Saturday, September 15, 2007

Acorralada #171 – Friday – 9-14-07 – Boom Boom, Out Go the Lights!

Once again, Gaby hears her beloved's voice. Lunkhead asks, "Gaby, eres tu?"

Marfil is holding a gun on Diablo. She tells him she married Pedro for the money. I think Diablo volunteers to be her appetizer on the side. She finally leaves with the parting words, "Forget about me!"

The Spinster Sisters (by their choice according to what they told Puncho) confront Puncho about being a bigamist. The feisty sister gets distracted because Puncho is cleaning their pool in a very scant Speedo.

Mucks is back to wearing his too tight, pastel blue sweater. He runs into Doc V and they glare at one another.

Granny Doc V wants Dimwit to visit her and bring Doc V along. Granny Doc V is definitely sizing up Dimwit as a daughter-in-law.

ChewKey is squealing like a stuck pig at the Dodge dealership. She gets to pick whichever one she wants. She asks Papa how much she has to spend, but he says she needs to work with Fidiota. The car will be a gift from Fidiota. She tells Fidiota that Fidiota is the prettiest, bestest, woman in the world. ChewKey hugs Fidiota, while rolling her eyes at the camera.

Pobre de Gaby. As soon as Lunkhead figures out it's Gaby, he asks for ChewKey. When Gaby tries to make conversation, Lunkhead very tersely says he has nothing to say to her. Lunkhead wants Gaby to forget about him and hangs up on Gaby. Gaby is despondent. Caramel comes in and tries to console her but it's useless. Gaby loves Lunkhead more and more each day, but now he's going to marry the evil ChewKey.

Puncho talks his way out of the confrontation. He was married to sisters, but not at the same time. He married Peyote, but she died. Then he married Caramel. This appeases the Spinster Sisters and Hortencia feels his pecs before walking off. Diego is plotting a way to steal from them.

Mucks asks Doc V if Marshmallow is with Godmum. Doc V says probably. Mucks struts off.

ChewKey picks out a Dodge Charger Daytona R/T, but she doesn't like the lime green color. She wants it in blue. When Fidiota suggests white, ChewKey gets snippy. You tell me I can pick out whatever car I want, and then you won't let me get the color I want? Fidiota says "Fine, if you want blue, you can have blue." Roddy goes to make the deal.

Doc V tells Dimwit she is the perfect woman; it would be easy for any man to fall in love with her. He means that with all due respect, of course. He admires her and considers her a good friend. Right.

Marshmallow appears at a grocery store and asks an older gentleman, Jacky, if she and Godmum can perhaps stay at some place of his. He warns her it's not clean, but she can stay as along as she wants. He asks how Godmum is doing. Apparently he is an old, dear friend of the Marshmallow clan.

Mucks takes Dulce aside and wants to know if Dimwit is working. Dulce says she's probably in another patient's room. Mucks then wants to know how she's doing. Dulce says quite nicely considering. . ."Considering what?" asks Mucks. Dulce then says she's not authorized to say anything. Mucks demands, "What happened to Dimwit?" Commercial.

Marfil has returned home from her shopping trip with nothing. She couldn't find anything she liked. Pedro comments he's surprised; he gave her $2,000 and she couldn't find anything. Marfil asks for some credit cards in her name and starts asking if Pedro's changed his will yet. "No." says Pedro making some excuse. He then wants her to kiss him. Marfil comes back with, "No way! You smell like your pipe! I'm going to our room to change my shoes. I'm tired after all the walking." She wrinkles her pretty little nose and makes a fanning motion when she tells him his pipe stinks. After she's left, Pedro wonders if perhaps Mucks is right. Maybe Marfil DID marry him for his money. He's probably Lunkhead's father or grandfather. They seem to share the same intellect genes.

Dulce refuses to tell Mucks what happened to Dimwit. Next Mucks starts interrogating Dulce about Dimwit and Doc V. Dulce tells him Dimwit and Doc V are just good friends. She points out that Mucks is a married man. Then Mucks pulls the victim card, "I know; Dimwit considers me less than zero!" Gee, I wonder why.

Isabel is at a pay phone talking to Octopus. She'll talk to her buddy, the bruja, tomorrow and find out about the poison that will render Fidiota either a paraplegic or a quadriplegic. Knowing these two, Fidioota would probably be a quadriplegic. She hangs up and Iggy wants to know who Isabel was talking to. Before he can ask, however, he had to check the change area of the pay phone. Nice touch. Iggy wants to know if Octopus asked about him. Isabel then talks about Octopus wanting to get back at Fidiota. Iggy admits those two have been at war for years. They are standing in front of the same store where Marshmallow was talking to Jacky.

Dulce and Dimwit are taking a break. Dulce says she likes when they have time to take a coffee break together and visit. Dimwit starts talking about liking to stay busy since it gives her less time to think about how sad her life is.

Isabel and Iggy are dumpster diving. Iggy is thought bubbling how much he hates what has happened to him. It's all Dimwit's fault. "I hate her! I hate her! I hate her!" he keeps thinking.

Dulce tells Dimwit that at least Dimwit is rich. Dimwit gives the speech about money not buying happiness. She may live in a mansion, but it's hell. She misses the days of yore when Gaby was a maid and Dimwit was in nursing school. They had so much fun! They were happy, had goals, pillow fights. . .She waxes poetic about how she first met Diablo. Diablo got in a fight because some guy from the 'hood paid her a compliment. Diablo helped her study, walked her to school, etc. Dimwit always knew Diablo was in love with her, but she only thought of him as a brother. She knew she'd never love him.

Marshmallow is telling Godmum about her plans of leaving Mucks. Suddenly Godmum thinks that's a bad idea. Marshmallow would be depriving the kid of a father. Marshmallow begs for Godmum's support in her decision. I don't get it. NOW Godmum wants Marshmallow to stay with Mucks?!

Dimwit is now telling Dulce how much she loves Mucks and how alone she feels. Dulce finally leaves (I don't blame her; the conversation is boring.) Dimwit then shows us her best glassy-eyed stare and head tilt.

Roddy thanks Fidiota for being so generous to ChewKey. Meanwhile, ChewKey is calling KickMe to tell him she just scored a new car. KickMe wants to see her tonight; he needs some good lovin'! ChewKey says she can't, she needs to pretend to be reformed. Finally she agrees to escape through her bedroom window. The camera pans back and we discover Gaby has overheard the whole conversation. Quick Gaby, get your video camera!!!!

A lovely dinner at Lunkhead's Lair. Mucks is telling them Marshmallow is at the hospital with Godmum. Octopus makes a comment it's nice not having interlopers at their civilized dinner. Mucks says he's tired of Octopus' negativity.

Fidiota, Dimwit, and Gaby are all hanging out in either Gaby's or Fidiota's bedroom. Fidiota tells them about ChewKey's new car. Gaby says ChewKey is a hypocrite, Dimwit thinks ChewKey has changed, and Fidiota agrees with Gaby. She just doesn't want to mess things up with Roddy. Roddy needs to find out on his own.

Doc V removes Godmum's bandages. They drag this scene out way too long, so I'll just come out and say it. The surgery was a success. Hopefully I didn't ruin the anticipation for anyone out there.

Yolanda is all excited. She delivers a letter to Mucks. It doesn't have a return address, however.

Like I said before, Godmum can see. Marshmallow is in a rush to get her out of the hospital so they can leave town.

The letter is a "Dear Mucks" letter from Marshmallow. She's leaving so he can return to his beloved Dimwit. Dimwit is his destiny and she will find hers. It was fun while it lasted, but it's over now. The divorce papers will follow. Yolanda asks Mucks why he's so surprised.

Isabel shows up with the solution to all Octopus' problems. Octopus wants to know if she's "got the stuff." Isabel then produces a simple tarantula, "the most poisonous, type of spider in the whole wide world!" Pobre tarantula, it's now getting a bad rap. Now if Isabel had produced a Brazilian Wandering Spider or a Sydney Funnel Spider I would have been impressed. 

Mucks tells Yolanda that Marshmallow has left him.

Marshmallow and Godmum arrive at the store. They thank Jacky for allowing them to stay. He says take all the time you need. Godmum promises not to tell Mucks where they are.

Doc V and Dimwit are talking. Dimwit can't believe Marshmallow has abandoned Mucks, especially now that she's pregnant. Doc V reminds Dimwit that Dimwit's done the same thing in the past. Dimwit says her situation was different; their families hated one another and she was married to Diablo. ***Who cares? ***

Hortencia comes into Puncho's room. He has just finished bathing and walks out in a towel. When she sees him, she hyperventilates. Puncho then drops the towel and it looks like Hortencia is going to pass out. She tells him she needs mouth-to-mouth. Puncho tries not to gag. He finally gets her to leave and starts plotting how he's going to rob the Spinster Sisters. I like how he can never remember their last name. Of course I can't either. Puncho produces a bottle of pills. Apparently he is going to give them sleeping pills and rob them while they are sleeping.

Yolanda tells Octopus that Marshmallow has left. Mucks has run off to the hospital to find her. After Yolanda is out of the room, Octopus takes out the pobre tarantula and gloats about Fidiota's demise.

Gaby is telling Fidiota about the ill-fated call with Lunkhead. Fidiota tries to cheer her up by saying she can help with planning Roddy's birthday party. I'm sure that is just the thing Gaby needs to improve her mood. Fidiota heads off to talk to ChewKey and Gaby flashes back to her time on the island with Lunkhead.

Mucks' is lamenting to Yolanda and Octopus, the loss of Marshmallow. He then gets a call from Marshmallow asking him not to look for her and to proceed with their divorce.

Fidiota is going through ChewKey's online chats with KickMe, in which ChewKey admits how much she hates Fidiota. ChewKey walks in and catches Fidiota in the act. ChewKey is belligerent! What nerve Fidiota has for reading ChewKey's personal emails. Besides, those emails are old. Fidiota says no way, you're telling KickMe about the car I bought you yesterday. Fidiota then tells ChewKey she's sending copies of the chats to Roddy so Roddy will know the truth! Fidiota is pecking away at the keyboard when ChewKey walks up behind her, grabs some sort of pyramid looking object, and whacks Fidiota over the head (or neck or shoulder – we don't see the actual hit). We then see Fidiota slump over the keyboard.

Credits roll!


Friday, September 14, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #28-30A Missing Recaps 1-4

Thanks to some much-appreciated hard work from Kim P, we'll soon have recaps to cover the entire gap between Chris's and mine. (Please remember to thank her in the comments!) Here are her recaps for the first four missing episodes:

Missing Recap 1: An unwanted camera, and a lucky desk

Fernando is ragging on everyone because he's nervous about the upcoming video shoot. He's especially p.o.'d that Lety isn't at work yet.

