Monday, March 28, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #271-272 3/28/11 A costume party, a slumber party, and a transfer of power.

Capitulo 271.
Read k-Fuego's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Jax says Lety must be there to sign the contract. Fern tries to reach her and finally calls Aldo, who says Lety said she was going to the Jax meeting (remember, Lety told Fern she was going out with Aldo). Lety arrives but then Jax wants Aurora. Lety pushes him and signs the contract, then leaves and changes into Aurora.

2. Omar stops Aurora in the hall. He begs her to give him another chance. He’ll do anything for her. He’ll be her slave. She tells him to disappear. Aurora signs the contract and leaves.

3. At the publisher’s office, Carmina wants to work with Aldo face to face, not by e-mail.

4. Jax describes the project. RetroMod will sponsor a TV show. The Aurora commercials will tie into the pilot, and will continue through the series. Lety faints.

5. Luigi gives Ali her wedding gift – a whip and handcuffs. He mentions that Tom is Aurora’s agent, and he asks Ali to find out what she can about Aurora’s tastes.

6. Omar tells Lety that he’s suffering because he loves Aurora and she doesn’t love him. She’s making him pay for all he’s done. Fern has an especially happy smile for “his Lety” because they just signed the contract to earn the money to get Conceptos back from Aldo to get Lety back from Aldo.

7. Ali tells the cuartel that she can marry in the church because her first marriage was not in the church.

8. Aldo harshly interrogates Lety about where she went, and Fern steps in to defend her. Lety says she was simply late, and Aldo claims he was just worried for her. GSNAK. He informs her that she is coming to his house tonight to celebrate the start of the new book.

9. Fern tells Luigi to start the commercials, stat! Lui tells him that he has to film them off site, and this is news to Fern. Omar begs Aldo for his job back.

10. Fern finds Omar taking liquid therapy. Fern thinks that Omar isn’t really in love, he’s obsessed, because Aurora’s the first woman to blow him off. Omar asks, “What good is love, if it only makes you suffer?” Fern accepts that maybe he’s right. F: You know what we need to do? O: Suicide? F: That’s one option. I tried it once. But if you don’t do it with conviction, it really hurts. No. They decide they should renounce women. They won’t let any women in their life.

Capitulo 272.
Read Alma's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Marcia walks into the boys’ apartment and announces that she’s moving in. The boys are stunned. Fern is worried that she wants to restart something with him, but at least she’ll keep the place tidy. Marcia orders them to pitch in. She also claims the master bedroom.

2. Tom and Ali go to the church for marriage instruction. The woman reminds them of the sanctity of marriage and the importance of children.

3. Things are heating up at Aldo’s, and it looks like he’s gonna’ have better luck than he had at San Miguel Regla. Lety says that as a famous chef, he has many beautiful women chasing him. Aldo says there’s only one woman in his life. Just then, Carmina shows up in something low and strapless. Forward, much? We see Aldo doesn’t save all his angry glares for Lety. Carmina says that she had questions about the book, but she came with wine rather than a notebook. Lety decides she wants to leave too, despite Aldo’s protests.

4. The boys’ slumber party. Where do I begin? Who gets the bed? Fern tries to cheat at chin champu, but that doesn’t work. He tries a pobre mio face. Tampoco. He’s afraid that if he sleeps in the living room, Marcia will jump him during the night. Tampoco. So he climbs into bed with Omar and they settle in, until Fernando hollers, “Don’t spoon me!!!”

5. In the morning, Omar is caressing Fern’s foot, dreaming that it’s Aurora. Fern says Omar talks in his sleep. Omar says Fern grinds his teeth which means he has worms.

6. Because she’s jealous, Lety asks Aldo to cancel the meeting with Carmina. He assures her of his undying love. GSNAK. Carmina and Esther agree on Aldo’s hotness.

7. Fern arrives at work with Marcia just like the old days, but Fern clarifies. Omar lives with them, and Marcia adds that they’re like tres hermanos. Both Marcia and Aldo are surprised that Lety didn’t seem jealous.

8. Fern proudly tells Aldo that thanks to the expo and los tres hermanos selling their assets, Conceptos can pay Aldo half the debt. Aldo’s in no hurry, but Fern is very eager to get control of his company back. Fern asks Lety to help him with the forms for the transfer, and she says, “Yes, I’ll help you.”

9. Ali is sure that Marcia moved in with Fern to win him back, but Marcia corrects her. She wants to play Wendy to Peter Pan and the Lost Boy (Fern & Omar).

10. Lety tells Fern she can’t go to the shoot because she has something personal to do. Although Fern tries seven ways to Sunday, she refuses to say more. See the transcript. She asks him to not tell anyone she left. She just wants him to be happy, and he asks if she’s happy. She says her life has gotten complicated. Fern concludes that maybe Lety is seeing another man.

11. At the shoot, Aurora tells Luigi to go fetch her an herb tea and kiwi salad.

Spanish Lesson. Lety's Stepping Out.
L: Can I ask you a favor? Just take my messages. You don’t need to tell anyone I left the building.
F: Ahh! Not even Aldo? (He’s flirting and she giggles.)
L: No, not even him.
F: Wait! (Serious.) You believe me, don’t you? That I have absolutely NOTHING to do with Marcia.
L: Yes, that’s what I’m given to believe. Don Fernando, the only thing I want is for you to be happy.
F: And you, Lety, are you happy?
L: Almost always. But there are moments when.. All of a sudden, my life has gotten very complicated. (Lety leaves. Fern talks to himself in the cave.)
F: How could her life become complicated? It’s about work, right? No, she said it was something personal. I don’t understand. She has her life very much in order. She’s transparente (no hidden agenda; what you see is what you get). Nobody can think ill of her. Nor suspect her of something done in secret. That’s the opposite of me, when I was seeing two or three women at the same time. Yeah, my life sure was complicated. Ah, but what times those were. When Lety protected me so no one would discover my infidelities. (It suddenly dawns on him.) NO!!!


Friday, March 25, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #269-270 3/25/11 Aurora is the key to Fernando reaching his goals.

Capitulo 269.
Read 5ft's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Tom asks Ali when he can meet her father to ask for her hand. Ali gets nervous and dodges.

