Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #101 Tue 8/28/12 If Only God Would Give Me Some Clear Sign! Like Making A Large Deposit In My Name In A Swiss Bank* (*Woody Allen)

Well, God is certainly making Linares a clear sign...The Good Lord(or the Virgincita, take your pick) had the judge hand over a sentence which not only declares Claudio innocent but gives him 50% of the Torrelanda holdings, and then an additional 10% of Max's fortune as compensation for the pain and suffering, plus loss of income, that Claudio suffered for being unjustly incarcerated for 20 years. Claudio valiantly protests that all he wanted was to clear his name. But Barrerra reminds him that the judge's sentence can't be turned over. Score big for the Good folks. But we know this won't be the end of their suffering—our raging Roselena will certainly have more evil in store for our innocent lambs. But why go there? Let's sit back and enjoy the trial and seeing eggs (and the egos) go splat in the highfalutin' Torreslanda facade.


Luciana trots off to the Funeral Home to phone Papa Linares and find out how the trial is going. He lets her know that all the evidence in his favor has been presented and the judge is going to “revisar” (study) the submitted documents and then ask the jury to hand over their decision. Luciana also mentions that she has “datos” (contact information) for the people who own the big house in Het Het but they'll talk about that later.

Luciana seems quietly happy. Poor befuddled Rodrigo is fuming! Surely they can't find Claudio Linares innocent, he blusters. No, he's guilty!” But Pato, now recovered enough to no longer need a collar, clearly has doubts-- yet another indication he's the rational brother in the family.

Back at the Torreslanda offices, Oscar has doubts as well. Linares' evidence is pretty convincing in his opinion. Max , looking murderous, give Rodrigo one of the evidential letters to look over and heads for home, while also making a call to his favorite Rage Release, the lamentable Vicky. She'd like to see him but he's “dealing with a serious problem” and isn't available. And when she gently bleats “Can I help you in some way?” he scornfully blows her off. Making it clear that her only usefulness is in the bedroom.

So our Max eventually heads for another bedroom, the very chilly palatial one he shares with Roselena. She asks if he wants something to eat, dismisses his worries about the trial with an “if you pulled it off before, why can't you now?” quip, and then he has the effrontery to lean in for a kiss. She puts down her book, turns away, looks at his hand on her shoulder like it's a tarantula, and effectively puts an end to any connubial communication. No relief for you tonight Max—no time for a quickie with Vicky and Roselena off-limits as usual. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.


Rod is still prattling on about Linares being a “farsante” (fraud, fake) while Pato wisely counsels him not to get ahead of himself and assume that Linares is going down. Max, just outside, is trying to persuade Oscar to offer the judge a bribe, a suggestion that Oscar wisely rejects. (He did poll the jurors to see who's bribable and four of them seemed to be.) The session begins when suddenly the doors bang open, Roselena charges in like a Valkyrie, vowing to be a witness for her husband. The judge, once he gets over his surprise, coldly informs her that she's not a listed witness and she needs to sit down (and be quiet!). Which, after some more blather about the Torreslandas being a very United Family and shrieking at Claudio that “he's not going to get away with this!”, she finally does. Definitely ramping up the crazy is our Roselena.

The Judge then pronounces that after consultation with handwriting experts and reviewing the video evidence, it's clear that Linares' signature was forged. Oscar jumps up and yelps that there's still no proof that the forger wasn't Linares' accomplice. Claudio stands and quietly addresses the jury. “Why would I reopen the case if I were not innocent? I have nothing to gain financially. I've already paid for this supposed crime with 20 years imprisonment. All I want to do here is regain my integrity, my reputation.

Rod, still as crazy as his mom (who actually knows Max framed Claudio) still mutters that Linares is a vile opportunist. Pato wisely observes that what Claudio is saying seems to be perfectly rational.

Barrera jumps up at this point and concedes that while Gaitan (Oscar) proved that Pedro Campos (the forger) worked at Torreslanda, there's nothing to prove that Claudio knew him. Oscar then requests a 24 hour recess to find that “proof” which is promptly denied. However the judge notes that while it's clear Linares didn't sign the bank transfer, the court really needs to see the man in the video. Unfortunately Claudio and his team have been unable to find him. So the jury starts to leave to mull over their verdict. But wait!....


Yes, another dramatic entrance. This time the former judge in the case 20 years ago charges in, waving a document and saying “I have evidence that will change everything.” Sure enough, he's got a notarized signed confession to the forgery by Pedro Campos. That does it. The Judge advises the jury that the court owes it to Linares to accept this confession and sends them off to reach a decision. The Linares side of the courtroom is all smiles. On the Torreslanda side, Oscar looks worried, Pato thoughtful, and the rest of the crew enraged.

Oscar mutters that no matter what, they can appeal. Max says forget it. Roselena's still fuming. Pato reminds her that Claudio has proved his innocence. She takes umbrage at that rational, fair reaction and accuses him of disloyalty.

The jury returns. The Judge orders silence. After a portentous and lengthy pause, the jury foreman announces that they declare Claudio Linares Not Guilty. The Judge laments that there is no way to repair the damage and amend the loss and injustice of the past. Claudio graciously acknowledges that this public recognition of his innocence is enough. (mutterings and inappropriate yelps and strident disagreement from the Torreslanda side.) The Judge thinks otherwise. He orders Max to cede 50% of all the firm's assets to Linares. And an addition 10% of his total fortune to pay for the damage and loss of income to Linares during his 20 years imprisonment. And all this is to be carried out within 72 hours.

