Thursday, April 07, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #287-288 4/7/11 The Truth Dawns on Fernando.

Capitulo 287.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety gazes at Fern when he’s not looking. Aldo asks her to go along to Puerto Vallarta to see a man about a boat. Lety is too busy and can’t go, so he’ll go alone. Aldo says it seems like Lety doesn’t care about the wedding.

2. Even Luigi is starting to warm up to Lety. Tom tells Lety that Julieta told Aldo to get lost. Lety tells the cuartel what her mama did, and several of them think maybe mama knows best.

3. Fern asks MamaJ what she told Aldo. She says, “I asked him not to marry Lety. Lety told me what she was doing with Aurora.. Oopsie!” She will say this much: “Abra bien los ojos (open your eyes well)!” Erasmo asks what Fern wanted. MamaJ says, “He came looking for hope. I hope he found it.”

4. Fern finds the note Lety started for Aldo, and he realizes the handwriting is the same as Aurora’s note to him. Then he decides that his longing for Lety is making him crazy.

5. Omar asks Saimon how he can show Caro he loves her (other than doing what everyone else told him). Omar asks Tom how he can win Caro. Tom says he needs to make a sacrifice for her. (Lock up your chickens tonight, folks!)

6. Ali intentionally breaks Lola’s glasses. Tom takes her car keys and tells her she’ll get them back after Tom meets her father.

7. Fern uses both his phones to call Lety and Aurora, then he peeks through the door and sees Lety answer both. He’s thrilled that he figured it out, but then he asks himself why she does it, and why she’s hiding it, making fools of everyone.

8. Fern asks MamaJ why. She says at first it was to teach Omar a lesson. He realizes that Lety is keeping the secret because Aldo would be furious if he knew Lety made Omar fall in love with Aurora. Ergo Lety must love Aldo if she does all this to protect their relationship.

Capitulo 288.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. See the transcript. Fern tells Julieta that he won’t tell Lety nor anyone else that Lety is Aurora. He’s willing to lose absolutely everything so Lety can be happy with Aldo. Lety enters just in time to hear Mama say, “I would be so happy if Lety ended up marrying you.” Lety is furious. She says, “I get it. You two joined forces to separate me from Aldo.” Lety forgives MamaJ but tells her she needs to manage her personal life herself.

2. Tom removes the bedroom door so Ali can’t lock him out. She realizes that the only way to distract Tom from visiting her father is to give him something he likes better. She throws her clothes out from behind the screen and tells him to prepare for his gran noche. She sits on the bed and says, “It’s now or never.” He takes a flying leap for the bed. But then she says no. Tom decides “yes.” Afterwards, she gets her car keys back from him, and sweet talks him into making quesadillas. She says it’s too late to visit her papa, and “next time you should think more carefully.”

3. Lety tells Pop that Aldo went to PV to arrange a yacht on which to get married. Pop scolds Lety for making Aldo arrange everything, and for leaving him alone too much. When a man is ignored too much, he’s capable of behaving stupidly. Mama agrees that Lety needs to be more attached to Aldo. One would almost think Lety doesn’t like that idea.

4. Lety calls Aldo to apologize. She basically comes groveling back, and other than the statement, “You’re the one I love most,” his main response is, “Yeah, whatever.” She pleads, “You believe me, don’t you?” and he dodges the question. Obviously Aldo never earned the forgiveness merit badge.

5. Fern talks to Lety’s picture. He knows the value of her sacrifice for Aldo because once she sacrificed herself for him.

6. Omar is moping and Fern tells him to go tell Caro how he feels; cowards end up alone. Omar says Fern’s not fighting for Lety either. Fern says that’s because Omar still has a chance, but Fern’s chances are gone.

7. Lety dreams that MamaJ arranged for Lety to marry Fernando. Fern and Mama call her in one direction, while Aldo calls from the other side. We cut to Fern who is dreaming the same thing. Aldo is dreaming that a giant octopus is beckoning, eager to embrace him with eight open arms. Well, maybe not. In Fern’s dream, Lety tells him Aurora won’t return because Aldo is her life and she doesn’t want to lose him. Fern wakes and promises that in the name of love, he’ll help her relationship with Aldo.

8. At the yacht, Carmina flirts with Aldo and he eats it up.

9. Fern tells Lety he will defend her wedding because what he wants most in the world is for her to be happy, and her happiness is with Aldo.



Spanish Lesson. Fernando & Julieta

J: She has to be convinced dress nicer, normal, without the facial hair. Someone needs to insist that she tell everyone that she’s Aurora.
F: No, no. We need to leave her alone to manage things as seems best to her. If Aurora would cause conflict with Aldo, fine. Let her be buried and disappear forever.
J: Don Fernando, am I mistaken, or does your TV program depend on Aurora?
F: Yes, totally. And the possibility the $3.3M that I owe him.
J: Then you have to convince Lety to disguise herself again, and finish that blasted program.
F: It’s that.. can I be honest with you? Even if I’m a failure, and I lose the company forever, and my father loses the company he founded por mí culpa, I still can’t ask Lety to sacrifice her happiness with Aldo, just so I can succeed.
J: Don Fernando, how touching. Before, you were the opposite. You were able to sacrifice Lety, your novia Marcia, your family, and everything, all to keep the presidency.
F: Before! Before! You said it yourself. Today I’m a different person, and what I was before, is not what I am now. As I think about it, I’ve decided I can’t tell Lety that I discovered.
J: That’s good. You’re doing the right thing. She would feel very uncomfortable.
F: Do you know what? We need to make a pact. We won’t tell anyone that Lety is Aurora.
J: Done! Ay, you don’t know how moved I am (by what you’re doing). You have no idea. I would be so happy if Lety ended up marrying you.


