Friday, March 25, 2016
Weekend Discussion: Crimes of Fashion, 4th Edition 3/25/16
is so much Stürm
und Drang among the denizens of the DF upper crust that it seemed
appropriate to understand why these emotional conflicts exist. A few of
the women in the midst of this conflict might have made their lives
better – in their own minds – with better fashion choices. It
was only the sudden death of Monserrat Moret that made Nina Perez de
Montenegro the main focus of this latest edition. She is no Ann
Grenville in money matters and even now still has much to learn of
fashion in the world she hopes to stay in.
to Soledad Romero-Vargas, our fashion critic here at Vanidades,
we bring you these fashion felonies. Enjoy.
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Amor de barrio index
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Pasión y poder, Episode 111, Thursday, March 24, 2016: Okay, maybe I AM jealous!
It's been a while, hasn't it? I've just come home from an extended and rather bittersweet visit with family. We decided to drive this time, and as we made our way towards Boston, I imagined rolling down the window and shouting out to my CarayCaray friends somewhere south of our path – JudyB and Susanlynn and Diana, just to name a few. (Of course I kept my thoughts to myself. I'm not sure Mr. Maven would get it, or not entirely.)
I've now caught up with our imaginary PyP crowd I think, thanks in no small part to the fabulous recaps here (and no thanks at all to the brain trust at Univisión, which is still playing chicken with my television provider, ATT U-Verse*). I'm especially grateful to Urban Anthropologist for taking on last Thursday and doing her usual impeccable job.
I think this is tonight's episode. Fingers and toes duly crossed.
*Update – Yay! Univisión and ATT have kissed and made up! Will any of the fools on the screen do the same?
Arturo is where we left him last night, still fulminating.
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Sueño de amor, Ep #13 (3.24.2016) Surprises and secrets and plans, oh my!
I want to make this worthy of your time, so I will be brief.
♪ ♫ Virgen de la paz, te amo, ven a mí, junto a mí
Virgen de la paz te quiero, siempre escuchas tú mi ruego ♪ ♫
Sweet mother of Jesus,
Give us the wisdom of the Holy Spirit so we can own and administer your gifts and know how to multiply them and share them will all the people you put in our paths. Amen
Se consigue más con miel que con hiel
Ricardo has a plan and Pato is the perfect ally. Of course we never get to know anything they tell each other. You can get more with honey than with gall sounds true when you see Pato getting closer to Ricardo than to her biological father, Ernesto de la Colina. Now, regarding the love advice, that's another story, like asking Oprah for a diet that works but who am I to judge? I wouldn't trust Ricardo with a plastic butter knife, but anyway, now that Luca is going away to Járvar, she doesn't want to wait 20 years for him to come back (cough) she will miss him. The distance shouldn't kill the love dream they have. It worked for him. Pato will always have skype (please sponsor us-wink).
After knowing that Neto had something to do with Pato's scholarship, Pera gets very upset, because she doesn't want to owe favors to anybody. Even if that ''anybody'' owes her 17 years of child support. He insists saying that no matter what, they will be together one day as a family.
In the meantime, in the middle of some street in CDMX, a skipping Erasmo hugs Kristela, sealing their relationship.
After Esperanza did the recording gig on Silvana and she almost lost her job, now she sleeps with her one good eye open and has started to play Big Sister checking the closed circuit videos so she can reverse Esperanza's trick with evidence to fire her, assuming that the romance between our protagonists is true, and believe me, it is. Maybe Ricardo can hack this system and watch Pamela closely to know La Sombra's whereabouts.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): ¿Quién es Quién?, Eva la Trailera, La Querida del Centauro, and Fatmagül: Week of March 21, 2016
Here's Page 2 for the week. Don't forget there will be schedule disruptions at prime time due to the Easter holiday & shows ending/beginning. Check your local listings and the comments for more detailed info & schedule updates.