Claudio is a bit perplexed since all he wanted was restoration of his reputation, but Barrera calmly reminds him that the Judge's decision is irrefutable. So while we're all cheering, the Torrelanda crew (other than Pato) is basically jumping up and down and having a Family Adult Tantrum.

Oscar, Roselena and Max charge through the reporters to their limousine, muttering “sin commentario” (no comment) and rush away. Rod and Pato leave quietly through the back door. Claudio and his team walk out to a gaggle of reporters and Linares happily announces that finally justice is done and they can write the story with the biggest headline possible (ocho columnas) if they like.

Hooray for our side! We know there'll be more storms to come, but for now we can bask, along with Claudio, in seeing justice done and the bad guys humiliated.


MAGDA makes a visit to Don Aquiles to give him what-for for bothering Luciana. He huffily maintains that he's just trying to help her out after she was seduced and dumped by some city boy. Magda corrects him....that baby was conceived in love. He tells her to butt out and mind her own daughter if she can. She assures him that while he believes he's respected in the village, he's not!Only feared. Call it a draw. These two old adversaries know how to get to each other. But somehow I like the idea of one day Madga and Don Aquiles getting back together after he realizes Violeta is his daughter.

GALA continues in her curious crusade to win back Rod's love by behaving in the bitchiest, most toxic manner possible. Her latest outrage—ordering (and I do mean ORDERING) the architect who previously worked on the apartment to throw out all Rod's exercise equipment and transform the room into a posh baby haven with all the most expensive imported furniture and décor possible—including imported paint ! The architect is dubious and comes in for a tongue-lashing. Julie ,on the other hand, is ready to ask him to stay for a glass of bubbly (and who knows what else?). An offer he wisely declines. Gala then laments that for some strange reason, Rod is not treating her with the coddling, affection and sexual passion she so richly deserves as his wife. Practical Julies says Screw that. You've got your hands on the money. Forget about love! Nonetheless, as Gala continues to sulk, Mom advises her to pretty herself up for her husband's return from court, and wipe that surly look off the face. Julie with champagne and Gala with a cuppa, they plot their next inroad into the Torreslanda fortune.

VIOLETA, Ofelia and Serena are lamenting their dreary job prospects and wondering how to get out of the morass of working in the Inferno. If only they could come up with their own business like the boys are doing with their Basket Tacos. This career confab is interrupted by Creepy Marcial who is now stalking with a big box of chocolates, and more whining about his abysmal relationship with the mother of his children. He ups the ante by saying that when his investigation of the Inferno ends, he may be transferred far away.  Violeta tearfully acknowledges that she really does lurrve him (Why, Vi, why!?) and they exchange a gag-inducing kiss. Get this guy outta here and bring on the nice bartender, please!

PADRE HONESTO stops by the mansion to see how his demented parishioner Roselena is doing and also to get Luciana's phone number in San Francisco el Alto. When whining, whinging Matilde laments that Luci is also pregnant with Rod's baby and had he known, he would never have married Gala, the good Padre asks her point blank why she didn't tell Rodrigo. “Because mi niña forbade it,” she sniffles. A super gong for our sniveling Matilde, please! Padre Honesto is a little kinder though. He simply looks baffled. Of course Brigida is listening behind doors but this bit of info is something Gala already has.

ARICHE and LUCIANA are at the community showroom, hearing about the wonderful response to Luciana's pottery and the expectation of many orders coming in from abroad. When the gal in charge offers to make up some business cards for Luciana (tarjetas de presentación) Luci says she'll have to give the phone number as that of the funeral home. They have a chuckle about the possible reaction of the prospective buyers and Ariche adds that maybe they should put in something about the ghost that haunts the place.


Soo....Luciana and especially Claudio's fortunes are on the rise. She's still grieving the loss of Rodrigo; he still misses his adored Aurora, but career-wise, both their prospects are looking good indeed.

The barrio girls are still stuck in relative poverty and no-win jobs but they're looking for a way out.

The Torreslandas, with the exception of Pato and Jana, are beginning their downhill slide. Max has lost a good chunk of his income (and reputation); Roselena's becoming increasingly unhinged and Rod's about to get another slap in the face when he finds out his gym is being dismantled. Stay tuned for more drama.


1. encomiendo = package, parcel
2. los peritos = experts
3. farsante = fraud, faker
4. tarjeta de presentación = business card
5. revisar = study

Relevant Dichos:

  1. Tarde o temprano la verdad sale a la luz. = The truth will out. (The truth of Claudio's innocence has now come to light; and hopefully the truth of Luciana's pregnancy will be revealed soon as well.)
  2. Las mentiras tienen las patas cortas. = same....The truth will out.
  3. El sol brilla para todos = We are all equal in the eyes of the Lord. (a proverb that runs contrary to Gala and Roselena's notion that all folks who are not of their “class” are subaltern and unworthy of respect)

Looks like Pata is going to tell Rodrigo about Luciana's baby (“You're going to be united forever!)


Por ella soy Eva #29 8/27/12: Discussion Page

I don't know what happened to Monday's Recap for Ella, so I am putting up a discussion page for y'all to comment.  If a recap comes up later, I will remove the discussion page.


Abismo de pasión #117 8/27/12: Discussion page: Flor is up to something!

