Monday, December 02, 2013
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE, week of December 2, 2013. La reina del sur y más
Labels: elisa, reina-sur, telemundo
Note to my beloved bloggers: please read
Sorry I've been absent. Actually the tv situation in my house is so bad I don't know how to watch tv any more (my son upgraded it beyond my technical understanding) so I haven't seen a novela in months. There are so many of you now! Here are my two requests:
1. Please put the actual name of the show you're recapping in the title. Many people do not know them by the initials and you will not be found in a search.
2. PLEASE input your posts using notepad or other plain text editor. Some of the posts have been so full of coding that it breaks the blog design for some people. If you must input in Word etc. here is a workaround: after you cut-and-paste the document into the compose window, then cut-and-paste it again and put it into the html window. That way all the coding will go away.
Jane (melinama, blog mom, chapel hill fiddler - google has taken away my pseudonyms!)
Labels: announcements
Saturday, November 30, 2013
New Telenovela: Por Siempre Mi Amor - Starts Monday on Uni
Labels: proximas, recappers-needed, siempre, synopsis-cast
Lo Que La Vida Me Robo #9- 11/29/13: Tantita Pena (She Suffers)
Ahoy, Amigis! The title of this recap is taken from a song by Alejandro Fernandez. Please enjoy the link Tantita Pena
Gracie sends Dimwit to Ale's to make sure he shows up at Pedro's shinding. Make something up if he isn't wanting to go Gracie opines. Speaking of Gracie we are opening a new table on the Patio called, "The Tasteful Fashion Police". Cap'n Sylvia and Doris are the first ones there ; ) We will be critiquing Gracie's unfortunate taste in clothes, but especially the shoes. Speaking of shoes here is another link for your listening pleasure In These Shoes
Pedro's Shinding:
As Nadia, Pedro's wife, plays the "Moonlight Sonata", Gracie and Lottie are in the corner talking about her piano playing. Lottie thinks she's good Gracie, meh, not so much. Speaking of Gracie, did she just roll out of bed, she looks like she's got the "Bed Head". Product suggestions anyone? Seems Pedro likes showing Nadia off, but he's nowhere in sight, he's talking politics in his office with who knows who according to Gracie. Lottie remarks how Ale just walked in and he is devouring Monse with his eyes. Oh, la la, say oooo la, la Y'all! There are some smoldering looks between Monse and Ale. Monse is moving toward Ale and Lottie thinks this is a bad idea. She should let Ale come to her. Gracie is all for Monse taking the lead. Monse greets Ale and the look between them a little flirtatious a bit shy, and says she'd like to talk to him, but not there. She takes his hand and he clutches her hand and off they go. Gracie is over the moon thinking Lottie gave Monse some good advice.
Read more »
Labels: robo
Mentir Para Vivir #39 Fri 11/29/13 The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Trut AND Its Consequences
Capítulo 39
Lo Del Pasado:
Cesar has returned from the seminary to Lucina’s B&B, ignoring Raquel’s “I told you so” remarks, to right things with Mama. Now that his dad’s living there as well, Ruben has managed to confess to his son about his past--the why and how of his years ago succumbing to Mathilde’s charms and her expected inheritance, and thus leaving Fidelia to fend for herself. (Not exactly what Viewerville would deem true love on either account. What a frickin’ waste, Fi! You could have done so much better!)
Oriana has set up Jose Luis to meet with Dona Paloma the next morning, per Paloma’s request. She’s also agreed, per Ric’s request, to counsel Fabiola regarding the need for birth control since self-control effectively dissolved into stardust and Sebastardo’s male lust. Ric has also emphasized to Oriana that if she goes back with her husband, there won’t be any “negotiated” terms on JL’s part; that a guy like Jose Luis simply takes what he wants.
Lo Del Nuevo:
Ric and Padre Mariano have now decided that it’s time to tell Paloma the truth so that Jose Luis won’t catch the old woman off her guard during their heart-to-heart, possibly killing her from the shock of the surprise. He calls Oriana over to the rectory for a meet with Lucina and them later that day.
Lina cajoles her “abuela” to invite her daddy over to live with them in the big mansion, one big happy family! (This is when Viewerville thinks "cute" needs to take a hike and manners needs a major leg up to the table.) 2nes tries talking Lina out of the idea, but the little girl is a litigation marvel, a natural, and she wins the argument with her mommy. 2nes exits the bedroom and calls Jose Luis. He’s at the Twenty-Four/ Seven Lounge with Berto and takes her call on his cell. “—We have to move the appointment with Paloma to later tomorrow. She’s too tired. Oh, and BTW, I lied when I said she knew I wasn’t Ines.” No problema, replies JL amorously. “--I wouldn’t ever betray you, mi vida. Besos.” Berto claps at the “act”, obnoxious as ever. The two men continue their discussion about Lila wanting to legally contest the will now that the do-do has hit the wind-manufacturing apparatus. JL says let her. What does he care, anyway?
