Saturday, January 29, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #20 1/28/11 Max’s Takes A 9 Yard Penalty And Linda Suffers From Fatal Attraction Syndrome

Cap. #20

As Viewerville settles in with a little shot of schnapps to temper the schmaltz of the next sixty minutes, we j.i.p. [join in progress] as Victoria and Ozvaldo are tete-a-tete, hoping to cure a bad case of marital melancholy; Maria and Max are parked on a scenic overlook discussing taking the next big step in their relationship. Max has just given Maria a ginormous diamond ring, sworn his desire to do the impossible to see that their love grows day by day, and then asked her to prove her love for him by letting him take her to bed. (A classic crude move, but I guess we at least have to give Max points for trying.) Maria swoons and falls into his arms. Max goes in for The Kiss with sky-high hopes of running all the bases tonight with a slide straight into home as Maria begins to let herself go with the natural flow. Yep, Max is in the moment and the moment says go for it! Unfortunately, Maria pulls away and calls a foul on the pitch.

Back at Lovers’ Retreat D-Lux, Vicki is finally feeding Oz’s male ego and he returns the favor. The two toast to their reconciliation and celebrate with a night of glorious passion. Linda-Ho is now relegated to Linda-Who?

In a different part of the city, Juan Pablo is having another serious discussion with Mama Bernarda about his Christian duty and finding his daughter. The two are polar opposites as far as she’s concerned. Bernie begs him to forget the whole thing with Victoria. He insists his only interest is in finding his daughter. He changes the subject to his Mama’s health, her bad dreams and the exorcisms. She plays dumb.

Max and Maria argue over Max’s “honest” intentions and Maria says she doesn’t want to go there. He is angry that she won’t. She hands him back the ring and claims he’s only trying to “purchase her dignity” from her with the thing. He disagrees. She angrily starts to get out of the car to walk back. He panics and tells her she’s nuts to walk back from there alone and asks her to get back in the car. He’ll take her home or wherever she wants. She wants him drive her back home. Max, his manhood properly pulverized at this point, asks Maria if she thinks it’s a sin to love her the way he wants to love her. She doesn’t answer. (Max, honey, you’re dating a good Catholic girl who’s been raised by nothin’ but nuns the past fifteen years. Get with the parochial program, Pretty Boy!) They drive off.

It’s a late night at the Casa de Modas. Antonieta is forced to listen to Oscar’s endless praise of Victoria. Once Oscar leaves, Pepino mentions to Toni that it’s obvious what she feels for Oscar but that obtuse Oscar hasn’t the first clue. She says it’s true, but unfortunately he’s in love with Victoria and she is unable to break through to him.

Oscar’s aforementioned idol, however, is currently burning up the bed sheets with Ozzie as the two have decided to dump din-din and go straight to dessert. (Kudos to the choreographer who had the good sense to keep the love-making low-key. As my dear departed mama used to say, “A little goes a long way.”)

Meanwhile, Burnie lies to JP that her fear of fire is from an accident when she was a little girl and that the exorcism was only a result of a bad dream about his dead father which scared her. All the upset they’ve been living through has been what set her off. He reluctantly takes her word for it and tells Tomasa afterwards not to worry. It’s just that Mama’s nerves are on edge. Inside her room, alone again, Burnie smiles dementedly at the crucifix and forgives her lying to her son as part of a higher calling. “--For You and because of You, Dios.”

Max drops Maria off in front of Burnie’s. He asks if she’s forgiven him. She says well, yeah, but just don’t try it again. He laughs and says he will try, of course. He’ll just wait for her. He wonders whose house this is. Maria explains it’s Padre JP’s mother’s and, yeah, she likes the old woman. Juan Pablo comes out of the gate at that point and sees the two of them there. Maria mentions that his mother called and asked her to come visit her. JP tells Maria he appreciates her willingness to befriend her. JP raises a wary eyebrow at Max. Maria introduces Max to JP. Max tells him that Maria and he are dating. JP asks him if his mother knows. He admits she doesn’t. JP says he doesn’t think Victoria will approve of the relationship. Maria says they love each other, though. He gives them his blessing and says he’ll pray that Victoria will. JP then reminds Maria that the next morning is the first communion for the orphans. She asks if he’s found any sponsors yet. JP says he hasn’t and will have to trust in Dios to provide. She goes inside. Max gives Padre a lift back to the church.

Back at Maria’s, Nat is forced to listen to Linda-Who? drone on about how Ozzie won’t be able to do without her; and that he’ll be calling her again very soon; that she’s not stopping until he gets divorced because he hates his wife and his marriage. Nat’s heard enough and goes into the bedroom to escape Linda’s self-absorbed and brainless chatter. (I’d have taken a pitcher of ice water from the fridge and dumped it on her, but that’s just me.)

The aforementioned couple has just finished “reconciling” ala the marital mambo. They drink another toast to themselves. (Mm! Mm! Mmmm! O.R. is definitely a well-preserved specimen! Very easy on the eyes. Yeah, I’ll toast to that !)

Burnie, meanwhile, is whining to Maria that her son doesn’t love her. Maria assures her he loves her dearly. Burnie actually seems comforted by Maria’s words and seems surprised to learn that Maria’s an orphan who would love to have had a mother like her. (Forgive her Father for she knows not what she says!!) Burnie hugs Maria and tells her she’s the only one who seems to calm her and to give her strength and a sense of peace.

At the church Max agrees to something with the padre.

The next morning, Oz and Vicki agree to try to do this at least once a week. She promises she will try even though it’s into fashion-show season. He’s says he’s supposed to be starting the taping of his new show, too, so he’ll be busy as well. They promise to at least try to make some time for each other no matter how busy they both get.

Maria, Nat, and Linda rush off to the church for the orphans’ first communion.

Vicki calls the office to check in with Max to let him know not to worry about them. Fabian tells her that Max still hasn’t come in to work this morning and that he’s not answering his cell, either.


The mass starts. Maria overhears Mother Superior and the #2 nun (Clementina?) discussing the wonderful sponsor Padre Juan managed to hook. He’s paying for all of the kids’ expenses and a big breakfast to boot! Maria asks who it is, but the nuns don’t know. Suddenly Max appears. He’s walking down the aisle behind the communion class in an appropriately conservative suit and tie. He smiles and winks at Maria. Max has just made bonus points cuz he’s the one it turns out who’s sponsoring the communion class. The mass continues.

In another part of the barrio, we peek in on Papa Padilla and Scuzzy. Rudy’s pissed that Sonny hasn’t gotten back in touch with Fernanda. Scuzzy’s not eager to get his head blown off and has turned his attentions to groupies from the band. Papa tells him the only babe he’s supposed to lay [revolcarse con] is Sandoval’s daughter, period!

Vicki returns home and wakes up her daughter. They share a bonding moment. Vicki assures her that she and her father are still in love. Fer’s relieved, she says, because she was afraid she was the reason they were breaking up. Vicki says no child is ever the cause of one’s marital difficulties. (Another in a long list of Uni PSA's.) FF >>

During the breakfast reception after mass, JP brags on Max to Maria. They skip over to a quiet corner where Maria mentions to Max that she’s worried that his mother really won’t accept them as a couple. They’re from two different worlds and she’s just an employee while he’s the son of the owner. Max chuckles a bit and says the days when a rich boy couldn’t dare lay eyes on a humble girl are dead and gone. They are equals. Does she want him to leave it all just to prove he loves her or what? What counts are their feelings towards one another. For now, though, he’d rather leave his mother out of it, but Maria insists she doesn’t like sneaking around like this. Max asks her to forget worrying and just enjoy the time they share together. He kisses her worries away......

