Thursday, August 28, 2008

Guapos Wednesday 8/27/08 We're on the home stretch . . .

Well, looks like our follow-up novela is official. Last night I saw promos for "Cuidado con el Angel," coming "muy pronto." So no Tontas for us. If you did not fast forward through these commercials, you saw a couple of really strange conversations between a priest and a woman and someone floating with giant angel wings. Reminded me of that awful movie (that I never saw) with John Travolta wearing giant angel wings. This is supposed to be better than Tontas? We shall see. Pasion fans will be pleased to know it stars William Levy, Vasco from Pasion.

Back to Guapos, which is proceeding apace to the finish line. We start with the scene of Al and Hugo following Mili and Gloria to Mother Superior's funeral. Everyone is wearing black, but our boys are not exactly paying the proper respects. No, they are letting their testosterone get the best of them and exchanging insults and starting to butt heads physically. Tiny Padre Manuel once again has to intervene, which is always funny.

Cut to Starbucks, where Braulio (sans gloves!) is catching up with his long-lost sister. We know she was a widow of a rich Italian guy, and she was not happy. She did not have any kids--she couldn't, not after her terrible loss. She came home to confront her past. She never thought she'd find that Connie was enslaving their daughter as a servant. Braulio tries to fill her in on the facts, as that is not totally accurate. He says that Regina never stopped looking for both of them. Rosario says Regina was always so good to her. Brau says she always loved Rosario and was tormented.

Mili and Gloria have left the boys fighting and have made it into the kitchen, where fake Sor Cachete is ruining a batch of tamales. I love these scenes with Macarena's attempts to fake being a nun, and no one quite catches on but they think she's acting funny.

Mili says that her mother and grandmother now have company in heaven, now that Mother Superior has joined them. They're "comadres." (This seems to be the feminine of compadres--never heard it before.) Fake Sor says that if they were such good friends they'd help make these goldarned tamales, but she is reminded that all of them are dead! Mili now asks what's wrong with SC--she never asked for help before. Gloria points out that SC is rushing and making a mess. Fake Sor suggests saying a rosary to pray for a tamalista to take over. The girls wonder why SC isn't crying over the loss of Mother S. She had enough at that blasted wake. I'm not sure if I've got the next part right, but I think "Sor" says that she's going away--she asked MS right before she died. Where? She can't tell, it was under seal of confession. The Vatican won't let her tell. The girls point out that she's not a priest, but she says she's a nun. They laugh that she doesn't know how to keep secrets anyway.

"Sor" now hands over the tamale making to the girls and walks away. Lina comes in wants to try some. I love Lina's exaggerated singsong delivery--MMMMM---Tamaaahhles! Uh-oh. "Guacala, they taste like a baby's diaper." They have no filling, just masa.

Cut to the "lair," where Mono, real Sor, and that friend are saying a rosary for Mother S. Isn't it interesting that Sor Cachete has long blong hair and french braids under her wimple?

Luci calls Socorro in to discuss Karla's pregnancy. After many fits and starts, Karla spits out the truth. Luci rubs Socorro's shoulder soothingly. Luci is just so nice now, golly gee!

Braulio is still filling in the details about Mili. Fortunately, Mili managed to tell Regina just before she died about being her granddaughter, so Regina died happy. It must have been a blow to Connie that his mother adopted his daughter and gave her everything. Rosario is still outraged that Connie is putting his career before recognizing his daughter. She then decides purely as a gratuitous plot device that she is worried about what Mili will think when she learns she is still alive. She will not reveal herself right away to Mili, and much less Connie. She is Rosella Di LLano. There is a stupid joke about Braulio being unable to prounounce her last name, and it's repeated later. Dumb.

Another scene of Hugo and Al fighting.

Cut to the rosary. Macarena barges into the lair, and Sor C yells at her for unterrupting the sacred rosary. God will punish you. Nah, he already has, with that trip to the jungle. Mono covers her lips so they can continue the prayer.

So we can have more mistaken identity fun, Rosela decides she nonetheless has to get a glimpse of her daughter. Brau promises to bring Mili to a nearby park, where Rosela will stalk. He says it's uncanny how alike they look, like two drops of water.

Luci now confronts Damian in the house. He wants a hug, but she says nothing doing--you threw me under the bus and took all my money. He then offers her a drink! I'm sorry, but he's worse than Connie. Luci demands that Hugo give Mili a divorce, and that's not all. You're going to be a grandpa--by Karla.

Back at the church, PM is still trying to get the boys to stop fighting, and the girls come out. He says behave like gentlmen, and develop a thick skin (cuero duro) for these insults. Speaking of thick skins, says Lina--here come Socorro and Karla. Socorro is all broken up and addresses Mili first--she say she is so sorry to have to report that Mili's husband . . . Hugo tries to get her to stop, but she forges on. He's been with Karla, and Karla is pregnant. Mili is impactada.

Lina intones--that it must be catching, like a cold. Everyone gets it sometime. Karla says no, you got pregnant so you can play with dolls.
Mili asks Hugo if it's true, and Karla pipes in with the fastest speech I have ever heard: I had to pause several times to read the captions:
Whaddya think, stupid? (tarada). That he could stand being with a girl like you who won't stop being a prude? (mojigata). Socorro tells her to stop, she has no shame.

Al tells Hugo that he's a piece of work--he was with Karla but he won't give Mili a divorce? Hugo says it doesn't mean it's his kid--Karla's a ho. Padre Manuel tries to intervene, but Hugo says that the real problem is "this imbecile," pointing to Al. They're back to full on wrestling, and Padre Manuel jumps on top while the girls scream.

Luci is still going over the pregnancy situation with her beloved brother. Damian tries to excuse his behavior as being Connie's fault. Luci insists that Hugo divorce Mili. Damian wants to know what her interest in that "mugrosa" is. Luci says that when Regina was alive, she wanted Luci to get to know Mili. Regina gave her a second chance. Damian thinks she's up to something (tramando). He tries to give her a drink, but she puts it on the table and bravely resists drinking it.

Back to the church, where PM has the boys doing penalty pushups. Karla has her foot on Al's back to add resistance, and Mili has her foot on Hugo. Socorro laments: why is my daughter like this? Lina, like Don Rickles, says: Karla is like a red light: after 12 midnight, no one respects it! Hissss. While standing over the boys, Karla taunts Mili for being jealous, but Mili says it's the lack of honesty she can't stand. They learn that three months have gone by since they've been doing it. (this time span may be important, students.) The girls start fighting, and Padre M makes them do pushups too. Karla wants to be excused because she's pregnant, but he says it will be good for the baby. (He throws a shmatte over Karla's behind for modesty.) Lina throws in another insult: Karla is like a tabla de uno--muy facilisimo. I can't figure out what this means but it sounds like part of it is Karla is very easy.

Val, Luci and the nameless baby have a snugglefest, then Val goes off to prepare for a night out. Andrea comes in and sneers at "old granny." Andrea agrees that they can't live under the same roof. Luci wants to stay because of her kids. Andrea says it's her home now. The baby cries, and Luci begins a bedtime story: "Once upon a time, there was a witch named Andrea . . ."

Macarena has now had it--she has no religious vocation. She was in the jungle for three months and was covered in mosquito bites. She takes off her wimple and complains to Mono. She is jealous of how close he has become to her sister, but he says it's only because it's so amazing how her sister looks just like her and her presence gives him peace. Macarena says he should stay with Cachete, then. No, my skinny one, I need you. Well, she still wants the money. She's tired of dressing as a nun--she's losing her "sex appeal." (said in English)

Padre Manuel now has the four miscreants in his office. Hugo doesn't want Padre Manuel telling him what to do. He suggests abortion, and Padre M is horrified. Mili tries to soothe Karla, but Karla pushes her away.

Rosella is waiting in the park. Brau comes and explains that Mili was detained at the church. They will try meeting tomorrow at the mansion.

Now it's Connie's turn to taunt Luci with a drink, but she wisely refuses. He says she looks different, prettier. He likes the change. She says that he has to change. And for her to succeed in remainining sober, she won't let him take her down ever again. Connie drinks her drink and his.

Cut to the news: Obama has been nominated by acclamation. Back to the show.

Morgan models his new outfit for Val, but he's worried about his credit card bills. He should worry! Hasn't he been reading the papers? I hope the Stooges' business picks up before we have a PSA on bankruptcy. They trade jibes about the bachelor and bachelorette parties they're going to (for Bobby and Lina). Each promises not to do anything naughty. Ramses looks on pointlessly.

Braulio brings brunch for Ramses and tries to flirt with him. Ramses says Braulio seems happy. Brau says it's because he had a re-encounter with someone from the past. Clueless Ramses asks if it's a girlfriend? Brau says no, it's family. He bats his eyelashes shamelessly some more and says he's single and available. Slap! Ramses asks Brau to help him get Val back, and poor Brau makes a face.

Back in the bat-painting studio, Hugo is again slopping paint on canvas. Damian allows as it's funny they both had the same girl. They both claim to have used protection with Karla. Damien says he was with Karla about a month ago. Hugo says it could be Damian's baby--or a third party. (My theory: It's possible that Karla is more than one month pregnant, so then we will know it's Hugo's.) They decide to take care of Karla in some ominous way. We know this because the piano music of doom plays.

Mili and Al rehash the events for Luci. She then makes him promise to behave at the bachelor party. Luci is glad to watch nameless for the evening. She asks why Mili doesn't call her "suegrita" yet. Mili says soon. Aw . . .

Socorro and Karla are arguing in the kitchen, and Damian comes in and orders Karla out forever. He really doesn't have the power to do this, and I don't know why Socorro doesn't consult Mili and Luci. Plot device! Socorro says she can't help Karla anymore. Soco will beg Padre M to let Karla stay at the convent till she finds work. Socorro cries bitterly.

Mili is putting on makeup while Luci watches indulgently. Mili tells her all about how she and Gloria used to get away with pranks at the convent. When Madre S gave them punishments, they wouldn't finish them.
Luci now tells Mili that for her own peace, she can't live in the mansion with Connie, Damian and Andrea--they are enemies of her sobriety. She wants to go back to the little house, and she wants Mili to come too.

Padre M sees fake Sor Cachete. She begins complaining to him again, and he says he is beginning to worry about her. Just then, the gang arrives to take both of them to the respective bachelor and bachelorette parties. Padre M is scandalized.

Real Sor begs Mono to let her out of her imprisonment. She can't believe no one has caught on to her sister yet. She says she'll show him the money urn if he gives the money to the poor.

Luci tells Mili that Mili must get out of the house too--for her own good. Mili says she signed all her money away. Luci says it's okay--they have Abuelita--they won't go alone.

Tomorrow, Mili and Al tell Hugo they're going to live together. The gals get into some hijinks at the bachelor party.


