Thursday, March 26, 2015

3/25 Wednesday – Hasta el Fin del Mundo #154 Armando is delusional, Pato is hot, and Fausto is just Fausto

Street near Miguelina's home
Dani drives up just as Miguelina returns with the bread.  Miguelina fills her in on Lucas and Rosa talking about his father.  Blah, blah, the end, Dani invites Miguelina out for coffee to allow mother and son more time to talk.

Rosa tells Lucas about his father's dream to become an Olympic boxer, how she fell in love with him, and about his first boxing match.  Lucas is relaxing.

Over coffee, Dani tells Miguelina about her woes with her mom.  Miguelina figures Grrreta won't want her back as the cook.  Dani knows her sisters will support Miguelina and she will definitely stay!  Neta!

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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

3/24 Tuesday Hasta el Fin del Mundo #153 There is a disturbance in the Force; Dr. Phil makes a guest appearance.

3/24 Tuesday Hasta el Fin del Mundo #153  There is a disturbance in the Force; Dr. Phil makes a guest appearance. 

Depa de Armando
Papito is mucho depressed after seeing the news article about Alexa and Paolo.  Nandito very astutely guesses Paolo may be to blame for the breakup between Armie and Alexa.  Armie admits they've decided to take a break from the relationship.  Dr. Phil, in the role of Nandito, asks why.  Armie explains Alexa will be very busy with her movie and he's got a lot of work at the fabrica.  He admits he misses her, a little. 

Casa de Ripoll
Dr. Phil, now playing the roll of Dani, attempts to get at the root of Lucas' anger with his mother.  He doesn't understand why Rosa would have the nerve to go to his home to announce she's leaving when he had made it very clear he never wanted to see her again.  Dr. Dani asks some probing questions, “Is that what you really want – for her to leave again?  Have you considered your mother may have returned for a reason?  If she were as bad as you say she is, why would she have bothered to come back at all?”  She then points out Rosa's positive actions.  For example, she was very supportive of WBB and making all those posters.  Lucas agrees that was nice and also remembers the cover charge was Rosa's bright idea.  But are these small gestures supposed to make up for all the pain she caused him?  Dr. Dani continues to dispense her good counsel and tells him Rosa's return proves she's sorry and that she loves him.  Lucas shouldn't pass up the opportunity to get to know Rosa.  He should keep his heart open, or in Dr. Dani's words, his antenna, or he could end up regretting it the rest of his life.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #152 3/23/15 Personally, I'd Rather Have Paul Allen's Yacht

From Friday:
Javier thanks Lupe' for coming to visit him.
Marisol remembers back to when she first met Lucas. She cries and goes to join Lupe' at the hospital.
Peralta takes Sofia and Chava on a Three-Hour Tour aboard his yacht.

Monday's Episode:
Some scenes have been combined.

Peralta's Yacht
Geronimo asks Chava what he thinks of the yacht. Okay, right here I have to object. What Peralta has is just a big boat, it's not a yacht. THIS is a yacht:

The most Bad Ass yacht ever built:
The Octopus owned by Paul Allen

Chava admits likes the boat, but his dream is to win races and spend his life with Sofia. They kiss while Peralta fumes. Sofia tells the story of Chava's last race. He almost won until another driver had an accident and Chava stopped to save him. Chava lost the race but gained hero status. Chava talks about fixing Big Foot and getting more sponsors. Geronimo suggests that Ripoll Chocolates sponsor his car, but Chava says he wants Sofia for her love, not her money. He plans on giving Sofia the trophy from the first race he wins. 
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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Hasta el Fin del Mundo #151 20150320 If You're Gonna Have to Spend Money to Give a Girl a Good Beatdown, Make it a Good One...And That's Just What Marisol Did!

Jarifa's Better Version of Events/Thank you so much for stepping up again!

Chava looks aggravated.

