Thursday, May 04, 2006

Barrera de Amor, May 3

After Victor gives Maite two pictures of Valeria, and after her tears, Victor tells Maite that he is going to pay her more. He tells her the dinner guests liked her desert and he wants her to help in the kitchen also. She tells him she will help him and nothing has to change. He says she needs more money and he wants her to earn more. She cries and thanks him.

The boys are excited that Pirata has been saved. Antonio gives the boys credit and says they make a good team.

Adolfo, Federico and the lawyer take a walk talking about what the lawyer has found out about Maite. The lawyer tells them that he talked with the bus driver of the bus that took Maite out of town, the driver remembered her, and reports that Maite is in Mexico City. The men say they suspected that she was there. Federico says it will be easy to learn more about Maite in Mexico but the lawyer says No the city is very big, it will take time. Adolfo gives the lawyer some money and leaves. Federico takes this opportunity to slide up to the lawyer and to claim that they should be business partners and that the lawyer needs to share with Federico the money he was just given .

Antonio, Nuria and the boys are congratulated by the blind owner of Goliath for saving the dog. She tells them that the dog is not just for her but for her sight, her company, like family to her. The lady gives thanks to all, especially the boys because she was aware that their dog too was hurt. The lady tells Daniel that he has a special touch with the animals and he announces that he will be a Vet like his dad. The other boy says he is going to be a BULL FIGHTER! Now we know who is in the opening scenes!

Maite shows Victor around his old apartment - her new one. He says he like the femine touches she has made to the place. They share a piece of desert talking about how handsome they are, complimenting each other nicely. Maite asks why Victor doesnt have a girlfriend. He says he likes to be alone.

Back at the brothel Magdalena is sick. She has a bad cough and is tired. Jacaranda says she will watch the baby for Magdalena so Maggie can get to bed. The other women question Jacaranda if her intentions are for real. Jacaranda claims she can do it.

Victor and Maite go grocery shopping in a market. They talk about Remedios and Maites past, and how she was ill while living at the Hacienda. Maite says she got better one day after of leaving the Hacienda. Victor thinks it was strange.....

Jacaranda is questioned by one of the whores if really she is going to watch the baby. She says yes. Then once the door is closed and Jacaranda is alone with the baby she says the baby isnt going to eat nor is the baby going to keep her awake as she stuffs plugs in her ears. I really hate this side story.

Maite is in the kitchen preparing food talking with another lady who tells Maite that she has never seen Victor pay attention to a woman like he does Maite. She tells Maite that she isnt telling her this to make Maite think bad of Victor but the opposite. The lady thinks this is great that Victor is so attentive to Maite. She tells Maite that they would have beautiful children together. Maite agrees that Victor is handsome, a good friend but that Antonio is the love of her life and always will be. Victor is in the doorway behind them listening to the whole conversation. At the end he look pensive as he walks away. Maybe he is sad that Maite still dreams of the frog?

Manola comes to vist Antonio again. (The same trip as before.) He says that he thought she would have left town by now. She says how could you believe that I would leave without telling you good bye? As she slips her arms around his bullfrog neck. He tells her that he knows what she is doing, the game she is playing. He reminds her they are both married and he wont disrespect his wife. Manola says that she didnt believe that Antonio loves Nuria much. I think you still love Maite. He tells her he wont talk about Maite. Manola then starts whining claiming a pity party of how difficult this period of her life is. Gustavo is so much older than she and there is nothing between them..... She hasnt forgotten the betrayal of Adolfo standing her up at the alter for Maite. She was an idiot to believe that perhaps between her and Antonio there could be something..... She made a mistake.... Antonio says he is sad that she doesnt have a good relationship with Gustavo but to look for another man? Its a cowards way dont you agree? Somehow Manola gathers her wits and says she needs to dedicate herself to her son. She ends the encounter by saying its too bad she didnt meet him before she met Adolfo.

Victor sits Maite down in the restaurant and tells her that he overheard her talking in the kitchen. He asks her does she not have interest in a love relationship? He asks her is she sure she is not guarding something that hurt her, a little bit compulsively, that prevents her from moving on.... All under the umbrella of friendship. Maite exclaims why are you asking? And then looks like she is thinking about his words.

Victor has bought a new van for the restaurant. He tells Maite that she has worked hard and helped grow the restaurant. She should have gone to school to be a chef, she has a real cooking talent and she has helped a lot. Basically he recaps all the success they have had in 7 years. She tells him she is in a hurry to go to Agua Calientes.

Two men are talking under the hood of Jacintas car. They admit the car is over ten years old. They mention it is Valerias birthday tomorrow.

Maite tells Victor that it isnt that she doesnt want him to go with her to Santa Maria it is she doesnt want people talking about her. The people there wont say Oh look at Maites gentleman but that they will say Look at Maites lover! That is how the people of Santa Maria are and she doesnt want that as she goes for her daughter. Victor tells her that he wants to propose that she become his business partner. He tells her that they have made the restaurant together, she has enough money to get her daughter but he also wants her to have a dignified life for her and her daughter when the daughter is brought to the city.

Remedios is teaching Valeria and Juana. The girls are cute and Valeria shows how smart she is naming all the capitals of countries around Mexico. Enters Jacinta to brow beat the girls and to tell Valeria that she has to do everything that Jacinta tells her to do. Valeria tries to charm but there is no charming her mean abuela. Then Valeria looks at Juana and starts to talk in Naughatec the language of the Aztecs. Jacinta does not like that! Remedios explains at one point that the girls have grown up together. I gather that Juana is not of Valerias level in Jacintas mind. Jacinta tells Valeria to go practice the piano so if someone asks her to play at her birthday party tomorrow then she will do well. Jacinta says she will be listening for her in her room.

Magdalena is in bed coughing and her daughter is watching. The girl asks why Magdalena has to sleep during the day and is up all night while she herself is up during the day and asleep at night. (A brothel life for you.... I really cant stand these terrible children stories to this novela.)

Valeria devises a plan to have Juana dress up in one of her dresses and play the piano while she goes outside to play with the brothers of Juana. The girls switch places.

Maite shows up at the hacienda. Maite tells Remedios that she is there for her daughter, she has had enough of the situation. She runs up stairs to find Valeria. Flash to Anotnios family who are mourning the about to die Pirata. Daniel has been in the operating room with his father while the other boy is with Nuria. Flash to Jacaranda yelling at Veronica about how many times has she told her not to touch her things. Jacaranda says what am I going to do with you? Yucky music plays as Jacaranda opens her closet and pushes Veronica inside. Veronica says Dont lock me in the closet! She says some prayers and hopes that Jacaranda will pay for what she has done to her, but she doesnt leave because Jacaranda told her not to leave until Jaranda says to.

Maite goes upstairs to the piano and finds Juana. She asks who are you just as Jacinta walk in saying What are you doing here! The women stare at each other. In another room Juana tells Remedios all about the girls plans of switching places and then Juana asks who is that woman? Remedios says she is a friend of Jacintas and then sends the girl out to find Valeria.

Jacinta tells Maite How dare you enter into my house! YOu have no right to see your daughter. You lost your right. Maite says she has every right to see her daughter. She has worked all these years and she has sufficient money to get her daughter, and she has a lawyer. She has the law on her side! Jacinta gets mad at this and tries to hit Maite with her cane. Maite gets a backbone and grabs, then throws the cane away telling Jacinta that she wont let her touch her again. Maite says she is no longer an innocent young girl that Jacinta used to know. She is going to recuperate her child.

Remedios and Maite are outside talking about how Maite shoudnt make Jacinta as an enemy. Federico overhears and finds out that his mother helped Maite all these years know about Valeria. Maite wishes she could have been at the party for Valeria. Remedios tells her that she will watch over Valeria as if she were her own child.

Jacinta is pissed that Maite was there and she is pissed that Valeria tricked her with her switching game. Jacinta yells at both of the little girls. Adolfo stops Jacinta from raising her cane at the girls. Jacinta then tells Valeria she wont have a birthday party tomorrow. Valeria will have to call all her friends and tell them she is sick. She tells Valeria she is punished and to go to her room without a party and with out dinner.

Federico asks Why Mama! have you been helping Maite. Remedios reminds him that although Jacinta has done a lot for Valerias education she has not given her maternal love and Valeria needs that. Adolfo consuls Valeria who swears that if her mother were there all of this would not be happening. Why dont you ever talk about her?

Jacinta talks with an attorney who tells her that Maite will get custody of Valeria. Jacinta asks Federico to plant or find some immoral conduct of Maites to mess with the custody suit.

Magdalena cant find Veronica. They find her in Jacarandas closet. Just as Veronica was going to talk Jacaranda comes in acting all nice. Magdalena has to go because she is coughing again leaving Veronica alone with Jacaranda who tells Veronica that she did well not to open her mouth about the closet. If she keeps it up they will be real good friends. Yucky!

Victor makes Maite eat. Maite is worried about getting Valeria back. They have a good lawyer and in Mexico the laws favor the mother. But Maite says that yes the laws are for the mother but how the law applies these laws is not good. Worry Worry.

Flash to Antonios family who is finally mourning the death of Pirata. The boys say that their classmates tell them that boys dont cry. Antonio tells them to cry. Never hide their feelings......

Federico gives their mean attorney the address to Maites place and some more money. This is the same lawyer that Maite went to see or saw (somewhere) when Antonio was in jail. He doesnt believe Maite will recognize him. The attorney is to investigate (find) some immoral behavior of Maites.

Victor and Maite talk about what is best to give a child, simple gifts, blah blah blah. They get a call from the brothel for Maite to make them some soup. Flash to Antonio and Nuria talking about the death of Pirata and the death of the boys mother. Antonio thinks this will hurt them a lot just like the death of their mother. She asks if he was as hurt a lot when his wife died. He tells her life continues and says she has been a real mother to his kids. (I really like her. How she does these scenes with this feo I will never understand.) They kiss.

Remedios and Jacinta talk about how Jacinta should not have taken the birthday party away from Valeria. Jacinta quickly puts Remedios in her place and then says she believes Remedios let Maite in. She brings up the night Maite ran into Adolfos room. She says she believes it was Remedios who has been helping Maite see her child.

The scenes for tomorrow night let us know that Maite will get custody of Veronica! Gotta have a little sugar with your arsenic. And the theme song is by Noelia a pop singer and its a really nice song.


