Thursday, September 27, 2012

Abismo de pasión #138 9/26/12: Everyone has advice for Gaol, but he practices selective listening, encouraged by Dam giving up the race, And the anvil cloud follows Loopy around

Dam stops by Gaol’s… need to talk... How did you find me?... Uncle told me you rented here. ..And did he tell you why? That I would live here with Eliar? …(Dam is very controlled, Gaol is ready for another brawl, very insulting/offensive, rude) Our being bros does not change things. I hate you even more now. Look at your life. And look at mine. You were born with a silver spoon and I was left at the church door. You lived with your comforts, your hacienda, trips, schooling… what about me? I had to work to survive. To help Padre Loopy with the bills! (and turning the lights on and off at the church, don't sell yourself short, Gael!) You took everything from me. From the surname to my gal!…. I swear, if I am here, it is… Don’t swear! I renounce the Arango surname! And our bloodline! You will never be my bro. (isn’t that a good thing?)… This time I am willing to lose. But I won’t apologize for what I did because I don’t regret it (you will, Dam!) or for what happened back then, because it is not my fault. But I will ask you forgive Eliar…. You forgive her! She loves you, she has been yours… Eliar also loves you. And you know it. If you forgive her she will take you back, and if you convince her, she will marry you. I will step aside. I have taken too many things from you, bro. So I came to tell you I renounce Eliar. And I renounce to her for good.
Lo Nuevo:
No I don’t believe you. … Words go with the wind (Gaol is no Scarlet, Dam!). But I will show you the money. Nah! I will show you with my actions (not willing to put the money on the line, Dam?) I hope you will forgive me for what I have had and you haven’t… You said it yourself. I have nothing to forgive you, it was not your fault. The one to blame is that jerk Rosie! Who didn’t give me his surname or recognize me!... As far as I know, he never knew you were his son… I would not be so sure… I am. I am sure if he had known, things would have been different … jajaja!... and I am not talking only the money/things/hot wheels/wagons/Tonka trucks/He-man dolls/BatMan costumes or rubber G-I-Joe soldiers. I am also talking about affection. … Let’s stop the chat about what could have been… lets chat about what IS. Swear to me that what you are offering about Eliar is true!.. I swear. And want you to know I am glad I have a bro, and that it is precisely you. I swear. … I hope I will be able to say the same thing someday, but it depends on you following up on your word… I will. For now I have to go tend to my mother for a few weeks at Merida. She will probably be on the OR for heart surgery.  .. aren’t you going to say goodbye to Eliar? … no. I might not resist the urge to ‘nap her on horseback again. But please tell her I wish you both happiness.… then I will tell you that by the time you are back, Eliar and I will be married. I hope it all goes fine (with Fina?)… Goodbye, bro. Be happy. (tries to do handshake, Gaol does half-willingly, then gives Dam a devilish stare as Dam leaves, but we can see the ice is beginning to melt on the guy… ).
Back in town, Tangel-Ho runs into Elisa, (decides to play the let’s-see-how-long-it-takes-to-tick-Eliar-off game)… how did your bro in law greet you back? Or should I say your ex-fiancee’? … you know gossip runs around this town like an air-born virus.. it sticks around like the heat… But tell me, what does it feel like to be the jackpot prize between two bros? History is repeating itself, but in reverse. Augie was the prize for the brawl between myself and your mom, as sisters… No, my mom did not hate you but I know very well that you always hated and envied her, and you still hate and resent her to this day. … Same will happen with Gael and Dam… Not all brothers have to curse and fight each other all their lives. … but if that bothers you, why don’t you bag them both? Forget either of them exists! (boy, first reasonable advice coming out of the orange puckers??)
At clinic, Alfie still blabbing about Elisa, Stefie, etc etc. Loopy says the confession vow prevented me from spilling beans earlier… but what about you? I believe it was just pride/ego … and even if it is hard for me to admit it, ambition played a part too. You wanted Dam to be the only heir. But now all that must change…. I don’t see why. My hubby did not leave a will… I know that is not true. You destroyed that document, I never told you but I saw you burning it the very night Rosie died… even if you never get it, all I have done is to protect Dam, my only son! … it is so sad that even if this might be last time we see each other, you still reprieve me… Don’t say that… Tonight they will take me to Merida to do heart surgery on me, and I might not make it from there… I have my faith still. And I am still your bro.. till the day I die. And I will pray for u. I hope God can someday forgive us both for all our sins. I love you sis… (anvil alert!! Anvil alert!!) Don’t go! Stay with me until Dam comes to get me with ambulance. Don’t want to be alone. Don’t want to die alone!
Around Church, Tangel-Ho is looking for Loopy… seems she is anxious to silence him for good… ‘don’t you dare spill out my confession secrets… if you do that or get near Elisita, I might let the Devil take over me…’
Dam stops by Lucio’s and leaves a letter under the door (for Eliar, I am sure)
At laguna shack, Quique is asking Paloma to give them another try. She is still waiting on Gaol, who won’t see how valuable/ wonderful she truly is. ‘Gaol has known you all his life and still does not know who you are. I got to know you the last few weeks, and I love you. I am still willing to marry you and give your son my surname. I am no Gaol! I no longer feel anything for Flo. I love u now.’  Paloma turns down Quique still, after all that sweet talk.
Lolita gives Elisa the letter from Dam… (I will add my own interpretation of each line)
  1. The way things look now we have a slim chance of being happy together.
(Heck!, I have tried to take you away like Loopy asked me to, but something comes up everytime!)
  1. I don’t hate Gael, but I do understand his hatred and I care about it more than I thought.
(I understand he inherited his ambition from his mama and I won’t blink to hand him a pot of gold)
  1. I have taken from Gael everything… even you, the woman he loves. So I give you up.
(I have enjoyed everything, he never had any… I even took his favorite horse… so I give you to him)
  1. I love you as I will never love anyone else.
(I like looking at your boobies and booties, I know I will never look at anyone else’s the same way)
  1. I know you love us both, but you don’t have to choose anymore. Please forgive and marry Gael.
(you wanted to have us both, but I won’t be another bird in your nest… so you have only 1 left)
  1. Forget me… Goodbye my love, goodbye forever.
(forget me… I will find my eye candy somewhere else that is not so expensive to enjoy the view)

