Saturday, September 22, 2007

Destilando Amor, 09/21/07: 3-2-1- Blastoff!

Rod and Gavi continue talking about the gala that evening when Alonso enters her office, raving like a lunatic. He starts freaking out about the guests' folios not arriving yet from the printers and there only being a couple hours till the event starts. As a boss he has a right to demand her full attention, though admittedly with a more civil tone, and Gavi should have put Rod on hold, but she doesn't and Rod has to hold himself back from jumping through the receiver and strangling Alonso for screaming at her.

She solves Alonso's problem and he asks angrily who Gavi is chattering to. ( I'd say the caffeine king needs a serious "intervention" about now cuz it's obvious he's got one mean addiction going, and this Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde act with his employees is getting really old.) Gavi says it's Ingeniero Montalvo and Alonso suddenly looks at her like he's just chomped down on a couple of prime sour balls. He stomps off to his office and slams his door.

Gavi tells a little white lie to Rod and says that it's unusual for her boss and swears that she's never seen Alonso like this; the affair has just made him a bundle of nerves for some reason. She asks Rod to promise then he'll be on his best behavior. Rod agrees as long as her boss behaves himself also and, provided he doesn't yell at her like that during the party. He tells her she's sacred to him, nobody should yell at her that way (that means you, too, Burly Bear!) and that his attitude is a result of his being so crazy in love with her. Gavi-Girl is all smiles now...........

Meanwhile, Dani and Elvis try to see Dr. Tejeiros, but Twerpy is hiding behind his door waiting for them to finally leave. His secretary informs them that he had to cancel all his appointments for the day for some emergency and wouldn't be able to speak with them for a couple of weeks at least. Elvis suggests he's avoiding them and simply hiding. Dani leaves Tejeiros a message that sooner or later he will have to talk to her. Once they're gone his secretary relays the message from Daniel and he tells her not in this lifetime he won't.

The coven has gathered back at Isa's. Pea-brained, self-righteous Sofia mentions that now more than ever Isa must stick like glue to her brother. Isa asks what she means and Minnie mentions the tour to Manzanillo and the visit to Montalveña and that she's going along with Aaron. They wonder if La Gaviota is going on it also. Either way, Isa says she's making sure she'll be there just in case and decides to fly back with Sofia and Minnie. Suddenly Isa needs a drink.

So now the Fearsome Foursome start having their own little party and the adult beverages begin to flow freely. Leave it to Sofia, though, to remind Minnie that she can't have any liquor because she's pregnant again. Minnie fudges and says just a little can't hurt. "Right, Fedra?" Fedra, all smiles at Minnie, says of course not but then thinks to herself that she's never forgiving this woman for not giving her son a child.

Fedra continues calling around to her friends in the CRT and tells them how they are protesting by staying away from the gala that night because the woman in charge who has rudely snubbed them, is the very same one Aaron fired for embezzlement back around New Year's. ( If I were any of those women, I would sure as shootin' want to get a look, up close and personal, at the female phenom and femme fatale who's puttin' on this shindig! I mean, come on, Fedra! What self-respecting socialite would want to be left out of the loop and all that juicy gossip at the club the next morning?)

Apparently, there are no true Sisters of Solidarity in high society 'cause nobody thinks much of Fedra's request to stay at home that evening. For now, Fedra's backdoor plan to sabotage the party seems to have fizzled. Sofia believes that after all the stories Fedra's told these women, none of them are going to let their husbands out of their sight, so of course they're all going. Fedra laughs and tells the others that at least the other wives are going to be uneasy and eventually more than one will pay attention to what she's told them and will react somehow.

Dani checks in with Gavi to tell her that Pilar is staying home out of support for the wives, but that she's become an admirer of Gavi's since their meeting and even said she could see from the look on her face that Gavi is truly in love with Rod. Gavi makes sure the men are coming and that their wives are not and to see if they had anything nasty planned. Dani cannot be sure The Breakfast Club de las Montalvo, schemers that they are, won't still try something nasty, but she knows they're all together at Rod's apartment for the evening while their husbands attend the business function at the CRT.

Back at Isa's pad across town adult beverages are flowing freely and it is now like sauced sorority sisters on steroids. (Worse! Shades of Animal House cuz darned if it doesn't bring back those gawdawful memories of dateless freshman Saturday nights with the roomies at that women's college out in the boonies, swilling scavenged bottles of booze and curling smoke rings with the Marlboro Man, all of us getting sozzled while we waited for some chump townie to come by --as they always did-- to offer us a ride to the nearest "hotspot" so we could scope out the hunks from the surrounding colleges and score a real date for a change.)

The drunker these desperate housewives get the more raucous they are. They start cracking all sorts of weird funnies about Gaviota, about Rod's being such a sad sack, and about Isa's being sad in the sack, all because of Gaviota. Then Minnie gripes about how Aaron's gone back to laying pipe wherever he can find accessible plumbing.

After a while they want music and Isa starts up the cassette player. Unfortunately, it's Rod's and the cassette is Gavi belting out a song, and it's like curse of the jornalera there because they just cannot escape her tonight. Meanwhile, Aaron is up to his old tricks again and is eating dinner with another one of his many female "friends with benefits" whom he's just asked to travel with him to Miami. While he's there on company business she can help him with his monkey business.

Aaron pulls out his cell and checks in with Minnie to tell her he's at his "business" dinner. Minnie is feeling very little pain by now and asks him in between giggles, who he's cheating on her with this time, Claudia? Sherlyn? Aaron can't even get a word in edgewise. He tells her she needs to stop drinking and eventually hangs up in disgust.

Over at Montalvo Corp., Margarita asks Rod to deliver a card for her to Mariana. He asks her to give him the once-over and tell him how he looks. She says swell and that Mariana is going to just melt when she sees him. (What is up with that scarf though, Rod?)

Next Frankie calls over to the harem of harpies with his lie, telling Sofia that he's spending the evening with his cousin, Estefano. He won't be coming by to pick her up later as they'd planned. Sofia, who is also way beyond knowing or caring, giggles and warns him off another rendezvous with his "panther-woman" from the hacienda. Afterwards, the others want to know who that's supposed to be and Sofia and Isa explain about finding Frankie's clothes one morning after he'd been out late and noticing how all the buttons had been ripped off. Isa assures them that Sofia is exaggerating the situation.

Feeling a bit awkward for a second or two Isa looks away but then, perfect hypocrite that she is, joins in the fun and laughs at it all with the rest of them. Sofia gets sentimental and comes over to Isa and tells her that she's her favorite sissy-in-law. Isa feels a bit guilty for a few seconds--but only a few.

In his office Alonso straightens his tie and plays the same "how do I look" game with Nancy. She pumps his ego up telling him he looks like some handsome hunk in a romance magazine.

Bruno and Rod show up at the festivities first and Bruno "introduces" Rod to Alonso. They chitchat about how nicely Mariana got things set up. Every time Alonso mentions Mariana by her nickname, "Gaviota", Rod makes it a point to correct him and points out it's Mariana, Mariana Franco!

Eventually Alonso and Rod are left alone together and it's the caffeine kid in need of a fix facing a guy who's the equivalent of a bull moose needing to rut and ready to fight its competition. (Come to think of it, Alonso's been doin' without for the past four years, himself, so a bit of moose bellowing and head-butting probably isn't out of the question for him either.) It is going to be a rough night.

Rod decides to complain about the screaming he obviously heard over the phone earlier. He tells Alonso that nobody ever yelled at Mariana like that when she worked at Montalvo. Alonso apologizes, saying these events make him nervous, but then adds that he's just as upset with Rod for always making her cry when she's on the phone with him. Rod gets his back up even more and says he can't stop him yelling at her but he'll do his darnedest to see she doesn't cry anymore.

The two are standing there staring angrily at each other when Gavi arrives with her group of 15 important importers. They notice her entering and quickly look away, and then, because they cannot help themselves they both look over at her. Right away, she sees that the two are desperately trying to avoid coming to fisty-cuffs.

Alonso is all smiles and giving Gavi a hopeful once-over with his eyes; Rod looks at her and seems frustrated and jealous. He runs over to mark his territory, nearly bending her over backwards when he gives her a kiss hello on the cheek. (Ewwh! Talk about your awkward moments.....) Gavi is a bit uncomfortable with his exaggerated PDA, but without losing a beat, she immediately introduces Rod to the potential buyers as the producer of the new, organic tequila, Ardent Passion.

From the minute Gavi enters the room both Rod and Alonso follow after her. Rod hovers like a junkyard guard dog and Alonso follows her more or less like a lovesick puppy, both of them nearly tripping her as well as each other while she walks around the room attending to the various guests.

Rod tries to carry the business end of the conversation with the buyers. He keeps cutting Alonso off from speaking, but when the buyers want to know what it is about his tequila that makes it first class Rod is at a loss for words. Alonso jumps in and finally gets a chance to do his job. He tells the men that he's tried it and it's the best organic tequila he's ever tasted. They only need to try it for themselves. Rod is grateful to hear him say this and dials back his temper a bit, letting the P.R. man dazzle the potential buyers and earn his salary at last.

Meanwhile a very inebriated Minnie blames Patricio for blabbing the truth to Aaron about her really visiting her elderly aunt in Spain instead of touring the Greek Isands. She phones Patricio to complain about it to him, but he's already left for the function at the CRT.

Lluvia answers. When Minnie tries to gripe at her too and warns her off trying for Aaron again, little Lluvia gives her back as good as she gets. She tells Minnie she doesn't know what trip she's talking about, that Patricio is the only man in her life and that since it's senseless speaking to her since she's obviously drunk, she is not going to bother, and simply hangs up.

Rod finds out that Gavi must travel with the group and Alonso to Manzanillo as part of her responsibilities and will spend the night there before traveling with them to Montalveña. It is what he's feared most and he becomes agitated, sarcastically suggesting that she take them all to the beach to view the sunset. "Manzanillo," he adds nervously and looks at her, "is a wonderful place to fall in love." Gavi tries to stress it is a work trip and there will not be time for beaches and sunsets. "Well, I definitely have some wonderful memories of the area." he says and tells them both that he'll wait for them at the hacienda at Montalveña and will host them there.

Clarita and Jose arrive at the gala. Of the two best friends, Clarita has come dressed very tastefully in an expensive linen-weave suit dress and is wearing her hair in a classic bun befitting her new status as parent of a corporate executive, while ironically Jose is in her best nylon pants outfit still looking as blue-collar as it gets since even though her son has married into high society, he denies her existence.

Clarita looks around and gives Gavi a wild yell to get her attention. Gavi comes over and reminds her she can't just yell out like some dockworker. Clarita looks around the room and sees Rod and Alonso are together and tells Gavi she's amazed they haven't killed each other yet. Gavi isn't holding her breath but hopes they'll contain themselves like that the rest of the evening.

Clarita spies Avellaneda next and she is immediately attracted to him. "He looks like a television star!" She demands to have Gavi introduce him to her. (Avellaneda a hunk? Who'd a thunk it?) So Gavi introduces her and Jose to both the Secretary of Agriculture and Roberto Avellaneda. Clarita is absolutely thrilled when Avellaneda kisses her hand. Both men congratulate Gavi for the fabulous success the function has turned out to be.

