Friday, February 15, 2019

Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 108, Thursday, February 14, 2019: Guido admits he murdered his parents

We begin where we left off yesterday, with Polita talking with her lawyer about this custody hearing. She explains how perfectly happy Arquis is living with her and Ari and that her mother in law is behind all of this because she is so closed minded and prejudiced. She also explains how hard she is working to support them and even taking the 2nd job selling juices.

At Grecia’s office, she questions Eugenio on why he thinks that Ernesto could be his son. He finally tells her that he can’t quite explain, that it’s a matter of what he feels in his heart.

While Blanca is cooking, Daniela comes running in asking for help with diaper changes. Then Daniela asks Blanca what is wrong and “Are you and Papá still arguing?” “No” says Blanca, “I’ve decided to preserve the peace here and hoping that the ‘first love’ stays in the past.”
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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 2/13/19 Capítulo 107 A Tale of Three Dinners--OR--Temo Delivers Yolo's Comeuppance

Imelda and Crisanta sit and compare notes on Massimo. Imelda doesn't know how she could have been so blind. Crisanta says he was always so mysterious. Imelda calls him a liar. Crisanta calls him shameless.   Imelda calls him an Italian criminal. After they have shared yet another man, Imelda suggests that they just should be friends. Crisanta cannot see why. Imelda calls it all a tragedy. They will never be the same. "Or allies" adds Crisanta.  Crisanta sees Guido and calls him the accomplice. The women go after him.

Guido asks Nonno what his two novias are doing together. They are angry. What happened?  Nonno says they gave him a "cold water bath."  Guido corrects him saying that it was more like a "cold mezcal bath." Nonno admits he deserved it. He knew this day would arrive sooner or later.  Guido reminds him that you get burned playing with fire. Nonno agrees, sits and cries.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 106, Tuesday, February 12, 2019; Caught Red Handed or The Truth is Revealed!

We begin with Neto on the phone with Arturo who has just been able to go inside Neto’s Miami home. He tells Neto that the place has been emptied out, as if burglars came in and took everything. There are few things left, some clothes, and other miscellaneous items, but mostly everything is gone, even the computers and the children’s laptops. While he is on the phone, Guido rudely interrupts and says, “I want to see you now!”  He asks Guido to please wait because he is on an important phone call regarding the property he left behind in Miami. Guido agrees to wait. Guido is not happy about Neto’s report that the mescal is watered down. Artura says he will send whatever is left to him. Then Neto tells his children the bad news.

At the burned children’s foundation, Linda recalls how Clarisa told her that she needs to speak with Axel about something and it should be immediately. Linda puts the thoughts out of her mind as she sees Maria sitting by herself. She goes over to offer Maria some lunch and tells her even though she isn’t that good in the kitchen, she made some great peanut butter sandwiches.  But Maria says she isn’t hungry. “Not even for a small bite?” says Linda. As Maria pulls out the apple and reaches for the sandwich, Linda notices a burn mark on Maria. Maria goes to cover and hide it.

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Monday, February 11, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Monday 2/11/19 Capitulo 105 Settling In

Neto notices the expressions on Imelda's and Audifaz's faces and asks if there is something wrong with what he said.  Audi says no and Imelda says that they never heard that name before. Neto explains it is from  Nahuatl and means heart. His mother was born here is Oaxaca so this is the country of his mother and of his ancestors. He feels as if destiny has brought him back here  to start over with his children. Neto asks them again to reconsider his request.  Suddenly, Audi says he thinks they might be able to come to an agreement. Another rent coming in is never a bad thing. Imelda  smiles and says they will discuss it and get back to him.

Still at Susana's, Yolo makes herself at home next to the pool with a glass of orange juice. Grecia recognizes her bathing suit on Yolo. Yolo had nothing and wanted to go out by the pool.  Grecia tells her it would have been better if she had asked.  If she had asked her to loan her a swimsuit and sunglasses, she would have said yes.  Yolo  knows it is a loan and she will return Grecia's things later.  Grecia tries to maintain her patience. As Grecia turns to get some sunscreen, Grecia looks at her  back and sees what she thinks are stretch marks and remarks how ugly they are. Grecia is suddenly back in her head upset and crying with blood all over her repeating "I killed him." Grecia calms herself down and she tells Yolo they are not stretch marks but even it they were it would be okay because they would be something natural. Yolo remarks not on her and calls Grecia "Greasy".
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Friday, February 08, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 2/8/19 Capítulo 104 Yearning for Home, the Past, and Peace

