Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #243-244 Wed 5/9/12 Get me to the church on time!

Last night's cliff-hanger (Fred begging Ana not to marry his rival) is swiftly resolved. She shuts him down.

Chacho is still freaking out about the urologist (who he calls "the violator"). Nice to see a case of *male* infertility in the media for a change.

Boy, does Vins look sleazy. He's scheming with his boy hacker via a webcam in a public internet cafe, planning crime and destruction while bored-looking Mexicans check Facebook on either side of him. He's silly in his hat and sunglasses.

Rebe's dad glowers menacingly when he finds out that his ex was out with a younger man, but nothing comes of it. In fact, forget I wrote anything.

Pina lets Kari know that, even though the girl has her support in most things, amor hermoso belongs with Ana. Kari is unconvinced.

I am quite surprised at how little input Enzo is given in his own wedding. He doesn't even know what he'll be wearing, let alone what day the wedding will be. There's a storm in Monterrey, and all the flights have been cancelled. Chela gets really mad, which I could possibly understand if they hadn't thrown this wedding together the day before yesterday! I mean, was she really in such a bridal haze that she did not conceive of scheduling mixups like this? She flips out, and the girls (Candi and Lupita) kind of fall into a sort of a sympathetic freakout. Finally, once he realizes there's no other option, he decides he will drive. I'm somewhat confused at how horrified everyone is by this concept. They all gasp. Drive? Who could conceive of such a barbarity?!

Meanwhile, Frida is asking her boss for some extra money so she can look really good and make Monica jealous. The word she uses is "tupirla," meaning to squeeze or compact. Ew.

In another Pancho-Rebe baby scene, they change diapers and give a rather egregious product placement for some "pure, natural" nappies. Shameless. I guess they're trying to pack 'em in before the show stops, and they couldn't think of anything more subtle.

Kari makes yet another appearance at Fred's house. It's the baby, she says, skip the wedding and come to the doctor with me - I feel weird.

Predictably (I guess Chela saw it coming too), Enzo's car breaks down. He calls her to tell her what happens, but only gets as far as "I've got some bad news" before the cell signal is lost, leaving all the girls back in D.F. in utter hysterics. If only they had brought Pepe with them, Moni whines. Enzo decides to hitchhike, and after some trouble picking up a ride, Enzo employs the nuclear option from the hitchhiker's playbook - doing yoga in front of an oncoming produce truck (personally, I would choose a smaller car to step in front of, on account of its shorter stopping distance). He succeeds, and he and his daughter nestle into the back of the pickup truck, surrounded by luggage and fresh fruit!

Rebe's mom is trying to keep her promise and stay with the babies, but she keeps thinking about her youthful galan. She dumps the kids on Chucha and goes to make mushy eyes at him. He is very sweet to the cougar.

Chela really needs to get a grip. She's going crazy, and even wishes for death (seriously). While Chela bawls, Enzo and daughter get dropped off at the edge of some market somewhere. They get directions and Enzo pays the truck driver to defray his gas costs. Overjoyed, the driver gives a papaya as his mark of esteem. Then the weary travelers (Moni is whinging about the smell of the market) hop on some bicycles, ask for directions, and are on their merry way.

At the hospital (man, this show has really been monopolizing the studio's hospital set this past week or two - maybe shows in their final chapters get priority), Kari comes out of the doc's office in tears. There's been a terrible accident and the baby has been lost. Fred gives her a grudging hug, thinking that he'd rather be at the wedding fuming at Adrian. Either there was really a tragic failure of the pregnancy, or this is Kari's most brazen ploy to date.

The weary cyclists make it up the final hill, and a gasping Enzo thrusts the papaya into Pancho's hands. Someone informs the girls and then the priest, who had been in the process of informing the altar boy and the gilded crucified jesus statue that this wedding was not going to happen (no man, no marriage, right senor?). Enzo and Chela hurry to get dressed in their "traditional" Mexican attire (skin-tight mariachi for him, and I-forget-what-it's-called for her).

The ceremony goes off quite smoothly, except for a brief instant of panic over whether Vins, one of the designated witnesses, would show up. Eventually he does, evincing a foul mood and a ready sneer.

At the reception, though, things get real between Frida and Monica. They lock themselves in the bathroom and have a bit of a scuffle. Ana and Lupita bust down the door (sweet) and break up the fight. I bet Pepe will never hear the end of this from his two sisters.

The bride and groom do a -how can I put this in a culturally sensitive way- goofy dance to "la cucaracha," and everything is wrapped up for today. Tomorrow though, it looks like Fernanda might begin her deathward spiral. Back to the hospital set!


El Talismán #71 Wed 5/9/12 One Step Forward, Two Steps Back


Today on El Talisman:

There were no refrito today, they started right in. Mariana, Cameela and Pedro are still at El Talisman. Mariana is assuring them she will give Pedro the divorce, and Cameela and Pedro thank her. They say they hope Mariana finds love with a new man. Pedro tells her again that she is like a sister to him, and he married her because he promised her Papa he would protect her and look after her. Mariana is like, wait a minute, you don't want to be with me because of Camilla? They tell Mariana she is contradicting herself. They just want Mariana to be happy to find love with another guy. Pedro assures her once again, he has always loved Cameela, never wanted Mariana's money and they only want her to get her memory back so she can see that what they have been telling her has been right all along. Mariana assures them she wants her memory back. Mariana leaves El Talisman and Pedro asks Cameela if she thinks Mariana remembered anything. Cameela doesn't think so. Cameela and Pedro are talking about Mariana not having her memory back and Cameela is jealous, Pedro reminds her he loves her and only her. Liliana, the social worker, has called Pedro and wants him to come to her office, she has something to discuss with him that can't be done over the phone. Pedro and Cameela go to the Social Services.

Domitilla and Tracy are taking a break and are talking about Pedro, Mariana and Cameela. Domi tells Tracy that Mariana isn't well and doesn't remember anything. Tracy says OMG you are so right, she doesn't have her memory back, but Pedro and Cameela should be together, as it was meant to be.

Valentin and Tonio have that gun and Valentin wants to know what Tonio is going to do to Pigorio. Now some of this I didn't get, so please fill in. Tonio asks Valentin if he knows where Lucrazy is. Valentin doesn't know. Valentin is more worried about Mariana. Tonio tells him not to worry about Mariana she won't say anything, because she has no memory of what happened. Tonio says something about a Dr. I didn't quite get, I think it had to do with Lucrazy.

Pigorio and Doris are in the hallway and she tells Pigorio she has come to see her girls. He is yelling at Doris and telling her that if she really loved her girls she wouldn't have left them. She gives it back to him and says what kind of class of Grandpa are you with your morals and something again about pantalones, is it the same as the other day? Please clarify. He tells her she doesn't know anything. He pulls Doris into his office and Doris says the only thing you love is Alcatrash. She says she loves her girls but she won't live there. All of a sudden, not really, but Pigorio grabs her face, and I swear he has got his tongue down her throat, but she is recipircating so at least she is breathing, (this is a big yuck factor for me, jus' saying), anyhoo, Doris breaks the kiss. She looks Pigorio straight in the eye and says she'll stay at Alcatrash only if Pigorio, wait for it, marries her! Pigorio calls her crazy and it will never happen. She can never be the duena of Alcatrash and besides she is a, wait for it *ho*, (now who is calling the kettle black , jus' sayin') She gives it right back to him and says you sure liked the way I kissed you and caressed you, non? He tells her to callate. She tells him the only way she will stay at Alcatrash if he marries her, punto. He offers her money, she wants to know how much. Pigorio says see I knew you didn't love those girls! Doris tells Pigorio she doesn't want the money, only to marry him. He tells her to leave and never come back. Pigorio wants Doris to accept the money. She asks him if this is his last word? He says yes. She says *her* last word is marry me. She kisses him and leaves. He throws his drinks glass against the door and it shatters.

Margarito has left Mariana outside of Manuel's office. She tells the receptionist she is here to see Manuel. Mariana is not looking well and looks dizzy. The receptionist says she'll let Manuel know she is here.

Margarito has gone to see El Capitan and asks him how the investigation is going into his son's death? El Capitan tells him it is still ongoing and he asks Margarito if he thinks Pigorio did it? Margarito says yes. El Capitan tells him that he could be right, but to let them handle it.

Manuel and Maria are in Manuel's office. He gives Maria the file of a patient that is having dreams or trouble sleeping. The receptionist calls Manuel and tells him Magaly(Mariana) is there to see him. He says tell her to come on back. She comes into his office and he asks her if it was hard being with Cameela at El Tal today? Maria excuses herself. Mariana says she thinks she is going crazy. Manuel says lets go home. They go home and he tells Mariana to relax and have some water. Mariana is looking out the window and Manuel asks what she is looking for. She says Santiago. She explains who he is.

