Friday, August 31, 2012
Refugio Para el Amor #104 Fri 8/31/12 Leading man begins showing backbone.. too little too late? ... the set-up for a 'memorable family dinner' and our Luci hears 'you are the heir of half of TL empire'
Lo refrito:
Melissa and Claudio: he did not want the money but now he is ready to retake his business work.
NotSoDimRod and Luci: she tells him how she found out, Paz told her and Claudio when she realized how much Rosa had hurt Luci knowing who she was. He asks why did she do it, Luci says that is a question only she can give you the answer to. She apologizes for telling him a truth that did not really belong to her.
NSDTMR: Forgive me Luciana, forgive me for all the harm we have caused you… and I, instead of minimizing your pain, I have hurt you even more!... please forgive me!... Forgive me!... (I have to say Gabriel Soto has come a LOOOONGGG way from the cardboard actor he used to be).
Lo Nuevo:
NSDTMR: I don’t deserve that you even look at me. I deserve what I have… and what I am. I deserve to be married to a woman I do not love… a woman I repulse. I deserve to live at her side, thinking about you always, each instant. Thinking of the happiness I left here (behind).
(Luci hugs him and they cry hard together… again, great acting on both… totally unexpected by me on the Gabriel side).
Paz and Magda arrive. Paz is really surprised to see Rod there… Rod stands up and looks at her.
NSDTMR: Forgive me, Senora. Now I understand why you told me that my mother would never accept her (Luci) and that it would bring lots of trouble for the two of us, mostly lots of suffering for Luciana. You asked me to defend her from everyone and I did not do it. I let you down… Thank you. For having given so much love to Luciana all these years (Luci is moved behind him, cries more)… For having been a true mother for her… (Paz realizes he knows the truth)… You don’t know how much it pains me all the harm we caused Luciana. How it pains me to have allowed them to separate us.
Paz: What is done is done (Lo hecho, hecho esta)
NSDTMR: (turns back to Luci) Forgive me, Luciana… I will never finish apologizing to you… ever. And although I am sure your father will support you, you can always count on me… for everything. I will see that you and my son never need anything… (holds her hand but is about to fall apart crying) Take care of yourself … and of our son… (kisses her on cheek, is totally disheveled as he kisses Paz’s hand)… Goodbye Senora. (walks slowly out the door… Luci falls to floor crying desperately. Paz embraces her…)
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Weekend Discussion: The Great and God-Awful Telenovela Clichés – Part II
Campaigning for Meaningful Change in
As we have discussed previously, we're
all annoyed with the medical and legal inaccuracies made by all the
producing networks. Those are the first things that should go in
favor of the truth. I also want to see consistent accuracy of
costuming in novelas de epoca and clothing that's logical for
contemporary characters (e.g., no ramerawear on a chick with a
seriously controlling prude for a parent or ramerawear or on a woman who
has a professional degree). But about the characters...
In a contemporary story, I want a
heroine who isn't hot to get married as soon as she's 18 years
old. I want one who knows her mind in most things and who isn't
eager to get embarazada as soon as she meets Mr Right. She can meet
him in the opening episode, but I want her to have some hot times
with him before pregnancy ends that. I also want her to be a decent
human being, not a ramera like Teresa. I want her career to have
meaning and not just be a gateway to finding a man with a fat bank
balance. She doesn't have to be a virgin, either.
Take it from here, amigos.
Labels: telenovelas, weekend
Por ella soy Eva #32 8/30/12: Should I Stay or Should I Go?
I missed the first few minutes. Why does Univision thinks it's OK to start and end a show 7 minutes earlier than its scheduled time?
Fernando gives Marcela an ultimatum- her family or her job.
Silvia has her and Lalo's bags pack and she's leaving Bastardo. He threatens to have Lalo put in a foster home to coerce Silvia to stay. She tells him he wouldn't do that. He says that sometimes the right thing is not the easy thing. She reluctantly stays.
Helena is crying and confides in Pluto [why are all his clothes so shiny? does he shellac them?] about the fight she had with her father last night. He offers her help in getting a lawyer and he consoles her. Toni walks in, sees him holding Helena's hands, and looks unhappy while Pluto explains that it's their role to help employees in need. Alone together, Toni expresses her displeasure at what she saw and asks if he is interested in her. He replies that his marriage is sacred and he swears fidelity to the last day of his existence. He asks, "what kind of monstrous libertine do you think I am?" She confronts him with Helena's thank-you card. He says he's only interested in Helena's son and finally weasels out of it by guilt tripping Toni about the fact that she can't give him children. He looks to the sky and asks God why they weren't given the gift of having children.
Eva and Mimi arrive at the address Samantha gave her for Max Montero, the one who framed JC for fraud, and it turns out to be a retirement home. A nurse brings them a much different Max Montero. Onesimo observes this and reports to his boss that there are two Max Monteros. Pluto calls Samantha to meet with her. She tells him she had a friend use Max Montero's name to frame JC. Pluto smiles to himself that Eva is not the danger he thought.
Adriano is telling Marcela that some of the calculations on her latest report are not complete. She apologizes about difficulties at home and Adriano tells her he doesn't want to hear about domestic problems in the workplace. Fernando struts over saying, "Let me fix the errors of this woman." [like marrying you?] He proceeds to scold her and Adriano stops him and says he was already supposed to have checked this. Marcela is mortified and Fernando continues to berate her as they leave the office. Adriano shakes his head as they depart. Marcela and Fernando continue to bicker and again he gives her the ultimatum- your family or your job.
Santiago gets the loan, a favor from Adriano, but the loan officer embarrasses him by saying everyone in the office knows about the fiasco of his first attempted wedding. Angelica, working as a restaurant hostess, sees a magazine article announcing Santiago and Paty's engagement and swears he's going to pay.
Eva see Marcela sadly standing in the hallway and asks why she's standing there like a tree about to grow roots. She tells Eva it's unfair that if a woman spends the day working she's an absent mother, but if a man does the same he's a good provider. Cara de impacta de Eva. In a meeting with Adriano, Fernando takes credit for fixing the report. Marcela, looking sad, gives her resignation to Adriano. He expresses his disappointment and says he thought she was a woman who could manage everything- work, family, husband- but he sees that's not so.
Pluto meets with Bastardo under the pretext of not wanting Helena's personal problems to interfere with her work. Bastardo says he doesn't understand why they keep her. Pluto tells him it's a better plan for Helena to realize she can't go forward without Bastardo's help and sooner or later she will end up returning home. Bastardo sputters that's the last thing he wants. Pluto says it's the best way to keep Lalo at his side. Pluto later tells Onesimo that today he will do something that will score him mucho points with Helena.
Eva and the blue dresses are consoling Marcela at the front desk. Eva hushes the blue dresses several times while she tells Marcela that she can't renounce her job just to please her husband. Eva refers to him as a dinosaur Neanderthal, as Fernando listens around the corner. Eva tells Marcela she has the same right to both things (home and career) as her husband. Marcela, distraught, tells Eva of the problems with the kids and Eva asks "Do you live alone or what? Is your husband so useless that he can't help you?" Eva calls him a rat with two legs (she's on her soapbox now). Fernando comes around the corner and the fight begins. He tells Eva not to meddle where she's not called to. He calls her a feminist [gasp]. Eva towers a head above him while she berates him with his machismo. She punches him as she tells him not to be a brute. She escalates the volume and calls him a slacker (flojan). More people gather to watch the scene. Fernando makes a show of taking off his jacket to fight her and Eva throws her bag to the floor to accommodate him. Adriano walks up and demands to know what the hell is going on. Marcela tells him she's changed her mind, that she doesn't want to turn down the opportunity to better her work. The crowd applauds, but Adriano says he's sorry. He can't leave such an important post to someone with so many problems with family, husband, and children.
