Tuesday, March 29, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #43, 3/28/16: The key. Remember the key?

Felipe asks Garrido where he can get a lot of wine for cheap. Garrido recommends a guy named Jorge Arenas. Felipe needs an introduction. He swears it will be worth Garrido's trouble. They take off to meet with Arenas.

Teresa asks Diego to prepare a discreet burial for Baby #1. He picks up the phone, then pauses. We don't need a funeral.

Isabel stands in the hallway in yet another white dress. She sees wet Julio hustling out of Cecilia's room as Cecelia's voice calls from the other side of the door, "don't be a coward." Isabel makes as if to knock, but Mateo materializes behind her to say that Mrs. Limantur is waiting in the garden to meet her for breakfast. Also, a maid named Emelia needs help reading a letter. Isabel agrees to read them the letter on the way to the garden. (Standard letter-from-Mom stuff. Mom can write, but she doesn't know that Emelia can't read?)

Sofia looks bad. She knows what she did. She can't even look at the dead baby on the bed and she slides the bedroom door shut behind her without turning around. She leans (actually, sort of rubs up in a creepy way) against the door to the hallway and pleads, "come back, come back." Wow, that'll be a fine sight for Alfredo to come home to.
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Friday, March 25, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #42, 3/24/16: Discussion Space - Baby #2, Front and Center, Please

Princess Juju had emergency toe surgery (it's a thing!) and now she's in pain and on drugs that made her fall asleep before she saw the episode- they also made her over sleep :/. Please feel free to discuss the episode. If you don't I'll come back and give you graphic details of what my toe looks like!


Weekend Discussion: Crimes of Fashion, 4th Edition 3/25/16

There is so much Stürm und Drang among the denizens of the DF upper crust that it seemed appropriate to understand why these emotional conflicts exist. A few of the women in the midst of this conflict might have made their lives better – in their own minds – with better fashion choices. It was only the sudden death of Monserrat Moret that made Nina Perez de Montenegro the main focus of this latest edition. She is no Ann Grenville in money matters and even now still has much to learn of fashion in the world she hopes to stay in.

Thanks to Soledad Romero-Vargas, our fashion critic here at Vanidades, we bring you these fashion felonies. Enjoy.

  • D.D.  

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Thursday, March 24, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #41, 3/23/16: Detective Dagoberto Suarez, At Your Service!

Isabel is arguing with Jacinto about how upset Diego is going to be with him for letting her enter through the servants’ entrance, when they run into Angela, who’s trying to see where the assailant who attacked her and Andres went. She tells Isabel and Jacinto that someone just tried to kill Andres! She rushes back to Andres with Isa and Jacinto following. They see the blood on the back of Angela’s head where she was bonked, and then they find the filled syringe and the jug used to hit Angela. Isa makes sure no one touches either item, and wraps them up to preserve fingerprints. Andres wakes up and is utterly perplexed to hear that someone tried to kill him.

Isabel goes to Diego’s dark office to call Ayala to tell him about the murder attempt. She’s unpleasantly surprised when the light goes on, and she sees her husband rising like a vampire from the couch. She continues with her call, and takes about five beats too long to remember to mention her married name to Detective Ayala. Diego notices. Ayala, whose hands are tied by Teresa’s judge friend, has to tell Isa that he can’t go out to the hotel, despite the gravity of the situation. He promises to be there first thing in the morning, and asks her to make sure the evidence is kept safe, and Andres not be left alone. He’s sure the attacker won’t try again tonight. But lock the door! Diego scoffs, and wonders who would want to kill a mere waiter. Isa ignores him.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #40, 3/22/16: If At First He Didn't Succeed, He'll Try, Try Again

Julio races to town to tell Det. Ayala that Andres is awake and has told him –along with Angela and Dr. Vicario—that it wasn’t an accident; he was attacked by the Gold Knife Killer and the horse got frightened and the rest is history.  Anyway, Ayala returns to the hotel to question Andres.

Diego has his goon and Jacinto spying on Isabel’s every move.

Dr. Vicario visits Teresa to give her the news that Andres has regained consciousness.  She head downstairs to ahem…“pay her respects”.

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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #39, 3/21/16: Another Evening Pass

So Isabel is having dinner with Diego, insofar as she can bring herself to break bread with him, and Diego reminds her that she had something to tell him. "So let's talk now," he says. "I'm all ears!"

Andres is waking up in his bed. "You had an accident on your wedding night," Julio tells him.

