Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #131 1/23/13: All Is Not Fair in Love or Is It?

Good evening, to all,

“Teflon” Modesto is telling trying to understand Eugenia and as usual doesn’t want to talk in detail to anyone, especially not Eugenia.  He doesn’t want to start an argument and does what he can do best- walk away from the situation.

Mendoza tries to put the moves on Eva while Adriano is eavesdropping.

Renato bursts into Rebeca’s office and tells her that he is fed up with her little indirect hits and him being gay.  Oh well she was only joking.  Yeah right!!  She asks him what did Adriano think if he knew that his right hand man is gay- Boom!! How about I show the cd that you have of the company’s emails- Boom!! Renato, you scored and your boom had a little vogue step!!!  You go!!!  The only thief and nosy body here is you, Rebeca, they already caught you in the fraud with Fernando and now the cd.  Renato warned her to stop her comments or he will show Adriano the cd- with the emails. She has been served!!!!  She tires to threaten Renato but he will not back down.  She says that she will skin him alive, She is a Siberian (isn’t that a tiger?) She says its between dog and wolf (I could be wrong,) She starts making animal sounds.  What an idiot!

Mendoza asks Eva about the costume party under the watchful eye of Don Adriano.  Eva tells Mendoza that she is great at disguises.  Mendoza can go as Adam and Eva as Eva.  Eva smacks him around, and Adriano interrupts the festivities.

Pluti stops Helena in the hallway and of course wants to talk to her.  He only wants to talk to her about work in his office.

Eva explains that she and Mendoza were only talking about the costume party.  Rulis asks Adriano what is coming to the parry dressed as? An ogre?? Hahaha, hehehe, everyone but Adriano is laughing.
Adriano is jealous and Eva tells him not to be jealous, she is faithful.

Another Avon commercial- Mimi is looking for a new perfume from Fergie.  Her clients have been asking for it.

Helena is in Pluti’s office talking about a press conference and he is not paying one bit of attention.  He is drooling at Helena and she feels uncomfortable.  He starts on his love rampage.  Helena is the soul of the project, so Helena uses that as a segue into the question- Playa Mayagua comes from Antonia’s (may she rest n peace) thesis, right?  Pluti has the “duh” look.  The two old geezers comment that Adriano’s assistant isn’t what he seems (making gay gestures).   Renato pits the old boys in their place and tells them that they are too old to listen to such foolishness.

Helena wants to clarify the theme of the thesis. It served as the basis for the Playa Mayagua Project?   She asks if he knows it by memory.  It was Adriano’s idea for her to base her work in the university. Helena, you have a copy, right?  Helena has been busy and hasn’t had a chance to return it to him.  If we see each other at work it shouldn’t be alone.

Eva is looking for Helena and Lucia reminds her about her upcoming wedding.  She must be so happy!  Lucia is the go between for Eva and the wedding planner and she has so many ideas. Eva tells Lucia that she has better things to think about than the wedding.  Lucia is just wedding central and Eva shuts her down.  Its Lucia’s dream to get married.  Women have value with or without a man.

Pluti is on the phone talking to someone that he will see when he arrives in Acapulco and then Rebeca bursts into his office.  She has some paperwork for him to sign in regards to the 25th anniversary celebration.  Pluti tales the pen to sign the documents and Rebeca asks, him- what you are not going to yell at me about Felix??  Are you okay? Cachito?? I’m okay and I forgive you.  She tries once again to seduce him and he sends her out of his office.  She once again bothers the Virgencita to find out what he is up to without letting anything happen to her.

Santi congratulates Marsela about her presentation at the 25th anniversary.  Marsela hopes that Fern the fool will congratulate her too.  Santi would like a good woman like Marsela and she tells him that the right woman is under his nose.  Of course the blue dresses amp him up.

Jennifer and Daniel are looking over brochures on careers.   She is thinking about being an engineer or computer programmer and Daniel is discouraging her.  Daniel is very kissy, kissy and wants Jennifer to stop thinking about careers and think about him.  She doesn’t seem comfortable with all of the kissing.

Eva, Luca and Helena are chatting briefly about Pluti harassing her, but there are laws to protect women.  Lucia comments on the nasty words that Rebeca directed towards Renato, and Eva says that Rebeca is a rattlesnake.  Helena is very bothered by the affects of her little jokes towards Renato’s sexual orientation.  Helena takes a stand that it’s a personal conviction not a social pressure.  He doesn’t have to explain to anyone. - I agree!! Helena will support!  Your private life is your business and Lucia for once is quiet.  Renato walks in and asks if he should leave since they are talking about him?

Silvia is talking to the lady who she buying the nursery from.  The lady is happy is sell it to her.  She asks Silvia about an update on her divorce.  Is there a settlement?  Silvia doesn’t want anything form him and I don’t blame her.  Good riddance to bad rubbage!  She is entitled to a settlement taking care of the house, cooking and cleaning for thirty years, her daughter says the same thing but she doesn’t want anything.
Silvia thinks about it.

Renato presses the women to fond out what they were talking about.  He knows that it has something to do with what Rebeca said, we could care less on what Rebeca has to say, 

Juan calls Mimi to see if she was able to make the arrangements for him.

Chepina checks on Claudia to see if she is okay because Eugenia is worried about her and that she won’t do anything crazy. She tells her that she has company downstairs. She unkindly greets Kevin, who came to see her because he was worried about her.  She wasn’t answering her cell and has mussed music classes.  He wanted to know what happened with the joke with Dona Eugenia.  Forget about it, Kevin. Poor lovesick Kevin gives her his love poem.  She wasn’t thrilled.

Eva is giving Helena a little pep talk about her upcoming visit with Juan Carlos.  Just let it flow.

Claudia breaks Kevin’s heart.  She is just not that into him.  Poor Kevin.  She tells him to find someone his own age. This was sad for Kevin. (2 strikes, first Candi, now Claudia, he needs to find a girl whose name doesn’t begin with “C”)   She is leaving Mexico.  Eugenia recognizes him and he tells her that he is Fernando and Marsela’s son and Juan Carlos’ godson and he studied music with Claudia.  She noted that he looks sad.

Eugenia asked Claudia if Kevin had anything to do with the nasty little casting joke.  But Claudia retorted, he is too young, too immature for that.  Why are you worrying about me? You will be free of me soon. -(Not soon enough!!)

Helena goes to visit Mad Dad who is now to me- Too Bad Dad.  Ed is surprised to see Helena because their last visit wasn’t a pleasant one. I didn’t think that you would ever speak to me again.  Helena wanted to apologize. (The visit when he was trying to make her go back to Pluti)  He continues to insult his daughter asking if she is still thinking about that Juan Carlos

Marsela gets home early and asks Jennifer –where’s Kevin.

Helena just wanted to check on Too Bad So Sad Dad and see if he needed anything and he snaps back at her.  She asked him why couldn’t you even speak nicely to me; you treat me like an enemy. He wants Helena to ask her mom something for him.

Poor lovelorn Kevin comes home. 

Too Bad Dad is not in agreement that Silvia wants nothing from him.  He wants Helena to convince Silvia to accept a payment from him. She deserves it. She is surprised. He says that the house is too big for him, it's empty. He didn’t think that he would spend his last days here, alone. Oh well.  Helena gives Dad a goodbye kiss.  He looks sad, but its too late for me, I’m not sure about the rest of viewerville.

Marsela and Jennifer are chatting about the 25th anniversary, making dinner and note how sad Kevin is. Marsela asks him if he is okay and he yells- to stop asking a million times about how he feels, leave him alone and stop asking about me. (Don’t you just love teenagers??)  Fernando scolds him, he and Marsela argue and Kevin goes to his room.