Querida Enemiga - Wed Aug 27 - Querida Loser or Sharkbait saves the day!!!

Oh Boy. I'm so sorry folks, but I just got home to find out somehow my programmed autorecord function didn't work and the show didn't record, so I have nothing to reference for a recap. Maybe I can find something on you tube, but if not, any HELP from the peanut gallery would be much appreciated....

Thanks, and so sorry,

your loser recapper tonight.....

Oh and Judy, way to go on the 63 comments for last night, yeah tonight will come nowhere close for sure!!!!!

OK looks like I'm in luck. You tube has it!! I'll see what I can piece together from the clips.

Lorena and Chef E are still chatting about the betrayal when he tells her she's a strong woman and will overcome all that, he thanks her for confiding in him and she says nevermind the thanks now you are going to tell me something personal like why you are such a womanizer She asks him whether or not he's been in love. He stumbles.

Back at the restaurant from hell moni and the sous chef are complaining that their foiling attempt didn't foil and he was surprised that Lore knew how to cook. I think they plan for the next time not to be messed up. She tells him to leave just as her Pa comes out. He is proud of the night's success. She makes a comment about the women that he sat with that they are only after him for his money and moni walks out when he exclaims that she doesn't think anyone would like him for who he is.

Chef E is about to answer Lore's question. He explains it thusly....that he's never really been properly in love, but yes certain girls he has cared greatly for. Marriage was never in his plans. Lore thinks something like that must have been on the minds of those women, and he said he never made it look that way and Lore thinks they probably thought he can change, and I didn't catch what he said.

A young girl is brought into emergency and Al and Val attend to her.

Rossy shows up at Julian's and wants to be pardoned. She smacks himHe sticks to his plan and tells her to leave and not come back. After she leaves he says he loves her but he doesn't deserve her.

Vasco and Omar are having lunch talking over Diana choosing Bruno and Omar wants it clear that he doesn't really approve. Vasco just wanted to give the baby a name. Omar thinks that's very noble.

More to come....

And looks like I don't have to do it!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH SHARKBAIT!!!!!!! WOW AND ON HER WAY TO WORK NO LESS!!!!! BLESS YOUR HEART!!!!!!!!
Here's the rest ladies and gentlemen copied over from the comments by Sylvia...Chica you rock!!!

Lorena teases Ern by telling him his food critic ex skewered him in her review. He's about to call her when Lor laughs, ha ha it was just a joke. (Weird jokes in this show.) It was a great review and Ern almost kisses Lor.

Sara acts in charge with Icky in tow to taste the food of the day. She snootily comments the tarragon in the sauce is perfecto. Chef says no tarragon. Wah wah wah music plays.

Gaitan and Ern celebrate their great reviews and Monica's a beeeatch.The 3 cacatuas (moni's word) Maruja, Pau and Greta have hangovers. Meanwhile Bettina and pal plot to meet the boys at the cine.

Sara gives her statement to the judges. The mother Superior told her on her deathbed that it was Jaime only who stole Sara, Snorty had nada to do with it. Afterward she fights with Zully and Omar, saying she said what she said and there's nothing they can do about it. We'll see...

Lor and Rossy are being punished by Moni and are at the big store Chedraui (wonder how much Chedraui paid for that?) buying wine for the restaurant. They run into Diana and "her novio" Bruno. The waitresses think he is a slimeball.

LOVE the kitchen scenes. Chef Hawt is making a chiffonade of something to garnish his special Pescado Tikichiki Zarandeado, I think he says it's chile d'arbol. All I can say is he's got good chopping technique, Gabriel Soto take a lesson in good role prep. Lor says it looks great -Chef Hawt gives us a beaut of a grin. Sigh.

Jaime's behind bars and tells Harpie Barbie he wants a divorce. She sez she's gonna live in the manner in which she's accustomed and will call her lawyer.

Maruja tells Zully and Omar that Lor has info about a document naming Snorty as the baby snatcher. They pull Lor out of school and she tells them Sara is capable of treachery and told her she saw a document at the orphanage that proves Snorty did it.

Bettina meets Ivan at the cine, he tries to kiss her and she shoves popcorn in his mouth and runs away. Later she pines that he's not emailing her. Ah, young love is so painful.

An attractive woman of a certain age has moved into Don Toribio's apartment complex. She complains that her gas doesn't work. I guess Alonslow is the building Admin. Don T dribbles ice cream on his chin while nice lady makes coffee for them.

Dario is back at Paula's house hanging out and stalling his return home. She slyly remarks to herself that the honeymoon is over.

Back at Evil Acres Sara threatens Babs and Vasco overhears. He and Sara fight some more about her lies. Babs tells Vasco not to fight with her or they'll end up in the street. Vasco says Sara is a porqueria.

Ha ha Chalo has snuck into the manor and waits for Sara in her bed. He insists she's gonna give him some tonight. OK but he has to leave very early in the morning. She stares in the space as he pounces on her.

I hate this next sub-plot - the young emergency patient turns out to have leukemia. She looks like Lorena and is an orphan so Alonslow makes her his cause. Actually he's very sweet and vows to help her, they'll fight this together. OK, this is how he's gonna redeem himself.

Abo Joel asks the judges for an investigation, he wants to subpoena the documents from the orphanage. Snorty's abo's not so happy.

Last scene - Sara visits Snorty in in jail and Snorty wants to know who else knows about the document that incriminates her? Sara swears nobody else (heh, except Chalo and Lorena you liar!). She tells Snorty not to worry she has it in her posession and is in charge of it. (OK Snorty, who's got the upper hand now?)

Sorry no time to proof read, I'm late for work and gotta dash!



Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fuego, Wed., Aug. 27: There's nothin' more fickle than a Fernie.

Buenas noches a todos.

First, I want to thank everyone for the support you have shown me as a recapper and a student. You are all such good friends. That’s why I have decided not to completely abandon the Wednesday-night time-slot until I find a long-term substitute (Not that I would ever leave you without a recap, or that someone could ever replace me!).

The show must go on…!

So we start tonight with some scary sisters (twins?/Barrera de Amor?) talking to Padre Tadeo. Juan and Sofia stop by with some flower arrangements, if you can call a bunch of weeds an arrangement. Tadeo tells the two lovers to enjoy the fruits of their prohibited love, and, by-the-bye, Gabi has started a charitable foundation. Sofia doesn’t seem to like the sound of that.

Sarita is strolling through the park as she encounters Rosario. Notice how Rosario is always wearing a winter coat in southern Mexico. Anyway, she tells Sarita, who has updated her wardrobe to the twentieth century, that she no longer loves Franco because she realized how much Sarita loves him. If only all novela characters could be so humble (that’s no reference to her physical appearance) and selfless.

Fernie runs into Pedro at the Tumbao and offers him double the money to sing in Fernie’s fine drinking establishment. No way! Pedro doesn’t work for loonies like Fernie. Why is that scary Coyote guy staring at Fernie? Who knows, but in other news, Fernie struts on over to Benito and makes an offer to buy the Tumbao. Fernie mentions that if he doesn’t comply, there will be people who can hurt him.

Raquel is drunk, and confused, and wants to know where those darn land documents are. She asks how her family ever obtained their land in the first place. Then, in a fit of rage and, presumably more confusion, she goes to the cupboard and pulls-out the evidence that supposedly could convict Fernie of rape three times over.

Juan is having his own little fit; coincidentally it concerns those same Uribe/Robles-Reyes lands. After proposing to mindlessly follow his whims, Juan stops to allow Frankie to speak. Frankie, whose quantity of brain matter is questionable, proposes consulting with Ricardo to see what legal matters can be executed in the rightful usurpation of their “original and rightful lands.” Juan capitalizes on this idea and goes as far as to say that in doing so they will find their parents’ killers—even if it means that Gabi is the culprit.

Gramps makes a humble, but noble plea to talk to his only daughter with tranquility and frankness. At first she refuses but then concedes. He solemnly tells her that she is about to make one of the biggest mistakes of her life. Comment: considering she killed her mother, stole Eva’s baby, physically and mentally tortured her daughters, slept with her son-in-law, and plotted to kill her daughter, I doubt this is the biggest mistake of her god-forsaken life. Anyway, he warns that Fernie is only going to bring unhappiness and disgrace. She doesn’t understand why everyone hates her, and she stomps off in her superior way. In walks Fernie, who assures Gramps that he sincerely and whole-heartedly loves Gabi and will do anything (to get his hands on her money and backside) to protect her.

Over at Reyes Central, Juan has a secret to tell his brothers. It’s about their long-forgotten parents; they only fought one time. Isn’t it curious that Juan initially possessed one solitary memory of his parents, but as the show continues he accumulates more memories? Anyway, Daddy Robles-Reyes came home late one night with the smell of the devil on his breath (my words, though they are probably true), and Mommy Robles-Reyes was so upset that she threw all his things into the street. How is this relevant? Then Juan and Daddy R-R went to talk by the tree of memories. There Daddy R-R told little Juan that one day he would meet a beautiful woman whom he would love forever. “Ya’ know son, women are like plantation fields; first you have to break ‘em in to show ‘em who’s boss, then you have to provide for them by feeding and watering them. Remember son, you will be a man of only one woman, just like me and mommy.” Somehow I think Daddy R-R forgot to lecture little Frankie on this subject. Though something tells me that Daddy R-R wasn’t as sharp as the ho he was using on his woman, I mean, field. And then the tear-stained memories fade out… Juan hopes that those memories somehow serve his brothers…they obviously didn’t.

Gabi seems to be entertaining a notary gentleman. She has decided to change her will; she wants to name Fernie as her sole heir. Nope. The notary has something to say: Before Bernie died he made Sofia the sole heiress of his fortune. Wait a minute. Now, in every other novela when someone dies they make sure to commit at least one entire episode to a testament reading (Rubi, Al Diablo con los Guapos, etc.). Why is this subject arising now?

Juan has had a dream in which he remembers his parents’ killer wearing a snake belt. Where have we seen that before? Too many people, too may places.

Frankie is sharing a nice, moonlit walk with Pedro. Frankie admits that he is worried about Juan always taking care of them. Uh oh. They run into Armando and his drunken friends. They are mad that Frankie is going to end up with Rosario. Armando warns him that she likes tall, rich, and powerful men. Somehow I doubt Frankie will measure up (no pun intended). The inevitable happens, Armando offends Rosario and Frankie punches him out, followed by the third parties punching each other, etc. This time Armando pulls a gun, but is stopped when the ubiquitous Coyote magically appears with even bigger guns and threatens to kill anyone who messes with Pedro. Oh, the irony!

