Tuesday, May 19, 2015

If you can't have them, frame them for murder! La Sombra Del Pasado #65 05/18/2015

This was a hard episode for me to sit through, I have a hard time watching tv/movies where someone dies and last night's episode just about did me in, below you'll find the recap but with less of the usual snark.

Aldonza gives Renato instructions to stop the investigation into who burned down her apartment, she does not want to cause more pain to the Lagos family. Renato agrees and later calls the detective working the case to tell him that they want the matter dropped. Renato will also be going back to umm is the town Santa Lucia? Gah, it's only Tuesday and my brain is fried!

Later in the episode the dream team (that's what I'm calling Pato, Silvia and Renato) lease the house where they will open up their office, they will also be living there, which is pretty cool because that house looks awesome.
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Monday, May 18, 2015

Amores con trampa #36 and #37 5/18/15 and 5/19/15

It's another week with the Carmonas...and it's also finals week for me. I still have some exams to grade, so the recap will be short and sweet. I hope you all don't mind (and don't mind filling in where needed.)

I'm doing lots of scene combining tonight!

Isa threatens to turn Beto in for kidnapping. Facundo grabs her phone and tells Beto to scram! Facundo assures Isa that if Rocio is with Beto, she is well taken care of. Isa takes the opportunity to tell Fac that she loves him. She asks if he didn't feel anything when they kissed each other? He reminds her that SHE kissed HIM and no, he didn't feel anything. When he looks at her, he is afraid. She's a bruja(witch) and evil. She's worse than carne de puerco(pig meat)...and he apologizes to the animals for comparing her to them. After he leaves Isa snivels that she wants to change her cold and calculating heart and that Facundo is the only person that can help her do that.

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Here's a new page for your thoughts.  Enjoy the week!

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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios #84???

Sorry, but Hulu hasn't posted Friday's episodio and I couldn't watch it yet.  If and when I'll try getting highlights up.--ed.


Saturday, May 16, 2015

Hasta el Fin del Mundo #191 20150515 Finalmente el Fin del Telenovela

Thanks to all of the recappers....

and yes, Jarifa who filled in for me in the comments often!  I really appreciate it.

Also thanks to all the commenters who came back everyday!

I also rely on CC and they sucked last night, so if I missed anything or didn't quite get it right...I apologize.

  • Chava is freaking out about finding Sophia.  He is harassing poor Fuzzy Tavarez.
  • Meanwhile, Armando is trying to convince Regina that Peralta is not the fine upstanding citizen that he portrays.  Regina's getting a fine upstanding paycheck from him, so she's going to be a hard sell.  
  • Speaking of the devil, Peralta is out on his yaght enjoying libations with Mike Stone (the American, who speaks english with a thick Mexican accent)...OK who in the hell is Mike Stone?  I don't remember him or wasn't paying attention.  Anyways, Peralta and Ricardo...(who in the hell is Ricardo?) accuse Mike Stone of double crossing them about the buying product from other dealers.  Mike throws in an English word every once in a while and swears that he did not double cross them.  Anyways, Ricardo shoots Mike in the chest and he falls FACE DOWN into the middle of the ocean.  Theoretically, one would believe that if the bullet wound doesn't kill him, he will drown.  More about that later.  
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Friday, May 15, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #64 Friday, 5-15-15

Good Evening, Peeps!  Well, I thought I’d lighten the mood a little bit here on the patio with our beloved Casa de Caramelos, The Candy House!  You’ll see why.  Let’s get right to it!  This was a rapid fire episode (no pun intended) with lots of jumping around.

We have a brief rewind of the biddie and bile (Val) attack in the plaza.  Aldonza goes upside Vale’s head – WHOP!! – and tells her she’d better back down before she gets smacked down - again.  Vale tries to play hurt for the biddies.

Over at Las Animas Cande tells Sev he MUST come home!  Their grown son needs his diaper changed and she doesn’t want Aldonza doing it!  Hell no, there’s lots of moola  in play with his horsey deal.  He hangs up on her.  Simonetta/Viviana (S/V) is with him, he scoffs that she wouldn’t understand these situations with kids, not having any.  S/V tells Sev she DOES have a child and he doesn’t care about her life.  He tells her to shut it and don’t start with her drama!

