Wednesday, August 27, 2014

La Malquerida #2: 8/26/14: The Fight is On To Save the Hacienda. Love is in the Air

Hola Amiguis! Tonight I'm doing a shorter recap. I had trouble with this one because of the whiplash scene changes and rapid fire speech. I think I got most it it. I've got another earworm Where Does My Heart Beat Now?

Shall we begin?

We left off last night with Esteban asking Cristina not to sell the Hacienda. He loves these lands and will do everything he can to help her save this Hacienda.

Juliana and her son her in his room, and I have to say this son has a talent. He's painted some beautiful Irises I think. Norberto storms in and isn't having it. He feels this is effeminate of this son, and takes a knife and destroys the picture. Juliana tries to stop him to no avail. He tells his son, be a man and go work the land. He goes.
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Hasta El Fin del Mundo #7 20140826 Fashion Advice from a Guy Wearing a Mullet...Really?

Ripoll:  While Sofie sits in her chair, Patrick rubs her shoulders and gives her a little smooch on the cheek.  Instantaneously, she runs away as if he’s got the cooties.  Later, she arrives in the chef’s office and tells him how much she enjoyed the bonbons.  They still taste like the very first one that was made at Ripoll.  Chef Martin’s recipes will be world renown, she says.  She gives the chef a kiss which is much more action that Patrick got for giving her a massage.  After she leaves his office, Chef Martin laments that he is a fraud.

Sofie returns home to Snob Hill and finds Alex waiting in her office.  Alexa wants to sell her share of the business.  Sofie says that Ripoll is a family business and they are not splitting it up.  Alexa says that Sophie will lose control of the board if Alexa sells her stock. 

Meanwhile, across the street, Grumpy Puss Paco is arguing with Chava’s mother.   He told her that he called Chava a traitor, and she is not happy about it.  Paco believes that Marisol, like her brother, is a traitor for trying to earn a living instead of showing their loyalty to him by starving to death. 

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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #164- Tuesday 8/26/14

De que se han olvidado del testamento (y otras cosas), se han olvidado
Soooo. Last DQTQTQ recap. Can't say as the show is going out on  a high note and tonight's episode proves it, BUT I have really enjoyed the camaraderie and conversation! Thank you again, Kat for getting this started. And thanks to Karen and Vivi as well for jumping in when the marathons began! Thanks, too to all the folks who commented!!!!

In the interest of full dislosure: I didn't take one stinkin' note and I didn't pay close attention. I've organized by "couples" (used loosely.)

Carmen and El
The get busy "reconciling", but a radio call from Cenudo breaks up their fun. Rod has robbed a drug store.

Karina and Alonso
Karina begs to help her get HOTscar back. They discuss how the baby daddy thing is going to work out with Oscar in the picture. Alonso wants it to be clear that HE is the father. Karina promises that the baby will know that Al is his dad and Oscar is her husband.

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #6 8/25/14 The Unstoppable Force meets an Immovable Object

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I only got a chance to see the first segment of the show online, the rest I had to watch as broadcast. Univision had the 'D' team on closed captions again so the captions were lagging behind the dialogue on this episode. I apologize ahead of time if I missed or misunderstood some of the dialogue. Please feel free to fill in or correct in the comments.

Let's get to it!

Armando gets fired from his new job and discovers that his old boss has bad-mouthed him to all the other auto mechanics. His employment prospects look bleak.

Chava escorts Sofia through the gauntlet of news photographers and reporters crowded around the Ripoll factory gate. The reporters shout questions at them as they plow through the crowd. Sofia agrees to talk to the reporters inside the gate.

Silvana hands Marisol a Ripoll uniform. Marisol thought she'd be working in the offices. Silvana nastily informs Marisol that since she hasn't finished high school, she isn't qualified for anything but working on the factory line. Silvana grabs the uniform back from Marisol, "That's the job you've got. Take it or leave it." Marisol puts her hands out to take the uniform.
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La Malquerida # 1: 8/25/14: The Game is Afoot

Hola Amiguis. Yes, I am recapping this TN. Before I begin, I want to let you know that I recap by ear and the actors' body language. I use no captions whatsoever. I have a little earworm for your listening pleasure as you read the recap, How Do You Mend

Shall we begin.