Lety and Tomas have gone to register the new company. Lety asks Tomas not to tell anyone he's working for it. They sign the registration papers and the judge or registrar or whoever he is tells them they are now the legal owners of Filmo Imagen. Tomas teases Lety about how much she talks about Fernando. There's a scene as they're leaving the office where a pretty woman says something to Lety about feas that I don't get, while Tomas stands there drooling. Tomas asks Lety if he can get himself some business cards.

Saimon tells the cuartel that Fern, Marcia and Omar are going to L.A. They try to pump him for details, but he's not spilling. I think he doesn't know himself...

Lety finally gets in to work and Fern starts yelling at her for not calling in. She reminds him that she was on HIS business regarding F.I., and he calms down. They talk a little business, then Carolina and a model, Carla Lagunas (?) come in and interrupt. Carla is the model Luigi is using for the Benny Ibarra video. Fernando flirts with her, causing Lety to give the model some really ugly jealous faces. Fern tells Lety to go fetch Luigi and she bows and scrapes and "con permiso's" her way out, being very cold to the model. Fernando jokes about her bowing once she's gone.

Luigi is working with the choreographer and dancers when Lety comes in. He does his usual garbage and tells her to leave and finally she explains why she's there. He leaves to go see what Carolina and Fernando want. Once he gets to the office, they talk stuff I don't get, but I think part of it has to do with the camera since Omar and Fernando are giving each other "significant looks".

While Luigi's gone, the rest of the cuartel show up at the rehearsal place and Saimon pretends to be an executive and starts giving orders to the dancers while the cuartel watches and laughs. He even starts dancing with them. Fernando catches him and gives him hell. He then goes back to his office with Lety and tells her that he's going to L.A. in the morning and she can do with the new company what she wants as long as she keeps it in good shape. This causes her to fall even more in love and she gives Fern a dreamy look.

Tomas runs into Roman and his gang who start giving him crap, so despite being told not to tell anyone, he starts bragging about his new position with the company (I guess he and Lety really are from the same mold, wasn't she told exactly the same thing by Fernando and then immediately ran to Tomas?). Anyway, to show he's a big man, Tomas starts handing out his business cards while he discusses how much the company is worth. While he's talking, he starts eyeballing some hot chick hanging with the group, and Roman kind of encourages it to make Tomas more usable. Roman convinces Tomas to take them all out partying that night to impress Hot Chick.

Back at Conceptos, Fernando is giving Lety instructions for while he's gone. Lopez comes by and asks Fern if they can talk for a minute, and Fern looks at his watch and starts counting down the time. Lopez makes a wheezy laugh and Fern says something about asthma. Lopez wants to know if he'll be in charge while Fern is gone, and Fernando tells him no, Lety will be in charge. The cuartel all scream (literally!) with happiness. Fernando tells Lopez his minute's up and leaves, and so does Lopez after squeaking his head as only Lopez can. The cuartel celebrate and Saimon dances. There's a brief scene with Celso lighting tiki torches that's absolutely pointless, but I mention it 'cause he's cute so why not.

Luigi is criticizing the makeup artist who's working on Carla and she (Carla) tells Luigi he's making her nervous, so he compliments her instead. Irma brings in the costume and he hates it and goes to find Fern to complain. Fern and Omar are talking about the camera when Marcia comes over and Fern suggests they all go to the studio. Fern and Marcia compliment Carolina on the decorations and Luigi comes in and starts yelling at Fern about the cheapness of the costume. Marcia had ordered much nicer costumes and is upset that Fernando went against her instructions and changed her decisions. Luigi goes on again about the camera and Fern bites his head off and leaves. Marcia and Carolina discuss how tense Fern is and I think Marcia asks Caro to do something to help Fern relax.

Lety is in her office when Tomas calls, and she tells him he has permission to invest F.I.'s funds. He asks for a pay advance so he can take out a girl Roman introduced him to. She says ok.

Fern is on his cell phone as he walks into his office and at first doesn't notice that Carolina is there. She's cleared off his desk and lit some incense. He thinks she's coming on to him and says they don't really have time as she's removing his jacket, but she says relax, it will only take a few minutes.

Luigi is pacing when Saimon comes in and tells him his new camera has arrived. He's all excited and can't wait to see it.

Fernando's parents come into Reception along with some people, I guess they're clients or potential clients. They get on the elevator heading to Fernando's office. Fernando, meanwhile, is face down on his desk moaning, while Carolina is giving him a massage (he's telling her it's delicious). Meanwhile, I'm sincerely wishing I was the desk.

Saimon is leading Luigi, who has covered his eyes, to see the new camera. Naturally, when he sees it he thinks Oh HELL No and gets hysterical because it's video, not 35mm.

Missing Recap 2: Oh, it was just a massage

Lety is talking to Tomas again, Saimon tells Luigi about the camera again, PM calls Lety and asks her to meet in the Fea Conference Room (aka Ladies Room), Fern's parents arrive again, I wish I was the desk again, and Luigi gets pissed about the camera again.

Lety exits her office into Fern's office and sees Carolina massaging him. Naturally, she assumes the worst and gets out quietly. She goes to the ladies room and greets the cuartel who are congregated there, but they ignore her. Just as she's starting to get pissed by their attitude, they surprise her with congratulations and call her "presidente", and tell her they want to celebrate the fact that she's going to be in charge.

Saimon tells Irma about the camera while Luigi whines. Irma starts trying to console him but he's inconsolable and starts saying stuff like "he'll rue the day he messed with Luigi Lombardi" (or something telenovela-y like that).

The cuartel are still celebrating in the bathroom when Alicia and Marcia walk in, putting an end to the festivities. Naturally Alicia makes a rude comment because she's Alicia and must, then Marcia and Alicia leave as Sara assumes Roller Derby Chick persona and tells everyone to hold her back. They laugh about Lety being in charge and Lety ugly-dances with accompanying ugly-faces. Meanwhile, Marcia is talking to Irma who's telling her that Luigi is in a snit.

The cuartel goes back to work (yeah right!). Lety goes back to Fern's door in time to overhear him tell Carolina what a wonderful experience that was. Still thinking they're chicka-bow-bowing, she blocks the door when Fern's parents arrive and try to go in. She also holds the door shut (I don't know why) as Fern is trying to come out. He finally gets it open and he and Carolina come out and ask her what the heck she's doing. She points to his parents and he gives them hugs, and Don H. explains to the guests who Caro is and what she does. Fern explains that she's also an excellent relaxation therapist and mentions his massage, and Dona Teresita comments that Carolina is famous for her relaxing massages. Lety makes an "oops, my bad" face as Caro leaves and everyone heads toward the studio. Just as they walk by the elevator, Ana Lety and her man (is that her husband or just a servant or gigolo?) and Ariel come out. Fern and A.L. chat and Ariel says something rude as only a bitter, ugly Little Mermaid can. Meanwhile, Irma tells Marcia that Luigi is missing and she and Alicia go off to look for him.

Everyone's in the studio and Fern talks to his dad. Caro introduces someone named Brad Robinson, an important publicist from the U.S. representing the Latin community (or something like that), I guess he's a potential client. Fernando says "Nice to see you man" in English and I think it's absolutely ADORABLE, but then again I am just a little tiny bit prejudiced. Some lady from the press comes in to interview Fern about the video.

Luigi bursts into the models' dressing room and tells everyone to go home, he's canceling the event. Marcia yells at him that he can't cancel anything. Luigi then explains that Fern lied to him and bought a video recorder, not the promised 35mm. He starts whining and complaining that Fernando doesn't respect his work as Marcia sends Alicia to fetch Fern, then starts kissing Luigi's hindquarters saying she'll talk to Fern. Lety, meanwhile, is crouched down hiding for some reason and overhears the whole conversation. Fern is about to go back to his office when Alicia runs up to him and tells him about Luigi.

Missing Recap 3: Turning beans into caviar, then back into beans

Luigi is still being a diva and Fernando comes in, trying to force Luigi to do his job. Luigi tells him they can do what they want, but he refuses to work with video. Fern yells that he's just being eccentric while Luigi cries and whines. Marcia is defending Luigi and one of the male models steps in front of Fern like he's going to protect Luigi, but Fern's much bigger and just impatiently shoves him aside without really paying any attention to him. Fern grabs Luigi's lapels and shakes him while Marcia and Alicia try to calm everyone down. Marcia wants Luigi to stay and Fernando tells him he's crazy and he can be replaced, among other things. Luigi gets free and tells him he's not just going to ruin the event, he's going to ruin his life, while Marcia is also yelling at Fern in front of everyone. I think Luigi quits.

Fernando's dad comes backstage with Caro wanting to know why things haven't started yet and Fern pretends that everything's just hunky dory. Marcia tells Alicia that without the prestige of Luigi, Conceptos is ruined and they go looking for him. They find him and Marcia begs Luigi to stay with her and work on the video for her sake as well as the sake of the Mendiolas and Villaroels. He whines more and says something about being expected to turn beans into caviar (I've never heard that one before, but I like it). She tells him to only listen to her and not listen to Fernando. Finally Luigi softens and agrees to do it for her.

Fernando goes back to his office and Lety tells him she's been trying to get them a new director but hasn't been able to find one. He tells her to close the door, which she does. He tells her he has a grave problem and she tells him the camera is good (I think) and touches his face. He then tells her not to go back to her office because he doesn't want to be alone and to hold him because he wants to feel good in her arms. He begs her not to punish him, please kiss his lips. Naturally, it's just another one of Lety's Fantasy Island moments and she wakes up when Fern's clapping his hands at her, telling her someone's at the door (I don't know if he asked her to lock it to keep Luigi out, or if she locked it during her fantasy) and to go get him something to drink. It's Marcia in full-on harpy mode, wanting to know why the door was locked. Fernando sarcastically tells her it's because he was getting romantic with Lety. Lety giggles in that hideous way as only Lety can and leaves the office. Marcia tells Fern she's smoothed things over with Luigi for now but he's going to have to apologize. They leave for the video shoot.

Back in the studio, Lety tries to grab a drink that Don H. had reached for. She tries to give it to him but he tells her to keep it. Meanwhile Ana Lety says something really blonde that I don't get (don't get upset by the comment, I'm a blonde myself...) and Ariel says something back. I'm guessing this isn't a real important conversation. Fernando is trying to explain to Marcia that he's trying to cut costs. Lety nearly runs into them and offers Marcia the drink, but she just makes a snide comment and stalks off.