Lucrazy is on the border of Alcatrash and El Talisman, and she is having a *vision* of her dressed in what looks like a wedding gown. Tonio is there and tells her Pedro is waiting for her. She wants to know where, he says just there, don't you see him? She walks over, looks down and there is Pedro with a bullet in his head, and he is obviously dead. Lucrazy starts screaming for realz and she is really *screeching* here. Tomas and Geno hear her and ask her what is wrong with her? (Now you know everyone thinks she is crazy, jus' sayin'). She tells them to leave her alone. She doesn't trust Tonio. She actually, wait for it, prays to Dios please let not this vision come true. Tonio comes outside and asks her Que Haces Aqui? She says she is thinking. He is still insisting he is marrying Cameela.

El Capitan and The Investigator (since I don't know his name, this is what I am calling him) are in El Capitan's office. El Capitan tells The Investigator that Pedro told him that Lucrazy tried to kill him. The Investigator asks El Capitan if Pedro pressed charges against her, and if he didn't he should. El Capitan says he hasn't yet. The Investigator says that the Negretes are all murderous thugs (he didn't really say that, but you get the drift).

Margarito has given Mariana a ride to the hospital so she can meet up with Manuel. She says Margarito you knew me when I lived here in Fresno? He says of course he did. She asks him about what happened to her baby? Margarito looks uncomfortable and tells her it is difficult for him to talk about, since he recently lost his own son. She gives him her condolences. Margartio tells Mariana that the loss of her baby was due to Pigorio Negrete and that he used violence against her. Mariana is shocked, violence? She asks Margo if he knows the Pig, he says he does. Margo tells her that Pigorio is muy peligroso, and if you go to Alcatrash again, don't go alone. She tells him she won't go alone again. He also tells her that Pedro stayed with her during this horrible time and took care of her until she disappeared. He also tells Mariana that the only woman Pedro ever loved is Cameela.

Pedro and Cameela are at Social Services meeting with Liliana the social worker. She tells Pedro that Santiago is not an orphan, his mother was deported. He knows that and says he doesn't think Santi has any other relatives. He tells Liliana how he found Santi. Pedro says he and Cami want to adopt Santiago. Liliana says great, lets get the paperwork together, and we need your marriage liscense (Ruh Roh). Liliana tells them Santiago needs both a mother and father that are married to have a stable home. She asks if there is a problem, Pedro-no, Cami-yes. Liliana says aren't you getting married? What about a civil ceremony? Pedro fesses up that he is married to another woman. Liliana wants to know QTH is going on here? You told me you were getting married. They tell him it is a long story. She tells them both to forget about it. Pedro wants to tell her the whole story but Liliana isn't listening. She just says Santiago needs a stable home, punto, and that is that.

Both Margarito and Pedro, seperately, go to visit Santiago. He begs them both, please get me out of here. Both of them tell him, it is going to take some time, both care about him, and to be good and stay where he is at for now. They are doing everything they can to get him out of there.

Pedro and Cameela visit El Capitan and tell him about the problem with Liliana the social worker. Pedro is really pithed at her, for not bending the rules a bit. El Capitan says he will see what he can do, but Liliana is just doing her job. He asks Pedro if he is going to bring charges against Lucrazy for trying to kill him? Pedro says no, (What, then get that alarm system Pedro, jus' sayin'). El Capitan doesn't think that is a good idea, of no charges. Pedro tells Cameela I am marrying you , so no worries, yeah right, sure, sure.

Pigorio and Panchito are in the back forty somewhere, maybe El Talisman and Pigorio is, wait for it, digging a hole! Panchito asks him what is he doing? He tells Panchito stop asking me questions and leave me in peace to dig alone! He says she is mine and noone else's. He stops digging and starts for home. He is out of breath. Pigorio goes to his room and Panchito tells him to chill out and think of his health. Pigorio thinks Doris isn't coming back. Pigorio is coughing and he tells Panchito don't worry I'm not dying yet. Panchito tells Pigorio you really need a pill, so he gives him one from the bedside table (Ruh Roh). Panchito asks him if he is ok? Pigorio says he feels better, but he looks exhausted from all that digging. Pigorio tells Panchito he really needs Doris with him.

Doris runs into Tonio and he asks her Que Haces Aqui? She says she came to visit the girls. He tells her once he marries Cameela ( I have to say here Tonio, note to Tonio, what are you smokin' dude. You belong in the manicomio cause she is never marrying your butt, jus' sayin') Doris won't be able to come to Alcatrash. She tells him I wouldn't be too sure about that. Doris has gone into the girls room and Lucrazy runs into Tonio and he says Doris is here, she says she knows all the yelling and fighting. She tells Tonio to leave her in peace. She tells Tonio she has had enough of his drivel, he is not marrying Cameela, Cameela is marrying Pedro, she says she has had enough of his blithering and illusions to leave her in peace and to stop the insanity already!

There were alot of scenes of Fabi, Army, Angel,Flor about the possiblity of Tonio marrying Cameela which I will condense. Army has to tell Fabi again, it will never happen. Tonio has tried to break up Cameela and Pedro alot, but it hasn't worked, because both know what Tonio is really all about. Flor and Fabi are relying on what Tracy said, but have major doubts. Army tells Angel about Tonio and Lucrazy and the attempts they made to break up Cameela and Pedro. Fabi and Flor are talking about Cameela and Pedro, and Tonio comes upon them and tells them Ya Basta, I AM marrying Cameela, or my name isn't Antonio Negrete,punto, and if you don't like it, I think he threatened them with boarding school again. (Note to Tonio: as if dude, you've been smoking the whacky tabbacy again, huh).

Doris has gone into the girls' room and is talking to them. They want to come live with her, but she tells them she is living with a friend for the moment, and they can't come stay there, but hey you can call me all the time. Flor is afraid that Cameela is coming to live at Alcatrash as Mrs. Tonio Negrete, but Fabi reminds her that Cameela is in love with Pedro and it will never happen.

Cameela and Pedro are back at El Talisman and Cameela asks Pedro if he is ok? He says he is but is worried about Santiago. He wants Santiago to come live with them. The next thing he says is, hey I have this great idea! Why don't Mariana and I adopt Santiago. (Say what??? Now I wonder what Pedro is smoking, is this an epidemic or what?). Cameela looks at him like he's crazy.

Tomorrow on El Talisman:

Lucrazy signs over her half of Alcatrash to Tonio.

****For Thursday 's recap we have the return of Blue Lass for regular Thursday recaps. I am so glad she is joining me with recapping this *hot mess*.


Abismo de pasión #42 5/8/12: Baa, Baa, Blond Sheep, Have you any Bull?

Abismo de Pasion 42
Baa, Baa, Blond Sheep, Have you any Bull?

Yes, ma’am, yes ma’am, three bags full.

Baa, Baa, Blond Sheep

O holy day! The folks at Casa Arrango have just been witness to a miracle—Florencia Landucchi can walk! Or at least she can jump up from her bed when hot coffee is deliberately spilled in her lap. But, Lo, our faithful watchers are shocked and disappointed to see that although Flo popped up out of her guest bed like a troublesome flea, she was not touched by an angel after all.  No need to call Father Loopy Lupe to document a supernatural occurrence. This was as simple as Florencia falling into the web of La Ermita’s resident Black Widow, Alfonsina Arrango.

The trap was simple. Alfonsina spots maid Antonia carrying a breakfast tray to invalid Florencia. Alfie, ever opportunistic, offers to deliver the tray full of breakfast and hot beverages to Poor, Poor, Florencia. While handing the tray of breakfast to Flo, Alfonsina deliberately drops a cup of hot coffee in Flo’s lap. Ouchee! Flo reacts with pain, no surprise there. When Alfie questions her about this, Flo announces that just because she can’t move her legs does not mean she can’t feel anything! Huh.

Now Alfonsina stalks out into the hallway, closing the door to Flo’s room behind her, and, clever spider, immediately turns back around and re-enters Flo's room, only to discover her putative-suegra standing on her own two feet, brushing hot coffee off her lap. Uh oh.