At the modeling studio, Vicki tells Toni about her fantastic evening with Oz and how their relationship is as fresh as when they were just married. Toni is ecstatic. Vicki stops to ask her why she hasn’t fallen in love with somebody yet. Before Toni can answer, Oscar walks in with some paperwork to go over with Vicki. Toni takes a powder and runs to Pepi for some quality shoulder time.....

At Televisa, Oz is complaining to Ofelia’s producer hubby, Pedro, about the paparazzi going into his private life again. Pedro tells him the gossip is part of the job description, but he can imagine it would be rough if gossip about Oz having a lover reaches Vicki. Oz looks guilty-as-charged-impactado. (Yep. Veinte años dumped down the drain for a dumb diddle, you dope!)

Back in the dressing room, some of the catty models have it in for Maria. They are gossiping about who’ll get to model Victoria’s new designs at the upcoming fashion show. One says they all have the same chances. The other sees Maria walk in and says, well some of us have slipped-in [colarse] to the running with “other assets.” The meaning isn’t lost on Maria.

The models do a rehearsal run in their gowns a bit later. Maria looks the best of the bunch. Pepi, Toni and Vicki all agree on Maria.

Back at the apartment, Linda is waiting for The Call That Never Comes. JuanJo shows up but she’s in a badder than bad bad mood and gives him the bum’s rush out the door.

Vicki announces to the group that Maria is to be the next “star model” for the Victoria line.

Linda decides to take the initiative and calls Oz. She convinces him to meet her one last time. He thinks to himself after hanging up that he’s going to get her to understand once and for all that they’re kaput. (Famous last words of many an unfaithful friggin' fool.)

Back at Televisa again, Pedro tells Guillermo that Oz was by and was too upset to read so they had to postpone the script reading. Guile-ly Gui says, yeah, he can understand since the best of husbands end up falling out of love. Pedro asks what he’d know about it since he’s never been married. Gui says something witty like “just because you don’t eat doesn’t mean you don’t know about eating. “ Besides, he tells Pedro, it’s true. Oz does have a lover. She’s lots younger than Vicki and beautiful. If he doesn’t believe him he can ask Ofelia since the two of them were dining together when they saw the two of them together.

At the same time, Oz and his beautiful bimbo are having it out in the SUV on the street in front of the apartment building. Oz tells Linda it’s time she faces facts and they go their separate ways. He’s back with his wife and Linda’s got her own life to live. Linda angrily refuses to accept getting ditched. He reminds her he was honest with her from the beginning [todo fue un juego abierto = everything was an open game/ above board]. They’re both adults. Grow up. Can’t she understand? Linda says she understands very well! He’s made up with his wife and now she gets thrown out into the trash like an old rag!! [trapo viejo] Oz might as well be talkin’ to the hand, cuz this pretty face stopped listening back at “reconciled.” She tells him he’s not getting rid of her that easily! She’s not something he can just dispose of once he’s done! Ruh-Roh! Linda’s gone into Fatal Attraction mode! He’s in a hole six foot deep and Linda is ready to bury him along with the tell-tale shovel.

Linda gets out and angrily slams the door. Mr. Suave and De-bonier races out and does something totally boneheaded by offering her some cash “to get by with” --another classic crude move from a Sandoval male. It only adds gasoline to the fire. She screams that she doesn’t want his lousy [cochino] money!! She wants him!! Linda knocks the wallet out of his hand and races up the stairs into the building.

Oz hasn’t got the first clue how to get his appendage out of this tight a wringer. (Oz, you are a definite babe in the woods when it comes to mistresses, ex or otherwise. This is one time you should have kept that pointy pencil of yours in your pocket, Hot Stuff!) Shell shocked, he starts back to the SUV. Cruz has been watching the whole thing while sweeping trash inside the gate. He races over, picks up the wallet for Oz and hands it to him. Oz tries to give him a reward but Cruz says what he really needs is a job. Oz tells him that it just so happens that he just learned this morning their gardener quit. Cruz says he’s a country boy and loves working with plants and flowers. The job is Cruz’s if he wants it.

Back in the models’ dressing room, the two catty ones congratulate Maria on her “quick rise” through the ranks. One of them makes a snide aside about why and how, then she and her sidekick strut out in a huff. Maria smiles confidently back at the rest of the group.

Linda-Who? is pacing the floor of the apartment. She tells herself that she’s not going to stand for the way Oz has treated her. She’s determined to show him what’s what and grabs her purse. She races out into the intersection just as Victoria’s chauffeur pulls in. He slams into her. Screech! Thud! Thump! Linda flies up like a spare bowling pin. While Viewerville coolly tallies up the increase in Vicki’s insurance premiums, Linda lies face down in the street, down for the count. Vicki and her driver rush out of the SUV to see what’s happened......


Cue the kayak.


El Mundo de Telemundo: Week of January 31 -- Discuss among yourselves

Hello from snowy New Jersey! Thanks to everyone for the great comments. I'll start off with Friday's Herederos, the only novela I am watching right now.

Herederos- Guadalupe leaves home and tells her Dad that she can't forgive him for hiding the fact that her mother is still alive and in fact, cares about her. Gaspar promises to help her find her mother - look at the return address on the letter??? Eleuterio is terribly upset that Lupe has moved out and protests to Gaspar how much he loves and needs her.

Juan tells Miguel and Sofia to get a room. He doesn't want their hanky panky in his house. Sofia reminds him that it isn't his house any more. Juan then piously reminds Miguel that he is married and has a family. Miguel claims that it was a one-time fling.

Rosa demands that Juan fire Johnny for getting involved with his daughter. Juan refuses but goes to see Johnny and suggests that he cool it with Consuelo. Johnny says that he doesn't want to have any more run ins with Rosa but he admits that he really loves Consuelo.

It appears that Juan, the easy touch, is going to pay for the elaborate wedding that Rosa is planning.

Pedro gets drunk, goes to Julieta's house and stands outside yelling about how much he loves her.

The brothers, minus Pedro, have a very tame bachelor party for Juan in the local bar. Pedro meanwhile has put a video camera in Juan's bedroom. Sure enough, Juan leaves the party early and comes home to find Paula coming on to him in the bedroom. He is unable to resist her and they get to have sex in a bed instead of a pond with Pedro's camera recording the whole thing.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #189-190 1/28/11 Goodbye to Acapulco. Hello to a new dawn at Conceptos.

Capitulo 189.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fern tells PG he needs to put his life and his feelings in order. PG: You hit bottom, right? F: Yes. There’s Marcia. I don’t want to make the wrong decision. PG: Do you want to be the man you were before? F: NO! I want to fix the problems I caused the people who love me. PG gives him a hippy necklace to protect him, get rid of his sadness and fear, and give him harmony. That’s a lot to ask of some wooden beads.

2. Alicia tells Marcia they should be roommates. Marcia kicks Ali out. She tells Fern to pack his things. He stops her and asks if she can forgive him. Over time, could they recover what they lost? He gives her a kiss.