The novelas currently being covered include the following (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
noon - ¿Qué Culpa Tiene Fatmagül?*
8 PM - ¿Quién es Quién?
9 PM - Eva la Trailera
10 PM - a couple days of Easter specials before El Señor de los Cielos #4 begins Monday 3/28 (at 9PM, pre-empting Eva for that night)
*Fatmagül ends Friday April1— followed by Império starting April 4
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation!
Labels: esclava, eva-la-t, fatmagul, quien, senor4, telemundo
Another of your blog mom's projects: tshirts of a little guy in a stovepipe hat
I don't, as you know, make any money off this blog, but that doesn't mean I don't try to make money elsewhere! I'm interested in your opinions: could a character this obscure be popular today? Let me know what you think in the comments! Thanks!
I love old pop culture. I've been bringing back to life Samuel Zagat's early 20th century comic strip called "Gimpel Beynish the Matchmaker." Gimpel was wildly beloved by the people of New York City's Lower East Side. Gimpel, that shlemiel, seldom succeeded in anything he did, yet he never got discouraged and his self-esteem was unimpaired. That must have been very heartening for folks struggling to make a buck.
You can see the comics as I clean them up and translate them, here: and also see two books of his comics which I've published.
Wondering if Gimpel could be loved by the modern world too, I just make a couple Gimpel tshirts. They are only $14.99. Click on either picture to see more colors and styles...
1. An impoverished millionaire turns his pockets inside out

2. Gimpel visits the high seas during World War I, falls in the ocean and is rescued by a submarine. Here is is looking through the periscope!
Labels: announcements, qnc, telemundo
El Hotel de los Secretos #41, 3/23/16: Detective Dagoberto Suarez, At Your Service!
Isabel is arguing with Jacinto about how upset Diego is
going to be with him for letting her enter through the servants’ entrance, when
they run into Angela, who’s trying to see where the assailant who attacked her and
Andres went. She tells Isabel and Jacinto that someone just tried to kill
Andres! She rushes back to Andres with Isa and Jacinto following. They see the
blood on the back of Angela’s head where she was bonked, and then they find the
filled syringe and the jug used to hit Angela. Isa makes sure no one touches
either item, and wraps them up to preserve fingerprints. Andres wakes up and is
utterly perplexed to hear that someone tried to kill him.
Isabel goes to Diego’s dark office to call Ayala to tell him
about the murder attempt. She’s unpleasantly surprised when the light goes on,
and she sees her husband rising like a vampire from the couch. She continues
with her call, and takes about five beats too long to remember to mention her
married name to Detective Ayala. Diego notices. Ayala, whose hands are tied by
Teresa’s judge friend, has to tell Isa that he can’t go out to the hotel,
despite the gravity of the situation. He promises to be there first thing in
the morning, and asks her to make sure the evidence is kept safe, and Andres
not be left alone. He’s sure the attacker won’t try again tonight. But lock the
door! Diego scoffs, and wonders who would want to kill a mere waiter. Isa
ignores him.
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Pasion y Poder #110, Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Lo Nuevo
At GLA Nina and Eladio make a lunch date. They will meet later. Nina leaves. Caridad does not think it's a good idea for Eladio to go to lunch with Nina because she's jealous. Eladio tells her to keep her mouth shut and get back to work.
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Sueño de amor #12 3/23/16
Well, away we go!
In Ricardo's classroom, he is telling Pámela that after class they will be going to the principal's office to talk about her gluing him to the chair.
Félix makes a point of stopping by Esperanza's room to talk to her. He recognizes her as the one who made the recording of Silvana. He lets her know he is there to supervise Silvana but also tells her he is all about following the rules. Nobody is above the rules. Salma records it all. Silvana spies from the back of the room.
At Ernesto's office he is telling his investigator that he needs him to find out exactly who this Ricardo is; to use all of his contacts. Ricardo knows all about self defense. There has to be more. Viviana comes in wanting to talk about their son Adrián. She cannot get him to come home because he is afraid of Ernesto. They end up arguing as usual. She blames him. He blames her for babying him. For Viviana, the worst part is that her son is with her "rival". Hearing "rival" just makes Ernesto snicker and smirk.