In her office, Toni compliments Helena on her professionalism and apologizes for her previous suspicions. She (mistakenly) tells Helena that Pluto is very fond of children and that accounts for his interest in her since Toni can't give him any. They are complimenting each other when the evil Rebeca walks in with a poster-sized photo of a blue whale for the office. Toni and Helena squirm uncomfortably with the implication. Rebeca ignores this as she goes to hang the photo behind Toni's desk. Helena leaves, and Rebeca refers to her as the piranha. Toni begs her to abstain from that type of comment. Toni says Eva showed her that instead of speaking badly about one another, women ought to be united. Rebeca grimaces while she avows she's incapable of saying anything bad about anyone [seriously?]. In a scene filled with irony, Toni says she doesn't know anything about Rebeca personally. Rebeca says she's single but there's a ferocious wolf who she's thinking of marrying, all the while stroking the framed picture of Toni and Pluto, but there's an enormous obstacle separating them. Another woman (Helena) is after him, but he belongs to Rebeca. Toni tells her to fight for love, to not let anyone take him away. Rebeca replies, "That's just what I say."
Marcela is packing up her office while Fernando hurries her along, saying when he arrives home dinner should be ready and she'll be in her place with her children where she ought to be. Eva lowers her glasses to give him the intense fish eye and calls him a good-for-nothing (pelafustan).
Angelica accosts Santiago on the street with the magazine article. He tries to calm her by saying they should go somewhere to talk. Paty, however, is following him.
In Helena's new apartment, Eva and Lucia are trying to cheer her up. Lucia spills the beans about Pluto getting Helena the apartment, and Eva jealously accuses Helena of giving him good service. Helena protests that Pluto is a good friend and Eva says yeah, good as a nauyaca [translation anyone?]. Helena wants the two to be discreet so people don't get the wrong idea. Silvia, Bastardo, and Pluto bring Lalo to Helena, and Eva twists up her face as Helena extols Pluto's virtues. What a guy!
Labels: por-ella
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Abismo de pasión #120 8/30/12: Patio of Lowered Expectations is Now Dishing it Up.
ANNOUNCEMENT: The Patio of Lowered Expectations has become so popular that management (such as it is) has decided to offer a variety of antojitos for your snacking pleasure. After all those patio sports (AbisMart catalogue shopping, nerfazos, drinking games and general derision) we figure you folks might be feeling a bit peckish. Please review the sample menu below and send your feedback to All ideas are welcome. Menu will be updated to reflect seasonal changes.
Last night’s leftovers (better the second night): Ramona serves it up to Florencia, Flo had better tell Dam she’s not pregnant before Ramona gets to him first. Ramona’s kitchen table wisdom gives Flor heartburn.
Fried Local Fish and Chippie: II sticks her head in Doc T’s crotch, trying to convince him not to go after Gabino for slapping her around. Her faux helplessness hooks this flopping cod completely as she lies that she suspects Gabino of killing Kenia and now she fears for Gael’s life. She fillets him with the suggestion that Gabino dead is the only thing that will set her free.
Low Sodium Diet: Elisa and Gael - Thank the telenovela gods that neither of these flavorless blobs is your real-life tour guide to Valladolid and its environs. Yawn. Mute.
Stale Organic Popcorn: Enrique convinces Palomita that marrying him is the best option, citing all the reasons we have already heard in every other telenovela. In a fun twist Begoña appears and accuses Paloma of getting pregnant to trap Enrique. Begoña never quite gets it, does she?
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Refugio Para el Amor #103 Thu 8/30/12 The Awakening of Rod The Bod, The El Torro PooPoo Gets Thrown Around
Torreslanda Home-Pato's Room
We have the meeting still in progress between Rod (who for this epi is Undead to Me) and his marvelous brother Pato. Pato has just spilled the frijoles that Luci is expecting Rod's baby, and they will be tied together for eva. Well, Rod is just flabbergasted, can't be, what you been smokin' Pato, not really, but you get the drift. Rod wants to know why noone told him, how could they keep this from him. Pato says he just recently found out. Rod tells Pato, here he married Gagme, a woman he doesn't love, for obligation, to give the child a name, when the woman he dearly loves in all the wide world, his having his child. Pato makes him promise just to go see Luci and talk to her. Rod says but she left me (Note to Rod: Please dude just do as your marvelous brother tells you and go already). Pato now tells Rod that wait for it, la loca mama, knew about Luci having the bebe all this time! Now our Hot Bod Rod loses it. He clearly sees for the first time why Luci really left, all due to his crazy Mama. Hot Bod Rod is clearly pithed at his loca mama. Rod says the only people in the Torreslanda home he cares for are Max, Pato, Hanna, and Mati, (aww no Frigid, jus' sayin'). He tells Pato he loves his la loca mama, but will never forgive her for what she's done. Pato tries to tell Rod that their mama is sick and not herself. Rod says oh yeah, she's sick alright, and cold and unfeeling as well. How could she do this to him? He's going to confront her right now. Pato tries to stop our Hot Bod Rod, but Rod storms out. Pato feels bad about revealing that, but it had to come out.
Torreslanda Family Chapel:
We close in on Rosa, on the prie dieu (its a prayer desk), kneeling and saying the rosary. (Note to Rosa- We in Viewerville want to know why Dios hasn't struck you with lightening yet? Jus' sayin'). Rod storms in and Rosa tells him she's praying. Rod wants to know why she is praying, for what? She has no respect for Dios and has no Christianity. Rosa wants to know what Rod is talking about? Rosa tells him she has the utmost respect for Dios. Rod doesn't agree. Rod says he wants to know, in front of Dios, why she didn't tell him Luci was pregnant with his child and why did she keep this from him. She says she will say in front of Dios everything she did, she did for her children! Rod says so in front of Dios you swear you did this for your children, for me, you lie! You are wrong for swearing before Dios, you ruined my life. Rosa tries to say being married to Luci was a big mistake for Rod, and Rod tells her you don't know Dios. Rod says his life is Luci eternally, only Luci. Rod leaves. Now La Loca Rosa really loses it, picks up the prie dieu and slings it to the floor, in front of the crucified Christ, and screams Maldita Luciana, how I hate you. (Note to Rosa: You are gonna burn in hell for eternity, jus' sayin').
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Amor Bravío #18 (Uni 13) Wed 8/29/12 "Wooing, Stewing and Brewing"
Day 3 on the recap job reporting for duty and this story was a doozy to recap..
We open Capitulo 18 in the Executive Office of El Rancho with Camila and AlLocoLonso. Camila asks why the new ranchhand is doing such lowly work. Al counters that this is reasonable work and work is work. Camila says she knows all work is respectable but that clearly Dandres is capable of more (incognito Daniel will hereby be referred to by me as Dandres until he is fully outed).
Out in the courtyard, it is lunchtime and Natalia and Dandres are talking. Poor Dandres doesn't wish to join the luncheon as he knows he does not smell the best. Natalia complains that Dandres doesn't deserve the type of treatment he has received and Dandres, ever fair, says it is having the chance to work that is important. Natalia commiserates with Dandres and launches into usual form, gossiping about the state of affairs at El Rancho. She tells him that the ownership of El Rancho is in limbo because the recently deceased Daniel Sr. threw a curve ball by leaving it to someone unexpected and not to Camila. This unknown inheritor is "foreigner" (which seems to matter at Malquerido) and the previously unknown son of Daniel Sr and a Chilean woman. Everyone at El Rancho is anxiously waiting (and a few are crossing off the days) for the aforementioned foreigners' arrival. Dandres is taken aback with this news that Daniel Sr is thought to be his birth father and declares "no puede ser". Dandres asks "exactly who knows about this?" and Natalia says the patrones for sure and Tio Leo maybe. Dandres is desperately trying to make sense of this news.
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Abismo de pasión #119 8/29/12: SO much filler it feels like we're playing ring around the rosie... Ramona puts pressure, Alfie plays victim, Elisa looks for II to get answers
WANTED: RECAPPER FOR MONDAY NIGHTS. Now that school has started Sara's schedule will no longer allow her to continue recapping Monday nights. If any of you have thought about giving recapping a try this would be a perfect opportunity. Ridiculous story lines, absurd characters, great body language, this hot mess practically recaps itself. If we don't have any takers I will just post discussion headers on Monday.
