Friday, January 08, 2010

En Nombre del Amor, January 7, 2010

At the graduation, Paloma and Romina hug and cry. Everyone looks moved except Carlota, who shakes her head and rolls her purple-laden eyes.

Cristobal’s cellmate asks what’s the deal with that photo? Cris explains that his father gave it to him before he died (of cirrhosis). His father never accepted that he was an alcoholic or that he needed help. What does your father’s death have to do with the photo? Cris’s dad told him that he’d never get the other half, so it’s strange that it appeared while Cris was asleep in the hospital. He needs to find out who left it and why.

Someone calls Madeleine, the old lady, and a voice says everything is ready and in a couple of days the meeting will be able to take place. She thinks, “Finally, Cristobal, finally.”

Gabriel reveals to Pal that what she said to Romi in her speech left him impactado. Pal says she’ll always love Romi very much.

Liliana calls everyone to come out and dance. German tells Carlota he would have liked to come to the dance with Pal and that he’s interested in being near both her and Carlota.

Rufi comments to the mother superior that Macarena would have been happy to see this, to see Pal happy. MS is sure that Mac is there in some way.

Romi whines at Emil to dance with her, so he reluctantly gets up. Cami sees this and says she was right, that marriage was a mistake. Luz thinks they don’t look like they’re in love. Rafael remarks that they’re not, and looks at Cami while saying “love isn’t easy to find.”

Diana preens in the mirror while Samuel lounges in bed. He claims that he has always liked her, even back when he was married to Cami. Diana thinks it’s best that he go now because she doesn’t want people to have something to gossip about, but Sam puts on a “poor me” act about having to go back to a cold, empty bed. He even suggests that they could spend every night together. Di agrees that he can stay the night and she’ll think about his offer. When she leaves the room Sam rolls his eyes then clenches his fists in glee.

Everyone starts doing some kind of line dance where people have to switch partners, so of course Emiliano and Paloma end up dancing together while Romi glares at them from across the room. He thinks Macarena made this moment possible because she wanted them to be together. Pal insists they don’t have a future.

Suddenly Romi starts to double over in pain.

Liliana dances with Gabriel and tells him she likes him and Pal as a couple.

Now Lili is dancing with Emil and notes that he still loves Pal. He says he’ll never stop loving her.

Pal thanks Gabriel for coming to the dance with her. "Thank you" he replies.

Romi stumbles into the bathroom where she encounters Carlota. Romi complains that she got a pain from seeing Pal and Emil dance together. She’s surprised Carlota let Pal wear such a common/ordinary dress. Carlota replies that more and more Pal is out of her control. And out of mine, says Romi--it’s obvious she and Emil still love each other. She asks Carlota what else she can do. You have to separate them, advises the Purple One, and don’t let them be alone together for even one minute. You get your husband, and I’ll take care of Paloma.

Camila laments to Rufi about the Romi-Pal split. Luz asks what separated them, to which Orlando answers “they both fell in love with the same man.” Uncomfortable looks on Rafa and Cami’s faces. Luz thinks maybe when the baby is born that will bring them together.

Natalia agonizes over Alonso. She remembers several instances of him working on his computer and one night when he was worried and couldn’t sleep. She thinks there must have been something going on, he was very different in his last days. She takes out a picture of her and Sagrario, saying “help me, because it’s not fair to you, to me, to our daughter.” Then we see a flashback scene of someone, presumably Alonso, hiding a piece of paper inside the very frame that Natalia is holding.

Miss Aguafiestas (and that’s MISS, not MRS.) tries to make Rufi leave the party but Rufi volunteers to stay there with Paloma awhile longer. Rafael offers to take Carlota home while Rufi suggests that Dr. B. can take her and Pal home (Orlando offers too), and Carlota finally agrees. After Rafa, Luz, and Carlota leave, Orlando comments “what an enchanting woman!” From the look on Cami’s face, my guess is that he was referring to Luz, but who knows.

Pal and Gabriel run into Romina, who’s looking rather green. She starts having pains again so Gabe runs off to get Emil. He and Cami come running. I guess Romi’s water broke. Romi says this can’t be, so soon? While German lurks around the corner, Dr. B comes over and says it’s time to go to the hospital. After everyone leaves, Liliana comes up and gives German a knowing look.

Rafa and Luz drop off Carlota. Luz asks if Carlota has lived there her whole life, then rattles off a long list of the different places she’s lived. They go on to have a discussion about living life freely—-Luz is for it, Carlota isn’t, and she doesn’t want Luz putting ideas in Pal’s head. After Carlota bids them goodnight Luz comments that Carlota is from the last century. Carlota then spies on Luz and Rafa kissing and thinks what a tramp--but then she tells herself maybe she should be like Luz and that way she’d get Cris. She imagines that it’s her and Cris making out.

Carlota talks out loud to Cris again, this time about wanting his kisses on her skin and wondering how long she’s going to have to wait.

It’s night at the jail and it sounds like an owl is hooting. Cris asks his roomie Chucho what’s that noise? It’s Canibal’s group, they do it when they’re going to beat up (or maybe “take down”? I’m not sure exactly how “echar” is being used here) somebody. He hopes they won’t try something with Cris again.

Emiliano, Paloma and Gabe drive Romi to the hospital. Cami tells Orly that the baby will be premature but she doesn’t think it will be a problem.

In the car Romi thanks Pal for being there for her and tries to lay a guilt trip on her by saying she never imagined that the two people she loves most in the world would be able to be there on this important day.

Dr. B. takes Rufi home and gives her the two rings back to put back where she found them. She’s going to give Pal the real one and Carlota the fake one.

Rafa tells Luz that Crazylota is very strict/demanding with Pal, to which Luz replies “like Romi is with Emil”. She thinks Carlota and Romi are alike. She wonders what’s the deal with Romi—why be with someone who doesn’t love you? Rafa changes the subject and asks if Luz has ever thought of having kids. Of course, she’d love to. But she can’t have kids.

Still parked in front of the house of horrors, Rufi tells Dr. B. about her suspicions that Carlota diluted Macarena’s medication, and that’s why they weren’t having the effect he was expecting. Rufi thinks Carlota ruined Pal’s dress on purpose. Dr. B. says they can’t prove Carlota tampered with the medicine, so let’s go to Mexico City and get Pal out of here-—that will be our victory over Carlota. Said witch has just walked up and heard this and demands to know what he meant.

At the hospital, Romi asks Pal to stay with her and for Emil to ask Cami to call her dad. Emiliano rebuffs Gabe’s offer to go with him to the front desk to register Romi.

Dr. B. appears to be in an anvil-baiting mood. He informs Carlota that Mac didn’t want Pal to live with her and told him about Pal being her daughter. If Mac didn’t trust you, I’m not going to either. Although Mac isn’t here, I’m going to keep the promise I made to her. Carlota asks where Pal is. Dr. B. explains that Romi’s having the baby and she went to the hospital with her. Carlota thinks Pal has no reason to be there because she and Romi stopped being friends when they fell for the same guy. Yeah, just like others that were sisters, Dr. B. observes. Carlota demands that Dr. B. tell Pal to come home immediately.

Rafa and Luz have arrived home when Camila calls to tell him about Romi. He’s a little confused because it’s not time yet for the baby to be born. Luz offers to go to the hospital with him but he tells her to stay home and rest.

Carlota reads Rufi the riot act for not bringing Paloma home with her. She also tells Rufi not to go against her—-she doesn’t like her friendship with Dr. B., what they’ve been hinting at. Rufi is also in an anvil-baitin’ mood, as she speculates that perhaps Mac would have lived many years more had she married Dr. B., because she would have had a doctor caring for her and her medicines would have worked well.

German and Liliana get into an argument about who’s the father of Romi’s baby-—despite the DNA results she still has doubts and she believes Germy does too. He grabs her and asks what does she care? It must be because she still loves him. He forces a kiss on her but is pulled away and punched by her boyfriend Eric. They scuffle and German yells at Eric that Lili loves him.

While Carlota goes upstairs, Rufi sneaks into the study to put the phony ring back in Carlota’s desk. Before she can leave, Carlota comes in. Rufi claims she came in to close the window. After Rufi leaves, Carlota thinks “I hope you haven’t been snooping around.” She takes the ring out and looks at it. The camera pans down to the floor under the desk where Rufi had to hurriedly stash the real ring.

Rafa calls Diana but she doesn’t answer. She’s going to make him suffer. Samuel comes out of the bathroom and piles on some more fake compliments, including how Di is 1,000 times prettier than Camila.

Rufi returns to the study and retrieves the real ring.

The doctor does an ultrasound on Romi and notes that the baby is very small. Romi claims she’s 8 months along, so the doctor speculates that perhaps the baby hasn’t developed normally. Romi is afraid that something is wrong with the baby.

Camila leaves Samuel a message about Romi having her baby. Gabe comments to Emil that he must be excited to be a father for the first time. Emil sulkily says he doesn’t have to put on a nice guy act for him. Gabe says he’s not, it’s just that not everyone gets to be a father like Emil does. When Emil notices that Gabe says that as though he’s not going to have kids, Gabe replies “one never knows.” Emil, not phased at all by his imminent fatherhood, takes this opportunity to defensively mention that it’s obvious Gabe is interested in Paloma.

The doc informs everyone that the baby is fine but very small, like it’s 7 months or less. I think he says they’re trying to stop the labor and they’ll have to wait and see how Romi/the baby respond. Rafa arrives and Emil tells him that the baby could die.

In the avances, a doctor comes out and tells Emiliano he has to choose Romi, or the baby.


Gancho Thursday Jan 7 #141: Tengo celos de mí mismo = I'm jealous of myself

Yes folks, we actually learn how to say this phrase tonight. What? You say you'll never use it? Never say never! Tonight we see Beto at his best and Constanza at her very, very worst. If this sounds ominous it is; take it as a warning. However the nasty bits are juxtaposed with the sublime and sometimes that's good enough. Let's see how the evening unfolds...

Last night we left Mau face to face with his own alter ego. Quien the heck is in his Furia costume? Back in the privacy of the cocoon Furia, with great fanfare, whips off his mask and it's...Beto!! Mau looks shocked and perhaps a bit delighted.

Estrella runs into Tano at the bar. He tells her she's more beautiful than ever and he's very happy for her and for Aldo. En serio? They toast to love I think, can't really hear them over the music. Estre looks thoughtful.

Moni shows up and she and Estre talk about something, not sure what, probably she is wondering what happened to both Mau and Furia. She's had enough of the party and wants to cut out. Estre decides to go with which is probably a good idea since she seems to invariably end up in bed with someone if she's not paying attention.

Mau is dumbfounded that Beto has discovered his secret and wants to know how. He is so amazed that Beto saved him that he allows Beto to tutear him. Finally! Beto recounts his tale; back at the party he fought with Coni and ran out in the street to leave. However he didn't have any money for a bus so he decided to go back to the party to drink and forget. He returned and everyone was dancing and having fun so he snagged a couple of bottles of wine from the bar and went into the dressing room to drink. He hid when he heard people come in. When Aldo and Estre mentioned Mau he perked up his ears and imagine his surprise when they revealed Mau Sermeño and Furia are the same guy. Then Furia came in to change and Beto saw the truth for himself.

Beto tells Mau that Coni was well bent (royally POed) at the party, wanted both Mau and Furia to lose Monita forever and was going to demask the masked one in front of everyone. When Beto saw the costume he grabbed it, put it on, stood up like a man, and Mau knows the rest. It looks like our two luchadors are hermanos de almas (soul brothers) once again.

