Sunday, May 01, 2016
New Telenovela: Yago - Synopsis & Main Characters. Gran Estreno Monday May 2, 2016. Recappers Needed.
Hello Patio Pals! I took the liberty to post this page as a brief introduction to the story and the characters of this exciting series, premiering tomorrow night at 9 pm EDT on Univision.
Yago is a remake of the Turkish drama series, Ezel, which is loosely based on the literature classic "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas (Père).
Iván Sánchez is Yago. Yago used to have a different name, a different face and a different voice. In what seems like another life, he was Omar, a kind and loving young man with a head full of dreams and a promising future ahead of him. However, everything came crumbling down when the love of Omar’s life, Sara, and his two best friends, Lucio and Abel, accused him of a crime he never committed. The crime in question made the traitors very rich and landed Omar in jail for life. Then, one day, Omar manages to fake his own death and he creates the Yago persona to exact his vengeance on those who robbed him of everything: of his family, freedom, innocence, love and life.
Gabriela de la Garza is Sara Madrigal, the woman whom Omar loved more than anything in the world. She ended up betraying him and destroying his life.
Flavio Medina is Lucio Sarquis, Omar’s best friend and one of the perpetrators of the crime for which Omar became the scapegoat.
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Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 11 (May 2, 2016)
This Week's Camino is dedicated to MIKE and EMILIA to remember their dear daughter, Jennifer.
Due to time and distance, I have to post this today. Indulge me, please and allow me to pick up some of the comments from last week which make a nice recap of the recaps. All quotes are anonymous to protect the privacy, insightfulness and creativity of commenters.
“Pedro and Fernanda's hearts and souls need soothing
balm. Marissa and Carlos should do quite nicely!”
“It seems incredible that Pedro has just realized Luis is
Marissa’s husband. But now that he knows, the fire will surely be fueled.
Perhaps that is an unfortunate statement – we’ve had more than our share of
arson, haven’t we? I certainly hope Mariana can be connected to the blaze.
Everyone thinks Pedro tried to do himself in. Mariana has that dubious honor.”
“I was surprised that Lupe is Cesar's mama, and I was
surprised that Pedro didn't know that Luis is Marissa's husband.”
“I think anything that Iggy can provide for Amelia will
be chump change in her eyes.”
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Saturday, April 30, 2016
El Hotel de los Secretos #66, 4/29/16: Deathbed Confessions
What an episode, I'm so happy I got to do this one, but boy am I worn out!
We left off on Wednesday with Diego getting an anonymous note saying that his wife has a lover, and Benjamin dragging Isabel into the woods to kill her.
Diego runs to Matilde’s room, assuming that the note is true and Isabel is hiding out there. As he pounds and kicks the door down, Doc Vic pulls him away. Diego wants to know where Isabel is, but the doc says she never met him at the hospital. Diego continues on his rage as Teresa shows up wanting to know what’s going on, and the doc tells her that Diego is upset that Isabel didn’t meet him for dinner, lol.
Getting back to Ben’s abuse of Isabel, he smacks her across the face telling her to get down. He tells her that at this point, he has nothing to lose. He will rid the world of another maldito Alarcón. Isabel doesn’t understand why he’s doing this, he’s been like a father figure to all the Alarcón children. Oh, but he has only been pretending to like them, and all the while The Alarcón have been enslaving all the workers.
All of a sudden, as Ben raises his arm up to stab Isabel, a bright light shines on him and then a gunshot right to his chest. Julio and Ayala to the rescue. Julio, holding the gun, (where did Julio get a gun?) says “how did i do that?” hinting that his gun may not have been the one that actually fired? Ayala runs to Ben and says that he’s still alive, and chastises Julio for intervening in justice. Ayala wants Ben to stay alive so he can solve his mysteries. As we pan out to the commercial, Jacinto appears from behind a tree. Hmmm.
Wow, what a lot of action in the first 4 minutes.
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #38. Friday April 29, 2016. You Make Me Solve Clues But Don't Show Me The Bling? Worst Non-Proposal Ever!
At a glance
-- Tricky Ricky makes Peppy Espy work hard for a proposal that never happened.
-- Kracy and Anastasia get to know each other over copious amounts of tequila.