Alfredo walks in on Belen nursing "his" son. "You're the wet-nurse? No way! Gimme!" Alfredo says, trying to wrestle the baby away from Belen.
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Saturday, March 19, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #38, 3/18/16: One bad night and one good night coming up

Sorry for the length, I just couldn't shorten it and not take anything out that wasn't pertinent to the story.

We open with the boys from the hotel who helped with the mining explosion returning home, all dirty and tired. They are met by Benjamin who informs them that they have to make up their time absent from their jobs. What as ass.

Diego awakes to the cold reality of his new marriage, alone in the marital bed, while Isabel is checking on the baby and Sofia.  Sofia just wants to be left alone, Isabel just wants to help her. Perhaps her milk ducts are clogged, she gives her advice for that. Teresa comes in and sees the fussing baby, she said she’s going for Belen, the nodriza, wet nurse, which is a surprise to Isabel.

Julio is bringing coffee to the newest guest sitting in the lawn. Cecilia turns to see him and Julio has the shock of his life.
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Friday, March 18, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #37, 3/17/16: Matilde is a "G"

Sorry for the late and short recap, I spent all morning trying to score Radiohead tickets!

Here is your recap:

  • Diego is not happy that his wife is spending so much time at the hospital, Isabel reminds him that the work she is doing is not a hobby or something that was meant to keep her entertained while she waited for them to get married, Ayala over hears the conversation and is told by Diego that he simply wants his wife to go home and rest.
  • The good doctor lays into Isa as well and tells her to go home and assume her responsibilities as an adult- for every hour she spends at her her husband will allow her to spend 3 in the hospital- Isa objects and tells him he is asking her to sell herself, the doctor disagrees and tells her that she can't act like a child, always demanding more, more and more but never giving anything up.
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Thursday, March 17, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #36, 3/16/16: Life Lessons

Diego has a serious case of wedding night sexual frustration, but holds it together long enough to approve Isabel heading off with Doc Vic and Matilde to attend to the wounded men in the exploded mine. As soon as he’s back in the honeymoon suite, however, he starts swigging wine straight from the bottle, and tosses flower-filled vases across the room. He cuts himself on a vase shard, and goes looking for first aid in the bathroom medicine cabinet. Instead, he finds Isabel’s bottle of fake virgin’s blood, and seems to know exactly what it’s for. Uh oh!

In another wing, another baby is having a fit, but this one’s actually a real baby. Belen’s Baby #1, or Alfredo Jr., is crying inconsolably, and Elisa’s nerves are frayed listening to him. She complains to Victoria. “It’s not normal for a baby to cry with that kind of desperation. When have you ever seen a woman take a siesta right after giving birth? What mother prefers to rest instead of taking their child in their arms… That baby is trying to tell us something. We just need to listen… I may lack many things, but I’m overflowing with maternal instinct.” She vows to find out what’s really going on, so she sends Victoria to Sofia’s room to snoop. Teresa catches her listening outside Sofia’s door and sends a message back to Elisa that one grandmother is more than enough, and they don’t need her to turn Jr. into another weak, mama’s boy Fredito. She goes inside, and yells at drugged and unconscious Sofia to wake up and attend to her son!
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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #35, 3/15/16 Tuesday: A Night For Fireworks Yes, But For Diego, No

 First part of who knows how many.....

As we JIP this episodio:

·        Trouble has joined his big bro’, Double, and Julio does the unexpected honors.  Julio has heeded Belen’s warning that Dona Teresa already tried killing her once tonight by locking her in to have her bleed to death; thus, he moved her into his and Andres’s room for safekeeping.  Belen has told mini-T that Andres is really the son of old, dead Romulo Alarcon and therefore they’ll be protected from harm.  No one will touch them once he’s awake and they’re married……(Well, as Viewerville knows, it won’t be for lack of somebody’s constantly tryin’!)  That’s assuming Andres does marry her in the end, ¡por supuesto!

·        The local boys who work the mines head down to do another day’s work for another day’s pay--unos cuentos centavos-- as Los Ricos enjoy Isabel Alarcon’s wedding reception and one of the major events of the year.

·        Julio is forced to endure Isa’s pointed snubs and that degenerate dog, Diego’s, slobbering over her during the reception.  (After his cruel torturing of the beleaguered, birthing Belen, I am certain he fathered not a few bastard Natzi SS officers somewhere along the line.)  Don Benjamin sees to it that Julio ministers to the recién casados whatever their need. Right now, it is serving Isabel and Diego the cake cutter.  (OMG!!!) 