Harpy on Jet Fuel alert!! Warning: the following scene may be disturbing to the tender hearted - Coni and her victims have arrived home and Coni has thrown all of Mau's clothes onto the bed. She orders the kids to pack Mau's bags. When Danny cries she viciously mocks the poor child. Coni cruelly stands over them shrieking insults while they pack the suitcase. She tells them they'd better start respecting her and stop calling her the mummy because she is the only person they have. She insists Mau is Furia and when Aldo says she's crazy she tells him that after tonight she's leaving his father forever. This marriage is over!

Back at the party Lalo maintains his interest in Arni while Arni tries to maintain his distance. In short, Lalu makes a play for Mr. Clean and is rebuffed. Sadly for Lalu Arni is not gay. Poor Lalu jumps up crying, oh no it can't be, and runs off reminding himself to squeeze his buttocks when he runs. Wow, I can't believe I just translated that. Anyway, he goes to cry on Xime's shoulder and she comments that perhaps he has saved himself because loving a Klunder is calamitous for the corazón. Auch.

Beto tells Mau he helped him because they are fighting partners, a team. Beto very eloquently tells Mau that the feelings that he had for Monita that caused him to do stupid things out of jealousy are the same feelings that now compel him to do the right thing. He knows to his bones that Mau/Furia loves Moni more than anything. Furthermore, he has to admit he is completely in love with Coni. "Mauricio, I love your wife," he emphasizes, "but she doesn't want to be with me." Mau tells Beto this is the first time they have spoken honestly with each other, man to man. Beto adds he wants to be together with Coni and Betito because he knows the kid is his. Beto proposes a deal, Mau helps him get Coni and Beto will help Mau win back Monita. The soul brothers shake on it and share a man hug. Awww...

And the closed captions are back!! I somehow feel like I need to thank Carlos. Carlos, thanks for writing Univision and for the moral support. I now attack my recap with renewed vigor!

Mau tells Beto he's awesome. Beto confidently says true, that's what everyone says, but why is Mau saying it? Mau says Beto was a detestable pain and did things that made Mau want to split Beto's skull, but now Beto is behaving in a way that redeems Mau's faith in humanity. Beto thinks Mau is his hero for doing all he did just to be close to the woman he loves. OK boys, enough of the mutual admiration society, let's move it along.

Mau admits that he used to be secure in Monita's love for him but now he's not so sure because she has feelings for someone else, La Furia Enmascarada. Beto rightly points out that Mau and Furia are the same person. "But Monita doesn't know that," reasons Mau. When Moni told Furia that she was falling in love with him Mau became jealous of himself. (Tengo celos de mi mismo) Folks, I don't write this stuff, I just report it.

Mauricio was hoping Valentina would realized the true identity of Furia but now he fears that if she finds out he is the mysterious fighter she'll think he was tricking her. He fears he will lose her forever. Beto tells Mau to keep the faith, he knows Moni and she will never stop loving Mauricio.

Shoot, we're back at House of Horror where the Mummy's reign of terror continues. Danny cries that she wants to give her daddy a good night kiss. The Mummy points out that Mau is not their adopted father any more so they don't have a father at all, only her. Aldo begs to know why she is always so mean to them and Coni replies why do they always get in her way? Luisa requests can they at least call Mau to say goodnight? No, Coni doesn't believe in maudlin farewells and she orders the girls to their rooms.

Back at the party the remaining guests are slowing down, full of drink and dance. All except Jacqui who can party for three days, says Ximena. Arni yawns, Katia yawns, and Xime and Rolu dance cheek-to-cheek. Rolu suggests they pay the band extra to play a couple more hours so they can continue their happiness. How sweet, but Xime thinks it's really getting to be time to go; the megaparty was a success in spite of Coni. Rolu has become very romantic and doesn't want the night to end, but the scene ends with him giving her a whopper of a "goodbye" kiss.

Coni helps Aldo remove Mau's suitcases to the street. When he tells her she's mean she commands him to go to his room and not leave. She gives the suitcases a couple of hard kicks just as Tere and Ivan arrive in a cab. Ivan can see that Coni is posessed and he advises his exhausted abuela to say very little. It doesn't matter, Coni is steamrolling and Tere is in her path. She tells Tere that the suitcases are Mau's, he is kicked out of the house. Tere says Coni can't do that, it's Mau's house. Well, not only can Coni remove Mau but she can also fire a mere servant like Tere. Tere pleads that the children need her but Coni has a heart of dry mummified dust and isn't swayed. Tere must leave with Ivan, cannot go inside to claim her belongings, and has to turn over the keys NOW. Ivan takes the keys and throws them at the mummy's feet. Tere begs one more time to kiss the children goodbye. Coni cruelly refuses and smiles to herself. Thankfully this is the last we see of Coni tonight.

Time for a little happiness and Beto admiring his physique while wearing Mau's too-long clothes does the job nicely. Beto also wants to borrow one of the Furia costumes but Mau doesn't think it's a good idea for him to be seen around the neighborhood dressed as Furia. Nieves and Monita might start asking questions. Mau remembers the look of rancor and sadness that Moni gave him earlier that evening.

Moni is home recalling Coni's accusations that Mau and Furia are the same person. Estrella snaps her out of it and tries to convince Moni it simply can't be. Moni says Coni was so certain it makes her suspicious but Estre says Coni was just seeking attention. Then she pushes the right button by suggesting they get something to eat, how about some tamales? Moni doesn't want to leave but orders two tamales, one sweet (yum, I love those!) and one with rajas (strips of roasted pepper).

Moni becomes thoughtful and pulls out a magazine that has Mau's picture in it. Then she remembers telling Furia his eyes remind her of someone. She takes a bottle of white-out and starts, well, whiting out. She takes green marking pen and draws Furia's mask around Mau's eyes, leans back and gasps, "those are his eyes, Furia is Mauricio!" Hooray, she smiles!!

Beto is still at the cocoon having a grand time, now spinning around on one of the chairs and thanking Mau for giving him the suit. I think he means the Furia costume because Mau says he can have it but he can't take it right now. Beto is super excited about fighting again with Mauricio. He's going to press that damned porcupine (Don Cesar) to give them a contract. They can fight together and then make some luchador films. He even includes Estrella in his plans as an extra of course. Mau is somewhat better at prioritizing than Beto. Before they plan their film careers he needs to take care of his divorce. He wants Beto to testify in front of a judge.

Estrella returns with the tamales blabbing a mile a minute that she ran into Nieves and Don Cesar, Beto is kicked out of the house and not around the neighborhood. Estre chows down but Moni has lost her appetite, she can't stop thinking about what the Mummy said. When Furia left Mau showed up. When Mau left Furia returned. Estre suddenly displays an unnatural interest in the contents of her tamale but Moni keeps talking. Moni wonders why Estre was completely obsessed with Furia and then suddenly lost all interest. Estre reminds Moni about Aldo, she loves him remember? Ah, Moni thinks the fact that Estre found Aldo hanging around Furia's warehouse is also suspicious. Estre jumps up and tells Moni to stop looking for something where nothing exists.

Beto asks Mau will he have to tell lies? Mau assures him all he has to do is tell the truth about his relationship with Coni, that they were lovers before and after her marriage to Mau. "Like when we went to New York?" asks Beto. Mau is surprised, Beto went to New York with her? "Er...uh...yes and she paid for my ticket", adds Beto. Whatever, Mau tells Beto he should tell the judge not only about their relationship but that Coni doesn't love the kids, she can't stand them. Beto agrees, gives Mau a hug and returns to his big plans on their luchador film.

Moni continues telling Estrella about all the clues she overlooked. There was that one time at the gym where Don Cesar tried to cover up for why Mau was there. Estre keeps denying. Moni grabs the magazine and shows her, they are Mau's eyes under Furia's mask! Estre denies and denies, Mau has bigger eyes, clearly not him. Moni becomes weary of the game and confronts Estre point blank. "You already knew that Furia and Mau are the same person, didn't you?" That's what I like about this show, people listen and people ask questions.

Mañana - Moni decides to have a little fun with Mauricio for tricking her. Jero and Oski wake up in bed together and it ain't Jacqui happily planted between them.'s Lalu!!!


Sortilegio January 8, 2010 Once, Twice, Three Times a Baby.

From yesterday
Gabriel and Paula are talking about Roberto. Gabe wants to know if she is in love with him. (Like it's any of your business). She says no. He's married. He says that she and Roberto are not in the same class. She reminds Gabe that MJ and Alex are not in the same class either and she's come away with a pretty sweet deal. FF>>.

Useless visits Roberto in the hospital. He tries to touch Roberto's hand but Robert pulls away. Useless wants him to help with Sandra.

Maura wants to know what Lissette's problem is. She says she is fine. Maura doesn't believe her and wants to know why she believes that. She says she doesn't hurt. Maura thinks Lissette looks tired and says she is going to the doctor.

MJ and Felipa are talking to the baby. Cuko barks outside the door. Poor Cuko. They talk baby talk to Tony. FF>>

Katia runs into Bruno outside. He pushes her away. She says she is bored. Bruno wants to know who Elena is. She says she met her when she was at her Tio's and they hung out together. Bratia says she talked about Sandra. His ears perk up. He kisses her. Hmmmm...somebody is scheming again.

Katia and Bruno walk in the house together. Fernando looks pissed. Katia gets a hug from Victoria but she snubs Bruno.. Fernando just glares at him. He grabs Katia and takes her home. Bruno says the only one honest in this family is him. Alex laughs (as does Viewerville. Actually my laugh was more of a snort. If I had been drinking milk it would have come out of my nose just like when my brothers would make me laugh at the dinner table. But I digress). Alex lists all the “honest” things Bruno has done. Let's see, Married MJ under a false name,,,check, tried to kill him...check, trying to take over the company...check, killing the judge...check, putting Pedro in jail. Sounds pretty honest to me. Victoria gets in between them. Damn! I was hoping for a good fight. Bruno practically stomps his little foot and says I want to be the president or nothing. (Maybe when pigs fly big boy!) Alex, says uh, ok dude, then you get nothing! Bruno wants Victoria to go against Alex. Bruno mistakenly thinks it is his right as the oldest son. She tells him he is not honest like he says. She believes that he is wicked and hateful. How can you say that about me? Waaaaa! Big baby.

Victoria is upset and wants Felipa to call Fernando.

Useless and Maura are talking. Bruno walks up and wants to know what is going on.
Alex is holding Tony. He wakes up MJ and tells her Tony is hungry, Lots of baby talk. She prepares to nurse. Where is her big ugly nursing bra with the flaps that hide the little pads that keep you from leaking through your clothes? They talk about how happy they are with each other with the baby . The baby nurses quietly. How sweet....Yawn...

Maura warns Useless to be careful of Bruno.

Next day Team Alex is eating breakfast. MJ wants to go visit her dad. Victoria thinks it is too early for the baby to travel. The helicopter is ready. Alex and Paula head off to visit Pedro.
Fer would really like Bratia to go back to school. Uh, no! Work? (Are you serious?) Of course she doesn't want to do that. He says she can't just sit around doing nothing all day. She says Maura does it. Fer tries to impress her with all the things that Maura has done. Bratia is so impressed—NOT. She still wants him to buy her a car. She begs and begs and begs. Shut the he!! up already. Fer will buy her a car if she does something that I didn't hear because I turned down the sound. You know she is serious because she pinky swears.

We switch to Sandra still in a coma. I didn't even have to look up because I heard the techno music. The nurse is giving her something in her IV tube. Elena wants to know what it is. The nurse says it is something the doctor has prescribed. Elena calls Useless and wants to know what is going on. He wants to take the child so MJ will go along with the plan.

