Saturday, June 27, 2015

YNCILH: Still Needs 4 Recappers!

Those of you interested in viewing this one feel free to step up, even if it's only highlites/bullet points.  Otherwise, it may go uncovered.    
=/ : >{(

--Thanks in advance!

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Que Te Perdono Dios #113: Both Ends Against The Middle!

Parte 1~~

And let the anvils start falling……please??????

While Old Fart Fausto is getting his ego de macho handed to him on a plate with Abigail’s admission that her attentions have been solely as a daughter for her estranged papi, Diana’s just gotten her smack-down in front of Helena, Renata and Crazy Constanza from Mateo, courtesy of Marcelino.  “—Get yourself a lawyer Diana because you’re going to need one.  The legal fight for custody is coming and you know very well that I’ve got the weapons to fight you with.”

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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 111- Highlights

Here are the highlights of Episode 110

  • Fausto is still threatening Renata and has her now beaten to the ground. Meliton comes to protect her but shortly after Meliton spills that he knows everything gets shot in the head but not before Mel cursing Fausto to an eternity in Hellfire. Tony gets called to the scene to bury Mel in exchange that Simona's debt to Fausto gets nulled permanently which later happens .

  • Abi rejects Mat's marriage proposal but reveals that she suspects Fausto is her Daddy.Mat also admits to Abi  that  Mac has tried to sell Abi to him & Max. They also agree to make DNA tests between Abi and Renata.

  •  Faust drags Renata home the same way Bruno did once, violently. They get into a shouting match but luckily the repentant Padre Tomas is there to stop him. Padre Tomas promises Connie that he will do best to annul their marriage. Later in the end Faust threatens Renata to tell Abigail the whole truth. 

  • Diana is informed by Fausto that her lawyer, Marcelino failed to represent her therefore Mat is now free as a bird. All rants ensue as Marc celebrates.

  • Tony had done his job therefore the debt is now annulled. He gets to become the new capataz and installs himself in Lucio's house and even uses his clothes. 

  • Julian has returned home now married twice( In secret of course) .


La Sombra del Pasado #94 - Fri 6/26 - Stakes are raised

That's right, Dominga helped the Padre find a document to use to forge Sev's signature.  And if they want to turn her into the cops, fine.  And if they want to fire them BOTH, fine…and if not, Dominga quits.  Mel says they can't work for people who would go after a priest just for telling the truth.  Sev calls them dogs, biting the hand that feeds them.  He tells them to be grateful he's not going to go after them legally, but he wants them gone first thing tomorrow and he never wants them to set foot on "his" hacienda ever again.  Cande and Dominga share a tearful glance before Domina and Melesio leave Sev's office.

Don Antonio has set Em up in what, to Em, is a palatial suite.  Don Antonio wants Em and Solitario working with a trainer ASAP.  Sure, Em rides well, and Solitario is gorgeous, but it's been mostly talent so far.  What Em needs is technique so he can keep improving before he starts competing against more experienced riders.

Severiano promotes Jacinto and tells him Melesio is fired "por metiche" (because he's a meddler) and he and his wife are outta there for being "malagradecidos" (ungrateful).  And BTW, Jacinto's salary won't be going up, at least not until he proves he can handle the job.  Oddly, Jacinto doesn't get the hint that that was a dismissal, and that's because he has important news to deliver to Sev--"Um…a bunch of the guys came by this morning and, uh…they quit."  I had to pause to laugh for several moments, 'cause that was just so delicious.  And then I had to do a fake screencap because I'd paused it on such a great facial expression of Alexis Ayala's.

They what?!

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Friday, June 26, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #30 Special Post - Two Unedited Clips from Final Sequence

Hi All,

Please be sure to read Mauricio's wonderful recap of Lo Imperdonable's Episode 30, which is posted immediately below this special post.