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Barrera de Amor, May 2

Remedios helps the stricken and staggering Adolfo back to his room. He swears he's not crazy, Maite was really there! Remedios cradles his head and calms him.

Elvira and Magdalena are cooing over Veronica. Magda thanks Elvira for being so kind to them, especially the baby. Elvira is angling to be the godmother and agrees Veronica is adorable, that's why all the whores like to take care of her. Magda says most of them yes, Jacaranda not so much. Elvira says at heart Jacaranda's not a bad person. (So I guess this Jacaranda is about to give Magda some grief pretty soon.) Magda says one doesn't need the same blood to be like family, Elvira is her family. Elvira says, "I'm like the sister you never had." (Sister? She's pretty generous with herself, mother is more like it.)

Maite has made it outside the hacienda walls and thanks Remedios for helping her to see Valeria. Remedios says she'll do everything she can to help. Maybe she'll try to reach an agreement with Jacinta. (Another agreement, how dense can she be?) Maite says "There’s no talking to that woman." Then she goes into how perfect life would be if only Jacinta would give her the baby AND money for Valeria's education. She would even let Valeria visit with her grandma and dad, but Valeria would live with Maite. Remedios thinks that's a reasonable request and will help all she can. (What on earth makes them think Jacinta would agree to this?!?)

Next morning at breakfast Jacinta tells Adolfo she's going to send him to rehab if he doesn't get off the sauce. He insists Maite was there. Jacinta says it was alcohol and a hallucination. Seeing Maite has given Adolfo renewed vigor and he's determined to look for her because she's not a woman he can easily forget. Maybe he IS crazy, crazy for Maite. Jacinta, not happy to hear this, reminds him Maite was leaving him for another man and taking his daughter too. But Adolfo has decided... he's going to look for Maite!

In Victor's kitchen the cook tries to teach Maite a recipe, but all Maite can do is daydream sadly about Valeria. Victor comes in and sees her teary-eyed. "Why so sad? Are you tired?" He tenderly comforts her.

Back at the ranch Jacinta and Federico are hatching a plot. She says Adolfo plans to hire a private investigator (P.I.) and she wants Federico to help her. Naturally the obsequious little worm says he'll do anything she wants. They need to keep Adolfo from finding Maite, otherwise he might refuse to sign the divorce papers and she will re-enter their lives. She gives Federico the name of a P.I., but as far as Adolfo is concerned Federico will have found him and Jacinta knows nothing of it.

Maite, looking out the window, has another tearful flashback of her daughter. She thinks that all this sacrifice will be worth it to one day get Valeria back with her. Valeria is the only thing that gives Maite strength through the daily grind. (Someone said Maite is a better crier than Hippólita. I'm beginning to think Maite is the godmother of all criers.)

Adolfo and Federico talk about Maite. Federico says Adolfo had an alcoholic hallucination, why would Maite come to the hacienda? Adolfo says maybe to see her daughter. Federico tells Adolfo he is on his side, he'll help him find a P.I. in Aguascalientes, but don't keep talking about this to Jacinta because it sets her off. "Don't worry Adolfo, I'll take care of the P.I." Corazones arriba=Cheer up!

Later, in Aguascalientes, they "hire" Jacinta's minion, Sr. Rafael Cardoso to look for and find Maite. The P.I. wants a photo, names of friends and relatives. Federico volunteers to interrogate all the hacienda workers on the P.I.'s behalf because they all, both inside and outside the house, have his confidence. The P.I. can tell him what questions to ask and Federico will take care of it. Since the P.I. is getting paid by both Jacinta and Adolfo, why should he actually do any work? So yeah, he thinks having Federico do all the legwork is a grand idea. Adolfo the lemming agrees.

In between all this P.I. business are several scenes of Victor and Maite, first he is doing her work for her, sweeping the floor because she's tired, then he has gone to the butcher to get the meat and ribs for tonight's special, pork ribs in white wine, he's going to teach her how to make it. They chatter happily as he tells her his recipes. Later in the gym he tells her how happy he is to have here there, what a big help she is to him. Because of her he doesn't have to worry. Maite says because of him she doesn't have to worry about where to sleep, to work or to eat. He says she still seems too sad. She says she misses her baby who is just turning one year old.

At the hacienda, Adolfo and Federico are whispering about visiting the P.I. early so Jacinta doesn't suspect, she walks in and tell Federico to put out his cigarette because she doesn't allow smoking, and by the way what were they whispering about? "Oh nothing, just the vineyards." Jacinta is on her way to Aguascalientes to visit the Sisters of the Adoration and she wants the cattle accounts ready on her return. Federico wants to go with her to buy some vineyard things for Adolfo. Jacinto agrees and says, No Smoking! As soon as she leaves, Federico lights up and says Jacinta will be less suspicious of them if he is obvious about going to Aguascalientes rather than trying to sneak around. Adolfo the lemming agrees.

In Aguascalientes Federico tells Jacinta that Adolfo doesn't suspect she is behind everything. Jacinta wants Federico to tell her everything that happens. They are with the P.I. who is trying to look more hoodlum-like in front of Jacinta. She hands him money and says "Here is what I promised you. Nobody is going to find Maite, nobody!"

Weeks later Adolfo is complaining to the P.I. that it has been weeks and no sign of Maite. Is she with Luis Antonio? The P.I. says his people are working on it, these things take time and no, she's not with Unibrow. He is concentrating on Mexico City, checking the restaurants because that's her background. She might be a cook. He tells Adolfo to be patient because his wife is going show up faster than he might imagine. (What does he mean by that?) Adolfo hands him a big wad of cash and says "This is only an advance."

In Ensenada Unibrow marries Nutria!! It's a bleak little wedding and she wears an unbecoming dress that makes her look like a sausage. His parents are thrilled that he has a good woman by his side and a mom for their grandsons. Nutria says they'll be happy because they have a lot in common. Such passion.

Jacinta gives Adolfo the divorce papers and tells him it's time to divorce Maite for abandoning him, time for him to be firm. He's firm all right, he tears up the papers and says he won't even think of divorcing Maite. Jacinta asks him doesn't he have any pride? No, he answers, what I have is shame for all I have done to her, and I won't rest until she forgives me!

At Manola's ranch she is going crazy because she can't bear the howls of her snot-nosed brat. (Her words, not mine.) Her maid is the one holding the child and seems more bothered by Manola's howling than the baby's. Gustavo calls Unibrow to consult on some calf vaccinations and he's simply thrilled to hear about the wedding. What a surprise, when can he meet the wife? Manola? Oh she's here with me and sends her congrats too. Manola is surprised to hear Unibrow got married. Headachy from being a mommy and wishing to stir up trouble, Manola angles for a little vacation, a small change of air. Gustavo takes the bait. He says he'll arrange a trip for Manola but unfortunately he can't come. Her wish is his command. He hopes she doesn't worry about him or the baby because they will be fine.

Surprise! Manola shows up in Ensenada to congratulate her dear friends personally. Nutria is glad to see her, too bad Gustavo couldn't come. Manola tells Nutria she'll be very happy by Unibrow's side, and she better be careful because there are women out there who might steal such a catch from her. Unibrow, not appreciating the comment, says Nutria never has to worry about that. (I'll bet in telenovelas when someone says "never" that means the "never" is about to happen.)

At the restaurant Maite tells her story to Victor, that she had a very bad experience with her husband, there was violence involved. Victor wonders why she married Adolfo if she loved another. Did Adolfo blackmail her? Maite tells him she loved Unibrow but there was a bad experience at the train station that started many things, she went to jail, Remedios got her out and she had to leave her daughter. That's why she needs money, to get Valeria and give her a good life. Victor tells Maite he wants her to know she can count on him and he doesn't expect anything in return.

In Ensenada Unibrow can't wait for Manola to leave but she keeps hanging around. Finally the phone rings and Nutria runs to answer. Manola has a secret to tell Unibrow, Maite ran away with another man and left her husband and daughter! This was about a year ago and nobody knows where she is. Nutria, standing behind Unibrow, overhears...

Elvira thinks Magda should tell the father of Valeria about his daughter, he has a right to know. Magda says Adolfo doesn't love her (Magda) and she doesn't want to cause problems in the marriage. Elvira says Veronica has the right to a better life (than being raised in a whorehouse? No kidding.) But Magda has decided to raise her alone. She will just step aside.

Jacinta is having a hissy fit and tells Federico that Adolfo tore up the divorce papers right in front of her face. Federico says Adolfo will never find Maite but Jacinta is still unhappy because "tiene pajaritos dando vueltas en su cabeza." (Little birds are flying circles in her head=she can't stop being worried about it.) Does Federico think that Maite was really in the house? Federico says no, because why would she go to Adolfo's room of all places?

In Ensenada the "happy" couple say goodbye to Manola. Nutria is pissed off. Manola smugly thinks "Perfect, think what you will, Luis Antonio is totally disillusioned with his little waitress. And furthermore, his wife knows very clearly that he still thinks about Maite."

Victor's kitchen is the cleanest and emptiest professional kitchen I have ever seen. I don't believe anyone has ever cooked there. He is upset and Maite wants to know what's up. His cook left with a toothache, followed by Oscar who was the ace up his sleeve. Now what is he going to do? Maite says she'll help him cook the meal, what's on the menu? Nothing much, just chanterelles, lobster, salad, mussels in parsley, escargot, spinach quiche and crème brulees. Maite says "All that rich food? I don't know to cook that stuff. What is all that stuff anyway? No matter, I'll help you. How many people?" "Only 60, I'll teach you, come one!"

In Ensenada Nutria is trying to talk to Unibrow but he keeps dreaming of Maite. When she calls him on it he admits he doesn't believe Maite did all those bad things, it sounds like another person, she must be innocent somehow. Nutria says she's sick of talking about Maite, why is he always talking about her? They should go to San Francisco.

Back in the kitchen Victor has just spoken to his friend Ricardo, aka Nacho, in Zacatecas. Maite mentions Zacatecas is only 2 hrs. away from Aguascalientes by car. Victor thinks of an excuse to send her out of the kitchen, calls Nacho, and arranges for him to pay a visit to Aguascalientes...

