Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #19 Tuesday 5/17/11 Fina's actually shocked, and Jero has his head somewhere it's not supposed to be!!

So all the school project are done and ready to turn in wheeew!! What teacher assigns three projects at the same time due within days of each other? Well here is last nights re-cap sorry for the delay I was doing intense science experiments with ketchup!!

We re-has Monday a little with Gonzalo talking to Inez and her husband, and Adriana and Renata are with Matias checking on the boy. Fina is on the phone asking her man to check on Jero! If only every mom was so concerned about there daughters boyfriends (scary)

Adriana and Renata are talking about who could possibly be behind the photos, and Adriana tells her to think about Diego! Renata says no he is not bad, she doesn’t think he hates her enough to do that.

Jero is at the hacienda listening to Enrique , and receives a call from Roberta. Jero asks about Renata and she tells him to stop asking about her she is causing problems with the scandal and he asks about her and Matias and Roberta says that they are together and then she smiles at burying Renata a little deeper. He then asks when she worked for her father and she says that she stepped down, but Jero realizes that she worked there at the same time as Rafael and is very shook up.

Adriana shows Honorio into her moms hospital room and then leaves him to be alone with her.

Mati is asking Carlos what is wrong with the boss and he tells her he worried about what to do with the hacienda. She thinks he should live there. but Carlos asks her if she thinks he could be there everyday, they are so cute together.

Jero is listening to Enrique again, her really likes that song he takes a deep breath and calls Renata, she answers and they agree to meet him at the Mentirosa tomorrow night and she accepts, Matias asks who was that and she say it was a client, he asks why she can’t wait till the weekend so she can rest.

Honorio confirms that he knows Adriana’s mom and asks if she ever mentioned his name? She tells him that she never had many friends, She is sure that it will be a vey emotional reunion and begs him to come see them and have dinner she thinks it will make her mom happy in the last moments of her life and begs him to think about it.

Gonzalo, Regina,Inez, and her husband are eating in the cafeteria. Inez thanks him for is help they are waiting for the test results and they are all very hopeful. Regina looks a little uneasy!!
Carlo and Jero are walking through the grapes and talking about what to do with the land. He has no idea what to do with the land, Carlos asks if he has talked to Mati, Carlos is trying to convince him to think about keeping the land, Jero says he just does not know what to do.

Renata is surprised that Adriana’s mom knows Honorio, and thinks it funny. Gonzalo shows up with Regina, Inez, and her husband he makes the introductions. They make small talk Inez and her hubby leave and they end up leaving slowly, Gonzalo looks like a nervous teenager as he formally says goodbye to Regina it’s very cute.

my dvr cut out as Roberta was manipulating someone.

Inez and her husband are thanking Constanza for her help with their son, she says goodbye.

Lazaro is looking for Mati who is cooking, she is all excited about Jero staying and he tells her not to get her hopes up, he has no interest in the lands. He corrects her for being formal about Carlos and tells her to call him Senor, will she still have to say Senor when they are together? She swears they will keep the land and she will stay there.

Karina is eating when she see the Padre, and asks him to join her for lunch, he asks about Alvaro and she tells him he is at a meeting for work about Rafael’s hacienda and they are selling to Augustin. He asks her how things are with her and Alvaro she says they are bad and that he is different he tells he she is crazy he adores her and thinks she is a queen, Karina does not agree.

Back at the hacienda Jero is meeting with Augustin and Alvaro about the lands they enjoy some wines, They talk business make a toast to Rafael and Augustin kisses up a little more talking about how strong Rafael was. Jero looks a little irritated.

Adriana and Renata are talking about her mom, and talking about how she has not been great but she is still her mom, Renata reminds her that she should love her mom, i mean look at Fina it could be much worse.

Honorio catch’s Constanza up on finding his old girlfriend at the hospital, She seems a little jealous and he assures her that she has nothing to worry about.

Adriana’s mom is awake and asking him if her condition is serious and how much time she has left and he tells three months more or less, she asks him not to do anything to try to help her just control her pain. She also wants him to not tell her daughter the reality of the situation

Inez and everyone is in with her son opening presents talking about what a great guy Gonzalo is and how great Constanza is, Regina smiles about Gonzalo until mom starts raining on her parade that he is not all that.

Gonzalo and Matias are home talking about Adriana and Renata and how to fix the mess the scandal caused. Matias goes to bed, and the temperature in the house drop about 10 degrees as Fina enters the room. He tells her he was checking on Inez’s son and she gets mad ( I could have told you that was gonna happen).

Renata and Adriana are talking about Jero, and if he could be the one who was behind the photos.

Gonzalo is not taking it lying down he puts Fina in her place who goes on and on accusing him of being to friendly etc.. and she plays the victim and she tells him she never wants him to see Regina ever again.

Carlos and Jero are still meeting with Augustin and Jero admits that he would like to continue with the contract, but Carlos apparently feels differently,

Gonzalo follows Fina to finish the fight, she demands respect and he tells her there is nothing to worry about, he admits the he is not in love with her. He cares for her a lot but he can’t continue with their relationship, I really don’t think she saw that one coming!!

Carlos wants Jero to keep the lands that his brother loved so much and that he can’t sell them, Augustin seems to have convinced him for now, but Carlos is not happy.

Antonio leaves Regina a message that he wants to talk to her tomorrow she tells her mom that she likes Antonio, but she is just not feeling it, mom on the other hand thinks he is perfect for her. Mom asks about Gonzalo and she says he is decent and married and that she would never lay her eyes on a married man after what happened to her.

Fina can’t believe that this is happening, Fina tells him that she will not allow it, She wants to try to recoup their love and he tells her to accept that their love is dead. She swears it’s for Regina and he tells her it is because he is not happy at her side. She begs some more and he is not having it. More about love of my life I’ll never give you a divorce yayaya.

Jero and Carlos are still arguing about the land Carlos tells Jero he is not thinking straight because he is still in pain, and that he should not be selling the lands, Carlos says that if he is going to be stubborn he is going back to Spain, Jero wishes him a good trip home. Jero then reflects on Rafael and admits that Carlos is right he is in pain.

Carlos tells Mati that he was unable to convince him to keep the land.

Augustin and Alvaro celebrate, in a creepy cocky way. They are up to no good!!

Mati brings Jero her box of photos from the hacienda in an attempt to change his mind. Rafael loved the land and was happy here.

Honorio is looking for Gonzalo at the house, Renata and Matias meet him outside and discuss Adriana.

Constanza visits with Regina and Inez to check on Inez.

Carlos is saying goodbye to Carlos and he laughs when she say Senor, Lazaro tells him to be careful and they all say goodbye. Jero tells Mati the Rafael did love the land not for money, but for the land. Carlos asks him how he will feel after he has actually gotten his revenge.

Next: Roberta is pregnant, there is a shocker. And Renata has her meeting with Jero and it looks like some fireworks are going off.


Triunfo del Amor #114-115 5/17/11 TDA Minicap and Discussion

I will leave this up as a discussion page, but again, if anybody has a few highlights to add, I will be happy to include them here.  Also, as I am unable to post to the sidebar, will somebody be kind enough to do it for me?  Thanks in advance!   --Jardinera654

Osvaldo is Max's father, Max is not Osvaldito's biofather, Victoria remembers Bernardo coming to tell her who her daughter is but cannot remember what name she said, Padre is supermad that his mother was so devious and chewed her out, she insists she kept her end of the bargain, he's still trying to get her to be a good girl and seems to have forgotten that she's a MURDERER.

Cruz wore supertight pants and a big hat and did the singing competition and was a big hit.

Maria got in a fight with Bernarda and told her she'll never see the baby again.

The fashion show was flashy but the clothes were boring and why the heck was Pipino still designing the night before? Doesn't it take time to make fancy designer duds?

JPito was left in the care of Milagros so of course Bernarda takes the opportunity to kidnap him.


Alborada Is Being Repeated!

[A number of these May 11th recaps are being returned to us as drafts, post repairs to the system, but without the original comments. I'm reposting as they come up and I see them.  This is reposted for Melissa as an FYI.  --Jardinera654.]  

Hola CarayCaray Members,

I've been lurking and not posting lately. Not sure if this has been posted anywhere on CarayCaray yet, but I just saw a commercial on Telefutura that Alborada will start "Muy Pronto"!!!! I've tried to find the exact date/time, but haven't found anything yet. I'm so excited it's my favorite novela of all time and I know it's a favorite for a lot of you also.

Another Telefutura note: There's a historical novela that just started this week called "La Pola" - set in Columbia just before the Revolution. It's really very, very good.

Sorry for the interruption in case you guys already knew about Alborada, but I was just so excited!
Melissa :)

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Teresa Tue 5/17/11 #58 Juana Gets Her Groove Back!

