Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Llena de Amor #64 Tue 11/9/10 You can’t always get what you want…unless you’re Emanuel.

Marianela and Emanuel cool off from their hot night with a stroll through the woodsy park where they used to play as children. Emanuel promises Mari that he’ll always be there for her and says he wants to marry her someday. Mari starts to agree, then stops abruptly. Their family will never accept it, the problem being, of course, that it’s FAMILY, singular. “Just think what my name would be…Marianela Ruiz y de Teresa de Ruiz y de Teresa!” Emanuel laughs and says that’s sexy. He likes it. Kissy kissy. Mari thinks it’s time they head home, but Eman takes off running through the trees and says she’ll have to catch him first. She says they’ll get lost again. He says good, he wants to get lost and never go back.
Over at the hospital, Fedra is off on her usual tirade against Netty and rather emotionlessly asking Emiliano why he’s necking with this slut while their daughter is dying. Netty takes her leave, and Fedra wants to go give Kristel hell for daring to get pregnant. Emiliano stops her and says to leave her alone. It’s much worse than a simple miscarriage; they had to do a hysterectomy. Then he has to tell Fedra what that word means.
Netty goes to the hospital chapel for a chat with San Antonio. She’s upset that she gave up her career for so many years in exchange for an impossible love, and it seems she’ll end up with neither. I’m not sure ol’ Tony ever signed that contract. Anyway, Netty wants a little miracle of some kind. Her phone rings. It’s someone from the office of Ezekiel Zapata, a producer who wants Netty to be in his next telenovela. The auditions are tomorrow morning, early. Netty remembers to thank San Antonio profusely before she heads out to pick up the audition materials.
Brandon’s at the station, telling Comisario Tejeda that Oliver committed a little crime, sure, but so did Fedra and Bernardo. Tejeda agrees and tells him to extend a friendly invite to the gruesome twosome to come in for a chat. If they refuse, they’ll feel free to deal with them as criminals. Tejeda says he’ll take charge of Oliver’s issues himself, and he doesn’t appreciate Brandon’s advice on how to do his job. Maybe Tejeda has multiple personalities. One of them loves Brandon, and the other hates him.
Ilitia arrives as Tejeda leaves. Brandon makes a big show of being too busy to look at her. She asks him (quietly, and without any whining, hard to believe) if he won’t help her at all with her father’s situation, especially considering that the two of them… True to his word, this naco gentleman pretends not to know what she means, but he finally looks at her and says simply that the judge is going to give the order to move Lorenzo to prison any minute now.
Lorenzo and Mauricio are in the hoosegow, stewing in their own vileness. A guard comes and takes Lorenzo away. Low gloats that his wife and daughter must have gotten him the best lawyer, and he’ll be free and clear while Agent O rots away there forever. The orange one yells that he will regret this.
Fedra frets. Now that Kristel has had that histerie, hister…that thing so she can’t have children, no one will want to marry her! “How can you be thinking of marriage when she just nearly died?!” Emiliano snaps. Fedra whines that she’s always just thinking of her children, and a woman with no womb is not a woman. Ummm. Emiliano blinks but realizes there’s no point trying to reason with Fedra’s short-circuited brain. He asks her where she was all night while he was here. Fedra claims she went to rescue their kidnapped daughter Gretel from that monstrous degenerate poli. Emiliano angrily says Gretel wasn’t kidnapped; she was in love and happy for the first time ever. Fedra claims she found Gretel tied up naked in a filthy room full of rats, raped and completely crazy. “You’re lying!” Fedra calmly continues…that poli just took what he wanted and left Gretel to die. It’s a good thing her dear mama arrived in time. Emiliano says that can’t possibly be true but he’s crying at the thought. Fedra gives him the address of the manicomio and tells him to go check for himself how bad she is.
Gretel is restrained in bed, crying and remembering the few good days she had with Oliver, when he told her he would never leave her, and then when he was shot and she thought he was dying. She asks him to forgive her. Doctor Doom and the orderlies come in and haul her off to electroshock. She protests bootlessly.
Nereida’s back in the laundry room, which has been repaired since the fire. Axel asks her where she got the idea that he is gay. She says it’s what people said, and no, she does not care to ask his girlfriend for evidence to the contrary. Axel demands to know who exactly told her, and Nereida claims it was Marianela. Axel is furious at his beastly cousin and storms off to demand satisfaction. Nereida smirks.
Marianela and Emanuel are lounging around in the woods. Marianela wants to use Eman’s phone to call Netty, but he claims there’s no signal here and the battery is dead. She knows that’s a lie, and also that Netty and everyone is probably very worried about her. He admits he just doesn’t want their perfect day to end yet, then employs his smoooove moves of seduction to get her to agree.
Fedra calls Dr. Doom to alert him that Emiliano is on his way and must find Gretel in the worst state possible. Dr. Doom reminds her of the charge for this service. Fed says Spiderus is all over it.
Oliver is finally getting some medical treatment, also the old-fashioned way. He’s on the couch at the pensión with the ladies looking on, biting a pillow for the pain as Doctor Arnaldo digs the bullet out of his shoulder. Gladiola thinks he should be knocked out for this. Oliver says he needs to be alert and asks the doctor to hurry so he can go. Doc says where Oliver needs to go is to the hospital. Oliver screams and bites his bloody hand as the doctor continues butchering him. Doris helpfully tells him to be macho and quit screaming and crying.
Over at the station, Brandon tells Ilitia her father committed a very serious crime. She says that’s a lie. Her daddy is good, and also rich. He doesn’t need to traffic contraband. Brandon says maybe it’s just a hobby, then, but the fact is, he’s a criminal. Ilitia insists Brandon is making the whole thing up to blackmail her into his bed. He indignantly says his work is sacred, and he only ever takes women to bed because they want to go. Anyhoodle, he is too busy for this chatter. He’s got to head over to Misery Manor. What a coincidence; she’s going there, too.
Lorenzo asks his lawyer why his wife isn’t there. The lawyer knows nothing about his wife; he was hired by León Garduño. Apparently Garduño thinks he owes Lorenzo one. Lorenzo wonders why. He spoke to Baldomero and Basurto and they said it was a clean job and they had his son. The lawyer says it was a clean job, but unfortunately the baby died.
Elsewhere, the big boss is yelling at the two thugs, who are throwing the blame around. Fittingly, Baldomero is the bald one, and Basurto is the one who threw the baby out like basura. Garduño is furious at what this might mean to his hot hooch biz. He says it’s best to tell Lorenzo the kid is dead, but Baldy and Bas had better look under every rock and find him.
Barf. Axel and Lorena are in swimwear by the pool, and he’s giving her a massage to ease the stress of her useless existence. Then she decides he needs a massage, too, because he must be so tense over Kristel’s trauma. He says that’s not all; he’s also worried because Gretel has vanished. Lorena says Gretel’s fine; she just left with her boyfriend. Well, Axel is ALSO worried because Emanuel and Marianela seem to have vamoosed together. Lorena says yeah, and will there ever be fireworks when Ilitia finds out. What fun! But wait, there’s more…Axel is ALSO worried because everyone seems very surprised to hear that Lorena is his girlfriend. Why do they all say that Axel doesn’t like women?
Kristel has woken up and is crying and fussing, wondering where she is. Fedra coldly says she’s in the hospital, and it’s her own stupid fault. Fedra snarls that the good news is that she’s not pregnant anymore, but the bad news is that she’s no longer a woman and she will die an old maid, broken and empty. Bet you all didn’t know that a hysterectomy came with a free sex change and a severing of all the nerves and muscles that would allow you to sign a marriage license. Doctor Carlos will corroborate. Maybe Emiliano needs to explain that word to Fedra one more time. Kristel cries some more.
Oliver is patched up and wants to go arrest Spiderus, but Doctor Arnaldo tells him he has to rest. The ladies team up to force him to stay put. He cries that he wants to go find Gretel. The ladies tell him to wait for Netty. She can ask Emiliano where they’ve put Gretel. Netty arrives just then, but she’s accompanied by Tejeda. Tejeda tells Oliver he’s under arrest. This is absurd.
Emiliano tries to talk to Gretel. She’s in quite a state. Emiliano asks her who hurt her. She hugs him and rambles about someone who wants to hurt her and is a murderer. Naturally, Emil thinks she’s talking about Oliver. He says that bastard is going to pay. Gretel freaks out more and the doctor sedates her. Emiliano cries.
Oliver tells Tejeda he’s got to find Gretel before Fedra kills her. Tejeda is robotically obstinate because the writers couldn’t be bothered. He’s got to arrest Oliver; that’s the law! He gets out the handcuffs. Oliver says he’ll take responsibility for his actions, but no cuffs, please. He’s not some delinquent. Tejeda finally agrees. Off they go. All the ladies cry. Then Doris tells Netty that Mari has been gone since the pageant and they have no idea where she is. Doris offers to go look for her.
Fedra is still campaigning for that Mother of the Year award. Kristel insists that Mauricio loves her and will still want to marry her even if she can’t have children. Fedra says that’s nonsense. He’s a slimy ratbastard. What did he do when he found out Kristel was pregnant? Did he offer to marry her then? {Fedra utterly fails at logic.} Kristel cries that Malicio was just nervous. I’m almost feeling bad for Kristel. She’s obviously in a great deal of pain and misery, and her mother keeps heaping on the torment. Fedra mutters that the whole family is a bunch of disappointments. The only one who will never let her down is Emanuel. He knows what he wants, and he doesn’t stop until he gets it. {If only she knew…yeah, as many candles and kisses and deep meaningful looks of amooooooor as it takes, he will get what he wants.}
Emanuel and Marianela flirt and kiss some more amongst the trees. Mari jumps on his back and he nearly collapses. Har har. They go into the church and smooch at the altar. They throw flower petals all over themselves outside and kiss some more. Practicing the wedding, now that they’ve already started practicing for the honeymoon, I guess.
Lorena convinces Axel that everyone who says he’s gay (a word he can’t bring himself to pronounce) is just a lying gossip. Especially his nasty cousin Marianela. She’s just out to get the whole family.
Emanuel tells Mari they’re going to have the most beautiful wedding ever, and she will be the most beautiful bride in the whole world. Would she prefer the cathedral, or this little chapel? Hold yer horses, buckaroo, she says. They need to go home. He says they should go out to eat. She says they just had quesadillas. In that case, he counters, they should exercise. She thinks they’ve been stalling long enough. “Do you like horses? Have you ever ridden?” is his answer to that. Then he steamrolls her protests.
Netty tells Gladiola about the audition, but says she can’t focus on it what with everything else going on. Glad tells her this is the perfect distraction. She’s got to jumpstart her career, and besides, Mari is surely fine. Netty pulls out the script and sees that the scene is with a man. Who could possibly help her with this? “You called?” asks her lawyer, walking right in to the unsecured house.
Lowrenzo’s lawyer tells him to claim that Agent Orange deceived him, and he didn’t know the business he was investing in involved bootleg booze. Lowrenzo can only think of his baby. He tells the lawyer to tell Garduño he won’t be placated with free legal services. He wants the heads of the idiots who killed his child.
Netty and her lawyer (sorry, I cannot remember his name right now) rehearse the scene. She’s begging him to leave his wife. He says he can’t. She says get out of my house, then. Emiliano walks in just in time to hear the lawyer say he can’t leave Netty, and he especially can’t let her go back to THAT guy. “That guy is an imbecile! He means nothing to me! I only love you!” Netty says. “Netty! What is the meaning of this?” demands Emiliano.
Emanuel and Marianela ride horses. They carve their initials in a heart in a tree. Poor tree. They smooch some more. Yadda yadda yadda.
Tomorrow: Marianela and Emanuel go out for dinner and Luis Fonsi sings for them, while everyone gathers in Misery Manor and wonders where in tarnation they are. They finally show up and announce that they are in love. Many vapors are had.