Helena meets Juan. Helena wants to talk about the thesis, but Juan stops her.  He wants another opportunity to show her how much he loves her.  H covers her eyes and a lovely angelic orchestra (all female) is playing their song.  She thought bubbles to the time when he asked her to be his girlfriend. So romantic and then she belts him one.  Que the hell!!!  What is Helena’s problem?  Pluti has lied to both she and Lalo and he hasn’t receive a smack.  What’s up with that?? I am impactada.

At Grupo Imperio-Lucia is tired after a long day and Santi has news.  He has rented his apartment.  He is also looking for love on the internet.  Lucia doesn’t think that that is a romantic way to find women.

Helena (acting like her father) told Juan that she has begged him not to do such romantic things.  It brings up the most difficult times in her life. Juan figured that since she was free he would show her what she means to him. Juan thought that they broke up because she loved him. She didn’t break up with Pluti for him it was for herself, yeah right. She knew that she couldn’t be happy with Pluti. (Hello, Helena, you can’t be happy because you love Juan) Helena thinks that he is trying to seduce her like he seduced all of the other women and how Juan Peron seduced her. She gives him back his ring.

Santi goes on his internet date.  He enters the restaurant looking for Vanessa.  He likes what he sees.  Vanessa wants to have drinks, chat and have sex, all in that order! She is a busy woman. Wow!!

Helena can’t get over the fact that Juan was a ladies man.  Juan says that he has deceived her but that was in the past.  Juan- you say that you have changed but you can’t give me what I want and Juan seriously doesn’t know what it is.  He asks and Helena walks away, saying that he doesn’t understand anything.

Coming attractions:  Everyone is at Acapulco for the anniversary and Pluti approaches Helena and asks for forgiveness.  (What else is new? Is she going to slap him? Of course not! Helena meets with the construction foremen from FITSA and he says Pluti’s name.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #130 1/22/13: Mimi is The Dog That Doesn't Have Two Sandwiches.

  • Eva continues to ask every dame in sight: What is "that," the thing women want from men? "Stuffed animals." "Too bad you can't ask Juan Carlos, he knew how to conquer a queen, he was divine!"

  • Barging into a content-free conference between the bescarved Renato and the besotted Adri, Mimi asks: "What does Eva have that I don't have? Would you have gone for me if Eva had never existed?"

    "Well then I wouldn't have known you. But really - you're sexy and you smell good, but I'm in love with Her! With Her essence! She understands me as no woman has ever understood me."

    Mimi watches him with tears in her eyes and leaves promising she'll never bring this up again: "Adios."

  • Helena tells Eva: a second version of Antonio's thesis has surfaced.

  • Mimi's hard-working receptionist tells her Dagoberto is gone, having left a rose and a (stupidly rhyming) note. Mimi tells Juan she'd hoped Dagoberto could be a distraction from her unrequited love of Adri, and now, nothing!

    Juan tries to cheer her up but she refuses: "Let me suffer! Don't interrupt. I continue... I'm the dog with two sandwiches that gets neither of them." He tries to tell her about life being full of flowers but she points out he's never brought her flowers, not once, so he should just shut up.

  • Eugenia tells Eva it was Renato who ratted on Claudia. Eugenia laughs about the "it" that a woman wants, but she doesn't tell JC what it is.

  • Reb mocks Pluto for working late. "You haven't worked so hard since we initiated the jacuzzi business meetings a decade ago." She nibbles his tie. "Ugh, give it up, not even my wife the whale humiliated herself this way."

  • Helena reads the newly-discovered version of Antonia's thesis and calls Juan, marvelling: "It's completely different from the one I saw before. Nothing in it is like my project. It couldn't have been the basis of Playa Majagua, so GI robbed me openly. I don't know if this is enough to prove it. I used to blame you, but if it wasn't you, then who?" She lets it slip that she broke her engagement to Pluto.

    She wonders who changed the thesis to coincide with her project. She reluctantly agrees to have coffee with Juan the next day. Helena prays: "Help me not lose my head over him again." Juan prays: "Give me a hand, help me win back the love of my life."

  • Renato mulls the encoded disk he pilfered from Rebeca.

  • Fer looks bitter and bored in his bib at the dinner table while Marcela drones on about liking her job and the camera dotingly focuses on their quart of LALA MILK.

  • Rebe and Pluto squabble as usual. Hapless hacker Felix shows up with a cd for her. Pluto snatches it, Rebe snatches it back, it falls, Felix crushes it under his heel. Rebe says it's just photos of Ricky Martin.

    Pluto: "How long have you been working here, Felix? Who gave you your job? How has she conquered you?" "I needed the money for my ancient grandma."

    Pluto is so pissed he pays Onesimo to hire thugs to mug Felix. They grab him, beat him up, Onesimo gives him his severance pay as he lies bleeding on the sidewalk.

  • Claudia sulks in bed. She tells Eugenia: "My mom was afraid I'd end up with a married man the way she did." Eugenia promises not to tell Modesto something.

    Modesto wants to send Claudia to juvie. Eugenia doesn't.

  • When Onesimo drops in to see Rebeca at home (hoping for some payoff, or at least a drink), he finds out the guy he just beat up was one of Pluto's henchmen. Now he's afraid to meet the same fate.

    Rebe is sad that her plots have fizzled. "Onesimo honey, find proofs of perfidy with which I can torment Pluto." "But then next time the one who'll get beat up will be me. We need to find another way, so I don't get inculpated." She says their chance (for all sorts of things) will come at the Acapulco Anniversary bash. She won't bang him tonight, but she says they can use 'tu' now ...

  • Silvia wants nothing from Eduardo in the divorce. Helena disagrees: "You deserve something in exchange for all the years you took care of him." Silvia: "The donkey talks of ears..." She continues: "He's not well. Look in on him once in a while, Helena."

  • Pluto asks Mendoza to help him stick Rebe with the havoc his fake construction company will cause.

  • At the meeting, Rebecca announces there will be a costume ball in Acapulco! She needles Renato about his being gay.

  • Mendoza comes to talk to Eva alone after the meeting. Adri is eavesdropping...

  • Renato tells Rebe he's tired of her jibes. Rebe: "I'll tell Adri 'your right-hand man is gay.' Boom!" "Well I've got your dirty cd. Boom!"


Monday, January 21, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #129 1/21/13: What DO all Women Want?

***Sorry everyone, this is a pretty poor recap. I got some really bad news about 5 minutes into the show and couldn't focus at all for the rest of it. My bad.***

Aha! Mousse boy reveals that Claudia had switched the medicines. In fact, he admits that he was an accomplice. Juan's mom: "Poor child, her heart is "full of hate."

Bad dad is finding out that his wife doesn't even want to take his stuff - she just wants out!

Santi gets his divorce and watches Angelica leave in her chauffeured red sports car. "If you want to see me, just turn on your tv!"

Then we come to a conversation between Eva and Helena that sparks the question of what all women want - Helena mentions that all of her doubts and reservations about Juan stem from the fact that she's not sure he has that one thing that all women require from a man. Eva is desperate to find out what it is that JC couldn't give her. "You know, you're a woman, it's that one thing that we all know we need!" haha, he's so perplexed he tries to guess. Sex? Money? Shoes?

Then Eva makes Adri guess what it is. Adri is thinking along the same lines Juan was. Sex? No. Uh... Honesty and sex?

Dagoberto gets turned down by Mimi, but that doesn't deter him. He sneaks back in and snoops around in her house for dirt on Eva.


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #128 1/18/13: The Seduction of Eva; Claudia is Caught; Fern has a 'Tude; JC is Bummed.


Hi Y'all this recap will not be in order. They went from scene to scene so quickly, I am combining them for the continuity of the story.

