Saturday, January 02, 2016

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #90 Friday, January 1, 2016 (Mex 124-125) Shriekin', Huggin' and a-Lovin'!

Felice Anno Nuovo!  Pace e Prosperità a Tutti!  Happy New Year!  Peace and Prosperity to All! Andiamo!  Let's go!  

Fiorella is with an increasingly frantic Pedro who instinctively wipes his eyes but the darkness doesn't dissipate.  Fiorella tries to explain to Pedro what Dr. Elizalde said but he's not listening.  He freaks and then shrieks for Fiorella not to leave him.  Fiorella bolts out the door to ask Sergio to get Dr. Elizalde.  Aitana demands to know what she is doing there.  Sergio and Fiorella ignore her as Fiorella gives Sergio the sad news.

Giana and Gael are at the University as Gigi continues to wonder what her sister is trying to hide from her.  Gael thinks she should directly ask Fiorella what is going on.  Gianna decides it's a better idea to call Fiorella's friend, Nicoleta.

In the study at the Ranch, Assvaldo and Benigno are on death watch, having sent the Hairy Witch to find out if Pedro has kicked the bucket.  Benigno thinks death is imminent and congratulations are in order.  He hugs the Ass and Eloisa almost busts them talking about Pedro's demise.  Assvaldo has to put on his game grief face.  He hopes it's not going to be a tragedy.  Eloisa maintains it will not!  Assvaldo floats his "we have to think about the company" line, you know, if Pedro remains seriously injured, or dies.  Eloisa looks him unwaveringly in the eye:  Pedro is strong and will recover!  Sergio comes in on his phone an beckons for Eloisa to follow him out of the study.  After Sergio and Eloisa leave, Assvaldo and Benigno exchange worried glances.  "Could he have died?" asks Benigno.  Assvaldo says, "I hope so!"  Ass notes that Benigno, wearing a black suit, has come dressed for the occasion.  They chuckle and leave the study.

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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse #89 Wed 12/30/15 (Mex 123) Don't Cry for Me, Fiorella…no, really, please don't

The dog and the dog guy go running off.  So at least someone made it out of this unscathed.  There's no sign of the horse as  Fiorella is begging Pedro to please wake up.  Sonia runs up and then calls the house begging them to call an ambulance.

For some reason, after the initial panic has passed, Os and Fed are back to the usual languid sniping, which Sergio finds highly offensive.  Dante announces the arrival of the ambulance and Sergio goes running, shouting for Os to come with him.  Juli runs upstairs to inform Eloisa and Fed just sits on the couch probably pondering Os' potential involvement.  As she said--he's the one who stands to benefit if something happens to Pedro.

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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse #88 Tue 12/29/15 (Mex 122) Well, she always wanted a daughter.

Gianna interrupts Pedro and Fiorella's kissyface session in the employee kitchen, pretending she didn't hear a word of their conversation.  She's just telling them about Roxi being thrown out when Joaquina comes in.  Pedro goes running to talk to Eloisa.  Joaquina wonders if she might have gone to a friend's house, but Gi can't resist snarking that Roxi doesn't have any friends (which is mostly true!) and both Joaquina and Fi are shocked.  Fi tells Gi it's not like her to say stuff like that.  "Yeah, well.  Keeping secrets is worse," says Gi, and storms off.

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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #87 Monday 12-18-15 (Mex 121) Set ups and Teases

Benni hears the tale end of Eloisa's eviction of Roxi from the Ranch.

Pedro goes to meet Fiorella at the summit of a hill in the garden.  She excitedly shares the pictures we saw her looking at earlier in her bedroom.  The little girl, about eight or so, is her; a couple of pictures of her Mother and a picture of her Mother and Father in their youth.  She is excited and touched, she feels close to them just looking at the pictures.  Once all this exposing and prosecuting of Benigno is over and everybody knows of their love, Pedro wants Fiorella to show him all the places where she grew up.  Lots of smiles and kisses.

Sergio pleads with Eloisa not to be so hard on Roxi.  Assvaldo and Sonia think Eloisa is right. Eloisa asks for her medicine.  Freddie goes to the dining room where Dante is dripping the drops into a glass of water.  He gets a phone call and has to leave, asking Freddie to take her the drops.  Freddie, of course, puts demon drops of doom into the glass and takes it to Eloisa.

Assvaldo is on the phone talking to Benigno about the horse Pedro is getting and how this will fit into their plan to murder him.