La Verdad Oculta #040: Roberto the Highwayman

In the club office, frustrated and perplexed Roberto and Carlos dither over why Juan José is hiding his name and throwing around so much money -- when only recently he was desperately poor. Carlos suspects Juan José is behind the Mirador purchase, too; and Roberto keeps momentarily mum on the name deception to uncover the truth.

Out in the bar, Adolfo conversationally pumps unsuspecting Bertha about Mario and his family and quietly plays on her resentment and ambitions, even initiating familiar address to foster intimacy. Some innate sense leads Bertha to disavow her interest in David when Adolfo asks.

Secretly content to hear Mario seems ill, Adolfo assures her he himself is happy to help with whatever she might need, which pleases Bertha. When she exits for the powder room, Roberto enters; and Adolfo cuts Roberto's grinning wink about Bertha short, disgusted Roberto lost his entry to Mario's and now Adolfo must cultivate another way with Bertha.

Absorbed in a family photograph, Gabriela weeps in her new bedroom at Mario's; when David enters, he assures her Santiago will improve seeing Gabriela is happy. She's comfortable with Mario, and David insists he will deal with problems Bertha might cause. She entreats him to never cease loving her, and David in turn that she never hide anything; and they seal it with a kiss.

Back at the club, Adolfo exits with Bertha for more private digs; and Carlos approaches Julieta demanding why his dad is with Bertha. Julieta wouldn't know and irritably blows him off; whereupon David rudely and publicly reminds her she's just a waitress and can't come in late just because Gabriela married David. Julieta turns and shouts that Gabriela married a real man -- and quits the building.

In his office, Mario expresses his pride in Alejandra and that he's now going to fill her in on the rest of the plan, which she will need to know. She watches him switch the cameras on, and they exit the secret door; inside the tunnel, Alejandra points out Juan José's old well spot, assuring Mario Juan José suspects nothing.

Luckily outside Julieta's apartment, Leonardo pulls up the same time as her taxi, so he can lend her the fare, having left her purse behind. She explains the dust up; and Leonardo will help her find another job, as well as retrieving her things. Julieta gives Leonardo a tender look as he pays her taxi.

Emerging into the tunnel house, Alejandra insists they must replace the louvers and set an alarm against another break in. Mario amazes her with the studio; but as they sit, most surprising is Mario's contention of who and what Juan José really is. She is horrified and incredulous to hear Mario painfully tell the frame-up murder story and his unwitting part in it.

When Alejandra shoots to her feet, begging to know what harm she herself did to make Juan José want to use her like that, Mario guesses it's to approach himself and Adolfo. Mario can see Juan José likes Alejandra and hopes she can uncover his intentions -- and help him prove his innocence. Weeping bitterly, Mario begs her to convey how deeply sorry he is; and to keep up a friendship with Gabriela.

Leonardo accompanies Julieta to her apartment door; and she kisses him goodbye on the cheek, securing a promise he will take her to the movies. At breakfast at gorgeous Juan José's, Asunción's relieved Juan José took his Elsa pep talk alright; it's just the truth, Juan José says. However, it's also true that he likes Alejandra very, very much, Juan José rhapsodizes -- before informing Asunción they're finalizing the hotel sale that day.

Dora introduces herself to Gabriela, sitting lonesome at the big breakfast table -- the workers already gone and slacker still abed -- making Gabriela feel a little more comfortable. In town, a generously smiling Mauricio introduces an apprehensive Elsa to her new job and explains the company will invest in a new wardrobe commensurate with their image. So, there will be shopping; and Elsa is smiling.

Julieta cheers lonely Gabriela up on the phone with her good-natured envy; just then Leonardo rings the bell, and she greets him with a smile and the uniform he'll return to the club for her. When asked, he admits Gabriela's marriage surprised him and that he really liked her. But now Julieta reminds him he's taking her to the movies and kisses him on the cheek goodbye again. He'll return with her purse that evening.

Juan José phones Gabriela to meet about the subject of his name change. And then there's a segment of complete identity change, revealing how Santiago becomes Mario in the studio. When he's finished, Mario frightens Santiago by insisting he try the disguise out right away.

At Mario's, Alejandra is gushing over dozens of red roses anonymously sent to Bertha, when "Mario" zips by dismissively in the hallway, prompting Bertha to observe he's getting nuttier every day. David enters to speak urgently with "Mario," who dives to close the office draperies. David insists the Ávilas be invited to the wedding to downplay the importance of the beach-house flap.

"Mario" seems to have passed his first test, as he heaves a sigh once alone again. At a restaurant, Juan José and Gabriela agree to keep each other's secrets: his fantastic tale -- and that she met him at the market. Her husband is the jealous sort, and Juan José makes it plain he can definitely see why. They agree to be friends.

While "Mario" sweats it out at the big house, Mario and Abelardo wait at the tunnel house, where Mario explains that tomorrow after the wedding he will set off for Veracruz and the ocean liner carrying him to Europe -- never to return. He's leaving behind a letter for David in case Santiago is discovered.

Susana lays on Elsa's doorbell to no avail, when Carlos appears and seizes on Susana's mistaken assumption that he's Juan José to spend time with her and pump her for information. At a restaurant, Bertha greets Adolfo affectionately and flatters him for sending the flowers while he gathers intel about the family. Importantly, he learns Mario will be traveling by car tomorrow for Veracruz.

At a different restaurant, the less-deft Carlos makes a gaff, spooking Susana, who rushes away. He claimed he intends to spring Elsa's brother from prison. So he learns nothing about how Juan José suddenly acquired so much money. Meanwhile, Adolfo rushes to Roberto's condo to excitedly instruct him he will dispatch Mario on the road tomorrow!


Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Life after El Clon: El Mundo de Telemundo

What makes a TN watchable, I’ve decided, are the engaging featured players at its heart. Now that doesn’t make the thing great, only divertido. And using that criterion, Aurora is definitely fun. Sara Maldonado (Aurora), Jorge Luis Pila (Lorenzo, 2010) and Eugenio Siller (Lorenzo 1990, Martín 2010) are easy on the eyes and ears and all know their craft. But they are also all very likeable. What do you all think?

What has happened so far in Aurora?
We’ve been invited into the murky world of cryonics where people deny the finality of death by paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to have their corpses preserved at very low temperatures in the hopes of eventual resuscitation when the cure for their death is readily at hand.

As a cursory Google search will show, this world really does exist. Since the 1960’s, actual versions of Dr. Ponce de León have been selling space in their freezers; and if you can’t afford the deluxe full-body version, they’ll happily welcome you into their heads-only (or even brain-only) bargain basement.

Could it work?
Is it possible to raise the dead, unharmed? From what I’ve read, it’s a very tricky proposition. For one thing, it depends on what you mean by dead. If the holy grail of cryonics is bringing back an intact personality, well, it’s hard to imagine any definition of death that would allow that. If we assume that higher brain function is the first thing lost – the ‘brain death’ that justifies removing organs for donation from a still biologically living donor – how can we expect a ‘brain-dead’ popsicle to be neurologically intact years later? Would you have to anticipate death but not wait for it? That is, would you have to freeze people who were still neurologically intact?

All told, this business of cryopreservation and resuscitation is not totally impossible, theoretically speaking, but the science just isn’t there yet. And when the science eventually catches up with the desire, all those expensive popsicles will likely be out of luck since their antiquated preservation has almost certainly destroyed them.

And yet… and yet… we are in TelenovelaLand where the laws of nature and logic do not apply. Dr. Creepy has raised his lovely daughter from the near dead. It would be the scientific coup of the day and our old friend Augusto Albieri would not have hesitated to take credit for it. But surprisingly, Aurora’s father worries that her life would be blighted if the press were to get wind of her undead status. This leads to three major plot developments:

The latest Big Lie:
Inés and Gustavo (Aurora’s actual parents) tell Blanca (Aurora and Lorenzo’s actual daughter who has been raised to believe she is the daughter of Inés and Gustavo and sister of Aurora) that Aurora had a daughter who was abducted many years ago. Got that? Okay, now she has been found and she will be living at the Ponce de León home. That would make this Beta-Aurora the grandchild of los Ponce de León and Blanca’s niece. Everyone is supposed to believe that Alpha-Aurora is still languishing in the freezer.