Back at the lab whats-his-name is playing with his-- mouse. Elena comes in and asks him what that is on his computer screen. He says they are images of Sandra's brain. He explains something to her and says he wants to treat it with electroshock therapy.

Alex and Paula are at the jail with the Abogado. Chucho is there talking to Pedro. The background noise was really loud so I missed some stuff. Pedro wants to know how the girls are. Chucho says they are doing as well as expected. Paula is shouting for her dad. He's happy to see her. Alex wants Chucho to ride with them in the helicopter but Chucho says no way is he getting into that death trap. Alex laughs.

Maura shows up at Lombardo Construction. She makes an impatient gesture for the guard to open the door. He shakes his head at her rudeness. She asks Mari if her office is ready. That doesn't sound good. She wants to see Alex and Mari tells her he's not in and doesn't know where he is. Abogado says he will serve a minimum of 6 months. Everyone wants to help him but, ever the victim, he's ready to accept the 6 months. Paula shows him a picture of the baby.
Maura is bellowing for Mari and runs into Fernando. She takes him into her office. She thinks she needs a secretary. What about Katia? Uh oh. I think that's a bad idea. She wants to know where Alex is. He's gone to talk to his father-in-law. She comments on how much scandal the family has caused.

EZ is waiting for Alex when they arrive home. MJ want to know how her dad is doing.

Katia is visiting with Lissette. She want to go have fun and Lissette doesn't really want to go. Bratia drags her out the door.

Alex is talking to MJ and she wants to know how her dad is doing. He's in the jail. He's doing the best that he can. She is upset and cries. He puts the baby to bed. He doesn't want MJ to cry. They are doing what they can. Shes worried that Tony isn't getting enough milk and they talk about bottle feeding.

One month later
The baby is in his room. Everyone is fussing over him. Victoria is congratulating MJ on the nursery. The nurse is there (not a nun. I'm so disappointed). More fussing over the baby. Alex drags her out of the room.

Did Baby Tony breathe a sigh or was that just me?

Bruno and Katia are congressing. (Apparently Bruno needs more info.) Katia mentions something about Useless and her brother but I just couldn't catch it all so please fill in.

Fer is talking to Victoria in a snit. He says she never has time for him. What a whiney baby. He wants her to have time for him. He hears that Hernan is there. She has to go. For Hernan you have time but not for me. You always tell me you are busy. Victoria says she has to talk to him about Raquel. Fernando.shut.up.

Hernan supposedly comes to talk about Raquel but he puts the moves on Victoria. She doesn't want to talk about it right now. He loves her sincerely. He wants her to give him the opportunity. She can only think of her daughter. He's always thinking about her and her happiness. Ack!
MJ and Alex are getting in some quality time it looks like. She doesn't like Tony being in the other room. Dun, dun, dun.

Victoria is telling Felipa Raquel is coming home and she and Felipa are hiding all the alcohol. Victoria thanks Felipa for her help. They will search the house and get every bottle.
Victoria is talking to Roberto. There is nothing more they can do for her. She thinks Roberto should live in the chalet and Raquel in the house.

Victoria goes to pick up Raquel. She still sounds hateful. Hard to hear the conversation. She wants to know if Robert accused her. Victoria tells her no.

Pedro runs into Rufino in the jail. What a coincidence. I guess Rufino didn't get out as promised and wants to know what is going on. Pedro doesn't know anything. Rufino puts the beat-down on Pedro. Poor Pedro. The guards show up and break it up.

Back at the house Raquel is already mouthing off. Raquel wants to go back to her house. Victoria thinks it is better to live at the house with her. They need to watch her. She might go buy alcohol. Duh, you think?

Lissette isn't hungry. Maura wants to know what she is going to do. She'll go to the doctor when when she wants to.

Victoria is telling Felipa that Raquel wants to live in the Chalet. She's afraid she'll drink and affect the baby. Raquel is frantically searching for alcohol. She's going crazy. I say give her some antabuse. That might settle her down. Raquel calls EZ. She wants alcohol. Ez says no way. She doesn't care. She wants it and she wants it now. (Like brother, like sister.) She runs over to Bruno's house looking for alcohol. Ah, score! She is overjoyed.

Chucho is coming to visit Pedro and finds out he is in the infirmary. There was an altercation. Pedro looks pretty bad. Chucho is allowed to visit him. Chucho is not happy and wants to know who did this to him. He says it was Rufino. He's the one to who turned him in. Pedro doesn't want to worry Alex. He wants to know how everyone is doing.

Alex arrives home in the helicopter. He gets a call from the abogado who tells him that Rufino, the one who turned in Pedro, beat the crap out of him and Pedro is in the infirmary.
Paula is in the hospital feeding Roberto. He wants to know if she's seen Raquel. He tells her that he gets out of the hospital tomorrow. He wants to know if Useless has talked to Raquel. She says she doesn't think so.

Alex wants to know how Tony is doing. He's fine of course. In fact, he is the only real baby in the show not acting like a baby, but a perfect angel. Alex reminds her that they can now get married. She can't get married with her dad in the carcel. Recording ends.


Thursday, January 07, 2010

Sortilegio - Wed Jan 6 - Ep # 61 - Recapper had technical problems!

capítulo 66

From yesterday - Ale finds out that Pedro is in jail.. Pedro doesn't want to say he is innocent.. Bruno tells Victoria that Paula is making up stories.... Ale and MJ kind of like each other....

Chucho is upset with Gab for tell Paula about Pedro being in jail.

At breakfast Victoria is telling Paula that Bruno denies everything. Ale comes down tells Victoria, Felipe and Paula that MJ doesn't know about Papa and that Pedro could get 6 months to 5 years. That Pedro wanted to pay for his crimes. That they will hide it from MJ for now. Paula says it is Bruno's fault. Ale says the only way deal with Bruno is to kill him. Victoria doesn't cry like she used to whenever something bad was said about Bruno. Paula asks Felipe to come with her to talk to Pedro.

Victoria and Fer talk on the phone...

MJ comes down the stairs and EZ rushes to help her. Victoria comes to find out what she is doing downstairs, and MJ says she is worried about her Papa. Victoria goes in to full distract MJ mode.

Chucho at the jail, finds out that Pedro has been moved to Saqui and Chucho gets to tell Paula and Felipe who just arrived.

I had technical problems here.... Will try to highlight what I remember.

Victoria tells Bruno he is not the son of Anotonio but son of the devil.

Bruno learns of MJ's twin..

Elena tells Jorge the tells him the truth about her having three children. MJ being the twin to Sandra and also having Paula.

Fernando with Tio learns about Elena.

A cute scene with Ale coming home and wanting to hold his son. Ale tells him about all the sports he will get to play. MJ tells Ale that this moment is the happiest in her life, which I guess makes it the right moment for Ale to tell her about her Papa being in jail.

Useless tells Maura about twin.

Lisette comes on to Useless and later Maura finds her collapsed on the floor.

MJ tells Paula about Sandra.


Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Gancho Wed Jan 6 - La Vida es un Cabaret!

I'm posting this early in case I don't get to finish my recap on time. I've had a horrible track record with this show. We had to send off another of our cats today to the afterlife and so I'm working slowly on this.

Tonight we had a wonderful performance by Madame Lalo. A delicious break up by Jimena. A fabulous save by Beto, and a little more fiesta for all of our Gancho land folks.

Feliz Dia de Reyes to all, may all have received the best gifts. Whoever gets the baby let me know, I could use a party!!! :)


ENDA, January 6, 2010

Paloma is excited and tells Carloca that this is the first dress she bought with her own money. You would think that Paloma would know by now that being excited about something in Carloca's presence turns into disaster. The child will never learn.

Everyone starts trickling in for the graduation. Paloma and Liliana light a candle and MS welcomes everyone. Diplomas are handed out. MS gives Paloma a special diploma for being the best student. Carloca actually seems proud.

German brings PJC the other half of the photo.

Carloca looks at Paloma's gown and tells her that she will iron it for her. Carloca tells her to finish putting on her make-up and leaves with the dress.

Gabriel shows up at Sandra's house to bring her a corsage. Sandra's mother wants to tell him something about Sandra.

Carloca is ironing Paloma's dress and purposely ruins it by leaving the iron on it.

Emiliano yells for Romina to hurry up their going to be late. Romina comes in all whiny that she looks hideous. Emiliano reminds her that she's pregnant. I know replies Romina. I can't wait for this baby to be born. I'm tired of being fat. How can women say that being pregnant is so wonderful? She tries to adjust her scarf to hide her belly.

Rufi comes into Paloma's room all spiffed up. Paloma comments on how pretty she is. Rufi wants Paloma's dress to iron, but Paloma tells her that Carloca already is doing it. Rufi says but she doesn't like to iron! Carloca rushes in and tells Paloma that she accidentally ruined her dress. Paloma starts crying. Oh poor me!

PJC wishes he could be at Paloma's graduation. He asks God to watch out over her since he cannot be there.

Rufi thinks she might be able to fix it, but Carloca is adamant that it cannot. Carloca offers to lend her one of her dresses since the shops are closed. I'm sure it'll be an ugly dress.

The doorbell rings and it's Dr. Bermudez. Carloca says "Oh, it's you" and walks away. Rufi comes up to greet the doctor properly. As soon as the door is closed the doorbell rings again and it's Gabriel. He greets everyone and Carloca asks him rudely what he is doing here. He replies that he came to get Paloma. Suddenly Paloma walks up and says "Gabriel?" "What are you doing here?" She comes in with a shiny black shawl and a black dress. Nothing to look at.

Gabriel explains why he wants to accompany Paloma to the graduation. We don't get to hear his explanation. Carloca says absolutely not. Why asks Paloma. Because you are not going to be second best replies Carloca. Gabriel says she's misunderstood his explanation. Carloca replies that he just said his date cancelled their plans. That's not what happened says Gabriel. Is that how you understood it he asks Paloma. No replies Paloma with Rufi and Dr. Bermudez agreeing also. Dr. Bermudez points out that it's tradition for the graduates to be accompanied by a partner. Rufi mentions that it will make Paloma go to the party because now that her dress was ruined by accident by Carloca she didn't want to go. Paloma says she doesn't feel comfortable with the dress that she is wearing. But if he wants to accompany her then she would love to go. Everyone is happy except Carloca. Carloca tries again to dissuade Paloma. Gabriel says that he, Sandra and Paloma had already discussed that he would be their for both of them. Paloma pipes up and says of course. You would dance one with her and then the other with me.

Romina and Emiliano show up at the hotel where the graduation is held and come across Rafa and Luz. Rafa says he came to take Luz to the restaurant for dinner. He introduces Luz to Emiliano and Romina. Luz comments on how she has wanted to meet him and that he looks a lot like his dad. And Romina looks beautiful. They are about to leave when Camila and Orlando show up. Camila and Rafa make eyes at each other. Luz shakes hands with Camila. Emiliano breaks up the happy group and says they have to go in now. Romina comes up with the bright idea for Rafa and Luz to come along with them. Emiliano doesn't want to mess up Rafa's plan, but Romina overrides it and says that she had to buy a table and there is room for them. Rafa says thanks, but we didn't come properly dressed. Luz suggests they go home and change into appropiate attire. Romina seconds the idea. Camila asks Romina not to insist if they don't want to. Orlando seconds the comment. Romina ignores them and tells Luz that she expects them to show up.

Diana and the ladies play cards with Samuel.

