Wednesday, January 20, 2010

ENDA, January 20, 2010

Camila informs Orlando that she will never move away from her daughter or grandson. She will go on many trips with him, but never leave Real de Monte permanently.

Ivonne comes to talk to Dr. Bermudez in a nice dress, but ugly white shoes. Anyway she tells him that visited Natalia and feels awful. Dr. Bermudez thinks that the trial is not going very well and doesn't see any hope that they will be freed. Ivonne shows the picture that Natalia gave to her to give to her daughter that has the secret letter in the back of the frame.

Emiliano's in the park and his old friend from Monterrey drives by. She yells out his name. Paloma hears this and witnesses his friend, Anamar, running up to him to give him a hug. She's in Mexico to visit her old boyfriend. This turns out to be Emiliano. He's happy to see her. She can't believe that she let him go. Paloma hides from their view and spies on them. Celos. Mucho celos from Paloma. Anamar finds out he's married and can't believe she lost him.

Eugenio is talking on the phone with Madeleine. She suggests Eugenio talk to the priests Benito and Mateo. He thinks it's a great idea.

Carloca tells Rufi how unhappy she is with her and how she always preferred Macarena over her. Rufi spells out all the things that Carloca did that were not right. You lied to Macarena about Cristobal's death and lied to Paloma about who her real dad is. Carloca says I know you don't agree with the things I did, but I have my conscience clear. (Really? Killing a dog, telling lies, mistreating everyone in your home and killing people. Only a crazy person would have a clear conscience) Anyway Carloca says I may have made a couple of mistakes, but to be considered a monster by you? It really hurts me. Rufi says sorry, but I explained why I felt that way. Carloca pretty much says whatever and walks away. Rufi asks herself why it appears Carloca is guilty of nothing when inside she feels she is.

Rafa finally comes home and Luz takes him into the bedroom and shows him Xochi who is sleeping. He asks her what she is doing here. Luz says I found her and explains what she did. Rafa says do you realize that you stole a little girl? This is a crime.

Orlando walks into his office thinking to himself how he can convince Camila to move away with him. Not only would it be good for business, but also for their relationship. Angelica asks Orlando if everything is okay. Fine replies Orlando. Have you heard from Dario? No replies Angelica. He tells her that he contacted an attorney for her and has pre-paid for 3 office visits. And if more is needed he'll take care of it. What he did to you he must pay for. Don't be scared to confront him. Paloma comes in to speak with Angelica. Paloma tells her that she saw Emiliano with another.

Romina visits Camila. What are you doing here asks Camila. I came because I was bored replies Romina. How can you be bored asks Camila. Soon you will have a little baby to take care of and you have lots to learn. You should take a course. Romina tells her that's not necessary. She's going to have 2 nurses to take care of him and when he's well a nanny. Then what are you going to do asks Camila. Why supervise Bernando replies Romina. Bernando says Camila. Yes. We are going to name him after your dad says Romina. Camila is so happy. She tells Romina that she's going to have a special place in her store for him so that Romina can bring him everyday to see her. Romina wants her to take care of her son well so that she can dedicate her time to her husband. Camila says why don't you work here and we both can take care of Bernando. That way you don't have to hire a nanny. Romina says thanks but no thanks. I was not born to work. So forget it.

Angelica tells Paloma not to let her celos make her see things that are not true. Celos asks Paloma? Yes replies Angelica. Celos because you saw Emiliano hugging a woman that you do not know. Paloma denies being celosa. But then asks if this is the same feeling that Emiliano gets when he sees her with Gabriel. Yes answers Angelica. Paloma thinks this is a horrible feeling. (All this celos talk reminds me of the Marc Anthony song "Celos". It's a good song. If you have never heard it, it's worth a listen. Really any of his songs are. The man can sing)

Emiliano accompanies Anamar to check in at her hotel. He invites her out to eat.

Rufi is cleaning Carloca's office and is going through a recipe book. She comes up with an idea to gather recipes from the ladies from the church and sell them. What would you do with the money asks Rufi. Use it for the dispensary replies Carloca. Rufi thinks it's a good idea. Phone rings and its Padre Benito. He wants her to come and talk to him. Carloca wonders what's going on.

Romina visits Gabriel at the church. She wants to know if he can give her classes. Says she has lots of time on her hands and has the money to pay him. It's a win-win situation. All this time she is getting closer to him and openly flirting. He turns away and says that there are things that money can't buy. And painting is one of them. Can't you show me asks Romina. German walks by and spots Romina and Gabriel talking. He goes up to them and says to Romina that he can't believe she's at church.

Luz asks Rafa why he can't understand her. Rafa says it's not that he can't understand her; it's the fact that you stole her away. It's impulsive. Luz defends herself by saying she's always been that way. Rafa tells her that she needs to start thinking first. Do you realize the danger it was for you to enter a strange house with a drunk man in it? You put not only your life but that of the little girl in danger. And what will happen if that man accuses you of kidnapping? Luz says we know that the little girl is not his. That is what they told you replies Rafa. But we are not sure. This is not the way things are done. She can't stay here. Luz replies that if Xochi can't stay here then neither will she.

Romina calls German an idiot. German accuses her of making eyes at Gabriel. Romina says she only has eyes for her husband. German doesn't believe her. He knows her too well. Then grabs her and kisses her. In broad daylight in the streets. She tries to push away, but ends up kissing him back.

Paloma tells herself that it's best that she forget about Emiliano. She doesn't like the way she feels. She remembers back to the time when she met Emiliano at the park. He tells her that there are lots of way to make love. Looking at you, caressing you, feeling you close. Says other things but the darn music is too loud to hear his words. Gabriel interrupts her daydreaming. Paloma tells him that she drew a picture and wants to show him. He invites her out to eat.

Emiliano and Anamar are at a restaurant catching up on what's been going on in their lives. Seems like she loved him more then he loved her.

Paloma tells Rufi that she will be going to lunch with Gabriel.

Rafa tries to reason with Luz. He just wants things to be done right. Luz finally agrees.

Eugenio asks Padre Mateo if he thinks that Carloca bought off German. He says I do. That woman is like the devil. We have witnessed her lies and when she accosted Cristobal. Eugenio says accosted? Do you mean sexually? Padre Mateo says yes. One day Carloca tried to get into Cristobal's bed here. Eugenio is impactado.

Paloma and Gabriel walk into the same restaurant where Emiliano and Anamar are. Emiliano spots her and calls out her name. He comes over with Anamar and introduces her to Paloma. Then goes back to his table. Gabriel asks if she wants to go. No replies Paloma. Gabriel asks if she wants to talk about it. She tells him that she saw them at the park today hugging. Gabriel says Emiliano introduced her as his friend. There's nothing wrong with that. So you can live with him being married, but not with another woman? Paloma asks if he has ever felt celos before. He says he thought he was immune until he met a woman that made him finally feel it. Like she has made me feel love. I never thought I would feel it replies Paloma. Emiliano and Paloma stare at each other.

Padre Benito tells Carloca that she is no longer allowed back at the church until she has confessed all her sins. Carloca says he is nobody to deny her anything. You are mistaken replies PB. I am a representative of god here on earth and am a witness to your lies and deception. Carloca says she's going to complain to his supervisors. He can't deny her communion. This situation will not stay that way. PB says I won't deny you coming here, but I can with the communion. You do not deserve to accept the blood and body of Christ. You are perverse. If you think that replies Carloca, not only are you to show me respect but you should also fear me. As she storms away from PB she runs into Eugenio. She says that she didn't realize how religious he was to be here at this hour at church. Eugenio says no one is aware of what people are capable of. Carloca agrees. If you had know PJC then you would never have imagined him doing what he did. It appears you have found him guilty replies Eugenio. Let's just say it's what I have seen. She tells him she has to go home. They are waiting for her to eat. To bad replies Eugenio. I would have liked to talk to you more. About what asks Camila? About how you are a very intense, wound up woman. A woman that is quite a mystery. I would love to get to know that mystery. Carloca feels uncomfortable and says she has to go.

Emiliano tells Anamar that the girl is Paloma. The love of his life. Anamar tells him that it looks like Paloma is trying to make a new life with Gabriel. It's obvious that Gabriel is in love with her. And Paloma may end up falling in love with him. Looks like she's trying to forget you. I also know that you married someone you don't love. So start the divorce process immediately. She can't take your child away from you. You are the father and the law will protect you. Look for our happiness.

PM tells PB that Eugenio was here and thinks that Cristobal needs to drop German. PB agrees. PM tells PB that he told Eugenio about Carloca trying to get in bed with Cristobal. He looks like he expects a scolding, but PB says if it saves Cristobal then oh well. PM asks how it went with Carloca. He crosses himself and gulps. She went away very angry, but it had to be done.

German is doing business at the same restaurant where Emiliano is. He calls Romina and tells her that Emiliano is at the restaurant with a very good looking woman. Romina says don't lie. I'm not replies German. And Paloma is here with her teacher. Emiliano and Anamar leave. Gabriel asks Paloma when she is turning 18. Next week replies Paloma. Why? Because I want to throw you a party says Gabriel. Paloma doesn't think that Carloca would foot the bill to throw the party. Gabriel says he'll take care of it all. They'll throw the party at his crib.

Luz is feeding Xochi and gets a call from Eugenio. She wants him to come over.

Romina goes to the restaurant and questions the waiter about seeing Emiliano. She calls him up and asks him where he is. At the hospital with the baby answers Emiliano? What are you doing there at this hour asks Romina. Introducing Anamar to the baby. Romina gets pissed and says that he should have introduced her first to his friend. Emiliano gets mad and hangs up on her.

Eugenio calls a friend in Pachuca. He tells Luz and Rafa to go to see his friend who will help them. Luz wants to know if they will take Xochi away from her. Eugenio gets to the point with Luz. What she did was wrong. You have to denounce the guardian and fight for custody.

Carloca is in her office recalling Eugenio's words to her. She feels uncomfortable around him.

Manana: Cristobal fires German; Anamar is plotting to get back Emiliano


ENDA Tuesday January 19. Carlota is still captain of the kangaroo court.

But not for long, right? Right?

The trial has broken up for the day. Carlota sticks her snooty snoot up in the air and tells Paloma she had no choice but to keep the inheritance a secret, but she doesn’t want this to lead to lies and mistrust in their relationship. Crueloca swans off for some fresh air (better enjoy it while it lasts; she’ll be smelling sulfur soon enough) and Gabriel steps in. Paloma is upset that her parents would have wanted to keep the money from her when she would need it for her education. Gabriel tells her she can get by without it, like she was planning to do anyway.

Rufi says to Doc Bermúdez she’s not convinced Javier’s will actually said that. If so, why did Carmen tell Macarena that the results of Iñaki’s investigation would change Paloma’s life? Doc B says maybe she just meant in a few years, when Paloma is 21. {Anyone here see or read Tuck Everlasting? I suspect by the time Paloma is 21, Rufi, Carlota, Doc B, Emiliano, everyone will be long dead of old age.} In that case, Rufi wonders if maybe they’ve been wrong to suspect Carlota. No, Doc B still thinks something is off.

In chambers, the judge and Eugenio are all chummy.

Paloma tells Gabriel that she and Emiliano have said goodbye forever, and this time they really mean it. They’re so serious about avoiding each other that they are going to go visit the baby at separate times. Gabe doesn’t say much, but his expression says he believes her about as much as we do.

Night has fallen, and it can’t get up. Emiliano is finally doing a little work. Orlando drops in and reports the day’s trial proceedings. Emo is surprised to hear that Paloma will inherit a fortune, but doesn’t have time to get into details as he is heading out to the hospital with Romina. Orlando asks if they’ve registered the baby and Emiliano says they can’t until he’s out of the incubator?????WHY??? Well, good, because Orlando wants his last name to be Ferrer, and he wants Emo to change his own last name to Ferrer also so Orly will have everything possible stamped as his property. Emo says he’ll think about it, but the answer is probably no. He leaves in an uncomfortable hurry and Orly looks peeved.