2. Lety is in a twirl about Aurora and asks Tom for advice. In her fantasy, Omar hears she’s Aurora. He says, “You don’t just deceive me, passing for Aurora. You are also playing with (the affections of) Aldo and my friend Fernando. Three of us fell in love with you. You betrayed us all.”

3. Lety says she doesn’t want anyone at Conceptos to see Aurora. Tom suggests that they film off site. Lety asks Luigi if that’s possible. She tells him Aurora will work for them.

4. Aldo and Fernando pressure Caro about Aurora. Lety comes in and says she’s going to meet with Jax (Jacques) to find a solution. Fern wants to accompany her as her assistant, and Aldo as her obsessive, possessive warden, but she insists on going alone. After she leaves, Fern tells Aldo he needs to loosen up! The world has turned upside-down!

5. Tom tells Jax that Aurora will meet with him. Jax calls Lety’s office to ask her to the meeting, but Fern tells him Lety already left because she had an appointment with him. Both men are confused.

6. Caro visits Omar to console him. He says he’s never been a good person so he has no friends. She makes him admit that he’s depressed because Aurora’s gone. She gives him a supportive hug that turns into a serious kiss. Caro is very moved, but Omar says Aurora is the only one for him.

7. Fernando arrives at the meeting because Jax invited him. Aurora didn’t want anyone to see her, especially not Fern, so she’s very cold to him and he has no idea why. She demands $1M for the job. Jax is surer than ever that he must have Aurora for the campaign. Tom tells Fern he has to stay out of the negotiations. Fern asks what Aurora has against him; what did he do to her?

8. With Omar gone, Fern only has Aldo to rehash to. Aldo tries to convince Fern that Aurora would make a good partner for him. Be careful what you wish for, Aldocito! Fern says Lety never went to the Jax meeting. Aldo remembers that she didn’t want them to accompany her.

9. Caro tells Lety about the kiss.

10. Tom asks Fern and Aldo to organize his bachelor party, while the cuartel organizes one for Ali.

11. Aldo and Fern ask Lety why she said she was going to meet Jax and didn’t, and besides, where was she? She takes off her glasses and smudges her eyebrows, and both men notice something’s different.

Capitulo 270.
Read Julie's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Ali orders Marcia to organize the party for her.

2. Tom updates Lety. Jax says Conceptos has to contract Aurora for a lower amount or else.

3. The stripper cakes get swapped. Hijinx ensue. Luigi is the only one enjoying Tom's party. Celso and Saimon try to take the girl back to the men’s party, but Tomasa and MamaJ forbid it. So the men all go to Lety’s house. Tomasa buttonholes Marcia to find out about Alicia’s family and background. Has she had other novios?

4. Alicia wakens Tom. Coming out of a dream, I think he mumbles, “It wasn’t me. Alicia made me give her the check.” She sweetly says, “May I lie down in your bed?” then she shoves him out and he sleeps on the couch.

5. Lety is haunted by the Aurora situation, so she suddenly tells Aldo that she wants to leave for Acapulco today. In front of a fountain, he says she needs to fulfill her duties first, so she can be content. She says she may have to do something he doesn’t agree with. He tells her to do what she needs to, and she can always count on his support.

6. Fern tells Lety that the contract is important to him because he can pay back a big chunk of the debt to Aldo. He can also recover his self respect, knowing he can deliver results. He would feel useful again. He begs for Lety’s help and touches a nerve, and she makes her decision. She tells Tom Aurora has to return, for everyone’s good.

7. Ali refuses to thank the cuartel for last night’s party.

8. Fern says to himself, “I’m going to work harder than ever to win back Lety and Conceptos, and send Aldo back to Aca.” Lety arrives and tells him Aurora accepted. Fern will tell Jax that he and Lety are headed for the meeting. Lety begs off; she has a lunch date with Aldo. Just then Aldo comes in and says, “Since you and I aren’t doing anything, I’m heading out.” She shoos Fern out and whispers to Aldo that she has to go meet with Jax to sign the contract.

9. Marcia tries to warn Ali not to mistreat Tom; he doesn’t deserve it. Ali says Marcia’s not a friend if she doesn’t let Ali move in with her. Marcia says she’s selling her apartment and doesn’t know where she’ll live.

10. Aldo’s publisher introduces him to the Carmina, the editor who will help on his project.

11. Aurora, Fern, and Tom arrive at the meeting with Jax and Pablo Cantú (Snowcap). Once again, Fern asks what she has against him. Jax says they need Lety there to sign the contract.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #267-268 3/24/11 If you knew Aurora like I know Aurora, oh, oh, oh!

Capitulo 267.
Read Alma's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Caro shows Jacques (Jax) and Sr. Snowcap the face of their campaign, Aurora! Jax hires Conceptos on the spot. Lety loudly protests, and everyone asks, “Why not?” (Through this episode, “Why not?” will be shorthand for, “Someone asks Lety why she doesn’t want Aurora to be the face of the ad campaign, and she doesn’t have a good answer.”) Jax says if they can’t use Aurora, he’ll go elsewhere.

2. Aldo asks, “Why not?” He suspects she doesn’t want to be free of Conceptos. That’s the only explanation in an Aldo-centered universe.

3. Marcia finds out that Alicia is engaged to Tom. Ali says she has no choice.

4. Caro urges Lety to let herself be beautiful. Lety’s afraid people won’t like her.

5. Fern asks, “Why not?”

6. Simon begs Paula back, and she agrees to let him try.

7. Omar says they need this contract so they need Aurora. Fern says Lety wants a different model and he’ll support her. Omar poses the question as a test of friendship, and asks if Fern is going to sacrifice Conceptos for Lety again.

8. Lety tells Lui that she’s Aurora. He doesn’t believe her, and he says he won’t do the project if they don’t get Aurora.

9. Without authorization, Omar contracts with Jax to do the campaign with Aurora. Omar asks, “Why not?” Marcia asks, “Why not?” Fern reads the contract and discovers that if Aurora is not in the campaign, Conceptos must return the $2M advance plus a $1M penalty. Luigi reports that Aurora left for Europe.

10. Lety visits Jax to suggest they find another model. Jax asks for Aurora call him. If he can’t convince her, he’ll agree to review other options.