Tonight's recap by Marta Ivett
Ramona reads preg test results of Paloma’s. Not happy. I knew it, although had hoped it would not be true. Just like your mom, you will be a single mom. (Paloma says don’t worry, I will face the music alone). Ramona reminds her you can’t force a man to love you. Ramona will make Gael respond for her. Paloma says no you won’t. Ramona disappointed in Paloma sleeping with Gael again even if he was engaged to her best friend. Elisa has to find out before she marries a guy who does not know how to respect her. Paloma denies Gael is the daddy, Enrique is… (NO SHE DIDN”T SAY THAT!! … yes she did). Ramona has a hard time believing it, knows Paloma is protecting Gael. One thing is to make the mistake of sleeping with the man you have always loved, another thing is to sleep with a guy you don’t love. Paloma says slept with Enrique to try to forget Gael. Was desperate. Is that so hard to understand? Ramona states the obvious: that is not the answer. Enrique does not love you either. Paloma says if she could change things she would, but it is too late and she is fine being a single mom. Ramona won’t allow her to follow her mother’s steps. That child will have a father and a name! Ramona runs out in a flash.
Alfie is crying in her room. Dam comes in to try to apologize… Alfie whines he used her weak spot to hurt her so. Dam says have been swallowing anger against you for months. You got Guido in jail! Alfie says everyone forgets she had evidence of Guido’s guilt. She was hurt to make that decision. Guido was her friend. Dam questions why she doubted Guido’s innocence. Alfie says she was just projecting her anger at Damian, YOU had abandoned me and the procesa, she felt Guido had taken advantage and did it to laugh in her face. Dam brings out the fact that Alfie had forced Flo to get pregnant in order to get her dad out of jail. Dam recalls the night he and Elisa were going to leave and Alfie brought the pregnancy results to the quinta to stop them. Dam says I am your son, not your slave or your marionette!! Look at me! Look at what you did with my life. Elisa is about to marry my best friend. Alfie insists he has to dedicate himself to his wife and son. Dam gets outraged… What else needs to happen for you to admit to your mistakes? No, I don’t make mistakes!... or at least I try to repair the damage! … Dam is depressed now.. thank you for making my life miserable (gris). Thank you very much.
At the house of M&M… Gael and Elisa arrive. Elisa recognizes it that as children they were walking by and Dam saw his father leave the house… Elisa second guesses her belief of her mother’s innocence. Maybe the one who has been wrong has been her. Gael won’t let her say that. He says what is really strange is that the house ended up in hands of Gabino and II. Elisa says you are right. II had wanted to talk to her about her mother and the past. Asks Gael to take her to Gabino’s hacienda to talk to II.
At church, Padre Papa Loopy is asking God for guidance… been watching the people around him hurt each other for many years and he has been a mere observer… asks for guidance to help those he loves.
At breakfast, Flo tries to bug Alfie about her arguments with Dam last night. Alfie says don’t talk about it in front of servants. Alfie notes how Flo enjoys learning that Alfie and Dam argued. Could it be perhaps also about Enrique Tovar?... Alfie says she saw them at the town plaza talking. Flo protests if not able to talk to anyone. Flo could care less what Alfie thinks. Alfie will stop that issue herself. Flo not happy.
Dam finds Ramona at cenote, she is crying and he is worried about her. ‘never thought you were capable of crying, thought you were very strong. / even the strongest of souls cries when something hurts… the soul…. If you can’t do something for yourself, I doubt you could do something for anyone else… it is many of us who have ruined our lives. Look what happened with Flo. Now you will marry her by church. (he responds it was the right thing to do) I wish Enrique Tovar will be as much a man as you.’
Quique arrives at DrT’s house. DrT is waiting for II but while he waits, he will tell Quique on what’s up with his life. Meanwhile BeGoneYa is talking to who knows whom about her children abandoning her and her husband about to marry another. .. Ramona arrives asking for Quique. Ends up having to tell BeGoneYa why she is looking for Quique. Paloma is expecting his child and he will have to marry Paloma.
BeGoneYa denies that her son is responsible, given her granddaughter’s reputation… (wrong answer! Not the day to provoke Ramona the witch… then they do a dance routine, Ramona takes a couple steps forward, BeGoneYa a couple steps back)…/ I better go, before I slap you right into the floor…
Gael/Elisa at castle.. eh.. I mean the Gabino Mendoza hacienda. Gael tells Elisa II is very nervous because she is living there with Gabino. Gael can’t understand why II is still with Gabino. He has tried ‘millions of times’. But at same time he feels like II is hiding something from him, he remembers Kenya telling him not to trust II. Elisa insists she has to talk to II, II had told her Gabino and OrangeHo keep secrets of each other about the past. Gael suggests they forget all this and go for a walk around Valladolid/Merida. Lets take a day off and spend a day together… she finally accepts the day date.
Meanwhile II (in very dark large sunglasses) is at quinta looking for Elisa. II is really anxious, need to talk to Elisa urgently. She has to talk to Elisa without Gael being around. Lolita gets on ‘defend Elisa above all else’ mode and tells II she knows Elisa and Gael since they were kids… she loves them as her children and won’t allow II to hurt Gael anymore. II tells her ‘butt out of my business and you have no right to judge me’. Lolita insists she won’t let anyone, including II, ruin Elisa and Gael’s wedding day. II gets crying, asks that Lolita tell Elisa that II needs to talk to her, but this time she can’t go to her son. Just as II gets out, Pop! Goes the Sleezel… she hears from Lolita that the visitor was II, so she runs out to catch II before she leaves. Questions what II had to talk to Elisa about. II says how funny that now that your niece and my son are getting married, we will be relatives!! Jaja!! Orange-Ho does not find it so funny. She asks II what she is after, to accuse her to Elisa? II says I am not dumb, I know what you are capable of. My daughter and your own husband both appeared dead just after they found out about your deals with Rosie. But if something were to happen to me, I have taken steps to make sure Alfie and Elisa will learn the truth. Nice talking to you. Have a nice day.
Quique is happy for DrT. Hopefully you will find in this woman what you are looking for. Door knock. They think it is II, but it is Paloma to tell them Ramona found out she is pregnant and she needs to ask them a HUGE HUGE HUGE favor. They say yes without hearing what it is first (BAD MOVE!). She had to tell Ramona that the baby she is expecting is Quique’s. DrT is outraged… Quique not so much. He can understand Paloma because of what he himself is going through with Flo. Paloma is very thankful of Quique. The lie does not have to last long, only until Elisa marries Gael. DrT wants her to tell Gael. DrT sends Quique and Paloma ahead to the consultorio, he is expecting someone else. Paloma begs DrT.
Flo(cute maternity dress) arrives at Castanon procesa and is blown away that ‘Elisa has created all this from nothing’. She wants to see Quique, convinces the receptionist to let her wait for him in his office.
Elisa and Gael are walking around Valladolid, Gael is excited to tell her how all the region has been working on restoring the old churches and buildings, convents, etc and restored the plaza. They even built resort hotels by the cenotes.
At La Anita procesa, Gabino wants to talk to Dam. Dam says we have to talk about something serious. Gab brought him a cigar, a real good Cuban. Dam passes on it, I don’t smoke. Dam wants to cancel the contract with Gabino since Gabino has not been able to grow a single habanero. Gabino whines and blames the darn white fly pest. Says Alfie won’t let Dam cancel the contract. Dam says the one at head of the procesa is me. Gab says you can’t afford to lose another supplier. Can’t lose another supplier to Elisa’s procesa. Dam says not your problem. Dam asks are you so desperate as a farmer that you want to go back to work here as a simple employee? Gab says that’s not where I am going. I don’t want to be employee, want to be your associate. Dam says in this my mother is right, no one without the Arango surname will be at the head of this business. NOONE!.
II finally arrives at DrT’s. He is very charming and cuddly with her, she does not seem so engaged into it. She came without suitcases. She cries, still with sunglasses on, came to say goodbye, can’t leave Gabino. DrT disappointed… II says Gabino discovered her when she was about to leave with the bags. She tries to make him swallow a ‘I don’t love you as much as I thought’ lie. He knows she is lying, he ends up grabbing her and taking her glasses off. He is mad, grabs her, yells at her to not treat him as an imbecil, she is afraid of Gabino. Now she says she does love DrT but is very afraid of Gabino. DrT whispers he will kill Gabino with his own hands. II looking away and down is smirking, (that is what she wanted all along).
Out in fields somewhere Gabino and Orange Ho… Gabino swears to OrangeHo he will kick II out of his hacienda. She will stay at LaErmita though. OrangeHo says that is not good enough. She knows too much about her, saw the plane tix. Gabino says II can’t spill beans because she knows he would not like that. But II will stay at LaErmita because it is convenient for him. II is untouchable for OrangeHo.
