Tuesday, June 29, 2010

El Clon Tuesday June 29: Summary for Discussion

The (only) bright spot tonight – The Naz in her zebra-print leggings workin’ it at the gym. Seriously.

At the Casa Ferrer:
Marisa answers when Jade calls, and while Lucas looks on, tries to torture her by reminding her that she is the one with Said now. At last Lucas wrests the phone away and Jade tells him to stay away from her, calling him a coward and a liar. Estoy muerta para ti, muerta! (I'm dead as far as you're concerned, dead!). She hangs up.

In Ali’s house:
Jade tells Zoraida not to answer the ringing phone.

At Said’s place:
Rania is hurt by Said’s absence for two nights and his lukewarm affirmation of his love. He is back in Jade’s closet, sniffing her clothes, tears in his eyes. A weepy Rania confides to a servant:
Su corazón todavía no se divorcia de Jade.
His heart hasn’t yet divorced itself from Jade.

At Mohamed’s place, there’s a whole lot of haram going on:
The brothers discuss Said’s infidelity and Mohamed realizes the other woman is Marisa.
Samira tells Latifa that Prince Amin is stealing things from the store to give to Karla and that he’s spying on her.
The Naz is preparing to go to the gym with Samira and Jadiya.
Tápate Nazira! Cover yourself, Nazira, implores Latifa.

A little peek at Pablo’s class at the gym:
The Naz flounces energetically, if awkwardly, in her zebra-skin leggings.

At the Casa Ferrer:
Nati tells Lucas she is very depressed. Lucas offers to intervene with Alej, but this has no effect on her mood.

At Club Caliente:
Karla demands 3 things from Osvaldo: Daniel’s phone number (which Osvaldo professes not to know), the name of the woman who works in Roberto’s house, and $1000.

At the clinic:
Albi tells Luisa he’s not prepared to see Daniel yet. A puzzled Luisa tells Anita about this and she suggests Luisa herself go to see Daniel.
Escobar comes in all atwitter (emocionadísimo: very excited. If he’d said excitadísimo, he’d mean ‘very horny’, which perhaps would have been more accurate). He’s bought the perfect departamento.

At Empresa Ferrer:
Fernando is giving the same news to Clara who figures, hey, at least half of it is mine.
Leo tells Carolina that Enrique needs psychiatric treatment. Enrique is brilliant, he says, had a wife and two kids and a thriving business but lost everything because of his addiction
Enrique, meanwhile, is frustrated that Roberto doesn’t believe his story about seeing Diego.
No me lo tomes a mal…
Don’t get me wrong... says Roberto. But you’re seeing and talking to ghosts – and they’re answering you!

At Cristina’s place:
Pablo tells her that it was Marisa who asked Said to ask Zain to fire Alej. (Got that?)

At a dance club (not sure which):
Karla cosies up to Daniel, all flirtacious, and he blows her off pretty callously. She leaves in a huff and goes home to cry on her mother’s shoulder.

At Empresa Ferrer:
Why doesn’t anyone believe me? asks Enrique. Just let me make one phone call, says Caro.
Clara hears Escobar telling Anita that the apartment is perfect for him and Malicia. She gets him to admit he put the place in Malicia’s name.
¡Me robó! He robbed me! I wuz robbed!

At the gym:
Pablo tells Alej that it was Nati’s mother who had him fired.

At the pool:
Fernando gets a call from Nati. She wants more drugs and he’s happy to oblige. Andrea warns Fernando he’s going to end up like Enrique. As he denies this…

Cut to Enrique on his psychiatrist’s couch:
…explaining that an addict never knows when to stop. You never experience the high of the first time but you keep chasing it, needing more and more…I lost everything because I couldn’t stop.

At Casa Ferrer:
Fernando and Nati are high; Rosa brings in food and they are uninterested.
Lucas goes to see Nati to tell her he’s going on a short trip. He’s surprised at her apparent cheerfulness.
Marisa overhears that Lucas is going to Morocco and remarks that Said will be delighted to hear it. Rosa asks her not to say anything, not to get him in trouble but Marisa says Lucas deserves what he gets.

At the Gym:
Andrea catches up with Alej:
Natalia está consumiendo drogas.
Natalia is using drugs, she tells him.

At Club Caliente:
Osvaldo warns Daniel to stay away from Karla. No worries, it’s not serious, says Daniel. By the way, can you lend me some money? Sorry, says Osvaldo:
Voy en saldo rojo.
(I think he means, I’m in the red, ie I’m broke right now. Anyone seen this expression before?)

At Mohamed’s place:
The adults discuss marrying Jadiya and Amin, much to Amin’s dismay. The conversation rapidly turns into their usual argument, but tonight Latifa strikes back at the Naz, calling her, finally, an exhibitionist.

At Albieri’s house:
Malicia shows up wanting Luisa’s help in pushing her candidacy as PR person. What’s wrong with you? asks Luisa? Why do you always want what belongs to someone else? Why are you so envious? (Which would be an interesting question if this character were at all interesting… but since she’s not…ah well.)

Outside the Casa Ferrer:
Alej says to Marisa: We need to talk… (I'm guessing he wants to tell her that Nati is in trouble but I wonder if she will be able to hear what he has to say...)

We see Lucas in Morocco with Jade. Not quite dead to her yet, it would seem.


Dinero 6/29: Jorge gets lots of healthful aerobic exercise - but will he end up with the worms?

We revisit Marco and Chavez panicking in the bar. Zetina hides behind a newspaper, from which vantage point he witnesses the sloppy kisses of Carmela the Ardent.

Marco describes Ale's unwavering intention to make the hacienda her life; Chavez is ready for cyanide imagining her seeing what a wreck the two of them have made of it. His suggestion: the only way to mitigate her obsession with the hacienda is to keep her from leaving Siglo. Marco: over my dead body!

VVV phones her stuttering, hysterical baby-daddy Jaime with the news: she's no longer languishing, she's got her groove back! She demands his presence...

... and so he takes his leave of his sweety Julieta, who is somewhat suspicious to see her Jaime so pale, jumpy and incoherent ...

Jaime tells VVV: as time goes by the plan to foist this baby on Rafa is getting a bit threadbare. Vicki: no worries, just keep doing what you're doing ie nagging my true love Rafa, who's been so evasive lately, to come to me. Jamie addresses his baby directly, through Vicki's navel: "Rafa will give you a better life than I can." Vicki demands kisses.

Marino has a hissy fit when he thinks Dandy is trying to steal a customer. "Liar!" "You tried to steal my client!" "Shut up!" Ale breaks it up and then goes to see Susana, who's packing her things.

Ale cries, especially when Susana points out Rafa is sad about this departure and doesn't want her to go...

Ale to Medina: "Tomorrow Marco will bring the receipt and documents." "No way! This started between you and me, and that's how it should end. I don't trust him, but I trust you." He offers to leave the heap of cash with her sans receipt. She finally agrees to come back one more time and bring the receipt.

Ale's dad is still practicing his boxing, to the disgust of all but his addlepated white-haired cronies. Did Jorge pass out? First he dreams he fights Quintana in a big ring and knocks him out. Then he dreams (?) he's in a hospital bed getting his hands chafed. Then it turns out he's still in his living room.

Rosario, who's called Ale to come home and help with this travesty, is disgusted -- especially when Jorge boasts there's a possibility he'll come back from the fight in "wooden pajamas" (a coffin, I suppose). She says there's no money to bury him, and "Have you checked the high price of cremation lately?" Then she visits Quintana at the bar where he's rehearsing for the boxing match...

... and when she gets home she tells Ale she's decided to run off with Quintana, follow her bliss as it were, "but nothing untoward will happen ..." until they marry, of course. (It's too bad Quintana is a gold-digger, I'd like to think Rosario could secure some happiness.) Anyway, auntie wants to escape to Quintana through the window to avoid saying goodbye to her brother Jorge; this awkward idea is short-circuited when Quintana rings the doorbell like a regular person and tells Jorge, "I've come for your sister."


Corazon Salvaje - Monday, June 28 - Ren starts to search for Juan; Juan and Regi are falling in love

* On the “LuzBel”, Juan is telling Regina his very sad, depressing tale of how he had to bury his father by himself during a torrential thunderstorm. Juan cries, covers his face and apologizes. Regi is compassionate and understanding and asks if anyone was there to care for him and his dad. He tells her that his dad died trying to locate her father, Rodrigo, but with no luck finding him.

* Leo and Rod argue about Rod’s insistence in supporting Renato’s crazy bull-headed idea about seeking Juan and making him pay. Rod is bull-headed himself and says Juan is to blame for all the bad luck in the family. Leo grumbles about Aimee and her baby.

* Reg and Juan kiss (oh, a romantic first kiss!) He pulls away. She asks why he kissed her? He says he was emotional and it just happened. They have had a really emotionally charged day today and especially tonight when he told her his story.