Wednesday, April 06, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #285-286 4/6/11 Wedding Plans Sealed With a Kiss. A Kiss of Death?

Capitulo 285.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Jax tells the board they need to take advantage of the publicity opportunities. Fernando studies his business techniques. The board discovers that the media got a copy of the tape. Ali cons Celso into impersonating her doctor on the phone.



2. Fern overhears Aldo talking about the wedding and he snaps. He interrupts them, throws a jealous fit, and tells them to stop talking about the wedding, then he uses the Aurora disappearance for an excuse. Aldo’s sidewalk chalk tantrum was just the warm-up. Today’s tantrum is the main event. He yells and waves his arms, then he plays dirty. He says Fern only ever cared about the company and the presidency and money, whereas Aldo cares about love and marriage. He grabs Lety like he’s sweeping his poker winnings off the table, and gives a self-satisfied smile. I think he says, “Dolió? (Did that hurt?)”

3. Fernando is cornered and frustrated. Lety is supposed to be impressed by his lofty priorities, but instead she’s worried about how all this is hurting Fernando. The men fight some more. Lety tries to play the middle. She says both things are important. She tells Aldo to be quiet but he insists on getting the last word in. She is not impressed.

4. Fern remembers the Aurora kiss. He imagines Lety rebuking him for falling in love with Aurora. She says, “Didn’t you learn your lesson? I’m going to marry Aldo, and the cause was your lies.”

5. Aldo tells Lety that Fern has always been a mujeriego, and Lety jumps to his defense.

6. The reporters gang up on Fern and twist his words. Lety faints and Fern throws the reporters out. Aldo says that obviously Aurora is the right woman for Fern (7 times). Aldo leaves. Fern starts to swear that he’s not involved with Aurora. Lety solemnly says, “I do believe what you say, Don Fernando.”

7. Jax calls. Fern hears Aurora’s voice and comes out looking for her. Jax tells Aurora to not leave her home.

8. Cristina Maiz invites Conceptos to do the campaign for DIF Nuevo Leon. They video conference and accept. Luigi thinks about families and gets misty.

9. Omar gives Caro the necklace and runs away without letting her talk.

10. Lety overhears while Fern wrestles alone at his desk. He tells Lety, “I swear I love you, and I thought I’d never find another woman. But Aurora’s gotten to the bottom of my heart. I can’t stop thinking about her since that kiss. Forgive me. I’m betraying what I promised you.” Lety can’t let Fernando suffer like this. She wipes off her unibrow and mustache, takes out her braces, and says to Fernando, “Come out please. I want to tell you the truth.”

Capitulo 286.
Read kFuegl’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

I'm sorry this summary got so long. The episode was packed with content and I couldn't bear to skip anything.

Fern can’t bear to talk to Lety. He leaves the office without looking at her. Lety repents of her decision.

Aldo invites Lety to go meet Carmaniac about the yacht, so there won’t be misunderstandings. L: I’m really tired and I’m not motivated to go (no tengo animo) A: (whiney) It’s our wedding. L: You’re right, but the truth is, no tengo ganas (I don’t feel like it). Aldo necks with Lety’s hand and she gives a polite smile, like when you go to the 3rd grade neighbor’s violin recital.

Irma notes that tonight’s moon is the kind that brings emotions to the surface.
Lety remembers when Fernando told her that Aurora has gotten deep into his heart (Cap 285).
Aldo remembers when Lety told him, “No tengo ganas” about the wedding plans.

MamaJ is angry that Fernando kissed Aurora like that, after he told her how he was suffering for Lety. See the transcript. Lety admits she’s Aurora, so MamaJ won’t think bad of Fernando. Lety tells about her feelings for both.

Fernando tells Marcia that he’s suffering because Aurora disappeared. See the transcript. Fern says that kissing Aurora is like kissing Lety, and being with her would be a good substitute.

Carmina tells Aldo that if Lety isn’t interested in the wedding, he should take the clue. Aldo says, “I love Lety and I plan to marry her (note wording). Unless Lety demonstrates that she doesn’t love me.” (Did I get that right?)

MamaJ tells Aldo, “You need to leave Lety so she can be happy with Fernando.” Aldo: I thought you liked me. J: It’s not that I don’t like you. A: Then you like Mendiola more? Aldo keeps interrupting her to make sure that she can’t explain herself, then he leaves despite her protests.

Caro can’t figure out what Omar’s feeling. Omar mopes around, depressed. Marcia asks, isn’t he going to fight for Caro’s love?

Aldo tells his dad he’s depressed. He’s starting to think that maybe Lety doesn’t love him.

Fernando is mad about the gossip media spreading lies about him (that’s a scene Camil has played countless times!). They wonder who started the rumor. Cut to Jacques twirling his mustache.