The Betrayal:
One of the doctors in the Cryonics facility secretly films the Great Thaw and then sells it to the highest bidder, Eduardo Hutton, wealthy magazine publisher and member of the Ponce de León social circle.

Now Eduardo is a nasty piece of work:

He is married to Vanesa, Alpha-Aurora’s old frenemy and now successful telenovela villain who likes to boast that in real-life, she is worse than the characters she plays on the screen. (And just a glance at her surgically-enhanced enormous ass and lips would be a giveaway to her profession: she looks like a mandrill in estrus decked out in a mini-falda and tacones. She is in the sisterhood of Ivana in STUD and now, Victoria in Eva Luna).

Eduardo can’t understand why the Creepy One values his daughter’s well-being over his own scientific glorification. (Nor can we, really. Could Ponce de León be that rarest of telenovela beasts, a Multidimensional Character?)

A spiteful ex-lover has dragged Vanesa and Eduardo through the tabloids, an unforgivable humiliation in Vanesa’s view.

The First Murder:
I didn’t think this was a murdering kind of story, but apparently I was wrong. A woman – all we can see are her black gloves and black stocking clad legs -- poisons Eduardo. Why? For cheating on the mandrill? For spurning his girlfriend? For revealing the secret of Alpha-Aurora?

Since he’s not just a friend, he’s also a client, he manages to drag himself to Dr. Creepy’s lab for freezing. (Martín is excited about getting himself some cryo-action. Maybe he gets to empty some of the baggies of ice cubes into Eduardo’s capsule/coffin.) While Eduardo’s wife and lover both hated him enough to wish him dead, the killer turns out to be a dark horse: Dra Elizabeth.

Elizabeth is Dr. Creepy’s office wife. She has been in love with him for years but, alas, it has been un amor no correspondido (unrequited). Even now that Dr. Creepy and Inés live apart, their marriage a casualty of Aurora’s tragic fate, he is uninterested in her. When she confesses what she has done, Dr. Creepy threatens to call the police. But she threatens right back: She knows his secrets and where all the bodies are not buried.

Another plot thread yet to be embroidered in the tapestry:
Cesar is the son of Lorenzo and Natalia and half-brother of Nina and Martín, and currently in prison. He is about to be released, if his prison enemies don’t off him first.

Latest development:

Both Martín and Lorenzo open their hearts to loving Beta-Aurora now that she has assured them she is not sister to one nor daughter to the other. [My money is on Lorenzo. Alpha-Beta Aurora seems like an old soul in a young body; once she realized who Martín actually was, she no longer saw him as a lover. She, apparently, has boundaries.]

Last night, perhaps softened by Martín’s words, Blanca realized that neither Alpha- nor Beta-Aurora is her enemy. She and Beta-Aurora strike up an alliance.

The previews show Beta-Aurora arriving at Lorenzo’s dance studio. Anyone want to bet that Nina’s reign as top student is about to come to an end?

Comments about Aurora or any other Telemundo novelas? I'd love to hear what you think about Alguien te Mira. I still don't know where the plot is going although I was glad to see Lola and Pedro Pablo reconciled last night. Looks like their happiness isn't going to last very long though...

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Eva Luna #6 Mon 11/8/10 A Night for Faux Pas

Eva refuses to consider that Daniel might be in love with her. She tells Alicia that he’s still trying to have a good time at her expense.

Daniel though, can’t get Eva out of his head; he’s wondering if she read the note yet and why he even sent it to begin with. He tells himself he can’t understand what’s happened to him or why her forgiving him should matter so much.

Alicia asks Eva why the guy who sent her the flowers can’t be in love with her? Eva says because they’ve only met and spoken a couple of times and each time it was one disaster after another. No way has it She tells her kid sis that this man is the last one on earth she’d ever fall in love with. Discussion over.

At Los Arimendi, old Don Julio is rolling around his room and moping. He tells Max that he is the only one he knows that still cares about him or loves him. Marcella even made sure that his two children deserted him and neither of them ever comes to see him any longer. In another part of the house, Renata is getting ready for bed. She takes out and fingers the packet of love letters she wrote over the years but never sent to Don Julio. And, in a third section of the manse, mean Murderous Marcy picks up a picture of her and Don Julio and says that while he’s dying more and more each day her desire to live life increases.

Back in Dano’s bedroom, he’s still pacing and wondering why he’s fallen in love with Eva. He remember’s Francisco’s mentioning that it wouldn’t be the first time a man fell in love with his protégé.

Alicia is now asleep, but Eva is awake and thinking about Dan and why he would make the effort to write her let alone send flowers and his driver over. She thinks about what Alicia told her and remembers his asking her to smile for him the next time they saw each other. She decides the best thing is to forget him and avoid running into him again. (Good luck with that, girlfriend! Not only is he close friends with Leo, but he dates Leo’s sister and lives in the neighborhood. No way you’re not gonna be tripping over him daily!) She turns out the light.

The next afternoon/early evening? Eva is in Victoria’s room helping her to look for a special bra for the dress she’s modeling during the fashion show. She makes lots of points for finding it and Vicky takes a minute to thank her for sewing the dress she needed for her interview earlier. Eva tells her her aunt taught her to sew and always said she had a knack for it. Vicky decides to give her one of her expensive bracelets as a sign of appreciation and she names her as her personal assistant. (Ok. One more reason she’ll be bumping into Dan continually.)
Anyway, Dano comes by to take Vicky to the auditorium for dress rehearsal before going back home to get ready himself. He looks around the kitchen like he’s looking for somebody and Renata asks if he is looking for Leo. “Nope. Can you get me a glass of water, please though?” He sneaks out on Ren and heads into see Vicky. He’s surprised to see Eva there helping her and Vicky explains what’s up. He reminds her they need to get rolling. Vicky walks into another room for a moment and Dan grumbles mockingly tp Eva in a low voice about people who receive cards and flowers and don’t have the courtesy of mentioning them. Eva ignores him and hurries out of the bedroom. Vicky rushes back out and asks Dan what he did to Eva to make her race off like that.

Downstairs in the kitchen Eva’s cleaning up when Leo walks in and begins to tell her she’s pretty enough to be a model. He kicks into seduction mode, complimenting her eyes, hair and body. He’s close enough so that their bodies nearly touch.

Back in Vicky’s room, she tells Dan she was only joking about Eva. She tells him about the bracelet she gave her. She lays a beso on him. Lovey Dovey. FF>>

In the kitchen Eva excuses herself and nervously starts cleaning up again. He apologizes and smoothly changes the subject to her mother and father. She explains her situation and he milks her daddy’s death for all it’s worth. In a minute he’s got her weeping on his shoulder and hugging him. What a compassionate kind of guy! (Gag me!) A few seconds later Daniel walks back through the kitchen and spies the two of them. She’s got her back to Dan and doesn’t see him or Leo’s smug grin. Dan is saucer-eyed impactado, not to mention all shades of Jealousy Green.

Vicky stops in to say adios to Mama and starts to go to see her father before leaving. Mad Marcy stops her from seeing him by lying and saying he’s taking a nap and to let it wait till tomorrow.

Dano gets snippy and asks if he’s interrupting. Leo says actually he is. “Well, I’ll let you alone so you can continue “chatting”! Eva knows what it looks like and offers to leave but Leo stops her. Dan says no, but it seems your little boss-man here is about to “take advantage” of you. Eva takes offense and defends Leo actions by going off on Dan. “--And if you think that by sending me letters and flowers with your chauffeur you’re going to get anything from me, you’re mistaken!” She storms out. Leo laughs afterwards. “--You sent her notes and flowers? What a genious!” He says he prefers something more dirct: “action” to . “Dan warns him off her. “—Leave her in peace!” “—No, YOU leave her in peace. Come on. What do you say to doubling the bet since I’m going to win anyway?” Vicky walks through and Dan and she leave.

Back at the boarding house, Doña Justa notices that little Adrian’s been moping around the place all day. It seems that his father didn’t come home the night before and he still hasn’t heard from him. Her boxing trainer boyfriend tries looking for him but comes up with goose-eggs.

Downtown during rehearsal, designer Diego needs an extra seamstress to help out with alterations since one called in sick. Vicki says she knows just the right person and calls the house to Renata to have Eva sent over. Renata gives Eva the word. She goes for her things and leaves the kitchen. The cook mentions to Renata that it seems Eva has won over everyone in the house, including Don Julio. Renata frowns. Anyway, she calls Dan about Eva needing to be sent down to the fashion show to help out Vicky. She thinks better of it and says she’ll send her in a taxi instead, but Dan insists on taking her and hangs up. He smiles to himself at this additional chance to be with her.

Renata rushes Eva out of the house and tells herself she can’t understand why Sr. Daniel would insist on taking Eva to the fashion show. “Has to be something strange going on.”

The old boxer takes Tony outside and explains the situation. Tony has connections and says he will go around and try finding out where Adrian’s daddy might have gone.

When Eva sees it’s Dano standing there to take her she gets grumpy again. Dan asks her what’s the problem? Not only did he send her notes and flowers and his driver to ask her to forgive him, now she’s even gotten him to become her chauffeur! What’s it going to take, anyway? She gripes and grouses a bit more but eventually gets into the car and they leave.

Tony enters El Gallo’s gambling den of iniquity and starts asking the dealers for news of Tomas, Adrian’s daddy. He gets taken to El Gallo’s office right away. El Gallo tells him that he’s put a hit out on the guy. (I guess that means Thomas has taken a powder.) He warns Tony to keep out of his business. Tony says he isn’t really interested in what’s going on, but his little boy is involved. One of El Gallo’s goons reminds El Gallo that they didn’t take Thomas’s kid into consideration.