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Amores con Trampa #35 Facundo tries and keeps on trying to avoid trouble but he seems to be a magnet for it

Out of control, Santee fires Esteban in his house in front of Isabel
Outside Gallo, Gusana and Jacinto see Esteban get in his car… he looks down/upset.
Santee and Isabel in their bedroom, he is still outraged that Isa did not tell him Esteban was interested in her… She claims she would never pay attention to Esteban. She tries to walk away while he is still outraged, he won’t let her.  But she is not willing to tell him her secret… (she thinks noone will know..)
Fac, Gusana and Jacinto approach Esteban at his car window, Esteban tells them Santee fired him. Gallo says maybe its better for anyone to stay away from ‘those’.  (Jacinto, Gallo and Gusana keep whispering in each other’s ear and it sounds like it is birds chirping loudly)
Beto and Rocio are talking outside at Tia Clarita’s house. Rocio is asking him for explanations about the appearance and attitude of his ‘ex’ ‘Meche’.  (Tia Clarita is arguing with her pig, who is also named Clarita). Poor Beto, now Tia Clarita also wants explanations…  Seems ‘Meche’ has such a reputation of revolting/tough character. 
Gallo and Esteban come back in the office… Gallo has a new bug to place in Santee’s hair… he has just named Esteban his personal lawyer… Gallo wants to twist the knife ‘how does that feel?’  Santee starts yelling “GET OUT!!!” but noone moves…
Back at the Carmona house, the grandma and grandpa are arguing, as always.  Gallo arrives home.  HE is happy (still enjoying the blow he served Santee).   He has good news for Maria.  She wants to know if its Beto coming back. Not quite.  HE just hired Esteban to work for him at the office. Grandpa celebrates loudly, then asks ‘what was the good news?’ LOL!! Maria and Grandma don’t quite see the ‘good’ in the news. Gallo explains that the ‘good’ was the look in Santee’s face… he turned red as a lobster!
At school, Diego catches up with Carmen.  She is having mixed feelings about the photo shoot session. 
Francis comes and confronts Carmen… now that Feli and I will have a baby, you better butt out. Then Francis keeps the offenses telling that a cavegirl that smells like pigs would take Feli from her. Of course this was enough for Carmen to lose her cool so she slaps Francis right as Feli is arriving, so he questions what Carmen did (slap Francis) since Carmen knows that Francis is pregnant.
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Que Te Perdone Dios #83 – Abi Still Wants to Marry Her Uncle, Renata Wants to Give Him Half of the Inheritance, and Fausto Wants to Kill Him. And He and Benito Get Fired.

Refry: Julian tells Black Hand (Mano Negra) that he won’t tolerate anybody, not even his own big-mouthed son, revealing their past and getting them back into trouble with the law.

At the funeral home, Amanda explains to Diego that nobody told him the truth because it wasn’t their secret to tell, it was Vicenta’s. And Vicenta didn’t tell because she didn’t want Diego to think his mom was a ho with the patrón, and to stain Diego’s memory of her. Having everybody believe that Diego was entering into an incestuous marriage with Abigail was Vicenta’s way of “honoring” her daughter’s memory, I suppose.

New: Vicenta is put into the ground with strange African drums and wails as background music. The music was intense, but out of place in little Real de San Andrés. I have no idea why, in this class- conscious nook of the world, members of ‘high’ society have turned out for the funeral of this servant. Even Eduviges, who has been so cruel to Motor, is there to pay her respects to the Hacienda’s chief vegetable peeler. Everyone attending the hija de la criada’s wedding was a stretch (because the groom was a dyed in the wool peon), but at least there was the Renata connection. Not so here. Anyway, Max steps up to Diego for some recognition for having saved his life, and gets a nod. Pan over the black-clad crowd to Abi. If the ceremony had been carried out, would she and Diego still have celebrated their wedding night what with Vicenta being assassinated and all?
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Thursday, May 14, 2015

5/14 #190 Hasta el Fin del Mundo - Lucas gets a new luke, whatever

This is my last recap for this TN.  It’s been a hoot!  I’ve actually enjoyed this one.  Even though the storylines often didn’t make sense, it sure gave us a lot to talk about.