* Celia brings a tray to the bedroom. Aimee isn’t hungry. She asks Celia if she can still trust her. Celia says yes, she can. Aimee asks where her husband is? Celia tells her in the private men’s lounge, alone. Aimee thanks her.

* Juan is sweet and compliments Regina’s beauty and compassion. She mentions if he compares her to Aimee. He says he is only focused on her. Regina tells him something sweet and then smiles and says, ‘they’re married.’ He kisses her sweetly (twice) and leaves to go up on deck.

* On deck, Juan thought bubbles that he is in love with Regina but at the same time is afraid to love her. She is after all a Montes de Oca.

* Regina sits in the cabin and smiles, thinking about her hubby, Juan de Dios.

* Ren is in his lounge, with his cigar robe on, relaxing with his brandy and his cigar. Aimee enters. He asks what does she want? She misses him so terribly much and tries to seduce him into going to bed upstairs with her. It doesn’t work - he isn’t interested. She decides to stay there and talk with him. He doesn’t want to talk with her. She mentions his drunkenness - he is irritated. She backtracks and rewords it as his hyper-emotional actions lately. He grumbles at her about his true feelings and anger over looking like a stupid fool. She tries to talk. He stands up and starts to back her up to a wall as he grunts his ideal plan and a threat to her. He walks out of the lounge. She is stunned and follow him out to the stairway. He is forced to listen as she screams her reasons for him to call off his vendetta search for Juan and Regina. She doesn’t want to lose him; she doesn’t want their child to be fatherless. She keeps trying to touch him and get close to him. He continually backs away from her and tells her ‘don’t touch me!’ She cries, begs and rants for him not to follow through on his vendetta - that he is only fueling her father’s hatred for Juan. She would rather suffer the wrath of rejection and hurt and insults from him and the family. She is defending their marriage; her love for him; her sister’s feelings. He doesn’t listen and walks silently upstairs. She sits and thinks that he can’t leave her; he just can’t.

* Clemencia is thinking about Regina and the possible confrontation to come between Ren and Juan.

* Regina opens the window in the cabin. She is smiling and giggling (like a love-struck schoolgirl). She skips as she leaves the cabin.

* Celia grins as she brings Clemencia a letter that just arrived for her. Clemencia sees it’s from Regina. Celia is hovering around trying to read over Clemencia’s shoulders. Clem tells Celia this is private and to leave now! Celia leaves in disgust. Clem reads the letter and is so happy to know that Juan is being a total and complete gentleman with her. Clem thinks she will show Ren the letter - in hopes it will stop his crazy vendetta plan once and for all.

* Reg appears on deck and asks to join the group meal. They say she is always welcome. Koli says she’s the wife of capitan. Juan is very happy to have her join them. The group toasts and celebrates.

* Aimee stops Clem in the front entry. They argue about the letter from Regina. Clem tells her that Juan is being a gentleman with Regina. Aimee goes ballistic and has a temper tantrum. Aimee screams that she hates her sister now more than ever. Aimee stomps away. Clem thinks Aimee is a cruel, selfish, heartless brat.

* Ren meets with police chief at the station office. He grumbles and tries to pursuade the chief to pursue Juan and capture him. Chief explains why he isn’t doing that. Ren drops a bag of coins on the desk and asks again for the search warrant. Chief sees the bag and agrees to start the investigation. Ren is relieved and leaves. Chief mutters about Renato as he looks at the coins.

* On the ship, on deck, Juan and Remi talk as Juan walks around and checks the sails. Remi asks what’s wrong? Juan stutters and says there’s nothing wrong and changes the subject. Remi knows Juan too well and knows he is in love with Regi.

* Ren goes to the home office and starts to argue with his dad about his vendetta pursuit of Juan. He will rescue Regina from Juan’s grasp, no matter what. Noel doesn’t like his son’s attitude and determination and words “no matter what” and argues with Ren. Noel tells him this is a travesty! He tries to argue and reason with Renato to drop the whole thing at once. Renato is too focused and bull-headed; he has it in his head that he has to rescue the poor innocent defenseless Regina from the evil clutches of the wild monster Juan del Diablo. Noel wonders again about his reasoning. Ren mentions Aimee. Clocks chimes. Ren then tells dad his opinion about Juan and leaves. Noel mumbles Ren’s opinion about Juan.

* Juan and Remi continue their talk on deck. Juan really wants to be happy and be able to live and love but is confused by his spirit and his feelings. Remi gives him advice about what real love is. The discuss the difference between passion and real love. Juan equates passion with what he felt for Aimee and love with what he feels now with Regina. Juan says this is his source of confusion. He truly loves Regina but is fearful because she is a Montes de Oca and will deceive him also. Remi tells him that Regina is honest and won’t hurt him like that. He tells Juan to just be in love and be happy. He leaves Juan alone to think.

* Noel and Leona are discussing Ren’s determination to go ahead with his vendetta against Juan, and what may happen. Noel gives his opinion. Leona disagrees and gives her opinion and mutters that he is useless. She leaves. Noel shakes his head in disbelief.

* On the deck, Juan and Regina sit back to back on a crate. He gives her a lesson on all the commands he yells to the crew. She laughs. They discuss the next port of call on the itinerary and her duties as part of crew when they come into port. She jokes with him about being his prisoner and wonders what her punishment will be. He leans in to kiss her - they stop and laugh.

* Ren meets again with the police chief. Chief informs him what he was able to discover from the port authorities about the location of Juan’s ship. Ren is pleased. He wants Juan arrested for kidnapping Regina. Chief says she is Juan’s wife legally so they do have every right to be together. Ren grunts and wants his permission to take a ship out to go after Juan. Chief balks and refuses. Ren offers up another bag of coins. Chief advises that Juan is very dangerous and to be careful. Ren knows what he’s doing - this is personal. He leaves. Chief laughs as he counts his latest payoff.

* Regi and Juan talk on deck. Juan is worried about Ren and wants to know the secret about the letter she gave to Koli. She refuses to say anything; she only makes Juan upset. He calls for Remi to come over and he leaves. Remi asks Regi if she can’t tell that Juan is truly scared of losing her. Regi is stunned and explains to him that the letter was for Clem so she won’t be worried. Remi is surprised and wants to tell Juan. Regi asks him not to do that. Remi explains how many people have deceived Juan in his lifetime. Regi says she would never do that to Juan. Remi gives her some advice and leaves.


Monday, June 28, 2010

Dinero Mon. 6/28/2010 Be Careful What You Wish For...You Might Get It

Yes, I'm talking to you Carlos. He wanted to see the old crazy VickyVickyVicky back and we've got her in spades. EVERYTHING SHE SAID TONIGHT SEEMED TO BE IN CAPS. I'M NOT KIDDING! Other than that, a lot of futzing around without much plot progression, but for you hombres, we did get a lovely shot of Marian in bikini and transparent sarong. Guess us wimmin will just have to make do with Marcos and his little Hitler mustache.

Now, what happened, or didn't happen tonight: Marcos is trying to stall Ale's plans to head to the hacienda. He refers to Chavez as an orangutan, which ruffles big simian's feathers and both Chavez and Marcos get so nervous at the thought of Ale finding out what's happened at the hacienda that they end up choking each other. Worried looks from the other folks at the cafe. They finally calm down and Chavez suggests Marcos call Carmela. Marcos is reluctant to phone the maneater but Chavez insists. Easy for him!

Meanwhile Rafa gets the bad news from Jaime. Indeed, even if he pays off the debt, his mama could still be thrown in jail. Cue the cartoon of mama behind bars with big blue tears popping out of her eyes. Rafa's in his usual spot, between a rock and a hard place. Jaime advises him that no matter what he decides, he needs to go over the agreement Marcos brings before signing anything.

And now, maneater Carmela arrives at the cantina with two of her friends. Dang, it's full. Where are they going to sit? The barman tries to throw out Zetina (poor guy gets no respect) but he holds his ground and orders some more quesadillas. With his last peso evidently. Another table opens up and Carmela sweeps in, ordering the waiter to clean the table and get them some drinks. This is a lady born to rule. Just as she's settling in, her phone rings and it's biscochito Marcos. She's all over the phone and soon plans to be all over him. So when's he coming? (no pun intended) She suggests meeting at her place but he stalls once again, and suggests they hammer out some details of the deal at the cantina. Okay. For now.

Whoa. Here comes Vicky driving some big ass SUV and our two random cops are after her for running a stoplight. She starts off somewhat softly...Why have you stopped me officers? AND FROM THERE IT'S BSC TERROR IN THE STREETS. OF ALL THE NERVE!? HOW DARE YOU. I'LL SIC MY BROTHERS ON YOU. The first cop fades back, gulping that she's even meaner than his old lady. HOW DARE YOU ATTACK A HELPLESS WOMAN!? MY BROTHERS WILL BREAK YOUR FACE. The second one fades, gulping that she's even meaner than his mother-in-law. Clearly Vicky's been storing up a lot of homicidal rage while languishing in bed. Or else it was all those chips. Anyway, this doesn't bode well for Rafa. Or the cops who have slunk back to their patrol car.

