Friday, August 22, 2014

TELEMUNDO - Reina - The Wisdom of the Dragon - Weeks 1-6

For Reina and Dragon Fans

Week One – Jul 7
Subtitled: I Am Not Making This Up

Always take your dragon to work.

Always “borrow” a Yellow Miata rather than a black SUV when following a pretty girl.

When the object of your interest tells you she is a virgin, tell her you’ll take care of her (this has the advantage of being appropriately vague). Proceed as human nature dictates.

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #163: 8/21/14: She's Come Undone

Hola Amiguis! This is my last full recap for Pobres. I didn't take many notes, so if I got something wrong just let me know. Take a listen to this little earworm as you read the recap. She's Come Undone!  Shall we begin?

I am skipping the old and getting right to the new.

At El Editoral Vilma calls Ahole. She still wants out of the joint. He tells her to be patient that he'll be the President soon and then he'll get her out. Vilma is googly eyed and beleives the lying liar that lies. Sucks to be Vilma.

Carm and Guendy are having a chat. Once Guendy marries Nepo she will be moving into his abode and Carm says no worries, she is still going to be living at Guendy's. Carm has to go now, but will talk to her more this evening.
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Hasta El Fin del Mundo #4: 8/21/14: It's All About the Price Tag and The Bling Bling!

Hola Amiguis! This recap will be short and sweet. I have a wee little earworm I've been wanting to use and now I can! Take a listen as you read the recap, I Can't Drive  I am skipping the old and commencing with the new. Shall we begin?

Alexa is in the back of that Mercedes, sniffling about Papa's car, cause I guess when they went to the funeral this was the car used. Armando, ever the gentleman, asks her if she is okay cause he didn't know about the car. She just wants to go home. Armando tells Alexa he just loves this car, her Papa must have been great. Alexa asks if Armando is a chofer. Nopis, he's a mechanic and explains the racing circuit. She knows all about it she says. She went to races in Monaco.

While Greta is giving Miguelina hell, Fausto in the back is giving Lucas hell. Fausto has dealt with little ruffians like him before, grabs him by the scruff of his neck and throws him out. Kudos to Fausto!
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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Hashtag#: No, It’s The Other Woman!

Cap #24

We’ll skip the old and jump to the new…… as Fanny takes another ride on the wild side, literally, and is introduced to the scary world of public transportation.  She and Leon go to school together on THE BUS.  

Meanwhile, Ana, still troubled by Don Fernando’s giving her the cold shoulder, tries to weasel the reason out from Nando.  He refuses to betray his father’s trust.  Ana has another Tinker Bell moment in which I believe she’s telling herself it isn’t her fault that ol’ Don Hielo has made a sudden reappearance.

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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #161, 8/21/2014

De que el campamento fué un desastre, fué un desastre

A Tale of Three Campsites

Campsite #1: Luz & El
El and Luz continue to search for the Garcias, while El rehearses the many different ways he can tell Carmen that he loves her. He’s pleased to learn that Carmen has not yet been told about his work transfer. Unfortunately, neither Luz nor Lupita realized just how large the comet viewing area is, and the lack of cell phone service means that they are unable to coordinate to meet up.

El uses old fashioned tracking skills to find them. He sees the smoke from their lunch camp fire in the distance, but when he and Luz arrive at the site, the Garcias have already moved on an hour ago, by El’s estimates. With night falling, El decides to call it a day and set up camp for the night. Luz is disappointed, but mother and son end up bonding and reminiscing, and the woman El says I love you to that night is his mama Luz. As they snuggle down in their sleeping bags for the night, they hear the faint sounds of a cumbia beat floating through the air. El smiles.

Campsite #2: The Garcias & Company
Paolo’s mini green car is so loaded down with camping gear that it’s not a surprise when a tire blows out. Since the Garcias always take lemons and make lemonade, Carmen decides it’s the perfect time to fire up the grill and make lunch, play some soccer, and chillax. The Gracias even convince Irene to stay, with the promise that she can borrow some clothes from Abdul to suit her boyish (caballona) figure.

