Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 87, Tuesday, January 15, 2019; Pancho is ready to propose marriage; and Daniela in danger of miscarriage
We open
with what we saw in the previous show, with Susana telling Eugenio that she
loves him.
At the
Foundation, Vicente tells Axel he has to go back to Africa. He offers that Axel
can come too, temporarily. Axel says there is nothing for him there except,
well, his brother, his mother, his grandmother. At this point, Linda walks in.
She politely greets them and walks off to the children. Axel wistfully looks at
Pancho’s place, they get ready for a little game with Susana and Pancho sitting
back to back. The children quiz them on their favorite things and each has a
different answer except for their favorite place to vacation which is the
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Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Amar a Muerte, 1/15/2019, Episode 50: The Law Takes 'Dirt' and Death Takes 'Saints'
Alt Title: That's My Body and I'll Take It If I Want It
Beltrino gasps as he thinks about seeing his body. He
watches Mugres going up the hospital stairs and starts to go after him with his
weapon drawn. When Mugres reaches the top of the stairs and is seen, people
start screaming and the undercover nurse and another cop yell at him. As LCJ
turns around and makes a run for it, shots are fired, Beltrino makes a quick
u-turn down the stairs, and Carmelo goes down. Mugres grabs a nurse as hostage
and retreats as he tells the undercover nurse to not move. Once Mugres makes a
run for it, the nurse chases after him while LCJ hides behind the nurse’s
station and Beltrino is at the bottom of the stairwell waiting for things to settle
down upstairs.
Outside, the cops arrive
and are told to cover all the exits. Mugres has released the nurse and runs
down the outside stairs while flinging around his weapon. As the undercover
nurse talks to the head cop and tells him that García was shot, Lupita is
panicking and Juls tells Vale to lock the door. Vale goes to close the door,
but LCJ grabs and pulls her out to take her away from the hospital. Meanwhile,
Beltrino goes to look behind the nurse’s station in search of his former body.
He finds nothing and looks around. Out on the stairs, Vale is yelling at LCJ
that she needs to stay with Juls, but LCJ yells back that he is not going to
let anything happen to her and that they are leaving NOW! Inside, Beltrino
walks frantically in search of his body as Alicia calls him about the shots
fired; so he tells her to lock herself in the room. Outside, Vale is trying to
get away from LCJ because she wants to go back with Juls until he grabs her
head with both hands and tells her that no one will harm her. Mugres is still
running through stairs and halls trying to get away from the cops who are now
everywhere; they finally manage to surround him at some stairs. After he has a
hissy fit and drops his weapon, the cops cuff and arrest him.
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Amar a Muerte, 1/14/19, Episode 49: Johny's Alter-Ego Makes an Appearance
You are invited to gather
around Guille’s favorite spot by the fountain on the Carvajál estate while your
intrepid reporter from ALL Chismes ALL the Time checks into the stories
swirling around The Widow of Mexico, her family, business and acquaintances. The Truth
will be revealed in parts by yours truly, Hedda Saltadora.
Part 1
* Just to refresh your memory
which made have faded due to non-stop football over the weekend, Friday we left
Johny pointing Fabricio’s gun at poor trembling Fabricio in the security office.
Johny is certain Fab is involved in this little gaslighting game that’s going
on with the photos and notes arriving in León’s handwriting. (NOTE: I was
unaware that a soul retains its original handwriting when deposited in another
body, but Ok, for the sake of the story, I’m willing to go with it.)
* Waving the gun around, Johny
wants an explanation for the hooded guy in the video (Fab admits to it being him) delivering the envelope to
Johny’s house, after hours. Fab says it was with the rest of the mail and
there was a note with it from Johny himself for it to be delivered right away. He was just
following orders. When Johny asks to produce the note, Fab says he threw it
away after the envelope had been delivered. So, Johny the unctuous and
obsequious, is gone and in his place is the paranoid, menacing real Johny the Crown (rhymes with Clown). Fortunately for Fab, he tosses the gun
aside but warns Fab if he learns that he’s no longer his faithful dog and
betraying him, after all he’s done for him, and making him crazy with Jacobo,
he’s going to kill both of them and eat them in pieces. (All this happened in
the first minute.)
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Monday, January 14, 2019
Mi marido tiene más familia Monday 1/14/19 Capítulo 86 Imelda and Guido Unleashed and Unfettered--OR--Ari Loses It
Frida and Susana immediately go over to Eugenio to try to change the topic while Dani wants to know why he is asking for Blanca. Frida comes up with the excuse that he thought they were video chatting with Blanca since they were planning on video calling her and Robert after the party. Linda checks with Eugenio to make sure that is what it was. Eugenio says yes. Frida quickly decides it is time to take pictures of everyone.