We begin with a loving family of Alonso, Cristina his wife and Acacia their daughter. It is clear they love this Hacienda. Cristina takes a picture of Alonso and Acacia who are about to go off riding. Cristina reminds them not to come back late because they are having guests for dinner, Juliana and Norberto. Acacia and Alonso ride all over the Hacienda and he tells her all about the land. It has been passed down to him from his great grandparents, his grandparents and then his parents. It has been in the family a very long time and one day it will be hers.

Meantime, Norberto and his sons attend a cockfight. One son isn't into it but the other is.
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Monday, August 25, 2014

Mi Corazón es Tuyo Lunes 8/25/14 #26

Capitulo 26: You Can't Always Get What You Want

No refritos today.
Lascuráin Mansion: In the kitchen, Bruno bursts Manuela's other bubble when he tells her that their boss will be marrying Isabruja. She is incredulous, asking “He's going to marry that bloodsucking bitch? How is that possible?” She is just as displeased with this idea as everyone else and rants about it. Bruno then suggests she pack her suitcase because Isabitch will certainly hand her a pink slip.

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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #163- Monday 8/25/14

De que no dijeron NADA del testamento, no dijeron NADA

  • That stupid making puma sounds business.
  • Nat “saves” Diego. Mouth to mouth.
Lo Nuevo
Luz tell Lupita that El and Carmen are getting back together. Lupita asks if she can call her “abuela” instead of “madrina.”

Simona comes back and she’s looking for Diego. Carmen notes her splotchy appearance. Simona explains.

Diego tells Nat she’s the love of his life. Nat says he’s the love of her life. She wants assurances that he’s not just being impulsive and she wonders about Simona. He assures her he loves her and that Simona has left the campsite and him. They smooch and hit the ground.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- El Señor de los Cielos II, En Otra Piel, et cetera, week of August 25, 2014

Both Cielos and Piel are in últimos capítulos.  Promos are flying for their likely replacements, Señora Acero and Los Miserables.

Enjoy the week, Telemundo fans!

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- Reina de Corazones: week of August 25, 2014 - PAGE ONE

Well, my friends -- Reinamanía continues unabated.

♪♪ Dingdong, the Putz is dead ♪♪ (thanks, Sara!).  Any bets on the longevity of OBD or OBM (Odious Bitch Miriam)?

Navier knows that Big O is his father.  Will Big O's stony old heart soften when he finds out who his son is?

Does Navier know that Esmeeth is his mother?

Will Rocky Balboa be saved?

Will the Queen of Clubs turn out to be someone we already  know?  (Because the writers are playing with a full deck, right?  Kelly thinks they seem like good writers who thought up a completely insane story after a night of binge drinking.)  Penny -- who pointed out how often we see love on short couches -- has a very interesting theory on the subject of the fourth queen...

For a refresher on last week's happenings, Jean (who can stop ANY time she wants to) has compiled the most recent recaps in a dropbox here.
For your further delight (and at Doris's suggestion), I leave you with ANITA'S latest installment of

Subtitled: I Do Not Make Any Of This Up

Week Seven – Mon Aug 18

A Dragon must have enough pockets to carry listening-device detectors AND great big revolvers.

A Dragon can reassure a damsel to not believe everything other people say about her; but he is likely to ignore that advice when it comes to what people say about her to him.

A Dragon might be able to be the younger sibling of a Black Falcon; unlikely in nature, but in the realm of telenovelas, a real possibility.

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos: #165 and #166: 8/24/14: El Grand Fin

Buona Sera Alla Tutti! It's the Grand Fin! I enjoyed recapping this TN so much, it has been a fun ride. We are doing this Grand Fin in three parts. Marta has the first part, I have the middle and Julie as the last part. I want to thank Jane our Blog Mom for all her fantastic recaps, Ezra for his unique point of view, Marta for all the help she gave me when I missed something and her very marvelous recaps and Julie for all the help she gave me too and all the funny recaps and fantastic recaps  , and I 'd also like to thank all the commenters that commented throughtout this TN. Shall we begin? Marta  Starts Us Out.

