Thursday, November 27, 2014

La Gata #62 - Wed 11/26 - La Indiscreción

A lot of what happened at Esme's bedside in the early part of the episode was pretty irrelevant, so it's going to get combined, condensed, etc.  In contrast, some of our supporting cast were using interesting vocabulary and idioms tonight, and making some important revelations, so they're going to get more coverage than they might usually warrant, though still, I opted to combine scenes instead of cutting back and forth.

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Mi Corazon es Tuyo #92 Hankie-worthy ... Still can't tell if Diego wants Heaven to wait or not... And the news of Diego's accident spreads... and Ana and Fernando open their hearts and cry with each other


We left Fernando and Ana riding the ambulance with Diego, who had flat-lined and the paramedics were trying to revive him.

Lo Nuevo:

Alicia goes into the ladies room at a café to prepare (makeup, boob stuff) to meet Pablo.

At hospital Jenny tells Doctor that Nico has been anxious because he has been having a ‘bad gut feeling’.

At the cafetin Alicia asks for a strawberry shake. The waiter tells Alicia that she dropped one of her boob fillers.

Fanny, Edith and Natalia arrive to the hospital to ask for Diego. Nando arrives right away. The ambulance has not arrived (still in traffic?) … they all are worried they all got there before the ambulance.

In the ambulance Fernando continues praying, his hands are all bloody. He worries what he will tell Nico. Ana is begging Diego to please not leave them. She cries while Fernando kneels by Diego’s head. Ana comes and leans on Fernando, crying hard.

At Isa’s, Ino-Doro leaves, he has to go visit other tenants. YoMama calls him Pancho Villa and asks for his phone number. He gives her a business card, not being shy about showing her his wallet full of money. They flirt with each other… When Ino-Doro is gone, YoMama tells cupid he finally did her justice

At hospital, Natalia is really upset, tells Fanny that the men she has fallen for have died in her arms or at her care… Fanny tries to encourage her ‘everything will be alright’. Nando and Edith talk… Nando tells her he wants Ana with Fernando but he really loves his uncle Diego too, and appreciates Diego’s advice. Edith hugs him in support.

Isa returns home, rings bell and YoMama nags about having to open the door to her. Yomama says we need groceries… Isa wants HER to go to the super. Isa says ‘I got all this, you are just my gopher/second’. Meaning you are a parasite… living off another… and in this case, Me.(Isa). YoMama cuts Isa off and says go ahead and be hungry. Soon I will have someone to support me, so there!

Pablo is standing behind Alicia… does not want her to see him until he talks to her. He says she is different than the picture but she looks better in real life. Fanny turns around and is disappointed at seeing him. She nags at him that he does not look like the picture. No muscles and much younger than she thought. She is upset enough she wants to leave. He begs her not to go. She drops her bag when she gets up mad and he sees her school emblem on her sweater so he starts laughing at her trying to simulate she was 18 when this school only has elementary and secondary school. So she can barely be 15.
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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #71 20141125 Nothing Happened and We Learned Nothing! So Why Didn't Someone Remove His Shirt?


Armando's Hell Home
Irma tells Armando that she will kill herself if he takes Nandito away from her.  Armando caves; he won't take him.  Nandito asks Armando to look after his mother tonight.  Armando agrees, but warns Irma not to get any ideas.  Armando takes Nandito to school. 

Later, over coffee, Irma grills Araceli about the neighborhood watch meeting.  Irma asks Araceli not to tell anyone about her suicide attempt. 

Casa de Red Cruz
At the Cruz residence, Lupe watches as Javier gobbles down his grub.  Javier mistakes Lupe's arm for a piece of bacon and nibbles on it in between sips of coffee.  He takes co-credit for them raising their children well.  They did something right when they had those kids.  He suggests that they get back together because she still loves him.  Lupe immediately gets up and walks out of kitchen. 

Lupe visits Paco at his store and tells him that is coldness is hurting her.  Paco reminds her that she's a married woman and her husband is living in her home.  She tells him that Araceli is working on her divorce.  Paco doesn't care.  He just wants to know the date and time that Javier will get to steppin'.  Read more »


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

La Malquerida #66, 11/25/14

Mexico Episode #72

Discussion page. See Diana's post in the comments!


Mi corazon es tuyo #91 Is this the last we see of Diego?? At his experiencia religiosa, will Diego say 'heaven can wait' or become an angel?


