Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #26 Tue 9/29/15 (Mex 35) Drop it

So much for "Don't tell Granny I shot you!"  Fabio spilled the beans!  Gael makes a run for it.  Or maybe he's just heading to the kitchen for some popcorn.  Osvaldo repeats his stupid story, but he doesn't have a good excuse for not telling his grandmother right away…or hiding it later.  Eloisa calls Pedro and tells him to get home right the hell NOW!

Sure, Diana, you were looking for office supplies.  Vito wouldn't have been moved by your fictional love note anyway.

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Antes muerta que Lichita #6 Tuesday 9/29

I am recapping on Tuesdays merely to fill in a gap. If you would like to recap on Tuesdays please contact the blogmom or 5ft.

I started condensing and combining toward the end.

Lichita gives us a rundown of Roberto's skulduggery ending with sweet Mateo asking "Papá, ¿Eres tú?" Which leads to Roberto making sounds like a leaky tire. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....." Sr. Ontiveros, owner of Supermercados Mas asks the boy if the clown looks like his dad. Poor Mateo! He says he was mistaken and dejectedly walks away.

Sr O loved Roberto as a clown. Roberto hates himself and makes excuses to Lichita. He goes in search of Mateo. Another orphan leads him to his son.

Nacho is convinced that someone hid his keys and if it wasn't Elsa, then it was Magos. Elsa swears she has them, but she's not going to give the back. Nacho said she should have told him earlier instead of giving him the runaround acting like she thought he was crazy como canica en bacinica (like a marble in a chamber pot...how's that for a mental image? Even though I did a rotten job trying to express it.) Elsa ignores him and makes her way to the kitchen so she can stare at her phone and will Magos to communicate with her just by saying her name.

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Monday, September 28, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #25 Mon 9/28/15 (Mex 33-34) A Promise Is a Promise!

Ciao, Muchacha Patio Peeps!  We pick up with Eloisa pointedly asking Pedro what is going on between him and Fiorella.  We get the first installment of our potential lovers back-peddling and offering mealy-mouthed denials of their love.  Oh, she’s just a nice girl who’s had a tough break with her father dying and she takes care of her sick sister.  What’s wrong with taking her to dinner?  Eloisa hopes that’s all it is.  Hasn't Pedro heard about poor, sweet, innocent young girls who take a shine to wealthy men?  Doesn’t he see what a disaster bringing someone who doesn't "fit", like Sonia, into the family was?  She doesn’t want her fortune going to someone who doesn’t deserve it.  Fiorella is NOT like Sonia!  Granny shouldn’t worry, Fiorella is engaged anyway and he'll probably marry as well. . .one day.

RPC.  Freddie and Dante discuss Fiorella.  Freddie thinks she’s taken with Pedro and wants to take the family for their fortune.  Dante doesn’t think Fiorella is a gold digger.  Freddie gets pissed, Dante tries to “soothe” her ire.  Yuck.

Vitto talks to Rey about his leaving Diana for Fiorella.  Rey thinks Diana is a better choice.  Fiorella is a fantasy match for Vitto, she’s little more than a child.  Well, Diana is younger than him, too.  Yeah, but she’s at least ten years older than Fiorella maintains Rey.  Vitto's not giving up his dream girl.

Pedro apparently asked Fiorella to meet him in the study to finish their talk.  He asks and she answers that it is true that she does not want to marry Viottorio, that she doesn’t love him.  And he doesn’t love you, Pedro asserts, he can’t love you; you are in love with me, aren’t you?  Eloisa enters, sizes up the situation and dismisses Fifi.  She is HER assistant, not Pedro's!  Pedro and Fiorella are locked in a longing gaze which Granny rips Fifi away from.  They leave and Granny shoots Pedro a “watch your step, boy” gaze of her own.
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Yo no Creo en los Hombres #55 Lunes 9/28/15

Chapter 55: Gaslight

Honoria and Fermin sat in the hospital waiting room all night. Doris had gone home to sleep. Maria Dolores and Max came to them in the morning with coffee. The doctor had bad news: Julian would never walk again and would need a wheelchair. Max asked whether there was anything that could be done. The doctor said “No.” A chorus of “Why Julian? Why?” came from Fermin and tears from Honoria. Fermin went on about his role in Julian's illness. He ran out. She then ordered Maria Dolores to stay away from her. She blamed her for this because Julian was always trying to come to her rescue.
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Lo Imperdonable #95 Mon 9/28/15 Nannies, Mothers, Daughters, & A Runaway Bride

(scenes have been combined) 

Mati's Last Farewell

We begin at Mati's wake, where Magdalena arrives and gives Jorge her condolences. 

