Thursday, March 03, 2016

Pasion y Poder #97 Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Lo Nuevo

Justino and Clara talk about their upcoming nuptuals. They have already told Luisita about it and she's happy too. Clara texts Caridad to tell her the great news. Justino tells Clarita that the night before he heard Franco saying that he had a child with Marintia. Clara says she already knew, and that if it were up to her, she would have already told Gaby about it.
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Antes muerta que Lichita #112 Wednesday 3/2/16 "Augusto Confronted by Three Fates Plus One Fist"

Well, this is my last recap for "Lichita." So, I would like to thank everyone who stopped by the patio, those commenters who kept me company with their interesting points of view and lively discussions as well as my fellow recappers Jane, Ezra, CeCe and Marta who all made this such a fun experience. I hope to see some familiar faces on the patio for "Sueño de amor" next week. We could also use some additional recappers. If you are interested, contact Jane.

Now on with our story . . . at Icónika

We left Alicia being sexually pressured by Augusto but responding by screaming back at him in his face. Augusto comes to his senses, backs down and apologizes for his behavior. Alicia says okay to his apology but she is tired and they can talk later. He then expresses how much he wants to start a new life with her, to marry her and have children with her. Augusto laughs that he could be a father and grandfather at the same time. Alicia is puzzled for a second. He lets it drop that Luciana is pregnant. Alicia now has something new to consider. Augusto asks for a goodnight kiss. She kisses Augusto on the forehead. After he leaves, Alicia thinks about the "news". It was unexpected but she already had decided to run the risk of her plan because of her love for Roberto and nothing would change that even if he had chosen to be with someone else. But then she starts thinking about Luciana and Gumaro and what Mateo is doing at Augusto's penthouse and wondering why he is not with his father like he should be. Evidently Augusto has Roberto in a bind. Alicia has a lot to think about.

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El Hotel de los Secretos #27, 3/2/16 Wednesday: Let’s Leave This Damned Hotel!

Isabel objects to her mother ordering Sofia to strip down in front of her suegra and butt-kissing assistant, while poor Sofia stands trembling like a scared three year old. Teresa doesn’t give a damn about Isabel’s objections or Sofia’s dignity. She just wants to blow Elisa’s schemes and intrigues out of the water by proving there’s a (psychosomatic) baby bump. When Sofia doesn’t strip fast enough, Teresa does it for her. Elisa it too horrified by the vulgar act of stripping one’s daughter, to even care that her theory about a fake baby was wrong (but she’s actually right). She and Victoria hustle out of there as fast as possible. Isabel helps Sofia dress, then comforts her crying sister. Teresa’s loving departing words—“Stop crying, Sofia! You well know this was a victory.”
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Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Weeks 1, 2 (Feb 22, Mar 1) Discussion Thread

Hello friends, I'm not watching this and so far nobody has offered to recap it but a discussion thread will be posted every week. So, have at it! Jane


Lichita 3/2

Hi guys! This will be my last blog for Lichita, and It's unfortunate that my recorder had such terrible reception for it (I left out the bits that were too garbled to understand, so please fill in the stuff I missed)! Still, it's been a pleasure, thanks for being a great audience!

Alicia tries to get Gumaro to give her the real dirt on Beto. He mostly just tells her she needs to be easier on him, the two of them came from tragic origins and Sheila really knocked Beto off the straight and narrow.

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El Hotel de los Secretos #26, 3/1/16 Tuesday: A Grand Send-Off For Andres; Felipe’s Frightening Familiars, And Sofia’s Compulsory Surprise

As per usual, nobody in Telenovela Land wants to believe their lyin’ eyes ‘n ears.  Andres has gotten the really real skinny on Belen from Violeta, and yet when he finally confronts Belen and she denies possession of that bag of Ruda, and then blames his mama for filling the entire hotel scene with her special kind of vicious, manipulative-mama-venom, Andres is finally undone by Belen’s appeal to her baby’s  blamelessness.  She’s got the guy twisted around every one of her little fingers not to mention her toes.  Mama overhears and begs her bubba not to scrape and bow before Belen, and he tells her to blow it out the hotel’s numerous ditty bags.  Viewerville must now sough and scowl and wait a while longer for this wicked wench to be outwitted.

Meanwhile, it’s late at night and Isabel’s besotted brother is of a mind to turn somebody in to Ayala for their sinful ways.  He admits to Isa he doesn’t believe that Mercedes’ fall was an accident. (Dun-dunnn!)
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Pasión y Poder Martes 3/1/16 #96

Chapter 96:  No Valor, No Discretion

Whether in Roman times, the Renaissance, or during revolutions, the worst social sin is cowardice. It is always necessary to present a brave face to the world no matter what one faces and to be discreet about it. You close ranks around your own and take no potshots at anyone else lest they backfire. Some people just don't learn that lesson no matter how many times anyone tries to teach them. Others love to watch these people defy that lesson at their peril so they can enjoy the consequences. Or write about them. That's what keeps me in martinis, cognac, and champagne. – D.D.
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Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Antes muerta que Lichita February 29: Lichita continues to recover from her evil spell, but accepts Augusto's attentions.

