Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Pasión y Poder (PyP) #127. Monday April 18, 2016. Let’s Face It, This Novela Is A Glamorized Version Of The Maury Povich Show!
At a glance
-- The cutting room floor fodder took over the whole episode. It seems to be a telenovela tradition to turn Últimos Capítulos into filler galore. Why begin lining up anvils, unravelling hidden truths and tying up loose ends when you can cram it all in the finale?
-- Arturo, PyP’s resident runteldat, runs to tell Julia that Eladio came to his office to provoke him.
-- Eladio, PyP’s resident rogón arrastrado (the crawling begging take-me-back), warns Julia against Arturo’s lies and manipulations.
-- Julia, PyP’s resident Princess Confudida, refuses to listen to anyone except the man who has manipulated her all her life, i.e. her toxic father.
-- Nina, PyP’s resident reformed villana, who never got to commit any real villainies, is flitting about the episode, distributing hugs, smiles and words of support.
-- David, PyP’s resident sisterfudger, is adamant to renounce to Regina while pining for her to anyone who would care to listen.
-- Regina, PyP’s resident love martyr, is adamant to renounce to David while pining for him to anyone who would care to listen.
-- Clara and Justino, PyP’s resident filler, are bugging everybody with their stupid wedding.
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El Hotel de los Secretos #58, 4/18/16: At last, we have a winner.
Julio tells Isabel the truth about Cecilia. She helped him out when he was hiding from the police. He owes her everything. She came for him, and he's going to leave with her - but not until he helps Isabel find what she's been looking for.
"Then, I'll have no more reason to stay here... right?"
"Right," Isabel replies.
And it seems that she means it, because in the morning, she makes nice with Diego. She apologizes that this marriage hasn't been what he expected, nor has she been the wife that he expected. Diego is gracious about it, but Isabel admits that she's kept secrets from him. He admits that he's kept secrets from her too. They agree to start over.
But she's full of baloney, because when he goes into the bathroom, she transfers something (I can't see what) from under her pillow to the drawer in her night-table.
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Monday, April 18, 2016
Sueño de Amor (SdA) #29. Monday April 18, 2016. I Cannot Teach Her. The Girl Has No Patience.
At a glance
-- Ricardo starts Esperanza's super agent training.
-- Kracy and Ernesto seal their alliance against Reecherd with a series of bizarre mating rituals.
-- Juabbly Juan is definitely going ahead with that ridonculous haunting storyline. ¡Que la Virgen de la Paz se apiade de nosotros! May la Virgencita de la Paz take pity on us!
A closer look
Tonight’s tumble into the Sueñolandia dump begins with a repeat of PatoLuca's reconciliation. I’m in a magnanimous mood tonight, so I’ll spare you the rehash of Friday’s gibes.
At the house of self-deluded warriors, Esperanza is still adamant to learn how to be a super agent: “It’s not gonna be easy but if an agent can be a teacher then a teacher can be an agent!” Yes... In Bizarro World! I'm starting to think they detected Esperanza’s tumor in the wrong place. Ricardo acquiesces to her wish: “It’s not the same thing using a handgun as using a chalkboard (pizarrón), but OK, I’ll teach you”. Teach her, sexy Yoda! They spend 5 minutes saying good night. Rest well. Night night. Don’t let the bedbugs bite. Sweet dreams. Sueña bonito. OK, hang up. Esperanza, I love you. Uh-huh, rest well, Ricardo.
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Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 9 (Apr 18, 2016)
--Accidents do happen. People live, even when the car accident was the deliberate intention to murder both mother and child. The chauffeur was collateral damage.
The accident was provoked by a heartless sister who puts money, envy and entitlement above the sanctity of life and the happiness of her own father, whose days, he feels, are numbered.
Our beloved young heroine was wounded severely and received a blood transfusion from an elderly gentleman who matched her rare blood type. Little do either know they are related as grandfather and granddaughter and neither does Doctor Carlos, who is deeply in love with Fernanda.
Her mother, a most spiteful, acrimonious woman, has been left paralyzed from the waist down and told she will never walk again. Poetic justice? YES? Attitude reforming catastrophe? It doesn't seem so. While she used to let loose with calculated barbs and sarcasm, she tolerated her existence with a man she hated and a daughter she treated with contempt. Now she spits her venomous sentiments at her soon to be ex-husband, whom she blames for everything wrong in her life. She does this within the hearing of her fragile and recovering daughter. She curses them both to leave her alone. She never wants to see either of them again.
Is there a pit deep enough to hold this vile a human being? Will someone take pity on her? We will have to see in the coming week if anyone does.
