Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Gancho Tuesday April 27, 2010 Monita And Mauricio Break Up For The 75th Time And Even Dany Is Sick Of It

Alternate Title: ISABEL IS SUCH AN ASP (thanks to Emilia)

This was a no good very bad day. Nope, the episode wasn't that bad, but the dialogue was fast and furious and I relaxed on my note-taking, knowing I could go back and recheck. And then guess what!? My recorder wasn't working. Grrrrrrrrr.

Okay, now that I've got that kvetch off my modest chest, let's get started. We get a brief replay of a drunken Lobo coming on to Monita and then the scene switches to a smarmy Andres coming on to Luisa. Fortunately a cranky papa Mauricio arrives, throws the punk out, sends a screeching Luisa to her room and that's that. If Marcos had arrived and dispatched Lobo, we would have had a perfect parallel.

Hissy has slithered out into the patio, sees Nieves and hisses that she's left Monita with Lobo so they can get it on together and move past this silly Mauricio romance. Nieves is horrified.

Aldo pops out after Luisa has stormed off and wants to talk to Pops about his marriage proposal. Mauricio sides with Estrella and tells him he has to graduate from high school, move on with his education and career. And THEN, if their love is real and he still wants to be with Estrella, they can get together. Aldo correctly points out the flaw in this reasoning: What about the baby? Then the discussion moves on to the upper-caste greaser Andres. He's a buddy of those creeps who tried to force themselves on Estrella. More reasons to keep Luisa locked in her room.

Phone rings and it's Nieves wanting Mauricio to come over lickety-split to save Monita. Isabel is coiled in the shadows listening. Evidently having Mauricio see the drunken lovefest is part of her plan.

Lovefest is not going well. Monita keeps pushing Lobo away (as Isabel told him she would) and he keeps pushing back saying he knows she wants him (as Isabel told him she does) and that she needs a macho man to take hold and dominate her. (this reminds me of a Frenchman I knew who told me the same thing. Fortunately he wasn't drunk at the time and I tried real hard not to laugh and hurt his feelings.)

Well, heck, let's pull away from this charming scene and see what Estrella and Ximena's most excellent joke is going to be. Estrella charges in, grabs onto a scrumptious Rolu (wow, fun joke from Estrella's point of view) rassles him to the couch and covers him with kisses; which, God bless 'im, he rejects and valiantly murmurs "I'm in love with my wife". Hey, I just want a quick romp ("titirito" =shiver, tremble) and Ximena doesn't need to know, answers Estrella.

Ugh. Back with Lobo. He likes a little sass ("rejega") but now to business. He knocks Monita out, jumps on top and proceeds to slobber all over her. (Hope you're not trying to have dinner while you watch this.)

Back to Laverne and Shirley, Mexicali style. Ximena arrives while Rolu swears he did nothing. Ximene plays the game well, castigating him for fooling around and in his own house. For shame. She looks blank for a moment, Estrella signals her to ramp it up a bit and she sputters on a little longer about how she KNOWS Rolu is unfaithful. Ah c'mon, jumps in Estella, it was just "calentura"....nothing serious. Well then I'm due a little "calentura" myself, chirps Ximena, grabbing Arny and telling him to whip her off to a room and "make me yours". Arny looks dazed, confused and eager, all at the same time.

That's enough for Rolu. Don't you dare touch my wife, he yelps. I'm incapable of betraying the woman I love! Nyah nyah time for the gals now. They're laughing and jumping up and down. Those guys...they fell for it hook line and sinker! Rolu and Arny both sulk. Which delights the girls even more.

Back at the barrio, Mau has arrived, looks in and sees Lobo licking around Monita's face, and doesn't realize she's unconscious. Double ugh. Hizzy slithers back, throws both Mau and Lobo out and the fun begins. Mau thinks Monita was drunk and takes a punch at Lobo. Beto joins in. Punches and counter-punches, a real melee until Christian arrives and puts a stop to it. Dang.

More glee. More sulking. Ximena wants to give Estrella an Oscar. Estrella recognizes her own fine actress skills. Further sulking.

Further acting as well. Isabel is in full loving mother mode comforting a dazed Monita and reassuring her that she threw those nasty men out and now everything is okay. Pounding at the door. Mom doesn't want Monita to answer it but she does. And encounters a huffy Mau who accuses her of rushing to replace him. And off he goes.

Back at the apartment, Rolu's recovered enough to start marking his territory again. The only one whipping Ximena off to a room is me. Even our Estrella blushes at that. Off they go, leaving a deflated Arny alone with our star. She's figured out that something's up with Arny but he won't tell. Not yet anyway.

Ah, another faithless lover. Ivan arrives at Mau's apartment to meet an outraged Tere. No he can't come in. How could he break Luisa's heart like that? Her first love, her first dream!...and now the disillusionment. Leave. Luisa overhears the conversation and we see her crying. Reconciliation just around the corner no doubt.

After the ads, a bloody but unbowed Lobo is pounding on the door again, while Hissy repeats her classic sermonette. Men are no good. Can't trust 'em, don't need 'em, they're all the same. How could Lobo assault you and Mauricio not trust you? Poor baby.

Our disconsolate Lab is at the cantina with Beto. Barrio soul brother reassures him that coffee is no good at a time like this. Accelerates the heart rate. Makes heartache worse. Drown it with tequila, man. Mau's bummed because he thinks it was a planned romance rather than an assault. He saw a bottle of wine and two glasses on the table. Beto, ever the smarter one here, points out that something fishy was certainly cooked up by Isabel. Just like she did with Mau and Estrella. Ya think? Let Monita explain. No, pouts our Lab. I won't go on insisting, begging. If she trusts her mom more than me, I'm taking my marbles and going home. (Lord, I'm tired of these spats, aren't you?)

Oh, nice comic break. Thanks, writers. Connie, looking like an exhausted Sophia Loren in Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, is slaving over a hot stove and turning an egg dish into pig slop, while Nieves sneers and Beto complains about being hungry. Some bickering back and forth but somehow Beto and Constanza manage to turn this into a love scene, gazing tenderly at each other in spite of the jibes. He's endeavoring to get her help patching up things between the ever-battling Mau and Moni. Will it work? Stay tuned.

Estrella is back and at the wash basin along with Monita. The former is chirping on about the great joke she and Xime played when she finally realizes how glum Monita is. A sobered up Lobo comes out (is it the next day?) apologizing for his boorish drunken behavior. Estrella reminds him that he just dropped by to say good-bye to Monita. Our little monkey says Fine, git! And Lobo exits to a song with the lyrics "Quiero que te marchas lejos...no te vuelvo ver". Indeed.

Beto and Constanza are still sparring. He's actually lost his appetite (no puede ser!) and keeps cajoling her to help put our humpty-dumpty couple back together again. After all, they're happy (d'ya think I'm happy cooking eggs when you don't eat! snaps Connie). "Me niego a mover un dedo para aydar a Monita". (I refuse to move a finger to help Monita.) But I suspect Beto will convince her.

Yes, it must be the next day because Rolu is crowing about the passionate incredible thousand and one nights packed into one hot romp that he had with Ximena last night. Sure hope Arny finds a woman he can love like that, big bro' adds with a sly smile. Xime fires back with three things: 1) you're talking about how romantic it was, would sure like to find out what happened 2) how come you say it was so good for us, when I wasn't even informed and 3) what did I miss? Arnie smiles. And the beat goes on. (thanks for the help Hombre)

Oh my. Back to our moody Lab. We see his profile (He IS good-looking. Gotta give him that) and he's remembering Tano's unfortunate chat about all the things Monita and Lobo have in common. Dany bounces down the stairs, finds out Mau and Monita are on the outs again and sets her daddy straight. SIT DOWN. LISTEN. WORK IT OUT. TALK IT OVER. WHEN YOU DO, I'LL GET YOU A LOLLIPOP.

Wow, we need more counselors like that. I love lollipops.

Of course, our nefarious counselor, Ms. Asp, is also at work with Monita. Love isn't real....not from men anyway. Only a mother's love is authentic, trustworthy. But you know, everything has a beginning and an end. And my end is near. So let's just forget the whole world and treasure our time together, my little one. Monita sadly agrees and Toxic Mom quietly gloats.