Rufi asks Dr. Bermudez if he has figured out the ring situation. He says one is the original and the other a very good copy. He thinks the copy was made by Carloca.

Gabriel stops and buys Paloma a flower. He tells her he has another surprise for her.

Romina and Emiliano walk into the room where the party is being held followed by Camila and Orlando. Orlando comments that he thinks Romina went to far. Camila agree. Orlando says this dinner will be torture with you, me, Rafa and his newest girlfriend. Camila says if you want to leave, I'll understand. Orlando says of course not. Camila asks if Luz is really pretty. Orlando says she pales in comparison to you. Emiliano gets onto Romina for inviting Rafa and Luz. Now Orlando and Rafa are going to be uncomfortable. Romina thinks Camila needs to get use to it because once the baby is born they are going to around each other and Rafa's latest squeeze. So you did it to get at your mother asks Emiliano. Of course not replies Romina. I did for you. So that both your dads can be together with you.

Romina and Emiliano ask where Paloma is when the see Rufi, Carloca and Dr. Bermudez. Rufi says she's just coming in. Paloma walks in with Gabriel on her arm. The dress? Okay I guess. Carloca asks Rufi what she did. Nothing replies Rufi. I just bought her a new dress. Orlando says she's beautiful, Romina says she looks nice and Emiliano says spectacular.

Paloma goes up to Camila who tells her she looks beautiful. Paloma introduces Gabriel to her. Romina comments that she thought Paloma was coming alone. Paloma says last minute Gabriel wanted to accompany her. Emiliano says something that I don't quite catch. Probably since I am watching most of this on you tube. Anyway Liliana comes in and spots Paloma. They get all excited and Liliana says you look gorgeous. I'm so glad that you came with Gabriel especially after all that happened. Romina wants to go what's going on. Paloma says something which I don't catch and then Romina says of course. Gabriel was coming with Sandra. So you Paloma must be his consolation prize. Gabriel says of course not. If she had asked me she would have been first priority. Gabriel and Paloma take their leave.

Emiliano and Romina sit down at their table and Romina rubs it in that Paloma found herself another. Camila says Paloma's free and so is Gabriel. They look like a lovely couple. Orlando says so does Emiliano and Romina. You look beautiful today. Romina tells him not to lie. She looks like a cow.

Paloma thanks Rufi for the dress. Rufi says that Paloma has become the focus of the party. Of course Carloca is not pleased.

Rafa complains about going to the party.

Angelica is at a restaurant and in comes Miriam an old friend of hers. They were friends that parted badly. Angelica says it's because she was so into Dario. I thought everything he said was the truth. Miriam agrees and says you thought we were out to get him, but that's not the cases. I know that now replies Angelica. What happened asks Miriam. Dario stole my book replies Angelica. Miriam isn't surprised. He used me too. Angelica wants to get back at him. She wants to join forces with her. Miriam agrees.

At the party Emiliano keeps looking at Paloma and Gabriel and is jealous. German comes up and asks what's wrong? Paloma came with that guy replies Emiliano. They both talk bad about Gabriel. German assures him that he will handle everything.

Rafa and Luz show up and encounter Emiliano. Rafa says I don't think this is a good idea.

German greets Carloca and tells Paloma she looks beautiful. Rufi asks if Paloma and Gabriel are going to dance. Paloma says she wasn't but now that she has an escort she will. German says you can dance with me. Gabriel says I don't think so. That will be my pleasure. BLAH, BLAH. German says see you later, but Carloca asks German to join them instead. Gabriel spots Luz and says hi. Luz then goes over to Paloma and asks her how she got Gabriel to come since he hates these kinds of parties. Really replies Paloma. Carloca asks Rafa if he came with Luz. She's my girl replies Rafa. Carloca asks so you are divorced? She's very young isn't she? Luz says Rafa is young too and we make a great looking couple.

MS starts the party by making a speech. Rafa looks at Camila, Romina looks at Emiliano and Emiliano looks at Paloma.

Joel and Monica are washing dishes. They talk about her son. Joel says once we get married he will get use to me. Monica is shocked and says you want to marry me? Of course replies Joel. Don't you? Monica says she wants to spend her life next to him along with her son. Why don't we live together instead? That way if you want to leave you can just pack up. No papers involved. Are you that scared asks Joel. Monica begs Joel to understand. She's scared of marriage. I understand that you had a bad experience with the father of your son, but that doesn't pertain to use replies Joel. I want your son to know that my promise is not only with you but also with him. I intend to be with you for all my life.

MS asks Paloma to come up and make a speech. Gabriel escorts her to the stage. I hate that bow at the back of her dress. Paloma makes a speech about leaving behind today their childhood and looking forward to adulthood. She thanks MS for the love and guidance she has shown everyone. Emiliano drinks in every word she says and German could care less. Paloma thanks everyone especially Romina for opening up her heart to her when she first came to the school. Romina cries silently. Paloma says with Romina I learned what a friend is and a sister. I will always care for her. No matter what. Carloca just shakes her head. Video of Romina and Paloma as kids at the school. Everyone looks on at the video and tears are running down Romina's face. Carloca yawns. Emiliano smiles. Liliana laughs. At the end of the video Romina and Paloma embrace. Sweet.

PJC's cellmate asks about the torn photo. PJC says it's my father who is now dead. What did he die of asks cellmate. Psoriases of the liver replies PJC. What's with the photo though? This picture showed up at the hospital while I was sleeping. I need to know who gave it to me.

The old lady gets a call from someone saying in a couple of days things will be finalized. Old lady says finally Cristobal.

Manana: The special dance; Romina is pissed Emiliano and Paloma danced together.


ENDA Tuesday January 5. Really, Chava might have the right idea.

Living in Real del Monte could drive anyone to drink. Cris the recovering alcoholic is probably going to need strong therapy of some kind to avoid either a relapse, or slicing his own veins to get the evil blood out.

Paloma and Cristóbal (not yet glowing purple) tell each other how strongly attached they are. I hope Cris recovers super-fast, because I find hospital scenes quite tiresome. Even the zombie prison is better.

Luz tells Gabriel she knows his secret. He’s upset, but she says she found out quite a while ago, by accident, and it hasn’t changed anything between them thus far, so it needn’t change anything now. She won’t tell anyone. She does urge him to carpe diem, live life fully, fall in love, etc.

Cris tells Padre Benito he hates Carlota with the fire of a thousand suns and wants to kill her.

Paloma calls Gabriel and tells him that PJC is going to be fine. She says she’ll see him at their next class, and not to worry about Auntie Maim because soon (WHEN?!?!! This girl lives in Neverland) Paloma will be a legal adult and things will be so much better. Gabriel gets all smily and wiggles eyebrows with Luz.

Rufi tells Dr. Bermúdez about the second ring she found, exactly like Paloma’s engagement ring from Iñaki, which Carlota said was worthless. The doc wants to see them.

Mónica watches her son drawing with his class of little children. The kids are all wearing girly smocks. Joel shows up, says hello to the kid, and is rewarded with a big hug and kiss. He gives the little boy a present right in front of the other kids, which seems kind of rude, but they don’t seem to notice. Mónica is touched by the schmaltzy sentimentality of the scene.

Germán illuminates Paloma on the subject of prison vigilante justice. She wonders if there is something they can do to protect PJC and Natalia, like prove their innocence. Germs thinks that will be hard because he is a crappy lawyer who has been bought off by the opposition and no one can be bothered to investigate. He leaves to visit Natalia.

Loser Chava hangs in the park, drinking with his buddies. Meche shows up and yells at him. He tries to blame his drinking on the hypocritical killer priest.

Emiliano has taken Rufi and Paloma home, and Rufi is instantly summoned by the bellowing harpy, leaving Emo free to hit on Paloma, even though she keeps pointing out how his continued pursuit annoys her.

Carloca lounges in bed and demands juice, as she is feeling weak after giving up her demon fluid. She also wants to make sure Rufi knows that it is thanks to her that Cris is still alive. Rufi would rather thank God. She asks La Loca what exactly are her intentions in all this. Well, obviously, says Carloca, to keep Cris alive and make him eternally grateful to her. “And are you ever going to resign yourself to the fact that he will never return your feelings?” asks Rufi. Cruel glares.

Cris is still grossed out and horrified at having Carlota’s cooties. Dr. Rodolfo apologizes but says it was an emergency. Cris says he has a lot of suspicions about Carlota but isn’t yet ready to stir up (remover) the past.

Carlota is annoyed that it is so obvious that Cris does not return her affections. She tells Rufi that soon she will get a big surprise; everyone will find out that Cris is really in love with her. Rufi manages not to roll her eyes back so far that they get stuck, and leaves. Crueloca pulls out her precious envelope of “incriminating” creepy photos and tells Cris he’ll have to give in. She rubs the photos all over herself and seems to get all het up by that, blegh.

Paloma tells Emo it would be better if he just gave Romina a chance. He says he has, but his lips only want Paloma’s, and the lips don’t lie. He takes her hand and leans in, and when said lips are mere millimeters apart, we must go to commercial. Elmo and some fuzzy green character take the opportunity to teach us how to cough properly to avoid spreading disease, but they don’t mention kissing or devil blood cooties.

When we return, we can’t tell whether they are actually kissing due to the camera angle. Well, whatever, Emo says he’d better leave before things get harder. He makes it to the other side of the gate before he has his usual meltdown.

Camila is still tormenting herself with flashbacks of Rafael and Luz and trying to pep-talk herself into getting over it, since she was the one who left him. Mónica interrupts to rave about how well Joel and her son hit it off, and how happy she is that she can fall in love and have a partner in life after all. She hopes Camila will be as happy with Orlando. Cami tries to put on a brave face.

Emiliano drags himself home. Romina is for some reason super excited about the graduation party and showing him her new dress and asking him if he wants to invite his parents. Wow, this town has a dismal social scene. He says Germán wants to be invited. Romi doesn’t like that, but says he should invite Rafael and his new girlfriend. “Huh?” asks Emo. Romi says she saw them herself, and she never knew Rafa could be soooo affectionate. “Oy,” thinks Emo.

Samuel gives bewigged Diana a stolen flower and strokes her cheek. Maybe his oiliness will get rid of her squeaking.

Emiliano calls Rafa, who is hanging around in pajamas with Luz, to verify the existence of the new girlfriend. Rafa says it happened rather by surprise, and in carefully worded answers tells Emo part of him is happy, and the other part will just have to forget. You can guess which part is which.

Meche cries to Padre Mateo about her screwup grandson. PM says he’ll ask Emiliano to help him try to talk some sense into the kid.

Crueloca calls Germy and asks him if something could happen to Natalia in prison, also. “Gosh, I hope not,” says Germs. “But it’s possible, right?” Cruel asks hopefully. Germy looks appalled. They clarify that Cruel is willing to spend plenty of money to achieve her goals.

Natalia mopes in prison and remembers Cris leaving her at the altar. She tells herself that life would have been so different if they had just gone through with the wedding. Now she’s afraid she’ll be in jail forever.

Paloma asks Carloca about her conversation with Gabriel and his father. Carloca tries to claim Gabriel’s slinking around with his tail between his legs is his way of heading off accusations at the pass, so he must have had bad intentions. Carloca wants him to know she is there to defend Paloma. Paloma is confused and doesn’t think that is how he was acting at all. La Loca doesn’t like having her ridiculous assertions challenged so she says she’s tired. She warns Paloma to stay away from that wolf in sheep’s clothing, PJC (now with less P). Paloma says she will always believe he is innocent.