Ramona arrives at Castanon procesa. Also ends up heading to Quique’s office. Flo is sitting there. They both figure out who is the woman in front of them. Flo says ‘finally got to meet the town witch’. ‘not a witch but I am old and savy, you can’t deceive me. You are not pregnant.
Alfie arrives at BeGoneYa’s supposedly to try to scare Quique into not looking for Flo anymore, but BegoneYa in true form spills that Paloma is expecting Quique’s child… Alfie seems to consider that even better than whatever she had in mind.
Back at Castanon procesa… Flo keeps in denyal, Ramona keeps saying ‘I know what I am saying, because I can compare you to another woman I know who is indeed expecting a child’. I don’t know of man’s medicine, but I do know what my mother learned from my grandma. (Flo doesn’t let her touch her belly… LOL!!) Ramona says ‘you better talk to Damian before I do’.
Previews: Quique proposes to Paloma, BeGoneYa says ‘over my dead body’. Gab points a gun at Gael. Elisa and II nervous outside. Flo tells Ramona the one she will have to hide above anyone else is Alfie. (VO: But Dam suspects something)Labels: abismo
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Refugio Para el Amor #102 Wed 8/29/12 You don’t tug on Superman’s cape, you don’t spit into the wind, you don’t pull the mask off the ol’ Lone Ranger, and you don’t mess around with…....…Pato! (He’s so cute when he’s angry)
EXTRA! EXTRA! Claudio has been declared innocent!
Luciana is ecstatic that her pottery is in high demand. So much so that she even hopes she’ll be
able to provide employment to other women.
She even tells Ariche to start thinking of ideas for a line of pottery
for children.
Meanwhile, Padre Honesto calls el funerario and leaves a
message for Luciana with Procopio.
Torreslanda McMansion
Max rushes into his den, clearly agitated that Claudio
won. Everyone follows him in as Roselena
exclaims she is astonished that he allowed Claudio to win. She criticizes him, saying he thought he was
so powerful yet a man who just came out of jail was able to best him! Max shouts at her to shut her trap, saying
she has no idea about what’s going on.
As she leaves, she tells Mati the bad news that Claudio was declared
innocent. Mati thanks God. Ruh-roh!
“What are you saying!” shouts Roselena who then asks for Connie and some
tea to be brought to her room. “Si mi niña” is all Mati can say. Roselena then barks at Frigida to get herself
to the kitchen STAT!
In the kitchen, Frigida heads straight for the phone and
calls Gala with the news.
Back in the den, Max tells Oscar, Rod, and Pato that rough
times are ahead with regards to Linares.
He’s going to need their support.
Oscar assures him everything will turn out alright. Pato speaks up, saying that with all due
respect he doesn’t understand why Max, who’s taught them all about fairness and
has shown them love and fairness, why, in twenty years didn’t he never defend Claudio who was supposedly his friend. Why? Oscar, Rod, and Pato wait for a response.
Linares Office
The Linares team is toasting to their victory. Claudio thanks his team for all their hard
work and Melissa says this just proves that sooner or letter, justice wins out. Claudio is grateful for the Judge’s
ruling but only for his ruling
pertaining to the Torreslanda Corporation and its administration. Most importantly, he wanted to defend his honor. A man without honor is worth
nothing. Norma agrees but also notes
that his share in Torreslanda is nothing to sneeze at. Linares then asks her to help him contact
Torreslanda McMansion:
Max responds to Pato.
He agrees Claudio and he were friends, best friends, almost
brothers. They got along well and together
they had what it took to build a great business. Claudio had the money, and Max had the
brains. That was the foundation of the consorcio (company/corporation) that
they have today! Everything was going
well for both of them, the company prospered and mushroomed (crecio como espuma). Then one day Claudio betrayed him and
defrauded him! Pato shouts at him to
stop! *you go Pato!* “Claudio presented
all the evidence to demonstrate his innocence.
How is it that being your friend, you could not believe he was
innocent?” Max comes unhinged and
shouts, “Because you don’t know him!
He’s false, he’s astute and intelligent.” Pato wonders how it is they were friends. Max now shares his theory: while Claudio was in prison, he put together
this grand scheme they’ve just witnessed.
Rod agrees with this but Pato declares he believes Claudio is
innocent! Max asks if Pato now thinks
everything is his (Max’s) fault, that he’s the criminal. Pato replies he would never think that of
him, but he stands by what he said:
Claudio is innocent! Max looks at
Rod, Rod looks at Pato, Pato looks at Max who looks back at Pato. Round and round we go!
Paz now believes God put Metsala (sp?) in Luciana’s path
because of all the wonderful things that are coming her way. Everyone is happy about all their new work and Ariche has come up with the idea to make piggy banks for children. Procopio rushes in with all the messages for
Luciana: Estelita, Padre Honesto, and
Torreslanda McMansion
Roselena lies prostrate with grief, night shades covering
her eyes. Connie arrives to see how she
is. Roselena shares the news about the
ruling and is astonished to hear that Connie also thinks this is good news for
Claudio. Now she understands Melissa’s
behavior, noting she was by Claudio’s side the entire time. It’s as though she’s declared war against
them. Has Connie talked to Melissa? Connie doesn’t understand what she’s getting
at. Roselena says both Connie and
Melissa act as though they were enemies, as though they are on Claudio’s
side. Connie asks Roselena to consider
that Melissa is always on the side of justice and that she greatly admires
Claudio. She also reminds her that he
helped Melissa with her thesis. No, says
Roselena, Melissa doesn’t admire him –
she adores him. All she needs now is for
Melissa to fall in love with their worst enemy. *oh dear, that bus has already
left the station* Connie becomes
exasperated and suggests that Roselena view this ruling as a way to mend all
the harm Roselena caused Claudio. She
doesn’t understand why Roselena insists on being his enemy. Roselena:
“Because 50% of the Torreslanda Corporation will be given to him!”
Connie is impactada at this tidbit of info and has to take a seat. Mati comes in just then with a call for
Connie from Melissa. They agree to meet
for dinner. Roselena begs Connie to make
Melissa see that what she’s doing is wrong!
Connie doesn’t respond and just leaves the room.
Mati comes back in with her tea and meds. Roselena plans to
visit Padre Honest and learns that he came looking for her this morning.
Het Het
Luciana calls Claudio, who shares his good news. She congratulates him and calls him Papá! He’s touched and she seems a little surprised
it slipped out. They’re both happy it’s
finally happened and she thanks God everything turned out well. She wonders what’s next and he tells her he
plans to give her all the love and attention he wasn’t able to give her all
these years. She gives him information
on the house he’s interested in buying in Het-Het and thinks he should look at
it before making a decision because it is very big. He wants to move quickly on this and hopes
one day they’ll all be able to live there together. He wants her to think of it as an investment
– a gift for her.
Torreslanda McMansion
– Max’s Den
Max finds it inconceivable that Pato would believe in
Claudio’s innocence. Pato says he
believes in his innocence, considering the evidence he brought forth and in the judge’s
ruling. Max is pithed. Rod assumes they will appeal. He refuses to believe Claudio will end up
with 50% of their fortune. Max
and Oscar both respond that they will certainly appeal. Max suggests they all go back to the office
and work to put everything in order.
Before Pato can get going, Max tells him it won’t be necessary for him
to join them. He sarcastically says Pato
must be so tired after to many hours in court.
Pato agrees he should rest but before Max can make it out the door Pato
asks, “Who is Pedro Campos? Why did his
confession change everything?”
Oscar answers, saying
he investigated Pedro Campos. He worked
for the finance department during the time Claudio and Max were partners. Max interjects, “Even though Claudio may deny
it, he and Pedro Campos were very close.
Any other questions,…….Patricio?”
He glares at him but then leans over and kisses him on the forehead
before heading out with Oscar. Rod also
kisses him before following Max. Pato is
muy impactado.
Oh no, Roselena is hysterical! (I know, what else is new) “It’s a tragedy, a true tragedy!” She tells Padre all about the ruling. She wonders when God will show her some
mercy! How much longer must her Calvary
continue? She has no more tears to
offer! “God doesn’t want our tears,”
says the good Padre, “He wants our repentance.”