Lety tells Fern that what upsets him upsets her. He thinks Aurora disappeared because of that kiss. He says, “I’m sure that my kiss – because you do know how I kiss – well Aurora was moved by it. (Smoke is coming out of my TV.) And she has a novio. It’s obvious that I (XG, perhaps it’s ‘got her excited’). Lety says to herself, “That kiss made me doubt. It scared me. I felt like it threatened my relationship with Aldo.” Lety tells Fern that Aurora’s not coming back. He says, “Don’t say that. I could fall in love with her.”

Aldo takes out his frustration on Fernando, “What did you say to Julieta to make her prefer you over me? Why does she want Leticia to marry you?” Fern says, “I didn’t say anything. We’ve gotten along well, for a long time.” Aldo says, “You can kiss up to Julieta as much as you want, but Lety’s going to marry me!” (El burro hablando de orejas!)

Spanish Lesson, Lety and Julieta

L: What’s bothering you, Mama?
J I’m sick of thinking about the kiss Fernando gave that Aurora
L: It’s just a TV show. Even though it was acted very well.
J: That kiss looked very real.
L: Yes. But why does it bother you, whether that kiss was real or not?
J: Because it did. So there!
L: Well, it wasn’t real. So there! It was a TV show between Fern and that Aurora.
J: You’re wrong! Because I saw how much DonF deceived me.
L: Why?
J: DonF told me he was crazy in love with you. And he told me how much he suffers because you’re not interested in him and you’re involved with Aldo. But he sure forgot quickly, didn’t he? And now he’s involved with that Aurora. Don Fernando is a traitor. He’s a bad person. I regret that I ever believed in him, count on it!
L: No, mama. DonF isn’t guilty for anything. Because the guilt is mine, Mama, and nobody else’s.

(next scene)
L: It’s true, Mama. I’m Aurora. I’m telling you because I don’t want you to think badly of DonF for my fault. I’m serious, Mama. I’m Aurora.
MamaJ: (giggling.) You? You want me to believe that you’re Aurora? Just so I don’t think bad of DonF.
L: Mama, I am Aurora.
J: You? … (smiling widely) You kissed Don Fernando? (not vice-versa!)
L: YES! (even wider smile)
J: (shocked) Then, mija, you’re deceiving Aldo!
L: I swear, Mama, I’m not for the world considering canceling my wedding with Aldo! (Mama never said she was. She protesteth too much!)
J: That kiss Aurora gave DonF made you doubt again, no?
L: Yes! I know there’s still something. I still love him. But what’s more, after the kiss DonF told me, when he kissed Aurora, he felt like it was me!!!
J: Pobre Don Fernando!
L: Hey! I’m suffering too, and I’m your daughter! I accept that, I’ve never succeeded in forgetting him. But I love Aldo. He’s .. um, um, (be patient, I’m sure I’ll come up with something)
J: The only solution is to tell them both that you’re Aurora. As much to DonF as to Aldo.
L: No, I can’t. Aldo would never forgive me. And he’s right. I was wrong to use Aurora to teach Omar a lesson. It’s also bad that Aurora had to kiss DonF.
J: Lety, you were very angry when he deceived you, when he used you. Don’t you realize you’re doing the same thing? You’re deceiving them both. Do you accept that you’ve done bad? .
L: You’re right. But I’ve decided. Aurora won’t appear ever again. (Hey, Tutz! That’s just hiding your sin. It’s not repentance and it’s not restitution.) All I want is for you not to be mad at me.

Spanish Lesson, Fernando and Marcia

F: In the program, I kissed Lety, right?
F: No! Aurora. I kissed .. “her.” And I had the sensation that I was kissing LETY! Obviously Aurora isn’t anything like Lety. I think I had the sensation, because I miss Lety so much, and I kissed la otra, my Leticia Padilla Solis.
M: You’re a sick man, Fernando.
F: No, I’m not so bad. What’s more, what I’m thinking now is, I’m not going to have Lety because she’s going to marry Aldo. At least I could like to be close to Aurora.
M: Because when you kiss her, you feel like it’s Lety, is that why?
F: Yes. See, I’m not doing so bad. It’s like a dream come true.


Tuesday, April 05, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #283-284 4/5/11 One Kiss Changes Everything

Capitulo 283.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Aurora and Fern both refuse to kiss. Fern assures Lety’s picture that it’s only acting, and he has to do it to pay the debt. Lety doesn’t want to betray Aldo, but the company needs it.

2. Fern moves toward Aurora and whispers, “Forgive me, Lety.” The kiss has six distinct stages:
A. He starts with a granny-kiss because he doesn’t want to betray his love for Lety.
B. He smells/tastes/feels that it’s Lety, so he kisses her intensely.
C. She responds to his intense kiss; she gets involved.
D. This drives him into ecstasy (remember he can feel her love with every kiss), he ratchets up.
E. This pushes all Lety’s buttons, she kisses more intensely. She grabs his shoulders and pulls him in tighter. I think this is the first time Lety has actively steered any kiss, rather than being just a receiver.
F. Then they stop and gaze a moment, stunned, before springing apart.

3. Fernando can’t shake the impression that he kissed Lety. He can’t contain himself and babbles to Omar. Aurora was in front of him, but when they kissed, he felt she was Lety. Lety says, in wonder, “He kissed me. Don Fernando kissed me,” just like their first kiss at the antro. She admits that it moved her, but she worries that Aldo saw HOW Fern kissed her. Aldo thinks Fern put the kiss in the script on purpose. Luigi corrects him: Fern didn’t write the kiss part.