The Mushroom does his best to avoid having fun. And there are plenty of reasons for him to frown. 1) An errant soccer ball knocks over the lunch camp fire, topples the food to the ground, and starts a large blaze. The Gracias put it out and keep on moving to the final camp site. 2) A flare (sent up by El in an effort to alert the Garcias to their location) falls out of the sky and right onto Abdul’s tent, setting it ablaze. The Garcias decide to all pile into Irene’s giant tent, leaving Mushroom all alone in his tent. 3) The sky is too cloudy for the comet to be seen. The Garcias decide to dance cumbia around the camp fire instead. 4) The sky opens up and starts pouring rain. The Garcia’s snuggle up and keep each other warm in their tent, while Mushroom freezes in his. Carmen allows him to share their tent, as long as he stays as far away from her as possible! The Mushroom sulks.  

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo Recap #3-The Dress, The Dame(s), and The Discord that Detained Chava from Unemployment.

My computer keeps crash dumping so I will type this at school and have it read around 12:00 and 1:00.


Sofia and Chava

Sofia lets Chava know he begins immediately and he is happy to oblige. Greta intervenes and says she has not finished interviewing him but Sofia insists he is OK and lays down the rules; no high velocity or victory cries since they're informal. He tones it down and they head out. Greta dislikes Chava since he's- Fausto interrupts and says Attractive, Sympathetic and of a Enchanting Smile. Greta says he is ordinary. Fausto suggests she has some chocolate Miguelina prepared since it will change her mind; Greta is up for the chocolate but her mind won't be changed.

Patricio's Cockamamie Scheme

In an alleyway of sorts are various thugs and a familiar face who comes out of a car; it's Patricio who has come to let them know what's up with the plan; They will track Sofia, kidnap her, bring her to a room or location of sorts and then he will come with cash which I'm guessing most likely will be a ploy and lead to Pat fighting to save Sofia. Sofia is to make it out of the kidnapping COMPLETELY unscathed physically and when they're fighting the thugs aren't fight by much and avoid hurting Pat's pretty little face. They know how to get the job done. They go their separate ways (for now. OK so his plan is save Sofia from harm. There's something else fishy about this plan but IDK how to word it. I mean it's supposed to make  him look like a hero but right after they get to the rendezvous, Pat is immediately going to go in and save her? Wouldn't Sofia wonder how he knew she was in peril? Yeah that's how to word it.)

Lupe and Irma

Lupe is getting down like the old lady from Soul Train when Irma comes in to bitch about her troubles. Lupe offers to watch her son and says it would be sweet to have him around when Irma lets out the biggest bitching and yells that she came looking for advice and not be barrida y regada (IDK man, IDK. Also, From this day forward Irma will be know as IrkMe since she irks me. I'm getting a Karina from DQTQTQ vibe from her and Armando is a competent Alonso right?)

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Pobres, Wednesday night

EmiliAhole gets to infuriate Chuy by obnoxiously talking about leaving with his dad.

Mike tries to get the book of evidence from Mini. Good luck. She swears on some grim portraits of her grandfathers that she doesn't know, then proceeds to sexily pin him up against the window blinds. He amusingly struggles to escape.

Ahole himself oozes his greasy self into the Chuy house to drag off lil EmiliAhole. The little twerp reveals the phone his dad has been using to communicate with him behind mom's back. Basically, Ahole has threatened Lupita, saying if she doesn't come live with him he'll tell the judge she was neglectful. Also she understandably doesn't want the kid to be alone with his awful dad. But I say that ship has sailed. The twerp already sucks, let him rot!

Nepo has a confrontation with some young dudes I don't recognize.They make fun of Diego and he flies off the handle and must be restrained.

Mike tries to talk Lupita out of leaving with her son. He doesn't think the punk is in danger of becoming an "Alejito," but meh.

In the devil's den, EmiliAhole is delighted, Ahole makes some jabs about how great it is to see Lupita without suffering the odor of poverty.

AS is on the phone with someone, busily abusing the authority that she wangled bi forging her son's signature. Leo wanders in and rightly assumes that she's up to no good skulking in the kitchen. He tells her she should celebrate the impending arrival of her first nietuqi, but she's not buying it.

Mike tries to get into Ahole's place, and we are treated to the two of them spouting insults at each other for a bit.

Guendy and Rita gang up on Nepo about Diego and how he should accept that his kid has different dreams than his dad.

OMG NEPO COMES TO GUENDY'S ON HORSEBACK FOR A TWILIGHT MARIACHI SERENADE! it barely looks like him! She cracks up and loves it. He even gets the horse to turn prancing little circles!

Alejo teaches his son to be a jerk to the servant lady! If you don't like the food, send it back!

Nepo has a nice moment with his son. He apologizes and says he just wants to support and protect him. Meh, ok!