Paloma loses her nerve and runs away without telling Gael and Elisa about her pregnancy.  Only her daddy figures know and both papa padre and papa doctor have been sworn not to tell.

Dig it!  Alfie has stashed Horacio in the cemetery where he tends to the graves.  He resists her pressure to solve her Gabino problem with murder.  He is a changed man and he is there for two reasons: he wants to see justice done; and he has to protect his Dolores.  He gives Alfie just a taste of the secrets he knows when he admits that under Gabino's orders, he tried to kill Dam in a riding accident when he first came back to LE with Flor.

Alfie visits Paolo -- satisfyingly bruised and beaten -- in the Mérida reclusorio.  She knows he's Gabino's accomplice in the ProCe fraud.  If she finds he's involved in Gweedo's murder -- and she KNOWS it was murder -- Paolo is a dead man.

Lucio is too depressed to continue his courtship of Maru.  She gets the message.

Elisa is oblivious, radiant and weepy.  You know the drill.  She thinks Paloma is going to be her friend again and she'll be able to persuade Lupe to perform her wedding.

Gael looks like a thundercloud.  At least he's still shaving and washing his hair.

Flor continues to give both Alfie and Dam the ice treatment.  She talks about carrying out her promise to her father.

She visits Elisa to deliver her wedding invitation, is surprised to hear Elisa and Gael are to be married the same day.  She displays amazing reflexes when she bats away Elisa's hand extended to touch her fake belly.

Dam visits Elisa at the ProCe.  He moons over her (not THAT way) and says though it hurt him to hear her say she loved Gael, he's glad she has a chance at happiness in her marriage.

Gabino and the plaid guys play shirts and skins.  He's the only skin and naturally he plays dirty.  Then he and Carmina go at each other's throats though their thoughts wander further south.  He can't leave Ingrid right now -- she has a nervous condition.  Why Doc Tovar sees her weekly for her treatment...

Begoña follows Doc in  a taxi right up to Hacienda Mendoza.  She gets an eyeful of Edmundo "treating" Ingrid in the garden -- right where la Beltrán met her maker.

Enrique talks up his father to the receptionist at ProCe Castañon (the lovely lady in pink from CME).  Does he suggest testing first?

Sabrina is staying with an aunt in Guadalajara.  She isn't ready to come back to La Ermita.

Avances:  Black Widow AlfaBitch confronts Orange Widow OmegaBitch about the Blue House. 

Please chime in with additions and corrections.  I'll go back in bit and catch my typos. 


Amorcito Corazón Discussion #94-98 Aug 27-31

EWM continues to throw herself at Fer, who is horrified by her.  She continues her crazy plans to harm Isa since her Fer plan failed.  She gets more potion from the witch, puts it in Isa’s coffee and thankfully Zoe throws it out.  

Zoe, always believing the worst in based on the traumatizing demise of her marriage, knows Fer reciprocates EWM’s feelings.  She has lunch w/Lucia and is shocked about the latter’s return to the convent.  Unfortunately they fight about Lucia’s decision.  OK, I know Zoe had a bad marriage and is currently in a bad relationship but to listen to part of a conversation with a known bad guy and come away thinking the bad person is Fer.  You know both your friend and Fer have problems every other day so do you really want to contribute to the next problem?  She does confront Fer and they work things out but Zoe really needs to take every down about 1000.

Willy takes over Katrina’s business.  Friends, even without rIcky and Horny gunning for him, this can end badly as Willy doesn’t seem to have business acumen.  Add to this Moncho warning about putting the money in a safer place and Willy pooh, poohing the idea. 

Beba and Gabino go to lunch; TNs often have the best food!  They are still cute and I hope the writers don’t break them up.  She finds out about the robbery at Horny’s and visits the witch.  La bruga (btw, this is Horny not the true witch who is assisting EWM trying to kill our main couple) doubts the sincerity of her only friend’s concern.

rIcky slimes back into his mom, who foolishly believes her son has reformed.  Naturally once at the house he sees where the money is hidden.

Sabrina gets EWM to hire her so her revenge plan, trying to seduce Fer, is set motion.  My hope here is that EWM realizes her plan and takes Sabrina the traitor out w/her pharmacy.

Lucia comes to the office and Fer sees her monja vestments.  Like Zoe, her uncle, and the mother superior, oh and Willy, he tries talk her out of it and she won’t listen.  At this point the tonterias of Zoe and Lucia make Isa seem reasonable.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Amor Bravío #16 (Uni 11) Mon 8/27/12

Capitulo 16:   Minding Others' Business, As Usual

Lo de Pasado:

Camila receives a call about a posthumous honour for her Tio Daniel.  Natalia shows La Malquerida to Daniel, who tells her he hopes he can work in such a beautiful place and know such a beautiful person as she is. He isn't interested in her that way, but methinks she is not seeing that.

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Refugio Para el Amor #100 Mon 8/27/12 Rivals in Love and in Business Lock Horns Inside and Outside of the Courtroom

In San Francisco el Alto (aka, Het Het), the ladies and Ariche have just excitedly received a package from Don Serapio via Procopio. Luci opens it, reads the nice note, and unwraps the gift-- finding a lovely framed picture of her and Rod from their civil wedding in Het Het. They look incredibly happy and in love.
Luci is stunned. Ariche takes the photo and comments on how beautiful she looks and asks if she remembers when they took this photo. Luci stumbles off to her room and poor Ariche is worried that he said something wrong. Paz calms his worries.
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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Abismo de pasión #116 8/24/12: When Little Men Stand Up, Big Men Will Always Listen!