During the drive to the show, Eva asks why he specifically happens to be the one taking her there and why he always is after her and bumping into her. He keeps asking her about having read the note. She ignores him and says flowers and a card aren’t going to win her trust (I think). He asks if she’s going to keep scolding him all night. It’s getting old and she’s being unfair; he’s done everything he could think of to show her he’s sorry! Finally Eva is shamed into recanting and says, well since that was your intention, then you’re forgiven. Dan wants to know if she read the letter or not. She gives in and says yes, but if… Dan interrupts and says that was NOT my intention. They both end up trying to fight back a smile and when they pull up to a stop light Eva remembers the car show and Daniel and her staring at each other after he saved her from falling to the floor when she tripped.

People are driving up outside the fashion show. Some 30 something stud gets out at the same time Marcy does and notices her. Dan drives up a couple cars back and lets Eva out, but only after she asks him why he wrote the letter. He assures her it was only to make sure she didn’t think he was some kind of boorish lout who was just out to have a bit of fun at her expense. She smiles and says she believes him. He smiles back, relieved and happy.

Inside the building, Vicky calls home to find out how long till Eva arrives. Renata tells her that Sr. Daniel left a half hour earlier with Eva. Vicky is a bit surprised to learn that Daniel insisted on taking Eva rather than letting her take a cab. Outside again, Marcy meets up with Dano and Eva and wants to know what gives. Dan explains and after she gives Eva her blessing, so to speak, she asks Dan why he brought her. Dan explains it just made sense since he was on his way anyway. Marcy asks if it was out of kindness or self-interest. He sidesteps an answer and gives her his arm.

Back inside the building, Marcy and Dan meet up with Leo. Leo finds out that Dan brought Eva. Dan’s grins like the Cheshire Cat. “—Don’t worry! We talked about everything in the world, except you!” He offers to get Leo a drink, smiles and pats his shoulder, then heads for the bar. Leo is not a happy camper.

Eva rushes around in back and Marcy has dinner with a buddy of her husband’s. When asked she says D.Julio is really bad off and may not make it for very much longer.
During the dinner chat Thirty-Something Stud Guy keeps staring at Marcy from across the room and vice versa. Turns out Stud Guy’s name is Bruno and he and Leo are old pals.

Back in the dressing room, Eva is introduced to Diego. He makes a big deal about Eva’s skill and says he’s even more impressed by her looks. She could be a “Miss Universe.” Vicky overhears this and moves in to squelch the competition from The Help by taking another opportunity to thank Diego for the chance to close the show.

At the boarding house Alicia is bored and wants to go to work with Marisol. She actually becomes a pest and since Marisol can’t exactly take her to the strip joint (the real place she works at), she tricks Alicia into changing while she sneaks out and races off.

Leo introduces Bruno to Mama Marcy and they exchange double-entendres for greetings which apparently go over Leo’s head. After Mama leaves, Leo says it was a good thing he told Bruno she was his mother or knowing him, Bruno would have asked her to go out with him.
A few minutes later the fashion show begins. Eva is watching by the lighting technicians in the back of the room.

Marisol’s old squeeze/pimp, the strip-joint owner, tells him to put on a sexy dress and dance especially for him tonight. That’s the last thing she wants to do but of course, she hasn’t got a choice.

Dona Justa and Boxer Guy put Adrian to bed and wonder what to do with him if his daddy doesn’t come back for some reason.

During the fashion show Leo starts looking around the room and he sees Eva in back. He gets up and surprises her. Dano watches Leo walk towards her and flirt. Now Dano’s not the happy camper. For some reason she doesn’t suspect Leo of a thing even though the first thing out of his mouth is another flirtatious compliment: “It’s incredible, but even at a distance I can see your pretty eyes.” (Dunno. Maybe the music’s just too loud for her to make it all out.) Eva giggles and tells Leo he startled her. Leo mentions that if he’d known she was here he would have had her sit with them. She says no, she couldn’t have; she’s not even supposed to be there.

Dan keeps giving Leo the evil eye from across the room. Leo says of course it’s alright, and he’s rather glad she’s there so close to him. This finally puts her on guard and she hints at being uncomfortable. “Señor!” “—What’s with the Señor? It’s about time you forget the Sr. stuff and just call me Leonardo.” Now his voice turns seductive again. “—or maybe just… Leo.” He starts playing with her hair. Eva reminds him to behave himself. Leo invites her for a drink to make her relax. She angrily asks him if he’s crazy or what and tells him it would be better if he goes back to his seat.

Okay! Vicky and the wedding dress she’s modeling to close the show has just been announced and she begins to walk onto the stage. Across the room, though, Eva has just told off Leo.”—Back off! You don’t know what I’m capable of if you don’t!.” She storms away from him and-- Ooopss! Suddenly all the music, lights and sound go dead as Eva accidentally kicks the wires on the floor and disconnects the main wire. For an extremely embarrassing moment all seems to be lost. Eva apologizes to the crew. Leo taps her arm and tells her to just leave them alone so they can do their job and get it all working again. She hisses at him to leave her alone and not to touch her again!

Once the strobes come back on, Vicky saves the day by calmly explaining that this is exactly how they planned getting the audience’s attention for the best outfit of the evening. Everyone applauds and no one but Mama seems to notice it wasn’t. Eva thanks the Diosito that everything turned out alright despite her screw up.

Tony comes back home and he and Alicia go together to a disco for a little dancing. She can’t understand why Marisol dumped on her this way. Tony reminds her that Mari has her…”boyfriend problems.”

Back at the manse, Renata brings Julio his medicine and Juliio asks where Eva is. Renata says she’s taking care of him because Eva had something else to do. He whines to her about everyone abandoning him. She insists that she still is there for him and cares about him. (She tiptoes on eggshells when she says it. Viewerville gets a creepy feeling but we still don’t know the whole history here between the two of them.) Don Julio smiles at her and relaxes.
Daniel finds Leo during the reception. Leo smirks and hints that Vicky’s calling for him. Dan tells him he saw Eva with him during the show and how she nearly fell trying to run away from his harassing her. Leo says he’s taking his roll as “protector” a bit far. Daniel gets in Leo’s face and warns him to lay off or he will smash his face in and accuses him of sexual harassment. Leo dares him to just try putting a hand on him. Dan explodes and gives him a right hook to the jaw. In come the bouncer types. Bruno helps break up the fight. Dan reminds Leo in front of everyone that he dislikes threats. He repeats to Leo that he’d better lay off Eva and then struts off.

Bruno asks Leo what the dust up was all about and who this “Eva” is. Leo wipes the blood from his mouth and explains she’s a new conquest he’s got a bet over with the guy who just cuffed him.

After the show is over Mad Marcy goes back and threatens to have the production crew hounded out of the business for unprofessionalism. The head tech tells her that it was an accident cause by the model on the other side of the room. Mad Marcy looks as he points to Eva at the other side of the back. She explains she’s not a model. The tech says she should be because she’s really beautiful. Marcy suddenly decides to forget and forgive. She grumbles to herself: “—Ah! So she’s the guilty one.”

Marcy is smiling once again as she watches Vicky and the Univision interview/announcer give her publicity for saving the show with her remarks. Marcy tells Diego it was a good choice using Vicky to close the show with. Diego says her generous “donation” helped him make his choice.
Bruno flirts with Marcy while she watches Vicky and the press. He compliments her on her beauty and says it’s obviously inherited. Marcy says thanks, but it’s definitely not a question of being inherited. Bruno keeps bull-dozing with Marcy and says he thinks Marcy’s actually more beautiful than her daughter. They toast.

In another part of the reception, Vicky asks Dan if he knows what happened with the lighting and sound. He sidesteps and tells her to enjoy her well-deserved success and star of the show. Vicky smiles and says she wants to be his shining star for your nights as well. They toast and kiss again as Eva watches and sighs.


La Fea Más Bella #81-82 11/9/10 Waiting for Ingala

Capitulo 81.Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 80 to 81. Then come back here to discuss it.

Paula asked me to post this link to dialog translations for these episodes.

Capitulo 82.
Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 82 to 84. Then come back here to discuss it.
Thanks to Pata for the image of Ingala. Who is she???


Llena de Amor #63 Mon 11/8/10 Hearts afire, among other things

Friday: Paula has a bad feeling. Me too. Begoña offed, the baby abandoned by the roadside, Oliver shot, Bernardo and Fedra dragging Gretel away, Marianela having another spell.


Eman tells Mari she has to get to a doctor first thing tomorrow. She wants to go home. He says he wants to be with her tonight. They kiss. I feel better!

At the big casa, Paula and Benigno are preparing a welcome-home for the new beauty queen, flowers and music and everything. Brandon comes into the living room with Nereida in her civvies (a sexy dress) in tow, looking for her, but the Nereida says she left with Eman.

Eman is telling Mari that she’s beautiful – she shyly says no man has ever said that to her. He tells her he wants to be with her forever. More besos. Oops! He’s taking off his coat. Mari says she’s scared he’ll just evaporate. He says he wants to love her completely, which is usually an icky come-on line, but this is our Eman, so it’s actually sincere. More besos.

The two mafiosos are having a beer. The bald one feels bad about what they’ve done. Not the woman so much, but abandoning the baby. They get a call from Lorenzo in jail. He says he has a little problem, but there better not be a scratch on that baby, or he’s siccing the big boss on them. The non-bald one tells Lorenzo everything’s fine and hangs up. The two guys laugh and head out to find the baby.

At the hospital, Emil calls home to reach Fedra, but gets Axel, who says she’s not there. Emil wonders where the hell she is.

Fedra and Bernardo have dragged Gretel into a clinic, into a padded cell in fact. Fedra tells her that one day she’s going to thank her for separating her from that policeman. No, no no! protests Gretel. Boo, hiss, boo!

Mari and Eman are in bed, but fully clothed. She says she’s dreamed of this moment. He love-talks her. More besos, lots of candles. Adjusting her glasses, she tells him she’s never been with a man. He says they can just hug.