Berto points out that the scandal may be so great for the company that he chooses to relinquish his stock in the company, selling off to the old lady who’d then be ripe for the picking since she’d need a strong man running things there. JL ignores that to ask if he has found the pistol Rick took from him. The house is so large, complains Berto, that he’d have to go through it room by room and there are dozens of rooms! That’s a pile of crap, says JL to the butt-faced one. “--Get it done and I don’t care how you do it. Got that?” Just then Joaquin arrives, gives Bertie the brush off, and then takes his place of pompi-pomp-assed priority on the cushioned purple couch. JL tells him Berto is a useless idiot that he now finds more of a pain than an asset. So, in the old days, offers Joaquin, we used to make those kinds of guys disappear. Problem solved.
Joaquin orders a drink and informs JL that in a day or so he’ll have the signatory problem with the bank account in Colombia solved for his wife. JL is relieved, but Joaquin tells him not so fast. He owes him another one now for this additional favorcito. “—I can’t understand why you want to retire from the business. You look like one of the upper crust and fit in perfectly. You can talk rings around them and stand to earn a huge amount of money at this.” “—My wife would never accept it.” Joqi guffaws and suggests JL shower her with gifts. Works for him. “--Not all women are alike.”
Meanwhile, Berto figures he’ll hit on Marilu for skinny on Ric. He hits her with a sob story and asks her out for happy hour and pumps her hard. Marilu unwittingly gives him the hours Ric keeps, tells him that Ric’s living in the bungalow attached to the side of the main manse and that his manservant leaves every evening and returns first thing in the morning. No, he doesn’t throw parties and his old maid auntie doesn’t either. They’re both pretty much sticks in the mud who do very little entertaining.
That evening Oriana arrives at the rectory and sees Lucina there with Padre Mariano and Ricardo. Ric explains that the time’s come to tell Paloma that she’s not really Ines Valdivia. Oriana realizes that she cannot continue lying to Paloma any longer. “—Yes, I’ve put it off too long already.” Ric is certain that Paloma won’t turn her into the police. Mariano and he advise her to move in with Lucina for a while. As for the three million pesos Lucina and Raqi owe Paloma, he’ll be happy to hand that amount over to Lucina so she can repay it to Paloma in full. She shouldn’t have to feel obligated to go back with Jose Luis, either, they opine, just because she is still married to him.
Oriana has second thoughts about causing the old woman another heart attack. She cares a great deal for Paloma and that’s the last thing she’d want to have happen, she tells them anxiously. Ric reminds Oriana that at some most inopportune moment, Jose Luis could let the cat out of the bag accidentally on purrrr-pose. Or, Lucina adds, if he wants to have sex he’d be able to hold that over her head, demanding his rights like men do. “--JL may sweet talk you by saying he’d always respect you, but men never do,” let alone the malevolent, self-seeking Mafioso type Jose Luis is now. Lucinda adds that if her hubby does get those charges dropped and has a document to prove it, then Oriana can get a divorce finally and be free of him. Mariano seconds that, saying the Church will also allow a separation if the husband becomes involved in criminal activities.
Oriana asks how she’s supposed to fix the assumed identity problem. Lucina suggests telling their whole story to Manolo, her cop buddy from San Carlos. He’s as much a friend as a cop to Lucina and will be able to suggest something that makes sense she believes. Oriana tells them that Lina wants her daddy to move into Paloma’s house, which is another headache to consider. Ric jealously says they’ve already discussed that and it’s not doable. Lucina is totally against that idea also, but for more sensible reasons. “—You can’t do everything your child wants you to. Lina is only a little girl and you need to live your own life, unless you want to end up a bitter old woman, or worse yet, a nun!” (Hive Fiver to Lucina!) Mariano suggests taking Lina to a child psychiatrist for therapy to help her understand their situation better.
After much persuasion from Lucinda, Oriana agrees that she’ll join the others to make a clean breast of it all, but only if Paloma’s cardiologist is there in case the old lady’s heart palpitations get the best of her, She then calls Jose Luis, who is now boored stiff while “partying” with Joaquin and a stable of dancing doxies, to change the appointment with Paloma till the next afternoon. She lies and says it’s because the cardiologist is coming for a routine follow up in the morning. JL sees no problem and agrees.
The next morning everyone sits in Paloma’s office area of Paloma’s bedroom waiting for her arrival so they can begin the whole miserably embarrassing, wretched story. Lucina gives Paloma the “once upon a time” version. Paloma soon realizes she’s hearing 2nes’s past and that it means 2nes is not True-nes Valdivia after all. Paloma, now tired and saddened by the realization, wants to know why they tricked her. Ric explains gently that Oriana had no choice if she was going to protect her daughter; but he emphasizes quickly that she also was worried about Paloma’s health because she truly loves her and wanted no harm to come to her. “--Then where is my granddaughter? Where is Ines?” Mariano slickly remarks that she’s joined her mother in heaven. Lucina relates how Ines came to her hotel and the next day died from an overdose of drugs while swimming in the ocean, and without any I.D. on her. Lucina clarifies that because she was unidentified, she was eventually cremated with all the other unidentified bodies the police find. She hands Paloma the only thing of value that was left in her hotel room. Paloma recognizes it as the gold locket she’d given her daughter before she was run off by her father. Lucina wipes away her tears. “—If you want to blame anybody, blame me. I was the one who planned and caused this whole mess. I thought falsifying the documents and the passport would be the best way to insure Oriana could keep hold of her daughter.”
