Friday, October 11, 2013

La Tempestad Capitulo 54, Thursday, October 10, 2013 - Mercedes Spills the Beans

It is clear that the continuity editor of La Tempestad is on holiday—perhaps permanently.
I am afraid I will have to cover most of the disjointed events of today’s Capitulo in bullet point fashion. An outline is the only way I can organize this cr@p.

Locations In This Episode

° Private Hospital in DF
° La Guacamaya Bar and Environs
° Eusebia’s House
° La Casa de Delfina y Fulgencio
° Ernesto’s Penitentiary and Mansion
° La Tempestad
° A Random Hotel Room in Rrr-Laydee that Houses the Federal Gov’mint Policeman
° Mercedes’ Mansion

-                Bea suffers another health crisis. Wah, wah waaah!
-                Bells and whistles sound.
-                Marina is hysterical.
-                Bea extracts a deathbed promise from Marina, only she doesn’t die.
-                This appears to be Bea’s MO—her character takes us to the bleeding edge of drama, but doesn’t die.
-                This keeps the actress off unemployment.
-                Marina promises her un-dead mother to leave Nuestra Señora del Mar. FOR. EVER.
-                Mercedes arrives and comforts Marina.
-                Hernan and Becky eye Mercedes as she promises Marina that she will never be without a Mother. Hmmm
-                El doctor tells Marina, Becky, Mercedes and the foxtail Hernan (just try to get him out of your sock!) that Beatriz is now stabilized.
-                Marina and Hernan discuss impermanence and the need for parents.

La Guacamaya Bar and Dance Revue
-                Ursula is at La Guacamaya.
-                We note that, at the beginning of the La Guacamaya dance revue storyline, Ursula lied to her tios about the forthcoming tastefulness of the revue.
-                Damian comes in.
-                Ursula wears a glittering costume with a feathery puffy pink tail on her rear ASSets.
-                Ursula’s tail is not prehensile but she is able to grab Damian anyway. 
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Thursday, October 10, 2013

PEAM #153- 10/10/13- Money Doesn't Buy You Class; The Transformation of Rogelio

Happy Chilly Thursday!!  Fall is in the air!!!

We start off with Marta, La Loca writing a letter to Marcia, La Estupida. 

Dear Marcia, oops, Marta- hahaha,

     I’ve had some problems at work but don’t worry very soon we will embrace each other.  Don’t despair, little sister because, I will never, no never abandon you.

I love you,
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Breaking news! Brain injury reported in a Narvaez family member, details below! Wed 10/09/2013

Ah yes, you read that right, we started last nights episode with Simona riding up on her horse and seeing her husband and his ex-wife sharing a small kiss, he was just kissing her forehead but this was more than our dear Simona could deal with so she took off on her horse and suffered an accident. 

Octavio and Maricruz both become alarmed and worry that Simona could be injured and that the baby she's expecting might be in danger-well, let me just say that maybe they should of thought about that before they started whatever the hell it is they have going on with each other, I mean seriously, Octavio is married, Maricruz claims to hate him, so why not just part ways? Never mind, if I think about this too much my head hurts.

So apparently Simona has gone missing and a search party is set up to locate her, Maricruz stays behind and frets, Santa and Perico urge her to go to bed but she refuses, it seems like our girl is feeling a little bit of guilt over Simona catching her and Octavio together, again, should of thought about this before she started going after a married man.
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La Tempestad Capitulo 53, Wed 10/9/13 - See ya, wouldn’t wanna Bea ya


This was an awkwardly edited episode. I combined some scenes which helped me but not necessarily the continuity of events. Did Uni combine episodes again?

¡Por supuesto que no!
Remember where we left off last night? Fully drops the bomb, he wants Laz to Kill DamFabre! Will Laz do that for him? Oh hell no! avers Laz. He won’t do anything against Dam. Fully says too bad, don’t you want me as an ally? Laz pops off that he won’t bloody his hands for Fully again and he stomps out. Fully laughs, Laz has got spunk (agallas), he’s Fully’s son all right.