3. At the hotel waterfall, Aldo asks Lety to stay in Acapulco, but she has to go back to Conceptos. They say good-bye and Lety gives Aldo a small kiss, little more than you’d give your grandma.

4. Fern pulls away from Marcia’s kiss and says his face and everything hurts too much. Marcia touches his chest and says, “I know this pain will take a long time to heal, but I’ll be patient because I believe in you.”

5. Fern forces his way into the Padilla house and tells Erasmo that Lety is stealing his company. Mama pushes him out and shuts the door on his hand. Tom tells Lety and she’s MAD! Pop orders her to come home and face the board.

6. Aldo tells Caro that he and Lety kissed, and it was beautiful. I guess Aldo also switches to fantasy mode when kissing.

7. Lety tells PG she feels enormous hate toward Fern. PG warns, “If you return with hate and a desire for revenge, you’ll lose. The woman who returns should be strong and composed.” She says he dragged her family into it, and that she can’t forgive.

8. Fern arrives at work with a NECKTIE! Marcia tells MamaT about last night, but she’s afraid he still feels for Lety. MamaT refuses to think such things, and instead believes what she wants to be true.

9. Lety wants to keep growing. PG tells her to face her demons and forgive Fern. MamaJ prays that for God to help Lety forgive Fern and put all her anger and hurt into God’s hands. Finally Lety can begin. She states all her charges against Fern. Worst of all, he didn’t believe in her love for him, but she knows it was because of Ariel. She forgives him in the name of the love she had for him and still has. She still wants the best for him.

Capitulo 190.
Read K-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. PG says “Sim, sim, sala-bim, Ala peanut butter sandwiches,” and he pronounces that Lety will live happily ever after o algo así.

2. Erasmo arrives and wants to talk to Humberto. Alicia tries to push him around condescendingly, but he says, “Oh, you work for my daughter!” Ali announces him to the board.

3. Marcia doesn’t want Humberto to meet with Erasmo because any news of Lety is bad news for Marcia. She looks fearfully at her recién captado Fernando. She tells Humberto not to meet him, but she doesn’t have Fernando’s skill at instant excuses. All she can think of is, “I know what I'm talking about.” Fernando eagerly accompanies his father. Ariel thinks Erasmo should join the meeting. Fern nixes that, saying “He asked to talk to my father.”

4. Erasmo respectfully greets Humberto, but he curtly tells Fernando, “I didn’t come to speak with you.” Marcia follows them out (she must be really scared) and in the refined tone she would use with Lety just before her viper strike, she says, “I don’t understand why you’re here.” Even Humberto is surprised by her rudeness. Erasmo says, “I didn’t come to talk to you, either.” The two men go into the presidencia.

5. Lety feels much better for having forgiven Fernando. She feels like a weight is lifted and she’s ready to return. At the airport, Lety praises the wonders of Aldo. He arrives a moment too late to give her beach-in-a-box.

6. PapaH tells PapaE he would like to resolve this apart from lawyers. Erasmo wants to settle it as gentlemen. Lety will return their company down to the last cent. He boasts of his family’s high ethics. Humb politely points out that her actions indicate otherwise. Each man:
A. points out the other’s hijo behaved unacceptably,
B. accepts a certain amount of blame for his hijo’s actions, and
C. defends that his hijo's actions were understandable given the circumstances.
Humberto boasts that he punished his son and drove him to the point of suicide as any upright father should, and that notion of loving and supporting your children is for sissies. Oh, no, maybe I translated that wrong. Then they talk about the good old days when men were real men, women were real women, and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri… no, wrong show.

7. Erasmo says Lety returns today. Fern smiles for the first time in days, and oh, what a smile! When he hears Erasmo talking about Tio Lazaro, he knows he’s out of the woods. The men know they’re in good hands with the other, and Erasmo insists that Humberto oversees this matter himself Erasmo tells the cuartel that Lety will never return to Conceptos.

8. Humberto reports to the board that the matter was a battle of nerves, not a robbery attempt. There won’t be any criminal action. Fernando is pleased because Lety did not betray him, Marcia panics, Ariel sneers, “You don’t really believe them, do you?” and Humberto smacks him down. Fernando masks his delight when Marcia’s looking. Humb says Lety’s lawyers are coming simply to process the documents correctly. Lety won’t be coming. The HaHA’s arrive and Ali tries to turn them away until Sanchez mentions that Lety owns the whole company.


Triunfo del Amor #19 1/27/11 Like Father Like Son: Two Men In The Mood For Makin' Whoopee

[Since there doesn't seem to be a regular recapper for Thursdays now, I threw this together.  Feel free to add whatever I left out and I'll add it in.  If the recap shows up I'll gladly take this one down. --Tks, for the assist Urban Anthropologist and Susanita!]

Osvaldo has just caught Oscar lending his shoulder to Victoria as her crying rag. He confronts Oscar and Antonieta gives him a load of sh!t for his misplaced chauvinism. Who’s he to talk? Oz tells Toni to stop beating around the bush and come out with it if there’s a problem. Pepino rushes in and pulls Toni out of the room before she gives the goods on seeing him with his high-class Ho-for-Hire. Oscar sees his chance and gets the heck out of there also before any more fur flies. Osvaldo and Vicki are back to apologizing for their mutually misdirected disses. They kiss and make up.

Linda says yes to Juanjo and can’t take her eyes of that diamond ring. Back in the apartment, Maria and Natty are disgusted with the whole set up. Linda says no biggy, anything can happen between now and some future wedding. Obviously, marriage isn’t in the plan, especially since Osvaldo is back in the picture.

Bernarda and Juan Pablo argue over his determination to look for his bastard child. Burnie, in a gusher full of pious histrionics, screams that it is a sacrilege for a priest to admit to having a bastard child. Afterwards, she decides that inventing a sham serious illness will prevent Her Son The Priest from his fool’s errand and later that day checks herself into the hospital.

JP visits her in the hospital room and she lies about how ill she is and blames his attitude and disrespect for making her so ill. Victoria has heard she’s in the hospital (dunno-maybe she’s got ESP) and makes a surprise visit that afternoon. They spit and hiss at each other over whether Vicki or JP was guiltier, i.e., who caused whom to lose their virginity back in the day when their little bundle of joy was conceived. Vicki is there to demand Burnie tell her if she knows where her daughter is. Burnie insists she has no idea, though she knows lots of other secrets. Vicki gives up and leaves. JP asks his mother during her histrionics with Victoria to tell him exactly what secrets she was talking about.

JP convinces Vicki later to take him to the place where Vicki was run over and little Maria was lost. Vicki tells him what she remembers about that time: Antonieta had dashed off ahead to start supper. Vicki crossed the street; a car sped at her and hit her; when she woke up in the hospital later nobody knew where Maria was. The two women went immediately back to the area but nobody there remembered seeing the little girl and they never saw her again. Plenty of guilt and tears over the lost hija-a-a-a!

Linda and Natty show Maria the morning papers at breakfast with a picture of Max and his supposed fiancée from Fernanda’s party.

Milagros and Juanjo have a houseguest, her nephew Cruz who has come to D.F. to seek his fortune. He seems the open, affable type who will clean up nicely.....Here's hoping [Pablo Montero] will shave this time; this guy should never have facial hair.