Afterwards, Gavi tells the two women that they can get a couple of free drinks and explains it's an open bar. However, she warns her mother not to do doubles tonight. They head off to get their tequila.

Aaron makes his entrance and walks over to Rod and Gavi who are now standing with Alonso and the group of buyers interested in Ardent Passion. Aaron greets Mariana and tries to kiss her on the cheek but Gavi coldly turns her head aside and simply introduces him to the others. Patricio walks over right afterward and she and he do greet each other warmly. "Glad to see it's going well for you, Mariana."

Aaron says, "Mariana, it looks likes you've done well for yourself." She replies that although some have tried to put stones in her way, she's happy working at the CRT because here they act decently and don't fire employees without justification, or steal their severance checks. Before Aaron can answer, Alonso breaks off the discussion. "No more talk about firings." To Gavi: "You've become an indispensable part of us--" Aaron chuckles and snickers, "Heh, yes, that's just what we thought when she used to work for us at our company until one day --" Rod jumps in to defend her, "That's history now and doesn't count; besides, the fact remains she's demonstrated her abilities and has done a terrific job here and hopefully will continue garnering her successes."

Mariana politely extracts herself and says to Aaron, "Ingeniero Montalvo, you and I will continue talking later." "--Yes, we will and we have many, many several and various things to discuss." Mariana walks coolly away. Aaron taunts Rod, "Absolutely we will! We're going on the trip to Manzanillo with them and I'll have three delicious days and nights to spend next to her." Rod grits his teeth and stares--hopefully counting to ten--but he says nothing.

Clarita and Jose find the nearest tequila booth. Clarita looks proudly over at Gavi being interviewed by the press and says that she lights up the place like a sun at noon. One thing leads to another and Jose asks about the story behind Clarita's husband. Clarita tells her, "That is a secret I'll carry to my grave," and then starts knocking back tequilas.

Rod catches up with Aaron at the bar and tells him enough already and then tries to laugh about it. "You're worse than even Isadora or Minnerva with all the biting commentary." Bruno walks over just then and checks in with the two of them. He and Aaron talk about the drink fest the wives are having on their own over at Rod's. Bruno says he cannot believe all the nonsense he was hearing going on in the background while he was talking to Fedra.

Across town again, Isa cries that Rod finds a rotten agave more exciting than her. Sofia says she obviously hasn't tried everything yet. "What else is left, attempting suicide?" she weeps. Sofia jumps to hug her while Minnie goes with the flow and starts singing "Ay! Gaviota!" off key in between giggles and Fedra even puts on a headscarf backwards and pretends she's our jornalera cutting jima in huaraches. This unfortunately does not cheer up Isa whose high is crashing and quickly turning into a blue drunk.


Friday, September 21, 2007

Juan-Thursday 9/20 - I pity the fool that falls in love with you*

*I heard this blues classic today and couldn't resist copying Amanda's quote motif (and Beckster's song-title method). Bobby "Blue" Bland could have been talking about more than one of our characters, no?

From yesterday: CL goes on a tirade against the infeliz who spent the night with Paula. He solicits Juan's help in finding out the identity of the guy. Juan displays one of his classic Juan Dominguez What Have I Gotten Myself Into Now faces.

Marely sees Yadira's flowers, are they from Kike? Fernando? No, says Yadi, they're from Alirio's friend Ramon Gutierrez who is uglier and crazier than Alirio. Mari dolefully comments that the world is worse than ever. Yadi sees that Mari is in a funk and she surmises it's due to Juan. Mari tearfully tells her sis that last night Juan was out with another woman.

In the den Alirio yells full volume to the phone while Nidia observes. He tells Ramon Gutierrez to stay away from them. Alirio is firm. He's strong. He is probably talking to a dead phone. He slams the phone down and puffs up in front of a sceptical Nidia.

Ah, Nidia has her doubts as well. She dials *69. My,'s not Gutierrez but rather the Gregorio Bakery. Nidia is not amused.

Yadi tells Mari that the only odd thing is that Juan hasn't had a girlfriend before now. Mari says, "girlfriend, if you can call her that because she regrets having been with him." Yadi can't believe it! Who would regret being with that papirrico, that muscular yummy yummy? (Yadi then says something I don't understand, "mucho tilin tilin y nada de paletas". Anyone have a clue?) Mari tells Yadi that the "girlfriend" told Mari She regretted being with Juan. Aha! So Mari knows Her? Mari admits it, she knows The Woman. Yadi's dying to know who it is.

Nidia tells Alirio he's pathetic for lying like a child. He whines and sucks up to her. She wants to give Gutierrez the big smack-down but Alirio begs her to let him handle it his own way.

Mari tells Yadi that She is just a girl at the office. She's pretty, nice, and a good person. Mari would fell better if She were a terrible witch. Mari adds that silly Juan is more deluded than ever and will end up broken. "And Saint Marely will be there to console him," Yadi suggests. Mari shakes her head and cries while her sister comforts her.

Juan and Kike sit in the limo at the Farell garage. Kike observes Juan's extreme mood change. This morning he was on top of the world and now he's at the bottom, what gives? Is it because the Licenciada left without telling him? Juan wonders why she would do that. Kike thinks it's because she felt the weight of Juan's desires. Juan thinks maybe she's confused. She's one of those women who seems confident on the outside but on the inside they are like delicate wafers, you blow on them and they become fractured and broken. Suspicious Kike asks Juan once again, did anything happen between him and the Licenciada? Juan looks like he's about to explode. He thought bubbles a bunch of stuff I didn't understand.

"Uh oh, here's your rival," Kike taunts as CL walks through the garage. He notes that CL has it all, he is the very picture of a guy dripping with dough. Kike tells Juan that not even in his dreams will Juan ever matter to the Licenciada. This makes Juan angry, there are more things in the world than money, like feelings for example! Juan says he might be a Mr. Nobody but at least he's well-proportioned. (I'm not sure what he was trying to say exactly but I couldn't agree more!) He tells Kike he's got an idea. They'll go to the taqueria and discuss it.

Paula thanks Ana for the lift. Ana feels Paula hasn't told her the entire truth about last night. If only Paula would tell her then Ana might be able to help Paula find a solution to her problem. (Or maybe Ana is just nosy and wants to hear about Paula's adventures because Ana is a terminal wet blanket and has no life of her own.) Paula goes to her room and attempts to sit down but it's difficult because she's wearing a red headband as a skirt. I can't believe she wore that outfit to work!

Post tacos, Juan tells Kike that if he wants to win Paula he really has to get his act together. He has to be able to offer her the life she's accustomed to. "How," laughs Kike, "by working lots of overtime?" Juan whips out a flyer, it says "Revalide su Bachillerato". (Does this mean "Earn your Diploma" or something like that?) Kike thinks it's too late for Juan but our optimistic Juan insists it's never too late.

Yadi tries to wheedle a car out of Nidia but Nidia says "No, no, no y no!"

Juan and Kike are now at the National Technical School. Juan's brochure says he can finish his Prep in 6 months, then he'll be able to go to the university. He's always dreamed of being an, he'll be an architect and build Paula the house of her dreams, two stories, a chimney, etc. Then he starts talking about meatballs. With chipotle. Whatever, I guess he's hungry again.

Monica greets CL when he gets home. He growls that he's had a rough day and does NOT want to discuss Paula Davila. Monica just wants to say one thing, their old pal Esteban Marquez will be in town and wouldn't he be the perfect guy for Paula?

Paula paces in her room (looking much more comfy in a bathrobe), she imagines kissing Cl, then she remembers kissing Juan, back to CL, then back to Juan again. "How could I?" she asks. (How could you even consider CL over Juan, I ask?)

CL and Monica argue. That's all he ever does with the women in his life. Why is he such a prize? He's a prize ass in my opinion. But I digress. He tells Monica that once she gets an idea in her head there's no stopping her.

Juan registers for school while Kike pats his rotund belly. The hottie in the registrars office is very impressed by Juan. He winks at her and kisses her hand. He will begin classes tomorrow. She admires his, um, departure.

Juan hits up Kike for a loan for his tuition. Doesn't Kike want Juan to better himself, to improve his life, blah blah blah? Kike finally agrees and adds that he'll go back to school too.

Pastor spends an excruciatingly boring evening at home. Mama knits while he, still in his suit, reads. He reminds her that she has a medical appointment tomorrow to get the results of her tests. She has to go because she forgot her own her age one lives in their memories. She snaps that those memories are killing her.

Juan finally gets home and runs into Marely. She wants to give him the ring back; she suspects it was never intended for her. She persists throughout the commercial until Juan finally admits the truth. She tells him to be cautious; she doesn't want to see him get hurt. He asks why would she say that? "Just be careful," she insists, "you're too innocent and ingenuous...and I can't keep the ring!" Juan thought bubbles that he feels lower than the sole of a shoe.

As Juan thinks he becomes suspicious, could Paula have told Marely about last night? They're friends so Marely must know about their romantic encounter. Juan thought bubbles that he's dying to know what words passed between the two women. He continues to agonize and blather to himself all night long.

The next morning at breakfast Mari attempts to ignore Juan while he casually tries to elicit information out of her. She says yes, Paula talked to her but she can't reveal what was said. Juan starts to put the squeeze on but Nidia breezes in and aks Juan for a huge favor...can he drive Alirio to the office? She won't take no for an answer.

Paula asks Ana to give her a ride to work. Ana rolls her eyes, she doesn't really want to enable Paula's immaturity and says Paula can't avoid Juan forever. Paula announces that today she will buy her own car. Ana says Paula is acting like a child, she'll buy a car just to avoid seeing Juan? "Come on ma, just this one ride," Pauls begs, "but first I have to make a quick call."

Juan is in the midst of trying to get out of driving Alirio to work when the phone rings. Oh my, it's Paula, and she's in such a rush to get to work that she can't wait for Juan, Ana will drive her, bye!! Juan admits to himself that there's no doubt about it, she's definitely hiding from him. As he drives to work with Mari and Alirio, he thought bubbles that he thought she was a decent woman, but as they say, love is blind...and the rest of what he said was just too complicated for my pea brain to translate, sorry. Juan goes on and on with his confusing mish-mash of mixed metaphors.

Cut to Paula at work. She tells Pastor that she doesn't want her decision to affect Juan's Job. Pastor snippily tells her that Juan is the company's chauffeur, not hers. He'll find something for Juan as he's a valued employee of the company.

The odd trio of Juan, Marely and Alirio arrive at work. Juan watches Marely and thought bubbles "Why does one like to complicate life so much? I could have been with my little rose garden, such beautiful eyes and graceful figure, so intelligent and with a big heart, but no, one must suffer."

Pastor approaches CL to make his case. Paula plans to buy her own car and drive herself, therefore he (Pastor) wants Juan to be assigned as his chauffeur. CL tells Pastor he'll think about it, don't push him because he's in a very bad mood.

Pastor tries to recount this episode to Ivonne but is interrupted by Alirio who is all "call me Licenciado and not Señor" to Pastor. Alirio drools over Ivonne who is not impressed. She starts to announce Alirio to CL when Pastor pipes up "Why announce such an important man like Licenciado Perafan?" He and Alirio exchange condescending belly pats and Alirio heads for CL's office, instructing Pastor to bring them a couple of coffees. Pastor smugly waits for the caca to hit the fan.