4. Omar sees Caro and gets tongue-tied. After she leaves he thinks of all the things he should’ve said, “I want to be with you again. I want to be with you forever.” Caro tells herself she was a fool for believing that Omar would declare his love.

5. See the recap for Lety and Fern’s conversation in her dressing room.

6. Luigi tells Fern he deserves a bonus for giving Fern a chance to kiss Aurora. He finds Aurora’s note, “I can’t kiss you anymore because I would be betraying the man I love.” Fern says, “I remember when Lety loved me like that.”

7. Fern tells Lety that he had to kiss Aurora in the shoot, but he felt like he was kissing Lety, like they were the same person. Probably because he misses Lety so much. Maybe he’s falling in love with Aurora. Lety says that would be a very bad idea. He stoops in his flirting spot and says it was hard to flirt with Aurora because she doesn’t like him much. He leaves and she tries hard to convince herself that the kiss didn’t mean anything to her, but she can’t stop herself from saying, “Don Fernando, tan divino.”

8. There is annoying Ali / Tomy stuff all through the next several caps. I’m not going to summarize it and you can’t make me!

9. Omar doesn’t understand why Caro is indifferent after they shared a marvelous night. Fern says he should ask her, but Omar’s not willing to open himself after Aurora’s rejection. Caro mopes. Omar wonders what he can give Caro to show how he feels.

Capitulo 284.
Read 5ft Latina’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety talks to Aldo in her grown-up voice and gives him a passionate kiss, but that’s only because she’s thinking of Fernando’s kiss.

2. The cuartel says Fernando has won Aurora. Aldo thinks it’s great if they get together (6 times), and it’s wonderful that Fern is trying to fall in love again. The cuartel gushes about the kiss.

3. Lety tells Tom she’s going to kill Aurora. Fern is falling in love with Aurora, and she doesn’t want him to suffer any more (it never bothered her before!). She’s scared that if Aldo finds out, he’ll dump her.

4. The cuartel takes Marta to a compulsive eaters meeting.

5. Lety tells Aldo she can’t have dinner with him because of the press conference. Aldo whines but agrees to go, and he invites the Padillas. Lety tells Caro that Aurora will never appear again (7 times).

6. Jax (Jacques) tells PhG the press conference is a dud. They need something exciting. PhG says to create a scandal with Aurora’s absence. He broadcasts that Aurora disappeared and they fear for her life. Lety is relieved because now Aurora can die.

7. Omar buys Caro a necklace. In the studio, he stammers that he wants to go to her house tonight. She concludes he only wants a bedwarmer. He says he wants to be with her, and Caro pulls away. Omar says she must think he’s the same old Don Juan, and he leaves. She says to herself, “You can’t tell me you love me because you don’t feel it.”

8. Omar asks Marcia for advice about Caro. She says the same as Fern: he needs to tell Caro how he feels. Fernando sees the front page story – Aurora has disappeared and is presumed dead.

9. Carmina tells Aldo that her dad has a yacht in Puerto Vallarta and Aldo can use it.


Monday, April 04, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #281-282 4/4/11 Lovers and Singers and Writers.

Capitulo 281.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando finds Lety’s house is unlocked. He remembers her birthday party and explores her bedroom. He wishes he could touch her dreams.

2. We see Omar and Caro, both pensive afterwards.

3. Alicia gets a big plasma TV. She refuses to go to Lety’s and he threatens to leave her for good. The thought of being homeless again convinces her to go with him.

4. The cuartel waits for TBLMOE at the restaurant. Irma calls Fernando because she’s worried for him. He’s at Plaza Garibaldi, but he says he’s going to move far away. She leaves the dinner to go be with him. Juana decides to join her. Paula says, “Don Fernando needs us.” The others follow.

5. Aldo, Aldad, and Lety arrive at her house for the engagement dinner. MamaJ serves Chiles en Nogada, a Puebla specialty. They talk a lot of nothing.

6. Fernando sings “Ella” with the mariachis. He serves them tequila but doesn’t drink any himself. The cuartel arrives and he thanks them for their support. He says Lety is getting married, and this is his first night of an eternity of suffering. He wants to take a serenade to show Lety he loves her more than Aldo. They get there but the cuartel convinces him to send the mariachis home, and they leave too.

7. Fern writes Lety a message on the sidewalk. He knows it’s wrong, but he just has to tell her how he feels. He gets home and is surprised to see Teresita there. He doesn’t want to tell the details of the show, nor is he in the mood to entertain, so he goes to bed.

8. Omar reluctantly leaves Caro’s house. He actually forgot about Aurora. Caro wonders if she’ll just be like all his other women.



9. Aldo and Lety find Fern’s message outside, “Lety, I desire for you to be happy.” Aldo throws a full scale tantrum, accusing Fern of blackmailing her. Lety sees nothing wrong with what Fern did, which only makes Aldo madder. Lety thinks Aldo is being petty, getting so angry at such a little thing. Lety even stands and talks like a grown woman, but only for a moment.


10. A “Just Married” car drives by and wipes out Fernando’s message, and Julieta catches the symbolism. Baby Lety returns, GSNAK.

Capitulo 282.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. What a funny scene! Omar sings and dances around. Fern thinks Omar scored with Aurora. Omar does not confirm nor deny, and the men dance and sing together.