We wanted to include these unedited scenes within Mauricio's own recap post, but alas after much effort to upload one single 5-minute clip of the entire waterfall sequence to a new Dailymotion channel, it was soundly rejected.  The single clip also exceeded Caray's size limit for videos.  So, I opted to only include here the (ahem) "horizontal" parts of Martin and Veronica's "Waterfall Rendezvous at Sunrise".

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Lo Imperdonable #30 Fri 6/26/15 Love By The Waterfall

Veronica and Martin are kissing passionately unaware that they have a group of children as their audience. The children applaud at them. Veronica wants to go inside so Martin can rest and get his stitches changed. Martin jokes around that he wants to thank their audience. This is the Martin that Veronica loves - the one who laughs, loves, and makes jokes. The kids ask the lovebirds for a birdie kiss and the two lovebirds comply to the children's wishes and give each other a peck on the lips.

Botel consoles Magdalena at the cemetery and asks her the stupidest question of the century. Is she feeling a little better? Magdalena stands up and yells at him that she can't feel better. In fact, she'll NEVER be able to be happy. She kneels down on the supposed grave of her deceased daughter and grief stricken she says that her daughter is dead.

At the hovel, Veronica sends Martin off to bed while she gets the supplies needed to change his stitches. Before doing as told, Martin has a chat with Nanciyaga. “Patron esta  contento, pareciera que por herida se fue mala sangre” (Boss is happy, it seems as if the bad blood came out from the wound). Looking behind him, Martin asks Nanciyaga if that is what she thinks. “Eso sabe Nanciyaga, igual y no era tormenta lo que veia si no vientos que cambiaron para otro rumbo” (That’s what Nanciyaga knows, perhaps it wasn’t a storm what she saw and instead it was winds that changed direction). Martin asks her if she really does see beyond … (he mumbled something I could not get). Nanciyaga tells Martin that she talks to spirits when it’s noche nueva (nighttime) and there is no moon. They come and tell her things that she can’t say unless it’s necessary. He asks her if the dove is a message from his brother. She tells him that doves bring peace and are of light. He doesn’t know why he’s even asking her this since he doesn’t believe in these things. She tells him that he doesn’t have to believe since the signals present themselves anyway. He asks her if this is a good sign and she replies that it is but to not be so trustworthy. She leaves as Veronica comes back with the supplies in hand. He stares at Veronica and thanks her for giving him the opportunity to save their marriage. She kisses him. The two head for the bedroom. 

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Amores con Trampa #65 ...some planned invitees to the store opening, some not so planned invitees making plans to go)... and a nightmare from the past is coming back, Facu!!

Refritos: Santee comes in Estefi’s apartment and is outraged at finding his wife’s furniture there.  He starts word-slamming down Estefi that she is a nobody, has nothing! Just a leach dressed as waiter.
He says he will get her out of his apartment.
Beto confirms to Rocio that it was Hilda who got a ‘brebage’ into her drink. Rocio laughs it off, still not quite believing or giving the ‘witchcraft’ credit. She swears she will love Beto no matter what witchcraft is thrown her way.  Beto says he wants to marry her ASAP… he gets momentarily scared that the witchcraft worked and she does not want to marry him anymore… Nah! Let’s do it!
At Carmonas dinner table, everyone seems a bit more up in spirits… However, Maria stands up fairly quickly… Carmen tries to play peacemaker… Maria says she just wants to concentrate on her store.  Beto comes in.  He says will spend the day tomorrow with Rocio. Facu does not feel that is proper… but Beto says he will spend more time with Rocio from now on… wait for it… wait for it… he proposed to Rocio!!.. All the Carmonas suddenly are speechless, frozen in time.
At the Velasco living room, Santee seems a bit entertained at Isabel’s bad mouthing the ‘gorditos’ relatives of the Carmonas.  Santee starts getting slimy around her neck and she seems to not really enjoy it. Santee wants to roll in the sheets.  Wants her to warm him up… she says not even burning the furniture.  He keeps staring at her and breathing hard… mentions something about a police investigation.
Beto and his parents argue about his getting engaged to Rocio.   He doesn’t get why they let him date her if they are not ok with him marrying her. The parents angrily say they don’t want to become related to the VElascos.  Facu angrily rants at Beto that he expected Beto to protect his kids/family, not to go roll in the hay with that girl.  Facu throws Beto out. Beto says if you think you will stop me from marrying Rocio just because you kick me out to the curb, you are sooooo wrong.
In their bedroom, Facu is scared they just lost Beto for good. Maria rants at him for treating Beto like that.  She argues ‘if you had been tougher on him from the get go like I was this would not have happened!’  Facu does not want to argue. Maria just leaves the room.  Facu is upset that all his matchmaking efforts are splitting up the people he wanted to get close to each other.
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La Vecina- Highlights and Discussion #1-10 June 22-July 3 2015