With tears in her eyes Vilma makes her statement: Since he took over the presidency when Mati could not anymore, (because Alejo himself gave her medication that made her confused). He used the Editorial to launder money that came from his other felonies and criminal associations…  (DA asks her if she has evidence, since she was the one suspected guilty of those felonies) She says but of course, there is a notebook full of numeric codes of all his overseas accounts… encoded codes from his criminal associates, information about his relationship with those criminals… which I can perfectly decipher/decode…

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Saturday, August 23, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- Reina de Corazones: week of August 18, 2014 - PAGE TWO

 Hola Reina fanáticos: It seems clear to me we are going to come very close or exceed the 200 comment mark. I am going to be on the road for a few hours today so I will not be able monitor that closely. So I am doing a page two now and posting Sara's excellent recap of a really interesting episode. A mystery solved - who killed the 13 and many questions. 

Reina wants to start a new life. Esmeeth will get everything ready for her. Navier interrupts the conversation, but Reina just says she's thanking Esmeeth. Navier notes with irony that Esmeeth is always there at the right moment and her boss must be very proud. He and Reina leave and Rocky comes in. He asks if she's going to say anything to Bolivar. She tells him no and that if he does it will cost him his job.

Laz arrives home. Miriam in the shower. A text from Putz arrives. Laz's cerebral hamsters begin treadmilling.

Estefy admits to being the one that hired the thugs to beat up Putz. No one is going to hurt Greata! Victor overhears and Estefy tells him that Putz was blackmailing Susana and threatening to tell Greata about her real mom. Estefy wanted Putz to understand that you don't mess with her. Victor approves and says he would have done the same...well, he would have done something a little different. He is unable to elaborate since his phone rings and interrupts. It’s Bolivar. We don’t know what he said, but Vic looks serious.

Miriam is out of the shower and she’s not happy with nosy Laz. She tells him Damian is a friend from rehb. Laz is no dummy. He begs her not to get involved with Putzy Trash like the Putz. Miriam concludes that Laz wants to leave her and go off with rich Greata. He can get rich and she can’t. Greata can’t even make love to him! Why Greata and not Miriam? For LOVE, Laz responds.

Izzy at the bridal shop. Connie tells him she’s a modern woman and willing to have a “free” relation with him. He agrees and asks her not to tell anyone about their “free” relationship.

Navier takes Reina to his apartment. Reina asks why they are there. He explains that he called Vic and told him they were giving their statements to Esmeeth. Reina doesn’t like when Navier reports things to Vic as if he were his trusted man. Navier clarifies that he is REINA’s hombre and she is his woman. Doesn’t she think they deserve to be away from all the crazy for just a moment. He’s not afraid of bullets. He’s only afraid of not being able to make love to her forever. Love on a short sofa. Shirtles Navier (drink.)

Laz looks for work. Miriam thinks Laz said he loved Greata just to annoy her. Laz is actually surprised by his feelings, too. Miriam makes the lame “she can’t make love to you” argument. Laz says a woman is more than just a body to him and Miriam doesn’t believe him. She knows he’s an ardent (fogoso) and passionate man. He pushes her away and tells her that thanks to her and the Putz’s shenanigans, he and Greata are kaput.

Greata cries alone. Susana comes in and asks what’s wrong. Greata says she can’t even dry her own tears. Susana asks if she’s crying for Laz. Susana explains that Laz had nothing to do with the beating of the Putz and that Laz is a good guy. Greata doesn’t believe it. No one who gets involved with her has honorable intentions. Who is going to love a paraplegic like her? Susana says everyone deserves a “gran amor”, even Greata.
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Mi Corazon es Tuyo #25 When doing the right thing is doing the wrong thing.

Call out to Cynderella.  Male Stripper alert. See the first 2 minutes.