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Wednesday, March 23, 2016
El Hotel de los Secretos #40, 3/22/16: If At First He Didn't Succeed, He'll Try, Try Again
Julio races to town to tell Det. Ayala that Andres is awake and has told him –along with Angela and Dr. Vicario—that it wasn’t an accident; he was attacked by the Gold Knife Killer and the horse got frightened and the rest is history. Anyway, Ayala returns to the hotel to question Andres.
Diego has his goon and Jacinto spying on Isabel’s every move.
Dr. Vicario visits Teresa to give her the news that Andres has regained consciousness. She head downstairs to ahem…“pay her respects”.
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Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Pasión y Poder Martes 3/22/16 #109
109: Second Chances
chances are often heavily anticipated and highly over-rated. They
can be both too late and inadequate to the task. In theory everyone
deserves one, but in practice this doesn't always play out. And
nobody who looks for them ever thinks about that. – D.D.
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #11. Tuesday March 22, 2016. Don't Kiss Me, Marcel Marceau! They Will Cyberbully Me And Glue Your Pompis To A Chair!
Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a discussion page until a valiant volunteer takes over this recapping spot.
The mime bit took me by surprise and, I won’t lie to you, I did yell out an involuntary "What in the...?". However, after the initial shock, I was really charmed, not just by Ricardo’s performance but also by Esperanza’s reaction to it. This actress has won me over and, as much as I love Cristián de la Fuente, I must admit that his co-protagonist is now the main reason I tune in.
Pedro, the Friend Zone's poster boy, reconciles Kristel and Erasmo.
Viviana confesses to Luca that she is still in love with Ernesto despite their long-term estrangement.
SuperClingy gives SuperKlutzy permission to go to Járvar.
Ricardo kisses Esperanza in the teachers' lounge. It was a beso chiquitito, short and sweet, but somehow Osorio managed to fudge up the editing.
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El Hotel de los Secretos #39, 3/21/16: Another Evening Pass
So Isabel is having dinner with Diego, insofar as she can bring herself to break bread with him, and Diego reminds her that she had something to tell him. "So let's talk now," he says. "I'm all ears!"
Andres is waking up in his bed. "You had an accident on your wedding night," Julio tells him.
Alfredo walks in on Belen nursing "his" son. "You're the wet-nurse? No way! Gimme!" Alfredo says, trying to wrestle the baby away from Belen.
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Pasion y Poder #108 20160321 Eladio is a Better Man, but a Boring Villain
This recap has not been edited. I'm way too tired. The last ten minutes of this recap is sketchy. My signal kept going in an out. I missed a lot of what was going on.
Julia's still pissed because Nina called her a homewrecker. She recounts the sordid scene with Humberto. Humberto tells Julia that Nina has no class. The hand that "rocked her cradle wasn't wearing a diamond".
Dani wants to cook Dave a romantic dinner. As soon as Dave leaves the room, Dani calls Petra-Samantha, who walks her through the preparation.
Lucita WTF asks Caridad to be her grandmother. Caridad agrees.
Julia visits Dave and they argue over the divorce. Both Dave and Julia are stupid. Really stupid. Instead of rejoicing that she is free from her abuser, Julia is obsessing over why Eladio divorced her first. Who cares? One less beating to endure, one less egg to fry! Duh! Dave who has forgotten that Eladio sired Franco and boinked the Ratt reminds Julia that men don't like to be cheated on. Julia's all like...if Eladio loved me, he wouldn't have divorced me! Anyways, Julia finds the keys that Dani conveniently left on his counter. Dave tells Julia that he doesn't owe her an explanation. Julia is shocked that Dave didn't realize that Dani just pulled an alternative version of the old marking your territory by "leaving your underwear at his house trick". Or is it the old leave an item at his house trick so that he will have to contact you again.
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Monday, March 21, 2016
Sueño de Amor (SdA) #10. Monday March 21, 2016. Secrets To Be Unveiled And Pairings To Be Unpaired.