At the Casa de Modas Fern and Gabi show up for a playdate together at the design studio. Fer barges in on Max and Fabian first. Max gets on Fer’s case for faking the picture to the press because it could get him into trouble with various “associates”, aka, Maria D. Fabian makes the mistake of asking Fer if she liked his gift, a music box, and Brat-Baby tells him that she threw it away because it was a stupid gift. Fabian eats his sh!t sandwich, swallows, and licks his lips.

Fer joins her Mama during the runway rehearsal. Max shows up two minutes later to watch also. Vicki gives Maria some direction that Maria disagrees with. Vicki tells her she admires her gumption. Maria brings up the fiancée in the news. Vicki says it must be a mistake because Max doesn’t have either a girlfriend or a fiancée. Problem solved for Max and Maria.

Oz’s on-again-off-again conscience kicks in and he’s in the mood to revive the romance in his marriage. He invites Vicki out for dinner and she agrees. He’s got everything set up in a private hotel suite for the two of them when she arrives. Vicki’s enthralled. It’s just what Dr. Laura would have ordered.

Back in the barrio, Max is waiting outside Maria’s building for her. She hops inside his little two-seater and they start the smooooching. Maria says Max is saved from a fate worse than death because his mama spoke the truth. Max and Maria are in luuuv. He says it’s time they prove it to each other by (as they used to say in the day) going all the way.


Eva Luna #59 Thu 1/27/11 Don Julio persuading Damsel to trust him... and a great commercial idea for Pepto Bismol or Alka Seltzer... pink shirt and all

[Posted for Martai by Jardinera654]

Before opening credits, We see again Julio talking to Marcos:

J: I will not be at ease until I am facing that angelic figure, Eva.

M: I can imagine the surprise on her face when she sees you and finds out all you did.

J: I expect to be back tonight with Eva.

M: If your wife hated Eva before the reading of your will, now she will be anxious to finish her!

J: That is precisely why I have to find her.

E: I never thought Daniel would break my heart… but he did. And that is why I hate him! I hate him as much as he hates me…

D: Take her out of your head!! Your future is with Victoria!!

Voice over: And tonight… Julio finally found Eva!

J: We have to work together to make justice.

E: I will get revenge on Daniel!

We begin tonight’s ep…

Mati: Dear… do what Sr Julio is asking.

E: No, auntie.

Mati: But you can’t hide forever!

E: IT is so hard…

Mati: As hard as the situation is, you have to face it… and how better than with him?

J: Thank you… (to Eva) Look, Eva. Forgive my insisting. But you have to make a decision right away…

(Bruno very anxiously asks Giorgio what the heck is going on… Giorgio fakes he has no clue what Bruno is talking about and tries to detour the conversation to some fabrics. Bruno is not exactly patient… and finally convinces Giorgio to spill the beans…)

G: Bruno, it seems Dona Marcela is pennyless… she is ruined.

B: How is that possible?

G: It looks like Don Julio froze her accounts … and did not leave her anything in his will.

Ali gets to her room and Tony is waiting for her. HE is very serious, but so far calm. Ali gets nervous and yells to him she has nothing to talk to him about. He puts more fuel to the fire comparing the situation to Leonardo…

T: You would not send him away, right?… what is it you like more about Leonardo? His mansion, his pool or his bank account?

A: Want me to be honest? … I like everything! I like Everything (about him).

T: That’s what you want, right? To be the lover of a rich guy! … If I see you again with him, I swear I will loose my control!... SO You forget about that job, you forget about that man and you forget everything!!

Alicia gets sarcastic, seems she does not realize he is really serious… she mocks him asking what is it he wants? To wash his clothes? … Tony lifts his hand to hit her but freezes. Alicia dares him to hit her. Yells at him to leave her alone. But Tony gets desperate, seems to be begging her to stay with him, but he is grabbing her face really roughly. She claims he killed her love with his abuse and his lies… He begs more, crying. Alicia demands he leave her room and her life. They are over. Tony is upset, but leaves her room. Alicia looks concerned, she knows Tony is unpredictable.

Bruno tells his cousin about Marcela’s news… this changes all the plans. Marcela Arizmendi is now useless.. Cousin asks what will he do now. He says as soon as he can, he will leave… he does not want Cruella to come near him ever again. Cousin says I can imagine… Bruno: Will find the moment to leave her with all the debt and will run with the money we have got from her fake invoices. … go back before someone starts suspecting us… ah!... and start looking for the next rich old maid for me to seduce…

At misery manor, Marcela is tearing everything in Julio’s rooms… she takes it on a Tiffany lamp with his cane, yelling Julio I hate you!! I hate you!!… she is totally out of control, makes enough noise that Vicky runs in worried about her. Marcela blames all her misery on Eva… and Julio, after all the time she cared for him and all the work she put at the agency… (yada yada)… Now she can’t touch a single penny… what she wants most now is to find that darn Eva… I will kill her!! I swear to you I will kill her!!!

Vicky goes to Leo’s room to tell him what happened with their mother. She yells at him that he needs to find Eva so they can destroy her. Leo says working on it, what about your mission with Daniel? She says it is going very well.. any moment now he will be reconciled with her… the only fly in the milk is that little pest Laurita…

At NewVille, Dano is giving Laurita the gift. At first she thinks it was from him so she says she loves it (seems some kid jewelry). The moment he says it is from Vicky, she totally makes a 180 on her opinion of the gift.. She begins to yell that Vicky is a WITCH WITCH WITCH… she does not love us!!... please, papi, don’t go back with her… I swear that everything will be cleared up. Eva is innocent and when she is back she will clear it all up.

Dano: Enough! Stop dreaming of that!

Laur: Don’t you dream with that too?

(Vicky makes her untimely entrance, mockingly asking Laurita how she liked her gift… Laurita just huffs away. Dano tries to go after her but Vicky stops him saying she was right, if he had told Laurita it was from her, Laurita would never have even opened it… and we have the same stomach twisting conversation we have had in last week or so…)

Meanwhile at Auntie Mati’s… Eva is stubborn that she can’t return. Julio asks if she hates Dano so much because he made her a runaway from the law. Eva says not just that. Julio wants her to explain. Eva tells Don Julio that Dano ran over her father and just fled the scene… Julio is in disbelief. That is not like Daniel. He would not do something like that and not face his actions. Eva says that is why even if my heart wants to keep loving him, she can’t. And if she has not accused him, it was because he got ahead of her accusing her of burglary and no one will believe her now. Julio is still in disbelief… But ends up telling Eva that she has his full support and now more than ever she has to go back with him… He swears he will help her make Daniel pay for all the harm he has caused her, IF he is responsible… (I LOVE GRANDPA JULIO!!!)

Vicky tells Dano that Eva might get the inheritance when she shows up, but she will also go to jail. (yeah right..) Vicky keeps whining about Eva and all she has done to them… Vicky asks Dano if Eva will claim her place at the agency. Dano does not think so, Eva knows nothing about advertising. Vicky is not so sure. Suddenly Vicky freezes and asks Dano what he would do if Eva returned today… Does he not care about Eva anymore or does he still love her? He gets really antsy and does not want to talk about Eva anymore… Vicky notices Laurita is peeking in the door and begins getting lovey lovey and telling Dano she is happy to hear him say that and kisses him with all the intention so Laurita sees them… Laurita gets really upset at seeing her dad kiss Vicky again and leaves.