At shack, Ramona arrives to see a deflated Quique leave… Paloma debriefs her on the visit.. Ramona says why wouldn’t a guy notice your feelings and beauty? (even if they run for safety when they get to know her better once she gets too clingy…) Ramona points that if Gael was too blind to see her virtues, that does not mean other boys like Quique could not. He must really care for u to be willing to accept another’s baby. Paloma not willing to let Quique sacrifice, would rather stay alone. Ramona frantically flaps her fan, seems she can make fans from wicker around the cenote)
They are bringing Alfie out of the clinic onto the ambulance... (we hear 'Boom! pow! 'careful!! careful!!' Boom! swack!! 'Careful!! I can imagine Alfie whispering curses at the poor ambulance guys) Just before Dam climbs on the back of ambulance, Loopy catches up with him in street. They say their goodbyes. Dam climbs into the ambulance. Eliar arrives just in time to share a depressing glance with Dam.
Snake TangelHo watches all from afar.
Lucio visits Loopy. Lucio tells Loopy that his decision to leave priesthood is rather extreme. Had to break my confession vow, Gael was going to kill Dam and had to tell him to stop him. .. Anyone else would have done same… if I had not, Dam would be dead and Gael would be a delincuent.
Sabrina, totally convinced, tells her family Loopy recommended and the zulu tribes accepted, so she will be on way to Africa any day now. BegoneYa and Inmundo try to make her change her mind. Later Quique also tries to change her mind, he confesses to her that Paloma’s baby is not his. And about his wanting to be with Paloma. Sabrina says you are falling again in the trap you did with Flo.
Elisa is telling Paloma about the revelation moment. Elisa has not talked to Gael. Eliar says Dam is confused, has guilt feelings with Gael, so much he does not want to be with her anymore. Paloma does not get how the two things are connected. Will you let Dam break with you for guilt feelings? Dam wrote a letter and left. They will do heart surgery on his mother. I can’t force him to stay. Paloma asks Eliar why they came back a bit mad at each other. Eliar says now town will have a field day with the gossip about her following mommy’s teps. .. What would happen if you got pregnant while you and Dam were gone? Eliar loses her breath, then says she would tell Dam, don’t want to repeat the story of Gael’s. Baby would not be the one to blame. Paloma impactada by the answer.
Lucio visits Gael. I heard everything and thought you might use some company. Elisa is non-stop crying… Gael still resentful that Elisa cares what would have happened to Dam. Lucio says she cared about BOTH of you! … You also think Elisa loves Dam and I the same? … Elisa cares about you both PERIOD!!   Lucio tells Gael that Loopy is taking it really hard too (SEE?? It’s not just ALL ABOUT YOU boy!!)… so hard he is giving up priesthood. You know him better than anyone. HE is a good priest and a good man, you owe him a lot. (Gael nods in agreement).Go talk to him? He needs you!
At Merida Hospital, Dr tells Dam and Alfie that she does need a very risky open heart surgery.
Probably my favorite scene in the episode… Gael catches Loopy at home. Gael starts acting his old self like a nervous little boy in front of Loopy. Loopy tells him he is not worthy of being a priest anymore. Loopy gives the excuse that the due date is here for the replacement priest to arrive. Have to move out of this house. Where to? … Does it matter to you really? … Why wouldn’t it??... Gael, your evil twin has filled your heart with hatred, and has stolen your nobility, you have turned resentful. … No I don’t resent you. On the contrary, I am only too grateful for all you have done for me. It did hurt a lot that you did not tell me all these years about my origin, but you also taught me to be a one word man and that was your duty with God. … so you forgive me? … it is me who has to apologize, Pa’ Padre! (ouch! Anvil alert! Gael is wearing a black and white plaid shirt!!). … I am no longer a priest but I am your father. Will always be your father. Did you talk to Dam? … yeah he came over. .. what did he say? … that he had taken too many hot wheel cars and sugar daddy’s from me so he was leaving me Eliar (is that a good trade/gift?... that is debatable) … so I want to re-start where I left off and marry Eliar ASAP…. Do you realize that speaks well of his heart (Gael nods no). I doubt Eliar will want to marry you after all that has happened. … That is why I need you to help me convince Elisa to forgive me and get back with me!!... No, Gael. Don’t count on me… (tantrum boy is back!) Why not!! You owe me!!... You don’t have to behave like this!! You can’t play victim and try to blame Dam for stealing her!! Even less take advantage of your brother’s guilt to steal her from him… No sir!!... Yes sir!! We both know you have not been totally honest with Eliar either! There is something that you are hiding from her and that puts a black cloud on that great love you say you feel for her!! You have to tell her!! You have to recognize that while engaged to her you betrayed her with another woman!! IF you really want to marry her, Don’t get to the altar to make a promise that is not true, hijo.
Lolita is glad Eliar won’t accept Gael again just because Dam suggested it. Paloma still loves Gael even if she is considering Quique. Lolita does not understand how Dam could renounce her. Lolita is confused, why are Eliar and Dam still playing the game of getting on and off the merry-go-round. Eliar says Tangel-Ho is right about comparing the past and now with Gael/Dam. Lolita says both Eliar and Dam are confused, but they cannot take such drastic measures. … so what now?... well, I don’t know but don’t break up for doubts and guilts, don’t carry burdens that are not yours…
Gael gets home still miffed… door knocks again.. (boy is this the most popular spot in La Ermita today or what??)… it is Paloma this time. … what are you doing here?... what else? To be a listening ear if you need it (suddenly the word has got around that Gael needs a Psychiatrist. Where is DrT to show his psychiatry skills?)… once you told me that after what happened among us we would never be friends again. I don’t want to hurt you again… can’t help it (but keep comin’ to take more crap from u)… Dam told me he would leave the way free for me with Eliar. I know my words hurt you but Eliar is the woman I love… what you don’t want to understand is that Eliar does not love you… Enough! Eliar loves me!, Dam assured me of it! Wants me to marry her as I had planned!!.. Eliar won’t take you, even less after what happened!!... Yeah, I was about to do something crazy for jealousy! Thank God Loopy arrived to prevent me from hurting Dam!! … I am not talking about that, you JERK!!... Padre told me the same, why did you tell him? … because I could not take it anymore, I had to tell someone… he told me to come clean with Eliar, tell her the truth… he is right, if you want Eliar to take you back, you have to tell her about us. If you don’t tell her, I swear I will.
Loopy is walking down a rainy street… Tangel-Ho cuts him off… Evil never rests. You had been overdue by now. I was wondering when you were going to sneak out in the open. … I too have been asking myself when you would leave this town finally. The 6 months lead time is over… that is not your bidness. When I leave is not your problem. But I have to tell you I don’t have to leave town. The people I still love and those that still need me are still here… that sounds like a threat. Be careful… save your threats, Carmina. I know perfectly what you are capable of. Listen, you better beware, you are the one that does not know what I am capable of… yes I do. What happened? Loopy broke a confession vow?? … that I did to avoid a tragedy. Be careful what you do, evil woman. Wherever you try to plant evil, I will plant the truth… THE TRUTH!... (boy he has just signed his death sentence from the way she beams/targets her laser eyes at him.)
Previews: Paloma threats Gael to tell Eliar or she will. Gael confesses to Eliar he was with another woman. Elisa demands he tell her who that woman is.


Refugio Para el Amor #121 Wed 9/26/12 Can’t Help Lovin’ That Man Not Mine

Recap by Anita

Checklist for watching Un Refugio Para el Amor tonight

Got your hankies and tissues out?  Check
Got your rotten tomatoes handy? Check
Got your “Rose” colored glasses on? Check
Got your Beanie-by-Emilia on your head? Nooo, lost it in translation
1 Box Pepperidge Farm Classic Favorite Assorted Cookies (I can eat them all between 7-8) Check
1 Tall glass Club Soda with a twist of lime (I’m on a diet) Check
Got your lie detector aimed? Check
Got your hand sanitizer? Oops, it’s in my other purse

Snippets from ayer –
The men want to begin their meeting, but Luciana isn’t there.  They decide to call in Cardenas.  Rodrigo gets a call and takes it out of earshot.

The Het Het crowd was ready to leave DF when Ariche asks to say goodbye to Rodrigo.  Luci calls for him.  When he’s done, he hands the phone back to Luciana.  Gentle conversational breezes blow.  Pato needs you, I need you, too; we have to get to the airport; are you in a hurry; yes, we’re in a hurry; are you coming in to the office; no; I want to talk to you; we are talking; I want to see you.  She cuts him off and they leave for the airport.

Lo de hoy –
In the TL House
Roselena is on the phone, alterada as usual.  She’s reaming out someone on the other end about having asked for some pertinent information ten days ago and she still knows nothing.  She wants it, like yesterday.  She’s paying him well, so get hopping.  With Roselena everyone is supposed to be at *her* disposal and on *her* schedule.  (Recapper’s memory is out to lunch—but thinks RE contracted a P.I. to find out who her husband’s lover is.  If he’s any good, RE is in for a surprise when she finds out she was replaced by a certain little Miss Doña Nail Nadie.)

At the TL Oficina de Max
Max, Rodrigo and Oscar are having a confab regarding the status of the empire.  They are reassured that the judgment which went against them was only an internal matter.  As far as the investors go, everything is ok—nor has Claudio becoming a socio again affected the image of the empresa.  High-level stuff when a puff of bad air arrives unannounced.  It’s the Sra. Torreslanda, Jr.  I came for you, my love, as she puts a proprietary hand on Rod’s shoulders and a wifely smooch on the neck.  Gala is actually dressed quite conservatively—ah yes, because they are going to the Ob-Gyn today, as a matter of fact, right now, we barely have time to get there.  Rod is righteously confused; he knows she didn’t mention it.  He can’t go because he has a lot of work.  She reminds everyone there she’s already had to cancel two appointments because of him and, looking at Max, it couldn’t be because he doesn’t care about your grandchild, could it?  (Man she knows how to spread the BS on thick like peanut butter on bread.)  Max brushes it off as being first time daddy jitters.  Off you go, he urges.