Now Virginia (who is sporting one of those black veils!) and Salma (who does not shed a single tear on her surgically done face) arrive. Virginia cries her crocodile tears as she walks over to Mati's casket and gets her venom on it kisses it. She walks on over to Jorge and tells him that she feels terrible. She tells him that she knows that he doesn't believe her but despite everything she loved Mati oh so much. "My poor nanny ..." Virginia wails. 

Emi now arrives with tears in his eyes and carrying a boquet of white flowers which he leaves on top of Mati's casket. Virginia walks over to him and with her crocodile tears on her face she tells him that they've lost their beloved nanny. Emi tells her that he can imagine how she feels. "It's one of the saddest days of our lives" he tells her. He then lets The Snake comfort him with an embrace.  

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Antes muerta que Lichita #5 Monday 9/28: in which ad execs moo, Lichita flies, Luciana languishes, and Roberto tries to hide from Fate

Roberto callously tells Gumaro "I have Lichita wrapped around my little finger and it will be she who pays for the broken plates" As I had thought, when Gumaro comes to pick up Roberto we hear that on special occasions, when he needs to impress somebody, Roberto "borrows" a nice car from some unsuspecting yuppie. Now, Gumaro points out, like Cinderella Roberto must ride the pumpkin/moto home.

At the Don Augusto mansion, Luciana pouts in the living room. She covers a vitrine full of saints and Pieta knockoffs - "they're judging me." Beatriz enters and Luciana quickly whips the scarf off the vitrine and dives for the divan - remember, she supposedly hurt her ankle.

She faints and languishes while telling Beatriz "I wish I could be out doing good works." "Your ankle will heal." "Ah, but then my cruel uncle will throw me out on the street where I must needs cower for shelter in a cardboard box." She asks after her cousins. The daughter is at summer camp and the son is in America and hasn't been seen for ages. "Oh, it's sad they are absent, but you have ME now. Oh, why oh why does Uncle hate me? Can you get him to change his mind?" Beatriz alludes to the problem between the two brothers, calling them Cain and Abel.

At the agency Roberto explains to us: "Alicia will do all the work but I'll have her so dazed she won't notice." The meeting starts, the room is packed. Less competent than I'd expected, Roberto temporizes in front of the expectant co-workers - and O. the supermarket czar - because he's waiting for Alicia, the only one who knows anything.

She scuttles in, head down and arms full of reports, and starts a slide show, but turns out the second slide is of her in her cow costume. Who put that there? These supposed adults moo and cow-call. She leaves the room and, since Roberto can't manage without her, he follows. She thinks he put that slide in - "after all, you've deceived and robbed and blackmailed me" - word! But he asks "what would I gain from having inserted the cow slide? You have to learn to trust me." He drags her off...

... to ride a little plastic airplane. It was a beautiful ride, mmm scenery, she is terrified but by the end is ecstatic.

Mags is watching tv, it appears to be a promotion for some other novela. Nachos has his bandages off. He wants to go back to driving the taxi but his wife says he can't, doctor's orders. "You are still the man of the house even if you're not earning!" There is no food in the house, or at least nothing Nachos wants to eat. Magos asks if she can drive the taxi, he firmly says no. My favorite line of the episode is Nacho's self-definition: "Soy medio menso pero no bruto."

To make a long story short Mags takes the keys and goes joyriding with her skanky friends and a bottle of tequila, somebody gets a picture of them in the taxi, and at the end of the episode uh oh, here come the cops up behind this full taxi of drunk teenagers. Stay tuned...