You. Are. So. Busted, Florencia. Flo comes back with a weak attack to explain her deception. A heavily edited version of this conversation follows:

Alfonsina: “So it was all false, you lying little twirp!”
Flo -  “What am I supposed to do? I am desperate!”
Alfonsina – “You should have trusted me.”
Recapper – “Really, Alfonsina?”
Alfonsina – “Tell me one thing. Did you mess with the horse to make this fake accident/injury happen?
Flo – (Indignant!) “No I am not crazy!”
Recapper – “Not crazy maybe but dumb as a flat of bricks, Blondie.”
Flo: (singing) “I believe for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows. I believe if Damian and I go back to Mexico all will be as before.”
Alfonsina now launches into a haughty beat-down of Florencia for her lying, lying ways. Then, the bedroom door flies open again. It’s Daddy Guido, here to see his ailing princess. Daddy Guido rushes to Florencia’s bedside and witnesses her amazing recovery.

“O frabjous day!“ sings the silver fox.
“Yes, your daughter has recuperated,” Alfonsina snaps at Gullible Guido as she stalks out the door in knee-high boots and a sleeveless dress. Alfie, I’m rooting for you if you take Florencia down. Bitch looks real good on you.

These Boots Are Made For Walkin’
Elisa, Avenging Angel, is showing a bit of a split in her personality. It seems that when she is not in her room, crying—she is capable of kicking some butt. She heads out to the Rectory to chat with Father Lupe about her friend, Gael. She is wearing some serious cowboy boots that make her look a little scary and a little hot. It is nice to see that Elisa is as protective of Gael as he is of her.

Elisa talks to Padre Lupe about Ingrid being Gael’s mother. This is such a shock! Elisa is worried. She reminds the Good Padre to HAVE PATIENCE with his “son”, because Lupe is just like a Father to Gael. The poor guy is very confused—he didn’t even know his mother was alive. Now he finds out that his mother is alive, that she abandoned him for 25 or so years and that she has horrible taste in men, her man-of-the-moment being the Greasy but ever stare-worthy GABINO MENDOZA (yep, that’s intentional all-caps). That’s a lot of news for anybody to absorb.

Father Guadalupe comes back at Elisa with a question about her feelings for his nephew Damian. Elisa confesses that she loves Damian more than her life but she doesn’t think she and Damian can have happiness. Florencia is an obstacle to their relationship even though she is not pregnant—now she is seriously injured!  Whoo-hoo! Your recapper yells. You may not find out this episode, Elisa, but Flo is not as injured as you AND Damian think she is!

Padre Guadalupe tells Elisa about Gael seeing Ingrid in a compromising position with GABINO MENDOZA at the only Inn in La Ermita. Wow. Elisa decides to take matters with Ingrid and Gael into her own hands. She heads on over to the Inn to have a talk with Ingrid and lay down the law. Elisa tells Ingrid that she has known Gael since they were children. He has suffered much because of his lack of a family, If Ingrid is here to be a real family for Gael, very good. But if not, if her intentions are not pure, Elisa warns her that she will not let Ingrid hurt Gael. He has many friends who care about him. She repeats that she will not let Ingrid hurt him. This recapper thinks this all feels like bluff and bluster on ‘Lisa’s part. How is she going to protect Gael when she cannot protect herself? Oh well, Elisa’s intentions are good.

Damian Has a Sad Day at the Procesadora
Over at the pro-ces- a-dor-a, Damain is having a sad day, clearing up his affairs. He pushes paper around his desk, signs some documents and has a goodbye conversation with Maru. She is worried about all the people who work at the Procesadora now that Damian is leaving. Everyone at the procesadora was so happy with Damian there. Still, she wishes him well in his future with Florencia. She also mentions the incident with GABINO MENDOZA and Paloma.

On a sartorial note—Why, my friends, is Damian wearing a quilted vest at work in the Yucatan? Your recapper is reliably informed by sources on the Weather Channel that the coldest it might ever be in Merida is 84 degrees avg. daytime temp in January, the coolest month. Surely a down vest is overkill?

GABINO menaces. It is what he does when he is not looking crazy or boffing maidens fair and foul. First, in this episode he menaces Horacio. When he harasses Horacio, he seems very stressed and has a severe facial tic. Hmmm, your Recapper wonders, “Does Gabino have a little problem with, say, cocaine??? “ Next he menaces Antonia, whom he really seems to enjoy torturing. She calls him a snake and he hisses as he leaves. Next Gabino hassles Maru back at the office. “Where is Ingrid?” he asks. She called in sick. “Why wasn’t I told?” he menaces Maru.

Carmina Makes  a Phone Call
At Casa Castañon, Carmina calls Paolo at the procesadora. As usual she speaks mush-mouth Spanish but I think she asks if Paolo knows to whom he is speaking. Paolo, the would-be rapist of her niece and stepdaughter, asks Carmina, “To what does he owe the pleasure of this phone call?”  After some flirtation with the dirtbag, she tries to set Elisa up—again.

Tia Carmina you are a toxic waste dump. You would be a Superfund site in the US. Your next rebirth could be as an intestinal parasite. Pardon me, dear readers. You Recapper became a little heated thinking about Carmina’s as yet unpunished behavior.  Just now, Augusto walks in and Agent Orange hangs up on Paolo when she sees the Toad. He stares at her like an amphibian and blinks his eyes slowly, in a toad-like way. They have a little tussle over the phone call but Carmina wiggles out of a fight—this time.

Gael Rejects His Mother (Yeah!)
The action now moves to the only inn in La Ermita, where we find Gael knocking on the door of Ingrid’s room. Ingrid opens the door to Gael.
Gael – “I hope that you don’t have anyone with you?” (This is a dig at Ingrid—last time she was with GABINO MENDOZA.)
Gael – “What are you doing here in La Ermita after all these years?”
Ingrid – Isn’t it obvious?
Gael – “No, it is not obvious Senora. All these years and I heard nothing from you and now you are here. Why are you here?”
Now Ingrid tries to play the victim
Ingrid – “You don’t understand. It was very hard. I was a mess, very bad! I had no money and my life was a disaster. So I left you with Father Guadalupe.”
Gael – (Not buying her program)”What is my father’s name?”
Ingrid – (Reaching out for Gael’s hand.) “Actually, I am here. I am here.”
Gael –(Rejecting her). “No Senora. Even if you stay I don’t have a father or a mother.” Gawd, we have yet ANOTHER bad parent in this novella.

Paolo has a word with Enrique
Enrique comes into Paolo’s office at the Procesadora.
Paolo – “My niece is headed out for Mexico to see a specialist. I know you are interested in her. In a word, buddy, FUGEDDABOUTIT. She is never going to end things with Damian.”

Alfonsina Gives Flo Hell
Alfonsina  is opening mail with a letter opener that she looks like she would like to use to stab Florencia. Flo tries a soft opening with Fina, thanking her for not outing Flo to her Papa. But Alfonsina is still furious. She lectures Florencia on the stupidity of her lies and traps. She warns her that she is no longer sure that Flo is the right woman for Damian.
“I am the solution for you Florencia. Too bad you did not make me an ally instead of an enemy.”

Paloma and Elisa Run Into Damian
Elisa tells Paloma that Damian is going to Mexico to seek medical attention for Florencia because her injury is bad. She also tells Paloma of Gael’s discovery of his birth mother. They go to lunch where they run into Damian. (It is a small town, isn’t it?) Damian asks Paloma why she was looking for him at the procesadora. Elisa gives Paloma the stink-eye so that she hedges with Damian. Damian says a supposedly ominous “Adios” to Elisa. Viewerville is not impressed. We know that Flo can walk and Damian may not leave at all. Paloma berates Elisa for not fighting for Damian. Blah,blah, blah, Paloma.

Reconciliation at the Rectory
Gael comes into the Rectory. Padre Guadalupe says, “I am sorry, Gael.” Lupe has tears in his eyes as he says, “You know you are my son.” They are fully reconciled when Gael tells the Padre that he understands that Lupe must keep the secrets of the confessional. Lupe looks to heaven and says, “Gracias, Senor.”

Sweetest scene of the night. Now the phone rings. It is Kenia for Gael. The subject of Ingrid is raised and Kenia is shocked that Gael knows Ingrid is his mother! Gael is on to her immediately. “You already knew this?” he asks. “How is this possible?” Kenia  freaks out and hangs up on Gael, but not until she has told him she is in Merida.

Ingrid Goes to Hacienda Arrango
Antonia announces that Fina has a visitor. It is Ingrid! Alfonsina is very taken aback as she recognizes the side curls and says, “Ingrid?”. What are you doing here? We have nothing in common.”