2. In her dream, Aurora tells Fern that Aurora has to disappear. She’s afraid Aldo will think that she plays Aurora so she can be with Fern. He turns and it’s actually Aldo who asks, “Isn’t that the case?” Fern confirms, “Lety dresses as Aurora to seduce me.” Lety insists she loves Aldo. Fern solves the problem – Aldo can have Lety and he’ll take Aurora. Lety wails, “No! Lety and Aurora are the same!” She wakes up and asks God, “Who am I?” I’m guessing she’s not Jean Valjean.

3. Omar passes Aurora in the lobby without noticing her. The elevator door closes in Aurora’s face. Omar looks for an excuse to go back to Caro’s house.

4. Inocencio has a huge nose and yellow crooked teeth. He says his only charge is a kiss. Aurora takes offense – doesn’t he recognize her class? Yes, she has no heart. He removes the nose and teeth and then she wants a kiss, but no. He departs from the script and says his mission is to find where love is. He tells Aurora to remove her mask too.

5. Luigi tells Aurora to portray a burning desire to kiss Inocencio. They have to lock in a passionate gaze. Lety aces that assignment! So well, that she scares herself and runs away.

6. Fern tells Omar that Lety should teach Aurora how to flirt because she’s the master. Auroralety tells Tom and Caro that she can’t act that way in front of Fernando.

7. The cuartel disputes whether to tell Aldo that Fern brought Lety a serenade. Sara thinks it will make Aldo leave, and then Fern can win Lety. Paula says Lety loves Aldo. Irma says no, Lety’s confused.

8. Aldo arranges a yacht to hold the wedding on. Heaven forbid he should let Lety decide anything.

9. Omar says he finally understands what Fern meant when he said how special it was, making love to Lety. Fern confirms, she gave herself with love, and he felt her love in every kiss and every caress. Omar says he experienced the same thing with Carolina. Caro tells Lety that it was something special with Omar. Lety says Omar didn’t even notice Aurora that morning. Caro is afraid to get her hopes up.

10. Sara tells Aldo about the serenade. Marta says, “Don’t you think Lety should end up with Fernando?” Aldo replies, “I promise that Lety will end up with the man she deserves. I promise.”

11. Luigi tells the actors, “Great! I just need one more thing. A kiss on the lips.” Both are stunned.

Preview for Tuesday


Friday, April 01, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #279-280 4/1/11 Hope is crushed.

Capitulo 279.
Read 5ft Latina’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety says she needs to think about Aldo’s proposal and everything that’s happening / what’s really happening. Aldo tells her that what she needs is to tell him yes.

2. Fern tells Marcia that Lety was jealous about Aurora, and he thinks she’s confused and doesn’t know/realize who she really wants. Marcia counsels him to not get his hopes up and his heart broken.

3. Ali locks Tom out of the bedroom of their new apartment. She tells him he should make her his assistant and triple her salary. Ali is obnoxious to Tom throughout the show.

4. Lety tells MamaJ that Aldo proposed. Mama worries that Fernando will suffer. Lety says Fern has decided to go on living, and he’s thinking about taking up with someone else. Mama says, “And you believed him?”

5. Caro tells Lety she likes Omar and he’s changed. Lety tells Caro Aldo proposed, and she has to give him an answer today.

6. Lety tells Fern that Aurora is not for him. He comes up behind her, inches from her ear, and ppppuffs in her ear as he asks if she’s jealous.

7. Fern tells his diary that he showed Lety he was capable of forgetting about her and pursuing another woman, so she could be happy with Aldo and not think that he (Fern) was suffering. But instead she got jealous which means she still feels something for him. Then he hears Aldo propose to Lety, and she accepts.

8. Lety suddenly realizes she forgot about Fernando. He quietly says, “You forgot about me when Aldo walked into your life.” As always, Fernando’s first worry is Lety’s happiness. He congratulates them and leaves. Lety says she feels horrible for Fernando. Aldo says, “Oh, I’m sure he’ll recover quickly.”

9. Marcia tells Omar that Fern has no interest in Aurora. He just faked it so Lety could be happy. The cuartel sees Fernando suffering. Fern tells Omar what happened, and Omar only asks if Aurora is coming in today.

10. Lety and Aldo make their announcement to the Padillas, and Julieta asks if they’re going to invite Fernando.

11. Fern writes, “I have no hope left. Lety’s getting married and I have to forget her. First I had to learn how to love her, and now I have to learn how to forget her.”

12. Lety tells Tom that her problem is worse than his problems with Ali. She doesn’t want to deceive Aldo but she doesn’t want to tell him about Aurora.

13. Aurora signs her contract, but she signs Lety’s signature block by force of habit.

Capitulo 280.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Aldo has a talk with Fernando. See the transcript. He says that Aurora is a great option for Fern (5 times), Lety would’ve been very happy with Fern because he’s sure Fern loves her, and he’s convinced that Fern deserves Leticia’s love.

2. Omar shoos the others out to be alone with Aurora. He says she should give him a chance. She says he plays with women and refuses to commit. He says he wants to marry her and grow old together. She tells him he’s vain, arrogant, and incapable of seeing his faults. He only wants her as a trophy; he doesn’t even know her.

3. In rehearsal, Fern fumbles his lines because of all the stress of the day. Aurora is snotty about it. He invites her out for drinks though his heart’s not in it. She acts like she’s above such an invitation. He says he just wanted to talk about Omar. Whatever Aurora said left him very depressed. She says she’s not the slightest bit interested in Omar. She decides she’s finished practicing for today, since Fernando isn’t in costume. She leaves.