At the Heartbreak Hotel Restaurant
Boris and Jana continue the conversation they started earlier.  She’s trying hard to let him down easy—he’s been a friend from childhood.  As we watch, from behind the brasserie’s open flames, she gives him the standard line, it’s not you; it’s me.  She tries to convince him there’s no one else, but he’s not buying it and she ain’t selling it very well.  He wants to know exactly why she wants to end it.  It’s just that she wasn’t ready to see him as a novio and it made her uncomfortable.  Boris pleads his case.  All he ever tried to do was make her happy and all those “mistakes” he made will never be repeated.  He can change, he assures her.  No, it’s no use.  Jana is sorry and leaves.  Boris is left with a broken ego, two uneaten desserts, the bill and a face that’s hard to read.  Is he going to go after Lorenzo or chalk it up to a life experience.  That remains to be seen.

Dr. Nice’s Office
On arriving at the Ob-Gyn’s, Rod realizes he’s been snookered.  This isn’t the same doctor they went to the first time.  No it’s not, says Gala triumphantly.  She switched to a better doctor but since he never listens and never lets her talk, she didn’t have an opportunity to tell him.  Rod tries to hide his face in the shadows during the office consultation.  Gala is very enthusiastic to know if it’s a girl—she wants a girl, though macho hubby naturally wants a boy.  And you, no, doc wants to know.  Well, of course if it’s a boy he would be the first-born (primogénito) in the family to carry on the Torreslanda name.  Doc’s overhead light bulb goes on and he addresses Rod, I think I know you; your face is familiar.  Gala steps in to spread more peanut butter, oh, that can’t be, this is the first time my husband has been her, right, my love?  (Poor Rod—if doc figures it out he will think Rod is a two-timing bigamist with a really high sperm count.)  Doc puts his curiosity on a shelf and Rod doesn’t lie, by just not answering.  Rod is mortified by the situation, just what Gala wanted.
Read more »


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #51 9/26/12: Eva- Mario, You Are The Father!!!

Pluto and Oneismo are at a bar and Pluto is thinking of an ingenious plan regarding Helena and Lalito.  When he has finished whatever he is planning, Helena will simply adore him.

Eva and Mimi are discussing the fact that Samantha left the company, which is a minus because she may have been able to help solve the missing money problem that Juan Carlos (JC), has been blamed for.  Eva felt that she wasn’t a truthful witness; she was as false as her boobs.  Eva tells Mimi to get ready because they have been invited to dinner with Adriano.

Helena bids Lalito goodnight.  It’s the last night that he will sleep at his grandparent’s house because tomorrow he will begin a new life with his mom.  He is going to miss living with his grandparents.

Ah ha, the old Eduardo is back, Angry Bad Dad, is humiliating Silvia.  Helena sets him straight, stop humiliating my mother.  Of course Silvia chimes in- oh he has a heart condition, (yeah right), well he is strong enough to yell and carry on.  Helena lets him know that he doesn’t have a physical problem; the problem is with his soul.  He says that his problem is his disrespectful daughter.  (I must have missed something, because Helena was not being disrespectful in her words or her tone)  Then Silvia tells Helena that she would never believe that she would speak to her father like that.  (Listen- Angry Bad Dad and Silvia deserve each other-punto).  Helena begs her mother to come and live with her and Lalito but Silvia declines.  Angry Bad Dad has suffered; I can’t leave him, blah, blah blah.  (Sorry, but I stopped listening and started to daydream)  Helena like all of viewerville cannot understand why she would defend him. Helena (like the good daughter that she is) will always respect her mother.

Fernando is listening to soccer game and Marsela wants to talk about sex, since the “kids” are asleep.   Marsela wants to send the kids to her mom for some alone time with Fernando. He is too busy listening to the game. (Why does she bother?) Marsela suggests that they go to a hotel as newlyweds, but Fernando is still listening.  The team scores a goal and Marsela stomps off. (Okay, I don’t know about any of the other women in viewerville but when its football season, unless I’m watching and cheering the games, I ‘m basically invisible until after the Super bowl.)

Eva, Mimi and Adriano are in classy bar listening to a violinist.  Mimi needs music with a little more “ump” as she drinks her beer in a mug. (A real classy move)  She asks Adriano, if he had thrown in the towel in the love department.  She also tells him that love can be right under his nose.  He can’t see it, but Eva lets him know not to be ridiculous, love is right under his nose as she wink, winks to Mimi.  He feels that his house is getting larger and larger. He is so alone. Is he peeking at Eva?

Angry Bad Dad looks lovingly at Lalito as he sleeps.  How empty this house will be without you.

Eva calls Helena to check up on her, as he/she kicks off her shoes and spreads her legs open. Helena is excited making the last minute preparations for Lalito.  Eva would like to accompany Helena but Helena doesn’t want any more problems with her Angry Bad Dad.  Helena does want to give her Angry Bad Dad any reason to spoil that happy day, so Eva can come over to the apartment afterwards.

Pluto is giving stranger money while Oneismo looks on.  He gets the rest of the money when the job is done.  He has to look like a hero.

It’s early morning and Fernando is in the” mood”.  He invites Marsela to come back to bed, she declines.  She wanted to talk to him last night but he was too busy with this game.  Fernando doesn’t want to talk he is a man of action.  (Since when?) Marsela feels that communication is an integral part of being a couple.  Every couple communicates except them.  Fernando says why talk that’s boring, let’s just do it.  He catches a few more zzzs.

Mimi and JC are talking about Adriano and he feelings towards him. Mimi is going to be on a radio show with Maxine.

Angry Bad Dad is feeling sorry for himself and keeps harping on how much he will miss Lalito.  Silvia reminds him that grandchildren are borrowed and they have their own family.  Angry Bad Dad does want to eat. (Oh well!)  He stomps off.

Marsela calls for Kevin and Jennifer to clean up their rooms.  While Fernando’s folding the clothes she finds the money for the telephone bill and a card for Candy Sweet.

Mimi is on the radio with Maxine Woodside.  Maxine is introducing Mimi as a signer, and a make up artist for the Televisa world.  They are going to talk about women, Adam without Eve, Romeo without Juliet, you get the picture.  Mimi is asked what does she think of women openly talking to their husbands about sex (what is this the 1950’s??) Women need to communicate in all aspects with their men, what they like, where to put it and how to do it when it comes to sex.  Some men still believe that women should be quiet and look pretty.  While listening to this program, Marsela is on the computer, looking up the Candy Sweet website.  Stupid, oops, Fernando interrupts her.

Herbie the Green Love Bug pulls up replete with balloons and Eva peels herself out of the compact car. Eva will stay at the door but she can’t miss this event.  Helena is happy to have her BFFS with her.  Eww, Pluto pulls up and Lucia comments on how her boss is a just a little too interested.  Of course he had to bring the larger vehicle to accommodate all of Lalito’s things.  Eva and Pluto start arguing about the vehicles, but Helena said that they can go in both, vehicles so for now everyone is happy.

Angry Bad Dad gives Lalito his favorite medal because they are from the same battalion (okay maybe I’m just tired but goodness, Lalito is just going cross-town to live with his mother, he is not going to war, the “Si señor” piece is wearing on my nerves) Live where you live but I will always be with you, and tell me everything that goes on and even if we don’t see each daily, we will always be united.  Simple Silvia was crying in the background. He loves him like no one. (At that point if Silva had any neurons working, she should have said- hey what about me?)

The BFFS and Pluto enter, Lucia gives her usual compliments to Angry Bad Dad and Eva apologizes for coming without being invited and she will keep quiet, while Helena is trying not to bust out in laughter.
Silvia bids Lalito goodbye, blesses him and tells him to behave in school, we love you etc.  Helena thanks her mother for everything and then the doorbell rings.  Lalito asks Angry Bad Dad if he will give a blessing but he declines, grandma did it already, they salute each other.  Mario enters; he wants to see his son.  Angry Bad Dad is even angrier and rises as if is he was a serpent being charmed and rising from a basket.