CL is irritated at Alirio for not knocking. He starts to kick him out of his office but Alirio asks, "what exactly is my job?"

Paula tells Marely that she needs to buy a car to solve her problem, the problem being that she doesn't want to see Juan. Marely scolds Paula, doesn't she know that Juan is still ignorant of how Paula feels? She urges Paula to talk to Juan because it's better for him not to have his head in the clouds. Paula reluctantly agrees, "you're right, I have to talk to Juan, I have to bring him back to reality. Could you tell him to come up please?"

Observation: Has anyone noticed that whenever Paula has the final scene or line it's very anticlimactic? I'm just sayin'

esperar la cosa ponerse fea = wait for the s**t to hit the fan (lit. wait for things to become ugly)

estar en las nubes = to have one's head in the clouds

ponerse las pilas = get one's act together (lit. put on the batteries)


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Amar Sin Limites Needs Recappers

It looks like we are going to be losing our Monday and Tuesday recappers. They've put in valiant efforts, but life has intervened and they have given their notices.

Is there anyone out there willing to help out? If so, please let us know and Melinama, our Blog Mom, can help get you set up.

Thanks to Amy and Ninak for all the recapping they've been doing this year (both here and at Acorralada); I'm going to miss them. Perhaps they will stop by and drop us a post from time to time!

UPDATE: One of our veteran recappers, Margaret, has agreed to sign on for Mondays. We are still looking for a Tuesday writer.


Destilando Amor Sept. 20, 2007- is being pre-empted tonight

for those who don't know - and a reminder for those who do - Destilando Amor episode will not be shown tonight; it is being pre-empted for the "Latin Grammy Celebra" special honoring Marco Antonio Solis (the guy who sang the theme song for "Mundo de Fieras").


Juan Q - 9/19/07 - Chasing ghosts of himself

Paula said NO! She has an affection for him and that’s why she feels so bad not just for him but for herself and that she’s complicated her life more because of this mistake.

Alirio is fighting with Pastor about the post he’s been offered. He wants an executive post, Nid tells him he needs to come back down to earth, but Pastor says well actually I think she’s right, but unfortunately I have nothing like that, all the positions are occupied. Pastor says he’ll ask CL, just in case.

Juan greets Pastor on the way and asks how his Mom is doing. Juan goes to greet Marely who is less than cordial and tells him she’s super busy.

Juan goes in to tell Pau what he told CL. She presses him.

Pastor tells CL that Alirio wants a vice presidency. CL is having an amygdala attack about Juan’s story and heard nothing of Pastor’s rant. He tells Pastor she has another man. I say turn about is fair play.

Pau wants to know why Juan told him that, he says well it’s sort of the truth. She thanks him and says ok, now be on your way I have work to do. He asks her when they might have a chat. She says it will have to be later when I’m not so busy. He asks if she’s sure about that. She promises him. He pulls a flower out of his coat, kisses it and puts it on her desk as he departs. I felt that one right in my chest, how sweet.

Marely cries in the bathroom remembering Pau telling her she spent the night with Juan.

Pastor questions Cl if he’s sure, maybe she’s trying to make him jealous, or it’s just a fling. He says yes, and if she does, man she’s got some explaining to do. Grrrrrr. This is hard to take without hauling off and punching the TV set.

CL loses it and decides he should get the explanation right now. Pastor, in one of his more valiant moments, tries to talk him out of it. He tells him it will be counterproductive and this might be exactly what she wants, that you are making this more important than it should me. He cries about his image, his dignity and reputation. Pastor counters that passion without the firm hand of cold reasoning guiding it, is like leading the horse to the brink of despair. [Or something like that] Cl doesn’t want to hear anymore of his stupid advice because it’s because of that he’s in this mess. Pastor doesn’t give up, until the end. Then he wants to know what to tell Delirio. Cl says tell him to go home and we’ll research the case. Pastor’s final word curses him for being rude.

Cl marches right in yelling who is the guy. She plays dumb and says she’s trying to work and don’t yell at me. This has nothing to do with my work this is personal like you said so leave me alone I have a lot to do. He is not fond of this and says he won’t leave until she tells him. They get into a wrist lock.

Juan and Fer have a little spat and Fer wants to know what’s egging him. He says nothing. Fer says fine but go over there because you are making me dizzy with your coming and going.. Juan tells himself Fer’s right and that he’s always in control of himself and he’s losing his control.

Cl yells that she has to tell him who she slept with. She tells him to lower his voice and her private life is none of his business and his employees will disrespect him if he can’t keep his cool. He doesn’t care what these boobs think. He repeats his question. She repeats her private life is none of his concern. He thinks that means yes, and she says it means what I said that it’s none of your business. He warns she’s wrong and reaching a dangerous point. She warns him if he doesn’t leave her alone she’s have to leave her work and take even worse measures. He leaves.

Pastor gives the duo the news, and they say they’ll come back to talk to CL another day. She says they’ll wait for the boss to talk to them and won’t settle for anything less.

Cl goes down and tells Juan that after he leaves Pau at her house that he wants him to take CL to the house he brought her last night. Juan is impactado. He curses himself now what should he do.
Pau apologizes to her Mom for being rude. Yeah…Mom gives her a little piece of her mind. You tell her. She does pardon her though. Pau asks a favor, she wants her to pick her up. Mom is worried but will.

CL comes in and sees Nid and Ali and asks if they didn't arrange things with Gaytan. Nid says well he says it all depends on you. CL says how about tomorrow I look into it and let you know. Ali is fine with this, but Nid says that you are a man who always says tomorrow and Ali needs to know today so let's have it. She continues that his teeth are sharper than a piranha and there is no craftier, experimental lawyer than my husband and in any business he could earn millions. CL caves for some reason and says he could be very useful for questions of management. He says he could be the assessor of legal affairs of the presidency. Nid wants to give him a huge hug. Ali says how honored he is etc. Cl shuts him up only until he can ask about his salary. Cl says that's Gaytan's affair. Nid says no, I think I'd rather discuss it with you. Ali tries to get her out and she confirms that Ali can start tomorrow. She thanks him with hugs. CL wonders why he is tested this way.

Pastor meets them and confirms what happened. Alirio rubs in his face that yes he was contracted. They move to spread the good news to Marely and suggests that they can ride together. She says but she has to go to the University after. Nid notices that Marely has been crying and wants to know what's wrong. Mar says office stuff, there's always something difficult going on here.

Paula calls Marely in to tell her she doesn't want this Juan thing to tear them apart. She wants to continue being friends. Marely agrees they will be.

Juan rehashes to Kike that he thought he was going to chat with Paula about all this after work, but now the boss came up with the idea to go to this guy's house. Kike says well take him. Juan says he's not real! he can't believe he got himself into this and that he made up such a lie.

Yadi is at home and gets a bribe, er, flowers from Gutierrez.

Nid greets Fer on her way out and asks him why he didn't come to the wedding. She reminds him her house is always open to him. She sees that he is very healthy.

She then greets Juan and asks him how his little problem went this morning. He confirms just fine thanks to you. Kike looks on in bewilderment.

Once home Ali chastises her for having secrets with a chauffer, she says she isn't doing anything wrong being sociable to these people, and if that's a reason for divorce then she wants to know where to sign. Yadi asks them who Gutierrez is that he sent flowers. ALi is imapactado.

Paula runs out to her waiting mom in car and urges her to get moving quickly. Mama is wondering what's up.

Juan is waiting for Paula in the garage and wondering why she's taking so long to Kike. Eventually Marely comes down and breaks the news that Pau has already left. This makes Juan turn the color of ants. He can't believe she blew him off and he sort of shoots the messenger by getting mad at Marely that Pau can't do this to him, they were supposed to talk. She tells him she's the boss, she can do as she pleases and she did, and maybe you are dying to talk to her, but maybe she's not dying to talk to you. She ends by telling him she thought she did him a favor letting him know Pau was gone, but he can wait here all night for her if he wants. he says that's what he's going to do. He tells himself he can't believe she did this so underhandedly.

Mama asks Pau que the hell. Pau says well Juan is abusing my trust lately, she doesn't like his attitude. Mama doesn't believe that's possible.

Juan goes up to get CL, and he says they are going to solve their problem that that guy will pay with blood for what he did.

Ali and Nid are discussing the flowers/bribe situation. Nid tells her darling husband that he needs to make this guy disappear or else. Ali says he's innocent and doesn't know what he can do it's not his fault. He finally says alright I'll deal with him. She hands him the phone. He says right now? She nods yes.

Back at the ranch, CL is getting ready to go with Juan to take care of the hombre that boffed his chica and Juan says he has to think fast. He tells Cl he wants to talk.

Pau continues blaming Juan to her Mom that he looks at her like a woman and not his boss and that he makes her uncomfortable and this is why she needs to be as far away from him as possible. Mom still just isn't convinced that this is the Juan she knows.

Juan talks CL into letting him do the dirty work, that he will find out about this guy and report everything to CL because he is already close to Pau and can find out things easily etc. He dissuades him from going to the apartment because it will be bad if Pau finds out about this. Cl ends up agreeing and putting Juan to the task, and that if he gets the guy in front of him just like Juan is now, he'll make him suffer hard.


Acorralada #175 Wednesday 9/19/07 In which Karen gets her wish!

No, not for Rene's dimples . . . but something almost as good. (BTW, notice that Larry has been absent grabando a show in L.A.--probably he has been working on Pirates/Pasion.) I have misplaced my notes, so I will have to fill in later with more info.

Gaby has returned from the kidnapping and cries hysterically.

Paco comes in to see Fedora, and she asks about whether she had an abortion.

Sharon has a full-blown mad scene while they carry her out to the manicomio. She grabs the door frame so they can't pull her through as she yells I hate you! (I had a cat who would do this when you tried to put her in the carrier.) The actor playing Roddy can barely stifle a laugh.

More suspense as we wonder whether Paco had permitted the doctors give Fedora an abortion. They make it seem as if he did, but then he says no, they didn't. Thank you, she says. I don't know how they are going to resolve this. Paco is still madly in love with Fedora, so how can they match him up with someone else. Only if Roddy dies. Maybe Sharon will break out of the manicomio and kill her father.)

Lala and Granny M put Gaby to bed. Gaby says that despite all she feels sorry for Sharon.
They say now the way is clear for Larry. He doesn't know what happened here. Gaby looks mournful--Larry has really forgotten her and fallen in love with Sharon. I'm not too worried about this. He'll say he only did it "to forget" and it didn't work. These proverbial forgetting affairs never work, except for Larry taking up with Gaby to forget Pilar, actually.

Max and Yolanda sit down to eat. Max wonders where his mom is. We soon find out--Octy has changed to pink nurse's scrubs and a red wig and black glasses. She's at Fedora's bedside checking on her handiwork. well, you lowborn be-atch, if you're not dead, at least you're paralyzed. I hate you--I will always hate you, she soliloquizes. It's not clear if she administers something new here.