11. Ali tells Tom about wedding preparations. The deposit on the hall is $100K.

Capitulo 268.
Read Julie's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Tom follows Lety to a bar to meet Jax. He tries to pick up Aurora, but then he hears Lety’s voice and recognizes her. Jax arrives. Aurora refuses to do the campaign. He says that he’ll hire someone else because Conceptos is incompetent, and they’ll have to pay the $1M penalty.

2. Alicia arrives at Tom’s house with her suitcases. She watches naco comedies and snorts with Tomasa. In the morning she has her second test, ironing. Tomasa says if she’ll be staying there, they need to get married.

3. Omar thinks Fern was foolish to sell his house to pay the debt, since now they have the RetroMod contract. Fern corrects him. Aurora’s not available, and now they’ll have to pay the penalty.

4. Tom and Lety rehash about Lety’s inner Aurora, and the contract with Jax.

5. Fern and Omar move into the apartment. Fern says he already claimed the bedroom with a bath by spitting on the bed.

6. Omar begs Caro to get Aurora. She says it’s impossible. He says then he has to take desperate measures.

7. The HaHAs (Happy Hour Attorneys) check the contract (why FI’s HaHAs and not Conceptos’ atny?). They can’t find any escape from the contract.

8. The cuartel asks Saimon and Celso to be the beefcake show for the bachelorette party.

9. Omar presents Aurora to Jax, but Jax recognizes that she’s a fake. He leaves and demands the return of the advance plus penalty. Aldo fires Omar.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #265-266 3/23/11 Funny Running Into You Here.

Capitulo 265.
Read Amanda's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. MamaJ concludes that Lety has a third suitor.

2. Fernando rebukes Omar for such a self-centered apology. Klaus calls Fern about a retro fashion ad campaign, a big contract.

3. Ali wants Tom to buy her a new dress to meet his mother. She says no nookie before the honeymoon. At the store, “a” dress becomes six. Lety gives Tom a wedding gift, an apron, to show her support.

4. Lety’s on a walk with Aldo, so MamaJ talks to Fernando. She asks him, off the record, whether he’s gone out with Lety the last few nights. They agree that Lety’s been acting strangely lately.

5. Aldo suggests that Lety support Tom’s marriage (Julie! Grammar alert!) GSNAK.

6. Fern asks Lety about last night and what Julieta said. Lety dodges, he catches her, and she runs into him. They both like it!

7. Omar says his troubles are Fern’s fault. Fern went and fell in love and abandoned Omar. Fern reminds him it’s his fault Fern lost Lety. Fern says, “My loss is the biggest one in the story.” Fern tells Omar he fell in love with something that doesn’t exist. They decide to give up on love, but neither is convinced. They bring three babes to the house, but the boys would rather watch Karate Kid.

8. Ali meets Tomasa and Mama dislikes Ali from the start. Ali leaves in a huff. Tomasa agrees to give Ali one more chance. Ali sees Tom’s pay stub and decides it’s worthwhile to marry him.

9. MamaJ demands to know what Lety’s up to. Lety says she was giving Omar a taste of his own medicine.

10. Lety invites Aldo to her house for something tonight, and his dad too, while Fern listens at the door. GSNAK. Aldo presses for a hint, but she refuses to tell. Fern tries to invite himself, but Lety advises him that he wouldn’t like it.
11. MamaJ suggests that Lety is rushing things with Aldo. See the transcript.

Capitulo 266.
Read k-Fuego's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Luigi visits Manuel Vera’s office to find out about retro fashion. The associate, Claudio, accidentally shows Lui the Aurora photo, and Luigi decides she’s the model he wants.

2. Omar suggests that Lety’s big party could be to announce her engagement.

3. Aldo tells Aldad that he trusts Lety’s love for him, but he’s jealous because Lety works closely with Fern and she’s been acting strangely. (Aldo has a contorted definition of “trust.”)

4. Fern crashes Lety’s party just in time to hear her say, “Aldo and I are novios.” He pulls himself together and congratulates them. He’s already crying when he excuses himself with a smile plastered on.

5. Ali dresses modestly and tries again with Tomasa. Mama says she has to pass three tests. First she has to make crescent rolls

6. Lety tells Aldo she wanted to make the announcement in front of everyone to show how much she adores him. GSNA.. no kisses.

7. Omar suggests that Fern crashed the party because he’s dying of jealousy and wanted to make Lety feel bad. Fern insists that he came to show his support and that he’s not bothered. He asks Omar’s help to convince himself. In that case, Omar suggests that it’s a little cold to be standing around outside.

8. Aldad pressures them to set a wedding date. Aldo says they need to pay off the debt. Lety adds, “And later we can think about lo demás (the rest – can refer to a thing or a person).” Aldo explains, “Get married, live together in Acapulco, right?” He kisses her and she pulls away.

9. Fernando writes that maybe he needs to accept that he’s lost her forever. Lety dreams she and Aldo have six feo kids.

10. Fern and Omar contract for an apartment.

11. Fern asks Lety’s forgiveness for last night. He sweetly promises that he won’t interfere in her life anymore. She says, “Ay, Don Fernando, don’t say that. You, you’re Don Fernando. You’re one of the most important people in my life.” He says that the truth is, that’s not enough for him, but he’s resigned himself to her decision.

12. Luigi tells Lety and Fern that he won’t unveil his designs until the meeting with the client.

13. Tom announces to the cuartel that he’s marrying Alicia.

Spanish Lesson. Julieta Counsels Lety
J: Lety, after we talked last night, I was thinking about it.
L: About the favor I asked of you?
J: I believe that you’re doing this too soon/fast (precipitar). I believe you could think about things more carefully.
L: You’re talking about my relationship with Aldo, right?
J: Yes. You’re still confused. In this state, it’s bad to make decisions because later you could regret it.
L: You don’t have to worry. I swear. I know very well what I’m doing.
J: Lety, please. Take notice. Barely two months ago, you thought Don Fernando was el hombre de tu vida. You’re still confused. Accept it. Maybe you are mistaken to think that you’re in love with Aldo??


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #263-264 3/22/11 It’s only impossible until it happens.

Capitulo 263.
Read Julie's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

Today we saw four impossible things: Alicia accepts Tom’s proposal, Omar regrets his sins, Lety grows some backbone, and MamaJulieta has a new suitor.

1. Lety challenges Aldo, “Why do you want to answer my phone?” and he backs off. She turns off her phone and he doesn’t like that either. So much for “El amor es libertad.”

