’m going to celebrate by claiming my reward. See ya’. By the way, take care of that bar bill. Oscar’s stuck with the bill again.

Connie informs Mau that they’ll marry in a week, but she’s moving in tomorrow, so let Terry know. Mau wants to make sure he’ll see the kids tomorrow, but Connie says don’t you worry. She can already hear those church bells ringing. No way, says Mau, we’ll have a civil wedding, not a church one. Connie wants it all, but Mau says it’s one thing to pretend to love her, and get married, and quite another to lie to a priest. He just won’t do it, and that’s final. Fine, the church waiting can wait. He leaves, firmly telling her he expects to see her in his house tomorrow, with the children. She smiles again, things are going just her way.

It’s a full house at Nieves’ place. She’s fast asleep, Don Cesar is snoring loudly, and Beto’s on the other side of the hanging curtain, tossing and turning. He can’t sleep, gets up, flashes back to Monita, he loves her, but he lost her. Then he flashes back to Connie, kissing in the dark, he’s lost her, too. And he can’t stand this snoring. (He’s reached rock bottom, and this could be a turning point).

Jerry waltzes into Connie’s apartment with a “why don’t you strip, babe, Moni’s been dead a few hours”. What a guy. He takes off his shoes, then his tie. He fulfilled his side of the bargain, now it’s her turn. Connie says hold it, how do I know you’re not lying? Well, you yourself sent Oscar with me, why don’t you call him? He saw her just as stiff (tiesa) as I did. Connie’s happy beyond belief. You mean the monkey of the circus no longer exists? Yippee! But tell me the details. He’ll tell her in bed, roughly picks her up, and they’re off to the cama. Look outta, Miss Flauta!

Back in the hospital, Moni has fallen asleep, and Mauricio has returned, to watch over her through the night. A tear streams down his face. He remembers their night of love in the underground grotto, the sensuous kisses, the warm waters, her bra floating away……

It’s morning now, and he’s still there, gazing lovingly at Moni from his chair, as she wakes. She asks if he saw the kids, how did it go? Badly. It was all a trick. Moni again says he should marry Constanza. Mau says Constanza demanded a response. So what did you say? I’m marrying her, one week from now. Moni squeezes his hand, as they silently but helplessly look at each other, filled with emotion.

Previews of Monday: Beto may have lost a Constanzia, but has he gained a Conciencia?


Morada – dwelling, abode, pad
Defraudar – to disappoint, to let someone down. This is a false friend, it doesn’t mean to defraud, which would be estafar. BTW decepcionar also means to disappoint, not to deceive, which is engañar (they say this a lot)
El que se fue la villa, perdió su silla – if you snooze, you lose, literally, he who left the town has lost his chair
Postegar – to postpone
Tiesa – stiff, stone dead, can also mean upright, erect or proud
Mameluco - jammies, rompers, overalls, what Don Cesar was wearing (not counting the shades and sleepmask!) - courtesy of JudyB


En Nombre del Amor, November 6, 2009--One Test Down, One to Go

Also known as The Maury Povich Show: Real del Monte Edition

Repeats of Camila telling Diana that Emiliano has doubts about the baby being his and demanded a DNA test; Paloma crying when the guy pretending to be her dad tells her that she was an accident and he didn’t love her mother; and Carlota talking crazy about how Cristobal belongs to her while the actor gives her not one, but two thumbs up.

Joel informs Rafael that the new ceramics line has resulted in a lot of orders. Rafa says that Camila broke up with Orlando, and he’s not going to wait for Diana to give him a divorce to remake his life--if Cami will accept him as a separated man he’ll do everything for her.

Orlando goes to the clinic to pick up the DNA test results. While waiting he flashes back to Diana telling him that the baby she was expecting wasn’t his and it died. He reads the results but it’s not clear from his facial expression what they say.

The actor Carlota hired to play Paloma’s dad apparently has experience working in fast food, because he asks if there’s anything else she wants to know, in the tone of “you want fries with that?” He piles on about how he always had doubts that she was really his kid, because he wasn’t the first or only man in her mother’s life, and that’s why he doesn’t want Pal around him. Carlota watches with a huge smile on her face.

Cristobal insists to Padre Benito that he’s not interested in the promotion, he has found his mission in Real del Monte helping kids w/alcohol problems. And also he can watch over Paloma there, cuz he can’t leave her in the hands of that purple nutjob. Benito tells him that God will tell him what to do.

Paloma runs to Carlota, crying that her dad doesn’t love her and her mom lied to her, and that Carlota was the one who always told her the truth, and her mom was a loose woman. Carlota pretends she was afraid Pal would inherit that part of Mac’s personality, that’s why she’s always been so strict w/Pal.

Rafael goes to Camila’s shop and asks if she’ll accept him as a separated man in the process of getting a divorce, and proposes that they tell Diana about their relationship. Cami replies that she doesn’t know. He says he can’t live without her and misses her, and she misses him too. They kiss, and then his phone rings--it's Joel, who says Diana left a message at the office, and she needs to see him urgently. Rafa tells Cami that he’s going to take this opportunity to tell her about the two of them.

Romina stops by Emiliano’s office and offers some more crazy talk about how she has no doubts about the outcome of the paternity test and how much she loves him--zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz--and will always love him, ALWAYS. On her way out she bumps into Angelica on purpose to make her spill her drink on herself and insults her for not having any luck with men and being a mere employee. Emiliano comes out and Ange asks if he really might marry Romi.

Rafa goes to Diana’s house and asks her why she called, but she’s confused because she didn’t call him. Just then the doorbell rings and it’s Orlando. He comments that Rafa got the message and he’s glad to see him and Di together. He hands the results to Rafa, which Di reads over his shoulder. He shouts that it’s proof that Emil is his son. Rafa claims that Orlando has no rights over Emil, because he didn’t want E to be born, but Orlando informs him that Gudelia (Diana) is the one who didn’t want the baby. Di begs Rafa not to believe Orly.

Pal and the Princess of Darkness arrive home. Pal runs upstairs crying a la the kids in many a "Brady Bunch" episode, but Carlota won’t tell Rufi what happened.

Diana yells at Orlando that he was in jail and is the bad person, not her. He retorts that he was in jail for the crime she and Ignacio committed, she robbed the safe. Orlando vows that he’s not going to give up Emil, and he’s going to tell him everything. Di begs Rafa not to let that happen and, after trying to attack Orly but getting pulled away by Rafa, wails that she’d rather be dead than have Emil find out the truth.

Pal thinks back to her fake dad telling her that Mac wasn’t a one-man woman, so apparently she CAN remember things that happened more than 15 minutes ago (well, at least when it's convenient for the writers). Rufi comes in and Pal cries that her mother lied to her, and her father doesn’t love her.

Rafa asks Di if what everything Orlando said is true, and she insists that Orly is the one who stole and mistreated her. Rafa asks again, “it’s true, isn’t it?” and Di just looks down silently. He goes back out to talk to Orly, who says Emil is going to know he’s his dad. Rafa agrees but asks that he and Di be the ones to tell him. Orly doesn’t trust them. Rafa promises that Emil will know that Orly is his dad, but doesn’t want him to know about Di’s shady past or to be ashamed of her. Ask me whatever you want, tell me what I can do, offers Rafa. Orly is all, Hmm, you didn’t know about her past? Ok, fine, I won’t say anything about that if you keep away from Camila PARA SIEMPRE.