Juan puts on his rain gear and goes out to the tree of memories. He tells his father that very soon he will be able to rest in peace. He gives some Destilando-esque speech about brotherly love and re-conquering lands, throws in a few “I swear on mom’s and your lives, and ends with a screaming oath of brotherhood.

Gabi can not believe that Bernie changed the will, and blames the notary for not informing her about the change. Apparently Bernie specified that Sofia can only have access to the fortune when she has a child.

Soaking wet and in a trance, Juan stares down Sofia and promises to obtain those lands so that they can have a beautiful family and life together.

Gabi goes for the whiskey as she tells Fernie that she can not believe that Bernie changed the will and that Sofia will inherit the fortune. Fernie tells her that he will not divorce Sofia until he knows for sure that he will be able to marry Gabi. There is nothing more Fickle than a Fernie… He claims that he doesn’t want Sofia to divorce him then marry Juan, who will then inherit the ranch. Gabi, of course, sees things his way, and decides that they must scheme to resolve this mess.

So we find out that Coyote works for a guy named “El Jefe.” Coyote tells Jeff (I like Jeff better) that he is going to teach Fernie a lesson about following through with instructions, especially when it comes to Pedro Reyes.

Speaking of old Pedro, he runs into Rosario at the market. Seems like he has moved on from Sarita and now has a thing for Rosie. This is perfect for our perfect novela; Rosie is out of Frankie’s way and Pedro is out of Sarita’s way. Marriage, here we come!

Sofia congratulates Eva on her moving into a small house with Rosario. She then asks her why her mommy doesn’t love her, refuses her, and, not to mention, tries to kill her. Sofia thinks that Gabi says she isn’t her mother because Sofia makes her upset. Honey, all I can say is good luck.

Armando is reporting to Fernie that Coyote paid them a visit last night. Fernie is distressed and wants to know what his intentions could be. Whattaya know? The Coyote storms in and repeats what he said last night. Fernie wants to know why Coyote likes Pedro. No answer, just a threat to be very careful—or else.

Benito is asking that maid/waitress to marry him. She refuses him for the umpteenth time, and he leaves, trying to forget about her. The girl thinks to herself that the two of them are like oil and water. Why don’t you try articulating that instead of standing there with that stupid countenance, sweetheart?

Sarita is actually socializing, and exposing her chest. And I thought this day would never come… She is riding with Franco, talking about forgetting Rosario, and wanting to be friends with benefits. She proposes a race. We all know how this is going to end…

Rosario informs Fernie that she is packing her things, and is going to live with Eva, Ofelia, and Luisito in a stable home environment. Those are fightin’ words. Fernie tells her that she isn’t going anywhere, she threatens to call the authorities, and he offers to buy a house for her as long as she stays on the pay roll.

Quinti is in the kitchen on a mission. She brought a special message from Gramps, who wants Oscar to go to his house tonight without anyone finding out. By the way, did anyone see Quinti in “Frida” on Sunday? What a movie…

Juan tells Sofia that he swore to obtain those very important lands for the posterity of their family. He is upset that Gabi is involved in this mess. Sofia offers her support, and tells him to never doubt that she is with him. We all have this speech memorized; I won’t recap it for what seems to be the fiftieth time.

Gramps takes Oscar on a special mission to Gabi’s office. Gramps suspects that there is very important information in the desk drawer that can convict Fernie of something. Notice how everything Fernie touches is proclaimed evidence that will convict him. Oscar opens the drawer with a pencil and pulls out the documents. Uh oh. Gabi is coming. Gramps leaves to create a diversion. On his way out the window, Oscar bumps the painting of Bernie to find a letter. He snatches it and dives out the window. The painting sways, the curtain blows, Gabi yells “Fatima…”

Tomorrow: Gabi is anguished that Sofia has been named the sole heiress. She has to do something about it, so she has Fernie poison her. Oscar found a letter that deals with Fernie being a rapist. It will be crucial! Everything with Univision is crucial, explosive, of surprising…


Pasión de Gavilanes, Tues, & Wed., Aug. 26 and 27 - RIP Raquel and Calixto - Herzog and Rubinsky, not so much

From Tuesday's episode, Juan asleep in the hospital.

Benito and his bunch of harpies.

Eva gets back at them by threatening to reveal what she overheard their activities when she was a servant in Grabi's house.

Dínorah ends the brawl and Feonando's gambling get together.

Pepita comes to the Hacienda with backup but still doesn't find out what happened to Don Martín and Grabi.

Juan, Norma and JD have a picnic after Juan comes home from the hospital.

It's always jarring when characters on a novela who have been basically used for comic relief are brutally offed.

The car crash was less than convincing. I guess they weren't going to risk actually harming those two vintage cars. I didn't really understand why Raquel decided to play 'chicken' with H&R. Think of all the lives that could have been saved if these people had cell phones!

Libia's warning dreams to Ruth seem to work better for her relatives - she has saved Juan twice but her warnings about Grabiela and Raquel and Calixto were not as effective.

Benito and the nasty harpy 'friends' of Raquel hit a new low today. Who would make such remarks at a funeral?

Other than that, nothing much happened: Grabi's still in the basement; Feonando's still losing at cards; Martín is still in the sanatorium; the inhabitants of the Hacienda de los Reyes are still in the dark and Pepita and Rosario know a lot but don't tell anyone useful.


Fuego En La Sangre #85, Tues. 8/26 - Will It Be 4 Weddings and a Funeral Or 4 Funerals and A....

The night begins with the usual repeats: Rosario, resisting the pinching and pushing and threats from Feo to return to work or else! When everyone finds out why she was in jail, they will reject her. She assures him she will come out ahead of Feo if he insists on menacing her and all the truth comes out.

Feo and Gabi discuss their wedding which Feo thinks will be all that Gabi could possibly want. She assures him she wants everything! Most of all she wants him to distance himself from Raquel. Feo tries his sweet talking on Gabi until they definitely crash through the canvas and easel in the lusty scene. Best picture of the week for Gabi?

Juan repeats to Sofia that Oscar saw the nasty Mother and SIL kiss but they didn't want to worry her and the sisters. Oh, those Reyes boys, so thoughtful. Sofia is on a mission to save her mother and continues to think such acts will make Mom love her. I say it's a waste of time. Happily the couple start to plan their wedding with music of Mariachis and a lot of food (or at least I hope he didn't want to eat lots of dogs like Mariachi).

Eva wants to know what has mortified Rosario, she saw her crying in the chapel. She makes her self available to hear Rosario's problems. I'm here if you want to unload. Rosario's silent resolve leads Eva to her next point. So, let's look for a house to live in together.The generous Eva includes her, Rosario, Luisito and even Ofelia in her plans. We could make a real home for Lusito.

Jimena shops and sees shoes that Oscar will want her to have but who can afford these little strappy numbers, Our material girl?

Feo talks to the lawyer and makes a mental to work with Ricardo to save the Hacienda from those pesky Reyes. Save the San Augustin and perhaps the Uribe hacienda, for himself that is.

Oscar says you have a crowd (titipuchal) of shoes already so many pretties and only two feet. Jimena wants an indulgent (consentidor) husband. Oscar worries about the extreme cost of shoes (not card games) but the cultural social differences come out over shoes. She stalks off protesting that she won't buy anything. Juan and Sofia both excuse their respective siblings and who is at fault and so embarrassing. For once they laugh and don't try to control the silly siblings.

Rachel shows Gabi the suit brought by the Reyes. We will save the lands, part of this threat is against your land too. Don't forget the secret, says Raquel. Gabi says if you reveal any secrets, think about your husband and who is dearest to him, Ruth. You need to talk to your husband and take care of your own lands. I will take care of my hacienda.

Sofia counsels Jimena on the need to be happy with her poor husband she chose. Juan counsels Oscar on the need to accept his rich materialistic wife who gave up everything to swab the decks of the bakery. As a result of all this counseling Oscar takes some of the money offered by Juan and goes to the shoe store. He comes out with the material girl's not so secret wish.

Franco seems to think he can rush up to Rosario again and again and she will magically change her mind one of these times. But she has more resolve than he does. Sarita blows off Pedro who asks about the book of poetry by Poblano, but she gets his comeon and says her heart belongs to Franco. Juan watches from behind the fiesta decorations then asks Pedro, what were you doing. He, ever honest, says he was refused again by Sarita. Juan advises him that he can't command someone's heart and rather kindly says Sarita can't love anyone but Franco. Wish we could say the same for Franco.
Nephew Benito (who doesn't have a lot to do these days) tells Raquel, as if she doesn't already know, that Uncle Uribe is going to be angry with all that has been going on on the home front. Raquel assures all of us that she is really worried. The reputation of Ricardo Uribe grows and grows, will the real character be a wild man?

Two and a half Reyes plan the surprise of music and romance for Jimena. Oscar gives the shoe box now all decorated like a Christmas tree to JImena who has had a fit of conscience and says she doesn't need the material shoes. They are only going to get cow pies on them. Actually she apologizes for her tantrum (berrinche). They kiss and later cuddle in the tiny bed. While they are serenaded by Pablito through the paper thin walls of the Reyes house. Do Pablito and Franco now sleep next to the ovens? Where does Pedro sleep?

Sofia simpers that Jimena should understand that their life has changed, even though we are poor now, we are also so much happier. Juan sings to Sofia about being crazy about her, fortunately in a soft whisper.

Pablo is afraid to go to school but Quintina shows him how to throw the necessary punches and points out the lunch and his bookbag. In fact she says she will go to school too.

Sofia wants to talk seriously with Franco. She asks him to be sure of his feelings for Sarita. He assures her there was a period when he was hopelessly confused but now there is nothing between Rosario and him so now he is devoted to Sarita. He neglects to mention the stalking incidents with Rosario.

Rosario comes to the bakery to tell Juan she has forsaken Franco and wants him to stop pursuing her. She realizes she has brought Franco dangerous bad luck. Juan says she can count on the rest of them whenever she needs help. She asks that if anything happens to her, will he promise to care for her child. He pauses but assures him that he will promise.

Quintina is a bit large for the desk at school but wants to answer the teacher's question: who is Napoleon Bonapart? She pipes up that Napoleon, the husband of Josephine, discovered America. The class boos and hoots, the teacher sighs, she dons a burro eared crown and stands in the corner. She surely will help Pablito blend.

Oscar and Jimena talk to the adoption agency assuring them that she has the shoes to be a good mother and they may have 15 siblings for Pablito.

Feo snarls for Armando's benefit, Rosario will never be free of him but neither will she stop him from marrying Gabi to punctuate his feelings he smashes the glass on her picture.

Sofia stops her mother to tell her that Feo only wants her money. He doesn't love you He's only interested in your money, in your money, in your money....(another easy night of capturing dialog)
How can you dare say this. You are such an egoist, Feo loves me. I don't want you to cross my path again. You have a bastard in your pouch and you are not my daughter!! Villagers watch as she gives Sofia a slap. The friends that Gabriela has tried to impress from time to time, witness the whole scene then rush up to offer help to Sofia after Gabi drives away. Isn't it a good thing she isn't running for village council?