Clinic: Teresa walks in as Aida moves in for a hug from Mariano as he consoles her over the death of Paulo. Teresa criticizes her, saying she should be ashamed of herself going after someone else so soon after Paulo’s death. Aida assures her she’ll never forget Paulo but obviously Tere wouldn’t understand because she doesn’t know how to love someone. Fortunately there are people like Mariano who understand and can be supportive. Mariano asks Tere to respect Aida’s suffering. Oh, Tere says she understands all right--no one likes Aida but she’s is happy that Mariano, who Aida has criticized and despised so much in the past, can give her a little consolation. Johnny comes running in at this moment just like Lassie to tell Mariano “Quick!, someone’s fallen on the stairs and they’re bleeding from the head!” SuperMariano grabs his cape, er, medical bag and runs to the rescue! Aida continues tormenting Tere telling her she can’t hide the fact she still cares for Mariano and is dying of jealousy (muriendo de celoz). Tere denies this, saying she’s the happiest woman in the world because she loves Arturo and getting everything she wants. “In exchange for love,” responds Aida. Tere insists she’s with whom she chose and “entre ser ó no ser, yo soy”. She’s what she’s always aspired to be and always gets what she goes after. Aida tells her the higher she climbs the harder she’ll fall (más fuerte será el golpe) and she plans to be there for the fall. Tere: “Oh, please, you’re nothing more than daddy’s little girl who studied only until “I get married”. “As it turns out, you didn’t get married, you’re not a good attorney, and you’re taking my leftovers!” Tere continues, saying she turned down Mariano and he’s the one suffering because she’s marrying someone else. Aida suggests she not claim victory yet. It remains to be seen if it’s not Tere who ends up crying for Mariano. Tere tells her many women have tried to be with him but Mariano can’t forget her. Aida thinks she’ll be the one that makes the difference then leaves. Tere’s pissed and calls Juana to tell her she can’t come up and visit after all cuz she’s running late.

Juana tells her not to worry --- she’s…..a little busy herself. She and Cutberto continue canoodling as he takes her phone off the hook.

Clinic: Mariano finishes up with the bleeding head victim. Aida thanks him for interceding between Tere and her. Mariano feels Tere was wrong in what she said but tells her he doesn’t want to get involved in their broncas (problems). Aida thinks Tere was jealous and asks if he still loves her. Mariano tells her if she really wants to help out, she needs to cool it with the gossiping. The ammonia incident was bad enough. He tells her to be very careful with her words and her actions. There are many in the vecindad that care for Teresa. Aida swears she came here to make a new start. She asks him to help her change. He tells her that asking for help is the first step. Aida talks about Paulo. She lost her reason for living when she lost him. She needs a new purpose in life, she feels so alone. Mariano feels her pain due to the loss of his mother.

Oficina de Rubigote: Secretary Eva doesn’t know what Paulo did with some paperwork that Ruben is looking for and considers asking Aida. Ruben quickly tells her not to bother Aida with such things. She’s in mourning. Teresa arrives and greets him as though they’re old friends. He grabs her by the elbow and moves her away from the secretary telling her Mayra found out about Espe and it’s all her fault. She reminds him he’s the one who was cheating (poniendo el cuerno). He didn’t keep his part of the bargain to keep Aida from bothering her. She just saw Aida at the vecindad with……, she doesn’t know what Aida was doing there. Genoveva told him she wanted to find out about some guy named Fito. Ruh-roh! Tere gets a little mussed about this news. Ruben fills her in that Mariano told Geno and Aida about this guy and suspects he may have been the one who sold drugs to Paulo. He wants to send this guy to jail just as much as his daughter does.

Speak of the devil, Fito’s at a pawn shop getting money for the jewelry Tere gave him. Pawnbroker asks if he’s had problems with the law. Fito always takes care of himself and says he gets moving before there are any problems. He’s counting his money as Gemma walks up. She tells him everyone’s asking about him and Mariano is looking for him. Fito snaps to attention at this and tells her she better not say she saw him. She tells him not to worry then asks if he knew the guy who died in front of the vecindad. He denies all and pretends he doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She’s not buying his act saying they both know what business they’re each in. People have come around asking for his “merchandise”. He suggests they do business together and she can sell his “candy” at her store. Not my kind of business, she says. He tells her to think about it and if she changes her mind, the pawnbroker can contact him.

Oficina del Bigote: Tere understands they want justice for what happened to Paulo but she suggests they not get into any more líos (mess). She brings him back to the topic of Aida. Ruben says thanks to her, Aida’s no longer speaking to him. Tere’s all, “me?” and reminds him he shouldn’t accuse anyone without proof. He’s very intelligent and she’s sure he can fix that little problem. If he can fix it so Aida doesn’t return to the vecindad, she’ll see to it that Espe forgets all about him and not cause him any problems. He’s curious to know why she doesn’t want Aida at the vecindad. She tells him it’s because Aida bothers her and besides, he doesn’t want her to come into contact with Espe.

In an inner office at Rubigote’s, Paloma is tearfully telling Arturo she finds it difficult to think they can have a professional relationship after what they talked about the other day. She begs him to say something about how he’s feeling. It saddens him to think he had child that didn’t survive. Now she’s crying: not one day passes that she doesn’t think about their son and how different things would have been with him by her side. He also wishes his son had lived. Now she says that child was a part of both of them that could have given her the resolve to confront her father, seek him out, many things. She starts to get really upset and he tries to console her. She tells him she wanted to baptize him with his father’s name. She hugs him and puts her head on his shoulder, crying. He looks really uncomfortable, not knowing what to do. She tells him again she regrets leaving him, she’s never stopped loving him. She tries pulling him to her and he gently pushes her away. They’ve already discussed this and he no longer resents (rancor) her. But he now loves Tere and what happened between them is in the past. She keeps crying that it’s difficult to see him at these meetings- he’s so cold. As he repeats the need to keep their relationship on a professional level, in comes our Tiny Terror. Paloma is asking if Arturo will be coming to her fund raiser. Tere answers for him, as always, and says of course they’ll be there. Won’t we, mi amor, and plants a kiss on Arturo’s ever silent lips. She tells Paloma to tell her apoderado she expects they won’t have more misunderstandings in the future.

Clinca: Martin introduces himself to Aida. She tells him her father is one of the Luna Turqueza partners. He gives her his condolences for Paulo and excuses himself. Aurora tells Aida she’s happy to see her at the clinic and trying to overcome her sadness. Aida finds it ironic she’s now dedicated to charitable work. Aurora feels this will help her become a better person and she’s there to help her. Aida notices Aurora’s seems happy with Martin and tells her to enjoy her time with him because one never knows what can happen. She mentions her loss of Paulo as an example.

Hospital: Martin is complaining to Daryo and Magda that he’s fed up with everything. He needs to meet other chavas and asks Daryo to hook him up. Then he tries to tell them he and Aurora are just friends and besides she’s Teresa’s bestie. They both remind him of how much time he spent with Aurora and how much they have in common besides their medical careers. He admits he was upset to see her with Martin and Magda corrects him and says it was jealousy. Daryo tells him if he was so upset to see her with someone else it’s because “Aurora te mueve el tapete.” (literal translation: she moves his carpet) Ha!

Casa de la Barrera: Arriving home, Tere thanks Art for signing over the power of attorney and most of all for his love – smoochies. When he asks why she’s so affectionate, she tells him she’s decided to love him forever and ever. She once thought she was going to have to fight for him with Paloma, but now she no longer has doubts. She tells him she overheard their conversation earlier when he told Paloma to stop sending him personal invitations. He says it’s for the best, he loves her.

Luisa and Fernando walk in just then saying they have the wedding rings. Arturo talks about meeting with the Luna Turqueza partners and Luisa pulls Teresa upstairs to let the menfolk talk business. Fer and Art joke back and forth about tying the knot when Art jokes he can’t wait for Fer to take the plunge. Fer jokes he’s just looking for another victim to accompany him. Art says he’s to blame considering he’s his best friend and dating his sister. Fer laughs, maybe a little uncomfortably if you ask me.

Upstairs in Tere’s room Luisa lets on that they did the nasty again. Tere starts scolding her, telling her she should slow things down. Luisa doesn’t want to hear that and says she loves him and knows he loves her. She can’t believe Tere’s been able to hold out so long and asks if it’s possible they’ve never…..Tere stops her and tells her Arturo knows she wants to wait for marriage. She tells Luisa she’s her friend and will support her in anything she decides but she must be careful and not get preggers. Luisa laughs that off but Tere tells her to be careful and be careful with Fernando.

Vecindad: Mariano tells Espe about Aida helping out at the clinic, saying he really needs all the help he can get. Espe understands and just hopes she doesn’t run into her even though Aida doesn’t know who she is. She asks him not to let on about her pregnancy. He agrees not to say anything but suggests she remind Teresa not to say anything.

Casa de la Barrera: Art and Tere are going out to dinner. She “confesses” to him about throwing her ring into the ocean. She’s very sorry. He lets on he knows and out comes the jewelry box with a ginormous ring. Jaws theme ensues as he again asks her to marry him. They kiss and the music switches to --- wait a minute, wasn’t that theme for Mariano and Tere? That’s so wrong.

Clinic: Aida agrees she’s behaved badly and has offended a lot of people, Mariano among them. He’s such a nice guy, too bad he’s still in love with that Rata Teresa. Aurora wonders if he told her something. No, but it was obvious when they saw each other outside. Aida is sure she won’t have a problem running into her. The one with the problem will be Teresa.