Irma tells bored channel surfing pissy faced Aracely that she just needs nine or ten cats to live with to make her an official old maid. Aracely tells Irma that Irma is just like her but Irma says not for long since she is well on her way getting her "loves" ( Armando and Nandito back". She tells Araceli that Armando received her well and even invited her for breakfast. Aracely does not believe they will get back as a family but Irma says they will be because she is being so understanding and good (even offering to make them more comfy) that Armando will fall for her. Aracely cannot believe Irma has lost her love for "material" things. Of course she hasn't it is just part of her "game". When she gets Armando back, Aracely will see that she was right. Aracely reminds her of her legal situation and Armando's request for custody. Irma just calls her bitter and says she at least she is doing something to get her man back while Aracely is just bawling in the corners while Chava is having a good old time at the beach with that Ripoll blondie.Read more »


Friday, March 20, 2015

Hasta el Fin del Mundo #150 20150319 Chava and Sophia run across the Sand and Kiss or Telenovela Groundhog Day Repeated 15 Times

While Armando prepares pancakes for Armando, there is a knock at the door.  Irma is their visitor and she has brought cake.  Armando tries to give her the heave ho, but Nandito asks if she can stay.  Armando reluctantly relents and the three sit down for pancakes and cake.  Irma offers to let Armando have some of the furniture to furnish his new apartment.  She went to far.  Armando smells a trap.  Irma wants to help clean.  Armando turns her down.  She wants the family to spend the day together, but Armando says the boys will be doing men things.  She kisses Nandito goodbye and tries to kiss Armando.  He evades her lips and shoves her out of the man cave. 
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Thursday, March 19, 2015

3/18 Tue Hasta el Fin del Mundo – Zona Peligrosa! Zona Peligrosa!

 Depa de Irais – No means no
Matias is all hot and bothered with Joveth and he's all over her.  “¡Zona Peligrosa! ¡Zona Peligrosa!” she warns.  Dimwit apparently doesn't realize this means no and asks if he can stay.  She says of course not.  “Well, that's because you've never had an extreme experience with the Master Chocolatier!”  Seriously? He continues kissing her and has her down on the couch, momentarily.  Joveth pushes him away telling him this can't be, she hasn't even talked to Irais.  This can't be right.  Matias argues Irais is surely asleep by now.  “Come on, my Goddess of the Disco.  I want to kiss you, and caress you without limits, without censure!”  She tells him not to take advantage of an inebriated woman.  He says he's not taking advantage, he's just letting the love flow.  Here comes Irais to the rescue, in rollers and wearing a face mask.  “AHEM” Matias and Joveth hurriedly pull apart and he leaves.  Irais is understandably angry and starts in on Joveth about finding a job to share costs.  Joveth, as usual, just makes lame excuses.  She starts to say she and Matias aren't......but Irais doesn't want to hear it.  “I'm not saying this only because of Matias.  Your little boyfriend won't be able to keep up with you.”  Joveth is dismayed and becomes frantic to learn Matias may be a pobretón (poor)!  Irais suggests she ask him directly.

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

3/17 Tue #148Hasta el Fin del Mundo – May you be in heaven an hour before the anvil with your name on it falls on your head. --- Old Irish Telenovela proverb.

3/17 Tue #148Hasta el Fin del Mundo – May you be in heaven an hour before the anvil with your name on it falls on your head.  --- Old Irish Telenovela proverb.

Lucas walks the street, anguished over Rosa's confession

O'hara's Bar – have another pint, mate
Matias is out clubbing with the wild sis, who doesn't have any plans of leaving anytime soon.  She keeps dancing on while all the other clubbers are busy doing the “Jersey Fist Pump”.  Somewhere between fist-pumps, she confesses to Matias that liquor does a certain something to her, I don't know, like maybe wanting to take off her clothes.  Suddenly, Matias isn't in such a hurry to rush home.  He pulls out his rapidly shrinking wallet.  I won’t mention what else might have shrunk with it.  I won’t, I just won’t.  Thankfully this is the last we see of these two tonight. 

Renzi's Bash – and the Guinness flows on and on
Primazo del Primor finds his lucky charm and leaves Renzi's party with a lassie. 

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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #147 We Got A Pair of Bad Muthas in the Hood

From Friday:
Miguelina, Paco, Lupe' and Nandito congratulate Lucas on the successful WBB concert.

Chava asks Sofia if she is willing to be whisked off on an "adventure" on the back of his motorcycle. Sofia excitedly answers, "Yes, yes, yes!" Noisy kisses follow.