Fernando’s family is eating chocolate con churros, and Marsela asks if he wants to eat at home, maybe she can get a recipe from her mother of something that she hasn’t tried before, no Fernando likes variety.  Marsela is thinking about the website.  As usual Fernando doesn’t have a clue.  The girls must be on their periods, he jokes to Kevin. What an idiot? (I can’t say that enough)

Angry Bad Dad- tells Mario- how dare you come to this house!  (Hey, Angry Bad Dad-It is your house, so you can throw him out!)  Silvia snatches up Lalito and takes him to make sure he has not forgotten anything.  Angry Bad Dad grabs up Mario and Pluto intervenes, Mario only wants to get to know his son.  Eva is not having that and proceeds to hit him with her handbag.  Mario- What do you really want?

Back to the radio program, they are now taking calls and Marsela calls because she would like to rekindle the flame in her 16-year marriage.  Mimi gives her some suggestions, candles, incense, sensual music, use your 5 senses.  The show is over, and Marsela is still on the line and Marsela recognizes Mimi’s voice.  Okay, Marsela asks Mimi not to share this conversation but aren’t they on the radio?  (I would think that thousands, even millions of people are listening.)

Lucia and Eva have to butt out this time.  They can only support Helena.
Mario wants to talk to Helena alone, and there is Pluto giving advise to Angry Bad Dad.  Just have faith in her.  ABD looks at Pluto as if to say-yeah right!

Helena wants to know where has he been for the last 8 years?   No phones, nothing, you deceived me, left me pregnant, what do you want?  He has money to pay to her father as a part of a “forgiveness “ package. (Side thought, Antonia must have left a mint, or is this part of the $3 million dollars?) He has changed.  His pregnant wife died in an accident with their baby and now he is trying to correct his wrongs.  He didn’t even know Lalito’s name.

He is begging Angry Bad Dad to accept his “money”.  Give the money to Helena who worked hard to pay her dad back and ABD doesn’t want the money either.  That money doesn’t erase the shame of me taking care of Helena who is a single mother.  Pluto is looking on.  ABD finally spews his anger on someone who deserves it.  He tells him to leave and he will kill him if he dares to return.  Of courses Pluto reminds ABD to watch his health but most of all think of Lalito.  Eva just wants 5 minutes with Mario.  Helena yells at Eva to not interfere in her life and to leave and let her fix her problems.  (How stupid, are they all brain dead?? Pluto can stand there and meddle and make no sense in his thought process or in what he is saying but when Eva sides on what is right, she is reprimanded)

Lucia pushes Eva out of the house and tells her that they shouldn’t have interfered.  Eva smells a rat. (Pluto)
Pluto lets Mario know that he is not to take advantage of this family because he considers them his own and Helena and ABD just watch.  (No one has anything to say)  They are so grateful that Pluto was there. Oh, Mario just wants to see his son.  Helena needs to speak to Lalito first as Pluto gloats, like the cat that swallowed the bird!


Abismo de pasión #137 9/25/12: La Ermita: where the women are chattel, the men are MORONS and the children -- well, there are no children.

In which Padre Lupe breaks the seal of the confessional to save Damián's life; we realize that we have underestimated the depth of Alfonsina's malice; Enrique breaks free of Florencia; Dam offers Elisa to Gael as if she were a prize pig; and various people are crippled by guilt over the wrong things while the truly guilty work out their exit strategies; and oh yeah, Gabino still can't get it up.

Lo refrito:
Mad Dog Gael swears he'll kill Damián as soon as he gets out of jail.  And since Lupe unwisely paid his fine before assessing his protegé's state of mind, we know Gael will be out and on the prowl tonight.

In the plaza of La Ermita, Dam has just declared "Mi amor es un dolor que necesito para vivir" (My love is a pain that keeps me alive) -- country-western song, anyone? -- and pulled Elisa to him, horny robot-style. 

Lo nuevo
There's not room in this town for los Arango and los Castañon-Bouvier!
The two are swapping spit when we hear slow. loud. clapping.  It's Mad Dog Alfonsina and she has come to see the show, to admire how demoniacal Elisa is working her evil on Dam just as her ma did on Rosendo.  But surprise, Alfie -- Elisa is mad as habaneros and she's not gonna take it anymore.  Her parents are dead, her life has been endless suffering and it's all Alfie's fault.  And now SHE is going to pay for what she has done!

Elisa turns away and Dam calls after her.  But Alfie trumps Elisa's mad with an almost dead.  "Damián" she croaks just before she collapses.

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Amor Bravío #32 (Uni 27) Tue 9/25/12 Boy chases girl, boy kisses girl, boy loses girl.

La MalQuerida - cemetery
Everyone leaves the Padrecito’s burial in tears.  Daniel swears to avenge his death.  He swears it in memory of his mother.  Amanda tells him Padre was able to communicate through his eyes *QTH?* and  tell her it was someone from the ranch who was sent to kill him.  From this information, Daniel is sure it was Leoncio.  Wow, pretty cool, huh?

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #50 9/25/12: Resentment Will Rot Your Internal Organs...

  • At the hen party, Eva/JC has gastritis caused by finding out he'd gotten Samanta pregnant. He cries in the bathroom. For her part, Helena is upset to find out about yet another conquest of JC's.

  • Fer wants to get a whore for his son, whose sexuality he doubts. At home, he yells for his wife and though he's too drunk to find the bedroom he has sex on his mind. Marcela plasters ooze onto her face to avoid him.

    Next day she tells him: "We have to have a very serious conversation about sex." Perhaps related to her story to the girls of her "cousin's friend" whose husband thought sex should take about three minutes?

  • Eva later asks Samanta: "Why did you never tell JC?" "We met at conventions, at first it was only sex. I knew he wasn't a man who could commit himself, but I fell in love. When I thought about telling him I saw he had another lover. I couldn't count on him for anything. He wouldn't have cared at all if he'd had a child. So I had an abortion."

    Eva tries to stand up for her former self but hears a lot of unpleasant truths concluding with: "He broke the hearts of hundreds of women. At least he's rotting in hell now -- but I'm still sad."

    JC moans to Mimi: "When I think about Lalo and then about that poor child never born... I was a vile cretin, an egoist. I deserve everything that's happened to me. No wonder she wanted vengeance." He vows to undo some of the damage he did her.

  • Next morning three of the girls in turquoise come into Rebe's office all cheery, thinking they're all chums now, but Rebe freezes them out. "I am a big cheese and y'all are merely window dressing."

  • Helena wants to go on with her life and even fall in love again. "That's a terrible idea" squeals Eva. Eva mocks Helena's new assistant for his upturned moussed 'do and pegs him as a Don Juan in the making.

  • JC/Eva dives under the reception desk seeing mother Eugenia in the foyer saying goodbye. "Marcela, wasn't that the fabulous Eugenia, actress with the million dollar face? Why was she here?" "She has some mental lapses, she came to see her dead son."

    JC gets the phone number and calls his mom. He talks to her in his own voice and she is overjoyed: "How have you been, my love?" "I miss you so much." "I want to help you, listen to you, where are you?" "Very far away, but I think about you always. I can't come back until I can prove my innocence." "I prefer you far away than in jail! You're everything to me! Call me more often." This was so sweet.

    Eugenia catches sight of Eva and is sure she recognizes her/him. S/he says, "JC and I were really close friends, can I come visit you sometimes?" "Thanks, yes, sometimes I feel so lonely, it would be good to have a friend." They embrace.

  • Eva calls Samanta dozens of times and goes to her house, no answer, finally Samanta calls and says: "Because of our conversation last night, I'm leaving G.I. to accept another offer which will take me far, far away. You were right, I need to get over my resentment. Goodbye."

    Helena is glad Samanta is leaving: "I would be so uncomfortable around another woman whose heart had been broken by Juan Carlos." "Resentment will rot your internal organs" warns Eva. "Right, let's just forget about him," Helena concludes.