Juana’s apt: Cutberto is singing “Aquellos Ojos Verdes”. Love that song, didn’t realize there were lyrics to the music. Anyway, candles are burning and the phone’s still off the hook. He knocks over one of the candles and she hurriedly runs around snuffing them all out lest they cause a fire. Now the room has darkened and yowsa! Cutberto makes his move and start talking purty telling her maybe it isn’t such a good idea to have so many flames isn’t a good. It would be better where there aren’t any candles that can put them in danger. Then, following TN protocol as he resumes singing, he sweeps her up in his arms and off they go!

Clinica: Martin is staring lovingly into Aurora’s eyes as she’s working on what appears to be schoolwork. He tells her he can’t help it, every time he sees her he thinks of all the things he’d like to tell her. He likes her very much. She starts to object but he stops her and asks that she just allow him to enjoy (disfrutar) this time with her. He reaches over to and begins kissing her.

Restaurant: Tere is thanking Arturo profusely for the beautiful gown. She can’t imagine what he had to do to get it there on such short notice. He replies he’d do anything to see her as she is now, happy. She’s very happy to have her engagement ring back and sighs to think how perfect everything is. They share a kiss and as they’re kissing the music changes from sultry guitar to sharkita music and she opens her eyes as though eyeing her prey. Evil woman!!!!

Clinic: Aurora pulls back. He persists on talking about their relationship. Aurora’s being honest with him saying she can’t promise she’ll reciprocate. He asks her to let him keep trying and reaches over to kiss her again when Mariano walks in. Martin says hi and tells him he has a way of showing up at the most inopportune (inoportuno) time. Mariano reminds him he works there. Martin quickly tells him it was a joke. Mariano knows and understands they’ll keep running into each other. Martin confirms this and he wants Mariano to be the first to know that she’s agreed to be his novia. Aurora looks very uncomfortable and as for Mariano, well, he manages to congratulate her but looks like he’s ready to choke on his words. She tries to rush off saying something about having her first rounds tonight but not before Martin reminds her they’re having dinner first. They leave and Mariano looks confused and angry.

Juana’s apt: Ay, ay, ay! They’re on her bed and he’s getting frisky! Breathlessly, she tries to stop him, telling him she still needs to work on the bridesmaids’ dresses and whatnot. He refuses to stop and suggests she doesn’t know how many other boxes may arrive from Sprain. Who knows how many other dresses el Licenciado has ordered. He tells her to consider how many times he’s been right, especially when it comes to her goddaughter. He doesn’t plan on letting her work tonight even it means the whole world has to go without clothing. Come to think of it that’s not such a bad idea and he begins to unbutton her top. Can it be? Will Juana finally give in? Stay tuned!

Casa Grumps: Pati is talking to Pedophile Johnny on her cell phone. Gramps comes in. They go back and forth about him keeping her locked up. He tells her she will go back to school tomorrow but she has to eat. She’s happy to hear she’ll finally get out and starts chomping on some bread he’s brought her.

Restaurant: Arturo hasn’t decided if he wants to take up the offer to buy up more interest in Luna Turqueza. Teresa advises him to do so. This way he has the majority ownership to protect him against the possibility that Paloma may throw a fit out of bitterness (arranca de despecho) and join forces with Geno and Ruben on a plan that may not be agreeable to him. He can’t believe that of Paloma. Tere reminds him of the past and all that Paloma kept secret from him. He’d be all alone and Tere would just die from the anguish (angustia) of not being able to help him. She wouldn’t put it past Paloma to do something like that just to get even. She tells him to think it over and consider all the problems it would avoid for them. Arturo looks off as though deep in thought. C’mon Arturo, you know you’re gonna do whatever she says. Just say yes and get it over with. Yeesh, what a wuss!

Hospital: Juana runs into Daddy Hector the Director who says he stuck around to wish her luck on her first round (sorry, I know there are some med people out there – what’s the correct term for this: rounds, watch, tour, what?) Martin is with her – ok, he’s cute and sincere but getting a tad too clingy. He needs to back off a wee bit. There’s an awkward pause where he’s waiting for her to say something and then she tells Dad they’re dating. Dad’s very happy and hugs her then tells Martin he looks like a nice guy and jokingly says he hopes there are no surprises. Martin assures him what he sees is what he gets. His only desire is to make her happy. So sweet.

Cantina: Daryo is giving Mariano the old “I told you so” speech about Aurora and there are quite a few shot glasses on the table and they look as though they’ve each had a few copitas. Mariano tries to defend himself by saying things happen for a reason. Daryo tell him not to be so lame, it’s his fault for thinking about that other woman and wasting his time. Mariano agrees but also says he didn’t want to risk his friendship with Aurora. He rationales that once that line is crossed there’s no going back.

Casa de la Barrera: Art kisses Tere goodnight and she’s worried they’ll wake Juana (ha!). She enters her room calling for Juana to show her the ring then realizes she’s not there. She gets out the other ring (you know, the one that’s at the bottom of the ocean?) and compares it to the much larger replacement and talks to herself, “first this, tomorrow the house, the shares, everything. Everything will be passed to me.”

Fernando’s Lair: Snuggled on the couch, Luisa says she liked the movie they watched but didn’t like that the characters didn’t marry. He tells her there are many couples who are happy in an open relationship and still others who live in their respective homes and get along just fine. What does he prefer?, she asks. He’s seen so many divorces that honestly he’d like to live together before getting married. She looks worried and remembers a conversation they had in Cancún when he told her he hadn’t married because he hadn’t found the ideal woman. Does he plan to never marry? He takes a deep breath and says he’s answered her honestly. He knows how important marriage is to her but he’d like to live together first even though he knows she’ll never agree. He’s right, that’s not what she wants but when it comes to him she’s learned to take risks. He asks if she’s willing to continue taking a risk. The only thing she knows is that she can’t be without him. He kisses her and tells her he feels the same.

GOOOOOOD MORNING VECINDAD!: Juana and Cutberto wake up in each other’s arms under the sheets. She doesn’t want him to see her without make-up. He tells her he loves her no matter what. He feels as though he’s dreaming; now she’s really his, his chulita, his Juanita. (Yeah, until she finds out who really sent the flowers)

Casa Alcazar: Dad loves to see Aurora so happy and is sure Martin has something to do with it. He’s also glad that she’s finally got Mariano out of her head. She really likes Martin but still isn’t sure it’ll work out. He suggests they celebrate as a foursome at dinner. He’ll invite Juana. That is, if he can ever get hold of her.

Speaking of said phone, Cutberto runs out in his boxers to put the receiver back on the cradle and then jumps back into bed. She’s worried about what others will say. He says everyone will just notice how happy they are. The worst that can happen is someone will die of envy (envidia). He wonders where they’ll live. She sits up, “without marriage?” He says of course they’ll get married, and have children. She stammers that she’s not sure they should marry so quickly, they need to continue dating. He agrees and furthermore thinks they should forget about all those years she refused him.

Casa Grumps: Pati’s in her uniform and ready for school. GrumpyGramps instructs the maid she should be at her side at all times. She’ll see her to the door at school and be there waiting for her when she comes out. At no time is Pati to be alone. Then he says a bunch of cool things when Pati protests: You think I was born yesterday and don’t know you want to go see that pelagatos (a nobody). Cuando tu vas por la leche, yo ya vengo con el queso (When you go for the milk, I’m already coming with the cheese, meaning he’s ahead of her game)

Casa Caceres: Ruben tries to convince Mayra to attend Paloma’s fundraiser with him. Needless to say, she doesn’t want to go anywhere with him. He can’t buy her forgiveness. Aida comes in saying they see him more now than when he was living there. She tells him she’s on her way to the office to evaluate her mother’s interests. He tries to convince her she’s too inexperienced to understand everything without an asesor (advisor). She tells him she’s not has dumb as he thinks and besides the accountant will be there to help her and then asks if Mom is coming or staying. He pleads with Mayra again to go with him to the fundraiser. She hasn’t made up her mind but if she goes, it’s out of respect for Paloma and will go alone.

Juana’s apt: They’re dressed now but Cutberto’s all over her like a duck on a june bug when poor Espe walks in. She’s come by with a uniform that Juana promised to let out a little. They tell Cutberto el Chismoso that Espe’s gained a little weight. He tells Espe to congratulate them cuz Juana finally said ¡Si!
Well, they’re just novios because she wants to wait before they talk marriage. Espe’s very happy for them and always knew they liked each other. Cutberto says of course. As the saying goes “Dinero y amor no se puede ocultar.” (money and love can’t be hidden) They’re both very happy and snuggling. Speaking of money, here comes trouble with a capital T-ere. She gasps when she sees them hugging.

Clinic: Aurora waltzes in all happy and sunny, says buenos dias to Mariano, pecks him on the cheek and says it’s a beautiful day. He tells her she’s the one who’s beautiful when she’s smiling. She agrees she’s very happy today. It must be thanks to Martin, he says. She’s agrees it’s nice to be important to someone, to be loved, cared for. He’s glad for her, she deserves this happiness.