The first week is over. Here are some highlights and information. It felt like a mind-boggling amount of stuff to digest. Please feel free to add anything in the comments.

The Players
Progreso and San Gaspar
Sara Granados(protagonista), Merce(Sara's mom), Juancho(Sara's brother), Cheo(Sara's Ex), Roque(friend of Cheo) Simón(Sara's uncle), Bruno(Sara's friend and I assume Simón's business partner), Pedro(Bad Guy stealing gas from Conatrol), Marina(Secretary at Conatrol), Pepe, Ramon, Rafa Padilla the actor formerly knows as Morales(Workers at Conatrol),Fidel(Policeman and atheist), Magda(wife of Fidel and professing Catholic), Vladimir(their son, wants to take his first communion on the sly), Padre Vicente(the priest and another uncle of Sara's)

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La Sombra del Pasado, Capítulo 93, 2015: Ok, so this is happening…Or not. aka Say what?!

Recap courtesy of HellaShelle

”Short of It” at the end
The Long of It: Aldonza and Cris kiss it out and then sit because the man is using a cane. Cris tells Aldie he went to find Eman. He didn’t, but Eman won a competition, so yay. He found out about the sibling lie when he spoke to Dom. Aldie tells him they think his parents messed with the test he ordered, but they’re not sure.

Now that Silvia and Ren’s drama is on simmer, Pato has time to bring flowers to the ribbon shop. Irma’s glad he’s back because Lola’s a bit down. “Emmanuel?” “Emmanuel.” Pato’s ready to kick E’s delightful butt, but Irma tells him to slow his roll. It’s not worth it and the dude skipped town anyway. Irma’s totally Team Pato and Pato wants to take this thing with Lola all the way. He whispers his definition of that to Irma, who doesn’t slap him across the face, so it must be the other kind of “all the way.”

Lola is busy with Mari, reminding me of why I could cheerfully leave both of them on the side of the road. Mari starts by saying she’s put what Lola did behind her. Say what? Lola asks. She just came to talk, not to apologize. If anyone should be apologizing, it’s Mari. They go back and forth about who stole what kiss and what boyfriend and who’s jealous of who and, honestly, who even cares because they both need to go to the time out table and Mary needs to go to the time out therapy couch because she knows she’s a big ol’ lyin’ liar and she still—

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Lo Imperdonable #29 Thu 6/25/15 Everybody has a grave to visit

Martin has his almost “Visit the grave and complain” scene. This time he admits that he loves Veronica, so he needs to make a decision. But what will that be? To some ominous choir music, he explains that he doesn’t want to let Dim down, but he can’t take it anymore. Could his bro send him a sign, show him what he should do?
The monologue finished, he calls for Lorenzo to come help him. Lorenzo thinks that the dead always send messages, at least that’s what Nancyaga says. Dim was a good man, he will send some help from up above.
And there flies a white dove, settling on Dim’s cross, which makes an impression on Lorenzo. Martin is not sure if he believes in these kind of things, though (this, after he just asks his brother for a sign – Dim and Dimmer).

Magda tells Jorge that she came to see Salma, but since she’s away, she will leave now. He offers to give her a ride in his car and forget about taking a cab the next time she wants to visit – she can call and he will send his driver for her. As the two leave, Matilde is left shaken to the core by her earlier talk with Magda about Vero.