“Oh, but you are wrong, Alfonsina, says Ingrid. ’We have many things in common. We have Rosendo in common.”
Alfie - “You had a son with my man. What do you want?”
Ingrid – “Money. I want money.”
Alfie – “You will not get even one cent.”
Ingrid – “Then I will have to talk to Damian. He needs to hear about his half-brother. He needs to know the truth plus all the legal consequences.”
Alfie – “Get out of my house!”
Ingrid – “You will buy my silence or I will tell the whole world  that Gael is an Arrango.”
With that parting shot, Ingrid slithers out of the house.

The Brothers Arrango
Gael and Damian meet. Damian explains that tomorrow he is going to Mexico. It is for  Florencia. Damian asks Gael to care for Elisa and then tells him that he is more than an amigo—he is a brother. Goodbye and good luck.

Florencia Decides To Get Help From Her Papa
Over at Hacienda Arrango Florencia leans in for the manipulation with her dear father. She tells Guido that things are not the same between she and Damian. “He even broke up with me. He has changed very much toward me. Papa.”  She asks her father to help convince Damian to go to Mexico. Of course, Guido agrees.

Auggie Get Your Gun
Elisa is walking home when, right in front of her own house, Paolo stalks her. The nerve!
“Why are you hassling me Paolo?”, Elisa asks. Paolo won’t let her pass. He menaces, “I don’t believe you want a scandal.”
Elisa says, “Leave me in peace. Paolo. Get out!” This time when Paolo won’t relent she yells, “Papa! Papa! Papa!” Augusto hears her and finally does something right. He gets his shotgun, runs outside and points it at Paolo. Paolo makes a speedy exit on his moto and Augusto tells Elisa to get in the house.

Elisa thanks her father. But Augusto responds in his usual crass fashion. “Don’t thank me. You invite scandal.” He insults her virtue again. “Good grief, Dad, Elisa says. “What do you want me to do ? Stay in my room all day?”
“That is not a bad idea,” mumbles Augusto. Elisa stalks off. Carmina mouths off about Elisa provoking Paolo, Augusto tells her to stuff it and Augusto goes to his study and raw lips a bottle of whiskey. Lovely family.

She Can Walk!
Damian comes into the Hacienda and sees Flo sitting up in the sala with Guido. She can walk! Flo walks into his arms. He is so happy. Guido is so happy. Flo is so happy.
Tomorrow, first thing they will all go to Mexico to see the specialist. Flo promises to recuperate and be happy with Damian. He begins to look slightly trapped.

Not Tonight, Dear, I Have a Headache

GABINO is waiting for Ingrid in her room. He actually looks concerned about her. Why did she call in sick? He asks. Is she really sick? She says she just had a headache. Gabino asks, “Are you tired of me. You should trust me more.” Ingrid repeats that she is tired and sends him away. GABINO MENDOZA is a little taken aback at the rejection.

Not Much More

·      In her room, Elisa and Lolita talk about Augusto defending her tonight. But he doesn’t trust her. Repeat.
·      Ramona and Paloma talk about Gael’s discovery of a newfound Mama. Ramona looks anxious.
How Very…..Interesting
Alfonsina is in her room getting ready for bed. In frustration, she throws and breaks a glass object.  Damian comes in and asks what is wrong. Alfonsina says she is fine. Damian remarks that it is very INTERESTING that Flo can walk, but Alfonsina says, “Right now the most important thing is the health of your fiancé.”  Damian agrees with “Si, si, si, claro.” Damian looks very thoughtfully at the camera. And we CUT…

Call me crazy, but I can’t remember a tear from Elisa. But wait! Did she cry with Lolita at the end? I can’t remember.

Damian looks like he is on a quest to find the truth about Kenia, the fake pregnancy and Flo’s role in the manipulations. I think Damian has her number.


Una Familia Con Suerte #241-242 Tue 5/8/12

Sorry folks, we don't have a recap from Monday night.  We're playing a little catch-up, so anyone who remembers much is invited to fill us in!

Today's big opening event (well, I guess it could be review from yesterday) is Frida proposing to her Dartañan! She offers him  one of those metallic screwing pipe fasteners as a ring, and he accepts (with minor trepidation). The boss of the car shop gives him a little talking-to about his intentions with the girl (as in, don't marry her for revenge, you little punk!).

Here's where I'm totally stumped: Vins is conspiring with a child in a fancy suit, with his face obscured by an animated smiley face and his voice artificially deepened. Vins has some sort of plot hatching with this "Señor Don David," who demands a great deal of money be deposited into his account in the Caiman Islands. Was there more on this yesterday?

Lupita is now OK with Tomás' true vocation, wishing him luck as he heads out on a dangerous operation.

More to come tomorrow morning!

Fred hasn't gotten the news about Ana and Adrian's engagement, and he accepts Adrian's thanks and a big hug!

Chacho is hanging out with Pancho at Avon. I have to wonder, how come Chacho hasn't been given a cushy job yet? Anyway, Chacho is very impressed at the sight of Pancho using legalese/"fufurufos" to ream out somebody over the phone. He has been to a fertility clinic with Sandra (are they *already* trying to have a baby?).

Pina and Pancho are scheming to set up a charitable foundation "for the children..." for kids of the barrio, to be called PiPa or somesuch. She remarks on the irony of finally finding happiness with Pancho's help. Vins storms in, cursing Sebastian...

Candi is in tears. It seems Vins dumped her. Chela tries to console her, but takes an unusual approach, in more of a "these things happen" tack, not mentioning the possibility that Vins is just a jackwagon.

Poor Frida is aware that Pepe may just be marrying her to make Monica miserable, but she professes it all worthwhile for a chance to show him how much she cares.

Monica opens up the whinery to her Dad. She wonders if there's something wrong with her look, and he chuckles.  But yes. I think the "French" wig is awful on her. Soon she returns with short blonde hair, but the offensive thing is that she says "I fixed myself." Ugh. Chela swears her to secrecy and reveals that she has planned the wedding (without anyone's knowledge, not even Enzo) for a few days in the future. Soon, though, Enzo tickles the secret out of his daughter.

Meanwhile, Pina finds out from Arnold about Barb. In her words, "O. MY. GOSH." He recounts all the many places Barbs has taken him, and she delightedly laughs in his face. Sebastian strolls in, and Arnie makes a hilarious show of drooling over him.

My delight over Doña Rebe is only increased when I see her date, a handsome young man with a motorcycle. She hops in the sidecar and off they go! Unfortunately, it doesn't go that well.

Pancho has called a family Junta, for a couple reasons. His heart is "in hilo" over Candi's sadness, but first and foremost he wants pictures of the whole family and he has a surprise for the whole family: the twins are back from the hospital. Pancho makes them all do some kind of forced-march conga line upstairs to see the babies, and they get some great photos!

Sebastian finds out that Vins hurt Pina (back when the latter found out about Sebastian and Pina, he grabbed her arms pretty hard). Vins shows up to harangue them, and the boys get to fighting! Vins seems to gain the upper hand swiftly, but Pina intervenes and calls security to throw the rat out (they're in the Avon parking deck).

At the Junta, Candi announces the pending divorce, and Ana announces her engagement. No one is happy for Ana. They all think she made the wrong choice.

Oh yeah... Kari is pregnant from her little romp with Fred back in the Yucatán.

Sebastian gives Fred some advice: it's time to step up and throw all the meat on the grill!

And now for some sad news: Fernanda is pretty sick again, and Pancho comes for a chat. She gets a flashback to that night on the bridge. She says she's "dying to see the kids," and apologizes for a poor choice of words.

Chacho gets the results - the problem is him. He's TERRIFIED of the urologist!

Pina gets a showdown with Viv, Sebastian's Ex. I've always thought she looked like a vampire. Pina has her thrown out.

Fred, aiming to throw some meat on the figurative grill, gets all combed up and puts on an ugly shirt to go ask Ana not to marry Adrian. End scene.

And some help here: Who's the random bad singer who makes the crooning cameo in this episode?


Una Familia Con Suerte #239-240 Mon 5/7/12 Pina Is Back, Adrian Asks Ana to Marry Him

I am putting this header up, since there was no recap for Monday. This is what I remember from Monday's episode, these are not in order:

Candy asks Vice for a divorce because he wants to ruin Pancho and she won't go against her family.

Adrian asks Ana to marry him, and she accepts.

Pina returns and Freddy tells her that Karina is pregnant.

Adrian's daughter has an accident, falls over a balconey at Pancho's on top of Freddy's car. Freddy takes her to the hospital.

Doc Oc is becoming more foggy. He comes to see Pancho and can't remember how he got there. He remembers he has patients he needs to take care of, and Pancho goes with him.