The remaining members of the Padre Cadre catch Germán as he struts out of the courthouse. They tell him Carlota is lying about her relationship with Juan Cristóbal. They think that showing Carloca is a liar could open the way to proving JC is innocent. Germs condescendingly tells them it has nothing to do with the trial, and he is the lawyer and knows best.

Liliana meets Eric in a restaurant and says she loves him and has done nothing but think about him all the time. He asks about Germán. Lili says he’s become intolerable since he went over to the dark side even more. Eric agrees to be her novio again, and they are both deliriously happy.

Angélica and Miriam say Dario is a jerk and discuss how he snookered them with his debatable charms. Miriam says it’s a good thing Ange had Orlando there, because things could have turned very ugly. Ange gets all sad because she doesn’t have Orlando with her the way she wants him. “Are you in love with Orlando?!” asks Miriam. Yeah, I can’t believe it either, lady.

Emoo and Romina hold the baby. The doctora says he can go home soon. Romememena asks for a recommendation for a nurse. The doc knows two good ones who are available. Romi says she’ll hire both, one for day and one for night. Emo is a little surprised and disapproving, but I think he should embrace the idea, because even a devoted and responsible new mother can use some help, and Romememena is neither devoted nor responsible. They agree to name the baby Bernardo after Camila’s father.

Gabriel preps the fruit and cheese while Eugenio fetches the wine and tells him about the priests saying La Loca was lying. He’s going to visit JC in the morning and try to take on the case. Gabriel asks him to be sensitive to Paloma’s delicate feelings, as she’s gotten more shocking news than she can process already in this kangaroo court.

Miriam and Ange are also drinking wine, and Ange is getting all melancholy. She’s been hanging around Emo too much. Blah, blah, blah, it’s hard to be near Orlando and see him control and steamroll another woman’s life (not exactly her words), but she’ll be leaving soon and going back to the big city anyway. “What pants you have!” says Miriam (exactly her words, directly translated). She doesn’t think she’d have the strength to live so near to, and yet so far from, a delectable dictatorly dreamboat such as Oily Orly.

Crueloca snarls at Rufi for daring to say negative things about her and get involved in the investigation. “But I just told them that you said Javier’s house was mortgaged (hipotecada) and he had debts and no money, and it didn’t make sense.” Cruel claims she had to do this to keep the secret. Paloma is now getting irate, yelling that she doesn’t understand any of them. Why all the mystery, and why didn’t Mac know about any of this? If she had, they wouldn’t have been so worried about finding money for Paloma to go to school. What good have all these shenanigans accomplished?! As usual when she is challenged, Carloca just ups the volume and claims this is all hurting her more than anyone else. Well, Paloma is mad as hell, and she is not taking it anymore. If there was all this money, she shrieks, why did Tia Loca spend all these years telling Paloma and Mac they were her charity cases and treating them badly, when it’s surely been Paloma’s money supporting them all this time? Paloma storms out and Rufi glares.

Don YouGenius and Gabriel meet Juan Cris at the prison and tell him that Germy is a lousy lawyer and is under Carlota’s thumb besides. Eugenio offers to represent him. JC is more worried about Natalia, and Eugenio says not to worry; he will represent her also. You can tell Don E is a better lawyer already, because he wants to hear about JC and Carlota’s entire history. Cris isn’t sure about switching counsel.

Paloma is back at the hospital, wearing a blue gown and hat and breathing right in the baby’s face. Romina apparently didn’t get the 3-way-custody schedule, because she appears and demands to know what Paloma is doing holding HER baby. Paloma does her best Bambi eyes and stammers that she loves newborns and didn’t think Romina would mind. So Romi does a 180 and says it’s so nice that Paloma still cares about her and her family, when she thought Paloma would hate the baby for separating her from Emiliano. Meanwhile, Emiliano has been SOOO affectionate lately, and finally Romina has the loving happy family she wanted. Gosh, if only you could find such a man and this happiness for yourself, dear friend, Romina smirks.

Rafael and Joel: business, blah, blah, Joel’s afraid because everything is going so well for him it must just be fixing to go bad, don’t be afraid, you deserve it all.

Luz sees her favorite little urchin on the sidewalk. Little urchin’s name is Xochitln, and some nasty man yells at her and shakes her because she didn’t sell enough of whatever. He shoves her into a car and drives away. Luz runs after the car and hits it with her purse.

Natalia tells Ivonne that she thinks that will is absurd. However, if it was valid, does that mean that Carlota had nothing to do with Alonso’s death? Ivonne still thinks his death was an accident. Natalia says maybe, but what was he doing in Pachuca? She gives Ivonne a letter and the photo to give to little Sagrario. Ivonne tells her to stop being such a pessimist. Soon she’ll be home and can tell Sagrario everything in person. Nat is not convinced, and says if things don’t work out, she wants Sagrario to think her mother is dead. Has anyone told her yet that her father is dead?

Cris paces his cell and asks God why Carlota can get away with whatever she wants and hurt everyone. He’s sure she’s bought Germy off, but he’s going to give the slimy slacker a chance to redeem himself.

Natalia wants Ivonne to adopt Sagrario and take all Nat’s assets to raise her, rather than letting her daughter find out that mom is accused of killing dad to run off with another man. We get a lingering look at the back cover of the photo, which refuses to cooperate and fall off.

Carlota smugly reminisces about her perjury and says out loud that she hasn’t given up hope that Cris will get so lonely in prison that he’ll accept her conjugal visits. Uh, Loca? He was a priest. I think he’s fine with celibacy.

Dastardly Dario assaults Miriam in a parking lot back in the city and threatens that she and Ange are going to pay.

Back at the studio, Eugenio says he thinks Cris doesn’t want to hurt Germán’s career, so he’ll give him one last chance, and then let the lawyer who actually has a little skill take over. He notices Gabe is looking better and smiling. Gabriel says he’s decided to declare his love for Paloma. He wants to live simply and honestly, even just for a moment. Dad is surprised but happy.

Romina tries to brainwash the baby into hating Paloma (who has departed). She calls Emiliano at work and tells him she’s holding Bernito; he’s so snuggly (he is in the incubator and she is not even touching or looking at him). The baby starts to cry and Emo asks if that is their little Bernito. Of course not, says Ro, it’s another baby. She thanks Emo for giving her the best gift ever. He looks conflicted.

Mean guy pulls up in front of some modest dwelling and Xochitln runs inside and cowers on her bed. Mean guy immediately hits the bottle and yells at her some more. She hasn’t sold anything, which is why he hasn’t been able to drink for two days! (Am I misunderstanding him? He’s got a bottle right there, and he’s swilling freely). Luz has followed them and she eavesdrops.

Gabriel’s bravado has evaporated. Now he is huddled on the floor, worrying that it is not fair to Paloma to have a relationship with her when he knows he is going to leave. Eugenio says they have no idea when he’ll go, they thought it would be years ago but he is still here. They keep using irse, to go, not to die or anything. Why can’t they just say what is wrong with him? Until they actually say, I am now deciding that he is going to be called into service by the Israeli army, and whatever made him collapse is incidental. Anyway, Eugenio thinks he should just go for Paloma, and if he persists she’ll decide she loves him eventually. That sounds stalkerific.

Orlando/Angélica/Emiliano confab. Orlando: It seems like Germán is defending Carlota more than Cris. Ange: Didn’t I say I thought he was too inexperienced? Emo: I agree. He’s doing a lousy job of defending the padre. Also I don’t trust him. Ange: We need to find another lawyer.

Germy visits Carlota at home, claiming he came to see Paloma. He compliments Cruel’s cool-as-a-cucumber perjury skills. Even innocent people are more nervous than that! Anyway, he wants to let Paloma know that he’ll take her to visit Cris at noon tomorrow. La Loca gets all yelly and says he has to cancel the appointment. The two of them can NOT see each other!

Luz peeks through the windows until DrunkDad passes out. She sneaks in and rushes Xochi out to her car. DrunkDad wakes up and stumbles after them, yelling “she’s mine!” as Luz peels out.

Madeleine worries that it might be too late to help Cris. Eugenio tries to reassure her.

Rafa and Joel are interrupted in their chatter by Luz, who requests that Rafa meet her at the apartment ASAP.

Orlando brings Camila an orchid, because he thinks of her all the time. He only cares about what she wants, he claims, so he’s willing to compromise and go on a shorter honeymoon. Then, eventually, they will move to the U.S. “WHAT?! NO.” He actually seems surprised that she doesn’t want to move. “Business. Daughter. Grandson. Home,” she spells out for him. She’s okay with taking short trips wherever he wants to go, but she is not moving away. Orly looks perplexed that she’s making this so difficult. After he brought her an orchid and everything!

Ivonne flails into Doc B’s office, crying about her talk with Natalia. Doc B empathizes but thinks the case may be hopeless. She gives him the letter and photo, and again we linger on the back of the frame. Someone drop that and break the glass already.

Paloma sits in the park and sketches. Emiliano sits across the park and doesn’t see her. Some young lady gets out of a taxi and calls to him. “Anamar!” he says. They smile and hug tightly. Paloma sees and is impactada.

Coming attractions: Germán sees Romina flirting with Gabriel and gets all jealous, and later forcefully kisses Romi, right out in public as usual.


Dinero #2, 1/19/10. The Debate.

After the accident, Rafael debates with himself: should I help her or escape? If he sticks around and helps her, he could get into big trouble about the accident. But if he leaves, no one will be around to help her. “The Debate” keeps popping up throughout the episode.

Rafael scrambles down the hill. We hear moaning so she must be alive, but the car is empty. Then he spots her, thrown from the car. Remember: always wear your seat belt. She crashed, rolled the car several times, had the sudden impact hitting the bottom of the ravine (remember, falling doesn’t hurt you; it’s that sudden stopping that hurts you!), and flew from the car. So of course, no injuries more serious than some significant abrasions, bruises, and perhaps some broken ribs. The Debate. He decides to take her for medical help, and pays special attention to recovering her purse and reviewing her legs. He manages to carry her up the hill and prepares to put her into the car. The Debate.

There is a big party related to the wedding tomorrow. I believe it’s at Alejandra’s parents’ house. Marco, the novio, is telling his associates (not friends; slime molds don’t have friends) all about their plans – the wedding, money, money, the honeymoon, money, money, their apartment, money, money, and by the way, money, money. He’s confident it’s exactly what he deserves.

Susana is worried that Alejandra is not there yet. She tries to tell Marco but he blows her off – her business meeting probably ran long. Susana should know better than to bother Marco about insignificant details such as his novia, when he’s preoccupied with important things like his wedding.

Marco takes a call from somebody, and goes to another room so he cannot be heard. Rest easy, Marco, you can’t be heard, not even by the recapper. Anybody know what the conversation was about?

Ramon goes to Rafael’s house to collect his debt. Leonor (Rafael’s mom) asks him in, have some food, get comfortable, Rafael will be here soon. This is the friendliest repo man you’ve ever met, but when Rafael doesn’t show up after awhile, Ramon and his helpers start hauling out the collateral, IOW Leonor’s possessions.

Rafael gets to the emergency clinic, and there is no stretcher available. Nor doctors. Nor medicine. Nor blankets. But they do have plenty of one thing: forms to fill out! He takes her to the examining room and wants to escape, but the admissions nurse wants to fill out her form. Rafael says he needs to collect the patient’s purse from his car. Out in the car, The Debate. As he rifles her purse, he discovers the details of her life – several credit cars, a work badge identifying her high position, good health insurance, car insurance (most people in Mexico don’t get car insurance), and I think a club membership. Rafael goes back to give the nurse Alejandra’s information. The police captain (?) and his staff come into the clinic to see if they can drum up some police business.