Back at the café, Chavez is working hard to get Marcos off his duff and onto Carmela's. Just think of the life you'll have at the hacienda....the meadow, the cows, all the women you want. You can do it! You can! Want some of those little pills? NO!!! Marcos limps out to an encouraging cheer of" Si tu puedes si tu puedes!"

Mientras tanto, back at Auto Siglo, Rafa asks Ale if she's spoken to her novio, er, her lawyer. Yes, and after today it'll be over and I won't have to see you anymore. What a relief! For you, maybe, sighs Rafa, but for me....no. He limps away, clutching the briefcase full of dinero, and we see Ale give a little smile of what? triumph? At any rate, she's quietly happy that he's suffering.


Whew. A little bit of that goes a long way. Rafa begs off talking to her at first, because he's scrambling like mad to get some of his clients to lend him the money to finance buying the used trucks. And striking out.

Ale, who's listening to this as well as Vicky's mega-decibel entreaties, can't stand another moment. Clearly her erstwhile lover hasn't dropped any of his women. He's still with Vicky and also cooking with Marian. Unbearable. She's outta here right now! Susana tries to reason with her. And also wonders why she hasn't accepted the money Rafa brought already.


When Rafa can get a word in edgewise, he manages to stammer out that he can't come home right now. He has to wait until Ale's lawyer comes to hand over the cash.

Yikes. Almost a relief to find ourselves at Ramiro's house. Elvira and her gruesome mom are chatting about men. Mom maintains you can't love 'em, only put up with 'em. And for Gawdsakes don't be nice to them or by bedtime, they'll be all over you. Case in point she's quite nasty to her old goat of a husband who's brought home bread and milk. But Elvira's not on board. She loves her husband and wants to get their love life back on track. For that reason, she'd like to talk to a sex therapist. Well you know where this is going, right? Hold your horses though. Not yet.

While Zetina nervously observes over his newspaper, Marcos and Carmela get down to business (she's already shooed off her two friends). Some kisses. Which he breaks off to tell her that Ale wants to take over the administration of the hacienda. Carmela snickers that this means jail for Marcos and Chavez. Yes, but Carmela can keep that from happening. More kisses. Voracious ones. Definitely a maneater. Half of Marcos' face is gone already. But Carmela's no pushover. Not in a legal sense anyhow. What do you want me to do? Go to her house and tie her up? How can I stop her? she sneers. And what's more you promised me a lot of money. Haven't seen a peso. And haven't had any hot nights at home either. Well, good golly, Marcos would love to oblige (you got cured in Guadalajara, right? queries Carmela) but, but, but...he's so upset right now he just can't concentrate. You know. It would be another disaster. We see Zetina's eyes popping out as he eavesdrops and peers at these two over his newspaper.

Change of scene, if not of subject. We're at the sex therapist's office and it's you-know-who. The babelicious with the questionable therapeutic approach. Elvira and Gruesomamita arrive and both barrel into the office. Therapist notes that confidence and trust is needed so can she speak with the "tu" form to Elvira? Doesn't sit well with Big Mama. How sweet! You're gonna be friends? Have a coffee together, she barks. { Let's just compress this scene. } Mom is so intrusive the session never gets off the ground. Therapist points out that for a marriage to be successful, there needs to be just couple time, without the interference of kids (good luck with that) or other family members. Well, gosh, mom is such a close part of my life, stammers Elvira. She even came along on our honeymoon. Mom's heard enough and starts to drag Elvira out. And when the therapist wonders why she's there anyway, mom snarls, Who d'ya think is paying the bill? Final thrust? When the therapist asks the name of Elvira's husband and finds out it's Ramiro. Oh my. Stay tuned.

More futzing around at the office. Ale's still packing and waiting for a phone call from Marcos. Rafa's creeping off to the bathroom clutching his briefcase full of money. Almost leaves it behind on the counter when Trapito arrives with a megawad of toilet paper. Meanwhile, Ale's hearing a lot of BS from Marcos about how he's here with the judge's representative (Carmela) and he wants her to come and meet said intermediary and talk about the hacienda situation. After he hangs up, more voracious smoochies from Carmela who's trying to get in a little extra "besotes" before Ale arrives and she needs to act official. I believe Marcos' lips are now completely gone. Nibbled, crunched and swallowed, folks. Well, get it while you can, Carmela.

And speaking of getting it...oh my. Here's gorgeous Marian, clad in a diaphanous bikini (too bad it's not one of them thar vision phones) letting Rafa know that after a meeting, the powers that be have decided to trade in ALL the old trucks for new ones. So this is a very big deal. Much higher than the initial quantity we discussed. Twenty-five thousand five million four hundred mumble mumble pesos, no one peso more or less.* Shall we seal the deal for that amount.? Poor Rafa is in shock. How can he handle that!!?? Well, er, could she give him a little discount. Well, alright. Four million six hundred thousand pesos. Oh my. Funny how that number keeps coming up, whispers Rafa. Can't tell you yet whether I can deal. Well, it has to be right now, counters Marian. (tough broad). Okay, stammers Rafa. I'm in.

Marian is sooo happy. If he were here right now she'd give him a kiss. More than one! Juicy kisses. You're so adorable. There just aren't men like you anymore. Men willing to take a risk. Que macho! Hate to say good-bye but gotta go. We'll be in touch.

Question: Does this lady really like Rafa or is she just playing him? She sure as heck is getting him into a lot of debt for these used trucks. Could be more toxic to our little guy than Vicky and Ale combined. We shall see.

Ale has arrived at the cantina and she and Carmela are looking each other over and sizing each other up, woman-wise. And not liking what they see. Vibes are bad. Very bad. But they go through the motions. Exchange of business card, phone numbers etc. Carmela starts spinning the web but it's not working very well. Warns Ale that taking over the hacienda will lead to trouble. Will disturb Chavez. Worse, will disturb the Judge who's an impatient cranky fellow. Might even auction off the hacienda if Ale gets on his wrong side. She should trust the finances to Marcos and Chavez both. They're fine fellows. Totally upstanding. What's the problem?

Carmela takes her leave. Marcos hastens after her. Gives him THAT look and reminds him that they have Other Things to go over. And a simple "thank you" is not going to cover it. Not even close. Zetina, following Carmela and clutching his newspaper, manages to smack right into the wall. Cool. Not.

Ale smells a rat. Didn't like Carmela. She was "grosera" and strangely nervous. Something was off. Hacienda is still Ale's objective. And Marcos is still trying to talk her out of it. Won't work. Hacienda doesn't produce a peso of income. She can't go back to Auto Siglo no! but she's got to find work if she won't accept being supported by him. (She won't.) But, she concludes, I'll just take Rafa's money, live on that and work on the hacienda. We know that won't fly. Something else is going to happen to that big wad of money our lad is hauling around. But all that is for another day. This is all you're getting tonight.

*honest to God, couldn't get the exact number, she ripped it off so fast (and you know how I am with numbers anyway)

Ale is crying. Jaime checks out Vicky's "panza" which seems to be growing. Vicky kisses Rafa.


asomar las narices por allá= stick her nose in there (what Marcos doesn't want Ale to do)
mantener atado de manos = keeping with hands tied (what Marcos is doing to Rafa)
palabra empeñaba = given word, given promise
que no estoy acumulando años = I'm not piling up the years (Carmela complaining when the waiter called her "doña"
se pasó el alto = ran a red light (what the cops accused Vicky of doing)
ultilidades = profits (what Rafa is promising if his clients lend him some money to buy the used trucks)
panzón inutil = useless chubbins (what mother-in-law thinks of Ramiro)

Dicho of the Day

Pica, lica y califica = Look before you leap (Too bad Rafa didn't do this. He's in for it now!)


El Clon, Monday, June 28 - Summary for Discussion

¿Llevas doce años buscando a eso muchacho, soñando con el, imaginándolo, viéndolo donde no estaba, y ahora que lo encuentras entonces no lo quieres ver?
You spend twelve years looking for the kid, dreaming about him, seeing him when he wasn't there and now that you find him, you don't want to see him? says Luisa to Albieri who is having a very tough time explaining why he and Luisa can't go over to Dora's.

Osvi is too burdened with his troubles to dance with Dora. He tells her that he isn't feeling well.