Fernando tells Ana he spoke to Diego but could not reconcile with him. Ana keeps hoping they will be able to forgive each other soon. Fernando tells her Diego is in bad shape, has been drinking for several days now. Looks real bad. Seems he is on auto-destruct mode.

Lo Nuevo:

Isa still at Freeky’s. Isa seems to want to rekindle the flame she once had with Freeky. He agrees she is very attractive, but she turns it on him and says from here on out, we are only related by business.

Laura rings Freeky’s bell. He won’t let her in, sends her away ‘non-ya-bidness’ who I’m with. Laura breaks down and cries in hallway ‘what have you done, Laura??’ Natalia sees her but Laura denies needing help.

At Lasc kitchen, Johnny and Bruno are having a good time, Johnny swears he is the best cook now. Even puts on a ‘show’ for Bruno. He tries to show how to crack an egg without making a mess. Bruno laughs hard (feet up in the air) when he fails and Bruno starts telling jokes. FF>>

At Diego’s, Natalia comes in the apt. Diego gets mad at her because she threw away his booze. He takes the keys and runs out.

Ana is calling Diego’s cel, but he won’t answer. Fernando says he and Diego have always parted ways but this time its gone too far. He won’t let Ana feel guilty. Both he and Diego have made mistakes. Fer tells Ana what Diego said, that if Fer wanted Diego to forgive him, he would have to walk away from Ana. But Fer would not. Ana says they (Fer and Diego) are both men with great values/virtues, 'but the only difference here is that I… '
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La Gata #61 11/25/14 La Paralítica

I missed the first little bit and the house was kind of chaotic with dogs and visitors, so I'm going to throw some bullets up and watch on hulu tomorrow and put more details in then.

  • I tuned in right as Ines, Garabato and the gang had made their escape. 
  • La Gata is paralyzed and wearing odd headgear with two lemons for each ear. The doctor says there is a possibility of surgery, but it's risky. If I had taken a drink every time someone said "paralítica" I would be sloshed.
  • Everyone visited Esme.
  • Lowrenza is growing a heart and very much wants to be a part of her nieto's lives. Augie is not sold on the idea.
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La Gata #60 11/24/14 Brain damage!

Is that proof that Esmeralda and Pablo had brains? Who knew. Anyhoo, let me get to it.

My beloved Mariano comes upon the accident scene, he had a bad feeling that something was wrong with the two love birds, when he realizes that Esmeralda and his brother have been injured he cries out in anguish (someone give me some tissues!).

At Casa De Venganza everyone is worried about Esmeralda, they all expected her to be home hours ago and they can't find her, Jarocha suggests that maybe she and Pablo decided to run away and marry in secret, Fernando says Esmeralda would not do that. They then get the call that tells them about the accident, Fernando leaves to the hospital and Fela and Virgina stay behind, I really wish that they would stop treating these two like helpless children, they are grown women, treat them as such! Fernando promises to call them with updates.

Lorenza has a heart-allegedly 

Lorenza and Agustin argue, she tells him that she will be going to the wedding, she might not like Esmeralda but she loves her son and she will give him her full support, Agustin is dead set against this but she reminds him "if you can't beat the enemy, join him".

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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #70 11/24/14 Some Have Dreams, Others Have Nightmares

From Friday:
Fausto tells Greta that she valued her prejudices more than love.
Paco wants to talk to Greta and find out the truth about Sofia.
The doctor says that it's clear from the number of pills Irma took, she was trying to commit suicide.
Armie leaves the hospital room to find out if Irma will have to stay or will be able to go home. Irma vows that she'll force Armie to stay with her.
I lied about the kid for years then tried to kill myself,
now I gotta think of something really crazy.
Monday's Episode:
Marisol shows Lupe' the check she got from Sofia. It's a lot of money but she'll pay it back eventually. Lupe warns Marisol not to waste her money on Javier because he'll never pay her back. Marisol accuses Lupe' of not taking care of Javier.
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La Malquerida, capitulo 65. 11/24/14

Skipping the old....

Rubio comes in and to turn in an accounting report and JC asks him to take a seat. He asks if he received a letter from Ulises intended for Acacia. He wants it.

Acacia can't believe Cris is asking her if there is another woman in Esteban's life. If I knew something like that, don't you think I would have said something? Cris apologizes for asking such a question. Ever since Esteban left, she has all these horrible thoughts in her head. Acacia advises her to speak with Esteban to clarify things especially now that you are going to have his child. Cris doesn't agree. Children are not a magically solution when it comes to marital problems. She just feels that there is another woman and needs to know. Acacia thinks perhaps he might have had a passing fancy but it can't be serious. But who asks Cris. Acacia tells her to calm down and think of the baby. Cris agrees and knows no matter what happens, this child will be loved by many.