2. Girls ask for Aldo’s autograph in a park. GSNAK.

3. AnaL wails in the vortex and Tomy offers a shoulder to cry on. She’ll gladly take more than a shoulder. Alicia watches with celos y chinches (bedbugs). Ali eavesdrops while Tom offers nouveau pauvre AnaL use of the apartment he just bought.

4. Fern looks for an apartment and Omar says they should share one. Omar asserts that he’ll never let Fern meet Aurora. Fern ponders that all this talk of Aurora makes him curious to meet her.

5. Aldo’s publisher gives him the first royalties check and wants Aldo to write another book.

6. Ali begs Marcia to not cash out and become poor. Marcia tries to make her see that it will pay off in the long run. It’s safe to say that Ali doesn’t understand delayed gratification.

7. Aurora calls Omar. He feels like she’s punishing him. For her he’d pay for all his sins. She sets up a date for tonight. Fern eavesdrops when she calls Manuel for a dress and tells him she has a date.

8. Aldad scolds Aldo for working instead of asking him for money (What parent would ever say that?).

9. The boys can’t find the keys. They look around the office and almost see Lety Aurorafied.

10. Ali complains to Marcia about Tom and AnaL. Marcia asks what she expects, since she never gave Tom any encouragement. Ali and her chinches try to sleep there, but Marcia kicks her out.

11. Omar again asserts that if Fern saw Aurora, he couldn’t resist and he’d steal her. Fern can’t wrap his mind around Omar really being in love. While Omar cleans up, Fern takes a call from Aurora and imitates Omar. She says she has a surprise for him. Fern reports it to Omar, amid much teasing.

Capitulo 264.
Read 5ft's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando helps Omar get ready for his big date.

2. Aldo’s boss fires him for taking a walk over lunch hour, attending to personal guests over dinner hour, and talking on the phone the rest of the work day. Not really, but I would if I were the boss!

3. Ali summons Tom to the restaurant of many names. She rages at him for offering her apartment to AnaL. Ali tells him AnaL is not a natural blond, she’s superficial, she only cares about money, and she’ll ruin him (el burro hablando de orejas). She accepts his proposal and he goes into convulsions. Tom says Ali needs his mother’s permission.

4. Aldo goes to Casa Padilla. MamaJ says Lety’s working late. Marta says she went with Fern to see clients. Son of Marcia asks, “What clients?”

5. Fern spies on Omar’s date with Aurora. Omar tries to kiss her but she slips away, into the arms of her novio. She only went out with Omar to make her novio jealous, and she sneers at Omar. He whimpers, “Then you were only using me? This isn’t possible! A woman using ME???”

6. Fern sees Omar drowning and tries to rescue him. Fern reminds him he’s the great Omar who never gets attached. Omar says he found his soulmate and was thinking about marriage. He realizes that he’s a piece of crap because he uses women and makes them suffer. He calls out for Aurora to forgive him for being a pig. When he passes out, Fern says, “Now you understand how hard love is, and how wrong you were to mock my love for Lety.”

7. Lety tells her diary that Aurora won’t return (4 times). Mama wants to know where she was tonight, and Lety says she had an errand. Aldo is far from mellow, wondering where Lety went tonight.

8. Lety arrives at work, and Aldo reads Marcia’s script. Where were you? When did you get home? Lety says she was doing something for Caro, and Aldo says, “I don’t believe you.”

9. Fern suggests to Aldo that maybe he’s not a good match for Lety. Aldo isn’t about to step aside. Fern bears down on him and says, “If you make Lety suffer, I swear, you’ll have me to answer to.”

10. Tom tells Lety that he’s engaged to Ali. She warns him he’s making a big mistake. He’s disappointed that his best friend can’t support him.

11. Omar begs Lety to forgive him for how badly he treated her. He needs her to forgive him so he can stay out of Hell and be at peace with himself. Lety tells him he still has a lot to learn.

12. Carol tells Lety that Omar is a mess. The revenge went too far. Lety regrets it now, but she says Aurora won’t appear again (5 times).

13. MamaJ answers Aurora’s phone. Omar says, “I don’t care if you have a boyfriend. I love you. I need to see you tonight. I beg you, Aurora.”


Monday, March 21, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #261-262 3/21/11 Marcia is Supportive, Fernando is Supportive, Aldo is Jealous.

Capitulo 261.
Read k-Fuego's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando stands crying and says, “In reality, Lety, my story with you was always a dream.”

2. Aldo says having Fern in the cave bothers him because it makes it hard for Lety. She answers that she can’t take that from him; he needs to earn his family’s respect. GSNAK.

3. Fern tells Omar that he’s finished (lamenting?). It’s time to take action. To win Lety back, first he has to pay off Aldo and get the company back.

4. The cuartel tells Omar where to find Aurora. They watch him look for her in a park. He sees her and tries to kiss her, but it’s Luigi in a wig, and he wants a kiss.

5. Fernando writes in his diary that Aldo took the love of his life today. Fern decides to write his memoirs.

6. Lety tells Caro she won’t be Aurora anymore. (3 times). Caro says she should stop disguising herself as a fea. Lety says she likes being fea better.

7. Lola discovers that Aurora lives on the same street as Lety. Sara says they live on the same street and both are friends of Sara, so Aurora must be Lety. Caro tells Omar to stop bugging her about Aurora, and if he can’t, then she doesn’t want to see him.

8. Omar boasts that Aurora is his lover, and no woman has ever been able to resist him. Lety laughs scornfully. He says Aurora’s nothing like Lety who is a gargoyle, bat, monster, and beyond ugly. Aldo hears it and orders Omar to stop talking like that and apologize publicly.

9. Tom proposes to Alicia. She refuses.

10. Fern tells the shareholders he’s selling his assets to pay toward the debt, and he asks for their support. At least it will make a big dent. It would help if they joined him. Ariel flatly refuses. His parents don’t answer. Omar is unwilling.

Capitulo 262.
Read Alma's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fern thanks Marcia for her support. See the transcript. They share a sweet, warm companionship.

2. Aurora meets Omar while PhG takes pictures. Omar says his idiot friend wants him to sell his assets to pay the debt – no way! Aurora is disappointed that Omar’s a coward and won’t take risks for his friend. To make her happy, Omar will sell all he has.