At a glance
-- Luca and Pato are separating. Thank you, Jesus!
-- Pedro learns the reason for Ricardo’s long absence, but we viewers don’t.
-- Tracy agrees to sign the divorce papers in exchange for custody of the kids.
-- Ernesto gives Pato back her scholarship and hires thugs to assault Ricardo.
-- Kristel gets a job at the only antro in Mexico City.
A closer look
We get a repeat of the restaurant scene where Pedro asks Ricardo for the reason of his two-decade-long disappearing act. Before he can answer, we’re teleported to the constructora. Outside, the Three Stooges attempt to dodge security to help Nacho talk to his wife, Begoña; and inside, Ernesto instructs Arleth to find out who the owner of Instituto Palacios is. He also asks her to contact Murillo from business intelligence for more in-depth information on Ricardo.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): ¿Quién es Quién?, Eva la Trailera, La Querida del Centauro, and Fatmagül: Week of March 21, 2016
Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.
GOOD FRIDAY is this week (3/25). Most likely the primetime shows will be preempted for a fútbol game.
Here's the current lineup (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
noon - ¿Qué Culpa Tiene Fatmagül?*
8 PM - ¿Quién es Quién?
9 PM - Eva la Trailera
10 PM - La Querida del Centauro**
*Fatmagül ends Friday April1—most likely to be followed by La Esclava Blanca
**La Querida del Centauro gran final, Wednesday the 23rd—then a couple days of specials until El Señor de los Cielos #4 begins Monday the 28th.
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since we all share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're discussing at the top of your post, so readers can find their way around.
Telemundo is also re-broadcasting the hit telenovela
La Reina del Sur on Saturdays and Sundays from 6-8 PM (EST & PST, 5-7 PM CST). For the moment, all the capítulos are also available on Telemundo's web site. Some discussion and occasional recaps from the original broadcast can be found
Labels: centauro, esclava, eva-la-t, fatmagul, quien, senor4, telemundo
Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 5 (Mar 21, 2016)
The Three Hombres and The Women Who Love Them
Luis Montero--The man with a plan
- Amelia Altamirano del Alamo de Perez, younger daughter of rich rancher, Fernando Altamirano. She fell in love with Luis (older, but contemporary in age), sometime after finishing her prepa 19 years ago. They had at least one encounter al aire fresco and she ended up pregnant. He left her in the lurch, saying neither she nor the bebe were in his plans for the future. She pined for him for the next 19 years while married to Pedro, the Altamirano estate gardener (whom she had treated as an older brother to have fun with), who saved her from the disgrace of having a bastard child. Although always his favorite, her father kicked them out of the house anyway.
- Mariana Altamirano del Alamo de Sotomayor, older daughter of Fernando. She's Amelia's envious sister, primarily because she was not the favored child. She fell in love with Luis, probably from seeing him with Amelia. He never showed any interest in her. Her father later forced her into a convenient, but loveless marriage to a rich (but ambitious) widower, Hernan. He has a daughter, Camila, from his first marriage. Mariana doesn't like her around. The couple is childless. Her interest in and immediate obsession with Luis is rekindled by a visit to his law offices with her father. She claims she's been in love with him for over 19 years. He is not interested in her amorous advances, but makes nice because she has information on Amelia he wants.
- Marissa Gomez Ruiz de Montero, widowed rich bank president, considerably older than Luis. She seduced him into marriage 19 years ago by offering him a trip to Europe with her and her then 10-year old son, Carlos, to live and study to become a lawyer. He accepts without hesitation--it was his plan. She is now cognizant of her age and is afraid to lose him to a younger woman. She's still in love with this jerk. He has cooled to Marissa's bedroom advances. (P.S. Her son, Carlos, hates him.)