What letter asks Rubio. JC again says Ulises sent a letter but Rubio says no one came with a letter. JC keeps grilling him but Rubio swears nothing ever came. JC suspects Ulises lied. Rubio promises to questions all the ranch hands in the morning.

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Monday, November 24, 2014

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 11/24/14 ♥ #90 ♥

Capitulo 90: Don Juan in Hell

La Costeña: Hissabela complained to Enrique that the apartment Fernando gave her is smaller than a horse stall. He said he didn't believe her and told her to calm down because this wasn't good for the baby.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE - Señora Acero, Los Miserables, etc -- week of November 24, 2014.

Here is your page for recaps of and comments on Telemundo novelas present and future. Have a great Da de Acción de Gracias everyone!i

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Reina de Corazones, Project Chapter a Day -- week of November 24, 2014.

 Hola Reinamaniacs!
We are trying a slightly different approach to recapping our beloved novela that Telemundo has trashed. Since two-fers, much less three-fers are horrible to recap and too much to take in,  as of Thursday, November 13, we started telling the story one Mexican episode at a time -- A Chapter a Day -- regardless of how it is broadcast in the United States.  
That means we will fall further and further behind the televised shows.  We're guessing that Telemundo will air the gran final on December 1, but we will probably finish recapping the show on December 11.

Of course, this all depends on the continued availability of the Mexican episodes.  Telemundo could get nasty and make them hard to find.  If that happens, then we are stuck with what they decide to show in this country and we'll have to regroup.

 Deb has put together this schedule for U.S.A. broadcasts of Reina.  (It is based on currently available information, but you never know what Telemundo might do.)

17-mon... 125/126
18-tue... 127/128
19-wed... 129/130
20-thu... 131/132* this was pre-empted by the President's speech
21-fri...  131/132?????? it looks like what was broadcast on Friday starts where Wed.'s episode ended so I 'm not sure what is going on. Maybe they will double up Tue and Wed's episodes that were supposed to be singles.
24-mon... 133/134??????
25-tue... 135/136???????
26-wed... 137/138??????
27-thu... Thanksgiving
28-fri... 139

01-mon... 140 (gran final)


Here is the "anti-tijeras" schedule for our CarayCaray recaps of episodes of Reina as shown in Mexico:

13-thu... 121 (posted two weeks ago)
14-fri... 122   (posted two weeks ago)

17-mon... 123 (posted last week)
18-tue... 124 (posted last week)
19-wed... 125 (posted last week)
20-thu... 126 (posted last week)
21-fri... 127 (posted last week)

24-mon... 128 (to be posted tonight)
25-tue... 129 
26-wed... 130 
27-thu... Thanksgiving
28-fri... 131

01-mon... 132
02-tue... 133 
03-wed... 134 
04-thu... 135 
05-fri... 136

08-mon... 137
09-tue... 138
10-wed... 139 
11-thu... 140 (gran final)
So try and hang in there with us and comment if you can. We'd appreciate it. Have a  great Día de Acción de Gracias everyone!!

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Quiero Amarte Highlights and Discussion (Week 10 - Nov 24)

Looking Ahead
    Let's discuss--
Whether the coffee stain will come out of Max's kelly green sweater.
Whether the stars in Amaya's and Max's eyes ever align so their lips meet again.
Whether Lucio will see through the phony doctor Lucrecia hired.
Whether there will really be a Consta-Max wedding in 15 days.
Whether Ivan will admit to himself he moved a bit too fast with Mariana.
Whether Dolores will pass her kidney stone or need surgery.
Whether Cesar comes up with a successful plan to ruin Max's Tres-en-Uno coffee project.

Note: Tres-en-Uno is a real Nescafe brand. In the U.S. it's called 3-in-1, a flavored instant coffee in single-serve packets. Nestle is getting a lot of "free" advertising in this telenovela.


Sunday, November 23, 2014

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Viernes 11/21/14 ♥ #89 ♥

Was there no program on Friday night?  If not I will delete.  If so, let's discuss.


Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #69 11/21/14 Irma Plays the Suicide Card

From Wednesday:
Paco can't get the questions out of his mind. He needs to know the truth - is Sofia his daughter?