The police start asking Rafael questions, and Rafael starts lying, making up his story as he goes. He explains that he is the patient’s husband, and gives a false name. He’s feeling more motivated to leave, now that Ale is safely in the clinic, and the police are getting too close.

The Debate. Rafael checks on Ale before he goes, and is bothered that no one is taking care of her. The clinic doesn’t even have medicine to give her, so he goes to the pharmacy, hocks his watch, and brings her medicine. He also covers her with his coat because no one has given her a blanket. He takes her hand, and she grasps his tightly. Through it all, he’s becoming more concerned that she’ll be okay. Too bad her fiancé isn’t as concerned for her.

Susanna keeps trying to get Marco to do something because Ale hasn’t shown up yet. She calls the florist in Cuernavaca and finds out Ale left long ago. She pushes Marco to call the police. When he calls, he tells them how terribly worried he is for his fiancé. He also gives them her license plate number. Soon he gets a call back, telling him that Ale was in an accident. Susanna says they should go together to find her, and not worry the parents. Marco immediately tells Alejandra’s father, the one with the bad heart.

At the clinic, finally Ale has her medicine and a doctor is attending her. The Debate. It looks like Rafael can finally leave. Just then, Marco and Susanna arrive. Marco tells the admissions nurse that he’s the patient’s novio. The nurse raises her eyebrows but keeps her mouth shut, rin-chin-chin. Marco asks the emergency room nurse who brought in Alejandra. Pointing to Rafael, the nurse says, “He did – the husband.”

Tomorrow: No good deed goes unpunished.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sortilegio 1-19: Elena discovers Jorge the Jorrible has no scruples and is shocked, shocked.

The kidnap expert suggests to Alex: "Maybe your wife had a lover and just pretended to be kidnapped? Or maybe she's dead!" Alex loses it. Pedro also loses it (yet again), he sobs while his "nearest and dearest" comfort him with tedious platitudes. FF>>

Speaking of tedious platitudes, their diminutive queen (Filipa) asks Vic, she who is still tediously pining for Fernando: "What do you care about more, "them" (as in "what would *they* say") or Fernando and your own happiness?"

Raquel gets her chauffeur to drive her home where she yells at Victoria, tells her MJ is probably dead and who cares anyway. She wants a divorce, she hates Roberto, and [to get this over with] - at first she says not only will Roberto not get a peso in the divorce but he can't have the baby either, but Vic points out to Raquel: "Well you don't want her!" She nags until Raquel yields and says Roberto can have Vic Jr.

Roberto reminds everyone he has a degree in International Relations and Alex agrees to give him a job. Awkwardly Vic says he better move out of the big house because sooner or later Raquel will come back ... "but you can stay in Bruno's chalet until then." Alex is impactado to hear Bruno's been gone for a couple weeks, ostensibly working in the capital...

... but as we know, Bruno's actually been in the country trying to win MJ back, with nice dinners and flowers and kisses etc. She is friendly, happy even, but not budging much, and is drinking nothing "because of how things were in Spain." She tells him, "To be honest, I dreamed about a baby and a man - and the man wasn't you." "You probably saw him in a film or a magazine."

Alex pretty much figures out the whole scheme - that MJ has been kidnapped to pass for Sandra - when he hears about the Doc he googles him and finds out Jorge does experiments on - MEMORY ERASURE! Ah, if real life were only this simple. We never get that música de suspenso to clue us in when clues fall into place... The next day Fer says he'll get Alex an invite to the big party in the country so he can see for himself.

Bruno tells Doctor Jorge about MJ's dream - is she getting her memory back? Jorge is not worried, he has stronger drugs that will completely burn out any possibility of her recovering her memory and will use them if necessary! He tells Bruno: "I am famous! I win prizes and publish in prestigious journals!" He says: "Sandra is in a nigh-vegetative state but I've sandblasted her tattoos away, so it's time!" Bruno says he'll do it...

Elena brings MJ-as-Sandra to the grandfather, who tells Elena to beat it. Elena goes to the clinc and tells Jorge she's worried: "Maybe MJ will slip up without me there to run interference." Jorge doesn't care.

Gramps teaches MJ how to play chess and they take a long walk and she pushes him on a swing and generally enchants him. She even beats him at chess. While they're all together, later, Fer calls about the party. Gramps reports to Fer: "Sandra's here and she has such a gorgeous smile." Fer reports to Alex who says: "It must be MJ, nobody else has that smile."

Paula graduates. Ezekiel and Vic and Pedro and Roberto and Meche and Gabriel come to the ceremony. Some band plays a tune with lyrics I would not want at my graduation: "Kill me - do with me as you please." The girls clap along, but not on the beat. Roberto gives Paula flowers and dances with her and a bunch of other girls in white and looks very happy and relaxed. Seeing that, Gabriel frowns.

Bruno and his sidekick Erick get an anonymous-looking black SUV and use it to dump the comatose Sandra, wrapped like a mummy in a sheet, in front of the Lombardo mansion. Utter pandemonium! She's carried into the house and an ambulance is summoned.

Alex is at the hospital with Maura, who's about to be a donor for her sister Lisette. She tries to get at least one on-the-mouth pity kiss but he deflects it affectionately. He gets the call that MJ has been dumped and is coming straight to the hospital.

Have you noticed Hernan is absolutely the only doctor anywhere? There he was about to deal with Lisette and Maura and now he's hauling in the gurney with Sandra-as-MJ on it!

Alex totally loses it - again. And Maura is muy impactada to hear that Sandra has appeared, "dropped like a dog" Alex says. Remember, Maura's in on these devilish doings. She calls Bruno but his phone is busy. "What did you do?" she asks rhetorically.

Erick and Bruno speed away from the scene of the crime. "What if she wakes up?" "No, the doc sez she'll die, and he is the winner of prestigious awards."

Elena appears at the clinic, Jorge roughly asks why she's here. "To see Sandra." "She's not here. She died." "Died? When?" "Two days ago. She had a heart attack." Elena gets upset, which exasperates Jorge. "Why are you upset? You never cared about her."

"I couldn't see her one last time? You jerk." "What, should I tell all the world?" [He can't really announce Sandra's death if he's trying to pass MJ off in her place, now, can he? be reasonable. --Ed.] "It's better this way." "What did you do with the body?" "Incinerated it." Elena says, as if this were any sort of revelation: "You're a man without sentiment." DUH. "You're inhuman, you have no scruples. How can I be around you?" "Takes one to know one. Anyway, you have your other daughter now, so shut up." She cries.

A lot will happen tomorrow! MJ will overhear Jorge mention "Maria Jose" and will ask: "Who is Maria Jose?" Alex will realize this comatose woman does not have the scar MJ has.


Gancho Tuesday Jan. 19, 2010 Cirque De Soleil On Crystal Meth And Early Bird Specials

Good Lord! Here I am recapping Gancho when I should be heading off for an early bird dinner at Denny's. What is the world coming to? Univision, the AARP will picketing your studios real soon. In the meantime, I feel slightly dirty. Watching television in the afternoon seems perverse. Next thing you know I'll be drinking before lunch. When is lunch anyway? I'm all confused. You know how old folks are.

Well, and you know how Jeronimo is. As the episode begins this afternoon, Jeronimo is dishing out his usual insults to Ximena. Tarada. Taradita. Stupid. Stoopid!-- and so on. Our new, adorable-in-love Rolu defends her. (Jeez, I hope you menfolk don't hate Rolu also. 'Cause he is hawt, now that he's treating Xime right.) Xime is still teflon-coated. The insults slide right off and she hops over to bond with her sobrinitas (little nieces).

Back at the ring, the well choreographed lucha is still going on. Connie looks sexually aroused as she yells at the bad guys, Take it off! Take it all off! (The mask. What were you thinking?)

Meanwhile, Aldo has returned home in full adolescent sulk. Man, that brings back memories. He lurches through the room, not talking to anyone. Even Xime sniffs" Que educado!" (what manners!) Jacqui, ever positive, suggests they eat and then play some poker. (Guess who's going to rake in all the chips). She tells Katia to hustle off to the kitchen, put the food on plates and we have a second adolescent sulk in full gear. WHY DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING!? More memories.

Xime heads out to the kitchen to help and get the 411 on the real reason Katia's upset. After a little food talk (I learned "rollitos de parra": stuffed grape leaves. Is it dinner time yet?) and right away Xime digs out the real trouble. A guy, right? At school, right? Tell me all with "lujo de detalles" (with all the juicy details). Well, you know where this is going. Xime advises that Katja show Aldo that she can give him all the supposed other skanknovia can and MORE. The mothers among us shudder at the thought. Katia has a big grin on her face. Oh dear, oh no, oh crap!

A brief look at Aldo, opening his drawer with trembling hands, about to take a handful of pills. More oh no's. And Monita wants to jump in the ring to save Mauricio. Absolutely not. She'll get killed. The opponents ("contrincantes" as Hombre taught you the other day) are bad guys.

And speaking of bad guys, Count Oscar is still trying to put the moves on Gabriela, undeterred by a little red wine running down his face. She wants him out of her house. He wants her to remember their hot times together. She reminds him he's chasing Jacqui. He reminds her they're both adults, Sal's away, and why not enjoy a night together. I'd never betray Salvador and ESPECIALLY NOT WITH YOU, sniffs Gaby. Well said, amiga.

Some more quick scenes flashing back and forth from the ring to Aldo's room. Monita drags Cesar off to warn him about the de-masking plot. Tano (Love you, Tano, love you! don't care what Carlos says) and Costeño are standing guard by the ring. And Aldo is interrupted by a knock at the door. Good grief, is it Katja? I'm not ready for this.'s little Dany. Wondering why he's all alone. Would he like her to stay with him? Maybe play a game together. Crawls up in his lap, snuggles in and tells him she loves him. Awwwww. Let the healing begin. Good ol' Dany speaks really slowly and clearly. No need for closed captions. This reminds me of when I was a totally confused Hoosier provincial, living in Geneva, not understanding a word of the French I heard all around me, except for the little kids in the streetcars. Them I could understand fine. Long live the little folks! And in the dressing room, Monita, along with Estrella, Paula and Christian, are trying to convince Cesar to stop the fight.

Ugh. Back to Oscar and his nefarious seduction attempt. What if Sal has been reconsidering? he suggests. You know we men love our freedom. And his marriage to Loriloca was a disaster. Maybe the reason he hasn't returned your calls is he's too busy with all those gorgeous women in Venezuela. Gaby doesn't budge. He'll come back, she answers calmly and we'll get married. With him I've found "refugio y amor" so" Vete". And Oscar does, oozing out the door the same way he came in.

Okay, trying to stay on task here. But it's a quarter to 5! Surely dinner-time, no? Focus. Focus. Connie is reaming out her lucha thugs for not dispatching Furia and Fantasma. And in the locker room, the group think has come up with a new person to hop in the ring....Christian. It was a great scene with one head turning after the other, until the last head was a terrified Christian. In spite of his copspeak "negativo" they truss him up in a Big Bug outfit and send him out. Cesar turns off the lights, they pull Mauricio out, and throw Christian in. Poor guy is scurrying from one corner to the other, trying to evade the luchadores. Meanwhile, Monita, relieved to have Mauricio out of there, lays a big juicy kiss on ......ohmigawd, it's Beto. And Beto licking his lips, enjoys that last little smidgen of Monita-sweetness as well as her astonishment. And here it comes...yesssss, Monita is looking muy pero muy impactada.