Vivian is still trying to get Sebastian back. Sebastian has a fight with some guy, didn't catch his name, who evidently had an affair with Vivian. Vivian sees Pina about to go out with Sebastian and tries to tell her that she is reconciling with Sebastian, but Sebastian stops her and warns Vivian that the next time she comes near him, he will call the police. He explains to Pina that he is not reconciling with Vivian, and that he likes Pina very much. Ado likes Sebastian alot, she is preening in front of him.

Please fill in what you remember. These were the highlights.


Tuesday, May 08, 2012

El Talismán #70 Tue 5/8/12 It's All About the Sex, A Reluctant Bridegroom, and A Gun


Previously on El Talisman:

Mariana wants Cameela's help to recover her memory, but Cameela tells her she really needs Pedro to help her.

Today on El Talisman:

Margarito and Pedro are dropping the Padre off at the orphanage so he can bless it before he leaves for Tijuana. Padre comes in and hears giggling and moans and groans. Now Gabe and Sarita are upstairs, ya know, wait for it, DOING IT, when the Padre catches them. Now, I have to say here, I am Catholic and this would have been my worst nightmare, the guilt, the shame, you get the picture. Anyhoo, Padre asks them what in the world they think they are doing? Don't you know you could get pregnant. Gabe and Sarita are sooo ashamed, yeah right, they are thinking busted, by of all things a priest, oh the guilt, the shame. The Padre turns his back as they are desperately trying to get dressed. And he is still lecturing them about the evils of pre-marital sex. He sees out of the corner of his eye , that they are desperately trying to get dressed and he tells them he will meet them downstairs, and by the way, NO FUNNY STUFF. And he doesn't want them doing anymore of that. punto.

Pedro and Margarito have gone to Social Services to see Santiago. They meet Lilianna the social worker. She wants to know how Santiago ended up at El Talisman. Pedro explains but says he was only there for like a half day and didn't really live there. He tells Lilianna that Santiago is an orphan. She wants to know if there is any other family. He doesn't know. Santiago wants to go with Pedro to El Tal, but Lilianna says he has to stay there for now. Margarito offers to settle him into foster care. Santiago says to Margarito you helped me before, please help me now, the poor kid is practically begging, but Margarito says , sometimes life is hard and you have to deal with it. Santiago thinks he doesn't care about him. Margarito tells him to trust him and he will visit him as much as he can. He makes Santiago promise he won't run away again. Santiago promises and Margarito gives him a big hug, they are both very sad. Pedro also tells Lilianna that he reported Santiago to El Capitan so they could maybe find another relative.

Mariana and Cameela are talking at Tia Maria's still. She wants to know if Cameela remembers anything about her? Cameela says no, not really she never met her before she disappeared. Cameela says she will take her to El Tal to see if she remembers anything. Cameela calls Pedro and tells him she is going to El Talisman with Mariana, to see if she can recover some of her memory.

Tonio and Valentin are in the little office at Alcatrash and Tonio wants Valentin to get that gun from Pedro.

Pigorio and Panchito are in Pigorio's bedroom. Pigorio is frantic about finding Doris, and he is upset. Panchito tells him to calm down and remember to stay calm. Panchito goes to the bedside table and picks up the bottle of pills (Ruh Roh) and reminds Pigorio he needs to take them. Pigorio takes a pill and he tells Panchito he is in love with Doris. He said something at the end I didn't catch.

Fabi and Flor are talking about their Mama Doris. They are worried yet again about Cami possibly marrying Tonio, but Flor reminds Fabi about what Tracy said.

Cameela and Mariana are at El Talisman, and Domitilla greets Mariana and asks her if she remembers her? Mariana says no, she doesn't. Mariana tells Cameela she feels safe at El Tal. Cameela tells her she will remember little by little, it takes time. They are in the living room of El Tal and Cameela wants to take her upstairs, but Mariana is afraid to go there. Domitilla and Cameela are concerned for Mariana. They ask if she is ok, and she says she doesn't remember anything yet. Finally Cameela and Mariana go upstairs.

Manuel is in his office and Maria comes in. They greet each other and Manuel tells her he is sorry he snapped on Cameela yesterday. Maria tells him she is El Viral's daughter, but nothing like her. Manuel tells Maria that Mariana went to see Cameela. Manuel tells Maria that Mariana has no memories of Fresno, and went with Cameela to El Talisman. Maria says you know that Cameela is in love with Pedro, and that Mariana thinks she is in love with Pedro. Manuel has taken hold of Maria's forearms, she squiggles out of them, because it looks like he wants to hug her and maybe, wait for it, plant a kiss. Maria tells Manuel what El Viral said. Manuel tells Maria he wants more than a professional relationship with Maria, he wants Maria back. They are gazing at each other very lovingly I'd say. I also say Maria was giving him the signal, which he TOTALLY missed. There are sparks there.

Pedro goes to see El Capitan and Pedro tells him he wants to have Santiago come live with him. El Capitan tells him they have to go through the proper channels and for now Santiago has to stay at foster care. El Capitan tells Pedro he needs to talk to Mariana. Pedro tells El Capitan, wait for it, Lucrazy tried to kill me!

Lucrazy wakes up from her drunken stupor and Tonio is there. She has a massive hangover, and he is yelling at her about drinking, wait for it, MI TEQUILA. She reminds him that he is trying to kill their Papa. He grabs her face and she says she has a killer hangover. They are talking about Doris again too. Doris is complicated. He tells Lucrazy you can trust me, cause I have a surprise for you. Lucrazy wants to know if he is going to betray her.

Cameela and Mariana have gone upstairs into Mariana's old bedroom. She thinks it was very special to have left it the way it was. Cameela tells Mariana that Pedro looked for her for years, about the fliers around town, and the investigator, and even Dr. Raul looked for her. Mariana is touching the furniture and looking at everything, and says it all is so new to her. She opens a drawer and there is a suitcase. She doesn't want to open it. She doesn't want to remember what is in there. Cameela tells her she will remember and that she cares about Mariana, despite everything. Cameela and Mariana are talking still. Mariana says she is so confused. She had a husband, was pregnant, lost the child, disappeared. What happened to her? Cameela says she doesn't know, but Cameela tells Mariana that she was like a ghost between Cameela and Pedro. Noone knew if she was dead or alive, until the day she showed up at their wedding. She asks Mariana to please understand. They both cry. Mariana finally opens the suitcase and finds a baby shirt in there. She asks if this was for her baby, but Cameela doesn't know. Mariana has a vison of herself being pregnant and looking in the mirror, Cameela is sensing that Mariana is remembering, she asks Mariana while trying to touch her shoulder and Mariana snaps on her and tells her NO MI TOQUES! Mariana is crying. Cameela goes and gets Mariana some water, and asks her if she is ok? She tells Mariana that next time she comes to El Tal she should bring Manuel with her. Mariana agrees. Cameela tells Mariana it isn't her fault she lost the baby. She tells Mariana to be calm and that they will leave the room now. Mariana thanks Cameela for bringing her here.

Margarito and Pedro have made it back to the orphanage, I think, and is confronted by Padre, who tells Pedro he wants Gabe and Sarito to get married right away. Pedro is like, why right away, what is the problem they are novios, si? Padre says, wait for it, THEY ARE MUCH MORE THAN NOVIOS. Padre tells Pedro and Margarito, he caught Gabe and Sarita, wait for it, EN FLAGRANTE, (buck ass naked and doing it, jus' saying). Pedro and Margarito want to bust a gut, you can tell, but they smirk alot and control themselves. He asks Gabe and Sartia if they are in love, they say they are, so Pedro doesn't think there is a problem. Margarito or Pedro asks if they aren't too young? And they ask Sarita, are you embarazada? She is hiding her face, poor thing is EMBARRASSED AND ASHAMED. I tell you the guilt and shame is catching up with her. She says she isn't. Padre insists they are getting married, pronto and he is officating, so cancel that trip to Tijuana. Moral lesson of the day: Never get caught by a Padre (EN FLAGRANTE)! Gabe is looking scared and Sarita is looking happy. Pedro tells Sarita he will walk her down the aisle. She is very happy. Padre, Sartia, and Margarito leave and Pedro talks to Gabe. Gabe says he is scared, that marriage is a big responibilty and he isn't prepared for it.

Pigorio has gone over to see M. Brigette he just has to talk to her, he is desperate to find Doris. He wants to know if she is there, call her down already! Brigette tells Pigorio she doesn't know where Doris is.

Meanwhile Lucy is upstairs telling Doris that Pigorio is downstairs. Doris isn't going down. She wants to make Pigorio sweat for her. Lucy says if you love him, go down there. She stays upstairs.