Roselena wonders if he means to say this is her punishment for her past
acts. He begins to explain when his
phone rings – it’s Luciana, of course.
Roselena is shocked and distressed to hear her name and to hear the
Padre asking how she is and how worried he’s been about her. *Great job, Padre, rub the salt in the festering wound* Roselena doesn’t wait long – she tells him to
call her when he’s done helping “that woman” so he can give her his full
attention. She storms out. On the other end of the line, Luciana doesn’t
fail to realize that was her ex Monster-in-law ranting. She tells him she’ll call back tomorrow.
Max’s team is in damage control mode. Oscar is laying out their strategy. They’re assuming Linares will request a full
audit. Max wants to be prepared and
suggest they scrutinize the audits of all the Torreslanda businesses and properties. He refuses to hand Claudio everything he
Lorenzo’s Taco Corner
Hannah and her driver pass by and it saddens her when she realizes Lorenzo isn't there.
Torreslanda McMansion
– Frigida’s comeuppance
Frigida is dusting the den when Roselena walks in. She tells Roselena that Mati invited Padre Honesto over for coffee and Mati told him Luciana’s expecting Rod’s baby. Mati walks in just then and Roselena angrily
pulls her in by her arm. She shouts at
her as she reminds her she explicitly prohibited her from saying anything about
Luciana’s pregnancy! Roselena admits
she’d already told the Padre about the baby but still considers this a
betrayal. How dare she?! She has Mati by the shoulders and is shaking
her when in comes our hero, Pato!
“Unhand my nana!” Roselena tells
him not to butt in but again he yells at her to let her go! He turns his wrath on Frigida saying, “Save
your tongue for Julieta and Gala!”
Frigida attempts to defend herself but Pato’s not finished. “Get your bags and largate de esta casa!”
WOOHOO PATO!!!! Mati can only
stand there, crying silently and Roselena doesn’t know what to make of this.
She tries to reason with her son, “Patricio, por
favor!” “Por favor, nada Mamá! Don’t you realize this woman is spying on
us? She’s just accused Mati of speaking
with Padre Honesto when I’ve heard her (Frigida) speaking a thousand times with
Julieta and Gala.” Frigid agrees but
denies she said anything about the family or anything that happened in the
Torreslanda home. Pato’s not having any
of it and again tells her to beat it!
Roselena reminds him the paid help is her responsibility and he
shouldn’t wear himself out (desgastar)
over this. Mati finally speaks up and
through her tears suggests they leave Roselena and Frigida alone to figure this
out. He agrees and tells Frigida she’s
safe for now because his mother intervened.
But he warns her the next time, he and Rod will run her out of this
Once alone, Frigida has the nerve to complain to complain to
Roselena that she doesn’t deserve Pato’s rude behavior. She suggests Roselena speak to him about
it. Roselena: “Don’t forget your place. I know what I’m doing. Don’t think that I’m unaware that you always
tell Gala and Julie everything.” Frigida
begins to say she’s incapable of……..
Roselena: “Don’t defend
yourself. I know who you are. If you continue to work here it’s only because
it’s useful to me. Be very careful. If Rodrigo and Pato decide you must leave,
not even God will help you.” Frigida can
only say, “sí Señora”, and doesn’t look up until Roselena leaves the room. Frigida:
“They don’t appreciate me. But
they’ll see once I leave to work for Lada Gala.
They’ll cry for me.”
Estelita’s apartment:
the compadres come back from a long day of taco selling and they’re
happy to say they sold them all!
Lorenzo thinks they’re doing so well, they can soon set up their own
Torreslanda McMansion
– Pato’s fortress of solitude
Pato complains to Mati that he doesn’t understand how his
mother puts up with that woman. She
should have left this house a long time ago.
Mati suggests Frigida is a very “special” character. *boy, I’ll say* He should put himself in her place. If Frigida were to leave this house, she’d
find herself alone. Mati’s not even sure
she has any family to speak of. Pato
shoots back that Frigida’s alone because she chooses to be. If she were nicer, she’d be surrounded by
people. Mati tries to tell him it’s not
their place to judge her. Pato doesn’t
feel it’s wrong to defend themselves against someone who willingly harms them. He finally calms down enough to speak about
Luciana’s pregnancy. He realizes Mati’s
known all along and wonders why she didn’t say anything. She confesses she was the one who told Roselena
but was obliged to remain silent on the matter.
He recalls it must have been the day of Hannah’s dinner party and how
his mother seemed so agitated by what Mati told her. He tells her Luciana gave him the news when
he was in Het Het. They both wonder what
they’re going to do. Pato tells her
there are hard times ahead for the Torreslandas.
Everything changed when Luciana came to this house. She awakend in him renewed encouragement (ánimo) for living and Rodrigo fell
hopelessly in love and it changed him forever.
Hannah found a new friend in Luciana.
As for his mother, well, for some strange reason it caused her to
reconnect with her past. A past that
obviously distresses (angustia) her
and that she will never be able to forget.
Mati only knows that things happen for a reason. Pato agrees.
But now with Claudio’s victory, things are going to get worse for the
Torresalanda. Pato knows it’s going to
be very difficult for his parents to give up 50% of their fortune. Hanah has walked in and can’t believe what
she’s just heard. Gasp!
Pato fills her in on the judge’s ruling. Mati leaves, telling them God will see them
through this. Pato tells her to be
patient with his mother but not to allow herself to be abused. She tells him not to worry and leaves brother
and sister alone. Pato tells her not to
worry about having to leave this house.
The Torreslanda fortune is so vast, they won’t even feel it when they
lose the 50%. Connie walks in and they
commiserate over the bad news. Hannah
invites herself when Connie tells them she’s on her way to see Melissa. Pato sends his regards to Melissa and says he
wants to rest and be ready for Rodrigo when he comes by later. There’s a lot of things he wishes to discuss
with his brother. ruh-roh!
Torreslanda Corporativo
Max and his team continue to review the vast Torreslanda
holdings. Gabe (or is it Marco)
suggest they restructure but admits there’s no time. Rod is adamant that he doesn’t want to split
everything with Claudio. Max agrees. Fortunately, several of the businesses are in the name of Rod and his siblings. The house is under Roselena’s. Rod is angry about the large amount that
they’ll have to hand over to Linares.
Max agrees but says they have no choice but to abide by the judge’s
ruling while they’re working on the appeal.
Oscar agrees and says that not complying with the ruling (desacatalo) would cost them a lot of
money, not to mention the 50% and the additional 10% fines. Rod refuses to accept it. Linares already caused him so much pain with
regards to Luciana without also taking half of the business. Oh, he’s taking this very personal.
Het Het
Luciana shares the good news about the judge’s ruling. She’s happy for her father but can’t help but
think about Pato and Hannah – they’re not to blame for their father’s
mistakes. Ariche suggest Rod bring them
on his plane and they can all live together in the big house that Claudio is planning to buy. Luciana wishes it were that easy. Ariche tells her it’s always easy but the
adults make everything difficult.
Somewhere in D.F.
Melissa tells Hannah and Connie over coffee how difficult it
was to side against her family but she always believed in Claudio’s
innocence. Hannah understands Melissa
has always stood by her convictions and knows her brothers will eventually
understand as well. Hannah’s upset there
are so many things happening to her family and she’s always the last to
know. She’s frustrated that everyone
continues to treat her like a child. She
really misses Melissa and wonders why she doesn’t come to the house. Melissa doesn’t want to talk about it but Hannah
presses on. They’re more than cousins,
they’re friends. Connie tells her not to
pressure them. It’s not their place to
tell her some things. She suggests she
ask her mother. Hannah isn’t very happy
to hear this.
It’s very late into the evening. Rod charges into his office and throws his
jacket – “No puede ser!” Gala walks in
right behind him demanding to know why he doesn't answer his cell. He tells her he’s too busy to deal with her
complaints right now. He’s got a lot of
troubles right now and begs her not to bring him more. Oh, so she’s just a problem? Well, she knows perfectly well what’s going
on cuz she heard it on the news. She
knows Linares will be taking half of nuestra fortuna. “Nuestra?” he asks. Yes, nuestra.