Team Dam vs. Team Gall: Who's the Biggest User?
Team Sabrina vs. Team Paloma:  Who Would Make the Best Unwilling/Unknowing Surrogate Mother for Florencia's Baby?
Team Lupe vs. Team Gabby:  Who will make the better Grandfather? 
Clinic Reception Desk:  Paloma recalls the uncomfortable, zero-chemistry, love scene between she and Gall (Gall).  Paloma tells Gall that they will not be seen or interrupted in the closet behind the beaded curtain.  Gall begs her to let him go; he loves another woman.  Paloma tells Gall that she can’t let him go because she loves him.  Paloma will help him to understand that he doesn’t love Elisa as much as he loves her.  Paloma drops her bloomers and orders him to leave if he doesn’t feel anything for her.  Unfortunately, before the bloomers hit the floor, Little Gall had developed very strong feeling for Paloma.   Gall’s heart says that he loves Elisa.  His mind tells him to hit the pavement and never return, but Little Gall is standing firm; he refuses to leave.  He wants to stay with the bloomers.  Paloma’s daydreams are abruptly interrupted when Dr. Tovar, who has a business to run, enters the reception area.    He wants to know when his next appointment will arrive.  Dr. Tovar is very concerned about his marginal employee; she’s been extremely distracted lately.  Paloma wants to ask him a question, but can’t bring herself to form the words.  The doctor wants to know if she’s feeling bad or if she’s sick?  She ends up telling him that it’s not important.  A patient interrupts them.
Casa de Maru:  It’s lunch time and Elisa has found Maru at her home.  Elisa is very worried about Don Lucio’s sex-life.  As far as she knows, he hasn’t had any freaky female companionship since Blanca fried died.  He needs an experienced, worldly, slutty, hot-to-trot, older, woman like you, says Elisa to Maru.  From various rumors that Elisa’s heard, Lucio likes to be handcuffed, called Padrino and spanked with a large wooden spoon.  Maru doubts Lucio’s interested in her.  Lucio hasn’t looked at Maru or called her in months.  She says that Lucio has put a wall up between them.  Elisa disagrees and tells Maru be patient with him.  Elisa tells Maru that Blanca spoke well of her and liked her a lot.  Blanca would be pleased that he is boinking Maru.  Elisa tells Maru to fight for Lucio, if she loves him.  Maru tells Elisa that Damien is depressed too.  Elisa gets up to leave and asks Maru to think about what they’ve discussed. 
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Amor Bravío #15 (Uni 10) Fri 8/24/12 Confrontations for Camila With Mystery Man Dan and So Where's The Beef-cake Alonso

Capítulo 15 

Lo del Pasado:

Dan’s snuck onto the grounds of Hacienda La Malquerida for a look-see.  Camila has gone out onto the balcony for some much needed fresh air.  Dan manages to stay hidden in the bushes and trees when Leoncio shows up with his shotgun, making the rounds.  Alonso finally makes it home and enters the bedroom where Cami angrily confronts him for not telling her he’d stopped going to therapy.  Ruh-Roh!  Busted!! Lonnie goes ballistic cuz she’s been “checking up on him”.  (Naw, his little woman’s just much smarter than he can give a female credit for, and she caught him in his crappy, lazy little lie!) Lon hops on the Excuse Express uhh-gain, moon-walking double-time as he “explains” how the doc said nothing’s wrong with him; that she is the only reason he can’t get any pump in his stump.  Camila is just as furious and rather than try sleeping with the enemy, she leaves Alonso to snuggle with and growl at his pillow.  (Break to a scene of the bulls.  Chug a lug!)

Racing out across the grounds towards the guest house (?) Cami  runs into Luzmaria who’s been making out with her high school hunkster, Paulo.  Cam puts a stop to that just in time for Leoncio to come over and avoid his making a scene with his niece.  (One man, once per night’s definitely enough, we agree!)  Cam heads off.  When Luzma tries to leave, though, Leoncio grabs her and threatens that she’d better not try putting one over on him (verme la cara) or to try using Sra. Camila to cover for her (como tapadera) or there’ll be Hell to pay. 

Lo Del Nuevo:

Lonnie storms through the grounds after Cami.  He bangs on the door and begs then for her to open the door and let them finish their conversation.  Cam gives in.  She’s tired, she screams, of the humiliations, the insinuations, the lies and the insults. “What’s next, eh?” He attempts to forcibly kiss and hug her to show her that he luhhhvs her, but she manages to slip out from under and push away from him.  She can’t stand to have him touch her.  There’s no love in this relationship, she screams back!  He doesn’t make her feel a thing!  There’s nothing to discuss, anyway, if he won’t see the shrink—that proves he doesn’t really love her!  The irate little weasel demands to have her back in their bedroom, in their bed next to him by tomorrow morning when he wakes up.  Ha! Think again, you ferret-faced, nibbling-nosed, nail-gnawing nudnik!! “—Get! Out!  Get out of here before I say something I shouldn’t!!  (Aw, go ahead!  Let loose!)  Eventually she manages to shove his bony little ass back out the door.  (Whoo-ee! Viewerville is as exhausted as Camila after this scene!!) Her frustration and sense of being trapped is palpable as she bangs her fists against the door and fights the desire to pull her hair out by the roots. (It goes without saying that this is why Silvia Navarro is the best dramatic actress in Mexico!)  Silent sobs rack her body and she slides slowly to the floor, shattered and drained.