Tonight we start with the meeting between Eva and Helena is Helena's office. Seems they are talking about feelings. Hmmm, whose you ask. Well, seems Helena is telling Eva bout that. Eva had asked Helena if she was now going to hook up, er get back with JC once again, since Helena and Pluti are kaput, but nah, not so much. Helena looks at Eva and says those eyes, again! Helena is afraid to be buffaloed, er, swayed by JC's enormous charms and isn't going to "fall" again. But she has a secret to tell Eva, pinky swear, no telling anyone, but ya know how Pluti spread it around that Helena and Pluti were doing it like rabbits, well so not true, doncha know! Cause, wait for it, Helena never loved Pluti, who knew! Helena only has eyes for JC! She lurvvees JC still, and here Eva sings, Cristo!, but she just can't trust him. Even still Helena thinks of JC's kisses, his caresses, more than ever! Eva advises Helena to tell JC exactly what she feels, Eva is sure that JC would be over the moon. Helena still isn't sure and tells Eva not to say anything. So here comes Renato annoucing a meeting with Adri, and as soon as Helena goes out the door, Eva is doing a mad dance, and Renato looks at her strangely and Eva goes out the door too to the meeting. It is to introduce Mendoza.
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Friday, January 18, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #127 1/17/13: 'Til You Come Back to Me- That's What I'm Gonna Do

Rebeca stops Helena in the halls of GI and gives her a lecture on the values of being a married woman, taking a few swipes along the way at single mothers and their shame.  Rebeca tells Helena she shouldn't pass up the opportunity to be Sadie, Sadie, married lady.  Helena is incredulous.  She tells Rebeca she'd rather be single than marry someone only for their name or status (you hearing this, catwoman?).  Rebeca is pleased to realize the piranha will not be returning to her wolf.

Eugenia is telling Juan she knows it was Claudia who switched her meds and sent her on that little caper.  Juan wants her to tell Modesto, but Eugenia protects Claudia because of the pain she is suffering at her mother's death.  Juan presses Eugenia for details of her conversation with Helena, but Eugenia admonishes him that she won't do it.

Helena is at the dinner table with Lalito.  He says something about Pluti helping him with his homework, and Helena confesses that she won't be marrying the Putz.  She asks if he's sad and no, he's happy just living with her and his abuela.  Lalo asks if she will marry someone else besides Plu-terco.

Rebeca is spying on Helena's emails, and she sees that the councilman from Playa Majagua will be at GI's anniversary party.  Renato comes in and she insults him as usual with feminine nicknames.  He gives her the program for the anniversary party and she sees that Marcela is giving a presentation.  She scowls and  bothers the Virgin to help her with her evil plans for revenge on Marcela and Helena.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #126 1/16/13: I Repeat, She Doesn't Love You!!

 Good evening all.  I am still celebrating the break-up of Pluti and Helena.

We begin with “Dog"berto making a crappy rhyme about the beautiful Mimi. (Boy is he annoying and not much to look at either)  He is looking for work and Mimi asks him if he is also looking for job to exploit an aspiring, talented young girl.  He is going to show Mimi how he has changed. (I wish that Mimi was a magician and could make him disappear!!)

Chepina tells Eugenia about the medicine change and Eugenia concludes that it was Claudia.  Chepina also lets Eugenia know that she found Claudia snooping in her bedroom. Chepina also lets Eugenia know that Claudia wasn’t home when the “chauffeur” came to take Eugenia to the fake casting call but Claudia knew that she had gone to a casting call.  How would she know if she wasn’t involved? It’s a shame that she is so young and so evil.  Eugenia feels that she continues to suffer because of her mother’s death.

Helena recounts to Eva the story of how Juan risked being discovered in taking his mother to the hospital.  Eva had some choice adjectives to describe Juan Carlos- handsome, intelligent, nice, gentleman, etc.  Oh why is Helena still worried about Pluti??  She realizes that she doesn’t love him and that he is suffering.  Eva wants to let out a hoola-Yippeee!!!  She is better alone than being with him and Pluti overhears the conversation.  Helena thanks Eva for her support and that she remembers –at the beginning of her romance with Pluti- Eva was questioning her feelings.  The genius Pluti- concludes that Helena was influenced by Eva to break up with him because she couldn’t have broken up with him on her own volition.
It was that damned Eva’s idea and she is going to pay!

Helena suggested that Lucia help Eva with the wedding planner.  Eva (who looked like she ate sand) said that she was enthusiastic about her wedding and her face tells it all- LOL

Pluti tells Adriano that Helena broke up with him.  He didn’t do anything. It’s Eva’s fault. (Okay- sorry but I digress- Pluti is a little bitch running from person to person whining- first to Mad Dad to try to get Helena back ad now to Adriano, to try to blame Eva and I guess have Adriano speak to Eva- get a backbone man!! Take no for an answer!!!!)
Adriano doesn’t want to hear it.  Eva had never liked him and she influenced Helena.  Adrian believes that he is mistaken.
Helena doesn’t want it to be difficult for Pluti at work and Eva stops her and tells her to remember that she still needs evidence for Juan Carlos.  She has to keep her eyes on Pluti and Rebeca.  Helena thinks that maybe Adriano is behind the fraud and Eva defends him.

Pluti is misinterpreting things.  Try to reconquer (what are we in the medieval times?) your girl instead of blaming others.  All women are the same- when you want to leave them then they want you.  Thank you, Adriano for your pearls of wisdom.  Pluti suggests that when Adriano marries Eva, he takes her as far away from him as he can.
Eva tries to convince Helena that Juan Carlos deserves another chance   Helena has doubts. (This reminds me of the movie Moonstruck.  She needs a slap to snap out of it!!)
Lucia bursts into Helena’s office to let her know that the whole company knows about Pluti and her break up.  Helena rips Lucia a new one.  Helena imitates Lucia.  She is furious that Lucia told everyone her secret.

Before Adriano leaves he is going to form a council that will direct the company that will take some of the responsibility from Pluti.  Pluti wants to know do you have confidence in me or was this Eva’s idea?  It was Eva’s idea.

Marsela, Santi and Renato spend time in the hallway discussing if the rumors are true.  They ask for Ferni, Marsela says that he is fine and happy at his new job.

Why is “Dog’ berto outside of Grupo Imperio?
The Dog asks for Eva at the front desk.  He is informed that Eva is a partner and what is the nature of his visit.  The Dog has hit the jackpot.

Pluti flips!! Adriano says that Eva only proposed the council.  Adriano blames Pluti’s attitude on his break up.  Adriano suggests that Pluti take a day off.  Pluti can’t, he needs to keep himself busy.  No one knows how men can suffer at the fault of a bad love affair.

The Dog gets the lowdown on Eva who became a partner upon Dona Antonia’s death.  The Dog got what he wanted and leaves. Pain!!!

Pluti wants the largest bouquet of flowers possible to send to Helena.  The note should read: to the most beautiful woman in the word, (oh no here comes Rebeca.) I’m not conforming to your good bye; I know that you will soon return to me, because our love is much stronger than this passing (temporary) crisis.  Come back to me my love (my life) if not you will tire of my insistence.

Rebeca starts her crap- oh why did the social climber leave you or did she find out that you aren’t a good lover or did she find a true man, capital M (in English) that is more handsome, rich and has more inches than you.

Lucia acting stupid goes to get some copies and Eva asks if she needs a needle and thread to sew up her loose lips.
Helena did send an email to the foreman regarding the foreman of the construction company regarding Playa Mayagua and Helena has Eva’s support.  Eva wants to get the cd in Rebeca’ office, but Helena cautions her.  Eva invites Helena out for a bite to eat but Helena wants to check up on Eugenia.  Helena wants to ask her some things about JC.

FF to Rebeca is still teasing Pluti about the break up and that Helena is deceiving him behind his back.  According to Rebeca its karma, they belong together.  Pluti disagrees and throws her out of his insults amid her flurry of insults.  Rebeca is a woman scorned.  Pluti must pay for those 10 years that they were together.  Lets’ see who will marry you now.