Freddie takes the glass to Eloisa and is about to drink when she interrupts herself to fuss some more about Roxi.  Freddie prompts her to go ahead and take her medicine and Eloisa launches into a high-pitched chant about how the glass contains a special tea that Maximo bought for her and doesn't Freddie want to try it?   There is a little struggle as Freddie says no and Eloisa even tries to make her drink it and the glass spills.  Sergio and Julieta look on, horrified.

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Saturday, December 26, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #86 Friday, 12-25-15 (Mex 120) Pedro in the Cross Hairs and Vitto Lays a Goose Egg

Hope everyone had a Buon Natale!  Merry Christmas!  Feliz Navidad!  Ciao, Patio Peeps!  Well, let's see how Fifi was able to get her delicate little foot out of her mouth after carrying on to Eloisa how beautiful Pedro's Mother's (Pilar) villa is.  Well, when she first got there she was so taken with the beauty of El Rancho she told Fidel there couldn't be a more beautiful place on earth.  Fidel then showed her pictures and she was all like, "well, shut my mouth!  This place IS more beautiful than El Rancho!"  Fidel also shared that Eloisa hardly goes there anymore.  Eloisa appears to buy it and hears the racket from the wild party as she is about to leave Fiorella's room.

We catch up with Benito in the darkened kitchen of the employee's quarters, sitting on the floor killing a bottle of tequila.  Gianna finds him and sits down next to him.  Benito thinks he's an idiot, Gianna thinks Roxi really loves him but was overwhelmed with everyone watching.  Benni wonders whats eating her.  Gianna whines that Gael got high right in her face!  Benni concludes they have both made terrible choices in love and offers her his back-wash filled bottle of tequila.

In the Big House at El Rancho the party is going full blast!  Gael wants to find Roxi but she convinces him to forget the little Italian gata.  Roxi and Gael jump up and down which passes for dancing when you're high on being Roxi and street drugs, respectively.  Granny and Eloisa enter the madness and Granny calls out "What is all of this?"  Roxi answers, "A Party!"  Eloisa is about to call a halt to the shenanigans but sees Freddie and Dante walk in and ask the same question.  This time, Eloisa answers "It's a PAR-TAY!!  EVERYBODY SHAKE YOUR BOOTIES!"  And she begins to break it down with the best of them.  Freddie and Dante exchange glances while Fiorella tries to get Eloisa to leave.

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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Familiarize Yourself with the Background of "The Hotel of Secrets" - Starts 1/25/16

It’s 1905 and an unexpected encounter in a train will change the lives of Isabel Alarcon and Julio Olmedo.  They sit together at the same table and realize that neither of the two of them belongs to the places from which they come.  

Protected by anonymity and the brevity of the train trip, they speak of their dreams and desires.  Julio jumps off the train without saying good-bye, thinking that he’ll never again meet up with this fantastic being that Fate lent to him for a few hours.

Juliio arrives at The Grand Hotel in order to look for his sister, Cristina.  However, he receives a nasty surprise: that his sister was fired and nobody has had any idea of her whereabouts for a month now.  From this moment a search will begin that will take him along unimagined pathways; he will unearth each hidden mystery at the majestic hotel; and he will begin a stormy and passionate romance with Isabel.  

Isabel and Julio will have to traverse a river of blood not only to find out the truth about Cristina, but to succeed in freeing themselves from the trials and tribulations that have marked their lives.

[ed. note: Translated from UVideos Conoce la historia de El Hotel de los Secretos]

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse #85 Wed 12/23/15 (Mex 118-119) Anything can happen in the woods**

Picking up right where we left off…Does Rox know of Beni's intentions?  Well, no, not exactly, but he knows she feels the same way.  "How will you support her?  Have you not seen her collection of credit cards?  Heck, take her off my hands.  You'd be doing me a huge favor.  She spends a TON of money every week.  Look, you go propose.  If she says 'yes,' you have my blessing, and you get her out of here quickly and take her FAR away from here."  Beni can't believe his luck and gratefully embraces Eloisa.  She smiles and laughs with genuine good humor, even when Beni is so uncouth as to shout gleefully out in the hallway.  She's genuinely pleased because she feels like she's putting one over on Beni--he has no idea what he's getting himself into.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse #84 Tue 12/22/15 (Mex 117) "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."**

After a good 4 minutes of refrito, we get back to the action in progress.  Fi stands firm--Vitto is a big lying liar and a creep who pressured her into marrying him for months, but now it is O-V-E-R.  Vitto looks like he'd like to keel over now, for realz, and I sure wouldn't mind if he did.