Well, the carnage is not just taking place in the ring. Jacqui is having her way with everyone at the poker table. I understand absolutely nothing about poker. Neither does Xime. She wants to know which is better, a "rey bigoto" (mustachioed king) or a "7" (at least I think that's what she said). Rolu tells her a king is higher. So she lays down her cards and has four "7's". Which evidently is "poker". Hey, who cares? Let's eat. Jacqui pulls in all the chips and she, at least , is happy. And Arnaldo...yikes, it's a miracle. He actually reaches out with his latex-gloved hand to try and tentatively comfort Xime. Our little fresa has made another conquest. Who can resist her goofy charms?

More mayhem in the ring. Lots of fun gymnastics and terrified scurrying. It's time to douse the lights again and get poor Christian out of there now that Cesar understands about the switch in costumes. But now they want Christian to get into a Fantasma Vengador costume. No way. He's terrified. But you're a cop, protests Paula. Yeah, but I don't have my gun. And the only "lock" I know is one on a cell. So Paula brings out the big threat. If you don't put this costume on, we're gonna go right down to the courthouse and get married. Bingo, he's on board to be Fantasma.

Oh dear. Katja's going through Connie's lingerie drawer. Pulling out one itsy-bitsy lacey thingamajig after another until she comes up with what, in my day ,would have been known as a Baby-doll. Had a few but never in black. That would have been skanky. Mint green was my favorite. Moving on......

Aldo, meanwhile, is drawing a bath for Dany. Sweet scene where the girls thank him for standing by them and protecting them while Mauricio is gone from the house. Off Dany goes to get scrubbed and we breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that Aldo is past the danger of taking drugs. And second sigh of relief--for though Jeronimo is once again lambasting Xime for being a dope at poker, Rolu once again defends her. Ah Rolu, you are looking sooo good now that you're being nice. Is there a calendar in your future? Sign me up.

More luchador switcheroonies and disasters. Christian runs into some sort of screen, knocks himself out and thus, Furia Enmascarada, whoever's in the costume now (hunger pangs are distracting me) is all by himself. The bad guys are winning! And Monita appears to be running off with Fantasma Vengador. Connie sees, worries, and gives pursuit. Nobody leaves with her man, dang it!

Ay yi yi. Speaking of men.... and women..... Who knew about Katja!? Those babydoll's are being filled out in a way mine never were, I'll tell ya. Merciful heavens. This girl is full-grown and then some. Will Aldo be able to resist? Evidently not. After a few tepid refusals, he gets down to doing what Katja seems to be requesting. Mama mia! this is not good! Fortunately, Katja pulls back, realizing she didn't want her first time to be like this. First times should be romantic, magic, and above all for "love" and she knows Aldo is still in love with Estrella. He'd be imagining he was kissing her instead of our bounteous blonde teenager. She exits with a wistful, "I'd love it if we could be novios like we were before. But not just because Estrella broke up with you." Goodness. Excuse me. I think I have to go get some oatmeal to calm down.

Nope. No time. Connie has barged into the dressing room and sees Monita evidently kissing Fantasma Vengador (really it's Mauricio. Are you keeping all this straight?) Exit Fantasma or whoever it is. And who cares? Well, Connie does. She's not about to let Monita take her "cosas". They're not "cosas" ; they're people, snaps Monita. Well, what will Mauricio say when he learns you were kissing Beto? Remember when you told me you liked both vanilla (Mauricio) and chocolate (Beto)? smiles Monita. Well I like both flavors too. And I'm enjoying them both. And maybe they like having a little variety too, our little monkey sneers. Yep, things are heating up twixt Monita and Connie. And ditto for the ring.

Fantasma is back. Nieves leads a cheer as we have an impressive closeup of her rump. (If I were the actress, I'd sue.) Bodies are flying every which way and even the ref jumps into the pile. Alicia and Nieves cheer hysterically. And our boys win this round!! Big Bug and Big Slug triumph as the ref holds up their arms. The winnah!!! For now, anyway.

But wouldn't you know. Now that they believe the danger is past, our boys, especially brain-challenged Mauricio, want to change back into their original costumes. Cesar doubts the wisdom of this. There are reporters everywhere. Cameras. What if Mauricio gets exposed? Witnesses in the divorce case. Not good. Ugh. This must be more murky foreshadowing.

Paula, meanwhile, is trying to revive Christian. He sees the bright light of the screen he hit and thinks he's died and gone to heaven. Nopis. You didn't even get in the ring. Well, I would have. I'd do anything for love of you, Paula, he gasps. Yeah! Anything but marry me, you dog. And Paula puts him in a very fine hammerlock of her own.

Well, love is going a little more smoothly in Rolu and Ximena's big bed. They're snuggled up all close together while Xime mourns her card debts. How will she pay? No problem. Rolu will take care of it. (Oh, you adorable man. Looking better and better.) They muse that it was a fun, family evening, in spite of the losses. And Arnaldo is even warming up to Ximena, thanks to the nice things Rolu is saying about her.

Nice things? Did I say nice things? Well, not in the locker room. Connie is back in full venom mode. Guess that chocolate-vanilla chat didn't go over well. Big threat time. She KNOWS Mauricio is masquerading as a luchador and when she's thoroughly humiliated him , she'll also tell him that Monita was kissing Beto. It will be the "broche de oro de cerrar la noche" (the perfect way to end the evening). Beto is MY man and the father of the baby I'm expecting. You can't have him, she continues. Gosh, notes Monita, I thought men were just playthings to you! No. I really loved Mauricio and all my problems started the day you crossed my path. Little by little he slipped through my fingers. And now you're going after my Beto too. You're a robber, but I'll leave you with empty hands. I'll destroy you. When I finish with you, you're going to wish you were dead.

And on that lovely note, we end this afternoon's episode. Deny's here I come!

Beto, in full triumphal mode, announces to the press that he's the unrecognized son of the famous gossip columnist Pepillo.
And Connie's plan to "out" Mauricio is foiled when a whole host of Big Bugs come out.
But lo', trouble lurks. Connie tells Mom she won't believe what she has planned. Oh dear.

rollitos de parra = stuffed grape leaves
el comal le dijo a la olla = the pot calling the kettle black
guamazote, guamazo = big thunk, big when Christian ran into screen and knocked himself out.
refugio y amor = easy, right? refuge and love
vete = also easy. Go! Leave!
contrincantes = opponents. Remember our "review and learn new" strategy.

Dicho of the Day:
Barriga llena, corazón contento. Full belly, happy heart. (y'know, it's so easy to make oldsters happy, right?)


Amor Monday, January 18, 2010: Juicier than O.J.’s!

Well, rats. Not only did Univision mess with the schedule, there are no captions tonight. There were some pivotal conversations that I couldn’t catch due to the music and of course my iffy Spanish, so additions and corrections would be very much appreciated. Here’s my best shot:

Friday: Don E tells his son that he went to see Carlota just out of curiosity. His opinion: under that cool exterior is a lot of conflict. Gabriel thinks she’s a meanie. Don E thinks she’s a fascinating case study. Gabriel says look out, she probably killed Paloma’s intended. Don E says aw, don’t worry about me. German tells Carlota that she has to appear in court and she takes a fit. He tells her that Natalia is insinuating that she (Carlota) killed Inaki. Carlota thinks Natalia should be locked up for life for saying such things. German assures her that her obvious rectitude will carry the day. He also tells her that Natalia and others were trying to find out about the will.

And here we go:

Em and Paloma are outside the baby’s room at the hospital. Paloma says that she has to watch the trial and Em tells her that Romina has started coming to see the baby now. The music swells and I have no idea what they are saying, except that I think Em is saying he understands that it’s not fair to either of them if he tries to hang on to her. He says You are the woman of my dreams, but I guess not the woman of my life. Adios, Emiliano, Paloma says sadly. Adios, mi amor, says Em, and they embrace and weep, and then kiss. She runs off.

We get some new music to a strumming guitar while Em looks at the baby and weeps, and Paloma leans tragically against a wall. Flashbacks of tender times, of sad times. Fortunately the baby sleeps through it all. More weeping. More flashbacks. And more. And then some more. These two are going to need to hydrate.

In Gabriel’s studio, he is talking to his dad about the trial when suddenly he staggers, clutches his stomach and collapses. Don E fortunately knows exactly which little wooden drawer to reach into for his med. He pops a pill into Gabriel’s mouth and gets down on the floor with him and holds him and pets him and says there there. Gabriel says I’m okay, though we can see he isn’t. Don E says too many stressful things have been going on. There’s no deadline for the church restoration and Paloma can learn what you want to teach her by the time… Gabriel interrupts By the time I leave?

Gabriel sits up weakly and says Don’t worry about me. I’ve lived alone for some time. Don E pulls him close and says yes. But for me you will always be my boy.

Paloma is weeping at Macarena’s grave. Why? she wants to know. Why didn’t you tell me my father was such a bad man? Why didn’t you tell me that you and Padre Juan were novios? Paloma is so weepy and the music so loud I can’t make out what she’s saying. But she laments that she is so alone without Mac, without Emiliano, without Padre Juan. I’m like you, she says to her mother’s grave, unlucky in love.

Em is lamenting too, but, luckily for him, he’s lamenting to a living parent, Rafa. He says he just can’t stand the idea of Paloma with another man. Rafa says this is the perfect time to do the DNA test again, to be sure. Em says it would be great if he could make his life with Paloma, but there’s something holding him back. He’s just so crazy about the baby. Rafa understands, and sighs.

Angelica is at home, which is to say Orlando’s home, with Miriam. She’s super nervous about confronting Dario. The doorbell rings and Miriam hides in another room while Angelica opens up all smiles. Dario says she’s belissima and is very impressed with the house. She offers him something to drink. He pets her and wants to kiss her, but she smiles and turns away.

Dario says the two of them can be honest. Mariam struts in and says make that three. ¿Qué haces aquí? says Dario, startled. She gives him an earful and so does Angelica. You’re both nuts, he says, shoving Angelica roughly. Orlando walks in and glares at him.

Back to Rafa and Em. Em is saying his relationship with Romina is a big zero, but he just loves that baby. Rafa says he doesn’t want Em to waste years and years like he did. Em says but he’d lose all those years with the baby. Rafa says there are compensations, he could have another family, other women. Look at me! Life has given the opportunity to be with Luz (Luz is now in the background, listening) and she’s terrific. Luz smiles.

Orlando tells Dario he’s scum. Angelica, who it turns out was pushed onto the couch, pops up behind Orlando and says that she and Mariam are going to go after him with everything they’ve got for stealing their books. I think they tell him he has to write a book to see if it’s anywhere at their level of writing. He retorts that they are aware that he is very capable. Orlando says capable all right – capable of dirty dealing You have one week to give Angelica back her book, or I’m going to the highest authorities with this.

Get out! Says Orlando. Dario gives dramatic dirty looks to Miriam and Angelica, and gits.

Angelica sinks into the couch and breathily tells Orlando thank you. He kneels and takes her hand. Miriam looks distressed, like maybe how come she has some guy hovering over her and I don’t?

Samuel in his bathrobe is lying around in bed in his hotel room, smoking and drinking wine. Diana knocks and he says just a minute! He frantically stubs out his cigarette, hides the wine glass and then the wine bottle, and puts the overflowing ashtray in the drawer. He straightens his robe and answers the door.

Diana has a legal-size manila envelope. She coyly sits on the end of the bed. Samuel kneels and says he’s never felt this way about a woman before. He has such a desire to touch her, to kiss her! Meantime, he is trying to slide the envelope out of her hand.