FF Santi brings Lucia some files that she needed.  She seems to be hiding something on the computer.  He tries to invite her out to lunch but she has too much work.
He rushes back into the office. FF

Helena comes to see Eugenia and Eugenia asks whether the visit is to see how she is doing or to ask about Juan Carlos.  Eugenia always believed that he was alive.  My son has not stopped loving you.  There are some things that are bothering Helena-

Lucia is on a matchmaking site.-casate contigo.

Pluti has to do something because the flowers aren’t enough.
Eva is giving make up lessons. To the blue dresses.  Pluti sees her and watches her walk to the elevator.

Eugenia understands Helena’s doubts but Juan Carlos has changed.  She and her husband spoiled him.  Eugenia asks- have you forgiven him for al of the harm that he has done to you?

Eva goes into the elevator and Pluti follows.  He asks Eva- why do you hate me so much?  Listen Pluti- I know that when you were married to Antonia you had a lover. I realized how much my beautiful Antoine suffered over you.  So, whom are you tapping now?  Let me guess, Rebeca, heh!  Is that what you told Helena so that she would leave me?  It wasn’t necessary.  Eva lets out a yell.

Eugenia asks Helena- have you forgiven Juan or not?  I haven’t stopped loving him but I need to trust him.  I still can’t get out of my head how he deceived my family, my son. Etc.
Eugenia again says that he as changed and sees women differently.  Helena doesn’t understand this drastic change with woman.  How does a macho man turn into a gentleman?  Crickets on Eugenia’s part.  The chamaca interrupts and Eugenia introduces her as her husband’s younger daughter.

Pluti yells that Eva is creating a telenovela if she thinks that he had a lover.  She is worse than anything that he could imagine.  This is what he thinks that she told Helena.  I didn’t tell her anything; she realized that she didn’t love you.  Repeat- She doesn’t love you!!  She just a little confused and no one not even you can separate us.  Dream on, Pluti!!!

Eugenia tells Helena about Modesto’ s other family.  Juan knows, yes. How did Juan take the news?  Not too well at first but its her decision. But Eugenia is confused as to what decision to make.  She is not sure of what she will do.  Helena’s mother is having a similar difficult marital issue that is personal.
Eugenia hopes to have convinced Helena that her son has changed.  He has to demonstrate his innocence.  He is no perfect but he is not a thief.  He deeply loves you, Helena.  She thought bubbles to reading Juan’s letter.

Keep threatening me but I will stick to Helena because she is in a fragile state
Unlike you Pluti, I don’t have to go running to my man Adriano to tell him that you are threatening me.  If you don’t learn to respect women, I will show you physically. I’m not going to lose Helena due to your bitterness.  Listen Pluti- Helena DOESN’T LOVE YOU!!!  She will never love you!!  Is there another man in her life????  The elevator door opens and Eva walks out.

At school- Kevin asks Danny about the joke that they played on Dona Eugenia.  Danny says- hey that’s your friend.  Kevin tired calling her all weekend and she didn’t answer.  According to Danny- that’s how women are they want to keep us interested.  Just grab her up.  (I hope that I heard wrong)

Marsela wants to present her thesis at the anniversary celebration.  Adriano is very proud of Marsela.  She is focusing on the Mexicans who attended tourist conventions in the last year.  Adriano suggests that she consult Renato and Rebeca and Marsela’s face drops.

Mimi is giving skin care tips to a young girl and in walks “Dog”berto.  She never ceases to amaze him.  “Dog” berto tries to talk Mimi into going into business with him, open up a beauty salon, esthetics shop, etc. since she has some famous beauty make-up clients.   Ewwww!!!

Marsela would rather work directly with Renato as opposed to involving Rebeca.  Eugenia tells Juan/Eva that Helena is an enchantress.  She advises Juan to let Helena know soon that he is Eva.
“Dog"berto is envisioning Mimi’s name on a marquee, with the inside equipped with a spa.  He will evict the renters.  “Dog” berto has big dreams-oh boy!  Mimi wants to know how is she going to finance this venture.   The Dog suggests Eva.  The Dog is trying to make up for the wrong that he committed.

Eugenia feels bad on deceiving Helena with Eva.  She wants Juan Carlos to come clean.  But it’s not the right time. Eugenia will not give Juan/Eva any inkling on what she and Helena discussed, or on how to reconquer her. He will have to do it on his own.  What she and Helena discussed is between Helena and Eugenia.  Eugenia felt bad that he fell for the casting scam.   She knows that Claudia changed her medicine.  (The chamaca from hell!!!)  Juan/Eva called her the demon chamaca.

Daniel meets up with Jennifer and flips out on her, that he was waiting for a long time for her.  She was chatting with few friends and didn’t let him know.  She asks him to forgive him. - What a creep.

Coming attractions:  Is Pluti planning revenge against Eva?


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #125 1/15/13: In Which Pluto, Like Many Rotten Scoundrels, Thinks a Fower Arrangement Will Make Up for His Being a Tool

Eugenia is asleep in the hospital and her weak, clueless husband hovers over her. The doctor tells him: "Somebody's been changing her medicine!!" Stupid Modesto wonders if she did it herself. When she wakes up he does not tell her about the switched medicine.

Eduardo orders Helena to marry Pluto! "He's the best you're gonna get. All women need a man so they won't get lost. You need a man to take care of you." "Don't you respect us at all?" "Don't start with your feminist bull. You poisoned your mom with it." "You had her in hell for 30 years, I saw you mistreat her, insult her, put her down. You wrecked the best years of her life, you beat her till she aborted a child, you don't call that damage?" It's very satisfying scolding. "You have no moral right to tell me what to do. And leave mom in peace. She's putting her life back together. The best you can do for her is give her the divorce." Silvia enters: "Eduardo, if you want to see Lalo he's in the park." "I want to talk." "But I don't, and I have a lawyer coming." After Ed leaves, Silvia annoyingly stands up for him: "He cares about you, Helena." FF>>

Ikky Daniel smarms all over Jennifer, making out aggressively outside her house. She says they should leave, her parents might see. He says she's a woman now and should put out, and, she should wear sexy clothes for him too. Then she asks: "Where were you yesterday when I went to the movies with parents?" "I was with my mother! I think only of you!" He asks what she wants to do, the answer is clearly supposed to be "hump you, you hunk," but actually she tells him she wants french fries and a movie. He implies she doesn't need any french fries. "What, am I fat?"

After the movie Daniel points out the heroine "did everything for the passion of her guy. Could you do crazy things for love? I could!" They are right inside the house, he won't let up, finally she pushes him out the door. Then Fer comes and wants a talk. "Are you still my princess? How are things? We never talk. I like Daniel, it's ok with me if you marry him." "DAD that's not on the horizon. Do you want to know if we..." "NO I do NOT want to know. I trust Daniel." "Do you trust ME, dad?"

Dagoberto comes to see Mimi at the pension. He asks the desk lad about Eva, particularly asking where she works. There is ominous music. In the back, JC asks how she feels: Mimi says she doesn't want Dagoberto, really, but she remembers... "Aw, your problem is, you're not getting any." "No, my problem is that I like Adri." "I'll tell him it's you who loves him (and who gave him that night of passion)." "Don't you dare."

Changing the subject, JC is deliriously glad Helena blew off Pluto. Mimi warns him: "It's like baseball, it's not over till it's over." "Don't spoil my happy moment." He floats happily into Grupo Imperio in the morning.

Eugenia and Modesto come home, Claudia kisses her father, ignoring Eugenia, who pointedly looked her way and asked: "Who could have been so cruel as to treat me this way?" Claudia looks guilty.

In Helena's office there is a giant flower arrangement from Pluto, he comes along to beg for another chance. Helena: "I ask you not to make this difficult. Let's see each other as little as possible." "You're my life, my future, don't leave me." "My decision is made!" She leaves, he tells himself she WILL marry him.