  • Lucia can't stop harassing Mousse Boy. Santi comes along to remind them he's getting married this weekend and sort of causes it to happen that Mousse Boy is reluctantly going to accompany Lucia to the wedding. He's Just Not That Into Her.

  • Adriano asks Eva how the hen party went. Eva denies that they missed having men around. Adriano makes snide comments about women and Eva derides his "ugly commentary" and calls him a misogynist. So he asks her out on a date and plays his pathetic "lonely" card to persuade her.

  • Plutarco with his big crocodile grin invites himself over to Helena's to hang with her and Lalo.

    Then my computer rebooted. When it came to itself, Pluto was in Lalo's new room pretending to be interested in the interior decorating Helena has been doing. She is overjoyed that Lalo's coming to live with her at last, so of course we know there will be a hitch.

    Pluto asks her repeatedly, "Aren't you ready to start your life again?" He makes it clear he's interested but she firmly declares she only cares about Lalo.

    Onesimo is later amused: "Your greatest rival, and he's not even nine years old." When Pluto gets an evil twinkle in his eye Onesimo worries: "You're not going to steal that boy and put him in an orphanage are you?"

    Pluto figures he can do better than that and be a hero to Helena. We don't know his exact plot, but it involves (according to the avances) the sudden dread appearance of Lalo's father Mario.


Refugio Para el Amor #120 Tue 9/25/12 Tonight Most Everybody Is Circling The Drain But Gala And Roselena Sink To New Lows

Most of our characters seemed to be in a holding pattern tonight. Although Roselena is seeing a psychiatrist, she's faking her confessions and tales of guilt-ridden woe, intent on fooling both the doctor and her family that she's honestly trying to get better.

Gala continues her program of intimidation and humiliation of Luciana, seeking her out in the work place in order to cause scenes. “Car-grill” also continues her nightly tantrums with Rodrigo, castigating him for not “darme mi lugar” (giving me my rightful place, respecting me).

Vicky and Aldo have fun hatching plans to divest Max of his money, but as usual, there's more smoke than fire, especially from Aldo's end.

Luciana flees Rodrigo; Rodrigo keeps pursuing.

Pato's patience finally snaps and he tells off his big brother—and admits that yes, he's in love with Luciana himself.

Jana flees Boris; Boris keeps pursuing

Lorenzo pursues Jana . Brigida rats him out.

Magda and Violeta have fought and made up over the Don Aquiles lifelong secret.. Take-home message. Children have no right to judge their parents. (In America, that's all we do, thanks to Freud, but this is not the norm in Latino countries.) Now they're more unified than ever.

Max continues to be in a fury about Linares' plans to have an outside accounting firm audit the corporation. He also continues to seethe at Roselena's demands that he stop his “aventura” and toe the line as a God-fearing, sexually neutered husband.

That's the big picture. Now here are some details:

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Abismo de pasión #136 9/24/12: Who Are You And What Have You Done With Our Gael

Recap by Cathyx

Cantina: ʻNobody knows the troubles Iʼve seen, nobody knows my sorrow...ʼ sings Gael into his tequila. Gab hears him and joins in. But Gael doesnʼt want to sing a duet and tells him to leave. He will, but not before he gives a gun to Gael and tells him to off his former friend. Gael says he wants to do it with his bare hands and gives him back the gun. Gab continues to taunt him and Gael responds by slugging him. First Gael has the upper hand, throwing a strong right hook, then slams his head into the bar.(thatʼs gotta hurt when you have a bullet in your head) But look out, Gab will not be outdone. He didnʼt bury a woman alive in a hospital gown the same day he gained consciousness by being a weak man. He turns around and does the 3 Stooges Headbutt, only to have the younger Gael waver for just a moment before he returns the favor with 3 more rights followed my 4 more. If Gabinoʼs head hurt before, it must be on fire about now.

Dam is helping Alf into bed and she tells him she will see Doc at his office tomorrow. (How he can even be civil to her after knowing what she has done is beyond me) She goes on about how awful Elisa blah blah blah. Dam tells her again that she shouldnʼt be responsible for what her mother did, blah, blah, blah. Time filler...

Lucio, Lola and Elisa are eating dinner and talking about visiting the graves tomorrow. More time filler talk about missing the dead and taking care of the graves. Elisa cries. They agree to go visit the cemetery.

Paloma is rubbing her real baby bump when Ramona asks Paloma if sheʼs heard anything of Elisa and Dam. She tells her they are back in La Ermita. Elisa came back more in love than ever, but something happened and sheʼs really mad at Dam because he continues to doubt her love for him. Ramona adds that Gael getting in the middle of that wonʼt help and will only end badly. Paloma thinks that Gael doesnʼt deserve Elisa and Ramona says that he doesnʼt deserve Paloma either. She tells Ramona that Elisa confessed to Gael that she betrayed him, but he never told Elisa that he did the same to her. Ramona tells Paloma that she needs to tell Elisa about the betrayal before they leave or at least to pressure Gael to tell Elisa about it but Paloma wonʼt.

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Amor Bravío #31 (Uni 26) Mon 9/24/12

Capitulo 31: Jealousy and the Devil's Work Are Never Done

Lo del pasado

Camila and Augustina take their leave of Amanda and exit the inn; Hissadora hides from them and Andres as he pulls away from the curb.

Lo de nuevo

Road to La Malquerida:   Camila tells her mother she is going to see about getting a specialist for the padre. Andres listens to this conversation as Augustina and Camila speculate on what the good padre came to tell her about. Augustina is incredulous that anyone would harm Padre Baldomero. Andres reminds Camila about the vaccine for the cattle and she tells him to drive first to the supplier.

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Por ella soy Eva #49 10/24/12: Cats and Dogs

Hey guys! It's me again!

We lay our scene at the beginning (I think) of the conference where Helena will make her big presentation. As usual, I am not clear on whether this is a recap from yesterday or it's new footage.

Eva/Juan, Pluto, Rebe, Helena, and Adriano are all having a little chat before things get started. There is panning video of Mexican beachfront in the background that makes me a little queasy. Anyway, Rebe is being her usual self and picking at Helena. Pretty soon, Pluto gets dragged into the fight and things get a little catty before Eva busts in to stop the bickering! "Come on guys, we all work for the same company after all, so save the salsa for later!" She busts out my favorite colloquialism of the day (totally worth stopping to look it up): you all better not "hacer caravanas con sombrero ajeno..." steal her thunder/take credit for her achievement (I am open to anybody's best guess on what that interpretation has to do with caravans and the hats of others).

Rebe (who looks different now that she isn't wearing that silly dress with the leopard print around the boobs - seriously, this is a rare sighting!) storms off and, what do you know, things become amiable again! Once they've had their pep-talk, Pluto tracks Rebe down in the parking deck so she can yell at him some more. See, she's pissed about how long it's been since they had one of their little "executive juntitos" (sex), and tells him that his pathetic excuse (that his wife just died) is wearing thin. He sticks to that tired excuse, and leaves to join his current object of desire, Helena. Rebe shouts after him that it's small riddance, because he wasn't ever that good in bed anyway.

Helena, for her part, impresses with a cool presentation and a neat video, but afterwards Eva won't shut up with the congratulations! She stands up, applauds and hoots excessively, and makes everyone present spell out Helena's name... "GIMME AN H!" Seriously. Gimme a BREAK!

Back at Grupo Imperio (I keep wanting to abbreviate it, but there is very little gastrointestinal about the place), Eva is in an executive meeting (a real executive meeting. not sex.) with Pluto and Adriano. She wants them to hire back the 100 women who she herself fired back when she was Juan, to celebrate their firm's great success at the conference. Pluto objects, saying they couldn't afford it. Eva gives him an obnoxious wink and turns to Adriano and announces that, well, maybe if we had as much money as PLUTARCO SAID WE DID IN HIS DOCTORED FINANCIAL REPORTS we could hire them all back. Zing!