Rufi tries to tell Paloma that the guy she met wasn’t her real father. But Paloma thinks Purple-lota is the only one who has ever told her the truth and tells Rufi to shut it. I’m an orphan, boo-hoo-hoo.

Diana tells Ines that Orlando knows that Emil is his son. Told ya so, sez Ines. And Rafa knows that she didn’t want the baby and stole from Orly. Ines worries that now that Diana’s secret is out, maybe hers will come out too. Diana scoffs because her secret has bigger repercussions than Ines’s. She has to do something--she’s not going to be left without her husband and son.

In a sure sign that an anvil is about to fall, Camila tells Meche and Monica that Rafa is the man she loves and she’s not going to give up el amor.

Rafael cries about Diana lying to him for all this time. Emil comes over to pick up his soccer gear and complains to Rafa about what a mess his life is; he doesn’t think he can take any more bad news. Of course, after he leaves, Rafa thinks to himself that he can’t cause his son pain by telling him about his real dad and his jerk of a mom.

Rufi barges into Carlota’s study and demands to know why did she do Pal like that and threatens to tell Pal the truth.

Padres Mateo, Benito and Cristobal chat and M gives Cris a message that Orlando came looking for him. They talk about how Benito will transfer there to RdM either to take Mateo’s place or Cris’s, if he becomes a bishop. Ines overhears that Cris might be leaving.

Rufi and Carlota continue arguing. Carlota tells her to get her stuff and get out, you're fired.

Paloma whines on the phone to Emil about the meeting with her “father” while he gets ready for his soccer match. He tells her she has to live with the memory of her adoptive father, he is her real father. He also reminds her that she was the one who insisted on meeting her dad. Emil says he’ll call later to arrange to see each other for a little while.

Rufi talks to the birds about how she has no one to talk to about all this stuff. She gets sad thinking about leaving Pal alone with the Wicked Witch of the West, Purple Edition, with no one to defend and protect her. Carlota comes in to the kitchen to give Rufi her severance check.

Cami tells Angelica that she broke up with Orlando, so the way is clear for her, and she doesn’t mind if Ange wants to go out with him. Ange protests that Orly isn’t interested in her. Cami explains that she and Rafa are going to try to work things out and counsels Angelica to fight for Orly.

Aron calls Paloma to ask her out but she declines and suggests that they talk later that night instead.

Romina arrives home to find a flower delivery at the house for Cami with a note from Orlando. She thinks that if her father had sent the flowers, how different everything would be. She looks thoughtful, like maybe she's considering enrolling in Forgery 101.

Rufi is packing her suitcase in the kitchen (?) when Pal comes in, so she explains how she’s leaving because she doesn’t agree with the things Crazylota did, etc. Pal tells her she can’t leave and tells her to wait right there, and then runs off to see Carlota. Pal threatens to leave if Rufi leaves. She knows it has to do with her father, but it won’t happen again because Javier is and will always be her father. La Loca thought bubbles that it’s better to have her enemy close where she can keep her under control, so she agrees that Rufi can stay, but the topic of Pal’s father is off limits. Paloma makes Rufi promise not to speak of her father ever again to either her or Carlota.

Orlando takes Emiliano car shopping, saying he wants to show Emil his appreciation for him for being a good business partner and because he cares for him, or something like that.

Ines calls Carlota with the gossip that Padre Juan (Cristobal) might leave Real del Monte--Carlota is muy impactada.

Pal and Aron are on the patio with Pal saying that it’s better that they don’t see each other or go out anymore. Aron gets all mad and turns super creepy, asking "how can you do this to me", etc., and then starts mauling her and forcing himself on her. She yells for help as the episode ends.


Thursday, November 05, 2009

Sortilegio 11/5/09--Sorry folks, no show tonight because of Latin Grammys.

Viewerville sheds a collective tear as there will be no wacky and zany antics at the House that Skittles Built tonight. No pink frig. No neon underwear. No AARP Lucha Libre matches. No brothers beating each other to a pulp in the middle of the dining room table. And, sadly, no bom chicka bow bow. Since everyone seems to be in agreement, I thought we could have an open discussion. We can discuss the Grammys or Sortilegio or whatever you want. We've had some really great discussions this week. I have a couple of suggestions that were submitted to me just to get the ball rolling and you all can take it from there.

1. Which family, the Elizaldes or the Lombardos, would you like to join for dinner and why?

2. Which character from Sortilegio (or any other TN for that matter) would you like to have drinks with?

3. I don't think we've discussed creative deaths/consequences for some of the characters yet so let's get creative. Might as well start those pie carts rolling up the hill.

Since this could get a little confusing with so many topics, if you want to preface your comment/suggestion/obeservation with a heading like we do for OT then that would be ok. That way if someone wasn't interested in the Latin Grammys they could skip to the next comment.

You guys are the best! 8(:-)

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ENDA, November 4, 2009

Camila and Rafael kiss.

Emiliano tells German that it's all his fault that their friendship is over. German wants to talk, but Emiliano says after the paternity test.

Camila and Rafael are making out and Diana comes knocking on the door. Camila hides. Diana says that she wanted to come over to be the first to see the ceramic line. As she tries to come in she spots Camila's shawl on the ground. Rafael takes Diana back to the party and locks Camila in the office.

Rafael asks Joel to help Camila out of his office and to bring her in the back way as to appear that she just came to the party.

Emiliano comes in and spots his mother. He sighs.

Natalia and Orlando have a drink together. They talk about their problems and the love that Cristobal had for Macarena. Orlando asks Natalia if she loves Cristobal even though he's a priest. Yes, replies Natalia.

Romina fixes Paloma up.

Rodolfo tells Rufi that German refused to show him the testament from Paloma's parents. He has to figure out a way to see it.

Joel gets Camila out of Joel's office. She's worried of what others would think her coming back in again. Joel tells her not to worry. Just Angelica and he saw her come in. The rest of the people are just clients who don't care. They leave and she forgets her shawl.

Carloca is on the phone with Cristobal finalizing her plans to meet with him.

Romina and Paloma come to the party. Paloma is not happy with Romina for not telling here that they were coming to the party. Emiliano and Paloma smile at each other. Diana is busy greeting Romina and then Camila walks in. Romina asks her why she has just arrived. Camila comes up with an excuse that she had to go to the galleria. She didn't realize that Romina was coming. Diana asks Camila what she is doing here. Perhaps it has to do with you designing the ceramics? Rafael interrupts and introduces everyone to Camila as the anonymous investor. Diana is not happy. Camila looks uncomfortable. Diana makes a speech about Rafael and takes the opportunity to kiss him on the cheek. She's playing the role as the loving and loyal wife. Barf.

Orlando takes a mariachi band to serenade Camila, but she's not home. Carloca complains about the noise, but Rufi thinks it's romantic.

Camila and Angelica talk and make up.

Orlando the dumbass is still outside wondering if Camila will come out. He then sends the band away.

Emiliano texts Paloma that he wants to be by her side and yell out to everyone how much he loves her. She responds back "me too". I just feel so uncomfortable here. I want to leave with you and go somewhere else. Emiliano texts back "why don't we do it?" Romina chooses that time to come up and asks Emiliano what he's texting. She wants to see it, but he tells her "don't you know that messages on the phone are private?" and walks away. She's pissed.

Paloma asks Angelica if she will give her a lift home.

Camila goes to get her shawl at Rafael's office. Rafael follows and they start arguing. Camila did not want him to tell anyone of there partnership and Diana is still his wife. She doesn't want to be the other woman.