4. Fernando tries to throw away Lety’s picture, but he can’t. To distract himself, he starts doodling on the Aurora picture in the newspaper. He says everyone thinks she’s beautiful, but he thinks she lacks something. He modifies the picture to make her look perfect – unibrown, mustache, etc. He’s proud of his work, but then he realizes the result is Lety!

5. Omar tells Caro how he felt when he first saw Aurora. He’s learning how to feel. It’s love, but love is suffering. She says, “not when love is returned.” He doesn’t think anyone can love him because he doesn’t deserve it. She tells him to open his eyes and his heart.

6. Origel tells Sara that the dinner with Colunga is tonight. Ali stole two blank Conceptos checks. She buys lots of bling and tells Tom her papi bought it for her.

7. Fern decides that the picture looks like Lety because that’s how he drew it. Of course Aurora can’t be his Lety. But he puts the picture in his pocket to examine later. He tells Omar he feels an urge to take Lety to the end of the world where nobody will find them. Omar wants to go to Tibet and get away from all women. Fern gets clobbered again when he hears the cuartel celebrating Lety’s engagement. Irma’s heart goes out to him, and he shushes her so his suffering won’t spoil Lety’s spotlight moment.

8. Omar calls to Caro but then gets tonguetied. They both steal besitos. At home, Omar starts thinking about Caro’s words, and he finally puts one and one together. (Why not “put two and two together?” Because that math is too complicated for Omar.)

9. Fern goes to Lety’s house, telling himself he just wants to say goodbye to Julieta.

10. Omar shows up at Carolina’s door. He tells her he just wants to be close to her. She excuses herself to dress and they can go out for coffee. He follows her and she doesn’t stop him. He says maybe it’s time for him to open his heart. She kisses him, and they kiss and kiss and kiss.

Spanish Lesson, Aldo and Fernando.

A: I respect you.
F: Like the winner respects the loser?
A: You’re not a loser.
F: Who’s with Lety?
A: No, we all won.
F: Yeah, right.
A: You learned how to love.
F: Lucky me, except that I have no one to love. Instead I get to see you beside the woman I love. I fought for her but it wasn’t enough to ask for forgiveness, nor to show her how much I love her. Do you know that I proposed to her too? And she accepted. But then she realized she felt something for you and had doubts. I would give my whole life so that she would return to me
A: You’re right that you need to put your life back together. You should get close to Aurora. She’s a great option for you.
F: Oh, that’s all I need. Now you want to find me a novia?
A: I just want to help.
F: Oh really? You want to see me happy?
A: You’re a good person. I’m sure that Lety would’ve been very happy with you because I’m sure you love her.
F: Yes, I love her, and where has it gotten me?
A: Look. Leticia decided, and even though she chose me, I’m convinced that you earned it (hiciste suficiente meritos), and you deserve Leticia’s love.
Aldo leaves.


Thursday, March 31, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #277-278 3/31/11 Should Fernando be with Aurora? 2 votes yes, 3 votes no.

Capitulo 277.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. They film the first scene of the pilot, Corazón Corazón Amor. Agent Inocencio Tenorio looks sharp in a tuxedo, but his client faints when she sees his face.

2. Jax tells them to shoot the pilot with Fernando and Aurora. Lety faints. Aldo thinks it would be wonderful for Fern and Aurora (2 times) to be together. Lety faints again. Jax says Conceptos could earn $4M on the project.

3. The brujas read Lety and Marcia’s e-mails. They discover that Ali won’t let her husband touch her. Her excuse is that to get pregnant, they must only have relations when she’s fertile.

4. Lety tells Caro that she can’t endure this double life and she needs to reveal that she’s Aurora. Fern tells the executives he needs to write five more episodes tonight, so he’ll need Lety’s help. Aldo rejects that idea and says that tonight Lety is his alone. Lety says, .. well, what’s it matter what Lety says, when she has Aldo to make her decisions for her?

5. Aldo tells Lety he’s setting up a new restaurant. Lety asks what would happen if Aurora were a fraud. Aldo says he’d think poorly of her because he hates deception and there is never an excuse for it. For the third time, Aldo says Aurora would be the perfect woman for Fernando (3 times).

6. Fern and Omar fall asleep working on the script. Caro admits to Marcia that Omar has changed and she feels drawn to him, especially as he suffers. Marcia reminds Caro that Omar loves Aurora, and counsels her from experience that it’s a bad move to fall for a man who’s in love with another – it only means suffering.

7. Lety asks her parents how they’d feel if she changed her look to something like Aurora. RoboPop blows a fuse and reminds her that she’s a decent girl.

8. Fern tells his diary, “Lety, how I wish you were sharing this place with me. I won’t lose hope that one day you’ll be with me again. My love for you is infinite. I sense that you love me. I keep my distance but you are still in my heart. One day someone will read my memoirs. I hope they realize that love, true love, changes everything. I changed from the great seductor to a lonely man in love, writing alone in his room.

9. Lety tells Caro that she’s trapped. She can’t reveal Aurora. Tom and Ali return.

Capitulo 278.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Tom and Ali tell their sidekicks about the honeymoon with no moon.