The lady on wheels checks into a hotel, asking for the biggest room they have. Samuel passes by her at the reception desk, on the phone with Romina. He claims he’s in Mexico City and just kept the room in Real del Monte (or is it in Pachuca? I don’t know) as a place to keep his stuff. Not to worry; the furniture is on its way. She invites him to her graduation. “Uhhh…didn’t you get expelled?” he asks. She still gets to go to the party, which is obviously the important thing. He says it would be too awkward to be around Camila. Emiliano eavesdrops and looks disgusted. He kisses Romina on the forehead and leaves, and Romi looks sad and rubs her belly.

Eric drops off an envelope in Germy’s office, and things instantly get hostile:
Germs: Just leave it there.
Eric: I’m not your cat; don’t order me around like you’re the boss.
G: I’ll be the boss soon, so you’d better get used to it.
E: You’re rising like foam, and foam disappears. Be careful.
G: Estúpido! You’re just jealous because Liliana can’t forget me.

Emiliano and Padre Mateo drop by Meche’s quesadilla stand while Chava is begging her for food. They’d like one of everything, and also a chat with the young hoodlum.

Rojas calls Germs and says he’s heard that he is Carloca Espiny de los Monstruos’s new lawyer. He warns Germy to watch his back and says he doesn’t know whether to congratulate him or offer condolences. Germán hangs up and says he’s just jealous.

PM and Emo give Chava a boring lecture. I could not care less about this character.

Rufi shows Rodolfo the two rings, looking nervously over her shoulder and saying she’s worried because she thinks La Loca has superhuman powers.

Paloma gives the madre superiora a copy of her graduation speech and says she doesn’t know whether it’s any good, as she can’t concentrate. MS says she can tell how strong a bond Paloma and Padre Juan have. Paloma is sorry that he won’t be able to be at the graduation. Yes, missing the graduation is really worse than being accused of murder, being sent to zombie prison, getting de-priested, getting shivved, and being pumped full of demon blood. This school really must throw one heck of a graduation party.

Germán visits Cris in the hospital. Cris asks him to make sure that Carlota is not present at the trial.

Carlota lounges about, dreaming of the day when she will be Carlota Espinosa de los Monteros de Gamboa. Good thing it will never happen; she would probably insist on being addressed by all of that, every time.

Cris sleeps and creepy music of doom plays as we see part of a picture drop onto his bedside table, then the door closing. The photo appears to be half a black-and-white shot of a baby, torn diagonally.

The next morning, a nurse removes Cris’s needles and wakes him up. Germy arrives and they help Cris sit up. No indecency in this hospital; the patients get to wear pants. Cris sees the photo and is stunned. He says he has the other half and never knew that this half still existed. He begs Germy to ask the other padres to find his half in his things and bring it, and to find out how this half arrived. Cris continues to hyperventilate.

Montage of Emo and Paloma making googly eyes at each other while Paloma supervises her art class and Emo halfheartedly kicks the soccer ball around with the boys. Time passes.

Cris returns to prison and is buddy-buddy with the other prisoners. Paloma visits Natalia. Time passes.

Luz snuggles up to Rafa in bed. Samuel and Diana get frisky on the couch. More time is passing.

Camila and Orlando plan their wedding. The padres hunt through Cris’s stuff and find the other half of the baby picture. More time passes.

Romina looks even bigger, and tries on dresses and cries about how huge she is. Emo laughs at her.

Paloma and Gabriel flirt a lot during her art lessons.

Paloma admires her dowdy graduation party dress and tells herself she will not be bitter and uncomfortable because she doesn’t have a date. Carlota comes along and tells her the dress is too daring and inappropriate. Daringly ugly, and inappropriately unfestive, I say. I don’t think she could possibly have found something more conservative. Anyhoo, Paloma doesn’t care. She’s proud that she bought the dress with money she earned herself.

FINALLY it is graduation day. Caps and gowns, smiles, diplomas, candles, speeches, making eyes at your married beloved, the usual. Paloma gets a special plaque for being the best. Everyone claps. Caps thrown. Fortunately, we are not subjected to Paloma’s speech.

Mañana: The big party. Paloma seems to have the impression it is a Victorian costume ball. She smiles at Gabriel and Emiliano gets ragingly jealous.


Sortilegio, Tuesday, January 5--Ep #60: It's a boy!

Out in the waiting area, the family are all thrilled about the baby. Except for Bruno, as Fernando mutters under his breath. Felipa steps in and says that Bruno carried MJ because she couldn't walk. Too bad she didn't see WHY that ended up happening in the first place.

Alejandro and MaryJo are still all smoochy face and Hernán has to bust it up so MJ can get some rest, Pippi braids and all.

Paula goes to brag about the baby to Roberto, how he's 3k (6-ish pounds), so he's gonna be huge and he's gonna be the prettiest baby and she's the prettiest auntie or at least the happiest one cause she's just so happy. She's bouncing around on his bed and he's kind of groaning. Paula thinks being a parent must be sooooo super cool. Roberto supposes so. Paula wants him to hurry up and get better already.

Pedro gets a happy reception from the crew at the mercado. Chucho is shaking a rattle, for some reason. Pedro's just happy he finally got a boy, sort of. Meche bitches about Bruno, but then Pedro has to stick up for him. Gabriel grumbles about it. Chucho wants to quit talking about Bruno already. And what are they naming boy wonder? Who knows. Pedro thinks he'll be a mini-Alex.

At Lombardo Co, Mari congratulates Alex, who probably shouldn't be at work since all he can think about is the baby. He suddenly remembers he forgot to buy anything, so he calls Vicky. She tells him that MJ already took care of buying all the baby stuff (did he miss the part where she's been spending a lot of time sitting on that bench folding baby clothes?). Now he's bugging Fernando about babies, but Fer doesn't think he's getting married, ever. Um, yeah, and he's dating your mom, so QTH is that question about? Fer leaves and Alex calls Mari and tells her to get some big shot jeweler in to see him today. Well, diamonds are a girl's best friend, but then again Maura and Bruno dropped down a well are forever. Just saying, Alex, consider the possibilities.

Ulises is looking for Sandra, still. He's asking a woman about her and describes her as a bleached-blonde tramp. Nah, he says "estilo punk" (as in, she dresses punk, which I disagree with, "estilo trampy" would have been more accurate). The woman says she had a bad turn and they had to drag her into a hospital right over there.

Maura gets off the phone with Mari and is all upset that the baby has been born. "And to think! He could have been mine." She's still in love with Alex, blah, blah, blah. Lisette says there's nothing to be done, she did what she could and now she just needs to build a bridge and get over it.

Ulises asks at the hospital, and lady at the desk says they do happen to have a bleached blonde, punky, trampy druggie, but they didn't know her name. Now a doctor comes over and tells him she's had an overdose and is unconscious.

Ulises passes on the news to Elena. Elena tells her husband. He asks to speak to the doctor, so phones are passed over. The stepdad tells the doc that he's sending over an ambulance. The doctor doesn't really like it, but he'll do it. Elena's going to go sign off on it, as a family member, and stepdad tells Ulises not to leave Sandra's side for a moment. As stepdad puts it to Elena when she asks "what happened?", "she could have a heart attack or slip into a coma and it's all your fault." Nice guy. I can see why she married him. Elena blames him for not taking time off for them to go to Madrid and collect her. He tells her that if Sandra dies, they can forget the clinic and the money. He screams at her to get the ambulance, a doctor, and a nurse, and go collect their little overdosed meal ticket.

In the hospital, Paula fusses with MJ's covers and a nurse brings the baby in, but just for 20 minutes. Longer than that and they get overdone and kind of chewy. MJ coos at the baby about his little tiny hands and she'll always be his mommy and his eyes are so pretty. Alex comes in with a tiny little bouquet of flowers. Now he coos that the baby's so handsome. MJ's not going to feed the kid until later, cause that's what they told her to do. Alex thanks her and she thanks him and then Alex takes the handoff. The baby fusses. MJ finds her present in the bouquet. It looks like a big fat crystal on a chain, but I can't really see it. MJ says they've really got to start calling the baby by his name--Antonio, like they'd talked about before. The baby seems to approve. I mean, sorry, Antonio 2.0 seems to approve.

Elena signs the paperwork at the DF hospital, and the credit card receipt. The doc gripes some more about the danger in moving Sandra. She's wheeled out and Ulises tries to talk to her, but she's out cold.

Pedro and Chucho drink to Pedro's first grandchild. Chucho says a grandchild is always a blessing. The cops come in looking for Pedro, but Chucho says "I'm Pedro." The cop says he's accused of storing and distributing pirated goods. Pedro steps up and says he's really Pedro. No, I'm Pedro!

They get Sandra back to stepdaddy's clinic and the doctor who rode with them says they gave Sandra some benzos and she's out again. Stepdaddy huffs.

Pedro gets cuffed and perp walked out to the cop car. Pedro begs Chucho not to tell anyone, but Chucho's like "no way, dude!" Chucho gripes at the cops.

Gabriel is amazed to her that Pedro was into that stuff. Meche and Chucho gripe at Gabriel for thinking bad things about Pedro. Gabriel doesn't know how they're supposed to help him and keep it a secret at the same time. Meche says if his daughter finds out, her milk will dry up, so that's why she can't know. Chucho begs San Quilmas Petateo for illumination.

Stepdaddy kicks everyone out of Sandra's room at the clinic. He whispers in Sandra's ear "stupid girl, you're going to cause my downfall."

Ulises, Elena, and stepdaddy go over how Ulises screwed up this whole thing. Stepdaddy accuses Ulises of being the one responsible for not stopping Sandra from getting into drugs in the first place. Then he gripes at Elena for not being specific enough with him about what was going on with Sandra. He calls her stupid and a bird brain. He says that Sandra is in a coma and they can't let grandpa know or they'll lose everything. He'll do what he can, but if she's not out of the coma in 2 months, she'll go into brain death. He's not God, after all. He kicks them out of his office.

Ulises tells Elena that he does feel responsible. She dittoes. They go over the details of Elena's second, er, marriage. It was fake, but grandpa doesn't know that and Ulises better not be thinking of blackmailing her with it. But he has other plans. He wonders how much longer the old guy will live. Elena estimates a couple of months. Ulises proposes they use MaryJo. Elena laughs, she doesn't think MJ would agree to pass for Sandra. Ulises thinks it's worth it to look into, but Elena is concerned that this would mean telling her husband the truth. Ulises leaves and says it's her decision.

Chucho comes to visit Pedro in jail. Pedro looks like he's doing ok. He says he's going to be sent to Saqui. He wants confirmation that MJ doesn't know. Pedro says he did make a mistake that he ought to pay for, but that doesn't mean MJ should pay. They guys are convinced that Bruno had something to do with this. Pedro repeats Bruno's threat that if MJ didn't vote Bruno for Prez, Bruno would get Pedro thrown in jail. That's Bruno for you, keeping his campaign promises. Pedro tells Chucho to lie if the girls ask and tell them that Pedro is out on a trip to buy merchandise for the store. Chucho thinks he can't keep that up for long, so Pedro tells him to wait a while and then tell everyone he's dead. Ay, that Pedro, again with the faking deaths. Chucho cries.