Sandra is massaging her lover Augusto and asking why he hates his niece so much. He rants about his half-brother, and something about an inheritance which I hope somebody caught, and says he's sending Luciana back to Patagonia forthwith. Luciana, eavesdropping, vows: "over my dead body I go back." We find out Sandra has been shagging Augusto for ten years.

After a foreshadowy conversation in which Alicia tenderly supposes that Roberto is big-hearted and will be great to his kids some day (NO KIDS he says), and that growing up in an orphanage was no garden of roses, we find ourselves at an orphanage...

Where an EXTREMELY cute (thank God, in the past we have had kid actors so awful we only wanted to have them murdered post-haste) 6-year-old kid, Mateo, runs up to a handsome young couple evidently out orphan-shopping on a sunny afternoon. He tells them sweetly about all the orphans and their endearing traits.

Exchanging significant looks over Mateo's head they then tell him: "We've made up our minds, it's you we want to adopt," but he gets huffy and says "I have a dad and he's coming back for me" and runs off. We all know, thanks to the previews, who this father is.

The meeting with O. is raucous, a kindergarten classroom is far better behaved. The question he has: where to launch the new Mas campaign? Luchette says the customers are low-class, so launch in some marginal area.

When Alicia thinks O. is asking her opinion she says "our primary customers are mothers with kids so we should launch at an orphanage and profit by their empathy." All say this is dumb until O. says he likes it, whereupon they all say it's great. Roberto intimates this was his idea. I think O. has a foundation and gives old food (as per Elsa's suggestion) to the San Cipriano orphanage, so they will go there. Roberto sighs.

Nacho and his wife Elsa are moaning about what a baby Magos is. He points out that lots of other young single moms get it together. He also (incidental plot point) says "she is not the first in this family to whom this happened." Actually he says "que se comio la torta antes del recreo" or something like that heh heh.

Augusto calls his brother, who is painting (somewhere in Argentina), and calls him an imbecile and asks why he sent his daughter up to Mexico. The brother is so surprised he fumbles his brush.

So the creative team plus O. arrive at an orphanage. Plans have changed, they've come to Santa Clara rather than the previously proposed orphanage because a celebration was already planned. Roberto refuses to get out of the car and we all know (thanks to the previews) why. He explains incompletely to Alicia, "It's where I grew up and I have bad memories."

A clown car pulls up and the entertainers get out and run into the orphanage.

Inside, O. keeps nagging Alicia, why isn't her boss here yet? Also, in the dining hall cute little Mateo and his comrades are debriefing. The comrades think Mateo should have gone with the nice couple.

OK, so unlike real children, these orphans are enjoying the clowns and their lame tricks. Roberto sneaks in, disguised as a clown. This wins the hearts of both O. and Alicia, she gushes to us, "A man of action, a prince, and - a clown!" "He's full of surprises, I like him," says O.

Back at the show apartment, Gumaro is not succeeding in repairing some random object. I guess that is part of the gig, because when a babe comes to the door to see the apartment, he tells her how great he is at fixing things, gives her a tour, and then chases her away by alluding to mice and cockroaches and picking a plastic cockroach out of his weird cravat.

At the very same time that Mags and her drunk friends are about to get busted by the cops, at the orphanage, though night has fallen (unless the orphanage is in a different time zone), the clowns are still, incredibly, entertaining the children and the children, incredibly, are still enjoying it. For one last trick, they reward the best-groomed and most-quietly-sitting child, predictably Mateo, by inviting him up for the last trick, which is to have a PVC pipes frame covered with a tablecloth and then whipping off the tablecloth after some alcazam and magic passes... and out comes a clown...

..."PAPA! IT'S YOU!" enthuses Mateo. All are astounded.

Tomorrow: Roberto hugs Mateo and Alicia gets some sort of promotion.

Previous: Episode 4
Next: Episode 6


TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Avenida Brasil, Bajo el mismo cielo, Señora Acero and Preciosa Perla: Week of September 28, 2015

Whew! You Bajo and Perla folks have been busy. It almost makes me wish that I was watching one of them - but not enough to try and catch up.

Here is your post for this week. Enjoy!!

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La Vecina Highlights and Discussion #70-74 Sept. 28-Oct. 2

*Ahem* Today's post inspired by jlk...