Eva perches next to her eager suitor in Adri's office and informs him that at the anniversary bash "we are NOT going to share a room." Adri says he can't wait to marry and give the business to Pluto. Eva is impactada: "Back up - what did I hear?" "Pluto will take over so you and I can travel the planet." "Thanks for consulting me! You think I want to go to those horrible places? I'm not going any farther than the nice Mexican resorts. And anyway, it's old people who retire, you have a lot more juice in you. And Pluto is not up to it! Now I'm in a bad humor, no kiss for you, you make decisions like a kindergardener."

The maid Chepino tells Modesto she didn't mess with the medicine and wants to tell him she saw Claudia do it, but he won't listen. He lies to Eugenia when she comes in but after he leaves she gets the truth out of Chepina. The two of them know it was Claudia that did it, and also Claudia that pulled the "casting" caper. Eugenia: "She's so young to be so evil. But I still feel sorry for her, she's sad for the death of her mother."

Dagoberto tells Mimi he's looking for work. "Why don't you find a new, naive young girl and make her promises about her career and then betray her!?!" "Don't be bitter, I'll prove I've changed."


Monday, January 14, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #124 1/14/13: Ahora Soy Very Internacional

We open on a fun outing with Helena, Lalo, and Helena's mom, playing around at some fun-park. Surprising, that we're so close to the end of the show and some good guys are still happy!

But then Pluto bursts into the home as if nothing had changed between him and Helena, with a zillion gifts for everybody. Helena and her mother look distressed.

Then Helena asks him if he had forgotten that they broke it off. Amusingly (and annoyingly), he says no, but he thought it was all because of Helena's state of ire, and maybe she's cooled down by now. Needless to say, she is not convinced.

Santi and Luci - surprisingly, she's not being a total dishrag, and she lays out the rules for him if he's going to stay with her. Oh wait, I spoke too soon. Now she's whining about not having a boyfriend.

Surprisingly, my favorite scene of the epi is a Rebeca scene (!!) - Angelica comes in to boast about a modeling gig she got in America (ahora soy *very* internacional). Rebeca gets grumpy with all the boasting, but the funniest part is how each keeps yanking away the other's wine glass (despite the fact that they each have one - it reminds me of when one of our chickens drops a piece of food just to chase another chicken away from IT'S food), back and forth to accentuate their prideful statements. Eventually, they split the remaining wine

Eva (well, Juan is using his real voice while dressed as her) consults with his ill mom. As he leaves the room, he's caught by his dad, who grills him - "no te metas con mi mujer!" Juan almost slips up! "Me meto porque ella es mi MA- [catching himself] -gistral amiga." Heh.

Eugenia's doc says it's clear that she hasn't been taking her meds. Modesto protests that she has! The doctor says in that case, please bring in her pills so we can see what she's really been swallowing it.

Cut to Eugenia's room, where a skulking Claudia is messing with those very pills, only to be caught red-handed by the maid. Nonetheless, she acts indignant and entitled and obnoxious, very much Claudia.

Let's see, Plutarco once again takes his case to Eduardo, and asks his help in reconquering (seriously, with the way they throw that word around, he's got to be re-re-reconquering her by this point).


Friday, January 11, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #123 1/11/13: Failure, Thy Name Is Modesto.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
Bears spit in the woods.
Water is wet.
The snowplow pushes the snow towards the wrong side of the street.
Death and taxes.
You get the idea.

Modesto disappoints.
The guy is going to have to buy his own ugly necktie next Father's Day, is all I'm saying.

Alternate title: Genie's Big Adventure
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Por ella soy Eva #122 1/10/13: I'm Not That Chained Up Little Person Still in Love with You.

And I grew strong, and I learned how to get along.

Helena has called Plutarco to come to a restaurant to have a serious talk.  "Why are you being so mysterious?" he asks her.  After stumbling over her words, she starts by saying he hasn't been honest with her.  "Dishonest?  Me?" he asks ingenuinely.  He says he only loves her.  Ya. ya, ya, she doesn't want to talk about that now.  She admits she hasn't been honest with him either.  She doesn't feel for him what a woman about to marry someone ought to feel.  And for that reason it's better if they end their relationship.  "Is this a joke?" he asks her.

Eugenia is reliving her glory days in the theatre in her mind when the Claudia brat comes in and mocks her.  "The world has forgotten you forever," she tells Eugenia, "forever."  Eugenia isn't rattled.

At home Fernando tells Marcela he misses his friends at GI.  "You will make new friends at your new job," she tells him.  The doorbell rings and it's Daniel, who Ferni welcomes like he's the best thing since sliced bread.  Marcela leaves, and Ferni makes the two of them a manly breakfast of raw eggs.  Daniel is reluctant but Ferni presses the glass on him.  Ferni wants to talk to Daniel's father when he gets back from his trip, and he's surprised to hear that Daniel didn't know his father was away.  The truth is that Daniel hardly ever sees him.  That's why Ferni's family is like a family to Daniel.

Silvia is meeting Bastardo at a restaurant.  He has brought her flowers (nice ones this time) and has the band play Silvia's favorite song.  He is all dressed up.  He brings up happy memories for the two of them and is begging for her forgiveness for all the damage he has done to her.  He can be a human being.  Who knew?  Silvia is quiet.  She kind of looks like she's in shock.

Helena tells Pluti that this is no joke and she's thought about it a lot.  Pluti can't accept it; he knows she's nervous about the wedding and tells her to take all the time she needs.  Pluti thinks all this is because of Juan Carlos.  He gets mad, cracking that shiny veneer to briefly reveal his true self, and reminds her that he got her a job when she was broke, he got Lalo back for her, all with his help.  She gets mad in return and accuses him of doing it all to get something in exchange as though she's a trophy or a prize.  She gets up to leave and Pluti begs her to wait.  He tells her she and Lalo are everything to him.  This sets Helena off, and she shouts at him that if Lalo is so important then why did Pluti teach the boy to lie to win a medal he didn't earn and to fight with another boy to solve his problems.  Dude.  Busted.

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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #121 1/9/13: Hit the Road Pluti and Don't cha Come Back No More!!

Good evening all,

First scene- at the restaurant Adriano tells Pluti that he considers him family and he will always trust him.  (Pluti for once was at a loss for words)
Since Juan proved himself to Helena by showing up at the restaurant to defend his innocence, it looks like Helena is finally coming around.  Pluti (the ever suffocating novio) goes to look for Helena and sees her.  Helena pretends to be using her cell phone.
Juan is happy; he realizes that Helena still loves him.  Mimi saves the day with a change of clothes for Juan/Eva.  Juan complains about the always-present stomach pain that he has and Mimi suggests that he see a doctor.
Pluti wants to know what is Helena doing (my girl does think on her feet) she tells him that she can’t get a signal so she had to move outside.  He asks, whom was she talking to and she said someone asked her for directions.

A very sad and quiet Fernando asks Marsela what was she doing and she said that she was reviewing Antonia’s thesis to help give her ideas for her own.  Fernando wanted to talk about little things at work.  Marsela tries to pull out of him – what little things.  They ended up kissing.

Adriano feels like Eva has stood him up because the way he treated her at the office earlier and when he calls Eva on his cell, Eva appears.  Her cousin had given her a lift, ran out of gas, etc.
Adriano apologized to both women for his behavior at the office earlier.  It was a very tense day for all.  Adriano professes his love once again for Eva, and while Pluti is making goo goo eyes at Helena, Eva throws daggers with her eyes towards Pluti.
(It looks like both Helena and Pluti are holding back laughter)  The Pluti tries to profess his love to an uninterested Helena.  Adriano is kissing Eva’s head and she tells him to not be so corny. Pluti thanks Antonia for putting Helena in his path and Eva is offended at what Pluti says and thinks that they need to ask a spiritualist if what he said was true. Everyone holds hands as if at a séance and Eva calls out to Antonia.  Adriano felt something and the séance ended.  Adriano changed the theme and was anxious to know about the wedding plans.
This Saturday they were going to meet with the wedding planner to try on gowns but she and Lalo have plans with Pluti, so Helena may have to cancel.  Pluto said that he could take them out on Sunday.  Adriano suggested that Helena and Eva take some time off to dedicate to the wedding and he had his head handed to him by Eva.