Marcela shows up at Bruno’s by surprise and catches him shirtless… HE looks instantly very sick to his stomach. She needs his kisses and caresses. She begs him to help her go through the moment she is going through. He freezes her how come now she needs him… where is that widow who rejected his company just a few days ago… She replies after today she will not mourn that jerk Julio. Marcela continues to beg and I feel pretty sick myself watching her slime all over Bruno… The cousin peeks and smiles enjoying the hard moment Bruno is going through, he signals to her to leave… Bruno asks Marcela to leave.. saying he does not feel well… Marcela says don’t tell me you have a headache… Bruno snaps at her telling her, that’s it… after all the mishaps we had today with the bounced checks and the delayed opening of the new company… Marcela swears she will solve all that… Bruno asks how… She has no clue yet but everything can be fixed… Bruno insists she leave, so she asks if he is waiting for someone else. Bruno asks if she will begin a jealousy scene. She says no, I am not a jealous kid, I am rather vengeful, VERY vengeful… and warns him next time she comes to find him to be with him, he better not say he has headaches again. She leaves and the cousin comments he will have a hard time getting rid of that woman… Bruno: Very funny.

Eva tells Julio he is right, Since Dano did not have compassion with her, she won’t either. She will come back to the city and will get revenge on Daniel, my dad’s murderer. Julio is happy and begins celebrating. After commercial… Mati celebrates Eva’s decision. Eva says if I stay here my dad’s death will be unavenged and I won’t settle for that. Julio repeats she will have a lot of money and power to get justice… but everything will come in time. Matilde warns Eva not to let all this turn into a merciless being (un ser despiadado). Eva asks her aunt to come with them. Aunt Matilde is in shock… at first is reluctant… she does not like the city… Julio makes a commitment to make her like the city, he will show it to her. Besides, Eva needs her. Julio has another small attack and Eva and Mati put him in a bed to rest. Julio appreciates that Eva is caring for him just like before… He asks her does she realize now why he also needs her by his side… tells Matilde Eva is the only one who knows how to care for this old hag…

Tony is pacing anxiously in his room, talking to himself as if it was Alicia and drinking heavily saying Alicia will not dump him for Leonardo… and you, Leonardo, no matter how much money you have, you will not steal my girl… I can easily put you in your place… the one who does the dirty work is me! … you both will pay for this, Alicia first.

Tia Mati tells Eva she is amazed at Eva’s skill taking care of the old man. Eva tells her that no one in his family cared for him… except Sra Renata, but she did not like Eva caring for him. Matilde asks why, Eva does not know… Then Eva changes subject and keeps asking Matilde to come with her back to L.A.


Jackie brings Laurita some water… Maybe what you saw was not that critical. Laurita knows better… they are probably back together again… She is really worried her dad will go back with Vicky. Jackie tells her sometimes there are things you cannot control but sometimes those things don’t turn so bad after all. Laurita does not buy Jackie’s attempt to cheer her up.

Leo calls Gallo and tasks him with finding Eva, precisely the same woman that Daniel cheated on my sister with…

Vicky puts Daniel on the spot, she wants to know where they stand now… she uses the excuse she does not want to build false hopes again after what happened… At first Daniel just wants things to happen as they will… but Vicky puts more pressure reminding him of how much she suffered, so he apologizes for ‘what he did’… he says he does not feel he deserves so much patience and understanding… She insists she wants him to be straight… so he finally gives in and says ‘this is a… reconciliation’… (GAG!!! PLEASE SPARE ME!!!)

Marisol is giving Alicia advise, Marisol is not so sure that just because he is rich, Leonardo is necessarily so reliable… If he has to choose her or his associate (she does not know his associate is Daniel), he will choose the associate… Alicia does feel he truly wants to help her… LOUD KNOCKS ON DOOR… Alicia goes to open and in runs a totally drunken Tony asking Alicia if she already slept with Leonardo… Marisol yells at him to shut up, but to no avail. Tony tells Alicia he is truly suffering like an embezzle… DO YOU WANT MONEY?? I HAVE SOME TO GIVE YOU TOO!! How much is he giving you?? (he grabs Alicia and pushes her on the couch and begins to force himself on her. Marisol tries to get him off but since she can’t she runs out for help…)

Another sickening scene with Vicky and Daniel… he wants to go back together… She is happily in disbelief… ‘with this you are again giving meaning to my life… you will see when we get married I will care for you like no one has…” (YADA YADA… Someone has some Pepto around?? REALLY, man!! this is SOOOOO sickening..)

Justa and Ricardo come in to help… Ricardo grabs Tony from behind… Justa yells at him asking if he lost his mind… Tony yells that it is all Alicia’s fault because he loves her. Justa yells at him that no man has right to force himself on a woman. I should kick you out right now… Tony rebuts the one she should kick out is Alicia… Tony keeps swearing to Alicia that she will pay… Ricardo shuts the door almost on Tony’s face…

Eva keeps begging her aunt to come back with her… Matilde even promises she will buy a cell phone or a computer to keep in touch via internet. LOL!!... Eva begs her to be there for her to give her advise when she runs into problems. Then Eva gets the idea to let her aunt read the tarot cards to let them tell her if she should go with Eva… Aunt Matilde reads her cards and asks Eva when are we leaving??

Alicia in her room says things will not stay like this… She dials Leo’s number. He is having fun with girls at the casino but answers her call and agrees to meet her somewhere…


Dano tells Francisco that he went back with Vicky… Fran says are you crazy? Don’t you remember her crazy actions? Why don’t you sleep on it and think about it some more?? Dano says he does not want to wait any longer. He has to convince her his happiness is Vicky and needs to get married and begin his new life. Fran insists where did all this great love he swore he felt for Eva end up? Dano snaps jumps up from couch yelling at Fran that Eva does not exist, ordering him not to even mention Eva anymore. Fran says ok as you wish… Then we will both be married… Dano asks ‘with the teacher?’ yup.

Fran asks also if Dano has told Laurita about his going back with Vicky…and shows concern about Laurita’s reaction to his reconciling with Vicky…


Leo meets with Alicia… Alicia tells him what happened with Tony… Leo says he can’t believe it… Alicia swears she had broken up with Tony… she is afraid of what Tony can do. Leo tells her she was right to call him, and swears to her Tony will not bother her again… He says he is glad she and Tony are not together, because then he can tell her he likes her very much… and begins shoving wine down her throat to see if she will slip to him where Eva is… I think the wine is melting the brain cells Alicia had grown just in last night’s ep when she did not slip to him where Eva is… but Leonardo is doing a decent job sweet talking in her ear… He chooses the strategy to ask casually about her family, where is her family from, where did she live before she moved to Los Angeles…

Dano comes to Laurita’s room… and tells Laurita he wants to talk about Vicky… we need to.. I have taken a decision and want to tell you myself… Laurita asks if he decided not to see her again… nope, on the contrary, Vicky and I will get married… (OK, Laurita, you have my permission to tie him up and do anything you can think of to this dumb dad of yours, and that includes makeup, tea parties, dressing him like a clown, or even dunking him in a pile of stinky mudd… or just beat his head against the wall… ANYTHING that will make him loose the amnesic blindfold he has on)

Laurita of course snaps, how can you??? She wants him to wait to see Eva and clear things out with her… When she returns, everything will be cleared up… Dano insists this is a done deal, he has decided already… Laurita insists Vicky is not a good person.. she does not love her… Dano insists Vicky is good and loves Laurita… Laurita is pulling her hair asking him desperately how can he believe Vicky… (I AM WITH YOU GIRL!!)