She fans herself with it and says whew! (Maybe all those wine and cigarette fumes, but I don’t think that’s what the writers meant.) Don’t stop! He tries to think of more compliments but is searching around for words. Diana fills in that she’s amazing, and that he is going to be so hot when he gets this (waving the envelope in front of him). He pretends to have just noticed it. He takes it and pretends to be overwhelmed with gratitude. He hugs the envelope and tells her that she can count on him – she won’t be sorry. I hope not, she says. Nothing bad will happen, right? Of course not, he assures her. She taps the envelope and says it’s all ready for signature.

When they are alone, Rafa tells Luz that it’s just killing him to see Em suffer so much. Luz says she’s never seen a man suffer so much for love. Rafa says it doesn’t matter if it’s a man or woman – the feelings are the same. Hasn’t she ever suffered for love? No, she says, looking uneasy. Rafa says not even when you broke off with someone? Luz says she always leaves before things get painful.

Rafa says I don’t know how you manage that - feelings can’t be just dictated that way. The rest of the conversation I just couldn’t get and it seems to be really important, as Luz is looking more and more uncomfortable. Rafa is telling her about how love works and how it can be hard, and how it’s two people depending on each other, I think, but I’m sure there was a lot more going on.

He tries to break the mood by rising and kissing her hands. He leaves. She is nervous and unhappy and, as we know, nervous and unhappy aren’t in the Free Spirit Guidebook. She thinks maybe it’s time for her to make an exit.

Orlando comes into Camila’s shop and greets her by calling her The future Mrs Ferrer. Mi amor! She smiles. ¿Qué haces aquí?

She tells him she has the invitations ready – it’s just a small handful. He presents a folder to her with their honeymoon trip plans and whips out a map. She flips through the pages and says wait – this is for two months! He says Em will take care of the baby, and….

She says she appreciates that he’s so enthusiastic, but she has a life she can’t be gone that long. There’s the shop, and the baby, and the problem with Samuel and Romina. I can’t be away two months! Orlando says you’re going to be my wife and I was assuming I’d be your priority. Camila stares and him and blinks several times.

(I just hit stop and Sortilegio is on. I didn’t know Rafa was in it!)

Rufi is serving breakfast and Carlota is furious about having to go to the trial. It’s all Macarena’s fault that she has to go. Paloma says Mac had nothing to do with it – it’s Alonso. Carlota says if Mac had behaved like a proper lady, she (Carlota) wouldn’t be sucked into all this.

Paloma says she misses her. Rufi says me too. Carlota says After all you’ve learned at the trial? It’s just astonishing after all the trouble she’s caused us all.

I think Carlota tells Paloma to get ready so they’re not late. The music was so loud I couldn’t get a lot of this, but I think Carlota was saying that she was going to hold her head high despite what others (she glares at Rufi) say (timpani), despite the lack of confidence of others (another glare at Rufi) (timpani), and despite being betrayed by others (another glare at Rufi) (timpani).

She stomps off and Rufi and Paloma look at each other wide-eyed. Rufi says who knows what’s going to happen.

Back in the courtroom. Madeleine is there and Don E. too, and Gabriel, Dr B and Ivonne, as well as the two padres and other assorted Real del Monte folks. Carlota comes in on the arm of German, Paloma and Rufi in tow. Don E checks out Carlota, who looks at her watch and drums her fingers.

Angelica walks into Em’s office and is startled to see him there. She thought he was going to the trial. He says no. He doesn’t want to be anywhere where Paloma is. They are over. Angelica looks astonished and sad.

Carlota is in the witness stand, prim in her suit and an overly ruffled blouse. Did she swear on the Bible? If so, I hope the top of the courthouse has a lightening rod. German asks her how she responds to Natalia’s assertion that Alonso thought she had something to do with Inaki’s death. I’m innocent, she smiles.

German says Did you hide anything about an inheritance left to Paloma by your brother Javier? Yes, I did, said Carlota. Paloma is impactada. The crowd grumbles and the judge pounds his gavel for silence. German says And why did you do that? Because that’s what my brother requested in the will.

What does it say? asks German. Carlota says that Paloma is not supposed to find out about the properties she was left until she turns 21. German says why would your brother stipulate that? I don’t really know, she says. Probably he was afraid some fellow would take advantage of her innocence. Knowing what a protective person he was, and that we were all women in our family, I guess that was his reason – to protect us all, and particularly Paloma.

She hands over a copy to German, who takes it to the judge, who scans it briefly and verifies that what she said is true. German swaggers a bit. The judge asks him to read it aloud. He reads that Paloma is not to be told of her inheritance of a small fortune until she turns 21. It then switches to addressing Paloma directly, saying We don’t want people to take advantage of you. For that reason, we request that your guardian not tell you until then.

Paloma’s jaw drops and so does mine, because if that’s legal language I’ll eat my hat. After all the pesos that Carlota paid that scummy lawyer, this is the best he can do? Carlota seems satisfied and smiles smugly.

The crowd mumbles and Paloma looks like she’s going to hyperventilate.

Carlota says So you see, Christobal, Natalia, Dr Bermudez, my servant Rufi, and even Inaki’s father Alonso, falsely accused me. I was just following the wishes of my brother.

Carlota, who now seems to be running things, says to the judge I’m sure I have nothing more I need to say here. Paloma leans on Rufi and cries.

Rafa goes to see Diana. Diana says I was just thinking about you! I’m going to give you your divorce. Rafa says you’re kidding. Diana says I’m tired of being the laughingstock of the town. Rafa says great, I’ll have the lawyer call you. Diana says do that – now I can be free! Diana verifies that the house is hers and he says sure, he’s not interested in fighting about money.

Diana wants to know why he came by. He says he heard that she’s been seeing Samuel. Ah, she says. Are you jealous? Not at all, he says, but I want you to be very careful. He has a very bad reputation. Don’t worry, she says, I can take care of myself. You’re not the only one who can make a new life. I’m going to too, and very soon. She smiles brightly.

In the courtroom, Paloma is still leaning on Rufi and Gabriel says are you okay? Paloma says I don’t know yet. Madeleine says to Don E I don’t get it. German tells the judge he’s done.

The prosecutor says wait, he wants to ask Carlota a few questions. He approaches her and asks her why in her opinion Alonso suspected her of killing Inaki. German protests that Carlota isn’t on trial, just Chris and Natalia. The prosecutor says now there are three being accused.

Carlota says no problem, I’m happy to respond. She says that at first she was against Inaki’s interest in Paloma because he was a poor musician and she thought he’d take advantage of her. Prosecutor Cordero points out that Inaki didn’t know Paloma was rich. Carlota says he was conducting an investigation into their family finances. Cordero says but you didn’t know he was conducting an investigation. Carlota says no, I just found out now.

She goes on that at the time she had him checked out and discovered that he was a good person, and she gave her consent even though Paloma was a minor. Cordero asks if the family agreed. Carlota says Carmen, his mother did, but his father Alonso was against it, and even insulted Paloma at the funeral.

Why was that? Cordero wants to know. Carlota says Alonso felt Inaki was wrecking his future by marrying Paloma. I suppose when Inaki died, his father felt terrible remorse that he had not promoted his son’s happiness. And then Alonso apparently held me responsible for Inaki’s death, which the doctor said was a heart attack. Carlota pointedly directs this last comment at the judge.

Madeleine, who has been watching the whole thing in horror, plucks at Don E’s sleeve and says I don’t like the way this is headed – she’s going to condemn my son. Don E says don’t worry. I assure you she’s lying. Madeleine says if my son is in your hands, I know justice will win out. Don E pats her hand reassuringly.

Samuel is in his hotel room, happily packing. He exults over the manila envelope and kisses it.

Cordero asks Carlota what her relationship is with Chris. She says I got to know him years ago through my sister Macarena. I didn’t really know him well. But I did find out that he’d wanted to run away (with Macarena?) instead of doing things publicly the way God likes. Cordero asks And when he returned to Real del Monte as a priest – what was your relationship? Neutral, shrugs Carlota. I respected him. But I was very surprised he had become a priest.

Padre M hisses to Padre B that she’s lying. Padre B says they have to talk to German. Don E, who is sitting behind them, overhears.

The judge adjourns for the day and Chris, who is able to direct a few words at the padres, is led off. The baliff leads him by Carlota who smiles evenly at him. He looks her in the eyes, then gives his head a small shake and he’s led off. Carlota, still smiling, narrows her eyes and radiates such evil that I swear I saw my TV levitate.

Paloma steps forward and confronts her. So my parents left me money to secure my future? Carlota says I couldn’t talk about it, I was just following my brother’s orders. But when we’re in court, I had to. Paloma protests But I’ve suffered so much about money! Carlota says I had no choice. I don’t want anything that was said in this court to be a problem at home.(?) I’m going to step out for some fresh air. She sails by Dr B and Rufi who look at her, astonished.

Everybody has left the courtroom but Paloma and Gabriel. Paloma has a meltdown, most of which I couldn’t understand because of the background music and Paloma crying so hard. But at the end she says she needed that money to make her career and to get free of her aunt. Gabriel says you aren’t without options – you have your talent.

All I can make out is the violins for a while. And then Gabriel says you don’t need an inheritance to make your way in life. Keep on the way you were.

Carlota walks into her office. AHHHHHHHH say the bassos (where have they been all night?) and Carlota says to herself I’m a genius.

Avances: Don E tells Chris he wants to represent him. Paloma yells at Carlota about doing something (I couldn’t catch the verb) with her money all these years.


Un Gancho al Corazón Mon. 1/18/10 The Trouble With Old Folks

Welcome amigos to Club Gancho in the first day of our new time slot. I hope you all remembered to reset your alarms and were able to find your ways here without too much difficulty. Before we get started, allow me a moment to share with you what I've learned about the motive behind the schedule shift. It seems that Univision has studied the demographics closely and discovered that the average age of viewers of un Gancho al Corazón here in Gringolandia is... well... senorish. So, believe it or not, this time change was inaugurated for our behalf. That's right, mis amigos, sort of a videographical early-bird special. Interestingly, it was our slavish use and obsession with the closed captions that first tipped them off. They coupled that with the fact that an inordinate amount of hot herbal tea is consumed by a number of us (you know who you are) and these details led them to the discovery that the average bedtime for our merry little band is 9:00pm. Thus for our convenience... well, you already know. I was told that when Univision was deluged with Emails whining about the time change, there was consternation among the network execs. Finally they all agreed on the fact that no matter what you do for the elderly, the old folks are never happy or satisfied.

Please don't be angry with me, I only gather and report the news. Now, turn up your hearing aids, go potty if you need to, adjust your lap blankets, and let's see what these young whippersnappers at un Gancho al Corazón are up to today.

As you recall, on Friday, Hombre (that mysterious man), took us deep into the recesses of Oily, Odious Oscar's mind. Not a pretty place to take old folks, Hombre. Tonight let's keep a safe distance. Even so, I hope you are all current on your inoculations.

Oscar is joined at a pleasant sidewalk cafe by an aching, lonely, pining young wild bull named Aldo, whose stock (with me anyway) is, at the moment, in freefall. I won't revisit the details of those lugubrious, distasteful facts that led us here, as they were painful enough the first time around. Let's just say that our favorite cougarette has received a harsh lesson in the downside to frolicking with a Clearasil client. And that said client has learned first hand the wisdom of that wartime admonition, "Loose lips sink ships!" The pain emanating from his shattered heart, has led him to Uncle Oscar for some illicit balm for his freshly throbbing wounds. Oscar has just returned from doing some garden work, but is never too busy to spread joy wherever he can. He has a special interest in the well-being and emotional health of Mauricio's pubescent son. An especially nefarious appearing Oscar pushes a ziplock bag containing whites and blues toward our anguished little puppy, who looks at it as though it were a tiny rattlesnake, he reluctantly yet decisively clutches it in his paw. Aldo, Aldo, Aldo. What are you thinking my son. At least Chubi's nepenthe was natural and organic. Next!