Crisanta asks about the deportation. Yolo explains that her father had a false green card and hired other illegals in the restaurant.  Andi corrects her and says that the word is "undocumented. "  Yolo continues saying because of her father's mistake they were all deported. She and her brothers are citizens of the USA but are minors so they had to come with her father and ended up in this place. She looks around in disgust.  Crisanta can understand her being angry but Oaxaca is a beautiful place. Santi tells his sister "Yolo" that Crisanta is right. Grecia thinks of Eugenio remembering his first love Yolotl and asks Santi what he called his sister. He called her Yolo. He explains it comes from her real name Yolotl.  Grecia says that is not a common name. Grecia tries to put on her counseling hat with Neto's  kids saying that they went through an intense experience and that she understands how they are feeling. Yolo doesn't think she understands how SHE feels.  Yolo explains how they lost all of their stuff, their home,  their friends, their whole life.  Crisanta asks if their mother came with them, too. Santi is about to answer but Andi cuts him off saying that they do not know where their mother is. She left them a long time ago. Yolo makes it clear again that she hates being there.  Grecia tells her you can always start over again.

Polita has her boxes of juice ready to sell at her dance class. She sees it as the key to changing the way they live. She has a fantasy of herself as the elegant rich lady of the house with Imelda and Audifaz waiting on her and Ari.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 103, Thursday, February 7, 2019; Destiny Leads Neto Back to Grecia Again!

We open with Neto and family shivering in the park. Yolo says, “Are we going to sleep in this park, really?” Finally Neto has had enough. He is going to go back to Pancho and ask for more help. Pancho takes them in asks Temo to make them some hot chocolate, and says they can sleep in the living room. The twins come in and do not look pleased. Yolo says she doesn’t think she can sleep there and that anyplace is better than there. Temo says to Yolo, “Well there is the door!”

As everyone is drinking their hot chocolate, Susana comes in and asks, “So what is going on?” Pancho tells Susana that Neto and family will stay in their living room tonight. But Susana has a better plan. She suggests that they all go to her house where Grecia and her mother are at. She calls Grecia to let to let them know that Neto and family will be arriving tonight.

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Thursday, February 07, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 2/6/19 Capítulo 102 GirlS Gone Wild--Or--Neto Loses Round #2 and More

Guido has finished preparing Dani's tea and he brings it to her. He says it is good for her nerves.  He starts going on about how he knows she is going through such a complicated time in her life. He is to a certain degree, also.  He mentions how he still doesn't understand how Gabriel could die so young and so quickly.  She sips the tea.  He says the tea will do her good.

Neto has changed into his borrowed black pants and shirt from Pancho. Earlier Pancho brought them linens and some clothes. The twins and Yolo have changed, too. Of course, Yolo is sulking. Neto tells her to take care of her brothers because he has to go to work.  He tells them they are allowed in the building but not out on the street.   Yolo closes the door behind him and tell the twins it is time to initiate her plan to get them out of this terrible place.

Neto runs into Eugenio as he leaves the building. Eugenio demands to know who he is and Eugenio introduces himself. They joke back and forth and Eugenio tells him that his wife calls him Eugenio or "mal genio" (bad mood).
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Monday, February 04, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Monday 2/4/19 Capítulo 101 Another Day, Another PSA: Chlamydia!--OR--Neto Loses Round One to Grecia

Neto and Grecia argue back and forth about whose red snapper is it.  SHE needs it for something very important. HE needs it for a family tradition. She asks the vendor who got here first. He wasn't watching. Grecia tells Neto the snapper saw.  Neto hates to be the one to tell her that the  snapper is dead and isn't seeing anything.  Next she says that the snapper saw them both and has decided it wanted to go with her.  Neto, always a step behind in this argument,  says the snapper saw him first and wants to go with him. The vendor suggests filleting another fish.  No way, they both want THAT one.  Grecia is going to  treat the fish affectionately and starts to pet it.  Neto flings  her hand off the fish and starts to pet it himself. Grecia launches into the topic of there not being enough gentlemen these days. How can someone as big as he is,  act like that with such a small woman as herself?  As he towers over her, he insists he is a gentleman and that he cannot help it that she is such a short thing.  Grecia drags over a box and gets eye to eye with him.  Neto accuses her of cheating. She tells him that since he is gentleman, she will be taking the fish and preparing it as deliciously as possible.  She hands the snapper to the vendor to bag. She tells Neto goodbye and climbs down from the box.  Neto thinks this is ridiculous fighting over a fish.  Grecia tells him there is a first time for everything.  The  vendor puts the fish in a plastic bag and hands it to Grecia. She tells Neto "See you never!"  He tells her the same.
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Friday, February 01, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 2/1/19 Capítulo 100 Temo Has "You Only Live Once" 's Number--OR--Neto the Self-Starter