Gael sneaks into Gi's room and she freaks out thinking it's Aitana coming to torture her some more. He's just after a good night kiss.  He's feeling a little bolder since he figures everyone's preoccupied with Eloisa, so nobody's going to notice that he's sneaking into his girlfriend's room at night.  Gael has something to do tomorrow, so he won't be at school, even though they're "cumpliendo meses" (it's their month-iversary) and Gi was hoping they'd do something special to celebrate.

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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #83 Monday12-21-15 (Mex 115-116) Fiorella gives Vitto a Piece of her Mind and we hope she has some left!

Ciao!  How y'all are?  Picking right up where we left off with Pedro learning that once dementia starts, it's very difficult to reverse the damage.  Pedro is visibly moved and remarks that he never expected this to happen and that just recently Eloisa was so good.  Dr. Elizalde just wants to make sure Pedro understands and doesn't have any false hopes.  Dr. Elizalde also suggests that she get her legal affairs in order and advises Pedro to be very patient with her.  Pedro agrees he must step forward to take charge of ACorp and the family!

First on his list is to get in touch with Fabio.  Darn!  Still no answer!  Fidel knocks and is invited into the study.  They discuss Pedro's failure to reach Fabio.  Pedro wonders if Fabio could be working with Benigno and Aitana.  Fidel thinks this is possible and why Fabio has made himself scarce.  There must be a way to expose Benigno but Pedro doesn't know what to do or who to trust.  Fidel asks if Assvaldo is a good option and Pedro says no, his consuming interest has been wanting to head the family and the business and he doesn't trust him.  Fidel asks Pedro if he thinks Assvaldo could be an accomplice of Benigno and the music ramps up quickly in a feverish crescendo!!!  Pedro says no, he doesn't think so:  Assvaldo would never do anything that would threaten his own self interests and my heart takes a dive!!!  AAAAAGH!!!!  Fidel advises then that Pedro should go to Assvaldo and get his help!  FIDEL!!

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Friday, December 18, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #82 Friday 12-18-15 (Mex 114) I Love You and I Want to Shout it to the Four. . . . walls. . .

Aitana and Assvaldo continue their illicit face-sucking in the study as Pedro heads toward them when he is stopped by Sergio who grabs him up in a bear hug and tells him how glad he is he has returned.  Sergio tells him he must see his Abuela.  Pedro agrees and is headed to the door once again.  Aitana tears Assvaldo's lips from her own, whispering loudly that Pedro is there.  Assvaldo doesn't seem to care.  Sergio now wants to know what happened. . .is Pedro starting to have panic attacks as well?  Pedro finally pulls away and is about to enter the study when Aitana steps out of the study and confronts him while Assvaldo stands just behind the study door.  Of course she wants to know why he humiliated her by leaving her at the altar.  Pedro's gaze is cold and piercing as he listens to her repeat the question five different ways.  Sergio comes behind Pedro's shoulder and quietly tries to suggest that Pedro ask to be pardoned.  Pedro is silent but his glare full of contempt and I can almost hear him calling her a lying, cynical, thieving, %^&*(!  "Oh, you're not going to say anything?  Well, you and I are going to have a serious talk, right now!" and she grabs Pedro's arm and he wrenches it away forcefully and vehemently:  "Don't touch me!  I'm going to talk to my Abuela."  He looks around the corner, but not fully and so misses the ass behind the door.  Pedro turns on his heels and heads hurriedly toward the stairs with Sergio right behind him.  Aitana stares after them with a look of surprise and recognition that Pedro has changed.  Assvaldo steps out and gloats that she saved them.  Aitana declares that Pedro, however, will NOT be saved!
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Thursday, December 17, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse #81 Thu 12/17/15 (Mex 112-113) Honeymoon Interruptus

Diana breaks it to her mom that they've got a new roomie.  And there he is at the door, right on cue.

Aitana and Os wander over to the love cabin, defiling it with their presence.

To the accompaniment of the overenthusiastic synth player, the singer belts out the theme song.  I object to the excess of bass.  Fi and Pedro are already snogging before the JP can even finish pronouncing them man and wife.  Lol, one of her flowers even came partly dislodged in their enthusiasm.

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Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse #80 Wed 12/16/15 (Mex 111) Talk about putting the cart before the horse!

Gianna is begging to be let out of the sauna, but Aitana keeps demanding answers.  She sticks to her story…good girl!  Gael comes along and hears her shouting.  Aitana and Os threaten her to keep quiet and tell Gael that Gianna's trapped in the sauna, the thermostat is busted, and the door got locked accidentally.  Aitana opens the door and Gianna is whisked away by Gael, who doesn't look like he believed their story one bit.  The Os/Aitana foreplay continues.