Back at the office, Marcos is offering Sal the vice-presidency and Sal's turning it down. He's worked his whole life. Now he's going to marry Gabriela, travel and enjoy life to the max. Marcos looks delighted. Clearly he's a sucker for romance, even if it costs him a fine vice-president.

Plan B: Constanza approaches Lobo (who STILL hasn't left town), rubs up against him, says she regrets that they were interrupted at the cantina, and while he's perplexed and befuddled, Beto slips a net over him, Connie gets in a few gratuitous kicks, and they haul him off to 'fess up about the assault on Monita to Mauricio.

And while that's going on, our little Arny is attempting to set the story straight with Ximena as well. He tries to tell her what he's been feeling. Those love letters were written by me. I love you madly, crazily.

Shoot! Now we're back with Mau and Monita again. Sorry, but I'm just sick and tired of their endless spats. I still say their marriage is going to be one long deaf and dumb dispute. However she does bring up a chronic gripe of mine. How many times can you hear someone say "perdoname" before you just want to puke? Otherwise it's the usual and she pretends she's actually replacing him with Lobo. Yawn. After the ads, the yada yada goes on. He fires back that she and Isabel deserve each other. I'm almost ready to agree with him. Hasta nunca Monita. Hasta nunca Mauricio. Ojala!

Arny's in full flow now. I know you're the wife of my brother but I can't keep quiet any longer. I love you, I love you. I wrote all those letters that he claimed as his. Xime is charmed. You mean " my mischievous glance, my tender gaze, my smiles that make your soul sweetly merge and melt with mine" are all YOUR words, Arny? Indeed. Double indeed.

Ugh. Back to Toxic Twosome. Monita and Mom. She needs a hug. She's blue. She told Maurico just what Mom told her to, word for word, and Mom was right. Nasty old guy doubted her. Same way he doubted me, sighs mama. Well, we don't need him. I'm ready to do all you ask, Mom, murmurs Monita. More quiet gloating along with pseudo-hug while Isabel reassures her that she will soon be over it. (well, yes, if Hissy kills her, she certainly will be)

Back to True Confessions. We're now talking about that wonderful bubbly feeling Arny gets when he looks at his cuñada-- like when you throw one of those fizzy pills into a glass of water. Like a mini-jacuzzi! chortles Xime. Well, I have a confession too, she continues. I wrote those letters that Lalu sent you, the ones that made you sigh with longing. So "estamos a mano" (we're even).

What do you mean by "estamos a mano" presses Arny. Are you feeling the same thing I am? Well that depends. Do you feel like biting into this apple....and do you have an itch in your left ear? answers Xime. Whoops. Wrong answer. Arny deflates again and Xime heads up the stairs. Where oh where is this going?

Our final scene is at the office. Sal is leaving in high spirits. Mau is dragging in, lowdown and blue. He's in full sulk, refusing all calls. Paula's in full gear, not taking any of that. When he refuses to answer the phone in Spanish, she re-enters and gives him the message in English, and some whatfor in Spanish and he finally answers. It's Tano from Chicago with scary news. Lobo left Chicago because he's wanted by the police for attempting to beat his ex-wife to death.
Gosh, do you suppose this means that Mauricio will ride to the rescue once again?

We hear Constanza's voice saying that Isabel is a very dangerous woman who won't stop until she reaches her objectives. (Mau overhears)


prevalecer = prevail (what Aldo's love will do if it's real)
pantalones bien puestos = a guy who rules the roost; what Lobo purports to be while he assaults Monita
titirito = a sexy romp, a quickie...from the verb "titiritar" to shiver, tremble
rejega = mouthy, cheeky (what Lobo calls Monita when she resists his advances)
calentura = the "hots"
ya no aguantan nada = you guys can't take it (Xime and Estrella laughing at the brothers and their sulking)
el apodo lleva la penitencia = lit. the nickname carries the punishment. Isabel noting that Lobo has lived up to his savage nickname (after the drunken attack)
me das alas = you encourage me, you turn me on...Lobo accusing Monita of coming on to him and then pushing him away
"dees es urhent" = this is urgent, Paula's charming English

Dicho of the Day

El que con lobos anda, a aullar se enseña. You learn how to howl when you keep company with wolves.


Dinero #72 4/26/2010: A love letter in the disguise of a letter of resignation

Beltran continues on, saying regardless of the wedding in the morning, in which Rafa gives Ale a pained look; he tells Ale to bring the signed contracts in before the wedding. They both stand to Beltran humming the wedding march. He says husband and wife "you have my wedding blessing, until tomorrow when the money from this contract separates you". Then he points to Ale and says until you marry for real.

As they leave Ale asks for a pill for her headache and takes the contract from Beltran, who is still singing Money money money. Outside the office Rafa remarks how he has never seen anyone so content over such a lie before. Ales’ phone rings and it is the Refri people reminding them about tonight.

They inquire about Ales’ husband and she tells them he is right beside her. Rafa takes the phone and assures them there will not be any lobsters at the restaurant tonight. He tells them he will see them tonight. He hands the phone to Ale and says it looks like we both will be going tonight. Ale reluctantly agrees. Rafa tells Ale he will get started on his resignation.

We have a handshake and a fleeting moment of tender looks and smiles with Ale about to tell Rafa something. This is abruptly interrupted when someone walks between them. And the moment is gone. Rafa leaves with Ale about to say something and decides against it. She looks sadly after him.

There is more Siglo gossip going on with Rosario remarking about the wedding reception not even being held in the largest hall. She seems concerned that the poor couple must be going through some rough times. Claudia is offended that none of them are invited.

Dandy spies Rafa and remarks the prodigal son has returned. He goes to get the scoop from him. He wants to know if Beltran is going to put up a monument for him. Ramiro wants to know what’s going on. He points out that Rafa doesn’t seem very happy for someone that just made such a great sale. The General is certain it is because Ale busted his balloon like she always does. Rafa assures her that is not the case.

He tells her he is just tired, and Claudia chirps up it obviously has to do with what happened at Playa Estrella. Rafa is ticked off at this remark. He assures everyone they were working the whole time. Bow-tie guy inquires about the nights. Rafa is offended by all of this. Dandy wants to know why he is so upset, since everyone is just teasing him. Rafa still offended goes on to explain that the first night Ale stayed by herself in a hotel up to her standards.

We see Claudia in the background with her little brain spinning, silently taking in all of Rafas‘ words. Rafa continues with telling them the second night the Refri people put them up at a luxury hotel. And he explains the last night they were at Playa Bonita as guests at the private property of Refri. In separate rooms.

He is saved by Susana, who wants to talk with him for a minute. He leaves very upset with their questions and attitudes. Bebe chews everyone out for being such jerks. Susana tells Rafa he has to turn his resignation in on paper.

Marino with his ill-gotten expense account in hand rallies the troops to get to the bottom of things. He wants to know why there is not a single reference to Ale being registered on the 23 at any hotel. He wants to know what’s up with that. Marino gives Dandy the paper and tells him to analyze it.

The conclusion is that they stayed at a hotel that rents rooms by the hour. Claudia agrees not for experience mind you (ha ha) but that’s just what she heard. She is put out by Ales’ hypocrisy towards her tardiness. Marino takes the expense report from Dandy telling everyone he told them something was up, and throws it in the trash.

Bow-tie guy approaches Marino and confirms that Marino is going to use all this information to get Rafa and Ale fired. He still needs more information, but at least has a start and invites a reluctant bow-tie guy to lunch. This gives Claudia time to fish out the expense report from the garbage. She is caught by Rafa wanting to know what she is doing. Unfortunately not in time, as she hides the report from Rafa and lies about what she was doing. Claudia leaves with paper in hand leaving Rafa to look on suspiciously at the trash can.

W are in Ales’ office now. Susana is blaming Ale for her hangover. She tells Ale she has a call from Marco. Ale wants Susana to make reservations for tonight for a party of eight. Ale talks to Marco . He wants to celebrate their last night of being single together. He wants to know what time he should pick her up. She tells him the signing won’t be at Siglo and lies to him about what restaurant they will be at. Susana looks at Ale quite surprised by this lie. Ale explains to her that she can’t risk Marco showing up in front of the Refri people.