Just about that time, Mathilde comes sniffing around and enters the room, wanting to know what the gang is talking about that’s got her aunt so disturbed. Ric walks her back into the hallway. He tells her this doesn’t concern her and to let them finish up. Wouldn’t you know it, though! A minute later, Mad Hilde opens the door, in demand stance again. Ric, very perturbed, leaves with her and tells her it’s undignified for a “lady” like herself to be eavesdropping through a closed door the way she’s been. “--Be kind enough not to do this!” He has to warn her twice, second time not as nice.
Oriana now leaves to pack her and Lina’s things. She’s moving out. Ric begs her to stay a bit longer and to give her own version, to then ask for forgiveness and perhaps offer to leave after that—but not like this! Not like a thief in the night! Oriana, though, is certain the old lady will call the police down on her, though Ric says he doesn’t believe that will happen. Well, if nothing else she is certain she will never want to speak to her again in this lifetime or the next. As far as she is concerned, she is a thief. She’s stolen the old woman’s affections and she’s stolen her granddaughter’s identity!
Mad Hilde walks into the anteroom where Oriana’s left her bags. Whose are those, she asks? Ric and Lucinda explain they’re Ines’s. “--She’s going on vacation.” “—Oh, don’t tell me she’s really a whore?” Ric tells her to can the trash talk.
Outside, a few minutes later, Lina returns from school and sees the bags and the dog on the lawn. They’re leaving to stay at Lucina’s, says Oriana. They pack up and Oriana stops to cancel JL’s afternoon appointment. He doesn’t understand and doesn’t believe the excuse. Oriana clicks off without any further explanation. Mad Hilde show up on the lawn a minute later and demands the older maid tell her what’s going on. The old gal stutters out that she believes 2nes is going to live with her husband now. Maddy is pleased with herself and the news and jingles her collar bells with deliciously malicious delight. (Me-owwwwww!)
The doctor has needed to give Paloma some knock-out drops. Mariano wants to assure he’ll stay mum on the things he heard there this morning. The doctor says he’s just like a priest at confession when it comes to a patient’s personal life.
Once Oriana’s settled in at the B&B, she and Lucinda discuss whether she’ll be going back with her hubby or not. Oriana’s still not sure. She needs a job again, but she knows Lucinda can’t really offer her one. (As it is, she’s already getting free room and board.) The topic changes and Lucinda feels that having JL there will be too uncomfortable for Oriana (not to mention Raqi who is sharing his bed), so she’s going to ask him to find another hotel.
Down in the dining area, Ruben, Cesar and Raquel are chatting when Fakecisco shows up and greets them. He learns Cesar’s Ruben’s son and that he’s left the seminary to deal with his mother. Raqi mentions then that Paloma’s “granddaughter and great-granddaughter” are now living at the B&B. Lucina arrives and takes Fakecisco into her office to discuss her need for him to leave to find another hotel. He demands to know what room they’re in. “—I’m her husband and it’s migh right!” “—No, no! You’re “rights” come only as far as she wants them to. So many people know the truth about her past now that if we haven’t all gone to the police yet about you, it’s been to protect her and Lina. So, we need to ask you to find lodging somewhere else.” “Fine. Prepare my bill then!”
Raqi follows him to his room, staking out her territory with JL, and learns he’s leaving thanks to Lucina. No problem, though. He’s thinking to rent out a house and bring his family to live with him there. Raqi wonders what about her. Her? JL and she swap tongues and then he tells her that she’s been nothing more than a pleasant diversion. She slaps him and fights a second kiss, but the two of them enjoy the rough foreplay it seems. (Ehh! They’ll be seeing each other again if Raquel has anything more to say about it--and she’ll make sure she does, natch.)
Ric, meanwhile, mopes around his house in the dark. Oriana refuses to answer his calls. Raqi calls to rile him with the lie that the two turtledoves are back together again. He hangs up and races over to the B&B to find out for himself.
At the same time, Jose Luis bribes Felipe with a wad of bills to find out what room his wife’s in. He enters and gives her the news that Lucina has thrown him out but that he’s going to rent a house for them to live in instead. He threatens her, warning that if she doesn’t come live with him then he’ll see that the charges against her in Colombia are not dropped after all!
Ric gets to the B&B just as Jose Luis is schlepping his bags onto the courtyard. They stare maliciously at each other. Thunder booms and lightning crackles above. The rain starts to fall. Ric looks squarely at his rival and speaks first. “--So, Oriana came here because you were staying here?” JL laughs at him. “—Well, of course!” Ric tells him he doesn’t believe it. “—Ask her yourself.” “—You’re pressuring her, forcing her!” “—Get this straight: Oriana is my wife!” Ric immediately corrects him. “—No, she was your wife while she thought you were a decent man; but now Oriana is mine!” The two start circling and suddenly we’ve got major fisticuffs in the middle of the falling rain in the middle of the courtyard. Eventually it looks like JL has gotten the better of Ric and he knocks him down with a solid right hook to the jaw.
Ric gets it together again though, and jumps back on his feet. With the entire staff and guests looking on by now, Ric manages his own right hook to Jose Luis’s jaw, then does a quick kung-fu double legged jump-kick to the belly number on JL. This causes JL to fall flat on his back into the swimming pool. He sinks to the bottom. Oriana is drop-kick-me impactada when she sees her hubby rise back up to the top with a large pistol in his hand—and he is aiming it straight at Ric, his finger on the trigger…..