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Por ella soy Eva #28 8/24/12: Eva's crusade for proof

In my efforts to condense, I jumbled things up a bit; so some of this may be WAY out of order.

Mimi is selling Avon at Grupo Imperio. She asks the blue dresses about Adriano. They tell her he's okay, but he's nicer to younger women. She thinks he just hasn't met the likes of her yet! They compliment Mimi on looking good for her age and say Eva is well-preserved. Mimi asks them about Max Montes, her cousin Eva's second love.

Helena takes her mom to register at the Vocational School for Grownups.

Antonia tells Eva she thinks her husband is fooling around with Helena. Eva tells her to find more proof. Read more »


Friday, August 24, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #99 Fri 8/24/12 Luci doubles her business revenue and the CL hearing begins with lots of animosity and one sickening dumb dude‏


Lo Refrito:
Paz and Luci, have to thank God for each day.
Luci tells Paz today is the hearing between Don Max and my papa. I want to pray for him.
The hearing begins, Max waltzes in very confident… Claudio walks in, stops to look toward Max directly in the eyes, not quite angry but very firm/serious.

Lo Nuevo:
Rod to Pato: today my dad will be able to prove Linares is a felon. (how stoopid can he get?)
Judge begins the hearing requested by CL to reopen the case he was sentenced to 20 yrs for.
CL will try to show his presumed innocence and get restitution for damages.
CL says loudly he wants to show his innocence in front of justice and society and to show that Max accused him of something he did not commit.

Rod comments to Pato that CL came with all his weapons to try to demerit mi papa. Pato has a more clear and fair mindset, says CL spent 20 yrs quiet and now is willing to sing it all now.

Judge says the statement CL made is very serious. IF his statement is proven false, he could get a sentence of 6 mos to 3 yrs plus a fine for repair of damages done by false accusation. (Max asks Oscar to take note of the grounds for countersuit against CL).
We have a series of statements and accusations and objections retained/rejected by judge.
Oscar has an opening statement. Their intent: to prove that the sentencing of CL 20 yrs ago was fair and correct.  (Rod again comments to Pato that his dad has always been a fair and honest man…. Ehem! Excuse me while I go barf in the hallway… talk about shallow headed)

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Weekend Discussion: Telenovela Villains; Peerless Evil, Part 2

Dirty Dozen #4: Sexual Predators

This particular class of male vermin primarily preys – or attempts to prey – upon innocent and/or wealthy females. His modus operandi can be seduction but often is rape or kidnapping. Usually perverse, and always achieving his most intense orgasmic experiences by inflicting pain, his usual motive is greed. Usually a smooth talker, often capable of moving in the upper echelons of society, he can get away with quite a lot before anyone finds out what he is really about. He may or may not be married, but he is always on the prowl because his appetite for others' pain is bottomless.

Who is the most evil of them all?
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El Mundo de Telemundo - week of August 27 - Discuss among yourselves

Another page for our Telemundo novelas. Enjoy! I will be at the beach eagerly reading your posts.

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Amor Bravío #14 (Uni 9) Thu 8/23/12 Amor (o al menos deseo) a primera vista

Dionisio says that last he heard, Daniel's wife was in a coma and in critical condition.  Camila insists that Daniel's wife and child should receive the inheritance if he's not going to.

The ship's captain? tells Daniel and his new best enemy that when the ship drops anchor, immigration will be coming up the ramp, so they'd better jump off the side.  After that, they're on their own.  He hands over their pay.

Camila is taking her role as executor very seriously.  She thinks that giving the inheritance to Daniel's kids is what her uncle would have wanted.  Everybody is trying to talk her out of it.  Camila insists that if the ranch is to be hers, she wants to come by it honestly.  Alonso says it's imperative that she take possession as quickly as possible.  Dionisio softens Alonso's crazy by saying that the situation is very stressful for everyone and the way to end the stress is to get to a resolution.  Isadora backs up Dionisio.  Dionisio offers to stay abreast of the news from Chile.  Alonso, stupidly, keeps arguing with Camila, which only pisses her off and she pulls rank as the executrix and goes back to her veterinary duties.  It seems to have slipped Alonso's mind that all his machinations will come to nothing if he doesn't stay married to Camila.  So much for his flowery apologies.  Isadora and Dionisio exchange an annoyed look.

Leoncio's niece (whose name I keep missing) calls her mother (whose name I keep missing) to say she's not coming home until late, her uncle be damned!  Some cute boy catches up to her and they make with the smoochies.

Alonso follows Camila out to insist that he's just trying to protect her.  She's on to him, though, and knows he just wants her to agree with him.  He tries to say that if everyone else disagrees with her, they must all be right, but Camila knows she's the one who loved her uncle best and knew him best, so if there's anyone who can judge how he wanted things to be done, it's her.  She finds it ironic that everyone else is more pissed off about her uncle's will than she is, when she's the one being affected by it the most.  Camila finally tells Alonso to just drop it because she's not going to change her mind. 

Agustina thanks Dionisio for taking such an interest in something that doesn't concern him in the least and having to put up with such unpleasant scenes because of it.  Isadora brings up knitting again, assuming, correctly, that Agustina is way too upset to teach her this afternoon.  Agustina gratefully agrees to leave it for another day.