Claudia calls Marco and tells him she has some important information for him. Marco tries to dismiss her telling her what they had was just a night of impulse. He doesn’t want any problems from her. Claudia tells him she understands but has information about the weekend Ale and Rafa spent together. Marco is listening intently and agrees to meeting Claudia at his apartment. Claudia leaves and lies to Susana telling her she is going to go see a client.

Rafa has retreated to his place of solace (a bar) and starts to work on his resignation. The bartender offers Rafa some food and Rafa tells him he doesn’t need food, he needs a tequila. One that has a good kick to it and make it a double. Rafa is contemplating how to even begin his resignation paper.

We are at Marcos‘ apartment. Claudia remarks how lovely his apartment looks in the daytime. He is asking Claudia what was so important. Claudia shares the notorious expense account with Marco and points out the night in question. The entire time she is doing this she is biting on an apple. (I couldn‘t help but think of Eve in the garden of Eden tempting Adam with the forbidden fruit).

She asks Marco not to tell Ale where he got the information. After all she does not want to get into any trouble with Ale. She leaves a very distraught and angry Marco to come to his own conclusion about the weekend in question.

We are left with a very angry Marco. He starts cursing Rafa and his shirt. He screams he is going to kill Rafa.

Rafa is still working on his resignation and is deep in thought. We hear our beloved theme music and Rafa asks the bartender to turn up the music, as Rafa hums the tune out loud. He asks for one more tequila as he finishes his resignation. Rafa invites the bartender to sit with him as he talks about life and destiny. We are reminded that Rafa is a man of honor and pays his debts. Rafa has finished his resignation and leaves for Siglo to turn it in.

Ale is in her office and Marco has called again. He is fishing for information from Ale. He is one cool devious cucumber. He lies telling her Urdiales is going to P.V. and wants the name of the hotel she stayed at. Ale tells him the name of the hotel that Refri put them up at. Marco says that hotel will be booked for sure and wants the name of the hotel she stayed at the first night. Ale is flustered and gives him a false name. He writes this down and tells her to call him when she is finished with her meeting. Ale hangs up and looks nervously at the phone.

Rafa has entered Ales’ office to give her his letter of resignation. He apologizes for it being handwritten. As Ale bends down to retrieve it she gets a whiff of Rafas’ boozy breath, She tells him to blow at her. He is busted. Rafa assures her he is not drunk he just needed a couple of drinks to get up the strength to write down everything he needed to tell her.

She gives one last chewing out to Rafa and he protests, telling her he has had enough of this to last a life time. He reminds her after all he is leaving. Ale sarcastically agrees not to dwell on things that have no importance and tells him he can leave and to collect his things. Rafa sadly leaves Ales’ office.

Ale is left alone clutching her chest feeling the pain of Rafas’ absence as she begins to read his letter. It starts out with my very dear and precious respected Ale. The day has finally arrived when I say goodbye to auto Siglo.

As she continues to read his letter we see flashbacks of the events that have occurred that have intertwined their destinies. What started out as a curse had turned into a blessing. He talks about how the angry screaming Ale had turned into one of the most special, intelligent, smart and sweet woman he has ever known in his life. He owes her much. He has learned much from her, about sales, about life. The Rafa who entered the doors of Siglo left a different Rafa. As Ale continues to read with tears streaming down her face we go back and forth from Ale to Rafa both quite affected by Rafas’ departure. He ends the letter with “yours, Rafa Medina”. Ale is left drained emotionally and crying.

Rosaura spies Rafa packing his stuff and wants to know what is going on. Rafa tells them he is leaving. Rosaura informs everyone that Ale fired Rafa. Rafa corrects this and said he wasn’t fired he quit. Nobody saw this coming. The general says he is leaving because of how badly Ale had treated him. Rafa says that isn’t why he is leaving. He says it is for personal reasons. He tells them he wants to get back to his own business adventure. Marino does not buy this. Bow-tie gives his little speech. Dandy wants to go out drinking. Marino wants no part of that.

Susana has entered Ales’ office to find her crying. Ale blames it on the hangover and gives Susana the letter to read. Susana is crying as well. She tells Ale that it isn’t a letter of resignation but a love letter. They both decide the best thing to do is the same thing they did with his job application. Forge it and type up their own version. Susana remembers Rafas’ application as the sweetest job application she has ever seen. She tells Ale she at least has to keep the letter. Susana tells Ale that Rafas’ presence at Siglo was very important and it caused many things and people to change. Ale is back to business as usual and starts typing up Rafas’ official resignation. She is barely able to start and gets up to leave the office.

She is met by a distraught General who wants to know if she really is going to let Rafa leave. Ale says’ she doesn’t like the idea but she has to respect Rafas’ decision. Dandy suggests they all sing the beloved hymn in honor of Rafa. As they all sadly sing, in wanders the devil himself, Marino. He is holding a defaced picture of Rafa.(The salesman of the month picture). Ale rips Marino a new one and tells him to clean up the picture and put it back where it belongs. Then she turns to Rafa and tells him goodbye.

Our final scene is of Marco doing some investigation of his own. He is on the phone to the hotel where Ale said she had stayed the first night. He lies about who he is and tells them he is Ales’ assistant. He is inquiring about a purse she might have left behind. He is pacing back and forth working himself up into a fit of anger. Once he finds out Ale was never there he throws his glass against the wall. Cursing both Ale and Rafa. That is where we are left.


Corazon Salvaje - April 26 - Tarzan vs. the toothless fireless old dragon


* Clemencia talks with Aimee about being stuck in the bedroom as well as welcome her and Renato back home. Clemencia leaves. Aimee looks out the window - she’s searching for someone.

* Renato and Regina share a warm hug in the front entryway. She’s surprised he’s returned so soon after the wedding. He tries to tell her about his honeymoon but she’s uncomfortable. He changes the subject and tells her he has hired a new administrator. He won’t tell her the man’s name - it’s a surprise for tomorrow.

* Two ladies pass each other in the street in the dark. Tarzan wanders up to the mansion and climbs the wall like Spiderman.

* Aimee dreams about Tarzan as Renato sneaks up behind her and picks her up in his arms. She giggles like a schoolgirl. He is jealous about her daydreams. She flirts and plays innocent. He’s captivated by the mystery. She claims he is the only one she thinks and dreams about, then asks what took him so long to return to her. He explains he met with his mother then Regina, but he is there with her now. They kiss.

* Tarzan wanders into the front room and ponders where or where is the little traitor tonight? He leaps up the stairs and to the right.

* Tarzan enters a bedroom and stands at the door with knife in hand, grumbling about making the little traitor and her family pay mightly for tricking him. He lunges for the bed and destroys the mattress then goes about destroying everything else not nailed down. (Clearly it is an empty bedroom.) He smashes the long mirror in the corner then looks at his broken up reflection and mutters his “Juan del Diablo” vow to himself again.

* Aimee and Renato discuss his past dreams about the land and the workers and how he now wants to sacrifice those dreams for new ones with her. He thinks about letting Regina handle more of the ranch duties for him. Aimee acts jealous. Renato is enchanted, just like he remembers she acted as a child. They kiss. He wonders if she’s jealous. She says no.

* Tarzan has successfully left the mansion without being spotted by anyone (or waking anyone up). The narrator tells us that he won’t be reappearing there again. Tarzan mutters a promise to “Jaime”(?).

* Aimee confronts Rosie for interrupting her and Renato on their first night back from the honeymoon. Renato defends his wife and scolds Rosie for entering the bedroom without knocking and tells her that between him and his wife there are no secrets. Rosie swallows her pride, apologizes and leaves. Aimee is so very thankful that Renato defended her. They kiss.

* Rosie is crying a river in the patio hallway. Arcadio walks by - he’s in an impossible horrible mood himself. He yells his disgust over everything and everyone at the ranch. He gets no respect at all. He stops his ranting to see she’s still crying. She finally opens up and confides in him how her she is that Renato is treating her like a common servant. (Hello, you are a upper class handmaid!)