-- Erasmo ditches Kristel, this TN's Princess Confundida, over her smooch with Pedro.
A closer look
Esperanza receives a dress box with a first clue that asks: “What is square-shaped and has a combination?”. Paper! Snow! A ghost! No, it's the stupid love vault. Is this another one of Osorio’s protracted and exhausting marriage proposals with clues? Oh, how original!
Randomly diced pieces of film are thrown our way, without regard for coherence. Salma thinks she is nauseous because she is riding the bus and mocks Kristel for selling her car to help their father. Felicia breaks up with Mario. Ricardo asks his kids’ permission to have a dinner date with Esperanza. Kracy and Ernesto have a very vocal session of desk-boinking that scandalizes Anastasia, who can hear their carnal howls from the hall.
Luca formally accuses Vicente of sending him a dead rat. A pair of detectives made the trip to the constructora just to take his statement. No wonder La Sombra is running amok. Law enforcement is busy investigating pranks.
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Friday, April 29, 2016
Pasión y Poder Jueves 4/28/16 Gran Final, Part 3. #137 When All Is Said and Dunne...
often in life the lust for power and the love of family or objects of
passion are in conflict with each other. Is it better to desire one
and not the other? It's been said that he who would rule the world
must forswear love forever. That does not only apply to emperors and
dictators or even to mythical pagan gods. It is also about mortals
and sometimes with more dire consequences.
colleagues and I sometimes run into human stories about the inhuman
and the inhumane that defy understanding. This has been one of them.
– D.D.
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Pasión y Poder, Gran Final, Part 2: Ep. 136, Thursday, April 28, 2016 Lies, Betrayal, Anvils Fall, & A Reconciliation (Finally!)
Well, this is it. My last PyP recap. It has been fun recapping this show and discussing it with all of you. Thank you so much for everyone who stopped by and jointed us on the PyP Patio. A special thanks to my teammates: Urban, NovelaMaven, AuntyAnn, and Cynderella for all their wonderful recaps. Also, many thanks Nandicta for the wonderful recaps that you wrote for us.
Here we go...
At GLA, Regina visits David in his office. Regina tells him that she found out that he is going to Australia. He confirms that he is, but didn’t think she cared. She has something that she wants to tell him, but he tells her that now is not a good time. They are having problems at the office. She understands that he doesn’t want to speak with her, it’s just that, well, umm… (but she doesn’t tell him what she came to tell him, instead she turns around and rushes out of the office, as if she’s got the runs). David starts to chase after her, but the doofus heads back into his office when his cell phone rings, instead of chasing after the woman he supposedly loves, because really, it was obvious what she came to tell him, and yet he let her get away.
Anyway, David doesn’t get a chance to even speak to whoever called him, because at that moment, security enters and lets him know that per Franco’s orders, he’ll have to hand over his name tag and abandon the premises. David refuses and tells the security guys that they can’t kick him out. Oh, but they can, at least that’s what Franco thinks. David tells Franco that the board meeting isn’t until the afternoon, so until then, they have no idea what will happen. But Franco is confident that the board members will back him up, after all he is the major shareholder of GLA now. David points out that they’ll have to see just how much longer Franco will be the major shareholder. Franco has heard enough and he orders security to get that imbecile out of there. Security obeys and they begin to approach David. But David asks them not to touch him (“no me toquen”) and lets them know that he knows the way out. He takes off his name tag, throws it on the desk, and leaves the office with his head held high. Franco smirks.
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Pasión y poder, Gran Final, Part 1: Ep. 135, Thursday, April 28, 2016: Franco's VERY Hostile Takeover. (Say goodnight, Marintia! Say goodbye, Mr. Turtle!)
Part 1 of this Jumbo Gran Final is brought to you by NovelaMaven, by the letter "A" and by Argentina.
Eladio isn't even tempted
Erick, still smarting from his parents' fury upon their discovery that he was behind the baby's kidnapping, has shown up at GLA with a proposal to sell out Arturo. Eladio sends him packing:
No trato con asesinos, con secuestradores, ni con cobardes...
(I don't deal with killers or kidnappers – nor with cowards.)
... and Erick fits the profile. Let him to go back to his father, ask his forgiveness and beg him to take him back because Erick is one chimp who can't survive on his own.