Gretel sobs to her mother that she is her living conscience, the conscience she never had. Fedra is an excrescence, she killed her tio, and now her lover. Fedra tells her that where she comes from, survival is everything, and to survive, you get rid of whatever stands in your way. Kill me too! Gretel begs. Fedra strokes her face and hair and tells her that death is a prize, and she hasn’t earned it. Better they leave her here. Bernardo throws Gretel against the upholstered walls and he and Fedra knock to get out. They leave and Gretel freaks out.

Marianela tells Eman that she’s afraid her she won’t please him, meaning her body. Aw, poor kid. But he tells her he’s crazy about her, and he’s discovering himself what real love feels like. Meantime, her powerful superstructure bra juts a huge breast skyward like Mt. Everest, almost dwarfing Eman. That alone could inspire a fellow, I’m thinking.

The two baddies drive back to where they left the baby in a pile of branches, but it’s gone!

Brandon asks Axel if Eman has a bachelor pad or something where he could have taken Mari – he’s worried that she’s okay. Axel gets mad and says she’s not the victim, Kristel is. Why, she was taken straight from the contest to the hospital. Axel tells him to get out, but Brandon plops down on a couch, folds his arms defiantly and starts waiting.

For some reason, there’s a breeze in the lovers’ chambers, we can tell from the candles. The hot winds of love? Mari wants Eman to snuff them all out so he can’t see her, but he wants to soak her in. Things get hot and heavy, and we can see a bare arm, so she has her shirt off at least. Maybe everything!

The baddies are circling the neighborhood in their mobmobile, looking for the baby, but no luck. The bald guy tells the other one that if Lorenzo tells the boss about it, it’s all his (the other guy’s) fault. Okay, says the other guy, inexplicably. They keep looking.

It’s getting even hottier and heavier! Eman wants Mari to feel completely desired. If it weren’t for the gutting candles in the foreground and a huge bouquet of roses, we might see things that would make us blush.

Outside the clinic, Fedra tells Dr Peralta he knows what he’s to do. He tells her not to worry, he’ll take good care of her daughter. He walks off a little heavy-hearted maybe. Fedra and Bernardo figure they need to go get rid of Oliver’s body. Fedra thinks it would be a good idea to burn the cabin. Brilliant! says Bernardo.

Papito! Calls out Gretel, troubling deaf heaven with her bootless cries. Get me out of here!

In the cabin, we see Oliver, wounded in the chest, but trying to get up to save his damsel in distress.

Axel still wants Brandon to leave, but he says he’s glued to the spot until Mari comes home. He gets a call – Oliver! He’s on his way.

Ceiling shot of Mari and Eman in passionate embrace.

Brandon’s GPS must’ve gotten him to the cabin (Calle del Bosque, turn left at the toadstools) because it looks like he beat Fedra and Bernardo there. Maybe they stopped off for matches, a hot dog and a can of gasoline at the Seven Eleven. Brandon carries his friend out, swearing Fedra’s going to pay.

Oliver doesn’t want to go to the hospital because the police are looking for him. He doesn’t want to be behind bars where he can’t find Gretel and save her.

Fedra and Bernardo arrive with, sure enough, big cans of gasoline. Though it’s raining, Fedra splashes hers around on the outside, and Bernardo does the inside. Neither seems very concerned about keeping the gas off themselves, but what the hey. While happily splashing the furniture inside, Bernardo realizes Oliver isn’t there. He rushes out to tell Fedra, and they realize they can say they came and shot Oliver because he had kidnapped Gretel. Perfect! But Fedra just can’t resist, she throws a lighted match. Bernardo is furious – how will they explain a fire?

Bernardo literally tries to drag Fedra from the scene, but she shakes him off, transfixed by the fire. How like the burning boat it is! she exclaims. Look at those flames!

It’s morning now, and Axel is having breakfast, while Delicia, Nereida, Benigno and Paula wonder where Marianela and Fedra are – their beds weren’t slept in. Delicia figures Marianela spent the night at her aunt’s, and says she’s got good sense. Axel gets mad at her for always defending Mari, who’s not a good person.

In come Fedra and Bernardo who said they were trying to rescue Gretel, and they had a good lead, but the policeman got away. Axel tells her that Emil is at the hospital with Kristal, who lost her baby, but is going to be okay.

We’re in Kristel’s hospital room. Kristel’s asleep, and so are Emil, who has fallen asleep on the couch, and Netty, who has fallen asleep against him. She awakes and thinks how lovely it is to wake up next to him. He awakens and goes to Kristel’s bedside. She feels hot, maybe a fever. Netty takes a look and realizes she’s hemorrhaging.

In another bed, Mari wakes up to find Eman looking at her adoringly. Lots of love talk. He’s joyful, and says she’s all his. More kisses. Miraculously, the candles are still burning.

The doctor tells Emil and Netty that it’s serious – they’re going to have to do an emergency hysterectomy. No babies in Kristel’s future.

Dr Peralta tells the psych nurse that Gretel is schizophrenic and dangerous. Also, if anybody inquires after her, the nurse is to say that there’s no one at the clinic by that name. He tells her to give Gretel a double injection. The nurse protests that it’s dangerous. He tells her to hop to it, he’s ready to start electro shock therapy. The nurse is worried that that’s inhuman, the injections alone should suffice. The doctor orders her to do as told. The nurse approaches Gretel, who must be already drugged, because she’s asleep.

At Netty’s the ladies (minus Netty) all wonder how Begoña is doing on her flight to Italy, and they say the house seems so empty without her and the baby. They hope Marianela shows up before Netty finds out she’s missing. Yowza! Here comes Brandon, with bleeding and agonizing Oliver, who he plops on the couch.

Gretel awakes just as the nurse is about to inject her. She asks her to let her leave. The nurse strokes her forehead and says everything will be okay. No! Fedra! whispers Gretel. The nurse injects her and she drifts off into drugland.

The nurse looks at the syringe and says to herself that a double dose would kill Gretel. She decides not to follow orders.

Oliver is in Gladiola’s arms and Brandon rebukes him for running off. Brandon says he’s going to do things the legal way, and off he heads do Do the Right Thing, though I have no idea what that is.

He’s going to turn me in! wails Oliver, who wants to leave, but Gladiola wants him to wait for the doctor.

Eman has taken Mari to a big patio restaurant which is completely empty, which must mean a big savings on extras. He tells her that they make the best quesadillas in Mexico, though it’s puzzling that nobody is there ordering them up. Mari says she felt good after exercising, and he says he’ll be her personal trainer. They gaze into one another’s eyes.

Ilitia has dialed up her mama and while she’s waiting for her to answer, their maid tells her to just let her mother enjoy her vacation, and tell her later. Ilitia tells her to mind her own business and get back to making breakfast, and also that she happens to be very tactful at delivering bad news. This I gotta see.

Ilitia tells her mother that while she’s off lying around the beach, her husband is in jail. Great tact, says the maid. Ilitia smirks.

Mauricio’s cousin Lorena comes to see him in jail. Other jailbirds leer, and so does Lorenzo, who thoughtbubbles that she’s hot. She tells him she couldn’t reach his father who’s still missing, and his mother is on vacation in South Africa. He asks her to get hold of the family lawyers. She tells him that Kristel just lost their baby, and why didn’t he tell her about Kristel being pregnant?

Axel tells Nereida he’s going to go see Kristel in this hospital. Nereida observes that he and Kristel used to fight like cats and dogs. He’s surprised. Anyway, he says, she’s a good friend of my girlfriend. Nereida can’t believe he has a girlfriend. Of course, he says, Lorena. Nereida says the one who came here and threw a big scene because you rejected her? Axel asks her to explain. She asks him when he came to be interested in women, because from what she heard, his tastes were um… different.

In the hospital corridor, Netty tells Emil that Kristel needs lots of love right now. He sighs that he wishes Fedra were like Netty. Netty would have been such a wonderful mother to his children. They can’t turn the clock back, but there’s still the present. His marriage to Fedra is shot. He asks Netty for a hug, just a hug. She hesitates, then hugs him.

Fedra of course walks by and sees. She comes over and fake-calmly asks them what they’re doing.

Mari and Eman are walking in a park, and are remembering when their parents brought them there as kids and they played together. Mari finally confesses that she was in love with him since she was a kid, and that she’d always dreamed of being with him. He’s touched by the knowledge and says he will always be with her. In fact, one day, he is going to marry her.

Avances: Mari and Eman are still missing, lost in their little love bubble. Gladiola reassures Netty that they’ll show up. Mari and Eman ride horses, carve their initials in a tree, kiss. He proposes, they walk up the aisle of a church. They know they’ll have to face the family.


La Verdad Oculta EP39 11/08/2010 - More tears, shouts and flirting

* After witnessing that a rich playboy is smooching with his precious little daughter the indignant Fausto tries to scare him away and when he learns from a very polite and humble David that he and Gabriela have just got married he collapses. He's inconsolable, he doesn't want to listen to the kids and runs into his room. David comforts his heartbroken wife then he leaves. Two minutes later Fausto also storms out of the flat furiously, leaving his stunned daughters behind.

* Juan José, the Clueless Dumbass visits Elsa, the Whining Shrew, and they had their 659th fight over their relationship, her wish to be independent, his wish to protect her, who has changed and who hasn't, and what about Medina and Alejandra. While they're shouting each other's head off the phone starts to ring. Hello? Hiiii, Mauriciooo, how are youuu? Oh, JJ's face is priceless. Medina offers her a receptionist job at his office which she gladly accepts. JJ, whose face became sourer and sourer every minute while he was listening to their friendly conversation, restarts their debate and says he could offer her a job if she wants to work that much... But the new, upgraded Elsa 2.0 sends him to hell.

* Roberto visits Alejandra to revive their so-called friendship, but she's so irritated by him and quickly leaves for work. Yes, she has an important client whose name is Juan Ocampo.