·        Mr. Silver-tongued Snake implores his new bride to let them/him begin from scratch with their new lives.  They’ll forget the past mistakes.  All before this has been a rehearsal, alright?  She smiles innocently back at him.  And Julio observes as the band plays on….. Isa glances up towards the balcony and notices Julio fighting back his tears.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #34, 3/14/16 Monday: Two mothers, two babies, no waiting!

Rerun: The ribbon-cutting ceremony at the hospital. Diego gives a speech: blah blah blah, reinvesting in the community that does so much for the Alarcons and the hotel, yadda yadda, he cuts the ribbon, and there's an engagement ring on the ribbon. Isabel, will you marry me?

There's a long pause as Isabel's gaze meets Julio's. For the record, I never hear her say yes, but apparently she says it. Julio finishes his letter to his mother: "I'm happy, Mom."


It's the night before the wedding. Mati is trying to get Isabel to cancel. (Mati, do you call this a bachelorette party?) Isabel says she'd rather work in the hospital than continue chasing a lofty dream. And having Diego as a companion is better than nothing.

And now we're at the wedding. Dr. Vicario walks Isabel up the aisle. (The church looks to be half-empty. Where is everyone?) We're spared the long ceremony; people are already throwing rice. Elisa is there. Felipe is there in his robes, making me wonder how much Teresa has been paying to keep him at the monastery.

At the reception, Teresa is beaming, wearing an amazing silver gown. Sofia frets: she's afraid people are looking at her, and will know her secret. And Alfredo's coming home soon, she says. The doctor tells her to act happy. She'll be a mother soon. Teresa offers her some soothing wine with the doctor's blessing.

Elisa is still planning to take Alfredo home when he gets out of jail. (She notices that Victoria is wearing red lipstick.)

Felipe tells Mrs. Limantur he's trying to be like St. Augustine. He's not sure if he's ready to come back to the "world" yet. She teases him, saying he should test himself with a little temptation: drink, dancing... Felipe hopefully asks one of the brothers his opinion. The brother says NO.

It's time for the champagne toast. Benjamin tells Julio that he should act in Andres' place to serve the champagne to the novios. Julio complies with great reluctance.
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Saturday, March 12, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #33, 3/11/16 Friday: Couplings, Uncouplings And Coma

At a glance

-- Isabel and Julio break up and become estranged.
-- Sofía's growing dependence on opiates is becoming problematic and is being fed (intentionally or unintentionally) by Mother Terror Teresa. Sofía's husband rots in jail to protect her lying manic-depressive behind.
-- Andrés is saved from marrying Belén (and from getting killed by the Werewolf Gold Knife Slasher) thanks to a freak accident involving a horse and a strategically positioned wagon wheel. He is now in a coma, blissfully unaware for an entire summer.
-- Time jump!
-- Diego helps Isabel set up a rural hospital and, on the day of its inauguration, he pops the question.

A closer look

Buckle up for this is a bumpy one. Here we go. 

Following Alfredo’s arrest, Sofía is having a nervous breakdown. She sits in her bed, crying and shaking uncontrollably. Her barely coherent mumbles of “I can’t! I can’t!” are punctuated by low-pitched wails. Dr. Lázaro Vicario tries to calm her down, to no avail. He asks Isabel to prepare him a dose of morphine but she protests that he can’t inject morphine to a pregnant woman. The Doc snaps at her: “This is an order! I am not asking advice from a student! And tell me once and for all whether you want to carry on learning by following the orders of your superiors!”. Isabel obliges. The Doc asks Matilde to pitch in and help. While all three look after Sofía, Teresa steals a bottle of laudanum from Lázaro’s medical bag and tucks it into the waistband of her skirt. Teresa maintained the most phlegmatic composure throughout this scene but her face betrayed the angst and impotence a mother feels when she can’t alleviate her child’s distress.

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Friday, March 11, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #32, 3/10/16 Thursday: Sofia has a bad day

Hello patio peeps, my apologies for not being able to recap last week, I had the worst cold I've ever had, I thought my ear drums would burst. Below you'll find a short recap of last night's episode!