2. Fern admits that Aurora is guapa. He interprets Lety’s strong reaction as jealousy so he runs with it. He says he has to go on living, and maybe he could get together with Aurora. Lety objects strongly. Fern is tickled to see her “jealous” reaction.

3. Lety Aurorafies at Caro’s house. Caro asks her to let Omar off the hook because he already learned his lesson. Lety suggests that Caro is in love. Tom fails at keeping Aldo away from Conceptos when Aurora is there. Ali drags Tom off to see their “palace.”

4. Marcia offers Fern a penny for his thoughts. He says, considering what they once had, he can’t tell her his lovelorn life. She reminds him that they live under the same roof now, and she’s behaved very well. Besides, she can see that he’s still suffering for Lety.

5. Aldo sees Aurora in the vortex and doesn’t recognize Lety. He tells Tom he thinks she’d be great with Fernando (4 times). He finds out he might be able to buy back his restaurant.

6. Fern tells Marcia that he promised Lety he’d respect her relationship, but it’s awfully hard. So he faked an interest in Aurora, even though he can’t stand her and he could never like anyone but Lety. He did it so Lety could enjoy Aldo in peace. Marcia admires his sacrifice. Fern makes sure the cuartel sees him attend to Aurora.

7. Alicia mocks Omar because Aurora blows him off. Paula needles Omar a little more, saying it seems like Aurora prefers Fernando. Omar is furious at Fern for taking the girl he likes, yet again, the only one he’s ever loved. Caro overhears and suffers. Lety tries to warn Fern that Aurora will just make him suffer. Again Fern is thrilled that she’s jealous.

8. Lety goes to Aldo’s office and sees Carmina flirting. When they’re alone, Lety is almost crying when she says it bothers her to see them together. Aldo chuckles.

9. Aldo and Lety duck away to a park. They recite what sounds like a love poem for two voices, or maybe pseudo-vows. Aldo asks Lety to marry him.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #275-276 3/30/11 Wedding Bell Blues

Capitulo 275.
Read Amanda's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

I neglected to post this "Full Circle" moment yesterday. Fernando is pulling an all-nighter on the script and Lety checks in on him, just like when Lety worked late on the balance and Fern checked in on her.

What a mess yesterday was. Today's a new day with a clean slate. If you couldn't find yesterday's summary (some glitch on Caray), you can find it at this link. I STRONGLY recommend that you at least look at #273. It's a very important episode. If you still want to post there, go ahead. I'll be checking the page through the day.

1. Marcia is pacing outside the wedding hall, and Luigi comes alongside as a friend. She weeps that the important thing is that Tom loves her friend and he didn’t back out two days before the wedding.

2. Ali suggests that Tom drink more so he won’t be as upset by the surprise. Ali’s dad’s still not there.

3. Caro tells Omar that she’s not a shadow, she’s real (unlike Aurora). He says he himself is only an apparition. She kisses him and asks if that’s real. He gently pulls away and says, “I can’t. I’m not the same anymore.”

4. Lety doesn’t want to join the señoritas to catch the bouquet but MamaJ and Aldo push her. Lety catches it and Fernando mourns. Fernando doesn’t join the men gathered to catch the garter, but Tom throws it over them, right into Fern’s hand. Outside, he finds Lety nearly crying.
F: You must be very happy because you caught the bouquet (oh, yes, her joy is written all over her tears face). That means that very soon you’ll marry Aldo, right? I hope that you two will be very happy.
L: No, Aldo and I haven’t talked about marriage (only shacking up).
F: Can you imagine? Only imagine, of course. How would it be if you and I were still together. You got the bouquet and I got the garter. (Seriously.) I’d marry you tomorrow morning, Lety.

5. Aldo asks Lety if this whim to get married could become reality. Lety giggles and says that if he has something to say, say it. So he says, “Let’s go back to the party.” In the space of five minutes, two galáns have talked to Lety about marriage. See any difference in her reactions?

6. The manager asks for the balance for the hall. Tom paid 50%, but Alidaddy never paid the balance. Tomy yells, asking why papi never showed up. Alicia starts crying, and Tom pays. Saimon and Paula give up their Acapulco trip (from the contest) so Tom and Ali can have a honeymoon. Ali conveniently falls asleep as soon as they get to the hotel.

7. In the morning, Fernando is eager for filming to start but is unwilling to show Luigi the script.

8. Fernando symbolically puts the loan payment between Aldo and Lety. It pays 50% of the debt, so he and Aldo are equal partners. For having just received $3.25M, Aldo doesn’t look very happy, but Lety looks proud of Fern. Aldo leaves.

9. Fernando sits on the throne like he owns the world. Lety gazes at him from across the desk, just like the old days. She tells him she’s sure the script will be wonderful (support). He doesn’t want anyone to know he wrote it. This is his way to prove to himself that he can make the company succeed.

10. Marcia and Omar plant doubts in Fernando about the viability of the project. Lety tells Caro that Aurora will never appear again (6 times). Luigi is in a panic. No actor will work on their project without seeing a script. Fernando says he’ll star in it instead.

Capitulo 276.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Aldo yammers about food to Carmina and Esther.

2. Fern reiterates that he plans to act in the pilot. Luigi throws a fit. Lui, Omar, Marcia, and Caro read the script. Fern is scared they won’t like it, but they love it. Fern says he wrote it, and they don’t believe him.

3. Lety invites Aldo to lunch. He begs off because he’s working hard. Lety is jealous that he’s with Carmina, and Lety’s sure Carmina wants to take her man.