At this point Caray, Caray must ask all the ladies to sit down and grab a cool cloth. Are you ready? Good. Our hero Unibrow is daydreaming of better times, a time when he was sweetly serenading his love Maite, it is a song about her looking at him, and he is singing the song for us now in his dreams. (I wonder if this is an attempt to make Unibrow seem less, er...wooden shall we say, and more romantic?) He sings as sweetly as a toad in love, and he looks like one too. "You're not a bad person, Maite" he thinks, "I don't believe you left your daughter to run away with another man." (Of course that's exactly what she did, she just screwed up the plan.)

Adolfo is drinking again and wondering when Maite will return to him.

Federico tracks down Manola in San Diego and telephones her. She tells him she saw Unibrow and the wife yesterday and she's just like the little waitress (Maite). This really cracks Federico up. She adds that she told Unibrow that Maite abandoned her husband and kid a year ago. "You should have seen his face, it looked like someone threw a bucket of cold water on it." Federico wants to know why she's down there telling Unibrow about his ex-novia's exploits, is it simply to bother Unibrow or does she want to go to bed with him? Ick. She says it's her business. Anyway, it's evident that he doesn't love his wife, because when she mentioned the "little waitress" his reaction was incredible, the face of a man in love. Can you believe it? He still cares about his old love. Federico asks, "Why do you care? Are you trying to make me jealous or what?"

Unibrow's sons were playing in the park when all of a sudden their dog Pirate got sick and fell over. They are hysterical and want Nutria to help them take Pirate to dad's clinic. Unfortunately they have to wait in line because Goliath the black Lab got hit by a car, has internal bleeding, and needs surgery immediately. To make matters worse, I believe it is Unibrow's parents who have brought their friend Reina's dog, Goliath, to be saved by Unibrow. Choices must be made, his parents or his sons? Goliath or Pirate? Goliath has stopped breathing, but the boys say Pirate is dying, too. Unibrow tells them to put a cold towel on Pirate while he saves Goliath. His son dutifully starts to do this. Could we have a new vet in the family?

At Victor's restaurant he and Maite are cleaning up. Victor has a surpise for her; turns out he had his friend Nacho from Zacatecas visit Aguascalientes to secretly take pictures of Valeria's birthday party. He gives the photos to Maite so she can see how her baby is doing. Maite is grateful, cries, and caresses his shiny pate.


Monday, May 01, 2006

Barrera de Amor: May 1

  • The cliffhanger of Friday fizzled immediately - Maite's mugging lasted about 24 seconds. Victor roars up on his motorcycle and dispatches the thugs. Maite runs right into his arms, but then remembers he accused her of robbery and fired her so she pulls away.

    He's very embarrassed - remember, he found the money he'd accused her of stealing in his own pocket - so he offers her a free apartment over the restaurant as a peace offering. She says, "You don't need to apologize, you didn't know me, why should you trust me?" He asks her to come back to work: "You need the money, and I need you." They go get her stuff from the brothel immediately.

    He tells her his dad, now dead, was Mexican, but his mother is French Canadian and after she was widowed, she met a new guy and moved to France with him.

  • Federico continues his aggressive sucking-up to Jacinta. She's mad at his mother Remedios for paying Maite's bail. He says, "I agree with you Jacinta, and to prove I'm on your side, here's a letter from Maite's aunt Griselda, written to Unibrow." "How did you get it?" "I saw Martina and Maite plotting to leave with the baby. I waited all day and intercepted the letter." He points out: now that Martina and Griselda are dead, nobody knows about any of this. Jacinta: "Let's keep it that way." "Doña Jacinta, your wish is my command, I couldn't let Maite leave with your granddaughter." She praises him. He rats out his mother: "I don't know why my mother did it." "You're not responsible for her mistakes." "I have a grand affection for you and I'm grateful." "I'm glad you're grateful. I reward those who serve me - what do you want? Money, a car, a trip?" "Just to be in your confidence."

  • Maite mopes and reviews her plan to earn a lot of money, hire a lawyer, and get her daughter back. She has an awful nightmare of all the awful things that have been happening to her.

  • Federico scolds his mother. I think both of them are heavily Botoxed - he has the stoniest, most inexpressive face ever. "Why did you save Maite? That money was ours, for us." "I had to, I couldn't be peaceful thinking of her rotting in jail." He points out, trying to sound sympathetic, that Maite's husband has fallen apart since she left, going crazy and drinking, and it's Maite's fault!

  • Adolfo has a flashback of Maite reminding him of his evil deeds and that she can't love him. He's drunk and lets the baby cry for a while. Then he stamps into the room where Remedios is trying to get Valeria to sleep. "Why can't you shut up this kid? I can't stand to hear it, it reminds me of Maite."

    Jacinta looks to God and thanks Him for putting the child in her hands. "I'll make her a good Catholic - thank you for choosing me among all mortals to be the one to help You save souls from the fires of Hell."

  • Federica fondles Manola in the car and reviews his successful manipulation of Jacinta. He wants to get the letter back now, because its possession confers power! (One ring to rule them all...) He boasts that Jacinta is now eating out of his hand.

  • While Jacinta gets ready to go to the cemetery, she reads Griselda's letter and then crumbles it up and throws it in the wastebasket.

  • Remedios and Jacinta put flowers on the graves of Griselda and Martina, and while they're there decide to leave some on Padre Anselmo's grave too. (That was a big couple days for Jacinta when she dispatched that trio.) They argue about whether G & M are in Purgatory or Heaven. "They died without confessing," Jacinta primly chides. Her thought bubble: "My bracelet, the one Pedro gave me, ended up on the arm of his lover [Remedios]." She remembers a day when Adolfo was a baby and she had had a picture of the two of them taken. When she gave it to Don Pedro he said: "Oh, you were wearing the bracelet I gave you last year for our anniversary - the one you said you'd never wear until I loved you."

    Jacinta wonders how Remedios got the bracelet, as she thought Pedro had never seen Remedios again. Helpfully Remedios's thought bubble informs us that even though she had begged Pedro to stay with his wife and son, he came to find her in the little town she'd moved to and finally she could not resist his blandishments...

  • Federico retrieves Griselda's letter from the trash and takes it back to Manola (they seem to have regular gropes in the car). He rides her for calling him Mr. Nobody. She says, "You have a knack for making money but you'll never be classy." "You can buy class with money. ... Why'd you marry your husband?" "He adores me and he's easy to manipulate." They talk about the baby - which could easily be Gustavo's grandchild, he's so old (much as with the baby-boomers of today). They decide Manola's father is not going to tell Gustavo about the hanky-panky he witnessed. Manola reminds Federico: "Gustavo has poured out money on my family and I don't want the spigot to close so you better keep quiet, too."

  • Unibrow asks Nutria if she'd like a more serious relationship with him. Would she be his girlfriend? Why, yes! He plants a squishy one on her - he's even an ikky kisser. Jeesh! Then he reminds her he's not in love with her, but she figures she can get past that. "My boys need a mother, I need a real companion."

  • Victor wears the greenest shirt ever seen outside St. Patrick's Day. He asks Maite if she has family and she reluctantly divulges vague details. She asks him the same, and he says he would have liked to have had a family. He offers to take her shopping so she can learn the ropes and when she can do it herself he'll be able to pay her more. Later she ogles him a bit in the gym. He yells to somebody on the phone, "There are some things you can say that can never be taken back. I can't live with you."

  • Unibrow's noisome boys chant, "Daddy has a girlfriend. Will you marry her? Will we have little brothers? The best thing is that she's like Maite!"

  • Adolfo staggers out of bed, ready to eat something, and says he doesn't like to hold the baby cause it makes him miss Maite so much. Jacinta keeps reminding him that he's handsome and "they're making them thangs every day," but he says there is nobody like Maite.

  • After Remedios says she's worried about Adolfo's pining, Jacinta gives her a lecture about child-raising. (Neither of them has done a good job to judge by the outcome.) "He has never behaved like a Valladolid with dignity and strength." "You always held him up to his grandfather and father." "Bulls need to be stabbed [it's some bullfight term I am too tired to look up]. I needed to rule him with a hard hand." "No, he needed affection." "He'd have hidden in my skirts." They descend to squabbling about Pedro.

  • Magdalena has her baby. As the whores are cooing over her, the madame says they have to leave the house - their landlord had financial problems and had to flee the country. She's thinking they should pool their savings and buy a smaller one farther out of town.

  • It's Valeria's birthday and Jacinta has decreed she's to start sleeping alone in her own room. Maite sneaks into the house with Remedios's help and holds and plays with the baby. Jacinta can't sleep and comes toward the room - Maite hides, Remedios covers and gets Jacinta to take the baby away. Maite bolts and runs - right into Adolfo's room! He wakes up, sees her, staggers after her shouting her name. Jacinta says "I told you that name is forbidden in this house." "She was in my room, I swear it."


An anonymous complaint ruffles my feathers.

Hello friends,

On my other blog (Pratie Place) some anonymous person left this remark:

I'm afraid the people at Caray are not doing a very good job. They seem to have no commitment to their public.

For instance, the Monday Cristina show when it was not translated for those of us who are not that knowledgeable in Spanish. We were counting on them! If they can say, "oh, I had a guest and couldn't interrupt her by turning on the TV" -- or "Oh, I missed that," and can't tell us anything, what good is this blog?

This shows some ignorance of what goes on here. We are people who have lives - families, jobs, etc. - who spend quite an unbelievable amount of time watching these shows and producing these recaps. We do not get paid by anybody.

The Cristina show was long and the people talked fast and the person who is recapping it has other things she has to do, too. If your thought is, "what good is this blog?" then I suggest you start your own.


Saturday, April 29, 2006

Friday, April 28

Remedios has used her savings to pay Maite’s bail. [There is one way in which Barrera is superior to Alborada - none of the characters in Barrera have an accent in their name! It’s so much faster to type. Between Hipólita, Cristóbal, Asunción, Andrés and Ramón, Alborada was a typist’s nightmare.] Remedios advises Maite to get out of town without her baby. Jacinta has promised to send her to prison again. Maite has to leave her baby for Remedios to care for because if she tries to leave with her she’ll have to live on the run because Jacinta will move heaven and earth to find her. Ok says Maite. ‘I have no other way out. When will I be able to see my daughter?’ Remedios says that she can come sometime when Jacinta isn’t around. Remedios will help Maite see her baby before she leaves. Maite and Remedios leave the prison.

Back at the hacienda, the maid tells Jacinta that nuns have found Adolfo dead drunk in the garden of the convent and he is in the clinic. Jacinta wants Federico to go with her to the clinic.