Depa de Isadora
Gerry has delivered the Injection of Doom.  He and Aldo.2 leave Isadora out cold on the floor.  Oliver arrives, suitcases and all.  He finds his mother dead to the world.  He receives a call from Daddy Dearest and cries as he tells him he’s afraid mums is dead!  Gerry tells him to remain calm and he’ll be right over.

Later, Gerry has arrived with the good Doctor Santivañes.  Oliver is frantic and doesn’t understand why Morgana wasn’t there but Gerry explains it was her day off.  Doctor reports Isadora is dead from a heart attack.  Oliver can’t understand.  She’d never complained of a heart problem.  Doc explains this happens suddenly sometimes, with no warning.  Gerry thanks the doc, asking him to complete his duties and Gerry will take care of the rest.  Ollie weeps over his mother.

Depa de Irais
Matias cooks for his chocolatito bonbón. They make plans for a family with children and dogs…..zzzzz
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La Sombra del Pasado #63 Thursday 5/14/15

There's really only gonna by a short version. Honestly, I'm thinking a long version will not be forthcoming. I'm tired. My students are tired. I'm trying to pack up my room and there's dust and bug carcasses are everywhere and I'm pissy and I don't have a Val or a Cris to slap around. I want an inflatable Val doll that you slap and it pops back up for more slapping.

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5/13 #189 Hasta el Fin del Mundo - two days to go and we have new characters! A half-clad native and a half-mad felon.

Patricio, Alone with his thoughts
“That  old ‘Zorro’ did all this on purpose to bury me, and I fell in his trap like an imbecile.  And now I’m gonna have to pay for his crimes.  ¡Maldita sea!”

Casa de Armando
Nandito prays while we hear “Ave Maria” in the background as Armando looks on.  Oh brother. 

Penthouse del Perdición – Dulliver grows a pair
Geronimo wonders when Oliver left the office.  Oliver explains he went to see Dani and then stopped by to see his mother.  He’s happy to say she’s no longer drinking and is in a support group.  Geronimo immediately pounces – She’s not to be trusted.  Isadora’s will power is very weak.  Well, Oliver has a lot of confidence in her.  He sensed a great determination on her part never to drink again.  Geronimo scoffs and admires his optimisim.  But this is not Isa’s first attempt at sobriety.  She’ll soon break her resolve and return to drinking with more gusto!  Oliver finally stands up to his dad, “From this point on, when you speak of my mother, you do it in a more respectful tone.  Even though you are separated, I hoped we could be a family.  Nothing would make me happier than to see my parents live in harmony.”  But Dad thinks that’s impossible.  He’ll always see Isadora as a sick person, a parasite who lives only on what he gives her.  She doesn’t inspire any respect in him. 

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #62 - Wed 5/13 - Longest bus ride ever

Lola runs into Emmanuel after his confrontation with the doc.  He tells her he's not Humberto's son, but he did learn something important…there is something turbio (shady) going on as concerns his parents.  *cough*thisonegotallthesmarts*cough*  Lola recommends a manita de puerco (twisting his arm) and offers to help, but if Doc was going to give up the goods, he would have done it already.  Em is going to start investigating, but he's got bigger fish to fry at the moment…Solitario is being sold off and he's determined to buy him!  Mari's going to get her daddy to give him a loan or something.  Lola doesn't buy that--nor I!  Em tilts Lola's face to look in her eyes and asks if she's jealous.  Lola denies it, huffily and walks away, also huffily.

Uriel gave Irma a pill and some tea and she's finally resting.  He asks Mari how she's doing with Emmanuel.  She brings up the "favor" of a loan for…well, it's complicated…there's a horse.  Uriel says Emmanuel would need collateral, and no, they won't accept the horse as a guaranty.  Uriel knows what "Don" Sev's horses tend to go for and he thinks Emmanuel needs to start with an economy horse rather than a luxury model.  Since batting her eyelashes has been unsuccessful at getting Uriel to change his mind, Mari is outta there with a swish of her ponytail.