Pigorio is still downstairs with M. Brigette and she tells him, last she heard Doris was still at Alcatrash. She wants to know why he is looking here? Pigorio told Brigette he really thought Doris was there. Pigorio is leaving and he stops and asks Brigette if she sees Doris to let him know. He also asks Brigette if Doris has a lover, maybe someone younger? Brigette tells him of course not. With Doris it isn't about the SEX, its about the MONEY! Pigorio leaves, and Brigette has tears in her eyes. I have to say I really think Brigette is in love with Pigorio. Why the tears? Why the longing look in her eyes? Hum??? Pigorio leaves and Brigette goes upstairs and talks to Doris. Doris wants to know what Pigorio said. Brigette tells her she ought to go back to Alcatrash.

Padre, Sarita and Margarito are outside talking about the upcoming wedding. Sarita wants white everything (are you still allowed to wear white, after you have ahem, you know, DONE IT, just sayn'). Padre reminds Sarita that marriage is a blessed sacrament and it is for the rest of your life. He wants her to remember that and contemplate it. He will talk to Gabe now, and he leaves.

Pigorio is in his office thinking of , wait for it, DORIS of course. He remembers when he found out she wasn't Katerina but DORIS. He says, wait for it, MALDITA SEA ,DORIS. He, wait for it, NEEDS her CARESSES, her KISSES, everything about her. He is calling for Valentin, but Valentin isn't there, he is on that misson for Tonio. Panchito comes instead and asks what Pigorio wants? Pigorio wants Valentin, and Panchito says he left, doesn't know where. I think Pigorio thinks he left for good, cause I swear he said, wait for it, I'll KILL HIM. Pigorio wants Panchito to see if he can find Valentin. And wouldn't ya know it guess who comes waltzing in, wait for it, DORIS of course. She wants to know about her girls.

Meanwhile, Valentin is over at El Tal looking for a gun in the little office of Pedro's. He searches a cabinet, goes over to the desk and finds a handgun. He takes it up with a pencil and puts it in his waistband and leaves. He can't beleive the luck he has had with finding it and noone being there to stop him. NOTE TO PEDRO: Get a frigging security system already, por favor.

Tonio is in the hallway at Alcatrash and thought bubbles about Lucrazy finding that poison and accusing him of trying to kill their Papa. Valentin comes in and gives Tonio the gun. Tonio points it at Valentin, who looks VERY uncomfortable. Tonio goes into the little office and Valentin follows. Tonio has wrapped the gun in a kerchief, and Valentin wants to know what he is going to do with it. I think Tonio says it will be used to kill someone.

There was some stuff with Fabi, Flor, her friend and Army. They talk about their secret relationship (Fabi and Army), noone can find out. Flor's friend accuses Flor of being jealous of Fabi and Army and both girls (Fabi and Flor) wanting to find Doris and living with her. They don't want to be stuck at the Pig Sty with Tonio. And no Angel in sight today!

Now a scene with Madame Gasbag, er, El Viral. She talks to Manuel's receptionist, and asks her if she remembers her. The woman says she does. El Viral asks her something about Mariana, maybe an address or phone number? The woman is getting her something, and El Viral thought bubbles to herself, wait for it, I will get MI CHEQUE, from Mariana. Boo Hiss Lady. The gas is building again. Hopefully there is no screeching this time! I don't think the MARMOTS will live it down, jus' sayin.

Mariana and Cameela have come down to the living room at El Talisman and Mariana is touching the sofa and Cameela is telling her to be calm and little by little she will get her memory back. Mariana thanks Cameela again for being with her during this difficult time. Domitilla brings them some coffee. Pedro comes in and greets Cameela with MI AMOR and kisses her right in front of Mariana. (Height of bad manners I say), anyhoo, he asks Mariana if she remembers anything, she says no. As a matter of fact, she tells Pedro, she beleives that Pedro and her were like brother and sister, and wait for it, IS GIVING HIM THE DIVORCE!!!! Pedro and Cameela are very happy.

Tomorrow on El Talisman:

Doris and Pigorio are making out and Doris tells Pigorio she wants to, wait for it, MARRY HIM!


Monday, May 07, 2012

Abismo de pasión #41 5/7/12: Did you know that Florencia was NEVER embarazada?

Sara is unable to do tonight’s recap so I am filling in with a quick and dirty version. It’s kind of a rush job from watching online so please feel free to fill in the blanks or let me know if I’ve gotten something wrong. Thanks.

Old Beans courtesy of Cynderella: Agosto asks Gael if he really loves Elisa.  Yes.  Then why not fight for her?  She doesn’t want me.  If you love her, fight for her!  That will make life easier for the rest of us.  

New Beans:
Guido rips Paolo a new one for causing trouble with Elisa. He doesn’t believe that Paolo, at his age and with his experience, was provoked by a pueblerina. Paolo makes his grand exit, he has to TRABAJARRR, and that’s why he’s in La Ermita.

Elisa and Lucio go that procesadora that wouldn’t hire him to try to work out a contract. The dude in charge rejects them then ribs Lucio about his age. Elisa gets royally pithed and lays into the guy, slamming the door on her way out. Lucio suggests un arreglo with Los Arangos but this pithes Elisa off even more.

Dam sits on Flor’s bed and tells her he’s going to the Pro Ce to tell the finally-happy workers that are dependent on him that he’s taking off and leaving them victims once again to the cruel whims of their prior jefes. She rubs her legs and gripes about the pain. “If you can’t feel anything then how can you be in pain?” he asks. Good one Dam. Padre Lupe interrupts them and Dam gets to explain, again, that Flor was NEVER embarazada.

Downstairs, Dam tells padre he’s returning to the DF with Flor because it’s his deber (duty). Padre asks if deber defines their relationship and suggests Dam is leaving to distance himself from Elisa. He doesn’t understand why Dam, knowing Flor was never pregnant, is not fighting for his true love. He tells Dam to be smart and think about his words.

Gael visits Elisa but all she has is bad news, no bank loans from Merida and no deals with the Santa Maria Procesadora. Gael suggests pursuing an arrangement with Los Arangos but she wants nothing to do with Dam or his family. Change of subject, Flor took a tumble and was NEVER embarazada.

Disgusto and Orangina have yet another dreary argument. He says Elisa was right about them kissing (actually he says “about you kissing me”) while Estef was still alive and then them getting married right away. He’s got troubles, he’s tired, and he could use a little support right now. She gives him the bug-eyed glare, “Es el colmo!”

Padre Lupe summons Ingrid to the rectory so he can tell her, again, to get out of town and leave Gael alone. Her little fling with Gabino is proof that she’s still the same skanky ho she always was. They obviously didn’t read the telenovela rule book about conversing near open doors. Gael and Elisa sneak up and listen while Ingrid yells at the top of her lungs that Gael is is her hijo, HER HIJO, and she will do whatever it takes to get him back!! 

Cara impactada de Gael as Padre confirms what he heard. “No puede ser,” Gael stammers, “I am an orphan and my parents died like you said Padre.” Gael is angry at Padre and runs off with Elisa at his heels. Oops, that didn’t go well.

Gael wonders to Elisa why did they lie to him all those years? He sees Ingrid and gets sadder. Later he tells Elisa he finally understands why that weird lady was stalking him. He never imagined she was his mother. Padre always told him his parents were dead. Elisa advises him to listen to them before judging. 

Dam goes to the stables and tells Horacio to saddle up his steed (with the new saddle) because he’s going out for one last ride before he heads back to the DF. And don’t wait up. (He also says he doesn’t blame Horacio for what happened. If he only knew.)

Awww, my man Guido is Mr. Glum. He tells Flor that everything is OK but then he asks Fina if he can use her phone to make a long-distance call. When F and F are alone Fina warns Flor that she is an expert at discovering lies and trickery. Flor says Fina’s just pithed because Dam’s returning to Mexico City, verdad? And she refuses to get a second opinion from another country bumpkin doc in Merida. “Fine, have it your way,” huffs Fina.

Fina overhears Guido asking someone if there isn’t some way they can deal with this situation? He can’t leave right now. “Something wrong Geedo? If I can help in any way please let me know.” She comments he’s been very tense ever since he arrived. He says the thing with Flor worries him and since his wife dies he has nobody with whom to share his worries. Fina gets it, even though she is a strong woman she misses Rosendo. A woman always needs a man’s support. Guido never understood why a hot babe like Fina never remarried. She wonders the same about him. They go back and forth with this love fest until Guido call for a potty break. Fina sighs and rolls her eyes (but not sarcastically like usual), then calls Gabino to pick her up first thing in the morning. And for God’s sake be punctual!