Jacinto y Violeta:

So Jacinto is talking to Violeta when they are rudely interrupted by Violeta's mom, who tries dragging her away, Violeta's pimp comes on the scene and sends the women away. Mr. Pimp asks what Jacinto wants with Vio and Jacinto replies that he has good intentions towards her, then he gets a word of advice from Mr. Pimp: "whores live like whores and die whores"- he cautions Jacinto against coming back to the brothel without paying, if he visits he is to pay, if he drinks he is to pay, so I guess Jacinto will need a part time job to be able to pay for the visits to his lady love.

Isa y Julio

 So these two should not be together because Julio compares her family to a rabid pack of wild dogs and Isa is doing her best to protect her puppies, family. She tells him Sofia is innocent and that she's a sick woman, in the end Julio says that he will do whatever it takes it bring his sisters murderer to justice. They each have to do what they have to do. Julio goes to Ayala and tells him he will bring him something of Sofia's that can be used to get her finger prints. Ayala tells him that doing so could be costly to Julio- he could lose Isa, but Julio pays him no mind- he will get justicia for his sister. And so Julio breaks into Sofia's room and steals a book that Ayala later gets prints from, it seems like lady Sofia is the number one suspect because her finger prints match those at the scene of the crime-dun,dun,dun!
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Wednesday, March 09, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #31, 3/9/16 Wednesday: All for the Proof of the Truth

·       Julio has snuck into his beloved’s bedroom but honestly we don’t know why—to talk about why he felt the need to abandon their eloping.  He hasn’t abandoned her, he says.  He’s close by and so is justice for his sister with him there as well.  Isabel says talk to the hand.  She, Viewerville senses, is having second thoughts about her Dear Diego letter. El Do or Die Gold-digger de Diego left that letter as if it were unread—what a heartbreak it must have been!  (If only he had a heart there instead of that rotted piece of cherry-pit.)   He takes care of her and she was careless and care free when it came to him.  (Someone may have a better grasp of the nuance here.) —and I do not??”  No, in a few words.   He only wants justice for his sister.  Hah!  He doesn’t know the meaning of the word! sayz she.   To Isa the meaning of the word justice has been expanded just a bit.   [Think ‘Social’.] Justice is not being so selfish as to think that his wounds are the deepest , nor his battles the most important to fight.  He tries to ask her forgiveness.  His mercurial maid won’t accept it.  “—Leave!  You leave, or…, or I will!!” Well, she’s right.  Julio is the most obdurate man she’s ever met.  He stays.  She exits stage right.
·        Jacinto, meanwhile, is trying to eat a bit of breakfast while Lupe chats and asks if he’s done anything with the news about his mama’s whereabouts in Little Rock—as in Arkansas, not Arizona.  Jacinto remains silent and moody.  He suddenly ups to upchuck outside.  (Personally that baby act he pulled with Violeta made me wanna upchuck.   What a WTF momento.) 
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Tuesday, March 08, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #30, 3/7/16 Monday: Hissy Fits

Diego reads Isabel's "Dear John" letter and has a hissy fit. He seems genuinely heartbroken, like a little boy who's been forever barred from playing with Hot Wheels.

Ayala presents Teresa with his evidence: the Mallet of Reckoning. She doesn't even recognize it, much less accept it as a murder weapon. She's unimpressed by Ayala's assertion that it's the only object that could have inflicted the wound found on Cristina's skull. Ayala says it could only have been wielded by someone who comes and goes from the hotel at his or her whim. Gravel from the courtyard was also found in the ironing room. (Teresa's face momentarily turns grave when Ayala's back is turned.) He asks, no, begs her to allow him - without forcing him to obligate her - to question the employees. "Very well, as long as it's only the employees," she replies. What a heart of gold. He asks her to send them one by one and reminds her that the interrogations are private.

Elisa asks Victoria to send a telegram to Don Javier first thing tomorrow, advising him of her impending arrival with her son. She hopes to be welcomed with open arms. Victoria asks if she'd also like to send a telegram regarding that favor Teresa was hoping for. "I won't lift a finger for my dear in-law," Elisa snickers. "I'll let the Alarcons smoulder in their own flames. Now prepare my bath!"

Jacinto tells Lupe that he doesn't want to fight. There are things he just doesn't want to tell his father. "Little Rock," Lupe says to Jacinto in English. It's a place in Arizona, Lupe says. (Er, does he mean Arkansas?) That's where Lupe tracked Jacinto's mother to. He invites Jacinto to write to her if he likes.