Labels: mentir
Corazon Indomable :146 - Scandals, Vengeance and Jealousy: It’s a busy day in C.I
Labels: Indomable
Por Siempre Mi Amor-Index
Friday, November 29, 2013
Lo que la vida me robo #8
Capítulo 39
Lo Del Pasado:
Cesar has returned from the seminary to Lucina’s B&B, ignoring Raquel’s “I told you so” remarks, to right things with Mama. Now that his dad’s living there as well, Ruben has managed to confess to his son about his past--the why and how of his years ago succumbing to Mathilde’s charms and her expected inheritance, and thus leaving Fidelia to fend for herself. (Not exactly what Viewerville would deem true love on either account. What a frickin’ waste, Fi! You could have done so much better!)
Oriana has set up Jose Luis to meet with Dona Paloma the next morning, per Paloma’s request. She’s also agreed, per Ric’s request, to counsel Fabiola regarding the need for birth control since self-control effectively dissolved into stardust and Sebastardo’s male lust. Ric has also emphasized to Oriana that if she goes back with her husband, there won’t be any “negotiated” terms on JL’s part; that a guy like Jose Luis simply takes what he wants.
Lo Del Nuevo:
Ric and Padre Mariano have now decided that it’s time to tell Paloma the truth so that Jose Luis won’t catch the old woman off her guard during their heart-to-heart, possibly killing her from the shock of the surprise. He calls Oriana over to the rectory for a meet with Lucina and them later that day.
Lina cajoles her “abuela” to invite her daddy over to live with them in the big mansion, one big happy family! (This is when Viewerville thinks "cute" needs to take a hike and manners needs a major leg up to the table.) 2nes tries talking Lina out of the idea, but the little girl is a litigation marvel, a natural, and she wins the argument with her mommy. 2nes exits the bedroom and calls Jose Luis. He’s at the Twenty-Four/ Seven Lounge with Berto and takes her call on his cell. “—We have to move the appointment with Paloma to later tomorrow. She’s too tired. Oh, and BTW, I lied when I said she knew I wasn’t Ines.” No problema, replies JL amorously. “--I wouldn’t ever betray you, mi vida. Besos.” Berto claps at the “act”, obnoxious as ever. The two men continue their discussion about Lila wanting to legally contest the will now that the do-do has hit the wind-manufacturing apparatus. JL says let her. What does he care, anyway?
Berto points out that the scandal may be so great for the company that he chooses to relinquish his stock in the company, selling off to the old lady who’d then be ripe for the picking since she’d need a strong man running things there. JL ignores that to ask if he has found the pistol Rick took from him. The house is so large, complains Berto, that he’d have to go through it room by room and there are dozens of rooms! That’s a pile of crap, says JL to the butt-faced one. “--Get it done and I don’t care how you do it. Got that?” Just then Joaquin arrives, gives Bertie the brush off, and then takes his place of pompi-pomp-assed priority on the cushioned purple couch. JL tells him Berto is a useless idiot that he now finds more of a pain than an asset. So, in the old days, offers Joaquin, we used to make those kinds of guys disappear. Problem solved.
Joaquin orders a drink and informs JL that in a day or so he’ll have the signatory problem with the bank account in Colombia solved for his wife. JL is relieved, but Joaquin tells him not so fast. He owes him another one now for this additional favorcito. “—I can’t understand why you want to retire from the business. You look like one of the upper crust and fit in perfectly. You can talk rings around them and stand to earn a huge amount of money at this.” “—My wife would never accept it.” Joqi guffaws and suggests JL shower her with gifts. Works for him. “--Not all women are alike.”
Meanwhile, Berto figures he’ll hit on Marilu for skinny on Ric. He hits her with a sob story and asks her out for happy hour and pumps her hard. Marilu unwittingly gives him the hours Ric keeps, tells him that Ric’s living in the bungalow attached to the side of the main manse and that his manservant leaves every evening and returns first thing in the morning. No, he doesn’t throw parties and his old maid auntie doesn’t either. They’re both pretty much sticks in the mud who do very little entertaining.
That evening Oriana arrives at the rectory and sees Lucina there with Padre Mariano and Ricardo. Ric explains that the time’s come to tell Paloma that she’s not really Ines Valdivia. Oriana realizes that she cannot continue lying to Paloma any longer. “—Yes, I’ve put it off too long already.” Ric is certain that Paloma won’t turn her into the police. Mariano and he advise her to move in with Lucina for a while. As for the three million pesos Lucina and Raqi owe Paloma, he’ll be happy to hand that amount over to Lucina so she can repay it to Paloma in full. She shouldn’t have to feel obligated to go back with Jose Luis, either, they opine, just because she is still married to him.
Oriana has second thoughts about causing the old woman another heart attack. She cares a great deal for Paloma and that’s the last thing she’d want to have happen, she tells them anxiously. Ric reminds Oriana that at some most inopportune moment, Jose Luis could let the cat out of the bag accidentally on purrrr-pose. Or, Lucina adds, if he wants to have sex he’d be able to hold that over her head, demanding his rights like men do. “--JL may sweet talk you by saying he’d always respect you, but men never do,” let alone the malevolent, self-seeking Mafioso type Jose Luis is now. Lucinda adds that if her hubby does get those charges dropped and has a document to prove it, then Oriana can get a divorce finally and be free of him. Mariano seconds that, saying the Church will also allow a separation if the husband becomes involved in criminal activities.