Finally Albieri tests Luisa's reaction to the truth,
¿Luisa, tú qué harias si yo hiciera un clon de Lucas? Luisa, what would you do if I made a clone of Lucas? [he uses the preterite perfect subjunctive of 'make,' - hiciera, which leads Luisa to think that he is talking about something that hasn't happened. If he had used the preterite anterior subjunctive - hube hecho, it would have been clear that he 'had made' a clone of Lucas.] Luisa doesn't say that making a clone of Lucas without his knowledge would be a fantastic scientific achievement. She says that it would be stealing Lucas' identity. Albieri says that he can't talk any more due to fatigue and leaves.

Fernando can't get his head around the idea of his mother going out with a younger guy. Clara says that when he sees the Chump to tell him to bring her share of the Euros or she'll rip his girlfriend's hair out (le arranco los pelos a su amante).

Osvi finds Karla and shows her the notice from the court. He says the notice is to appear in a month to be sentenced [he doesn't even get a trial?]. Osvi tells Karla that he has done everything she asked. She mentions that she has met Roberto and it turns out that the comadre of Osvi's mother works in Roberto's house. Karla thinks that she and Osvi can come to an agreement if he produces the phone number of the employee and Osvi promises to get it.

[You remember how on the later Star Trek series like Voyager or Deep Space Nine, the aliens would just have some bumps on their foreheads? Maybe Osvaldo is an alien?]

Nati tells Andrea and Fernando that Alej got fired. Fernando suggests to Nati that they blow a stick to relax. She agrees.

For some unknown reason, Leo wants Marisa to return to the house so that she and Lucas can be divorced in a 'civilized' manner.

Said and Marisa have some pillow talk. Said says that he would be attracted to her even if he didn't have a plan of vengeance. He asks if she is still in love with Lucas. Marisa says that she doesn't like how Lucas behaves or thinks but, 'me siento vacias cuando no estoy con el,' I feel empty if I am not with him.' [I'm sure Lucas' money will make you feel less empty.] Said says that he loved Jade from the first moment he saw her and wants her only for him.

Zoraida is at Latifa's house on her way to the airport to be sent back to Morocco in disgrace. Jadiya wants to go back with her but Latifa has to lie and tell her that Said will bring her to see her mother soon. The Naz scolds Latifa for lying to spare Jadiya pain.

Pablo thinks the story of Alej's firing is very strange and he says that he will see if Cristina knows what is going on. Then he tells Alej that he has booked a fight for him that has a $5,000. prize.

Enrique goes home from work, downs a bottle of scotch and heads out the door.

Alej tells Nati that they have to leave the apartment because he doesn't have the money to pay the rent. Nati will have to go back to her parents' house. Bummer.

Enrique has the first Clone Encounter. He calls Daniel 'Lucas' and when Daniel replies that he is mistaken, Enrique decides that he is seeing Diego. Daniel excuses himself politely.

Daniel shows some really bad taste and hooks up with the skank. I guess this is so we can have a stupid jealousy plot later with Jade. I can't wait.

Leo asks Marisa to return to the house. He says that she is like the daughter he never had and she says that he has been a father to her. Leo, of course, doesn't care what Lucas thinks about this. Meanwhile, Alej has brought Nati home. She goes up to her room and tells Rosa that she wants to be alone.

All the fun is happening at Leo's house tonight. Enrique shows up and tells Leo, Rosa, Marisa and finally Lucas, about his encounter with 'Diego.'

Enrique and Rosa are convinced that Diego's spirit has returned. Leo, Marisa and Lucas are convinced that Enrique has lost his mind.

Alej is moping at Gloria's and doesn't want to eat.

Nati agrees to go to a club with Andrea and Fernando. Nati, ¿Quieres algo que te va a sacar de esa mala onda de una? Nati, do you want something that will get rid of your bad mood in an instant? asks Fer. Foolish Nati agrees and later is leaping around high on something.

Alej has flashbacks to happy times with Nati.

Zoraida returns to Ali's house. She tells Jade that they are both in trouble now. Once again, Jade blames Lucas for not kidnapping Jade. Zoraida falls back on the old, 'don't trust Westerners.' Jade calls Lucas' house and Marisa answers the phone.

The credits roll.


Mon. 6/28/10 Club Gancho Is Open...Drinks Are On Me

Ganchodores, I know that we've all scattered to various other shows, but I'm missing the old gang. I found the keys so I thought I'd open up Club Gancho an see if anyone wanted to drop by for Happy Hour. I found a few pictures of old friends, so pull up a stool or find a comfy chair and tell Old Doc Carlos what's been going on.

Coni under a bit of stress

Nieves before getting a job as a nanny

Anyone remember this girl?

I thought that Julia would enjoy this nice shot of Jimmy with one of the boxers

A couple of typical Mexican cuties

Isabel fortifying Valentina's drink

Because Emilia asked

M&M... show and tell

Dani sighting!



Saturday, June 26, 2010

Corazon Salvaje 6/25/10 It's a Surprise Party Complete With Musical Chairs but Fortunately No Pin the Tail on the Donkey.

Still need to finish the recap but wanted to post this to start the discussions for today. I thought it was a good episode although I fell asleep at the end. The title is for you FELS watchers and I know you will know what that means! See you later on.


Friday, June 25, 2010

El Clon Friday June 25: Summary for Discussion

In which Jade gives an impossible test to Lucas -- and it turns out she doesn't grade on a curve...

The Mall:
Lucas shows that his expensive education wasn’t a complete waste. He’s concerned that abducting a 12-year-old girl and taking her out of the country might be like uh.. a crime… and might involve…like…jail. But you promised, insists Zoraida.
This illuminating legal discussion is interrupted when Zoraida spots Rania and Jadiya sailing down the escalator and shoos Lucas away. Too late. They have seen him and recognized him although Zoraida claims he was just …some guy. But you know him, Zoraida! insists Jadiya. Well if I did, I’ve forgotten him.

At Nati and Alej’s place:
Rosa and Nati are merrily sprucing things up, kind of like the house-cleaning scene in Cinderella. (Rosa would be the little birds.) Nati is skillfully deflecting suggestions that her abuelo could help make things more comfortable.

At the Bar of the Other Arab (BOA):
No sign yet of Sain or Zain or whatever his name is, but he'll be there Thursday, we are told. Cristina sings the praises of Malicia – so sweet, such a good worker – and urges Rogelio to give her the job of hostess. And Alej, she tells him, is such a good guy, and a hard worker.

At their viper’s nest:
I hate Cristina – I’ll find a way to get her fired and then I’ll get her job, Malicia confides to her Ratoncito. Whoa, he says, I never heard you talk like that. (Better get used to it, chump!) He gives her bank papers to sign so he can put his property in her name and muses about how surprised he is at the change in Clara.
Ella no cambió – ¡tu despertaste!
She didn’t change – you woke up!

At Empresa Ferrer:
Carolina advises her friend to take action to protect herself financially even as Clara protests that Escobar has never been dishonest.

In the neighborhood:
Prince Amin overhears the SKanK tell Hilda she’s lost an earring, cons a pair out of Dad, and gives them to her cortesía de la tienda (courtesy of the store). His reward: a peck on the cheek, as Samira watches disgustedly.

In Fez:
Attention: Major Plot Twist Ahead! Prepare for Clone Crossing!
A desperate, restless Jade listens as Zoraida relays in a phone call what Lucas has said about The Plan. She is not in the mood to talk about rational alternatives. I lost everything for him, she rages – my family, my daughter – and he can’t take this risk for me!
Dile que me olvide porque a partir de hoy, Lucas se murió para mí.
Tell him to forget me because as of today, Lucas is dead to me.

At the Casa Ferrer:
Rosa chatters on about her visit with Nati and all the things the apartment could use. Marisa observes sourly (well okay, Marisa does everything sourly) that Nati’s willingness to live in such humble conditions is a result of her low self-esteem. Leo admires Nati’s determination and Marisa dismisses it as rebeldía (rebelliousness). When the women are out of earshot, Leo remarks to Lucas that with Marisa’s attitude, nothing is going to change. Lucas excuses himself, saying he has something to take care of.

In Fez:
Jade is slumped on the floor. Tears stream down her face as she imagines Jadiya’s smiling face.

At Said’s house:
Zoraida’s attempt to contact Jade is cut short when the inquisitive Rania comes in and asks who she’s calling. Latifa, fibs Zoraida. Oh, I want to talk to her, bubbles Jadiya. Sorry, says Zoraida, the line is busy.

At the clinic:
Escobar tells Fernando that Clara is running around with a young stud. First she was going out with Julio, and now this boy your age. Escobar cares, it seems, about Clara’s emotional well-being and reputation. What a guy!

At the BOA:
There is no justice tonight –
First, Rogelio gives Malicia the hostess job, telling her Cris recommended her highly. Then he calls in Alej and says that even though he is happy with his work:
surgió un problema.
A problem has come up.
Sain hired someone else for your post and didn’t tell us. Sorry, but:
Estás despedida.
You’re fired.
But why? Alej wants to know. It’s nothing you did wrong, says Rogelio. Maybe I can find you a job somewhere else; I’ll ask around.