Juana’s : Tere is in a frenzy. First Aurora at the hospital and now Aida here. Espe tells her to chill. Tere doesn’t want to chill and says Aida is trying to make her jealous over Mariano. Espe can’t believe that, seeing as Aida just lost her BF; she’s almost a viuda (widow). Tere reacts saying that’s all part of Aida’s plan. Espe thinks it’s obvious Tere’s jealous considering how she’s acting. She insists that Tere not marry Arturo when she’s still in love with Mariano. Tere doesn’t want to go there and instead changes the subject. What was Mariano thinking, bringing Aida in when he knows she’ll likely run into Espe and she’s pregnant! Espe says no way can Aida know this child’s is Ruben’s. Tere’s eyes grow wide when she says this. Espe goes on saying she no longer has anything to do with Ruben, Mariano has told Aurora not to let on about the pregnancy and now Tere has to promise not to say anything. She plans to never see Ruben again. Tere asks if she’s sure because she saw Ruben and he told her the divorce is on. (egad’s this woman is such a liar) Espe repeats she will not reconcile with him and again asks Tere to promise not to reveal who the baby daddy is. Tere doesn’t agree. Espe responds by saying just as she’s not in agreement that she marry Arturo. Juana walks in and the discussion ends. Tere wants a word with her madrina.

Casa Grumps: Gramp’s going through Pati’s drawers when the maid walks in, startling him. She wonders why he’s so overprotective. We finally see a soft side of Grumps even though he’s still kinda scary. He doesn’t want Pati to go through the same thing her mother did. She fell in love with a sinvergüenza (shameless) who took advantage of her, then abandoned her when he found out he wouldn’t be giving her any money. When the maid says Pati looks so innocent, he tells her about the budding romance with that vago (idler) and he must protect her. This is his duty (deber).

Juana’s : Tere asks about Hector the Director. Hector’s been wonderful but Juana’s always like Cutberto and he’s been so nice lately. Tere doesn’t think she should let herself be persuaded by a few nice gestures. She needs to think of the future. There’s a better world out there outside of this vecindad. When Juana says Cutberto cares for her, Tere asks what about her? After all she’s done to prevent her parents from embarrassing her, Juana turns up with Cutberto. No way does she want that mariachi at her wedding. Juana doesn’t plan on taking him to the wedding but she has a right to be with whom she likes. Tere understands but wants Juana to think about what’s best. Juana feels money and love don’t always come together. Tere’s lucky to have found both in Arturo. This causes Tere to pause a minute.

Pedophile Johnny is waiting on a street with a rose. Pati comes running, trying to tell him what’s going on. They embrace and here comes the maid, beating on him with an umbrella, separating them.

Rubigote’s office: Arturo’s considering buying additional shares in the project and has a proposal for Ruben.

Mad Maid with Umbrella is holding Johnny back and drags Pati away.

Vecindad: Aida passes by Espe and stops her, asking if they’ve met.

Rubigote’s office: Tere runs into Paloma and Martin. Paloma has given Martin the necessary paperwork authorizing Tere to make decisions on Arturo’s behalf. Martin says sarcastically he hopes this will avoid future misunderstandings. Tere announces she doesn’t need those papers anymore because thanks to Arturo, they’re now looking at the new partner of Luna Turqueza. Nyah, nyah.


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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Teresa Mon 5/16/11 #57 Mini-cap and Discussion

Vivi was kind enough to give us a great minicap and to post to the feed. --Thanks, mucho, amiga!  Her minicap follows:

Aurora and Martin are super cute together and kiss. Mariano is totally jealous and Dario points out that he likely feels more than friendship for Aurora but missed the boat.
He later apologizes to Aurora for acting like a jerk. Hector takes Juana for a dinner with Aurora and Martin at his home, and the four have a lovely time and make a lovely foursome. Too bad both these two good guys are the 2nd choices for these two ladies. 
Hector sends Juana a huge bunch of roses and flowers to cheer her up, but Cutberto (in a not so cute move) pretends they’re from him, earning some scorching kisses from Juana. 
Martin and Teresa finally meet in his capacity as Paloma’s lawyer and she is very rude to him. Martin sticks it to her by not giving her the confidential documents regarding Luna Turquesa since she doesn’t have power of attorney yet, and by making her sign for the fundraiser invitation (so that she can’t deny it was delivered and HAS to give it to Arturo). Teresa later tells Arturo that they should go to the fundraiser. She looks like she has a plan. 

Refugio hears about Teresa not wearing Juana's wedding dress (from who else, Cutberto) she comforts Juana, but warns her that's how it started with her. Then it was all downhill from there with the way Teresa treated her. Juana looked worried.
Rubigote convinces Genoveva that it’s not convenient for either of them if Maira divorces him. He would lose access to Maira’s money to invest in their business, and Maira would discover how he’s been fleecing her.  Plus, society would judge Geno more harshly than him if the truth came out.  Geno enlists Rube’s help to track down Fito.  
Maira is weakening because she just loves Rubigote so much.  Aida tells her to stay strong and kick the Bigote to the curb.
Knowing that Arturo is listening, Teresa “confesses” to Luisa that she flung her engagement ring in the ocean when she thought Arturo was doing her wrong by associating with Paloma. (We know she still has that huge rock tucked away somewhere.)  
Refugio gives Espe her first baby gift—yellow knitted booties. So sweet!
Teresa tries to make up with Aurora and wants to know all about her new boyfriend and meet him (ha!).  She makes some digs at Aurora about getting fat since her new bf’s family owns a chain of restaurants and he’s been taking her out to a bunch of them.  She also can’t resist rubbing it in Aurora’s face that Mariano will never get over Teresa. 
Aida continues her plan to win Mariano over. She brings all her wedding gifts to the vecinidad and proposes a raffle/BINGO night to get rid of all the gifts and raise money for the clinic.  Her appreciation of Mariano’s assets (physical and intellectual) is growing, but she still can’t wrap her head about the paradox of this guapo doctor being a taxi owning (and washing) naco. She gives Mariano a well-timed hug of appreciation when she see’s Teresa approaching. Teresa is impactada!


Triunfo del Amor #112-113 5/16/11 I choose Max!

Part One: Coupling


We pick up the story in María’s apartment in the vecindad. Before M ya no D can respond to Max’s ultimatum – Him or me. You choose! – Get a Life Alonso pokes his head out of the bedroom. He’s ready to do whatever María wants. If she doesn’t want to see him again, he’s history. Then he limps weakly out the door.

Another triangle plays itself out at Gui’s place. Leonela isn’t jealous of Ximena – she doesn’t have those kinds of feelings. But Xi does. And when she comes out of her druggie stupor, she’s not happy to see Leo and Gui swapping spit. She screams at Leonela to get out but it’s Xi that gets dragged and pushed out the door. She stands outside and screeches: Guillermo! I have no money! And inside, Leonela retreats. She’s no longer in the mood.

And at Casa Sandoval, Victoria and Osvaldo are sorting out their feelings after their close encounter of the frustrating kind. They still love one another though and Os promises he’ll be there for her when she’s ready.

Now that her little apartment is finally Alonso-free, M ya no D goes all Olivia Newton John on Max -- ♪♪ You’re the one that I want… woo hoo hoo… You’re the one that I need ♪♪. Smoochies.

There is something in the air tonight. Seriously. Even Oscar and Toni are feeling it. They’re going to take a chance on love. They even have a song! More smoochies.

Alonso’s mysterious ailment has an interesting symptom: insight! He stares at María’s photo and finally realizes: Ya te perdí para siempre. (I’ve lost you forever)

If they were smokers, Oscar and Toni would be lighting up about now. Toni thought this day would never come. Why the heck did he wait so long to make his move?

M ya no D and Max are setting off twinkle lights in the vecindad. Candles, rose petals. My stars.

Best Friends

As if these people didn’t have enough problems…
It’s the day after the night before and Victoria has told Toni about her near-miss with Os. Toni urges her friend to overcome her pride and give Osvaldo the chance he deserves. But she senses there’s something else worrying Vic. And she’s right. Vic confides that she noticed a little lump (bolita) in her breast when she was showering. Uh oh. Toni insists on taking her to the gynecologist immediately.

María urges Nati to report her attack to the police. Nati is reluctant to do so – she didn’t even see her assailant. She can’t bear to think of what might have happened if Juanjo and Don Napo hadn’t come to the rescue.

El Alacran is also thinking about what might have happened – he vows that next time, Nati won’t get away. Then he feels Fausto’s eyes on him. Fausto – unintimidated by Alacran’s snarling threats -- may not have seen the attack, but he knows this sleaze is responsible. He’ll be watching his every move.

Millie, Napo and Juanjo are also talking about protecting Nati. Juanjo tells his mother he’ll meet Nati at the bus stop – and on work nights, Napo or Cruz can stand in for him.

Cruz comes home just as Napo and Millie leave for the food stand. JJ tells Cruz he’s planning a serenata for Nati and he’d like Cruz to sing in full “traje de charro”. (Oooh!) They’ll also need to hire some mariachis. And Cruz gives JJ the latest news on his own vida sentimental -- he has declared himself to Fer.

Three fleeting scenes:
At Casa Sandoval, Max cradles little Osvaldo and promises he’ll soon be part of a happy family and have a beautiful, kind mother.

In the vecindad, María snuggles little Juan Pablo and promises he’ll have a family too – with a brother.