This really gets Pluto. Along with some other choice comments, he says "what do you know of the complicated world of finances, you're just an up-jumped secretary!" Unfortunately, as the conversation proceeds (perhaps because she's trying to show some financial acumen), Eva accidentally lets slip that she knows Adriano was going to sell some of his shares, a fact that only Juan knew. Adriano calls her on it and she stammers "what? what? what did you say" for about a minute, stalling for time. Eventually, she comes up with a pretty good cover, claiming that, well, she had an "evening" with Juan and he let it slip. Everyone knows what a womanizer that rascally Juan was, so they let it slide. Even Pluto grudgingly accepts that Eva must have been one of Juan's many "duchesses." That being said, Adriano still won't hire back the 100 women. Oh well.

Since Eva can't get back the jobs of all the women she canned when she was Juan, she decides she will try to improve the working conditions of the ladies who remain with Grupo Imperio, starting with a regular meeting for female employees only. The men of GI (Ok, it's not so bad) guffaw a bit (Adriano: "Uh, caray, and how will women ever have fun without men?") and plan a men-only event: Santi's bachelor party.

Santi has a chat w/ Adriano and they talk about how to move on in life w/out Juan and Antonia. Also, he hands his boss a wedding invitation, which comes in a weird plastic wrapper. Santi gets a little mushy and sad about Juan, and feels bad about getting married without his best bud present. I don't blame him - Juan wasn't there for his last attempted wedding, and look what a disaster that turned into! For those who don't remember, that wedding was crashed not once but TWICE in the "state your objections or hold your peace" phase by putative lovers (only one of them was an actual girlfriend) calling him a lying cad. The girls come in, and Helena gets a bit misty about Juan, too. Eva/Juan enjoys hearing Helena and Santi moping about how great Juan was, and chimes in, saying that this Juan guy must have been some awesome dude - but don't forget him!

Then we are treated to another distasteful scene with Helena's Angry Bad Dad. Groan! Dishrag Mom mops and mopes. Honestly, woman, just leave!

Then Angry Bad Dad gives his grandson Lalito a suit and tells the boy that he will have to be the man of his mother's house, which means being strong and manly and, uh, spying on her every action and reporting them back.

Eva sees Samanta crying in the bathroom and tells her that it'll be ok - all troubles are caused by men, and they're not worth it. She invites her to the GI girls' night..

Speaking of the man Samanta was obviously crying about, Pluto grabs Samanta and yells at her for not answering the phone and for coming to work at GI (he is understandably anxious about having his ex-co-conspirator around). She says it's just a job, she really needs money. He says I gave you a ton for that perjury you committed. What, did you spent it all on your lover? Pluto demands that she leave GI immediately, and he's prepared to pay. She looks pleased about the prospect of extracting more money from him!

Fernando and Santi continue to guffaw about the women's meeting. Eva calls Fernando "Don Arquaico" (boy, given his family values, I'm ashamed I didn't come up with that nickname first) and tells him he's probably just afraid of women gathering together. Don Arquaico's wife Marcela agrees, stating that men are simply afraid that the women will scheme against them.

For his part, Adriano will take Santi and the boys to some strip joint called "Calcuta" to see the murritas (an obscene game). They will celebrate Santi's bachelor party "like only a man deserves." We get to see them engaging in carousing and ogle-ating. They do a little bit of talking, too, and Adriano reveals that he's still a little broken up over the end of his relationship with that 16-year-old, and he's not sure if he's looking for distraction or to "sentar cabeza" (settle down).

In a fun parallel, we cut directly to the lady-meeting. There is less carousal, but they actually look like they're having more fun. It's funny to see these women (particularly that set of 3 secretaries we see so often) not in their tiny blue demeaning sexy-flight-attendant outfits. They get to chatting. Samanta tells them that she is pleased with the dynamism of GI as compared to Taurus (her previous employer), and that's the extend of their talk about business. Of course the first and only topic to follow is MEN. They are as treacherous as cats! Pretty soon, they get to talking about Juan, who, I imagine, had a little bit of a "que ver" with nearly every woman in the room before his untimely framing and fake death. Eva listens quite intently, trying to pick up some dirt on his former self (and taking advantage of the opportunity to pump Helena for info on her love life. he's happy to hear that she's not thinking romantically about anyone).

The orange-hair secretary reveals that she once had a noche de copas with their fat old boss. I think it's Rebeca who says that men are like dogs: they must be domesticated. Speaking of dogs, the boys are at the kennel, howling, guffawing and carousing like there's no tomorrow.

The complaints and gripes and sad stories about men go on for a bit, and Eva butts in with a very poorly-received crack - he suggests that "all men must be blind because you, ladies, are super hot!" I don't really see why they chose to emphasize this flop.

Then they talk about family. Rebe: "I would never disgrace my body with children!" Then Samanta admits that she once had an abortion. She never knew who the father was. But, here's the kicker: she suspects it was Juan! Helena facepalms and Eva looks around awkwardly.

Sadly, I can't tell you what happens in the avances, because the chickens were too loud for me to hear!


Refugio Para el Amor #119 Mon 9/24/12 Rod Channels James Brown and Lorenzo Channels Billy Joel; Roselena is Crazy…Like a Fox*

*crazy like a fox: The individual referred to is not crazy at all, rather cunning (like a fox). Used when one appears to be 'crazy', but is acting with a hidden motive, in a cunning way.

Please, Please, Please (By James Brown)
…Baby, take my hand (Please please don't go)
I want to be your lover man, (Baby please don't go) oh yeah, good God almighty
Darlin' please don't, (Don't) yeah oh yeah, go
I love you so (Baby please don't go)

Pleeeaaase don't go (Please please don't go)
Pleeeaaase don't go girl (Please please don't go)
Darlin' please dooonn't (Don't) go
Girl, I love you so
Please (Please please don't go) please…

Uptown Girl (By Billy Joel)
Uptown girl
She's been living in her uptown world
I bet she's never had a backstreet guy
I bet her momma never told her why

I'm gonna try for an uptown girl
She's been living in her white bread world
As long as anyone with hot blood can
And now she's looking for a downtown man
That's what I am…
I'm in love with an uptown girl
You know I've seen her in her uptown world
She's getting tired of her high class toys
And all her presents from her uptown boys
She's got a choice…

The Old:
Rod can’t accept the fact that he’s lost Luci forever and that she might move on…with someone else.
Luci has just had her creepy doll head induced nightmare, where two of the Blonde Bruja Bitches cackle at her and tell her that her baby is DEAD! Luci wakes and promises her baby that nothing will happen to him/her.

The New:
The next morning, the barrio gang is all eating breakfast at Estelita’s, when Luci and Namurachi arrive for coffee. They are welcomed with open arms. Luci asks Ofelia how it’s going at the new job—long hours, lots of work, and low pay. She tells Ofelia that Pato needs a secretary and it might be a good fit for her. Yay!  Everyone clears out to go about their business. Lorenzo invites Ariche and Paz to tag along to the Taco Corner, but Paz hesitates because she wants to stay and support Magda. Magda forces her to go, and Estelita promises to keep Magda company. After everyone leaves, Luci asks Magda how she and Vio are doing. She sends her love to Vio and says she will see her after work. Magda thanks Luci, but Luci says no thanks are needed. They are her FAMILY.

At the TL breakfast table, Max is the first to escape, and takes Aldo with him. “Adios good looking!”, are Aldo’s parting words to his mother, making her smile and prompting Hannah to say she wants a son like Aldo one day. (Your recapper would be horrified by that thought, if it didn’t amuse me so much to see Rosa’s feathers ruffled.) “You don’t know what you’re saying Hannah!” Hannah says she wants a son who is as crazy and affectionate, and who loves her as much as Aldo loves her aunt. Frigida, who NEVER misses an opportunity to ruffle Rosa’s feathers, asks how many people she should prepare the lunch table for, since they always prepare for a bunch of people, and then only one or two show up. Ha!
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Amorcito Corazón Discussion #114-118 Sept. 24-28

F5 starts the love note lie with bad results.  Zoe thinks the letter is a check and rips it up. She asks F5 to tell her what he wrote.  Ooops.  Zoe and Sarita piece the letter together; then F5 returns and kisses Zoe.  She throws him out.