New Stuff:
Greta visits Isadora and tells her about Sofia calling off her wedding. Greta can't understand it; Pato is the perfect man for Sofia! Isadora opens a flask and pours a shot of booze into her coffee. She tells Greta that there is only one reason why a woman calls off a wedding - because there is another man involved. Greta insists that another man can't possibly be the reason! Sofia is classier than that!

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Saturday, November 22, 2014

La Malquerida, capitulo 64. 11/21/14

Lizi proposes to German to spend some time together. Who knows perhaps this could last a lifetime. German nods his acceptance and the two share a lovely kiss.

Luisa tries to talk sense to Acacia about Ulises. She doesn't want to hear it but Luisa insists. Arturo told her Ulises never did anything shady or escaped with Nuria. Acacia doesn't think he would have told his family the truth. Luisa advises her to speak with Ulises and if she's not convinced, no harm no foul. Acacia is afraid that once speaking with Ulises he would convince her of his innocence even though everyone is accusing him of fraud. Unless you want Manuel now and don't care that Ulises rots in prison.

Memo pulls a gun on Patricio and says Danilo ordered him to die. Patricio pleads for his life.
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Friday, November 21, 2014

Hasta el Fin del Mundo Capitulo 69 when it should be 70 Today.

Chava's with Araceli when ArmieKittyEyescalls to let him know SofiBleachBlondeAlmost has canceled her wedding with UglyPat. Chava maintains composure but is evidently happy while Araceli isn't such a happy camper in the background.

Sofi and Silvie chat about Sofi being in love with Chava. Some talk morecand Sofi is reassuring Silvie that her time as a mother will come again; Silvie's expression says, "You're Darn Tootin'!" and she also says that her relationship with "that guy" is no more.

Lupe and Javier argue.


La Gata #59 11/21/14 La Mancha

I will be out of town until Friday of next week and I don't think I'll have access to Univision. If anyone can take Tuesday, it would be appreciated.

*Le Sigh*
I know I owe you all a recap, but the thought of watching Pablo, Esme and the crew talk in circles for 45 minutes leaves me nauseous.

I am also fully committed, but I  will one up Kat's grumpiness and go into full kvetch mode. As you are all mentioning in the comments, there are so many loose and forgotten ends. Hell, a list of THOSE is more entertaining than last night's swill.

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Mi corazon es tuyo, 11/21/2014, No show doesn't mean that we don't get to chat

First of all: I apologize for my lack of presence on the boards. I just started a new job that is killing me softly. It's a completely new field of work for me, one that I'm not completely sure that I even like but I absolutely have to make work; so I'm constantly exhausted and I'm behind on all my TV watching.
Having said that and since there was no show yesterday, I figured we could do something else for today's post.

How about if we take advantage of the mini-break to explore some of the moral themes of the story, some of the situations that have been discussed before, but never at length because there was always something else to comment on.
  •  Ana has no real skills, other than dancing on the pole and making bad business decisions. She has a huge heart and she loves the kids just like a mother would, but what has she really accomplished so far, except surviving?
  • Fernando decided to marry the mother of his presumed 8th child, even if there was no connection between him and the mother to be and he was in love with another woman. Is this type of situation still acceptable in 2014?
  • Nico married a much younger woman, but failed to realize that she will want to be there for him no matter what and fixing her up with another man is not OK. For better and for worse, right?
  • Diego, an adventurer at heart, decided to give up on his entire life for a woman that only feels gratitude for him. Even if he had Ana's love, would a life of domesticity be enough for him?
  • Fanny, a barely 20 year-old, who is still struggling with finding out who she is and what she wants out of life, committed to a guy with a young child to take care of. Seen from this point of view, isn't Lenin - the care-free student boy, a more appropriate match?
  • Manuela wanted to be the surrogate for her employer and she would have probably done it if not for Nico's health problems.
  • Alicia accused Fernando of not respecting her privacy; but she's 15, still living in her father's house and cyber-dating is almost never safe.
  • And the big elephant in the room, that hasn't even been addressed yet: when Fernando finds out about Ana's real job and lying to him for so many months, won't he have the right to be upset? Ana's presence in his house exposed all of his children to the likes of Doroteo (and even Johnny), so should we blame him too much when he jumps through the roof upon finding out the truth (because I believe that he will)
 If anything else pops into your heads, feel free to discuss.


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Hasta el Fin del Mundo #68 Discussion Space!

While I get the recap cookin', discuss away!


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