Our story continues where we left off, with Fernando telling Ana that he’s going to marry Isabela. And she is shocked and embarrassed for having thought that a mere employee would be asked to marry him, apologizes quickly, and leaves before he can explain. As she leaves, she loses her shoes, he chases after her and finally catches up in order to explain. She absolutely will not let him, cutting him off at every start, and runs away. I absolutely hate when they don’t let someone explain themselves. What would it hurt to hear the explanation? 
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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #5: 8/22/14: We Are Family, I've Got All My Sisters With Me!

Hola Amiguis! I have another earworm for you in light of what occured during this epi.  Sisters, Sisters!  
I didn't take notes watching so if I missed anything please let me know. Take a look at these sisters! They look like close sisters don't they? But pictures don't tell the whole story do they? Shall we begin?

We start where we left off last episode. The arguement at the Ripoll table. With all the money that Alexa has spent in Spain, she must have lived like a Queen for four years. Sofia advises Alexa to go back there if she wants to. We'll get back to them in a tic.

Chava, Marisol and Lupe are at table too. Chava would really like it if Marisol would go back to school. Marisol argues with Chava and tells him it's a new century, not back in the day. She wants to earn her own money to get what she wants when she wants it. Chava is thinking of selling his race car. Here Lupe puts her foot down. Chava worked so hard for that car, and someday he'll get back to racing.
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Que Pobres tan ricos #164.Aug 21 2014.. Emi makes little signs of progress, reunites with the Menchacas. A-hole is ready to celebrate his win.... but what did he win?? Boy, Aureliano finds a way to teach humility even after death.

Isela warns Mini not to tell anyone about the secret Isela wants to cash when she wants… Mini insults her and gets slapped for it. ISela gets on internet looking for non-profit she can buy. Nothing about greenpeace, hate animals, amnesty international, nah, don’t care about human rights… Isela keeps protesting about the slap… Isela says you earned it for annoying. Poor kids foundations… no I hate them… besides, who would you be able to marry a poor kid with?

Lupe questions A-hole on locking them up… Lupe warns him not to lock them up again. Lupe wants to leave with Emi, but A-hole overrides her… A-hole wants to talk to Emi alone. Lupe leaves irritated.

A-hole coaches Emi against MA, MA only wants to separate us… and your mom is in relationship with MA… Emi questions why did you tell me before not to tell her I knew about her and MA and now you want me to… A-hole says use it in your favor, tell her she can’t leave you for him… surely she will stay with us then…

MA and Saul argue at fruteria office, MA can talk real fast when he is angry… he is mocking A-hole’s tone of voice… has been talking like that since he was a kid per MA, now I hate him even more… MA can’t wait to be able to beat the crap out of A-hole. Saul says hold your impulses… the ‘tipejo’ has a restriction order against you… wait until after the issue of the clause… MA says that’s the problem, each day I doubt more that A-hole will fulfill the promise to get away from Lupe and Emi… otherwise, why the restriction order??

At Fonda Perla is holding a kitchen roll and some kitchen towel as a sash and is practicing her speech by holding some home made tiara… Leo, DA and Rita come and mock her a bit… Perla tells them she is counting on their support… she wants them to buy vote tickets for the contest. (its kind of like raffle tickets). Rita says the day is getting close she will return to the US. DA asks her why so soon? Rita asks DA if he has thought about whether he is going with her or not.

MA tells Saul that he has been thinking of what Vilma said about the notebook… if she said not even A-hole would think of it, it must be very obvious place… Saul says what if he hid it in office? MA says its more probable she hid it in his house… if the house is empty, no one will find it.
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Friday, August 22, 2014

De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #162, 8/22/2014

De que son adolescentes, son adolescentes

I didn't take notes and I probably should have. Please fill in. Oh, and there was no mention of the will.

I'll just start with Rod, Al and the tribunal (for lack of a better word.) Al reports that Rod is perfectly responsible for his acts and should rot. Rod continues with his act. "Oh yeah?" he sneers "If I'm so OK, then why do I see Dead Al standing right behind you?" Rod says some other things and Al is pushed to his limits and starts punching Rod. Way to go, dude. Ruin the case. Rod is carted off to the hospital. I'm sure this is setting up for lax security and an escape. Al gets yelled at for beating up on Rod.