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Amores con trampa #33 and #34 5/13/15 and 5/14/15

Jarifa's recap will be in the comments. What will the next two episodes bring us? Hopefully more Margarito!!


La Sombra del Pasado #61, 5-12-15

Recap courtesy of HellaShelle

The Short: Pru tells E that Hum’s his dad. Hum clears that up, but refuses to tell E who his parents really are. E is furious. Lardo hits Val up for money; she refuses. Lardo wants to go after Pru for money, but Tomás threatens to kick him out if he does, so he backs down. Tomás wants Pru back. Adelina tells PJ she loved Ray. Sev forces himself on Sim! After some soul searching, Aldonza tells Cris she was raped…but not who did it. She worries how this will affect their future, but he’s in it to the end.

The Long:Emanuel asks Mari for help convincing her dad to help him buy Solitario. She eventually agrees. Simoneta tells Sev that he acts more like a jealous guy than a worried father, and reminds him that Cris is much younger and whole of body.

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Que te Perdone Dios Capitulo 81 - The Devil You Know

Hello, sorry for the delay but im putting this page up for discussion, I am still working of the recap.

Refritos: Ren is mumbling that today is the day their baby marries for love while Vic is wising her pride in Diego  since he will be the best man on Planet Earth from this day on , experiencing Abi's happiness to the fullest  till the throats go sour like Yellowstone ! Aww i just wish they would marry soon since Mat is slowly grinding my nerves no wonder Connie went crazy, she predicted the future! Anyway Diego, Vic and Dom share a triple hug like no others ( Hopefully it's not their last share of happiness before the Devil knocks on their doorstep soon enough.) . Speaking of Mat, Ab's just tossed bitter feet unto him cause there can be no more between them and Mat feels  squashed (  But Jesus Christ, Ab's so pretty in her dress while Mat should go hide in Antarctica)

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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

5/12 #188 Tue Hasta el Fin del Mundo – Alexa’s plane has vanished! ¡Que te lo digo yo!

Lucas thanks everyone for his success --  mom, Abue, and Dani – yay.  Lucas is taking everyone out to dinner to celebrate.  Lucas dreams of everything he’ll buy when he’s successful, a house for mom and abue and a recording studio for Dani.  She tells him she wants nothing but to be with him.  How do you say Pre-Nup in Spanish?

Casa de Chava
Armando and Nandito are visiting with Marisol.   Armando tells her about his plans to go to French Guiana in search of Alexa along with Paco and Greta.  Marisol offers to babysit while he’s gone.  Just then, a news bulletin on the tele announces the jet carrying Alexa Ripoll has been reported missing and has presumably fallen into the sea. They’re all in shock and Armando assures Nandito Alexa has to be ok.

Armando gets on the phone to the airport as Sofia and Chava walk in.  Nandito is crying and breaks the news to them.  Sofia doesn’t want to believe it and breaks down.
Peralta the Conductor
Peralta air conducts Wagner and we can assume he’s celebrating Alexa’s demise.  Dulliver walks in with a sad sack look on his face and tells dad he wishes he could be as optimistic as dear old dad.  Geronimo insists Ollie has lots to be optimistic about – he’s a champ!  Not to mention the heir!  Ollie tells him money doesn’t buy everything in life.  He assures dad he’s very grateful for the opportunity he’s been given and is working hard to make him proud.  However, he just can’t get over Dani.  He can’t stop thinking of her and wanting her in his arms again.  He doesn’t know what to do or how to control his feelings.  Well, this is his lucky day.  Gerry says the time has come to recover Dani!  huh?  Geronimo explains he’s heard via his personal pilot that Alexa’s jet has vanished, and you know what happens when a jet disappears over water……uh, you get wet?