When she became Mrs. Dead to Everyone but Me, she became an owner of the
Torreslanda fortune. He wonders if she
came here only to argue. He hasn't eaten,
he has a raging headache and he feels dreadful (pésimo) about what happened today and all she can think about is
herself and what she stands to lose from his
family’s fortune? Doesn’t she think
that’s a bit too selfish? She reminds
him he has an army (ejército) to
handle that. So he shouldn’t expect her
to play the sweet, selfless (abnegada)
wife. Rod: “No, don’t say sweet and selfless. Leave it at wife – because it isn’t even that
to me.” And with that he leaves as Gala
screams after him!
Oscar’s office:
Connie has arrived with some din-din.
He tells her this will be the most delicious dinner because he has a
beautiful, affectionate woman with him.
Contrast noted and affirmed.
Pato's Fortress of Solitude
Rod barges into Pato’s room shouting, “I can’t stand her
anymore!” Pato assumes he’s referring to
Gala. Rod says regrets everything he’s
done with her. Pato hates to say this but he’s paying the
consequences of his actions. If he were
by Luciana’s side, he’d be the happiest man on earth. Rod is angry that he always mentions her
when he sees him. Pato: “I can’t help it. You and Luciana are united for the rest of
your lives. Destiny has united you
Luciana tells Paz about her call to Padre Honesto and how
she heard Roselena’s voice in the background.
Paz isn’t surprised Roselena and the Padre are good friends. With all of her sins, Roselena must always
need to be at church, feeling herself close to God so He’ll forgive her. But she’ll never find forgiveness until she
truly repents for all the harm she’s done.
Luciana doesn’t believe Roselena will ever repent.
Pato’s Fortress of Solitude (DES-TIN-Y, DES-TI-NY! THAT'S FOR ME!)
Rod doesn’t feel it’s a question of destiny. Luciana’s the one who decided they should
separate forever. Pato: “Destiny has united you forever because
Luciana……..(dramatic pause)…..Luciana is pregnant! Luciana is expecting your
child!” There, it’s out!
Labels: refugio
Por ella soy Eva #31 8/29/2012: Thank goodness, it's not Father's Day!
Thank goodness, it's not Father's Day!
We begin with Pluto offering his” friend’s apartment" to Helena at minimal expense to Helena.
In the hallway - Santiago and Adriano meet up- Adriano asks Santiago to not discuss that they were at the same club last night. Adriano will owe a favor to Santiago. Santiago cashes in his chip- and asks for a loan. Adriano obliges.
Fernando and Marsela -Marsela suggests that since they are making more money they could buy another car. Fernando doesn't like the independent Marsela!!! During the discussion a blue dress let's Marsela know that Adriano wants her to come to his office. She went on leaving a perplexed Fernando to stand alone.
Eva meets up with the blue dress who asked Eva if she has heard anything else about Max and the blue dress lets her know that Pluto told them not to investigate anymore. He wanted to know any details that they knew and he would handle it from there. The blue dress told the right one. The last detail they have is Max is working at the Taurus Agency, their competition.
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Amor Bravío #17 (Uni 12) Tue 8/28/12 Andres/Daniel mucks out the bull***t as Dionicio keeps dishing it out.
Rancho Malquerida
Camila is introduced to “Andres”. Alonso tries to make it clear that he’s the
one in charge around here. Daniel thanks
Camila again for the opportunity. Alonso
may have noticed there’s a little “something” passing between them because he
asks Camila “what’s up?”
In the Parlour,
Agustina is pleased as punch that Dionisio has asked her to
be involved in his business venture that involves some type of retirement fund.
Dion puts on the charm, saying he’s sure her high society friends would be sure
to buy in if she offered it to
them. Poor little Agustina is like a
school girl falling hard for his line and agrees to meet him for dinner.
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Abismo de pasión #118 8/28/12: "I think there's probably way more monkeys than anybody imagines."*
*from "Swing State" in the New York Times Magazine, 8/26/12, p. 48.
The crowd in Rational Hall is getting surly. Flying nerfazos cut the night air, home in on the flat-screens and then float noiselessly and bloodlessly to earth.
Yet on the Patio of Lowered Expectations, the mood is mellow -- festive, even. Here and there folks are licking the salt from fingers orange from Tostachos. Paloma's table is set well away from Rational Hall and within easy reach of the bottles on Table Horacio. Almost everyone has switched to cerveza by now.
A rumbling, basso profundo laugh echoes through the Patio and everyone turns to its source -- the Table of the Ones Who Got Away. Rosendo is murmuring something to Estefanía, who smiles appreciatively. Augusto slouches comfortably, eyes twinkling behind new wire-rims, salt-and-pepper hair close-cropped. He takes Estefanía's hand in his. Guido and Kenia are getting acquainted. Blanca notices that no one has set up an Elisa table. She takes a drag on her Marlboro and blows out a perfect smoke ring; then she shrugs and reaches for a handful of Tostachos. La Beltran bums a smoke, sips her Tecate, and discreetly opens the top button of her linen slacks. Her shoes are kicked to one side and her feet are bare on the soft Patio grass. Everyone is wondering who will be the next one to join their table.
The old:
Maybe Flor is into yoga ... or drugs
Peaced-out Flor meant no harm when she invited Dam's best friend Elisa to their wedding.
The Black Widow agrees to a No Venom clause in her deal with Horacio
Alfonsina is horrified at hearing how Gabino ordered Horacio to engineer a riding accident in order to kill Damián.
The new:
Still schmoozing over a cup of coffee at his nightwatchman's house in the cemetery...
Horacio warns Alfonsina not to underestimate Carmina as an enemy. She and Gabino have a more complicated history than she knows and they share many secrets. For example, Carmina owns a blue house out by the cenote -- and she loaned it to Gabino Mendoza.
Carmina responds to Begoña's Bat(SC) call
The doc's ex has discovered that he and Ingrid are lovers. She's not the type of woman to spy on a man but ... well she followed him to Hacienda Mendoza and she saw them together.
You're not wrong, dude.
The Doc who Loved Killer Whores is at that moment begging Ingrid to pack up and move in with him. She makes a great show of reluctance and fear but in the end promises to go with him the next day when Gabino is safely out in the fields abusing the habaneros.
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Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Por ella soy Eva #30 8/28/12
I missed the very beginning. I came in here: by accident Mutt calls his fiance Angelica (he has both girls on his screen saver) instead of Paty baby.
We need a new Wednesday recapper, Jim can't do it any more.
- Pluto is having an al fresco lunch with Helena, who is warmly and trustingly confiding in him. Eva is late -- she's doing her makeup with Mimi and complaining: "I have to get out of this disguise, Pluto is making a play for MY Helena." "You can't! If you show up they'll throw you in jail and he'll have a clear path. And besides, you haven't found one clue to the fraud. And another thing, Helena is not YOURS, she is not a thing, don't be so macho. Eva and I will teach you, Juan Carlos, not to be such a jerk." JC says he never thought, before he knew Mimi, that a man and a woman could actually be friends.
Eva arrives at the intimate lunch Helena is having with Pluto. Pluto has a surprise: he has talked to Max Montes, supposedly Eva's great love, and Max denies having ever known Eva. Eva bursts into tears: "All men are alike! They promise you eternal love and then pretend to forget you!" Good one. Pluto is about to call Max and put Eva on the phone but Eva cries more and says, "no more humilliations, at my age I can't take it."
Back at Mimi's, JC says: I have to find Max Montes! And I've figured out a way to separate Pluto and Helena" He calls Antonia: "It occurred to me you should go back to GI, it's your business. Take care of your weight and go back to work. You have too much talent to stay home." Tony (eating) says she'll go back. "Don't say it was my idea." "I was thinking about it anyway - I just needed a little push. You're my Pepe Grillo." (That's Jimeny Cricket.)
- Adriano's baby love lounges on his desk and whines until he agrees to go to the dance hall with her. He is exhausted (or hungover).
Paty baby has dragged Santi out to a disco. He thinks they don't have the momey for a huge wedding. She doesn't care. "Borrow it! I'll organize the loan," she decress.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the same disco, Adriano feels out of place, the strobe lights make him dizzy. His baby love shows up looking fabulous. He wants him at the VIP area where the pictures are getting taken. She wants the whole world to see them together. She jumps up and down, "Dance with me!" she orders. He is getting into it when Santi sees him. Impactado! When Adriano hears that Paty baby and Santi think he's with his daughter, it embarrasses him, he stops dancing and goes home. She mopes for a nanosecond and then keeps dancing. He, though, mopes all the way home into his palace and guzzles booze. Maybe he'll have a heart attack. He looks to his fish for consolation.