* Leona, Noel, Regina, and Rodrigo have a welcome home dinner for the newlyweds. Rodrigo proposes a toast to Renato and Aimee. Leona continues with the toasting and gives her wishful blessing for Renato and Aimee’s future family.

* Rosie continues to cry on Arcadio’s shoulder about Aimee and her lies to Renato. Arcadio reminds Rosie that Aimee is now the lady of the house. Rosie declares that title is Leona’s and only Leona’s. Arcadio scolds her and reminds her that Aimee is Renato’s wife an as such she is the new lady of the house. He leaves.

* Felipe is at the casino stage, introducing the new production for the night. Bridget is alone on stage to do the silent film saloon show.

* Rod informs Leona and the family that he isn’t hungry because Rosie served him his soup earlier in his room. Leona rolls her eyes and breaths deeply. Rod then talks with Renato and Aimee about the ranch and another investment idea for Aimee’s money.

* More from Bridget and her silent film saloon act at the casino.

* Noel argues with Rod about the investment idea and tells Aimee she doesn’t have to go along with it. Aimee says that now isn’t the time to discuss those matters and tells her dad when she needs his advice about investments, she will ask him. Rod tells her not to take too long; this investment won’t be available forever. Renato changes the subject and makes a toast, then announces to everyone that he plans on making some major changes to the operation of the ranch. Everyone’s curious. Renato will reveal the plans tomorrow. Noel congratulations his son (he is one very proud papa).

* Meanwhile in Veracruz:
Gabriel is visiting Jimena at the gypsy circus camp. Jimena is trying to get the courage to tell Gabriel the truth about her being Estrella - she remembers Juan’s advice to tell him the truth - she starts to find the words to tell Gabe everything but Auntie Griselda interrupts. Jimena gets cold feet and tells Gabe that she and Estrella are best friends and she will definitely give her the letter. Gabe is frustrated but accepts the story and leaves. Auntie G wants to know about the letter - Jimena has a cover story for her about love. Auntie G tells her that gypsies don’t fall in love - it isn’t part of the gypsy way of life.

* Man and wife discuss their regrets and frustrations over losing their daughter so many years ago. Flashback to Lady (Mariela) and daughter (Angela) at a garden party. Mariela sits down and watches Angela run off to play. Angela runs too close to the trees and bushes - Servando and Griselda snag her and kidnap her. Mariela looks around and screams for Angela. Man and wife discuss Mariela’s heartbreak over losing Angela and never finding her or seeing her again.

* The silent film saloon performance continues on the casino stage as our fearless threesome tonight (Raul, Fulgencio and Federico) sit and discuss business and gossip over drinks. Federico tells them that Regina has officially let him try and court her now. Raul is happy for him. They then discuss Juan and Sr. Aldama. Fulgencio thinks it may be good to do business with Juan - Raul doesn’t like the idea. Fulgencio doesn’t care and is willing to go for it. Raul leaves. Fulgencio and Federico wonder what his problem is with Juan.

* Rod sits in his dark bedroom - he thinks about turning on a light but doesn’t. Rosie pops up behind him on the bed and starts to seduce and make love with him. (UGH!)

* At breakfast, Renato announces to the family he has hired a new administrator. Rod and Leona are aghast. Renato then goes to the door and introduces Juan San Roman to the family as the new administrator. Rod goes ballistic - he will not tolerate this! He wants to leave the ranch for town and never return as long as Juan is there! He stomps out of the room. Leona runs after him. Noel is proud of his son’s decision. Juan excuses himself from the room. Renato turns to Regina for some support but she just stares at him, and then asks Aimee for her opinion. Aimee says she wasn’t consulted. Renato stands by his decision. Noel applauds him and supports the decision then leaves. Regina tells Renato that he is in charge so she will have to accept the decision then asks to speak with her sister in private. Renato obliges and leaves.

* Renato finds Juan in the front entry and tells Juan not to worry, he still has the position.

* In the bedroom, Rod is still miffed and starts to try to pack up. Leona fights and tries to convince him to change his mind and stay. Noel barges in and Leona and Rod separate quickly. Noel tries to convince Rod that Juan is only a hired employee to help run the ranch, that is all. Nothing has to change. Rod is firm in his beliefs and won’t change his mind about leaving or about Juan.

* Regina and Aimee argue about Renato hiring Juan at the ranch. Regina thinks Aimee should say something to Renato about it. Aimee won’t do that. Regina reminds her about all the sacrifices she’s made for Aimee and wants Aimee to now sacrifice something for her. Ha! Aimee laughs at the thought. Regina grows upset and frustrated with her sister’s holier-than-everyone-else attitude. Aimee reminds Regina that she is now married to Renato for life and the ranch is her home; if she doesn’t like it she can leave with Daddy. Regina vows never to leave and to become Aimee’s shadow and conscience and won’t stop until Aimee has Renato’s child. Just at that moment, Renato enters and asks Regina to explain what she means about being someone’s conscience. He wants to know if she is accusing his wife of something. Regina stops and thinks before coming up with a cover story to deflect suspicion. Renato accepts the cover story, and asks about her support for Juan as the administrator. Regina excuses herself and leaves. Aimee turns to Renato and tells him, ‘see! what did I tell you? my sister is so totally interested in Juan!’

* Juan stops Santa Regina in the front hallway. Regina hates that nickname. Juan tells her that he has always liked her since they first met on the ship. Regina wonders what he wants. He says to get Aimee to explain her deception scheme to him. She wonders why did he have Renato hire him as the new administrator? Juan comments. She wants him to do what he has to do and disappear.

ADVANCE: Juan on horseback riding through the finca brush, grumbling about Aimee’s flirtatious deception.


Dinero #71 4/26/2010: Money Money Money

I apologize if there are lots of mistakes in this one as I wanted to post the first hour and will get the second one up in the morning.

Marco is telling Chavez he doesn’t know the real Ale. She is not only a faithful woman but one with high standards. She would never be interested in someone like Rafa. Chavez says if that’s what you want to believe. Then Marco angrily says if there was anything between them Rafa is a dead man.

Ale tells Susana that she hopes Marco doesn’t suspect any thing. However he was quite upset about finding Rafas’ shirt in her luggage. She feels his reaction was one more of hate than jealousy. Susana believes that Marco really doesn’t know Ale. Ale, quite blitzed, says anyway, we are each going our separate ways. Rafa is leaving and I am getting married in two days.

Now we have our second pair of drinking buddies. Jaimie and Rafa. Jaimie wants to know what his plans are once he is free. He says he will have some money and a new car, so at least he can look for another job.

Then Jaimie very cautiously asks Rafa what he is going to do about Vicky. Rafa says it is next to impossible to get out of that relationship. In spite of her family, her constant calls and her jealously it wouldn’t be right to treat her badly. He goes on to say after his mother and sister, Vicky and Jaimie are the most trusted people in his life. Jaimie full of guilt downs his drink and asks for another. Rafa wants to know what’s up, Jaimie doesn’t drink.

Jaimie decides it is confession time. He hems and haws trying to tell Rafa about Vicky and in walk the BG’s and grab Jaimie by the neck of his shirt accusing him of kissing Vicky. Rafa is furious and the boys have brought enough rope to hang poor Jaimie from the light fixture with Rafas’ blessing. Then Jaimie comes to his senses after his little daydream and decides it best not to stir that nest of hornets. He opts not to confess.

It is morning and Ale has woken with quite the hangover. She hesitates a while about giving Rafa one final call, takes a swig of what appears to be alka seltzer and dials Rafas’ number. Rafa anxiously answers the phone. Ale trying to be all business tells him she will meet him at the office. Rafa sadly reminds her this will be her last call. Still trying her hardest to be strong she tells Rafa yes and hangs up. We see a very sad Rafa and Ale trying not to cry.

Downstairs we have some pre-wedding preparation madness. Tia is shouting orders to Azucena and Jorge has mistaken a worker for an intruder and jumps him. When Ale enters Tia is very surprised that Ale would go to work when she is getting married tomorrow. Ale tells her she has to finalize an important deal and they can talk tonight. Tia feels she doesn’t have the same enthusiasm for the wedding that she had before. (That tia sure is perceptive). Ale tells her she will deal with everything first thing in the morning. And goes to leave. Not before a sweet little hug and even sweeter chat from Jorge.