Alonso agrees to drop it.  Camila says, since he's in such a conciliatory mood, she might as well tell him that Viviana and Rafael will be visiting the ranch to take pictures, and get info for the book, respectively.    Alonso agrees to treat them well, but only for her sake.  Camila goes off to get some actual work done, finally.

Cute townie boy dating Leoncio's niece is from the ranch neighboring La Malquerida--La Buena Aventura.  So, lemme see if I'm getting this, one ranch is unloved (La Malquerida) and the neighboring ranch is a fun roll in the hay (La Buena Aventura; the good adventure, though "aventura" also refers to an affair--not necessarily cheating, but could also be a love affair between two single people)?  Well, these two cute kids are willing to fight for their luuuuurve, encouraged by cute townie (ranchie?) boy's older brother.

Between Camila's goodness and Alonso's stupidity, they're really throwing a wrench in Dionisio's and Isadora's plans.  The two bitch about it.

The boat has dropped anchor, but before Daniel, er, The Count of Monte Cristo, can make his jump, his new best enemy tries to smash his leg in with a sledgehammer.  El Conde smacks him around, gets free, and makes his jump, while the dumbass who tried to stop him gets busted.  Sucker!  A few other guys make it over the side and they call in the Coast Guard.

Leoncio comes into Alonso's office.  There's some confusion about who exactly he wanted to speak to and who said what to whom about it and in the end he leaves and Natalia's annoyed, and Alonso would be confused if he gave a crap, but since all these people are beneath him, he kinda doesn't care.

Daniel de Monte Cristo gets hauled ashore by a fisherman.  Talk about reeling in the big one, heh, heh.

Viviana takes photos of studs while Camila explains things to Rafael.  Alonso watches from his office window and smashes a glass of brandy.

Time passes.  Viviana takes pictures.  Rafael talks to ranch hands.  Daniel is nursed back to health.  Isadora learns how to knit…or not.  Viviana is introduced to her.  Alonso keeps trying to get frisky, but Camila resists him.

Dionisio is having no luck getting Farcas to return his calls, so he has no idea what's going on in Chile.  Isadora suggests they use that to their advantage and tell Camila that Daniel's wife and child are dead.  "If Farcas won't return your calls, he's not likely to return hers."  Dionisio agrees and says it's time to act.  He'll tell Camila, but he needs Isadora's help to get the developers onto the property to check things out.  He can't put off the actual planning stage any longer, and since Don Daniel had been buying up additional properties, that has to be taken into account.  Isadora figures she can distract Camila so she won't even know they're there.  Dionisio praises Isadora, saying if her son had half her talent and skill, things wouldn't have gone this way.

Cute ranch boy's name is Pablo.  He's just got to finish up some paperwork and he'll be officially graduated.  Leoncio's niece is almost of age.  Soon they can make like Billy and Patty in that Rod Stewart song.  *smoochies*  What could possibly go wrong?

Un mes después…  Or rather, Un mes después…

Agustina is glad Camila and Alonso have stopped fighting.  Um.  Ok.  Camila is meeting Alonso for lunch.

Daniel de Monte Cristo is on a bus, and his seatmate is going to suggest a cafeteria (café) to him that has some awesome pan dulce (sweet bread, pastries).  It will be probably be the same one where Camila is meeting Alonso.  Alonso is driving behind the bus, but he gets into the other lane to pass it, while honking his horn and yelling, "Quitense, muertos de hambre, tengo prisa!" (Get the hell out of my way you frickin' bums, I'm in a hurry!)  I find that particularly offensive.  And he's not even passing the damn bus, so apparently his car's engine isn't performing any better than his penis.  The bus ends up having to brake violently to keep from hitting him as he pulls back into their lane.

Camila admires some sunflowers at a street stand and buys three.

Daniel de Monte Cristo arrives in town.

Alonso orders a coffe and sits down.

Daniel de Monte Cristo's seatmate walks him to the café.

The waitress offers to let Camila know that Alonso's washing his hands if she arrives before he gets back to the table.

Camila walks into the café, sunflowers in hand, and sits at an empty table.  Daniel de Monte Cristo approaches and says that's his table.  He points out his hat and Camila gets up, knocking over the sunflowers.  In the process of reaching for them, she and Daniel touch each other's hands…significantly.  Viviana comes in, interrupting the gratuitous hand sex.  Daniel hands Camila the flowers.  Viviana goes to the bathroom and Camila and Daniel get into a polite-fight about who gets the table.  Daniel wins, and he goes off to sit at another table.

Alonso meets Don Daniel's lawyer.  He's trying to convince him to give the ranch to Camila, saying that they're losing money, but he won't explain how.  He just says as the administrator he knows what he's talking about.   The lawyer says there's only 9 more months to wait, or until the death certificate for Daniel comes in.  Alonso shiftily says he can't wait that long, he needs Camila to have the ranch NOW!  He covers saying he'd like to give her that peace.  He offers to bribe the lawyer, who takes offense.

Camila gives Viviana the sunflowers as yet another apology for Alonso's behavior at her party.  Camila explains about taking the guy's table…she turns to look for Daniel, but he's gone.
Daniel walks around, remembering what his mother said about how much he would love the town.  He thinks that he misses his mom and his wife.