- Evil gramps is meeting with a private investigator or a lawyer who has found some mysterious information to discredit Helena and make it easier for him to get custody of Lalo. "I need time to prepare for battle and what you've given me is perfect."
He sneaks the mysterious papers home and snarls at his wife. Then, that evening as Helena is saying goodnight to Lalo evil gramps lurks in the hallway and insults Helena, who says she'll soon have the money she owes him. Her mom warns her the dad is scheming. Helena: "I thought she saw Juan Carlos. I've been thinking about him a lot."
- Marcela and her husband watch their kids go off with a bunch more kids. This clueless husband asks her: "Does it look to you like there are more women studying these days? Are all those women taking classes in cooking?" "Honey, would you like us to move to Iran?"
- Antonia comes to GI and announces to her dismayed husband: "This isn't a visit, I've decided to come back to work." "Uh but your health? you need to rest more." "No. I can be your right hand in the Playa Majagua project." "That's Helena's job." "We'll see about that..."
Rebe has redone Antonia's huge office in pink and is very chummy with her. She poisons Tony against Helena: "She's a devil!" "Let's put her in her place!"
Naturally Tony overhears the tail end of a gossipy chat between Helena and her friend with the bangs, who has a boyfriend "Mau" and is in a hurry to have the relationship progress because her train is leaving." When Tony hears H. say about JC: "The love I feel for him is impossible," she thinks the impossible love is with TONY'S HUSBAND PLUTO. She comes in and says she's taking over Helena's project and insinuates Helena plagiarized from the famous thesis. Helena: "Are you firing me?" "No, but you'll be working for me. I'll need your help less every day."
- Eva asks Tony why she is acting so crazy. Tony says Helena is after her husband. Eva tries to talk her down. "Leave Helena along, don't be paranoid. Your jealousy will ruin your marrage. Control yourself."
- Pluto tells Onesimo he's furious his wife is back, it will just make things more 'complicated' with Helena. "Find her an apartment right now!" he orders Onesimo, who infers Pluto has already scored. He finds a great, expensive apartment ("What a great love nest it will be!" Pluto tells Helena he's cleared up the problems with Lucia's apartment and also has found a nice place for Helena and Lalo. "I can't accept, your wife is jealous." "It's just a game we play, theatrical jealousy, actually we are madly in love with each other." ??
He takes her to see this big fancy apartment. She says "It's great, but I can't pay the deposit or the rent. I can't accept it." "This is my friend's apartment, he's out of the country and wants a good housesitter who can pay a minimum amount." We leave with her grinning ear to ear at her good luck and him looking pretty pleased with his plans.
Labels: por-ella
Refugio Para el Amor #101 Tue 8/28/12 If Only God Would Give Me Some Clear Sign! Like Making A Large Deposit In My Name In A Swiss Bank* (*Woody Allen)
Well, God is certainly making Linares a
clear sign...The Good Lord(or the Virgincita, take your pick) had the
judge hand over a sentence which not only declares Claudio innocent
but gives him 50% of the Torrelanda holdings, and then an additional
10% of Max's fortune as compensation for the pain and suffering, plus
loss of income, that Claudio suffered for being unjustly incarcerated
for 20 years. Claudio valiantly protests that all he wanted was to
clear his name. But Barrerra reminds him that the judge's sentence
can't be turned over. Score big for the Good folks. But we know
this won't be the end of their suffering—our raging Roselena will
certainly have more evil in store for our innocent lambs. But why go
there? Let's sit back and enjoy the trial and seeing eggs (and the
egos) go splat in the highfalutin' Torreslanda facade.
Luciana trots off to the Funeral Home
to phone Papa Linares and find out how the trial is going. He lets
her know that all the evidence in his favor has been presented and
the judge is going to “revisar” (study) the submitted documents
and then ask the jury to hand over their decision. Luciana also
mentions that she has “datos” (contact information) for the
people who own the big house in Het Het but they'll talk about that
Luciana seems quietly happy. Poor
befuddled Rodrigo is fuming! Surely they can't find Claudio Linares
innocent, he blusters. No, he's guilty!” But Pato, now recovered
enough to no longer need a collar, clearly has doubts-- yet another
indication he's the rational brother in the family.
Back at the Torreslanda offices, Oscar
has doubts as well. Linares' evidence is pretty convincing in his
opinion. Max , looking murderous, give Rodrigo one of the evidential
letters to look over and heads for home, while also making a call to
his favorite Rage Release, the lamentable Vicky. She'd like to see
him but he's “dealing with a serious problem” and isn't
available. And when she gently bleats “Can I help you in some way?”
he scornfully blows her off. Making it clear that her only
usefulness is in the bedroom.
So our Max eventually heads for another
bedroom, the very chilly palatial one he shares with Roselena. She
asks if he wants something to eat, dismisses his worries about the trial
with an “if you pulled it off before, why can't you now?” quip,
and then he has the effrontery to lean in for a kiss. She puts down
her book, turns away, looks at his hand on her shoulder like it's a
tarantula, and effectively puts an end to any connubial
communication. No relief for you tonight Max—no time for a quickie
with Vicky and Roselena off-limits as usual. Couldn't happen to a
nicer guy.
Rod is still prattling on about Linares
being a “farsante” (fraud, fake) while Pato wisely counsels him
not to get ahead of himself and assume that Linares is going down.
Max, just outside, is trying to persuade Oscar to offer the judge a
bribe, a suggestion that Oscar wisely rejects. (He did poll the
jurors to see who's bribable and four of them seemed to be.) The
session begins when suddenly the doors bang open, Roselena charges in
like a Valkyrie, vowing to be a witness for her husband. The judge,
once he gets over his surprise, coldly informs her that she's not a
listed witness and she needs to sit down (and be quiet!). Which,
after some more blather about the Torreslandas being a very United
Family and shrieking at Claudio that “he's not going to get away
with this!”, she finally does. Definitely ramping up the crazy is
our Roselena.
The Judge then pronounces that after
consultation with handwriting experts and reviewing the video
evidence, it's clear that Linares' signature was forged. Oscar jumps
up and yelps that there's still no proof that the forger wasn't
Linares' accomplice. Claudio stands and quietly addresses the jury.
“Why would I reopen the case if I were not innocent? I have
nothing to gain financially. I've already paid for this supposed
crime with 20 years imprisonment. All I want to do here is regain my
integrity, my reputation.
Rod, still as crazy as his mom (who
actually knows Max framed Claudio) still mutters that Linares is a
vile opportunist. Pato wisely observes that what Claudio is saying
seems to be perfectly rational.
Barrera jumps up at this point and
concedes that while Gaitan (Oscar) proved that Pedro Campos (the
forger) worked at Torreslanda, there's nothing to prove that Claudio
knew him. Oscar then requests a 24 hour recess to find that “proof”
which is promptly denied. However the judge notes that while it's
clear Linares didn't sign the bank transfer, the court really needs
to see the man in the video. Unfortunately Claudio and his team have
been unable to find him. So the jury starts to leave to mull over
their verdict. But wait!....
Yes, another dramatic entrance. This
time the former judge in the case 20 years ago charges in, waving a
document and saying “I have evidence that will change everything.”
Sure enough, he's got a notarized signed confession to the forgery
by Pedro Campos. That does it. The Judge advises the jury that the
court owes it to Linares to accept this confession and sends them off
to reach a decision. The Linares side of the courtroom is all
smiles. On the Torreslanda side, Oscar looks worried, Pato
thoughtful, and the rest of the crew enraged.
Oscar mutters that no matter what, they
can appeal. Max says forget it. Roselena's still fuming. Pato
reminds her that Claudio has proved his innocence. She takes umbrage
at that rational, fair reaction and accuses him of disloyalty.