Luigi is telling a group of people (Omar, Marcia, Carolina, Alicia, etc.) that he refuses to work (didn't he just tell Marcia he'd do it for her?) and they all kiss his butt while he whines some more. Marcia again convinces him while Caro goes off to tell Fern what's going on. Lety wishes Fern good luck while he and Carolina go back to the studio.

Luigi introduces the video and Carla Lagunas, and the shooting starts. Hate to say it but it's really a rather silly thing, pretty much a rip-off the Duran Duran's Hungry Like The Wolf video with a bit of Wild Boys thrown in (are the writers Duran fans?). I do like the song, though, so if anyone can help me out with the name of the song, that would be great! Fern and Luigi are in the editing room while Benny starts to sing (I'd never heard of him till this show, then I started watching La Otra and found out he sings the theme to that) and everything goes really well until suddenly the power goes out. Que drama as Fernando gets hysterical and Luigi cries. I can't tell if the power went out because they bought cheap electrical equipment or if it's something with the power company bills, but anyway... when the lights come back on Fernando apologizes to everyone and says he wants to continue filming the video. Brad the American is making unhappy faces. Benny leaves and the cuartel wait and ambush him at the back door. Lety asks for a picture signed "to the cuartel of feas", but instead he writes "guapas". Marta then has a passerby take a pic of them all with her cell phone.

Meanwhile Omar and PM have slunk off to his office and are kissing. She starts to try to strip him down and he stops her saying no, not here (darn it! I'd have liked to have seen that!). She continues with her attempted rape and says something about Alicia. Omar pushes her away and she gets frustrated.

Lety's in her office hanging the Benny picture on her wall when she overhears Brad and his posse talking to Fern. Lety says "poor Fernando". In the studio, Don Humberto is worried about the consequences of today's fiasco. Teresita says it could be fatal for Conceptos. Omar comes and pulls Alicia aside but I'm not sure what they talk about.

In the editing room, Fern, Marcia, Carolina and a guy (I think he may be one of Benny's reps) are waiting when Luigi comes in in a good mood saying the shooting was going really well and let's see what we have so far. He pops in the video and, of course, it's bad, static-y and you can't really see the picture. Apparently the video is defective and all the work was lost. The guy with Carolina says he can't possibly contract with such a crappy company and he leaves, shaking his head. Carolina follows, trying to talk to him. Fern and Luigi start yelling at each other, blaming each other for the problems. Luigi demands an apology from Fernando while Marcia reminds Fern that Luigi agreed to do the video even though he didn't want to. Fern yells that Luigi wasn't doing them a favor, he was doing what he's paid to do. Luigi quits and says he's going to tell the press how Conceptos treats its employees.

Down in the reception, a handsome and elegant man walks in and the cuartel start to swoon and fuss over him unprofessionally as only the cuartel can.

Missing Recap 4: At Conceptos, all news is bad news

First we get a rehash of the fight between Luigi, Fernando and Marcia. Then the cuartel are once again commenting on how hot their visitor is as he stands there posing like he's in a G.Q. layout (which I wouldn't mind, he actually is pretty cute!). They all flock around him and he laughs and says hi and kisses Juana's cheek. PM puckers up but he just laughs again (que professional ladies). He's being very nice to them and tells them he's waiting for someone, then he tells them he's a photographer and he'd love to take pictures of them. He starts posing them and holding his hands up like he's framing them. They ask if he wants anything and he asks for some water and Sarah leaves to fetch it for him.

Fern is talking to American Brad and tells him he'll see him tomorrow in L.A. and thanks, and I just love it when he speaks English. They leave and Lety comes out and asks if everything is ok. Just then Caro comes in and tells them that apparently all the videos from CineRent are defective.

Sara returns with the newcomer's water and it's in a huge vase instead of a glass. He asks if she didn't have anything smaller and she hands him a straw, it's actually pretty funny. I wish they'd used this character more, I really like this actor. The cuartel are all in love with the new guy, but then Luigi comes out of the elevator and bursts their bubble because it turns out he's Rulli, Luigi's boy toy. The cuartel are all pissed that he didn't tell them who he was, that he's gay, and that basically their wishful thinking about him will never come true.

Lety is following Fernando and whining at him about something I don't get. I don't get his reply either, but he gives a fake laugh and tells her to be happy, so she gives a fake laugh too. Meanwhile, Omar and Alicia are talking about Fernando when he walks up to them and Alicia leaves. Fernando tells Omar that the videos Cine-Rent sold them are all defective. A group that had been there during the shoot, possibly Benny's group, I'm not sure, come up and though Fern tries to cover for the problems, they explain they're going with another production company. They all shake hands and the people leave as Fern and Omar rehash the problems. Alicia brings them all drinks but Omar asks her to leave.

Lety calls her parents and asks her dad for permission to stay out late so she can go celebrate with her friends (I'm sorry, how old is she again? Fifteen? Sixteen?). Dad says ok she can go, but she has to be home soon.

Fern's talking to his parental units, trying to explain about the evening's fiasco. I don't get the whole conversation, but it doesn't sound like they're being very supportive and the conversation ends with Dad telling Fern to be careful (cuidado).

Ariel sees Alicia leaving with Omar and sarcastically congratulates them, telling Alicia she's lucky to find such a faithful man and telling Omar that Alicia is intelligent and faithful. Based on their faces and the fact that he's Ariel, I'm pretty sure he says something really rude but I'm not sure what.


Acorralada #170 Thursday 9/13/07 In which we discover that there is another hospital in Telemiami!

Note we are at #170. Only 20 more to go!

The episode starts with a look at Pancholon's new post as a pool boy for two spinsters (solteronas) in the DR. We hear the the rinky-dink silent movie soundtrack music that signals that a comic relief scene is in progress. Hilarity ensues.

Another shot of Max's behind in the too-tight red swim trunks. Why is it when Max takes his morning swim, he always seems to be thrashing about too much with his upper body too far out of the water? No Michael Phelps, he.
He goes over to the side table and suddenly moans "Diana" for no particular reason and looks at a photo of said Dimwit. Marcela suddenly appears and catches him. He tries to get out of trouble by saying he thought she was in the hospital.

Diana and Dr. V are taking care of Dr. V's mom, who appears to have broken her arm changing a light bulb. Diana alludes to her being like Granny DS, so maybe she has Alzheimer's. Dr. V says she's a handful. Mom wants him to forget that ingrate Marcela and marry Diana.
Her name, aptly enough, is Dona Azucena (for those who are just tuning in, that was Max's nickname for Diana when he was in the manicomio with amnesia).

Sharon complains to Kike about Gaby and all the others, particularly Granny DS. (They are at the fabrica, where Sharon seems to have been given her old job back. I wonder how Kike passed security.) She wants Kike to cut the brake hoses (mangueras de freno) on Fedora's car. He says sure, he'll do it, but he counsels waiting a while. In the meantime, she should first get her Papito to buy her a car. Great idea, she says, but she really wants Fedora out of the way.

We now see Fedora at her desk finishing a phone call. Good news, she tells Gaby, she's preggers. Did Diana know? No! She got the test done at ANOTHER HOSPITAL! Emilio and Caramelo come in, and they get to congratulate her too. But don't tell Rodrigo yet--save it for a birthday surprise. His birthday is a couple of days hence. What a brilliant idea! But let's tell our new best friend Sharon. Gaby and Fedora will tell her together. They also call Diana and tell her. Diana is very happy. We see her sitting glassy-eyed at her desk thought bubbling "a new life."

Marcela and Max are still at the pool. They have a very boring conversation about how she wants a divorce because he and Dimwit love each other and he will never love her, etc. She does not tell him about her pregnancy. The only person who is unnecessary (sale sobrando) in the triangle is herself, Marcela.

Pancho is now cleaning up at the spinsters' house. He is dressed in a black vest and pants and white shirt, like a waiter--or perhaps like our late lamented Bruno.

The spinsters sit by knitting and crocheting. They won't let him have any water until he finishes his chores. He has to go do a lot of shopping and I think wash something by hand. When he leaves the room, sister on the left (Hortensia), says he is guapissimoooooo. The other sister is disgusted.

Max and Marcela keep gabbing.

Marfil visits Camila and tells her all about her new marriage. Thank god the old guy can't make love. Nonetheless, she is in a golden cage.

Now Fedora and Gaby tell Sharon about the new "hermanito." The frozen smile on Chucky's face is priceless. No joy there.

Max is still fighting with Marcela, but now he has at least put on a bathrobe.

Sharon promises to keep the secret. Gaby seems to smell a rat.

Caramelo tells Paco about the pregnancy. He is sad. There is a rehash of his bad luck with the various ladies.

Dr. V and Diana rehash.

Gaby overhears Sharon telling Kike that the baby won't be born. What could you mean, she asks. Oh, well, Fedora is old--there may be problems. No, her mom is not old, says Gaby. She's a young woman! Besides, there are some woman of 60 having children now. (we won't remind her that they are using borrowed eggs, etc.)

Sharon also taunts her by saying that Larry called about his new film role, etc.

Back home, Lala and Granny M congratulate Fedora. Granny M wants to know what that demon Sharon said.

Roddy gets a visit from Sharon and promises to buy her a car as a reward for good conduct. I want to know why he hasn't got her in those therapy appointments. Sharon entertains us with a medley of her best shrieks.

Yolanda and Max rehash the Marcela situation.

Gaby flashes back on her happy time with Larry on the island getaway. They have their own "Blue Lagoon," and she is Brooke Shields. He says, no, she's prettier. Awww.

Diana talks to godmom. Godmom is still wearing bandages. Cut to the hall--Marcela grabs her stomach. She is seized with cramps or something. Dr. V catches her. She now has a high-risk pregnancy. She must take care!

Godmom says Diana should not be a block to Marcela's happiness. If God gives her the miracle of restoring her sight, she's going to be vigilant.

Marfil butters up Pedro. When he leaves, she calls him stupid. Marfil then receives a call from Diego. They do the usual mutual taunting about who is really guilty of Fiona's murder. Anyone remember Fiona?

Pancho is cleaning the pool. It's so hot, he jumps in for a dip (chapuzon) in the pool. His mambo theme plays! Sister Nicoleza wants to fire him for insubordination, but Hortensia prevails--he just started. Besides, he's guapisimo. Nicoleza covers her eyes while she lectures him. The sisters fight--it seems like Hortensia has always been the naughtier sister and Nicoleza the good, modest one. They agree he can even use the pool sometimes. The sisters leave, and Pancho savors his good fortune. These sisters are crazy for him, and they're millionaires to boot. They will leave him all their money! Hortensia goes into his room to rifle through his belongings. She finds pictures of Caramelo and Paola and notes that each says "loving wife." He's a bigamist, she cries, outraged. Something tells me that Pancho may be punching out.