Camila comes to get Romina to go home, but she refuses. Camila gets after Romina for drinking. Romina is like whatever and tells Camila that she has her own car and will make her way home. Diana comments to Camila how wonderful the design of the ceramics came out. Camila says goodnight and puts on her shawl. Diana remembers seeing it on the floor in Rafael's office. Romina asks her what's wrong. Nothing replies Diana.

Paloma tells Angelica that she feels uncomfortable hiding her relationship with Emiliano. She also says that he's having a paternity test and then they will decide what to do with their relationship. Angelica asks about Aron. He has asked her for help in helping him to conquer Paloma's heart.

Romina asks Emiliano to take her home. But didn't your mother just leave 10 minutes ago? Why didn't you leave with her asks Emiliano. Because I was okay til now replies Romina. I think the champagne went to my head. Joel offers to take her, but she declines. She prefers Emiliano to take her. Emiliano finally relents. Rafael doesn't look to happy as Romina cozies up to Emiliano.

Paloma gets ready for bed. Carloca comes in asking how the party went. Paloma said okay. It was just a party for Emiliano's father's new ceramic line at the factory and something about Camila being his associate. Carloca comments that it must have been hard seeing Emiliano. Let's hope Romina never finds out about your relationship with him. Anyway I came to talk to you about your father. Tomorrow we are going to see him in Pachuca. Paloma is excited.

Camila comes home to find Orlando the dumbass waiting for her. Orlando asks her where she was. At the party she replies. Orlando gets upset and they argue. She's like whatever and goes into her house.

Emiliano brings Romina home. He tells her that she should not be drinking. Paloma spots him outside her window. She has so much to say to him. She doesn't know what she will do if he is the father of Romina's baby. Carloca sees them also and starts talking to herself about Cristobal and how she wants his caresses. Blah, Blah, Blah. Crazy lady.

Cristobal is nervous about his meeting.

Rufi tries to talk Paloma out of going to meet her father. But she insists in going. Rufi asks Carloca if she thinks she' doing the right thing. Carloca says I always know what I am doing.

Camila leaves for work and German is hiding out behind a tree. He rings the doorbell. Romina comes out. German asks why Emiliano gets to have a DNA test and not him. Romina says because he is the father. German says that Emiliano doubts it just as he does. Whatever replies Romina. Even if it were your child, I would never marry you. German throws back that Emiliano doesn't want to marry her. Romina says that he will.

Paloma asks Carloca how she found her father so fast. Carloca tells her that once Paloma found out that Macarena was her mother, it was just a matter of time before she started asking questions about her father. So she hired a private investigator. Paloma wants to know what is name is. Carloca says Juan and he's right behind you dressed in black. Slow mo of Paloma turning around and seeing her father.

But it's not her real father! Paloma is excited to meet him although he isn't. He tells her that he never expected to see her. The only reason he came today was that Carloca told him it was a matter of life or dealth. Carloca plays along and tells him that he still has'nt changed. He tells her that she is just as beautiful as ever. Carloca says I'm not here for that. He asks Paloma were Macarena is at. Paloma informs him that she past away. So that's why you came looking for me replies Juan aka fake daddy. Well don't count on me for nothing. Carloca says I didn't expect anything else from you, but Paloma has a lot of questions to ask you. Macarena told Paloma a tale of a great love between you two. But it's time for her to know the truth. Juan says I have no interest in clarifying anything. Carloca begs him to talk to Paloma. She leaves them both to talk but makes sure that Juan tells her the whole "truth".

Guess Cristobal was not on the phone with Carloca and instead went to visit his superiors in the church. His excellency tells Cristobal that he has heard about his struggle as a man and that he made a decision to stay a priest. So his excellency wants to promote him.

Juan aka fake daddy tells Paloma that he never loved Macarena. He says that Macarena was obsessed with him and got pregnant to keep him around. The love that she claimed we had just exsisted in her head. He went on vacation and that is where he met Macarena and Carloca. Although Carloca is the one that he wanted. But she didn't want me. I was upset at the rejection from her and just found any woman to console me. That is where Macarena came along. Paloma is upset. He claims that Macarena was easy and gave it up even without him promising her the moon. Carloca is watching all this from the cafe across the street enjoying herself. Paloma is crying and says that her mother was not like that. Juan says that he has no reason to lie. Macarena lied to her to appear the victim. He couldn't be held down for having a child after a night of drinking. Paloma cries.

Carloca is on the phone with someone talking about a scheme she has going. Not really sure what it is about.

Diana goes to see Camila. She doesn't understand why Camila has been lying to her. How did you not tell me that you were Rafael's associate? Camila thought that no one would find out. Diana says but I tell you everything and you don't. Well now you know replies Camila. Diana asks if she knows who Rafael is messing with. I want to get back with him and need to confront my rival. I know she exists. The night of the party I saw a shawl on the floor in his office. Just like the one you had.

Rafael finds Orlando the dumbass and tells him not to send little messages thru Diana. Come to him like a man. Orlando tells him to stay away from Camila. Rafael tells him that Camila is the only one that can decide who she wants to be with. And from what I see it's not you.

Diana comments that she saw Camila and Orlando together. Camila informs her that they are through. Really replies Diana. How wonderful and starts clapping. Camila defends him saying that he is a great guy. Diana says you really don't know him well. Have you asked references or talked about his past? No replies Camila. Why did you break up asks Diana. Because right now my priorites are with Romina and her future says Camila. Diana says her future will be secure when she marries Emiliano and they have their child. She requests that Camila not leave her out of the wedding plans. Camila says that's not going to happen. Emiliano doubts that the child is his and is having a paternity test done. He also doesn't love her and doesn't trust her. Diana is shocked.

Juan says that Macarena believed her lies and that is why she told you. Paloma asks if he ever loved Macarena or if he could feel something for her. Juan tells her that she was a mistake. An accident. Carloca is the only one I have ever loved. Your grandfather found out about Macarena's pregnancy and had an attack. He died when he found out you were coming. It's my fault he died asks Paloma. Yes in a way replies Juan. Paloma cries. Carloca tells Macarena (or the air) that Paloma is going to pay for all the pain she caused her regarding Cristobal. I told you to keep away from him. Because he was mine. MINE!!

Manana: Rufi threatens Carloca to tell Paloma the truth or she will.


Un Gancho - Wednesday 11/4 - Welcome back, you're gonna die, just kidding, I think.

Kris is in Mexico no doubt having the time of her life. Wheeeeee!! I am subbing for her tonight.

I know we were trying to forget exactly where we were last night, let's just rush through the first part...

Coni insists she will marry Mau it's the only way he can get his kids back he says he'll only grow to loathe her she says she loves him and she will wait ten fifteen twenty years he knows her terms think hard handsome and when you have an answer let me know I'll be waiting. Coni smirks. Mau shakes head and looks dumb...founded.

Nieves warns Estre about ending up like her, all alone with only a child to fill the void. Don't do it! Oh, and you'd better let Beto see Monita, they have such a long history, and if you don't I will grab you by the hair and eject you by force. Estrella agrees and Nieves blows her a kiss.

Oh goodie, we're now with Xime and Rolu who is kinda sorta shaven. Now that she can hear his voice it's like falling in love all over again, can she make him a daquiri? He doesn't want to put her out. She says three things...una, it's not a bother; dos, she's his wife and it's her obligation; tres, doesn't he feel like having a daquiri? He ACTS very sweet, calls her princess and says he's the luckiest guy in the world because she's perfect. Then he gives her a big kiss. Hmmmph.