Dano tells her Vicky has been really good and understanding with him and it is about time he returns her love… Laurita rebuts she has heard people should not marry if they are not really in love… You might care for her… but you don’t love her enough to marry her. Dano tries to refuse but Laurita says ‘you cannot lie to me’.

Eva comments with her aunt that it still seems incredible that Don Julio is there with them and wants her to go back to LA… Matilde says he clearly cares about her very much and also needs her very much. Eva says just like I need you… Eva feels better now that Matilde is going with her. She is afraid and confused. They keep commenting that it is really strange all that Julio has done, including faking his own death… Matilde comments it must have been something really serious that made him do all this. Julio comes out of the bedroom at that moment and says yes, it was something EXTREMELY critical/serious…

Previews: Dano and Eva each wonder why they can’t forget each other…

We see Eva and Julio arrive at the house and Julio tells Eva that they will live the biggest transformation of her life, the old Eva Gonzalez will die, to allow room for a new woman.

BTW, all joking aside... Guy looks great in the bazooka gum pink shirt..


Llena de Amor #117 (Mex. 122) Thu 1/27/11 The Untouchables

Tonight is an evening of wanting what we can’t have, getting what we’re not supposed to, creating boundaries, reaching beyond them, finding love that has been lost and losing love we thought we had. But hope, like love, springs eternal.

Last night we left Emanuel looking dumb…founded at Bernardo’s suggestion that Vicky could be Mari.

Later, and under the perpetually full DF moon, Ilitia is becoming irate at being stood up yet again by her M.I.A. marido. She’s all dressed up with someplace to go and a taxi will do just fine. Brandon arrives ostensibly to question Emanuel but in reality to ogle the model’s assets swathed in blue satin. She reminds him there is nothing between them, nada poli. He reminds her that when he beat up Malicio he was her hero. She tells him that very morning she and Eman made hot love like never before, it was the best (lo máximo), byeee. Brandon’s bravado wilts.

Let’s go to the event. It looks like a rather staid and stodgy affair so far but I’m confident something will happen to liven things up soon.

First we have Loser-ena stalking Axel and dissing Dee. Doesn’t work.

Next up is Muñeca gushing about the success of the event and how it will help her kids. Lowrenzo Crankypants doesn’t get why she cares about all those snot-nosed brats (mocosos) which sends her off in a huff. I’m not sure why she was even talking to him so bad on her.

Emiliano is deep in thought and tells Lowman he’s worried about Kristel marrying that dope Fonseca.

Fedra strumpets, I mean struts up to the stage and suddenly I remember a phrase I learned in high school French. Il y a du monde au balcon = there are a lot of people in the balcony = she’s got a rack and a half. I wonder if there is a similar phrase in Spanish. Anyone? But I digress. Fedra’s chest approaches the stage with Fedra a foot or so behind. She starts to announce Kristel’s impending marriage and stops silent when a beauty enters the room. Fedra sneers, Malicio leers, and Axel is amazed and smitten when he recognizes Delicia.

Ilitia is still throwing daggers at Brandon’s heart, telling him she knows he likes her but she could never go for a guy like him; she and Eman are an item, “Sorreee.” Brandon pulls himself together and counters she’s wrong, his ideal woman is sweet, tender, and trembles in his embrace. “You’re talking about Victoria, right?” she snaps. Exactly, he retorts, eliciting an Ilitia snarl as he departs.

Andres and Doris (looking pretty hot herself) are pleased at Dee’s transformation. Dee hands Andres an envelope of some sort and he says he knows what he’s supposed to do. Something about pulling off Vicky’s joke against Kristel. Hmmm…I wonder if there is a DVD of Kristel and Malicio in there?

Emiliano, standing off to the side, suddenly recognizes Deer and Lowman marvels at her, inciting yet another scowl and scolding from Muñeca. Why does she even bother? Lady you kicked him out, stop following him around.

Loserena’s not happy to see Dee but her male companion sure enjoys the view.

Fedra and Kristel, sporting big hair, plot to give Dee the bum’s rush.

Over at the hospital Netty is relieved to hear that net head Vicky is doing better and will be released soon.

Back at the party Fedra approaches Dee like a predator approaching a kitten. She smiles and comments nastily that one can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. How dare Dee show herself at this event? She pushes by Axel and tries to strong arm Dee out the door but is stopped by Emiliano who admonishes his wife, Dee is Axel’s guest so cut the crap and behave. Fedra hisses they’ll all be sorry. I’m pretty sure Emiliano already is.

We’re at the pension with Gladi and Consuelo. Are we going to have more Tacos al Pastor? Special biscuits? Perfect coffee? Nope, no product placement this time, just some gossip about Oliver and Gman then griping about Consuelo and Brandon. Gladi thinks the whole household is going crazy (todo esta de cabeza). Consuelo gossips hopefully that when Netty gets back maybe she will kick Gman and his sister out. Gladi says if flirting is what gets one kicked out of the house then Consuelo will be the first at the door. She’d look a whole lot better if she’d keep her mouth shut (calladita te ves mas bonita).

At the party Muñeca unveils a cofre of hope, where Jacqui and the other models deposit copious wads of money while Muñeca thanks everyone for helping to build a clinic so poor children can get medical care. She introduces a special musical guest…Axel!

Fedra squirms and gripes until Emiliano tells her to control herself or go home. She angrily flicks her wayward curls. Axel dedicates his song to a special woman and Dee looks around jealously. Very cute. He dedicates the song to Delicia, strums a few chords, the guitar is thankfully mostly in tune, and demonstrates to us the benefits of practice. He still needs to go to the academy but he’s vastly improved. Anyway, it doesn’t matter what we think, Dee is enrapt and a tear falls down her lovely face. Oh to be young and in love. Lorena’s crying too, but she ain’t happy. Will she finally admit defeat?

Oliver and Gman are sitting on a loveseat holding hands and kvetching over whether or not Fedra and Bernardo were responsible for Vicky’s accident. Oli assures Gman that Vicky will be OK, she’s strong. These two are making up for lost time and Oli thinks that Gman is adorable with his little moustache and all, he loves it! Big time smooching ensues until Netty arrives home and is grossed out, ewwwwww! She falls on the bench in an overly dramatic homophobic faint.

Vicky is awakened by a dark visitor. It’s the real El Lirio de Plata and he wants to know who she really is. He knows she’s lying and he wants to know why. He knows she’s Marianela Ruiz y de Teresa. Cara impactada de MariVicky.

Oli and Gman tend to a supine Netty. Gman is sure they’ve killed her for good. She wakes and Oli wants to explain but Netty won’t shut up as usual. In an unexpected twist she insists she’ll have no immorality in her house; in this country same sexes can get married and get married they will!