El and Luz manage to catch up with the Garcias. They happen upon Paolo and Mara (who are still attempting a little hubba hubba in the woods.) El announces his move to Mérida. Carmen haz a sad. Lupita is also upset and El tells her he'll always care for her. I seem to remember Luz says something to El about at least letting Lupita know he's not really moving, but El is sure Lupita will squeal. Carmen has to believe that he's really leaving.

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Weekend Discussion: To the Manor Born -- How Much Does That Really Matter?

The class distinction that happens in telenovelas obviously fuels more than a couple of plot points per series. In the Americas there are no titles like those in Europe such as Sir or Dame for KBEs; Baron, Count, etc., in other countries, and there are equivalents in the Middle East.  Here in the Americas it's usually about money or where you went to school.

In all our stories these things are used by those who choose to ignore that all human beings are the same in all important things.  But so do people do this in life and it extends beyond how much gold is in your parents' coffers when you're born.

A college buddy of mine worked for a major global corporation for a number of years.  He was smarter and more articulate than many of his colleagues.  However, he didn't attend an Ivy League university and isn't a WASP; he's a first-generation American of Irish Catholic parents.  That alone was going to keep him out of the board room.  He didn't care about that once he got to the advertising department of his company where creativity was valued.

Do you think this is outdated or have you witnessed this in your own lives?  Have you beaten it on occasion?

Be articulate, amigos.


TELEMUNDO - Reina - The Wisdom of the Dragon - Weeks 1-6

For Reina and Dragon Fans

Week One – Jul 7
Subtitled: I Am Not Making This Up

Always take your dragon to work.

Always “borrow” a Yellow Miata rather than a black SUV when following a pretty girl.

When the object of your interest tells you she is a virgin, tell her you’ll take care of her (this has the advantage of being appropriately vague). Proceed as human nature dictates.

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #163: 8/21/14: She's Come Undone

Hola Amiguis! This is my last full recap for Pobres. I didn't take many notes, so if I got something wrong just let me know. Take a listen to this little earworm as you read the recap. She's Come Undone!  Shall we begin?

I am skipping the old and getting right to the new.

At El Editoral Vilma calls Ahole. She still wants out of the joint. He tells her to be patient that he'll be the President soon and then he'll get her out. Vilma is googly eyed and beleives the lying liar that lies. Sucks to be Vilma.

Carm and Guendy are having a chat. Once Guendy marries Nepo she will be moving into his abode and Carm says no worries, she is still going to be living at Guendy's. Carm has to go now, but will talk to her more this evening.
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Hasta El Fin del Mundo #4: 8/21/14: It's All About the Price Tag and The Bling Bling!

Hola Amiguis! This recap will be short and sweet. I have a wee little earworm I've been wanting to use and now I can! Take a listen as you read the recap, I Can't Drive  I am skipping the old and commencing with the new. Shall we begin?

Alexa is in the back of that Mercedes, sniffling about Papa's car, cause I guess when they went to the funeral this was the car used. Armando, ever the gentleman, asks her if she is okay cause he didn't know about the car. She just wants to go home. Armando tells Alexa he just loves this car, her Papa must have been great. Alexa asks if Armando is a chofer. Nopis, he's a mechanic and explains the racing circuit. She knows all about it she says. She went to races in Monaco.

While Greta is giving Miguelina hell, Fausto in the back is giving Lucas hell. Fausto has dealt with little ruffians like him before, grabs him by the scruff of his neck and throws him out. Kudos to Fausto!
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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Hashtag#: No, It’s The Other Woman!

Cap #24

We’ll skip the old and jump to the new…… as Fanny takes another ride on the wild side, literally, and is introduced to the scary world of public transportation.  She and Leon go to school together on THE BUS.  

Meanwhile, Ana, still troubled by Don Fernando’s giving her the cold shoulder, tries to weasel the reason out from Nando.  He refuses to betray his father’s trust.  Ana has another Tinker Bell moment in which I believe she’s telling herself it isn’t her fault that ol’ Don Hielo has made a sudden reappearance.

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