An important message from the Get a Clue Foundation...

In San Gaspar a man refuses to be with the woman he loves.

In Progreso another man refuses to believe that a woman doesn't want him.

In the DF a woman clings to her classist opinions, driving her to cheat on one man and to be completely controlled by her lust for another.

There are many more like them...grown people are lost in a haze of blissful dumbassery. They need a clue. And you can help. Yes, for just pennies a day, you can help fund an epiphany. Won't you consider sending a donation?

Recapping schedule(Tentative):
Monday: Sara
Tuesday: jlk
Wednesay: Sara
Thursday: Kat
Friday: Denise

Previous: Episodes 65-69
Next: Episodes 75-79


¿Qué nos cuenta, Caray, Caray!? (September 28 2015)

Hola Carayites!

In this week's edition:

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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #94 Fri 9/25/15

Work got super busy, and I did not have time to watch the episode, if anyone wants to recap it in the comments section I say go for it!


Yo No Creo En Los Hombres Cap 54 Sept 25, 2015, or Judge, Jury and Executioner

Lo Pasado:

 MD is at the helpful rape victim center and is speaking to a counsellor when her rapist Dan calls. The slime calls her "mi amor" and when she doesn't respond in kind, telling him she is reporting him to the authorities, he blackmails her, saying no one will believe her as he sent a text from her phone to his with a sexy picture, so everyone will think their encounter was consensual. Claudio tells Isela that if Orly breaks the restraining order he's in big trouble.

 Lo nuevo:

Judge and Jury

 Max's tricks Baldamero into believing the loan shark ratted him out in the MD family mortgage sale scheme and therefore he's under arrest. Baldy quickly confesses that Daniel Santibañez is behind it all. Baldy realizes the trick and complains to Max who tells him to file a report against him. Max goes to casa Santíbañez to see Dan even as Dan's atrocious blackmail of MD continues.

If you report me, you will lose your house, Max, and poor Esperanza won't be able to stand it. So, tell Max to back off. MD concedes on getting Max to back off, and Dan lets Max hear MD say on speakerphone (altívoz) that she and Dan will negotiate the mortgage issue alone. Max leaves the Santíbañez defeated as Maleny says under her breathe he deserves that embarrassment and much more.

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Friday, September 25, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #24 Fri 9/25/15 (Mex 31-32) Grrrrrrrrrrr!

I won’t call Sonia a $!ut but let’s just say she can write down her moral code on the head of a pin and still have room for the Mexican Constitution.  Soon, you’ll see why.  

It always sound so fake, but the golderned DVR malfunctioned which is just as well.  I'm not feeling warm and fuzzy, but y'all are my Peeps so here you go.  Corrections and expansions welcomed!

A tearful Pedro and Fiorella profess their mutual love and Pedro searches Fiorella’s weepy eyes hopefully after she tells him she “loves him with her very life.”  Does she want a future with him?  Oh, it would be like a fairy tale, a dream; but such dreams don’t come true. . .because she is engaged and can’t go back on her word!  Would she marry without love?  Pedro doesn’t understand!  The only thing he understands is their love, not this absurd promise!  Fiorella remains firm despite her tears.  The best thing he can do is forget about her.  He agrees to respect her decision and wishes her a beautiful life at Viottorio’s side.

Osvaldo and Sonia are in their bedroom as he finishes packing for Monterrey.  They have the typical talk a man has when he’s married to someone like Sonia:  she must have slept with Fabio because she thought he would love her but who would love someone like her with no class or decency.  She’s just a “vulgar singer.”  Their love?  Oh, he thought he was in love back when he thought she was worth it.  One more thing.  If he finds out she slept with Fabio while he was gone, he swears he’ll kill her!

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Antes muerta que Lichita... #4 Friday 9/25... Roberto keeps building a chain of lies to try to get Lichita to go work with him at Iconika... gets Gumaro involved

Sorry, folks I am not sure what happened in first 5 minutes… so between Lichita singing her milk jingle and seeing Roberto with the supermarket chain owner walk toward her, I am not sure how she stumbled on the toilet paper pyramid or what Roberto or the other guy said …

At store Lichita has tumbled down a whole pyramid of toilet paper rolls (?) and the store chain owner is congratulating Roberto on a great advertising idea. The men are laughing, Lichita… not so much.