In his apartment, Alonso muses that he would give his life to be the man María loved.

Now as María is getting ready to go to work at Casa Victoria (Little Juan Pablo gets to go along as well), she fills Nati in on what happened the night before with Alonso and his surprise visit. Max, she says, is the man she loves. The only man. And Nati understands completely because she feels the same way about JJ. (Proving once more that Cognitive Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence are two very different things.) María is determined to stand up for her own happiness with Max. And if Victoria objects? asks Nati. That’s her problem, says M ya no D resolutely.

Alas, Victoria has other things on her mind right now. She sits with her friend Toni in the doctor’s office and hears the words every woman dreads: The biopsy was positive. You have breast cancer.

The doctor reassures her that the disease is at an early stage and is very treatable; and he wants to remove (extirpar) the lump surgically as soon as possible. Tomorrow.

[Wow. The highs and lows of Telenovela Medicina! Cardiac patients may languish unattended. But within hours of finding a breast lump, a woman is examined, biopsied and given her diagnosis and prognosis.]

Victoria agrees to the surgery but to show that she still hasn’t learned that family secrets can be more malignant than a lump in the breast, she insists that no one in the family be told the truth about her condition!

Well life goes on. The mercado is humming and with her tortas ahogadas in the background, Milagros and her aging pretendientes do their usual mating dance. But then Don Joel takes his geriatric Dulcinea by surprise when, after reciting a love poem to her, he kneels and asks her to be his girl (novia).

Victoria is back home now and when Max notices how nervous she seems, she blames it on the upcoming fashion show. After all, for the first time she’ll be going toe to toe with Bernarda. When she asks him if he’s been back to see Guillermo – he is your father, she says – he tells her that biological father or not, he will never accept him. That’s just how I feel about María Desamparada, says Vic, in a weirdly inappropriate non sequitur: I’ll never accept her. I’m really sorry to hear you say that, replies Max – now that we’re getting married.

Now Victoria’s expression softens. Life is so short, she says. Does that mean you’re okay with our marriage? he wants to know. Yes, she says, I’m okay with what makes you happy.

Egregious hair product placement – Pip and two models.

Someone is pounding on the door at Gui’s. Messy, drunken Leonela admits Max and offers him a drink. He keeps his distance, addressing her with the formal “usted” rather than “tu”. And he’s not taken in when she starts bad-mouthing Osvaldo. She tries to make him feel sorry for her. Then Gui joins the conversation. He’s pushing nature in the nature-nurture debate. Max has his blood; ergo, Max is his son.

Part Two: Does it count if she’s asleep when I tell her?

At Casa Victoria, the models are fussing over cutie Juan Pablito. They scatter when the boss comes in. Victoria – the Facing Your Own Mortality-Softened Version. She knows María has forbidden her to touch him or hug him … but please, can she just see him?

Of course you can see him and hold him and hug him all you want, says María. You’re his grandmother. Max considers you his mother and that makes you little Juan Pablo’s grandma. Why don’t you hold him while I’m on the runway? He couldn’t be in better hands.

When Victoria is left alone with the baby, she wonders how long she will live to enjoy her grandchild. And she tells Juan Pablo he has a good and kind mother who would defend him like a lioness – just as she herself would have defended little María.

The models walk for Pipino.

Gui and Max haven’t quite finished their conversation:
Max wants Gui to understand that he has no right to call him “son”. As far as he’s concerned, Osvaldo is his father. And he doesn’t want his mother living with Gui; he plans to take her away as soon as he can.

Gui lets loose another dart, this time aiming right at the heart. Osvaldo traded a theater for your son, he tells a confused Max. Yes, he continues, little Osvaldo isn’t your son – he’s mine! Confusion turns to rage and Max punches Gui so hard he falls on the whoopie cushions. You’re lying, shouts Max. He leaves.

Ximena has somehow made it back to mama Rox [who has less maternal warmth than Harlow’s wire monkey mothers but actually shows a scintilla of good sense here.] Rox won’t put her daughter back in the bin if she will agree to see a psychiatrist. Now.

Casa Victoria, on the other hand, is suffused with maternal warmth. When M ya no D watches Victoria holding JPito so tenderly, she wonders, once again, what it is that attracts her to Victoria, what it is that keeps her from hating her even after all the crapola. Aloud, she says that the baby is so good-natured -- he’s like his grandfather. Victoria is puzzled. You mean Osvaldo? she asks. No, says María, his other grandfather…

Bernarda isn’t feeling the love when she hears that M ya no D is working for Victoria. Eva’s reminder that she still has Ximena is little consolation – she wants something original, something that will attract attention. That she has Feretti’s designs is of no consequence. In Bernie’s universe, models trump designers. Designs – feh! She’ll correct them later, according to her taste.

Again, Telenovela Medicina at its finest! This time, a psychiatrist prescribes and dispenses magical pills. Take them properly. he tells Ximena, and you will look and act like a normal person. Take them with alcohol or other medications, and you could die. [So I guess no one bothered to tell the good doc that his patient is an alcoholic pillhead, huh?]

But let’s get back to that interesting conversation Vic and María are having. So you know who your father is? says Vic…

¡Maldita sea! Toni, Oscar, Pip and Fabián pick that very moment to troop in and fuss over the baby.

Oscar makes an announcement: He and Toni are officially an item. And if all goes well, they plan on getting married! Everyone is delighted at the news but Toni is uncomfortable with celebrating right now… She stumbles a bit, not wanting to give away Victoria’s New Secret … And Vic picks up the slack. She means with the pressures of the fashion show tomorrow, she explains. And then María notices that Victoria and Toni are both crying.

Max – who may need to ratchet back the caffeine – punches out two burly security guards and forces his way into the runway area at Casa Bernarda. He confronts Ximena: Is it true that little Osvaldo isn’t my son?

Meanwhile, Bernarda is in her office and oblivious to the commotion. Eva tells her a potential model is waiting to see her. Bernie is disdainful but agrees to interview her.

Leonela sweeps into the office, takes off her shades and announces to Bernarda: I’m Leonela Montenegro and you are going to hire me as your star model. Whoa, says Bernie. You’ve got your nerve! (desfachatez). Who do you think you are?

I told you who I am, says Leo with her crazy lady smile. And you need me. I’m Osvaldo’s first wife. And Max’s real mother.

Rox steps up and tries to defuse the rumble on the runway. Of course little Osvaldo is your son, says his lying whiskey-voiced ex-suegra. And Luciano Feretti – who, with his broad brimmed black hat, white muff and long hair, looks unnervingly like a figure on a Dutch Masters cigar box – fusses impotently around the raging Max.

Osvaldo is your son, insists Ximena. Max takes her by the arm. Come with me right now and tell that to Guillermo!

Max pulls Ximena along and as they are riding down an escalator (which looks perilously poised to pinch Xi’s long dress in its mechanical teeth) she spits out the spiteful truth: He’s Guillermo’s son!

Back at Casa Victoria, Osvaldo proposes a new slogan for the company: Nuestra moda está de moda. ¡No tengas miedo de ser bonita! (Our fashions are in fashion. Don’t be afraid to be beautiful.)

No sooner does Juan Pablo join them in the office than Victoria falls over in a faint.

Bernarda, meanwhile, seems to have found herself a new nutty buddy. She and Leonela savor the story of how she shot Osvaldo. They agree he deserved it. Too bad he survived. But then Leo had the pleasure of breaking his heart by telling him Guillermo was Max’s real father. But now Leonela is ready to set the fun stuff aside and get down to business -- she pulls out her photo book.

Xi and Max have negotiated the escalator safely. Now on terra firma, Xi lets it all out -- She knew she was pregnant with Guillermo’s child when she married Max. And what Alonso said was true – she got pregnant and had an abortion.

If you weren’t a woman, I’d break your face, says the increasingly violent Max. And when a stranger tries to intervene with an innocent “¿Qué pasa?” he gets a punch in the chops for his trouble.

Ximena’s not finished sounding off. She ridicules María’s “sacrifice” so that Xi’s baby could have a father – and it wasn’t even Max’s child! And when Max asks who knows about it, she says: Everyone! Your father knew from the time the baby was born. He’s not your son, he’s your brother!

Bernarda likes Leonela’s photos. She also likes the potential – a famous actress thought to be dead now making a comeback on her runway. There’s one thing though – Bernarda won’t countenance vulgarity!

Victoria recovers consciousness. Toni insists her friend is just suffering from stress and stops JP from calling a doctor. But Osvaldo insists on calling anyway. He pulls out his phone and is about to dial the number when Max bursts into the room.

I need to talk to you right now, he says, looking angry and hurt. They go out together, leaving Victoria with JP and Toni.

And now, at Toni’s urging, Vic confesses to Juan Pablo that she has just been diagnosed with cancer. She makes him promise to keep the truth from her family. And she tells him her greatest fear: Dying without seeing her daughter again because his mother denied her that happiness.

Max wants an explanation from Osvaldo: Why didn’t you tell me that little Osvaldo wasn’t my son? With the huge lies you’ve told me, you’ve managed to kill all the love I felt for you!

Osvaldo tries his best: He just wanted to protect Max, to keep him from suffering. Well you failed miserably, says Max.