3. Tom cries to Aldo that Ali rejected his proposal. Aldo says he should serenade her.

4. Fern looks for an apartment. He’s confused when Marcia laughs – she’s not criticizing him or yelling at him. She wants to recover her “luminous” self, and she toasts to the new poor. She falls asleep on the couch. He tucks her in and kisses Lety’s picture goodnight.

5. PhG grabs Aurora outside her house. Sara comes out to check the ruckus. Aurora slips away.

6. Lety tells MamaJ she chose Aldo. Mama’s disappointed it wasn’t Fernando, and she’s worried for his suffering, but she supports her daughter.

7. Fern asks Lety to stop avoiding him. They need to work together, and he promises not to push her. He moves in close to prove that he’s safe. Just then Aldo walks in. Fern ducks into the cave but warns Aldo, “If you don’t make her happy, you’ll have me to answer to!”

8. Aldo does his Marcia impression, upset because Lety didn’t answer his calls last night. Aldo says he doesn’t know how to deal with jealousy. He wants to take Lety back to the beach. Aldo gets all GSNAK, but Lety doesn’t!

9. Interesting meeting. Marcia will sell her assets. Ariel won’t. Omar will; a wonderful woman convinced him. Fern’s parents won’t sell any of their four (or five?) houses. Fern says Aldo sold all his assets to save Conceptos from the auction block, and that inspired Fern. He’s making this move out of love and respect for his parents. Aldo says he was worried for people’s jobs. Ariel takes it as an insult. Aldo says he thought their family was more united. They’re turning their back on Fernando who’s trying to save the company, but Aldo’s impressed by what he’s doing.

10. In the vortex, Aldo makes Omar apologize to Lety, and Fern helps. Lety hugs Aldo and tries to shake Fern’s hand but Aldo drags her back.

11. Aurora’s phone rings. Lety decides to not answer it. Son-of-Marcia decides to answer it for her. Remind you of anyone?

Spanish Lesson. Marcia supports Fernando.
F: Honestly, I never imagined.. you have no idea how much I appreciate that you supported me.
M: All this time I’ve been thinking. I’ve realized that some things are more important (than possessions) and one of them is, well, (matter-of-factly) te quiero.
F: (worried) I thought everything was clear between us.
M: No, don’t misunderstand me. I’ve already accepted my place in your life as your friend, your compañera. It’s very important for me, for all the good memories. I don’t want to lose you. I am willing to support you as long as you’re going to recover the company.
F: You don’t know how good it is to hear that. Because now more than ever, I need.. ..
M: (finishes for him) People that love (querer) you.
F: Yes. Now I am convinced that I’m doing the right thing. We need to recover our company.
M: Yes, and that it will belong to the families like it did before. Um, before everything happened.
F: Forgive me, Marcia.
M: Why? (For what?)
F: I’m sorry that.. I didn’t think.. I never dreamed that you’d be willing to sell everything to support me.
M: Nobody is happy to lose their luxury assets. It’s painful. But entertaining. I guess I’m getting used to losing things. (She laughs. Fern feels guilty.) In bad times, put on a good face. Like Irma says.


Friday, March 18, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #259-260 3/18/11 How to win a woman, how to lose a woman.

Capitulo 259.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Humberto recognizes that Lety must be special if she transformed Fernando. But he doesn’t like that she’s playing two men.

2. Lety tells Aldo this is new to her. Giggles, sweet nothings, and kissyface (abbreviated GSNAK hereafter). Aldo understands it will be hard for her to forget Fernando, especially since he’s being so noble.

3. Omar mocks because Aldo has to work for a living. Fern says that deserves admiration. Omar says Lety is able to make men lose their head. He prays he never falls under the spell of a woman like that. He says Aurora goes on dates with him but disappears.

4. Alicia abuses Marcia’s hospitality just like she did to Lola. Marcia tells her that she’s abusive, intolerable, and stupid.

5. Lety tells Tom that she chose Aldo. In the morning Aldo sends her roses.


6. Fern tells Lety he told his dad he loves Lety. He’s not trying to pressure her, but it made him happy. He’s off to a meeting to drum up business, so he doesn’t have time to hear her important news.

7. Lety tells Caro that Aldo sacrificed everything for her, and she chose him. Caro tells Omar that Aurora’s not at all interested in him. He can’t believe that someone would reject him. Luigi insists that Lety comes to his office right now because he promised Aldo he’d try to get along with her.

8. When Fernando congratulates Aldo and says he respects him (because he sold everything and now he has to work), Aldo thinks it’s about Lety. He says, “It must be difficult for you to find out that Lety chose me.” Night falls.

Capitulo 260.
Read Amanda's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando tries to convince himself that Aldo said Lety chose him (Aldo), simply as a gag, to get Fernando out of the way.

2. Tom asks Aldo for advice for the lovelorn. Aldo says, “Love means giving the other person space.” (I swear, he said that with a straight face!)

3. Ali tries to talk to Tom but he blows her off. He says it’s obvious she doesn’t want him around so he’ll leave her alone. She tries to schmooze a lunch invite. He says, “I’m sorry. It’s all or nothing. And I decided, nothing.”

4. Fernando overhears Lety and Aldo, and it confirms that she chose Aldo. He goes to the conference room to cry, “How could you forget that you love me?”

5. Lety tells Aldo that Conceptos should pay him the profit they made from the food expo. Aldo says they need to keep that as capital for their next project. Then more GSNAK.

6. Caro goes to lunch with Omar, under the condition that he won’t talk about Aurora. He tries his usual shtick and she tells him where to shtick it.

7. Omar has been wracking his little brain to find a way to locate Aurora. In a rare moment of intelligence, he tells Paula that Caro knows all about Aurora, “so don’t let the cuartel bother her.” Then he sits back and lets the cuartel do his work for him.

8. Throughout the episode, Fernando runs away from Lety so she can’t tell him the bad news.

9. Tom’s plan is working and Ali turns up the heat so she’ll have a place to sleep tonight. She says, “Why can’t you help me?” He answers, “Because no matter how hard I try, I can’t win your love.” So she says, “I do feel something for you,” and gives him a big kiss.

10. Lety corners Fernando. He begs her not to say anything and avoid any further pain because he already knows the important part. He says, “I was a fool. Where did I get the genius idea to set you free to decide? (She hugs him.) Don’t say anything. I prefer to think that it’s all a dream. Or a nightmare.” She thanks him for the freedom to decide. He says, “Don’t thank me. In that moment I dug my own grave. Forget about me so you can be happy. At least one of us will be happy.”