Lala, Willy, and Juancho worry about Barf; poor things, when will they realize she’s a bad egg like rIcky.  Oh right, they still think he’s OK too.  Sigh.

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Amor Bravío #30 (Uni 25) Fri 9/21/12 In Which D’Andres Resent’s Rafael’s Romantic Intentions Towards “Cuzin Camila”; Camila Intuits Kimodo Dodo’s Money-Grubbing Marriage Motives; “The Investors” Deliver An Ultimatum To Dionisio; and Isadora Makes Her Final Play

Capítulo 30

When last we visited Hacienda La Malquerida, aka, The Undesirable, Alonso was propositioning Camila, so to speak: go to bed with him again or give him part of the ranch she’s going to inherit as a condition of their divorce settlement!  All of a sudden it hits Cami, who is eyes-a-blazing-impactada, the jerkwad’s only reason for marrying her was money she was sure to inherit once Don Daniel died. She accuses Loathsome ‘Lonso of being shamefully opportunistic.  No, he machine-guns back at her, he considers it only fair after being a faithful administrator of the ranch for the past five years.   If she wants him out of her life without a fight, then she knows what she has to do!  Cam races out of the bedroom and slams the door in his face.  (I’d say that’s a definitive not-in-this-lifetime N.O.!)
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Abismo de pasión #135 9/21/12: R.I.P. Little Gabby

Clinic:  Florencia gives Paloma a sob story about not being able to buy Prada anymore because her father died and left her penniless.  Paloma takes her new BFF to Dr. Tovar for a job.  Dr. Tovar, thinking that he might have a chance with his son’s hot ex-girlfriend agrees to grant her an interview.  Florencia starts out by saying that when she divorced Damien, she knew that she would have to make it on her own.  She just needs a horny old man, who happens to be a doctor, to believe in her and give her a chance.  She bats her eyelashes at him for emphasis.  Paloma pipes in and reminds the doctor that she also didn’t know how to type, turn on a computer, file, answer a telephone or read good when she first started working for him.  He took a chance and hired her as office eye-candy and look at her now!  She’s a unwed pregnant chick who still can’t file, type, answer a telephone or read good!  After hearing that rousing speech, Dr. Tovar agrees to hire Florencia on a two-week probation.  He wants Paloma to train Florencia to wear short dresses and with plunging necklines.  Everyone’s happy. 
Playa:  Damien and Elisa have officially stopped mating like their rabbits at the end of the world.  Their clothes are back on and Dam is still not happy about it.  Elisa is sitting at the shoreline daintily pointing her toes.  Damien tells her that he jealous and loves her to death.  He’s upset because Gall got to have sex with her first.  How could she have sex with someone that she was going to marry?  He only had sex with Florencia a lot before they got married.  Once he married Florencia, he was celibate and stayed faithful to Elisa.  Elisa doesn’t want to hear his “man logic” or “man speak”.  She tells him to shut up and get away from her.  Dam wants to solve their problems before they get to La Ermita; he doesn’t like to see her cry.  Dam Fine believes that Elisa might use this argument to get back together with Gall.  Elisa tells Dam Fine that she wants to be with the man that she gave herself to with all of her love, body and soul.  Dam Fine says, great!  He will return her to Gael ASAP!  Elisa looks disappointed that Dam Fine doesn’t believe that he was her first lover and sinks down into the sand.  She has conveniently forgotten that she told Dam Fine that she was the town tramp and that Gael was the best lover that she has ever had. 
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Friday, September 21, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #48 9/21/12: Go, Speed Racer! Go AWAY!

Eva just told everyone that Pluto is going to pay to educate of all the female employees' offspring. (But not the children of the male employees? And does this include children that haven't been conceived yet? What if someone's kid gets accepted at Harvard?) Helena now sees Pluto as a hero. Eva belatedly realizes her mistake.

Rebeca's main worry is that Pluto won't be able to buy her jewels. Pluto is now more desperate about those shares than ever. Rebeca accuses Pluto of holding out on her; she thinks maybe he's got more money than he's let on.
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Refugio Para el Amor #118 Fri 9/21/12 Luci gets a scary eye popping gift, and an eye opener from Ma'Paz. Witches enjoy the prank, Marcial raids NFERNO, leaves cold handed.

Lo refrito:
  • Connie congrats Pato. Tells him his name = outstanding achiever… Mati asks Pato what he needed from fridge. Nothing, just wanted to open it, haven’t in a long time.
  • Gala fakes strong stomach pains, ends up managing for Rod to stay the night next to her bed, she smiles satisfied. He looks away like not really wanting to be there.
  • Don Aq and Vio arrive to her place, Magda runs out to prevent DonAq from sliming Vio all over. DonAq starts yelling at Magda, calls her a jealous freak. Magda says Don’t be silly! She is your daughter!!

Lo Nuevo:
Vio begs Magda to say it isn’t true. DonAq tells Magda she is just lying to prevent him from marrying Vio. Magda says don’t be silly, just do your math. DonAq continues to deny deny…
He says Magda is coming up with all that crap to mortify him as always.
Vio kicks Don Aq out of her place. Don Aq still on deny he could have a child with Magda, or of it being Vio. Threats Magda they will meet back in town and he accuse her of slander.

Vio confronts Magda because Magda did reprimend Vio for not telling her where she worked and now she comes with this?? You lied to me, you told me my father was dead, then that he was lost, it was very easy to keep quiet. Why, mother? Imagine how far we could have gone…
They both dread even thinking about it. Magda would never have forgiven herself. Vio resentful of her, that would have been no good. Her life would be ruined. She had the right to know who her father was, the right to live better, she would have forced him to respond for her. She would never have worked at NFERNO. Magda says she feels what she gave Vio was enough, did not want Vio to have any relationship with that man. Vio says you had no right to hide the truth. Magda agrees. But she has nothing to be ashamed of, Did not want Vio to be like her father, did not want Vio near him. When she realized the kind of man he was, it was too late. He always humiliated her, she feared he would do same with Vio. We made it through together. Vio says now I can decide if I want to be like my father or not. Right? Yes. You can do as you want now. You don’t need me anymore. Magda walks away sad. Vio cries hard.

Luci is at hotel room with Paz… Paz can’t sleep, thinking of Magda and Vio. They both hope Magda and Vio are well, it is a really tough blow. Similar story to what Luci went through. Luci says at least my father is nice, generous. But Don Aq… Luci is preparing papers for her meeting tomorrow with Namurachi and Pato. Paz finds the chance to let Luci know that Pato does not see Luci as a sister, he loves her as a man. Luci confused but does not deny it.

Rodrigo is leaving for work. Gala nags him (what’s new?) that he should plan to eat breakfast and lunch with her instead of having meeting after meeting. HE says he will think about it. IF you feel bad call me. Ok? He heads out leaving her with the hunger to keep nagging. Gala calls Julie to be ready to accompany her somewhere.

Luci, Paz and Namurachi are having breakfast at hotel. I have to say I LOVE LOVE Luci’s outfit… sweet ivory lacy blouse, very ellegant and feminine, with royal blue skirt… breathtaking on her eyes!) Luci says good you had a good restful night because today will be a long work day. Paz wants them to drop her off at Vio’s to see how they spent the night.

Back at Vio’s, Magda made her breakfast, Vio walks slowly, looks very ashamed of how she barked at Magda last night. Magda is leaving today. Going home. Vio begs her not to go. Magda kisses her on forehead and heads out but Vio won’t let her. I love you very much and I need you! You said it well last night, we only have each other and have to be together.  Magda asks want us together because we are lonely? Vio says no, Want us to stay together because I love you! I respect you, I admire you. You are my example/model. I need you. Please forgive me.  I promise I will never barge at you ever again. I have no right. Don’t think I don’t feel proud of you. Please forgive me. (they cry hugging) My Chiquita, my nina!

Outside the hotel driveway, Gala calls a candy vendor on the curb and asks him if he wants to earn an easy 100 pesos. He gladly accepts.