Marcela and Godmom discuss whether Max should know the truth. Too boring to pay attention. She doesn't tell Godmom about the high-risk pregnancy.

Fedora and Roddy simper about how good Sharon is lately.
Diana and nurse Dulce discuss the high-risk pregnancy. This hospital violates HIPAA all over the place--no wonder Fedora went for her test elsewhere.

Marfil takes a gun over to the warehouse of the giant fan and tries to shoot Diego. He taunts her with how she really wants his Diablo love. They wind up kissing madly.

Gaby is sitting at her desk cataloging perfume bottles when the phone rings, and she answers it "perfume factory Fedora." Or some such. It's Larry asking for Sharon. She says, Larry, is that you? He says Gaby is that you? Credits roll!


Fabulous trailer! PIRATES! PASION!

One of our readers, Karen, found the trailer for the pirate novela online. It gave me chills! Looks to be a fabulous show. Here it is!


Juan - Thursday 9/13 - In which Juan gets a new tie, Paula gets a backbone and Ivonne explodes like a cherry bomb.

Hello friends, sometimes I forget to say this: if I have missed any important phrases, words or dichos I would surely appreciate you adding them in the comments. If I have gotten something wrong or not quite right please correct me. Thank you. Now on with the recap...

Ivonne goes on a tirade against a bored-looking CL. She says when Paula showed up he simply dumped her (Ivonne) in the trash. He's a liar and an egoist, so there! CL responds that this is her big chance to break away from the vicious circle of Farell Industries. Yvonne explodes like a cherry bomb and swears he'll suffer twice as much as she. If he wants war she'll give it to him!

CL phones sweet receptionist Julia and demands that she locate Pastor at once.

Marely gives Paula a pep talk and Paula instructs her to call Monica and somehow get her out of their dinner date.

At Nidia's Nut House Alirio watches Nidia practicing some salsa steps in front of the mirror. He compliments her in his unctuous way but she merely sneers and says she's going out. Alirio says he wishes to express to her that her severe banishment of him goes against everything that would indicate a healthy conjugal coexistence. "Don't start with me, I'm not in the mood, I'm leaving," she snips. Al says he's going with. "In your dreams," she answers, "besides, you have to stay and put the pots on at noon." No matter that he can't cook. No cook, no eat. "And don't burn anything," she commands as she sashays out, her ample rump hitting the far sides of 9:00 and 3:00.

Mari conveys to Paula that there is a problem with Señor Sarmiento. He's too busy to take their calls. Paula decides to call him herself, if she loses that contract CL will kill her.

Don Pastor arrives in the garage and is delighted to see Juan, Fer and Kike lifting heavy boxes and working together. He pulls Juan aside and excitedly gives him a little gift as thanks for helping with his mami. It's a lovely pink stripey tie! Julia runs up and tells Pastor that CL wants to see him right away. On her way back she flirts with Kike, tells him she hopes he'll swing by the office, and kisses him on the cheek to Fer's great amusement.

Paula tries to suck up to Sarmiento but he hangs up on her. She's distraught that she blew the account. She tells Mari that the only person who might be able to save the Sarmiento account is CL himself.

Ivonne cries at her desk. When Paula asks what's the matter Ivonne practically bites her head off. She sarcastically tells Paula to go right into CL's office, Paula NEVER needs to be announced.

CL asks Paula if she left Nidia's party because of him. When she tells him she doesn't want to discuss the party he says "Oh, right, we're supposed to be Strictly Professional. So tell me, what Business do you have to discuss?" When she admits that Sarmiento cancelled his account because she was preoccupied by personal problems CL is completely stunned and impactado.

Pastor walks through the groups of office workers, no, make that office gossipers because nobody actually works in this place. Ivonne tells him that Precious Paula beat him to CL's ofice. She complains to him that the entire office has been staring at her. Pastor tells her not to cause a scene and a scandal but she leaps up, has another explosive hissy fit, and runs...well, she can't actually run because her skirt is too short and her heels are too high, so she kind of staggers and slides at a very fast pace toward the elevator.

CL, formerly Mister Cool, now Señor Screampop Asshat of the Universe, yells at Paula that she is irresponsible, she should keep her personal problems at home. She says her personal problems started with the president of the company. Hablablablablabla, fast-forward...Paula says their only hope is for CL to call Sarmiento personally. CL says he'll do it on one condition, Paula must not have dinner with Monica tonight. (Has she forgotten that she cancelled Sarmiento's appt. because she was in the hospital with Monica, CL's wife, at the time of her miscarriage? CL should care less about his accounts and more about his wife!!)

At this point my Tivo decided to reboot so I missed a commercial and probably the beginning of the next scene. Tivo picks up back in the garage where Fer and Kike tease Juan about Pastor's gift. Juan is irritated with them and calls them a couple of goat-suckers. Pastor is his friend, that's all, got it?? He says he couldn't care less what they think. As Juan scolds them he keeps whacking the gift box until the tie flies out. "Estupidos!" he tells them and stalks off.

A tearful Ivonne interrupts them and says she has to talk to Fernando.

Paula accuses CL of being afraid...afraid to have her visit the very same place where they were supposed to live together. Off they go on another boring round. CL says they had a deal, he'll call Sarmiento and she'll stay home. Paula throws it back that she never agreed on the deal. Ultimately Sarmiento is his problem. CL can call or lose the account. (You go Paula! Showing backbone becomes you!) She stomps out of the office, sees Pastor and wishes him
luck with CL.

Ivonne tells Fer that he has to take her to CL's house immediately, she needs to talk to Monica. Juan eavesdrops. Fer refuses and warns her not to do something that she'll regret later.

Guess what? CL blames Pastor for Ivonne's hysteria. Shocking, ain't it? Pastor says he only followed CL's orders. CL starts to explode onto Pastor when Fer bursts in saying he has news about Ivonne.

Mari, talking at the speed of sound, tells Paula the chisme about Ivonne and CL getting into a huge fight. Paula instructs Mari to discreetly try to find out the details.

Fer gives CL the news that Ivonne is headed for the house, not the apartment, He warns that an angry Ivonne is capable of anything.

Mari sweet talks Fer to try to get the dirt on Ivonne but Fer won't bite. Then Mari heads over to Julia to pick her brain. This is discreet?

Back down in the garage Nidia pops in for a surprise visit. Juan is delighted to see her but Nidia has her sights set elsewhere. Doesn't Fernandito work there? Juan is suspicious, she didn't come just to see Fer did she? She's a married woman. Nidia covers her ears, "Don't say it don't say it!" She sees Fer, forgets Juan, and gives an uncomfortable Fernando her biggest heft and smile.

At Casa Cachon Alirio amuses himself by rearranging bowls on a table. Yadi flounces downstairs and asks, doesn't he work or anything? "What, you think I'm a lazybones?" he indignantly asks. He tells her he's looking for a new position. Yadi instructs him to tell Nidia it's time for them to buy a car so that she can drive around town like a real heiress.

The sleazy music starts and we cut back to Nidia and Fernando. He tells her what they had is over, she's a married woman now. "I'm a woman first, married second," she coos. She keeps putting the moves on him while Juan tries to spy on them. She finally gives up and heads for the stairs. Now it's Juan's turn to tease Fernando.

Pastor wants to see Marely in his office. He wants to know why she's been going from desk to desk seeking the chisme on Ivonne and he can guess who sent her on this mission. No matter...he knows all, hears all and sees all in the office and he will tell her what she wants to know. Ivonne was crying because CL fired her.

CL gets a phone call; it's from a very smug Ivonne. She says she is standing in front of the building where his wife now lives (oops, guess she somehow figured out Moni's at the apartment). She and the Señora have an interesting conversation pending. In five minutes Monica will know everything. CL forbids Ivonne, like he could actually stop this freight train in a tight, red power suit.

Just as CL hangs up who should come into his office but Nidia. She has a little business and only plans to stay five minutes.

Mari tells Paula that Pastor has bionic ears, he heard her asking about Ivonne and he told her that CL fired Ivonne.

Ding dong...Chelo answers the door and it's nasty old Ivonne to see the Missus. When Monica asks Ivonne how she is Ivonne pouts, sheds a tear and answers that she's doing very badly.

Nidia blathers on to CL about how Juan admires him. CL squirms like he's got worms and says he has to make a call. He calls the apartment and asks to speak to Ivonne. Ivonne wails in response and Monica takes the phone. CL is desperate and he warns Monica not to believe a word That Woman says, she's crazy in the head! He's coming right over. CL dashes out of the office and a surprised Nidia helps herself to his booze.

As the entire office watches CL run toward the elevator (including Mari and Pau who are hiding in Pau's office), Nidia comes in and asks them que the hell is wrong with CL? She was in CL's office, he was acting very odd, he excused himself to make a call, she guesses to his wife. She wonders what his wife said to him because suddenly he changed colors, told her not to believe "that woman" then ran out.

CL runs to the garage and orders Fernando to drive him away.

Mari asks Nidia why she came to see CL and Nidia tells her it's because she came to ask CL to find a job for Alirio. She's not going to stand for Alirio twiddling his thumbs all day at home.

The three mujeres go down to the garage so Juan can drive them home after a busy day at the office gossiping and losing important accounts. Juan thought bubbles that at this moment he is no longer a simple chauffeur but rather a a gardener caring for his rose bush. Huy! Juan does love the ladies.

CL and Fernando arrive at the apartment; CL tells Fer to wait downstairs in case he has to go to a hotel, or worse...Patagonia.

Pastor asks Julia if Ivonne has returned. Julia tells him no, nor does Ivonne answer her cellular. She's worried about her friend. Pastor comments that today their friend Ivonne has condemned herself.

CL rushes into the apartment where he sees a sobbing Ivonne and a stern Monica. Stern Monica demands to speak to him alone. A smirking Ivonne waves her hankie at him behind Monica's back.

CL begins, "Monica, I promise you that..." "Don't promise me anything," she commands, "how could you be so contemptible Cesar Luis???"

chupacabra = goat-sucker, creature that sucks the blood of goats
Wikipedia entry on chupacabra here
cotorres = parrots, gossips
holgazan = lazybones
Me importa un pepino = I couldn't care less (pepino = cucumber)
rascarse la barriga = to twiddle one's thumbs, laze around (lit. to scratch one's belly)
ruin = contemptible


Amar Sin Limites #42 – Thursday, 9/13/07 - Three Funerals and a Wedding?