Rafas’ phone rings and it is Mickey mouse (That’s Vicky for those of you who do not recognize her voice yet). She wants to know when he will be home. Rafa reminds her it is his last day. She wants him home early, after all they have pre-wedding plans to discuss. Surprisingly Rafa blows her off until tomorrow telling her today is impossible. After he hangs up he looks up and asks god “ What debt do I owe you?‘

Now we see Ale with one heavy duty hangover and headache remembering happier times and they are not with Marco. She is remembering the kiss with Rafa. She smiles and we hear a knock on the door. It is Rafa. Ale is all business and Rafa is all nerves. Ale tells him that after today he won’t have to return to Siglo except to get his commission in which case he can just leave it with Susana. He will also have to come up with a good reason for quitting and hand in his resignation. It would be best to give it to Ale instead of Beltran. That way Beltran won’t try and talk him out of quitting. She tells him she won’t be coming in to work tomorrow. She starts to stutter because of her wedding, but catches herself. They both look very sad.

Rafa wants to know what he should tell the rest of the crew. (More is said that I didn’t catch) and Rafa takes Ales’ hand. She smiles looking at Ale and in walks Susana to spoil this very sweet but brief moment. They pretend that Rafa was trying to take a splinter out of Ales’ hand. Susana reminds her about the meeting in the conference room. Ale is all a twitter and tells Susana she needs to take care of their business expenses from their trip. She has other things she needs to discuss with her but Susana begs off saying she is dying of thirst and leaves. Rafa and Ale are left alone with dead and awkward silence.

Dandy approaches Susana and wants to know where the girl with the purest soul in the universe is going. Dandy is all excited about having a repeat performance of their previous night together. Susana shushes him and warns him they can‘t talk about those things at work. Dandy notices that Susana does not look the best and wants to know what‘s up. Susana admits to going out drinking with Ale. Dandy gives a look of disbelieve . Susan doesn’t get why people want to drink. She feels horrible. Dandy wants to know how Miss perfect follower of good health could be out drinking and not to mention, without him. Then he wants to know what Ale has that he doesn’t. She tells him depression. They are interrupted by Ale and Rafa.

Ale and Rafa enter the meeting together. The Siglo crew start in with all their little chides. Ale wants to talk about their work reports when in walks Beltran. He wants to hear good news and that is what he got. Congratulations are shouted out and Beltran starts singing Rafas’ praises. Marino looks like he is about to be sick. Rafa reminds Beltran that Ale was instrumental. Beltran wants applause. For the both of them. Marino is looking none to pleased. And of course Beltran wants everyone to applaud Claudia. Beltran reminds Rafa about winning the car. Marino is doubled over in pain and Rafa throws him the bottle of pepto bismo.

Beltran wants to know when they sign the paper. Ale informs him that they will be meeting tonight . Beltran leaves, a very happy man. As Ale walks by Rafa she very sweetly but discreetly congratulates him. She does a cute little pantomime of driving a car. Marino turns to Bow-tie guy reminding him that they still haven’t signed all the papers. Bow-tie guy tells him it is pretty much a done deal. Marino can’t let that happen. He tells Bow-tie guy Rafa can’t get away with his car. He has a very sinister look on his face.

Susana has just turned in Rafa and Ales’ expense accounts to Clara the bookkeeper. She wants to know how many days they were gone. Susan tells her three and she seems quite impressed that it was so cheap.

We are back at the meeting. Nobody has met their projected sales. Ale has a little math lesson with Claudia who can’t subtract. Then Ale wants to know what’s up with Claudia missing a couple of her appointments. Ale wants to know where she was. Claudia lies and said she had a Dr’s appointment. Ale isn’t buying this and we have a flashback of Claudias’ little tryst with Marco.

Susana is going over the expense reports with Clara. Clara is a little puzzled about one of the nights that Ale wasn’t registered at the hotel.

Jaimie is kidnapped by Vickie. She wants to know what He and Rafa talked about. We have more of her insanity. The kissing then the pushing away. Then she tells him she wants him to stand up for them at the wedding.

Our hymn is being sung. Rafa sings with gusto. Ale rubs her temples at the end and tells them to sell. They all leave congratulating Rafa as they walk by him. As Ale walks by she sarcasticly calls him “Pajarito” and leaves.

Jaimie is telling Vicky he doesn’t think it is a good idea that he stand up for them at the wedding. Vicky is in her own little world humming the wedding song. He is still trying to convince her that he can’t do it especially after what they did. Vicky crazier than ever starts her little game and kisses him again. She asks him if he cares for her. He stammers and she grabs him by the neck asking if he cares for her. She pushes him out the door and tells him to leave.

A very confused Jaimie runs into Julieta. She wants to know if he can help her with something. Jaimie very firmly tells her no. She wants to know what’s up he never tells her no. He tells her to get use to it, as he looks back at where he left Vicky. He continues on his little rant of defiance and takes off. Juliette looks quite confused.

We have the Siglo crew all admiring Rafas’ car. Rafa is in another world and not paying any attention. Dandy says something and the general reminds him he is committed . (The Susana deal) . Rafa wants to know with whom. Bebe congratulates him on his great sale and Rafa is touched by his sincere words. . Marino full of sour grapes insults him and walks away. When Ramiro tells him he’s not being very nice he returns and spits on the floor in front of Rafa. Everyone is repulsed by this as Marino walks away.

They all continue on. They each say their little piece. Rafa is still not paying any attention Than Claudia wants to know how he got along with Ale. This sets Rafa off and he wants to know what she is getting at. At this point Marino chimes back in and wants to know why the deal took three days to finalize. This really sets Rafa off and now he wants to know what Marino is insinuating. Dandy tries to calm Rafa down.

They are still going at it verbally when Ale walks in and firmly puts an end to it. She tells them to all get back to work. They all start shuffling around and Ale gets pushed up against Rafa. She pulls away quickly, but smiles sweetly and tells him he has a beautiful car. She leaves and Rafa is still lost in thought.

We have more gossip instigated by the General. She thinks there is something odd going on between Rafa and Ale. Marino tells everyone he has a way of finding out.

Rafa and Ale are trying to get their story straight before they talk to Beltran. Ale has it all planned out as to what they will tell him. She pleads with him not to tell Beltran they were pretending to be married. Rafa assures her he won’t say anything.

Beltran is ecstatic to see them. He offers them something to drink and treats them like royalty. Ale is all business and gives him the papers to sign. Beltran reads over the contracts and is one happy man with the sound of jingly money in the background. It’s like Santa Claus. Both Ale and Rafa look confused.

Beltran is still drunk with happiness at all the money Rafa has just made for him. He wants to know what Rafa is going to do with his commission. Rafa says he won’t have to much left with all his debts. Ale playing very innocent can’t imagine that. He reminds him about the car.

( I got a little confused with this scene. So help me out if I got it wrong.) Beltran asks where to sign the contract and Ale says at the bottom. Rafa nudges her and she realizes she had misunderstood him and says they still need the final signature from Refri. They are going to meet in a restaurant tonight. Beltran wants to be kept informed so he can meet them at the restaurant. Rafa and Ale both look at each other and say “Meet us there?” Beltran thinks it is so cute that they answered at the same time and tells them they make a cute pair. Rafa is all smiles, Ale not so much. He calls them a cute couple.

Beltran is all excited about meeting them at the restaurant to sign. Ale frantically tries to talk him out of this. She tells him that is not necessary. He says he really wants to shake every ones hand that were involved in making him so much money.

Both Ale and Rafa realize there is no way of talking Beltran out of coming and argue amongst themselves who is going to tell him the truth. Ale is elected by default and admits to pretending to be married. Beltran is taken back.

Now we have Marino up to no good. He enters the office of Clara our young bookkeeper. It turns out she is happily married, but had a little tryst with Marino resulting in an addition to his already to large family. She doesn’t want her husband to find out that Marino is the papa, and Marino blackmails her into giving him a copy of Rafa and Ales’ expense accounts. ( what an icky guy that Marino is!!!)