The only thing that matters, says Osvaldo, is that you’re my son and I love you. It has nothing to do with ties of blood. Just like you and little Osvaldo – he’s your son!

Now look me in the eye and tell me you don’t love me!

Max replies: I can’t.

They share a tearful, manly embrace. They are going to settle the question once and for all. Not by consulting dolls or magical crucifixes or lying skanky ex-wives or jealous sociopaths. They are going to a lab for DNA testing!

Juan Pablo can’t allow Victoria to die without knowing the truth about her daughter. He tells Bernarda that this is the moment for her to make some spiritual brownie points. And finally, with great reluctance, she agrees. She will go to the hospital and talk to Victoria.

Now Vic is home and telling the family she’s having some minor surgery – not to worry.

Don Napo is choked up at the idea that Don Joel has scooped up Milagros. The Jarochas are thrilled – that means it’s open season on Napo.

Max holds little Osvaldo, and reflects on all the changes he’s lived through in the past few days. You are my only consolation, he tells him.

Leonela tells Gui she’s surprised at how pleased he seems that Max is his son. Gui explains that what makes him happy is the potential to hurt Osvaldo. And he is going to convince Max that blood ties are what matter.

Max is back with María in the vecindad. He voices his misgivings about Victoria’s surgery -- he feels she’s hiding something. He is conscious of how much he loves her; and María, in spite of their conflicts, reflects that she would have liked to have a mother like her.

Osvaldo comes upon Victoria looking at photos of Fer and little María. He assures her she’s going to find her first daughter, that there is happiness ahead for them. Victoria asks him to stay with her: Abrázame muy fuerte. (Hold me tight.)

The following day:
Max, Osvaldo, Fer and Toni gather around Victoria’s bedside at the hospital. She tells them: I love you all. And everything I did, I did for you. They are a little spooked. It sounds like you’re saying goodbye, says Max. But she tells them there’s nothing to worry about. In fact, she needs them to go to work and see to the details of the fashion show. Toni will stay in the hospital with her.

Once the family is out of the room, Vic breaks down. She asks Toni to look after her children for her. Toni agrees although she insists that everything is going to be fine.

Just before she goes to the operating suite, JP comes in and blesses her.

We see Victoria on the table counting backwards…

And then we see her after the surgery, lying unconscious, helpless.

Enter a smirking Bernarda:
If I wanted to, I could give you a simple injection in the neck and they’d think you died of a heart attack. But no, I won’t do it. I’ll keep my promise. I’ll ease my conscience…

I’m going to tell you… your daughter is… No. You don’t deserve to know. You should die without knowing. But I have to tell you so I can be forgiven by the church and my excommunication can be lifted.

At last Bernarda speaks into the sleeping Victoria’s ear:
Your daughter is María Desamparada!

No kayak. Bah!


Monday, May 16, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #18 Monday 5/16/11 Where We Are Hoping Bonnie Belle’s Party Was Way Better Than Matias’

Sorry I missed out on the party but have been laughing my head off reading the comments from Friday. And from today: I see that happy birthday wishes are due to the fabulous Bonnie Bell. Willa sends high five woofs too. Just watching Hugo Chavez sing and Shakira gyrate, I wonder if they knew it was Bonnie Belle’s birthday or is this another suspicious coincidence? And this my friends is the only frivolous and joking moment in a dismal tale of wretched people, listen up.

Renata sticks by her self-defense of innocence and vows to find out who did this. Roberta is proud of her skullduggery but disagrees with Fina Dearest about being with Matias as a good prize. Jero doesn’t listen to anybody much, hard to get behind this so called hero except he is pretty to look at and he is probably making more money than anyone else.

Fina thinks Renata is the guilty rebellious spam girl (of course I mean cheap meat not computer hacker). Gonzo, not his finest hour is concerned about his family reputation but believes Renata, well sort of. Jero is mad at just about everyone and can’t figure out truth from lies or attraction from hatred.

Renata feels so alone as she watches the jet bath fill, between the streaming water, the guitar and singer, I can’t really hear what she is saying except her determination to redeem herself but from who or what.

Roberta and her BFF enjoy a laugh about what has happened to Renata but Auntie Constanza and Uncle Honoroio are not impressed with her laughter at her sister’s disgrace and Conz accuses Roberta of envy, and after Roberta stomps off, Honorio thinks Roberta and Fina owe Renata a big apology for this disgrace. At least some in the family are on to this trick.

Regina sees Adriana in the waiting room, they share kind words, Regina gives Adriana her contact information, on her business card and they hug in continuing empathy.

Renata sags and sighs on the stairs and is comforted by Matias who advises that she should forget what happened. He assures her no matter what he is with her. She has come to a decision that after this public scandal she should remove herself. Roberta says she is a slut (golfa) while listening in at the top of the stairs still hoping Matias will turn against her sister.

Jero arrives back at the Hacienda Bonita He reveals to Carlos that Adriana is the sister of Roberta and is full of lies, it’s not even her name. But how are things here. Carlos shows the ‘R’ necklace and Jero remembers putting the fallen one on Roberta and hearing that there are two identical necklaces, the other belongs to Renata. So Jero jumps to the conclusion that it must have been Renata’s that dropped at the hacienda. Carlos reasons that the guilty person could be Renata then Jero makes a pained face at this possibility he is so sure that Roberta was who was the love interest of Rafa, but the seeds of doubt are planted.

Matias is the verdedero galan and gives his attention and love to Renata who he believes in and the only one he is worried about. Renata is determined to get to he bottom of the photo hoax. She thanks him for his unfailing support in a tender moment.

Carlos insists that Renata not Roberta could have delivered the fatal blow to Rafa. Wow, does partial evidence seized with such fervor lead straight away down a path of dark decisions. Me thinks Renata isn’t coming out of this new mess well either.

Fina is being told that her confidante or licenciado as she so sexily calls him is very worried and concerned about her. She has suffered so and has been threatened by someone in the past and she needs his help. She needs everything investigated about this Regina who plagued her so in the past. He will do anything for her. He will give this investigation his total attention. She needs to know everything about this woman to resist the threat she poses. He doesn’t want her to shed even one tear from those beautiful eyes. She actually looks worthy of the comment for a change.

Regina and her Mom discuss the illness of Ines son and what to do.

Renata barges in to Roberta’s room, she wants the list of invited guests from Roberta and wants to send an apology to everyone who came. Do you think I am capable of this act? Yeah, something else. ?? Roberta stares into her laptop screen, not so happy or cocky with her triumph.

Renata tells Jero on the phone that she is not going to Spain but must stay by Ines while Androcito is so ill.

So how was the party, she asks, expecting a nice story. He says no it was a mess but he doesn’t want to discuss it just yet. He goes off in his head and replays all the troubling conversations with Renata and the accusations by Roberta of Renata’s avaricious and unfaithful nature. Jero doesn’t want the killer to be Renata but is haunted by so many questions.

Augie is throwing a fit about the label on the wine (It’s a wine whine, and I didn’t get it all, just his being an imperious jerk with the help.) His manager arrives to say he was told to tell him when someone arrived and he has arrived. Augie is in a snit.

In a mass at the church no less, Dr. Nesme takes the hand of the sexy Alfonsina (¿Is it?) across the aisle while Lazaro looks on. Lots of feeling and feelings swirl about for a community grasp in the middle of church.

Matias comes to take the typing Renata to the hospital as she construct her apologies. At the office, Honorio is screaming into the phone that he insists on knowing who rented the helicopter. Gonzo says all this is an infamy perpetrated by cowards. Honaoio and Gonzalo decide to accompany Constanza to the hospital.

Regina excuses herself to a sad faced Antonio that she cannot come to Spain and leave Ines while they are waiting for the diagnostic test on the boy. Antonio says they need this time together alone to further their relationship. She says things have gotten wild. Antonio says, nothing I have said will convince you to come, has it? She says no. Then we will talk when I return to Mexico. Mom overhears and tells Regina that she is keeping Antonio at bay and has always kept everyone at bay including her. Regina is sorry but can’t help it.

Matias and Renata arrive seeing Adriana who breaks down sobbing that her mom is dying from cancer. Adriana says the doctors think she only has a few days and her quality of life won't be good. Matias wants to meet her mother, but this is so not a good time. Not now.

Jero, Augie and Carlos, meet briefly. Jero later tells Carlos that he intends to sell the hacienda to Augie since it seem he wants it and it is a good place to sell. Jero can’t get past what he feels for this woman and his bad feelings in this house he wants to get rid of it all. Carlos wants Jero to preserve the land in the name of his brother who knew it was such a precious place. Carlos begs him to at least look at all his brother achieved before it all goes away.

The meeting we have waited for with mother and daughter meet with much singing and is that the fluttering of angels' wings I hear? And looks of love...

In stark contrast, Roberta and Fina grouse that Matias and Renata left together all cozy, so all their tricks were for nothing and now she can’t even get Jero on her cell phone. It's so hard to be the less pretty sister. Fina has nothing against Jeronimo but he can't get in the way of her plans for Roberta. Fina but tells her that Gonzo is very irritated with her and village voices has been telling her that Gonzo only married her because he loved Renata.