Federico is lounging in the office, smoking and congratulating himself that everything is going according to his plan to take over the hacienda.

At the clinic, Adolfo is apparently still drunk. He tries to stagger out to get Maite out of jail but a tiny nun hustles him back to bed saying that his family have been notified and are on the way.

Manola & her parents are reveling in Jacinta’s misfortunes. It all comes from mésalliances with riffraff like Maite. Manola says that, “Jacinta está que no la calienta ni el sol.” [Update: My Spanish teacher says that this means being very, very sad] Then Manola’s father, I think his name is Nicolas, says, “Tantos baños de pureza que se da esa hurraca and now she doesn’t know where to put her head for the shame of having such a daughter in law.” [I can translate this literally: ‘How many purifying baths has that magpie had…” and I guess it refers to Jacinta’s social pretensions but what does the literal meaning of such a phrase refer to? Update: My Spanish teacher says that 'darse baños de pureza' means to pretend to be a saint ]

Maite bids adieu to her baby and apologizes for leaving her. [Maite only has one little tear in this scene. Don’t you think that a mother forced to leave her baby would be a little more upset? Unfavorable comparisons with Marlene Favela in Contra Viento y Marea come to mind. She would have really milked a scene like this.]

At the convent, Jacinta tries to blacken Maite’s character to the Mother Superior but the nun has known Maite since she was born and Jacinta is having a hard time convincing her that Maite is evil. The nuns promise to help raise Valeria to be a decent Catholic girl. This is unlikely to succeed if Jacinta is going to be involved.

Federico tells Adolfo that he must forget Maite but Aldofo says he can’t let the mother of his daughter go. Jacinta tells Adolfo that Maite is garbage and he is going to divorce her. Adolfo says that he wants to see her and won’t leave her in jail. Federico has to help him walk.
Jacinta thought bubble: We’ll see who wins – this shameless hussy or me.

Remedios puts Maite on the bus and she gets a one-way ticket to Mexico City. Maite promises to keep in touch and Remedios promises to watch over Valeria. Remedios gives Maite some money to get started in her new life.

At the jail, Jacinta is furious that Maite has been let out on bail. In spite of the fact that Jacinta considers Maite’s crime of kidnapping her own baby to merit life in prison as a punishment, the authorities don’t see it as all that serious. The officer tells Jacinta that Remedios paid the bail.

Some gossipy ladies see Maite on the bus to Mexico City.

Jacinta confronts Remedios about getting Maite out of jail. Remedios responds sensibly that if the authorities set bail, there was no reason to keep Maite in jail. ‘Where did you get the money?’ Jacinta wants to know. ‘None of your beeswax’, says Remedios. ‘I work for you, you don’t control my personal life.’ But once Remedios tells Jacinta that Maite is gone to Mexico City, Jacinta is happy. She has won.

Adolfo tells the baby that they are alone. Maite has abandoned them.

Magdalena arrives in a brothel in Mexico City, pregnant and broke. That familiar character, the prostitute with the heart of gold, in this case named Elvira, takes her in even though she can’t service clients in her condition.

In Mexico City, Maite wanders around apparently lost and confused.

Rodrigo, Manola’s baby is baptized and Jacinta is the godmother and foots the bill for the party. Manola’s parents congratulate themselves on this social climbing move. Adolfo is not there. Jacinta says he is ‘indisposed.’

In the big city, Maite is running out of money and can’t find a job. Elvira and an associate overhear and offer her a job in the brothel. Maite declines non judgmentally and Elvira asks Maite what kind of work she is seeking. ‘I am a cook’ says Maite. The ever-helpful Elvira knows the owner of restaurant near her establishment. His name is Victor and he always needs help. Maite is grateful.

Back at the baptism, Jacinta askes Cayetana to tell all her friends never to mention Maite’s name to Valeria. Flattered by this attention, Cayetana promises to get everyone in on the ‘Maite never existed’ act.

Adolfo is drowning his sorrows in drink. At the baptism, Manola gets rid of her baby and is canoodling with Federico when her father walks in on them. Federico leaves but is listening outside the door. Manola admits that Federico is her lover. Her father says that she is risking too much with a nobody. Manola responds that he is really worried about his own business relations with Gustavo. She says that as a nobody Federico is the perfect lover – he can never be anything more. Gustavo is a bad husband and lover. She needs a real lover like Federico. Her father says, ‘Don’t tell me that he gave you the pledge [something that was pawned? A jewel? I missed this]. ‘Of course he did’, says Manola, ‘Did you think I have lots of lovers. I’m not a prostitute.’ Manola guesses that Federico got the money to buy the expensive jewel by fiddling Jacinta’s accounts. The father suggests that the gift of the expensive jewel means that Federico wants to be more than a lover. ‘Don’t worry,’ says Manola. ‘Federico knows his place.
Federico thought bubble: They think I’m a nobody who is no threat. They don’t know me very well.

Maite goes to see the Victor, the owner of the restaurant – a kind-of (for this novela) attractive bald guy. His restaurant serves French food and Maite cooks Mexican food but no problem, he will hire her. [Don’t let them tell you that people in the big city are mean and take advantage of innocents from the provinces]

In her first day at the restaurant, Maite has a flashback to when she left her baby. She promises to return. Victor suggests that she stop day dreaming and get back to work. He goes out leaving piles of money on a table.

In Enseñada, Unibrow tells another fat ugly guy that it was a mistake to go to Aguascaliente. He ran into Maite and it was awkward. The fat ugly guy wonders about the fire – why couldn’t the women get out of the house? Fat ugly guy says it’s time to move on with life and with Nuria.

Unibrow meets with Nuria and she tells him [I think] that she is going to study to be a vet in Canada.

Back at the restaurant in Mexico City, Victor accuses Maite of taking some of the money that was on the table. She denies it but he fires her.

Meanwhile Adolfo is hitting the bottle hard. Federico comes to fetch him for Jacinta. The barkeep says that Aldofo hasn’t paid him and Federico says that he will pay.
Federico thought bubble: I like to see you in this condition because it gives me a free hand to meddle in the affairs of the hacienda.

In a post baptism coffee, Jacinta suggests to Remedios that Valeria should marry Rodrigo. Remedios says it’s a little early – they are just babies. Jacinta responds that you can start sowing the seeds early. Since Manola didn’t end up marrying Adolfo, it would be fitting for their children of such good families to marry. Remedios holds out for love. “Like Adolfo and Maite or like you and my husband?” says Jacinta with sarcasm. Those relationships turned out badly.

Flashback to a young Jacinta with toddler Adolfo confronting a young Remedios with whom her husband is having an affair. Jacinta says that Pedro will never leave her for Remedios and if she doesn’t stop having an affair with him, she will pay dearly.”
Remedios says that after that conversation she sent Pedro away. There is a flashback of this. Jacinta says that she doesn’t believe it and Remedios insists that it is true that she broke up with Pedro and has a flashback to prove it. Jacinta says that Federico is proof that they didn’t end the affair. Remedios says that Pedro came to her pueblo and begged her to be with him and she couldn’t deny her heart – it was love. It was lust and sin says Jacinta. [Why does Jacinta have Remedios in her house and be all buddy buddy with her if she had an affair with her husband? Jacinta doesn’t seem like the type to let bygones be bygones.]

Back at the restaurant, which is being patronized by the prostitutes, Victor finds the money he accused Maite of taking. He will find her and make it right.

The servants dump a pickled Adolfo on the couch and Jacinta tells them to keep quiet about it. In front of Remedios and Federico, Jacinta calls Adolfo ‘piltrafa,’ literally ‘poor quality meat’ or a wretch. Jacinta goes on to say that she is ashamed of him and wishes that he wasn’t her son. Remedios tries to intervene but is told to be quiet. Jacinta goes on to tell Adolfo that his alcoholism has diminished the prestige of the Valladolid name. He has deceived her by claiming to have graduated from the university with honors when really it was Unibrow who did that. This is where the TiVo stopped recording.

UPDATE: Lillian added "Your tivo didn't grab the cliff hanger: two thugs dragging Maite into a dark corner. I'm hoping for the bald Victor to save her. I kind of like him." I was wondering why Maite was walking alone in a dark street in the middle of the night. Poor idea.


Catherine on Nutrias and also on Luis

I thought this was very funny. She's referring back, I think, to my first recap where I pointed out that my subtitles had mistakenly called Unibrow's new love interest "Nutria" instead of "Nuria." Thanks, Catherine...

Nutria comment! If you are ever in New Orleans, go to the zoo. In their swamp exhibit they have about ten nutria rats in an enclosure. It's like the biggest rat you've ever seen in your life. I actually came across some in a meat case at the local Meat and Seafood store. They had it in the meat case. Apparently they are a popular dish. ewwww. It looked like a skinned cat to me. Confirms my suspicions that no animal is safe in Louisisana! I always ask before I eat anything ! What animal is this?

I am hoping that the real, handsome, Luis is somewhere in a hospital with amnesia and this ugly guy hit him with a rock and stole his life. He will awake, regain his life and his amor and we'll finally have somebody to drool over.

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Anybody watching "La Fea" want to recap it?

We're getting a few requests for recaps of La Fea Mas Bella, is anybody who's watching it game to catch the fans up?


Friday, April 28, 2006


Hi Everybody,

I am GIDDY with delight to be just 1/5 part of the team recapping Barrera for your enjoyment! If you haven't tried it, you don't know how time-consuming it is to do these recaps! So if you like them - and want them to continue - please leave grateful comments to your faithful servants. Comments = the only thanks we get!


-- Melinama

PS: I just added a cute picture of young FC marrying Maria in Kay's synopsis of Maria la del Barrio..

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Barrera de Amor: April 27

Thursday April 27

My VCR records the last few minutes of La Fea Mas Bella before Barrera starts. After watching a little bit of that telenovela it occurred to me that Barrera is just another chapter of La Fea called El Feo Mas Bello. Could Antonio be any more ugly for a male lead?!