Bea staggers around and clutches her chest, then pretends she feels fine when Becky bops in with newspaper pics of Queen Bea getting crowned. (By Hernan? How odd.) Becky babbles that this shows the townspeople are on their side. Bea makes the big mouth bass face some more when Becky’s not looking.
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Mentir Para Vivir #3 Wed 10/9/13 Oriana meets Ines and Alani meets Catalina.

Villa El Descanso

Lucina and Manolo share a brewski on the patio.  She tells him Raquel is off trying to drum up business for their hotel.  He wonders if she might have gone to visit her friend Oriana.  Lucina repeats, again, they don't know where that woman went.  Manolo doesn't hide the fact that he doesn't believe her.  Lucina changes the subject to “la ahogada” (the drowned one).  Manolo shares she had drugs in her system, poor thing.  Lucina complains that drunks and druggies are always coming here.  She asks again that he allow her to put up a fence.  Why, just the other day there were some drunk hooligans who came and even fired some shots. She didn't bother to call him and ran them off herself.  Manolo's impressed, saying she sure has agallas (guts).  Lucina switches back to La Ahogada – so, did anyone claim her yet?  Nope, no one's come by yet but that's not what he came to talk to her about.  He wanted her to know that the Columbian authorities didn't waste any time investigating her friend, Oriana.  They've discovered there is a bank account in her name with over $1.2 million dolares (GUAU!).  She's shocked and Manolo doesn't believe she didn't know about the money.  Hell, if she'd known, she would've asked her to help them pay some bills, maybe buy them a new hotel!  Manolo explains it's too late cuz the authorities have confiscated that money since it was surely ill gotten booty. He asks again if she knows where Oriana is.  “Ya deja de chinchar! (stop bugging)”  She tells him again neither she nor Raquel know Oriana’s whereabouts.  She takes back her beer and tells him to scram.  I like this friendship.

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Wednesday, October 09, 2013

PEAM #152- 10/9/13: I Saw Paris, I Saw France, I Saw Chatita's Underpants!

Recap By Pablo

From above, she looked like one of those cabbage patch dolls, with the cloth body and the plastic legs sewed up. I hope this fall makes her only two neurons touch and she recovers her memory. Let's all make a chain of prayer tomorrow at noon to the Virgen of Guadalupe so she can be all right soon.
Selective memory vs. accidental memory loss

Flying over Cerro de la silla and through the morning traffic we get to the Hospital del IMSS, where Chatita lays unconscious after the big fall she had when she was pushed by Marta. The doctor asks for relatives of Luisa Herrera (related to Tomasito, maybe?) but nobody knows her by that name. After looking at each other for several moments, they come to realize that the person they're referring to could be their beloved Chatita. She is! But she is so bad that now she doesn't remember anything. Before this fall she only remembered what she wanted to remember, right? Well, be careful what you wish for, because it can hit you in the head. The doctor needs to find her relatives but since nobody knows who Luisa Herrera is he has to describe her: Looks like a penguin.

-Oh, she is my mother! - says Jesús
-She is my girlfriend! -says Pánfilo.
-NOW she is? I thought you were after Susana again!- says Marisela
Once inside, Jesús and Pánfilo are mistaken for a pair of thieves who want to rob her. So sad, this half done miracle has sent Chatita's mind to a restore point dated before her Chato's death. She insists that she doesn't know them even when Pánfilo swears he is her Boyfriend, and if there's a thief in this room it is her, who has stolen his heart!!
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Mentir Para Vivir #2 Tue 10/8/13 Nice Try, Rhoda Penmark*

Casa de Don Gabriel (Foyer):  We watch patiently as Pretty Ricky, agonizing over the death of his beloved father, performs several facial contortions while he struggles to produce a single tear.  He informs his aunt, Fidelia, of Don Gabriel’s death.  He was shot dead by a woman in a hotel.  Pretty Ricky will travel to pick up the body and she will contact Mariano, the priest and Sebastian, his younger brother.   