Catalina, Hugo and Tavo arrive next. Catalina is so happy to be there until Imelda reminds her that she already knows what she thinks of her young boyfriend. Everybody moans. Diana says they have some news. Imelda asks if she is pregnant. When the answer is no, Imelda tells her it's time she had some children. She isn't getting any younger. Everyone groans again. Linda tells Imelda that a woman is not more valuable just because she has children. Imelda feels picked on and says if they do not want to hear her opinion then it is better that she go to her room. Susana asks her to stay and if they cannot they all have an agreeable time together. Imelda says not in this building. Nonno offers to leave with Imelda. She is going to take him on a tour of the building. When she is gone, Hugo announces that he got promoted to principal at the school.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Sultana, Falsa Identidad, Señora Acero 5, y más: Week of January 14, 2019
Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.
Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
• 8-9PM—
La Sultana
• 9-10PM—
Falsa Identidad
• 10-11PM—
Señora Acero 5
All three of the current novelas will soon end. This Friday will be the last day for
La Sultana. It will be replaced by a new round of
Falsa Identidad will conclude next Monday. Replacing it will be a 10-episode mini-novela entitled
Jugar con Fuego.
Señora Acero 5 has been in
últimos capítulos for a while now, so it too will soon come to an end.
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.
By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!
Labels: acero5, identidad, sultana, telemundo
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Amar a Muerte, 1/11/19, Episode 48: Everybody Gets Schooled Or Tooled
- Lucia is told by Armenta that tonight she's sleepng in his bed with him and no if's, and's or but's; she tells him at first that she's very disappointed in his manner. A learned and worldly man such as he should realize that ain't the way to seduce the light of León Carvajal's life. "-Are you challenging me?" "--Take it any way you like. But I warn you that if you force me you will be spending the night with an object who feels nothing; and you'll feel nothing either!" He says then yeah, he'll change but then they'll have to see each other more frequently. He storms out of the room at that point.
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Friday, January 11, 2019
Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 1/11/19 Capítulo 85 The Ghost of Canuto Past--or--Guido Frames Hermoso
Audifaz walks in on a happy turkey dinner. He stopped by to get a few things and to tell them he will be living with Tulio. Ari makes a point of telling Audifaz he bought the turkey with his own money and invites him to sit and eat with them. Audi must be going but is pleased that Ari is doing so well and now that the López boy is no longer to be around, he can focus on himself. Ari asks what does he mean by that. Audi asks if Ari didn't hear that Cuautémoc and his friend are now novios.
Susana and Pancho congratulate Temo and Diego. Pancho announces that they will be staying in separate rooms and looking after the kids.
We see the huge ofrenda Imelda has created for Canuto. The whole family is there. Imelda talks to Canuto and how he died after life brought them together again. He still lives in all of their hearts. Canuto's ghostly hands appear on her shoulders. Canuto says that someday she will be looking for him and he will be waiting for her. The ghost of Canuto stands next to Susana. Susana regrets the last words she said to him. The ghost of Canuto says she has always been a good daughter and he is happy she has reconciled with her sons. She cannot miss the opportunity of believing in love again.
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Thursday, January 10, 2019
Mi marido tiene más familia Thursday 1/10/19 Capítulo 84 Nonno Makes an Impression--OR--"Tamoles!"
Temo decides to give Diego a "chance." Diego hugs him. Ari sees them.
During the Day of the Dead season, Nonno meets Crisanta as he admires her ofrenda (altar) to Canuto outside of her store. After hearing what it is, he wants to make one for his deceased wife Ondina and his deceased son Luciano. He seems to be quite the flirt.
Blanca says goodbye to the family before she leaves for the USA with Dave. Eugenio tells Frida he never told Blanca about his illness so she would go to the USA to be with Robert and Julieta.
Susana talks to her neuropsychologist friend Grecia up in Baja California about coming down to stay for a while and help out Eugenio.
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Amar a Muerte, 1/10/2019, Episode 47: Up a Creek Without a Paddle, M' Dear?
Moises (black-shirt goon)
is still pointing his weapon at Lucía when the goon in the front seat tells him
to calm down; if something happens to Lucía, they will be the ones who will end
up getting killed. Moises then warns Lucía that the boss won’t have to find out
about anything….because if he does find out, Moises will investigate LCJ who
calls her so much; she will never see him again because he will kill him. When
he gives her the hood and tells her to put it on, Lucía obliges.