At Empresa Ferrer:
Enrique asks Caro to dinner. She can’t. She has another engagement but can’t include him because there will be alcohol and he’s not ready for the temptation.

At the Casa Ferrer:
Everyone’s favorite couple are playing darts, using each other as the dartboard. Marisa accuses Lucas of never having had the guts to confront his father and give up his comfortable life. Maybe in the past, says Lucas. That’s about the change.

Marisa tells Rosa to help her pack. She’s going to a hotel while she is waiting for her apartment to be ready.

Rosa tells Lucas that Marisa is leaving. He replies:
Muy bien. Que se vaya de una vez.
Very good. Let her leave once and for all.
We catch a glimpse of Marisa's tear-stained face as she pauses in her packing to look at a photo of her and Nati. (Thanks, Juanita!)

At Said’s place:
Chatty Jadiya tells Said that Zoraida was talking with a Westerner in the mall, someone we know, only she forgot she knew him! Oh, says Said casually, who was it? Lucas!

Said takes Zoraida aside, interrogates her harshly and accuses her of conspiring against him with Jade. Tío Ali will learn of this, he assures her, but right now get your things together. I’m sending you back to Morocco!

At Nati and Alej’s:
Upstairs, Nati is setting a festive table. We see flowers, candles hopefulness.
Downstairs, Alej is sitting in a puddle of misery.

At Casa Ferrer:
Marisa flounces out in her blue broccoli band, not bothering to wait to say goodbye to Leo. Farewells are sad, even when we don’t really like someone, remarks Rosa. No, corrects Lucas, what is sad are years wasted in a bad marriage. I was looking for Jade in Marisa and she was looking for Diego in me…
It’s funny, muses Rosa, everyone was against them and yet Nati and Alej are the only couple that seem to be making it work…(which, as all TN students know, is the kiss of death for their relationship)

At Nati and Alej’s:
Nati catches sight of the desolate Alej:
¿Por qué traes esa cara?
Why do you look so down? Literally, why are you wearing that face?
Me despidieron.
They fired me.
Alej tells her not to go running to her family; he will figure out what to do.

At Lucía’s place:
Lucía tells Andrea that Marisa has left the Ferrer house (Se fue de la casa) They had an argument over Nati and it was the last straw (La gota que rebasa la copa – the drop that overflows the cup).
Andrea (less of an airhead than we thought) asks Lucía:
If you knew that Marisa had invented the whole stolen necklace thing as a way to separate Nati and Alej -- Would you tell me?
Lucía admits that on the night Alej was arrested, she thought Marisa was wearing the very necklace that Alej was supposed to have stolen. Then Lucía backtracks, claims to be despistada (absentmined, scatterbrained). Not when it comes to jewelry or clothes or perfume or shopping. If you can allow an innocent person to be blamed --- well, it’s on your conscience, concludes Andrea.

At Said’s place:
He is in the closet sniffing Jade’s clothes (at least I assume they are Jade’s; I don’t think he’s checking to see if he has a clean shirt for tomorrow) when he gets a call from Marisa inviting him to go out.
Rania is lamenting to Zoraida that Said doesn’t love her; the only one he loves is Jade.
Lo veo como sufre por Jade.
I see how he suffers because of Jade.
Zoraida won’t allow any criticism of Jade and reminds her that Jade never wished Rania any harm.
(I have to wonder what Rania would think if she knew about Said’s unholy coupling with the Broccoli Band Girl)

At their viper’s nest:
Escobar and Malicia make a champagne toast to the idiot’s having successfully signed over all his worldly goods to one of the most despicable TN antagonistas in recent history.

At Clara’s house:
It’s double standard time! Pick your partner!
Fernando is scandalized that his mother is dating a younger man but sees no problem in his father dating a younger woman. At least, says Clara, Felipe is with me because he likes me; Malicia is with your father for his money. And she’s going to leave him without a cent. (Too late, Clara. Sigh)

At Dora’s place:
Dora asks Daniel to come out dancing. Not my thing, he says, but I’ll walk you there…

At Albi’s place:
¿Lista? (Ready?) Albi asks Luisa. Yes. Where do you want to go? To visit Dora and Daniel.

Previews: Enrique meets up with Daniel in the street…


Dinero #141, Friday June 25, 2010

Hi, all! I'm sorry I won't be able to recap tonight. I am out of town and probably won't be back until late Sunday. I tried to give early warning but this trip kind of sprung up out of nowhere. Comment freely about the show and have a great weekend!


Corazon Salvaje June 24, 2010 Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Awwww :(

Regina tells Juan she is feeling what must be the closest to happiness. Just wait till you make him yours honey, can we say whoot whoot I’m jealous? Juan smiles sweetly and I swoon in front of my laptop, oh God, I need Aimee’s fan.

Aimee and Renato are arguing, how strange. Renato didn’t finish reading the diary or skipped over the part in which Aimee is a skanky ho. In any case, she is now blaming everything on him and trying to make him feeling sorry for her. Tying it all in a pretty little bow. What Renato doesn’t understand is why did Juan accept this marriage? He says he cannot believe she threw her sister over and is angry as hell. Imagine when he finds out how far her treason goes. She continues laying all blame on him. “You are the one to blame for Regina’s disgrace.” Well, I don’t see her feeling that disgraced, but they don't know that, do they? They expect to see poor Regina all starved or miserable or something. Aimee is quite the little actress, feeling so bad about her sister.

Renato storms off, declaring he must save Regina if all this is his fault. He seems to be taking the fact she loved him a bit too seriously.

Juan is shocked at Regina mentioned happiness. Happiness? Yes, happiness. Juan gets a bit too close to her. Come on we want to see a kiss already! He calls her a good, honest, nice woman. The tension is a bit dissipated as Juan tells her to pay attention to the wheel again.

Clemencia is attacked by Renato. “Did you know Regina loved me?” She explains the obvious reasons why she didn’t tell him. “There is no worst blindness than the one who blinds himself.” She also blames it all on him. Poor boy.

Aimee awaits a yelling from her dear mother in law. She claims she told Renato “the truth”, and even I’m confused about what that is at this point. Leo is none too pleased with Aimee and it’s about time. “I am sick and tired of being blamed! I confessed my only sin. Letting Regina get married.” “You speak as if I didn’t know the truth.” Aimee acts like she didn’t do anything. “I am a Montes de Oca and I don’t need this crap.” Haha.

Leo claims she is sure she lied again and calls her a monster of hypocrisy and a big ho. “I got to know you so late!” Whoa this is getting intense, some cat fight here about to explode. Just on cue, Aimee gets bitch slapped. “Renato forgave me for what I did and now that’s it.” Leo lets her know that he ran off to try and get Juan locked up again. “See how far how you have confused him with your lies?” No she doesn’t see.

El alguacil looked fed up with all this. “Are you sure you want to get involved in this?” -sighs- I agree. Renato tells him he must find something to accuse him of. He talks of the stolen ship. The man he hurt. Everything has been taken care of. It was Noel. Renato tries to void all his father did to help Juan and smiles evilly. “I will pay for ALL costs.” The alguacil’s eyes brighten and dance.”You

“You look so beautiful under the moonlight,” Juan says as Regina is “helping him steer”, and she pretty much giggles. She does look so pretty. They took off that god awful curly wig that kept getting longer every day, no joke, and her hair finally looks so pretty. She does look much better than Aimee now that is giving off a matronly vibe to me. I think she is taking fashion advice from Leo. Juan is totally complimenting Regina and he’s tripped over her several times in hopes of coping a feel. Regina doesn’t seem to mind.

“You look like a star that seems like it’s so close by but it’s really too far.” “No, I’m not that far away.” Awww. He thinks it’s just pity when she said she understands him but she denies it. She says its her opinion the ones that have suffered the most should be loved. -wink wink, nudge nudge-, here’s someone who’s suffered a lot.

Renato calls Noel into his office, he needs to speak to him and Noel requests he stops drinking. “I’m fine, almost happy. The alguacil finally promised he would get Luzbel and lock Juan up. You’ve always known Regina loved ME. I know all the truth.” Oh dear. They argue back and forth and obviously Noel disagrees with Renato 100%. Renato doesn’t want to change his mind. Noel chooses that moment to let him know that half the finca is now Juan’s.

Juan and Regina, he asks to escort her to the room. “I had a very pleasant time.” It has the feeling of a first date and it couldn’t be more adorable. He leans in and slowly, slowly his lips get closer and closer to hers. She closes her eyes, expecting the smooch at any second. Commercials! Damn it! Ahem… Sorry about that. Will they, won’t they? I bet no, too soon. And… I won the bet. She pulls away and refuses his invitation to take her to her room. He starts cursing himself. “Stupid, stupid, stupid, why didn’t I kiss her?”