Oriana asks how she’s supposed to fix the assumed identity problem. Lucina suggests telling their whole story to Manolo, her cop buddy from San Carlos. He’s as much a friend as a cop to Lucina and will be able to suggest something that makes sense she believes. Oriana tells them that Lina wants her daddy to move into Paloma’s house, which is another headache to consider. Ric jealously says they’ve already discussed that and it’s not doable. Lucina is totally against that idea also, but for more sensible reasons. “—You can’t do everything your child wants you to. Lina is only a little girl and you need to live your own life, unless you want to end up a bitter old woman, or worse yet, a nun!” (Hive Fiver to Lucina!) Mariano suggests taking Lina to a child psychiatrist for therapy to help her understand their situation better.
After much persuasion from Lucinda, Oriana agrees that she’ll join the others to make a clean breast of it all, but only if Paloma’s cardiologist is there in case the old lady’s heart palpitations get the best of her, She then calls Jose Luis, who is now boored stiff while “partying” with Joaquin and a stable of dancing doxies, to change the appointment with Paloma till the next afternoon. She lies and says it’s because the cardiologist is coming for a routine follow up in the morning. JL sees no problem and agrees.
The next morning everyone sits in Paloma’s office area of Paloma’s bedroom waiting for her arrival so they can begin the whole miserably embarrassing, wretched story. Lucina gives Paloma the “once upon a time” version. Paloma soon realizes she’s hearing 2nes’s past and that it means 2nes is not True-nes Valdivia after all. Paloma, now tired and saddened by the realization, wants to know why they tricked her. Ric explains gently that Oriana had no choice if she was going to protect her daughter; but he emphasizes quickly that she also was worried about Paloma’s health because she truly loves her and wanted no harm to come to her. “--Then where is my granddaughter? Where is Ines?” Mariano slickly remarks that she’s joined her mother in heaven. Lucina relates how Ines came to her hotel and the next day died from an overdose of drugs while swimming in the ocean, and without any I.D. on her. Lucina clarifies that because she was unidentified, she was eventually cremated with all the other unidentified bodies the police find. She hands Paloma the only thing of value that was left in her hotel room. Paloma recognizes it as the gold locket she’d given her daughter before she was run off by her father. Lucina wipes away her tears. “—If you want to blame anybody, blame me. I was the one who planned and caused this whole mess. I thought falsifying the documents and the passport would be the best way to insure Oriana could keep hold of her daughter.”
Just about that time, Mathilde comes sniffing around and enters the room, wanting to know what the gang is talking about that’s got her aunt so disturbed. Ric walks her back into the hallway. He tells her this doesn’t concern her and to let them finish up. Wouldn’t you know it, though! A minute later, Mad Hilde opens the door, in demand stance again. Ric, very perturbed, leaves with her and tells her it’s undignified for a “lady” like herself to be eavesdropping through a closed door the way she’s been. “--Be kind enough not to do this!” He has to warn her twice, second time not as nice.
Oriana now leaves to pack her and Lina’s things. She’s moving out. Ric begs her to stay a bit longer and to give her own version, to then ask for forgiveness and perhaps offer to leave after that—but not like this! Not like a thief in the night! Oriana, though, is certain the old lady will call the police down on her, though Ric says he doesn’t believe that will happen. Well, if nothing else she is certain she will never want to speak to her again in this lifetime or the next. As far as she is concerned, she is a thief. She’s stolen the old woman’s affections and she’s stolen her granddaughter’s identity!
Mad Hilde walks into the anteroom where Oriana’s left her bags. Whose are those, she asks? Ric and Lucinda explain they’re Ines’s. “--She’s going on vacation.” “—Oh, don’t tell me she’s really a whore?” Ric tells her to can the trash talk.
Outside, a few minutes later, Lina returns from school and sees the bags and the dog on the lawn. They’re leaving to stay at Lucina’s, says Oriana. They pack up and Oriana stops to cancel JL’s afternoon appointment. He doesn’t understand and doesn’t believe the excuse. Oriana clicks off without any further explanation. Mad Hilde show up on the lawn a minute later and demands the older maid tell her what’s going on. The old gal stutters out that she believes 2nes is going to live with her husband now. Maddy is pleased with herself and the news and jingles her collar bells with deliciously malicious delight. (Me-owwwwww!)
The doctor has needed to give Paloma some knock-out drops. Mariano wants to assure he’ll stay mum on the things he heard there this morning. The doctor says he’s just like a priest at confession when it comes to a patient’s personal life.
Once Oriana’s settled in at the B&B, she and Lucinda discuss whether she’ll be going back with her hubby or not. Oriana’s still not sure. She needs a job again, but she knows Lucinda can’t really offer her one. (As it is, she’s already getting free room and board.) The topic changes and Lucinda feels that having JL there will be too uncomfortable for Oriana (not to mention Raqi who is sharing his bed), so she’s going to ask him to find another hotel.