Rehash of yesterday. Morticia wants to hang out with Moppet. It makes her feel like she's with Nico again. Mo says "mi casa, tu casa." Moppet loves Morticia, and if Moppet is happy, so is Mo. Mo also wants to prove to her he had nothing to do with his wife's or Nico's death.

Piero is making a deal with the devil. Piero is hurting for money big time. Mo will help him. . .but for a price. Mo wants Piero to marry Lidia. I'm betting it has something to do with controlling Diego the Ditz.

Ms. Blue and Ceci are having a nice little dinner together. Ceci is telling Azul about her Dinner with Aahndres. She tells Azul about the marks all over Aahndres' neck and back. They ponder how he could have gotten them. Ceci then goes on to say that Aahndres got mad when she asked about them. The subject then switches to Azul and her impossible situation with Mo. Diego can't leave Eva because he signed a contract. Ceci points out Azul did too, but Azul seems to think Mo will let her out of hers. Right. Pobre de Azul and Diego; they are in an impossible situation!

Leo tells Mo she overheard Burgay and Eva talking to someone about GCSSD and the progress he's making. Leo says Eva sounded worried. Mo says they have no idea what has preceded what GCSSD is working on. Lots of suspenseful music plays. Mo then says someone will die without the formula. I couldn't tell if Mo said he'll die if GCSSD doesn't find the formula or if GCSSD will die (aka be killed). Help!

Ivan the terrible is having dinner with EE. EE tells Ivan to call off the Ninjas. Ivan and Eva agree that Diego is a good guy but Ivan is more worried about EE. He takes her hand to prove his point. They agree to leave the bugs in Diego's room.

Apparently Azul has been up all night biting her thumbnail and thinking about her predicament with Diego. She tells Ceci she's going to talk to Eva, woman-to-woman. Surely Eva will let Diego out of his contract. Eva's an intelligent woman who knows that Diego loves Azul and Azul loves Diego. Geez, of all the dim bulb ideas! I bet Eva will get right on that! I believe Ceci makes a crack about Azul buying out Diego's contact.

Piero is trying to talk Lidia into marrying him. He doesn't need Lucia's money any more; he's got lots of connections. He wants to talk to her parents and get their blessing. Lidia is skeptical at first but he talks her into it. This is all taking place at his and Lucia's (soon to be Lucia's) fancy house. This house doesn't have one speck of dirt or any signs of life in it. There's not one bill laying out on a flat surface, no clutter, nada! Even their voices echo. Piero and Lucia are fighting, as usual, but so far Lucia is still alive. Piero says he doesn't need Lucia's money or construction business. He's marrying a woman better than her; Lidia! Lucia screams at him to get out.

Diego calls for Azul and gets Ceci instead. They talk in terms of princes, princesses, dragons and monsters. Basically it has something to do with Azul wanting to talk to Eva about Diego, I believe. I may be wrong.

Chucho calls Diego and wants to hang out and party. Diego will try to get the day off, but he needs to talk to Evil Eva first.

Evil Eva slaps Burgay across the face for telling El Jefe Mas Grande, Boris, that Eva is in love. She doesn't think it's appropriate for Boris to know about her personal life unless she tells Boris herself. She tells Burgay to consider this a warning. More suspenseful music.

Azul tells Mo she wants to quit her job to work on her thesis. I think she wants to break up with him as well. Mo doesn't want any explanations; he has his dignity. He just asks that she stay a few days until they can find a replacement for her. He seems to be taking this in stride, but the Exorcist music says otherwise.

Diego asks Eva for the day off. He wants to hang out with his buds. Eva wants to know what he plans to do. When he tells her of hanging out in the barrio, she wants to meet "his people." Diego says it would be below her, but she says "Nonsense! What's the dress code? Jeans? I can be ready in five…make that ten minutes."

Diego apologizes to Ivan the Terrible for making fun of Ivan's job. Ivan apologizes as well. Diego says perhaps Ivan can teach him about technology.

Piero tells Mo he's proposed to Lidia. Can he learn about Mo's special project now? Mo says not yet, but he'll give Piero the money tomorrow. I guess he wants Piero married to Lidia first. I guess you can get divorced in two hours in telenovelaland. Piero tells Mo he's on his way to get the rings. He'll marry Lidia ASAP. I bet once they get married, the disgusting scenes between those two will stop. Anyone out there want to take that bet?

Diego shows up at IHoP with Ivan the Terrible and Evil Eva in tow. Efrain says he recognizes Ivan the Terrible, presumably from the night Abuelo was killed. No one believes Efrain and Ivan denies ever having seen Efrain in the past. Can someone please help elaborate on this scene? I didn't recognize one word from this exchange, but whatever happened, I'm wondering if Efrain will be the next murder victim. Efrain seemed a little too insistent for his own good. Efrain even went on to tell Ivan that he (Efrain) has a photographic memory. Eva suddenly decides she has errands to run and scoops up Ivan and rushes out. Chucho and Flavor looked confused. Diego tries to tell Efrain that Efrain is just drunk and has mistaken Ivan for someone else. Efrain then goes on to describe Ivan's Vulcan death grip, or something having to do with Ivan's fingers. Suddenly Diego realizes Efrain really DOES recognize Ivan from that fateful night.

Azul calls Diego and tells him she broke up with Mo. Diego is thrilled. His happiness is short-lived when Azul asks if he's at IHoP where Morticia works. Now Azul is getting all whiny about his being around Morticia. Diego explains Morticia is just a friend. They then have the typical discussion about what's fair and what's not fair.

Piero shows up at Mama's and Papa's house with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Mama finally comes downstairs and wants to know what Piero is doing at their house. Piero says he's come to ask for Lidia's hand. Papa walks in and asks what the heck Piero is doing at their house. Mama tells Papa to calm down; Piero needs to talk to them. Piero then asks them both for Lidia's hand in marriage.

Azul shows up at IHoP looking for Diego. Flavor says he's left but will probably return later. Azul then wants to speak to Morticia. Azul asks Morticia about Morticia's relationship with Diego. She says it's in the past. She's got a new guy now and has moved on. She loves Diego, but Diego loves Azul. Life goes on. The subject then switches to Mo and how Morticia believes Mo killed Nico. Azul asks why Morticia thinks Mo is responsible. Morticia then goes on to say on the day of the accident, she got a call from Liliana. . .

Ivan is trying to make excuses for the exchange with Efrain. Eva is furious and wants Efrain killed. Ivan says if he kills Efrain, Diego will get suspicious. Ivan will take care of things. Eva wants to know what to say if Diego brings up the exchange. "Just tell Diego Efrain was mistaken."

Piero officially proposes to Lidia and presents her with a ring. Although we don't see it, Lidia oohs and aahs over it, showing it to Mama. Papa suggests they drink to the announcement. Mama suggests she and Lidia go to the kitchen to get some snacks. When Mama and Lidia are gone, Piero asks Papa about the job situation. When Papa says it doesn't look so great, Piero asks about Papa's experience. I got the part that Papa worked in insurance, but I didn't catch what else he can do. Whatever it is, Piero has some investors lined up and could use Papa's help. Mama and Lidia return. Now the talk turns to the "big date." Piero wants to get married ASAP; perhaps over the weekend. Papa thinks that's fine, Lidia is excited, and Mama looks very pained.

Chucho and Efrain are talking about women in general. As they leave, Morticia and Azul are bonding. Azul agrees to help Mortiicia find out what happened to Nico. Morticia tells Azul to be careful; Mo is more dangerous than Azul thinks. "Pshaw!" says Azul. I'll see what I can find out from Moppet.

Evil Eva is talking to Mo. Mo says Azul broke up with him and wants to leave. EE says that's not good; Azul and GCSSD have to stay. Mo tells her not to worry, in a few days he'll feign depression and Azul will return.

Ivan the Terrible pays Efrain a visit. He offers $2,000 to tell Diego some lie; probably involving the fact that Efrain was mistaken and didn't recognize Ivan after all. He mentions something about karate, noon sharp, and some client. Ivan tries to tell Efrain he doesn't want his boss to know about a girlfriend or something. Can anyone explain? Before Ivan leaves, he calls Efrain by name. Efrain is all freaked out. Efrain gets more freaked when Ivan points out he knows Efrain has a son. . .Ivan says Efrain isn't the only one with a photographic memory. Suspenseful music plays.

Diego asks EE about the relationship between Ivan and Efrain. Something having to do with Abuelo's murder and the neighbor getting framed. EE says Efrain is obviously mistaken. Diego doesn't think so; Efrain has too many details. I think Efrain's days may be numbered. We may have to move his name to the top of the list ahead of Ceci's.


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Destilando Amor - Sept. 13, 2007 grumbles, mumbles, rumbles, and oo-la-la!

EPISODE - Sept. 13, 2007:
* Pancho meets with Zamiro at the local cantina - they negotiate a backdoor, shady, underhanded deal for sulfate at the hacienda.

* In his car, Rod sits and listens to Gavi explain to him about Minnie and Isa's plotting with Susy to have her fired from the Agave commission. He's upset and disillusioned. She wants to go home - he has a better idea. They leave.

* SW meets James in the hall. SW senses James' depression and mentions Acacia's situation. James walks away. When Sofia comes through, SW stops her and starts to inform Sofia about Acacia and James' marriage, Acacia's mental health problems, her child abuse at the hand of her uncle Meliton. Sofia is impactado.

* James in his bed alone, thinking about his latest visit with Acacia at the sanitarium. They were laughing and she was enjoying her lollipop (or was it a fruit pop) when she suddenly drops the red pop on the ground and starts to freak out. James cries over how helpless he is with Acacia.

* SW and Sofia walk downstairs to the living room area - SW continues to bring Sofia up-to-date about Acacia and James' legal situation (Acacia killed her uncle and James' involvement).

* Elvis and Dani join Granny P in the dining room. Elvis offers Granny one of his special cookies he brought. Dani convinces her to try one. She does, and sort of likes it. Maid enters to say that Don Roberto is there to see Granny P. They are impactado and curious why Don Roberto is there. Granny leaves to meet with him. In the living room, Granny P meets with Don Roberto. Don Roberto informs Granny P about Minnie and Isa's plot against Gavi. Dani sneaks up to the door and eavesdrops on the conversation.

* Driving in the car, Gavi continues to fill Rod in on the details of the plot that Minnie and Isa put together. Then she shocks him with the details of how they got Don Roberto's secretary Susana to work with them on it.