Labels: camino
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4, Secretos, and ¿Quién es Quién?: Week of April 18, 2016
Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3 PM and Thursdays at 8 PM. This week, there are some
major changes in the novela schedule. Starting on Monday, a new telenovela,
La Esclava Blanca, premieres at the 9 PM time slot. As a result,
Eva la Trailera will begin an hour earlier, at 8 PM, and
¿Quién es Quién? moves to 1 PM.
So here are the current novelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
noon - Secretos
1 PM - ¿Quién es Quién?
8 PM - Eva la Trailera
9 PM - La Esclava Blanca
10 PM - El Señor de los Cielos #4
More information about La Esclava Blanca, including a 10-minute video clip from the opening episode, can be found on Telemundo's site. The Latin Times offers a brief synopsis and information about the cast (in English) here .
Everyone is welcome to join in the
conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put
the name of the telenovela you're discussing at the top of your post, so
readers can find the discussions they're looking for.
Labels: esclava, eva-la-t, quien, secretos, senor4, telemundo
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Pasión y Poder Capitulo #126 Friday, April 15th 2016 Three couples mate, two people get slapped, and no one gets an anvil yet. What gives?
(scenes have been combined for better flow)
Daddy Issues - Everyone has them in this novela
Julia meets with her shrink, who I call Dr. Phil, for some late night therapy. Julia admits that she needs more determination with her father. She still has trouble telling [the rat bastard- my words, not hers] "no". Dr. Phil listens, then asks, if the rat bastard [again, my words, not his] is still imposing himself. Julia replies- that her father has changed for the better, but that she feels like he's still capable of manipulating her in someway. With a stern look and voice, Dr. Phil, tells Julia to not allow her father to have that power over her. Parents should give their kids the roots so they grown with strength and values [values- hmm, that's something that no one seems to have in this show] and guide them so they can fly on their own, and not pull the strings of their lives. Julia agrees with this assessment, but admits that her father still wants to decide what's best for her. And right now, her father thinks that Arturo, is what is the best for her. Dr. Phil points out that her father thought that Eladio was what was best for her 20 years ago. So what matters now is what she thinks, he tells her. Julia says that her father thinks that her Mr. Right is someone who can give her the life of a queen. Dr. Phil points out that she had that life with Eladio, but she gave up the comfort that he gave her, so now they'll have to see what happens with Arturo.
Later, Julia is still get psychoanalyzed by her shrink, and this time, she tells Dr. Phil that the relationship she had with her dad influenced how she got along with the boys. She admits that she has always looked for her father's approval and love. However, she was never able to get it. However, her father has now changed, he's gotten closer to her, and she has no doubts that he does it out of affection. Dr. Phil asks her .. "and how does that make you feel?" Julia replies that it makes her feel good. How can she reject something that she has always wanted. Dr. Phil smells a rat bastard, so he tells Julia to analyze where her father's change is coming from. Julia looks puzzled [and seriously, when doesn't she look puzzled?]. The shrink also wants for her to realize that her value is not in how others value herself, but how she loves herself. Julia admits that it's hard for her to see things in that manner, because she has always looked for the approval of others. The shrink tells her that until she finds that love for herself, she'll never be able to find happiness, with Arturo, Eladio, or anyone else for that matter. Julia listens carefully and takes all that in.
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El Hotel do los Secretos #57, 4/15/16: Let's make a deal, A hotel for the baby
Before I begin, I want to point out something that’s been bugging me since Thursday’s episode. Andres asked Julio and Isabel if they already knew that he was Romulo’s son, and both replied that they did, and that made him mad because they kept that secret from him. But Belen also knew, and for a much longer time than they did, since way back when Cristina died, and then she wanted to marry him, but she gets a pass about knowing and not telling him. Hmmmm.
Ok, here we begin. Andres and Belen get married in the church, while Ayala is investigating where the arsenic came from. But the druggist’s brother, who we suspect is a bit of a psycho, has tied Ayala and Dagoberto up and is holding them at gunpoint, angry that they are asking questions. But the gunman’s brother shows up and demands that he put his pistol down, and is very sorry when he learns that they are detectives.
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #28. Friday April 15, 2016. Truly Wonderful, The Mind Of A Moron Is.
At a glance
-- Same doo-doo, different day, except that we got a break from the school scenes.
-- Dopey Hopey and Tricky Ricky are now a team, supporting each other and stuff.
-- Several characters ruminate on the implications of the Salmagate sex scandal.
-- Kracy is her usual Kracy self. She gets into trouble with the LAPD for getting drunk and leaving her small kids without adult supervision.