Camila keeps waxing rhapsodic about her mystery man.  Viviana has a laugh over what she assumes (correctly) Alonso's reaction would be.  Viviana asks how things are going with Alonso.  Camila isn't happy.  She admits that nothing's going on with them…you know, as in nothing..um, as in nada de sexo.

Daniel gets a room at Amanda's inn.  He doesn't know how long he's staying.  He tells her he's kind of keeping his mom's last wish.  Amanda hopes the town lives up to her memories.  She can't rent him a room without ID, though.

Camila's feeling disappointed about the lack of sex.  Viviana hopes Camila realizes the she's not the cause of the problem.  Camila says she's been doubting that she has the power to arouse him…maybe she doesn't dress nice enough, she never fixes herself up.  Viviana calls bullshit on that right quick!  "You can't let this affect your self-esteem!  I don't know why he hasn't been able to rise to the occasion, but I'm sure it's not because of you."  Viviana understands his jealousy now…not that it's justified.  Viviana says Camila's going to have to get herself a lover to prove to herself it's not her or, or get a divorce already.

Daniel tells Amanda that he was robbed, which is why he doesn't have any ID, but since he had some cash hidden on him, he can pay her 3 weeks up front.  Amanda hesitates, but with his sweet innocent face (and slammin' bod) he convinces her that he's a good guy.  He's planning to stay in town if he can get a job, and, you know, if she lets him stay there.  Amanda agrees, since times have been tough lately, but she says the first thing she sees that she doesn't like, he's out of there and he won't get his deposit back!  Daniel agrees.  He gives his name as Andres Duarte.

While Isadora pretends to knit (puh-leeze, there were no stitches coming off that left hand needle…couldn't they have at least taught her how to slip stitches to make it a little more convincing?) she talks Agustina into the following: so that things are in order, should Daniel turn up alive and in a position to claim his inheritance, OR so that Camila can see what she's missing out on, Agustina will suggest an audit/appraisal of the ranch; Isadora will hire an auditor and Alonso will pay for it, and they'll inform Camila when the auditor arrives, because she wouldn't be so rude as to kick them out after they'd come all that way.

Dante is back in town and he comes to Abraham's office to explain that Miriam got the life insurance policy without Daniel's knowledge.  Whatever, Abraham's already decided Daniel's guilty and he doesn't believe a word Dante says.  Dante vows that the more Abraham insists on accusing Daniel, the harder he'll fight to defend him.

Andres now meets Natalia. He claims to be from a small town in South America.  He asks for her help finding a job and says he's pretty good at anything.  Natalia mentions her job at the ranch.  When Daniel hears she works at La Malquerida, he tries to see if she can get him a job there.  Natalia figures if she asks Camila, who's the real owner, she can get him a job.

Camila remembers suggesting to Alonso that maybe she join him for therapy.  Alonso is now the one counseling patience and saying these things take time.  He tries to accuse Camila of being some kind of depraved nympho for actually wanting to have sex in this decade.  Camila snaps out of her memory and says to herself that she has to do something.  She climbs a chair to pull a piece of paper out of a box on a high shelf.

Natalia's sweeping the hotel lobby when Daniel comes downstairs.  Oblivious to the fact that Natalia's a woman, he says he's going out for a walk around town and reminds her about trying to get him a job.  Um, dude, she was hoping you'd invite her!  That dumbass is going to be breaking hearts all over town.

Camila calls Alonso's supposed therapist to ask if she can make an appointment, either with him, or with someone else if he'd prefer not to see them both.  The receptionist checks in the computer, but Alonso was only seen once and never came back, so she doesn't think the therapist would have a problem seeing Camila.  Camila remembers Alonso coming back from that appointment and handing her the doctor's info.  She chokes back what I hope is righteous fury and says she'll call back and make an appointment later.

Amanda and Padre Baldy come back to the inn.  Natalia shouts down from upstairs that she's just cleaning a room and then she's going to have a shower.  Amanda offers to make Padre Baldy a coffee and asks him if he thinks it was ok to let someone without ID stay there.  Padre Baldy thinks it was good she showed charity to someone in need.  Amanda agrees, but she's definitely going to keep an eye on him and make sure he deserves it.  I agree.  We all need to keep a close eye on this Andres person.  Who knows what he could be hiding behind that handsome face and those rippling pecs, not to mention inside those tight jeans.  I'm just saying.  Better safe than sorry.

Isadora happily announces to Alonso and Dionisio that they can have people come in and do all the measuring and calculating they want.  Alonso is resentful when Dionisio tells him to support Agustina in keeping Camila from paying attention to what's going on.  He doesn't like being told what to do.  Dionisio reminds him that Camila has cause quite a lot of problems already, so Alonso had better figure out how to get Camila to give them the ranch.  "Por las buenas o por las malas" (the easy way or the hard way).  Alonso wants some clarification about the hard way.  Dionisio says that he's going to tell Camila that Daniel's wife died, but that's the last thing he'll do.  After that, it's all up to Alonso, unless he wants to lose everything. "Do I need to remind you that we have a signed contract that I can use to ruin you?"  Business is business, after all.  Dionisio takes his leave and Isadora turns on Alonso.  He rather whinily says she needs to stop pressuring him.

Padre Baldy and Amanda have their coffee and talk about Daniel.  Padre Baldy doesn't know if he's alive or not.  Amanda hopes he's able to show up safe and sound and able to prove his innocence.  Padre Baldy says regardless, there still the matter of his jailbreak.  Amanda wishes she could see a picture of him and Padre Baldy remembers Daniel gave him one before he died.  Amanda pulls out a picture of Agatha and Padre Baldy says Daniel looks like her.