Thursdays episode begins with Federico telling Maite that Antonio still loves her! Surely it is because of her letter (that never got to Antonio). Antonio wants to get back together with her. Antonio is leaving tonight at 8 pm on a train for the North. Federico says Antonio wants her to run away with him. Do it Maite! Federico tells her to take her baby, leave Adolfo and get back with Antonio. Federico reminds her how she met Adolfo - that it was all an evil plan of Adolfos - how at the dance Adolfo wanted to separate Maite from Antonio so Adolfo invented the story that there was a sick cow, sending Antonio out to leave her alone with Adolfo. Then Adolfo promptly drugged her drink. "And who rescued you?" He queries Maite, and before she can answer he replies "Magdelena." Then he goes on to say that Magdelena has also been a victim of Adolfo. Federico reasons with Maite that Adolfo will return back to his bad ol mean self or worse. She deserves to be happy. She no longer has her aunt so she should take this opportunity and go. His argument is convincing and Maite tells Ferderico he is the best, crying as she lays her head on his chest.

Thought Bubble: Antonio thinks how Maite now has made her own life, she has her daughter and Adolfo. He should put an end to what they had. He doesnt know how he will do it, but he has to forget her.

Enter Manola like a cat stalking her prey. Antonio tells her that he is leaving. She is shocked and says that she believes he will return. She goes on to say that she wants to continue a friendship with him. Antonio tells her that he appreciates Don Gustavo and respects her. He realizes that with marriage she had matured. She tells Antonio that at the beginning she didnt love Gustavo pero by Gustavos side she has found that he is a good man with a lot of affection. Antonio very diplomatically says goodbye.

Adolfo finds Magdelena walking alone in the town center (zocalo). He complains that he looked for her and she didnt leave word in Santa Maria that she had come to Aguacalientes. She blocks his inquiries saying "So what? Stop looking for me. Someone like me doesnt fit in your life." Adolfo says "Let me decide that. I don't love you but I appreciate you. Let me help you. I want to protect you. At the least let me know how you are, to see you." She agrees and he grins at her weirdly. (Pervert I say.)

Gustavo and Antonio walk through the quinta (ranch house) saying goodbye to each other. Antonio wants Gustavo to only call him in a case of emergency. Antonio says he will help find a college to be Gustavo's vet. Upon being asked what his plans are Antonio answers the only sure thing is that he is going to stay in the North and that he has to break definitively with his past although it hurts him.

Flash to Federico Thought Bubble: Without a doubt love (ataranta) dazes/stuns people. "Maite se cayo redondita." - Great descriptive word phrase here meaning she collapsed/slumped in a heap. " She believed everything I told her. I hope she does what I told her to do. Without Maite Adolfo is going to fall apart. He will start drinking once again. I will then be able to get my hands on the money. Adolfo, little by little, you are going to pay me back." (Evil smirk.)

Meanwhile Adolfo is told of another disgrace happening by Remedios. Flash to Maite praying to God for guidance on what to do. Flash back to Remedios as she fills Adolfo in on what has been happening at the ranch and gives him support for his new self. He complains. She encourages Adolfo that Maite will see that he is trying to change, that he has to show his changes are sincere. She says he doesnt need to compete with Antonio or anyone......

Ensenada - B.C. Who are these people? Another pretty woman (Nuria) and an ugly man (Unibrows assistant). They discuss how she should be happy about Antonios return. The woman says its because Antonio is still in love with Maite and that he wants to see Maite to fix things. The man says Maite is married. What can Antonio and Maite fix? Isnt she (Nuria) in love with Antonio? Then Nuria doesnt need to worry about these things.

Adolfo comes to talk with Maite in her bedroom where she is lying down resting from her poisoning. He tells her she is not alone and he will always protect her. He tells her he loves her. She replies that she doesnt love him and she feels all alone. Adolfo is offended and complains that everything that he has done is useless. They fight about how it is that she became married to him. She asks for him to free her. Adolfo tells her to go to Antonio then. Go! Vete!

Thought Bubble of Maite: Should I stay or should I go? Money isnt everything...... She remembers Federico saying "He (Antonio) still loves you."

Flash to Antonio leaving on a train. Flash back to Maite leaving a letter for Adolfo as she picks up her bags and her daughter to leave. Federico is shown watching Maite leave then he runs to Jacinta and Adolfo telling them about her departure. Flash back to the train station where Maite is figuring out that the train has left when Adolfo and Jacinta arrive with the police. Jacinta tells the policemen that Maite is kidnapping her granddaughter. She demands the police arrest Maite and Jacinta grabs the child. (Actually Maite just handed the baby over.) Maite says this is my child. But Jacinta is louder and meaner and says "You bad ungrateful, after everything we have done for you! You will never see her again!" Maite screams for Adolfo to help, to intervene but he, Jacinta and the baby just walk away. Maite screams Forgive me!

Thought Bubble of Antonio on the train: I will do the same thing I did with Maite. I will remake my life. I did it before when my wife died and I will do it again.

Maite is thrown in jail. Oddly she is not crying. Federico arrives at the jail with bread and a blanket. He asks why Maite didnt go with Antonio. Maite asks why Federico told her the wrong time for the train (he told her the wrong time by an hour). He acts innocent saying that is the time that Antonio told him the train would leave. Federico lays the blame on Antonio, saying perhaps Antonio stood her up out of revenge for what she did to him. Maite wonders why Antonio left without her especially if her aunt told Antonio everything in her letter (that darn letter again). Federico snows Maite some more with false words of encouragement and sympathy. Maite feels sure after talking with Federico that Antonio acted in revenge. The only good thing Federico does is say he is sure Antonio never intended Maite to loose her daughter from this. He promises to help Maite as best as he can.

Back at the ranch Jacinta and Remedios tell Adolfo not to let this destroy him. Jacinta says Maite doesnt deserve not one of Adolfos tears. Remedios says he has to survive this, but perhaps Maite acted with out thinking... Adolfo cries like a baby which makes Jacinta mad and she yells that Adolfo can never let Maite come near Valeria again!

Thought Bubble: Federico is happy waiting for Adolfo to fail. He is enjoying the idea of Adolfos pain. He surmises that this love thing is the most direct way (road) to the heart of the ranch!

Flash to a table with Manola, Gustavo, Nicolas and his wife talking about how they heard what happened to Maite. They talk about Maites reputation before she got pregnant and how it is not surprising that a woman of her class would do such a thing. I cant imagine! Jacinta arrives as they are talking about the scandal and she smirks.... Flash to Magdelena who is seen in a room talking to herself saying she is pregnant by Adolfo. She knows that the father of her child is Adolfo. She hasnt been with anyone else lately so there is no doubt that Adolfo is the father.

Flash to a courtroom where Maite is talking with a judge. She admits writing the goodbye note to Adolfo and tells where she had planned to go with the child. The judge asks her if she abandoned the home and she doesnt deny that either. The judge rules that Valeria will remain in the custody of Adolfo and her grandmother who can financially and morally provide for her better. The judge tells Maite that the way things stand that he doubts Maite could handle any part of custody of Valeria. Maite gets upset saying Why!? Why?! The judge divulges that Jacinta declared that Maite is (mentally?) ill and not a person who could take care of her own child. The judge also states that Maite fell down the stairs endangering her child as one of the reason for Jacinta claiming that Maite is ill. The judge tells her until a doctor can check her over she will remain in jail.

Magdelena thought bubble: She worries what Jacinta will do to her when she finds out her child is Adolfos. She is afraid that Jacinta will hurt her, so she decides she will hide herself and the fact of who the father is.

Remedios visits Maite in jail, asking her what happened to her letter to Antonio. Remedios scolds Maite for having everything and throwing it away. Maite says she had everything but love. Maite asks for Remedios help to make sure Valeria doesnt forget her mother, and Remedios agrees. Flash to Adolfo and Federico talking. Federico tells Adolfo that he wont stop loving Maite. Then Federico tells Adolfo that Maite left the same night that Antonio did... That they had planned to run away together. Federico says Antonio and Maite would have been making fun of Adolfo now which gets Adolfo angry. Flash to Remedios trying to reason with Jacinta to let Maite see Valeria or to let Maite out of jail. Remedios tells Jacinta that Valeria will be upset to find out that her grandmother threw her mother in jail. The guilt trip doesnt work on Jacinta. Later Jacinta thanks Federico in helping with what happened with Maite. He says his thanks is seeing her happy.

Adolfo goes looking for Magdelena only to find out that she has left. He gets increasingly upset when he cant find Magdelena so he finds some tequila. The next day he is found by Nuns on a park bench. The nuns recognize him. Show ends with Maite being let out of jail. Remedios has paid the fine but she tells Maite to leave town immediately.


Kay's synopsis of "María la del Barrio," a Fernando Colungo novela

From the comments. By the way, anybody who wants to recap ANY telenovela, once or meny times, is welcome to be a member. If you're a "La Fea" fan, have at it! Just let me know...

Anyway, here's Kay's report on an earlier Colunga epic:

For those who really need a Fernando fix, I just discovered that Galavision is doing a rerun of María la del Barrio. This is a telenovela that Fernando did with Thalia about ten years ago. It is the last of a trio of Thalia telenovelas. Fernando was in all of them, but in this one he finally became the leading man. [More.]

I didn't watch it the first time around because I can't stand Thalia (I watched Marimar, and that was enough). But he must have liked her because they had a romance that lasted well over a year.

Anyway, here in Chicago it is on at 3:00 in the afternoon. I think it has just started.

Maria is from the ghetto, and her godmother has just died, which leaves her totally alone. The priest manages to place her with a wealthy family, I guess as a servant, but the man of the house treats her as if he is her mentor or protector. She even eats at the table with the family. Today (my first episode) he takes her shopping for clothes and even buys her two baby goats. Needless to say, she has totally upended the household, to the point that the wife has gone to the priest to try to get her removed because she thinks her husband is in love with her. At this point everyone in the household, including the help, is against her. Fernando plays one of the sons. For those of you who love to see his body, I think it will be on display a lot here. I have only seen today's episode, but already he has appeared in a skimpy bathing suit and shorts with no shirt -- looking good!!!

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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Barrera de Amor: April 26

I didn't see the beginning but I read that Griselda and Martina somehow overheard Doña Jacinta confess to having intentionally caused her husband's death by opening a door and letting some bloody huge bull run out and gore him fatally. Jacinta discovers them eavesdropping. They go to Marina's house to find the poison Jacinta has been using? Jacinta follows and accuses them of sin.