Alejo is reminded that he only has a few more days to comply with the will. Diego calls him the best dad in the world! He is rewarded with some fatherly advice. Guendy comes for a big family hug, it's all sweet, and even the fruit-stand flunky squeezes into the hug!

Mike visits Vilma in jail. He makes a good point - who are you protecting, Vilma? Alejo left you to rot! Tell me where that booklet is. She gives him a super lame hint - It's where no one would ever suspect!

Once they're alone together, Alejo wastes no time reminding Lupita of their nights of passion and gets a little handsy! He grabs her and gets super gross. She literally kicks him to the curb. She grabs him by the hair and beats him up. EmiliAhole walks in, sees it, and gives her a high five! Hah! He's excellently injured, and she celebrates when Alejo limps around the corner.

Minerva's mom signs over her shares to... Saul? She insists that the money is hers and hers alone!

Despite the beating he suffered, he manages to drag Lupita and the kid to a dinner with the board of executives dudes to show them off! The board is impressed, but reminds them that all three need to be present for the official meeting (about the clause).

Frida goes on a date with Tizoc. He tells her he loves her a ton and they dance. Whelp, guess he's been rehabilitated.

Mike tells Lupita what he learned about the location of the booklet. Surprisingly, she finds the thing under Ahole's bed! The cliffhanger, duh, is that he walks in and finds her in his bedroom acting suspiciously!

See y'all later, it's been fun!


Mi corazon es Tuyo, #23, 20 Aug 2014...Fernando commits the # 1 IDIOT MOVE of a man in his middle age crisis EVA!!! Bruno gets some truth serum under coaching from Ana and Nico

Refrito: Fer tells Nando what he feels for IsaSkank and they talk about Ana… exceptional… a bit different from Isa or big Fanny, but Ana gave Fer back the will to live… up until the moment he learned he was going to be a daddy… Ana is a wonderful angel who changed his existence.

At Lasc mansion, Ana introduces herself and the kids… Manuela almost messes up the whole plan… twice. They tell grannie that the painting is a cousin of Manuela’s… Ana says the story is long.

Lo Nuevo:

Nando asks Fer what he will do… no idea… no, that is not true. Have to do what is correct, the straight, ethical, perfect thing to do… you have to be aware of the consequences (of what you do). Nando reminds him of a variable that turns everything incorrect, imperfect… love.  (now, who is the grown up and who is the teenager here?  Sadly, it seems the melting process melted the brain cells in Don Hielo's head!!)

Back to Lasc manor… Luz tells grannie she wants to be like her mom (points to the painting) who is in heaven… everyone skips a beat… Manuela tries to fix things, but overdoes it a bit. Manuela tells grannie she is chef as a career, a very famous fine chef.

Back to Malinalco. Nando is talking about Ximena and how she used him, and what he felt… Fer says you are right when you say love is the variable that turns the world upside down… Nando tells Fer that Ximena apologized and then kissed him… and he admits it was his FIRST kiss… what did you do next? … kick her out… but have to say it was…. It was GREAT!... (Fer remembers his first kiss with Ana and smiles)

At Lasc manor… Nico reminds Ana what we are doing is for Bruno… but… it is wrong… Ana agrees that one should not fake who you are not…. Least of all in front of someone you love. Nico says he hurts to see that someone is so uncomfortable with themselves that they have to lie to their mom.

At dinner table, Bruno a.k.a. the man of the house and Manuela are talking to grannie. Grannie loves seeing them in love… (grannie has a name! its Ofelia!) Manuela keeps whispering bedmanners promises to Bruno and pinching him… LOL!

Luz questions to Ana why they are lying to grannie… Ana says there are some lies that are white lies, to not hurt others like in this case Bruno’s mom. Lichita turns it on Ana about the lie denying the kiss between Ana and Fer.. Lichita tells Ana to admit it… Ana keeps talking about brushing Luz’s hair.

At Malinalco… Fer asks Nando what about Briana, Alicia’s friend? She is a bit young… and he still is thinking of Ximena. Honestly, he loves Ximena. But he can’t date her after what she did to him. He likes Ximena and she likes him… but that’s where it stops. They laugh that it seems they are living parallel stories. ‘de tal palo tal astilla’ (the apple does not fall far from the tree)… Fer repeats to Nando he loves him very much… Nando says me too… and thank you so much for this moment… (embrace, kiss)
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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #160 Wednesday 8/20/14

De Que me importa un rábano, me importa un rábano

Disagree with me if you will, but nothing happened.