Regina enters the room and closes the door behind her, a dreamy look in her face. Juan irrupts in the room, asking if there is nothing she needs. Are you sure, what if you need something? She closes the door on his face and he sticks it in again. Hahahahahahahahaha, omg this is so sweet. He clutches his heart and asks, why didn’t I kiss her? She asks the same thing on her side of the door. “Why didn’t he kiss me?” He knocks on her door by mistake and she giggles, asking him what he wants and he blusters, pretending he had just been "passing by". "Juan", she says and sounded a bit like Aimee, just sweeter.

Renato is angry, mad, upset, pissed off. He can’t believe Juan is going to have half the finca. He bit the hand that fed it. Noel is sad and worried. Why are you so different, it’s like you are someone else. We all agree. “What did Juan do to you?” “Juan left with the woman I loved the most.” Oh my, he is jealous. But he is now married, so jeez. “The worst part is he didn’t loved her and married her for revenge. Now I feel so awful.” Darn, if you see it that way, yeah, it sucks. “I will chase Juan until I catch him.” “Dios mio, Dios mio, Dios mio.”

Aimee is crying and begging Leo. She claims to be a white little lamb and that forgiveness should cover them all. She calls him a sinner and Aimee threatens to tell him absolutely everything. Aimee clutches her belly. “My innocent and poor child.” Oh jeez -big eye roll-. Leo commands she stop him to chase Renato. They argue and scream at each other. Aimee cries. “Renato will not listen to me! I begged him so many times to not bring Juan here!” Leo says Regina got married willingly and no one cares of her future. Wow.

Juan is on the deck reminiscing of the almost kiss with his wife. He sits with Remigio to chat. Remigio says he is worried about him and Regina. “Regina has always been so nice and you are going to make her unhappy.” They speak about the stealing of the boat and their situation. He’s cute when he tries to deny things haha. Juan confesses to Remigio that they might be happy, that he’s noticed Regina is different and they might be a match. Remigio keeps puffing on his cigar, looking confused.

Aimee runs in to beg and cry to Renato so he won’t chase Juan down. He grabs her face hard. Leo also pleads. Renato goes to Aimee again to grab her a bit more for having blackened her name. “What interest did you have to do that to your sister. What is the real truth! I don’t kill you because of the child you carry.” Oh yes, the “child”, pft.

Leo is getting an eyeful of how Renato has been treating Aimee lately and how he doesn’t listen to a word she is saying. “No one will stop me! I will make him confess face to face why he got married to Regina.” He runs off and Leo looks at Aimee with a bit of pity in her eyes. Yikes.

Now we see Jimena’s plight in that awful pub. I do like the way she is dressing now though, much cuter. When is she going to realize her “aunt” isn’t coming back for her? Poor girl. Her “boss” gives her a blanket so she could go and sleep on the corner. Great accommodations. Dejectedly she kneels down and wait for it… Gabriel flashbacks. Gabriel screaming at her and telling her he never wanted to see her again. Ouch.

Back in Luzbel, its daytime. They look all happy and are drawing straws. Catalote has the smallest one. I guess they were drawing straws to tell Juan something. Santos stutters.

Noel hands over the papers for half the finca to Gabriel. He also tells him to never return, to be careful because sadly, his soon now wants Juan to be captured.

Juan and Regina face off, he is in a bad mood form last night’s non-kiss, haha. He tells Remigio to take care of her as they go shopping and to not let her escape. She calls him majadero and pelado. She goes off in a huff and Juan winks at Remigio. The rest of the crew and Juan hang up decorations, really corny ones, all over the ship. Apparently they are planning a party for Regina. They throw Juan over and I wish he would strip again like yesterday. He claims he is not in love and would never love a monja, lol.

They are so cute all getting the ship ready, with a fruit bufeet and everything. Juan is wearing a leather apron. That makes it more manly, right? Haha.

Regina complains to Remigio that Juan is a majadero and that she can’t understand why they all pay such attention to them. Remigio reveals he is like a father for him because he was the one who rescued him when he wast left in the jungle. Regina looks impactada.

The “future” scenes have all happened and that pisses me off, ugh. Get some new ones, please.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

El Clon Thursday June 24: Summary for Discussion

It was a dark and stormy night … um… metaphorically speaking…

At Albi’s house:
Luisa tells Albieri -- with genuine delight -- that Dora came to see her and told her Daniel was back.

At Dora’s place:
Estela asks Dora what’s troubling Daniel. Dora thinks it’s Albieri’s weird behavior toward him.

Daniel is shown wandering the Miami streets at night …

And at the Casa Ferrer
… we hear Lucas telling Rosa how he would have liked to do just that.
Me hubiera encantado recorrer las calles en la noche.
I would have loved to go through the streets at night.
When he was young, he says, he asked Albieri to make a clone of him. If he’d done so, there would have been someone to do the things his father asked of him and he would have been free to follow his dreams.

Leo overhears this and comes in to apologize to Lucas for being so hard on him all these years. He admits he preferred Diego because he was like himself. And instead of Diego’s death bringing Lucas and him closer, it drove them farther apart. Leo’s own father taught him to see idealists as losers. Forgive me, he pleads. I understand that you loved me unconditionally and because of that you gave up your own love and dreams.

At Saids house:
Zoraida and Jade embrace sadly. Said has told me I’ll never see Jadiya again, Jade tells Zoraida while Mohamed and Said wait, glaring impatiently.
Said takes Jade away.

At Empresa Ferrer:
Clara tells Carolina about Escobar’s visit and his talk about taking ‘precautions’. Caro confesses her worry about Enrique.

At their viper's... I mean love nest:
Malicia and Escobar are looking at properties for sale.

At the lab:
Albieri tells Luisa that something came up and he had to cancel the planned dinner with Dora and Daniel. On his way out, he is stopped by PI Ramos who shows him photos of Albi with Dora and Daniel. He wants $5,000 for his silence. Trato hecho, says Albieri. It’s a deal.

At Latifa’s place:
The Naz is badmouthing Jade, gloating over her misfortune. Latifa loses her patience, but has to hold her tongue when Jadiya comes in and asks: Why did my mother go to Morocco without me?

In Fez:
A forlorn Jade, in black head scarf, enters Ali’s house. Where’s Jadiyah? she is asked by the young women. She stayed in the United States, explains Jade.

In Said’s house:
Rania tries to assert herself with the servants as first wife, but Zoraida puts her in her place, reminding her that until the Iddah is complete, that position still belongs to Jade.

In Miami:
Daniel asks Albieri outright why he’s hiding him from Luisa. Albieri says he’ll tell her the truth after their trip to Morocco; first he wants Daniel to meet his great friend there, Ali.

At Cristina’s bar:
Miguel gives Osvalda a letter – a notice that he must appear in court in one month.

At the gym:
Alej is a bit uneasy about leaving Nati alone. He thinks she might be tempted to use pot again but she promises she won’t. He is really happy with his new job and thinks the future is promising.

At Casa Ferrer:
Nati is packing up more of her things to take to her new place, with the help of Rosa.

At Lucia’s house:
Marisa takes a call from Said and arranges to meet him.
Lucia asks Roberto to reassure her that he is not cheating on her. I’d kill myself if you were, she says.

At a restaurant in Miami:
Marisa asks Said to get Alej’s employer, Zain, to fire him because as long as Alej is working, Nati won’t come home. Said is happy to oblige. [And why not? He is becoming something of a specialist in destroying the happiness of daughters.]

At Enrique's place:
He and Caro discuss his addiction. He is frank about his history and despairing about ever getting better. She wants to help him.

At Lucia’s house:
Fernando is rolling a joint as Andrea looks on disapprovingly. Fernando is demonstrating the path to addiction that Enrique is describing to Carolina. It looks grim for both.
Lucia comes home and wants to know what that funny smell is. It’s the incense your Arab friend gave you, they tell her.
¡Pero qué peste!
But what a stink! says Lucia. Get rid of it!

At the clinic:
Luisa tells Anita that the PI confirmed that Albieri was telling her the truth. They both feel bad for doubting him. Albi comes in, looks at Luisa sternly and asks if she has the report he needed. He thinks:
El círculo se esta cerrando.
The circle is closing.

At Dora’s house:
Daniel tells Dora about Albieri’s proposal to take him to Morocco and meet Ali. Why? asks Dora. Sus razones tendrá.
He must have his reasons. (tendrá is the future of tener, to have. This is a future of possibility or speculation).
You know, says Daniel:
Nada está saliendo como yo lo pensaba.
Nothing is turning out the way I thought.

At Ali’s house:
Abdul summons Jade, tells her she can’t leave the house and threatens her with 80 lashes if she disobeys him.

At Latifa’s house:
Latifa is telling Zoraida that she must go back to Morocco as soon as possible and not leave Jade alone with Abdul. He is like a caveman, they agree, and he has always hated Jade. Mohamed comes in and while he and Latifa are talking, Zoraida takes advantage of the moment to call Lucas and arrange a meeting.