Marfil thought bubbles about Pedro's new will that leaves her everything.

Paco and Diana tells Fedora about the kidnapping. Oh, no.

Roddy comes in too.

Yolanda asks Maximope why he's not eating. You must be thinking of Diana, she says.

Finally, the scene Karen has been waiting for. We see Sharon in the padded cell, moping in a corner like Norman Bates in the last scene from Psycho. She has a roommate who is counting out loud in a mad fashion. Someone comes to tell Sharon that there are some papers that link her to her father (I'm not exactly sure what these papers are, I have to review). She starts foaming at the mouth and bursts forth with one of her most exaggerated mad scenes yet. She hates her father and wants nothing to do with her.

Pedro starts wondering whether Marfil is really true to him. He remembers that Camila, of all people, told him Marfil was no good. Maybe Camila was right, he says.

Marcela goes to Roddy to get a divorce from Max. She won't tell him about the baby.

Fedora can't walk. The spider poison has taken effect.

Paco is still trying to make time with Fedora.

At the end, Diana determines to go tell Max about Marcela's baby, so he won't divorce her. Credits roll just as she arrives at the house.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #46, Wednesday 9-19: Infection!

Do you ever have déjà vu? Today's "Last night on Amar Sin Limites" is a condensed version of yesterday's ENTIRE episode. Sometimes a little out of order, but it's all in there. Do you ever have déjà vu? It's a shame fast forward doesn't work while the show's actually airing. I hope they don't go back and show the last 5-10 minutes of yesterday after all that.

They don't. Emilia and Alfredo are back from putting the virus in the fridge (ewww!). Emilia's freaked out about what Alfredo (GSD) did, what with the intrigue and the virus stealing. Alfredo says at least Azul's out of there, so she's not involved. Or so he thinks…

Diego and Eva are on her hotel terrace. Eva's wondering what's up with Diego's lying to Mauricio about her giving permission to break the contract. He complains about not really having a "job" with them--not in the sense of having any actual job duties. Eva reminds him he signed a contract, but she still intends to get him out of it. Diego talks about getting a sales job again…I think I can see where buying Julio's business is going to come in. Diego wonders what's up with Mauricio forcing GSD to work at gunpoint. Eva blames it on Mauricio's weirdness, not that they're doing anything shady. She makes a bunch of cryptic comments about "supply and demand" that are supposed to justify what they're doing. She says what happened today won't happen again, but she won't stop him from leaving, she just advises him to wait and earn more money, save some money. She says if she needs him she'll call.

Alfredo answers his phone to find Mauricio on the other end. Mauricio asks if Alfredo is going to return the virus. He expects Alfredo back in the lab tomorrow. Alfredo again denies having any of the virus sample left and says he's going to report Mauricio and the horse he rode in on--digo, everyone who works with him…not that he knows for what, but he's sure it's bad. Mauricio tells him he'll have to face the consequences and that Alfredo should think about his daughter.

Lidia is hitting on her new hubby Piero while he tries to drive. They're on the way to their honeymoon, but Piero's not as lovey as Lidia would like. Mauricio calls Piero and tells him to get Manuel to sign a contract ASAP, and screw this honeymoon business. Piero gets off the phone and tells Lidia they'll have to honeymoon another time.

Burgay was in Mauricio's office while he called Piero. He wants to let Eva in on things, but Mauricio doesn't agree. Burgay points out that Azul is Diego's girlfriend. Mauricio says he doesn't care about Azul, per se, but no one "se burla" (makes a mockery) of him! Burgay calls Eva. He tells her GSD tried to quit, but they've taken measures to make him work…they kidnapped Azul! Eva's wondering how they could be so stupid. Word. She's on her way over, but they'd better not make any more decisions without consulting her. Didn't she already tell Mauricio not to do anything without her say-so?

Lidia is back at her parents' house, storming up the stairs like a spoiled kid because they honeymoon was called off. To be fair, I'd probably be pissed off too, but I'd like to think I wouldn't come off as juvenile and pouty as she does. Piero says it was a business thing, which Clemencia seems to understand. Manuel comes in and they explain to him about the cancelled honeymoon. Piero says it was an emergency, but hey, since he had this work emergency anyway, why don't he and Manuel go sign that contract. Smoothly done, Piero. Clemencia goes upstairs to talk to Lidia.

Butch and Sundance are meeting at Azul's apartment, just by chance. Diego was looking for her, but she's not answering the door. Alfredo tells Diego about Mauricio's threat. Diego's ready to go off half-cocked, but Alfredo calms him down. They're going to go to Mauricio's house and Alfredo is going to say he's coming back to work so they'll let her go…he'll go to the cops later. Hm, I'd give it 5 out of 10…Alfredo's assuming he'll be able to call the cops, which isn't a safe assumption.

In the sitting area outside Mauricio's office: Mauricio wants Azul to convince GSD to keep working. She wants to talk to him and Mauricio says he'll call him. Well, sure, how else is she supposed to convince him if she doesn't talk to him. Ooh, intrigue…Mauricio gets a container with some plastic stuff out of his office. He swabs his thumb and then lances it. He palms the lance so it's not visible from the back of his hand and the point is covered. Mr. 5ft is suspicious. So am I. Mauricio goes back out to the sitting room and offers Azul a drink, then while her back is to him, he stabs her with the lance. He says it must have been an insect. There's no blood, but her arm looks red. Mauricio says he'll have the place fumigated…darn insects. Azul goes off to put some alcohol on her arm, while Mauricio applies some alcohol internally. He tells Burgay that now GSD can't refuse to continue working. Mauricio claims everything's under control. Eva shows up. She's not happy about the "kidnapping" thing. Mauricio denies anyone's been kidnapped. Now GSD and Diego show up. Mauricio tries to kick Diego out, but he's not leaving without GSD and Azul. Eva says they're all there to try to arrange things with GSD, and Azul and Diego should wait outside. Azul complains that a bug bit her, so she won't go outside. Mauricio offers to let them wait in his office. GSD says they should go ahead--he already knows what he wants to say. Mauricio's just drinking his Scope and grinning manically. GSD says he won't come to an agreement with them, he's going to report them. Eva tells him to chill, only Mauricio has done freaky stuff, not her or Burgay. She says Mauricio's got good lawyers who will get him out in a matter of hours. GSD's sure something fishy is going on. Eva denies it. Mauricio can't take all this behaving calmly anymore and he screams at GSD to get back to work unless he wants his daughter to die. That's right…he infected her with the "ponzoña" (poison)! Everyone is impactados, except for GSD who looks pissed off and Mauricio who's doing his best impression of Jack Nicholson in The Shining. Here's Johnny.

When we get back from commercial, Burgay is holding GSD back from beating the smugness out of Mauricio. GSD says Azul's not contaminated, the poison that "escurre" (drains) out of Mauricio's mouth doesn't need an antidote, it's enough to "jalar" (eat or pull) the water from the "sanitario" (bathroom). I swear, that's what he said, but I can't make sense of it…is he saying he'd like to swish Mauricio's head around in the toilet? GSD shouts for Azul and tells her and Diego that Mauricio's an imbecile and they're out of there. Eva wants to discuss this in the office. She asks why he said such a stupid thing to GSD. He repeats that if GSD doesn't work for them, Azul will die, but Eva doesn't believe him. She leaves the room while Mauricio rants about how soon GSD will be back at work and everything will change, and he'll be the one giving orders. Ivan's been looking at him with disgust and he informs Mauricio that he can be sure that one day Ivan will kill him. I believe him. Ivan now leaves the room. Burgay wonders why Mauricio would say such a silly thing. Mauricio says Azul is infected, remember the insect sting? Burgay wonders where Mauricio has his stash of virus, but Mauricio won't tell him. Burgay begs him to make peace with Eva, otherwise…well, what Ivan said was like a death sentence.

Back at Casa Azul and Ceci: Azul thinks GSD should wait a few days and then talk to Mauricio again. GSD says he just wants to protect Azul and that he never trusted Mauricio, but he went to work for him because of Azul, to protect her. He says he's going to make that report. Diego says he'll call Eva and see if she'll help them. Oops, he said the E word…now Azul's going to break up with him…again…hey, is anybody keeping track of how many times they've broken up? Seems like on this show we should keep track of that in addition to the body count, and possibly the infection count. Of course, with these two, the breakup count is about the same as the number of episodes, isn't it? Azul gripes him out for even bringing up Eva and says she can't be such a good person if she's involved in this. GSD says he still won't go back to work and he's going to make a report. Diego wants them to think and plan a bit more, maybe get some proof, otherwise the cops will think they were accomplices. After all, they all signed contracts and Azul WAS Mauricio's girlfriend…Azul snipes that Diego was Eva's boyfriend, but he says he never was. Show of hands, who here would like to be Diego's not-girlfriend? He gets it on more with his not-girlfriends than with Azul. GSD says working at gunpoint just isn't normal and he's not going back. He's convinced Mauricio's a gangster and the best thing to do is report him.

Eva and Ivan are in her hotel room listening to the conversation Mauricio and Burgay had after they left the room. This gives her the information that Mauricio actually did inject Azul and that he has a secret stash. It sounds like Burgay has been summoned to Eva's room. She's going to question him about the conversation they just heard. Ivan thinks things are starting to get complicated. Let's take a moment here and ponder Ivan…man of mystery, head of the Super Secret Ninja Security Squad, Master of Understatement. Eva says they've made a lot of mistakes and they've got to fix them. Before she can tell Ivan what she wants to do, there's a knock at the door. Burgay comes in and she asks him what they said after she left. He says Mauricio infected Azul with a "jeringa" (syringe), but he didn't see one. He says he doesn't believe Mauricio. Eva calls him on lying and accuses him of being in league with Mauricio, which she says she's already told Boris. This makes Burgay nervous. Eva asks Ivan to leave them alone. She says Burgay should pour some drinks and they'll talk. Burgay is upset he's lost her confidence. Eva says she only trusts 2 people in this world: Ivan and Diego.

GSD is talking about how it's nuts to try to force someone to work at gunpoint…again...and how Mauricio didn't stop the fight in the garden (which one?), and now he's threatening Azul. Azul says she's never going back again either. She didn't think Mauricio would act like this when she wanted to break their contract. They agree to work on gathering evidence. GSD goes off to see Emilia and Azul insists (nonverbally) that Diego drive him. She complains about her arm, y'know, because of the thing that bit her, not in the garden, but in the house. GSD gets a little worried. He asks if Mauricio was near her and what the bite felt like. She says it felt like getting stuck with an "alfiler" (a pin). He looks really worried now, but says he's going to Emilia's, but then he wants to see her arm. She insists he should go see Emilia. He leaves and she asks Diego if he's leaving too, which he is. He says he'll call her later, but she doesn't want him to.

Burgay's still trying to lie to Eva, saying he knew Diego was a young man with "qualities", but he doesn't know where Boris got the idea that she was in love with Diego…he said Diego was just an employee. Eva tells him to shut it. She already confessed to Boris that she's in love with Diego and she didn't get punished, but Boris lost his trust in Burgay. Burgay begs for her help. Eva says that he can get the person who tried to kill Mauricio before, when Diego saved his life, to kill Mauricio now. Burgay offers to do it himself, but Eva says it would be better for them if the other person did it because that person has reasons. She says Mauricio's a risk and they've got to get rid of him, but without him suspecting them. Ivan will find out where Mauricio's hiding "the toxin", and then Eva will tell Burgay who wanted to kill Mauricio. He thanks her and she tells him to get out.