It looks like the Latin Grammies are on tomorrow night so I get the night off from recapping. That works out well.

Beto is at Moni's bedside. I wonder if his manly scent will wake her out of her coma? He tells her when he found out about her and Mau he felt like wringing her neck for falling in love with his ex soul brother. It really accelerated his rattle and made his blood boil. He's still wearing his "I heart NY" t-shirt, the hypocrite. He apologizes, then decides that since Moni can't hear him he'll admit to her he was with Coni. Whew! He tells her it sure felt good to get that off his chest. He concludes his confession by giving her a kiss on the lips.

Estre runs into Tano outside Moni's room. She loses it and tells him she's an estupida. Since Moni was injured she's had a lot of time to think. She doesn't want to end up like Nieves. She can't seem to grab her own life, she's not even the star of her own life. Will Tano give her another chance?

Rolu tells Xime how much he loves her, she says three things, they make out, and Jero walks in and is grossed out. Rolu tells Jero (in front of Xime) that Xime is a goddess. He's cold could she get him a blanket? Sure was easy to get rid of her. Rolu tells Jero he's got plans. He was in agony for six months and a damned hell awaits Ximena.

Estre weeps that she understands Tano's silence and she blabs on about what a loser she is. He asks her to shut it. He's also made many mistakes and he's as lonely as she. But how will she feel tomorrow? Is she still thinking of Aldo? He really likes her and she's special but he doesn't want to make the same mistake twice. He pulls a measly flower out of Monita's bouquet and gives it to her.

Nieves and Beto are in the hospital cafe and he tells the waiter he's not that hungry because he just arrived from the states and proceeds to order steak and fires, chile verde, muffins, etc. He tells his ma he gets hungry when he's upset. She asks about Coni "la Flauta", she was gone for a long time too. Was he with her? Nieves tells him Moni lost the fight because of Coni. Beto gets all squinty eyed.

Mau pats Moni's head and tells her sweet things. Then, right in front of Moni (yay, she's going to wake up!), he tells Tano that Coni is back with her demands and blackmail, her demand for marriage if he wants to see his kids again. Oh dear, are those Moni's eyes opening just a little? Tano advises that marrying Coni will ruin his life. Now Moni's eyes are fully open and she hears Mau tell Tano these have been the most difficult six months of his life, back and forth between the office and the hospital and never to his house because it's empty, boo hoo. When he turns back around Moni shuts her eyes so he won't know she's awake. The guys leave and she peeks out of one eye. "Six months?" Oh tell me she's not going to pretend to be in a coma!

Nieves tells Beto that Coni sprayed Moni's eyes with pepper spray, Moni couldn't see, and got whacked upside the head. Also, Coni is a bad piece of work for stealing Mau's kids. He hasn't seen them in six months and she has never seen a man suffer as much as he has. In spite of his grief he has been at the hospital day and night and all the while Beto was jumping from bed to bed with that woman! Nieves has really worked herself up by now and tells Beto that Mau is much more of a man than Beto is. Well duh!

Whew! Moni is awake and talking to the Doc. She can't believe it's been six months, it feels like she was boxing just last night. The doc tells her she's strong but it will be a good long time before she's back in the ring. What? He thought she might have had brain damage but the tests look good. Did I hear that right? Carlos, is that prudent? Whatever, he says her friends are outside and worried about her. Estre is first and Moni wants her to explain everything.

In the hospital cafe Mau tells Tano he's tried to get the kids back but the judge supports Coni. El Juez has irrefutable proof that Mau is a crap parent, but if he marries Coni then he will get his kids back. Tano says the thought makes him ill, think of Moni, what if she comes out of her coma and finds Mau married to that woman?

Estre explains about Mau literally losing the kids, the mummy disappeared with them. Each time she saw him he was increasingly more desperate but he'd come to see Moni, hitch up his pants, and go happy and smiling to try to cheer up his comatose girlfriend. Moni says he's the greatest guy she's ever met in her life. Estre muses how happy he'll be when he finds Moni has woken from her coma. Just think! Oh yeah, we're thinking.

Back at Beto's table he tells Nieves he's a macho man (sniffs armpit) and nobody beats him. Correction, says ma, you're a puppet, a pawn for she who has no other use for you but to use you to hurt YOUR Monita. Nieves says at first she was mad at Mau for leaving Moni at the altar, but then she learned what really happened. She gets right down to it, "Beto, did you know what that Constancia was up to? Were you in league with her to ruin the wedding?" Naughty boy looks very guilty.

Moni reveals to Estre that she overheard Mau telling Tano that the mummy is back in town.

Mau tells Tano he should give Estre another chance because she is noble and has a big heart. Tano's not interested in becoming her lifesaver. Mau says help her and help yourself, anyway he doubts Tano will find another woman as worth the pain as Estrella.

Cut to Aldo at the kiddie prison having flashbacks of his first kiss with Estrella.

Nieves leads Beto by the ear to the hospital chapel so that he can tell her the truth in front of Jesus and the Virgin of Guadalupe. With open arms and open eyes he finds he cannot deny he was in on the insidious plot. He swears if he'd known how things would have ended up he wouldn't have done it. (Sheesh, he's so immature!) Nieves says for all his dirty deeds she never thought he was truly bad, but now she's not so sure. Beto's got an out, didn't she tell him day and night all his life that he was going to marry Monita? Now Nieves is supplicant and assumes the position, it IS her fault! However, now that they are in front of the virgin and telling the truth, does he love that Flauta? Does he? His shifty-eyed glance is his answer. Nieves knows it's true, it's a pure disgrace! She cries and leaves the room. Mom, can I lower my arms now? Beto vows to The Father that if Moni recovers he'll renounce her (give her up) and ensure her happiness, even if it's not with him.

Estre breaks the happy news to Nieves, Moni is awake and out of danger! She shares the news with Beto. Beto and Estre hug and ick!!! they wipe the cooties off themselves.

Beto walks over to the desk and overhears the Doc and nurse discuss breaking the terrible news to the woman's family that she'll not survive the night. He assumes they are discussing Monita so he tells Nieves that Monita is scheduled to die that night. More tears.

And now for a kooky scene, I can't decide whether it's funny or annoying or both. Beto and Nieves stumble into Moni's room looking stricken. Of course Moni wonders what's up. Beto begs her forgiveness, he doesn't want her to go without forgiving him, does she know about her test results? Yeah yeah, she'll be leaving soon. This sets Beto off again, does her head hurt? Does she see the white light? Moni says her head hurts a little but knows it will pass. "For forever," adds Beto, Nieves whacks him. Moni wonders what's up with them and Beto decides she should know the truth. Nieves weeps that the test results are bad. "You're going to die tonight" cries Beto. Moni is impactada.

Estre paces outside the hospital and finally Mau arrives so she can tell him the good news. They rush inside.

Moni kicks the two clowns out (and Nieves really does look like a clown with her red lips in a perpetual clown frown) while Beto bleats that he's dying of hunger. Outside her room Mau and Estre race by unseen, then Coni shows up with a victorious smirk on her face. She looks truly shocked as Beto tells her to get the hell out, she's a viper, out! It's all her fault that his Monita is dying.

Mau leaps on Monita's bed and welcomes her back to the land of the living. Not so fast Mau, Moni has something important to tell you. She tells him he has to get married so he can get his kids back. He has to marry Constanza.



Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Sortilegio #22, Wednesday Nov 4, 2009: News, News and News

Bruno says this dinner is only for family and asks Felipa to leave. Victoria insists she stay.