The astounded women go to Padre Tadeo to They confess that the wicked widow is going after her SIL. She must be crazy. He tells them not to gossip to anyone. Several scenes later with chickens in the background completing the appropriate sound effects, it looks like the entire village has been filled in on Gabi's little fit.

Sofia runs the BadMom's dissing through her head again but decides not to tell Juan of her problems so he won't worry.

Eladio is making his Mom cry with his threats to go far away. They all argue, Brother Rigo says let him go. What he really needs is a girlfriend to keep him here. Mom wonders where they will find Eladio a girlfriend when in a magic moment, the cutest girl in town shows up asking for vegetables. Rigo and Hortensia grin knowingly.

Gabi, not satisfied with her menacing and slapping activities stops Rosario and Eva. Gabi calls Rosario a prostitute and Eva a husband raper and Eva isn't her mother. Rosario says they don't care. They at least have love and respect for each other. Eva wants her to leave them alone. Rosario rather rightly points out that Gabi has to BUY her men. Touché.

Not everything is bad, chirps Sofia to Juan. At last, Feo is going to give me my liberty. Oh the Fiestas, he chimes, We will be together. Now the fiesta can begin. Sofia wants to see pictures of Juan's parents so she can know more about her husband's family. Juan fumbles for keys then opens the trunk and sees a letter he has never seen before. Oops Juan is showing that he can't read. After all three brothers take a crack at reading we learn that the letter is an apology from the missing Tio Vicente the brother of their father. He warns against the friend his brother has been dealing with and offers to help out when he returns from Guadalajara.

In front of the mirror after we see the twisted cubist painting Gabi is working on, probably a portrait of Feo, the witch twitches out from Feo's gropings to whine, Everyone says you don't love me. People pass signals and whisper about me in the street. You need to leave the house and not come back. Feo looks like he can't believe he is about to lose ground here.

How can we contact this brother of our father? Where is he now? Sofia asks, where was the letter postmarked? Guadelajara, but many years ago. How are we going to find him?

Gabi is entertaining the two women who had returned from the sessions with PaddyTad and the villagers. You are the witnesses that my daughters have made me suffer. And then she tells them that her husband had tricked her and was planning to run off with a young woman who showed up disgracefully at Bernardo's wake. Therefore, she plans to start a foundation named Bernardo Elizondo to help all those less fourntunate. Now the tongues will stopped and Gabi will be seen as a saint. The logic is a bit hard to follow but seems to cover the little SIL problem, I guess.

The doctor proclaims that Sofia is healthy and so is the baby. Sofia and Juan flash their beautiful smiles.

Pablito displays his guitar playing skills that Franco has helped him with. Finally the bare chested Pedro and the undershirted Franco get to the subject hanging between them. Franco asks Pedro was he interested in Sarita? Pedro, ever the truthful one, says unfortunately, yes.

Feo worries over the foundation and how much it will cost (money that Gabi could give him). How about those divorce papers? He's working on it. She declares she will disinherit her daughters and he will become her only heir. He grins for the first time in weeks.

The ladies tell about the foundation and Padre says he would love to help but wonders if Gabi will let him. Juan and Sofia come in with flowers to give thanks for the health of the baby and to have another blessing for the baby. Padre blesses while Gabi's old girlfriends get another eyeful.

Next time: Gabi sees the lawyer who drops a shoe about Bernardo having changed his will at the last minute leaving everything to Sofia.
Armando for some unseen reason, surrounds Franco and Pablo and prepares to kill them both with pleasure, but wait, it's Coyote to the rescue once again!


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Guapos 08-26-08 "Two Homecomings, A death, A whole lot of RatBastardness & Still the kid is Nameless"

Mili & Luci arrive back at the House of Horrors. Hugo and Consti are indeed surprised to see them. Both AssHats try to pull the “Husband and you will answer to me” crap. Jeez you would think these two were related by more than marriage. Luci & Mili, tell the boys to basically STFU, those days are gone. Mili will get her divorce and Consti will give one to Luci as well. Consti offers Luci a drink, “Come on a Whiskey”. Luci says no, she doesn’t drink anymore. Consti presses hard, Mili tells him to leave Luci alone, he is the devil. They are standing together and they aren’t going to be pushed around anymore.
--See I don’t care what anyone says, Consti is basically a RatBastard through and through and outside of giving me all his money, there is nothing that could redeem him in my eyes—

The kids come in Val & Al & lil Nameless. Luci gives a fine display, of hurt eyes. The kids stand back, they don’t know what to make of Ma, in her fine cocktail dress. Luci takes the threesome to the study.
Al & Val don’t instantly rush in Mama’s arms..Once bitten twice shy.

Luci take little mewing Baby and never once does she say, “What is the kid’s name?” Maybe Mili clued her in that “We just don’t talk about it”.

Over in the Convent, Rosario is wailing and chastising, Mother Superior, all while wearing a scary cow dress. Mother through, deep breathes confirms that yes, the Hija is alive. She had to do what Don Belmonte told her. Mother Superior sucks in her last breath. Now Rosario is really angry. Here comes Padre Manuel and he manages to get to the Madre to give her a blessing. Personally I think she went to the light to escape the annoying BelMonte folks. Really Madre, trust me I feel the same way. Finally, Padre gets Rosario into his office and yes we would think that he would get the whole, story out of the wailing heifer (okay bad pun). He just knows that her baby was stolen and on that uplifting note, Rosario heads back to the barn.

Now over in the Mansion, to make a long, pink eyed story short, Val says they called Ma numerous times, but were told how she didn’t want to talk to them. Luci fills the kids in on her near death, how Mili and Rocky rescued her, how she owes them her life, how Mili paid all the bills. There is simply not a dry eye in the room (that being their room, not mine). She apologizes for screwing with their lives, she wants to help Val with her wedding, her dress, the drink list (okay I added that), she also wants to help Al with his (to Mili). She wants them all to be one big happy family. She must live for them and Nameless.

--Okay this is my take, I am happy with the Luci change and I will indeed give her a pass; and mostly cause I hope it will cause great pain to Consti. Granted, Luci was a bit of a shrew these past few years, but living with him was indeed painful. He one of those nasty males; reminds you each and everyday that you will never be good enough and how happy he would be if you were dead. As if, AssHat; no one forced you to marry Luci, you could have said no. –

Ramses (Damn this guy is such a Tool and I can’t help but believe if he was honest with himself, he’d be all over Brau in a heartbeat), anyway Consti is pacing and Brau is pretending he is listening. He reads Consti, the agenda for tomorrow. Big meeting with Perleta. Ramses gets up to go to bed with a quick breathe spray & another spray under his arm. In comes Andrea. She has finally found the shoes she was looking for, I guess they had them at CFM Amante Zapatos de Fino. Consti is distracted and Andrea asks if he is still mad that she tore up the picture of “The Dead Love of His Life”.
Consti announces that Luci is back. Andrea drops the shoe bag.

Luci goes out and Mili and Rocky are pacing the floor, she tells them it went well. Val & Al come out and thank their respective better halves for taking care of Ma. Rocky & Val not being to others and having no Nameless trophies to lug about are all romantic cheesy with each other. Mili and Al are a bit more restrained.

Brau comes up and he is in seventh heaven to see the real “Mistress of the House”, that would be the form of Mistress meaning Lady of the House, not cheap skanky Amante Mistress of the House. Oh egads all the clothes are gone and Andrea has redecorated the bedroom. Luci version 2, is fine with it. Just find her an empty room and she is good to go.
Rosario returns to her apartment. Pablo her assistant is there and she tells him that yes indeed her daughter is alive. The Madre went into the Great Unknown, before she could further berate her or smack any good information out of her. However, she knows it is all Don RatBastard Jr’s fault. See the Madre Superior was running on borrowed breathe and didn’t have enough to give a first name, so Rosario assumes that Consti is the RatBastard as opposed to his RatBastard father, which is okay as there is plenty of RatBastardness to go around.

Rosario has a totally swell idea, Pablo, run like a little girl and go get my agenda. He returns and she looks up a phone number.

The phone rings as Mili and the group are standing around wasting oxygen. “Is this the BeleMonte House”, Rosario inquires. Mili says “Yeah, who do you want to talk to”. Rosario says, “Consti BeleMonte?” Mile again affirms, “Do you want to speak with him?” “No is Brau there” Rosario answers. Mili says yes “Brau is the Majordomo, do you want to speak with him”. Rosario hangs up.

Brau walks up and it is time to move Luci, Andrea walks up and Luci says she would like a word alone with Andrea. Andrea is all up on it. Luci tells her she doesn’t want to fight with her, she will happily grant the divorce and Consti and Andrea can continue with their plans. She wants Consti and Andrea to hit the pavement, go make a happy new life for themselves and leave her in peace with her children. Andrea bitch that she is can never have enough, she wants Luci out. Luci begs to differ, you got my husband, now leave me the house.

Padre comes by and is just standing and staring off in space, Gloria and Mili tease him, he finally gets out that Mother Superior is dead.

Chunky Nun, who is now living in the back room of the bar, is sitting around lamenting her fate. Big Guy is doing some exercise with this big like rubber band thing. (I had one of those, but gave it up after taking it out of the box). He tell Chunky about how the kids called him names like Gulliver in school and Chunky says kids are mean. She tells him he has a good heart. The other guy, I think they called him Moreno, comes in to give Chunky the news that Mother Superior is dead. The other fake nun sister called with the news. Chunky breaks down and cries, Big Guy pets her head. He is a nice guy and I kinda wish they would hook-up, like it would be cool, if Torchy Sis & Sister Sis, decided to switch places, well except for the fact that Torchy Sis has been nailin Big Guy and that always kinda creeps me out when that whole sibling thing gets started.

Anyway back at the Mansion, Consti is sitting on the couch in the bedroom and Andrea starts ranting that he needs to get rid of Luci like now. Consti says “Leave him in peace and let her spend some time with the kids”. Andrea does what she does best, she starts rubbing Consti’s leg and though he tries to resist they are soon, all hot and heavy. Next they are in bed and post actual (or post the act). Now Andrea is starting in again. Sorry I missed what was said, but I’m sure if you go back and read any recap, it is pretty much the same crap. I can’t help but wonder, when Consti and Rosario get together, no spoiler..Please this is a TeleNovela you know they will if Consti will use his best Barry White voice and say “Soy un Perverto”? He is such a ladies man.