Vicky tells El Lirio that her entry wasn’t on the airline register because she came into Mexico by way of Argentina. Mari is in hiding to protect herself from Fedra and Eman. She asks him why he was horrible to her the other day and El Lirio laughs that was an imposter trying to soil his name. He caresses her face and says he’s never met a woman quite like her before.

Axel concludes his wailings of teen angst and stumbles toward his smitten kitten. I find their public kiss adorable but Kristel is on a tear and cannot contain her disgust. She staggers toward Loserena and begs her to help out.

Netty’s already got the wedding planned. Manolo will wear white, Oli will wear black, the most adorable novio y novio ever. Gman’s on board with the charade but Oli can’t stand keeping a secret from her. Tell her Gman. “Don’t you know me?” asks Gman as she removes her moustache and wig.

Axel and Dee have relocated to a quieter spot but their romantic revery is interrupted, first by an incredulous Ilitia, and then by his shrewish sister who announces that this low life is none other than their servant! Lorena jumps into the fray and things get out of hand. Poor Dee is horrified to be on the receiving end of such vile vituperation.

Netty picks herself up from the floor again while Gretel and Oliver bring her up to speed. Netty, champion of the saucer-eyed stare, beats her previous world record.

Back at the event Malicio holds Axel while Kristel and Loserena publicly humiliate Delicia. They try to rip her dress but she breaks free, runs away and loses a dainty heel in the process. Axel punches Malicio and runs after his Cenicienta (remember our vocabulary?)

Netty is about as mad as she’s ever been when she hears of Fedra’s perversity in locking up Gretel for two years. Netty wants to go after Fedra right now but they convince her to wait because they are on the verge of revealing all her crimes. (I’m not holding my breath.) Gretel says her dad is an idiot for not marrying Netty. Big group hug.

MV and El Lirio are still comparing the real El Lirio to the fake when suddenly there is a loud knock on her door. It’s Brandon, not happy to be locked out of the room. He knocks and yells while El Lirio kisses MV’s hand, says he’ll see her again soon and escapes out the window that is supposedly too high. Luckily El Lirio is a world class athlete. Brandon busts into the room and suspiciously looks around wondering if MV was alone.

Back at the party Fedra and Bernardo are having a villanous confab about Eman. He thinks the worst of Fedra thanks to Tio Brutus Maximus and Marianela. Bernardo says he suspects but he knows nothing, she has to keep up her façade in front of him because if he learns what they did… Then Bernardo gets all maudlin and, while Fedra plays her violin in the background, he recalls being a child and dreaming of being a man of the sea. He starts to caress her face and, “Don’t touch me!” she snarls.

Lowrenzo sees it all and berates Bernardo for having the gall to touch his boss-lady. He shouldn’t forget he works for the R y de Ts and should keep his hands off his woman, and don’t “tutear” him! (Has Lowrenzo forgotten that Bernardo can kick his puny butt?) Lowman persists in annoying Bernardo and tells him to watch out. “Not if I see you first,” Bernardo hisses, mimicking Lowman.

Brandon is sure that Vicky’s accident was no accident. Somebody is trying to kill her, most likely Fedra. Vicky says Fedra is going to pay for what she did to Mari, she’ll put her plan into action and now more than ever she needs Brandon’s help. They shake on it.

The event seems to be winding down with Muñeca standing by her big box of money thanking all the donors. Lowrenzo goes on stage to gush about his wonderful wife and all the work she does for the children. He tears up over his admirable wife, hugs her, cries over all the work she does for the angels in the street and deposits a huge, huge donation. Meanwhile Fedra sits in the audience laughing at his antics.

Lowman and Malicio snicker at his performance and whisper that their plan is coming along perfectly.

Ilitia snubs her father even though he swears he wants to win her mother back. She says mom is much better off without him. He cries alligator tears and she agrees to talk to him. Ugh.

Nereida is complaining to Paula about Dee going to the party when suddenly a distraught Axel rushes in. No, they haven’t seen Dee since she left for the party.

Cut to a sad scene of our tragic princess sobbing by the side of the road. No pumpkin carriage for her tonight, the public bus will have to suffice.

Doris arrives at the hospital and reports that Dee looked fabulous. Apparently she is oblivious of the class struggle that happened outside the charity event. She reports that Andres is locked and loaded to carry out MV’s plot against Kristel. MV tells her pal that Fedra and others suspect Mari and Vicky are the same person. Doris rubs her hands together and says this is her specialty, she can make Marianela reappear. But isn’t she supposed to be married to some Spanish hunk? Where are they going to find him? (At least I think that's what she said.)

Mañana: Sex, lies and videotape

Calladita te ves mas bonita = Silence is golden, (lit. you look better silent)
corriente = common
Estar de cabeza – to be crazy, out of order, abnormal
Lo máximo= the best
mocoso = snot-nosed brat (from mucous)
Sacar a las patadas = to kick out, to give the bum’s rush
Te vas a arrepentir = you’re going to be sorry

Dicho of the day – a repeat but worth repeating:
Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda = You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. (Lit. although the monkey is dressed in silk she’s still a monkey)


La Verdad Oculta EP93 01/27/2011 – The stuff hit the fan. Twice.

*At AFI Leonardo wants to know every single detail about Juan José’s relationship with mysterious trio aka Garnica, Zaida and Sevilla. JJ obediently tells him everything and also mentions that Zaida lives in the same house as Elsa. Elsa who? Elsa Rivera, the sister of JJ’s cellmate! Hmm, qué interesante… Leo, the hound picks up the scent.

* In the Genovés villa Gabriela is diligently studying Business and Management 101 because she doesn’t want to depend on David and Mario every time she has to attend a business meeting. She also confesses to David she finds the book very interesting. Papa Blondie is proud, very proud. Kiss.

* Adolfo summons one of his goons to the condo and gives him an address and the names of two kids: Chewing Gum and Candy whom he’ll have to kidnap and bring hide at Yolanda’s flat.

* At JJ’s Asunción and Lucha scold Chicles for being a liar, and threaten him with sending him back to his daddy’s flat if he doesn’t behave well. Please, don’t do that, he doesn’t want to sell chewing gums again! He swears he’ll be a good boy which melts the adults’ hearts. Yeah. Five minutes later he tries to fish the letter again but he’s interrupted by Lucha.

* Leonardo visits Elsa to ask her about Zaida Castellanos and Dante Sevilla, but almost every single question of his is answered by curious and enthusiastic Ulises who tells the cop everything: of course, Zaida darling is his best friend, she found a job for Elsita who’s selling jewels nowadays! Leo admits that’s why he came there… jewels. The police suspects Sevilla is involved in the jewel smuggling business and now he has to arrest Elsa. Stuff meets fan, numero uno. While Leo is dragging her out of the flat, Elsa asks Ulises to call Juan José.

* Adolfo scolds idiot Zaida for mandhandling that kid in her own flat, and anyway, he’s sure she only wanted to use that letter against him. Braless feigns innocence and irritated Adolfo says okay, okay, but now she has to disappear for a while. In the middle of their conversation Zaida gets a phonecall from Leonardo who asks her about Sevilla. Who? She doesn’t remember any Sevilla. But you introduced him to Juan José Victoria. Of course now she remembers him. Look, Miss Castellanos, if she doesn’t want problems then take Leo’s advice and cooperate with the police. She gives him Dante’s address and Lionheart orders her not to leave town. When Adolfo finally learns she’s speaking with Faidella he almost starts to bang his head into the wall. Great! Now she can’t go to the seaside house and they’ll have to find another hideout.