Geronimo tells Isadora that she made a huge, drunken fool of herself in front of Oliver and his friends. Isadora can't understand how several "non-alcoholic" drinks - that tasted like they contained alcohol - could make her drunk. Geronimo tells Isadora to stay away from Oliver until she gets her drinking problem under control. Morgana and Geronimo exchange knowing glances as he leaves.

Rosa offers Lucas the box full of money she collected as the cover charge for the concert. Lucas refuses to take the money and tells Rosa to get lost, he's not interested in her. She blurts out, "I'm Rosa, your mother."

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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Hasta el Fin del Mundo #146 20150313 I've Got Five Minutes to Break Up with You because My New, Younger, Hotter and Richer Boyfriend Should Be Here Shortly

OK, a lot of more "Other News"....

  • It seems that Renzi has convinced Patrick to go tomcattin' with him.  Renzi warns their "dates" Tania and Wendy that Patrick is depressed because his woman left him.  Renzi tells Tania that Patrick likes to be the hunter, he likes likes old fashion girls.  After introductions are made, the group sits down and Tania immediately sticks her foot in Patrick's crotch and hits the sweet spot.  Silvana who?  Little Patrick has found a new friend.
  • Irais tells Armando to go outside because Alexa wants to talk with him.  Irma sees both Alexa and Armando heading towards the door and follows them outside.  Instead of getting the kisses that he craves, Alexa breaks up with him.  She tells him to contact her again until he is single. Irma listens quietly from the shadows.   Araceli goes back into Cuco's and cries with Irais.  Irma thinks that the breakup will give her time to get Armando back. 
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Friday, March 13, 2015

Hasta el Fin del Mundo #145 20150312 You Can Lead the Band into Cuco's, but You Can't Make Them Play!

This is one big "Other News" Episode!

  • Everyone who is anybody and nobody arrives at El Lugar de Cuco!  Rosa's marketing efforts have paid off and the line is wrapped around the corner.
  • As the band sets up, we learn that Peralta paid for the set and the lighting.  The cute drummer has a name and it is Juancho. 
  • After Dulliver tells Lucas that her invited Peralta (his father), Lucas asks if Dulliver told Peralta that Lucas is in the band.  Dulliver assures Lucas that Peralta doesn't remember him.  Dulliver is incorrect.  Peralta does remember Lucas...well!  Peralta reminds Dulliver that he fired Miggie because Lucas stole his watch!  Dulliver defies his father!  He believes Lucas when Lucas says that he didn't steal from Perala.  Peralta only accused Lucas of larceny because he wanted to break up the boys' friendship.  Peralta insists that Lucas is a criminal.  Rosa overhears the exchange and tries to jump in between the men, Cuco pulls her back before she can say anything.  Peralta denies that he set Lucas up and tells Dulliver that he would have never come to the show had he known that Lucas was in the band.  Dulliver tells Peralta to hit the bricks, he doesn't care.  Lucas gently reminds Dulliver that his father could disinherit him.  Dulliver will no longer be a trust fund baby.  He will be...poor!  Dulliver suddenly has a change of heart and comes to his senses!  He chases after his benefactor, stops him on the street and demands that he return immediately.  Leaving will only confirm for him that Peralta is a big, mean, doody head!  Peralta begins to argue back, but changes his mind when he notices the arrival of Sophia and Ripoll clan!
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Thursday, March 12, 2015

3/11/15 #144 Hasta el Fin del Mundo; Sorry, kids, WBB didn’t make it to the stage tonight

I'll just head into the new stuff....

Taller de Ripoll – The writing’s on the wall, guapo
Armie/Matias discuss the question of Irais/Jobeth.  Matias tells Armie all about the fracas.  We already saw it yesterday so why do we have to talk about it today?

Armie receives a call from Alexa and she tells him she's not available today because of the movie.  They agree to see each other at the WBB concert.  He notices she doesn't call him guapo and is somewhat hurt by that.  He's sensing more than seeing the writing on the wall.  He tells her Irma caused a little drama but he ignored her.  He doesn't really go into detail.  As they get off the call, it seems as if both are realizing the reality of their situation.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

3/10/15 Tues Hasta el Fin del Mundo Aracely keeps Benito waiting on the Tarmac

Jobeth, Matias, Irais menage a trois......boring

Daddy Peralta finds Sofia fascinating......zzzzzzzzz

Chava gets a little jealous.......zzzzzzz

Now on to tonight's mediocre episode.