At Emilia's place: GSD is saying that Azul is, in fact, infected. He says he never imagined Mauricio would do so much damage. He says he's sure the antidote works, since one of the rats got better (even though it was still doing badly). The other rat died quickly. Heh. Oh, sorry, that wasn't supposed to be funny. Emilia wonders if it's a lie to pressure GSD and he says maybe it is. Emilia now chews him out for signing a contract without knowing who he was signing a contract with. GSD said Azul was the one who convinced him. Emilia wants him to take responsibility for his part in this, but he's denying responsibility. Now she's griping him out for the way he raised his kids--being so macho and authoritarian and selfish. She says Arnaldo is insecure because of GSD's rejection and Azul is unstable and makes bad decisions. Alfredo says she has no right to talk that way about his kids. Emilia counters that she does have the right, as Azul's friend and as a psychologist (albeit an incredibly unethical one), and because now that they're dating she sees what he's like. Ooh, burn! Alfredo says that's enough, she shouldn't give him psych sermons, and his kids are none of her business. Emilia takes the virus out of the fridge and tells him to take it and go. Well, that's not something you see every day. This is one strange telenovela, even among telenovelas. Now Alfredo wants them to talk calmly. She says if their relationship is just about sex and they can't talk about stuff, he's not the man she wants. He agrees, but asks for a plastic bag to put some ice in to keep the virus cold. She tells him there's a bag of ice in the kitchen. He says fine, they'll talk later when she calms down. Emilia's not taking this anymore…she says they'll talk when he thinks better of things, and not before--she doesn't like wasting her time.

Diego comes to see Eva out on the terrace again. He says they're going to report Mauricio. Eva says he's being naïve. He quits and gives back the keys to the car. Eva says he's got a contract and he's going to fulfill it. And he'd best not forget she's the one running the show. She tells him to drop that crap about reporting, since they have no evidence. If he insists on making a report, he's the one who's going to end up in jail. She tells him to take the keys back and get out…and he does. Ivan wants to know what happened. Eva tells him to put Security Ninjas back on Diego detail and pay a visit to Mauricio.

Diego's phone rings in the hotel hallway. Gaspar is calling to invite Diego to his dad's birthday party the following day. Diego says he'll be there.

Mauricio is on the phone to Burgay. He's saying that he (Mauricio) is the guy in control, the one giving orders, and Burgay needs to understand that. Oh, silly Mauricio and his delusions of grandeur. He hangs up the phone and goes to his office door, but Ivan opens it and demands to know where the secret stash of "toxin" is. Mauricio says Ivan shouldn't underestimate him, he's not afraid of Ivan. He's got techniques to tolerate pain. Ivan grabs Mauricio by…the nipple? And Mauricio squeals in pain. Ivan says he's got 24 hours to practice his pain tolerating techniques and then he'll be back to find out where "the toxin" is. Upon review, it looks like maybe Ivan poked him between the ribs with two fingers. Ivan says that "besides" Mauricio's going to have to dig more graves in the cemetery out back of the house. I don't get how that's a "besides", but ok…I'm reasonably intimidated.


Destilando 9/19 - in which people get all bent out of shape over a stupid cocktail party.

Sofia orders Frankie to miss the cocktail party. He sarcastically says "I will obey, Your Majesty," but then mutters: "I'm the one who gives the orders around here."

Isa yells at Rod: "I'm your wife, like it or not, and should be by your side when your new tequila is inaugurated." "How soon they forget - you opposed this project from the start!"

Gav remembers Rod saying "Your kisses are my delirium."

Pilar tells Daniela about her meeting with Gaviota. "She was respectable and honest, I liked her. She said she was just trying to avoid a scene." Daniela thanks Pilar who says, "I'm going along for Avalleneda's sake, not hers. Still, deep down I've always dadmired her - except for her lies and her low-class past." "All her lies were told for Rod's sake." Pilar says she looked into Gaviota's eyes and saw that her love for Rodrigo is real.

Clarita is especially feeble-minded throughout tonight's episode. She pouts over Gaviota's having taken a meeting with Pilar, says, "Life is going by and you're alone, my dear," and offers the chocolates brought by Hilario. Gav is interested to hear Hilario will be in Manzanilla filming a toothpaste commercial - she and Dr. Blondie will be there too - followed by a stop at the hacienda. Clarita suggests she could chaperone the trip to assuage Rodrigo's XXL jealousies and reminds us: "Jealousy causes misfortunes."

SanJuana continues with her nuanced campaign to win back Hilario's affections - which is to say, she constantly thrusts her breasts into his face and breaths down his nostrils. [If she doesn't watch out, she will turn out to be Nidia.] She reminds him: "You asked me to marry you!" "You turned me down flat!" She drinks and says, "I've changed," he says he doesn't believe her.

"Have you got another woman?" "I've got lots of them! There's nothing left of that browbeaten ranchero." It's late, he tells the maid to go home. He and his randy houseguest watch tv and drink and though he says SanJuana must leave next day, eventually he yields. They have at it.

Bruno, Aaron, and Rodrigo all refuse their wives' demands that they boycott the cocktail party. It's important business for them. In retaliation, Minerva says she'll go on another trip. "Remember my trip to the Greek Isles, my trip around the world?" Aaron laughs and asks where she'll hide this time, or if she'll visit her aunt again.

Pammie aka Rubberlips is still going on and on about the USB full of Aaron's dirty business doings. Her mom says she'll be too busy to go to the cocktail party; Pammie starts thinking she'll accompany her father instead - probably Aaron will be there!

Rod is dressing up very nicely - Isa in her silken shorties, toting Rickie, mocks him - "You're preening for Gaviota, aren't you!? You'll see her tonight. Rickie, say goodbye to your father, look at him for the last time." "Your blackmail doesn't move me any more." Isa remarks on how Dr. Blondie is hitting on Gaviota. "You were first, Aaron second, who knows how many more, now Dr. Blondie is ninth or tenth? She's a real professional." As usual, unfortunately, this talk gets Rod's limited attention.

Gav is all dressed up, Clarita whines and practically sucks her thumb as she looks up from under her eyebrows and wheedles that she wants to come to the cocktail party. Gav says it's business; Clarita guilt-trips her about being embarrassed by her mother; Gav denies it and invites her. Oy! "But ma - don't jump up and down - behave well and don't get drunk."

Daniela calls Dr. Tejeiros (he of the turkey baster) and makes an appointment. She wants to find out if Isa really was inseminated with Rod's sperm. Frankie overhears and, repeating the odd call to Sofia, finds out this was Isa's doctor.

Aaron is on the phone to Oñate, loudly telling him to procure falsified export licenses, when his daddy Bruno appears. He tells his dad he's found a cheap new distiller. "Who?" "I can't tell, you and I are competitors now." Now Rod appears. Aaron tells him the $5 million is paid off. "It isn't false?" Rod asks. They all admit they're going to the cocktail party despite the wives' heavy pressure. Aaron teases that he's looking forward to seeing Mariana again. "Don't let's do what we'll regret later," Rod warns.

The witch wives have gathered at Isa's place. Fedra's new plan is to call those tequila wives who received invitations to the event and convince them not to go; she is convinced that strong bonds have resulted from her twenty-some years of attending these meetings.

The phone rings; Isa gets Frankie's heads-up about the turkey-baster doctor (Frankie then lies to Sofia, saying he's having dinner with his cousin). Isa calls Tejeiros and begs him to do something. He says continuing with this farce will land him in jail. "I'll pay you, the same amount as last time. Just cancel that meeting with Daniela... this is the last time I'll ask you for a favor..."

Ofelia is cooking when Roman comes in complaining: SanJuana is gone and took her bags. "Good riddance!" "But how could she leave without telling us?" "That's her ill manners, are you surprised?" Seeing as how SanJuana never did a lick of work, her services will not be missed. "She must have left for some man, I pity him once she has her talons in him..."

Speak of the devil, SanJuana brings Hilario breakfast in bed, his head is splitting from a hangover, he compliments her food, it's almost as good as mom's, she strokes him, it's looking bad but hurrah, the phone rings! It's his agent Casandra, he's almost gonna miss his plane to go shoot the toothpaste commercial. He brusquely brushes SanJuana off: "I have my life and there's no place in it for you." "Well, I'm not leaving."

Working round the clock with teams of experts, Gaviota has managed to get scores of couches covered with plastic wrap and fake flower arrangements, she dusts the tables. Dr. Blondie asks her for water: "I don't have any coffee!!!" Nancy says she's never seen him this hysterical.

Rod calls, all jealous as usual. While he's on the phone, Dr. Blondie, who has been pacing like a crazy person shouting and shouting, shouts even louder! "GAVIOTAAAAA!!" Only Rod is allowed to shout like this, thinks Rod! "Gaviota, pass the phone to that neurotic!"

Rod's shouting at one of her ears through the telephone, Dr. Blondie is shouting into the other. Rod's threat: "If he shouts at you tonight, I'll break his face!"


La Fea Más Bella #30B-32A Missing Recaps 5-8, by Kim

To the right: another project Kim's been working on!

Missing Recap 5: Everyone parties

Lety and Irmita are talking in the executive lobby, then they leave. Fernando spies Ariel and pretends to hide from him. Ariel corners him and gives him crap about the night, nothing new here, then leaves.

Roman and his loser gang are piling into his P.O.S.-mobile when Tomas runs up dressed in his best Urkel impression. Tomas shows Roman that he has money, so Roman lets him come party with them, which doesn't make Hot Chick happy.

Fernando is pacing in the studio when Carla Lagunas shows up to say goodbye. She says something nice, I think she's the only one besides Lety to do so this whole night. He thanks her and she kisses his cheek. Following TV tradition, naturally Marcia picks that moment to walk up and sees the kiss. Fern tries to explain, but Marcia just gives a nasty "Buenos Noches" and stalks away (I've decided Marcia never actually walks, she only stalks). Carla and Fern make "oh crap" faces.

In the lobby, the cuartel are telling Lety and Irma about their run in with Rulli. Saimon comes up and wants to go with them to celebrate and protect them, but PM says it's only for women and they all leave.

Fernando chases Marcia, though I don't know why 'cause all she does is bitch at him. Carla in the background is headed to the elevator. Marcia tells him tomorrow he has to apologize to Luigi and either says she's going home alone or Fernando had better be going home alone (I'm not sure which), then she gets on the elevator with Carla and they both pretend to be nice.

The cuartel are in front of the building talking. Irma tells them she's tired and doesn't want to go but they talk her into it. PM tells them she wants to go someplace where men are. Irma tells them she doesn't need a man, she needs a boss, and explains that Luigi quit. All are impactada while Lety's eye twitches.

Fernando is complaining about Luigi to Omar and Carolina, and they're trying to convince him that they need Luigi and don't need problems with him right before they leave for L.A. Caro tells Fernando that he really needs to apologize and Omar agrees.