* In their hotel room Susana discreetly steals a few diamonds. Hmm, it looks like the neverending epic love of Marky and Susanho is gone with the wind.

* Roberto and David have an uncomfortable conversation about the wedding. David warns Rob to never disrespect his wife again, and when Iago tries to whisper more poisonous tales about Carlos again he threatens him. Rob pulls a Smeagol: okay, okay, he'll do everything that the precious hobbit wants, but please, he'd like to remain his friend! You're an idiot, says David and he leaves.

* Faustiago tries to visit Mario but the bitchy blonde Cerberus who guards the front door bangs it into his face. He sneaks into the headquarters and has a walk in the secret tunnel. In the bedroom he wakes up Mario and gives him a bit of hell. He's sure Mario is the one who arranged the marriage! But Mario only wants them to be happy and rich and he plans to tell them the truth. Oh no, you didn't.

* In Medina's office the handsomest architect pays sweet compliments to Elsa who's very grateful for his offer, but in the meantime she worried about that the job won't fit her. No, she'll be perfect!

* Leonardo and Ramón interrogate Salomón about Elsa, the loan and her quit. Slimebag Sr. talk about her very benevolently, no, he doesn't find her behaviour suspicious, but he starts to tremble a little bit when Leo mentions the defenseless little girl has a big brother who's involved in two murders and drug traffic. *Viewerville: LOL*

* While Alejandra and Mina are examining JJ's house and Roberto shows up again and he's very interested in her work, in the mysterious Juan Ocampo and in the big hole in the middle of the kitchen. JJ also arrives at the house but doesn't notice Rob. He's enchanted by Alejandra's welcome kiss on his cheek but in the meantime he's too distracted by the quarrel with Elsa and doesn't care about the reconstruction much. After he he leaves the house the girls, as usual, gush about him.

* For five minutes the show turns into Die Hard 5 in which Leonardo McClane, the biggest hero of Novelaland and his colleagues eliminate a kidnapper clan and rescue a frightened, tied up woman.

* Marcos asks Susana to talk with Elsa.

* In the AFI office Ramón and Leo (who's still heartbroken) talk about Elsa's strange disappearance. What if she's involved in the stolen diamond business of her brother?

* Elsa learns from her friend Lulu that the cops were looking for her at home and at the garment factory. She asks Lulu that if her brother looks for her please tell him she disappeared, she knows nothing about her.

* In the hotel room Asunción is watching a Chantal Andere telenovela when a depressed JJ arrives at home. He tells Asunción he had a fight with Elsa, but anyway, he's more concerned about that he was awfully vapid when he met Alejandra. Who is so lovely, so beautiful and smells so good... Asunción gets fed up with the fanboy crush and bursts out: if you're so much into the pretty, rich, sophisticated and awesome Alejandra then leave poor, simple, caring and loyal Elsa in peace, Mr. Count of Monte Cristo!

* In their flat Fausto softly, coyly asks Gabriela if she really loves David. Yes. And is she sure about his feelings? Hell yes. He's a good boy, and the fact that he's married her proves that. She kisses her father and cries for his forgiveness to which Fausto responds that he only wants her to be happy. Doorbell, David came for Gabriela. Fausto looks at his daughter and gives his permission, though it's very hard for him to let his beloved daughter go. *Viewerville: Where is my handkerchief?!* After the young couple leaves Julieta joins her crying father. She's happy for Gaby who is so lucky, she has a great guy who loves her... While she's still a miserable waitress.

* In Club Sagitario Bertha and Roberto have a drink with Adolfo. Dolphie quickly gets rid of Roberto by sending him into the office
and starts to pay compliments to Bertha: David is an utter idiot for choosing a waitress instead of her. *Viewerville: Run, silly girl, run!*

* Fausto calls Mario and tells him he has decided: he accepts his offer.



El Fantasma de Elena-Index

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Monday, November 08, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #79-80 11/8/10 Nature boy, the slap dance and the peace pipe.

Capitulo 79.Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 75 to 79. Then come back here to discuss it.

Paula asked me to post this link to dialog translations for these episodes.

Capitulo 80.Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 80 to 81. Then come back here to discuss it.

Paula asked me to post this link to dialog translations for these episodes.


Saturday, November 06, 2010

Llena de Amor #62 Fri 11/5/10

I'm not going to be able to get a recap up, real life has sucked up my entire weekend again - can anybody help me out? Thank you in advance.


Eva Luna #5 Fri 11/5/10

Feel free to fill or make any corrections. I have only watched the first episode and this one, so I am behind.

Dan and Laurita pull in the driveway and she jumps out and loudly informs her dad "It's her! It's her! From the drawing!" Dan and Eva just stare at each other and smile. Laurita takes the initiative and introduces herself to Eva. Eva tells her that she has a pretty name. Dan asks her what she's doing here? Mrs. Renata sent me to return this package to you that you had left behind. I didn't know you lived here. you have a beautiful home. Laurita tells her dad to invite her in and show her the place.

The brother of the dead servant (Rita) that Marcela had killed goes to her company and causes a scene blaming her for his sisters death. Leonardo starts shoving Rita's brother around, but Marcela puts a stop to it and begs the brother to come into her office to talk about things calmly.

Dan is showing Eva around and she takes an interest in one of his paintings. Is this an abstract art? Do you know art asks Dan? No replies Eva. Well just a little. I have pretty good art books. Jackie comes to offer them a drink, but Eva refuses. She has to go now. Laurita rushes in and says not yet. I have something to show you. Laurita asks Jackie to help her find it.

Marcela asks Rita's brother why he thinks that she had something to do in the death of his sister. Have you spoken to the police about this? No, replies brother, unfortunately I am just starting to remember this all now. But be assured I will. Stay calm and take a seat then replies Marcela. I'm fine replies brother. Okay then replies Marcela. I advise you not to go to the police. First because you have no proof. Second that investigation can bring things, ugly things out about your sister. What are you saying, asks Rita's brother? Your sister was mixed up with some bad people and got all caught up. Then I will make it my mission to put you in jail for years for defamation.

Dan is showing Eva the pool, kicking in toy pools. Dummy decides to throw a big one at Eva who is not prepared and knocks her in the pool. He laughs at her. She's not happy. Then she pushes him in.

Marcela and Rita'a brother are calmed down and she offers him a drink.

Everyone rushes out of the house to see the commonion. Eva wants to leave. Where's the exit? She gets three different answers.

Marcela brings Rita's brother a coffee that she herself made. I yell at the t.v. not to drink but he drinks it anyway.

Eva walks home cold and wet. Victoria pulls up wanting to know what happened. Eva tells her she rather not talk about it. Victoria gets a call and forgets all about Eva. She tosses her keys to Eva and tells her to put the car away. Inside the house Eva is explaining to Renata why she has come back wet from Dan's house. Renata gets onto her for going into his house.

Drunk guy yelling at his kid. Don't really know much about this.

Francisco the butler/confidante/driver inquiring about the lady. Eva replies Dan with a cheesy grin.

Leonardo gets onto Renata for letting Eva go over there to drop off a bag. She is here to take care of my dad. Renata sees no reason why she couldnt't take the bag over there since his dad was sleeping and she had nothing to do. Because those are my orders replies Leonardo.

Rita's brother's is driving down the road and starts getting sick. He recalls Marcela insisting he have a coffee before he leaves. To help him relax. He has an automobile accident, and the policeman tells Marcela that the driver was being taken to the coroner's, so he apparently died. So we can add another murder to her likely toll.
It seems Doña Justa has a problem with her sister. She’s gone to church to pray and the priest tells her to talk to her sister to try to resolve it.

Eva helps sew up a ripped garment for Vicky right before an important magazine interview at the manse. Guess this makes her a few points with both Bimbutt and her bitchy mama.

Stud Thief, aka Tony, and Alicia go gambling together at El Gallo’s club. Leo is there and Alicia accidentally bumps into him. They lock eyes and Leo likes what he sees. So does Alicia it seems.

Meanwhile, Eve is getting ready to head for the bus home that night. Daniel’s chauffeur, Francisco, pulls up and literally has to beg her to take some flowers his boss sent over for her. He’s also supposed to drive her home. Daniel’s waiting anxiously for his cell phone to ring with word from Francisco that their plan worked. After first refusing she gives up and agrees to both the flowers and the lift home. Francisco makes the call to Dan after dropping her off.

Tony loses all the money Alicia made at the gambling table and they head home.

Francisco gets back to Daniel’s and assures him that even though Eva didn’t read the card he sent with the flowers that a woman is always curious. There’s no way she won’t eventually read it.

Eva gets to her room and does start reading Dan’s note: “Eva, at times men are slow and clumsy, extremely clumsy. I hope that if the flowers don’t do the job that hopefully these words will. I am sure that by now you think I am detestable—you’re favorite flirtatious compliment for me. What happened this afternoon was foolish on my part and I ask your forgiveness. A thousand pardons, please! I swear it wasn’t my intention to laugh at you or to make you feel bad. On the contrary, I wanted you to feel comfortable in my home and I even was looking to impress you a bit. So I am going to suggest something. How about supposing that what happened this afternoon didn’t and that I wasn’t such a clutz and that you didn’t fall into the water. The only thing that we cannot suppose is that your face that is so lovely didn’t smile again. So, please forgive me and the next time we see each other present me with another smile. “ Eva melts after reading this and smiles.

Vicky finds out that her mama arranged for her to have the choice job of closing the fashion show as part of a business deal and isn’t happy at all about it.

Alicia gets home and asks about the flowers. Eva tells he they’re from Daniel. She’s about to tell her kid sis the details when she smells cigar smoke on Alicia. Alicia admits Tony took her to a bar. She also tells her that she bumped into a guy there that was the handsomest man she’d ever seen in her life. She never found out his name or anything else about him but she sure hopes that she runs into him again some way or somehow.

Leo goes over to Claudia’s and celebrates his luck at poker that night with a bout in bed.

Eva has Alicia read the letter from Daniel. After she’s done reading, Alicia tells Eva that the guy is obviously in love with her.