Next Day…
Karla is in the kitchen with Ma & Step Pa, Hugo comes in and says he wants to talk to her alone in the garden. Karla looks scared. Okay Hugo is telling her that he will give her the dinero, but she needs to lose the baby. Karla says No, it is your baby and she isn’t doing it. Hugo gets snippy and Luci has been standing a few feet away and listening. Yes the phenomenon of people standing in full view at the Mansion continues as people tell deep secrets never noticing the person is there.

Over at the office Perleta tells Consti, due to the interest of “Someone Dillona”; I forgot what name Rosario is traveling under, that looks like party presidency is back in Consti hands. This Dillona chick is the rich widow that has been living in Italy and she wants to put the dinero on Consti. Too bad for Damien, who now comes in and hears the news.

Perleta leaves and Consti gloats, takes the divorce papers Mili signed and tears them up. He asks if Damien knew Luci was back? Damien chokes, no he had no idea. How is she? Consti says, “Okay he knows Damien intervened and now once again as always he has Damien in his hands. Consti basically says that he owns Damien and Damien will do what ever Consti says. Which I guess means, Dude we are going to screw your sister over, yet again. Damien has that “What’s new?” look.

Brau answers the door---EEK it is long dead sister, he is scared, he hasn’t had time to realize that ghost probably don’t age. She says she is alive and holds out her hands to him. He says, “Where were you, I thought you were dead”.

Shhh we can’t talk here and they leave. Once again she is wearing a butt ugly suit thing. Jeez if you are going to live rich in Italy for 20 years, you should at least get a decent fashion sense.

Meanwhile Luci butts into the conversation between Hugo and Karla, “You are preggers?” Karla says yes. Luci goes down the list of “Whose the Daddy, Damien?”, Nope “Dead Fred (Fernando)?” Nope, it is Hugo’s. Hugo is like, “it is not mine”.
Luci looks pissed, but do not despair dear viewers, remember Mili bought Luci a new heart.

Over at the StarBucks, Brau & Rosario are having big heaping helpings of the coffee of the day, a rich roast called “United Siblings” hmmmmmm. Brau is still a bit put off. I can understand it, I mean he thought she was dead, but she didn’t so much as send a postcard of the leaning tower in Veinte Anos. Well, she was pretty depressed after she didn’t lose the baby, (now that the truth has come out), and RatBastard Belemonte Sr, paid for her to leave the county. Say that should be a TeleNovela unto itself, poor servant girl goes to Italy and becomes fabulously wealthy. She says she knows her baby is alive. Brau says yes.

Now then over at the Convent , Gloria and Mili are walking, Padre is in the middle and Al & Hugo bring up the back. In a totally Naco manner, Al & Hugo begin shoving each other over Mili. Padre almost says some bad word, tells the girls to go on ahead. Hugo & Al start fighting and the Padre is in the middle.

This is all I can remember,

Tomorrow looks like Karla confesses her preg to Ma & Step Pa…
Luci goes after Hugo, see fans I told you…
Mili overhears that Hugo has been indeed hiding the salami…

My advice is Hugo STFU, you only look worse each time you open your mouth, sign the papers and give it up. You can’t say, Jeez Mili, I told her to get an abortion.
Also I am thrilled that the same actors that were in La Madastra get to repeat the same tired line “Veinte Anos”
I can’t remember anymore as I don’t want to use any more braincells on this.
We are in the Ultima Semanas and I could literally do somersaults.


Doña Bárbara discussions - Tues., Aug. 26

We'll try this out. We won't be recapping DB because most people can get it with the English subtitles but I will post something every day or so and people who are watching this novela can post comments. I might even post screen caps. When Melinama gets back, she can set it up in the sidebar.

I didn't intend to watch this novela but my TiVo recorded what it thought was the second hour of Pasión de Gavilanes but was the initial week of DB. I watched a little bit and was hooked. Christian Meier is cute - did everyone notice Luisana's flashback in tonight's episode to the costume ball where she met Santos that there was a guy in a Zorro outfit - a little inside joke there. I love the setting and I even like the song!

I thought Edith Gonzales was awful in Mundo de Fieras but it was just an awful novela. She is very good here. How on earth did she paint herself up that way (perfect lines on the back too) to do her spell and how did she get it off so quickly when she realized Santos was in trouble?

There was Magnolia from PdG as the mysterious Doña Carmen.

I'm a birdwatcher so I'm always interested in the birds they put in these novelas. Those were Black Vultures waiting in the tree for Santos to die but the call was American Crows. Vultures don't make any noise.

I like Christian Meier, of course, but I'm falling for the guy who plays Antonio. He is very cute.

Here we are in the 21st century and the doctor is playing trial and error with matching blood types? I guess medicine out in the Llanos isn't much more advanced than when Boris got a blood transfusion in La Traición circa 1870.

Speaking of the doctor, that was amusing when he told the woman in childbirth who was complaining about the pain that the first baby hurt the most and the rest would be easy and she said this was her fourth!

Let's hear from the DB watchers out there in Caray land.


Querida Enemiga Tuesday Aug. 26 '08 It Ain't The Meat It's The Motion That Makes Your Momma Wanna Rock

Couldn't resist. That's the title of one of my favorites blues songs and it seems to fit the opening of the restaurant tonight, which just happens to be full of a bevy of Ernesto's exes, including a well-known food critic! They're here to sample his awesome cooking one more time, and perhaps to revive tender memories. Too bad he now only has eyes (and arms ) for Lorena.

We start with a rehash. Jaqui and Sara are talking about the business and Jaqui assures her that Arturo will take care of everything. Our Sara doesn't like the sound of that. And then we have Julian breaking up with Rossy so as not to bring her bad luck and saddle her with a poor, sad loser like himself. Ferro and company be warned, Rossy does a lot of ugly crying in this episode...but goshdarnit, she's entitled!

And now onto new stuff. Lorena's out on the street again with her muffins and chief muffin lover Chef Hawt. She's threatening to cut off his supply a) 'cause he'll get fat b) because with school, study and work, she doesn't have time to bake and hustle muffins. She starts toward a stopped car when suddenly she realizes it's Alonso and backs off. Ernesto grabs her (be still my heart!) pulls her in close (ay yi yi!) and says, Don't let him see you suffering.

The light changes, Alonso drives off, but hey, what's this? Chef Hawt still has her in a clinch and is clearly enjoying it. Lorena is more like Whassup? She teases him about being a Cassanova and he takes a new tack, assuring her that he just felt like protecting her. Well, Lord knows, she's needs someone watching out for her. If Chef Hawt wants to be her "principe azul" it's fine with me. Definitely happy our hottie is getting more screen time. Thank you writers!

Okay, we have several more scenes with Rossy and Julian but it all boils down to the same thing. Lots of "ugly crying" and "can't live without you's" and even more " I'm a loser" and "you deserve someone better" from Julian. Tiresome. And besides, you KNOW they'll get back together, so let's not worry about the kids, awright?

Lost love is the subject with Lorena and Ernesto as well. He's probing, wanting to know more about the breakup with Alonso. She admits she still loves the doc but then gently disengages to sell more muffins, adding that she'll see Ernesto tonight. He gazes after her with a besotted smile (oh my, excuuuuse me while I melt) and murmurs Lorena ,Lorena , Lorena.(I think "Judy, Judy, Judy" would be better but what do these script writers know!?)

Meanwhile, Alonso is driving and fuming (I'm afraid he's going to have an accident but he doesn't). What a liar, he sneers, she told me there was nothing going on with her professor. And I still love her! I can't stop thinking about her! The best part of this scene is when his cell rings, he sees it's Sara, and refuses to answer. YEEEESSSSS!

Now we're at the office, Sara is cooing into the telephone asking her "amor" to call her. Jaqui's ears prick up and she asks, Do you have a novio? I've really missed out since being on my honeymoon. Sara drops the dime that it's Alonso....yes, the ex of the "pelapapas" and my ex-friend as well. She gets in a few more digs at Lorena and mercifully, that's the end of that scene.

Now THIS scene is better. Ernesto is gently and slowly rubbing Lorena's gift muffin on his lips....very sensual. His sister could she not!? and also notices his distraction. He says aloud, without realizing it, that he thinks he's falling in love. And of course big sis has no trouble guessing with who...yep, our little lamb Lorena.

Meanwhile, at Hell's Kitchen, Monica is scheming with the sous-chef. She's noted his disagreements with some of Ernesto's commands and figures she can suborn him with the promise of being elevated to head chef once Ernesto is out of the way. He hesitates for about two seconds and then agrees. He does wonder why she wants to do him in and she says she can't stand Ernesto's arrogance....and remember, she adds, I'm the daughter of the owner.

While this finegling is going on, Paula and Greta are having a verbal catfight at the Beauty Parlor. Greta's been marking her territory from the getgo and she's still doing it, asserting that "Mr. Right" is for me. Meanwhile, Maruja is visiting Jaime in prison, bringing him something to read, and being thanked tenderly. Anything from you lifts my heart, he says. But he also goes on to say that admitting his guilt was something he had to do. If his mother continues to lie, well that's her business. He needs and has to take responsibility for his actions. Our schlump is well on his way to redemption.

Not so redeemable is Barbara who's dealing with her anxiety by shopping till she drops. And who should drop down beside her but Valeria and her little Annelise. They realize they met at the party, Barbara notes that Annelise looks like Arturo....not that she's seen him that much, she adds (liar liar pants on fire!) and Valeria gently notes that the children adore him even though he's not home very much.

Okay, Maruja's home now, comforting Rossy. More ugly crying and can't live without him's and finally Mom gently reminds her she needs to get to work...needs to keep her job. And sure enough, the restaurant is filling up, and Lorena and Felipe are getting nervous, wondering what's happened to Rossy.

Paula and Greta arrives, Raimundo mixes up their names, but Greta takes charge immediately, laying her hand on his chest and coming on strong, strong, strong. Paula looks disgusted. Once they're at the table, Greta is cooing over some appetizer saying "how do you eat this?" and Paula snaps "with your mouth!" Raimundo looks puzzled (maybe he's related to Alonso). Next Greta puts some food in Raimundo's mouth so he can taste it. Yep, she's is definitely serious about landing this guy.

In the kitchen, Monica and Ernesto are squabbling as usual. This time her gripe is he hasn't offered enough variety for opening night. The menu is too limited. This lady is super annoying. I almost dislike her more than Sara. (No, I take that back...but Monica's really a pain).

More drama....a cranky woman food critic arrives....without an invitation. Or rather the invitation was sent to her assistant. Raimundo pours oil on troubled waters, escorts her to a special table. Seems she's the most important food critic in the city...and also another one of Ernesto's rejects. If she give a bad review, the restaurant is doomed! She's a little bitchy about the wine selection and when Ernesto comes out she flirts a little and says she was hoping for a more intimate dinner with him. He seems to be doing pretty well schmoozing over the past but time will tell.