I wasn't really expecting to watch tonight -- but at this point, I turned it on -- and what a delightful scene! Jacinta lights this humble home on fire, with Griselda and Martina inside! She says: "God, you ordered me to do this! Fire Purifies! Receive them in heaven!" People start to notice this house is burning up and run to it. Teodoro, Martina's husband, wants to rush in but it's too late. Luckily, their baby (Juanita) is in a tree-swing and did not also roast.

Jacinta continues chanting: "Your hand guided my actions, your daughters are already enjoying Your divine presence!" Eventually the fire dies down and the corpses are found. Remedios has had so many botox treatments that when she tries to look sad she actually seems to be smiling.

The good ladies of the village tell Padre Anselmo (don't bother to learn his name for reasons which will soon be evident) about the suspicious fire. His thought bubble says: "Hmm, one day Griselda and Martina tell me terrible things about Jacinta and the next day they're dead."

There is some talk about excellent baby formula being prepared for Valeria by Jacinta, as good as mother's milk. What do you think, shall we give it to OUR babies too?

Unibrow shows up for the funeral. Padre Anselmo makes an unusual speech: "Was this the work of God, or of man? Was it you, Federico, or YOU, Doña Jacinta? Is there a Judas who caused this death? Nothing is hidden from the eyes of God!" Jacinta's thought bubble: "Does he suspect MOI?"

Leaving the church, Remedios offers to care for Martina's children and Jacinta promises to pay for their education. Martina's widower Teodoro thanks Jacinta humbly. The Padre says, I want to speak to you later today, Jacinta.

Unibrow watches Mayte leave the wake with her husband Adolfo and receive a moment of corporal consolation. Unibrow's thought bubble says: "She's moved on, and I have to do the same, for the sake of my children. Nuria baby, here I come!" No, I added that last part.

Jacinta has her audience with the Padre. He says he knows she's been drugging Maite. She kind of goes whole hog and confesses everything, including the burning up of Griselda and Martina - and even confessing, with relish, the murdering of her husband with a bull - because he was about to commit a mortal sin!

Then she starts insisting the Padre give her absolution. He says: "You think you can plug my mouth by confessing to me, but I can excommunicate you!" He says he can't pardon these atrocities - she insists, saying "flagellate me!" - he refuses and then falls in a little diabetic fit on the floor and gasps for his insulin injection and she says, not unless you absolve me, and he refuses unless she goes to the police and confesses, and she says "I can't do that," so she watches him die there. On the floor. And then tells the others as they arrive, "Well, what a coincidence! Yesterday he was conducting services for the dead and today he himself is in need of the same."

Federico, who was first on the scene, muses via thought bubble: "What sins could she have been confessing that were dramatic enough to cause the Padre to kick the bucket?"

Now we move on to the evil Manola. One of her thought bubbles defies Federico: "Go ahead, continue to think you are my baby's father." So, her baby Rodrigo (who is about to be baptised, with the unspeakable Jacinta as godmother) is supposed to be the child of her (Manola's) superannuated cow-owning husband Gustavo, but this guy Federico thinks he's the father, but now we see he isn't. I don't know who is.

Manola shows Federico the letter she intercepted - it was from the now-deceased Aunt Griselda, to Unibrow, telling him how Maite married Adolfo to spring her true love Unibrow from prison. Federico snatches the letter and decides to keep it, it may be of some use someday. The letter also mentions "the blackmail of Adolfo." Somebody who actually saw this part, please illuminate... ?

Federico goes to Mayte; he lies and says Griselda's letter actually got into Unibrow's hands. He exhorts her: "Unibrow still loves you and you should leave on a train immediately to go to him, take your daughter, he'll be a father to her."

Now if you've actually been following this show, please add further plot points in the comments. If not, feel free to comment anyway! If we don't get comments we will not continue with these recaps!

We have somebody (Jean) for Friday. I don't think we have anybody for tomorrow (Thursday) night. Anybody?


Barrera de Amor, April 25

Greetings all, I have a confession to make, the following is the first episode of Barrera that I have watched, so if I get names switched please feel free to correct it. Also, please jump in to repair any translations or plot lines I may have buggered up. Enjoy...

We open with Maite's confession about her one true love (see previous recap). Suddenly Federico pops in to say "You'll never believe who showed up at the Zamoro Hacienda, Luis Antonio! Don Gustavo called him in to take care of his cattle." Maite suddenly doesn't feel so well and she has to lie down. Federico asks what's up with Maite, she's married to Adolfo, correct, "or is there something I don't know???" "Don't tell me Maite still has the hots for Luis Antonio, or that Adolfo had to marry her?" Griselda says, "Nobody forced her to marry, she did it for her daughter." Martina wants to tell L.A. everything but Griselda says first they have to resolve the issue of Maite's health. They need to find the notorious bag of powder that Jacinta has been giving to Maite; they need this evidence so others in the pueblo will believe them because the whole world thinks Doña Jacinta is a saint.

Speaking of the saint, she is sealing a letter and commands her servant to take it to the Padre and return immediately. Now comes the first of tonight's MANY thought bubbles..."I, Doña Jacinta, am sure that with this good act I will secure my position as a good Christian before Padre whatever-his-name-is." In fact, it is a big fat bribe.

Remedios asks Maite why she married Adolfo if she still loved Unibrow. After all, Adolfo didn't force her. (Um...yes he did in a way.) Adolfo is like a son to her. He is, perhaps, a bit too impassioned and does little illegal things, but he's not a bad person. Maite responds "well, I married him and we have a daughter." Remedios feels that should be enough to make Maite happy.

Jacinta's servant delivers the sealed letter to the Padre. It is money for the restoration of the church. The Padre looks touched (tetched?) and proclaims it is really "too much." Scary to think he is responsible for saving souls.

Back at the ranch...the udders are much better. Gustavo asks Luis Antonio why he left Ensenada. LA answers "the truth, I'm starting over but it's hard to start in a new place where you don't know anyone." "Yes, but you have your sons so I guess you don't need anything else to be happy..." "Oh, I don't complain," our hero says nobly. Close up of his face, bad idea.

Jacinta wants to take Maite to see the doctor...alone. But Griselda insists on coming so she can know first hand about her niece's health.

Break to a hilarious scene of Manola gagging horrendously over her baby's poopie diaper. Her cuckold of a husband (Gustavo) comes in and plans his son's future as a soccer star while mom continues to be horrified by the aroma of sour milk. Dad says it's normal. Next thought bubble is Manola's..."Ay, what a tender scene, if you only knew that the son you wanted so badly isn't yours. You're going to spend your life raising Federico's son. There is no doubt that you are an idiot, Gustavo, a poor idiot." (Guess she really "put the horns on him." I learned that from Alborada. )

Jacinta, Maite and Griselda arrive at the doctor's office. This next scene confused me: Jacinta volunteers to go in first so that Maite doesn't have to wait, i.e. so she can confab with the Dr. in private and thwart Maite's treatment. There are two men, the young one is perhaps the first Dr. that Maite saw? Anyway, Jacinta wants him to hide even though Maite "met him only once." Meanwhile Griselda and Maite run into Unibrow! They make small talk and stare meaningfully at each other. (They should not have these close-ups of him, they're dreadful.)

Back at the ranch Adolfo accuses Federico of stealing money. Federico acts insulted, saying he has worked there his whole life so why should he do such a thing. Adolfo demands the records and plans to go to the bank in the morning to check the accounts. Outside Federico has a thought bubble..."That imbecile Adolfo! If he sticks his nose into the books then for sure he'll find out I lied about the accounts. Must be very careful or he'll ruin my plan. Must put money in the bank first thing in the morning." He's creepy but it looks like he's got a good bod.

The Dr. tells Maite that even though x-rays showed no fracture of her cranium her fall down the stairs could have affected other areas of her brain. "The fact that you feel bad one minute then great the next just isn't normal." Griselda is not impressed and neither am I. He has great confidence in the other Dr. that she saw (the guy in the next room?) whom he has known many years. Griselda wants a third and fourth opinion and the Dr. prescribes a tranquilizer for Maite. (I'm no doctor but I do NOT think this will alleviate her dizziness.)

Outside Griselda spills the beans that they saw Unibrow and that he and Maite had a relationship in the past. Maite wants to rest while Griselda and Jacinta have a power struggle over who should care for her. Jacinta has a thought bubble..."What's with this woman? I have a feeling she knows something." (I'm not doing any more thought bubbles.)

Unibrow shows up at the house of Gustavo and Manola. Manola, holding the baby, gives a flirtacious glance to Unibrow. Honestly, I can't tell if he he looks disapproving or interested, his acting is that good.

Back at the ranch, Remedios wants to have it out with Jacinta. Remedios accuses Jacinta of instigating Magdalena's near death experience and departure from the pueblo. Jacinta says her good actions speak for themselves. (And we know they do.) They go round and round exchanging insults. Jacinta tells Remedios that she and her daughter are the same sort of sinners, carnal sinners, sinners of passion. The only difference being Magda is with many men and Remedios only one, married, Jacinta's husband. (This is three exact same scenes condensed into one because they say the same thing each time and go nowhere.)

Two guys on horses but I couldn't tell who they were and the sound got messed up so I don't know what they said, but they are a far cry from the Alborada caballeros.

Martina tries to get Maite to tell the truth to Luis Antonio about why she married Adolfo, that filthy pig. Even though Adolfo is currently behaving himself who knows what might happen one day. Maite gives a dissertation about how noble Unibrow is. Martina wants Maite to run away to Unibrow, "don't lose this one chance at happiness." Martina almost gets her out the door, suitcase in hand, but Maite loses her nerve and thinks she should talk to him first before showing up on his doorstep.

Dinner at the Cuckold's and Manola's house, she is all kissy-face to her husband in front of Unibrow. L.A. excuses himself to call back home to check on his boys and his friend Dionisio asks about Maite then points out she's married now. Nice friend. Unibrow is brooding on the patio and Manola shows up wearing her jammies. The camera makes a slow pan down, down, her fuzzy house-slippers? I guess this signifies some sort of proposition because Unibrow gets all befuddled and says "it's not proper." (Stilleto heels I could believe, but slippers? Fuzzy white with pink bows?) Manola puts her sly, hurt face on and says she's just trying to escape "the heat." The Cuckold Gustavo shows up and says two cows died, they have to leave right away. Manola walks outside and Felipe jumps her and drags "his treasure" down behind the bushes. They make out while Gustavo comes out looking for her.