Just to see you smile, Tim McGraw Thank you, Jenn. Great choice!

When you said time was all you really needed
I walked away and let you have your space.
Cause leavin’ didn’t hurt me near as badly
As the tears I saw rollin’ down your face

And yesterday I knew just what you wanted
When you came walkin’ up to me with him
So I told you that I was happy for you
And given the chance, I’d lie again.

Just to see you smile, I’d do anything.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #257-258 3/17/11 Team Fernando gains four new members but loses an important game.

Capitulo 257.
Read Amanda's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando manhandles Aldo like Aldo does to Lety, to get him away from her. Fern says the cave is now his office, and Aldo loses his cool.

2. Tom tells Ali he’s trying to get her hired back as his secretary. Aldo asks Luigi to get to know Lety, and to respect her. In exchange, he’ll openly recognize Luigi as the genius of Conceptos.

3. Fernando ponders the cave in a very moving scene. He still feels her essence there. He remembers just before she left. He remembers that he lost her forever, and it was his own fault.

4. Omar tells Caro how much he loves Aurora. She brought light to the emotions he kept hidden. You can tell Caro wishes those emotions were directed at her. He asks her to get him another date.

5. Aldo tells Erasmo that he bought Conceptos’ debt for Lety. Erasmo proclaims him part of the family.

6. Humberto respects Fernando for becoming Lety’s assistant. It means he’s maturing and wants to save the company. He promises his support. Marcia’s angry but FrostyPop tells her to lose her bitterness, and she agrees. If only he would’ve told her that months ago!

7. Ali hogs three sandwiches so there aren’t enough for the kids. Lola kicks her out for abusing their hospitality.

8. Fernando uses Luigi’s cake as an excuse to go to Lety’s. The menfolk want to kick him out. MamaJ invites him to stay, and Lety doesn’t argue.

9. Tom offers to put Ali in a mid-range hotel. She objects that it’s not good enough, but he’s broke from paying for the sandwiches. For once she accepts reality instead of blaming it on him.

10. Erasmo asks why the men aren’t married (why doesn’t Aldo say that his wife died two years ago?). Moty interrupts the awkward moment by dragging out Aurora’s wig.

11. Fern and Aldo scrap, and Fern gives him a ride home. Con rancor! Pop recalls what he heard the men say, and he wonders if they are fighting over Lety. Mama tells Lety she needs to decide.

Capitulo 258.
Read Julie's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Pop tells Lety she can’t go playing with two men like that. Lety doesn’t know who she loves. Aldo is honest, but Fern is Don Fernando. Pop doesn’t understand, but we do. After Lety leaves, Mama says she thinks Lety will end up with Fern. Pop says he likes Aldo.

2. Tom asks Aldo how to get Ali to like him. Marcia tells Ali she can sleep at her place tonight.

3. Caro tells Lety she thinks this time Omar is really in love. His card reminds Lety of how much pain he caused her, and he has made many women suffer. It’s time for him to get a taste of his own medicine. Caro warns of the dangers of revenge.
Fernando interrupts Aldo who is getting nose-to-nose with Lety.

5. Marcia surprises Fern while he’s gazing at the picture of him and Lety, taken while he was still engaged to Marcia. Shrew Marcia would take this opportunity to make a cutting remark, but kinder, gentler Marcia overlooks it and offers her support while he tries to rescue Conceptos.

6. Tom sells his car so he can buy a house. But Ali says it’s not good enough and she’ll stay with Marcia.

7. Aurora meets Omar for lunch and yanks him around like a puppet on a string. She says the meal isn’t good enough so Omar calls for the chef. Aurora leaves his table and sits with two other men. Chef Aldo comes out. He sees Aurora but doesn’t recognize her. Omar is stunned to see Aldo. When he turns, Aurora is gone.

8. Teresita is appalled that Fern works in the cave. Fern says it’s a big challenge for him. He lost the company by arrogance. He wants to win it back by humility, and he can learn that from Lety. Humberto says he admires what Fern is doing, promises his support, and is proud of him. At dinner, Fern tells his dad that he’s in love for the first time in his life, and it’s with Lety.

9. Lety wrestles with her choice. Fern evokes passion, but Aldo sacrificed everything for her. “Do I want to keep suffering with Fernando, or give myself an opportunity with Aldo?” Aldo would never make her suffer. And if she accepted him, he might be even sweeter. She had a relationship with Fernando and it ended in tears. “How would it be with Aldo?”

10. Lety finds Aldo in the park. She steps up and gives him a big kiss, and the sprinklers go off (Fernando should pray for a drought in DF). Lety tells him she loves him. She says, “I believe we should give ourselves an opportunity to be together.”


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #255-256 3/16/11 A Night of Pictures of Lety

Capitulo 255.
Read Alma's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fern tries to rescue Conceptos from Aldo’s clutches while Omar moons over Aurora. Fern says Omar is the one who will never fall in love.

2. Ariel fires Alicia for being stupid and useless. Ali tells Marcia.

3. Fern asks Lety if she’s decided yet. He says she’s different – she seems insecure and erratic. She goes to an appointment but won’t tell him where.

4. Ariel tells Marcia he’s doing the only thing he can think of to move Conceptos forward. He asks for her support and a chance to demonstrate what he can do. He certainly can’t do worse than Fernando.

5. Marcia reports to Fern that she heard Lety making a date with Omar. That’s the funniest thing Fern’s heard in weeks. But then he worries that it’s a cover because she’s going out with Aldo.

6. Fern follows Caro and Lety to the office of Manuel Vera. Lety gets a dress for tonight. Fern tells Manuel’s secretary his troubles and his fears. Caro catches him. Lety is flattered that he followed her, but she doesn’t want to be discovered.

7. Men evict Ali. Note, she got the ten-day notice two days ago. Her papi calls just as they take the last things. (Julie! That’s twice!) Ali knows he feels bad that he’s not able to help her.

8. Omar gushes to Aurora while Fern spies. Omar keeps Fern away so he doesn’t steal her. Fern reports that Marcia said he’d be meeting Lety. While they scrap, Aurora escapes. The paparazzi (PhG, Photo Guy) misses Aurora. Omar blames Fern for making him lose his woman. Fern says, had Omar won her, she wouldn’t run away. Fern’s just glad Omar wasn’t with Lety.