They all got ready to go camping. The end.

But if I must, here's a rápido recap.

Paul sees an internet article about a comet.

Brat whines about working.

Lupita imagines Carmen's rage if she found out Lupita lied and told El that Carmen was with Paul.

El wonders  how to get Carmen back. He rehearses "te amo."

Rod is taken from his cell for an evaluation. He stinks. They're taking him to the showers.

Paul interrupts a family B!tch about Brat fest with his telescope. Somehow a huge camping trip is planned.

Al talks to Rod. Rod tries to play crazy.

Lupita is pithed about the trip and doesn't want to go.

Rod asks Al about Brat and makes a lewd comment about her coming for a conjugal visit.

Lupita tells her mom about the lie she told El (that Paul and Carmen were an item.) Carmen is not moved. She doesn't want to be with a man who doesn't trust her.

El and Al talk about the evaluation. El just wants Rod in jail for a long time.

Rod calls Brat from jail and tells her she'll be back in jail with him soon.

Diego and Simona are still trying to decide on a location. He sees the internet article about the stupid comet.

Camping plans. Camping plans. Irene had a successful meeting with a boutique with locations all over Mexico. Camping plans. Paolo and Mara talk about *whispers in ear* en pleno bosque (in the middle of the forest?) Camping plans. Paul b!tches about the family cramping his peaceful comet watching style and turning it into a pachanga. Hell, they'll probably bring cumbia music. Carmen reminds Lupita to pack the Cumbia CDs and tells her she can't tell El where they are going. More camping plans. Irene and Nat shop for too much camping gear.

Rod provokes Al.

Lupita fibs about dead camera batteries so Carmen has to leave. She runs to Luz.

Diego shops for camping supplies.

Lupita and Luz cook up a plan in which Luz will ask El to take her to see the comet.

Al wants to be objective. He really doesn't think Rod is crazy. He calls Paul for a consult. They meet. Paul thinks Rod is completely responsible for his actions. Let him rot (I took some liberties with that line.) Meanwhile, Rod hopes everyone has believed his crazy act.

Luz call El and tells him about wanting to go camping and see the comet. He's on to her. He knows something's up. He goes investigating and sees the boys with all the camp gear. He figures it's a perfect place to confess his love to Carmen.

Simona packs and since Diego didn't think he should give her any hints everything she packs is kind of inappropriate.

Everyone ignores Brat.

Al reports his findings to Vicente. Vicente is saddened by the news that Rod will have to serve a sentence in jail, but agrees it's what Rod deserves.

Everyone finally gets on the road (Paolo's car looks like it belongs to the Joads.) El trained in Israel?? Qué? Simona is still asking where they are going. She doesn't seem to happy when she gets there.

Paolo gets a flat. Carmen wants to relax and fix some food and enjoy. Paul is miffed. Lupita panics. How is she going to alert Luz where they are?? There's no cell phone coverage.

Luz is with El wondering how she'll find out where the others are. El mentally rehearses "te amo." Luz lets it slip that Carmen still doesn't know about El's plans to move to Mérida. El thinks that's great. He can let her think she's losing him, THEN spring the "te amo" on her.

Simona has allergies.

I didn't pay attention.


La Gata...coming soon...DQTQTQ team, phone home!

If you are on the DQ blogging team and want to stay on for La Gata, please write Blog Mom at and let her know.  Anybody else who's interested, also send her an email.

Here's what Univision has to say in their very own English about the upcoming La Gata, the replacement for De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero...

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Babies ruin EVERYTHING Mi Corazon Es Tuyo #22 08/19/2014

Hi friends, Time Warner is screwing with me again so I had no chance to watch the episode until this morning, it's gonna be a quick one!

Let us start where we left off yesterday, Ana and Fernando are kissing and are seen by Luz, who thinks this is major, major news and she runs to wake up the rest of the kids, man if someone woke me for that I'd be a very unhappy camper!

The kids come down to the living room and begin to question Ana and Fernando, were they kissing? Ana and Fer, deny, deny,deny, which is kind of horrible because they are calling little Luz a liar, the younger kids get sent up to bed and only Fanny, Nando, and Alicia remain, they ask their dad if he was kissing Ana and he maintains that they did not kiss but the kids are not buying it.
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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #2 : 8/19/14: The Good, The Bad, The Badder and the Ugly

Recap by Cynderella

Uptown:  Patrick awaits Sophia’s answer to his marriage proposal.  Before she speaks, Greta, her mother, tells her that people don't have to get married.  It's now acceptable to live in sin.