Later, in the bedroom, she tells Felipe that she and L.A. met in Baja. He gets jealous but she says she doesn't really like L.A. They tell each other to shut up a lot. (I'm confused. Did she call him Renato? Isn’t this Felipe or is it somebody else?) They think that Jacinta is blind to her stupid son Adolfo's faults, she's alway going on about his blue blood, talking about him as if he's the offspring of a well-bred horse. Wait! That gives Felipe an idea, maybe there's a way to make Jacinta see Adolfo for the dope he is. Cut to the stable where Felipe takes out a bottle with a skull on it and feeds it to the horse..."Take this my pretty, and soon you will meet the best vet in the region."

Griselda decides to write a letter to L.A. telling him of Maite's sacrifice on his behalf. She gives it to Martina to give to L.A. Martina needs to find proof that Jacinta is poisoning Maite in order to unmask her.

Jacinta, Maite and Adolfo are having a gloomy breakfast when a man runs in to tell Jacinta her horse "Shake" has taken ill with colic. They rush out, meanwhile Martina searches Jacinta's room. She finds a bag with packets of powder and, last thought bubble I swear, thinks in her native tongue which sounds really cool, "Venemous demonic witch, dear God, get this badness far away!"

Griselda, Remedios and others are in the kitchen, it's very boring, they talk about the lame doctor that Maite saw, Griselda goes on again about how she promised to protect Maite. Then Remedios tells her tale of woe once more to Griselda, how she didn't want to break up Pedro's home but he wanted to do right by her since she carried his child. She had already registered Federico under her name, but Pedro recognized him has a Valladolid, but Federico doesn't know this, he has equal rights to the hacienda but he doesn't know this either, Jacinta knows and that's why she paid for his studies even though he wasn't a good student, but he's a good hacienda worker which is what his father wanted anyway. (They go into more details of this story but I think it is something that has been explained previously. If not let me know and I will add some more.) Remedios is telling Griselda this because she (Remedios) and Maite are in a similar condition. Griselda tells Remedios not to trust Jacinta with Federico's inheritence. Remedios says there is a letter explaining everything in case of her death and Maite should stay married to Adolfo to insure her daughter's future.

Martina stupidly gives Griselda's letter to Manola's maid to give to L.A., directly into his hands please. Of course Manola is lurking and snags the letter immediately telling poor Evelia to get back to work. Evelia walks off scratching her head...huh? what happened? (Manola is beginning to remind me of Diego, and she even has a mask, her Kabuki makeup!)

Back at the stables Jacinta doesn't want to lose her horse, but of course Adolfo the bad vet doesn't know how to help aside from giving injections...

I apologize, but Barrera runs a few minutes past the hour and I forgot to tell Tivo to account for this. We'll just have to find out what happens tomorrow!


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Barrera de Amor: April 24

If you're just getting started with Barrera, go read the cast of characters below. I'll wait.

OK, did you read it? Good. We proceed.

At the start of this episode, we have a stoned prostitute leaving town on a bus; the heroine, Maite, being poisoned by her mother-in-law, Jacinta; her husband, Adolfo, an incompetent veterinarian, failing to cure his neighbor's cows; the hero, Unibrow, moping in his veterinarian clinic in another town but being attended to by a sexy young pet-shop owner named Nuria.

What preceded this episode: the prostitute was Magdalena (note the symbolism of the name?). She once was the girlfriend of Jacinta's son Adolfo, but Jacinta didn't like her and therefore went to Magdalena's father and said something: subsequently, the father ran Jacinta out of the house so naturally she became a prostitute.
  • It's years later now, and Magdalena recently showed up, bringing a baptism present for Adolfo and Maite's daughter Valeria. Jacinta saw her, was incensed, and organized a gossip campaign against her among the women of the town. Under the guise of door-to-door bible study, a lynching was fomented. (I saw a few moments of styrofoam stones being hurled at Magdalena on a previous night.) Adolfo is upset that his mother was present and didn't stop the little lynching party.

    Tonight, Magdalena, with nought but one little bandage neatly in the middle of her forehead, is at a bus station headed out of town. Federico, who is a servile evil henchman to Jacinta, tells Magdalena she should go away and never come back. He's been putting spiders in her room.

  • I'm going to combine all the poisoning episodes. Martina, a nice servant in the Valladolid household, has witnessed Jacinta putting poison in the tea, and mutters under her breath in Jacinta's presence - but in an incomprehensible Native Language - "Evil Witch, You'll Go To Hell For Poisoning Maite."

    Jacinta wants to hire another doctor because (oh, the unfairness) Maite isn't getting better. She gets herself a new evil henchman, too.

    Martina has managed to intercept the poisoned tea a time or two and therefore Maite is feeling perfectly fine! Martina starts to warn Maite, but Maite's aunt Griselda stops her saying, "let's not upset her." What a poor plot device! If you were being poisoned, wouldn't you want to know it? So you could at least stop thanking your poisoner for her kind attentions?

    Then there's some poisoned orange juice. "We'll take it up for you, Jacinta." "No, I'll do it myself, I want to make sure she drinks every damn drop!" A little fib about a telephone call clears the stage for Griselda to pour the OJ into an amphora, hide the glass, and subsitute non-adulterated juice.

    After missing a few poison doses, Maite is feeling great and comes outside, dressed for the first time in weeks I guess, to have breakfast with her dear mother-in-law! She hasn't had the nerve to hold her baby since (nauseated by the tea) she fell down the stairs with her, but she holds her now. Jacinta mutters in a thought balloon: "Whoever's done this will pay!"

    Martina, the Indian servant (she doesn't look Indian nohow to me), perhaps realizing she's the one who's going to pay - and that she may not be above ground much longer - starts furiously babbling, trying to warn Maite. "I killed a black widow spider, I was reminded when I saw your dress, Doña Jacinta. Oh those spiders, they're poisonous and dangerous! They bite when you don't expect it! They have killed so many babies! They eat their men!"

  • Manola and her money-fixated mother are back from the airport. Manola is upset that her [UPDATE: I thought it was her dad but it's really her husband, an ossified ugly guy named Gustavo Zamora I think] forgot to send the chauffeur to pick them up.

    He's sorry - it's cause he's worried about his cows, who are not getting better from their udder problems. The mother has no interest in the cows' problems but she zooms instantly to her own self-interest: "Then we'll lose a lot of money?"

    Maricruz wrote: Melinama, the guy with the sick cows is not Manola's Dad is her husband she married him, when Adolfo left her for Maite. She wants him to die to inherit the money, and that is why federico tried to kill him en an earlier episode... I don't like the novela, but I enjoy your recaps.

    Manola, the daughter, tells her husband: "Your vet, Adolfo, is completely incompetent. He drank his way through vet school, he told me so himself. Better you should get Luis Antonio (Unibrow), we saw him in San Diego."

  • Unibrow is sad. "I like taking care of cats and dogs, but I miss the cattle, the horses, the bulls, they are my specialty!" Therefore he's delighted to get the call from Gustavo (who has the sick cows). Let's take stock (so to speak):
    Handsome and youngFat and old
    Bad or possibly being rehabiliatedGood, though boring
    Adolfo has Maite and also baby Valeria (see last item below).Has a cute pet-shop owner, Nutria (er, Nuria) doting on him while he broods about Maite marrying the other guy
    Has a mother who will willingly murder for him.Has Maite weeping over him
    Is a bad vetIs a good vet

    There is a confrontation between Adolfo and Unibrow at the Zamora stables. Unibrow discontinues Adolfo's antibiotic treatment. The owner points out: "I can't sell milk that's full of antibiotics!" Is this a covert public-service announcement? Adolfo is way miffed. Don't forget, Maite vastly prefers Unibrow (whose belly made me laugh out loud) to her husband Adolfo, and Adolfo knows it.

  • Ladies of the village righteously tell the Padre: "We stoned Magdalena because Jacinta told us she was a danger to our families."

    Immediately after that, Martina and Griselda come tell the Padre about Jacinta's poisoning project. He says it's a very serious accusation and he'll have to check it out himself.

    He goes to Jacinta and talks about the stoning but not the poisoning. He doesn't look so well. He may be a goner too.

  • Jacinta remembers a conversation she overheard between her husband and his father. The father was saying, "if you're going to boink Remedios, at least don't let it get in the way of your family. ... it's my fault, I made you marry Jacinta when you didn't love her, and you go to Remedios for what Jacinta can't give you."

  • There is a little lovefest during which the aunt, Griselda, remembers that Maite was given into her care by Maite's mother Eloisa on her deathbed. Griselda tells Maite: "While I'm alive, nothing will happen to you." (a) Since Maite has been raped and is now being poisoned, this is obviously not the case; (b) I believe this statement is a deathknell for Griselda.

  • There is another lovefest when the evil Manola comes to ask the evil Jacinta to be godmother to little Rodrigo. "Who better than you to impart the best Christian values to my son?" Manola is the one Jacinta always wanted for her son Adolfo.

  • Finally, Manola stirs up a little trouble by "mentioning" that she saw Unibrow in town, that he's come to treat the neighbor's cattle, and that he has a nice little bimbo of his own called Nutria (Nuria).

    Maite goes staggering into the house and tells her team (Martina and Griselda) that she only married Adolfo because:
    1. He raped her.
    2. Unibrow beat him up.
    3. Unibrow went to jail for beating him up.
    4. The only way Maite could get her sweetie out of jail was to promise to marry Adolfo.
    5. The newly-born Valeria is the consequence of the rape.
    6. Only three people know this: Martina the pseudo-Indian servant, Maite's aunt Griselda, and the Padre. "I don't ever want my daughter Valeria to know..."

    She still loves Unibrow, of course. I'm sorry, my suspension of disbelief has been stretched beyond its limits with this one. Unibrow is the worst love interest I've ever seen in any telenovela.

I hope we've got other people to carry on with these recaps. I'll plan to do next Monday. Write me at if you're willing to recap (I think we have somebody for tonight.) Leave a comment if you read this. If nobody is going to read, we will pack up shop till some unknown future date.

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Monday, April 24, 2006

Second part of Cristina will come

More excuses. It's going to take a little while for me to recap the Cristina show on Monday. Unlike Friday's show, which was obviously edited from this one, there is some real conversation here and I can't stay up to all hours since I have to go to a meeting tomorrow. Tomorrow night is my drawing class. But I will finish it as soon as I can.