9. Alicia knocks on Marcia’s door with her suitcases, but Marcia’s not home.

10. Ariel assures Fern’s parents that he’s going to put the company right and get it out of Aldo’s hands. Marcia expects the worst of Lety as always. She reports that Lety is playing with three men at one time. Ariel asks for everyone’s support.

Capitulo 256.
Read k-Fuego's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. RoboPop sees Aurora. He tells la señorita that it’s dangerous for her to be out alone at night, dressed so provocatively. Her father should take better care of her. She should consider how she is managing her life.

2. Tom hears Ali got evicted. Sara finds her and suspects she’s homeless, but Ali still acts superior. Sara convinces Paula and Lola to take her in for the night.

3. Lety is in an identity crisis brought on by the Aurora persona. She’s sure her mom would understand, but no one else. For the second time she swears that Aurora will never be seen again. She can’t decide who she loves. (Those pictures should give her a big hint.) She’s afraid to lose either.

4. Fern gazes at his Lety shrine while Aldo sketches Lety. Omar writes a card to Aurora. In the morning, Fern tries to stop Omar from reading his card in front of Lety, but she’s amused.

5. Ariel announces half the employees are laid off, starting with Fern and Omar. They argue the articles of incorporation and Fern wins. So he fires Lety. Fern says, “Over my dead body!”

6. Aldo enters and says Ariel’s committee has no authority. From now on, any company decisions will go through Aldo. Aldo tells Ariel to get lost. Aldo says he has no intention of keeping the company. But had he not acted, today Conceptos would’ve been auctioned off. He gives them six months to pay the debt of $6.5M. He invites Lety to continue as president, and she refuses. Privately she tells him she feels like he’s manipulating her. He informs her that she loves him.

7. Fern tells Omar that he sacrificed for Lety too. He gave her the freedom to decide. He sacrificed his love for her happiness. Meanwhile Aldo tells Lety that he sacrificed (with interest and a due date) so she could be happy with him. She tries to pull away and he drags her back, but she breaks free.

8. Aldo says Fern grew up spoiled and never matured because he father gave him everything, whereas he (Aldo) had to struggle for all he has. (That is so wrong on so many levels, I don’t know where to begin.) Fern says Aldo knows nothing of his life, and what matters is, he’ll wind up with Lety. Aldo says Fern made Lety suffer, and he charges that Fern doesn’t know how to love. Fern says Aldo has no idea how much he suffered, and yes, he knows how to love. Lety taught him. Fern proposes a pact. Neither of them pressure Lety. Neither will be alone with her without the knowledge of the other.

9. The cuartel wants to hire Aurora for a commercial so they can win the dinner with TBLMOE.

10. Marcia tells Lety she handed Fern over to her, only to have Lety reject him. She says she loves both, so she must have a big heart, big enough to make everyone around her suffer.

11. Fern needs to be close to Lety without pressuring her. He tells her he’ll be her assistant. See the transcript. Aldo comes in and puts an arm around her possessively, but she pulls away.

Spanish Lesson. Fernando makes himself Lety's assistant.

L: What are you doing her, DF?
F: Oh, I don’t know. I decided that starting right now, my workspace will be that office there. I’m going to be your assistant, Lety.
L: You want to be my assistant? No, please, how can you think that? It doesn’t seem like a good idea to me.
F: Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing.
L: Can you explain to me where you got the idea that you could be in that dark hole that was my office?
F: It’s not a dark hole. It’s a very pretty office. I confess that at the beginning, my only intention was to be close to you. Yes. Because I don’t lie anymore, Lety. But let me finish. I don’t lie, but I still haven’t resolved leaving people alone, but I’m working on it.
Look. I’ve been thinking, and I realized that nobody believes in me anymore. If my parents supported Ariel to come be in charge of the company, it’s because they didn’t have confidence in my ability to resolve the situation. A mi me perdió la soberbia (my arrogance destroyed me / got me lost). That XG Ariel took the presidency from me. And now I need to demonstrate.. well, to show myself too, that I can be humble.
L: And you hope to achieve that by becoming my assistant?
F: Yes. What’s most important to me is to recover YOUR confidence, Doña Lety.
L: Oh, don’t call me Doña.
F: Ay, Doña Lety. You don’t say it, but I know that you have much more confidence in Domensaín than in me. And I don’t blame you. Because now he has become the savior of.. He didn’t just rescue you. He rescued my company.
L: Yes, the truth is, Aldo has been very generous with all of us.
F: Yes, what he did is admirable, you can’t deny it (sin hablar). And look at how things are now. The company is held by someone I don’t like very much. To wrap it up. The possibility to recover my family’s company.
From that office, I will demonstrate not only that I can be humble, but also my ability to work. I want you to admire me too. I need to prove to you that I am just as able to earn your love.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #253-254 3/15/11 Omar's ilusión

Capitulo 253.
Read Julie's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fern tells MamaJ that he loves Lety like crazy, she’s changed, and he’s afraid he’s lost her. Mama is sure that Lety loves (querer) him and not Aldo. Fern saw Lety’s pain when Aldo left, and he knows it was his rotten behavior that drove Lety to Aldo.

2. Tom tells Aldo that after he left, Lety realized she loved him. Aldo wants Lety to be happy, and he’d do it again, even if he knew she’d end up with Fernando.

3. Lety tries different voices for Aurora, such as Mae West and a very good Marilyn. Lety accepted herself as she was before, and now she doesn’t know who she is.

4. Fern admits it’s easier to talk to MamaJ than his mother. She tells him to calm down; nobody dies from love. He asks, “Then how can one live, seeing the one he loves with another?” He asks MamaJ for help ¿To convince Lety to pick him? NO! To learn to respect people’s decisions. MamaJ says he can start by accepting that Aldo [I think she says, “sea algo” – is something, means something] in Lety’s heart.

5. Omar is overwhelmed by Aurora’s beauty. He says, “With you, beauty was invented. Anyone would fall in love with you at first sight.” He could write her the most beautiful love letters. Lety enjoys the irony. He gets on his knees to beg. She leaves but drops an earring. He says, “Finally I’ve found the love of my life.”