  • Augusto continues to breathe down Alicia's neck asking her to become his lover. She flirts and puts him off but finally says yes, for Beto's sake. He announces their "formal relationship" in front of all Ikonika. Beto is disgusted. She is congratulated for rising to the top of the food chain.
  • Beto had managed to spend the night with Mateo in Augusto's penthouse (thereby conveniently hearing Augusto panting over Alicia). They later discuss how much Mateo has been asked to conceal (by Beto, by Sheila, by Augusto) and Mateo promises to help Beto so they can go away and live together forever. Beto tells Luciana the escape must be soon, and that Gumi is key because he's one of Augusto's bodyguards.
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Pasion y Poder #95 Brando DeNiro Pacino and DeCaprio Ain't Got Nuttin' on Humberto

The shrink tells Eladio to back off of Julia, she doesn’t see him as her boo anymore.  Eladio grabs the shrink and tells him that he won’t be able to control his emotions anymore if he doesn’t have Julia.  Yes! Cuz I loves me some Evil E!  Anyways, the doctor remains calm and doesn’t call security.  The Hulk, returns to his Bruce Banner and comes up with plan B.  If Julia won’t see him as her boo, he will make her see as her baby’s daddy.  Good luck with that Evil E.  

Nina and Franny are in the garden enjoying tea and scones.  Franny tells Nina to screw both men and Julia (in different ways, of course) and get more cash! Cha-ching!  Franny uses a vulgar gesture to demonstrate.  I go to church on Sundays, so I won’t tell you which finger she used.
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El Hotel de los Secretos #25, 2/29/16 Monday: Women On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown!

This little gem was brought to you by our friend and Patio regular, Pablo Villalobos! Many thanks indeed! :)

Duelus interruptus 
The duel between General Ballesteros and Felipe Alarcón has lasted for the whole weekend. They started counting on Friday and they are still counting and walking back to back. Suddenly, the duel is interrupted by a loud scream that was probably heard all the way to Puebla. At this rate, they are never going to kill each other! General's seventh sense, told him that the scream was Mercedes and throwing his pistol, ran like a fox on hunting season. 

One less secret
Meanwhile, not far from there, by the irony gates from Hell, I mean, the hotel, Isabel Alarcón is witness to the last thing she wanted to believe. Her mother was actually a snake. Doña Teresa had stopped Cristina Olmedo right on her tracks, and was asking her to give the famous letter back. Suddenly, something clicked inside her head and everything made sense. It felt like a puzzle being put together. When Cristina heard the scream, she asked, what, another dead maid?

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Monday, February 29, 2016

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): ¿Quién es Quién?, Eva la Trailera, La Querida del Centauro, and Fatmagul: Week of February 29, 2016

Welcome to PAGE #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, now issued twice a week: Mondays at 3 PM and Thursdays at 8 PM.

The novelas currently being covered are the following (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

   noon - Fatmagul
  8 PM - ¿Quién es Quién?   
  9 PM - Eva la Trailera
10 PM - La Querida del Centauro

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation, and since we all share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're discussing at the top of your post, so readers can find their way around.

Telemundo is also re-broadcasting the hit telenovela La Reina del Sur on Saturdays and Sundays from 6-8 PM (EST & PST, 5-7 PM CST).  For the moment, all the capítulos are also available on Telemundo's web site.  Some discussion and occasional recaps from the original broadcast can be found here.

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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Tres veces ana - index

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Saturday, February 27, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #24, 2/26/16 Friday: We Have A Triple Cliffhanger, People! And Maybe A Couple of Deaths For Monday!

At a glance

-- Because of Cristina’s reappearance and Diego’s serenata, Isabel and Julio may have broken up. We’re still looking into it.
-- Felipe tries but fails to avoid the duel. Teresa enlists Alfredo’s help but Sofía forbids her husband from participating in the duel.
-- Lupe wants Ángela to help him write a cookbook for the President's advisor, Don Javier Góngora, and hopes this would propel him to national stardom if his recipes are chosen to adorn the banquets of the country’s centennial celebrations.
-- Sofía fires the Doc and refuses to let him examine her swollen belly. She may be having a hysterical pregnancy and she may be losing her marbles. We’re still looking into it.