* Dani eavesdrops on the conversation between Don Roberto and Granny P. Don Roberto tells her that Minnie and Isa's schemes are becoming a problem at the commission. He asks her for her help in dealing with the ladies. Granny P, furious, agrees to do that. Before Don Roberto can leave, Dani pops into the room - Granny P. isn't happy and wants her to leave, she introduces herself to Don Roberto. Elvis enters and Dani introduces him to Don Roberto also. Granny P. promises Don Roberto to handle Minnie and Isa. Don Roberto leaves. Granny P. tells Dani and Elvis not to do or say anything. She will call an emergency family meeting for tomorrow and she will handle Minnie and Isa herself.

* Aaron and Minnie are in the midst of another of their debates when the call from Granny P interrupts. Aaron answers the phone - he notes Granny is furious about something, and agrees to be at the family meeting tomorrow at the mansion.

* Rod and Gavi continue talking in the car.

* Isa is upset on the phone with her dad about Rod. Sofia walks in and Isa unloads her fury about Rod's intention to divorce her and his attitude towards her father. Sofia tries to defend her brother. Isa is still furious. Sofia answers the phone - it's Granny P about the family meeting tomorrow at the mansion - Sofia says she and Pancho will be there, Isa will be there also. Sofia starts to ask about Granny P's anger, Granny P. hangs up on her.

* In the car, Rod is furious about Isa and can't stand to be married to her anymore. Gavi uses reason to persuade Rod to stay calm and don't sacrifice himself or anything over her. Rod is afraid of losing Gavi. Rod reveals his jealousy over Alonso taking her home, taking her and her mom to dinner, etc. Gavi explains to him that Alonso is her boss - they work together - that's it, nothing more. Rod is still jealous and wants to be the only man in her life. Gavi reminds Rod that he is married and has a child; they can be platonic friends for the next three months, and that she will not become his mistress. Gavi comes up with her own compromise plan - which includes him being respectful and professional towards her and her job (no more bothersome embarrassing outbursts). He agrees, then comes up with his own compromise plan - A, B (he holds her hand), C (he hugs her). She stops him before he kisses her. He laughs and then explains D. She mentions B again. They kiss.

* Aaron and Minnie discuss the phone call from Granny P - and what they plan to do about Isa and Rod.

* Rod helps Gavi from his car. They kiss. They say good-night. They kiss again. Gavi enters the apartment building. Rod stands by the car, enchanted.

* Clara is upset as she sits on the sofa as Gavi enters the apartment. Gavi leans in to kiss her mom's cheek - Clara moves away and starts to scold her for worrying her like that. Gavi tells Clara what the problem is with Rod divorcing Isa, that her romance with Rod continues, Clara mentions Alonso and then panics about Gavi's resignation. Gavi assures Clara that she didn't resign, instead she has a very important position working on the huge agave assembly conference coming up, she is also going to start plotting her revenge against Isa and Minnie.

* After calling the condo and not finding Rod there, Isa hangs up and is totally furious. She explodes on Sofia about her recurrent nightmare that Rod is with Gavi.

* Rod returns home to the condo. Enriqueta gives him the message that Isa called and will return tomorrow with their son Rico. Rod alone reads the card from Elvis and Dani - he opens the package - it's a painting of Gaviota. He's enchanted.

* Gavi fills Clara in on all the juicy details of Isa and Minnie's plot against her. Clara is on the edge of her chair, listening. Gavi is fuming.

* Hilario and his two dates enter a bar and sit down. One orders a "coca-cola"(I think). Hilario orders a tequila - the other lady asks if they can share a bottle. Hilario agrees. The waiter brings over the drinks and the bottle of Cazadores tequila.

* Inside the hacienda, Sofia says good-night to Isa and goes to bed.

* Outside by the back door, Pancho and Zamiro and his men are finishing up their transaction deal - the sulfate for the money, which Pancho folds up and puts in his pocket.

* Rod answers the phone - a hang up. He checks, it's from the hacienda. He grumbles about Isa.

* In the living room, Isa starts to seduce Pancho. She pulls back as he just starts to get all hot and bothered - he wants to kiss her now. She asks him to run away with her after she returns from Mexico City. She is going to confront Rod and get her divorce and then they can be together as a nice little family. Pancho is nervous and needs time to think. Isa pulls him out of the room - to a quiet place with no witnesses.

* In bed, Minnie checks her temp. She smiles. She wakes Aaron. He tries to roll over and go back to sleep. She orders him to wake up and make love.

* In the hacienda pantry storage room, Pancho and Isa have hot-hot sex (Oo-la-la!) They take a short break - camera reveals that Isa gave Pancho a bright red hickie on his neck. They return to their love-making.

* Rod, in bed, dreaming of his latest kiss with Gavi. He murmurs to himself, I love you Gaviota. This waiting with Isa will be hell.

* Gavi sits in bed, thinks to herself about Rod.

* Minnie and Aaron discuss her getting pregnant right away, and what to do about little Rico. Minnie has an idea - kidnap the kid and send him out of the country, then they can adopt a son to pass off as their son - to become the heir. Aaron hates the idea and tells her off - he only wants a son of his own. Minnie tries to convince him that her idea will work. He is adamant about having a son of his own.


FEAS (and other Novela favorites) - Where are they now....?

Hey folks, I'm back from my jaunt south of the border into telenovela mecca (and just to make sure one doesn't forget it, there are reminders everywhere). I saw other recappers sharing their similar travels so thought I'd share mine too as I figured you might get a kick out of some of these "spottings." Of course I couldn't help but think of CARAY CARAY!!


Celso is larger than life on a Nextel billboard (I kept saying he is hot...even more so with a 20 foot head!):

Aldo is still insisting he's not a part of this life...[Alma shared this already, but it's so great, and in this instance LARGE (note the tree size in the background for perspective), I have to share it again along with my reaction during the finale...que the hell????!]

I looked, but alas, did not find any of his femenine products yet...

Luigi appears as his alter stripper ego Sergio Mayer in a character on Vecinos, a comedy which stars our beloved leading Juan lady Mayrin Villanueva and airs right before Juan:

Mama Julieta appears in a promo commemorating 50 years of the telenovela...:

Carloca will be shaking her stuff, er, singing at the Feria Nacional in Zacatecas

Ha*ash performed likewise at the Feria Nacional, but I had to miss it due to wedding events but I did get to see Pedro Fernandez and that über loca chic Gloria Trevi....

Triple whammy....La Vale is looking more stunning than ever as a trip of hers to promote McD and the Latin grammys and a "change of look" is featured on La Oreja talk show with a sudden appearance of none other than La Giraffa also may remember the male host appearing as himself giving away the non-fruitioning dinner with Fernando Colunga to the cuartel....

Sorry, this video was taking hours to download...I'll keep trying ...

MUNDO fans, she may have died bloodily, but she can still hock footwear with the best of them, our own Jossie is top row, 4th from left...:

And sexy Cristobal is relighting the airwaves in a replay of an oldy with Heridas star Miranda:

Destilando is as popular as can be while hanging out eating cabeza and tripa at a neighborhood taqueria:

And never fear, for all you Destilando fans, if you can get to Zacatecas by Fri night, you can see your own beloved Gaviota singing mariachi and traditional music at the Palenque. Que pena que ya estoy de regreso.:

And finally just for fun, Destilando fans might recognize the beautiful blue agave fields of Jalisco, and the Catedral Metropolitana on a rainy Sat.night...:

Some things I unfortunately missed photographing were Paula selling fragrances, Juan's moving box (really Huevos San Juan), Jossie in some other ads, and a few program appearances including the Pasión previews.
Notably absent from any sightings was our beloved Don Fernando. Didn't see him or his likeness anywhere, once. The whole time. Que pena.

Oh, and Pasión with our hunk Colunga starts in Mexico on Monday!!!!!!!

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Juan Q 9/12 - The manana after....and guess who's coming to dinner!

Moni outs to CL that Pau is coming to dinner. CL tells her she’s taking things too far and that she’s obsessed with Paula, she’s just an employee. Moni says that she helped very much and she’s considered a friend for that even though they haven’t known each other that long. Cl says she just trying to get ahead and that she will take advantage of her generosity and he sees her all day and doesn’t want to see her at home too. Moni disagrees and says tough, it’s done, I invited, she accepted and I’m not gong back on it now.

Delirio sings Mananitas to Nid as she snores away, she then wakes and asks who told him it was her birthday. She asks if he woke up well, he says there’s no better medicine than to sleep next to his beloved. He wants her to eat so that she is well prepared for what awaits her. She says what’s that. He says leave it to me, you just need to be in touch with Eros. She asks, Eros the singer? He’s says no he’s ready for his wedding morning instead of wedding night and says it time they consummate!

Back at the police station, they come up with the idea to take Pastora back to where she came from. He doesn’t want to but they tell him that’s the only thing left to do that this poor woman is upset. He doesn’t want anyone to say he’s not a good citizen, so he’ll take her to where he picked her up so maybe she’ll recognize her house. They tell her but she says she doesn’t remember him, and anyway he has the face of a depraved man. The police sergeant loses his patience and gives her the ultimatum - it’s this or the psych ward.

Gritos come from the bedroom. Alirio is screaming at the top of his lungs as the other house occupants stack up outside the door wondering if someone is being killed. Juan speculates that maybe she’s trying to get rid of him all over the room (dando chicharrones). Marely is afraid maybe he’s right because she was really annoyed last night. We flash inside to Nid telling Ali to stop yelling that she hasn’t even touched him yet. He says he’s engulfed with the thoughts of things to come and the mere contact with her skin drives him wild. She tells him she has daughters and he needs to shut up or they will think her indecent. He finally agrees he will if she’ll give him a little honey. It then gets quiet.

Outside Juan and the gang are discussing whether they should knock to see if things are ok because that doesn’t sound normal. Marely contemplates her mom being a black widow. They make her knock. Nid comes to the door and says she not killing him that he has an ingrown toenail and she’s trying to get it out. Yadi makes fun of her mom’s story. Juan thinks she’s telling the truth because an ingrown toenail hurts more than giving birth. Anyone care to comment on that???

Back inside Nid continues to tell Alirio to shut up and if he doesn’t he’ll never get it. She puts her foot down that they are going to wait until they are alone in the house whether he likes it or not.

Juan and the girls go down and Yadi kids Juan for being innocent and believing her story. Marely says well you don’t expect her to tell us exactly everything she’s doing anyway. Juan says well it sure sounds like Alirio is having the bomb!! The girls are offended that he talk about their mom that way. He says well, it is the wedding night so at least one of them should enjoy it. He tells himself that he shouldn’t have opened his mouth and he is a little ashamed with his girls.