Down in the dining area, Ruben, Cesar and Raquel are chatting when Fakecisco shows up and greets them. He learns Cesar’s Ruben’s son and that he’s left the seminary to deal with his mother. Raqi mentions then that Paloma’s “granddaughter and great-granddaughter” are now living at the B&B. Lucina arrives and takes Fakecisco into her office to discuss her need for him to leave to find another hotel. He demands to know what room they’re in. “—I’m her husband and it’s migh right!” “—No, no! You’re “rights” come only as far as she wants them to. So many people know the truth about her past now that if we haven’t all gone to the police yet about you, it’s been to protect her and Lina. So, we need to ask you to find lodging somewhere else.” “Fine. Prepare my bill then!”
Raqi follows him to his room, staking out her territory with JL, and learns he’s leaving thanks to Lucina. No problem, though. He’s thinking to rent out a house and bring his family to live with him there. Raqi wonders what about her. Her? JL and she swap tongues and then he tells her that she’s been nothing more than a pleasant diversion. She slaps him and fights a second kiss, but the two of them enjoy the rough foreplay it seems. (Ehh! They’ll be seeing each other again if Raquel has anything more to say about it--and she’ll make sure she does, natch.)
Ric, meanwhile, mopes around his house in the dark. Oriana refuses to answer his calls. Raqi calls to rile him with the lie that the two turtledoves are back together again. He hangs up and races over to the B&B to find out for himself.
At the same time, Jose Luis bribes Felipe with a wad of bills to find out what room his wife’s in. He enters and gives her the news that Lucina has thrown him out but that he’s going to rent a house for them to live in instead. He threatens her, warning that if she doesn’t come live with him then he’ll see that the charges against her in Colombia are not dropped after all!
Ric gets to the B&B just as Jose Luis is schlepping his bags onto the courtyard. They stare maliciously at each other. Thunder booms and lightning crackles above. The rain starts to fall. Ric looks squarely at his rival and speaks first. “--So, Oriana came here because you were staying here?” JL laughs at him. “—Well, of course!” Ric tells him he doesn’t believe it. “—Ask her yourself.” “—You’re pressuring her, forcing her!” “—Get this straight: Oriana is my wife!” Ric immediately corrects him. “—No, she was your wife while she thought you were a decent man; but now Oriana is mine!” The two start circling and suddenly we’ve got major fisticuffs in the middle of the falling rain in the middle of the courtyard. Eventually it looks like JL has gotten the better of Ric and he knocks him down with a solid right hook to the jaw.
Ric gets it together again though, and jumps back on his feet. With the entire staff and guests looking on by now, Ric manages his own right hook to Jose Luis’s jaw, then does a quick kung-fu double legged jump-kick to the belly number on JL. This causes JL to fall flat on his back into the swimming pool. He sinks to the bottom. Oriana is drop-kick-me impactada when she sees her hubby rise back up to the top with a large pistol in his hand—and he is aiming it straight at Ric, his finger on the trigger…..
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Corazon Indomable # 145 (plus replay of #144), Thursday, 11-28-13. Lazy Layabout Playboy Painter Amazes the Artistic World, Then Displays a Shocking Loss of Artistic Integrity
Here’s hoping all of you had a great holiday and wonderful Thanksgiving feast.
WTH, Univision? Another “two-hour” evening with another repeat of the previous night’s second hour, leaving us with only one fresh episode? And here we thought we were making progress. (I could be bitter about sacrificing my Thanksgiving evening, but the food is put away, the dishes are washed, and I’m ready to sit for a while.)
If You Didn’t Get Enough of the Club Scene
If one had only known, one could have made better plans for the repeat of Cap. 144—skipping either last night’s or tonight’s showing. I was weary enough from cooking to stay put and watch all over again.
There were the young lovers in their assorted triangles, hanging out at the club while watched over by cool and carefree Clementina. There was Alfonso, the man with the plan, persuading his fellow artists to fill up “his” exhibit with their talent. At least they get the satisfaction of seeing their work on display, even if he gets the credit. There were Celia and Tav, concerned that Mechita and MC would get bad reps from association with slimy Alfonso. And finally, we see many of our current characters eager to make an appearance at the exciting exhibit.
One of the Highlights of the Social Season
Although Tav appeared in person to complain to Alfonso’s mother and future mother-in-law, the selfish slimeball painter is determined to continue his pursuit of MC as both model and lover. Elsa, the very young former flame, calls to lodge another complaint with Alf. He claims he dropped her because she’s too young. That excuse doesn’t cut it with her, since he picked her up at school many times. She’ll see him at the exhibit! MC, hoping for a fresh start, tells Juanita they need to leave the hotel and find a house. (Finally feeling the need for privacy?)
Doris is driving to meet Tav, sure that she’ll marry him this time, unless he’s still involved with “that woman.” MC speaks to Juanita as she heads off for the exhibit, dressed in a conservative ice-blue lace sheath. Juanita says she is very elegant, but MC thinks Doris may bring out the savage in her.
MC is speaking to Alf in the crowded gallery when Tav and Doris arrive. Doris looks deceptively sweet in a pink chiffon and lace dress, with one bare shoulder and a flying panel on the other shoulder. She trills “Buenos noches” at Alf and MC, while a sullen Tav and hostile MC refuse to acknowledge each other. Alf tosses out “bienvenidos” as they stride by.