Regina tells Renata that she knows her uncle and aunt and that she was to come to party with Jero but could not come and she would love to know her they beam at each other. Renata shows surprise that she knows Jero too. She tells Adriana she will keep in touch and for some telenovela plot reason gives a special and very long hug to this strange girl and wonders this could be my daughter she feels so right. Afterward, Adriana and Renata say it is a bit strange but how lovely a woman Regina is.

Fina builds her case to Roberta that Regina is trying to steel Gonzo and for this reason she didn’t want to invite her to the party. Roberta will help her mom get rid of said Regina and continue to foil the hated Renata but she still refuses to involve herself with Matias. Fina looks sad at her less than total power over her conniving daughter who in this one thing is not Mom’s clone.

Matias greets Gonzo, Constanza and Honorio, they are there to see the child of Ines but Matias is in to support Adriana with Renata as Adriana’s mother is dying and Honorio hesitates. He also wants to assure Adriana of their support.

Matias tells Gonzo how Renata is breaking with him to distance him from the shame of the scandal but Gonzo knows that Renata is totally innocent and they will face this. (It’s about time Pops).

Renata and Adriana chat with the sick but cheerful Mom. Matias and Renata assure of their support for Adriana and Mom bravely promises they will go to the beach for her birthday. Both girls look sad.

Jero reads the text message from Renata who wants to meet with him to explain everything. Carlos says don’t answer her until you make sure of what you are going to do.

Gonzo comes into the boy's room and gets to apologize to Regina for the invitation being lost. The boy comes back into the room while Ines is in the cafeteria with her husband. They all decide to go down to the cafeteria except Constanza who goes in to see the sleeping boy.

Augie assures Dr. D that he can't wait to get his hands on the Bonita lands. Then Augie says bring your wife to the business dinner but Dr. D says this is just for men and business. He’s totally disgusting even when sober, but I digress.

Gonzo finally tells Regina that it is better that she didn’t’ come with him, it was such a mess at the party. She assures him of her confidence and they smile embarrassed at how good it feels. Regina talks to Ines and her husband and tells them that Constanza is with the boy. Honorio arrives with the Renata, Matias and Adriana asking how the boy is. We won’t have the results until tomorrow. Telenovela induced childhood leukemia usually requires lots of tests to diagnose precisely.

Honorio wants to meet Adriana's mom but Adriana wants him to wait until tomorrow when her mother may feel a bit better. Tension mounts…

Not easily foiled, Fina is on the phone wanting to protect her “heartsick” daughter from this Mexicano empresario Jeronimo, and she wants to know everything about him so she can protect her. We can assume her smitten detective is on the other end of the phone.

Next: Regina is remembering that her hug with Renata could be just like hugging my daughter. Jero finally calls Renata back and agrees to meet her still going back and forth on whether she is a delicious temptation or a ruthless brother killer for him to uncover. Either way it looks like Renata is going to be stripped down…


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #111 5/13/11 Ultimatums and Deflate-ums

The patients are continuing to run the asylum in this part of the D.F. as Viewerville prepares to peek in on it’s current crop of crazies. The other shoe is hanging loosely on one toe and still rocking for Max as Maria learns from Guillermo that Max has been married to his bio-daddy’s ex-lover all this time and thinks that his little half-brother, Osguito, is really his baby son; so it goes without saying that Max was duped into marrying Jimena when he could have married her! But, as Gui adds coolly, that’s life in the big city these days. (What? As opposed to back in the hills and the hollers? Hmmm. This is in addition to Max’s having a lovechild by Maria, his step-mother’s other daughter, who is also his half-sister’s half-sister. I mean this ain’t exactly your ordinary family tree here--more like hedges and thickets. Can’t you just picture the mess it would make on! Damn! It almost sounds unhealthy!) Alonso, having sneaked into Maria’s bedroom to put up another surprise on the wall for her and little Juan Pablito, gets an earful of Gui’s guile-filled revelations through the closed door and gets off  a couple of major WTF? eye-rolls.

Meanwhile, in Ste. Bernarda’s sanctum sanctorum, Rudolfo Padilla gripes at her for not helping him get his final revenge on the Sandovals for supposedly causing his son’s death. Burnie takes a supercilious sip of her sherry and asks if he doesn’t trust in God’s use of her as his avenging angel. Rudy knows this old broad’s a couple jokers short of a full deck and ignores Doña Dementa’s metaphysical minefield this time. He reminds her that a rabid dog will bite even the hand of its master. From the expression on her face Burnie has received his message loud and clear.

Downtown at Casa Victoria The Redux, Pepi mentions how gorgeous the models look. Vic breaks into another jarring and totally shameless plug for Sedal hair products. (Spare me!) FF>>

Back at Maria’s, Grandpa Gui gives his version of his affair with Leonela long ago and why he left Max with Oz instead of claiming him as his son: he loved Looni-ella tremendously, but then she got mixed up in that murder and landed in jail. It was much better for Max if Oz and Vic kept him. Of course, Gui wonders aloud, what will poor Max think once he finds out that he’s been sleeping with his bio-daddy’s lover and that Osguito is Ji and Gui’s lovechild rather than his own. (More WTF? eye-rolls from Lonnie here.) Gui admits he wanted to tell Max early on that he was his real father once the baby was born, but says Oz refused to put another burden on poor Maxie since there was enough worrying him as to whether the baby would even live. Gui smoothly incorporates the bit about Oz supposedly deciding to “graciously” give him his part of the theater then.

Maria knows better and so story time is over. She doesn’t appreciate being downwind from this lying bloated bag of bull feces and lets him know it. “--Don’t give me that! You blackmailed him for it!” Gui stands up to leave and says he’ll be back for more q.t. with his grandson. As he walks out the door he snickers to himself that now it’s Oz who really hasn’t any grandchildren; and that using Jimeana to get back at him was a stroke of genius.

Speaking of Jimmie, Gui gets to his sports car and sees a rock’s been thrown through the window and smashed it. He gets in, but before he can drive off she’s there pointing a gun at his head and looking to hitch a ride back to his place. Seems she’s got murder in mind--his!

Back inside Maria’s apartment, Lon walks out of the bedroom door, excuses himself, explains why he was there,and admits that he heard the whole sick story. “--Just goes to show you that you can expect just about anything from Jimena.” Talk turns to the surprise he has for her and they walk into the bedroom. There on the wall is a life size picture of Juan Pablito and Maria sitting together. Maria is thrilled and Lon’s thrilled that Maria’s so thrilled. FF>>

Across town, Oz puts Fernanda to bed and has a father-daughter chat about life not always turning out the way you’d hoped. FF>>

Back to Maria: Lonnie takes Maria’s excitement as proof there’s still hope for the two of them to become a couple. Maria says sorry, but not a snowball’s chance in Hell of it. Lon says he’s a stubborn kind of guy and a sucker for stray animals and lost causes.

In the meantime, Ji and Gui arrive back at his place. He notices how zoned out on doctors’ downers she seems to be. (I can’t help but notice her new found fashion sense: white socks, black rubber sandals and all.....) Gui considers his next move while wisely agreeing with everything she says.

Back in the barrio, Lonnie talks Maria into letting him cook dinner for her. He’s certain his killing her with kindness will eventually cause her to fall in love with him.

Nathy is walking back home alone from the campus, obviously too late at night for something that boneheaded. She’s flipping through a copy of her thesis and not really paying attention to anything around her. Scorpion Face starts stalking her. Nat thinks she’s being followed, but when she turns around there’s no one there. She keeps on walking. El Alacrán throws a stocking mask over his face and jumps her. She manages to get loose with a well aimed kick to the groin, but he recovers and races after her.

Juanjo and Napo, meanwhile, are returning home from work. In between their discussion of whatever brainless macho topic de jour, they begin to hear screams for help and realize it Nathy. They race towards the commotion where a stocking faced attacker has managed to drag and drop Nat. They scare masked El Alacrán away before the pervert gets what he came for. JJ races after him but eventually loses him. Afterwards, JJ promises he’ll be there to walk her back from campus when she needs it because it’s just too dangerous to walk alone along Mexico City streets so late at night. (DUH!)

Ji finds out that Leonela is living with Gui now and so she demands to talk to her. She’s out picking up guys at some bar apparently, so she may be a while. (Hey, she’s got twenty years to make up for so we will cut her some slack.) Ji refuses to leave until she’s spoken to her.

The cops come looking for Jimena at Burnie’s and speak with Roxy. She claims she has no idea where her little daughter could be. Before leaving, the detectives warn her that if Ji commits a crime while she’s loose, both Roxy and her daughter will go to jail. Shudder the thought, thinks Roxy!

Back at the vecindad, after Lon has done the dishes, talk turns to Maria getting offered another cosmetics contract. Maria thinks her underlying sadness will show through and detract from the message. Lon seems to think the opposite and says besides, nobody is completely cheery totally all the time and who better to demonstrate how radiant a depressed female can look? (I have no idea what the purpose of that conversation was, so don’t ask.) There’s also some conversation about what he sees when he photographs her. (Again, more meaningless bunkum and filler.) She mentions she’s gone back to work for Vicki so the cosmetics contract is a no-go proposition anyway. Lon can’t understand why she’d go back to working for that wigged out bruja. “--For Max.” He grimaces. “--Always for Max!”