¡Estoy harta! (Imagine how WE feel, toots!)
Marintia screams at Franco that she is sick and tired of being his Back Street Girl. He needs to take care of the Gabriela problem now.
They cooked the books, Dad!
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Thursday, April 28, 2016
Sueño de amor, Ep. 37 (4.28.2016) Reecherd is officially free but it's not taking applications.
You get a box, and you get a box, everybody gets a box...
Novia de estudiante, nunca esposa de profesionista
Mapato (Mapa[mamá+papá]+Patricia) get ready because Patolucas (Patricia+Luca) have a date. For them, none of their dates are just ordinary dates. All are special. This is the first after he quitted school to be closer to the women he loves, his mother and this duck.
Luca arrives with rose bouquet #1 and while their music plays only for them and stops when they are off screen, Patricia tells Luca something she has never told him before: He is the perfect man. He is a hero for being so understanding, he is more good than the bread (as long as it is gluten free), and even when he confesses he is selfish, is only for love, because he wants her only for himself, so that's fine. Have you seen the slug's trail?well, these two leave a trail too, a syrupy viscous molassey sticky trail.
They keep with the arrumacos and giving like! to anything they say. Suddenly, while they start animorphing into ducks, Luca shows his Kinky side and unveils that he likes handcuffs, BDSM and even Gorilla glue. And is not the Aflac duck showing up for the commercial, is them who now quack to each other. Translation: Yo mucho más, in duck language: quack!! <(") Ditto. Me more! I love you, quack (me more), quack, quack!! Like this or more ridiculous? ('')> quack! (more!)
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4, Secretos, and ¿Quién es Quién?: Week of April 25, 2016
Here's Page 2 for the week.
SCHEDULE ALERT: all evening programming Thursday April 28 will be pre-empted by Premios Billboard de la Música Latina.
The current novelas include the following (all times are Eastern Time):
noon - Secretos
1 PM - ¿Quién es Quién?
8 PM - Eva la Trailera
9 PM - La Esclava Blanca
10 PM - El Señor de los Cielos #4
Labels: esclava, eva-la-t, quien, secretos, senor4, telemundo
Pasion y Poder #134 The Cat's Out of the Bag! Finally! Wednesday 4-27-2016
Lo Nuevo
Art wants to get back together with Julia but Julia is not sure. I guess she's confused again. She says she's scared of their love.
David is back from working on the Rivera Maya project and visiting Eladio at the GL mansion. David says that the people from the Rivera Maya are going to be giving them a public recognition for their work. Eladio doesn't want to be included because it was all of David's work. He also thinks that Julia will be very proud of him. David asks his father if he's seen Julia. Eladio says he has not seen her because he is keeping his promise to not look for her (unlike some people) even though he is dying because he misses Julia like nothing else in the world.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Sueño de amor #36 Wednesday 4/27/16
So, here we are just waiting to see what happens after Tracy has told Ernesto his kids need to see him as a hero to gain their affection.
Pato talks to Kristel at the school cafeteria. Kristel tells her about what is happening at home and that her mother is being thrown out of the house. She looks upset even if she knows her mother deserves it. They get up to get some coffee and suddenly Pedro is there. Before anyone can say anything much, Ara steps up to protect her interest in Pedro in a a new "punk" costume mouthing off to Kristel about how Pedro is HER boyfriend. Kristel gets the message loud and clear and starts to laugh which just incenses Ara more. Félix comes by (announced by his whistle) and is not impressed by Ara's new look. He tells her he is writing her up and she is to report straight away to detention. Pato turns a second to check a text on her phone and someone covers her eyes. It turns out to be jerky Vicente from her weekend at Harvard. He has missed her and so just appeared in the hallway of her school. His life has no meaning without her. He has brought her a lollipop shaped like a heart. He grabs her by her arm when she tells him to get lost. He will never let her go. She warns him not to touch her again. (She should have hauled off and hit him up side the head the first time,) Creepy. He is very much a stalker.