At Vio’s, Paz arrives. Everything will be alright. Vio looks tired, sad. Paz asks her how she is. Vio says sad, have no choice but to go on. Paz goes on to see Magda. Vio tells Luci look the surprise I got. Luci worried, wants to know how she can help Vio. Vio says no one can help me. Thinking of DonAq as my father makes my stomach twist. Luci asks how did he take it? He denied it, accused my mom of making it up. Don’t even want to think of him anymore, but can’t stop it. I close my eyes and can feel him stuck here in my head and heart. Luci asks again how can she help. Vio says nothing, don’t worry. Will stay with mom here today. Luci says I have to go meet with Namurachi and Pato but will be back to check on you. Call me if you need me. I will come back in any case. Vio says don’t worry about me. Thanks.

The candy guy delivers a gift box for ‘Luciana Jacinto’ at the hotel reception.

At TL offices, Mushashon has Ariche in office, Ariche is enjoying it as if it were a new play room. The ball I gave you!! You better take care of it, because my abuelito gave it to me. Rod says it is his favorite. Ariche is confused, now doesn’t know what he wants to be when he grows up, a pilot or someone like you(businessman). Rod says what matters is that you study hard and put a good effort so you can be whatever you want. (funny how Ariche sticks out because his clothes are a very orange bright shot of color in gray background. Rod loves the visit though.) Gala spoils the moment with her entrance, immediately looks at Ariche as if he were an alien, calls him Escuincle asking Rod who he is. Ariche says his name and that he is friends with Mushashon Rod. Gala turns her back on him and ignores him. Wants Rod to go with her to eat and then buy things for the baby. Ariche asks if she is talking about Luci’s baby. Gala keeps with her annoying attitude and even gestures that Ariche’s voice is bothering her ears (as if too screechy). I love Ariche’s tone and attitude as if he were an adult responding to Gala. Ariche tells Gala Luci sent the plane for them to come visit her. Gala asks Ariche where Luci is. Rod has heard / seen enough, drags Gala out. And we see another play of the usual argument. ‘the simple mention of Luci’ mortifies her, her baby’s health is his responsibility… yada yada… (leaves in a huff, Rod again stands there mortified)

At TL offices, Namurachi (her official title is promotora de cultura [culture promoter]), Luci, Pato and Oscar are meeting. Namurachi tells Pato about the skill of the women of the towns up north. But due to lack of resources and the duties as housewives, they end up having to sell their craft cheap because they can’t spend the time to promote their work properly. Pato is excited/inspired in his interest to help. He introduces Oscar, a great aid to help set it up.

Magda tells Paz how VIo reacted, that she was resentful at first and barked at her, but then apologized. Paz says you both are very strong, not even this buckles the love you have for each other. That man, you don’t need him. Magda agrees and thanks her. I never had a sister, but if God had sent me one, wouldn’t have been as good as you. Paz blushes..

At police station, boss puts pressure on Marcial that he has 24 hrs left to show his results. Marcial grabs her bullet proof vest. But Aldo and Lastra are already cleaning up the operations room at NFerno.[ I am afraid Marcial will be left empty-handed due to his big mouth.] Lastra and Aldo are almost done cleaning up per instructions from Maximino.

Night falls…
Aldo is with Vicky at some other night club. Vicky finds it strange he did not take her to NFERNO. Aldo says he did not feel like going to NFERNO and he did not want to make her dad mad. Aldo says for now he and Max are associates. Once I get enough money from my uncle, then we will see. They toast.

At TL manor…
Max comes in bedroom and RE is again reading… (‘Las Virtudes de San Agustin’ (or stte)). Max wants to talk to find an end to their problems. All saintly, perfect RE says the problem is only on you, you have to put an end to your sin, to your adultery. I am giving you a chance to straighten up before it is too late. (with that she leaves him to meditate on her lecture).

Luci, Namurachi and Claudio are having dinner… it was a long day. They talk about Pato, and his motivation and energy. Claudio says Pato is different than Max, even than Rod. He likes Pato’s character and business ethics. Namurachi asks what chance does Pato have to walk again. Luci says not much, but Claudio seems to be more optimistic, Says Pato has enough drive to make it. Luci looks away, looks concerned about what Paz said about Pato.

At packed-house NFERNO, Marcial arrives with the police raid. Only Ivan is around and when asked by Marcial, denies even knowing Lastra. Polo is held too and says he has not seen Lastra. Ivan yells at him not to be SOPLON. Marcial enters the Operations room, but everything is gone, just wires on wall, desk turned over, a big mess of papers on floor.

At hotel, Luciana gets the gift at reception. She gets to her room and opens the box (card says a gift for the mom to be). It is a nasty looking doll head with empty eye sockets and it scares the air out of Luci. (phew! I thought it would be a snake or scorpion or stte).

Luci scrambles to close the box but is so nervous she just spreads the doll and everything around the floor. She is almost breathless of fear…

At Gala’s, Gala and Julie are enjoyin the small victory. Carola is there too, I think she is a friend of Julie’s we have seen before. Fernanda and Valentina think Gala went a bit too far, what if the baby was lost? Gala says that would solve our problems. Carola says ‘no wonder they say that ocio(boredom) is the mother of all vices’. Vale has a little advice for Gala (I wouldn’t bother, Vale) ‘don’t do onto others what you would not want them to do to you’. Gala nags that Luci too HER Rodrigo knowing he was HER fiancée. Vale smartly points that Gala already HAS Rod, he is HER husband. Again Julie comments Vale seems more friend of the ‘chacha’ than Gala’s. Gala mocks Vale’s IQ, or maybe she is sleepy (la ardilla no le esta caminando = the squirrel/hamster is no longer running in the hamster wheel). Vale gives up and starts her exit. Fernanda follows Vale out. Carola throws one more comment that Vale and Fer did not like Gala/Julie laughing on Luci’s expense. Gala says it is just the beginning.

Lastra calls Max, ‘mission accomplished, Boss!’. They are counting on Ivan not singing since they paid him a bundle. Max orders Lastra to stay hidden a few days until cops chill out. Aldo enters Max’s room tapping himself in the back that they did an impeccable job. Max sarcastically congratulates Aldo on showing the ‘casta’.

At cop offices, Marcial is getting chewed by boss. Marcial says someone must have leaked. They can’t even hold Ivan behind bars, there is no charge on him and he does not even know the owner’s name. Boss is sure Lastra is far away by now. Lastra at hotel room is telling himself he can’t go without having one last try with Ofelia. Recalls giving her flowers.

Namurachi tries to calm down Luci. Do you think it was that woman, Gala? Not sure, maybe her, or her mother or RE. Namurachi says they must be very ugly spirited abnoxious people. Luci questions why they are doing this to her, they have everything! Namu reminds her they have everything but love. She has to tell someone. Her dad or Pato or someone so they can help protect her. Those people could keep hurting you. Don’t worry, you are safe here.

At TL manor, Rod is visiting Pato and Janah. Pato tells them about the meeting with Luci and Namurachi. They talk about Luci being the same Luci even now that she has money. Most people change, but Luci is helping the women in her town. Rod says Luci is authentic, she will never change her essence. Pato admires her. Rod regrets not having valued her enough. He will have Luci in his mind and in his heart until the day he dies. Pato says Luci will find a man who will offer his life to her, who will accompany her, who will protect her, who will love her deeply. She will go on her way and you will with yours. Brother, you have to learn to live with that. Rod agrees, puts resigned face.

Luci is having nightmares of Gala and RE showing her to the newborn room, with the doll in it one of the cribs and telling her it is her baby and that it is dead, they laugh in her face. Luci awakes, holds her belly and tells her baby nothing will happen to you. I promise.

Previews: RE gets card for a Psychiatrist from Connie… says this way I will be able to get close to Luci.  Gala ready to give Luci a final blow, but Rod and Luci are at cafeteria at TL building and Rod is telling Luci he still loves her. Gala shows up…


El Mundo de Telemundo - week of September 24 - Discuss among yourselves

Another week of great recaps and comments. Go to it.

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