The cuartel exit a taxi in front of a club. They tell Sara to pay the guy but she thinks he wants too much, it's not a limousine. He insults her, she insults him, blah blah. She pays him less than he wants and he calls them ugly and starts calling for the cops while Roller Derby Chick busts out. Irma finally pays the balance just to put us the viewers out of our misery and they all go into the club.

Fernando is in his car talking to Omar on the cell phone. He wants to know where Omar is, and Omar tells him he's eating with Ana Lety. Fernando tells Omar that he doesn't know where Luigi is and isn't sure what to say to him. Ana Leticia gives him the name of the bar Luigi's at.

Lety's parents are in bed when Lety calls. Robopop wants to know where she is and she tells him she's fine and at a restaurant with her friends. He tells her to come home but she begs to be allowed to stay. She convinces mom and dad to let her stay (I think).

Meanwhile at another bar, Roman convinces Tomas to buy drinks for everyone to impress the girl he likes. Roman starts talking to some random girl while Tomas drools over an increasingly uncomfortable Hot Chick. Everyone gets up to dance but Roman convinces Tomas to stay at the table (not sure what he says to make him stay).

Back to the cuartel, I don't care enough about their conversation to try to figure it out. Celso is mentioned and tequila gets drunk. Lety tries to yak up a hairball every time she slugs a shot.

Fern shows up at Luigi's club and asks the doorman if he's in the right place. The doorman gives him the eye which makes Fern neverous. Fernando goes to the bar and all the men flirt with him, which makes him more nervous. Just then a woman walks by and he says "ah mujeres" in a relieved tone and I'm thinking someone needs to warn you that there are "mujeres" and there are "mujeres". He decides this means the bar isn't totally gay and feels a little better. A waiter comes up and asks if he wants a drink and he says no he's just looking for a friend. He then says hi and starts talking to a woman at the bar next to him when yep, you guessed it, another woman comes up and hits him on the shoulder and asks why he's talking to her girlfriend. He turns away and asks the bartender for a double whisky. Another guy comes up and hits on him as he chugs his drink like a frat boy at a toga party. He tells the guy he's waiting for an amigo, then quickly changes it to amigA. The man rubs his arm and asks him something I don't get, and he replies back with something about his wife and kids. Just then Miguel the bat-eared guy from Cine-Rent comes over and asks Fern what he's doing there. Fern, desperate to get away from the other guy, hugs Miguel in relief, then springs away embarrassed and tells the other guy that they're just friends. The guy tells Fern they're a cute couple and Miguel says thanks while Fern makes a Que the Hell face. Miguel asks Fern what he's doing there while playing with his tie, and Fernando the Clueless becomes Fernando the Clued In as he finally figures out just what Miguel is doing there. Fern pulls away and tells him he's looking for Luigi, and yells at him about the bad videos and Miguel says fine, I'll leave you alone then and Fern begs him not to leave.

Meanwhile, Luigi and Rulli show up outside and Luigi tells Rulli he'd like to start his own production house. Rulli tells Luigi that he'll help him. Miguel and Fernando are sitting on a settee and Fernando is protecting certain parts with a pillow on his lap. Miguel touches his hand and tells him he's tense, and Fern slaps his hand away and says he's not going to wait for Luigi any more and gets up to leave but Miguel pulls him back down. Just then Luigi comes in and sees Fernando and makes a big show of "what are you doing here, I don't want to see you, yadda yadda yadda". Fern tells him they have to talk because he's going to L.A. tomorrow, but Luigi still doesn't want to and raises a fuss while everyone watches. Luigi tells Fern he's going to the bathroom and Fern drinks from Luigi's drink and gets something on his mouth (salt? Was it a margarita?). Luigi reaches over and wipes it off and judging by their faces, I think it may have been a cute little unscripted moment. Luigi then tells Fern not to be there when he gets back. Luigi heads toward the men's room, but Fern chases him. Luigi slams the door in his face and Fernando yells at him to open up. A waiter walks by and tells Fern to be quiet, but some other guy tells him don't worry, they're novios, it's nothing. This really makes Fern nervous and Luigi opens the door.

Back with Tomas, everyone finally gets back to the table, then Roman leaves again to dance with a girl leaving Hot Chick to talk to Tomas. He tells her she's very pretty, but then leaves to look for Roman to talk to him about something. He may be asking to borrow Roman's car, but I'm really not sure. While he's gone, Roman gets back to the table and starts talking to HC, but I'm not sure what they're saying. We jump back to Fernando and Luigi still fighting in the men's room.

Once more to the cuartel, who are very drunk. Their conversation is boring and I'm afraid I fast forward through most of it. I think they're still going on about Rulli.

Luigi and Fernando are back at the bar and Fernando reminds Luigi that the bad things that happened aren't just bad for Conceptos, they're bad for Luigi too. Luigi calls Fern inept. Fern tells him he's going to L.A. and needs to be able to tell those clients that his director is the star, Luigi Lombardi. Luigi tells Fern that Conceptos is already a failure and Fernando says, oh yeah, well I'll make a bet with you and Luigi wants to know what the bet is.

We're now transported to a bar where the cuartel are sharing a bottle of tequila. Juana is dancing on the table and the others all get up to dance.

Back to the gay bar, Fern tells Luigi what the bet is: If Conceptos loses work because they changed the format, he'll buy the 35mm camera Luigi wants. But, if the video format helps them to increase production, Luigi has to resign himself to using it. Luigi proposes a different bet: if they lose work and he wins... at first I think he says Fernando has to sleep with him, but when Fern basically says Oh Hell to the NO (and I'm sure Luigi was kidding anyway just to get a rise out of him), he says you have to come to a party with me dressed as the Queen of the Night. Fern argues, but Luigi turns his back and says accept my bet or forget about me coming back!

The cuartel are still dancing and they see El Cheque dancing with some random woman (Jazmin) and Lola turns BSC.

Missing Recap 6: What's more embarrassing than passing out drunk in front of your coworkers? YOUR PARENTS!!

Fern and Luigi are still talking about the bet and the cuartel are still drunk. Lola confronts her husband and raises a stink in the bar about his new Squeeze-Me Barbie.

Tomas catches Hot Chick macking on Roman. He gives Tomas some lame excuse that I don't get and the whole gang leaves leaving Tomas to pay the bill.

Fernando accepts Luigi's bet and Miguel brings them all champagne, but Fern doesn't want any.

Lety and the cuartel are drunk and call Saimon to come get them. Then they all go into the bathroom and start crying, I guess for Lola's sake or just 'cause they're drunk, I'm not sure.

Luigi and Fern are leaving the bar and Fern is complaining that Ana Lety didn't warn him it would be a gay bar. Luigi says "hello", like hey dumba**, what other kind of bar would I be in? Fern says I'll see you tomorrow and tries to leave, but Luigi tells him he wants to seal the bet with a kiss on the cheek. Fernando refuses saying the only man he kisses is his father (or he could be saying he doesn't even kiss his father, I'm not sure). Luigi continues to give him crap, saying hey, they do it in Europe all the time, on BOTH cheeks. Fern says "fine", all exasperated, and Luigi closes his eyes and puckers up (I'm not sure why, I thought the kiss was supposed to be on the cheek, but you know Luigi). A kid just happens to walk by selling roses and Fern calls him over and buys a red one from him and hits Luigi in the head with it, but not too hard. Luigi looks shocked and says Oh My God in English, then smiles. This entire bar scene between these two has been hilarious, they really work well off each other. Luigi accepts the rose and says something along the lines of "now we're novios" or something like that, and Fernando makes a noise like he's trying to imitate Lety yakking up a hairball and takes off.

Saimon has shown up and is half-carrying Lety out the door while the rest of the cuartel follow. Lety thinks she sees Fernando and semi-passes out in Saimon's arms. Just then the parental units (who appear to have been out looking for her in their PAJAMAS!) show up and they ain't happy campers.

Fern gets to Marcia's apartment and tells Marcia that he's fixed everything with Luigi but he really hated having to beg. Marcia tells him she'll try to console him and leads him into the bedroom.

Lety's parents manage to pour her into her room and though she's still drunk, suddenly she's sober enough to write in her diary. Sorry, I had to fast forward through a lot of this, her voice was even more annoying than usual. She tells her diary that she doesn't know what she'll do with herself while Fernando is away, and starts crying. While she's talking, we cut to Fernando in bed with Marcia. She's watching him while he's unable to sleep and asks what's wrong, and he tells her the worst part of all was having to go to a gay bar and now people think he's Luigi's boyfriend! Marcia starts macking on him to make him feel better. And may I just add a personal comment that we needed many more scenes of Fern shirtless than we were given! Sigh! Anyroad...

Missing Recap 7: In which Alicia doesn't go to Hawaii

The next day Lety heads to work with a massive hangover. She meets up with Tomas, who's pretty sad looking. When she asks how it went, he claims it was great. She asks if he got to kiss Hot Chick and he explains he caught her kissing Roman. She wants to know why he keeps trying to hang with Roman when they treat him badly, but he just asks how her night was. I don't really get her answer, and she leaves for work.

At Conceptos, PM has a headache too. Saimon brings out a tray filled with glasses of water and Alka Seltzer. He complains about the stuff she asks him to do but she just looks at him like Shut the hell up dude! She says something he doesn't like and he starts to drink a seltzer, but Lety comes in and takes it from him and drinks it. He leaves and PM and Lety talk.

Omar comes in and starts flirting with PM. Fernando and Alicia come in and Alicia is glaring so Fern, in either a very rare moment of kindness to Alicia or to save his friend from a serious claw scratching, distracts her and manages to get her on the elevator. He then pulls Omar aside and give him crap about it, then throws Omar into the elevator and follows him in.

Back upstairs Saimon is handing out the seltzers to the rest of the cuartel, who are just as hung as Lety and PM. Alicia comes in clapping and yelling and they don't even care. Fernando, Omar and Marcia come in and go to their offices.

In his office, Fernando is asking Lety for stuff, but like Radar in MASH she answers him before he finishes, and he starts to get irritated by it. She starts to walk to her office but Fern stops her and reminds her of the significant responsibility she'll have because everything will be in her hands while he's gone. She tells him tranquila, she'll take care of everything and he smiles.

Fernando calls a meeting with Omar, Marcia, Lopez, Alicia and Luigi and tells them all that Lety will be in charge while he and Omar and Marcia are gone and he hopes they'll work with her and not fight against her. Luigi says no way, she's not over me and makes a rude comment that makes Lopez laugh his wheezy laugh. Fern agrees that Luigi's in charge of his area and the commercial they're working on, but Lety's in charge of everything else. Luigi starts talking about all the stuff he wants to do and Fernando stresses economy. Alicia isn't happy and Fern offers to send her to Hawaii to cheer her up. Since she's the epitome of the dumb blond, she says "really?" and of course he shoots her down and Lety titters.

Alicia leaves the conference room and Lola and Sara sing to her. I have no idea what this is about, but then Sara bleats at her like a sheep. What?????