Pancho brings Neto and the kids to the apartment building in La Burra.  He takes them to the bakery and explains  that his apartment is upstairs and they can stay with him.  Ernesto thanks him but says they will find a hostel or somewhere else to stay. Yolo doesn't like what she is hearing. Neto says there is no choice because he will not allow them to sleep on the street.  Santi is hungry and Andi is, too. Pancho  will make sure that they fill their stomachs in the bakery.  The other kids come running  into the bakery upsetting a glass of milk that ends up all over Yolo. Julio crushes Andi's glasses when they fall off.  Yolo overreacts. Temo tells her it was all an accident. The kids didn't do it on purpose. Pancho says he can get it all fixed. Yolo tells Pancho that maybe he should look after his little monsters. Temo tells Yolo to calm down. Pancho gives Yolo the keys to his apartment so she can clean the milk off of her clothes.  The two groups of kids stare at each other.

Eugenio is remembering what he went over in therapy. Giving himself his butterfly self-hug,  he remembers that her name was Yolo Rey Bautista and she was his first love. As he is repeating her name, Yolo is trying to open an apartment door with a key but it is not working. She turns to go back downstairs and runs straight into Ari who is carrying flour. She asks if everyone in the building is blind. She is now covered in flour on top of the milk.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 99, Thursday, January 31, 2019; Pancho to the Rescue with No Help from Mássimo Musi

We open with Eugenio sharing with Grecia about his first love, Yolotl. He met her at their bakery. She came in and ordered one bun, but he gifted her another.

But he doesn’t know what happened to her, she left town one day and never came back. He didn’t know where she went and she never contacted him again. But he did meet his true love in life, Blanca. Now that one was the real thing and his true love forever. The day he met Blanca, he never had eyes for anyone else. He asks Grecia if there is anything she would like to share and she says, “No, you are the patient here and what happens here stays confidential. I have enjoyed listening to your stories.”

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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 1/30/19 Capítulo 98 Neto Gets a One Way Ticket--OR--More Family?

Blanca tells Dani she will always be there for her as long as she needs her.  Dani wants to continue to learn how to knit clothes for the triplets and not just from Imelda but also from Blanca.  Blanca says if they knit together they will be able to make so much more. Her three grandchildren are going to be the most loved in the world.

Nonno is telling Guido that Gabriel no longer being with them is the worst tragedy they have been through.   Nobody will ever be able to take his place.  Guido realizes the great void that Gabriel's death has left but the Mussi's know how to get up and go on as they always have. Guido insists that he can help Nonno and be there for the family he loves.  Nonno proposes changing the name of the mezcal to honor Gabriel. Guido is not too sure about that since their brand is still positioning itself in the marketplace.  Nonno thinks then they could have a special launch of another kind of mezcal, a special edition.  Guido smiles.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 97, Tuesday, January 29, 2019; Neto’s Deportation Begins

We open with Neto gratefully accepting his promotion to manager. He’s started at the bottom as a dishwasher, but with hard work, now is accepting the manager position. His boss mentions the matter of his documentation but Neto says he is still waiting on his lawyer to finish up the process. He has spent a lot of time and money trying to get his papers and hopes that it will all be completed very soon.

In Oaxaca, at Susana’s house, Grecia jumps in the pool and swims across and then gets out. As she gets out, Crisanta asks Grecia what happened to her back. [It appeared to be a tattoo] She shrugs it off and says it happened long ago. Then she sees Susana with her suitcases and wants to know what is going on. Susana happily announces her plans to move in with Pancho.
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Monday, January 28, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Monday 1/28/19 Capítulo 96 The Miami Connection--OR--A New Plot With a New Galán

Blanca runs into Susana and Sebas. Susana is so glad to see her back home. Dani needs her so much and Eugenio surely needs more support. Blanca's ears perk up. Why would Eugenio need more support?  Susana thinks and speaks quickly. There is so much to be done in the store and Pancho has had to be busy planning their wedding but now since it has been postponed his time will be freed up.   Blanca asks Susana if all is going well with Pancho. Susana says they are going so well that they are planning on living together. Blanca gets a kind of pained expression on her face. Susana continues that she will be coming to live at the apartment building with Pancho tomorrow. Sebas agrees.  Blanca says she will be happy to have them both in the building.