Marsela asks if Ferni is having a problem at work but once again he doesn’t fess up.  She asks him about  the advantages in knowing the boss and he lies once again.  Ferni is in the mood for love, especially now that his drought is over since he had found a job.

 Eva breaks it down to Adriano, the women can multitask.  They can work and plan weddings.  Pluti agrees, women can multitask.  (How profound!)    Pluti tried to break it down- dedicate more time to the wedding and less on working (and someone would really want to cozy up to these two Neanderthals?)
Half a day at work and rest for the wedding.  Helena assured Adriano that she and Eva can multitask.  Helena brought up that Mendoza is working on Playa Mayagua and Adriano shut down any more talk about work.
A hilarious moment- Eva and Helena go to the ladies room and Eva tells Adriano –don’t even think about touching my chair, fool!  Adriano complains that the women are going to take forever in the bathroom.  Pluti had his usual dumbfounded look.
Helena shared with Eva that Juan Carlos showed up at the restaurant and was almost seen by Pluti.  Eva tried to put in some good words about Juan, but Helena wanted to get back to the boys before they started a scene.  As friends, Helena wants to be assured that Eva will support her in whatever decision she makes.  Eva agreed.

Eugenia is in a confused state.  Oh no, Chepina brings more “medicinas”.  Eugenia wants to call Juan and Chepina asks- Huh?  Eugenia takes her “medicine”.

Helena tells Lalo that she doesn’t want to talk about his grandparents’ divorce. It’s a delicate situation and it’s a grown up matter. It’s also not good to carry secrets and lies.  She asks Lalo-is it important to him that she marries Pluti. It’s important to him, because Pluti will be more or less his dad.  She asks Lalo- if things change and I don’t marry Pluti, would that bother you?? Lalo says no, because I am getting used to living here.  He likes being with his mom.  He asks his mother if she is angry with Pluti because they didn’t go to the ranch until Sunday?  And mom and son share a loving moment!
Lalo and Helena will be together on Saturday afternoon.

Mimi and Juan are talking about Dagoberto the ugly dog and the unattractive men that Mimi falls for.  They may not be attractive but they are achievers. Juan realizes that women are more complicated than men. Do you love someone or not?  Mimi tells Juan that even with the make up, fake chest, wig and heels he still doesn’t have a clue about women’s feelings and it would take centuries to fill him in.  Men are brutes, primates, Homo sapiens, rhinoceros, etc.
Helena is worried about Sexy Silvia and wants to know what are her plans.  She will leave it in God’s hands.  Helena looked like she was going to purge at the thought of working on her wedding tomorrow.

The wedding planner is explaining how important it is to try on the new dresses and Lucia is like a kid in a candy store, sorting through the gowns.  The planner went to get the gowns that she picked out for each of them and Helena and Eva looked like they were winners of the “almost” lottery.  Eva is not trying on any gowns.  Lucia will model for her.  Lucia wishes that she was in their shoes.  When was the last time that they went to a wedding?? Santi’s??  Lucia shared that she and Santi are going to live together.  Que, que, what???

Mimi is writing her Avon orders; a different perfume will change her attitude.  Her products are the best.

Lucia and Santi are roommates.  They are just friends.

Helena gets to try on the first dress; Eva has the look of the groom on the wedding day when he first sees his bride look in her/his eyes.

Felix lets Rebeca know that he only works Mondays through Fridays, today is Saturday and he wants to get paid for his services. She is not paying him; she claims that she paid him the first time for the cd that didn’t work. This time this cd will work.  She just hates salaried people (workers) that take advantage of people.  (I hope that I am recapping the night that her anvil drops)  Renato walks in on the cd exchange between Rebeca and Felix.

Lucia tries on a bridal gown and Eva teases her and asks if she is getting married.
Eva/Juan is impactada/o looking at Helena in a wedding gown.  Helena looks as like she is the most dispassionate bride that I have ever seen.

Helena had a panic attack and had to leave the bridal salon.  Eva wanted to run after Helena but Lucia stopped her.

Renato interrupts Felix and Rebeca and she chastises him for not knocking on her open office door. (REALLY, WHAT A BEEEACH!)  Renato wonders why is Rebeca working on a Saturday.  She tries to throw him out of her office but he needs to go over details for the 25th anniversary.

Lucia makes a comment about what a good catch Pluti is and Eva tells her that she the dress doesn’t suit her.

Helena goes home and Silvia realizes that something is wrong.  Finally- Helena has doubts about getting married to Pluti. (Viewerville is applauding!!)  Silvia will support Helena in whatever decision she makes.

Rebeca tries out the new cd.  She is now in Helena’s email.  She reads the email that Helena sent to the construction manager about her doubts about Grupo Imperio.

Helena is at a fast food restaurant with Lalo.  Lalo is concerned about his mother’s sadness.  Helena explains that she and Pluti don’t always see eye to eye on everything.  Helena changes the subject.

Rebeca shows up at Pluti’s house, thinking about the good times before Antonia died.  It these walls could talk…(Bleeeck) Rebeca tells him that Helena is working behind his back.  Pluti doesn’t want to hear what she has to say. She wants a last “board meeting” with him.  (Yuck!)  She begins to kiss him like a praying mantis. (Like she wanted to bite off his head)

Lalo is pouting because he confides in Helena about the time that they went to the ranch and Lalo fought the little boy and hit him hard as per Pluti’s request.  Helena wanted to know what else has Pluti done.
We see the aftermath of the Pluti Rebeca “good bye board meeting? (Ewwwwwww)

Helena is perplexed as to why Lalo didn’t share this with her before. Pluti told him not to tell her because women don’t understand.
Problems cannot be fixed with violence.  Helena explains the difference between humans who can reason and animals.  Lalo was concerned about being punished.

Helena calls Pluti because she wants to have a serious talk with him, face to face. What could it be??? 

Rebeca notes that he hung up so quickly.  What a cold relationship you two have. Pluti forcibly throws Rebeca out.

Pluti arrives to the Sirera Bar and Helena doesn’t know where to begin.  She doesn’t let Pluti talk.  She lets him know-OMG!!!!!!!!!  I can’t type because I am screaming and dancing.  She tells Pluti that she has been dishonest with him.  She doesn’t love him the way that she should and that they should end their relationship. Pluti once again has the “duh uh” look. Helena, please stick to your guns.  Wooooooooo whoooooooooooooo!!!!!

Coming attractions:  Is Pluti going to accept the end or what?? 


Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #120 1/8/13: Showdown Interruptus

Onesimo lunches with Rebeca. "It's time for you to put out. Pay me for my service - with your favors." "I want to be your business partner, not your squeeze. "I'm tired of being treated like a slave." "I'm sorry I treated you that way, I promise by the virgin it won't happen again. But that doesn't mean you can have my body... at least not yet...." She presses him to help her, but he plays hard to get.

Pluto to Adri, who's languishing because Eva is so mad: "Even though women think they're modern, we hold the reins." "But Eva is so fragile." "Still, you have to ride her." "But she's all I have, all I love." "We have to teach them that men rule."

Helena emails an apology to the offended officials of Playa Majagua. Pluto arrives: "Adri and I want to invite both of you to dinner to alleviate the bitterness of the meeting." Eva is not ready to forgive, but since Helena agrees, Eva does too.

Claudia is not interested in young Kevin, she wants Jennifer's boyfriend Daniel.