MJ, Alex, and little Tony come home. Everyone's out to welcome the baby and they all clap. Alex carries mama and baby up the stairs, keeping up a steady stream of baby talk to Tony2 the whole time. In the bedroom, there are a ton of balloons. Felipa lectures Cuco about staying out of the baby's bedroom. Cuco growls and Felipa says she'll have to get him a girlfriend. The baby gets cooed over. MJ thanks them for the decorations. Then she thanks Alex for being such a studly princely man. MJ asks about Pedro, but Paula assumes he's at work. They all argue over who's going to keep the balloons. They look at presents. Alex bought MJ a fancy watch so she doesn't feed the baby late. Alex, don't make me smack you. Mr. 5ft believes the baby needs to be LoJacked. He's convinced Bruno will try to kidnap the baby at some point. However, I believe Bruno wouldn't want to touch his little nephew with a ten foot pole, so he'd have to have someone else do the actual taking care of the kid. Mr. 5ft believes it wouldn't take a lot of convincing and Bruno could get Katia to do it, somehow. And if not her, then maybe not-dead-grandma Elena could do it. I think Mr. 5ft is too paranoid, but then again, kidnapping is a TN staple, so we'll see.

At the mercado, Meche and Chucho argue about Chucho lying to everyone. Gabriel thinks they should get some money together and get Pedro a good lawyer. Chucho says they really don't have any money. He hassles a customer "are you gonna buy that or not?" Then he decides he needs a beer to deal with the stress. Meche and Gabriel both agree that they're so wishy-washy that they certainly can't let Pedro down, but they also can't go against Chucho cause he's been so nice to them. Meche wrinkles her forehead while Gabriel breathes through his mouth. Spineless twerps.

Alex likes hanging out with MJ and the baby during feeding time. PSA about breast feeding. It's good for the baby's immune system. And if you breast feed your baby William Levy will come over and tell you how beautiful you are and spout poetry at you. Or maybe I misunderstood that part.

Vicky talks to Fer about how happy she is to have a baby in the house again. But it makes her think that Fer has a right to a "family"--wife, kids. Fer says he'd rather have her. She's the love of his life and he's not giving her up for anything. Alex busts them smooching and coughs really loudly. He tells them that he and MJ want them to be the godparents. They're both thrilled. They'll have the baptism in a couple of months.

Sandra is still out, no reaction. Elena and Ulises are worried. Ulises tries to talk to her. Elena calls her stupid, but sadly.

Paula coos over Tiny Tony and his little hands and little mouth. She just wants to eat him all up. MJ is wondering where Pedro is. Paula says she'll go check on him when she gets out of school. And BTW, she adds, you made a fabulously good looking baby--of course, it doesn't hurt that you've got a hunky husband…so why can't God send me one too, handsome and rich? Har, har. Paula sees Cuco hiding under the armoire right out side the door, whining because he's been exiled.

Ulises thinks that MJ is such a kind, decent person that if Elena just explains the situation, she'd be glad to help out. Elena thinks stepdaddy will get Sandra out of this coma. Ulises is going back to Merida for now. Elena tells him not to talk to MJ about anything. He says he won't.

Chucho tries to bring Pedro some tamales, but they don't want to let him in because visiting hours were in the morning. He gives the tamales to the guard and tells him to give them to Pedro and don't eat any…ok, well maybe one or two, but that's it. The guard takes a good look at the tamales.

Arturo walks Paula to school and says he'll see her back at the car after classes, since it's too difficult to park right out front. Gabriel comes up and Paula asks what's up with her dad. Gabriel tells her that he's in jail for something that happened in Saqui and doesn't want Alex or MaryJo to know about it.

Fernando tells Alex that Katia has now decided that she's depressed and wants to come back home, but she's not going to hook up with Bruno. Paula calls Alex and interrupts the conversation. She tells him Pedro has been detained, but she's not sure why. She tells him that Bruno had threatened MJ with this, but MJ didn't tell him because she thought Bruno was lying. Alex does what he always does and says he'll take care of it. He gets off the phone, then calls Mari and tells her to get Lic. Quinones and tell him they've got to go down to the police station. Alex is pissed that this is happening now and that Bruno made good on his threat. Fer tells him not to tell MJ and to make something up about why Pedro hasn't been to see his grandchild.

Back at the house, Paula gets out of the car, jumps over a puddle, and tries to beat the smack out of Bruno. She yells at him about her dad being in jail and smacks him. He throws her down and insists he doesn't know what she's talking about. Paula cries and Arturo tries to comfort her. Felipa saw and heard the whole thing.

Bruno goes running to mommy to tell her that mean girl Paula is accusing him of having her father thrown into jail. Vicky sighs.

Arturo tells Felipa about Gabriel showing up as Paula was on her way in to school and telling her what was going on. Felipa doubts it, but Arturo reminds her that Bruno's an ass. He tells her that Alex already knows and is surely going to take care of it.

Lic. Q tells Alex that Rufino named Pedro as an accomplice and he's going to be transported to Saqui. If he's convicted he could get anywhere from 6 months to 5 years. Of course, Q says if there aren't any witnesses or evidence, they could get Pedro out of this jam. They bend down and go through some weird little archway.

Pedro thanks Lic. Q and Alex, but he's not going to deny his actions. Q says Rufino's a slime and if Pedro just says he didn't do it, they'll believe him. Pedro has no intention of doing that.

Bruno cries to Mommy some more about that tacky family, how can she stand them, with the drunken criminal dad, and the daughter who resorted to trickery to snag Alex, and the other one ran some guy over. "Okay, fine," says Vic, "let's say that's all true. What about you? You exposed me to public ridicule!" Bruno says he had a right to, to get what was owed him. Vicky says there are a lot of dark dealings in his behavior and she's not going to start naming them all now. However, she does want to ask him, again, what he was doing in DR? He insists he went to find the judge so the judge could clear him of having been the one who got married to MJ. "Convenient, then, that the poor man disappeared." Bruno now says maybe Alex killed him. But why? Vicky actually dares ask him if he wasn't the one who killed the judge. Bruno just sticks out his jaw and doesn't answer.

MJ reports to Alex that the baby has been fed, changed, and is ready for bed. Alex slips his rosary in under the blankets. MJ says they've got to go to bed too, cause the kid's gonna want to eat in another 3 hours. I miss some banter as we cross into the next hour. They're still going with the "I love you, I love you more, you're so wonderful," etc. MJ says she really digs his bod and his smile, but she likes his soul best. Screw that, you can't put his soul on a calendar.

Tomorrow: Alex says the only way to deal with Bruno is to kill him; Ulises proposes that MJ get the inheritance in place of Sandra; Hernán tells Roberto it's time for him to talk to the cops; Pedro declares himself guilty when he gets to Saqui; Vicky tells Bruno that he's the son of the devil and Bruno brings up MJ's twin; Ulises proposes to Maura that they blackmail someone.


Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Gancho Tuesday Jan. 5, 2010 Mothers Against Drunk Smooching

Well, we had our hopes up for some real fireworks tonight: maybe crazy disguise switching back and forth with Mauricio and Furia, or perhaps some tender cuddling with our favorite couple Ximena and Rolu. But it was not to be. Instead we had verbal and physical spankings by our two outraged mothers, Jacqui and Nieves. It was looking like a Punch and Judy show there for a while, with mucho whacks and mucho scolding and both recipients, Connie and Beto, sulking defensively through it all. But there were brighter moments as well. Let's take a look at some of the other scenes.

Beto has buttonholed the Bug to demand why he's not helping him reconquer Monita. In fact, the Bug seems to have moved in on her himself. Treason! Furia huffily reminds Beto that he's involved with another woman...Constanza to be exact. So fuggedaboutit!

Exit Furia, with Aldo trailing behind, while Estrella distracts Monita. Phase II of Mauricio's appearance is in the works.

Actually it's Jacqui who does the distracting. She sallies forth, sits herself down at Monita and Estrella's table, introduces herself as the mother of that heartless Constanza (she takes after her father!) and unloads a few tales of Connie's girlhood-- for instance, how her little princess got kicked out of nursery school for playing a scene from the Exorcist and vomiting all over the place. Charming. Then she goes on to compliment Monita on her gown and look down her nose at Estrella's outfit, remarking that it makes our star look like an easy woman. Actually both Estrella and Nieves looks like saloon dance hall girls from those old westerns I used to watch on black and white TV. Don't get me started on Matt Dillon now! Anyway, Jackie promises more spiffy stories if Monita ever wants to get together for coffee. And then off she sails.

And in glides Mauricio, looking mighty fine in a tux. Connie glares at him. So does Monita. Oh dear, what does this portend? We have to wait until after the ads to find out.

We're back. Beto, having failed to dissuade the Bug from romancing Monita, decides to try and enlist Mauricio to his side. No go. Mauricio is furious that Beto's been bedding his wife and moreover has impregnated her; and now is trying to pass off the baby as Mauricio's! Yep, those are pretty good reasons to be honked off. However, our galan is ready to make peace if Beto will just see reason. Stop trying to hook Monita. A real man only needs one woman (this is an idea that has not yet caught on--in Mexico--or anywhere!) and since Beto is truly in love with
Constanza, Mauricio will help him to be with her and the baby. But in turn, Beto must help him re-win Monita's heart. Beto does not seem to be convinced.

Alright. Break for a mini-catfight. Nieves and Alicia are clawing at each other. Sample:

Alicia: Oh Monita, I wouldn't have missed your fight for anything. I'm so happy I'm about to bust!
Nieves: You're about to bust because you've gained weight!

That's enough, right? You get the picture.

Our barrio trio, Moni, Paula and Estrella, pretty much ignore this ill-will and fantasize about Monita's mother looking down at her from heaven, helping her in the fight tonight, functioning like her guardian angel. (Wonder if Mom will ever reappear again. That should make for quite an episode.) The scene concludes with Alicia gushing about Furia and how she'd like to meet him up close and personal. More ads.

Ugh. A nasty Constanza/Mauricio scene. Never like those. She's needling him about Monita showing up with a luchador. Obviously his little chimpanzee has moved on. But strange, he doesn't seem that upset. What's up with that? Well, no matter. She'll allow Mauricio and Monita to be in the same room tonight, but not too close, alright? And actually, she wants Mauricio to sit at HER table. Yes, that would be just perfect....her lover on one side, her husband on the other.

Mau's doing his little lip-chewing passive-aggressive thing, and finally spits out that such humiliation is" not in the contract". Oh dear, I should have added that, smiles Connie and heads off to start a major makeout session with Beto. Little kisses, then tongue flips, then more strenuous kisses, then total sucking face. Blech.

Our Gancholand onlookers are disgusted. Katja looks like she's about to hurl. Gabriela is even more distressed....and vocal. Throw water on 'em, she yells. Even Christian, in his typical legalese, opines that" marriage should be respected" (what do YOU know about it, sniffs Paula).

While this lamentable scene is taking place, Nieves and Cesar are cuddling at the bar and swilling champagne "cruzadita" (we used to do this with new wine when we were partying in the wine gartens of Vienna. Great custom!) Anyway, Alicia roars up, only too happy to inform Nieves of her son's shameless behavior.

And the fight is on. Jackie is haranguing Connie while Nieves upbraids Beto. They're momentarily distracted and start dissing each other after Jacqui uses the term "gentuza de vecindad". Nieves lets her know that Connie would do well to behave as properly as said "gentuza"....her daughter is no lady. Now Jacqui's back to berating Connie for bringing her down to Nieves' level. More uproar. Nieves finally grabs Beto by the ear and hauls him off.

Mientras tanto, our outraged audience is letting Mauricio know they support him. Even reformed Rolu offers his encouragement. Whoops...Oscar oozes up and wants to be part of the club, promising that this shameless display will help him win a divorce for Mauricio. How very kind of you, seethes Salvador, but butt out!

And then....oh darn! Ximena was about to kiss Rolu when Mau calls her away saying he needs to talk to her. You're the one who should butt out, Mauricio! We'd like to see some real romance here. But it was not to be. And more ads for Pete's sakes.