Clementina, husband (name?), Celia, and Mechita chat in a group. Doris and Tav scan the paintings, zeroing in on the head and shoulders portrait of MariCruz. Doris’ opinion: “She looks prettier than she really is.” Anibal, the hovering creator of the abstract “Freedom,” is thrilled to hear Tav praise his painting. Tasha and Alf’s buddy toast the success of the exhibit.
Tav overhears two men gossiping about MC—she’s actually the hired companion of the painter’s mother, and possibly worse. He takes offense and huffily informs them he personally knows that she’s a lady, not a tramp. Then he attempts to grab MC, saying if she doesn’t get rid of that painting, he will! He tells Alf he doesn’t want to hear MC' name in everyone’s mouth: after all, she is the mother of his daughter. Next, he tells Doris they’re leaving, despite her complaint that all this has nothing to do with them.
The Art World Is Amazed at Alfonso’s Talent
The morning after the big event, Alf’s parents read the morning papers with the critics’ positive take on the exhibit. “Freedom” is a masterpiece. Alf is also reading and learns his exhibit “surprised the artistic world.” Anibal, the somewhat scruffy “Freedom” artist, comes to see Alf with his thanks. MC is also reading the critics’ comments, but less happily. She doesn’t like contributing to a deception and thinks the other artists must be suffering from the imposture.
Anibal is thrilled to see his work appreciated, but Alfonso doesn’t want to give up the painting yet. He wants to show it elsewhere and maybe win a prize with it. He would give Anibal some money, since he knows Anibal needs it. Anibal is counting on the world knowing he’s the artist sometime in the future. He’s troubled with shaking hands, which is bad news for a painter.
Meanwhile at Casa de Society Central, Celia and her friends are praising the exhibit and asking about Mechita’s wedding. Now, many of them want Alfonso to paint their portraits. (Ha! A perfect career for him—a soulless society painter, forced to flatter ladies of a certain age instead of producing masterpieces or seducing young models.)
An art collector/museum representative calls on Alfonso. He thinks “Freedom” is a masterpiece and will pay mucho dinero for it--$100,000. Alf smirks a little, but doesn’t want to sell yet, since he hopes to exhibit it other places. Buyer thinks he must have been truly inspired to paint like that. Since he is leaving for Germany in a short time, he wants to take the painting with him. Selfish swine Alf continues thinking: Anibal is sick and won’t paint much longer the way his hand shakes. I could give him money and besides, my signature is on that painting. It’s too good an opportunity to pass up.
Other Members of the Public Have a Lower Opinion of Alfonso and His Talent
Tav wonders why he continues to believe MC is pure. Doris mocks him for defending MC, but he feels like killing those who attack her. He thinks of Alfonso’s insinuation that he should get rid of MC’ portrait if it causes such a problem.
MC is busy at Clem’s Casa de Pretensiones, going through her new stack of invitations. She’s hot property socially, now that her son is the buzzword of the art world. Clem brags on ladies lining up for portraits. MC is happy for her boss, but says Alf doesn’t take his painting seriously. They acknowledge other painters contributed to the exhibit’s success. A news bulletin announces a burglary at the art exhibit. The portrait of MariCruz was stolen!
In Tav’s room, we see him with the stolen portrait, loudly chastising the painted MC as maldita (damned). If his one brain cell isn’t working, his emotions are. He takes a knife from his bag and slashes the painting, hacking away until only tangled pieces remain. He rips the canvas free, tearing it into smaller shreds and demolishes the inner frame.
This catharsis is interrupted by a knock on the door. Doris enters, surveys the mess, and says Tav is the thief! Now he’s made MC famous as the muse caught between the artist and a jealous lover. Why did he do it? Because of those men saying MC was Alf’s amante (lover). She warns him she could make a real scandal if she calls the police!
An official is interviewing the gallery owner, who says it may be personal vengeance. He is welcome to investigate on his own. Probably he will, since it’s a juicy story.
MC goes into savage mode and confronts Alf in his studio, saying they have to talk. She arrives as Anibal also visits the studio. Concerned for security, he wants his painting. Alf reminds him to be careful about saying that, since it’s traveling under Alf’s signature. MC hears him offer $2,000 to Anibal and questions Alf once they’re alone. He says a buyer is offering $100,000 so he can easily pay Anibal the smaller amount.
MC is incensed and rips into him as she did to the Emir Karim, so long ago. She says other painters would be interested to know how he operates. He’s the worst kind of petty thief! He warns her that she and Tav have as much to lose as he, if the entire mess is made public.
Preview—Continuing fallout from the artistic scandal.
Labels: Indomable
Mentir Para Vivir #38 Thu 11/28/13 Preparar para Desmentir
Eliseo phones the big boss man in the DR to report that things are rotten in Hermosillo. He explains that JL, er, "El Zorro" (The Fox) is mixing business and pleasure. As is the big boss man with his secretary, it appears.