At Said's house:
Zoraida stops off and tells Rania and Jadiya she still has some errands left at the mall (centro comercial), things to buy to send to Jade. She leaves and Jadiya asks Rania if they can get dressed up and surprise Zoraida by meeting her at the mall.

At the mall (I think)
Zoraida meets up with Lucas and tells him Jade is counting on him to take Jadiya to Morocco. She says you promised. He looks troubled…


Dinero #140 6-24-10: Maybe That’s How Vicky Got Pregnant- Osmosis!

OK folks, it’s going to be quick and dirty tonight as I have an early meeting out in VA tomorrow morning. Plus, the end of Mi Pecado left me in a bad mood. Last week it was difficult to jump into Dinero because I was still on a high from MP ending with the hero and heroine finally having congress for the first time. Tonight, it ended with a violent scene of the heroine being raped. Ack! Not even a fun Dinero episode can wipe it from my mind. Enough of my rant. On with the recap!

Vicky has Rafa just where she wants him. Both she and her brothers are in agreement that if Rafa doesn’t accept their conditions, he doesn’t get the money. Vicky’s condition is that he marry her. Over at Rafa’s, Jaime is singing the same tune. Rafa’s risking his mom being thrown in jail if he tells the whole truth to Ale as he plans. Rafa is more determined than ever after the kiss he shared with Ale that evening. Jaime keeps pushing and Rafa is sick of it. So much so that he yells some choice words at Jaime that include a bleeped out curse! This shuts Jaime up for now and he agrees to get the paperwork ready. Rafa leaves the room in a huff, and Jaime has a chat with his buddy Jesus. He admits what he’s doing is wrong, but would Jesus rather have him killed by the Brothers Grimm or by Rafa?

This chat is interrupted when Julieta bursts in. She shocks Jaime when she tells him she’s late (“tengo un retraso”/my period is late). He’s speechless and on the verge of a heart attack. Julieta wonders why he’s freaking out so much since you can’t get pregnant through osmosis or from kisses! (So, now we all know. There was no congress in the cabin.) She is happy to know that if that were to ever happen, she has such a wonderful boyfriend who would NEVER be capable of impregnating a woman and not taking responsibility. Jaime gulps.

Rafa and Ale dream of drunken kisses. Ale wakes suddenly, with a killer headache, asking “what did I do?” (Que hice?) Since she can’t sleep, she decides to make Rafa share her misery. She calls him demanding that he keep his word to pay her in full that day. (And buenas noches to you too Ale!)

The next morning at the breakfast table, Julieta has no appetite again (and now I am getting worried about her health). She and Leonor can’t believe Ale had the nerve to call Rafa in the middle of the night to harass him. Thank goodness, as of today he won’t have to deal with that harpy ever again!

At the de la Parra residence, Vicky is looking like her old self, and has fixed the men of her household the kind of meal they had been accustomed. When Rafa arrives, she greets him at the door with high pitched intensity. Yep, the old Vicky is back. Don Gaston and the Brothers Grimm show Rafa the sack of money. He’s shocked as he expected a check. Guess he didn’t realize how close of a resemblance his future in-laws bear to the Mafia (spoiled daughter, violent sons, love of weapons…). The haggling over the conditions begins. Rafa’s word of honor isn’t enough. Don Gaston and the BGs want Rafa’s house as a guarantee, as well as a monthly payment agreement. Vicky puts her foot down. She doesn’t want her pajarito to have to work as hard as he has been to pay off the debt. He needs time to dedicate to her, after all. Don G. proposes Rafa pays 20 thousand pesos per month. At that rate it will take Rafa 6 years to pay him. The contract is agreed to, and I’m not sure how Rafa managed to get an arm free to sign it, as Vicky is draped over one side of him holding his hand on the table; Big BG is hovering on the other side of him with a knife to his throat; Don G. is sitting next to him with yet another hand on top of Rafa’s; and Little BG is giving him the death stare standing across from him. He signs, but the family has one more condition…Just because Rafa has six years to pay them off does not mean that he has six years till he marries Vicky. In fact, they’re not talking years, they’re talking months. Vicky has an even better idea, they can get married in 20 days. That’s all the time she needs to arrange it. Don G. thinks 20 days is pushing it. He gives them a month! Rafa gulps. (Poor Rafa.)

Ale isn’t having a much better start to her day, although she looks pretty good for being so hung over (fun purple movie star sun glasses). Tia Rosario scolds her as expected. She thinks Ale is lying about being with a client, and believes she was with Rafa the whole time. She wonders how Ale could have so little dignity to go back to a man who has treated her so badly, but concedes that Ale is an adult and can ruin her life if she wants. Jorge has no nice words to say to her either and won’t let her kiss him. She’s fine with that, as she’s not talking to him till he ends this whole silly idea of a duel with Quintana.

When she arrives at Siglo, the sales team is pretty quick to pick up on the fact that Ale has a major hangover. They’re all pretty chipper this morning, actually. Jimenez has the huge burden of the client whose money he used, off his shoulders; although her hair is obviously suffering from the lack of hot water, Rosuara’s in pretty good spirits; the General is actually looking more lovely than ever in a hot red top (Rosaura’s influence?); Marino is his usual slimy self (offering Rosaura his hot water, and other things); and Ramirez is speaking French to everyone, so obviously his French book deal is going well.

Susana thinks Ale must be pretty happy since she drank Marian under the table. Ale admits that she would be happy, if it weren’t for the fact that she kissed Rafa. “Wait a minute young lady. I want details!” Ale fills her in on the kiss, near kiss, and the lovely things Rafa said to her. She remembers EVERY detail, but there is no way that she’s going to admit that to Rafa. Rafa calls her and tells her he has the money, is on his way, and asks her to get the sales meeting started for him. Ale then calls Marco and asks him to be at Siglo within an hour and a half to wrap up the business with Rafa. Marco can not believe Rafa found the money. He dispatches Chavez to find out tout de suite from a (real) lawyer if Rafa paying them off will get Leonor off the hook for the house “sale.”

Best random scene of the night- Susana takes Dandy to a yoga class. (The yoga instructor looks just like my good friend Luzette, who is also totally in to new agey stuff and is from Colombia.) Susana confesses that she never imagined she would fall for someone like Dandy- a womanizer, party animal, meat eater! Dandy comes out in a mock turtleneck, long sleeved muscle shirt (the kind with the muscles drawn on), dark socks, and tiny white gym shorts with animal print boxers peeking out. Lol! He then proceeds to screw up every single pose and knock over some of the other class participants. Susana doesn’t seem to mind. Ah, love!

Tomorrow: Marco continues to fume about Rafa’s payment in full. Vicky is happy. And Rafa lays stacks of cash on a shocked Ale’s desk.


Corazón Salvaje WED 2010-06-23: Diary of a Mad near-Housewife

Episode 88

Lightheaded from the revelation that Regina loved him, Renato turns rapidly to the front of her diary and earnestly reads from the start. Today she begins this diary to confess her biggest secret, she says. With book in hand, Renato rises from the bedside, eyes glued to the text.

She loves Renato with all of her heart! I've loved him since I was a girl, she admits. Our games, his patience and sweet disposition filled her with happiness, she says. Renato smiles, remembering. But that's why her father's decision that they study in Europe was so painful, she continues. Renato flips the page anxiously.

Regina knew she would miss Renato every moment; but one bright spot in all the sadness came when Renato gave the girls their medallions, to keep them safe while away -- and keep them thinking of each other. Renato looks up from the distant shared memory, melancholy, possibly noting that Aimee gave her medallion away.

Since that moment, Regina continues, she always carried the medal; we see a vision of her holding it now like the precious keepsake it is. She wanted to be wearing it when they returned one day, to show him that she never forgot him. Renato looks up again in wonder and pleasure, realizing that Regina truly loved him; how could he never have known?

Just then Clemencia knocks at the bedroom door, and she enters, concerned and offering to bring him something since he's been locked up there all day. Renato is kind to her but gently backs her out into the hall, insisting he doesn't want anything except to be left alone. He turns and locks the door, with Clemencia begging to be let in.

Back in town on the street, where Noel (looking very dashing) and Lulu have settled on a bench to talk, Noel asks her how her relationship is working out. She says it's going pretty well; that before Remigio left town, he stopped by to discuss their getting married upon his return!

Noel, surprised, asks guardedly if she doesn't intend to be frank with Remigio beforehand? But Lulu isn't sure; she's anxious that if she does, he'll never forgive her. Noel points out that she really shouldn't marry him without saying anything, though.

He counsels her pointedly: Truth above all, Lulu. He gestures with a book he's carrying and says he was just going to read something by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, a very beautiful poem (Hombres necios) about men who judge and accuse women. Noel begins in his gruff whisper:

Silly, you men -- so very adept
at wrongly faulting womankind,
not seeing you're alone to blame
for faults you plant in woman's mind.