This is broken up with a funny scene with Greta trying to sound knowledgeable and talking about Camembert wine. Well, okay, it wasn't THAT funny but it was supposed to be. Maruja arrives, Greta starts to diss Julian, Maruja nixes that and Greta follows up by saying, Well, when this restaurant is MINE, we'll play cards here anytime we want. Gotta give this gal points for nerve.

Ernesto and Sandra (the food critic) are still walking down memory lane and it's a rocky road. He was unfaithful. She did damage to his car and his apartment. She asks for a special lobster dish that he used to fix for her so "he can take her to heaven one more time". He promises to do just that and heads for the kitchen. She sighs and says, How can I hate someone like that?

Brief confrontation between Paula and Lorena. Paula's nasty. Lorena's dignified. And that's that.

Monica and the sous-chef are scheming...sous-chef says he'll mess up the sauce Ernesto's making for the lobster and that will deep-six him for sure.

Big switch of scenes now. Sara arrives, uninvited, at Alonso's apartment. When she finds out Gramps is babysitting Bettina, she makes a move on Alonso and he fends her off, saying he's not in the mood. She acts sweet but silently vows to make him pay for that rejection. This lady has a very big s..t list and it's growing longer by the day.

Meanwhile, all hell is breaking loose in the kitchen. When Ernesto hands Lorena the platter to take to cranky food critic Sandra, she notices that something is wrong with the sauce. The consistency isn't right. They taste it and sure enough, it's been ruined by someone adding "polvo de horno" (baking powder). Ernesto is screaming who sabotaged my dish ?, glaring at Monica, and Rossy rushes off to find Raimundo to mediate.

The upshot is Ernesto insists that Lorena stay in the kitchen to help him repair the dish (more fuel for Monica's ire) and when Lorena finally takes it out to the lady, apologizing for the delay, Sandra sweetly notes that Ernesto used to be able to make this for her in two minutes when they were "together".

If that weren't enough to build Lorena's distrust of Chef Cassanova, there's a whole table of his exes there for dinner as well, and lo and behold they recognize Lorena as having been at his book signing. She tries to play dumb but they're on to her. However, tonight, they're all getting along famously...he leaves 'em but he leaves 'em happy is the message, I guess. Lorena just shaks her head and smiles....what a rascal!

Back at the table, Raimundo is noticing how quiet Maruja is and asks the wine steward (who's already fallen head over heels in love with Greta...too bad he's bald and geeky) to fix Rossy's mama a "golpe de sol" (heatstroke) cocktail to lift her spirits. So Paula and Greta want one too and we know the results, they all end up smashed.

Ernesto has fixed his food critic her favorite dessert as well...the closed captions had something funny like mus but I assume it was "mousse" (the French dessert, not the hair gel) and it's bringing back a lot of tender memories for her.

Big switch now to the lesser house where Omar is lecturing Julian about bucking up, acting like a man, getting his act together, taking responsibility....well, you know the drill. You probably heard this lecture a few times growing up, right? Julian continues to mope, believing that he was born cursed with bad luck. Diana adds to the dreary mix by saying Bruno wants to come to the house to "formalize" their engagement. Zully isn't enthusiastic but says she'll support her.

Whew...the evening at the restaurant has come to a close with no diasters (that we know of) Raimundo thanks everyone, applauds his chef, the table of cozy exes cheer and shout "You cook like you kiss" and Chef Hawt gives his big big big smile....for Lorena alone.

And he's not the only one thinking about Lorena. Alonso is sitting glumly at home, wondering why he can't get her out of his mind. He's interrupted by a phone call from the emergency, and off he goes to help.

Lorena and Rossy are being lectured by Monica and warned that their work depends on her so they'd better not mess up. Chef Hawt offers to give the girls a ride home. Rossy finds her mother pleasantly sloshed while Mom is surprised Rossy got home so quickly....and where's Lorena? Still talking to Ernesto, says Rossy and they both roll their eyes.

He's thanking her for her support (yeah, she saved your butt tonight Ernesto) and wishing that she trusted him more. You're dying to know what went wrong with Alonso, no? she asks. Well, someone told Alonso a terrible lie about me. And he believed it. He wouldn't listen to me. And the worst part was my best friend then moved in on him. So it was a double betrayal. I lost the man I love and the girl who I thought was my best friend. And of course our chef is looking muy, pero muy impactado.

And that's it for tonight folks. There were some previews. But the only one that interested me was the one involving our hunky chef and Lorena. Things are heating up in that department!
Check it out tomorrow and find out just HOW hot.


Guapos: Monday 8/5/08- "I am Woman, Hear me Roar!"

We start again at the Three Stooges office, where Alejandro is getting the news that once again Connie has seriously undercut their asking price, and another client has been snatched away. The boys just can’t compete with Connie. Al is upset and he goes to share the news with his partners. Rocky and Val are in his office, talking about their upcoming wedding and Lina and Bobby are in the lobby talking about their upcoming wedding. Perhaps if they devoted a little more time to work and less time to socializing they might be doing better, I'm just saying. Al’s not any better, because we all know that if Mili were there, Al wouldn’t be doing any work either.

Back in Guadalajara, Luci is in some sort of talk therapy. She’s discussing how she needs to rescue herself and how painful it is to think of the terrible things she did to her children. The therapist urges her to hug and kiss her kids when she sees them, look them in the eye and tell them that she loves them. This is sure to undo all the ugliness (because she said she did it all for love in the first place---not a big fan of this therapist's approach, but what do I know).

Damian urges Karla to have an abortion. She says no way, it is her body and she’s the one to decide what happens---so papa don't preach, 'cuz she's keeping the baby (I know, not quite the right context for that song title, but let's just roll with it). Damian’s ticked at her ulta-feminist stance. Of course, he thinks the baby is his (and it could be), she thinks he's trying to protect Hugo (whom she thinks is the baby's daddy) is just some cooky pregnancy fun, I know I'm laughing.

We are treated to a montage of Luci getting help at the wellness clinic---nutrition info, make-up, talk therapy, later a haircut. We know she’s doing well because we get to see her laughing.

In his office, Connie ponders Rosario’s picture and is shocked that she’s alive. Andrea catches him with the photo (he tried to hide it when she walked in, but did a horrible job). She gets her greedy claws on the picture and rips it up. She tells Connie she’s sick of competing with a ghost and reminds him that she’s the one who’s alive. Andrea storms out and Connie mumbles that Rosario’s alive, too. He calls his private detective and tells him he’s got a new job for him (this guy must be on permanent retainer).

Peralta and some other white guys are having a lunch meeting. They talk about the party and some Connie gossip (you know women get a bad rap as gossipers, but this just goes to show, men are as bad, if not worse, when it comes to gossip). One of them brings up how there is a rich widow wanting to give money to the party. Her name is Rosela Dillano and she’s a Mexican who’s been living in Italy for many years. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out who this is, even if you didn’t see the previews for this episode. Said woman shows up. The men gush over her and the tight dress she’s wearing. They talk about the party and Constancio. Peralta says Connie’s not a viable candidate for party leader because he’s got some scandalous rumors floating around---like he’s got a daughter that he doesn’t recognize, she’s the product of a relationship Connie had with some servant he knocked up years ago and now he’s got the kid working in his house as a servant. Rosela knows immediately that her dead kid must be alive, because she rightly assumes it is her child he’s talking about. Rosela excuses herself from the meeting…..but before she goes she tells the men that her offer of money only comes if Connie’s the party prez.

Mili and Candy discuss how her life is like a telenovela plot. Mili spills her guts about Alejandro and Hugo and she almost slips and says that Connie is her dad. She’s very close to letting that cat out of the bag. I suspect it will happen soon---since we’re in the ultimos capitulos, it’s a safe bet. They talk about Candy’s life and to be honest, I didn’t pay all that much attention to it….something about her fiance cheating on her with her sister and her running out on their wedding. Now she’s dating a plastic surgeon named Santiago. Sounds like her life is a telenovlea plot as well, and that would be because it is. Anything else I glaringly missed? I’m sure that when her show, Las Tontas No Van al Cielo, starts to air on Univision, we’ll get the whole story. Later Mili wishes her luck with Santiago and Patricio-----so which one is played by Jaime and which one is played by Valentino? Anyone checked the show out on YouTube or elsewhere on the internet, yet? (OK I looked at Wikipedia---Jaime plays Santiago and Valentino plays Patricio---the ex-fiance).

Bobby, Al, and Rocky discuss if Connie’s got someone spying on their business---watching who’s coming and going. You think? Nestor shows up in their office and wants to talk to Al. He once again offers his son some money for the business. Al refuses. Nestor appeals to him to think of his partners, to think of his daughter. Al tells him that if he cared about him, he’d leave him alone. After Nestor leaves, Al fills in the others on Nestor’s offer and his refusal to take it. Rocky and Bobby mock Al, they don’t need the money because right now they’re swimming in it. Al gets angry with them wanting him to accept help from Nestor. He tells them to leave him alone.

Connie is on the phone, laughing his evil laugh…..he’s just found out he’s taken another client away from the competition. Damian comes in and tells Connie that Karla insists on having the baby and that he’s way too old to be changing diapers. Connie advises Damian to set Karla up in an apartment and give her a monthly allowance. He tells Damian he’s got to accept that right now, Connie’s got him in the palm of his hand----so fork over the papers that Mili signed and help clean up Connie’s name or else. Damian doesn’t seem too quick to jump on that bandwagon. Connie warns him, that if by some strange twist of fate, Karla suffers an accident and loses the baby, Connie’s going to let everyone know that Damian was behind it.

Rosela meets with her assistant, Paolo (seems very effeminate, perhaps a future love connection for Braulio? Because honestly, I just don't see Braulio and Pedro as a couple). She’s depressed and wants to cancel her plans for the day. He presses for details on what’s happening. She tells him her once-thought-dead daughter is really alive. She wants to find out the truth and she’ll do it alone.

At the convent, the good doctor and Padre Manuel discuss how Mother Superior is getting her affairs in order because she’s running out of time. PM tells the sisters to go in and say goodbye. Macarena is back from the jungle, still disguised as Sor Cachete. She shows little emotion regarding the end of MS’s days.

Back in the cellar, Sor Cachete appeals to Mono to let her free. He’s all for it, if she’d tell them where her parents’ ashes could be found.

Macarena goes in to see MS. MS urges her to take care of the others when she it gone. MS gives Sor Macarena the plaques for her parents’ niche. Sor Mac asks where the niches are and MS is shocked that Sor Catalina/Mac could have forgotten something so important. Before MS can tell her, Padre Manuel comes in and asks Sor Mac to leave, he’s going to give MS her Last Rights. Macarena is thwarted again, dangnabit.