Eloisa's doctor says the results are conclusive--she has anemia.  Fed's relieved.  Mostly she needs to change her diet to get more iron…and stop drinking coffee.  "To hell with that!" says El.  Also, her BP is high, so she needs her meds upped for that.  That's apparently the purpose of the magic drops.  And if she doesn't take care of herself, she'll end up having a stroke.  El kicks everyone out of her room.  Hey, that's a great way to lower her blood pressure instantly!

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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse #79 Tue 12/15/15 (Mex 109-110) Honeymoonin'

Fi and Pedro are curled up post-coital in the pre-matrimonial bed.  She calls Vittorio's name, but not the way he would have wanted!  She had a nightmare that she was at the wedding with Vitto and she tried to say she didn't want to, but her voice just wouldn't come out.  Pedro says that was just a nightmare, and THIS is reality…this meaning nekkid smoochies.

Aitana is STILL at the Rancho, fussing over how she's SURE Pedro's with Fi.  Os doesn't think Pedro and Luca would have plotted together.  Aitana basically calls him stupid.  Os suggests they have Gianna watched.  Aitana changes her tune…and gets a little handsy with Os.  WTF does anybody see in that guy?  Sonia comes in and looks like she's ready to start a fight over him.  Yuck!  Aitana departs and Os fills her in on the convo.

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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #78 Monday 12-14-15 (Mex 108) A Time for Us!

Ciao, Muchacha Patio Peeps!  Let's find out what has happened since Pedro and Fiorella escaped from the scene of the two bodas of doom!  Gianna bids Fiorella and Pedro a warm adieu while Vittorio stalks out of the church, his family and guests surrounding him.  Now it's his turn to shout Fiorella's name.  Gianna comes around the corner and feigns surprise as she asks Vitto what has happened and then exclaims that she saw Fiorella and Gianluca running "that a way" and she points in the opposite direction of their escape.  The guests head off in that direction while Vitto calls her name over and over while Diana grins in the background.

Eloisa, Sergio, Julieta and Freddie have arrived back at El Rancho.  Sergio helps her in, her steps are heavy and she regrets having left the church:  Pedro could come back there.  Sergio thinks Pedro wouldn't return to the church as the paparazi were arriving and they couldn't just hang around looking like fools.  Not them, quips Freddie, but Aitana sure could.  Freddie is clearly amusing herself.  Sergio, Julieta and Eloisa ask her to chill.  Dante announces that there is no trace of Pedro at the hospital or in the police station.  Julieta thinks he ran away with Fiorella, Sergio says it's impossible as she was marrying Vittorio at the time.

Aitana is a blur of agitation and frustration as she runs frantically around Pedro's room rifling through his bureau drawers, under his bed, everywhere looking for clues of what could have happened.  Her parents, Celeste and Benigno, are there.  Celeste rejects the running away with Italian girl theory and tries to keep Aitana grounded with the practical matter of changing out of the wedding gown.  Aitana thinks her dad's failed wedding dress shredding scheme has brought her this bad luck!  Benigno thinks something bad has happened to Pedro and sites his missing motorcycle as evidence:  those things are dangerous!

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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #77 Friday, 12-11-15 (Mex 107) ¡Muchacha Italiana Escaparse!

Saluti, miei amici belli del Patio!  Let's dive right in to an episode we all deserve!  Pedro has a mini freak out in the ACorp board room after reading the email on Benigno's thumb drive!  Aitana and Benigno have totally deceived him!  He throws some bookshelves and chairs around but stops to answer his cell.  It's Fabio calling to apologize for not being able to attend his wedding; something has come up at home in Italy.  Pedro verifies that Fabio was part of the team that investigated the sale of ACorp stock and then they agree to meet at La Dolce Vita as what he wants to discuss is very sensitive.

Diana gets ready for Vitto's wedding.  Her Mom is surprised she's going and takes the opportunity to "I told you so" Diana.  Anibal the animal calls to threaten Diana and press her for his bail.  She counsels him to be patient:  Vitto is about to be out of town and they can rip him off then.  After she hangs up on him Anibal charges Ramiro with REALLY tailing Diana and giving her any help she needs with the heist.

Pedro looks comfy, yet determined in his jeans astride a motor cycle as he arrives at La Dolce Vita (LDV)  Ok, he looks hot.  Anyway, he makes a call to Fiorella and gets that frustrating disconnection message.  Ay!  She's got to know he's not getting married anymore!!

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Friday, December 11, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse #76 Thu 12/10/15 (Mex 105-106) Set a course for the weddings! Warp 2? 3?