Brunto is contesting the will of Antonio Lombardo because both he and Rachel have rights because they are children of Antonio. Raquel is totally floored and wants to know what is going on. Brunto says their mother is ramera.

Everyone is tense. Raquel and Bruno hold on to each other.

Victoria grabs Felipe and leaves to have a pity party.

Roberto wants to know what the problem is?

Rachel beats on Roberto, then fortifies herself with a glass of vino.

Chucho comes to see Pedro. He shows money and tells Pedro that he would rather spend it on his friend Pedrito for a night on the town. Chucho, must have decided to do his part in helping out economy..... or he has lost all faith in the banking system.

Ale is worried about his Madre. MJ asks if there is something wrong between them and Ale flashes to Maura's conversation with him about MJ. MJ should know that Ale is very astute.

Chucho and Pedro are having a night on the town. A botello of ? Chucho needs to pay up front. Chucho is wearing some kind of neon tie. I think it wasn't a good idea for Chucho to put his money in his back pocket.

Maura and sister? are talking plans. Roberto joins and orders drinks for the girls and a
whisky for himself. He has news. Seems like it can't spread fast enough.

Rachel goes to sleazy sleaze Useless Gross I can't stand him, and cries about being the bastard child of Antonio. She is so humiliated.

Bruno joins Roberto and the girls. Bruno wants it to all play out in the courts.

Chucho and Pedro are drinking it up . Chucho has a girl to dance. The workers are all taking. A serving girl comes to sit with Pedro. Chuco is dancing storm, then wants another bottle. Flashin that moola is not smart. He goes to el bathroom and one of the bartenders relieves him of his money.

Oh oh, Chucho finds his money is gone, (maybe a FDIC banco would have been better.) and the waitress is angry at the bartenders, and now a brawl is happening. Pedro is breaking glasses on heads and breaking furniture. Bad news.

Back at home the police call to say Pedro and Chucho are in jail. Of course EZ gives Bruno the call and Bruno tells him not to tell or else.

Next morning. MJ climbs in bed with Ale. NO, it is not another hot scene. Ale is worried about the scandal and then asks MJ who Mario Aguirre? See MJ. You need to tell Ale everything that is strange. Caray has been warning you all week. MJ says that she and Paula thought it could be someone associated with her father. Ale is a bit upset. He goes to bathe without inviting MJ.

EZ starts to feel guilty about not telling Ale about Pedro but lets Bruno win.

Bruno can hardly contain himself as he calls his mother to tell her that he is at the police station because of the scandal MJ's papa Pedro has caused. He hangs up from her and calls the tabloids to tell them the breaking news.

Vicky comes running to find Ale, whom we at least get to see all wet with a towel on. Ale wants to know why Bruno is at the police station, but, Victoria says now is not the time to discuss Bruno.

Bruno has all kind of press at the police station. Ale and MJ walk into a swarm of reporters paparazzi. They get to the jail and Ale sends Bruno away.

Pedro and Chucho are getting sprung and Pedro is ashamed. Some girl is pleading to make a phone call.

Pedro, Chucho, Ale and MJ leave surrounded by the paparazzi. They are in the hummer, and Pedro says he is ashamed, Chucho says it is all his fault. Ale tells them to stay at the house and not go out in public. He then asks Pedro about Mario Aguirre, who Pedro doesn't know.

Doubts. Nasty doubts.

Maura gets to hear the juicy news on the radio while driving, and then has to call Rachel and tell her that MJ's father was drunk and raised a big scandal in a seedy place.

MJ chastises her father and Chucho.

Bruno catches up to MJ in the gardens. MJ says to leave them alone. Bruto, says besides the money and the estate he wants MJ to divorce Ale. Somehow they trip and MJ lands on top of Bruno, he looks up at her... and this is where my DVR stops.


ENDA Tuesday November 3. How do you solve a problem like Paloma?

Overlap: Romina tells Camila that her dreamboat Emiliano is being a total meanie and demanding a paternity test, even though she totally crossed her heart and hoped-to-die-swore that the baby is his. Is there no trust in the world anymore? Camila isn’t convinced there isn’t a fire under all that smoke, and further can’t understand why Romi wants to marry a guy who so clearly doesn’t want to be with her. Romememena says she agreed to the test and she’ll marry Emo; that’s that.

Romina summons Paloma and rants at her for not joining the Emo+Ro4eva campaign. She demands to know whether Paloma is the one who told Emo the baby might belong to Germán.

New: Orlando whines to Padre Juan/Cristóbal over being dumped by Camila. His blood is boiling thinking of her getting together with that rat punk Rafael. PJC says Rafael is a decent man, and as another man once said, you can’t always get what you want. Natalia sees them and stops to talk. Orlando remembers her from days past and says she hasn’t aged at all.

Romina asks how Emiliano could possibly have had doubts if Paloma didn’t put them in his head. “Only about everyone in town saw you with Germy,” says Paloma. Romi begs forgiveness for thinking Paloma could be such a traitor. She knows her very bestest friend Pal would never ever try to separate her baby from its father. She snuffles on Paloma’s shoulder and Pal looks deeply perturbed.

Orlando leaves and Natalia tells PJC she thinks he should tell Paloma about his history with Macarena. He is reluctant and tells Nat that he had planned to leave the priesthood and marry Mac.

Germs and Doc Rodolfo are on the horn discussing the paternity tests. But really Rodolfo wants Germy to let him see Javier’s will. Germs says he can’t let anyone see it. Rodolfo (still playing the grieving widower of Mac, even though she wasn’t going to marry him) says he only wants to look at it for a minute, then he will put it back and no one will ever have to know that he saw it…or about the paternity test Germy wants and why, hint hint.

Cami and Paloma talk about how much they miss Mac. Paloma asks Cami if she knows the name of the man Mac was in love with. It is really really important. Cami says she can’t tell her.

Nat strolls down a pretty street and cries because Cris loved Mac so much more than he loved her.

Orlando goes to Diana’s house and growls at her to give Rafael a message: Stay away from what he wants most, or else. He refuses to clarify. Diana is muy confundida.

Over at the fútbol field, Chava is hassled by one of his lowlife buddies for not joining them in their drinking-to-oblivion fun and games. On the sidelines, PJC and Emiliano watch and wonder what to do. PJC asks whether Emo knows anything about Iñaki’s investigation of Paloma’s inheritance. He does not.

Cami asks Rufi why Paloma is so curious about Mac’s old flame.

Camila calls Rafa with the message. She assumes what Rafa cares about most must be Emiliano, but that can’t be what Orlando meant, so who is it?

Rufi has learned absolutely nothing. She tells Carlota that Paloma is trying to figure out who her father is. What if she tells Cris that Mac was her mother, not her aunt?! By golly, if that happened they might figure things out! Carlota thinks hard.

Paloma works on a drawing of a tree. Carlota stalks up and says she is not only going to tell her who her father is, she will take her to see him. I’m guessing she fingers some dude in a mental institution who won’t be able to protest. She’d probably go with Rafael if she thought she could get away with that.

Camila tells Emiliano she’s totally offended that he wants a paternity test and wants to know why. He couches his reasons in the most vague and diplomatic terms possible. She says she doesn’t support coerced marriage, but she doesn’t like being humiliated either, and by the way the test poses some risk to both the baby and Romina. He did not know that.