After you've won by urgent plea
the right to tarnish her good name,
you still expect her to behave -—
you, that coaxed her into shame.

Lulu pays rapt attention, and Noel continues reciting from memory, gazing into her eyes; but behind a pillar some distance away, Rodrigo peaks at the two of them in surprise and makes a nasty remark about Noel being with that slut. Back on the park bench, Lulu has been moved by the poem and thinks she should tell Remigio the truth. Noel tells Lulu that in his experience, feelings -- especially love -- need to be born in honesty in order to grow strong.

In the girls' bedroom, Renato continues reading Regina's diary. She tells him there that in all the years in school in Europe, she never stopped thinking about him and dreamed about returning. And she was sure he would be thinking about her, too, in the same way.

When Renato reads Regina say she couldn't marry anyone but him, he looks up and concludes sorrowfully in tears that he was her "secret love," for whom she endured scorn and sacrifice. Regina never worried about Rodrigo's shipboard plan to marry her off to Federico, she says; because she was sure when Renato and she were reunited, he would love her, too.

But instead he greeted her cooly, and for the first time she was afraid. Renato holds the diary at his side and paces the rug, rubbing his face, and whispers: She was afraid, because from the moment he saw Aimee, he only had eyes for her! Reading again, Renato is astonished to learn that despite their friendship, Regina could only bring herself to confess her secret to Clemencia. Clemencia? he asks himself. Clemencia knew!

Across the hall, Clemencia bursts into Leonarda's bedroom in alarm. Leonarda's very testy with a headache, until she hears Renato's locked himself in and won't budge. In the girls' room, Renato now is understanding what Clemencia said: he never really knew Regina! Outside in the hall, when Leonarda rattles the doorknob and pleads to no avail, the two women set off to find Aimee to see what she can do.

Back at the diary, Renato reads that awful passage where he breaks Regina's heart by confessing his ardor and love for Aimee -- and enlists her to help him! How she must have suffered, he says sorrowfully. But since she only wanted him to be happy, she agreed and kept silent, Regina says. Of all the women, it had to be her sister! Aimee...he repeats.

Meanwhile, Leonarda and Clemencia try to drag some answers out of Aimee in her room, but she's at a loss. Leonarda's sure she's at fault and insists she find out what's wrong with Renato. He's up to the part where Regina explains her resistance to marrying anyone who is not him and preference to become a nun rather than marry without love.

Renato ponders the awful truth that he was the reason Regina went to the convent and sits weeping for her suffering. The diary tells him that her solitude there only made her focus on her misery. Rising, Renato stumbles around, cursing himself for an idiot, remembering she tried to tell him she loved him -- and he said nothing! His love for Aimee made him blind -- blind and crazy! he laments wearily.

Outside the door, all three women are knocking; and when he hears Aimee, he orders angrily that she go to their chamber and not move a muscle! They have some serious talking to do. Leonarda turns to her and grimly accuses that whatever she's done, it'd better not be serious.

Before Renato leaves the room, he reads where no matter how she tried, Regina could not forget him -- and how Aimee knew and taunted her cruelly. Renato muses regretfully how Aimee was always capricious and tyrannical. He learns his own father knew Regina's secret, having been her confidant when in disgrace, and is distraught to learn she only planned to marry Federico due to Rodrigo's insistence.

At Fulgencio's, Servando tries desperately to convince him no one knows what happened to Jimena or where she is; but Fulgencio doesn't believe him and won't take no for an answer. If Servando doesn't want to wind up dead, he'd better produce the girl. Branko meets Gabriel on the beach, both having no luck. Gabriel insists Griselda is at the bottom of Jimena's disappearance and says Branko better believe him and deal with her.

On the Luzbel, Regina and Juan are on deck, with Juan at the wheel. When she asks for Remigio, she learns Remigio is off duty and that they all take their turns around there. Everybody's equal; but Regina teases Juan a little, saying it looks more like everybody jumps at Juan's whims and desires. Juan gets her back, pointing out very infrequently does his will change the whims of other people.

It sails over Regina's head, though; and she thinks he's trying to confuse her, who knows little about boats and sailing. Juan takes the opportunity to show her, in that case, and makes her take the wheel. Regina seems to be enjoying Juan's tender tutelage, as he takes her chin and draws her eyes to the sails, where she must pay attention, he says. They depend on the sails.

Soon they will come to a pretty island with a peninsula and lagoon, Juan says temptingly. When Regina observes that Juan knows the Caribbean very well, he smiles broadly and agrees, like the palm of my hand! At that, Regina reaches down and takes his hand, noting how strong they are. Juan looks slightly dazed and speechless as Regina observes his hands look like working hands. His is big and tanned against her tiny white one. Juan is taken aback when Regina admits that she's beginning to understand him.

Back at the finca, Aimee waits fearfully in their rooms for Renato, who presently enters, carrying something. Aimee is no doubt horrified to hear it's Regina's diary and quickly offers to keep it in case Regina comes back. But Renato's having none of that; the book is practically his -- his name is written on every page, he tells her. And he wants her to confirm something: Regina was in love with him? Aimee does not even fake surprise.

Below decks in the Luzbel, the boyz play a raucous game of cards, except for Remigio who lies front and center, brooding and missing "Malu." She's the prettiest, sweetest and most decent girl in port, he says. When the boyz learn what ails him, they lampoon him all over again for being in love and take the deck of cards and shower them over his head as if they were scented rose petals, having a big time. No rest for the lonely.

Meanwhile, at the casino, Lulu has borrowed Noel's volume of poetry and is reading to the girls and Philip more of the poem heard earlier:

Or which is more to be blamed—
though both will have cause for chagrin:
the woman who sins for money
or the man who pays money to sin?

So why are you men all so stunned
at the thought you're all guilty alike?
Either like them for what you've made them
or make of them what you can like.

Fifi moves to stand by Lulu and notes that Sor Juana understands their suffering very well; Lulu says it seems like every day just confirms more and more how kind Don Noel is. And she thinks he's completely right to insist she should tell Remigio the truth. Philip groans behind her; but she continues, saying the next time she will tell Remigio who she really is. Brigitte hopes doubtfully that he will understand and forgive her.

Federico meets Servando at the camp to discuss business. Servando is going to have to bring Griselda to Fulgencio's house to vouch for Jimena's whereabouts or lack thereof. Servando insists they're going to have to get rid of the weapons and that Federico has more connections along those lines than he. If Fulgencio starts investigating and finds out they betrayed him, it will go very badly for them, he says.

In Renato and Aimee's apartments, Renato presses Aimee for an answer. She admits Regina was obsessed with Renato -- thinking, talking, about only him. She always thought she'd marry him; but when Renato wanted Aimee, Regina went into the convent. So, it's true, Renato says. She went into the convent for love of him. Aimee wonders if he doesn't remember Regina's change of demeanor and attitude toward him?

Well, truth is, Regina was always pretty starchy; shipboard she monitored me constantly, Aimee says. In fact, so much, that one day I got so tired of all that...that... What!? Renato demands. You did WHAT?! Aimee backs off, claiming nothing but silly girl stuff. They two were not even a couple then. But...anyway, Juan...sort of began following her around and looking her up. But of course, she was never interested in him.

So he got interested in Regina. And Aimee sort of...encouraged it. Like when she wrote the note in Regina's name. Aimee insists that was her only transgression -- she toyed with the affections of both. Later when Juan found out the truth, he wanted revenge. Renato is wiping his brow in thorough confusion and waves off the details. You mean that Regina was never in love with him -- nor was his lover?! Aimee swears, Never! That's why she was so worried and upset (!), Aimee declares, when Renato forced them to get married!

Aimee says she confessed the truth to Regina and was terrified that Renato would murder her. So Regina accepted! She accepted the sacrifice. Aimee knows she's a bad sister, but it's her one and only sin, she swears. Aimee's positive Regina will never forgive her, she says weeping crocodile tears. And on bended knee, Aimee "begs" Renato to forgive her. Renato looks almost stone-faced, except for a modicum of perplexity mixed in.

Finally, on the Luzbel, with Regina and Juan still at the wheel together, when Regina remarks what a tranquil night it is, Juan tells her it's she who has brought a measure of tranquility and that he feels more relaxed with her around. And if she wants to know, he thinks his life has taken a turn for the better now.

Regina is very pleased, and when she starts to ask him about it, Juan says he doesn't really want to answer questions at the moment -- much less about the past. He'd just like to concentrate on how she's feeling right now. And how is she feeling? he asks. I don't know what to call it, she ventures; it seems most like happiness. Grab the rudder, he reminds her, as he hangs back, pondering her seriously. Then he can't help a grin breaking out on his face.


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