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El Hotel de los Secretos #65, 4/27/16: The GKK Revealed, But Many Mysteries Still Remain
Part 1:
I’m starting to think the Gran Hotel guests have started
coming to the hotel in hopes of witnessing scandal, and this morning they are
not disappointed. The lifeless body of a guest has been found on the lawn, a
maid has just freshly been murdered upstairs, and the proprietress’ daughter
looks to be the culprit. As they mull this over tea and scones in the dining
room, in runs the culprit herself—hands bound, and frenzied as she tries to
escape the grasp of Detective Ayala. Well, breakfast just got WAY more
exciting! They turn to watch the drama, absently sipping their tea and munching
on their scones…
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El Hotel de los Secretos #64, 4/26/16: Stop Dreamin' Y'All!
Sleeping Beauty de Sofia awakens from her
nightmare to find it’s been all too real.
Beatriz’s dried blood is all over her hands. Out, out, damned spot[s]!
Down the hall, La Inocente de Isabela awakens
from her dreamless sleep to find Diego up on his feet and smiling. He’s turned romantic and tells her it’s all
because she’s come back to him. He asks
her never to leave his side –all this from a knife wound, a stab in the
back. She allows him his romantic way
with her. (Damn, is she easy! If Julio only knew what a pillow-pushover she
is for sweet words and small talk, his sex life could take a real turn.)
Speaking of Julio, he’s in Cecille’s room ready
to romance la ramera ésa with her favorite morning after sweet –ahem, sweets
for the tart….. He is offering himself
once again to her in hopes of forgetting Isabela. Take him home? He’s strayed and he’s tired of following a path
with no future. (Hey, aren’t we all, slugger?) They are once again in each
other’s presence. It must be for a
reason! They loved each other once -- and probably still do? (Well, it wadn’t fate, Big Boy! She made her fate and went lookin’ for you!)
She is not that easily swayed, except for the fact that she admits she’s no
spring chicken and the bloom is almost off her roses at this point in
life. She is angry that he’s still stuck
on some rich bitch “…who married THE OTHER GUY, FOOL!” Well, she can’t afford to be picky at this age……
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Sueno de Amor #35 20160426 Both Esperanza and Shakira Are Annoying
Full Disclosure: I don't know who the hell these people are and what is going on.
So some chick named Esperanza is totally freaked over some guy named Ricardo. Ricardo is out on a stakeout. I'm not sure who called whom, but Ricardo and Esperanza talk while he's on the way to the stakeout. Esperanza whines to her daughter Patricia that Ricardo is in danger, yet she has not problem with texting him and thereby distracting him. Let me know when the stakeout is over. I'm very worried.
Meanwhile, across town, Ernesto and his wife seem to be having a little tiff. She is surrounded by a lot of boxes and wants to separate the crystal wine goblets. Ernesto tosses all the glasses to the floor.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Pasión y Poder Martes 4/26/16 #133
133: Shattered
happens to us all. Money, beauty, power, and position may think they
are immune, but they are not. They will suffer just as much and will
do their best to hide it in the process. Women will usually suffer
behind closed doors while men maintain as stiff an upper lip as they
can, at least in public. Healing takes its own time for everyone
willing to learn a valuable human lesson. – D.D.
tears in his eyes, Arturo told Julia he could not continue their
have to put some order into my life. I don't know where to begin,”
he said.
only thing I want to tell you is that I don't want to leave you
alone,” she answered. “I want to be with you while you're going
through these difficult times.”
turned away from her as though he didn't want her to see his tears
get worse. “Julia, this would just make things more complicated
than they are. I don't know what to do.”
will be at your side. I'll be there as a friend to help you, to do
whatever it takes.”
I need now is recover my relationship with my children. That is what
I have to do.” He turned around to face her again. “But that
does not mean that I have stopped loving you. My children need me.
My love for you has to wait.”
know,” Julia said as she nodded in agreement. She held his hand
and cried.
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Pasion y Poder #132 20160425 Mufasa Would Never Act Like This!
I rely on CCs to recap. They were horrible last night. Please fill in anything that I have missed. Thanks.
So we're back at the casket, where observes Nina grieving for her daughter. In Art's brain, they are sharing a moment, so he reaches out to caress her hand. Nina let's him touch her for a few seconds, but then withdraws her hand. She looks at him like he's got the cooties or something as she clutches a flower that she pulled from the casket.