Sandra, Roberto and Don Augu are meeting at his office. Roberto assures Agu he will be very useful/productive here… Agu still using that power-dose of vanity in his voice and wording… even applying some intimidation ‘don’t forget it…’

Nacho, Elsa and lazy sis are talking about Lichita being fired and all the debt. Nacho still nagging for having let them pay for his surgery on credit.

Luciana is locked somewhere, looks like a car trunk. Pushes her pink suitcase out of the way and comes out of the back seat.

Lichita is home now, she tells them it is true they have to find a way to get the money but she will go to the agency to ask for another job.

Nacho and Elsa said something about thunder and you don’t yet get on your knees… (this must be a common saying, ok i found it... there are several versions 'estas viendo la tormenta [ or la tempestad/ or el trueno] y no te arrodillas .. .meaning you are seeing the storm/trouble coming and you still won't pray for help from above!)

Luciana is taking selfies as she walks through a mansion (Augustos?) she is annoyed at so many stair steps she has to climb.

Sandra is commenting to Aug about what I can imagine is Roberto’s resume. Sandra asks Agu if he would have dared fire her if they had not found a campaign for the ‘Mas’ supermarket chain. Agu and Sandra keep playing hard to get but she pushes him right onto the couch… you know the rest…

Luciana is trying to open a door in the house… but gives up on that one and goes into another room. Seems she knows her way around pretty well. She sighs relief…just what I needed! A beeeeeeddd!!! I am soooooo tired… (goldilocks anyone? Bears ain’t home yet)

Gumaro is talking to Roberto who is shirtless lifting some weights up his shoulders. Gumaro is hanging boxer shorts up on clothes lines in the room (LOL!) Roberto wants to figure out a way for Alicia to get a stable job again. Gumaro is sure it won’t be easy to convince her he doesn’t just want to use her again. Roberto says he will get her back in the agency and then later on he’ll figure out a way to convince her to stay.

Morning… At the house… Lichita is heading out to go find another job. Nacho would give an arm to be able to see and be able to go find a job or work…

At office, Roberto is at Sandra’s office. He has many ideas and projects in his head… He is asking Sandra about Ms Alicia Gutierrez’s contract, besides publisher, she would be great as my assistant. Sandra is impactada.

At Guti house, Elsa, Lichita and Magos are all heading out, Elsa will even work a double shift at the store. Nacho just has to stay put and get well. They end up leaving Nacho alone, but he thinks Magos is still there so he is begging her to go try to find a job.

Roberto keeps trying to convince Sandra that Alicia is great, she is already familiar/well versed on the company and the industry, have to be able to take advantage of all her background.

At employment agency, the agent is talking to Lichita about a secretary job. Lichita is resigned to start over again, remembers her first day at Iconika and is daydreaming about going to different businesses where they are looking for a secretary.

Augu’s wife walks into the bedroom and she and Luciana begin a loud scream contest…

At Guti house, Lichita comes home to find out Roberto has been waiting for her. Nacho is happy Roberto is there. Lichita asks Roberto what he is doing there. HE has a surprise for her. Here is your permanent contract at Iconika!! (she tells us that she knew deep inside that Roberto was a good guy).

Beatriz is talking to Luciana, Luciana fakes blah blah saying nothing better than family. Bea is asking what she is doing in Mex. Luciana starts a cry baby skid about things not going well wherever she was and came back home. She even gets wrapped around Tia’s legs and begs please please!! Tia seems to be recalling Luciana’s walking out on them… Luciana is faking a fainting. Bea starts shaking her and yells that it is a test by God and she has to resist it.

Roberto is still trying to convince Alicia that he is there to give her the permanent contract she had fought for very long. She drags him away and nags at him that he stole her idea and her work… She tells her dad that she doesn’t need the job at Iconika… Roberto’s turn to drag her away far far away… they walk outside, poor Nacho can’t do anything… Roberto starts enumerating some truths to her, like the debt they are in… and she starts getting even angrier and says he has no mother (he says its true, he has been orphan since he was a kid… but … he has to tell her the truth about why he stole her work… he only needs for her to give him a chance to tell her the whole story… its life and death… if you listen to me and then still won’t come work for me, he will go.