At the company cafeteria,
Teo goes to sit with Keila. After she tells him that his “platonic love” went
to have lunch with her boss, Teo assumes that there is something going on
between Renata and Guille. Keila isn’t sure, but Renata is old enough to know
what she is doing…and Renata doesn’t tell her much. When Teo hopes that it’s
not one of those relationships that only happens in the mind of the one who
falls in love because there will be much suffering, Keila wonders if he is
talking from experience. Teo asks if it hasn’t happened to her; so Keila says
‘no,’ and adds that Renata is an expert at it…she must like to suffer. Teo
sighs and loses his appetite.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Sultana, Falsa Identidad, Señora Acero 5, y más: Week of January 7, 2019
Here's Page 2 for the week. The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
• 8-9PM—
La Sultana• 9-10PM—
Falsa Identidad• 10-11PM—
Señora Acero 5Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.
By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!
Labels: acero5, identidad, sultana, telemundo
Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 1/9/19 Capítulo 83 Surprises, Bad News and Two Well Deserved Slaps
Dani and Gabriel talk about the baby and are all excited. They are starting to think of names. Dani says they have many wonderful months of waiting to decide.Gabriel already has a journal to record the "firsts" for the baby. Dani has baby shoes to hit him with if he deserves it. Gabriel says that is not going to happen because he is going to live up to his responsibility. Gabriel says they will have to save some money considering the cost of the birth and her cravings. Nobody will ever be more spoiled than she. The are both excited.
Linda and Axel climb into their twin bed they are going to share fully dressed with their hands on top of the blanket. Linda says her family would kill her if they knew she was living with him. Axel thinks they will be okay as long as they say nothing to anyone..
Eugenio is still up in his wheel chair worried because he is forgetting so much.
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Wednesday, January 09, 2019
Amar a Muerte, 1/9/2019, Episode 46: Don't shoot, I promise I will never wear this again.
has Machado, the accountant, in his office. Machado spills his guts
that Cardenas gave him an order. Cardenas wants a detailed report of
all the financial transactions that have been made since Don
Carbajal’s death.
Eva’s house, Mateo asks Francisca to help him find his keys.
Francisca excuses herself for taking long, but she had to open the
door for some men. As Francisca approaches, she is followed by a crew
of construction workers. When Mateo asks what they are doing, the
leader wants to know if they should start in the bathroom or the
kitchen. Mateo has no clue what he is talking about. Eva, then,
approaches and shushes Mateo. She then tells Francisca to show the
men where to start. After the men follow Francisca, Eva explains to
Mateo that she forgot to tell him they were coming, they are going to
fix the leaks in the bathroom. Mat thinks he could have fixed that
himself, so Eva adds that she has been wanting to remodel the kitchen
for years…and this way they can do everything at once. Mateo
wonders how they will be able to sleep there while all the
construction is going on, so Eva suggests that they stay elsewhere
until the jobs are finished. Mateo wants to find his keys quickly so
he can go make reservations at a hotel, but Eva has everything under
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 82, January 8, 2019; Daniela and Gabriel announce they are pregnant!
We open
with Daniela telling Gabriel that she needs to see the doctor right now. At the
doctor’s office, she tells them everything has gone very well and announces that
Daniela is PREGNANT! They are overjoyed!
tells the family she will bring David with her to New York. The family is very
excited. Dave says that his parents just left and he misses them very much.
At the
Lopez apartment Julio and Temo set the table and Julio tells him maybe he
should invite Ari over. He also reveals that he heard Ari say to Temo in the
hospital while he was asleep, “te quiero. Te quiero mucho.” Temo daydreams over
this as he eats dinner. The twins tease him about it, but Temo says that friends
an say I love you (te quiero) as well.”
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Tuesday, January 08, 2019
Amar a Muerte, 1/8/2019, Episode 45: United El Chino Saves, Divided (and Clueless) He Remains

Santos and Beltrino
arrive at Mexico City. Beltrino stretches after he gets out of the truck after
the long ride and having his knees practically in his mouth. Both are glad to
be there safe and sound. Beltrino feels like breakfast; so he wakes up Barb who
is still in the bed of the truck. When Beltrino congratulates Santos for
crossing the border the way he did, Santos tells him that he knows that area
better than the gringos and the satellites. Beltrino then bangs on the truck
waking up Barb who complains that she was cold throughout the trip since he was
so insensitive and threw her in the back of the truck. If there were a way to
simply put your mouth back there, you could have ridden up front. Beltrino
again mentions going to breakfast, but Santos wants him to pay up first. After
Beltrino pays him, he gives Santos a little extra to take him to the other
guy…the other transmigrant….Jacobo Reyes. Meanwhile, León/Chino/Jacobo (LCJ) is
at Cami’s getting ready to go to work. When he looks at himself in the mirror
and sees “León,” he no longer flinches or gets scared; he continues to fix his
tie and walks away.