Beltran is quite impressed with the resourcefulness of our “cute couple” after he listens to their explanation. As long as they made the sale and the customers are happy what else matters. He wants to know what they plan to do now. Ale says she will take over. He was curious to know if they shared a bed together. They both get flustered with this and Rafa tries to explain. Beltran says he knows nothing went on after all Ale is going to get married tomorrow.


un Gancho al Corazón Mon.4/26/10 And Just When Things Seemed To Be Going So Well

Well you have to give Isabella her due. For the moment at least, with the Jero disc she has regained a great deal of lost ground, although the only one really convinced of her innocence is Valentina, but then that's all she really needs, isn't it? Let's reconvene in the boardroom with Mao, Moni, Gabi, Paula and Ximy, and finish watching as Jerónimo convincingly finishes spinning his yarn.

After implicating Oscar in every crime except the Lindberg kidnapping, including drugging Mao and Moni to frame them in order to extort Mao and when Isabel discovered him at Estre's, he threatened to kill Monita if she exposed him, thus exonerating Isabel, he tells Oscar that he is going to disappear in a place where the police will never find him, saying aloha as he waves goodbye. Those gathered around the table look dumbfounded. Ximena, bless her innocent ingenuous little heart, timidly waves back as the screen goes dark. Not surprisingly she gamely offers up tres cosas. "Una. ¡Yo sabia! I knew perfectly well that the camera makes one look fatter, but I never imagined just how much. Dos. Or maybe Jero does not photograph well. Y tres. Where was my hermanolfo going? Where has he gone?" Gabi reminds her that He ended up in a coma before he could go anywhere. Actually, Ximi is closer to the truth than she realizes. For Moni the important thing is, "My mama didn't do anything!" Well heck, this sets us back a bit. Mao however is not so sure. He thinks they should confront Jero. Strange that this disc should appear just now. In a rare moment of clarity, Ximena points out hat her brother is still in coma, "He's not saying much, in fact he can't even move." Gabi confirms that she has spent a great deal of time in his room and the police are waiting to arrest him as soon as he stirs. Mao is shaken but he grits his teeth and for the moment remains silent. Fuming.

Conferring with her new BFF, Snaky Lady lays out the rest of her plan to Jero of a way of avoiding the police and leading a normal life without molestation... plastic surgery." Jero's interested, "a nip here, a tuck there..." Not exactly what she had in mind. She was thinking along the lines of an entirely new face. Jero balks, pointing out that he is after all a very handsome man who is quite happy and comfortable is his current face, thank you very much. She visualizes him as ending up even more handsome, otherwise he will end up in prison. She tells him with money, anything is possible, "What do you say Jerónimo?"

Now M&M are alone in the boardroom at opposite ends of the long conference table. He tells her what a liar Jero is, "You know what class of person he is." She thinks that he sounded sincere. He reminds her that Oscar implicated Isabel and that Aldo overheard her admit to drugging him and Estrella. He thinks that this recording is a ruse. She points to the inescapable fact that Jero is comatose and besides, Aldo admittedly was dabbling with drugs. "My mamá is dying, why would she lie?" Another Mexican standoff. Mao stands up, "The first thing we must do is go see Jerónimo in the hospital." Good idea.

Meanwhile, Isabel is wrapping things up with Jero. She still has plans for Valentina. He must remain in coma since surely Mauricio, Valentina, and his sister Ximena will be coming to check on him. She has arranged for this Dr Isquierdo, a plastic surgeon who will explain everything and take care of all the details. "This is the last time we'll see each other, our debts are settled." She waves bye. He looks troubled and doubtful.

Mao takes a moment in his office to chew out Iván over his little dalliance with Alejandra. Out of respect for Teri, he won't fire him, but he forbids him to come sniffing around Luisa. "Understood?" Iván meekly nods. He storms out, catches up with Moni and tell Ximena, who is still there, that they are on the way to the hospital to see Jero. Ximena is thrilled and insists on joining them, "Hospitals are very entertaining!"

Meintras tanto, Isabel is taking care of last minute arrangements with Dr. Isquierdo. She hands him a check, "I talked with Jerónimo Sermeño, he's expecting you. You know what to do." She abruptly leaves as he inspects his check.

In his room, Jero is practicing his coma skills as Dr. Isquierdo enters and introduces himself. Jero has doubts. As he draws up an injection he tells Jero not to worry that he is in good hands. Worried, Jero demonstrates with several poses how handsome he is. "You think that you can improve on this?" The Dr. reassures him all will be well as he injects a drug into the IV line. He tells Jero, "When I'm done, even your own mother won't recognize you." Jero ponders this. At least now he can free himself from his idiot of a sister. He tells the Dr. that he hates Drs. and hospitals though nurses are another matter. Dr. Lefty (notice that he wears his watch on his right wrist as do many southpaws including yours truly) tells him that Sra. López thought it would be prudent to wait a bit before the surgery but that he would not have to worry any longer about faking coma because he just finished initiating a temporary coma. Jero has questions but the deed is done. The Dr. counts, "Quatro, tres, dos, uno," as Jero drifts away.

Back at Moni's place, Isabel is packing as Lobo comes calling. He's there to say goodbye to Moni. She wants to know why he's leaving Valentina in Mauricio's hands. He tells her that Mao saved his life and besides, Monita has him stuck firmly in her heart. She can't believe that he's giving up so easily. If she wants something, if she can't have it by doing things right, then she will resort to less noble tactics. She would not take no as an answer. She accuses him of not being much of a man(without pants). She agrees to tell Moni he came by. It bears repeating, this lady is very good at this evil business. Lobo is wounded. She is pleased with herself.

Well great! At Mao's penthouse, Andres has arrived, guitar in hand, to minister an injured dove. Luisa thanks him for coming. Well of course, she was crying when she called him. She tells him about Iván's betrayal (a kiss for goodness sakes!). "¡Imbécil!" Andres is outraged, but hey, "Now you and I can be novios." Clever lad, you little creep. Well how convenient. He moves in for a kiss as we go to commercial. She doesn't resist.

At the hospital another Dr is checking on the now genuinely comatose Jerónimo as Mao, Moni, and Ximy enter the room all gowned up and masked as is the medico. Mao asks the Dr. to check Jero carefully. He does and confirms the obvious. "Yep, he's in coma alright with weak vital signs and barely detectable reflexes." Not quite a dead parrot, but pretty darn close. Ximena checks by loudly clapping her hands directly in Jero's face. The Dr. leaves. Now for a little hospital horseplay. Ximy wants to demonstrate how well Jero obeys her in this state. She picks up the paddles, charges the defibrillator and orders Jero to jump as she applies the paddles to his chest. He obeys. I can't help it, she could do this a thousand times and I would laugh. Mao, however, is appalled and snatches the paddles out of her hands and replaces them. Moni rests her case.

At Nieves' apartment, Coni is warmly welcomed by Marcos who was just about to keep Nieves company as she cooks for him. Beto is in a jovial mood, though Nieves is a little less cheery. She grudgingly gives Coni a chilly welcome, "Buena." Beto urges her to give Coni a kiss, she's fresh out of jail (botellón). Nieves admits that she is glad that Coni's not a criminal. Beto observes that Marcos gave his soul brother a penthouse. How about setting him and Coni up in a nice place. Marcos gets serious. He gave Beto a job so that he could support Coni, but they both must prove themselves to him. Beto as a responsible man, and she must prove that she has given up her hate and become an honest noble woman. Then they will have his unconditional support and not before. Until then they must get by as best they can. He offers to send his chauffeur to pick up Coni's clothing. Beto coughs and says, "Then welcome to your new home (morada)!" Now Nieves objects, she doesn't want this lazy girl (fodonga), who doesn't even know how to pick up a broom, around. Coni tells her not to worry,"I won't mess with your transportation." "Are you calling me a witch?" "I don't see anyone else." Beto restrains Nieves as the two continue to trade insults. Actually both seem to be enjoying the exchange. This arrangement should work out nicely.

Aldo appears at Estrella's. He wants to get married. She doesn't. She lists a number of reasons that this is not a good idea. Depressing as well as borrrring...next!