Camila is out on the balcony, musing, when Daniel sees her from behind a tree.  Camila sees movement and thinks it's Alonso.  Leoncio appears and says no, Alonso isn't home.  He goes on his way, leaving Camila to her musing and Alonso to the realization that this is Camila.  He thought bubbles that she's the reason he's lost everything.

Tomorrow: Daniel and Camila meet again.


Abismo de pasión #115 7/23/12: Gael visits Paloma and stays for dessert.

Lo Refrito:
Elisa and Lolita, missing their difunto loved ones, will carry on together.
Carmina crazy-talks to herself in the mirror, glad that the only witness against her (i.e. Horacio) is dead. He burnt like Blanca, bwahahaha karma got him. (Gonna get you too, ho bitch from hell).

Lo Nuevo:
Flor tells Dam that Fina MADE Flor get pregnant by Dam because she was desperate to separate him from Elisa. He knows Dam well that Fina is the Grand Manipulator and this is the best example. The proof? She dropped the charges against Guido.

Dam tries to leave in a snit but Flor stops him with a pity party, she is so alone boo hoo. She feels trapped and unhappy because she knows he never loved her. On her mother’s deathbed her papa swore he would be by her side on her wedding day. Dam sheds a tear, papa is dead, uncle is in jail, he swears she is not alone. Nope she says, you are here, but not with me.

Over at the Blue House II’s got her bags packed and she’s glad to be finally be moving out of Carmina’s house and into the life of luxury that Gabino promised her. II and Gab argue as usual, then make up as usual. Gab makes a face like “I’ll keep you around for sex but this ain’t gonna last forever.” (Actually I couldn’t read his face at all, I just said what I wanted him to think, hee.)

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #98 Thu 8/23/12 Discussion Post

I was unable to do  the recap this evening. My hubby had emergency eye surgery at 5 p.m. this afternoon. I have put this discussion post up for y'all to discuss this episode. I apologize and should be able to recap again next week.


Por ella soy Eva #27 8/23/12

Thank you, Tablet Jefa, for tonight's recap. 8/23- Happy Birthday, Juan Carlos; The Women of Grupo Imperio are breaking the glass ceiling!

We begin with Eva trying to fix her false eyebrow in Helena's bathroom. After an evening of BFF bonding and fly swatting on her face. She doesn't have her handbag. She removes her false eyelashes. Helena checks on Eva, who assures her that everything is fine. Eva's wig inadvertently goes into the toilet and Eva decides that the only alternative is to tell Helena the truth. He/She removes her makeup.

We are at the restaurant with Fernando and Manuela treating the family to dinner. Daughter Jennifer is thrilled at being in the restaurant. The son, Kevin is happy too. There is nothing better to a parent than happy teenagers.!!! Marsela says that your father and I have always wanted to be in a position to eat out at good places. Isn’t that true, flaco? He is still trying to find his damaged ego. Marsela tries to explain to the kids the parts of the menu and is corrected by Fernando. A Licenciado Vargas recognizes Marsela and comes over to the table and gives glowing accolades about Marsela to the family while an insecure Fernando looks on. She introduces her family. The man seems to ignore Fernando. The kids are proud of their mom, while Fernando just stands there.

Pluto comes home from Jacuzzi time with Rebeca to a distraught Antonia.

Eva is washing her face ready to face the music, - calling out to a sleeping Helena. Only Jaime Camil can pull this part off. The man’s face in a dress- he is the best!! Juan Carlos tells Helena that he loves her with all of his soul and kisses her. I felt his pain. He lovingly covers her up with a blanket and leaves.

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Abismo de pasión #114 8/22/12: Gabino a.k.a. Beetlejuice, has both Castañon and Harango families dancing around the dining table 'DEEEEEEO!!! Daylight come and me want to go home'‏


Other Titles:
Paolo learns that 'el que la hace, la paga' (those who do bad things eventually pay for it)
Gael tries to claim territory as future husband... or maybe Gael and Dam should duel on a line drawing/spitting/shoe size/testosterone level contest
Carmina tries to push the Karma on the other women of the house, then  has another 'mirror mirror on the wall' scene
Damian so close and yet so far from discovering the big Alfie/II secret

Gabino waltzes through into procesa..
BeGoneYa asks policemen to arrest Paolo for raping her daughter.
Carmina rushes into Elisa and Lolita, demands the check from Santa Maria proce. Elisa used it to pay Alfie. Carmina says her 75% entitlement includes the Santa Maria payment. Too bad you are late.

Lo Nuevo:
Elisa explains to Carmina the money they thought was from Augie was really Dam’s. Carmina claims that Elisa never told her anything about the money … Carmina is in disbelief.  Elisa returned it all to Dam. Go and confirm that account is in zeros. Carm says fine, but you will still have to give me every cent.  Elisa says it hurts her to renounce to the quinta but she won’t beg anyone for money like her.  As Carmina charges toward Elisa, Lolita pulls a knife on Carmina. Elisa tells Carmina don’t worry, after all no matter what you will end up having everything. Carmina leaves in a huff. Elisa takes a huge sigh in sink… Lolita asks how can you stay here? (right??!!). Elisa asks her for patience, we will leave soon.

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