La Verdad Oculta 038: Dora and Gabi Keep JJ’s Secret

The scene is set, and like any good murder mystery, (almost) all the players are gathered in a luxurious mansion. Alejandra, wearing a femme fatale worthy dress, is seated next to the mysterious and intriguing stranger Juan Ocampo (aka Juan Jose Victoria Ocampo). Next to them sits Don Mario, the generous millionaire, who is at the center of many mysteries, and his trusty right hand man Abelardo. They await the appearance of the (sort of) happy young couple David and Gabi, and the bitter and jealous niece Bertha. In walks the loyal maid Dora, carrying a tray of refreshments, with a contented smile on her face, because today they all celebrate the marriage of her “hijo de alma” (son of her soul/heart), who just might be the son of her very own flesh and blood. She spots our mysterious stranger and that smile immediately disappears into a look of shock and amazement (cara impactada) that tells us, and our hero JJ, that she recognizes who he is. He shifts uncomfortably under her gaze, but neither one of them lets on to the other players that they recognize each other. And here begins our story tonight.

Dora silently puts the tray on the table and walks away. Ale introduces Mr. Ocampo (JJ) as the man who bought the property next door that she is renovating. Mario is jovial and takes great interest. But if he recognizes who JJ really is, he does not let on. In strolls pouty Bertha to spoil the party, wanting to know why David is taking so long. Happy Mario is not surprised that he’s a bit late considering he has to pick Gabi up at her house, and she would want to take a little extra time to get gussied up for such a special occasion. As she can serve no constructive purpose in the conversation, Bertha decides to go elsewhere to pester other people with her uselessness. Namely, the servants, to check on how the preparations are coming. She passes David, Gabi and Juli, who are just arriving, and everyone in the living room stands to greet them. Ale introduces everyone to Juan, starting first with Gabi. As soon as she introduces them, Gabi and JJ flash back to their first meetings in the market and on the bus, when he was JJ Victoria- Version 1.0 (the scruffy edition). Gabi, like Dora, decides to stay silent about it for the moment. When David cheerfully greets him, Juan’s response is tepid. They all head in to the dining room.

We leave our mystery dinner party for a smaller gathering over brews between Carlos and Roberto. Carlos is still shell shocked that David actually married Gabi. She’s pretty and all…but to marry a waitress! He wants to know if Roberto knew this was in the works, but the master manipulator feigns total ignorance. (How is he keeping all the lies and half truths he is telling Carlos, Adolfo, David, Bertha, Juli and his father straight?) Carlos thinks the best way to mess things up for David and Gabi will be to tell David “the truth” (which is really a big fat lie) about what happened between him and Gabi at the beach house. But for now, he’s thinking of finding some amusement elsewhere, and Elsa fits the bill. He’ll go visit her this evening. Roberto thinks that’s a good idea since “un clavo saca otro clavo” (one nail gets rid of another/a new love interest makes you forget the last one).

We next see Leo and his partner Ramon. They have been staking out Elsa’s apartment building, waiting for Marcos to make an appearance. But neither he nor Elsa has been spotted since they spoke to her the other day. Leo drinks his coffee with a weary, far away look. Ramon asks him what’s wrong as he’s noticed he’s looked a bit sad of late. Leo admits it. He went to visit his daughter in Durango, and each time he leaves her and home he gets a bit nostalgic and homesick. Ramon thinks there might also be more, but Leo doesn’t admit to it. They get back to talking about Elsa and how strange it is that she just disappeared after they spoke to her. They decide to continue to question the neighbors.

Back at Mystery Manor, the champaign cork has been popped, nearly hitting Juan in his handsome face, and the festivities have begun. Ale thinks Juan has good luck (which we all know is true), but he thinks the only good luck he has is being there, with her, right at this moment. Mario is excited for the young couple to go on honeymoon, perhaps in Europe. He wants Gabi to get to know all the wonderful European cities—Barcelona, Paris, etc. He turns to Juan, knowing that as a man of the world, Juan must have travelled through these cities. “Sure, sure. I’m like the Count of Monte Cristo. I’ve travelled to places like…France! Yeah, that’s it. France.” Mario lets him off the hook by agreeing with him that France is indeed lovely, but doesn’t press for details. Gabi humbly chimes in that she would love to travel abroad, and has wanted to visit these places, but she’s only had the opportunity to get to know many places in Mexico, due to her father constantly changing jobs and moving them. Oh and she and her sister had that wonderful trip to L.A. recently!

Mario tells her all that’s changed now. She will get to travel! He addresses her as hija, and when she politely addresses him back as Señor and in the formal Usted form, he asks her to call him Mario. He’s her father in-law now, and will almost be like a second father to her. He can’t hide his excitement thinking of the day of the religious wedding ceremony, how beautiful everything will be, and above all how beautiful Gabi will be. David gives her a loving kiss in agreement with his father, and Ale questions what he thinks of all this since he hasn’t really said a word all evening. He answers that anything Gabi wants is what he wants, and Bitter Bertha fumes silently.

Mario stands to make the first toast (brindar) for the happiness of his child (children), and for Gabi to encounter a second family with their family. Both Gabi and David beam happily and stand to toast with his (their) father. Everyone else also stands to toast with them. Abelardo then suggest that, as Dora is as much a part of the family as he is, she should be with them to make the toasts. Mario agrees and speaks glowingly of Dora to Juan, as one of the maids goes off to find Dora. Juan looks a bit uncomfortable at the mention of Dora, but is saved from another uncomfortable encounter with her when a maid brings word that Dora isn’t feeling well and prefers to stay in the kitchen. Abelardo makes a nice toast, and then boorish Juan decides to jump in. He stands and makes a toast to life- that although not always happy, at least we can hope for justice (justicia) at its end. He gives Mario a hard significant look as he says these words. Everyone else looks a bit taken aback by such a strange toast for newlyweds, but Mario seems determined NOT to let anything or anyone rain on his parade this special day. He toasts with Juan, but David looks concerned. Ale wonders out loud at the toast since it doesn’t seem like life has been unfair to Mr. Ocampo. He lies that it hasn’t, and especially not now that he’s sitting here next to her. He struggles back and forth with using the formal or informal address (usted/tu) with her. They share a goofy grin and privately toast their combined luck. David and Gabi share an intertwined toast and kiss. Mario chuckles in delight at all the young love in the air. Bitter Bertha pouts and sulks.

Roberto meanwhile is having his second encounter with an Avila man this evening. Adolfo is not letting him off as easily as Carlos did, however. Adolfo is roughing him up and shaking him by his lapels after hearing Roberto has been barred from entering the Genoves house. “What did you do?! Something stupid right?!” Roberto swears he did nothing. That Mario somehow got it into his head that he was influencing David to do some idiotic thing (tonteria)- a sham wedding (boda falsa).

At the mansion, after-dinner drinks are being served in the living room. Gabi and the men are the only ones present at the moment and Gabi and David hang back canoodling near the bar. Mario calls David over to speak with him on the couch, and Juan finds his moment to move in and chat with Gabi. She eyes him suspiciously as he approaches. “Isn’t your name Juan Jose Victoria?” He asks her not to say anything and that he’ll explain later. Their conversation is cut short by David’s return.

At Elsa’s, Carlos has come looking for some distraction and is pounding on her door calling her name. Viewerville is very happy at this point that JJ made her move to the hotel. We are even happier when our favorite hero of the show, Leo, comes walking up behind Carlos, wondering what his business is there. He recognizes Carlos as the owner of Club Sagittarius and reveals they are conducting an investigation that involves Elsa’s brother. If Carlos sees his “friend” Elsa, have her get in contact with them. He and Ramon leave a bewildered and annoyed Carlos standing at Elsa’s door.

We cut to a very worried Fausto who is calling home and can’t reach his daughters, who should be home at this hour. We then see one of them, Gabi, strolling by the Genoves pool with her new husband David. She wonders why he’s been so quiet the whole evening and asks if he still thinks something happened between her and Carlos. If he still doubts her, she thinks they should just end things now before they go further (religious ceremony, living together, starting a family, etc.). Since he’s looking at her lovely face at the moment, no rival is present, and no little devil (Roberto) is whispering in his ear, he tells her how much he loves and adores her and wants to be with her. He kisses her passionately.

At the front door of the house, Ale is bidding Juan good night. Neither seems to want the evening to end and they make plans to see each other tomorrow, about the construction of the house of course. “Hatsa mañana.” She closes the door, but then leans against it, grinning from ear to ear.

Mario and Juli are in the living room, having a drink and a chat. He wants her to also think of this house as hers, and she thanks him. He wonders if she plans to still work at the club, and then offers her a good position at one of his other hotels anytime she wants one. (Do it Juli!) She thanks him enthusiastically. Mario tells her he will have Abelardo take her home, who is at that moment in the kitchen asking Dora how she is. She begs off, saying that she’s not really sick but mainly tired. Plus, she didn’t feel it was her place to be there making the toast with the family. Abelardo thinks this is nonsense considering how loved she is by David and Mario. Dora is agitated, refuses to listen, and begins to head to bed. Ever the gentleman, Abelardo tells her how wonderful the dinner and the preparations were, and thanks her. She smiles and walks away happy. He leaves to take Juli home, and Mario wanders off to bed with a spring in his step and a song on his lips. It has been a very happy day for him.

In his bedroom (recamera) upstairs, David finally looks like he’s enjoying the day. He excitedly tells Gabi that they can keep this room as theirs or they can take a bigger one in the house. Gabi doesn’t understand why they would need a bigger room, when this one is already larger than her whole apartment! The talk of bedrooms seems to have made David frisky. He wraps his arms around Gabi from behind and kisses her neck. She, a bit nervously, tells him how important this all is for her. There has never been another man (implies sexually) in her life, and he is the first man she has ever fallen in love with. He leads her to the bed and assures her that he understands this perfectly. She looks him directly in the eyes and tells him that he’s extremely important and significant to her. (Note this David. She is saying she is not messing around here. This is serious for her. So get it together!) He tells her that she’s also important to him. (Actions, not words, David.) If he’s acted like an idiot, it’s because of jealousy (celos) and because he love her so much. She wants them to leave all resentments (rencores) and the bad moments behind them. (Are you listening , David?) He agrees. They exchange sweet nothings (tu eres mi vida, te adoro, etc.), and begin to suck face. We go to commercial and I begin to wonder if they are not going to wait till after the religious ceremony to consummate the marriage afterall.