-- Belén is Porfirian Mexico’s most expensive date. She spends all of Andrés’s savings during their day-trip to the capital, then she yells at the poor schmuck and insults him on the train journey back.
-- Jacinto is going to become Diego's new Idiot Goon. Garrido, the original Idiot Goon, does not know yet.
-- Poor Violeta is going to go back to the cantina but the valiant Doc vows to help her get out of there.
-- Diego is trying to trap Andrés through future loans.
-- Cristina sneaks into the Gran Hotel and retrieves the letter. She is stopped by Teresa on her way out. Teresa explicitly demands that Cristina return the letter to her. Isabel is hidden from view but she hears everything.
-- Mercedes and Eugenia fight over Felipe then decide to join forces to save him from being killed by their father in a duel. They try to escape the room where their father locked them by jumping out the window. Eugenia may have pushed her sister to a certain death. We are still looking into it.
-- A scream, most likely coming from a Mercedes plummeting to her death, provided a providential interruption to the duel. Felipe was not killed by the general. Drat!

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Pasión y Poder Episode #94 February 26th 2016 While Franco plays nice, Erick gets called a murderer (twice) AND a man whore, Julia realizes that she has to pay her employees, and Fanny gives Nina the finger.

If you can watch the episode again, watch the last scene again. When Fanny is with Nina, and counting on her fingers, she accidentally gives Nina the finger, and Uni blurs it out.

Franco, the two-faced bastard, tries to stir up some trouble, when he barges into Eladio's office and informs him that Julia is with Arturo in HIS office. Eladio is impactado, but does his best to keep his cool, as he remembers that he must respect Julia's wishes to stay out of her life. Oh, this wasn't the reaction that Franco had hoped for, so he further twists the knife, and points out to Eladio, how it's one thing for Arturo to be seeking out Julia, and another thing for JULIA to be seeking out Arturo. Franco tells Eladio how it enrages him and irks him to see him so depressed while Julia is over there with Arturo. Eladio losses his cool with Franco, tells him to shut up several times, yells at him that he can't say anything about Julia, and finally calms down and tells him that he did good by informing him, and that he must always keep him informed about what is happening.

Consuelo gets off the phone with her doctor, and informs Clara, that she's out of milk due to angustía (anxiety, distress), and that it's psychological. And yes, she's been feeling a lot of anxiety, with the mere thought of the Chimp (Erick) wanting to take Erick Jr. from her. Clara advises Consuelo to stay calm, and not pay any attention to what Chimp Boy says. Consuelo asks Clara to babysit Erick Jr. and heads out the door on her way to GM.

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Friday, February 26, 2016

Antes Muerta que Lichita #109 Alicia, or should we say not so little red ridinghood, starts to put the puzzle together ... but might be putting herself in the wolf's mouth

SOrry this is long, but it was a key fast moving episode... here we go...
Luciana can’t believe Roberto asking her to flee… (I agree, Ingrid Martz is great in this type of character)…  Luciana goes home and tells Valeria all about Roberto’s request and that Roberto’s son IS real.  And that is why Roberto is doing everything Augie wants, he has him locked in the penthouse.  Valeria asks if we leave, what about Gumaro, the baby daddy?
At hospital/clinic, Nestor thanks Alicia for coming to visit him… no one else has come to visit him (not his baby mama, even if he has been supporting them financially all this time and he spent half his life with them only for her to cheat on him with his best friend). HE admits he has not been the best man, but he is not that filth that most people believe.  Alicia tells us that even her have come to build a soft spot for Nestor.  She wonders what is Roberto’s back story.
Sandra later meets with Alicia, they are talking about the campaign for some toy manufacturer. Augie comes in and is surprised that Sandra and Alicia are working together on anything. Fatima prevents any sparks and takes Sandra away.
Gumaro is outside the office faking being the carbon copy of that other guy, on phone with Roberto.  Roberto recommends to Gumaro to keep trying with Luciana so she will forgive him.  Roberto reminds GUmaro that they are still bros and comrades. Now that he and Luciana are gone then he will be free to move around as he needs.
Alicia tells Augie that he feels free to come in whenever through a door that no one ever used before… HE tells her that the accident has made him think about some things… he says after all he and her are very similar… they both would go to any measure to get what they want.  HE had not told her that when very young, he was taken away from his mother’s arms.
Fatima asks Sandra what is bothering her so much.   Sandra is jealous that Augie even uses the ‘secret door’ to be with Alicia whenever he wants.  Fatima says she knows Alicia enough to assure Sandra that Alicia would not submit to that kind of relationship with Augie.  Sandra says after 10 years of dedicating to him, all she got was a dark apartment. She did not deserve that.
Augie tells Alicia that the TOledos dragged him into that house and away from his mother against his will.  Alicia says now she understands why he never lifted a finger against Roberto when she gave him Roberto’s files. Maybe because they both started from the bottom.  Augie says he has not forgotten anything about that file, He is only waiting for the right moment to make a move. HE asks her in return, is she planning her own revenge against Roberto?  She assures him she is looking for justice, not revenge.  Augie gets a call and sends Alicia away.
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Antes muerta que Lichita #108 Thursday 2/25/16

Thanks Carvivlie and Jarifa for filling in!! 