Cruel goes on and on saying she’s only telling Paloma because she’s so insistent, but she shouldn’t get her hopes up and her father may not be at all what she expects. In fact, he probably won’t want to see her, and they lied—he did know Mac was pregnant, and that’s why he left. Nonetheless, Paloma is thrilled that Cruel is being so, so helpful. She gives her a big hug and beams. Paloma probably doesn’t help with the cooking because she still can’t remember the stove is hot, and keeps putting her hand on it.

Inés makes Cris really uncomfortable by telling him everyone in town, at least all the ladies, including Carlota, prefers him because he is the best and hottest priest. More or less. Fortunately Chava comes to the rescue and Inés is dismissed.

As Romina is about to leave for the test and hoping the witch Cruel knows what she’s doing, Cami tells her she doesn’t have to go if she doesn’t want to. Cami will help with the baby and it won’t need a father. Romi hugs her tightly and Cami looks surprised but happy.

PJC and Chava talk about his alcohol addiction issues. PJC suggests he find some different friends. Chava says it’s hard because almost everyone likes to drink, and he doesn’t want to be alone. Cris says he understands completely.

Cruelota assures Romina she has everything under control. Romina tries to guilt-trip Emo about the risks of the test.

At the clinic, the technician does an ultrasound and assures them all that the risks are very minimal. Emo seems intrigued by the heartbeat. The lady pulls out a ginormous needle. Romina is very committed to her villainy, I must say. I would confess to almost anything to avoid that needle, whether I did it or not.

Paloma excitedly tells Rufi that Carloca is going to introduce her to her father, really for real! Rufi truly cannot believe it. She wonders what Cruel is up to.

Meche is at the clinic to get the results of Chava’s tests. Little chatfest when Emo, Cami, and Romina parade by, Romi clinging to Emo’s arm. As they’re all departing, a mysterious dame clad in a trench coat and low hat enters, witch boots first. Whoever could it be?

Paloma looks in the mirror and dimwits to imaginary Mac that Auntie Loca is going to tell her the truth for real, and she doesn’t know which of them lied to her (really?) but she’s glad she will finally know her father.

Romina and Emo talk about how emotional it was, seeing the baby on the screen. Emo actually seems really happy and excited about the baby now. About Romina, still not so much. She tells him she loves him and kisses him anyway.

Romina goes inside and tells her baby it had better not grow too much or hurt too much being born. At the very least, it should make Emiliano stay with them. You got that, baby? OR ELSE.

Inés and Diana talk about some event Inés is invited to and she wants Di to crash; I think it’s something to do with Orlando; whatever.

Paloma and Emiliano meet up in the magical park wherein people can smooch all they want yet keep their noviazgo a secret.

Oh, I guess the event is the launch of the new ceramics line. Rafael is excited that Camila is planning to come, even if it is with Orlando.

Romina thinks Camila is going to the ceramics celebration just as a pretext to see Rafael. Cami says she’s going because she’s the designer and also an investor in the company. Romina does not like that, but remembers she’s in suck-up mode and says now that she’s going to be a mother she understands how hard it is to be alone. Cami says she’s not alone.

Emiliano gets dressed for the party and Diana whines that it isn’t fair she wasn’t invited when she was the one responsible for the new line, and, indeed, any success Rafael has ever had. Emo rolls his eyes and says that is certainly NOT true. Di makes hilarious obnoxious faces at him.

Party scene. Rafael greets Camila and takes her hand and leads her off to see the new line before it is revealed to everyone. Their theme song plays.

Rufi questions Cruel about her plans. Cruel just says she is going to tell Paloma what she wants to know. Cruel goes into her office and calls Salazar, the guy who helped her find Cris right in front of her nose.

Orlando goes to Natalia’s house and says he needs a friend. He invites himself in for a tequila.

Romina interrupts Carloca’s and Paloma’s dinner to beg Paloma to go to the party with her. Paloma says it’s late and she doesn’t want to, so of course Carloca says she should go.

Orlando swigs tequila and tells Natalia that he thinks Emiliano is his long-lost son.

Rafael shows Camila the new ceramics in the privacy of his office. If they hadn’t raved about them so much, I would not have known how fabulous they are. Cami tells him she and Oily Orly are through. Rafa needs a tongue probe to confirm this.

Emo and Germs cross paths in front of the convenience store I had no idea existed in the rarefied orbit of Real del Monte. Germs is all apologetic, Emo is still angry. Emiliano says they’ll see where things stand when they get the test results. Germy swallows hard a lot.

Diana knocks on Rafael’s office door as Rafa and Camila are kissing. Aiieeee!

Avances: Carlota plans to meet someone in Pachuca. Padre Juan gets a confusing important summons. Paloma is the naivest naïf on the planet, nay, in the universe. Carlota tells Paloma her father is named Juan and is the guy over there dressed in black.


Sortilegio #21, Tuesday, Nov. 3: If you thought Bruno was angry before….

So, Bruno calls his mom a ho and Alex gets upset and grabs him by the shirt. MaryJo tries to get between them. Bruno eventually says that this only makes things worse between them, gets loose, and goes away. Worse? Seriously? Como diablos could things between them get worse?

Vicky lets Hernán and Felipa know that she told Bruno who his Daddy really was. And what's more, she actually feels better for having done it…except that Bruno was looking at her with "asco" (revulsion, disgust). Hernán advises her to get some rest and says that they support her decision. Vicky takes her meds.

When Hernán goes downstairs, Bruno has harsh words with him. Hernán knew all along and Bruno is pissed about it. He refuses to acknowledge Antonio as his father and insists that Sam is his daddy and he hates Antonio. He takes every opportunity to savor the words as he says Antonio seduced his mother, making her a "ramera" and a "golfa" (both basically, ho). After he spews all that crap he goes back upstairs. But he stops on the stairs to shout to the whole house that he curses the woman who bore him ("que me engendró") and who slept with another man. This brings Ezequiel running, well walking really fast anyway, and now Bruno comes back downstairs to unload on him, saying that even the "criado" (servant) knew before he did and that Zeke must have been her "alcahuete" (person who facilitated the affair, pimp, lookout). Zeke has no flippin' clue what Bruno is talking about. Bruno calls them both trash and storms out. Yay! Goody! Change the locks now while you have the chance and tell security not to let him back in por nada! Hernán just tells Zeke that Bruno is having "personal problems" and says that Bruno isn't acting like a demon, he is one!

Still wearing their robes from the Macy's Hot Married People Who Can't Be Bothered With Actual Clothes line, Alex and MaryJo finish their dinner and talk about what just happened. Alex figures that Vicky must have just felt like Bruno needed to know. MaryJo and Alex both suppose that now Bruno is going to break it to Raquel. Oh, yeah, baby, and in the meanest, nastiest way possible. Alex: "Do you realize, we've all got the same blood and there is nothing in common between them and me." MaryJo: "Luckily!" Ha! I like it when my snark is written for me. Alex is worried about Vicky's health and MaryJo agrees with him that they need to give her lots of love and support. They also agree that Bruno is going to be furious now. Alex wants MaryJo to quit taking on responsibility for all the crap that happens in that house…"you see that we had problems long before you showed up!" They give each other a long, soulful hug as Alex tells her to calm down. I predict there will be some calm-down nookie going on soon. Cause nothing chills a person out better than sweet, sweet lovin' on high-thread-count sheets.

At whatever trashy party is going on tonight, Maura and Ulises discuss Raquel. Basically, Maura lets it be known that there's interest in a hook-up. Ulises winks at Raquel from across the room.