At Monita's place things are no better. Snake Woman is packing as M&M arrive. Moni tries to dissuade her. Mao is losing patience and biting his tongue. Moni begs as Mao seethes. Isabel thinks it over and agrees to stay on one condition, Mauricio must apologize and ask her forgiveness. Uh... sure. Closeups of serious faces all around. Who thinks that Mao will agree to this? I thought so.

An injured Wolf is drinking beer in the cantina as Issy's belittling words rattle around in his canid brain. He has a flashback to an even less happier time. He is confronting his wife with her betrayal with his manager. She tells him that he is not at her level. His manager is a real man who makes her feel like a woman. (Sara?)
Ouch. Lobo tells her that she is still his wife and moves in for a bit of canine aggression. We mercifully cut away. Back in the cantina he stands up and smashes his beer bottle to the floor. Now he's getting angry. Uh oh.

Over at Moni's Mao is ready to render a decision. "I won't swear to a lie." Moni reminds him of Jero's tape. He says that Isabel knows Jero. Isabel scoffs, "I haven't even met him." He reminds Isabel that in his office to his face she admitted to injecting him and Estre, removing their clothes, and placing them in bed together. "What an imagination!" She reminds Moni that she took a bullet for her. Mao's tired of this. He tells Moni to decide who she believes, "I'm telling you the truth." "I'm dying..." Now it's decision time for Moni. Place your bets as we head for commercials.

A happy couple joins a brooding Lobo in the Cantina. Coni is clinging lovingly to Beto as they take seats at Lobo"s table. An unsuspecting Beto goes off to get Tequila leaving Coni alone with Lobo.

Aw man, more Aldo and Estre. More reasons why it's best that he forget her and get on with being a teen. More protestations of profound love for her and his child. Protestations from me that they are wasting perfectly good time. He finally gets her to agree to reconsider once he has grown up. Next!

A drunken Lobo asks Coni, "What is a beautiful chick like you doing with that goodfornothing Beto?" He preens and poses offering Coni a feel of his muscles. She politely admires his body as he insists that she touch is arms and belly and thigh. She reluctantly does. He suddenly goes grabby and begins invading hr personal space in a big way. She protests and resists, he insists as Beto returns and forcefully urges him to desist. A scuffle ensues with the furniture being the biggest loser. Bad Wolf.

Moni is also in a protesting mood, "Why are you putting between the sword (espada) and the wall (pared)?" She pleads with both to reconsider their positions. Hasn't she been listening? Mao decides to help her out, "You know what Monita? I'm tired. All or nothing, chose her or me." Nobly, Isabel offers to make it easy by leaving, as she had planned, to go home and die alone. Well played, you evil harpy.Monita runs to her, "Don't go, mamá!" Mao's had enough, 'You've made up your mind Monita, I'm outta here." "No Mauricio, wait!" He looks back for a moment, shakes his head and leaves. Moni casts a hard look at mom, then hurries after Mao. Isabel smiles a satisfied smirk.

Moni follows Mao onto the patio. "Wait!" She wants to talk. She asks him to give her support. To give just a little. He tells her that he has knocked himself out for her and their. If she can't believe him now, it's useless. She gets angry and tells him to leave. She can always find a man who will give her support, she can't get another mother. Wow! Is this it for our lovebirds? Have we stuck by them all these months for it to end like this? Ouch!

Lobo has found his way back to Moni's. She's not home but the Viper invites him in.

Beto, who is battered and bruised, and Coni, who looks oddly pleased, are home. Nieves wants to know what happened to her baby. "I was defending my woman's honor." "¿Qué? She doesn't even have any honor." This sets of another spat with insults exchanged, but Beto decrees that the the three of them will live together in peace.

Too bad Isabel has no coffee to offer the snockered Lobo, but she does have some wine and suggest they have a glass and chat. He admits that he's angered by her questioning his manhood. She agrees that he is every bit a man but doesn't understand why he doesn't fight for Valentina since she's dying with love for him. "She told me so, and she's through with Mauricio."She tells him that she broke it off with Mao because she is in love with Lobo. She tells him that when Moni returns she will leave them undisturbed. "Moni will play hard to get, that's how women are, but she wants it. Pressure her and I promise she will desire to be with you." He drinks up. Yikes!

At Estre tries to convince Moni that she is making a mistake. She's persuasive but Moni is being... well... Moni. Xime shows up at Estre's door,"Ding dong." She needs Estre's assistance with the joke she has planned for Arnie and Rolu. "See you later, Moni." Moni heads home as Issy slithers by, unseen.

Andres is helping Luisa with her math homework. Thanks to him she should do well on tomorrow's exam. Have we gotten this young man all wrong? They bathe in each other's eyes for a lingering moment, then he pops the question, "Will you be my novia. I've always been in love with you." What the heck, why not?" They kiss as the front door opens and it's an already unhappy Popa Mao, "What's going on here?" He's not gonna be getting any lovin' anytime soon, so by golly, no one else will either.

Moni's home and our soused cur-wolf asks if there's anymore wine. Moni is not happy that he's in her house, drunk. He knows that she is sweet on him. "Why haven't we tried something more serious?" "The past is in the past. Get out!" Lobo turns predatory, "Why not recognize that you want to be with me?" He stalks his prey, "I'm crazy about you."He approaches her with a loco loopy loony lascivious look of lupine lust.

Dr. Judy. Help! Tell us something sweet and happy.



Monday, April 26, 2010

OK bloggers, what do you want to do about Univision and its crazy schedule?

Gancho bloggers, your show is about to end. We could sure use some of you on Dinero - we have no Monday blogger and if they're going to run two hours a night it would be nice to have more coverage!

Corazon Salvaje people, do you want to dump your midnight madness and become the new Dueña team? You'd get Colunga and Lucero and that magnificent villain David Zepeda (we loved, loved him in Sortilegio).

Pecado team, are you happy as you are?

any other takers?

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El Clon 50, Mon., April 26 - Bad matrimonial choices: Leo makes one; Nariza wants Ali to make one and Said wants Jade to relive one

Daniel hangs up on Albieri without saying anything more.

Albieri is all happy that his son has found him. The next day he pretends to be sick so that he can stay at home and wait for Daniel to call him again. [I guess he doesn't know about Google Voice where he can have calls on his home phone transferred to another number like his cell phone that he carries with him.]

Luisa brings Alicia to the office and she asks to help out.

Luisa calls Albieri and he can't get her off the phone soon enough. [I guess he doesn't know about call waiting where he would know if Daniel called while he was talking to Luisa and he could just disconnect her call.] Then Albieri thinks about how awkward it will be if the clone just shows up in front of everyone. What justification will he give for cloning Lucas? [You've had 20 years to think about that Frankenalbi - no ideas yet?]

Leo tells his new squeeze, Sofia, about his old girlfriend, Cristina. When Sofia asks if his ex was in the business world, Leo says that she is in charge of a very important entertainment project. For her part, Sonia has been too busy, busy, busy with business to have a relationship. But she's made time to see Leo. What better proof of devotion could you get? Leo proposes and Sofia accepts by saying that marrying Leo would be a very good deal (negocio). If Leo tried he couldn't have found anyone less like Cristina and that's the point, of course.

Leo announces the news to Lucas, Roberto and Enrique. They're surprised but they congratulate him. Lucas has a flashback to declaring eternal love for Jade.

Jade's at the ruins (of course) where Jadiya finds her. She tells Jadiya that she was happy there a long time ago.

Abdul is chewing out Nariza for her behavior in front of Ali. She goes through her usual diatribe about being badly used by her brothers, their wives and their children. Abdul says that Nariza can forget about being Ali's 4th wife. '¡No puede ser!' wails Nariza in the best novela tradition. She begs to be given another chance.

Ali tells Jade about his escape. He says that Nariza's temper was revealed. ('La sangre caliente de lala Nazira se hizo sentir,' literally, 'the hot blood of lala Nazria made itself felt.') Said comes in and wants to speak with Ali alone.