4. Fernando’s paycheck is 1% of what it was when he was president. Omar gets nothing because he’s on commission and we know how much he works. Fern says he’ll buy lunch for the tres hermanos if they go to Comidilla. The cuartel goes there too. Fern and Lety can’t take their eyes off each other, and everyone sits together.

5. Luigi makes script modifications. Fern tells him he can’t, and they get into their usual fight. Fern does a really funny imitation of Luigi, tells Luigi he’s exceptionally ordinary, and says Ruli doesn’t want him anymore. Luigi slaps Fern.

6. Fernando performs a very dramatic introduction to the series and everyone is impressed (wasn’t that fun?).

7. Aldo pouts because Lety is busy all the time. She says the pilot is very important. GSNAK.

8. Everyone watches as they film the beginning of the show. A big drum turns, revealing Agent 00-FEO in salmon-colored plaid slacks (What? No bell bottoms?). We never see the face, but everyone is shocked.


Monday, March 28, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #273-274 3/29/11 No hay patrón sin cliente. (You can't be a patron without a client.)

Capitulo 273.
Read Beckster's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Origel tells the cuartel that if his reporter finds Aurora at the address, they win the contest.

2. Carmina and Esther probe into Aldo’s personal life, claiming it’s for the book. No dice.

3. Sara, Marta, and the reporters interrupt the commercial shoot.

4. Even Fernando recognizes the importance of the Full Circle theme! He says, “Lety is copying me. She’s doing what I did when I was president. Now all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together.” He believes Lety has another man.

5. Fern goes to the shoot. Jax steps up and cancels the contract. He watched the pilot and it was a dud and his company doesn’t want to sponsor it, so they don’t need the commercials. Fernando boldly takes charge and announces, “We’ll produce a TV show for you!” Jax is so impressed by Fern’s boldness that he accepts. And Lety gazes at her hero. Jax tells Fern to make sure the show is a good showcase for RetroMod.

6. Lety tells Caro that she’s going to support Fern in any way she can. Another failure would hurt him too much. Omar and Luigi tell Fern it’s impossible, but he’s confident his company can do it. Caro promises her support.



7. In Reception, Fernando dances around the subject, trying to ask Lety if she had a date with another man. Fernando follows Lety into the elevator, they exit into the vortex side-by-side, and walking across the vortex, Lety drops behind Fernando.

8. Esther and Carmina walk Aldo home. Carmaniac surprises him with a beso en la boca as a goodbye.

9. Ali gives Marcia the honor of paying for the hall, food, and music for her wedding. Marcia refuses the honor. So Ali calls her papi, and it appears that he offers to pay half her expenses, but Ali could’ve faked the call. Ali tells Tom the news. She intentionally breaks his glasses.

10. Fern tells Lety that he committed Conceptos to do a TV show, and he nervously asks if she approves. Marcia walks in, “How could you do such a thing? We know nothing about TV shows!” and smashes his dream. But Lety says, “We can learn, can’t we?” Fern is so thrilled, he can hardly breathe. He jumps up and says, “Then you support me, Lety?” Lety puts her stamp of approval on the project. Marcia decides to support his project too, and Fern impulsively gives her a big hug, then he sees Lety’s face, springs back, and gives Lety a big hug too.

11. Ahh, but who will bell the cat? IOW what will their show be about? They throw out suggestions. Marcia leaves. Fernando suggests a show about pirates, and he imitates Fernando Colunga.

12. Then Fernando gets serious.
F: Um, um, I have a question for you, Doña. Why did you support me so much?
L: It makes sense. I have confidence in you. And you have a good eye for business.
F: No, but tell me the truth, okay?
L: The truth?
F: Yes. You already know very well what I’m talking about, don’t you? Are you still in love with me? Accept it, Doña Lety, because I can’t live without you.

13. And they almost kiss.

Capitulo 274.
Read 5ft Latina's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fern and Lety almost kiss, but they spring apart. Lety claims that she loves Aldo very much. Fern says forget it ever happened. He admits he’s impulsive, and he got carried away because she supported him so much. She says he deserves it. He says he’s trying with all his might to respect her decision. She warmly says she understands and says he doesn’t need to apologize.

2. The executives meet to brainstorm plot ideas. Fern says the show should be about the great Casanovas of history.

3. Paula wins the drawing. She’ll get the trip to Acapulco from the Aurora contest.

4. Fern works late on his plot idea. Lety checks in on him. Aldo follows and asks if she’s ready to leave; he’s cooking for her tonight (I’m thinking it’ll be leftovers since he didn’t get to enjoy what he had prepared for last night). Lety decides to stay to help Fernando, and Fernando tries to conceal his delight until after Aldo leaves.

5. Paula nervously tells Jaimito that Saimon is now her novio. No worries – Jaimito says Saimon is the best dad she could’ve found.

6. Fern tells Omar that he finished the script but he’s worried that it’s not good enough.

7. Tom is worried on his wedding day. He has not yet met Ali’s papi who is supposed to pay for half the wedding. Tomasa overhears the cuartel say that Ali is divorced. She stops the ceremony. In the sacristy, Ali says she’s paid for her past errors, but she’ll give Tomasa grandchildren. Tomasa accepts and the priest takes their vows. With only one witness.

8. Fern spends the reception capturing ideas to add to his script.


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