Felipa and Ezequiel start having a conversation, but I can't understand a word because I am stuck on the horrid paint job on the fridge. Is it possible I never noticed it before? How? It's hot and pale pink with white circles. It's blinding me to the closed captions. Seriously? These people are supposed to be rich. How about a little stainless steel, eh? Maybe some granite countertops? A nice sage green paint job on the actual paintable surfaces? Instead of the fridge from the Barbie Dream House?

Okay, back to the show. Felipa and Ezequiel talk vaguely about what happened. They suppose it must have been a fight with Bruno because MaryJo and Alex were in "their" room. Felipa refuses to discuss what the fight was about, even after Zeke complains that Bruno called him a pimp. She reminds him that they see and hear, but keep their mouths shut. She's planning on spending the night in Vicky's room in case Vicky wakes up and needs anything.

Roberto takes a female party guest upstairs to get it on. He makes fun of her for wondering if the host will get mad that they're using one of the bedrooms. "Duh, what do you think these parties are for?" Funny, I never saw a bowl of keys.

Ulises begins the seduction of Raquel. She agrees she'd find him most "apetible" (appetizing).

Maura comments on it to Lizette who thinks it's a shame, because she had her eye on Ulises too. Maura reminds her that he's a "mantenido" (a kept man, a moocher), but Lizette thinks she's perfectly capable of being mooched off of.

Raquel wants some assurances that Ulises isn't just messing around with her and really wants her. So he kisses her. That's apparently enough evidence for her. She says he kisses better than she thought. He tells her that he's been thinking about her since he got back and that he's always liked her. He says that she's special and has qualities he can't find in anyone else. She wants to believe him, but she gets all nervy and tells him this is actually the first time she's cheated on Roberto. He's surprised, but he wants to be the first.

Bruno pours out his troubles to Erick. He's shocked. Bruno is pissed that he's carrying the same blood as Alex. Erick tells him it's an outrage that as the first born he has even more right to everything than Alex has. Bruno starts talking about killing Alex again, but Erick is like, "dude, he's the cat that keeps coming back, enough already!" Bruno says he'll just have to keep trying until he manages to kill off Alex, but for realz this time. Erick wants him to calm down and think about how to do it without raising suspicious. Bruno takes offense because Erick isn't acknowledging his righteous anger, yo.

MaryJo pouts to Alex about being alone in the house all day. She needs to do something and she's used to working. Alex wants to talk about it later, but maybe for now she can hang out with his mom and convince her that she's really in love with him. They kiss goodbye and he goes to see how Vicky's doing before he goes to work.

Vicky is feeling better this morning and wants to chat with Alex for a bit. She wants him to know what happened, but he already does because Bruno told him. Alex thinks Bruno's anger will pass. He feeds Vicky a bite of her waffle and tells her it's time to start thinking about herself. Felipa agrees. Vicky objects that it's about her son and Alex says "hey, I'm your son too, right?" He reminds her that she's not just his mom, she's a woman. He wants her to leave behind her "lastres" (burdens) and write and travel. Maybe she could go look at some land they bought with Fernando…wouldn't she like that? Vicky agrees, so Alex is going to let Fernando know. Mhm, who's the alcahuete now, eh? He kisses both his mom and Felipa goodbye and leaves. Vicky wonders why Bruno is the way he is. Felipa sagely says it's because "nunca falta un negrito en el arroz" (the rice never lacks a speck…maybe something like, there's always a black sheep in the family, or everything can't be perfect).

Downstairs, Zeke takes a minute to discuss household matters with Alex. Bruno came home in the "madrugada" (early morning hours) drunk as a skunk. He is concerned about Erick driving Paula around because Raquel is getting upset. Alex tells Zeke to hire another driver for Raquel and Zeke suggests a cousin of his. Alex agrees. Zeke also wants to consider letting the nurse go, as Pedro is getting around much better. Alex says to ask Pedro what he thinks and then gets driven off to work.

Ulises and Maura chat on the phone. Ulises doesn't want to give up a lot of details about his rendezvous with Raquel, except to say that she's very "fogosa" (fiery) and he can tell that Roberto hasn't been doing his husbandly duty. He also opted to rent a (very tackily) furnished apartment and pay for a maid rather than live in a hotel. He figured he'd get more privacy that way. Maura rolls her eyes at him and says she hopes it's an apartment with an address worthy of their social circle. She also reminds him to call MaryJo.

Chucho fills Pedro in on the goings-on at the big house while he mops the floors. He goes off to get fresh water as MaryJo walks up. Pedro lets MaryJo know that he told Zeke to let the nurse go. He can move his knee around even better than before. Pedro wants an update on Vicky from MaryJo. She supposes that Bruno gave her yet another "disgusto" (upset) and her blood pressure went up. Paula comes stalking up to the house complaining that all the spots in the morning classes were taken and now she has to take classes in the afternoon. MaryJo says it's just important to get her education. ShutUp!Paula, however, has different plans--namely, to marry rich like her sister. The nurse comes in to say goodbye. Pedro feels guilty for getting better so quickly and taking her job away from her, but she says she'll now have time to take care of her baby. Although, Pedro is her "consentido" (favorite).

Alex tells Fernando that Bruno knows who his real daddy is. Fernando's first concern, of course, is Vicky. So Alex gives him the job of distracting Vicky by taking her to that archeological site they just purchased. "Dude, but you know how I feel about your mom!" Yep, and that's exactly why he wants Fernando to be the one to distract her. So much so that he practically orders Fernando, who is insecure about Vicky's feelings for him, to give his unfinished work to some other guy so that he can go visit Vicky and start planning their trip. Did he just offer up his best friend to his mother on a silver platter or the other way around?

Roberto needles a rather pissy-looking Raquel about leaving the party early. She tells him that Ulises brought her home. She gets even more upset when she sees the Samaniego bunch outside. Roberto piles it on, saying he's going to go say hello to them. He walks off as she's screaming "don't you dare!"

Papa Pedro greets him and Chucho offers him a beer, but Roberto, ever the thoughtful guest, has brought a drink of his own. (There's a drinking game…if Roberto doesn't have a drink in his hand, drink!) Hellos are exchanged all around. Paula fills Roberto in on the start of her classes. MaryJo leaves to go check on Vicky, and Pedro asks her to pass on his good wishes for a quick recovery. As she leaves, we see Raquel watching from her front porch, making a snotty face. Paula and Chucho start to gossip about what went down at the big house, but Pedro admonishes them not to talk about "family" business. Roberto reminds them that he is family, but "sin voz ni voto" (without a voice or a vote). Everyone looks uncomfortable.

As MaryJo heads into the house, Ulises makes his phone call from a pay phone. This time he tells Zeke that he is Mario Aguirre, but MaryJo doesn't know anyone by that name. Bruno, unfortunately, is there and angrily takes the phone, demanding to know who it is. MaryJo is pissed. Even if she doesn't know a Mario Aguirre, that doesn't give Bruno the right to be all up in her business! She storms upstairs. Bruno, bringing the crazy, delivers unto Zeke the following speech: "Not a word to anyone, understand, not even Alex. In case you didn't know, I've got the same rights in this house as he does, since Antonio f'ed my mother before they were married. Got it? I'm the eldest! Idiot." Or something to that effect. I don't know what word he actually used for "f'ed" but they bleeped it out.

MaryJo tries to visit Vicky, but Felipa tells her that she's with Fernando right now. MaryJo offers to come back later. Felipa sees that she is obviously upset ("you look like you've seen a ghost") but she can't get MaryJo to tell her what's up.