Joaquin comes to search for Martin and tells Vero that the miners are doing better now. She doesn’t know where her husband is, but does he know where Dim’s tomb is? Could he take her to it? Joaquin really doesn’t want to, the padrecito might get upset with him. Vero doesn’t see why that would happen and she doesn’t care if the cemetery is far, Joaquin could just show her the way and then go about his business. He reluctantly agrees and they go on their way, unaware that Nancy is watching them.

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Que Te Perdone Dios #112 – Babies, Fathers, Weddings and Lucio 2.0

Fausto confronts Renata and Ex-Crazy Con at The Hacienda and says he will never grant Ren a divorce. He threatens to tell Abigail the truth about who’s her mommy, and Renata acts like she will stand strong and let the truth be heard. This is messed up, because there have been many good reasons and opportunities to tell Abi the truth over the decades, and the one that finally moves Ren is that if she lets Fausto tell Abi the truth, then Fausto has nothing with which to impede the divorce, and Ren can marry Pat. The whole guardando la verdad de Abi  has been in Ren’s self-interest most of the time.

Simona has summoned Comandante Barragan because Toño was missing all night. She tells him that the night that Lucio was killed, Toño came home drunk and said… Enter Lucio reincarnated! It's like he’s not really dead! Toño has assumed Lucio’s position as capataz, assumed his home, and most assuredly assumed his wardrobe. All that is left is for Toño to be rude and make some hand gestures like Lucio and the transformation into 2.0 will be complete. Toño obliges. He’s doing all this for Simona, to pay off her debt, to protect her and because he is a MAN. He tries to act godfather-ish with voice modulation and creepy kisses, but Toño as the latest bad dude in town is not completely convincing. Not like his predecessor was.
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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios - KarmaGeddon knocks tight even for God's favorites

Hello today (Even if this is not a Weekend discussion and it wouldn't merit because the show is not popular enough)   I would like to create a special post , a post we all have awaited. We were always taught to be merciful to the bad guys even if the villains were possessive hot machos, the women were mostly not evil manipulating mothers which annoyed us to no end. But sometimes the villains do not teach us much heck they don't teach us anything ( Except to never forget keeping the shrinks our shrinks not shrimps) , they make us hate them and hate them until we only wish upon their demise. Such are the lunatics in our favorite  dark,terror,brainless and you just gotta they have an untold amount of luck but soon their's about to run out or it  already has.

The Devil with a Nice Hat

Name: Fausto Lopez Guerra  ( Sergio Goyri) AKA  "The Devil"

Despicable, murderous, ambitious, cruel, abusive, violent. Is also despised by the viewers  for being a mass rapist and a mass murderer  either by mind manipulation or brute force. He does all these acts without feeling empathy or remorse.

Also guilty for using women as toilet paper and wearing Dark Lord clothing thus he is not a Fashion Disaster. He is also a candidate for  Father of the Year.

Karmageddon : TBD ( Joke: Dragged to Hell in which he is tortured by Ramsay Snow and then given as sacrifice to the White Walkers) 

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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #28 Wed 6/24/15 "Everyone (including Martin) Tries to Figure Out If He Is Crazy.....Or Perhaps Just Crazy In Love"

(some scenes are combined)

Repeated Scene:  Veronica storms out of the bedroom, then listens through the closed door as Claudia tries to pry from Martin details of his married life, telling him he knows she still loves him.  He admits he and Veronica have problems, but only he can resolve them with Veronica.  He tells Claudia she can't stay in his home.  She says that wasn't her plan, but she has nowhere else to go.  He offers to let her stay in their living room.