This is much better. We're at home with a somewhat more rested appearing Estrella, who is wearing an attractive perky little black dress with a halter top, (smokin'!) which I think must be the feminine equivalent of khakis and navy blazer. She's certainly looking a bit better than the last time we saw her. There's a knock on the door which she opens to my least favorite character (and that includes Oscar who is spell-binding to watch and the two thugs that attacked Estrella, whom I categorize as animal performers) it's Tano. Someone nudge me if I doze off. This man is borrrrring. Downright soporific. Somniferous. Almost comatic. I know, I know, he has his fans here. Maybe if he did something courageous or even outrageous, I could warm up to him, but when I look at him, all I see is a self-righteous prig. She cordially welcomes him in. Hihowyabeen kinda talk ensues. "I was in the neighborhood with Mao and I thought I'd drop by and bump the little cars with you." Not translated exactly word for word but what he was thinking.He twitches and fidgets, "Mao tells me your having problems with Aldo." He actually did say this, the jerk. Appropriate? I sure don't think so. Certainly not right off the bat. She wonders if he's not just feeling her out. He is. She bravely smiles and even responds to his boorish questions though even if not exactly answering them. He denies interest in resuming a relationship. They agree on friendship, yet he presses on with an unctuous, rodential smile, "You've, ended it with Aldo, but I imagine that you still love him, verdad?" He really asks this. Let's see a show of hands of those who think this might be in the least effective. I thought so. Sorry Judy, looks like you're the only one. She looks wistful, tells him that she's dealt with all the applicable dichos, "Love is blind(ciego)"; "She who beds little boys, wakes up wet(mojada)" but "Lo que no mata, se hace fuerta (What doesn't kill, makes one stronger.)," is the one that applies now. She's treating him with respect, oozing grace all the while. Move along, she's not for you.Next!

Gabi is looking very appealing with her hair pulled severely back. She looks great like that. Let me admit, I'm a sucker for starkly contrasting black and white outfits for women. Especially those with geometricity. There's such a clean crisp look about such women's clothing. She is in the outer office on the telephone. She is trying to contact Sal who is in Venezuela on business. Now we know that Sal's travel plans have altered somewhat because the last time we saw him he was on a gurney in the back of a gypsy ambulance under the care of Dr. Oscar. Now you would think that Groupo Sermeño would have better medical benefits, wouldn't you? Gabi is a little peckish with the person she is talking with on the phone and after hanging up, with a curious, sympathetic Pau. Sal has his cell phone off (apagado) and no one can locate him. She can find out zero, zip, nada. Pau offers that "malas noticias son los primeros que lleguen. (bad news is the first to arrive)." "Yeah, well, neither good nor bad news has arrived." As they she what looks to be chocolate cookies Gabi confides that Sal entrusted her with keys (llaves) to his place so she could look after his little plants. When she went in she Pau jumps in with a guess to finish Gabi's sentence."...and all his clothes were missing?! Anyone here like having friends who do that for you? Thought not. Neither does Gabi but she politely waits for Paula to finish then continues, "No," but the strangest thing was in el baño she found that all his wrinkle cremes, anti-aging stuff, masques, todos were all neatly arranged and still there, but the worst thing, that which worries her the most is..." here she points to her scalp but this goes over Pau's scalp, "Is what?" so she continues, "His peluquin de repuesto (spare wig), I can't imagine him going anywhere without it." Pau can't believe it either, "Sí, está raro (that's strange)." Strange indeed.

Mao and Moni are sitting on Moni's bed sharing a typically ho hum M&M exchange. She's excited about Furia's upcoming bout. He teases about her loving the Bug, he's jealous, would like to break Furia's face. Moni's in love with both, yadda, yadda, yadda, a kiss, "How's the divorce coming?" "Fine." He does say that after this bout, Furia Enmascarada will take a leave of absence and lay low. (Judy, it seems like lie low would be the proper usage, but lay low is how I've always heard it... Help!) and... Next!

Seated in their usual restaurant, Coni is looking very tasty. She has on a perky black and white checked sun dress. Qué the heck is she stirring in that orange juice? Looked like a packet of Sweet'n Low. What? Am I missing something here? and she smiles broadly when Beto walks up behind covering her eye's (yes THOSE eyes that turn my heart to goo) with his sleeve saying in a falsetto, "¿Qien soy?(Guess who?)" "Mi Bizcocho," she beams. (I'm not sure we've discussed this endearment which means biscuit.) He observes that she must have been tipped off by his manly aroma. Then, Coni's not prepared for this, he has a surprise behind his back. She is eager to see it, so he produces a tiny Fantasma Vengador mask created for Fantasmatita Junior, the now difuntito little Betito. He uses it as a hand puppet along side of a grown-up Fantasma mask made for Coni. He teases Coni, trying to get her to try her's on. She resists telling him to save it for a more intimate time. He gives a voice to the little Fantasmatita. This is heart-breaking. This has certainly gotten to me so no doubt it has an impact on Coni. She recoils reflexively as if she's spotted a ghost, and in effect, indeed she has. She summons inner strength, smiles weakly, and feigns delight.He tries He tells her that pregnancy has made her even more beautiful than ever, he leans over, places his head against her belly and calls out to Betito. Stop it Beto! Mercifully, the conversation turns to tonight's wrestling debut of the team of Fantasma Vengador and Furia Enmascarada. I guess the reports of the demise of Señor Bug were greatly exaggerated. She wants to see our beneficial bug exposed as Mauricio, but it's more important for Beto that they are successful and perform well. At lot is at stake for the future of their familia. For he and Coni and (sniff) little Betito. Coni wants to go, he wants her there for support, and it looks like my luck is holding up. I get to cover the fight!They kiss. Even their little obligatory "love you too" kisses sizzle.

Though the fight is not for some time yet, the crowd is starting to arrive early. Among the early arrivals is our little estrogenic contingent from the vecinidario. It's Nieves, Alicia, Monita, Estrella, Paula, and Teresa who is now one of them ha joined with them and is fitting right in from the looks of things. Monita, who is in a dazzling cocktail dress calls for a huddle to share a secret. We're excluded from this conference but the enthusiasm they express for the Masked Fury leaves little doubt that now they all know Meester Bug's true identity. Teri sets the tone by shouting,"¡Arriba Furia Enmascarrada!" Nieves wearing that same shiny pink top already described by Hombre, amends the cheer adding, "¡...y'l Fantasma Vengador!" All chime in. I think that we have a good idea which camp these fans are in. As they head for their seats Tano (what a coincidence) cuts Estrella from the herd. OK, There's Cristian and Ivan so I suppose maybe those three guys accompanied the ladies, but for just a friend he is awfully attentive to Estre. He tells her that her high heels are going to cause her to fall. Good line, Tano. Aren't you the clever wordsmith? Have you ever considered recapping? Just as he's making his pitch who should walk up but... Aldo! (no doubt another coincidence). With one coincidence after another it may be a good time to go over the Spanish expression por casualidad, which is easy and fun to say and makes people think,"Hey! He really does speak Spanish!" and of course, coincidentally means by coincidence. Try it out. Por casualidad, Aldo pops up to thwart Tano's feeble effort. He's not delighted to see Tano with Estre and needs to talk to Estrella... now. The alert, astute Monita, looking ever so pretty drags Tano off, leaving Master June and Miss September alone to seek out a place to talk. She pulls him to the entrance, faces off hands on hips (Oww! Could the body language be any less promising?) and snaps, "¿Qué quiere (waddaya want)?" If they were any more icy, the words would have frozen in midair before reaching those tender ears. I'm starting to soften, feeling a smidgen of sympathy welling up, directed toward Aldo. Well, here's a newsflash, Aldo's confused. Imagine that. You could knock me over with a feather. He sounds so young. There's no way he can stay away from her what with her being pregnant and all. Well chew on this cowboy, "¡No estoy embarrazada!" She walks away. Moni asks Estre "What happened?" "Nothing. I told him, 'I'm not pregnant." Moni asks, "Why? A few days ago, we did the test. Estás embarrazada, expecting Aldo's baby."

Power Rangers are suiting up for action. Just kidding. Checking to see if you guys are awake. Nah, better'n Power Rangers, it's Superbug and Super Slug, ¡Ay! sorry again. Testing! Testing! ¡Uno! ¡Dos!¡Tres! It's Roberto Ochoa and Mauricio Sermeño, Fantasma Vengador y Furia Enmascarada, girding their loins for battle. Mauricio is sanguine, "We're going to win.", Beto is nervous and frisky. Beto is worried because both Moni and Coni will be in attendance. Of course they will win the match, the press will be there, Beto will announce his real father. Mao counsels caution here. Beto, excited, will at last meet his dad. "Frente a frente. (face to face)."

We're in the dressing room of their opponents. Remember when we started today? The shots thing? Well those of you not current with vaccinations may want to stand back here. These guys look rough. They are discussing the impending battle when the room is invaded by an apparition of hermosura (extreme beauty). It's our Coni (OK,OK, my Coni) who is still looking gorgeous in that sundress.She bats those bewitching eyes, "Hola. ¿Se puede pasar?" She's here to make a deal. (Who remembers the scene in I Claudius, where Livia had gone into the bowels of the Colosseum to encourage her gladiators?) She makes her straight forward pitch. Regardless of win or lose she wants the bug's mask. Simple as that. She opens an elegant aluminum brief case to show them the money. She coyly fiddles with her hair. They negotiate. They agree. For the second time tonight the phrase pan comida is invoked. Piece of cake! Coni snorts, "Eso espero (I hope so.)" Trato hecho (deal made). She takes the brief case, places it in the locker, holds up the key, they grasp for it, she withdraws it. Not so fast. She slips the key down her cleavage, "Show me your muscles." They flex for her. "May I touch?" She feels them up... well, checks their musculature. gives a flirtatious glance and, poof! Gone. Our hefty Luchadors high ten, "Yes!"

The boys are bonding as they stretch. Beto observes that it's a funny (chistoso) world. Mao, a well-groomed, well-dressed executive sitting behind his desk doing nothing all day (Beto has a surprisingly accurate concept of the business world.) and now a luchador. "Monita changed my life and made it more interesting..." This grippingly profound exchange is interrupted by Don Cesar, looking particularly dapper in his orange UT (take your pick) suit, pink shirt, open at the collar, sleeves turned back over jacket sleeves, white shoes, impeccably styled hair, and this stylish look is punctuated by those omnipresent designer shades and gold chain. He could have stepped of the cover of GQ. Her tells them to stop talking about whatever they were discussing(Beto says they were philosophying over the life ephemeral and love. "In other words... women(viejas)," deduces Cesar.) He admonishes them to concentrate on the fight(lucha). He asks how they feel. Both are fine, thank you. Mao brings up their concern that Beto brought Coni. This disturbs Cesar. "If it's not the one it's the other." Beto tries to mollify them by offering that Coni promised to behave. Well, there you have it, I know that I certainly feel better.

Moni and Pau are double-teaming Estrella, scolding her for withholding the truth from Aldo and especially from abuelito futura, Mao. "And what about when you start showing?" Pau queries? All worked out. She plans to go and stay with Alicia, just like Texas girls who used to go stay with a rural aunt. Problem solved. She concedes that Mao will eventually have to know. Moni excuses herself to go check on the boys. Aldo skulks.

But not for long. He confronts Tano. Tano says,"Let's go talk."

Alicia expresses to Nieves her sympathy for Aldo. Nieves thanks Alicia. "¿Para qué?" "For what you're doing for Estrella." They reminisce on the days that they were that age, but Nieves abruptly reminds her that they are there to see a fight and hopes up and begins leading the crowd in cheers for our favorite luchadors, Furia E. and Fantasma V.