Hotel El Descanso Foyer:  Lucina and Raquel (who's wearing Barbara Eden’s genie costume) return to the lobby of the hotel.  After a long day of hiding murder evidence, Raquel is ravenously hungry and asks Felipe to whip up some sandwiches.  Felipe tells them that all of the guests have checked out.  Once Felipe leaves, Raquel thanks Lucina for helping her friend.  Lucina did it because she doesn’t want Allina placed in an orphanage.  Raquel hid the gun in a flower pot and Lucina has Oriana’s passport.  Lucina tells Raquel that Pretty Ricky, Gabriel’s son, is on his way to town. 

Police Station:  Lila, Don Gabriel’s widow, and her brother, Berto Martin, visit the lead detective.  Berto, who looks like a cuter, younger, greasier, and slightly nervous version of Grizzly Adams, listens as Lila and Det. Lopez discuss the shooting.  Lila wants to take the body back to Tiajuana, but Det. Lopez says they can’t release it until after the autopsy. 
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PEAM, Tuesday 10/8/13 (#151): Cloak. Dagger. Banana Peel. Lobster?

New stuff in blue

Rewind: Chucho has given Valentina a cell phone and tells her to call him if she needs anything. He wants to talk to Rogelio; he's not home and Domitila doesn't know when he'll be back. Chucho asks about Vero's behavior. Domi says she's taken to her bed. She promises to keep an eye on Vale and let him know if Vero does anything to Vale. (But Domi doesn't, at least not in this episode.) As Domi prances away, I wonder if there are any podiatrists in Monterrey. Between the way Domitila walks and the way Jessica walks, they're going to need one.

Chucho tells Alma about Zsa Zsa's, I mean Tracy's, long-lost son Hector. He wants to reunite them. Alma offers to look into it. She apparently has no trouble tracking him down (she knows his first name, his mother's name, and it can't be all that hard to find out who his mom married by looking through old newspapers and records online) and he even agrees to meet with her the same day. Unfortunately I don't remember Xochi's "Dad" photo well enough to say if this is the guy and he looks way too young, but he's bitter about his mother. It was her obsession with work that drove his father to abandon them. (Wonder if that's the guy Mari's mom ran away with?) Hector has a wife and three kids of his own. Alma is shocked that these kids have never met their grandmother. Family is the most important thing. "Tell that to my mother," Hector says.

Depressed, Vero whines that Rogelio doesn't love her. Maybe he'll feel differently when she loses the baby! She doesn't care about anything, she says. She wants to stay in bed and sleep forever.

Valentina asks Vero to sign a permission slip or something for school. Vero has a temper tantrum. "I'm tired of you! Can't you see I'm sick?" She raises her hand to strike Valentina. Rogelio stops her. Vero is offended that he would side with his "archenemy" against her. Rogelio explains that little pranks are one thing, but hitting your daughter? Never! "As long as you live here, you won't touch a hair on her head," he tells Vero. I will never call him Rogue again!

Domitila sees Valentina crying. Vale says Mommy was going to hit her. She thanks Rogelio and even gives him a hug. He seems surprised to realize that he sort of likes this paternal feeling. They apologize to one another for all the pranks and agree that they were fun. But now she's missed the bus - so he drives her to school!
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Tuesday, October 08, 2013

La Tempestad Cap #52. October 8th 2013. Love Making At The Cabin Of Love

Wow wow wow! What a DamHot scene. 

Working on the recap. I'm still fanning myself from that hot (although edited) scene at the cabin. Sigh. Recap will be up once I'm done fanning myself and writing it up. Feel free to start discussing it if you are like me and live on East Coast and have the seen episode already.