Alicia has made her turn for the good and at a meeting with the staff talked about no more abuse or making fun of people. Elias thought great idea and made mention of getting rid of it bec it had been around for years.

The staff, minus Chuchette, is on a bus to go to a client(?) with Nestor driving. Looks like he is texting, looking at his phone and they get into an accident. Apparently two of the employees are hurt bad, Nestor and someone else we don't see. Nestor needs blood but he has a rare type. Guess who has it? Alex. So Alex gives blood and Alicia tells Nestor and Nestor is super unhappy. But Alicia tells him that it saved his life. Alex comes in the room and gives Nestor a lesson on how gay people are the same as everyone else etc. Nestor seems to really take it to heart and thanks Alex for saving his life and thanks him for the lesson.

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El Hotel de los Secretos #23, 2/25/16 Thursday: Lupe Gets His Mojo Back; Angela Gets Some of Her Own


Since Lupe was the best part of the show, let's start with him. Lupe is still moping around the kitchen after he's put himself out for a gala dinner to impress epicurean gourmand Don Javier Congora (Alfie's uncle, in case we've forgotten). Angela observes. She asks what's wrong? Lupe answers, nothing, or rather, he says, "What is happening is that nothing happens. (Que pasa es que nada pasa--ISBIS) She makes him follow her up to the dining room. She shows him the empty plates. What does he see? Dirty dishes, he answers. No, she replies, they are empty plates.  She rattles off all the entrees he prepared. [I'll give you a list of them tomorrow.] Where is the food? She continues, it is gone-eaten-finished. You should be proud. He gives her a quick kiss on the cheek (thanks, Vivi). Then she lets him go. She stays behind reflecting on his triumph.

The next day he's still moping in the kitchen when Angela comes rushing in to tell him Don Javier is on his way down to see him. Don J is gushing and effusive. He'd like to stay longer and discuss recipes but he has to rush to catch his train. He hands Lupe his card and says we'll communicate later. He would like Lupe's advice on menus for some of his grand affairs. Lupe is left speechless, except for a "Gracias," prodded out of him by Angela. She's beaming as he turns toward her and she promptly invades his personal space and busses him on the cheek. Surprised by her own initiative, she turns and leaves. Lupe indicates to the kitchen maid watching she is to forget what she saw.

Next time Angela passes by the kitchen, she sees him engaged, full of energy, sniffing the fresh fish and giving instructions to all the kitchen staff.
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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Pasión y poder, Episode 93, Thursday, February 25, 2016: Got milk?

Only the lowlifes are smiling these days.  Things are going well for Chimp Boy and Franco.  Humberto is enjoying himself too, though we didn't get to chuckle with him tonight.  Jorge has been looking cockier lately.  (Okay, Clara and Justino – the only unambiguously good guys in the story – are happily in love. Do we care?  Seriously?)  But everyone else is wallowing in the Slough of Despond.  So let's take a look at each sad story tonight, not scene by choppy scene, but character by sappy character:

On the home front, Arturo finds himself confronted with a powerful female triumvirate.  Regina, blaming her father for her breakup with David, has now allied herself with Nina and Daniela (who, by the way, are looking a little better these days in their almost, but not quite mother-daughter dresses).  Regina wants to leave Grupo Montenegro, but Nina convinces her to stay and keep an eye on Arturo from the inside.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): ¿Quién es Quién?, Eva la Trailera, La Querida del Centauro, and Fatmagul: Week of February 22, 2016


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The novelas currently being covered include the following (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

Noon    -  Fatmagul
8 PM   -  ¿Quién es Quién?**
9 PM   -  Eva La Trailera**
10 PM -  La Querida del Centauro

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation!

**Apparently tonight (Thursday, February 25), ¿Quién es Quién? and Eva la Trailera will be pre-empted by the Republican candidates' debate.  As far as I can tell, La Querida del Centauro will be shown as usual.

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El Hotel de los Secretos #22, 2/24/16 Wednesday: Belen Bumps Off Rival Baby Bump and a Carta Quest Arrested

Old Doc Vacarrio looks from the balcony above as Julio and Isabel enjoy a bit of passionate lip locking.  Unfortunately for Julio, Isa doesn’t know her heart and leaves him panting and puzzled.  (So what else is new?)  She wants peace and he just wants a piece…. What’s this couple to do?  Sage Lazaro secretly continues sucking his cigar.  Isa goes to bed and stares at the four walls of her bedroom while Julio runs to the city and sobs to himself.

The next morning, heartbreak reigns in the hotel kitchen as well. 

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