Menage e trois I
Armie finishes Nandito's bedtime story, he texts Alexa, asking if he can call.  Before he can get through, she gets call from Paolo, telling her he sent her photos of the accessories he picked out and  director wants to start filming tomorrow.  He offers to pick her up for the shoot but she tells him she'll meet him there.  This gets her thinking Armando may have a point in suspecting Paolo has the hots for her.

Menage e trois II
Jobeth finds Irais bawling in her room.  She's brought her some aspirin for her “headache”.  Irais accuses Jobeth of using her, making her spend tons of money for two dinners, only to find her, Jobeth, making out with Matias.  Jobeth defends herself, saying it was spontaneous and that really, Matias isn't into Irais.  Irais cries, saying she realizes Jobeth is the pretty one.  Why, she's so upset, she's fogged up her glasses and has to take them off!  LOL!!  She finally gets angry and shoves Jobeth out of her room so she can continue her crying in peace.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #142 3/9/15 Did Anyone Know that Chava is Poor?

From Friday:
Chava tells Sofia not to fire Pato. She needs to keep him around so they can keep an eye on him.

Fausto and Iker make a date to go to the movies together. Greta's dresses are delivered by the cleaners. Iker suggests that Greta wear the black and white dress. While Fausto isn't looking, Iker puts Octavio's ring into the dress pocket.

Renzi calls Pato to tell him about Armando going to the real estate office. Pato is sure that wherever Armie is, Chava can't be far away. He tells Renzi that those two were up to something. Renzi isn't too worried since he keeps everything under lock and key.

Monday's Episode:
Chava tells Sofia that there were three names on the ownership documents in Renzi's office. He cautions Sofia to hold on to her panties: one of the names was Cipriano Fuentes! Chava is sure that Pato gave Greta that name to use as Sofia's fake father's, which indicates that Pato and Renzi are partners in slime. Manjarres is the guy who is the connection between Renzi, Pato and the sabotage at the factory, but Fuzzy Tavarres hasn't found him yet.
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Saturday, March 07, 2015

Hasta el Fin del Mundo #141 20150306 Three Men, a Little Lady and Lots of Unnessary Other News

Mauro Evil Real Estate Agency

Chava whips out his cell phone and snaps a quick photo of the corporate charter.  He wipes his fingerprints from every surface he's touched (except the document) and quietly leaves the room.  Once out in the hallway, Chava calls Armando and tells him it's time to go.  When he and Armie are together, Chava explains that there were three names on the document.  Renzi Mauro and unknown name and Cipriano Fuentes (Sophia's bum alcoholic fake father from Skid Row).  Chava explains  how the company shows that the company is a fraud and it's probably a money laundering operation.  He will share what he knows with Detective Fuzzy Tavarez while Armando takes Nandito to school.
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Friday, March 06, 2015

Hasta el Fin del Mundo #140 20150305 The Secret That No One Kept is Finally Out!

Snob Hill

Dining Room:  Greta confesses to the girls that Paco Fernandez, was her soul mate and is Sophia's biological father.  Alexa accuses Greta of being a gold digger and using Octavio for his money.  Greta agrees that she didn't love Octavio and used him for his cash, but she rewarded him by keeping his secret and being the best wife EVER! Octavio was always second best in her heart, but he kept her and her mother from the skid row bread line and he deserved her loyalty.  Alexa is surprised to learn that Fausto knew everything and he broke the Maury news to Paco.  Alexa wants to know what other secrets Greta is keeping from the family.  She points out that Paco practically lives across the street from Ripoll and Greta never told Sophia that he is her father.  She says that Greta is horrible for letting Sophia mourn over a dead guy.  After begging the girls to forgive her for the mistakes that she made boldly and on purpose, Greta leaves the room.  Fausto encourages the girls to forgive their mother.  He says the most important thing is that the truth is finally out!  Sophia agrees.
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Thursday, March 05, 2015

3/4/15 Hasta el Fin del Mundo #139 Part Deux of Aracely's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

I missed this last night.....As Aracely and Irma are walking out, Aracely says “No one beats you when it comes to being obsessive and stubborn.”I'm laughing so hard I can barely type!  Pot calling Kettle....