6. Ali tells Tom that it’s always been her dream to sing for an audience. Tom cons Garza into letting her sing “Urge” (check this clip). The audience loves it and Ali is so moved, she kisses Tom.

7. Lety dreams that Aurora stands between Fern and Aldo, but neither of them wants her. Fern says, “I liked the sweet and sensitive Lety who was my assistant.” Aldo says, “I prefer the Lety in Acapulco. Funny, sweet, nice, with gumption. I don’t like this one.” Fern stutters, “A mi, n-n-no me.. you take her.” Aldo says, “I’ll leave her to you. I’m going back to the beach.” Fern says, “I’m going back to my presidency.”

8. Aldo says he’s going to stay away and let Lety sort out her thoughts.

9. Manuel the stylist needs those earrings back ASAP. Caro worries because Omar has one of them. She sees Aurora’s picture on the front page of the paper.

Capitulo 254.
Read Julie's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety can’t decide between old Lety and la bella. She decides to redraw her unibrow and mustache, and reattach her braces, and no one will ever see Aurora again.

2. Ali tells Tom that if he wants any more kisses he has to earn them.

3. Omar sees Aurora’s picture in the paper. He considers forgiving Fern because he’s happy and in love. He goes to work and shows off Aurora’s picture to the cuartel, telling them he found the woman he could marry. But he doesn’t show Fern, for fear Fern will steal Aurora from him. Fern assures him that he has no interest in any woman who’s not Lety.

4. Tom reminds Fern that he should treat Aldo nice since he owns the debt. Cute scene between the two.

5. The Padillas see the report on the woman of mystery. Pop is shocked by Aurora’s revealing dress. I guess he never watches Mexican TV. Origel announces a contest to locates her. The winner will have dinner with TBLMOE.

6. Caro tells Omar she needs the earring back. Omar refuses unless Aurora goes out with him tonight. Fern hears Caro say, “Lety, you’re in the paper!” He wants to see it but they cover. He notices that something is different on Lety’s face, and they shoo him out. When he sees the Aurora picture, he’s not impressed; he prefers Lety.

7. Ariel takes the president’s chair. He says the board approved him as president after Lety resigned (since when?). He tells her to get out. The cuartel tells Tom, and he runs to Fernando (go, Tom!). Ariel is pawing Lety when Fern and Omar walk in. Fern tells Lety to humor him for now, and they’ll get it straightened out. Lety thanks Fernando for defending her.

8. The attorney tells Aldo that he has authority over Conceptos even though he’s not exactly the owner.

9. Luigi returns from vacation and Fernando throttles him for going over budget so they couldn’t make the loan payment and they lost the company to Aldo.

10. Ali assumes she’s Ariel’s assistant. Ariel gives her a list of tasks, while she makes her own list of perks.

11. Marcia hears Lety tell Caro that she couldn’t get the earring so she’s going out with Omar tonight. She names the place, and says she’ll be a knockout just like last night.


Monday, March 14, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #251-252 3/14/11 A Day Which Will Live in Infamy

Capitulo 251.
Read k-Fuego's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Aldo tells the judge he wants to pay off Conceptos’ debt. He won’t keep the company, but he’ll require that the families pay to the last cent, with interest. The judge doesn’t believe Aldo’s doing it for moral responsibility, and Aldo admits it’s for love, to free Lety from her commitments.

2. Lety tells Mama that Fern proposed and she said yes. Mama warns her to be careful. Lety doesn’t want to lose Aldo. Mama counsels that if she’s going to marry Fernando, she has to. Some win, some lose.

3. Fernando is bursting with happiness when he tells his parents he’s marrying Lety, but FrostyPop puts a chill on it. Mama says at least it’ll be good for Conceptos. Pop softens – if marrying Lety will make him happy, Pop supports him. He says it’s all because Marcia talked to Lety.

4. Lety writes Aldo what sounds more like a love letter than a “I’ve got good news and bad news” letter.

5. Then a bunch of filler. Ali’s rude to Tom. The cuartel gossips about Lety and Fern. Aldo buys a flower. Marcia’s harsh to Lety. They can’t pay their loan. Fern dances with the cuartel and evicts Tom from Lety’s office.

6. Fernando has a gift for Lety, a new diary, but they’ll both write in it so they don’t have any more misunderstandings (How romantic!). He gives her a big kiss. And then.. let me summarize the remainder of the episode this way.

Capitulo 252.
Read Alma's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety gets her braces off but gets headgear. Aldo tells Tom he’s going back to Acapulco.

2. Fern asks Tom what’s up with the debt. Tom says Aldo is essentially the owner of Conceptos. Fern tells Tom to find out Aldo’s intentions. Ali hears that Tom might go to Acapulco so she angles for an invite.

3. Fern has no one to help him think, so he calls Omar, who hangs up on him. So Fern writes in the diary. His wonderful day turned into a disaster. He is surprised that he was capable of such a sacrifice, to give Lety the freedom to decide. “I’m betting on my luck because I hope that in the end, Lety decides for me.” He has second thoughts about his sacrifice, but in the end, he knows he did the right thing. “Lety has to be certain that she’s in love with only me.”

4. Aldo tells Aldad he bought the debt to free Lety, and now she’s with Fernando! Aldad suggests that Lety’s not the one for him, and he needs to move on. Aldo says he’s going back to Aca to the life he left.

5. Roman’s gang picks on Lety and she cowers and pouts until RoboPop comes out and rescues her. The restaurant’s new owner (I’ll call him Garza) asks Aldo to cook for tonight’s grand opening.

6. Caro calls Omar to see how he’s doing. He tries to take her out, but she has the Anaís event tonight. He decides to crash the event.

7. Fern begs Omar to come back, but Omar kicks him out. Fern moons over Lety’s picture and makes his Lety shrine on his mirror.

8. Caro asks Lety who she really loves. Lety was completely sure she loved Fernando, but when she lost Aldo she felt a horrible pain. She wishes her life were simple like before. Caro says she can’t go back because she’s made two guapisimos crazy for her.

9. Anaís checks wardrobe with her stylist, Manuel. He’s looking for someone to showcase the 40’s retro look to Mexico. Caro asks if Anaís’s team can fix up Lety. the press and public swarm around the new diva, Lety. She hasn’t seen herself and she only wants to escape.


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