Bea tells Luciana she has to go to mass… Luciana says she would have wanted to go to thank the Virgin for having found them… Tia is buying her blah blah… she will buy whatever Luciana says, at any price. Sort of reminds me of Tia Sara in La Mentira). Bea says you can trust me, and I will go pray for you. Get some rest. Once Bea leaves, Luciana tells herself she has her eating out of her hand (just like Virginia used to do in La Mentira).

Roberto has brought LIchita to his apartment. At the door, she is like ‘you couldn’t pay me enough to come into your apt with you…’ until she hears Gumaro’s voice… … LOL!!! Gumaro is faking being a disabled brother in a wheelchair… Lichita impactada, Roberto has to cover his mouth to not burst out laughing.

Luciana is floating in pool and ordering the maid as if she owned the place… still talking about nacolandia.

Roberto stays behind Lichita so she won’t see him … while Genaro all twisted in the wheelchair keeps feeding all that disabled poor pitiful us brothers story to Lichita.

Augusto gets home and as soon as he spots Luciana in pool he is yelling and Luciana tells him who she is and he changes from yelling to a wolf face.

Gumaro keeps on with his storytelling… Roberto is giving him signals to cut it off… Gumaro keeps telling Lichita that when they were younger Roberto would take care of him and they would get kicked out of foster family homes because Roberto would get in trouble for defending him. Gumaro says Roberto would go looking for a job that would pay enough for Gumaro’s treatment but he couldn’t. Roberto tells Lichita he was about to blackmail someone… Gumaro and him start arguing … Gumaro talks about hoping some day he will stop being a burden/load on Roberto’s life… Lichita has bought the whole play act hook, line and sinker. She shakes Gumaro’s hand… Roberto hauls her away from there… (We see Lichita telling us ‘poor guy, and I thought my problems were bad’ TN rule # 12.3.004b heroine will believe anything that the hero and his family/friends tell her the first time she meets them, especially if it is a sad martyr story about the guy… Lichita, you remind me of myself believing when a friend of mine said they had an airport in his home town and I should have known better.. his town was not big enough or flat enough to be able to have an airport)) Back inside, Gumaro stands up all alone and says it worked!!

Augusto tells Luciana that neither his brother Rafael nor her exist anymore… to him they both are dead. Luciana says you are right that my dad was no hero to anyone… Agu wants her gone NOW!!! Get out of my pool!! Luciana begins to protest so Agu yells at his employee to get her out NOW!!! And also get someone to replace the pool water when you’re done! Luciana yells at the guy not to get close to her while she splashes some water his way… LOL! Is this her best defense??

Roberto keeps milking Lichita on the storyline of the martyr brother… and she continues to buy it. He uses the moment to convince her to come work with him. HE says he has some experience in publicity but he was rushed and had no time to prepare a campaign like the one she put together. Lichita says your approach was very wrong… but what you did was not SOOOOO bad. It is not easy for me to trust people. HE swears that he will find a way to compensate her. If he is sure of anything is that she is very valuable. She is shivering at the way he ‘looks at me’.

Back to the Pool, the guy is dragging Luciana with air filled lounger and all. Luciana is giving him a shower which is only raining over wet since he is already soaked from having walked into the pool fully suited. Mrs comes and yells something, then goes back out. Luciana warns the guy he won’t be able to get her out of the pool. Then he plays being a shark, swimming under where she is. She panics and yells at him to stay away.

Roberto keeps begging Alicia to come work for him. She tells us that deep inside she felt bad for him… and wonders if she would go so far to get something for her family. Back to reality. She agrees to work with him. He has to convince her to let him drive her home. She likes his car, he confesses it is borrowed, he needs to start getting paychecks at work. (again, this might be my wishful thinking but I feel iike Lichita is finding and touching a tender spot on him that even he might not be able to control).

Luciana and the soaked guy… he is grabbing her hand… she is fighting him and keeps splashing water on him (LOL!)