Laz and JazLu have set the date for their upcoming nuptials. ShutUpRosy thinks the kids are going too fast. Laz doesn't agree. JazLu and him will start living together and they want to get married as soon as possible to do things right. Robles, in his homeless disguise, begs for money. Laz approaches him. ShutUpRosy takes this opportunity to stick it to JazLu that she may not be able to wear white at the wedding. SHUT UP ROSY. Meanwhile, Robles tells Laz that his men have not been able to find out the location of the new camp where the merchandise is unloaded. Laz is sure one of Fully's lackeys knows the info. Robles agrees. He tells Laz that they'll go after the lackeys one by one until they find out what they want to know. They'll first go after Dumber err Lara. 

Hernan and Fully send Lara on the mission to sneak into the packing plant without the alarm going off and sabotage the freezers. 

Olinto and employees are off to the Singles Mingle (thanks Susanlynn). Olinto activates the alarm but unfortunately it is too late because Lara the LowLife is already inside. He heads off to the motor room and sabotages the motor to the freezer. 

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Corazon Indomable, #106, Tuesday, 10-08-13 Tav might be the dashing hero, but Mari's dimples are more powerful

Introducing the Realengo Rebellion of 2013 (thanks for the inspiration, La Paloma)

Fair warning: this is going to be a short recap, because this episode has been all over the place
a lot of scenes have been condensed, for a better flow. 

Maricruz finally starts making the rounds, asking the tenants why they haven’t paid their rents.

Tenant 1: I couldn’t pay because the insects destroyed my profit.
Maricruz (channeling Donald Trump): If you don’t pay, you’re fired…I mean, expulsed!
After Mari leaves, the guy tells his wife that he needs to go fix something.

Tenant 2: I always paid, I’m a hard working man.
Maricruz: Well, if you say so, and you have this cute child with you, then I believe you.
After the tenant leaves, Mari thinks to herself that there is something fishy going on… Good catch, girl, you’re quite intuitive!

Tenant 3: We’ve had some problems, people who were supposed to pay us haven’t done it, yet. This week you’ll have your money. How strange that you are having financial problems, though, the business has been working well the last few months.
Mari: Yeah, sure… (Are the little grey cells in her head starting to function now?)
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Mentir Para Vivir #1 Mon 10/7/13 PRIMER CAPITULO Where we find out how your perfect life can go from bad to worse faster than a speeding bullet

Once upon a time inSanta Marta, Colombia
On a construction dock

A man named Falcon (Diego Olivera, as handsome as always, although I could do without the slicked back hair) is on the dock, carrying a clipboard and rushing to a bridge, when he’s told by an unseen voice that the boss wants to see him in his office. Before that happens, though, he gets a call and the cell screen says it’s from Joaquin: 
“Que hiciste, imbecil? Estan a punto de descubrirnos!” (What have you done, you moron? They are about to discover us/ they’re on to us!) – Joaquin is obviously not happy, someone blew the whistle on them and their shady business, so Falcon has to disappear and FAST!
Falcon is scared but he can’t just leave, he has to make sure that his family will be alright, first. “Lo siento, Joaquin,” he says and hangs up, no matter how much Joaquin insists that if he’s caught, they’re all finished.

Night time, pretty house near the ocean
The first thing we see inside the house is a family portrait of Falcon with a woman and a little girl. As the camera pans to several other pictures that show a happy, loving family, someone puts a bottle of wine on the table behind the photos, lights up some candles and then leaves.
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Corazon Indomable, #105, 10/07/13 Poor Don Ale must be turning in his grave…

(Filling in for Vivi, who is away, enjoying her vacation)

Thanks God he’s already dead, he’d die a hundred more deaths if he witnessed the way his entire fortune is being wasted and what an idiot he has for a daughter.
                                 "What have you done with all my money, Maricrazy?"

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves….