Guido and Luigi sit down to enjoy some 100% (unwatered down) pure mezcal.  Luigi asks if Guido is happy having gotten Gabriel out of the way and nobody suspecting anything. Guido wasn't planning on Gabriel dying the same day the triplets were born. Guido smiles saying it was so . . . Luigi finishes the the sentence with "tragic indeed." What plans does Guido have now?  Guido will be Nonno's only support so he will end up giving him everything.  The only problem is that now Nonno wants to leave everything to the triplets. Luigi asks about the possibility of getting rid of the triplets, too. Guido says no, not yet. They toast to each other's health.

Dani and Linda are talking about the triplets.  Dani is afraid of failing them and forgetting Gabriel and the wonderful father he is . . . was.  Lind says they will get to know Gabriel through her. As her babies fight to get better in the hospital, Dani can fight to be strong and ready to take them home.
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Friday, January 25, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 1/25/19 Capítulo 95 Life Goes on After Gabriel--OR--Robert and Julieta are Out There Some Where

At Dani's. Axel offers Casandra and Clarisa his sympathy and support. Can he notify someone in their family for them? Casandra says no. Their father is in Europe could not get a flight in.  She hopes he is back soon. Clarisa is despondent and does not know what she will do without Gabriel.   They are going to have to take over the business and  look after their nieces, nephew and Daniela.

Eugenio thinks about Dani being left with her three children and he is glad Blanca is back from her trip. When he thinks about himself, he gets agitated and tells himself that he needs to remember everything so he can help Dani.   There is a knock at his door. It is Susana. She wants him to know that she and Pancho are there for him and for Dani.  He thanks her for all she has done for him and for finding him Grecia.  He also finds out that Grecia will be able to help out Dani, too.   He hopes so because Dani has fallen apart.

At Susana's, Grecia talks with Crisanta about the funeral being so very emotional.  Crisanta says  she would have liked to have gone but she didn't want to deal with Imelda. In spite of all she has been through with the Córcega's, she knows they are going through a terrible time.  She would like to be there to support them but it would never work out. Grecia says Dani does have a lot of support with her sisters, her mother and Gabriel's grandfather Massimo. "Máximo?" asks Crisanta. Grecia clarifies that it is Massimo because he is Italian. Crisanta asks Grecia if she is sure. Yes, she is. Crisanta wonders if he could be her Massimo. She remembers asking Guido if Massimo was a friend of that insipid blond and him answering "Let's just say she is family." Massimo is Gabriel’s grandfather.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 94, Thursday, January 24, 2019: Goodbye to Gabriel

Gabriel appears as a disembodied spirit to his triplets and speaks to each of them before he leaves. He tells them how much he loves them and that they have the best mother in the world. He tells them not to forget him and that he loves them and that one day he will be able to hug them. Then he disappears.

Daniela is in bed crying with Eugenio and Linda with her. Of course she doesn’t understand why any of this happened and can’t accept that Gabriel is dead. She says she has lost the will to live now because of Gabriel’s death. The family tells her she must remain strong because of the babies. She says she wants to be left alone, so the family leaves. As they leave, Gabriel appears again as a disembodied spirit who tells her how much he loves her and how lucky he was to have been her husband. He tells her to be strong and that their love is eternal. He will be with her every day in her heart until the day they meet again. He kisses her goodbye and it’s as though she did feel his kiss. As he leaves, he says, “I love you and I love our three children.” He tells her that he learned so much from her family and he will see her in eternity. Then he disappears in the twinkling of the eye.

In the hallway, Nonno, Guido, Casandra, and Clarisa look in on the babies. They are all crying.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 92, Tuesday, January 22, 2019; The truth is revealed and Daniela goes into labor

We open with Daniela having a contraction at Susana’s bridal shower. At Pancho’s place, Gabriel has the guys taste the new mezcal, which didn’t turn out very well and tasted diluted. He apologizes and asks Guido if he knows anything about this. Guido of course denies knowing anything. Then, Linda and Frieda come knocking at the door and running in to tell Gabriel about the contraction. He wants to take Daniela to the hospital, but she doesn’t want to go. Susana says that since she is having triplets, they could come premature. Then Axel advises her about the contractions. Dani says it was only one contraction and since it was only one contraction she decides it’s a false alarm.

Guido looks proud of himself as he thinks about the poison that will be very difficult to detect when it is ingested.