Mrs and Agu are arguing that he keeps claiming that Luciana is not his relative… she doesn’t exist. Mrs keeps asking him to learn to forgive. Beatriz (Tia/MRs) hears Luciana yelling for her from the pool, Luciana yells that the guy is killing her, is breaking her foot, etc).

Beatriz and Agu are heading back to the pool. Now Luciana is on a lounge chair and the Doctor is looking at her ankle… he says she only has a contusion… Doctor will prescribe some pain meds for her. Agu keeps saying Luciana has to go. Go to Patagonia!!! (LOL!!) Beatriz is consoling Luciana and tries to vow for her to Agu. He ends up giving in, he will let Luciana stay but only for 2 or 3 days! No more!

At Guti house Nacho tells Luciana that he was right in saying she would get that job at Iconika… Elsa asks if that Roberto was the guy who stole her idea… Lichita says no, it was another guy. Nacho is happy, now the only way for Lichita is to go up… up the corporate ladder. Lichita is content of how things turned out. Here comes little cute niece… Lichita tells her that things will get better now… she has new opportunities. Nacho starts giving Magos some indirect suggestions (he wants her to go out find a job). She rolls her eyes and nags ‘here he goes again’.

At the office, Roberto arrives. He even gets someone to drive his car for him, he comments that the car doesn’t have enough gas to make it ot the parking spot. Seems Gumaro followed him to the building, they start commenting about him being able to convince Lichita… Gumaro comments that if he could convince Lichita and make him play the disabled brother, he can do anything.

Lichita tells herself… I know he stole my project… but can I really trust him?

Previews: Roberto takes Lichita hand gliding… which is a totally out of her comfort zone. Lichita goes into what looks like a birthday party… suddenly a small boy asks Roberto ‘Daddy, daddy is that you?’

Previous: Espsode 3
Next: Episode 5


Weekend Discussion: Your Favorite Movies

What movies do you love?  Classics?  Trendy new?  Epics?  Horror?  Film Noir?  Enquiring minds want to know!


Lo Imperdonable #93 Thu 9/24/15 And the bad, very bad, extremely bad things continue to happen to good people

Emi is shocked to see Marty with Veronica. At first it looks like he’s about to cry like a little baby, but then he starts yelling. 
You’ve been lying to me, taking advantage of my love, he screams at Vero, almost hitting her at one point. Vero tries to defend herself, but he is blinded by his rage – he can’t believe a word out of her mouth anymore, Salma was right that she was an evil woman, worse than Virginia. Marty tries to intervene, too, but Emi reminds him that just days before he believed the worst about Vero, too.
He leaves, with Vero going after him to try to calm him down. Marty asks her to be careful (I'll say).

AP is still running through the forest, when Manny finds her. She bites him and calls Julio’s name, but Manny manages to silence her and takes her back to the cage. As she’s sobbing, he tells her that if she thought that he was bad before, she ain’t seen nothing yet. 
Just wait until Abuelo gets rid of the baby just as I got rid of Pablo, who is now dead!!!

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Antes Muerta Que Lichita #3 Thursday 9/24/15

Hello everyone! Its been a while so hopefully I am not too rusty. Please feel free to add anything I missed. Feedback is always appreciated...Lets jump right in:

We began with Lichita flopping in the water in a bright red dress which no one seems to notice (this party must be that good huh). As she descends further into the pool we get a sudden flashback to her childhood. Growing up Lichita's favorite story was Alice in Wonderland. Her father had high hopes for her to fulfill the dreams he never accomplished. So starting from an early age he made sure Lichita studied often instead of reading childhood stories (Ignacio is like my mother who made me do extra book reports and math homework instead of watching tv...sigh). Anyway, all that hard work paid off because she grew up and graduated university. On the other-hand, at age 15 her little sister, Magos, surprised the family with her pregnancy.
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Yo No Creo En Los Hombres, Capitulo 53 Thu 9-24-15: Fun House Mirrors Reflect Twisted Souls...