Downtown:   Somewhere in the ghetto, as usual, the poor people are dancing.  Who can blame them?  Anyways, it’s Marisol’s 18th birthday party and she doesn't seem too happy about the guest list.  Her mother invited all of the geriatric people in the neighborhood.  Mom tries to cheer her up by giving her a present, but that doesn’t do the job either.  She wants Chava!  Suddenly, a horn blares and the crowd roars!  Chava strolls in singing, accompanied by more old people playing instruments and wearing white mariachi suits.  Oh joy!  Nothing says PAR-TAY to an 18 year old like her middle-aged brother serenading her along with mariachis who are old enough to be her grandfather.    Marisol and the crowd join in the singing and Chava wraps it up.  A few more people give her gifts.  Matias, the guy with the soul patch gives her a huge teddy bear and encourages everyone to have a good time!  He announces that Chava and Armando are
 unemployed.  Well, the party is over.  He's bummed the poor people out and that's not hard to do.  Later, Chava and his mother discuss how the neighborhood business owners have been selling their shops.  Tulio, his boss was got an offer he couldn't refuse.
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La Gata-Index

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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos Tuesday August 19: Alejo takes Lupita to court

Our internet is out, I wrote this on my lap top and sent it to my phone by Bluetooth

I liked.. seeing Tizoc telling Ana Sofia again: "We'll love our baby a ton. My dad raised three kids much happier than yours who grew up in a palace of money."

Because Alejo needs to prove he didn't force Lupita to marry him, he has his stooge lawyers draw up an accusation against her: that she has abandoned the conjugal home.

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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #159 - Tues 8/19

De que Karina obtiene un ganador, HOTscar es un ganador 

El consults with little Al about Rod.  Is Rod crazy or just playing?  El does not want Rod to get away with murder so to prove Rod is not crazy Al may have to do the psych evaluation.  The judge lets Brat go on bail and El calls Paul to let him know.
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La Malquerida Starts August 25th. Pobres Recappers Phone Home..........

We have a new TN starting on August 25th, this coming Monday, that will be replacing Que Pobres Tan Ricos, entitled La Malquerida. If you would like to recap this TN, please email our Blog Mom at or me at  I am going to give you some background on this TN first and then a brief synopsis with pictures of the cast. Shall we begin?

La Malquerida is based on a play and not the usual remake after remake of a previously done TN. This TN is based on a book of the same name as the TN by the Spanish Author Jacinto Benavente. He was a Nobel Prize Winner for Literature. The book was published in 1913. There were two movies based on this play. The first was an American Silent Film, entitled "Passion Flower" and was released in 1921. It starred Norma Talmadge and Courtenay Foote. The second movie was a Mexican Production, released in 1949, entitled La Malquerida and it starred Dolores del Rio and Pedro Armendariz. The Producer of this TN, Jose Alberto Castro has stated that he based this TN on the book alone and not the movies.  Now on to the synopsis. This will be a barebones synopsis so as to avoid spoilers.

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo - #1 - 8/18/14 Well, this is just.... Awkward

The Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez is abuzz with activity. Rows of gleaming semi trucks arrive with their cargo. Race cars are unloaded from the trailers. Mechanics go to work wielding wrenches, jacks, gauges and polishing cloths. 

Race car number 86 moves down the pit lane and onto the track. The roar of the engines gets louder, the tires squeal in a fight between pavement and centrifugal force. The drivers shift gears, the heat from the track rises. We can almost smell fuel and burning rubber as the cars scream by. Chava Cruz presses in the clutch and shifts gears, then accelerates. His pit crew cheers him on. "Faster! Make them eat your dust!" Chava's mind and body coordination becomes almost a dance: clutch, shift, gas pedal, turn. Again and again. Chava speeds under the checkered flag. At trackside his pit crew checks the stopwatch and cheers. Chava pulls into the pit and stops. He removes the steering wheel, lets down the window netting and climbs from the car. He greets Armando, "You're the best mechanic! We're going to win BIG!"