As Gabe attends to Daniela, his face is looking very blotchy. There is obviously something wrong with him.
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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Monday 1/21/19 Capítulo 91 Robert is Going to Africa--OR--Blanca is Coming Home

 Dani tells Gabriel that she has  decided she is going to go stay at her parents' house for  a while so she can be there when Grecia starts her father's treatment.   She promises to stay on bed rest. She doesn't want to leave Gabriel alone. Gabriel says he is an adult and doesn't mind being alone and anyway Nonno and Guido are there. Gabriel is going to buy Dani some cajeta (caramel).

Guido is all excited for Nonno because besides having a business that promises to be a success, he has found love. Nonno is pensive and has a bad feeling that the widows are going to meet and are going to want to cook him in a pot. Guido offers to help him out. With his angelic face, the widows are sure to believe whatever he tells them.  Gabriel comes in and Nonno  notices how red his face its. Gabriel blames it on continual stress and now there is a serious issue with his father-in-law. Nonno decides to go with Gabriel and they leave. Guido has a phone call from an employee called Luigi who has initiated the changes to the articles of association/incorporation of Nonno's corporate empire.  He tells Guido that as soon as he signs the new articles, Guido will be the majority shareholder of all of the Mussi businesses.   Guido assures Luigi that Nonno will never know because he will be busy being entertained by his two loves.
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Friday, January 18, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 1/18/19 Capítulo 90 The Girl Who Says What She Thinks--OR--Guido Lies in Wait

Pancho  likes "Roma's" (rather than Grecia's-a play on Rome and Greece) philosophy. She says you have to smile!  She wonders about Susana and this unexpected adventure called marriage. She herself has never been married.  Pancho tells her that the has been widowed twice but Susana has become his whole world.  Grecia is happy because Susana deserves to be happy.

Outside of Crisanta's shop, Crisanta's assistant asks what she is thinking about. Crisanta  is getting ready to go on a date but she will not tell her assistant with who. She is renewing herself and her business.  She asks her assistant for some ideas on how how to modernize her store.  Soon thereafter, a saleswoman  comes by the shop with a pink suitcase. She opens it up and Crisanta thinks that the contents are cool. The saleswoman says they have different sizes and different colors and asks if she is afraid  . . . It turns out that the star of all of their products is a stuffed bunny!

As they work on three panda cakes for the gender reveal party, Linda asks her father when he found out that he was going to have a bonus baby (her).  He says they have talked about it at least ten times recently.  She thinks it is good exercise for his memory.   Eugenio gets all depressed wondering if he will even remember the party.  Linda tells him when her mother gets back he will feel better.  He also needs to remember that Grecia has arrived to help him.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 89, Thursday, January 17, 2019; Susana says YES!

We open with Eugenio admitting to the family that he has Alzheimer’s Disease. They all react with the sadness as though he just told them he had a week to live. Imelda starts crying, Polita cries. Tulio tells him to have faith. Eugenio says he is going to fight not to forget his family.

In the park, Pancho and family are awaiting Susana. He is getting ready to propose. He has a setup ready with flowers. Inside is a little box with flowers and a diamond ring. He gets down on one knee and asks, “Will you marry me?” She says YES! He puts the ring on her and the confetti drops. However the children say, “not so fast, you have to be novios first.” The kids meet in a huddle and decide to give the relationship their blessing. The kids applaud and are very happy for them. Susana tells the children that her ring is a symbol that not only are she and Pancho together, but they are both together WITH them.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 1/16/19 Capítulo 88 One Truth is Revealed--OR--The Fox Lives in the Hen House

At the hospital, Linda prays with Gabriel as Nonno and Guido watch on.  Gabriel's sisters arrive. They hug him. There is a strong possibility of Dani having a miscarriage and losing the babies.

Imelda is being accompanied by her new gofer Ignacio.  She needs Ignacio to be totally dedicated to her and one step ahead of everything. Ignacio assures her that he will not be a tortoise but a hare. Imelda arrives at her store and sees Crisanta. She tells Ignacio that his first job will be to construct a wall in between their stores to divide them and to get Crisanta to pay for it.  The women start exchanging "witchy" insults and their "assistants" join them in other insults. 

Back at the hospital, Nonno talks to Guido about how he fears that Gabriel will not be able to take losing even one baby.  Nonno remembers perfectly when Gabriel's mother died and Gabriel himself almost died from  the grief.  Guido can sympathize having lost his own parents. Guido is sure it will all end well because destiny's plans are always perfect.  He smiles.
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