The taxi shows up outside of the house Cachon with Pastorawitch inside. The taxi driver explains what he’s got, and asks for Juan’s help. He recognizes her and goes to kiss her glad she’s found. She is pleased someone finally knew her name. He asks the driver how much he owes. The taxi driver says nothing he’s just happy to return her. He says leaving this woman in someone else’s hands is payment enough.

Juan calls Pastor and tells him the mom is here and she’s ok. While Pastora waits, she asks the daughters what they are looking at, Marely says they are just pleased how well she managed out on the streets, to which Pastora replies that she is a decent woman and doesn’t wander the streets, Marely tries to clarify but she insults the daughters Cachon by calling them things of little importance, horribly outfitted, wiry legs. Juan tries to keep the peace.

Moni asks if CL is still mad, he says he wasn’t then agrees that he was. She doesn’t understand why he is so bugged. She wants him to tell the truth, doesn’t he like Pau?

Back at Casa Davila Ana and Pau are talking about the dinner and imagine that this woman might become her good friend; Pau says in that case she has to tell Moni everything because she can’t sustain a friendship on such a lie. Ana asks her if she could do that and if she really should be friends with this woman. Ana says Cl is still her boss and she needs to watch out for her career. Pau can’t wait to see his face when she tells everything to his wife. Ana says he’ll deny everything and blame it all on her. She says she would love to see his face though when she does tell his wife everything.

CL denies that he dislikes Pau. He thinks she’s an opportunist. She thinks he’s wrong that maybe it’s his fault because he’s cold and distant around people. She thinks he needs to get to know her better. She’s a good person.

Pastor is doting over his newly found mom. They should have left her lost. She is still rude to him. He thanks Juan profusely for bring her back. Juan tells him he needs to watch his mom more carefully because she didn’t remember her house or Juan, Pastor is impactado.

Marely yells at Yadi to stop making a big deal about the morning’s events because like it or not that guy is mom’s husband and we have to see him everyday. Juan agrees that they don’t need to make more of it than there is. Yadi reluctantly agrees.

Alirio comes down and greets everyone with a good morning. Yadi says not as good as you had and asks him if he’s always going to be having an ingrown toe nail pulled out. Juan cracks up.

Alirio thanks Juan for his “support” and complains about being the brunt of jokes. He shames him into understanding him as a man. He ends up asking Juan to take the girls out of the house. Juan isn’t sure he can, especially with Marely and wants to know why. Alirio tells him his plan; Juan macho-ly encourages him, but says he can’t do it. Alirio begs him to think of a reason he can get them away. We hear a tiger growling and then Juan looks at the painting of same.

Juan chats with himself for a while as he sews, reflecting on the agitating weekend and wondering how things are going with Cl and his little dove.

Pastor is at the doctor with his mother.

Pau chats with Juan in the car about Pastora, and that Moni called her for dinner with her and CL. She says she couldn’t refuse because Moni kept insisting and is really thankful for how she helped when Moni lost her baby. She thinks it would have been wonderful if he would have been invited too since he was there and helped just as much. He says he only was the chauffeur. Pau says he helped and she would feel much more comfortable if he were there with her. He tells her she shouldn’t have accepted. She says she actually is interested in going because she’d really love to know what CL has always had in mind. He starts to tell himself that after this night things are going to change for her and for him.

Pastor rehashes his mom’s plight with Yvonne and tells her Moni lost the baby and Pau consoled her the whole time. Pastor tells her that at Nid’s wedding CL and Pau didn’t even look at each other. Yvonne is pleased about that. Oh, and by the way, he says CL wants him to throw her out of the business. Of course Yvonne doesn’t take this well and bad mouths CL that he just throws her away when he’s done and who does he think he is and if he wants war he’ll get it and so forth. Yeah, duh.

She says she knows Cl well and she can take him on. Pastor thinks she should take this opportunity and don’t be stubborn, she’s young and has a lot of things that she can be doing and he’ll help her with her severance. She wonders whose side he’s on, he says hers, but he knows he can’t change CL’s decision.

At the apartment CL leaves as Mon reminds him to bring Pau home with him for dinner.

Ali is looking at Yadi and tell her she should make something of herself and finish school. She says she has no desire to burn off her eyelashes and be mediocre. Ali continues that if she doesn’t want to go to school, she needs to find something to do, that’s what her Pa wanted for her. She lashes back that, yeah that and to give the Davilas his fortune and leave us in the street, but thankfully that my mom married you that won’t happen, so leave me alone. She figures him out, though, that he just wants her out to be alone with her mom. She toys with him a little as he denies this and then tells him not to worry because he won’t have to wait that long anyway, she’s going out this afternoon.

Pau says goodbye to Juan, and wishes him a good day. She asks him to wish her luck, which he says he would, and more as she says she’s going to have a tough day. Just then Kike comes up and asks how it went with his mother in law yesterday. Juan says who? Kike says, you know Pastor’s mother. Juan doesn’t take the joke well and punishes Kike by dumping a heavy box on him and nearly breaking him down until he apologizes!

CL walks into the office where everyone stares at him funny. He notes this and goes into his office where Yvonne follows him and yells at him about his decision to let her go. She says this time she has nothing to lose so she will act on her warnings to him that she knows too much about him. She threatens him to try her to see what she is capable of.

Marely and Pau are discussing what she’s got on her agenda; Pau says from now on she won’t let her private life interfere with work. Marely asks if that means the problems with Cl are over, Pau says no, on the contrary I think they are just beginning. Could it be that she is finally seeing the light???

Yvonne is still chastising CL for letting her go. He says actually this is the best for the both of us. She retorts that he’s only thinking of himself and his convenience. He then turns it on thick and says he has a special concern for her and he wants her to excel and reach higher levels than she can at Farell. She says he thinks he knows women and can manipulate them but she says she’ll show him. She warns him that as much as she’s suffered, he’ll suffer double.

Finally, I just want to thank Melinama for filling in for me last week while I was in Mexico. I did see just a little of Juan Q, which is way ahead of us, and well, there are definitely some interesting developments in store...


Amar Sin Limites #41, Wednesday 9-12: Every move you make, I'll be watching you….

We start back at yesterday's balcony scene, with Diego very poutily putting the watch back on. I wouldn't be surprised to find out they're either using the watch to track him or to record all his conversations. I would like to make one slight correction to yesterday's recap…Burgay says that what Diego will have to pay is the equivalent of two years salary, which is not 600,000 pesos, but 9,600,000 pesos! At today's exchange rates, that means he would owe them $864,592.25. I bet right now all the other gigolos are wondering what they have to do to get such a sweet gig. Fast forward to Diego's hotel room, where he does some groaning and rocking back and forth on the bed. Hey, Diego…that strange sensation around your nether regions? That would be the vise they're in, my friend.

Flavio calls Silvana to ask if he can come over, just for a bit, maybe give her a kiss and then leave (uh huh, a likely story). Silvana says no. She says "ya no puedo mas" which roughly means "I can't go on anymore" and then hangs up the phone. Flavio is alarmed and it looks like he's going to head over anyway, despite Silvana telling him no. Silvana tells an absent Mauricio that he's "un miserable," which in this context means "a murdering bastard."

Burgay and Eva are having drinks out on the terrace. Burgay wants to know what to do with the clothing business she had him buy, since he's already spent a lot of money on it. Eva wants to go ahead as planned. She says Diego will get over being angry and in the meantime they'll keep a closer watch on him. She predicts things will get back to normal in a few days. She tells Burgay she's going to ask Mauricio for a meeting the following day and she'll let him know what time. Eva leaves and Ivan walks out onto the terrace. Burgay says this must be making things difficult for him. Ivan says Diego is easy to control. Burgay says Eva's in love and to keep watching Diego. Ivan says he will, but he makes a face after Burgay leaves, like "Don’t be telling me how to do my job, man, I could kill you with a spork and never break a sweat."

Flavio comes over to Silvana's (/Gloria's) and asks what happened. Silvana tells him she had a rough day. Flavio wants to hear the whole story, but Silvana says it's a long one. Flavio says he has his whole life to listen to her and calls her "precious." Silvana almost cracks a smile in spite of herself. Almost.

Diego calls Azul. He tells her he was in a meeting, but she's on to him. He says it's not going to be as easy as they thought, what with the ironclad contracts and all. Azul wants him to come over, but he won't go--and that's probably a wise decision. Azul says she's going to go see Mauricio tomorrow as if nothing happened. She says goodbye and hangs up. Diego gets weepy and mopey. He goes to the door like he's going to storm out of the room, but Burgay is there. He walks in and tells Diego he's an idiot for fighting with a guy who could kill him with one finger. He's not wrong. Diego whines more about wanting to quit and Burgay reminds him again about the contract. Burgay tries to sweet talk him, but then tells him he shouldn't quit, for his own good. Diego says he'll go to the cops about the Ninja Security Squad, but Burgay laughs that it's all legal. He tells Diego to enjoy his kept man status and to stay in the room until he gets further instructions.

Back at Silvana's, Flavio has now heard the whole story. He doesn't understand why she thinks it's all Mauricio's fault. She says it's because he threatened Liliana, for one. She also finds the fact that Katy didn't have a scratch on her suspicious and doesn't believe that Katy was thrown out the car window, while Nico and Liliana were still in the car when it "despeño" ("went over a cliff"--that answers a few of my flashback-related questions!). She tells Flavio about the Barbie recreation and Katy saying Nico was on the floor bleeding and Liliana was yelling for help. Silvana says Mauricio let Nico and Liliana die.

GSD and Azul are at Mansión Malicia talking about the dead battery in GSD's car. Eva and Ivan walk in and Eva asks about the project, but there's been no progress. Azul and Eva give each other "the look"…and I don't mean the one that ends in one of them borrowing Leo's dominatrix outfit either.

And now, we bring you a Very Special Segment of Amar Sin Limites, entitled, "How not to let being married for about a billion years be a Limite to your Amar": Diego's dad has come home from a long day of searching for work, but he's had no luck. He blames it on ageism. Clemencia kind of "yeah, yeah"s him. Manuel asks for forgiveness for, well, she knows what. He says he had no right to be with another woman and asks her to forgive him. She wants to know why he did it, what Isela gave him that she didn't. He says the household routine, only talking about kids and work and debt didn't help the two of them be intimate. She says he's right and she rejects him a lot. They have a laugh about her "headaches". Then she gets serious again. Clemencia says he was also a bit brutish, expecting her to be ready whenever. Manuel's confused about what he should have done instead. Clemencia asks if he remembers how he used to seduce her, singing in her ear, caressing her. Manuel sits there with this blank look on his face and asks if they aren't too old for that stuff. Dude! Did the writers mean that to be so funny? Anyway, Clemencia says he wasn't "too old" to go looking for Isela…busted! He says she's right. He wants to start over and gain her trust and her love. He swears he's going to try to win her back, but he wants some seducing from her as well. They smush noses and kiss to seal the deal.