We’ll have to wait and see how far things go with David and Gabi. First we head to a couple that’s in dysfunction mode at the moment. Juan returns to the hotel after his evening at Mystery Manor with the lovely Alejandra, to find pouty Elsa who has fallen asleep on the couch waiting for him. She needs to talk to him. He tries to head off an argument by saying he was with some guys doing business (he’s got that cheating spouse thing down pretty well). She’s not interested in that and asks him to sit and talk. The head games begin. He sits next to her, gives her an appreciative look and tells her she looks very pretty. He wants to know if she happy and likes the place. She tells him she is and does, but she wants to go back to her own apartment and space. It’s where she lives, and she thinks it’s best that way. Juan brings up the trouble Marcos could cause for her, plus he just doesn’t like her living by herself. Especially with all those guys sniffing around her like that architect (Medina) and Carlos. She tries to reason with him once again. She’s a decent woman, and if she goes out with someone or someone visits her, there’s nothing bad in it. Juan’s answer: “NO ME GUSTA!” (I don’t like it.) Wrong answer buddy.

Elsa is ticked off (rightfully so). He can come and go as he pleases, but she has to follow his rules and do things as he wants her to? Hell no! She gets up in frustration and tells him he has no business trying to impose his will (voluntad) on her. She leaves the room in disgust.

It’s the next morning and Mario is waking up feeling a bit weak after all of yesterday’s excitement- tricking his children into marrying each other; straightening out his hardheaded son; soothing his daughter; physically throwing a scoundrel out of his house; and planning and hosting a celebratory dinner (that’s a lot for a guy on death’s door). He tells Abelardo how happy, excited and filled with emotion he was. They laugh at how confused, jealous and silly David has been, but Mario is sure they will be happy together. He wants Abelardo to send for the lawyer (notario) so that he can change his will and leave half to David and half to Gabi. (What about Ale and Bertha?). Abelardo wants to know when Mario’s going to talk to the two of them about their parentage (David being his adopted child and Gabi being his natural child), but Mario begs off until Santiago/Fausto returns and they can see about continuing with their plan. Abelardo wonders in Faustiago will follow through. Mario doesn’t know, but it’s the only way to save his fortune for David AND Gabi. This way, they won’t have to break the news to Gabi that Faustiago is not her father, but Mario gets to be close to her and leave her his fortune. It’s a win-win for everyone. (Surely, Faustiago will see it that way. Right?)

David enters and greets his father with a kiss. Mario, ever the proud papa, comments on how handsome he looks, and David inquires about his health. Mario says he’s just tired, but he’ll be up and about soon. He’s surprised that David isn’t still in bed (ahem)… David smiles and tells him not to go imaging things. Last night he took Gabi home a bit late, but only because they were talking (so, that’s what the kids are calling it these days). Mario hopes it wasn’t so late that Gabi can’t come over to have a meal with them that day. David assures Mario that he’ll speak to Gabi about coming over and have the chauffer pick her up. Mario wants her to come over a bit early so that he’ll have the opportunity to sit and chat with her a while. He just enjoys her company so much! (Jealous David should be getting a bit worried right now about his dad’s interest in his wife, but I guess he knows his dad is not the type.) After David leaves, Mario says to Abelardo what a good boy he is, and this is the first time he’s seen him truly in love. He was just lead astray for a bit by that shameless (sinverguenza) Roberto.

Bertha tries to stop David on his way out, wondering why he’s acting like this sham marriage is real. Roberto told her everything and she will not take that woman living here (as if it’s her house). David tells her that Roberto is an idiot and Gabi is his wife and will live in this house. Bertha, knowing the right buttons to push, wonders if it’s not important to him that Gabi and Carlos went away together to that solitary beach house. David turns into the Hulk and approaches her menacingly telling her to butt out of what’s not her business. And she better not dare mention it again!

Limon and Juan celebrate their purchase of the hotel. Limon tells Juan that Mario doesn’t seem like a bad guy. He treated him really well and seems to be a nice, simple guy who doesn’t put on airs. Juan agrees that he does appear that way, but thinks it must all be an act. He thinks Mario is two faced- acts nice to your face, then plunges the knife in your back when you turn around. He wonders if Limon thinks that what Mario did to him was so nice. Mario declared to the police that he saw him speaking to the maid. He wonders if that should have been enough justification for them to throw him in prison. (Hello JJ! He DID see you speaking with the girl. And it was Adolfo’s accusation, a bad lawyer, and the police who put you in prison. Not Mario’s truthful statement. Oh, whatever. Continue with your revenge rant.) Limon tries to get him to see that what’s done is done (ya pasó), but Juan won’t listen. He spent eleven years, ELEVEN YEARS, locked up for a crime he didn’t commit. Eleven years of suffering for his mother. Eleven years of not being able to be with her. He’ll never forget, NEVER! This rant is interrupted by Caramelo, who’s looking for Elsa. Seems she’s packed her bags and left when they were all sleeping. Juan is sure she’s returned to her apartment and leaves to bring her back.

Yolanda has once again, and unwillingly, returned to the Guillens’ apartment to find out if the girls are indeed selling Adolfo’s diamonds. She rings the bell and while waiting for an answer, drops her purse and is helped by gallant Leo, who’s on his way out. Knowing who he is, she gets nervous and flustered but is saved from further interaction with him when Gabi comes out. Leo, as always, gets a wistful look on his face when he greets Gabi, and asks if her father has returned. He then excuses himself, with a parting smile for Gabi. Yolanda asks Gabi if Leo lives in the building and Gabi confirms it. They head inside for some girl talk. Yolanda has heard the gossip that she’s getting married and has left her job, at least that’s what she heard from Adolfo. Gabi confirms this and that she is in fact already married, as of yesterday. Yolanda feigns surprise and asks for the details. She continues to act surprised when she finds out the groom is David Genoves. She then asks after Juli, and when Gabi tells her Juli went out to buy a few things, Yolanda fishes around to see if they’ve been spending diamond money. Gabi telling her that they have to buy things like the wedding dress on credit at the small neighborhood stores; that she does not intend to buy her father and sister a fancy condo and does not consider David’s money to be her money; and that she and David intend to live with Mario, does not fit with Adolfo’s picture of money grabbing jewel thieves. (Give it up already. They don’t have the diamonds!)

Leo enters his office, looking a bit depressed and distracted. Ramon shortly follows. He got information from one of Elsa’s neighbors about where she works. They’ll head there next. Ramon brings up another case they’ve been working on—diamonds that were reported stolen in L.A. (what a coincidence). One of the diamonds showed up here in Mexico, and the description of the guy who sold it matches with the description of Marcos. Leo is now more determined to find him, but once again seems distracted. He finally tells Ramon about Gabi marrying David, and Ramon’s answer is “I told you so.” Women care about money (la lana). You should have told her that you’re rich too. (These guys just don’t get it.)

Another guy who just doesn’t get it, Adolfo, is having a smoke and a coffee, when Yolanda enters saying her own version of “I told you so.” He was wrong. Those girls don’t have two dimes to rub together. They’re still living their poor lives, buying cheap clothes on credit. Adolfo is still not convinced. They’re just clever (listas), pretending in order to throw them off their scent. Yolanda insists and Adolfo glowers. Meanwhile, the real jewel interceptor and seller, Marcos, has just happily bought his trailer truck (camión) with some of his diamond money.

At Genoves Manor, Mario is so eager for Gabi’s arrival that he is waiting outside to open the car door for her and usher her in. Gabi as usual, looks a bit bemused by his attentions, but she treats him amiably. They head to the living room as he tells her she is now the owner/woman (dueña) of this house. He explains that his nieces also live there, but he hopes that Gabi won’t mind and that it won’t be inconvenient for her. Anyway, one day the girls will get married and move out. He wants them all to get along with each other. Gabi assures him she doesn’t mind at all, and that she’ll do her part to make sure they get along. He can’t contain his glee and tells her what a great affection he’s already developed for her. She says she feels the same for him. They smile at each other.

The one niece we know will do her part to make sure Gabi’s home life is not a happy one, has arrived at Roberto’s apartment hopping mad. Bertha wants to know why Roberto told her David and Gabi’s marriage was a sham. He says he didn’t know. His fake judge was ready to do the fake marriage. He thinks Mario intervened and brought the real judge. Bertha is once again amazed that good guy David was going to go through with a sham marriage, but is even more confused about why he’s now going along with the real marriage. The door bell rings, and it’s Adolfo. He’s VERY pleased to see Bertha and knows exactly who she is. She excuses herself and leaves, but Adolfo is left speechless and impactado. “Vaya. Vaya.” (Well, well.) He obviously likes what he saw. He wants to know if she’s a friend of Roberto’s and tells Roberto to invite her to the club that evening. (Dirty old man.) Now back to business. Adolfo wants to know how plans for killing Mario are coming along. Roberto admits it’s more difficult to plan now that he’s banned from the house, but Adolfo urges him to figure it out. He’s in a hurry (me urge) for Mario to disappear. Roberto better follow through if he doesn’t want problems with Adolfo. Uh oh!

David is seeing Gabi home to her door and she’s gushing about how wonderful and caring his father is. “And me? What about me?” She rewards him with a kiss and by telling him he’s the most marvelous man in the world. They are in the middle of sucking face in front of her open apartment door, when a shocked, scandalized and angry Fausto arrives. “GABRIELA!!!!” Uh oh!


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