When we come back, Dany, looking quite spiffy in her curls, is asking Monita why's she's with that luchador rather than papa Mauricio. We get the Child of Divorce know the one...even though we're not together anymore, that doesn't change my love for you. I'll always care for you, Dany. Naturally, this is totally unconvincing.

And now a strange little scene twixt Lalu and Arnoldo. I find Arnie annoying but Lalu absolutely fascinates me and we have a number of shots of Lalu's Cheshire Cat grin as he observes Arnoldo frantically polishing knives and rims of water glasses. He attempts to move in on our hypochondriac, God knows why, but Arnoldo scurries away. Hey, Lalu, you can do better than that, buddy.

Alright. Mauricio has decided to take party hostess Ximena to task for 1) not telling him that Connie was sleeping with Beto and 2) pretending she was having an affair with Beto when that was not the case. Ximena explains that Connie's frequent death threats were to blame for her reticence but please please please forgive me, primuchis, and don't stop loving me because you are my favorite cousin....well, my only cousin...but puhleeeze! Okay. Fight over. Mauricio makes her promise never to hide anything from him again. And all is well. (Hah!) As Maggie says, if you believe that, you've flunked Telenovela 101.

And now for confrontation No. 3 (First Constanza, then Ximena, now Monita) Are you going to ignore me all night, Mau sniffs. I came here because I can't stand to be apart from you. I've come to beg your forgiveness. I've never stopped loving you. I love you more than life.

All this falls with a great big thud as Monita tells him not to "gastar saliva" (waste your breath). But on he goes. It was all a trap. Constanza knew she was pregnant by Beto and set me up to spend just one night with her in return for a divorce. I know it sounds ridiculous but I fell into her wily clutches.

None of this cuts any ice with Monita. She is so wounded by his betrayal of his promise that she could never love him again. She thought his kisses, his caresses, his skin were hers and hers alone. What about those promises of love eternal, fidelity, huh? Well, move on buster. Spend another night with Connie in bed. Beto's already warmed her up for you. But Monita's not going to wait for you. She's moved on. Mauricio is history. The Bug is her future.

Hmm...and now another acrimonious scene. Jacqui's continuing her maternal tirade. I can't believe how you're acting, Connie. Mauricio's going to divorce you and leave you without a penny. Not so, smirks Constanza. I have the money part all locked up. And besides, if you don't like how I'm handling my life, JUST LEAVE! What's more, how dare you judge me! You're here, swanning around with two men yourself. Yes, snaps Jacqui, but I'm a single woman. And besides, the only reason I'm going around with those two idiots is because I'm looking out for you, daughter. I know you've agreed to split your take from the marriage with those two goons.

Do we believe mama Jacqui? Well, let's think about it while we wade through another round of ads.

When we come back, we have mama Nieves on the job. Her tirade is laced with a number of feathery swats, pummels and punches. But there was plenty of verbiage too. We begin with a round of "vaqueton, patán, mantenido, cinico!" and we go on from there. At one point, she wishes she could take him back into her womb and rebirth him so he could be a real man. Jeez, what an image! Finally she decides it's time for the "mano dura" and perhaps the only way to get him to grow up is to kick him out of the house. No more milanesas for you, you sleazy ingrate! Harsh.

And it's all downhill from there. Connie tearfully lays the blame for her crappy attitude at Mother's feet. Jacqui was always off chasing millionaires on their yachts, leaving behind two bewildered little girls while she prospected for new bankrolls. And Nieves, she's appalled at the thought of her grandchild being born to a disreputable "flauta" and a father whose only manliness is his stench. As for Monita, she's cutting Mauricio loose for good...."Hasta nunca" she sneers to a tearful Mauricio.

I hate to end on this downbeat note so let's talk dress and makeup. Katja and Luisa both looked stunning. Totally wow as someone would say. Ximena was entrancing in a soft gray dress that made her look like she was encased in a wispy cloud. Teresa's hair is looking better and better and so is Dany's. In all honesty, I didn't care for Monita's outfit. But hey, small detail. Anyway, she filled it out beautifully and her hair and makeup were perfect. Estrella...gotta agree with Jacqui on that one. Ditto for Nieves. Both a little too Marie Antoinette for my taste. As for the guys. Hey, you're all hunkalicious in those tuxes. For you, it's easy. Now please, let's get back to some tender romance with Ximena and Rolu!

But alas, the previews seem to indicate more stormy weather. Our nasty Connie has the mike and is announcing to one and all that Furia and Mauricio Sermeño are one and the same.

Yep, there are some repeats here. But remember my motto: Review and Learn New.

visera = eyeshade, vizor (this came at the end of the episode, don't remember in what context though.
un as bajo la manga = an ace up her sleeve (Connie, of course)
mano dura = lit. hard other words, firm discipline
baños de pureza = purifying baths (something Connie doesn't need from Mom)
abrir grietas = open up crevices, refers to creating distance and hostility in a relationship
sentar cabeza -= settle down
entrar en ambiente = get in the swing of things (Lalu to Arnoldo)
un acto fallido = a failed act (Ximena berating herself for letting Mauricio down)
no conoce el recato = has no sense of decency (Gabriela denouncing Connie and Beto's behavior)
tan campante = cool as a cucumber (see above)
el susodicho = the aforesaid (Christian in his legalese analysis of the situation)
guarderia = nursery (for children)
dorar la pildora = lit. to gild the other words, to sweeten the pill
gentuza de vecindad = neighborhood folks but "gentuza" is derisive or derogatory for "gente"
gastar saliva = lit. spend saliva, in other words, waste one's breath

Dicho of the Day

Connie said it, in dissing Monita. "Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda."
lit. a monkey dressed in silk is still a monkey.
We would say:
You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear


William Levy will be starting a Hollywood movie soon!

One of the commenters on my William Levy page (see sidebar) alerted me to the delightful fact that William is beginning a movie to be shot in Los Angeles and Miami. It's called "Life in the Fast Lane," and evidently he'll be the star, Jake! Any comments or speculation on his new career (he may be lost to us here at the novelas, sob) should be added to that page, not here! I'll try to keep it updated.

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Amor Monday, January 4, 2010: Could somebody run out for a 6-pack of blood?

Friday: Gabriel tells Don Eugenio that he’s going to go wait at the school to tell Paloma what happened to Padre Juan. Padre Juan meanwhile is out cold at the hospital and Dr B is there calling for blood as Chris has lost so much. He hopes there is some on hand, or they will need a donor. Emiliano gets to the school first and tells Paloma and Lili. Gabriel comes up with his dad and they all discuss the news. The fellows ask Paloma which one she wants to go to the hospital with. Don Eugenio looks hard at his son and realizes he’s fallen for Paloma.

And now, a fresh new week of Real del Monte adventures in a fresh new year:

Paloma wonders how they all found out. Em heard from German, and Gabriel and his dad heard from Carlota. Paloma wonders what they were doing talking to her and Gabriel said his dad wanted to put in a good word for him so she’d calm down.

Em points out that they’re wasting time. Indeed. Why is Paloma so interested in how they found out when Padre Juan’s life could be slipping away at any moment? Anyway, she thanks Gabriel and picks Em. Don Eugenio puts his arm around his son’s shoulder.

At home, Rufi is praying to the Virgin for Padre Juan. When she’s done, she puts her hands in her apron pockets and discovers the two matching Inaki engagement rings that she found. Where to hide them? She decides to hide them in the vegetable basket and starts moving the produce around.

Luz comes into Rafa’s office and smiles understandingly which she likes to do when other women have fled in tears because she is the radiant queen of Rafa now. She says let’s be honest – it hurt, didn’t it? (Meaning his argument with Camila.) He says the last thing he expected was for Camila to show up at the office.

Luz, still smiling, says It’s obvious that there is, or has been, something big between you two. Rafa says Camila’s about to marry someone else. Luz says that must be hard when your heart belongs to someone else. Rafa says nah, she doesn’t love me anymore. Luz says oh, come on. I could tell that there’s nothing left between you and Diana, but it’s obvious that you feel more for Camila than you care to recognize.

Rafa says I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. Luz says don’t worry. I’ve only known you a few days – it’s illogical to think that you didn’t have anyone before me, or that I didn’t have anyone before you. Don’t you want to run after her, to tell her that there’s still a chance? Rafa looks thoughtful.

Now we see Camila walking a leafy street and flashing back on seeing Luz come into Rafa’s office. Who do you love, Rafael? she wonders aloud.

German is at the nurse’s desk when Carlota comes flying in, distressed and wanting to know how Chris is. German says not good – he was stabbed. It happens a lot in prisons.
Carlota says she wants to go see him. German says visits are restricted. I don’t care! I don’t care! says Carlota, frantic. Bribe somebody! Get me in!

Back to Rafa and Luz. He says to her that most women would be upset and would pack up and leave. Luz says the thing is if somebody is with me, it’s because they want to be, and if you want to go with her, yes, my pride will be a little bruised and it’ll hurt a little, but better now than later.

Rafa says I am where I want to be. Really? says Luz. Really, says Rafa.

Tearful Camila, standing in a window of her shop, is debriefing herself with sympathetic Monica. She tells Monica You have no idea how it hurt to see him happy with someone else. He didn’t love me like he said he did. Monica says you know men, they can’t stand to be alone, so they grab onto someone else. Camila says Rafa’s not like that.

It wouldn’t mean that he doesn’t love you, Monica assures her. Camila says he’s already with someone, and maybe even sleeping with her! Monica says well, I’m not a guy so I don’t really understand how they do that, but there’s no doubt that Rafa really loved you.

Camila says it’s a good thing I chose Orlando. He’d never pull anything like that. Never.

German comes back into the hospital waiting room and tells Carlota that it’s going to cost a load. Whatever! Whatever! she says, urgently. German says I didn’t know Padre Juan was so important to you. Carlota says I don’t pay you to think, just to act. German says okay, there’s a nurse waiting for you at the end of the hall.

Are you sure nobody else knows about Chris? Carlota asks. German says not now, but somebody like Orlando could find out. Carlota says make sure nobody visits him but me. She runs off down the hall and we see Orlando show up in the waiting room. He asks German how Chris is.

Inez has received her not-secret-anymore admirer, Juancho, in her living room. Hat in hand, he says that he doesn’t want to be precipitous, but he doesn’t want to wait any more years to declare his intentions. He drops to one knee, proposes, and pulls out a little red box which he opens to reveal a ring. Inez stares, takes her glasses off and looks heavenward. Dios mio! she says gratefully. She faints dead away onto the couch.

Back at the hospital, the nurse tells Carlota she’s going to have to disguise herself in a nurse’s outfit the nurse will provide. The nurse says don’t forget you’re putting my job at risk. Carlota says don’t forget I’m paying you very well.

Em and Paloma are strolling towards the hospital. Paloma says it’s not fair what happened to Padre Juan! Em wants to know why Gabriel and his dad would want to talk to Carlota and Paloma explains. They stop and he smiles. She wants to know why. He says he is on the same page as Carlota for a change – he doesn’t want anybody coming around Paloma.

Don’t be so self-centered says Paloma. Em says I mean it. He strokes her face and says One day we’re going to be together. Paloma pulls away and takes off.

The Eiffel Tower! The Paris airport! Airplanes taking off. And in the waiting room, the white-haired lady in her wheelchair looking sad and grim. In her mind, an old conversation between a man and woman (her?) replays.