Lo Nuevo:  NanC comes in and sees Veronica sitting in the living room and crying.  She tells NanC she plans to sleep there.  NanC offers her the second bedroom, since she prefers to sleep outside on the hammock.  While NanC goes to prepare the extra room for Veronica, Claudia comes out of the marital bedroom.  Veronica quickly wipes off her tears and tells her harshly that she took longer than expected to come to town to see Martin.  She tells Claudia she always knew she loved Martin, but her shameless effrontery (descaro) surprises here.  Claudia tells her she will always "be there" for Martin, even if he is married to Veronica.  Veronica wonders if she will be his lover and reminds her he already has a wife, and if he didn't marry her before, well then why would he want to now.  Claudia claims she is only there as Martin's friend and co-worker, and she has no place to go, but if it bothers Veronica for her to stay in the living room as Martin just offered her, then she will just return to the church.  Veronica tells her to take the extra bedroom.  Claudia tries to resist, but Veronica cuts her off and makes it clear that SHE is the "lady of the house" and what SHE says goes.  Claudia says fine and tells Veronica that Martin wants to speak with her, then heads to the extra room.

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La Sombra del Pasado #92 - Wed 6/24 - All…uh…some?...hmmm... A little bit is revealed

Padre J clarifies that what Lulu is passing out are the results of a test performed using blood samples from Severiano and Aldonza that proves that they are not related…and therefore that Aldonza and Cris are not related by blood…and therefore, there's no reason they shouldn't be married.  So he advises the two families to make their peace, because this is God's will.  Sev threatens Padre J, in front of all those witnesses, that he'll make them pay!  Aldonza starts looking around for Cris.

He's on a bus, thinking that she'll always be the love of his life, even if she is his sister.

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Amores con trampa #63 and #64 The Hootenanny Edition!

The day has finally arrived!! Wing-ding at the Carmonas!

Look for Jarifa's wonderful rundown of the happenings in the comments.


Lo Imperdonable #27 Tue 6/23/15 Manuel needs an anvil

Telenovela Death Watch 2015: 

Cresencio is still alive (boo, hiss)
Manuel, also still alive- what does a recapper have to sacrifice to the gods to get them to kill these two off? Goats, cats, virgins? Where am I going to find one of those in Los Angeles? Sorry, I got distracted, and now your recap!

Veronica wakes up to find Claudia sitting in her bedroom like a creeper, she's rubbing Martins feet and this dos not sit well with Veronica, and can anyone blame her? Claudia explains that she found out about Martin being injured and that she came to help (oh do you have a medical degree missy?). Veronica tells her there's nothing Claudia can do there and if she really wants to help she should go to the church to look after the injured men, they need all the help they can get.

Vero gets out of bed and Nanci makes her a juice to help her get her strength back, Vero wants to know where the doctor is and is told that he went to get something to drink to freshen up, it turns out he also took the time to take a shower because he is headed to the church to help. Veronica looks at Claudia and says "I guess you're going with them to help, right?"- ah what a nice way to say "get the hell out of my house you skank". Claudia reluctantly says that yes, she will be going to help at the church, once she leaves Nanci tells Veronica that the perfumed lady (Claudia) holds things in her heart. Then she says she's going to make Vero and Martin a soup so that they can get better.
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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 110- And we're back with No Brains

In no particular order( There was a 3 week time skip)

  • Abi is having nightmares that Diego accepted marriage with her of course after long tedious begging.

  • Tony is drinking away but slowly enough pulls himself together to scream "Mamma". He returns to the house and refuses to confess himself to Simona but he does plead for a hug. Simona thanks Dios for bringing him home in the least even if the cat got Tony's tongue.

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La Sombra del Pasado, Capítulo 91, 06/23/2015: Everyone’s got a lost love

Recap courtesy of HellaShelle

The Short of It: Cris and Aldi agree they should take some time apart. Eman actually tied for first place in the horse competition. Cande and PJ get everyone to PJ’s special reconciliation mass. Ren and Silvia don’t kiss, but they do make up. Silvia’s says she’s Team Ren now. Tomás and Pru meet at the church. Sev tries to assault Aldonza AGAIN! The Phantom Pain stops him. Joaquin finally sees Adelina again and lays a big kiss on her. Flavia confronts Adriano about being a murderer. Mari feels guilty. Irma’s worries about Mari and asks Lola to help. Everyone but Cris attends the mass…where PJ announces Cris and Aldonza are NOT siblings and hands out proof! Val passes out. Cris is already on a bus out of town.