Dam rides to Casa Castanon where he runs into Elisa. He tells her that Flor was NEVER embarazada. Unfortunately now she can’t walk and they are off to Mexico City to see a specialist. Good luck with that, Elisa says, and I hope you have lots of kiddies. From his look-right-down-her-blouse saddle perch, he tells her none of this changes the way he feels about her. 

Next morning Gabino, (still one-sleeve even with a short sleeved shirt!) is predictably late, but he assuages Fina’s annoyance by reporting that the brat Elisa couldn’t get a Merida loan or a contract with Pro Ce Santa Maria for her precious habanero project. 

Ingrid arrives at work and seems slightly annoyed to hear that when Fina snaps her fingers Gabino jumps, no matter what the hour. Maru is delighted to see Lucio who has arrived to talk to Damian. Lucio eyes Ingrid and asks have they ever met? Errrrrr, nope she says as she scuttles away.

Lucio explains to Damian about Elisa’s habanero project, that she wants to replants Estef’s tierras that Disgusto has left fallow. They need money to get the project rolling and would Pro Ce La Anita be willing to negotiate a deal? Dam asks did Elisa ask Lucio to do this? Por supuesto que no! She would kill Lucio if she knew he was there. Dam says he will do a contract now but he’s leaving for the DF in a couple of days. Lucio says Fuggedaboutit, without Dam there Fina and Gabino would never honor the contract. He came to help Elisa, not add more complications to her tragic life. 

Elisa tells Lolita that she saw Dam and he’s leaving La Ermita. In an amazingly tearless way she tells Lolita its for the best and her life can go back to the way it was before. Lolita advises that it’s not easy to turn off the heart so easily, especially when a woman truly loves a man. Pop! goes the sleazel! Orangina creeps out behind the bedroom door and says she supposes Lolita speaks from experience. Lolita scolds Orangina for merely obeying the telenovela rule book  #8, the one that demands all Evilinas creep around listening behind doors. Come on Lolita, all you have to do is shut the door! 

Orangina gloats that Elisa has the hots for Dam. “Yes, I love him, but he’s leaving and the good news is that Flor and the odious Paolo will go with him. I can’t wait to be rid of that problem.“ The Tangel-ho looks like someone just juiced her.

Over at Hacienda Arango Guido tells Paolo he’s leaving early tomorrow with Flor and he expects Paolo to go with them. Nopis, Paolo has his trabajo, he’s gonna stay. Guido tells Paolo their business is having problems and he really needs Paolo back home. His Unbuttoned Hotness advises Guido to get a loan from Alfonsina. She’s been dying for Guido for ages. Surely Guido could convince her that a loan would be good business. Paolo pats Guido’s arm and Guido acts like he’s shaking something nasty off his arm, lol.

Padre finds Gael at breakfast at The Only Inn in La Ermita. He worried about Gael all night. They need to talk but Gael’s not interested. Why did Padre always lie and tell him his parents were dead? Padre said that Ingrid promised to return for him, but she never did and he thought she was dead. As for his father, he is absolutely certain he died. “Who was he?” demands Gael. “Ask your mother,” says Padre. He gets weepy and tells Gael that even though he’s a priest he’s only human. He’s very sorry and begs Gael’s forgiveness. Aw c’mon Gael, you can’t stay mad at that sweet man, can you?

Horacio reports to Gabino that Dam plans to return to the DF. Evil, triumphant smile.

Fina sees Tonia taking a tray to Flor and very sweetly offers to take it herself. (Tonia, are you really that stupid to think that Fina’s doing you a favor?) Fina “accidentally” spills hot coffee on Flor’s legs, making Flor cringe. “Oh my, I thought your legs had no feeling,” Fina innocently remarks. “It’s one thing to feel and another thing to move,” snaps Flor. She squeezes her eyes shut in pain while Fina calmly walks about the room. Fina remarks that for a moment she thought that Flor might be getting better. Oh well, she’ll get Tonia to clean up the mess. She leaves the room, Flor jumps up out of bed, and Fina walks right back in. “Aha! I knew it was all a farce, like your pregnancy that NEVER was. Did you really think I was stupid enough to fool?” Glare. Glare back. Glare harder. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Yay Fina!

Avances: Assgusto finds Orangina on the phone flirting with Paolo. Alfonsina tells Ingrid that they have nothing to discuss and nothing in common. Wrong, says Ingrid, they have Rosendo in common. Gabino decides to collect on Orangina’s past due account.


El Talismán #69 Mon 5/7/12 Val and Lu Have a Conscience, The Third Jaunt, You Can't Always Get What You Want

Really to count, a woman must have either goodness or brains-M. Hercule Poirot

Previously on El Talisman:

Tonio and Lucrazy are having that celebratory drinky poo.

Today on El Talisman:

Army and Angel are still talking about Fabi and Maria comes in looking for Cameela. The boys say they haven't seen her. The boys are about to leave and Maria wants to know where, they say they are going to pursue, oh, ehm, look for Fabi, she tells them good luck and they go.

Poor Maria as soon as she looks like she is about to relax, guess who comes in, wait for it, El Viral the gaseous one of course. El Viral says she NEEDS to talk to Maria, and she tells her she saw Manuel.

Manuel, Mariana and Pedro are still talking. He gives Manuel the bank statements and he tells Mariana once again he never took a penny, and she will see he was telling the truth. Pedro leaves. Manuel sits down at the desk and looks at the documents. Manuel looks through the documents and Mariana asks him what is it. He tells her Pedro told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so there! He says all of her money is there, from the day she left Fresno and that she has quite a bit of money. So FINALLY she decides that Pedro told the truth all along and that Tonio LIED!!!!. She tells Manuel she loves Pedro very much, Rut Ro.

Padre and Cameela are talking and she tells him she had talked to Maria about her problems with Pedro. Padre tells her to have faith in God and everything will be ok.

El Viral is pithed. She wants to talk to Maria about Manuel. Maria tells her she is not talking with El Viral about Manuel. She tells Maria that Manuel is so into El Viral and doesn't care a fig for Maria. Maria tells her to shut her yap, she isn't beleiving a word she is saying. I think El Viral accused her of chasing Manuel, when Manuel really came to Fresno looking for El Viral. Maria shatters El Viral's HUGE illusions and tells her that Manuel wants nothing to do with El Viral. Well that just sets the gas in her brain off, and she is going to blow any minute. She is asking Maria why she thinks Manuel doesn't want her, and besides why did he break up with you (Maria) when we were young and go with me (El Viral). Maria finally tells her that you engineered this whole mess, when we were young, so stuff a sock in it already. She says you have caused unending grief for your son Army and your daughter Cameela. Enough already! Maria tells El Viral it is the truth and you know it. Maria says she cares about Army and Cameela and to leave them alone and stop meddling. Maria wants El Viral to think about all she has done in her life and to leave Cameela, Pedro and Army in peace. Maria is so mad, she leaves the room, goes into her room and slams the door. Now El Viral is steaming mad and her headband looks like it is sinking in her head, and THAR SHE BLOWS, she starts screeching at the top of her lungs. (See M. Hercule Poirot's quote above). She is really, really needing that Sleepytime Tea, jus' sayin'.

Pigorio is looking for Doris. He is yelling for her, and Alberta comes and tells him Doris has flown the Pig Sty (umm,Alcatrash). Pigorio wants to know where? Alberta doesn't know. He really wants to know if she is somewhere else at Alcatrash and Alberta tells him she swears she's gone.

Meanwhile Doris is at Brigette's. Brigette reminds Doris that Pigorio doesn't want her working there. She tells Doris that Pigorio has a grand passion for her.

Angel and Army are breaking into Alcatrash again. Angel stays in the bushes, while Army gets to the front porch, by the railings and hides. He climbs over the railing and makes it into the house without being seen. He goes in search of Fabi's room. Army is still looking for Fabi's room.

Padre and Cameela are still talking and Cameela says she wants to go look for Pedro, but Padre tells her to be patient and to wait to talk to him when he gets back to El Tal. Pedro makes it back to El Tal and is happy Cameela is there. Cameela says she doesn't want to be seperated from him. First it was Lucrazy, then Mariana and she doesn't want to lose him. He tells her he took those bank statments to Mariana to show her that he never touched her money and that is proof he has been telling the truth all along and now she'll know Tonio lied. He tells her to rest easy and he gives her a huge hug and kisses. He tells Cameela to be secure in their love. He tells he is worried about Santiago all alone on the street. She wants to know if the police are still looking for him. He says yes. He tells her he loves her.