* In the interrogation room Leonardo plays scenes from the procedural TV shows and tries to frighten Elsa (who’s already scared half to dead). Javier Garnica! Dante Sevilla! Zaida Castellanos! What does she know about them, what is she hiding from him, and is her jailbird brother connected with those people? Those guys robbed 10 million pesos from JJ.

* In the meantime worried Ulises tells the news to Juan José who immediately hurries to the AFI centre where Leo gives him and Elsa 10 minutes to talk privately. The crying girl and the worried pumpkinhead hug each other and JJ ensures Elsa he’ll get her out of prison. Just be strong and don’t worry, everything will be fine.

*In their bedroom David tells Gaby she has to attend in another meeting next day, and this time she’ll discuss the redesign of the hotels, but don’t worry, he spent the afternoon with figuring out what to say. Oh no, again? But she can’t learn everything in a single night… And anyway, she wanted to do something else that night, wink, wink.

* At home JJ tells Alejandra what happened to Elsa. And she really didn’t know the jewels were stolen, asks Ale sarcastically. Come on, her brother may be a criminal, but Elsa is innocent, says JJ and he remembers back to the good old days when she visited them in jail. Juan José’s worry for Elsa’s wellbeing makes Ale’s head fume.

* Next morning Adolfo’s henchman is spying on Asunción, Caramelo and Chicles who are going to school. The goon and his helpmate follow their taxi and try to catch them, but since they kids are late from work Limón begs the taxi driver to drive faster… and the bad boys lose their track. 1:0 to Asunción.

* When Yolanda wakes up in the hospital she sees this:

Muñeco! When he mentions the strange things she said while she was asleep (jewels, shoes, a dress, Marta, Santiago) she says they didn’t mean anything, she’s just becoming mad. She can’t bear more, she only wants to sleep… forever. She’s fed up with the tons of secrets, lies and infamies. And who obliged her to live that way? Adolfo?! No, Yolanda’s real problem is her own conscience that torments her and drives her crazy. Carlos doesn’t want to judge her since he loves her like a mother, but she must strengthen her heart and soul! But she doesn’t want to live anymore… Oh, Yolanda, no! He will help her… and to be honest, he also needs her support. That’s exactly what Yolanda needed to hear. Really? He needs her? Seriously? Of course! Then please forgive her! * Moustache, Yolanda and Viewerville cry*

*At the hotel FrancoDavid and Asunción set up the accessories for the next business meeting where the Fighting Genovéses do a stellar job.

* Leo shows up at Mauricio to ask a few questions about Garnica, JJ and Elsa Rivera. Mau tells him she used to work for him and they were going to marry. And did he know she was working for Dante Sevilla? No, Mau is really surprised at the news. And does he believe in Elsa’s integrity? Of course, he does! *Viewerville: good boy* Well, architect, there’s a little problem… Elsa is accused with smuggling and she’s under arrest. In the meantime at JJ’s Alejandra tries to cheer Caramelo up who’s missing her mommy and starts to teach her how to use the computer.

* A furious, hot policeman shows up at the Ávila condo and asks amused and self-assured Adolfo about Dante Sevilla. Oh, Dante! He hasn’t seen him for ages. Leo thinks, he did meet him recently – thanks to Zaida Castellanos. Zaida who? Sorry, Adolfo doesn’t know any Zaida. Of course, he does, they met in a restaurant and she confirmed it. Basta ya! Adolfo’s fed up with Leonardo’s visits and his threatening. Next time he’ll have to talk with his lawyer first. Oh, is he talking about Javier Garnica? He is his lawyer, isn’t he? Adolfo’s ears start to fume.

*Alejandra and the kids spend a very pleasant afternoon in a shopping centre. This time the gangsters manage to follow them and while Ale and the children are having fun (and Ale is trying to keep Chicles from stealing toys), they damage the tires of the woman’s car. When they return to the car park Alejandra notices the destroyed tire and the genius decides to ask help in the mall. She asks the children to stay in the car and lock the doors while she’s away, but darling, you don’t know Chicles. As soon as she leaves, the little boy opens the door – and gives an opportunity to the goons who kidnap the helpless children. Stuff meets fan, numero dos.



Thursday, January 27, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #187-188 1/27/11 Ain’t no filler like event filler.

Capitulo 187.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. The bellas are all fluttering around Aldo, but he tells them he prefers to be with Lety. He says being with her makes him very content, but he realizes that she’s trying to recover from Fernando. (Tu servidor recapper asks, then why does he crowd her, trying to kiss her again?)

2. Aldo says she’s very special to him, and that makes her glow. Aldo goes through a list of all the things that make Lety special to him, and he ends with, “You and I are here, and there’s a special magic.” Caro snaps their picture, mid-hug. As they leave, Aldo says to himself, “Mi Lety.”

3. Omar essentially reminds Fernando that every option is doomed. He suggests maybe Lety never really loved him, and Fern tries to hit him. Fern says he’s starting to accept reality (IOW give up) about Lety. He had to hit bottom. He went to Acapulco to kill himself. But Marcia made him see things differently. She still loves him and she doesn’t want to forget about him, despite everything.

4. Fern says Marcia told him to pack up his things, but he couldn’t. Marcia evaluates the situation with MamaT. Fern feels betrayed, but Marcia doesn’t know what will happen when Lety returns.

5. The Conceptos lawyer calls Fern and tells him they need to get Lety into a meeting. It would be better to reach a settlement than to prosecute.

6. Tom tells MamaJ that he had to tell the HaHA’s the truth behind the embargo, and they were pretty mad. MamaJ tells Tom that Fern called, and she’s not about to let him destroy her daughter nor talk to her husband about what Lety did.

7. Aldo has to talk to Caro so he doesn’t explode. He says he’s falling in love with Lety, but he knows if he tells her, she’ll take off running.

Capitulo 188.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Omar says, “Don’t tell me you still have compassion for Lety.” Fern says, “No. I hope she’s out of my life, and marries someone and goes far away.” (Tu servidor recapper says, “Careful what you wish for.”) He calls Julieta and asks to speak to Erasmo, then tries to spit out that Lety needs to return so things don’t get complicated. MamaJ orders him to respect her house. She hangs up and unplugs the phones.

2. Lety tells Anaís that Conceptos was killing her, but here she’s recovering, thanks to Aldo.

3. Marcia discovers that Fernando didn’t take the suitcase. She calls and Fern says he didn’t have time. She tells him to come and haul it off.

4. Fern sees Lety on TV but he thinks he’s imagining it. Lu sings “Life after you is sadness, etc.” and “I can’t live without you.” Lety, Marcia, and Fernando cry over the song, even though Fern’s not watching the pageant. Alicia wonders why Marcia’s not finding fault with all the contestants like they did last year.

5. Fernando gives up. He tells himself, “Enough! I can’t go on deceiving myself. Lety’s not going to return because she doesn’t love me. Because I lost her and it was my own fault. My huge stupidity. I lost Lety forever.” He pulls up to a bar to numb the pain, but remembering last night, he drives away.

6. When the pageant finishes, Lety says she wants to go say good-bye to Acapulco and the ocean. Aldo promises to make it an unforgettable night.


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