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Monday, January 07, 2019
Amar a Muerte, 1/7/19, Episode 44: By the Pricking of My Thumbs...*
I don't currently have a big screen, if anyone knows what the texts
were, please advise.
sharpened her claws again, attempting to trap Lucia into revealing
the skeletons in her closet, implying that she might prefer simpler
food than what she wasserving. She comments on how surprising it was
that León would marry a woman of no [snooty] education.
Sanchez-Buena began to get uncomfortable and Johny interjected that
despite her lack of such an education, Lucia is the smartest woman he
knows. Lucia took this ball and ran with it, calling Patsy out on
what she was thinking and rubbing it in that she will owe her [este
qualquiera] for using the network toward making her husband the
next president of Mexico. She then stood up, saying she would prefer
delicious tacos to what was on the table, and took her leave. Johny
excused himself and followed Lucia. Patsy smiled nastily at their
departure as her husband looked like he wanted to disappear through
the floor.
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Mi marido tiene más familia Monday 1/7/19 Capítulo 81 Endings, Beginnings, A Time Jump! Oh My! It's an Extension!
Sebas has his first appointment with Tavo. Tavo understands that Sebas tried to drown himself. Why? Sebas thinks back and says it was because he hurt a lot of people. Tavo says the most important thing is to learn from situations. Did Sebas intend to hurt anyone or not? Sebas shakes his head. What did Sebas learn rom the accident? Sebas learned that fire is dangerous and he has to think about thinks before doing then. Tavo nods.
Blanca has good news for Dani. Julieta is coming out of her coma. Dani asks how Hermoso is. Well, he has been wanting to eat everything, including Blanca's journal.
Tavo asks Sebas what is the thing that Sebas needs to do the next time he is in a pool. Sebas answers that he needs to swim so he doesn't sink so he can live. Tavo draws a larger conclusion: When we have a problem that seems to have us trapped, we have to swim. We cannot stop fighting. Sebas smiles.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Sultana, Falsa Identidad, Señora Acero 5, y más: Week of January 7, 2019
Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.
Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
• 8-9PM—
La Sultana• 9-10PM—
Falsa Identidad• 10-11PM—
Señora Acero 5Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.
By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!
Labels: acero5, identidad, sultana, telemundo
Saturday, January 05, 2019
Amar A Muerte, 1/4/19, Episode 43: Explanations, Anyone?
- Javier is playing possum and having snit fits because "his daddy" hasn't arrived yet to see him. Nobody will do but DAD.
- Alicia and her friend Christina discuss all the crazy secrets and mysterious goings on with Beltran these days as Lupita is brought into the emergency room at the same hospital (Ya don't say!). Ali notices the woman being brought in, but just.
- Barb is racing down the highway to nowhere as usual.....
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Friday, January 04, 2019
Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 1/4/19 Capítulo 80 Sebas Has a Conscience--OR--Gabriel and Dani Have a Fine Old Time
Blanca is writing in her journal asking for God's help for members of the family. She wants Julieta to get her health back; Linda to do some reflecting; Dani to become a mother; Polita and Audi to find some peace; and Tulio to come back soon. Hermoso starts to bark. Blanca asks him if he is hungry and tells him her little book is off limits. Frida comes in asking if he is being naughty. Blanca says for that very reason they have to keep a close eye on him. Blanca does not want him ruining things in the house. Blanca tells Hermoso the rules of the house for dogs: stay off the furniture, do not steal food, let them know when he has to go and no barking. Hermoso barks back. Imelda says that is all that they need is a furry Córcega. Imelda would like more grandchildren, though, if Gabriel gets busy. . .
Gabriel and Dani are at the beach organizing the quinceañera (sweet fifteen). It looks like it will be a hit even with sand sculptures. They have time to work on the quinceañera and also spend time together. Dani likes how Gabriel can take other's dreams and turn them into reality. Gabriel says she is his dream turned into reality. He loves her to the sun and back and to the sun . . . She teases him and says she loves him from where they are to the sea. Gabriel gets serious. He is thinking of his dream: to be there at the beach with her and a child of theirs. They have a romantic time at the beach.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia; Capítulo 79, January 3, 2019; Julieta can move her fingers, but no one saw her
We open
with where we left off yesterday with David rejecting Sebas’s apology. Robert
tells Susana it’s best if they leave and they do.
and Linda are talking as she packs the stuff from that upper room. She reminds
her of how fragile life is and to remember what happened to Julieta. But Linda
says she is a rebel and a free spirit and can’t stay around much longer. Blanca
says she is very proud of her and wants her to realize her dream. Blanca also
tells her that her relationship with Axel is doomed. Linda responds by saying
that she alone will take the consequences of whatever happens with Axel. Then Blanca
says whatever happens, the family will be there for her with open arms. She
then gives Linda a sign of the cross blessing.
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