- Andrea, leggy, young, blonde assistant to Isabela, the owner of a beauty/spa academy. Where she met Luis is not clear, but she fell in love with him and is blind as to what he is really like. He, on the other hand, knowing where his pocket change comes from, uses her for some afternoon delight and either thanks her or argues with her on the way out of the bedroom. She has decided that getting pregnant would be the ideal way to get him to leave his wife. So far, we've only been privy to one jealous temper tantrum from her when she caught him in his office with Mariana hanging all over him and looking like a kiss was happening.
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Saturday, March 19, 2016
El Hotel de los Secretos #38, 3/18/16: One bad night and one good night coming up
Sorry for the length, I just couldn't shorten it and not take anything out that wasn't pertinent to the story.
We open with the boys from the hotel who helped with the mining explosion returning home, all dirty and tired. They are met by Benjamin who informs them that they have to make up their time absent from their jobs. What as ass.
Diego awakes to the cold reality of his new marriage, alone in the marital bed, while Isabel is checking on the baby and Sofia. Sofia just wants to be left alone, Isabel just wants to help her. Perhaps her milk ducts are clogged, she gives her advice for that. Teresa comes in and sees the fussing baby, she said she’s going for Belen, the nodriza, wet nurse, which is a surprise to Isabel.
Julio is bringing coffee to the newest guest sitting in the lawn. Cecilia turns to see him and Julio has the shock of his life.
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Friday, March 18, 2016
Pasión y Poder Capitulo #107 Friday, March 18th 2016 Hmm.. last weeks, you say, then why are the bad guys still winning and scheming??
At GLA, Eladio and Julia are about to sign the divorce papers that will bring an end to their marriage. They both struggle to get their signature on the papers, but end up dong so. In fact, Eladio does this funny thing where he takes out his pen to sign the papers, but then decides to use the pen that Julia used instead, and really struggles internally to bring himself to sign the papers. Julia is taken aback when Rueda explains that she and Eladio will be divorced in TWO DAYS. "So soon?!", she says in a disappointed tone. (Well, that's why it's called an "express divorce", my dear!)
At Casa Montenegro, the Montenegro kids prove that they are still five years old. Daniela joins Regina, Erick, and Nina in the garden, and asks that Regina not set foot inside the living room, because David is there, and Daniela wouldn't want for poor little David to have a bad time at Casa Montenegro. Nina and Erick get upset when they find out that Regina and Jorge have been doubling dating with Miguel and Consuelo. That's when things get really heated between the three Montenegro children and they all start yelling and screeching at each other like five year olds who are fighting over who gets the last chocolate chip cookie. Nina finally shuts them up and puts them on time out and calls Regina and Daniela out on what they are doing wrong, but she fails to call out Erick on what he is doing wrong, because for Nina, her Chimp, can do NO WRONG. #NotCool #BadMother #MamasBoy
Rueda says that the divorce can come out sooner since he's both Julia and Eladio's lawyer. He tells them that he'll keep them informed and leaves. Now alone, the two talk about their love, and Eladio says that "circumstances" separated them (Uh, no, it was the fact that you bedded another woman, knocked her up with your spawn, made her raise that spawn, lied about it, etc). When Julia tells Eladio how bad she feels about all this, he tells her "not as much as I do". Eladio then starts going on and on about his love for her. It's real and eternal and he laments that they couldn't find a solution to this "marriage crisis". He has realized that they won't be together in this life, but his tattoo says that they'll be together in another life. *rolls eyes* Julia has tears in her eyes and is so touched with his words that she embraces him.
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #9. Friday March 18, 2016. A Chilean Adonis In An Itsy Bitsy Towel... Mercy!
At a glance
-- Ricardo's first day of teaching does not go well.
-- Kristel preemptively breaks up with Erasmo to help save his job.
-- Esperanza formally accuses Principal Crazy-Eyes of corruption.
-- Ricardo and Ernesto have their first face-off over Esperanza.
A closer look
We pick up right where we left off. Adrián had just sought asylum at Esperanza’s house. Apparently, the altruistic teacher now takes in stray teenagers with alcohol problems and bottled-up daddy issues. Luca arrives, makes up with his little brother and promises to accompany him to therapy.
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