Eugenia's agent is visiting. She complains she hasn't gotten a call about the job she auditioned for. "Did Fanny Cano get the job?" Mr. Becker: "She's been dead a long time." Uh-oh, Eugenia is confused again. Becker looks worried. Then she wants to give him her audition video, forgetting he already has a copy. He calls and cancels her upcoming audition: "She's in no condition to work." He scuttles out of the house.

Eduardo has been sewing himself a suit, he thinks this will win Silvia back!???

Silvia walks with her boss, from whom with Helena's help she's buying the florist biz: "This is my first project that's just for me." She wishes the best for Eduardo but she's ready to move on.

Claudia is mean to Eugenia, what a viper! FF>>

Marcela is working on her long-abandoned thesis.

JC as usual complains to Mimi about how sick he is of being Eva FF>> Well, FF>> until Mimi gets upset! He asks if she's having her "days." She's furious: "I'm tired of your egoism, you think everything revolves around you. In all this time you never asked how things are going for me. You think I'm stone, I don't suffer? You're as bad as the rest of them."

JC apologizes sweetly: "You always seemed so cheery with your castanets. I forgot about you, Mimi, my best friend. I've learned a lot but I've got a long way to go." "You got that right." She's very mad but he wins her over.

She tells him about Dagoberto: "He discovered me when I was young, he promised me fame, but he didn't come through. I was accused of robbing money but I didn't do it." "Do you think he's changed?" "I dunno, usually people like that just get worse."

JC's Eva-phone rings, it's Helena: "Where are you, Eva? I need to talk to you." JC rushes to put on his boobs. From the bathroom Helena then calls the JC-phone, so JC answers in his JC voice. She is confused, she's doubting him again. She suggests he come to the restaurant and explain everything to Adri and Pluto. He agrees, even though he still has no proof. He takes his boobs off and heads for the restaurant.

Pluto, Helena, and Adri are still waiting for Eva at the restaurant. Adri explains to Helena that, due to the bad economy, "Playa Majagua has to save Grupo Imperio, we didn't tell you before because we didn't want to scare you."

Silvia is babysitting Lalo. Eduardo arrives in his new suit, with flowers. He asks her to dinner and is nice for half a minute, but when she says she can't leave Lalo alone he immediately starts insulting Helena. Silvia squints with fury. "I came to ask another chance." "We're getting a divorce." "Let's have coffee tomorrow and talk." She agrees. He goes back to his buddy, who says it's a fallacy that romance is for just until you get married. Most women want sweet touches all their lives.

Modesto to Claudia, Eugenia eavesdropping: "I'm selling your mother's house, I'll put the money in an account for you and I'll give you my name. You look so much like your mother." "You should have been with us, we would have been such a happy family."

Helena leaves the table again, ostensibly to call home. She meets Juan Carlos at the back of the restaurant. He's ready for the showdown, but she tells him to leave - "I just needed to know that you were willing to come. A lot has happened to make me doubt what I thought was true, I'm even suspicious of Adri now." "Your eyes tell me you haven't forgotten me." "But nobody's made me suffer like you." He says he'll spend the rest of his life making it up to her.

Back at the table Adri tells Pluto: "I'll give you the business after I marry Eva. I've always trusted you, you're family."

Fer is happy his family has forgiven him.

Pluto leaves the table and in the back of the restaurant sees Juan with Helena - but only from behind.


Monday, January 07, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #119 1/7/13

Another exciting day in Mexico...

I enjoyed watching Santiago come to terms with his situation; telling Lucia that he's probably gonna lose the apartment (which was his punishment for Katy baby. . . wow, remember her?). Lucia proposes that he move in with her and rent out the apartment (is that what subletting is?) to help make ends meet. Then he gets a hug. More than he deserves, but he has suffered delightfully so far, so maybe it's fair.

Eva is backpedaling hard, trying to postpone the wedding more and more because she's not really so happy with what the designer is showing her. Poor Adriano. How dense is he? How long can this go on? And what'll he do when he finally realizes the truth?

Meanwhile, Helena's press conference isn't going so hot. A reporter brings up the Juan Carlos debacle, mentions rumors of trouble with the construction project, and even wonders aloud if the authorities might get involved! The G.I. team and the guy from the Majagua community share looks of horror and begin to wonder who told the reporter.

After the conference is over, Adri convenes an emergency meeting where he yells at Helena for not telling him earlier about this (he doesn't realize that Pluto has been hiding it from her all along). She storms out, and Pluto gets really obnoxious and tells Adri that he's going to follow and try to tame the beast (aplacar la fiera)! When they're alone, Plutarco tells Helena that he only withheld the truth to protect her, he wanted to solve it on his own and save her the worry. Yuck. Can't wait till it crashes down on him.

Dagoberto follows Mimi back from the store, imposes himself in her house, and makes rude comments about how much the place must be worth. Then he makes a grab and tries for a smooch! She rebuffs him, and claims there's a man in her life. She wants Dago out of her life.


Saturday, January 05, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #118 1/4/13: The Truth Is Out There, Helena, Don't Trust Mr. Sharkey or the Chupacabra

I'm a huge fan of the X-Files and it occured to me, watching this epi, that JC/Eva is sort of like Fox Mulder, looking for the truth, Helena is more like Dana Scully, she wants to beleive JC but she is stymied by Mr Sharkey (Pluti) and the sucking Chupacabra (Rebe) that just sucks the joy out of anything, even Pluti. This recap will not be in order.

So we had the Councilman that came to see Helena and tells her that nothing is being done at the Playa, they made an agreement, someone is playing dirty pool and he doesn't think it is Helena, but could be someone at G.I. Rebe hears the whole thing.

Rebe in her office, so gleeful, and she thinks it is time to get rid of Helena, but first she wants to ruin her. She is a Chupacabra after all. So she calls some press people I think, to set up a press conference on the star of G.I., the Playa.

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Friday, January 04, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #117 1/3/13: Well, I'll be Damned. Here Comes Your Ghost Again.

But that's not unusual.  It's just that the moon is full, and you happen to call.

Mimi is at home looking through an old photo album; in it are various newspaper articles, the title of one is Singer Apprehended; Agent was Her Lover.  Another describes her being put behind bars.  Mimi is crying.

Eugenia is at home telling Eva she feels betrayed and humiliated to watch Modesto crying over Carmen.  Eva encourages her to take her pills.  "They're for actresses," she tells Eugenia, getting her to laugh.

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Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #116 1/2/12: A Mistress Passes, Ferni FInds a Job and Mimi Has a Record

Happy New Year!!!!!!

We start off with Rebeca trying to rip a new one to Oneismo; she throws him out of her office.  She insults him, (for once I wish that a profound thought would come out of the mouth of that animal print goddess) and she tells him that she is tired of him lying to her just to get a look at her body.  Mimi sees him the hallway and remembers him trying to sneak into Eva’s room.  She tries to catch him on the elevator and he shuts the door in her face.  Mimi wonders what was he doing at GI and she has a funny feeling about him.

Oneismo realizes that Mimi recognized him and that would mean trouble for him.

In Helena’s office, Lucia, Helena and Eva talk about a wedding date.  Lucia can’t understand why they have such nonchalant attitudes about their weddings.  Eva asks Lucia for the 411 about Renato and Loose Lips says that they have broken up because he was gay but she has only told Helena.  They are the only 3 that know for now.  Lucia asks for Renato and Eva tells her that he is away on family business and he is fine.
In Puebla- Renato and Claudia are hugging.  Claudia updates Renato on where she is living.  Renato asks Claudia why hadn’t she used his number to call her and she says that you told us to only call you in an emergency.   Claudia is afraid and doesn’t know what to do in the event that their mom dies.
Helena is worried because as long as she has known Lucia, she is not a person to keep a secret.  Eva says that there is always a first time.  Eva warns Helena that it’s not a good idea to tell Lucia about Juan Carlos being alive.
Eva tells Helena about the cd being in Rebeca’s computer.  Is Rebeca involved?
Mimi interrupts to get her cousin.