Benjamin interrupts: The police are questioning people, and they're starting with the chauffeur.
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Saturday, March 05, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #29, 3/4/16 Friday: Proof of Murder

What a way to start an episode! We are, I mean they are, exhausted from having some ‘I’m so sad, here, let’s have sex to make you feel better” sex. They declare that they now belong to each other. Who doesn’t do that the first time you do it with a person, right?

While they pledge themselves to each other and probably doing it again, we see Sofia looking at her now flat belly, Filipe kissing a comatose Mercedes, and a fully clothed Eugenia lowering herself into a tub.

Julio wants Isabel to run off with him. But Isabel wants to stay and change bad mojo in the hotel. But Julio throws cold reality on her face. He’s a waiter and she’s the owner’s daughter. That will never work if they stay there. He finally convinces her and tells her that he’s going to buy 2 train tickets and will meet her there at 6:30pm.
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Friday, March 04, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #28, 3/3/16 Thursday: Discussion page

JuJu is out sick as a dog. This is a compilation from CathyX and J’s summaries with a little tweaking by Anita

Teresa dragged Cristina to the linen room and Sofia found them there. Teresa told Sofia she had to help her with her made up story. A nervous Sofia agreed. Sofia wiping up the blood on the floor with her dress was so sad. That poor woman. Ayala did see it when he was near Cristina’s body.  Sofia is losing her marbles fast.

Julio comes back to the hotel with Ayala and Dogoberto, Isabel tells them that Cristina is dead and Ayala goes to see the body.
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Thursday, March 03, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #27, 3/2/16 Wednesday: Let’s Leave This Damned Hotel!

Isabel objects to her mother ordering Sofia to strip down in front of her suegra and butt-kissing assistant, while poor Sofia stands trembling like a scared three year old. Teresa doesn’t give a damn about Isabel’s objections or Sofia’s dignity. She just wants to blow Elisa’s schemes and intrigues out of the water by proving there’s a (psychosomatic) baby bump. When Sofia doesn’t strip fast enough, Teresa does it for her. Elisa it too horrified by the vulgar act of stripping one’s daughter, to even care that her theory about a fake baby was wrong (but she’s actually right). She and Victoria hustle out of there as fast as possible. Isabel helps Sofia dress, then comforts her crying sister. Teresa’s loving departing words—“Stop crying, Sofia! You well know this was a victory.”
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Wednesday, March 02, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #26, 3/1/16 Tuesday: A Grand Send-Off For Andres; Felipe’s Frightening Familiars, And Sofia’s Compulsory Surprise

As per usual, nobody in Telenovela Land wants to believe their lyin’ eyes ‘n ears.  Andres has gotten the really real skinny on Belen from Violeta, and yet when he finally confronts Belen and she denies possession of that bag of Ruda, and then blames his mama for filling the entire hotel scene with her special kind of vicious, manipulative-mama-venom, Andres is finally undone by Belen’s appeal to her baby’s  blamelessness.  She’s got the guy twisted around every one of her little fingers not to mention her toes.  Mama overhears and begs her bubba not to scrape and bow before Belen, and he tells her to blow it out the hotel’s numerous ditty bags.  Viewerville must now sough and scowl and wait a while longer for this wicked wench to be outwitted.

Meanwhile, it’s late at night and Isabel’s besotted brother is of a mind to turn somebody in to Ayala for their sinful ways.  He admits to Isa he doesn’t believe that Mercedes’ fall was an accident. (Dun-dunnn!)
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Tuesday, March 01, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #25, 2/29/16 Monday: Women On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown!

This little gem was brought to you by our friend and Patio regular, Pablo Villalobos! Many thanks indeed! :)

Duelus interruptus 
The duel between General Ballesteros and Felipe Alarcón has lasted for the whole weekend. They started counting on Friday and they are still counting and walking back to back. Suddenly, the duel is interrupted by a loud scream that was probably heard all the way to Puebla. At this rate, they are never going to kill each other! General's seventh sense, told him that the scream was Mercedes and throwing his pistol, ran like a fox on hunting season. 

One less secret
Meanwhile, not far from there, by the irony gates from Hell, I mean, the hotel, Isabel Alarcón is witness to the last thing she wanted to believe. Her mother was actually a snake. Doña Teresa had stopped Cristina Olmedo right on her tracks, and was asking her to give the famous letter back. Suddenly, something clicked inside her head and everything made sense. It felt like a puzzle being put together. When Cristina heard the scream, she asked, what, another dead maid?

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