The jury returns. The Judge orders
silence. After a portentous and lengthy pause, the jury foreman
announces that they declare Claudio Linares Not Guilty. The Judge
laments that there is no way to repair the damage and amend the loss and injustice of the past. Claudio graciously acknowledges that this public
recognition of his innocence is enough. (mutterings and
inappropriate yelps and strident disagreement from the Torreslanda
side.) The Judge thinks otherwise. He orders Max to cede 50% of all
the firm's assets to Linares. And an addition 10% of his total
fortune to pay for the damage and loss of income to Linares during
his 20 years imprisonment. And all this is to be carried out within
72 hours.
Claudio is a bit perplexed since all he
wanted was restoration of his reputation, but Barrera calmly reminds
him that the Judge's decision is irrefutable. So while we're all
cheering, the Torrelanda crew (other than Pato) is basically jumping
up and down and having a Family Adult Tantrum.
Oscar, Roselena and Max charge through
the reporters to their limousine, muttering “sin commentario” (no
comment) and rush away. Rod and Pato leave quietly through the back
door. Claudio and his team walk out to a gaggle of reporters and
Linares happily announces that finally justice is done and they can
write the story with the biggest headline possible (ocho columnas) if
they like.
Hooray for our side! We know there'll
be more storms to come, but for now we can bask, along with Claudio,
in seeing justice done and the bad guys humiliated.
MAGDA makes a visit to Don Aquiles to
give him what-for for bothering Luciana. He huffily maintains that
he's just trying to help her out after she was seduced and dumped by
some city boy. Magda corrects him....that baby was conceived in
love. He tells her to butt out and mind her own daughter if she can.
She assures him that while he believes he's respected in the village,
he's not!Only feared. Call it a draw. These two old adversaries
know how to get to each other. But somehow I like the idea of one
day Madga and Don Aquiles getting back together after he realizes Violeta
is his daughter.
GALA continues in her curious crusade
to win back Rod's love by behaving in the bitchiest, most toxic
manner possible. Her latest outrage—ordering (and I do mean
ORDERING) the architect who previously worked on the apartment to
throw out all Rod's exercise equipment and transform the room into a
posh baby haven with all the most expensive imported furniture and
décor possible—including imported paint ! The architect is
dubious and comes in for a tongue-lashing. Julie ,on the other hand,
is ready to ask him to stay for a glass of bubbly (and who knows what
else?). An offer he wisely declines. Gala then laments that for
some strange reason, Rod is not treating her with the coddling,
affection and sexual passion she so richly deserves as his wife.
Practical Julies says Screw that. You've got your hands on the
money. Forget about love! Nonetheless, as Gala continues to sulk,
Mom advises her to pretty herself up for her husband's return from
court, and wipe that surly look off the face. Julie with champagne and
Gala with a cuppa, they plot their next inroad into the Torreslanda
VIOLETA, Ofelia and Serena are
lamenting their dreary job prospects and wondering how to get out of
the morass of working in the Inferno. If only they could come up
with their own business like the boys are doing with their Basket
Tacos. This career confab is interrupted by Creepy Marcial who is
now stalking with a big box of chocolates, and more whining about his
abysmal relationship with the mother of his children. He ups the ante by saying that when his investigation of the Inferno ends, he may be transferred far away. Violeta
tearfully acknowledges that she really does lurrve him (Why, Vi,
why!?) and they exchange a gag-inducing kiss. Get this guy outta
here and bring on the nice bartender, please!
PADRE HONESTO stops by the mansion to
see how his demented parishioner Roselena is doing and also to get
Luciana's phone number in San Francisco el Alto. When whining,
whinging Matilde laments that Luci is also pregnant with Rod's baby
and had he known, he would never have married Gala, the good Padre
asks her point blank why she didn't tell Rodrigo. “Because mi niña
forbade it,” she sniffles. A super gong for our sniveling Matilde,
please! Padre Honesto is a little kinder though. He simply looks
baffled. Of course Brigida is listening behind doors but this bit of
info is something Gala already has.
ARICHE and LUCIANA are at the community
showroom, hearing about the wonderful response to Luciana's pottery
and the expectation of many orders coming in from abroad. When the
gal in charge offers to make up some business cards for Luciana
(tarjetas de presentación) Luci says she'll have to give the phone
number as that of the funeral home. They have a chuckle about the
possible reaction of the prospective buyers and Ariche adds that
maybe they should put in something about the ghost that haunts the
Soo....Luciana and especially Claudio's
fortunes are on the rise. She's still grieving the loss of Rodrigo;
he still misses his adored Aurora, but career-wise, both their
prospects are looking good indeed.
The barrio girls are still stuck in
relative poverty and no-win jobs but they're looking for a way out.
The Torreslandas, with the exception of
Pato and Jana, are beginning their downhill slide. Max has lost a
good chunk of his income (and reputation); Roselena's becoming
increasingly unhinged and Rod's about to get another slap in the face
when he finds out his gym is being dismantled. Stay tuned for more
1. encomiendo = package, parcel
2. los peritos = experts
3. farsante = fraud, faker
4. tarjeta de presentación = business card
5. revisar = study
Relevant Dichos:
Tarde o temprano la verdad sale a
la luz. = The truth will out. (The truth of Claudio's innocence
has now come to light; and hopefully the truth of Luciana's
pregnancy will be revealed soon as well.)
Las mentiras tienen las patas
cortas. = same....The truth will out.
El sol brilla para todos = We are
all equal in the eyes of the Lord. (a proverb that runs contrary to
Gala and Roselena's notion that all folks who are not of their
“class” are subaltern and unworthy of respect)
Looks like Pata is going to tell
Rodrigo about Luciana's baby (“You're going to be united forever!)
Labels: refugio
Por ella soy Eva #29 8/27/12: Discussion Page
I don't know what happened to Monday's Recap for Ella, so I am putting up a discussion page for y'all to comment. If a recap comes up later, I will remove the discussion page. Labels: por-ella
Abismo de pasión #117 8/27/12: Discussion page: Flor is up to something!
Paloma loses her nerve and runs away without telling Gael and Elisa about her pregnancy. Only her daddy figures know and both papa padre and papa doctor have been sworn not to tell.
Dig it! Alfie has stashed Horacio in the cemetery where he tends to the graves. He resists her pressure to solve her Gabino problem with murder. He is a changed man and he is there for two reasons: he wants to see justice done; and he has to protect his Dolores. He gives Alfie just a taste of the secrets he knows when he admits that under Gabino's orders, he tried to kill Dam in a riding accident when he first came back to LE with Flor.
Alfie visits Paolo -- satisfyingly bruised and beaten -- in the Mérida reclusorio. She knows he's Gabino's accomplice in the ProCe fraud. If she finds he's involved in Gweedo's murder -- and she KNOWS it was murder -- Paolo is a dead man.
Lucio is too depressed to continue his courtship of Maru. She gets the message.
Elisa is oblivious, radiant and weepy. You know the drill. She thinks Paloma is going to be her friend again and she'll be able to persuade Lupe to perform her wedding.
Gael looks like a thundercloud. At least he's still shaving and washing his hair.
Flor continues to give both Alfie and Dam the ice treatment. She talks about carrying out her promise to her father.
She visits Elisa to deliver her wedding invitation, is surprised to hear Elisa and Gael are to be married the same day. She displays amazing reflexes when she bats away Elisa's hand extended to touch her fake belly.
Dam visits Elisa at the ProCe. He moons over her (not THAT way) and says though it hurt him to hear her say she loved Gael, he's glad she has a chance at happiness in her marriage.
Gabino and the plaid guys play shirts and skins. He's the only skin and naturally he plays dirty. Then he and Carmina go at each other's throats though their thoughts wander further south. He can't leave Ingrid right now -- she has a nervous condition. Why Doc Tovar sees her weekly for her treatment...
Begoña follows Doc in a taxi right up to Hacienda Mendoza. She gets an eyeful of Edmundo "treating" Ingrid in the garden -- right where la Beltrán met her maker.
Enrique talks up his father to the receptionist at ProCe Castañon (the lovely lady in pink from CME). Does he suggest testing first?
Sabrina is staying with an aunt in Guadalajara. She isn't ready to come back to La Ermita.
Avances: Black Widow AlfaBitch confronts Orange Widow OmegaBitch about the Blue House.
Please chime in with additions and corrections. I'll go back in bit and catch my typos. Labels: abismo
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