-- PatoLuca fight and reconcile.
A closer look
A pair of grown-up dumbos sit an innocent blond cub down and decide to gratuitously break his wee generous heart: Your dead daddy is a lying motherfella! He lied to separate me from my old flame! He destroyed my sueño de amor! Pedro doesn’t know how to react to this revelation or what to tell the two morons who made it. All he knows is that he can’t judge his father, a father who passed away before his birth. Esperanza says that she decided to tell Pedro because she doesn’t like to hide things from her kids. #EpicFail. If anything qualifies as hide-able, it’s this! Esperanza believes that her health scare taught her not to cling to the past (aferrarse al pasado), that’s why she decided to traumatize her teenage son and fall for the fibs of the man who abandoned her 20 years ago. She adds, as an afterthought, that if things hadn't happened the way they did, Esperanza wouldn’t have had her most cherished treasures, her children, Pedro and Pato. And Tricky Ricky wouldn’t have had his Rodrigo and Selena, he chimes in. If this is the case and you’re grateful for the kids that the “lie” of Pedro Papá gave you, then what was the point of organizing this awkward chat? What did you gain from tarnishing the image of this boy’s deceased father? Moving on.
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Friday, April 15, 2016
El Hotel de los Secretos #56, 4/14/16: Some people are just bad eggs
Oh my cheesus, what an episode! Enjoy the recap patio peeps!
Andres shocks everyone by telling them that he is an Alarcon, the whole scene is awesome with Teresa coming *this close* to fainting, Andres makes his exit after telling everyone to keep their miserable lives, and making it clear he wants nothing from them. Teresa tries to cover everything up by telling the guests that Andres is a disgruntled employee and in order to apologize for the scene he caused she gives all the guests free booze and for those that stay the night a free breakfast in the morning. Then she takes her leave.
Once in her room the doctor tells her that her blood pressure is too low but before he can treat her her beloved (hahahah, no) brother in law comes in and throws it down. It seems that years ago he had a plot to take over the hotel (and sell the land?), Teresa discovered this and told her husband because in her own words she really could not keep a secret so big from her own husband, her hateful BIL comes back with "oh yes, because Romulo never kept any secrets from you"- this guy is an ass and I don't like him at ALL, not because I like Teresa but because this jackass is using Andres's love for Belen to try and steal the hotel. I hope they all get scurvy and die!
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Thursday, April 14, 2016
Pasión y poder, Episode 125, Thursday, April 14, 2016: Dani's LOST! Wait – Dani's FOUND! And Art? Too busy plotting with Humberto to notice.
Agustín and Gabriela do lunch.
How can Agustín make Gabriela see THE TRUTH about Franco? Or at least as much of the truth as he himself is privy to? He knows about Franco's financial double-dealings, but he hasn't yet learned about the Mouth Breather and child. (And the chilling contempt Franco feels for his wife? Is anyone but Gabriela blind to this?)
Gaby continues to make excuses for Franco's heartless behavior. She knows that he went behind her back to sell her father's shoe factory, all she had left of her late parents. But he still struggles with daddy issues, poor thing. Now he has apologized and given her the proceeds of the sale, and she has decided to give him another chance. After all, he is her husband, and in the end, he was acting on her behalf: the factory was bankrupt.
Agustín looks at Gaby with a mixture of pity and exasperation. "Ay, Gabriela, maybe you should listen to something else of his," he says, holding up the USB drive Arturo gave him earlier. "This is a recording of his attempt to blackmail Arturo." [We know it also captures Franco saying he will sell Gómez Luna secrets to Grupo Montenegro for a price.]
A Surprising Alliance
As the Grupo Montenegro board meeting comes to a close, Miguel tells his father that he will make sure Eladio doesn't use Nina's proposal to harm the company. [The camera angle widens and we see Nina at the head of the table, looking pleased. Erick, of course, is scowling.] Miguel uses the occasion to make another announcement: from now on, he'll be taking an active role in the corporation. He'll use his power as a share-holder to ensure that his decisions and ideas are taken into account.
"You see, Dad," mutters Erick. "That's what you get for putting company shares in that one's name and not in mine." Nina and Arturo stare at one another. Neither one blinks.
The Desperation Defense (listed just below the Twinkie Defense in the Annals of Dubious Justification)
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Sueño de amor, Ep. 27 (4.14.2016) Faith is the food of dreams (Hope and charity are just appetizer and dessert)
Aka The only shadow Ricardo is after, is Esperanza's
Once upon a time, there was a dear foolish woman called Dopey Hopey.