There is a big bad storm outside and Mari is scared– thank God the good people of Realengo have shelter on a night like this, unlike she when she lived with Abuelo and Solita in the hut. If only she could help more…

Tav is watching the rain, too, when Simona hugs him from the back – is she in the mood for some lovin’?
Apparently, she likes the storm, that’s when she feels more secure in her warm, comfortable home – hey, I feel the exact same way about storms, does that mean I am like Simona? She feels double happy today because she has Tav and his baby on the way – oh, I feel triple happy, because I have none of that…so I guess Simona and I aren’t quite the same, after all!
She hugs him again, while he looks like he has a death wish…you know, his usual face since becoming Mr. $imona. He also thinks to himself that she doesn’t care about the poor, she’s so unlike Mari.
He tells her that he wishes the sun came out faster, so the less fortunate suffered less – where was all this philanthropy when you had your own ranch, Tav?
Simona is bothered by his words, asks for an explanation, but he just leaves her standing by the window, alone.

Remember how we always complained that we have no clue about time passing because they never show us? Well, we should have kept our mouths shut…
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La Tempestad, October 7, 2013. Capitulo 51. Hernan goes BSC

The butler tells Ernesto to keep his eyes on his little wifey. She's getting to chummy with Hernan.

Cande consoles DamFineInWhite. She tells him to recall the good times that he had with Madrina and the love they shared. They also talk about Marina. He doesn't think that he can get her back. Cande tells him to fight for her and not give up.

Marina is in her office and Hernan pops it. He thinks it's a crazy idea to break off the engagement. Marina says she only agreed to marry him because she had a special affection for him, but does not love him. Hernan insists that he can make her love him. (my dear boy, you are delusional) He begs for more time. Marina says if I agreed, it just wouldn't be right. We just need to end as friends. Hernan begs her not to break it off. She tells him that he has to accept it and returns the ring. He notices that she wasn't wearing the ring and asks why? Because I felt dishonest wearing it replies Marina. I know this is hurting you but I have to be sincere. This engagement cannot go on. He grabs her and tries to reason with her. She fights him off, yelling out that he's hurting her. Hernan ignores her plea and says that he won't accept it. You're mine! You belong to me! I cannot accept you being with another man. He tries kissing her, but she keeps fighting him off. I need you!, says Hernan. Marina says that he can't make her be with him. “You have to to forgive me, I'm desperate. No, replies Marina. This isn't the first time you acted this way and I don't like it. I'm sorry, but this cannot go on. She leaves and he stares at the ring.
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Monday, October 07, 2013

PEAM #150 - 10/07/2013 - Can't You Hear the Laughter from Icky Robots & Violent Wedding Receptions & Evil Times Without End?

Our PEAM story has gotten so silly, so inane, I just couldn't help but start out tonight by bringing our thoughts to someone who deserves our thanks that an intelligent voice in the world speaks reason when so many others are speaking only madness and stupidity. I am Malala, I am Malala, I am Malala!!

Catching up… Jesica does a bit of pout and whine ruining her bride face while she chastises her parents for being late and scaring her that they were not coming. The priest says let's get on with this and everyone takes a seat.  Tracy places a jeweled if wrinkly hand on Jesus' thigh, sigh.  He plucks it off with dexterity.

Papa warns Cardy to be very careful with his daughter and Mommy rubs his bald head for good luck.  Both Cardy and Jesica cry with love as they begin their vows. Jesus explains to Valentina that people that love each other go through this ritual.

Alma and her Poppy talk about old times and his excitement to spoil his only grandchild. He seems happy to be getting a chance to be a better grandfather than he was a father. He can't wait to know if it is a boy or girl.  It will likely be one or the other so Alma tells him not to worry.

Already at the post ceremony reception.  Valentina wants to make friends with the robot baby and Tracy wants to drink tequila so she orders two when the waiter is hailed. She admits that she has a son but she never sees him.
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TELEMUNDO Y MAS - week of October 7

It's Monday so we're starting a new week for all things Telemundo and beyond!!! Go for it!!

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Sunday, October 06, 2013



Advice to the lovelorn, culinary hints

And Guide to proper attire For a small seaside village in Mexico

(Voted The Best Occasional Supermarket Gossip Rag by Two or Maybe Three Patio Denizens)
Issue #1 – October 6, 2013                                              Underwritten by The Storm-Cellar™

In this issue: JudyB’s Jems; Capturing Episode Essences; Food for Thought; The Poets Corner

Thanks for the reminder about ship protocol. Maybe we'll learn how to say "Permission to come aboard, sir" in Spanish. I'm sure that will come in handy here in central Ohio.