Ali asks Said why he is putting his happiness to the test. Said asks if Ali thinks that Jade still has feelings for the Westerner. Ali replies that intense feelings like that are never forgotten. He advises Said to leave the past alone. He says Said wants revenge for what happened years ago but that was when they were young and acted on impulse. Said acknowledges that Ali might be right but he needs to put Jade to the test. His marriage won't be perfect until he is sure that Jade isn't with him out of obligation. Ali warns him not to put ideas in Jade's head for fear of what might wake up inside her.

If we didn't have enough reason to know that Leo's plan to marry Sofia is a big mistake, we are sure of it when Marisa thinks it is a great idea.

Rosa is dubious about Leo bringing Sofia to live with them. She wants Leo to keep Sofia out of her kitchen. Already, Sofia has sent Rosa cookbooks with trendy organic and 'hydroponic' foods - nothing but a big plate of seeds (nada como un buen plato de granos'), she says in disgust. Leo tells her that he and Sofia are getting married in a month. We see Cristina arriving at the airport.

The clone calls again and says that he needs Albieri very much. When Albieri offers to go get him, he says, not yet and hangs up yet again.

Cristina returns home to much squealing and admiration from her friends.

Leo and Sofia have an engagement party but Sofia tells Leo that she will be too busy to go on a honeymoon.

Andrea advises Natalia to give up studying and get rid of her virginity problem. Natalia says that she will study or have a boyfriend. Guess which one Andrea recommends?

Rosa wonders why Albieri hasn't come to the party. He's waiting for the clone to call and won't leave the house.

Alicia is some kind of weirdo stalking Leo.

Lucia isn't given to subtlety and she can't understand why Marisa hasn't confronted Lucas about his illicit affair. Marisa tells Lucia that someday she will tell her about her plan of vengeance against Lucas.

Rosa tells Lucas that she doesn't like Leo's intended. She sticks her nose into everything, she always uses hifalut'n language (un lenguaje rebuscado) and Marisa is crazy about her. 'Entre brujas se entienden,' says Lucas drily, 'Witches understand each other.'

Said's family takes leave of Ali for the States. But Nariza isn't going. She has to clean up Said's house or something. Evidently Abdul has decided to give Nariza another change to snag Ali. He asks Ali to let Nariza stay in Ali's house in a way that Ali cannot refuse.

At their romantic dinner, Sofia tells Leo that eating salmon prevents Parkinson's disease. "How interesting," says Leo. Evidently, they are eating in TORIM because in sashays Cristina. Leo sees her right away, pretends to have eaten a bad caper and heads for the door with Sofia in tow. But the waiter says Leo's name and Cristina goes after him. Sofia decides this is the moment to stop and tell Leo where she wants to get married [probably not the Vizcaya Palace - maybe a Kinko's or something equally romantic]. This allows Cristina to find out that Leo is getting married. She puts on her usual scene.

Said and family arrive in Miami. Jadiya is shocked at the flesh on display.

Sofia asks who that vulgar woman was and assumes that it couldn't have been Leo's girlfriend. Leo tells her that Cristina's is Enrique's ex girlfriend.

Cristina swears that she won't let Leo get married.

Enrique asks Carolina out to a concert and dinner.

Leo abandons Sofia in the lobby of his office so that he can brief Enrique about his new role as Cristina's ex. Just in time. Sofia barges in, tells Enrique that intellectual men are always attracted to vulgar women. She will lend him an magazine article about it.

In the hotel, Jadiya is already being seduced by the evil ways of Westerners. She's watching the Telemundo novela, Zorro. Said tells Jade that he hasn't told the investors about their arrival. He wants to scope things out first. Jade looks out at the beach and remembers her last meeting with Lucas there.

Mohamed and Latifa put their plan to spend more quality time with their children into action. They go to a place where their Muslim dress will be as conspicuous as possible - a pool.

But the point of this scene is for Latifa to see Lucas (I thought it was the clone at first but no) with a babe in a bikini. This must be the only public pool in Miami (TOPPIM). Latifa is shocked, shocked.

Back in Morocco, Nariza goes on a shopping spree.

Zoraida tells Ali that Nariza has arrived with enough luggage to stay a month. Ali tells Zoraida that she has to help him avoid another trap (emboscada) set by Nariza. Nariza's stay at Ali's house has tongues in the medina wagging and Zoraida tells Ali that she will counter with a disinformation campaign.

Nariza gets all gussied up even challenging Cristina for most makeup. She arrays herself seductively on the couch and when Ali comes into the sala, she asks him to sit down by her. Ali asks what she is playing at and retreats. In the kitchen, he tells Zoraida that she has to stop cooking and be his shadow so that he is never alone with Nariza. Zoraida says that Karima must join them too so that she can tell everyone in the medina that Ali was never alone with Nariza. Ali is impressed with her cunning. In vain does Nariza try to get rid of Ali's escort.

Said and family arrive at Mohamed's house. Everyone clears out leaving Latifa alone with Jade. Jade asks if she has heard anything about Lucas. Latifa tells her about what she saw at the pool. Jade looks for excuses for Lucas' behavior - maybe he got divorced. Latifa pours cold water on that. She says that Lucas has changed a lot. He isn't the same happy go-lucky guy as before. He is a bitter man. For Latifa, this is the proof of what Ali said, Westerners change. Jade says that she can't imagine a different Lucas and flashes back to young, carefree Lucas.

Roberto says that in the last 10 years, Lucas has changed into a bitter man. [who wouldn't, living with Marisa?] Roberto says that Lucas is still vindicating his nature though (ya te estás reivindicando con el género) pointing out what one assumes is a lipstick stain on his collar. He suggests that Lucas get rid of it or Marisa will kill him.

Jade tells Latifa that time changes people but she is sure that deep inside she and Lucas are the same.

The clone calls Albieri's house again but Luisa answers. She hears Lucas' voice and assumes that he dialed their house by mistake.

Dora and Assvaldo dance at the club.

At the lab, Alicia finds Albieri's office empty. She starts rummaging through his stuff and finds a picture of the dead fiance and assumes that Albieri is cheating on Luisa. Then she finds a journal entitled, 'My Cloning Diary'.

The credits roll.


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Sunday, April 25, 2010

THANK YOU for supporting my son's American Cancer Society "relay for life" run


I know it's odd to put this here, but there was a big donation left for my son by the "Caray Caray Team" on his personal donations for Ezra's run for life page and I don't know how else to thank you! so, THANKS!

FYI, my son was a week or so past his 13th birthday when he was diagnosed with a brain cancer which had had, not many years earlier, a survival rate of 0% - so he, almost 11 years later and about to graduate from college, is acutely aware of the benefits of cancer research! Now, weeks from (we hope, knock on wood) graduation, he finally decided to 'come out' with his friends as a cancer survivor. He wrote
I've got some big news today, something that I've never shared online before.

It all started years ago, when conclusive and stunningly expensive neural imaging exams discovered a tumor riding on my cerebellum (according to an oncologist, as overheard while pretending to sleep: "medulloblastoma... it's a tricky sucker"). Treatment and removal was, predictably, a pretty poor year on the Ezra calendar, but that's not what I'm talking about today. Soon after diagnosis and surgery, some of my Dad's athlete buddies joined an ultra-marathon out west in my honor, under the name "Team Ezra." I hadn't thought about it for years, but now Team Ezra is back, and it's me running this time in a 16-hour Relay for Life fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. Here's why:

I've always been reluctant to accept the "war on cancer" metaphor. I just sort of decided that my hell was over and I didn't want to think about it anymore. But the thing is, as I realized in my course last semester ("metaphors and illness") that there really is no such thing as a survivor. Your "success" is measured in terms of *probability of remission*. If your scans are clear one year out, the gauge of your "survival" is based on the percentage of "survivors" who've suffered a remission more than one year out. So your risk of getting sent back into the "war," for another tour of duty, dwindles year after year, approaching zero, but who's to say you won't be the statistical outlier?

So I guess I had those thoughts in my head and the idea that maybe setting cancer within the warlike metaphor is more appropriate than I'd thought. I'd never participated in any kind of fundraising and outreach, keeping my story mostly private, but this year, when I saw the posters for the Relay for Life, I wanted to "go public" with my experience more than ever before.


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