One morning, as she was riding the bus to work, suddenly she felt pains in her tummy.
-Oh, dear me, my va-jay-jay is paining! I need to tell Tricky Ricky and Sweety Petey and Flato Pato and Horney Erney and away she ran down the road only to end up being eaten by Crazy Tracy. Y colorín colorado, este cuento se ha acabado.
Esperanza es ahora Dolores Guerrero
Dopey Hopey doesn't feel well and is surrounded by her family including Tricky Ricky, who moved in to save on rent to spend it on plane tickets to see his kids, now living in Elei with their mother.
Kracy never fried them an egg, so now, when he prepares Esperanza's breakfast, Ricardo reminisces about his kids enjoying his -bleep- rancherous and offers the love of his life room service. Hope, who right now could be ''Dolores'' instead, suffers sharp pains in the left fallopian tube and she is afraid it could be cancer. Pato, who reminds her how well she took care of her when she suffered typhoid fever, a broken leg and a crack'd skull, brings a hot water bag. Just in case. It doesn't even it out, but who cares right now? Esperanza hasn't seen her gynecologist since Patricia's birth, so who knows? There may be cobwebs down there...
Someone wrote this on the little blackboard on the wall:
La fé es el alimento de los sueños
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): ¿Quién es Quién?, Eva la Trailera, El Señor de los Cielos #4, and Secretos: Week of April 11, 2016
Here's Page 2 for the week.
And the lineup is (all times are Eastern Time):
noon - Secretos
8 PM - ¿Quién es Quién?
9 PM - Eva la Trailera
10 PM - El Señor de los Cielos #4
La Esclava Blanca will start next Monday, April 18th; replacing Eva in the 9 o'clock slot; Eva will move to 8PM; ¿Quién es Quién? is rumored to be moving to 1PM (to follow Secretos).
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since we all share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're discussing at the top of your post, so readers can find their way around.
Labels: cielos, eva-la-t, quien, secretos, senor4, telemundo
El Hotel de los Secretos #55, 4/13/16: Get A Dose Of Belén Back At Full Tilt; She's Killer-Diller When She's Dressed To The Hilt
At a glance
-- Belén returns with a bang to the Gran Hotel. She is accompanied by Rómulo Alarcón's estranged brother and nephew. She reveals the whole truth to Andrés.
-- La Nena tells Ayala that, the day before Rómulo's death, she heard him argue with his brother over the will.
-- The creepy fake priest makes a move on Sofía.
-- Felipe is disconcerted by the feelings that his physical closeness to Jorge provokes.
A closer look
When we last left the Gran Manicomio, there were three titillating performances underway, offered by a trio of grand divas, each a reference in her field. Mimí was chirruping away about the miraculous invention of telephones, Cecilia was volunteering as a receptacle for the pent-up sexual frustration of yet another Isabel rejectee and Belén was marking her surprise reappearance in company of two dashing aristocrats.
Julio abandons Cecilia post-congress to go serve dinner. He drops his harmonica in her room.
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Pasion y Poder #124, Art is a Liar Who Likes to Tell Lies! Wednesday, 4/13/16
Lo Nuevo
Franco visits Marintia and Mateo. He tells her about Julia forgiving him and how much he hates Julia. He wants to get close to Julia to make sure that she and Eladio don't get back together. Franco says he needs to call Gaby to thank her for forgiving him before he can have sex with Marintia. What a gentleman!
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Sueño de amor #26 Wednesday 4/13/16
A note on "La Virgen de la Paz": After a little research, I discovered that "La Virgen de La Paz" (Our Lady of Medjugorje) has such a prominent role in this novela because producer Juan Osorio has a particular devotion to her.
Now back to the story . . . a little choppy and disjointed on my part. . .
Erasmo and Estrella visit with Kiko in the hospital where he will be recuperating from his surgery. He will need two weeks of rest. Ernesto calls looking for Adrián. Estrella tells Erasmo to tell Ernesto that Adrián is with Salma. Kiko is told that he has to recover from this incident before he can have his surgery to enable him to walk again. In the middle of the night, Kiko tells Erasmo he can leave but Erasmo insists on staying and talks about how much he loves Kristel.
Nacho and Begoña are out having dinner. He tells her that he was able to get his wedding ring back after he had pawned it to get money to set up the sandwich stand and that he also broke off his friendship with the other two stooges. Begoña is not impressed and tells him there will be nothing between them until he is working.