Back at Gui’s, Ji keeps popping pills and guzzling glasses of Gui’s best Bacchic offerings till she finally blacks out on his couch. Gui grabs her pistol and starts to take aim, but luckily for Ji, Looni walks through the front door. Gui backs off and hides the weapon in his pocket. “--Who’s she?” “--Max’s ex-wife.”

Back at Milagros and JJ’s we find out that Cruz has signed up for a singing contest with a prize of 100,000 pesos (roughly $8500 American). Mili has also signed up (I think?).  JJ tells her to fagedabowdit and gets a swat on his butt with a broom handle because of his cheeky attitude.

Lon and Maria are in the bedroom about to toast to his future possibilities with Maria and J Pito at his side when she notices he’s got a nosebleed. Lonnie starts staggering towards the bed, and then passes out and falls on it.

A few minutes later, Lon is babbling loudly in a feverish delirium about loving Maria and begging her not to leave him. She’s putting damp compresses on his forehead. Max walks in on the two of them just as she has taken off his shirt and shoes. Max explodes and demands to know what Lon is doing there in her bed half-naked. Poor Maria looks like a kid caught with her hands in the cookie jar as she tries to explain. Max assumes the worst, and well, Max, we all know how assume breaks down. (Max better crank back his macho a bit or Maria may very well tell him to stuff it where the sun don’t shine.)

Back at Casa de los Scandal-val, Oz surprises Vicki in the bedroom with a bouquet of flowers. This seems to do the trick for Vick and the two start gettin’ busy.

Vick’s posse, meanwhile, is at Oscar’s having a toast to the re-launch of Casa Victoria.
Back in Maria’s bedroom, Max says he thinks Lon is pretending and he tries to get him to own up to it. No luck. Lonnie’s out like a light. While Max is arguing with Maria he hears him start to babble something about Ji and her killing their baby. Maria explains that Ji and Alonso had a relationship a while back and that she aborted their baby without Alonso knowing a thing about it. Max says he could care less about anything to do with Jimena. Maria tells him it’s obvious the guy is ill and needs to be taken to the doctor. Max says no way he’ll take him! They aren’t nursemaids! Throw him in a taxi and let the driver take him in! Maria can’t believe the callous tone. She gives up trying to placate Max. Instead of being so suspicious, she says, he should be helping her to get him to the hospital. What is his problem, anyway, she asks??

They go into the other room to argue. Max says he’s totally fed up with Lon always sticking his nose in where it’s not wanted and that all their problems have been because of him. (Is that before or after Vicki decided to make her life miserable, I wonder? Or, before or after Jimeana tricked him into marrying her and dumping Maria?)

At Oscar’s again, the gang is ready to go home. After getting a clarification of Lucy and Fabian’s living arrangement, Pepi teases Oscar and Toni. He leaves Toni there in hopes of forcing the two of them to have a little heart to heart and hopefully, then, lots of cheek to cheek after. Oscar certainly looks up for it.....

Meanwhile, at los Scandal-val, Vic and Oz are making progress in a similar direction till Vic suddenly pulls away because she still can’t get past his affair. She races out of the room. Poor Oz is once again left with his family jewels turning various shades of sapphire....

We return to the vecindad as Maria insists she only loves Max and he should realize that by now. He says naw, if things were reversed she wouldn’t put up with it either. In fact, he remembers how jealous she was when he married Ji. He is sure, he says, this is her way of getting back at him for it! Maria reminds Max that she’s not a vindictive person and what she feels for Alonso is simply gratitude and friendship. Max says fine, then prove it! Maria wonders how. “--Don’t see him again. You’ll have to decide between him and me-- and do it right now!”


El Mundo de Telemundo, week of May 16, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

Now the whole primetime line-up on Telemundo is poised to change:

Urban Anthropologist has kindly been filling us in on the final days of Aurora in which our eponymous heroine lives on as the beating heart in a new protagonista. ¡Guau!

No one seems very excited about Los Herederos del Monte as it plods to its conclusion, proving perhaps that it takes more than All the Pretty Horses and All the Pretty Boys to make a successful novela.

La Pola, the historical novela from Colombia currently being aired on Univisión’s sister station, TeleFutura, has been given a tentative welcome to this page. Nobody wants an Invasion of the Pola Monster but we are open to brief comments and questions about this fabulous new show (as long as we remain a Logorrhea Free Zone).


For the past few months, most of our conversation here has been about La Reina del Sur. As of Friday –

There are storm clouds gathering over Transer Naga. Teresa has many enemies but it’s a couple of insiders – both brought in at Patty’s invitation -- who seem poised to destroy her.

First there’s Teo. It is only after the suicide of his wife and would-be killer, Eugenia, that Teresa allows herself to think that what she and Teo share may be love. She seems touched when he surprises her with a yacht (that he bought with her money – what a prince!). [The yacht bears the name “El Bandido” but the script refers to it as “El Sinaloa”, as in the book.] For the first time, she invites him to her house. And she gives him a gift -- an untraceable gun for his own protection. Teo looks as if he expects her to take it out of the case and use it on him at that moment.

After Teo leaves, we are treated to a cheesy telenovela cliché -- not all that common in this show -- when Teresa falls in a dead faint. At a doctor's office the following morning, she learns she is pregnant with Teo’s child. [My favorite moment: the doctor congratulating Pote, whom he assumes to be the father.]

Then there’s Lupe/Veronica, Willy Rangel’s secret weapon in “Operation Sappho”. Lupe seduces Patty by exploiting her unrequited love for Teresa and posing as “Teresa Two”, the other Mexicana. L/V has several narrow escapes but she talks her way out of danger by exploiting Patty’s feelings for her. Patty can’t think beyond sexual betrayal so it never occurs to her to share her suspicions with anyone else at Transer Naga. And Patty reacts to this perceived betrayal by sinking into a profound depression. (Ya no queda ni la sombra de la hermosa Patty O’Farrell.)

Teresa herself is spending more time thinking about Sinaloa and el Güero and asking Pote questions that until now she has perhaps been afraid to speak aloud. On Friday, Pote confirms that it was el Gato who killed Brenda and Chino’s children – her godchildren -- on Batman’s orders.

The repulsive Cucho Malaspina finally impales Teresa – and Teo – on his telefoto lens, makes a small fortune publishing the photos and then goes on television to talk about the private life of “La Reina del Sur”.

L/V delivers documents to Flores and Willy that show the surprisingly vast financial network of Transer Naga and the names of the rich and famous people, the politicos, the philanthropists, the show biz types, the artists, who are involved in some way in the business. This is sensitive info but not enough to put Teresa et al in jail.

But the info L/V steals from Teo’s computer gives the police something they can use – evidence that Teo has been robbing Teresa blind! Now they can pressure Teo into giving them what they need to put Teresa out of business.

The police confront Teo with what they have discovered. If he informs on Teresa, they will shield him from her vengeance, he’ll keep everything he stole, and get nothing more than a judicial slap on the wrist for his own involvement. If not… Teo doesn’t even bother to feign conflicted feelings. Willy and Flores have themselves a rat.

Ironically, L/V is filled with guilt and self-reproach for betraying Patty. It may be that her words to Patty were all lies but their emotional content was not.

There is a delivery en route – 20 tons of cocaine – and between them, L/V and Teo give the cops enough details for them to set up a plan to intercept the carrier and arrest Teresa.

Willy recognizes that L/V is vulnerable and moves to get her out of Spain quickly. “Operation Sappho” is over and L/V is to fly to Mexico in the morning.

Juarez, while doing routine surveillance, catches sight of Teo coming out of the police building; his informant tells him Teo was in the Anti-Drug area. [The informant also tells him a man and woman, both with Latin American accents, are working with Flores.] Juarez reports Teo’s police visit to Oleg . Teo, when confronted by Oleg, claims that he was just following Teresa’s orders – to threaten Flores and explain away the documents. Then he tries to get Oleg off-balance by accusing him of being jealous – to which accusation our phlegmatic and enigmatic friend replies: A lo mejor sí, a lo mejor no. Soy ruso. Con nosotros, nunca se sabe. (Maybe I am, maybe I’m not – I'm Russian. With us, you never know.)

Both Oleg and Juarez are uneasy about the 20 ton shipment after hearing about Teo’s visit to the drug cops but there’s no way to shut it down – the Aurelia Carmona is already on her way. All they can do is be extra vigilant.

Patty, who has morphed into a zombie version of herself, breaks into L/V’s place by climbing through a window. Her frantic search of the flat is interrupted when L/V herself returns. Patty hides in the wardrobe and overhears one side of a phone conversation – L/V’s job is done and she’s packing to go back to Mexico in the morning.

Teresa calls Teo and asks him to come to the office. She has something she needs to tell him personally -- clearly, she wants to tell him she’s pregnant. But before she can begin, he goes on the defensive and blurts out the same lying explanation for his visit to the police station: he was only doing what she asked him to do.

So. We all know that the Golden Age of Transer Naga – and with it, our all-time favorite novela -- is coming to an end. What we don’t know is who will survive to tell the tale. And we don’t know how the Mexican side of the story will play out.

Your turn.

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