Pigorio and Panchito are in Pigorio's office and Pigorio wants to know where Doris is? Panchito tells him to stay calm, and not to get upset, or he'll be back in the hospital. Pigorio just wants to know where Doris is. Valentin comes into the office and Panchito wants to stay, but Pigorio tells him to leave, he needs to meet with Valentin alone. Panchito leaves. Valentin tells Pigorio he is sorry but wants to leave Alcatrash and Pigorio. He doesn't want to kill any body any more and he doesn't want to go to jail. Wow. Pigorio tells Valentin to stop being a coward and that they have to stop Mariana from getting her memory back.

Tonio has put the pills on the bedside table and says he'll take these pills and die and Alcatrash will be in, wait for it, MIS MANOS!!!!

Meanwhile Lucrazy has gone back into the little office looking for Tonio. She goes to the cabinet and opens it and, wait for it , finds the RAT POISON. She says oh, noes, Tonio is trying to kill Papa, oh certainly he is. Tonio comes in and says, wait for it, QUE HACES AQUI? She asks him flat out if he is trying to kill Papa? Did you mess with his pills? You ARE trying to kill him right? He grabs her by the chin, and tells her, wait for it, LARGATE. He tells her she is very emotional and to LARGATE.

Alberta, Tracy, Flor and Fabi have been in the kitchen talking about the girl's woes, what with the breakup of Army and Doris leaving Alcatrash.

Meanwhile, Poor Angel is stuck in those bushes outside and he scratches himself and Panchito is outside too and almost catches him. Panchito shakes himself and says oh, it must have been some animal, or, wait for it, a CHUPACABRA. Really the things don't exist. When was the last time y'all saw a goat sucker, just sayin'.

Finally, El Capitan is back on the screen. He is speaking to the investigator (still no name) that El Viral, Madame Gasbag, went to talk to about MI CHEQUE. They are talking about Mariana, and El Capitan is convinced they can't really do anything until Mariana get she memory back. They are having a cafecito, and El Capitan says when she does recover her memory, then she will be able to finger Pigorio for the beating and loss of the baby and her disappearance.

Tonio wants to know if Lucrazy will run to Pigorio and tell him that Tonio doctored those pills and is trying to kill him? Now Lucrazy for some reason is trying to be reasonable with Tonio. She tells him killing Pigorio will not do anyone any good. He reminds her Alcatrash, wait for it, ES MIO, but Lucrazy says that Tonio shouldn't kill for it. He tells her that given the chance Pigorio will kill Pedro. Lucrazy tells Tonio, Pigorio is their Papa, good or bad. He grabs her chin again, and she swears she won't tell Pigorio. Tonio tells Lucrazy let's celebrate to the fact that Alcatrash will be MIO and let's have a drink. Stupid Doris is finally gone. Yeah. Tonio tells  Lucrazy that Lucrazy should be happy, and they should enjoy this celebration. Lucrazy asks Tonio if he wants to marry Cameela right away? Aren't you worried she won't wait for your evil minded plan? He calls Pedro an indio again and that he is stupid, and something about his pantalones. Someone please clarify. I hope it isn't he's got his pants in a twist.

Pedro has taken Cameela to Tia Maria's. Pedro says something about getting a passport, not sure if it 's for himself or Cameela. Just about this time, guess who walks in, you got that right, El Viral Madame Gasbag. She tells Pedro she wants, wait for it, MI CHEQUE. Cameela doesn't want to talk to El Viral so Pedro does instead. He tells El Viral forget about MI CHEQUE, cause I can't give you the money, El Tal belongs to me, but it isn't a cash cow. She says you can help me with Mariana. He tells her he is not going to help her get that money from Mariana.

Tracy and Alberta are in the kitchen talking, and the funniest scene today, Panchito sneaks around the corner and scares them. They both yell at him.

Doris is in the main salon of M. Brigette's and talking to I don't know her name. This woman is worried about Doris being there. Doris assures her she will be marrying Pigorio. The woman laughs and says, oh yeah, right sure, sure. All The Negretes are bad. Doris says don't ever besmirch their name again.

Alberta, Flor, Fabi and Tracy are in the kitchen talking about how Mama Doris' absence has effected them. Fabi leaves the room. Flor follows Fabi and they see Lucrazy and Tonio in the living room. Tonio tries to talk to them, but hey ignore him and keep on going. Army has found Fabi's room and is hiding behind the door when he hears the girls. He hides on the side of one of the girls' beds. The girls come into the room, and Army thought bubbles that he only needs a minute with Fabi. Flor leaves the room, Fabi is sitting on her bed, when up pops Army, scaring the living daylights out of Fabi. She utters a little screech, and Flor asks her if she is ok. Fabi says she's fine. Fabi asks Army, wait for it, QUE HACES AQUI?. He tells Fabi he came because he wants her to forgive him. Fabi asks Army if he is crazy, for coming here again. Army says I just want you to forgive me. But Fabi tells him to please leave, she wants him out of her life forevs. He asks her if she still loves him? She doesn't answer and he says he'll go. Army goes to leave but she stops him and tells him it isn't save to leave cause her Papa is in the living room and he is sure to see Army. He smiles. He tells Fabi he would rather have Tonio catch him. He asks her again if she loves him? They kiss and Flor comes in the room. She is smiling.

Pedro left and now Cameela comes in the room and El Viral is still going on about, wait for it, MI CHEQUE. (Please ya gasbag give it a rest, Cami fix her that sleeptime tea, pronto por favor.). Cameela reminds El Viral that she knows very well, Pedro owns El Talisman, that Estagone gambled it away, and Pedro won it back. She also reminds El Viral that as such, Mariana doesn't owe El Viral anything. She also reminds El Viral that Pedro is not staying with Mariana, he is marrying her. El Viral suggested that Pedro stay with Mariana to get that MI CHEQUE. Cameela is disgusted with El Viral and she says Mariana doesn't remember anything and is living with Manuel, who is his hija. El Viral is say what???? The headband is getting tighter and the gas is building, jus' sayin'.

We have a Santiago sighting. The poor boy was hungry and stole some food, and the grocery store guy caught him, and the poor boy is hitting the grocer with the sandwich, when the police come and arrest Santiago for shoplifting. El Capitan calls Pedro and says they have Santiago in custody for shoplifting. El Capitan says they will probably send him to foster care. Meanwhile, Sanitago is with the socialworker. He is afraid of jail, but the social worker tells him since he has no parents here, he will probably go to foster care. He doesn't want to go there, he wants to go to El Talisman. He tells the social worker that is where he lives.

Angel and Army are back home and Army is very happy Fabi forgave him. Cameela comes in and they tell her that Fabi forgave Army. She asks Army if Flor is ok with this? He tells her Flor is fine with this.

Fabi and Flor are talking and Flor is happy for Fabi. She is happy she forgave Army, Fabi that is.

Pedro and Padre are planning a trip to Tijuana to get the orphans, but he wants to take Cameela with them and she has to get a passport.
He calls Cameela but there is no answer.

Lucrazy is passed out from all the tequila she has consumed with this celebration of Tonio's. Tonio and Valentin find her, passed out on the couch. Valentin wants to know if she is ok? Tonio says she is just drunk. He tells Valentin he wants that gun that Lucrazy used to try to kill Pedro with.

Pigorio wakes up with just himself in the bed and is cursing Doris and wondering where the heck she is.

Brigette and Doris are talking again, and Doris says she is worried about Fabi and Flor, she is worried how this is effecting them.

Cami and the boys are still hanging out, when Mariana comes to visit. Cameela asks her, wait for it, QUE HACES AQUI? She wants to talk to Cameela. She asks Cameela to forgive her for all the bad things she said about Pedro being a swindler. She tells Cameela that she now beleives Pedro and she is not letting Pedro go. Cameela asks her if she can stay with a man she knows very well doesn't love her, and is in love with another? She tells Cameela she is not divorcing Pedro until she gets her memory back, and besides that she needs Cameela's help. Why? Cameela tells her she really needs Pedro's help to get her memory back.

Flor, Fabi, Alberta and Tracy are in the kitchen and Fabi tells them she is very happy and that she is back with Army, but she swears them to secrecy. She tells them about how Army snuck in the house, it was like a romantic movie. They are all happy, but Flor is a little down. Not because of Army, she is worried about where her Mom is and she wants to find her.

Tomorrow on El Talisman:

Tonio has the gun that Valentin gave him covered in a kerchief. It is the same one Lucrazy tried to use to kill Pedro. Rut Roh.


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