Mili and Luci arrive back home. Luci’s all decked out. She assures Mili she’s ready to face Connie and the kids, but she’s anxious. She thanks Mili for all she’s done and tells her that she’s going to devote her efforts to getting Mili and Al back together. Mili asks if she’s ready to think of Mili as a daughter-in-law and Luci says she already thinks of her as a daughter. They hug.

Rosela visits the convent and gets PM to let her in to see MS. He's reluctant at first, but he ends up allowing her in to see the dying woman.

Connie tells Hugo that as soon as Damian gives him the papers that Mili signed, they will proceed with a divorce. Hugo wants to know if he’s got any say in this matter and Connie tells him he doesn’t. Mili and Luci walk in. Connie’s surprised to see Luci and Hugo lights into Mili about taking off and not telling him. Luci says that she and Mili have something to tell the two of them….. “You’ll never walk all over us again.” Mili adds, “Never, ever!”. The men have shocked looks on their faces and this is the END OF EPISODE.


Pasión de Gavilanes, Mon., Aug. 25 Hortensia sleepwalks, Ruth has another dream and Grabi gets sick

Raquel finally tell Benito off but it doesn't look too good for her and Calixto after Ruth has one of her dreams and Raquel decides to visit the Elizondo Hacienda.
Of course, Don Martín just misses Manolo and Manuel. Is there really only one wheelchair in the whole sanatarium?

Norma and Juan have an inane conversation in the hospital.

Bustillo and Violeta plot to kill Don Martín while Hortensia listens.

The gang decides to sell Eduvina's jewelry for charity.

Hortensia warns Don Martín and pretends to be sleepwalking when discovered by Violeta.

Ruth has a mysterious dream about Raquel and Calixto and Libia.

Hortensia's youngest child was insufficiently briefed on the subject of Esperanza when he visited his mother.


Fuego, Monday 8/25 (#84): Cuatro! Cuatro Reyes! Bwa ha ha ha ha!!

Juan and Sofi claim the prize. The unnamed man from Hacienda Los Angeles gets the trophy. Juan gets the cash. Coyote quietly tells Juan that the Boss is very happy that the contest was won by a Reyes.

Juan seems to hesitate at this for a moment, but he's much too excited to wonder who the Boss is or why a total stranger would say such an odd thing. He tells Sofi the silver spurs she gave him brought him luck. He apologizes to Rosendo for defeating him, but says he needs the money for his child. Rosendo says Juan deserves it, and they hug. Pablito and Quintina join the fan club meeting. Pablito says he wants to be just like Juan. Juan says he already is - being a Reyes.

Eladio - I think it's Eladio - gives a pro-chile speech. Oscar's sweating over a chili pepper. He offers a bite to Jimena. It's a bit hot for her. Eladio wraps up his speech and encourages the crowd to partake.

Oscar samples another pepper, and Jimena, being very gullible, agrees to try that one too. Again, it's too much. He gives her a big peppery kiss just to make sure she gets the full effect!

Rigo is trying to get mushy with Eugenia when Benito shows up. "So you're still with Rigo's girlfriend even though you're really in love with me?" She answers "Yes... I mean yes I'm still going with Rigo. And in front of him I'm telling you not to come near me." He makes a weird face trying not to cry.

Rosario seems to have forgotten her blouse (she is wrapped in a shawl). Franco wants to talk. She refuses and says she doesn't love him. Sarita comes along a moment later and asks if he's okay. He says he's confused. She smiles and offers to listen. Eavesdropping nearby, Rosario hopes her sacrifice pays off for Sarita.

Now for the singing and dancing. Rosario goes first and dedicates a song to her child. Feo is angry that she's singing without his permission. He orders Armando to nab Rosario when she's done. Then Raquel finds Feo and he tells her not to make a jealous scene. She wants a kiss.

Meanwhile, Gabi is looking for him. (I didn't notice the first time around, but he and Raquel are actually smooching in the upper right of the frame as Gabi wanders in at the lower left.) Coyote finds Gabi and asks if they can hang out. She says she doesn't take invitations from strangers. He says that if they try, they can stop being strangers! Feo finds them and says he was looking for her. She tells Coyote they're engaged. Surprised, Coyote congratulates them with daggers in his eyes. He excuses himself and takes longer kissing her hand than Feo would like.

Gabi grills Feo on his whereabouts. She says Coyote was bugging her because he left her alone. If he keeps disappearing like that, she'll end up responding to that guy's overtures. She beams at Coyote, who is watching from a distance. Coyote grins smugly in acknowledgment.

Next, Pedro sings atop a prancing horse. (That cannot be easy.)

So Armando tries to get Rosario to go with him, but she's uncooperative. He comments on how cocky she is and has the henchmen grab her. Pedro tries to rescue her, so they start beating him up. Armando is ready to give him a good punch when Coyote shows up, discreetly indicates the gun tucked into his belt (his belt buckle says "COYOTE," I wonder if his mommy wrote that on the tags of his shirt and underwear too) and tells Armando that if he touches Pedro, he's DEAD.

And wow, that's some ring he's wearing, it's like a giant iron knuckle that would leave a grille on your face.

Coyote warns Pedro off with his eyes. Thusly emboldened, Pedro gives Armando a scornful look and takes off with Rosario.

The festival draws to a close. The contest gets to crown the queen of the festival. You'll never guess who that is... oh all right, it's Sofi. Juan seems confused by the complicated tiara and simply hands it to her so that she can put it on herself. Franco sings his usual song. He picks Sarita out of the crowd for a dance.

Meanwhile, Feo and Gabi argue (we don't hear any of it, but can assume they're arguing about the usual) and she leaves alone.

Later Pedro meets up with his brothers to congratulate Juan on his win. Armando tells Juan Feo wants to "talk" to him. The guys are skeptical and insist on accompanying Juan. (They joke that Feo gives them "mieo," obvious a pun on "miedo"=fear, but I can't find a definition for "mieo.")

Armando shows them to a room that has bales of hay in it (there's so much hay the outdoors can't hold it all!). Feo challenges Juan to some poker. If he wins, he gets Juan's winnings from the jaripeo. If Juan wins, he gets double.

Juan turns it down, but since money is involved, Oscar is in favor. Franco says they shouldn't be greedy. Pedro suggests letting Juan decide. (I love Pedro!) Juan accepts the challenge.

The tequila girl is looking at Juan's cards and stroking her neck in a weird way. Feo responds by raising. (Armando is standing behind Feo, but he's not giving Juan any help at all. Too bad. He's got a cigarette... he could signal him with puffs of smoke.) Juan folds, and Feo wins the first round. (A goofy onscreen graphic lends a "poker tournament" feel to the scene.)

Juan seems to like his next hand a little better. The tequila girl looks at Juan's cards and sticks some fingers out at Feo as she slowly sets Juan's glass on the table. Feo raises again. Juan sees him and raises. (Oscar and Franco suspect something's up.) Feo has the better hand. (I can't make out the individual cards, but the artwork has a chile pepper motif!)

Juan's funds are running low, and it's not a good sign when he asks for four new cards. The tequila girl comes in and Oscar throws her out (politely, of course - "we don't want any") when he sees her craning to look at Juan's hand again. Nevertheless, Feo wants Juan to go all in. Juan agrees. Feo is smug, but the joke's on him. Juan slaps down four kings. "I beat you with Poker de Reyes!"

Feo doesn't take it well and demands a rematch - double or nothing - "between gentlemen it's a question of honor." Only Oscar is in favor this time. Feo deals. Juan smirks at his hand and asks for only one card. Feo needs three. He tries to snake some cards out of his sleeve. Oscar catches him. The henchmen draw their guns. But like a creepy guardian angel, Coyote shows up quietly in the doorway. I'm starting to like this guy. Feo and his guys slowly put their guns away.

"Let's go!" Juan says, grabbing their money. Oscar tries to take Feo's remaining money too. Juan reminds him it was supposed to be a game between gentlemen, so they'll take only what they won.

Coyote's not still in the doorway when the Reyes turn around and leave. They never knew he was there.

Sofía asks Rosario if she's sure she's willing to give up Franco. Rosa says it's both for Sarita's happiness and Franco's safety. Sofía tells her how great she is. Rosario begs her to keep this secret - don't even tell Juan. Sofi says she tells Juan everything They have no secrets or lies. (Except for his secrets and lies.) Rosario asks for at least a little time to get her life in order and figure out what to do. Feo's capable of destroying anyone who crosses his path. She's afraid for Sofía.

Sofi realizes that her mother is in danger being engaged to Feo. She resolves to warn her.

Feo wants to get his money back. Armando tells him he needs to stop gambling because luck is not on his side. Feo is offended. Armando says something just occurred to him - why is Feo so sure that the Reyes are lying about owning the Uribe hacienda? They should look into it. Feo just gets grumpy again.

Sofía does not approve that Juan gambled the prize money. Juan says Feo challenged him, and his pride got the better of him. Oscar and Franco squabble over who gets to "safeguard" it. Juan knows better and takes it. He wants to try to get the hacienda back with it, or save it for an emergency. (I think this is a nice idea, but Feo deserves something for his trouble too. Maybe something to wear. "Somebody got four kings and all I got was this crummy t-shirt!")

Jimena has prepared their dinner. We don't get to find out if it's any good. As Oscar lifts some food to his mouth, we see he's stashed some of the money up his sleeve. (That's it, you and Feo can't play together any more! He's a bad example!) Franco sighs to himself about Rosario.

Rosario is sighing about Franco. Feo confronts her for singing at the festival without his permission, but she's not in the mood to be threatened. She says she won't take his abuse any more. The docile Rosario, who put up with his whims and did what he wanted, died in the fire. She's thinking of talking to Gabi. Feo threatens to tell everybody what she's capable of and what she was in prison for - they'll all reject her - beginning with Sofi and Eva.

She says she's willing to pay for the errors of her past. If necessary, she'll do it. She defiantly states, "We'll see who loses more - you or me?"

Feo and Gabi argue again. She demands that he stay away from Raquel, or he'll lose her. Feo says no, he knows her passion for him grows more every day. She denies it and says he will never be the boss of her or have the last word, because she's used to giving the orders and it'll always be that way.

He wrestles her and says she's always wanted to find a man of her level, and she's found the man who can satisfy her and drive her crazy with passion. (He backs her up against her easel, I think, and knocks it over.) At last they have the house to themselves and can love each other freely. Gabi can't answer this because her mouth has an extra tongue in it.

Sofi tells Juan that her mom and Feo are getting married. Juan mutters that he knew they were having a thing, but didn't realize they'd be getting married. Sofía is surprised he knew something. Juan admits Oscar saw them kissing, but he didn't say anything because they didn't want to worry her or the sisters.