Now for the new stuff...

Escuela Primaria Jaime Nunó
Irma is giving the headmaster a bs line about having to go see a sick relative and that's why she's there so early to get Nandito.  Oh, and dad can't come cuz he's working.  Headmaster says okie doke and Irma smiles her sly little snake smile.
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Wednesday, March 04, 2015

3/3/15 Tue Hasta el Fin del Mundo #138 Aracely's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

I'll go straight to the new stuff.....

Casa Ripoll
Iker begs the afternoon off from Fausto, saying he has a friend in need but doesn't really get into the details.

Casa de Chava – Mi Casa es Su Casa
Chava offers his home to Sofia for as long as she wants.  She assures him she's not planning to abandon the family business but insists she'll never forgive her mother.  Chava reminds her she once told him about his relationship with his father, “There are times one must open one's heart and forgive.”  Sofia insists their situations are different.  He reminds her that his dad did some awful things.  Granted, no parent is perfect and sometimes they'll keep things from you, thinking they're doing the right thing when in reality it ends up hurting you.  Sofia thinks he's so noble, defending his father.  “Aw shucks, ma'am,” he says.  (well, not really but I took some poetic license here.)  He just wants what's best for her and doesn't want her to be filled with bitterness.  Then we get into love talk.  He doesn't want to see her suffer, etc, etc, smoochies.

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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #137 3/2/15 Time to Pay the Piper

From Friday:
Araceli informs Irma that because Irma tried to commit suicide and lied about her paralysis, she'll have to undergo a psychological evaluation. Irma insists that she's the only sane person in the house.
Armie tells his lawyer that he needs a few days to clear things up with Nandito. If Armie has to take Nandito back to Irma, she'll fill his head with lies and turn Nandito against him.
Lupe' gives Javier a prayer card with a picture of Jesus and tells him she'll take care of him. They talk about Paco.
Greta tells Sofia that she went to Lupe's and apologized for kicking her and her buns out of the factory.
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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Hasta el Fin del Mundo #136 Benito's Last Day, Silvana's Wedding Day and Greta's Judgement Day.

The Chapel of Love

Patrick asks Renzi to be a witness at his wedding to Silvana.  Once Patrick leaves, Renzi promptly picks up the phone and makes an CYA call to Peralta.

The next morning, at the courthouse, Silvana and Patrick are waiting for the clerk to call their names.  Renzi has yet to arrive.  Patrick begins to get frosty tootsies and tries to talk Silvana out of the shotgun nuptuals.  She's too classy to get married by a Justice of the Peace, he says.  A chick like her needs to get married in a church with a wedding planner.  Silvana will hear none of it.  They will get married right now and plan a big shindig on the honeymoon. Their conversation is chillingly interrupted by Peralta who believes that his invitation got lost in the mail.  Patrick pees on himself a little bit when he turns and sees Peralta and his thugs. 
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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #134/135 from Wednesday and Thursday: Hit It With Your Best Shot!

Yes this is overdue but I will be honest; I (have computer problems to begin with) detest this show by all means. This show has lost all credibility in my book
(two of the actors being changed, the extension until AFTER Easter in Mexico and possibly Mother's Day for us in the US and the worst of all: THE MOST TRIVIAL OF THESE STORYLINES IS MADE TO BE GODDAMN ROCKET SCIENCE!)

with very few redeeming qualities 
(Fausto, Male Eye Candy excluding Julian Gil and my 2nd favorite: End-Show-Anvilage.) 

However that doesn't mean I will stop recapping it. I have a commitment to Caray, Caray! and shall not abandon it. My snark in these next two recaps shall be relentless and tactful as will the next amount of them left. On with the show but before that, Jarifa sweetie: let's get a catchphrase count on: 

-Que A Todo Dar (Armie and Chava)
-Pagruris (Nandito)
 and lastly: PRIMAZO DEL PRIMOR! (Mauro)

On with the show!
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