Man: You have your future. Just brilliant. This will ruin all your plans.
Woman (weeping): I know, but I just can’t give him up.
Man: It’ll be hard at first, but you’ll get over it.
Woman: Do you think he’ll hacer cargo (I couldn’t find a meaning for this – maybe “take responsibility”?)
Man: You have to do it. You have to think of yourself.
Woman: I’m so confused.
Man: You made a big mistake and if you don’t do what I say, you’ll be making a bigger one. I won’t give you anything more, understand?
Woman: All right, I’ll do it - my way.

Carlota, in her nurse’s cap and mask, and plenty of eye makeup, comes into Chris’s room. She closes the blinds to his room and slowly pulls her mask away. She approaches his sleeping form. She speaks softly to him: You have to get better! Now you’re not a priest, and there’s no Macarena, the way is wide open for us. Nobody will ever come between us. You have to live - we have a future waiting for us, just you and me. She gets weepy. I’ve always been ready to do anything for you. Even if it costs me my fortune, I’ll save your life. She strokes his face, weeps, and begs him to live.

Sometimes it’s really handy to be unconscious.

Back in the Paris airport, a Spanish-speaking couple are looking at a newspaper, and the wife reads to her husband the scandalous story of the fallen priest, Padre Juan Cristobal. Our white-haired lady overhears and says excuse me, but I couldn’t help overhearing. Where is Real del Monte? They tell her it’s about a half an hour from Pachuca.

She calls her helper over and says something to him, but the captions have disappeared and the violins are scraping madly, and I can’t make out what she said. Anyway, he nods and says Very good, madam, or words to that effect.

The hospital again. A doctor comes into Chris’s room and Carlota quickly puts her mask back on and turns away and fiddles with something on the tray. The doctor, who, like all telenovela hospital doctors, doesn’t seem to know the nurses personally, asks if blood has been located for the transfusion. Carlota is startled and says she doesn’t know. She asks if he gets a transfusion, will he have a better chance of survival?

The doctor, maybe distracted by pondering how his stocks are going go up in 2010, doesn’t think about how any real nurse wouldn’t ask a stupid question like that. He patiently explains that Chris was bleeding a lot and needs blood. What kind? asks Carlota. It’s in the chart, the doctor says, handing it to her and leaving. Carlota flips through the chart, apparently finds the blood type, and looks up, having realized something.

If you don’t know what’s going to happen next with this, you’ve failed Telenovelas 101. Sorry.

The two padres arrive so now we have in the waiting room Paloma, Rufi, Padre B and Padre M, Emiliano, Orlando and German. They take a blood donor poll. Em gave within the last 6 months, so he’s out. Paloma’s a minor, Orlando isn’t a match, etc. Padre M says he’ll ask the congregation – there are plenty who believe in Padre Juan and would like to help. Padre M says he’ll go, so Padre B can stay and lend comfort to Chris.

Rufi says let’s all go to the chapel. They all agree, except Major Sinner German who says he’ll wait here. Maybe he’s afraid he’ll get struck by lightening if he gets down on his knees all hypocritical. But any bolt flaming towards the Real del Monte hospital wouldn’t aim for pikers like him, it’d zap Carlota. That I’d like to see, her with her hair standing on end and her body like an x-ray.

Romina is at the marble front desk of the luxurious hotel where Samuel is staying. Apparently he isn’t in. Romina accuses the lady behind the desk of not giving him her messages because he hasn’t called. The lady protests that she did. Romina asks for pen and paper and leaves him a note: What’s up with you? What’s up with the furniture for my baby and the check I gave you?

She thoughtbubbles Don’t make me think badly of you like other people do.

Orlando goes to Camila’s shop and tells her he’s been trying to call all morning. She checks her cell and finds out the battery died. He tells her that Chris has been stabbed in prison and has been thrown out of the church. I just came from the hospital. But I have a question for you: Where were you before you came to the shop this morning?

Diana is at Inez’s and Inez is showing her her ring. Diana says he must be a thief, because he doesn’t have any money. Maybe it’s his mother’s or grandmother’s ring. Too bad you got a used ring! He does have money, Inez enthuses. He wants to buy me a house in Mexico City. Diana wants to know what they need two houses for. Inez says they’ll be traveling back and forth a lot. Too unsettled, says Diana disapprovingly. Inez says she’s thrilled. Give me a hug! Diana does, frowning.

Diana says you ought to be congratulating me: Samuel gave me a little kiss. They hug again. Inez says we were kissing for hours. Diana says how many hours? The whole afternoon! says Inez. Diana grimaces with envy.

Camila tells Orlando that she stopped by the ceramics factory. She says she had business with Joel and saw Rafa just for a minute. Is Orlando going to start up with his jealousy thing again? No, he says, I just know that Rafa is seeing someone else and didn’t know if you knew. I do, says Camila. I have decided to make my life with you and Rafa has the right to make his life with whomever he wants.

In the little coffee shop, Gabriel, Don Eugenio and Luz are toasting her new romance. Don E. wonders why Gabriel can’t just let go like she does and fall in love. He says no, he’s too intense, too guarded. Luz says she was that way too, but she learned that nothing is forever. She just lives each day as if it were her last. Gabriel says I ought to learn to do that. Luz says See? There’s a reason why we are all here together.

Angelica alone at her desk at work thinks she ought to sue Dario for plagiarism. But who would believe her? A lightbulb goes on over her head. Miriam! The same thing happened to her and nobody believed her, least of all me, so in love with Dario. How can I locate her? Maybe the Writer’s Association. She grabs the phone.

Back at the café, Don E asks what it is Luz wanted to ask him. Turns out she’d like his help exporting Rafa’s ceramics to Europe. Gabriel says you have the connections! Don E says sure, why not? But I want something in return. I want you to teach Gabriel to live like you do, to enjoy life, and not just through his art.

At the publisher’s office, Dario is being interviewed while the publishing lady looks on. The interviewer says what really struck her about the book is that the female characters were so well rendered, it seemed like a book a woman had written. The publisher lady looks pained. The interviewer says Does this represent a change in your style?

The nurse holds up a bag of blood while it courses into Chris’s veins. His eyelids flutter. Dr B. says they were so lucky to find a donor. Chris wants to know what he’s doing there and Dr. B explains. He tells Chris who all is in the waiting room, worried about him. Dr B leaves and the nurse says you are really lucky that that woman was able to give blood for you. She saved your life.

We hear Carlota say Now you have my blood running throughout your body. Chris’s eyes and the camera turn to the bed next to him, and there is Carlota, her cat eyes smiling, her blood flowing directly his way apparently.

German takes this opportunity to hit on Paloma. In the waiting room, he asks her if she has a date for graduation. No, she says. He says I’ll take you – people will talk if you go without a date. Paloma says I don’t care. German says Romina is coming with Em – you’d feel a lot better with a date.

Why? says Paloma. To make Romina jealous? I know you two used to go out. No, says German, it’s just that you shouldn’t have to go alone. No thanks, says Paloma. I’ll be fine alone.

Chris is pulling at his transfusion tube. He begs the nurse to take it out, but she restrains him. Carlota comments that it’s the way God set things up. Chris says leave God out of this. Dr B comes in and restrains him too. Chris says Why did you have her give me blood? I don’t want anything from her. I’d rather die. Carlota says your place is here on earth. Chris says let me die.

To be with her? says Carlota.

Don Eugenio is about to head out for Mexico City and among much laughter and affection, he says goodbye to Luz and Gabriel. He hugs Gabriel and tells him to listen to Luz, and live a little.

Chris passes out again. Dr B asks the nurse to step out a moment. He then asks Carlota what she meant about Chris wanting to die “to be with her”? Who? Carlota says we all have our secrets and Padre Juan – make that ex-Padre Juan – is no exception. It’s not for me to tell his secrets. I know much more than he wants me to know.

Dr B says I’m going to have to ask you to not come to see him again when the transfusion is done. Carlota says but you’ll keep giving him my blood? Dr B says yes, without your blood, he would have died.

AHHHHH intone the bassos. They are supposed to be ominous but it always startles the bejeezus out of me when they suddenly come on.

In the waiting room, Padre B tells Em that he told Chris that Em is going to keep up with the social work and Chris is glad. Em says good, because he doesn’t want anybody’s life to fall down a rat hole from drinking.

Dr B comes in and announces Chris is out of danger because they found a donor. Paloma and Rufi are thrilled about the donor and Rufi says God bless the donor.

Carlota is holding her bent arm, and drinking orange juice, apparently done with the donation. She tells the nurse to leave her alone with Chris. The nurse says I can’t – doctor’s orders. Carlota says I paid you enough – obey MY orders. The nurse begs her to understand, but Carlota says I just want to say goodbye – it’ll take just a few seconds.

The nurse leaves, and Carlota comes and hovers over Chris. She tells him that his life now belongs to her and he will go along with her plans. She’ll show those photographs of him kissing her so people know there was something going on between them, plus she’ll make the photos be his alibi, and then they can go far, far away together. I want to be yours. She nuzzles him.

The nurse rushes in and tells her to get out quick – the doctor is coming.

Dr B is in the waiting room telling Rufi that Carlota was the donor and the transfusion saved his life. But Chris wanted her out of there and said he would rather die than take her blood. Dr B is puzzled by that, but Rufi doesn’t seem surprised.

Dr B says what’s between them? Or what was between them? Because there’s something more, isn’t there? Rufi says I promise one day, if we move with you to Mexico City and I feel more secure, I’ll tell you everything, about what a person will do En El Nombre del Amor.

Luz tries to convince Gabriel to live free – we never know when we might die. What about that nice Paloma?

At the hospital. German tells Em that he asked Paloma if he could escort her to her graduation, because, he assures Em, he wanted to help out by making sure she didn’t go with her art teacher. He tells Em she turned him down and is going to go alone. German’s going to go anyway – he doesn’t want to miss the party. Em says he wishes he didn’t have to go. German says Romina’d kill you. Em says it’s good Paloma’s going alone because he just couldn’t stand to see her dancing with another fellow. German says it’s going to happen one day, you know.

Dr B comes out and says visits are still restricted, but they can go in and see Chris. Paloma and Rufi hug, and Carlota peeks into the waiting room and then sneaks down the hall and out the door.

Paloma gets to visit first. She tells Chris that if he’d died she’d want to go live on a desert island where she would never love anyone again, so they wouldn’t die on her. Chris says you are the reason I want to live, I’m staying alive for you more than for myself. They hold hands. Paloma said when she heard he’d been stabbed, she thought her heart would just stop beating and never start up again. (She’s forgetting that actually she was standing around asking everyone how they’d found out, then discussing Carlota. After which she sauntered to the hospital. )

They talk of how much they love each other – Paloma is surprised she came to care for him so much, and Chris says he feels towards her as a father feels toward his child. He would give his life for her.

At the café, Gabriel tells Luz he just thinks of Paloma as a student. Luz says she has a special instinct and knows it’s much more. Luz says I want to tell you something, since I’ve known you and your father for so long. She strokes his face. I know your secret.

Everyone is visiting Chris now and thanking God for his recovery. Rufi says he needed to live to prove his innocence. Padre B says and that woman who gave blood for you is someone else who can help. Rufi looks like yuck. Dr B tells them too much visiting now. They all leave, but Chris asks Padre B to stay.

He asks him how he can get this hate out of his heart. He hates his blood donor. Padre B says don’t do that! Chris says it was Carlota. Padre B is impactado. I wanted to kill her, says Chris.

Avances: Carlota is in bed, looking at the photos of her kissing Chris. She rubs a photo against her shoulder lustfully. Em professes his love to Paloma and leans in to kiss her.


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