Back at Mansión Malicia: Eva wants to know how Azul knew she was in New York (Mauricio told her). Azul says something about Mauricio having been in Houston "on business", which makes Eva ask if he has business other than what he's got going on with her. Eva brags to Azul about how Diego picked her up at the airport and then took her to dinner and she gave him a watch. Burgay comes in and she asks Burgay to talk about Diego's watch, which he does. Mauricio comes in wanting to know why Azul didn't tell him Eva was here. Azul gets pissed and says that's what Leo is for (ooh, snap!). Eva asks how business in Houston went and then the Trio of Ultimate Evil go into Mauricio's office, but not before Azul tells Mauricio she's leaving and Mauricio asks her to stay.

Arnaldo calls GSD while he's in the super-secret virus room (aka, "el deposito") to warn him about Inés and how she's not going to let him go. He tells Arnaldo Inés wrecked his apartment. Arnaldo thinks GSD should do something. GSD asks how Arnaldo's doing, which strikes Arnaldo as odd. GSD asks how the relationship is going. Arnaldo invites GSD to come look at the shop and pick out a dress for his new girlfriend and also to meet Julio. GSD says he'll come visit and meet Julio, but he doesn’t think a gift of clothing would be a good idea. I think if Arnaldo knew about the super-secret virus room, he'd be less worried about GSD's safety. The most Inés can do is stand in the anteroom and scream at him.

The Trio of Evil meeting is about Diego and Azul being rebellious lately. Burgay and Eva think they're going to start asking questions soon. Mauricio tells them he's done things this way for a very good reason. He says he realized when Diego came to borrow money for his mom's operation that Azul was in love with Diego. He says Azul is a "pretty girl" but his interest in her is because of GSD, and that's why he started going out with her and why he's going to marry her--so he'll have GSD "en mis manos" (literally, "in my hands", but a better translation would be "in my power"). Burgay wonders if Diego is in love with Azul, but Mauricio explains that in his diabolical plot, that doesn't matter. If they have Azul, they have GSD and if they have Diego, they have Azul. Eva's surprised and asks if Mauricio doesn't care that Azul and Diego have a thing going on. Mauricio says as long as GSD does his work, no, he doesn't. Burgay asks Eva what she thinks, but she says she's going to talk to GSD and walks out. Mauricio says Eva's in love with Diego too and he thinks that's dangerous. Burgay notices Mauricio grabbing his arm, but Mauricio lies and says he's fine. I wonder how much of Mauricio's little speech back there was just for the benefit of Burgay and Eva. I guess it's possible that he really doesn't care, but sometimes the way he acts with Azul…did he pitch a fit the last time she "rejected" him because SHE rejected him or because he doesn't like rejection from anyone? Anyone have thoughts on that?

Azul is at home, at least looking like she's working, when Diego calls from his hotel room asking if she's mad at him. The short version--yep. He wants to talk, and she invites him over, but he says she should come to him since he's being watched. She agrees and writes down the hotel name and room number. Idiots. Do they not understand what "being watched" means? She tells him he'd better tell her the truth and he says he will.

Eva comes back to Mauricio's office, but only Burgay is there. Burgay thinks Mauricio's lying and he really is in love with Azul. Eva asks the burning question on many viewers' minds: "Is Azul special? Do you like her?" Burgay says she kind of reminds him of Eva, what with the bitchiness (okay, he didn't use that word, but we all know it's what he meant), but he takes it back when it's clear this displeases Eva. Leo comes a-spying and listens at the door as Burgay asks what to do with the clothing business. He says he's approached Julio Corso (ding, ding, ding! That's Arnaldo's boyfriend and Gaspar's boss) but he doesn't think Eva will want him to keep working on it since Diego's behaving so badly lately. Eva says he should keep working on it and she'll find some way to use it. Burgay says "he" (and this time I think it really is "he" despite the previous pronoun game Burgay played) called from Europe and he wants Eva to call "him" in Prague. This gets Eva worried. She doesn't know what to say to "him" since GSD doesn't have any results and Mauricio won't give her any info. Burgay says that Mauricio told him he wouldn't give out any info, even if it cost him his life. Eva says Ivan could make a dog talk. Burgay says she should tell Ivan to get a dog collar and put it on Mauricio ASAP, then. The head off to look for either Ivan, Mauricio, or both.

Azul has come to Diego's hotel room. They give us some nice shots from under the table to remind us what's going on here. Azul gripes at Diego about lying to her. Diego starts at the beginning of his story with Silvana and saving Mauricio's life, etc., etc. Azul finds fault with Diego sleeping with other women even though he claims to be in love with her. Word. She asks about the watch and he says it means nothing. She tells Diego not to be naïve, because his naiveté comes off looking like something else. Without my translating that sentence, and without him knowing much Spanish, Mr. 5ft says "No, Diego really is that stupid." He tells her about his attempt to return the watch. Azul says Eva's going to win him over and he's going to leave her (Azul). He swears this won't happen. She says she doesn’t want to lose him. Kissy, kissy. Azul swears if either of them (Silvana or Eva, I guess) gets in between them things will go badly. Diego begs to still be Silvana's friend, and besides she's going out with Flavio now. He makes excuses for Eva's behavior and begs to keep being her "friend" too. She wonders how Diego can be in love with her when he admires Eva so much. He says admiration's one thing, love is another. Yeah, and blatant stupidity is yet another, kids. More smooching and "I love you"s. Blech!

Bow chicka bow bow…Ceci and Andres are smooching on the red couch. Andres apologizes for not being able to come by sooner. Smoochies. Ceci's trying to get a little more than smoochies, but Andres begs off because "no soy de humor" ("I'm not in the mood"), ouch! Maybe he needs a little more time for those whip marks to heal. Ceci kisses down his neck to his shoulder and finds a huge bruise. Oops! He tries to say he passed under a "enredadera" (a vine or a creeper, but this makes no sense) and he got hurt (is he trying to pass it off as a big scratch? What?). Ceci tries to get a better look, but it makes Andres mad. He shows her a little of his violent side and says she doesn't know him, she can't understand because she's too good and clean, she'd never understand. He says "they" won't let him tell and it's "bad". As Ceci's trying to comfort him on the bench by the door Mauricio uses his key and comes into the apartment. Ceci's pissed at him for not ringing the bell and she tells him to get used to Andres being there. Mauricio yells at Ceci for not being able to find Azul. She's not having it. Mauricio tells her to tell Azul to call him. He tells Andres to stop causing problems and then he leaves. Ceci wonders what he's talking about, but Andres says he doesn't know, grabs his coat, and leaves, "because". Ceci shouts out the door that he's as crazy as everyone else around Mauricio. Word, sister.

Silvana surprises a shirtless Flavio (no, it's ok, you don't need to put your shirt back on!) in the little room over the IHoP. She tells him a guy asked how much for one of Flavio's paintings, but she didn't know what to tell him. Flavio invites her to sit down on the bed and asks how she's doing. Silvana says she won't be able to go back to Mansión Malicia since she's yelled at Mauricio and now she can't get any more information out of Katy. Flavio says she should just apologize and maybe Mauricio will let her go back. Silvana says it's odd that Katy remembered a lot of things about the accident (blood, screaming) but not falling over the cliff. She thinks she can help Katy remember more about the accident. Whoa, there, missy…best leave that to the professionals.

Back in Eva's hotel room, Eva is listening to Diego and Azul's greatest hits. She's looks flattered by what Diego says about her, but Ivan looks like he wants to puke. Eva turns the tape off. Ivan says he thinks the information could be useful to them and asks Eva if he should find out about this "Silvana" woman. Eva tells him to do it. Ivan seems delighted by the possibility that if she tried to kill Mauricio once, she could do it again. Eva turns the tape back on. She shuts it off after she hears Diego say admiration is one thing and love is another. She goes into the living room area of her suite and calls The Supreme Evil Overlord. He gripes her out for not calling and keeping him informed as she usually does. She can't get a word in edgewise. Whoever he is, he's already heard about her being "in love". He threatens to kick her out of "the organization". He says he wants results. She tells him about not being able to get info out of Mauricio. He says he knows she can do it. He tells her to leave emotions aside, that love makes you weak.

Diego comes to Eva's room wanting to talk to her. Ivan asks him to wait while he checks with Eva and then lets him in. Eva asks what "majaderia" he's come to do now (what bit of idiocy, what stupid thing). Diego says he's come to apologize, he was rude, and he didn't have a right to be rude to her. He says he owes her a lot, he owes her his new confidence. Then he goes back to complaining about being watched. She tells him she'll take his protection away if he wants. She says it's not about watching him, but for security, and then she says she doesn't care what he does. Diego says he cares what she thinks of him, though. They have a discussion about not being able to act the way he did with certain people, especially Ivan, who can kill him with one hand (hey, he's been downgraded--earlier it was one finger). Sounds like she wants him and Ivan to get along better. She offers him a drink and he accepts.

Piero has come to Mansión Malicia, but since he didn't make an appointment, he's been waiting all afternoon for Mauricio. Mauricio finally shows up and says he didn't remember that Piero was supposed to come back. They go into Maurico's office.

Silvana calls Mansión Malicia and asks to speak to Mauricio. She apologizes for the other day. Mauricio is gracious about it. She says she'd like to visit Katy again, it makes her feel closer to Nico. Mauricio says he understands and says she can come over whenever she wants. It makes Katy happy and if Katy's happy, he's happy. He says it will give him the chance to show her he had nothing to do with the accident. He hangs up the phone and continues his impromptu meeting with Piero. Mauricio offers to help Piero with his money troubles. Piero says the magic words--he'll do ANYTHING to get back on his feet. He's brought a budget for Mauricio to look over and he asks for 40% of the cost. Mauricio says he can have the money, but there's a thing he's got to do, something that will help him protect this project, the most important project of his life. Piero says he'll do anything. Mauricio says he needs Piero to marry Lidia. Yep, just like that. Please excuse the 5ft Household as we speculate on what exactly this gains Mauricio. Talk amongst yourselves :)


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