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El Hotel de los Secretos #54, 4/12/19: Two Grand Premiers
Angela offers up the truth to Isabel about her secret
love affair with papi Romulo. She wouldn’t
have dreamt of poisoning the man. She
lied so much she often wondered if her real life even ever existed. She kept Andres’ secret to save his life. Don Rom was forced to marry Teresa. He couldn’t bear to be separated from his
son, though. She felt obligated to stay,
but kept their and Andres’s secret.
There are entrances, and there are
E.N.T.R.A.N.C.E.S! The guests are all abuzz as Mini Peralta Diva
arrives to perform that evening.
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Pasión y Poder Martes 4/12/16 #123
123: Paterfamilias Redux
sometimes sounds like an easy solution to a complex problem. The sad
fact is that while it solves some problems it creates others. Rich
or poor, this is never more true than when the divorced individuals
are parents and when they try to compensate for past wrongs.
Unfortunately, some become worse instead of better and for others it is too late. – D.D.
brought Regina a cup of coffee as they waited for news from the
doctor. He remembered how she preferred it. Arturo arrived in
answer to their call. Before he could ask any questions, much to
everyone's discomfort, Eladio and Nina arrived together.
is Daniela?” asked Nina.
did you come here with Eladio?” Arturo asked her.
are you together?” asked David. Eladio held up his hand to halt
further questions.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Sueño de Amor (SdA) #25. Tuesday April 12, 2016. The Queue To Smack Rickety Ric Upside The Head Forms Here!
Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a quick summary until a volunteer takes over this recapping spot.
Silvana resents her mother for divorcing her rich father and plunging them into a life of "poverty". Margarita feels that she did the best she could given the circumstances. Her husband was an abusive man and she had no choice but to leave him. She provided the ungrateful daughter with a roof over her head, food, clothing and a decent education. It’s a shame Margarita didn’t also provide Silvana with a few chanclazos to straighten her out. For those unfamiliar with it, a "chancla" is a flip-flop or slipper that, in addition to its primary function as footwear, was used as a boomerang that mothers and grandmothers sent flying across the room to set straight their unruly children and grandchildren. Chanclazos were an accepted child-rearing technique in my family and it proved effective in keeping us out of trouble, most of the time, anyway. It is worth noting that, growing up, my brothers, cousins and I were fearless savages. Little devils would be too cute a sobriquet for the veritable terrors we were. Sorry for the long parenthesis. Back to the show.
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Pasion y Poder 20160411 #122 David, The Crackhead Whisperer
Over a meal, Julia told
Humberto that she gave her wedding ring back to Eladio. Humberto is
pleased. Maybe Eladio will finally get a hint that Julia is over
Over the phone, Nina
told Eladio that she is ready to sell her shares. She will stop by his
house tomorrow and they will continue on to the notary. Eladio
avoided temptation and asked Julia to meet him at the notary office
Gabriela told Augustin
that Franco sold her family's shoe factory behind her back. Augustin
called Franco a dirty rat bastard thief who do anything for cash.
Augustin informed Gaby that Franco blackmailed Art. Gaby's all like
Franco is an innocent angel and he would never do anything like that. I
got proof, says Augustin. He takes Gaby back to the day that Julia
was hospitalized for falling down the stairs. Franco saw Art sneak into
Julia's room. The next day, Franco approached Art and asked him for hush
money. Like and idiot, Franco personally showed up at the Montenegro
offices to negotiate the payment. He didn't realize that he was being
recorded. Gaby is shocked. She believed that she had convinced
Franco not to tell Eladio. Franco agreed not to bust Julia out because he
loved her.
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El Hotel de los Secretos #53, 4/11/16: You've Got to Hide Your Love Away
Benjamin is listening at the door as Lupe tells Ayala he heard Angela and Romulo arguing, not long before Romulo's death. "I'm not going to let you do this! Over my dead body, or over yours," Lupe remembers hearing Angela declare.
Lupe recalls hearing Angela say she wouldn't let Romulo destroy their (her and Andres) life. Romulo said he was going to use "that document" and that his lawyer has a copy: "Andres is my son."
Angela was incredulous: Sure, TWENTY YEARS LATER the guy wants to recognize his son. Right. "You should have thought of that before," she told him. She vowed to do "anything" to protect Andres.
Lupe is devastated to have incriminated Angela in this manner. Later, Angela sees Ayala march Lupe past her office, and nearly hyperventilates.
Benjamin approaches Angela to warn her. He's known her for thirty years, and Lupe has betrayed her. Angela stiffens; she doesn't want to hear about Lupe's and Benjamin's "primate war." "But Lupe was talking about you and Romulo," Benjamin says.
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