Fernando very passionately explains to Vicky the history of the land. They bought it, but then some archeologists found artifacts and ruins and now, since they can't build on it, Alex wants to give it to the indigenous people in the area so that they can run some sort of cooperative enterprise with it. They want to build a museum to show off the artifacts that were found there. Fernando says they'll need "INA"s permission and for someone to talk to people to convince them of what a good idea it all is. He and Alex thought Vicky could be that person. Vicky hesitates about going out there, but then remembers she needs a distraction and agrees. Fernando very enthusiastically kisses her hand and holds on to it just a bit too long, causing Vicky to remove her hand from his and give it a little pat. Oh, he is so like a puppy.

Ezequiel is going to burst if he doesn't tell Felipa what just happened. So he does. He wants her to confirm or deny that what Bruno told him is true. She says that (a) she doesn't know, (b) Bruno's making things up, and (c) they shouldn't be gossiping. Ezequiel looks no less burst-y than he did before the conversation.

Bruno goes to visit a lawyer, one Felipe Archundia, to ask him if after 10 years it's possible to contest a will. Mr. A says it depends on the circumstances and ominous music plays and Bruno looks just as smug and rat-bastardy as ever.

Paula comes to visit MaryJo. MaryJo asks if she knows who this Mario Aguirre is, but the name doesn't ring a bell for Paula either. Paula wonders if it's someone MaryJo met at the store, but MaryJo says she couldn't have given someone the number when she didn't know it herself. Paula now panics a little and wonders if it's something to do with Papi's shady business associates. MaryJo sincerely hopes not, and crosses herself to ward it off. Paula wants her to tell Alex, but MaryJo isn't sure she should. Paula and I both roll our eyes.

Ulises tells Maura what happened when he called. He tries to get more money out of her, but she says she's already give him more than enough for two phone calls. I agree. He didn't even do the classic "is your refrigerator running?" joke.

Bruno comes back to the house and is pissed off that Fernando was there. He thinks Fernando is hitting on a "vieja" (old lady). Fernando objects to calling Vicky "old." Fernando refuses to answer the question of why he was there and leaves. Bruno goes out to the front steps to tell him that he is forbidden to enter the house again. Puh-leeze. Then, since Felipa is coming up the stairs, he tells her to get back in the kitchen where she belongs. Felipa serenely says that his mother asked her to get some flowers, so she did, since it's Vicky who's in charge here. As Bruno stomps off, she just as serenely calls him an "engreido" (spoiled brat) and "presumido" (arrogant). And not mumbling, and not precisely behind his back, just that he was walking away at the time.

Bruno heads into the kitchen to very rudely tell Ezequiel that he wants everyone at dinner tonight because they have important things to discuss. Ezequiel very shakily asks who exactly he means by "everyone" and Bruno tells him not that drunk Pedro and not Paula, and then calls Zeke an idiot. He leaves and Zeke stands there trembling as he says that Bruno has never talked to him like that before. Really?

Felipa, who is well known for not gossiping, tells Vicky what happened with Mario Aguirre calling and asking for MaryJo. Vicky gets Felipa to make excuses for why MaryJo can't see her.

Out on the front porch of Pedro's house, he and Roberto shoot the bull. Ulises comes up and joins the conversation. Chucho spies. Ulises wants to confirm that Pedro only has two daughters, then asks for Raquel. Roberto gives him permission to go over and say hi to her. Pedro basically likes anyone who says his daughters are pretty, so he thinks Ulises is a fine young man. I have this horrible premonition…do we have any idea what happened to MaryJo's mom? Did she possibly leave Pedro and have another kid who, though younger, looks a lot like MaryJo? Please tell me we're not getting a 2-for-1, long-lost sister and long-lost mother.

Ulises comes into Raquel's house. She's surprised to see him, and even more surprised that he attacks her and throws her down on the table. She doesn't want to get busted by Roberto, but Ulises says that Robert gave him permission to come in and say hello. She tries to get out of their previously agreed on meeting at his apartment later, but he talks her into it. Or nibbles her into it, whatever. He leaves and she's all giddy and disheveled.

Maura pulls up to Alex's place of business. Alex is giving Mari two cell phones, one for Paula and one for MaryJo. Another secretary announces Maura over the speakerphone. She tries to French kiss him hello, but he resists. He also refuses her invitation to lunch. She says she has something interesting to tell him. She's heard rumors from Bruno and Raquel that he needs to hear about. He's really not interested, but she tells him he's smart enough to know if she's making things up, so what is there for him to worry about. Ugh.

Raquel angrily screams at someone to call her a taxi. She goes to meet Ulises at his apartment. As he macks on her, he asks if he can fix her an exotic drink…he was, after all, a bartender in Europe. She wants to talk, but not really. She tells him she hasn't done it with Roberto in years because he says she's disagreeable and repellent. Ulises sweet talks her…"you're beautiful, sweet, distinguished." What. Ever.

Maura rehashes the weirdness of Alex coming home and not remembering being married, then remembering, then blaming it all on Bruno. Alex is surprised she knows all this. She tells him she listens when people whisper. She says that Bruno told her some guy, Mario Aguirre, from Saqui keeps calling the house, but she doesn't know why. She gets him to promise not to tell who she heard it from, but since she says Bruno told her, he doesn't believe her. She says she's sure Bruno forbid Ezequiel from telling him, and she's sure MaryJo isn't going to tell him, so she's just being a good friend and trying to keep him from looking like an idiot.

MaryJo irons and Pedro shines his shoes while Paula reads a magazine. Pedro thinks that Vicky is just tired, but MaryJo thinks Vicky is avoiding her. Ezequiel very stiffly comes in and tells MaryJo that she's to be at dinner that evening. Paula gets all excited, but Zeke bursts her bubble, telling her the message was only for MaryJo. Paula is offended and MaryJo can't buy Paula off with the excuse that it's a "family" dinner. Pedro says that it's probably something personal that they want to discuss in private. MaryJo reminds Paula that despite all the luxury they're living in, they're still what they are. Pedro backs her up.

Felipa passes on the message about Bruno's dinner to Vicky. They wonder what the dinner's about, given that the "family" only will be present. Vicky doesn't like the sound of this.

Raquel and Ulises' afternoon of illicit nookie is interrupted by a call to Raquel's phone, but Ulises tells her to leave it..."si lo encuentras no te conviene" (if you find it, it's not in your best interest).

Alex pulls up to the house in the evening. He goes inside and finds his bedroom empty. He has to go to "her" bedroom to find her. She's all shaky as she says that it's easier for her to be in that room since all her clothes are there. She tells him that Bruno called for a dinner, but she doesn't know what it's about. He asks if something happened and if she has something to tell him. She says no, so he laughs and says he's going to have a shower and change clothes. MaryJo is upset that she didn't get a kiss or a smile from him.

Roberto has been waiting for Raquel and tells her to hurry up and change for dinner. He seems suspicious and upset, but didn't he tell her to cheat on him?

Bruno finally shows up at the dinner table and orders Felipa to go away, since she's not "family." Everyone rolls their eyes and Vicky stands up and insists that Felipa is family, to her. Bruno gives up and announces that he's contesting "his" father's will. Raquel is impactada as she asks "your father?"

Tomorrow: Raquel finds out who her daddy is; Bruno calls Vicky a ho yet again; Alex and Bruno get into a fistfight at the dinner table, or rather, on the dinner table.


Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Pasofino will be blogging Sortilegio next Monday...

Pasofino offered first, thanks to others who offered, you are the tops!


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