A detailed version of those first few minutes, plus the rest of the recap.
Long story short(er):

  • Dan is tormented about raping MD...until Ursula reveals that Maleny killed their dad. Dan's horror is mitigated by the idea that she's worse than he is. But Mal has suddenly remembered walking in on her parents fighting, her mother demanding that her father kill himself. Ursula maintains Hector didn't have the guts, but later, when Mal confronts Arango, he remembers someone else shooting Hector, we just don't get to see who. Mal overhears that Ivana's last doctor forged the suicide call on her dad's death certificate. 
  • Claudio has Alma take a sleeping pill so he can Isela can hang out without her. Isela accuses him of having Orlando beat up; he denies it, but he has gotten the restraining order put in place now.
  • Max finds out from Baldomero that Dan has the deed to MD's house.
  • With help from Doris and Julian, MD successfully avoids her mom and Max. She goes to the police station to make a statement, but both of the men that deal with her are dismissive and disrespectful. She winds up at a sexual abuse organization and is about to do what needs to be done when Dan calls to tell her he sent a sexy text from her phone to his so that no one will believe her.

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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #23 Thu 9/24/15 (Mex 30)

After reading the recap of yesterday's episode and the comments and then quickly watching the main events, I assumed that my plate of Susanlynn's Special Recipe for Fairy Tale Cookies Of Suspended Disbelief had gone stale and I was going to have to open up a bottle of La Sombra's Booze of Bitter Disappointment. That feeling continued through most of tonight, too. Then the last 4 minutes happened.

Aitana asks for a hug. Maybe it wasn't full on sliming, but that "You don't know how much I missed you" was totally a vocal slime. Blech. Eloisa decides to tell Fiorella all about how Aitana and Pedro almost married, but they broke up. Ah! Now life has now given them a second chance. Blech Part Deux. Oh shut up with your stupid "I've felt lost" crap, Aitana.

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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #22 Wed 9/23/15 (Mex 29) Talk about a bad first date

*Disclaimer, this will be short cause I have work to get to*

Oh man, talk about a bad first date!

Well folks, the truth is OUT. Vito and Fifi meet, and Pedro is all sorts of confused, and Fifi is heartbroken and this is all so freaking sad. Curse you Benito! All of this could have been avoided if he had told Fifi the truth from day one! More on that in a second!

Both Pedro and Vito are asking for explanations, Fifi tells Vito that she got lost at the airport and when he leaves she tells Pedro what happened. After her dad died she and Gigi had no one else in the world, Gigi's health kept getting worse and when Vito offered help (on the condition that she marry him) Fifi took him up on the offer, she explains about getting lost and looking for Vito and failing to find him. It looks like Pedro is not buying it, Vitto the returns to the table and they both begin to question her, she becomes overwhelmed and runs out of the restaurant, where she bumps into Benito.
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Yo No Creo En Los Hombres Capitulo (51-)52 Wed 9-23-15 Discussion Page [Recap]

I am putting up a recap sometime later but since this was such a god-awful, hideous and humiliating episode there must be much left to talk about. Jesus Christ this episode reminds me of Que Te Perdone Dios but Fausto (Sergio Goyri) was much much worse than Daniel . Another episode with a rape scene and they always shock the viewers no matter what.  I will please (?) you with a recap in a few hours. I am working on it. It will be on the same page as the discussion page so expect it to get updated frequently.

Part 1
( Some scenes may have been merged)

MD calls Daniel to get the mortage papers( Or how you wish to call them and he is just right there close to her house probably eating his last Tiaramisu before getting in to the dreadful action.  Daniel wanted to come for her but MD wants him in her house ( Way to make yourself a vournable sitting duck instead of meeting with Dan in a crowd of people, than someone could borrow you a pepper-spray dear MD .  But he would find a way to get into her pants in no time.)

In a somewhat nicer happy scene Ivana &Gerry are seen having a picnic together but they did not just come to eat but to say goodbye to Ivana' s lost baby. Ivana takes out a T-shirt from her handbag and long story told short she talks  about how regretful she is about not taking better care of herself and not moving along with her life. Gerry  ends up convincing her to allow herself to say goodbye to her baby ( He also tells her that while she cannot give birth, she can still adopt)  and they toss the shirt down the river. They also hug but don't kiss grrr. 

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