Anyway, Julia, the shameless hussy, walks right in (followed by her cuckhold, Eladio) and walks up to Art. She hugs him and he thanks her for coming. Anyways, Julia the shameless, hussy turns to offer her condolences to Nina. Instead of smackin' Julia, Nina tells Julia to hit the bricks and to take Art with her. She blames Julia and Art for Dani's unhappiness and overdose. Art reminds Nina that he has the right to stay because he sired Dani. Eladio pulls Nina away.
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Monday, April 25, 2016
El Hotel de los Secretos #63, 4/25/16: Opposites
Kitchen, night. Andres calls for Natalia, drunk. She answers him, but she's pissed. As Angela and the rest of the staff peep through the windows, she asks, why are you bothering me? We're just the maids and waiters down here. Go back to your fancy suite with your fancy wife. Andres falls to his knees and begs her forgiveness. She says no, forgive
me for thinking a swell guy like you would be interested in a maid who only wanted to give you her love and care, sorry but you rejected me so now you can stay with her.
Angela has seen all of this and tries to comfort Andres, but he rejects her.
Felipe is scowling outside the comisario when Ayala returns from the hotel. Felipe asks to be arrested. It's where he belongs. He can't stand another minute here on the outside.
Andres has made his way to the cantina. Violeta goes to him, asks him to find Gabriel. Cecelia says this isn't a good time to bother DON Andres. Cece tells him he's brave to come here in his condition, and she likes brave men. He says he's a coward. She tells him not to be so hard on himself. He's a good man, not like his jerk friend Julio. Andres says Julio's not a coward, he's deeply in love. He fights for his great love Isabel Alarcon. Cece gets mad and flounces off to sit with her nieces and Melibea.
At the comisario, Ayala wakes Dagoberto to tell him that Felipe escaped while he was asleep. Felipe has to promise not to escape again. Ayala wants to know who helped him escape. Felipe is afraid he'll do something stupid if he's allowed to roam free. But Ayala wants Felipe's help to find Garrido. He can lead them to the real killer of Felipe's father.
Belen finds Andres nearly passed out drunk on the floor in their suite.
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #34. Monday April 25, 2016. Some Characters Need To Get Whacked And Cristián Needs to Take Off His Shirt! ¡Pero Ya!
At a glance
-- Rodrigo is preparing a sleepover with his best friend, Homero, who turned out to be La Sombra's son! Doh!
-- They haven't even kissed “como Dios manda”, yet Tricky Ricky is practically living at Peppy Espy's house.
-- Viviana nearly gets thrown off the balcony for suggesting to give her shares to Luca instead of selling them to Ernesto.
-- Kracy tries to mow Esperanza down with her car.
-- Iker's sister is the new nanny of Ricardo's kids.
-- Ricardo encounters a suspect who can lead him to La Sombra.
A closer look
Ernesto explains to Luca a little toxic parenting 101: “I treat your brother like crap this because I love him and I want to help him become a good man just like you”. Yeah, whatever you say, bub. If I cared, and I really don’t, I would suggest to Ernesto to dial down the tough, dial up the love and seek urgent professional help. But then again, meh! Me vale gorro. I’m only here to mock and ogle.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4, Secretos, and ¿Quién es Quién?: Week of April 25, 2016
Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.
Here's the lineup (all times are Eastern Time):
noon - Secretos
1 PM - ¿Quién es Quién?
8 PM - Eva la Trailera
9 PM - La Esclava Blanca
10 PM - El Señor de los Cielos #4
More information about the new novela, La Esclava Blanca, along with full episodes from this first week, can be found on the Telemundo website. The Latin Times offers a brief synopsis and information about the cast (in English) here.
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since we all share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're discussing at the top of your post, so readers can find their way around.
Labels: esclava, eva-la-t, quien, secretos, senor4, telemundo
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 10 (Apr 25, 2016)
--The Ring Cycle.
Will Marissa crack the lying, two-faced creep's story about The Ring? How much money does Fernanda need to earn busking to rebuild the house? Will Pedro ever get it built? Can he convince people he did not try to commit suicide? How are Carlos and Fernanda ever going to get back together again? Will Amelia make it to the Big House? What happens to the quesadilla stand?
These and other questions may be answered in the coming days--or weeks--or months.
But for now: Surprise! Cesar asked Clarita to marry him and she said yes.
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