Luigi teases Fern about last night and Marcia wants to know what happened and Luigi jokingly calls her jealous. Marcia starts talking about the wedding, and you can tell Fern really doesn't want to hear it. We get a shot of Lety, whose ears must be in full-on hypersensitivity mode because she can hear them even though they aren't yelling, and she looks sad. Marcia wants Fern to set some time aside so they can make preparations together. I think she mentions that after L.A. she's going to go to Miami and do some shopping for the wedding. She and Luigi leave and Fernando yells for Lety. She comes in with his briefcase, cell phone and tickets.

Suddenly Fernando picks her up and twirls her around and says something mushy to her. He holds her, then she twirls away and they dance while she's telling him to return to her soon. She then begins to do some kind of weird Riverdance-type clogging and, of course, it's a daydream and Fern is watching her dance by herself, mystified. He claps his hands to snap her out of it as the phone rings, and asks her to take some time from her ballet lessons to answer it. She does and it's Marcia, they talk and he starts to leave. At the last second he gives Lety a funny look tells her to "practice more".

Alicia is worried about being left alone with the cuartel and Marcia tells her not to be intimidated by Lety. Fernando and Marcia are going to lunch and Alicia tries to invite herself along and tries to get Omar to go too. Omar walks up then and she calls him Amor and asks him to join them for lunch, but he tells her he can't, he has plans and Fern backs him up. She wants a kiss before he leaves but he just shoots her an air kiss. Fernando tells Marcia to uninvite Alicia.

Saimon's dancing down in reception, but he and PM argue again. Omar walks in and PM leaves with him, making Saimon pout.

Marta and Fernando watch, sharing an apple, while Alicia and Marcia talk. Alicia tells Marcia that Omar's agreed to live with her and she thinks he'll propose soon. Marcia says stuff I don't get, then Fern yells at her to hurry up and they get on the elevator. He starts to hand the apple back to Marta but decides to keep it and thanks her while she looks sad.

PM and Omar are in a hotel room, they've just finished playing doctor and now he's getting dressed. PM is pissed that he's leaving and wants to know if he's serious about her or is this just a one-night stand because she knows he's getting it on with Alicia Ferreira. He denies there's anything between him and Alicia and calms PM down.

The cuartel are all spread out on the couches in Reception. PM comes in and asks what's wrong and they tell her all about the huge lunch they just ate. They ask what she was doing and she mentions a boyfriend, which makes Saimon sad. They go upstairs and Alicia starts screeching at them. Stuff gets said and she threatens to tattle to Lopez about them. Lety is in her office and the cuartel come bursting in complaining that Alicia is complaining to Lopez and she has to do something. Lopez comes in and brushes his dandruff all over everyone and reprimands them for coming back from lunch late, but Lety defends them saying she gave them permission (power go to your head much Lety?) and getting them off the hook. Lety calls Alicia in and tries to give some work but she refuses to do it. She changes her mind, though, when Lety tells her fine, and starts to call Lopez back in. After Alicia leaves Lety drools over her stolen picture of Fernando and we see days of Lety pacing her office, missing Fern, and crossing off days in her calendar until his return, while Aqui Estare plays.

Fern calls and wants to know what's going on with the company; Lety gets a report from Sarah and Lola and sadly tells him that things aren't going well because most of the companies are canceling their contracts.

Missing Recap 8: Kids, money, and glue
Repeat of Fernando and Marcia leaving and Omar and PM arguing.

The cuartel plus Lety are outside talking about the problems of Lola and PM when Marta's husband and daughter drive up. Husband (is his name Paco?) tells Marta he has to leave their daughter with her and she worries, but the cuartel remind her that the boss isn't there today and Irma reminds her that Lety's the boss. Lety says it's ok and the husband leaves. Lola and PM's kids are there too, in reception and Lola tells Lety about her kid problem, so Lety says it's ok for all the kids to be there. The kids are now all in Omar's office and they talk about stuff I don't get.

Marta has Alicia's check but hides it and won't give it to her while they all give Alicia crap. She goes and complains to Lopez, but he says he's not in charge and can't do anything. She then goes to Lety, who does nothing. Luigi comes in with three models and talks to Alicia, who tells him about her check problem. He confronts the cuartel and demands his check as well, but they tell him he has to talk to Lety because she has his check. He calls her a monster and the models and Alicia all laugh and walk away.

Lety whines about missing Fernando and just then he calls to find out what's going on with the company. Lety tells him he needs to come back because the last of their customers have cancelled their contracts.

The cuartel's brats, I mean kids, are in Omar's office digging through his stuff. They find his pin-up pictures and decide to use them, and whatever else is available, to make collages.

Lety comes out into the Executive lobby and happily tells everyone that Fern's coming back tomorrow. She asks Alicia to book return flights for Fern and Omar, and of course Alicia doesn't want to. She then asks Marta to do it, which makes Alicia want to do it after all. She asks about Marcia, and Lety tells her Marcia isn't coming. Lola has contracts in her hand and tells Lety that Luigi has hired models for the pre-production test shots. Lety says that can't be, Fernando told him he could only hire models for the actual shooting. She gushes that she's glad the President will be back tomorrow, and Lola whines that that means they'll have to give Alicia her check. Sara wants to hold onto it a little longer. Lety mentions the contract problems the company is having. At first I thought the cuartel and Lety were just getting revenge about the checks, but now I think I may have missed something earlier. I think in one of his phone conversations, when Fernando found out about all the cancelled contracts, he may have been concerned about cash flow and may have told Lety not to release any checks. Can anyone verify?

One of the kids has somehow gotten hold of Alicia's paycheck and starts to glue it down, but one of the girls tells him it's not a good idea. He sets it on a chair to let the glue dry. Meanwhile, in the Executive lobby, Marta has realized that the check is missing and is looking for it.

Omar calls Alicia and asks her to get him some info from his office, so she goes in and catches the brats doing their usual damage and yells at them. She sits on the chair where the check is drying so she can yell at them comfortably, then she gets up and leaves to tattle to Lopez, with it stuck to her tush. The kids all laugh. Marta and Lola come in and instead of punishing the kids for wreaking havoc with someone else's property, they just laugh with them. Yeah, cute (not!!!!).


Amar #45 Tuesday 9/18/07

Opening scene: Eva gives Boris an iPod with a recording of Azul's message to Diego. She's heartbroken that Diego isn't in love with her, but Boris doesn't want to hear this foolish talk. He asks why a woman like her would fall in love anyway?

Burgay is not happy that he's been left out of the meeting between Eva and Boris. He's outside the door whining about it to Ivan. Eva comes out, and Burgay starts to whine to her, but she doesn't care whether he thinks she treats him fairly.

Ivan is now summoned into Boris's office, where Boris tells him that he's doing a great job, and that he and Eva are his most valuable employees, they're like children to him. He tells Ivan to keep an eye on Burgay the traitor.

Azul & Diego are snuggling at her place, talking about breaking his contract when Alfredo calls to tell him that he'll have the deposit in the morning. After he hangs up, he refers to Alfredo as his father in law. I'm a little hazy on this, but I think he tells Azul that he's going to steal the deposit. Then Clemencia calls him to remind him that tomorrow's Lydia's wedding. After he hangs up, he tells Azul that it was her mother in law. Yuck.

Andres returns to Leo, who's more than happy to see him. She tells him that Dr. Toscano is making progress, and may have found something. Lots of smooches. Double yuck.

Azul and Diego are still kissing when Ceci comes home, and she's crying. Azul follows her to their bedroom and asks what's happened, but Ceci won't give her details - only that she and Andres had a fight. Azul returns to the bedroom for more kissing with Diego, and they talk about how excited they are for her to meet his family and for them to attend the wedding as a couple.

Next we see Eva and Burgay on her plane. He wants to know why she's brought him, but she doesn't feel like talking to or looking at him, and shoos him away. Ivan comes to sit next to her, and she tells him that although they've known each other a long time, there are things he doesn't know about her: that Boris killed her mother in front of her, and that Boris is her father!

Andres goes to Mo's office and learns that he's having problems with Diego. Diego claims that Eva let him out of his contract, but Mo doesn't believe him.

Eva returns to the hotel and calls Diego to let him know. He's not thrilled, especially since he's between the sheets with Azul when she calls. Azul gets mad and storms out. Eva wants to see Diego, but he says it would be better if they see each other in the morning.

Azul goes home and wakes Ceci to tell her about her fight with Diego. It's almost morning and Ceci reads her the riot act for waking her up and acting like she's the only person who has problems, when she's about to lose Andres. Of course princess Azul says that her problemos with Diego are more serious than Ceci's with Andres. What a nice friend!

Ivan and Eva are listening to a recording of Mo talking... he's talking about Diego's claim that Eva let him out of his contract. Ivan asks her if it's true and she says it's not.

Alfredo and Diego are together in Diego's car talking about how things will be more complicated now that Eva's back. Alfredo's surprised to hear that she called Diego directly, and wants to know if there's something between Eva and Diego. Alfredo warns him that Azul can be very possessive and jealous. Ya think? They don't notice that Andres is watching them as they pull up in Mo's driveway.

Leo and Mo are in his office and she's trying to convince him that he's better off without Azul as she pours him a drink. He's gulping down the liquor and trying to get his breath when Alfredo walks in and tells him that he left his glasses in the lab and needs them. Mo pulls a gun from his desk and aims it at Alfredo, then forces him outside and towards the lab. Diego sees and tries to intervene, and get a good butt kicking from Andres for his efforts. Eva and Ivan arrive and see what's happening, so Andres gets a good butt kicking from Ivan for his efforts.

Meanhwile, Mo and Alfredo are suited up in the lab and he's trying to force Alfredo to work, but Eva makes Mo come out of the lab. Alfredo takes the opportunity to steal the samples and run.

I'm sorry, guys, that's just all I have time to write for now. I'll try to add to it later. (This is the first half of the episode).


Acorralada #174 Tuesday 9/18/07 Kike bites the dust!

Glad to know some people are still watching. I must say that sometimes I have felt we are the Maytag repairmen of the recapper world--the loneliest recappers in town.

I have a bunch of meetings today, so I haven't entered a full recap. Here are some highlights:

Kike calls Gaby to lure her out of the hospital to be kidnapped by him and Sharon. She goes downstairs with Emilio, who gets hit.

Fedora is recovering from her spider wounds.
We occasionally see scenes of Octavia pondering the effect of t

Suddenly, they learn that Gaby is kidnapped. Rodrigo and Diana rush from her bedside with the police to follow the kidnappers. Emilio gets

Sharon is driving the car. She says she is going to throw Gaby in the sea to be eaten by sharks.

The police car gives chase. At one point, the police officer speaks English! They have Spanish subtitles for this. I don't know why they bothered with English.

Back at Mansion, Lala is nervous about Gaby. Silvia has the chutzpah to point out that if it weren't for her lousy sons, they wouldn't be in this predicament.

Sharon drives the van to a secluded spot. Gaby screams to get away. They get out of the car. Kike starts carrying Gaby through a river. Kike pulls a gun. Just then, we hear the cops' sirens.

Just in time, we cut to the most boring story of the series: At the supermarket, Godmom is encouraging Marcela to marry Dr. V.

Max attacks Marfil for her treatment of Pedro. He tells her to make sure no harm comes to Pedro, or he'll know where to look for her.