Sofía should wonder what other things they haven't been worrying her about, but all she can think about is warning her mother. Juan tries to discourage this, knowing Gabi won't be receptive.

Then Sofi cheers up, remembering that if Feo gets married, she can too. Juan's ready to hire the mariachis and caterers.

Mexico airdate: 15 de Mayo

Next time:
Gabi promises Feo she'll disinherit the kids and name him as her only heir. (insert obligatory "what a fool" remark here)
Juan reveals that his father had a brother - Vicente Robles. (insert obligatory "how come you never mentioned this uncle before" remark here)
Raquel wonders how her husband came to own this hacienda without any papers. Juan settles on the same theory we came up with weeks ago.
Sofi warns her mother that Feo is a jerk.


Doña Bárbara-Index

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Querida Enemiga Monday August 25 - Soy un perdedor - I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me

That's a Beck lyric in the title in case any of you think I'm being morbid. I remember when the song 'Loser' came out many years ago and everyone had so many strange theories as to what he was saying when in fact he was just saying "I'm a loser" in Spanish (soy un perdedor). I knew enough Spanish to recognize it right away, I was always amazed at what other people thought he was singing. This will all be relevant later, or if you watched the episode, you already know what I'm talking about.

Hortensia throws Jaime under the bus, saying the kidnapping was all his doing, she only found out later and kept quiet to protect her son. I can't believe they are sitting there listening to her when they should be sending a squad car with lights and sirens running to get her makeup kit. Cripes she looks awful with no makeup. In the waiting room Omar and Zulema and family are suitably scandalized by Hortensia's accusations against Jaime. There are a few scenes but really just people saying "OMG I can't believe she just said that."

Jackie, who to Arturo's surprise isn't super relaxed after the boning he just gave her, is up in arms about customers fleeing left and right after the scandal hit the news. He tries to give her some sexual healing and she caves in pretty quickly.

Barbara wants to give Vasco some papers for Jaime to sign, to give her control of all their accounts I think, Vasco can't believe she doesn't care about any more than that. He manages to do this without acting high and mighty. You know, in general, so much of what Vasco does and says would be irritating on the highest level coming from most people but he gets away with it. Not sure how, but good for him. I guess because he hasn't quite gotten all the way to "dude they make shirts and rope from hemp you know, LEGALIZE IT!" You know what I'm talking about, especially if you went to college. Also, he hasn't resorted to the official hippie Corona logo-ed faux-hemp poncho/pullover thing that all college hemp enthusiasts wear like a uniform. I fully believe that while he is such a nice young man now, he spent half his time in England baked.

The cops parade Hortensia right past Omar and Zulema on the way to her cell, Omar yells at her and she says "sorry it was Jaime, not me, nyah nyah."

Lorena, Rosy, Julian, and Maruja see the scandal on the news. Lorena says it's BS, Sara told her that Hortensia's signature was on the orphanage paperwork. She tells Julian to get that fact to his parents and tell them they need to find that paper. Well DUH.

Zulema pressures Sara to tell the truth, Sara says her beloved corpse of a grandma (ok some of that was me saying) would never betray her, so she will support Hort's story.

Omar continues to be in disbelief about Hortensia. I would think 20+ years of estrangement form your family would allow you to believe certain things, don't you?

Alonso arrives, Sara puts on her pouty face and tells him her sad tale of everyone being so bad and not believing her, etc etc. Somehow this leads to them making out. Somehow Chef Ern (sorry ladies I was going to call him Chef Hawt since that's the name you gave him but I just can't, you understand) happens to be walking by and sees this, now he understands why Lorena was so upset that one day. He also thought bubbles "wow Lorena is so awesome" just in case one person out there is too dumb to realize weeks ago that he likes her.

Dario is at Paula's house, waiting for Bettina I guess. He's off work early, she says he was never early before, or maybe he was off work early but putting the horns on her? He tells her enough already, leave it alone. Ok before I go any further - let me voice my approval for the makeover in progress of Paula - now she gets to look like a sexy woman rather than a harpy. We're halfway there, come on wardrobe people help me out. I still don't like her character though, she is a manipulative bitch even if she looks hotter now. And looks good in tight sweaters. Where was I? Oh - she tells Dario about her new Avon business and with Bettina's help actually gets him to try some manly stuff and he buys a bunch of it.

Ern sees Lorena at school, she says she figured out his secret ingredient and shame on him it isn't Mexican! He admits it, somehow he manages to turn the conversation to them going for a walk. Eventually she tries to feed him a hot dog, he won't eat it so she shoves it in his mouth, of course he loves it. Ha ha ha, oh Chef Ern, you are just like a regular guy after all! OK writers we get it, he likes street food too, he's not so stuck up, let's move on. He tries to pry details of her sad day, now knowing the truth about Alonslow, but she says change the subject, so he ends up telling her that the worst food he ever tasted was some frijoles with no salt that his aunt made. That sounds horrible, my wife said frijoles sin sal are the worst. I can't imagine why someone would make beans that way. I'm the biggest frijolero out there, especially for a gringo, and making them with no salt sounds like a crime. It's true, even my wife's Mexican family can't believe how I could eat some variation of frijoles with every meal if I had my way. When we were at an all- inclusive hotel in Puerto Vallarta last year, I bet I ate five pounds of frijoles by the end of the week. Oh man now I'm getting hungry. Anyway they walk and talk and flirt, etc.

Sara makes Alonso a sandwich, after he takes a bite his face looks like he just ate a turd. He tries to pretend he likes it but Sara knows better and thinks how f***ing Lorena spoiled him with such good food that she can't make. She asks what he's looking at on the internet, he goes on and on about some medical thing that I couldn't follow, though I didn't try. Sounded like a public service announcement for some kind of treatment or something.

Omar, Zulema, and Diana get to their seats at Julian's game show. Backstage Julian is very nervous but Rosy gives him some R-rated kisses to clear his mind and it works. He goes out and Rosy takes her seat. First the host shows some pictures from the vacation to Acapulco, lots of Julian flexing and showing off but no Rosy anywhere. The host asks Rosy why she wasn't in the pictures? She says she was 'indisposed' that day and shoots Julian a dirty look. But, she softens immediately and says it was the best trip of her life. Julian dedicates his performance to his parents. He has to answer five questions to win a million pesos. He gets the first four right, then they bring out the golden envelope. The host reads the question, and Julian thinks and thinks into a commercial...

.... then gives the wrong answer. Before the host can say the right answer, Julian remembers and says it, but the host says too late, sorry. The crowd cheers for Julian but that doesn't replace a million pesos, know what I'm saying?

At home, Lorena and Maruja sit with their mouths hanging open after seeing Julian miss the question.

Chalo is watching at his naco hotel, he laughs and tries to call Sara. Ugh we get to see that his boxers are barely big enough to keep his stuff covered, please put that away Chalo. He is upset that Sara never answers her phone anymore.

Omar, Zulema, and Diana discuss how they are still proud of Julian anyway, Rosy runs out and says Julian ran off, nobody knows where. We see Julian walking the streets, saying what a loser he is, wallowing in self-pity.

Bettina gets in trouble for chatting online before her homework is done, Paula reverts to harpy mode to take away the cable modem. Bettina just gets on the phone then instead and tells her friend that Ivan invited her to the movies, she'll say she's going with the friend instead so she can get permission to go! What a bad girl she's turning into. Paula returns and yells at her for now being on the phone.

Jackie comes home to find Dario home asleep, with some Avon products on the nightstand. She complains that he had money to buy that stuff.

Arturo tells his mom that he's running the company now, horrible mom rats that Valeria is out with those friends again, Art says whatever that's fine. Not making her stay home is the only decent thing he has ever done. I know he's doing it to be selfish anyway, but at least she gets to go have a life.

Valeria, looking nice with her hair down (though the 1985 bangs can go) wins at cards again, the ladies talk her into coming to the restaurant opening as a guest.

Rosy cries (4 on the FUCS (wow that acronym made me do a parentheses inside a parentheses, we need something else to call the Ferro Ugly Crying Scale) because she is crying for a very good reason, but still a little messy and ugly) about Julian being missing. Maruja and Lorena try to comfort her.

Omar calls some missing persons service (another public service announcement) to report Julian. He explains how it works to fulfill the public service obligation. Speaking of PSAs and product placements, nothing will ever top the scene from La Fea where Boobie Blonde (can't remember her name now!) tells Marcia about her horrible diarrhea and Marcia gives her Pepto-Bismol. Two sexy ladies discussing mudbutt, I just can't get over it. Don't you think Jose Jose as RoboPapa would have been a more likely character for having bathroom problems?

At the mansion, Vasco yells at Sara for going along with Hort's story. Sara says she's with grandma 100%, it was Jaime all along, and she's not leaving the house either.

Chef Ern listens to lots of phone messages from hotties who want to see him. The maid points out that since he met Lorena, he hasn't gone out with anyone, there used to be wall to wall hoochies and now nothing. She thinks she has said too much and runs out before his temper erupts as usual. Instead, for the one really dense person who didn't get the point earlier, he comments to himself again that Lorena is so dreamy.

The next day, Rosy is still crying, but not in any ugly manner. A 1 on the scale.

Omar and Zulema worry about Julian, they stupidly hope that Sara tells the truth about Hortensia. They hear Diana yelling at Julian in the other room, he's back! A few minutes of everyone saying they are proud of him but him calling him self un perdedor. He was so hopeful, that money was going to pay all the debts and the lawyer. Everybody cries.

Omar calls Rosy to tell her Julian has returned and is heading over after he takes a shower. Lorena can finally go peddle her goodies on the street (ok I admit I did it on purpose that time, heh). Maruja tells Rosy to do everything she can to cheer up Julian, I'm not sure but it sounded like she was encouraging some hanky panky to lift the boy's spirits. Did I understand that right? Maybe not.

At the jail, Vasco tells Jaime, who now sports some cool 3 day beard growth, that he believes his side of the story and is proud of how he's standing up and taking responsibility. Jaime says the truth will come out sooner or later.

Also at the jail, Art tells Hort that clients are fleeing and she gets crazy about it, but he says he has it under control. He basically swears fealty to her.

At work, Jackie tells Sara how awesome Art is and how he's doing so great running the company. Sara isn't pleased to hear that at all.

Rosy greets Julian very warmly and says lots of nice things, then he says he's breaking up with her because he's a loser and doesn't deserve her and doesn't want her to suffer from his bad luck. That was the end of the show, but honestly I can't see them being broken up for long. Like maybe not even out of the opening scenes of tomorrow's episode. I just don't see it, but I could be wrong.

Tomorrow - Ern uses the sly excuse of "oh Alonso's right there, hug me so he will be jealous" to give Lorena a full on hip to hip hug out in public. Whatever, Chef Ern, I know your game. Well played.


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