Conveniently our least favorite luchadors are discussing their chore for Coni as we find that Aldo is not the only skulker. Moni overhears every word and scurries off. Phew!

Cesar isn't done with his prefight exhortation of his gladiators. However his little speech is interrupted by a breathless Monita. "What is it Monita?" asks Mao, obviously annoyed by her intrusion upon Don Cresar's inspiring words. "¡La Momia!" gasps a clearly agitated Moni. For those of you new here, la Momia (the Mummy) is the affectionate nickname given to Coni by Mauricio's charges who are currently her legal wards. This was quickly picked up by her many friends. She relates that she has bribed their opponents(contrincantes, a pretty word that rolls off the tongue, worth remembering... you're welcome.) to unmask Mr. Bug. Beto reacts with negativity.

In front of the ticket office, Aldo and Tano work on their differences. A little game, guess who says what. "Estrella is mine!" "We're just good friends." "You think I swallow that?!" "You need to grow up." "So now you talk to me like I were a child?!" "You need to learn to accept when a relationship is over." "I love Estrella and she loves me!" Next!

Coni has caught her breath. They should call off the fight. Surprisingly Cesar agree."The important thing is to protect the identity of Furia Enmascarada. Don Cesar may look weird, but the man is a mensch. Mao says it's all gonna be OK. Moni and Cesar exit, Cesar turns and gives one last instruction,¡Concentren!". Mao turns to Beto and complains, "You see? Coni always has a plan." Yes, but Roberto Beto Ochoa, ¡Huiya! is your Fantasma Vengador, ¡Huiya!" ¡Me pusó piel de gallina! (I've got gooseflesh.) Mao seems less convinced.

We see Tano rushing to take his seat. Up in the ring the ring announcer is announcing the combatants for tonight's wrestling spectacle. Wanna listen in?

"Ladies and gentlemen, for tonight's main event, what you've waited for, the premier of a new pair of ring combatants, the idol of the ladies, Fantasma Vengadorrrr! Next, his partner el téchnico revelacíon, Furia Enmascaradaaaa! Next, their opponents, Mascara Divinaaaa! And his partner, Super Primeeee! Here entering the ring is the referee, Pierooo!" OK gang, does anyone else detect an homoerotic subtext to this Lucha Libre stuff? perhaps we can discuss this later in our post fight analysis. For now, LET'S GET READY to RUMBLE!

For a moment we relax a bit and join Gabriella in her apartment fretting over the whereabouts and safety of Sal. Don't forget, he forgot his spare wig. Doorbell rings. She opens the door. It's our favorite future aceptee into a suite in Hell, Oscar. He has brought wine. How thoughtful.

The fight has started. Now gang, I love announcing Moni's boxing matches, and though professional wrestling from the City Auditorium in Houston was the first thing I ever saw on TV as a child (our next door neighbors the Spencers, rich folks, had the first TV in the 'hood, and they would invite the gentuza of the neighborhood to watch Houston Wrestling produced by Morris Siegal and announced by Paul Bosche, himself a wrestling veteran.)
Sadly, Paul Bosche died. I'm not sure What he would have thought of Lucha Libre, but my gut feeling is that he would have loved it. After all, back in the 70s he posed for I W Marks' Jewelry Store ads with a diamond stud ensconced in his cauliflower ear. Stunning! So Carlos will give you his concise wrestling analysis:

This is like Cirque du Soleil on crystal meth. So well choreographed. Costumed masked combatants flying all over the ring in precise movements that would make the Radio City Rockettes proud. As they strut their stuff we see the fans in attendance... enthralled. Magic.

Commercials. Hey, I subscribe to Vanidades. Not bad. Written in eighth grade Spanish, a treat for Spanish students. Something for everybody. Thumbs up.

More excellent wrestling action, a recappers dream. What precision! Oops! All four end up on the floor outside the ring.

We've rejoined Gariela and Satan. She is so cool. He opens the wine. She protests,"You know that I'm with Salvador, remember? I'm promised to him and we're going to marry." Yes, the Count remembers. But hey! When you can't be with the one you love... well, you know. "Have you forgotten how you trembled in my arms? Every corner of this apartment was a witness to our passion." Not bad, Oscar. Decidedly better than Tano. He clinks her glass. "¡Salud! For old times." He sips, she raises her glass to her lips, then tosses it in his face. She sets up! She shoots! She scores! YESSS! She calmly finishes off the glass. "Your wine is riquisimo, no?" I have a new heroine. He dabs at his eyes.

Awww. We join my new favorite granny and her adoring brood. It's Jaqui, Katia, and the Fem sibs. Dani shouts. Granny cringes, "Couldya tone it down?" Party last night, remember? Doorbell rings. Katia goes. It's Primo Jerónimo toting plastic sacks of food. Yeah! he's brought along Rolu, in his silla de ruedas(wheelchair), Ximena (we're blest) and even germ-boy, Arnoldo. Jaqui bemoans the absence of Teri.

In the arena, things have gone sour. Furia E is at the mercy of Masca D and Super P. He's kneeling, They're stripping his mask. Monita's beside herself and Coni is channeling Madam Defarge sans knitting.

And this mis viejos concludes tonight's presentation.

Judy... sigue.



Sortilegio, Monday, January 18--Ep #69: You can take the girl out of the drug-induced stupor, but you can't take the memories out of the girl.

Hola! It is I, 5ft Latina! Do not adjust your computers…your tireless blog mom will be back for tomorrow's recap. We just like to keep you on your toes :)

Feliz Cumpleaños to our faithful commenters, Cielo de Levy (cumpliendo años hoy) and Elna June Sonoma (quien cumplió años ayer)! I sent William Levy out to do strip-o-grams, but I fear he may have gotten lost in transit. Darn! Well, maybe we'll get some shirtless scenes in your honor tonight.

Fernando's great uncle passes on the party invite to Fernando and tells him he caught the old guy's eye as a potential mate for his druggie granddaughter.

Sandra!MaryJo is out in the yard, swinging, when Elena finds her. She tries to get SandyJo to chill out, but SandyJo is convinced that stepdaddy is a very, very bad stepdaddy. She's also angry at them for not bringing her back from Spain by force if she was into such bad stuff. She thinks they just should have made her come home. Elena tells SandyJo that she's smart, so she should be able to convince grandpa that she's ok. Also, Emiliano Alaniz will be there and "she" has met him before, so she needs to act like it. SandyJo wants to come clean with grandpa and tell him that she was on drugs, but she's not anymore. And she doesn't care if that loses her the money. Elena tells her to knock off the crazy talk, but SandyJo just walks away from her. Elena may just be figuring out that Sandra 2.0 is just as willful as original recipe Sandra, especially when you piss her off.

At Maura's pink palace, Lisette and Katia lie about how Katia found out that MaryJo has been kidnapped. Maura says Alex isn't doing well, although he did finally make it to the office today, after spending the last two weeks at home dressed like Hugh Hefner (maybe I added that last part). And she doesn't take kindly to Katia's suggestion that she ought to be thrilled because now MaryJo is out of the way and Maura can have her wicked way with Alex. Even Lisette tells Katia to just shut up. Yes, Katia was a latecomer to the game, but she is quickly catching up to Paula on the Shut-Up-O-Meter. The maid announces the arrival of Alex, causing Katia to start squealing that maybe he couldn't stand being alone anymore. Shut up, Katia. Alex gets a hug from Maura and an update from Lisette--she's scheduled for surgery soon, but she has to keep up with the chemo in the meantime (hence the turban that matches the couch). Alex asks for a word in private with Maura, sending Katia into a squealing fit before he's even out of the room. Damn! Shut up, Katia! Poll: What's more annoying? Katia's squeal or Bruno's tsk-ing? If you'd committed some heinous crime and had to be sentenced to spend the rest of eternity in a cell with either Katia or Bruno, who would you pick? Lisette doesn't like that Katia seems to be taking delight in the misfortune of others.

Elena and Bruno talk on the phone. Elena thinks it's risky to talk to SandyJo about Bruno, especially because Katia bandied his name about so freely at her uncle's place. Bruno suggests they use his middle name and tell her that he's "Damián." Great idea, B…she's got drug-induced amnesia, so she probably won't remember having seen The Omen. He also says they ought to use his second "apellido" (last name)--we'll have to wait to see what that is, because I don't remember Vicky's maiden name ever being mentioned.

Alex wants to question Maura again about the kidnapping. She complains that she's told the story to, like, everybody and just wants to forget now, but Alex thinks she may have overlooked a vital detail. She says they were talking about the house, four guys came in, and what happened happened. Alex asks who knew they were going to be at the house at that time, but she doesn't think anyone but the real estate agent's office and Felipa knew. Alex is antsy--the kidnappers only called the one time and they haven't heard anything since. Maura reminds him that she is also upset about her sister's illness. She suggests they share their troubles. No, not like that. Her hands all over him are shouting it, though.

Fernando and Alex are at a restaurant. Fernando praises Alex for getting out of the house and says that work will be a good distraction for him. The problem is that all Alex can think about is MaryJo, even at work, and he's worried about her and worried that it's been 2 weeks and the kidnappers haven't called again. He'd do anything to get her back. He's worried that they might have killed her already, but Fernando tells him to chill, he has no reason to think that. Fer says there are lots of people who have been kidnapped who have some psychological issues, but they do come back alive.

Another week passes.

Bruno is sending Erick to Toluca and he doesn't want him saying goodbye to anyone before he goes. Erick mutters curses under his breath.

Bruno walks in on John and Roberto having a conversation. There's no news about MaryJo. John leaves to go do something and Bruno asks Roberto what he's doing in the house. Roberto is waiting for Vicky so they can go pick up "the girl" from the hospital. Name the damn baby, already, people, what are you waiting for? He'll probably give her a cheesy, sentimental name, too, but it's got to be better than "girl." Bruno asks what's it to him, since the little brat isn't his anyway. Roberto says she's not now, but once he finds Ulises and gets him to sign over his parental rights…. Bruno, ever helpful, says that's not going to happen unless Roberto wants to go all the way to Argentina, or to HELL to find Ulises. That slip is going to cost you in the end, Bruno D. Coyote. Roberto is suspicious that Bruno mentioned Argentina. He was under the impression that Ulises had gone to Madrid after his girlfriend Sandra. Bruno hems and haws about not remembering where he heard that Ulises had gone to Argentina. Vicky comes downstairs. She tells Roberto that it's all settled, they'll put both babies in the same room. Rosie thinks she can handle them both, and if not, they'll hire another nurse. For some bizarre reason, Vicky turns to Bruno and smiles at him as she says they're bringing the girl home. Why does she think that he would (a) care or (b) regard this as any kind of good news? Bruno takes her aside and says he's leaving. He'd been thinking of starting his own business anyway and so he's going out of town to meet with a developer who appreciates his talents. Which ones? Only being able to button his shirt halfway and having lousy follow-through on his nefarious plans? He gets in a bunch of digs about how he's going all the way to Mexico (state) so they should all be happy cause they wanted him gone anyway. Vicky tries to get all maternal, but he tell her to save it. She drops it and tells John that she and Roberto are heading to the hospital and will be back soon. John is unconcerned. He'll smoke his stogie and monitor the situation. Roberto comes outside and tells Bruno this is quite a surprise. Bruno says once he lost hope of ever getting the presidency (dig, dig) he looked into other options so he can finally have what he's been looking for. "Power?" asks Roberto. "Hm, yeah, and something more," Bruno replies. All those cryptic comments are going to bite you in the ass, and soon. Ultimas Semanas, baby, that means the heavy hand of comeuppance is waiting just around the corner to smack you down like a bug. They walk off, and Bruno looks over at John, who heard the whole conversation as he stood outside smoking. John looks like he might be suspicious of Bruno. That would be nice.