Fabiola, shrouded in Piero's coat, walks into his apartment, sobbing. Piero offers her some water and gets her to sit down. He encourages her to tell him what happened. She disputes him calling her "innocent" and says she isn't anymore. Piero tells her that what's done is done and we have to learn to deal with it. Fabi says she feels dirty. Piero babbles about youthful mistakes made in the heat of the moment and tells her not to be so hard on herself. "I didn't want to. I couldn't stop him," Fabi sobs. She says Sebastian was like a beast and she can't tell her mother or her mom will kill her. "I don't have anyone." Piero hugs her, but Fabi asks to use his bathroom to clean up so she can go home. She gets him to agree to drop her off close to home, but not at her house. She asks if it's true that Sebastian's mom is…"sick? Yes."
Lucina, Raquel, and Ruben share some drinks to celebrate Ruben's new job with a friend who just got a big contract. It won't be a lot, but he'll be comfortable.
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Thursday, November 28, 2013
Lo que la Vida Me Robo #7, 11/27/13: Yo mom, let's send an innocent man to jail!
The recap is all done :)
The Old Stuff: Montse and Jose get it on, man I hope the water in that river was warm!
Maria and her creepy uncle:
Maria, who I've decided I don't like is sitting around wearing a really iffy looking outfit, she is joined by her creeper of an uncle Juventino who is there to ask her for a favor, he needs her to get him the key to Domingas bedroom, Maria, instead of asking why he needs said key instead tells him that Dominga is "muy poca cosa"- or in English "not good enough" for him. Someone on the patio groans and another member throws something at the TV while shouting "have you met your uncle?!". Juventino pushes her just a little bit more and she caves,she'll get the key for him, and this is when my serious dislike of her begins. Also I can't stand her stupid side ponytail thing.
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Corazon Indomable #144 I think?
Part 1:
The music tells us that Al drops a bomb at the dinner table in front of Mercedes, Mom and MC, the three m's, hahaha. A jealous exhusband came to his studio and threatened him if he paints his exwife. It doesn't seem to warrant that much suspense to me.
Doris drops a bomb to Octavio except the music isn't that intense because the water fountain in the background is making so much noise it's hard to hear them. She tells him that she told her daddy that they are back together and getting married. Octavio gives her a look that I can't identify. I think he's using his one brain cell to figure out what she just said.
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Mentir Para Vivir #37 Wed 11/27/13 A mime in front of a children's school, really?
Ricky’s Place
Ricky is ambushed by the paparazzi at his door.
Celio and Fermin tell him they've been at it all day. Once he's gone - Celio and Fer get to talking. Celio's been there a long time. The only thing he knows for sure is that Benigno was a good for nothing drunk who always beat his daughter.
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Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Corazon Indomable Hour 1 -- From Muse to Matchmaker; Hour 2 - Not In The Nude, Dude!
Hour 1 of 2 --Capítulo 142
"From Muse to Matchmaker"
Maricruz returns to Clementina’s manse to report to Mama C that Alfonzo is an underachiever. This is the reason for his not wanting to have an exhibition. (Or, to paraphrase—the bigger the boast, the smaller the post…) M/C realizes this dawggy's got a bigger bark than bite and tells Mama, bottom line, she’s determined Fonzie requires a muse more than a mistress. She can manage musing no problem.
Octavio, knowing that he’s got Juanita on his side, figures he’ll be able to keep tabs on his family unit and will have time to eventually convince Maricruz that she completely misinterpreted Doris’s draping her drunk-as-a-skunky skanky self over him and planting a plastered lip-lock on him just as she walked into the room that night at the party. He’s determined to make her realize that appearances can be deceiving, especially where Doris and he are always concerned. (Good luck, Chump. Please tell us what makes the umpteenth and first time so different from the first umpteen.)
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Mentir Para Vivir #36 Tue 11/26/13 Either Man Up or Take Some Midol, Ricky!
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Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Lo que la vida me robó, cap 6, Tues. 26 Nov. 2013: Alejandro suffers buyer's remorse, and the cash cow breaks out of the barn.
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Mentir Para Vivir #35 Mon 11/25/13 Famoso empresario abuses retrasada mental and wears an ascot * while making love.
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Lo que la vida me robo, November 25, 2013. Capitulo 5
Graciela tells the police that she accompanied her son, DamDim, to take care of a debt he had with the dearly departed. DamDim confirms they were there for about 20 mins. Lauro observes all with his normally confused face or is it bored look? I can't tell. Anyway the police ask if they remember anything else to let them know.
Next they pay a visit to our resident stud, Alejandro. He tells them about the dearly departed’s bad dealings. Victor is glad that Ale didn't comment about Bruno stealing from him. The police could have interpreted it wrong. Ale saw no reason to mention it.
Gaspar asks Juventino where he's been. He lies and says he was looking into some prices on vitamins for the animals. Instead of scolding me, you should be trying to hook up Maria and Alejandro together. We could then be the owners of all this. Gaspar tells him that he is tired of hearing the same crap. And stop putting ideas into his daughters head. He has other ambitions.
Lauro is upset that DamDim owed Bruno money and wasn't even informed about it. Graciela was going to tell him but wanted to take care of it first. DamDim jokes that if he knew Bruno was going to end up dead, he wouldn't have bothered paying him. Lauro tells him to shut up. Now that DamDim will be returning to the marina, he will be getting some well earned discipline. Whether he wants it or not. He decides to go to bed. He asks if Graciela is coming. In just a moment. I want to talk to Montse first. Mommy dearest asks Montse who is Jose Luis?
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