Large disks of chocolate move down a conveyor belt in a dance of their own. Workers in white coats wrap the disks in paper and put them in yellow boxes. Wait... those disks look familiar. Is that Abulita? Yes! I have some of that in my pantry! (We're getting our product placement out of the way in the first five minutes. Thank you Nestle'.) Another worker calls to Sofia who's been inspecting the production line. "Maestro Coria is waiting for you to taste the new product." Sofia makes her way toward him. "Let's go Matias." She praises the workers, "Good work, girls!" and follows him off the production floor.
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #158 - Mon 8/18

De que muchas corazones se están rompiendo, se están rompiendo

Simona asks Diego what Nat was talking about in the office. Diego explains that Rodrigo did a lot of stuff to break them up, but it doesn't matter, it's over, and he's ready to move on.

Alonso goes over the hospital to ask Oscar, aka HOTscar what his intentions are toward Karina.  Reminder, Alonso…you're the baby daddy, not Karina's daddy.

Paul wants Carmen to be more supportive of Brigitte, but Carmen is just tapped out of compassion.  El leaves Paul and Carmen to talk.  Paul's surprised about Brigitte as well, but he doesn't want to just leave her to her fate.  Carmen doesn't think she can handle it and Paul pats her ineffectually until she cries on his shoulder.  He looks uncomfortable.

HOTscar tells Alonso he felt sorry for her, because she was so alone, and then started calling her.  He apologizes for thinking Karina was "alone" since Alonso's presence proves she's not.

Paul goes out to tell El that Carmen doesn't want to talk to Brigitte.  El understands her heartbreak, having watched the way Carmen raised all the kids.  He asks Paul to help Carmen as much as he can.  Paul wants to see Brigitte…

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Qué Pobres, Lunes 8/18/14 (#160): «Permesso»

Not a whole lot of laughs this evening, but the best moment for me was when Tizoc said "Permesso" to AS.

Saul hitting on Rita; Trofeo spiking AS's coffee; Leo and Diego (who, I notice, is now leaving his shirt unbuttoned like Leo does); Ahole lies to Emiliano about making peace with Mati.

Isela insinuates to Mini that she's got something on Ahole.

New stuff:

Ahole tells Lupe that she can have her divorce, and sole custody of Emi, just as soon as he's reinstated as president of the Editorial. Lupe points out that this was their original deal and he reneged, so why should she believe him this time? He gets angry, recalling that Mati spoiled it the last time by showing up safe and sound. Then he recovers and remembers that he's supposed to be sad that Mati is dead.

Frida chats with Emi. She tells him that Mati is in heaven with her husband and her sons and Emi's grandmother Marce too. Emi tells Frida she'll be a great mom someday!

Isela and Minerva attend the wake. Mini is wearing a super-sexy dress; MA has to peel her off of him. Isela taunts AS about their rivalry to become president of the foundation. Three sheets to the wind and counting, AS calls Isela a rude bleeped name several times. (The Spanish captions don't say what it is; the English captions say "hag.")

Nepo arrives with a band to serenade Mati personally. (Is that really him singing? They should have had him sing much earlier.) Irked by Ahole's histrionics, Leo pulls him off of Mati's coffin so that he can sob on it himself. Ahole protests the "vulgar" music, not realizing (until MA informs him) that Mati loved this kind of music. Frida adds that this is what Mati would have wanted for her farewell party. Ahole dramatically pulls Leo off the coffin to resume his own loud outburst.

Saul corners Rita. He flirts with her; she tries to keep up with trite conversation. Gwendy watches, stunned, as Saul trots out all of his best moves at his best friend's grandmother's funeral.

In front of the former members of the board-of-zombies, MA tells Ahole, "not long ago, Mati said that Aureliano wanted to surprise us a few more times with new lessons to learn." Ahole replies, "how dare you mention the clause at our grandmother's funeral!" "Excuse me, but I didn't mention the clause. YOU mentioned the clause!"

MA thanks the zombies for attending and says the burial tomorrow is family-only. Ahole puts on a show for don Tulio et al. He tells MA he won't be at the burial. He can't take it. MA says that's no problem, because Mati wanted Ahole to take care of the divorce tomorrow anyway, so why not respect her last wish and stay away from the Menchacas forever?
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Monday, August 18, 2014

Mi Corazón es Tuyo Lunes 8/18/14 #21

Capitulo 21: Call of the Mild, the Wild, and the Child

Zoológico de Zacango: Big family day at the zoo. León and the kids are having a good time looking at the animals. Ana is wearing I Dream of Jeannie Hair as Fernando decides it's time to channel Major Nelson and kiss his magical lady.
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