Mmm, the Corazon Salvaje promo looks tasty :D

Elena is trying to give SandyJo some last-minute pointers on the way in to grandpa's house. Jorge just tells her to talk as little as possible. She pretends to remember the butler. As he leads them inside, Elena chooses this precise moment to tell SandyJo that she has a boyfriend. SandyJo is not pleased, but asks for his name so she can fake it in front of grandpa. She repeats "Damián" to herself. Porfirio demands they get out of the way so he can get a look at SandyJo. She says hello, but she's rather cold. She apologizes for not coming back sooner. Elena makes excuses about Sandra wanting to finish her studies and then prods SandyJo to give her grandpa a hug. He makes a remark about her bad manners in not greeting his friend, but he's smiling the whole time. He keeps griping, mildly, about her not coming home on her vacations. Elena makes excuses, but he only has eyes and ears for SandyJo. She apologizes, again, for not coming home sooner. She refuses a drink, even when grandpa tries to insist on a toast. He seems to like that she stands her ground and says she doesn't like alcohol, so he tells the butler to bring her a "refresco" (soft drink). He asks about her boyfriend, but cuts her off before she can stumble over his name. He doesn't really care who the guy is, cause he's got one lined up for her. Emiliano tells him to back off, the kids these days aren't into arranged marriages. SandyJo tells him, very firmly, that she would prefer to choose her own boyfriend. Oh, he loves this. Girl's got "carácter" (strong character, both literally and figuratively, but sometimes I've heard people use it as a euphemism for someone who is really just a jerk).

Back at home, Elena talks to Jorge about her misgivings. She's worried that grandpa will try to insist on hooking SandyJo up with Fernando and that Fernando won't buy their story about the twin thing. And that Bruno won't listen to reason. She doesn't think he'll just go away because he ought to for the sake of the plan. Jorge asks if she's suggesting they just put everyone in a coma, the way they did Ulises. Aha! So he's not dead! Well, good, if that means he can sign over paternity to Roberto at some point. Elena is surprised. Even she thought that Jorge killed him. He didn't because he thought Ulises might come in handy at some point. She asks what they're going to do with Bruno and Fernando and he just walks off.

Fernando comes downstairs to see Katia reading a magazine. He asks, but she says that's not all she does, she also goes to visit Lisette and Maura. He suggests a weekend outing, but it's not what she had in mind. She was thinking the beach, but he was thinking of the party Porfirio is going to throw. Katia can't stand the idea of going to a party with a bunch of old people dancing old people dances and eating "papillas" (mush). And the fact that this party will be thrown for Sandra, who is MaryJo's age, does not convince her. With that pair of "old guys" throwing the party, it's bound to suck. She flits off upstairs while Fernando looks like he'd like to strangle her, but doesn't know if he can get away with it.

Now there's a pink crib in the nursery. Felipa is glad that she looks heartier than before, even if she'll always be small for her age. Alex, thank you dear, says they really can't keep calling her "the girl." He suggests Raquel, but Felipa is horrified, "and what if she turns out like her?!" Roberto was thinking Victoria. Alex likes the idea, and so does Vicky. Roberto tries to suggest that they can call the little one "Vicky" but Vicky says no, "Victoria, like her grandmother". So now we have Tiny Tony and Mini Vicky sharing a room. Alex asks if Raquel knows. Big Vicky was thinking of going over to tell her tomorrow and asking if she wanted to come over to the house and see her, but she doesn't think anything's going to get Raquel out of that house. She's waiting for Ulises. Roberto's not offended. He tells Alex that Bruno told him that Ulises went to Argentina, but he thought that Bruno was going to Madrid after his girlfriend, who is supposed to be back soon. He went to Toluca to talk to her mom, but she didn't know where Ulises was. And BTW, he saw a picture of Sandra and it's amazing how she looks like MaryJo. Yeah, Alex knows.

In her room, SandyJo is having a really, really nice dream. About swimming with a really hot guy. But there are also images of a nursing baby in there. It wakes her up. She wonders who that guy is.

The next morning, she prays to the Virgen. Elena interrupts her. SandyJo tells her about the dream. First there was a baby, then she was with this guy in the water. She felt that they loved each other very much, but she doesn't know who he is. She couldn't see his face in her dream, but she's got the kid's face burned on her brain. Elena says she must be starting to remember. It must be someone important to her, maybe someone from Madrid. Here comes Bruno, aka, Damián. He greets Elena and brings SandyJo some roses. She accepts a kiss on the cheek. He tells her that he already knows what's going on and it's ok, he loves her just as much as he did before. She takes off. Elena is pissed that he said that without consulting her or Jorge. He thinks it will build rapport between them. And also, he doesn't like having bosses. Elena looks alarmed. Yep. Better put another cot in Ulises' room.

Damián!Bruno catches up to SandyJo and spins her a tale. He understands about the drugging, hey, who wouldn't in a strange country, feeling abandoned by family. He tells her that they lived together in Madrid. That they were lovers and he tried, oh, how he tried, to get her to quit the drugs, but he got tired of it and came back to Mexico. He apologizes for hurting her so much. She apologizes to him for having failed him.

Fernando tells Alex about the party invite. He'd like to go along too. He says if Sandra is so identical to MaryJo, it might give him the illusion of having her back. He knows she's not MaryJo, but he needs whatever solace he can get. Fernando says he doesn't have a pretense for inviting Alex. Alex says if it's a big party, there's no problem. There will be lots of people and he can just hang out in the background, to watch. Fernando says he'll ask his uncle, but he thinks Alex is sick. Alex agrees.

Elena informs Jorge that Bruno has shown up and that he told SandyJo that he already knows everything. Jorge isn't upset about this. He thinks it shows Bruno's determination. Unlike Elena, he's not worried that Bruno will marry SandyJo and take the money away from them. If they go down, Bruno goes down too. He thinks Bruno is a good ally. Elena doesn't think they should tell him about the party, since Fernando is already invited. Jorge says that does present a problem.

More storytime with Bruno. He was taking a break from working with his family's company. They live in Merida. He has a mom, a sister, a brother, and two "sobrinos" (nieces and/or nephews). It's a big family, but he doesn't get along with them. He's working on opening a resort. He knows everything about her life and he'll tell her anything she wants to know. He said they were lovers because they were, even though he did leave. But now he wants to get her back. He never stopped loving Ma…er, Sandra. She turns away to avoid kissing him. She says she's not accustomed to letting strangers kiss her. He'll wait. He's patient. He asks her to go out to dinner soon. She giggles.

Alex sits behind his desk and stews. He looks at the pictures of MaryJo on his phone and cries. He shoves a bunch of stuff off his desk, picks up his bag, and leaves. Mari tries to remind him about his afternoon meeting, but he ignores her. Maura goes running out after him.

Bruno tells Jorge that he's not after Sandra or MaryJo or whoever's money. He just wants her. Jorge says he needs the money. He shows Bruno a document. He tells him that he wants half of Porfirio's money. Bruno is fine with it, but he needs Jorge to know that people know about MaryJo's twin, so that means Sandra has to disappear. Jorge is aware of that.

Fernando is out with some random woman called Norma. Who he has apparently been talking to about Alex's problems. Norma invites Fernando to a party at Rolando's. She's ok with it being just as friends.

Alex vents to Maura about the lack of a call from the kidnappers. He yells at her when she suggests that MaryJo might be dead. Maybe things went badly, maybe she resisted, who knows. Alex says he was on the island, both he and Fer never thought they'd be back, but they came back. So he doesn't want to give up on MaryJo. Maura, the ever friendly, hugs him and says he may have to. It's only been two weeks people, sheesh!

At Raquel's place, Meche is cleaning. She tells Vicky that Raquel went out. Vicky tells Meche to let Raquel know that they brought the baby home and she's doing fine. Meche wishes Raquel would take an interest in the kid.

Raquel is over at Maura and Lisette's griping to Lisette and Katia that Maura has kept her hanging, waiting for the info of a lawyer so she can get a divorce. She serves herself a drink. Oh, now she's never going home. Lisette makes excuses, but Raquel says Maura just isn't the same lately. Katia says it's because she's busy trying to get Alex back, but Lisette objects. She's just being supportive, which Raquel says is Fernando's job. Raquel is giddy to hear from Katia that they saw Fernando out with a girl his own age. She hopes it means her mother's not going out with him anymore. She finishes her drink and reminds them to remind Maura that she's still waiting on a lawyer's name. She takes off. Lisette gives Katia a hard time for being so "venomous." Katia gives Lisette a hard time for being such a goody-goody lately. It's the mortality. Katia doesn't think Lisette is going to die, but Lisette's hedging her bets. Katia changes the subject, wondering where Bruno is. Lisette rolls her eyes and tells Katia to quit thinking about him.

Felipa sings to Tiny Tony. Some song about how mommy's a rat and daddy's a rat and baby's a little hungry rat. Alex drives up. They fawn over the baby. He'll have lots of girlfriends and be bigger than daddy. Cuco's jealous of the baby.

Upstairs, Roberto is cooing over Little Vicky. He talks about taking her to the park when she's older to teach her how to play fútbol. Rosie says maybe dolls or something. Hey, Rosie, come into this century, will ya? There's nothing wrong with athletic girls. It would probably be good for her health for her to do something active.

In Toluca, Erick comes up to Bruno in a restaurant and reports that he got Bruno a new cell phone and looked at some houses and apartments. He cheerfully asks how things are going with MaryJo. Bruno gets pissed off and tells Erick it's none of his business and he never asked him to sit down. He tells him to go away and eat somewhere more appropriate to his station. Erick smiles as he leaves. Oh, yeah, Erick's revenge will be sweet.

John wants to have a talk with Alex, Roberto, and Big Vicky. John finds it strange that this kidnapping happened in Merida, which is a pretty safe place, and that the kidnappers haven't gotten in touch again about the money. He suspects this might not be a normal kidnapping, but revenge, or an "ajuste de cuentas" (settling up of accounts). For once, Alex blanks and says he hasn't done anything to anyone that anyone would want revenge on him. Plus, if they were pissed at him, why did they take it out on MaryJo? Roberto says that "those people" don’t think that way and they're just looking for easy money instead of working hard to earn it. John proposes another possibility, that MaryJo faked her own kidnapping to run off with a boyfriend. That doesn't go over well. John apologizes, but says they have to consider all the possibilities. Why hasn't he asked for a list of all the people who are mad at Alex yet? Shouldn't he have done that already and been casting his suspicious eyes at Bruno? Shouldn't he have been told about the twin sister in Toluca and gone to interview the family? His last theory is that MaryJo is dead. Alex starts screaming now that she's not.

Pedro is a wreck. Paula et al try to comfort him, but he can't stand it anymore, the lack of news. He is angry that they keep thinking Alex will fix it. If this was about money, it would have been fixed already, but obviously there are some things money can't fix. Pedro goes to lock himself in his room as Paula apologizes for him and has a breakdown of her own.

Tomorrow: Fernando suspects the truth and Alex rages some more.


Monday, January 18, 2010

A quick new recapper introduction

Buenos días a todos! My name is Amy; I’m a new recapper for Fridays of Hasta que el dinero nos separe and decided I should introduce myself. I’ve been watching telenovelas for nearly five years now and discovered Caray when I was watching Mundo de Fieras, one of my first novelas. I was hooked and have been watching/reading ever since. I’m a college student and, thanks to four years of high school classes and my daily novela habit, I tested out of two years of Spanish and am now in an upper-level conversation class. I might try to convince my profesora to give me extra credit for recapping.
Anyway, I look forward to being involved with the site I visit so often and getting to know everyone. It seems like this is going to be a long and interesting new novela. ¡Gracias por incluirme!
P.S. Could someone let me know how to tag posts? So far, that's the only thing I'm lost on. Gracias otra vez.

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