They say that danger and the presence of death makes you verrrrry lustful. Something about wanting to plant your seed before your permanent exit from planet earth. So yeah, makes sense that Marina and Dam Fab were feeling especially hawt last night while those bullets were whizzing. And us right along with 'em!

Hernán looks quite fetching from a distance, and our DamFab is always delicious.

We all need a St. Eusie in our lives, and an Elna June as well.

Ay yi yi..don't throw tomatoes at me but Pestercita doesn't look particularly miserable with Ernesto. She seems content to be adored, spoiled and given lots of gifts.  She has amnesia but not a lobotomy. Still, we never see her cringing in revulsion. We're all appalled but she doesn't seem to be.

This episode had me muttering Estupido! Estupido! If Candy and cohorts don't get this straightened out soon I'm going to have to take a Sulk Break from this telenovela.

I do continue to be amused by how many scenes Monica Miguel has scripted of her hugging our muscular sculpted Damian. Do you think I could manage to get cast as a wise old woman in his next movie? Certainly be worth a try.


JudyB, resident psychologist, says:
Well, we have a lot established by this second episode.

Damian is a lusty, macho guy who leads with his lance if it's a lady, and with his fists if it's a man. And the poor doofus is already in love.

And Marina is a modern take-charge woman who's going to be seduced by an inherently lovable cave man. Awwwwww.

Fulgencio is a sh#t who disrespects his wife and is all about his daughter and face-saving.

Mayuya hates Estercita, with reason. Estercita is an over-privileged drip.

Hernan is a creepy, stalker bad guy involved in white slavery. And obsessed with Marina.

Mercedes has been used and abused but has triumphed. And of course we're hoping that her other daughter, presumably used and abused will make it too.


Degrees of Hotness (but not the Inferno kind)
The kiss-in-the-cave scene was visually surrealistic, what with that spotlight shining down, etc. I was half expecting Damian to sprout a beard, reach up to the sky, and receive the ten commandments on tablets from the heavens above. [Doris]
Does the Patio think there is chemistry between Marina and Damian? [Doris]
Doris, the patio feels William Levy could have chemistry with a wall. [Cap’n]


Red Pants in the Sunset
Hernán's red skinny pants were most unfortunate. They are alas unfortunate on anyone who wears them, man, woman or child. Proof positve, if we needed it, that he will NEVER GET Marina. Ever. [JudyB]

When I saw the red pants I thought Peter Frampton!! Yes, because once when I saw PF live he wore bright red pants and it scarred my eyes for life. [Cap’n]

Wish I had seen Hernan’s red pants. Gah. Mejia has a good sense of humor. Or the absurd. [Doris]

JudyB, excellent point about the red pants. They are not a chick magnet. Period. [Cap’n]

Hey! I thought Hernan rocked those red pants. Is it me or does he (the actor) look smaller than he did in LaReinaDelSur? He seems shorter/thinner. [Eli]

I too liked Hernan’s red pants on It’s... so Italian/Euro looking; he's got the slim build for it. [Shallowgal]

Eli, it's The Pants!!! [Cap’n]

Yes! The red pants! (Just like Roy el Rollero's in Amores Verdaderos!). Villains wear silly pants and heroes get to wear tight sexy jeans. It's the rule. BTW, did anyone else notice the baggy-bottomed yellowish pants Hernán Haskell wore the other day? It ain't easy being mean. [NovelaMaven]
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Saturday, October 05, 2013

CI: #104: An Episode of Repetitive Conversations and a Splash of Bravado from Octavio!