Voyeur Luca thought bubbles that Fi deserves to be happy.  With all due respect…screw Fi!  I deserve to be happy.  Uh…we!  We deserve to be happy!  And Fi marrying Vitto will not make us happy.  But before Luca can actually say anything, the undead arrives, shouting for his bride-to-be.  Luca claims he was looking for her, too, but whaddayaknow, she's not here!  Fi and Pedro continue with the heavy breathing.  And then DANTE is screaming for Fi.  Because apparently his job has jack to do with security, but everything to do with tormenting Fi.  He gives her a hard time about slacking on the job and nearly finds Pedro hiding in her room.  She is summoned to Eloisa's.

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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse #75 Wed 12/9/15 (Mex 104) The weddings approach at the speed of sloth

El lives in some kind of fantasy world and she's horribly offended that Gael would ask such a question about his sainted parents, who she loved dearly and misses.  His mom was awesome and his dad would never have been a "cornudo" (cuckold; dude who was cheated on)  Sure, Os Sr. was a horrible ass who treated his wife badly, BUT THEY LOVED EACH OTHER!

Gi finds the picture of her new jail and is…impressed.  Except that it makes her relationship with Gael more difficult.  Even when Fi points out that she can invite Gael over Gi is not convinced and would rather find out what happened at the dress fitting.  "But I thought if he saw you in your dress…."  Oops!  Backpedal, backpedal, backpedal.  Fi says Pedro's a rock and won't be moved by anyone.  Gi's grateful for everything he has done for them, though, and so Fi agrees she shouldn't be so hard on him.

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Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #74 Tuesday 12/8/15 (Mex 103)

Recap by sneaky two shoes:

Gia makes her terrible suggestion to Gael

Sergio tries to interest his son in internet hos – ‘you gotta have a little fun before you jump off the marriage cliff w/o a parachute’ And offers some terrible advice of his own – ‘you have to erase her (Fi) from your mind’

Elo and Fi and the phone. Elo isn’t so sure, wants proof – ‘are you sure this isn’t to stop Pietro from marrying Aitana?’ Takes the non-functioning phone and tells Fi to stay out of it, she (Elo) will investigate. Fi slumps and agrees, but gives it one more try – ‘if it turns on you gotta read the txts, its very important’ then slouches out.
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Monday, December 07, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #73 Monday, 12-7-15 (Mex 102) In Which Fiorella Finds a Knife Protruding from the Angeles Family Back

Ciao, Patio Peeps!  Are y'all all refreshed from a day away from our dysfunctional bunch of ego-maniacs, vultures, swindlers and sadistic seniors intent on sucking the joy out of young lovers' lives?  Well, let's catch up with the madness in Dos Rios, picking up where we left off.  Pardon the choppiness, I'm going to try to go scene by scene.

Pedro and Gianluca's yelling goes to blows right inside La Dolce Vita:  Pedro is attacking Gianluca for his part in deceiving the poor, dying Vittorio and Luca accuses Pedro of being a typical, cynical rich dude and trying to make Fiorella his personal plaything.  Domingo breaks up the fight and Pedro leaves in a huff.

Pedro arrives at ACorp just after Benigno has signed the papers which form the new fused company headed up by the Ass.  Benigno asks for a list of ACorps customers so as to insure there is no conflict of interest between the two client bases.  Pedro exchanges sharp words with Assvaldo, then leaves with Aitana trailing him.  Benigno and his wife discuss the still lost cell phone.  The whole group toasts the merger.

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Friday, December 04, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse #72 Thu 12/3/15 (Mex 101) The things we do for love

In the midst of the refrito, a detail catches my ear…Gael says that none of the Angeles can get thrown out of the house until Eloisa's will is completed.  Funny how they keep making up new rules for why they're all stuck living together.

Fi's latest argument with Gianluca ends with a demand that he never kiss her again.  Boo!

Ramiro gets all dressed up and goes to La Dolce Vita to check out Diana…and he makes it clear to Domingo that he is, indeed, checking out Diana (busy flirting with Vitto).  Vitto even wanders over, giving Ramiro the chance to say that the meal is excellent, and oh by the way, that woman over there is his neighbor who he has the hots for.  She doesn't know they're neighbors but he watches her all the time…with her son.  Well, Vitto is convinced Beto is her nephew, so that gets Ramiro nowhere.  He breaks it to Ramiro that Diana's spoken for…ohh, not by him!  He's an honorable lech…er, leech…er, man who's about to get married.  Fake-sad Ramiro asks for the check.

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