The Long of it:Lost Love #1: Believed Incest Cris and Aldonza sit awkwardly in her living room. Aldonza prompts her husb…bro…Cris to talk. As much as he wanted to talk to her, the words won’t come. He just can’t see her as his sister. She feels the same. He apologizes for being so stubborn. If he had given up before, she wouldn’t be in such pain now. She says they were both stubborn. Cris thinks it would be best if they didn’t see each other for a while, at least until they get used to being siblings. Aldonza agrees. There’s nothing much more to say. He starts to stand and Aldonza helps him up. They’re kissably close and they both feel it. Aldonza moves to lead him to the door. She goes one way around the flower table, he follows around the other, but they’re magnets, so they meet again at the front landing step. They draw close…before they again remember that their love is forbidden now. Cris offers his hand for a handshake, but they just hold each other’s hand before slowly pulling away. Cris finally leaves and Aldonza leans against the door and cries.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Wife, free to good home La Sombra Del Pasado #90 06/22/15

Hello my patio peeps! Below you will find your Monday night recap-please do not discuss the previews!

Take my wife-please!

 We get a replay of last Friday night's episode. Cristobal, having received the false DNA results calls Renato over to hand over his wife. Yep, cause that's how things are done in 2015. He tells Renato to take Aldonza and make her happy because he's not able to. Renato tries to argue and says that Aldonza does not love him, Cris won't take "no" for an answer. Renato must make Aldonza fall in love with him!

 Dude, to quote the little old ladies from the Progressive commercial, that's not how it works, that's not how any of this works! He also tells Renato to rush the divorce and Ren tells him the process will take as long as it needs to, he's not going to speed it up. Cris makes Ren promise not to tell Aldonza that they met. In the hall Candela takes it all in. Her plan worked.

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New Telenovela: Yo No Creo En Los Hombres/ I Have No Faith In Men

"Yo No Creo En Los Hombres/ I Have No Faith In Men" replaces Que Te Perdone Dios on July 13th and that's in the 10PM Eastern time slot.  [FYI: it won 7 premios for acting and directing at the 2015 awards.  So, although it is another in a long and seemingly endless list of refritos Univision chooses to serve up, this could be another diamond in the rough.  Could be...... as a telenovela taken from a Caridad Bravo Adams novel (one of Martai and my favorites!) whose screenplay is written by Aída Guajardo (nominated for best screen adaptation). Some familiar and strong actors are in this one:  Flavio Medina,  Rosa María Bianchi, Azela Robinson, Alejandro Comacho for a few.  Gabriel Soto and Adriana Louvier (Best Actress 2015 Premios) are the two leads in this one.]  
Maria Dolores is a beautiful young woman of small means and greatly idealistic. She is also a contender and has the strength to get ahead when faced with adversity.  She is a seamstress who exists within a sphere in which men surround her. (We, fortunately, can expect at least one or two will be a rotten lowlife.)   With her job, Maria Dolores supports her mother, Esperanza, herself, and her sister, Clara.  Maria Dolores’s boyfriend is Daniel.  His life, however, is not a bed of roses.  Daniel turns out to be rich, but is passing himself off as a poor man in order not to feel ashamed in light of his social class and above all, his mother, Ursula, who’s the matriarch of the Santibáñez family and prejudiced against the poor.  (Grrrrrrr!)  Ursula’s children, Daniel and Maleny, were trained to inveigle and maneuver rich people, the first being designer Ivana Duval, heiress and owner of a large (and no doubt successful) company; the second is Max Bustamonte, an attorney, who follows the law to the letter.  (Gotta love those straight arrows, frustratingly  dense as they usually are.)

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