Ollie wants to rush off to see Dani but Gerry tells him to hold off until Dani finds out through the news.  She may not have heard yet, but when she does Oliver can console her and stay by her side.  Oliver worries this news will destroy both Dani and Sofia.  Gerry says, “It’s terrible that so much tragedy has hit the Ripoll home.  Hopefully this will be the end of their bad luck.”  He has to turn away from Olliver to hide his smirk.  bwa-ha-ha

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Everyone's a whore, but not Aldonza La Sombra Del Pasado#60 Monday May 5th 2015

For today's re-cap I'm going to go character by character and explain what happened with them in last night's episode, it's gonna be quick and dirty and we will be missing the last ten minutes because my DVR cut off :/ 

Severiano and Renato

Sev thinks he can get whatever he wants and demands that Renato tell him where Cristobal is. Renato is all like "I'm not telling and you can't make me"- Sev threatens him but our attorney tells him to shove it, threatening someone can come back and bite you because it's not legal, he reminds Sev that he has a lot of crimes to pay for and Sev for his part seems to think that justice will never reach him. Die you evil roach. Just die.

 Renato later talks to Silvia and tells her that Cris and Aldi have gotten married, she's surprised to hear the news. Renato wonders out-loud how Cris got his address and he asks Silvia if she had anything to do with it, Silvia denies being the one who gave Cristobal his info.

Sidenote:What does Renato drive? It looks like a Dodge Challenger to me, but someone else said it was a Mustang? I don't care, I want that car, with Renato sitting next to me, cause he's pretty!
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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #187 5/11/15 Pato's Gotta Pay!

This is my last recap because we're in the final week! I hope that I have given you more fun and entertainment than this telenovela has. These last few weeks I've wondered just how much better this show would have been if Pedro Fernandez had stayed on. The writing may not have been better, but Chava's "acting" certainly would have been. I want to thank all the commenters who have stayed with us for the entire run. Your loyalty meant so much to me and to the other recappers as well. To everybody who "lurks", I encourage you to join in and have a say. Recappers need to know you're out there. We love hearing your voices!

Thanks Guys! Let's do this again sometime.
On to the recap!

From Friday:
Chava looks at Lupe's picture. He thanks her and prays for her to help Marisol. He gets a call from Sofia who tells him that Alexa took off with that Rat Bastard Alan.

At the hospital, Pato yells at Silvana and threatens to kill her for ruining his pretty face.

Armie and Chava discuss Alexa's disappearance. Armie thinks she dumped him, but Chava tells him that Alan probably coerced Alexa into leaving with him.

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Monday, May 11, 2015

Amores con trampa #31 and #32 5/11/15 and 5/12/15

Tonight was another great episode, though much of it wasn't what I would consider deeply important to the overall plot. I will be glossing over quite bit to focus on the more important things. Please feel free to add your 2 pesos to the conversation. Just because I didn't find it important doesn't mean it isn't and I welcome all the help I can get. This is a group effort.
Right to the new….
Santiago (Santi) and Esteban head for the upstairs office while Estefany(Estefy) makes her way to Facundo's office. Fac needs to be reminded how they met, but he finally remembers...she was there when he gave Santi that moquete (punch in the nose.) She introduces herself again and this time tries to give him a friendly kiss. Fac barely avoids it saying he's there to serve her, but not that much right now since he's busy (it really came off better in Spanish.)

Esteban asks Santi if Fac slept with Isabel(Isa.) Santi thinks the only thing Esteban needs to concern himself with is that the Carmona's invested in the bankrupt business. He asks Esteban to leave. Santi has to prepare for a casting for his new publicity and marketing business.

Meanwile Fac is looking for hidden cameras in his office. Cameras got him into a lot of trouble once, but that is not going to happen again. Estefy turns on the charm. She tells Fac he's got a certain caveman like quality (rupestre...I went with that since I found it funnier) and is tender at the same time. He laughs that they say they use "ternura" when an animal is ready for eating. Oh she'll eat you up all right, Facundo. She invites him for coffee. Fac clearly hasn't learned a thing. Anyway. He tells her he's packing and getting ready to leave the city. Estefy plays him like a violin. She can't believe Fac would let Santi win so easily. She leaves and it looks like Fac is giving some thought to what she said.

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Happy Mother's Day to everyone! Here is your post for this week. Enjoy!!

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