I do not like JA 3.0 4.0 (oh heck I have lost count on how many personality transplants he has had with each episode). He is convincing MC to not invite the dirty poor children she has invited onto her lands. They have the same old argument they seemed to be having these past few episodes. JA thinks she is absurd to invite them (JA you did grow up in the same neighborhood, no? Why the snobbery)?  MA does not care about their appearances, they may be dirty rascals on the outside but they are pure and beautiful on the inside. She has not forgetten where she came from….blah blah blah. In the end Santa convinces her not to invite the children since it is late and to celebrate the following morning. She agrees but is sad that Oblivio has not showed up. Everyone has sad faces and seems more like mourning than a celebration.  MC doesn’t help with a depressing dialogue of how hurt she is and how hard life has been on her. (Easy solution: forget your vengeance, show Lupita lots of love and raise her so that she wont live the same way you did, concentrate on strengthening the empire you own because too many people are worrying about your finances, and ward off any evil people around you (like JA)).  

Simona annoying waits around for Oblivio since now that she is married she has nothing better to do with her time.  When he arrives, he feigns a headache and rebuffs her more by wanting to rest in the guest rooms. Miguel looks disapprovingly in the background while Simona is obviously worried. When Oblivio is alone, he is frustrated that he cannot go to his daughter’s baptism (I am not sure what the problem is here….I confess again to missing a few episodes but what is stopping him but himself? Tell SImona you have a daughter, you need to be as present as you can in her life, and like it or not he will be always be somewhat linked to MC so take it or leave!) But alas my rants are too sensible for Oblivio to understand.  

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PEAM #149- 10/4/13: I'm From Missouri, Show Me! or Indecent Proposal Avon Style!

Hola, Peam Peeps! This recap will not be in order, por supuesto! I like to kerfuffle nah, not that, the recap just flows better. It is hotter than two chickens in the oven today, and I am so very lazy. 

We have the old news of Panfilo's eye operation, Chatita is now with him and I swear, his eye patch is see through. Why couldn't they have given him a cool pirate one? Arrggghh!! The one he has on, looks like what the Governator in El Zorro, El Espada y La Rosa wore! Anyhoo, they declare they still luuuurrrvvvve each other and Susana is now history for our AARP Babe Magnet.

Xochi doesn't want to hold that little robot baby. She isn't into it, so to speak. She is not Mama material in other words. Ferny loves the little Fernadito, and is taking good care of him. When she explains to the Secretaria's it's a robot baby they are que, que, what? Later, Jessy holds the baby and she is quite good with him also. Loved Ferny changing the diaper. Anyhoo, later Xochi is getting in bed, and is bothered cause Ferny is still canoodling with the robot baby. They argue a tad, Xochi so doesn't want a baby right now, it's a bother, and the baby starts crying. Who knew robot baby's could pick up on Mommy and Daddy not being cool with each other? The long and short of it is, Xochi wants some shut eye, Ferny has to care for the baby on his own. He is quite good at it, and looks like he really loves this baby.

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La Tempestad, cap. 50, Friday, October 4: Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da, Life goes on, bra

Madre Eusebia has gone to the light, as Mercedes reminds us.  It is clear that her shocking departure from this earthly plane will have repercussions for those she left behind (whether they know it or not).  There is a carpe diem vibe in the air.  Seize the day.

Hernán? He's unconcerned about the death of an old woman.  He has his own problems.  He's irritated at Ernesto's peremptory summons to the fortress in Mexico.  He obeys but with reluctance:
Ya me estás cansando, don Ernesto, ya me estás cansando.
(Now I'm really getting tired of you, don E.  Literally: You are tiring me.)

Ursula Horribilis?  Bereavement is an excuse to get close to Damián.

The others -- the crew, the townspeople, the Guacamaya folks, Mercedes -- really do extend their comfort and support to DamBereft.   

Murderous Fulgencio is there too, of course.  Mercedes catches his eye and shoots him a look of pure loathing.

In the end, Dam takes Marina's hand as each stands on either side of Eusebia's grave.  The theme song swells.  And we know that Hernán is yesterday's sushi.
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