Back at the kidnapping, the cops have them surrounded: Come out with your hands up. 2

Diana and Gaby scream. Roddy tells Sharon to give up.

Meanwhile, back at the hospital, Paco is there trying to make time with Fedora. Fedora has been given an antidote, but they are worried about the baby. It appears that Dr. V. wants her to have an abortion, but she doesn't want one. She begs Paco not to let her have one.

Granny M is frantic back at home.

Marfil and Pedro have a long boring conversation that I did not follow closely. It's the usual: Why don't you put me in your will? Don't you really love me?

Back to the important stuff: Kike is still holding Gaby, but she breaks free. Then he grabs her again. Finally, the words you have all been waiting to read, and I am proud to be the one to deliver this news: the cops shoot him dead! Hooray! Gaby becomes hysterical, and Diana comforts her. Sharon is captured, and she will be sent away to a mental health clinic.

Paco is still talking to Fedora. She mumbles "my baby."

Max and Diana jaw about his divorce.

Diego calls Marfil, but I didn't pay attention.

At the end, Marfil is in a lawyer's office with Pedro drawing up a will.


Destilando, Tuesday Sept 18....the witches get what they deserve.

The witches call Dr Coffee; they're very offended that they haven't been invited. Minnie takes the lead on the phone; not wasting an opportunity to talk badly about Mariana. Alonso says he will take their complaints in consideration, but he's sure something bad must have happened for them not to get invited. Minnie is offended by this "Oh yeah?? Well, how about this: the whole family Montalvo will boycott the event!". The rest of the witches are shocked, particularly Sofia who doesn't think Minnie should have said that as she knows the husbands won't miss it. But Fedra and Minnie believe that if the women are offended in any way, the men will stand by their side. Ah, I can't wait for them to talk to their husbands. Especially Aron, who will probably use this as an opportunity to charm all the desperate women at the event. So anyhoo, the witches decide they're better off getting Pilar on their side. They decide to talk to her to brainwash her about Gavi and the magnitude of her offense.

At the CRT, Alonso and Gavi are shocked. Gavi didn't think it would go that far with the witches, they're scared about what Avellaneda will say. Nancy wants to cry; before she gets to start, Dr coffee asks her to please keep calm. hmmm... I'm starting to like him.

At the corp, Gavi calls asking for Rod. Margarita tells her he left. Gavi asks Marg if the men have mentioned any issues with the invitations. Marg says everything is OK, and she will keep Gavi posted.

We get an image of Hilario at the hacienda, singing. I didn't know he could sing that well!! Anyhoo, its Roman, remembering when Hilario used to clean his horse while singing. He thinks: my son, you used to be a humble man, but you threw your dignity in the trash when you went to the city. Ofelia comes bye, and tries to persuade him to look for his son and listen to him. She's sure Hilario is going through a hard time. Roman swears that the patron's wife is a decent woman. Ofelia tells him to stop being so harsh and forgive him. He leaves.

We get a commercial about Marco Antonio Solis... I'm sure many of our female visitors are very happy about that :)

Back in Mexico City, Hilario goes to visit Clarita. She starts talking about his commercials on TV. Hilario gives her a gift....its a box of sweets. She asks him what he wants to drink. He says cognac...boy these people can drink. She doesn't know what that is. He mentions Paris. C: Paris, capital of France??? He says he'll have whatever she has...and of course..she has tequila. They talk about Roman. Hilario is sad "my dad already buried me. He's embarrassed that I'm a model. I won't look for him anymore".

At the hacienda, Ofelia is praying to God, asking for Roman and Hilario to come back together.

Gavi and Dani are on the phone; Gavi asks Dani if the witches already went to talk to dona Pilar. Gavi wants to give her version to Pilar. Dani will try to get her an appointment. Pilar walks in; Dani tells her that she's sure the witches will come talk to her soon, but that she needs to first talk to Gavi. At first, Pillie doesn't want to talk to her; she wants Gavi to leave them alone. Dani convinces her to talk to Gavi. Pillie is impactada in thoughtful mode.

Gavi tells Dr Coffee that she's going to talk to Dona Pilar. She takes full responsibility of the situation. Dr Coffee says he's in this with her. Gavi gets a phonecall; Nancy says it's from 'your sis in law'. Dr Coffee: sis in law?? Gavi: eh...hehe... that's just how Rod's sister calls me. Gavi answers... she's happy that Pillie wants to see her; they agree to meet at 6 PM. Dr coffee wants to come with her. She says no, this conversation will not only be professional, but also personal. Dr Coffee says OK, but no matter what happens you have my support.

Gavi and Pillie are at a coffee shop. Pillie admits never liked with how Aron fired Gavi. Gavi blames herself for lying. Gavi complains how the witches don't ever leave her alone. Pillie wants to stay out of these issues. Gavi says she doesn't care about the witches; she wants Pillie to understand her. G: I must confess, that I decided to not invite Isa, Minnie, Fedra, and your grandchild Sofia. Pillie, impactada: porque!

Back at the hacienda...Sofia and the witches are talking to Dani. They want to see Pillie. Dani says Pillie is having coffee with an old friend. The witches comment how they don't understand what Gavi has against them. Sofie and Isa actually feel like they never did anything to deserve this.

Pillie and Gavi talk; Gavi has told Pillie the whole story (we don't get to see that part). Gavi says Avellaneda and CRT are not at fault; she doesn't want them to pay the consequences of her own issues. But Pillie needs to understand that Gavi wouldn't feel comfortable doing her job if the witches are there, because they tried to harm her in the past in every possible way, shape or form. If they show up, they will start a war and she wants to avoid getting in a fight with them. She know she won't be able to control herself. Gavi: But if Minnie is saying the truth, and you all decide not to come, Rod wil be the most affected. If you don't change ur mind Dona Pillie, I will quit, because I won't let you break your relationship with CRT because of me. Dona Pillie, dont take it the wrong way. For me it's important because I've had to fight for this job that I have. If there's anything I'm proud of, its my mom and my job. I am decided to renounce my job for you, but especially for Rod, because he's fought for his product and I don't want his future to be damaged because of me. I'll quit as long as Rod doesn't lose this opportunity. Pillie: do you love my grandson? Gavi: yes, I will love him all my life, and I will respect him, you and his wife even if his wife is making my life miserable. Pilar: Gavi, Rod won't miss the event. Gavi, happy: I need you to go, because Rod needs your support there. Pillie promises she will go and make sure no bad incidents will happen with the family. Pillie: But don't confuse this by thinking that I am supporting your relationship with Rod. I hope from now on we will have no more problems. Gavi: there will be no more problems, I promise.

At home, Rod is cooing Ricky....'goo goo when are you going to call me dad??? ga ga...'

At the hacienda, Ofelia is mad at Sanwanna. She she's been gone all day and didn't help her with the duties. Roman: Ofelia, be careful what you say to her cuz that girl is close to the patrona Isadora.

In Mexico DF, Hilario is nostalgic watching TV. The doorbell rings, he goes to the door, and stares. Its Sanwanna, uttering her typical 'quiubole Hilario'!!! sigh sigh. Hilario looks at her, and the memories come back for a second as he devours her with his lusty eyes and smiles. H: how did you get here?? How did you know?? S: I saw your number on the phone when you called this morning!! And I called back, and asked the maid for your address and came to find you! wow, you live in a palace!!

Dani and Rod are chatting on the phone about the witches. Dani asks for the name of the doctor that inseminated Isa...'cuz..ehm....Elvis' sis cannot get pregnant and I just wanted to help her. Uh, gotta go bro... the witches are with here'...dani comes into the living room, where the witches are with Pillie. Sofie tells Dani they want to talk to her, ehm, in private.

At Hilario's apt, he's uncomfortable and tries to tell sanwanna that he doens't really....Sanwanna, cuts him off, taking a big gulp of his cognac... "hmm, what r u drinking?? R u still mad at me?? I'm sorry, I was jealous!! I still love you!". H: sorry, I've made my life here and I don't feel anything for you. S: well, I came to make peace with you, and my trip will not be in vain.

The witches try to convince Pillie of how offended they are by Gavi and Dr Coffee. Sofie, talks about the embarrassment to which they will be subject. Fedra wants her to protest against the CRT. Minnie wants her to tell them that they will not come in. Pillie says she won't do anything, cuz CRT has all the right to prohibit entrance to ungrateful women. The witches are shocked. Pillie continues: "and if you had pride you'd keep quiet about it!" . Minnie says: ah, so that means you're against us just to support the maldita Gaviota!!

Gavi comes home, and tells clarita she talked to Pillie.

Rod is calling the CRT checking on Gavi. Nancy says Gavi left, ALONE, and her boss is here at work. Wanna talk to him? Rod says no, it's OK.

Gavi at home: ma, if you knew how understanding she is! I had to do it ma. C: Como asi Gaviotita!! G: Ma, the witches called and said the family would boycott! C: Gaviotita, don't try to find hair on mango's. These people won't be on our side ever. G: Ma, no worries, Pillie was nice to me. She said I can be calm about this event.

Pilar to witches: 'with what face will you say hello to Avellaneda if you went to the party! You don't deserve to be there!' Isa and Minnie: so now they will kick us out from the event every time! Pillie: if you are part of the black list of the CRT, its because they think they cannot have a peaceful event with you there. Minnie, I told you you need to keep your class when it comes to fighting for your husband. That's what you get for not listening to me. And I prohibit all of you to get involved and manipulate your husbands affairs.

Gavi calls Dr Coffee and tells him no worries, she struck a deal with Pillie "and I will pray to my saints to leave the Montalvo men deaf so they don't hear the barks of their wives".

So now we get to see the witches with each of their husbands. We start off with Fedra and Bruno who are arguing. Bruno thinks Fedra is crazy for thinking he will boycott the event. I told you Fedra, you should have left Mariana Franco alone. Sofie comes in: how was it?? F: ah, don't even ask!! she leaves, leaving Sofia alone. In comes Fran..."mon amouuuurrr!!! Honey I don't know what to wear at the festival". Sofie: well ur not going! F: but mon amour you cannot expect me to not go. S: well, you're not going F: are you ordering me? S: yes. F: well as you wish your highness. He thought bubbles "but I am the one that makes the orders here..."

Isa and Rod are also arguing...Rod reminds her that her dad owes him money. Isa yells 'no worries, he will pay you back!". Rod, sarcastic: well I hope so cuz he's taking a looong time! Isa: well I don't want you to go to the festival, and I don't want you to be with her!! And whether you like it or not, IIII am the one that deserves to be with you that night cuz IIII am your wife! Rod: don't even dare saying that, you have no right, because you threatened to take Ricky away from me if I launched my Organic Tequila product...remember??!!!

- Sofie tells Fran that Dani will discover if Ricky is truly Rod's baby.
- Gavi and Clarira get ready for the festival. Clarita is happy "Como asi!!!" Mariana: ma, but don't get drunk, ok???
- Isa tells Rod that Santovena is one of Gavi's lovers..."he could be the 8th, 9th, can tell from far she's a professional!!".
- Everyone is getting ready for the festival. Isa tells Ricky to say goodbye to his dad. (Is it just me, or was that a different baby?? oh well...)


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