At the hospital- it is looking bleak.  It is just matter of time.  Modesto for once shows a tad bit of emotion, and starts his own pity party.  Claudia asks Eugenia- what are you doing here?
Mad Dad tells his friend that Silvia acted like she didn’t know him and doesn’t ever want to see him again in her life.  Mad Dad’s friend says that he believes that Silvia wants a divorce and he is the only one responsible.  His friend says that you have to do whatever it takes to win her back and save your marriage, (Let’s start with a lobotomy) Does he know anything about romance and courting?

Modesto finally speaks up and tells Claudia to stop, Eugenia brought her there so that she wouldn’t have to come alone, don’t be the ungrateful (little bitch that you are).  Claudia goes on to say that Eugenia wants to make fun of her mother.  Renato asks her why is she speaking to Eugenia like that and Claudia tells him, you don’t know her, she hates our mother. (Claudia tell the whole story) Modesto just says don’t talk foolishness. (Modesto is too laid back for me, a very unemotional man, whose priorities are all askew.)
Claudia continues to insult Eugenia and tells her to leave.  Modesto asks that Eugenia forgive his daughter, and Eugenia (the class act that she is, ) says that she understands the pain that Claudia is feeling.  Eugenia leaves and Renato thanks Eugenia for allowing him the last opportunity to see his mother.

Mimi tells Eva about Oneismo.  It was very suspicious that he was at GI and coming from the snake Rebeca’s office.  Now they need to find out what is Rebeca’s involvement.
Fernando is walking around the company with the friend of Daniel’s father (the man is looking at him like he is crazy) He takes Fernando to his office; he is the Director of the Dead Files.  Good luck!!!  He may actually have to work.

Carmen wants to speak to Luis

Mimi comes to the radio station, as the Beauty and Health advisor.

Carmen asks Luis/Renato for forgiveness. One for not giving him a father that could be with him, two for turning her back on him when he needed her the most, she was educated differently and not open to different lifestyles.

The topic for the radio show is the importance of getting periodic medical examinations.  In the event of an illness, it’s important that with early detection some illnesses can be treated, Mimi tells about a friend that she knows has never has HIV testing.  It never occurred to her.  During this lady’s pregnancy she was tested and she was HIV positive. The baby was born healthy.  It’s important to have frequent exams. (I think that I missed something there)

Carmen had a hard time realizing that Renato was different- gay.    Renato asks for forgiveness because of his pride he didn’t even want to come see her even though she was gravely ill.  Carmen tells him to be strong and take care of the little bitch  sister oops, Claudia, Carmen is in a lot of pain. 
Then Mimi starts gossiping about stars while waiting for the phones to ring.

An unknown man calls- asking about a young singer from the Norte who disappeared?  They called me- Jilguerillo culiche.  Does she remember Dagoberto Preciado? She was very impactada.

Carmen asks Modesto to look after the kids.
She tells starts to tell Claudia that she loves…. But then passes away.

Eva goes into Rebeca’s office under the pretense of finding out details about the 25th anniversary, Rebeca with her nasty self, tells Eva ,oh Renato is in charge.  They put someone more chic than she. (He definitely has more class)
Rebeca cuts to the chase and asks Eva, what does she want to know?

Pluto bursts into Helena’s office and gives her a kiss, she just responds with an Um, right away Pluti wants to know what’s wrong.  Are you still upset about Lalito?  Helena says that she is worried about the (fake) FITSA construction company.  She has not received any information from them. She feels responsible because she is in charge of the project.  She wants to eat dinner alone with Lalito and Pluti thought that he could slide in and make things better, but Helena shut him down.  Maybe they can dine out on the weekend.

Maxine Woodside asks Mimi if the mystery caller is a fan or an old friend?  They were artistic partners back in the day, but a crying Mimi said that the partnership was over when one partner betrayed the other.  He was hung up on.  They cut to commercial.  Maxine wanted details, but Mimi said that he was a “rata con dos patas”- a 2-legged rat.

Carmen was pronounced dead.  Renato dragged a distraught Claudia out of the room.  Modesto calls out to a lifeless Carmen.

Eva wants to know who was the short man that just  left her office, a worker or a boyfriend.  Rebeca downplays it saying it was jus someone doing something for her, her driver. Rebeca says –lets’ take off the masks- all you want to do is to get me fired from GI, but it won’t happen.  Rebeca lets Eva know that she is a lion and Eva corrects her, she is nothing but a house cat and no one wants her fired.  Not yet!  Eva reminds her that she is still a shareholder at the company. 

Adriano is in his office having a hissy fit about finding a paper regarding the anniversary that Renato had.  Adriano lets the blue dresses know what we have known all along that they are useless.
Modesto calls Adriano to tell him that they have been friends for so many years and that he could tell him what was going on, Carmen, the mother of his children lost the battle to cancer.  Adriano didn’t know that she was sick.  He lets Adriano know that Eva his fiancé was a close friend of Eugenia and she knew all about it. Adriano was surprised.

Rebeca lets Pluti know that Eva is very interested in the 411 about Oneismo.

Lucia is looking for Renato and the blue dresses have not seen him.  Lucia lets the blue dresses know that she and Renato are NOT an item.  She told the blue dresses not to get excited because none of them are Renato’s type.
Rebeca tries to throw Oneismo under the bus.  Pluti was not interested.  She lets him know that if he is looking for his Little Red Riding Hood, he can find her at grandma’s house.

A drunken Santi is passed out asleep on a mattress on the floor of his empty apartment and Lucia is trying to reach him by phone.
Lucia goes into a soliloquy about a trying to reach a friend by phone and he is not answering.  Eva sees through the foolishness and says that she knows that is trying to call Santiago.  There is always a tragedy-surrounding Lucia.

Adriano asks Eva – why doesn’t she have confidence in him.  Why is she hiding things from him?

Helena and Lalito are having breakfast and Lalito asks if Helena is angry with him.  Helena’ asks why did he keep the secret from her.  He thought that his mom would be angry with him.  Lalito clarifies that Pluti wanted him to cheat.  (Does Helena get it?)  He felt bad for the girl and she was crying. Tomorrow Helena and Lalo are going to the school to speak to the Principal and let the runner up know about the cheating. Lalo asked if he is going to be punished but Helena says that there has to be a consequence for what he did because it wasn’t right. Lalo is punished for 2 days without TV. He asked for 4 days. (A this point the child seems to be the most sensible one in the family)

Eva didn’t share such a delicate subject with Adriano because it involved her friend, Eugenia, who is a famous actress.  From here on out they will be less formal with each other. Adriano was delighted.  Have some confidence in your fiancé. Adriano wants to go to Pueblo to the funeral and Eva is prohibiting from going. (Remember Renato is there)  Adriano wants to be there for his friend, Modesto.

Strong Silvia realizes that if she returns to Mad Dad, things would be worse.
Mad Dad’s friend brings some food for them to eat.  Mad Dad will not permit the divorce to take place.
Mad Dad wants to reconquer Strong Silvia.  (This should be interesting.)
Silvia wants to buy the nursery so that the owner can spend more time with her husband.  Helena and Silvia will become partners.  Helena will put up the money and Silvia will work.

Eva goes to see Eugenia, whose calls go straight to voicemail. Eva finds out that Eugenia is locked up in her room.  Eva knocks on Eugenia’s door and Eugenia explains that she is hurt watching Modesto suffer for Carmen.  Juan encourages Eugenia to take her medicine and she obliges

Mimi is looking at a scrapbook of her past stardom, newspaper articles that say that she had a good future and that she was behind bars, something about a fugitive and starts  she crying.

Coming attractions:
Eva can’t take anymore- his mother, the proof, of his innocence, trying to win back Helena- the pressure!!!!


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