Organizing blogging for Barrera

Hi all,

I WILL be posting a recap for tonight's show, but I couldn't watch it yet because a friend dropped over and I thought it would be churlish to say, "I can't talk to you because I have to watch Barrera de Amor. Then, of course, I had to ogle Fernando a bit on Cristina's show and now it's too late. So I will watch tomorrow and have the recap up for you then.

We only have, I think, three days of the week accounted for. So we could use some more regular recappers.

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Saturday, April 22, 2006

Alborada Cast on Cristina, part 1, Friday, April 21

Cristina (C) says that tonight is an ‘aperitif’ because of limitied time and the show will continue on Monday. She introduces Fernando Colunga (FC) with clips from his earlier novelas. Then Lucero is introduced.

C to FL: How do you feel now that the novela is finished?
F: Marvelous, it was a great cast and one of the best experiences of my life.
Daniela Romo (DR) comes down from the audience.
C: Who is this crazy woman?
DR pretends that she is angry that she won’t be on the show ‘til Monday and they haven’t killed her really and she leaves.
L: (while a clip of her kissing FL is on the screen) When women in public see FL coming, their jaws drop.
C: Don’t tell you are jealous?
L: Of course.
C: What is this? Are you cold, dear?
L: I’m happy to be here.
C: Tell me, was this a novela where you lost weight because when you were here last time you had a big belly and a big baby who is now a year old.
L: Yes, I was five months pregnant then and showing a little bit.
C: So how was it in the novela that everyone was so thin?
FC: They didn’t give us food.
C: Karla (the producer) was evil and didn’t give you anything to eat?
L: No, the truth is that we worked very hard. We had to deliver 100 percent and ate enough to be able to do that.
FC: We took care of ourselves because the public deserves to have us look as good as possible.
C: I have seen you working out, exercising but in all the years I have known you, I have never seen you look as thin as this (showing the famous shirt changing scene). In reality, you have always been in good shape but I have never seen you in such physical form. What did you do because this is the first time I have needed to ask this question?
FC: The idea was to change my diet, to make a change for the role because to play a person of that epoch was complicated, risky. People could not accept me as a person of that time un;ess they saw a different image. So I started working 6 months before the start of the novela to completely change my diet and look for a new sense of my physique.
C to L: Speaking of physique, this lady just had a baby and had “mucho fisico” (a big body?)
L: Yes, I had given birth six months before the novela started filming and was breast feeding so my breasts were larger than usual. In the low cut dresses of the period, women said to me, Hipolita, since when is your cleavage popping out so attractively? But it only lasted 2 or 3 months because I stopped breast feeding.
C to L: Was it difficult to change your image as Lucero because you are an active woman who doesn’t wear low cut clothing. Was it difficult for you to feel like the character you were portraying? [Jean- this is a stupid question. She’s an actor, right? That’s what actors do.]
L: I take the character of the person I am portraying – rich or poor, good or bad and then there is the makeup and the clothes. I think the Hipólita’s clothing and that of women in in general in telenovelas is sexy. They are striking.
FC: (interrupts) wild (salvaje)
L: Really?
FC: for Hipólita, for Hipólita.
L: Of course, Hipólita was supposed to be sexy, right. I believe that women in other times were sexy too but they were modest and didn’t show a lot but probably were sexy and feminine in other ways. What I liked was that the clothes and the fashion and briefly, my body, looked in those low bodices. I think it was pretty.
(Behind the scenes interview with L) L:A woman came up to me and said that she loved FC etc. etc. and I told her that there was going to be a scene where he took off his shirt. When, when, she cried. I don’t know but sometime. She said, what a man, how divine, etc.)
C introduces the producer of Alborada, Karla Estrada (KE) [Jean – in one of the ugliest dresses I have ever seen!] You promised us a lot of ‘bloopers’ and outtakes.
KE: It is done. (scenes play in the background)
C: First, how was the production of this novela different than that for Amor Real? Because you had to make sure that the audience didn’t think this Amor Real part II.
KE: What was difficult was that you had a novela that people liked a lot . So at the beginning we thought we might use the same costumes because they were very beautiful but we realized that everything was different in this period, the clothes, the colors of the walls, the lighting. The clothes were very feminine with the low necklines but elegant too. So we worked to make sure that nothing appeared the same as in Amor Real and we succeeded. The truth is that the novela succeeded from what the actors, the director, the screenwriter and everyone did. I have tremendous respect for what everyone did to finish up today.
Then followed scenes of FC going into the audience and asking women not to come at him screaming and L sings a song.
C: I know you don’t want to wait three more days for a whole hour with all the actors from the novela [so we have a teaser]
Luis Roberto Guzmán (LRG), who played Diego, enters and approaches FC.
LRG: I challenge you to a duel because, I am the Count of Guevara.
He leaves.
C again hypes Monday’s show and Daniela Romo sings a song.


Friday, April 21, 2006

Aida's article on "Alborada"

She sent this to me with permission to publish it... I don't have the time to translate it this weekend, but if somebody would like to take a crack at it, email your translation to me and I'll post it...

Alborada: Formidable Entorno Histórico
Por Aída González-Jarrín

De vez en cuando, veo alguna telenovela porque algo me atrae y creo que tiene algún valor. Alborada, producción de Telelvisa, ejecutada por Carla Estrada y presentada por Univisión, me ha entretenido hasta la fascinación. No tanto por el triángulo amoroso entre Hipólita (Lucero), Don Luís (Fernando Colunga) y Antonio (Arturo Peniche), que en sí puede ser un fuerte atractivo para los amantes de este género, como por su contenido histórico-social.

Cualquier historia ambientada a una época distinta a la nuestra es difícil de realizar. Si se quiere credibilidad, se requiere una investigación minuciosa. Esta telenovela -que desarrolla los conflictos clásicos de romances equivocados, la ususrpación de un título y las intrigas entre familiares y asociados- está ubicada en el México colonial; y estos hechos están riveteados por las costumbres, creencias y factores sociales de la época. Encajar complicados hechos novelísticos a un contexto histórico-social requiere enorme laboriosidad y Alborada lo consigue con éxito.

Se toca principalmente la condición de la mujer, su estado de dependencia y sumisión, el matrimonio arreglado por conveniencia, el ingreso forzado a los conventos, la ignominia de la ilegitimidad y del adulterio femenino, y la desvalorización de la mujer no sujeta al esperado código de conducta. También se explora la excepción, la mujer que, como viuda, posee autoridad y derechos.

La influencia de la religión y el poderoso papel de la iglesia se hacen presentes. Además, se expone a la Inquisición y su persecusión a los judíos y algunos otros por considerarseles “sacrilegos.” En México se implantó esta práctica en 1571 y terminó con la separacion de España en 1821.

Se pintan aspectos económicos como el comercio entre las colonias, que en la realidad ocurrió con las reformas de los Borbones. También se observa la división de clases, privilegios sociales, servidumbre, explotación de nativos y esclavitud.

Estan allí el entorno ambiental de un México rural y un costumbrismo fiel a la época, donde se dibujan los ecos de la Ilustración y los albores de la Independencia.

Encontré la actuación impecable. María Zarattini escribió el libreto. La voz de Plácido Domingo corona esta producción.

A Televisa: por favor, más producciones hermosas, entretenidas y educativas como ésta, que nos dan a conocer la valiente historia de nuestros pueblos y sus gentes.

Aída González-Jarrín
Licenciada en Ciencias Políticas y Educadora, Nueva York – 21 de abril de 2006


A site where we can catch up on "Barrera de Amor"

If you read Spanish, a fan has a site where she is recapping. Scroll partially down the page and there is a drop-down menu entitled RESUMENES. I think we have arrived at approximately Chapter 30.


Some observations on Barrera de Amor, April 18

To prequel Jean's recap of Wednesday, here are some things I got out of Tuesday's show (the first one I've watched):
  • I don't much like any of these people - it will make recapping easier.

  • In my opinion the first "barrier to love" is this fat old guy with the big black eyebrow.

  • Maite's father's name was José, he met Maite's mother Eloisa at a fair.

  • Griselda (Maite's aunt, with whom she used to live before she got married) is an old friend of Remedios. Remedios has just admitted to Griselda that the rumors are true: Remedios was Pedro's lover (Pedro being the evil Jacinta's dead husband) and Pedro was the father of her son Federico.

  • Maite is a good cook and maybe runs a merendero (outdoor bar).

  • Due to being poisoned every day by Jacinta, Maite is dizzy and therefore afraid to hold her daughter.

  • Nicolas is the father of Chantal; Eloise (Maite's mother) was his first love.

  • There has been a long, tiresome power struggle about whether this baby is to be named Valeria (after Jacinta's dead husband's mother) or Eloisa (after Maite's mother). I've only watched the show once and I'm already bored with this thread.

  • Federico to his mother Remedios: "You always say my father was a saint and that he died in an accident." He figures out his dad had "another family" and that's why he didn't marry Remedios.

  • Maite is trying to believe her husband, Adolfo, is changing - he raped her, got her pregnant, and then forced her to marry him by blackmailing her true love Unibrow, but now he's acting sort of sweet.

  • Jacinta: "My whole life has been dedicated to others." "It's I who decide what goes on in this house."

  • Somewhere else, Unibrow is about to take on a chipper, sexy young pet store owner as an assistant. Her name is Nuria - or maybe, according to the subtitles, Nutria. (A nutria is "an aquatic South American rodent resembling a small beaver") I can't believe she's going to fall for him.

  • Magdalena, who I guess is "good," sneaks a baby present to Maite. Maite invites her to come in but Adolfo's awful mother Jacinta runs her off. Later, Maite's husband Adolfo explains: Magdalena used to be his girlfriend, but his awful mother broke them up - and whatever she said to Magdalena's father caused him to throw Magdalena out on the street, and so she became a hooker.

  • Unibrow's sons nag him shrilly: "Why didn't you marry Mayte?" "Grownup's business."

  • We see Jacinta poison Maite's special herbal tea. If it were me, I'd stop taking that tea - she immediately gets sicker every time she drinks it!

  • At the moment Maite believes her mother-in-law is nice, and thanks her many times. Jacinta: "That's good, cause I don't like ungrateful people"

  • If you like to read the esmas summaries, we're up to around the 18th of november...

If anybody out there has been actually WATCHING this show and has something to add, please join in!


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