Saturday, October 20, 2012

Abismo de pasión #151 10/19/12: Gall, Eliar and Dam Adorable Go on a Date without Palobotomy

Sorry the post is so late.  Some of this may not be a part of the first 10 minutes of the show, but I included it anyway.  I will be back on line tonight (PST) if anyone would like to chat.  I have to do homwork at Barnes and Noble. P.S. This is long and has not been editted yet. 
Elisa wants Don Lucio to ask the lawyer to draw up some paperwork for her partnership with Looks Hella Dam Gorgeous in Black (I tried not to lick the screen, but I was unsuccessful).  Don Lucio is elated!  He knows that she’s only doing this because she’s in love with Damien and doesn’t want to see him go down in flames.  Elisa agrees, but she would also like to see Alfonsina drop dead of heart failure when she learns that Castanon-Bouvier is part owner of her precious procesadora. 

Hacienda Arango:  Damien tells Alfonsina that he’s found an investor.  Alfonsina wants to know where the money is coming from.  Dam gives her a cryptic answer about recovering something that he lost long ago.  Dam Fine tells his mother to stay out of the company’s business.  He’s in charge now and any decision that he makes is to keep the company out of bankruptcy.  Alfonsina points out that it’s a family company and she doesn’t want any riffraff involved.   Dam excuses himself by saying that he has to take a shower (Please let there be a shirtless scene!  Please let there be a shirtless scene!).  Dam’s got plans tonight!  Alfonsina doesn’t appreciate being abandoned.  Dam offers to hire a nurse or a male escort (I don’t make this stuff up, folks!  OK, maybe I do…so what’s it to ya?) so that she won’t be alone.  Dam says that he has a right to have a life outside of these walls.  Alfonsina says that she needs her baby.  She wants to know who he’s going out with.  Elisa is his date, he says and he plans on marrying her.  Get used to it, sister.  Alfonsina says that if that ever happens she will make Elisa’s life hell.  If what she did before wasn’t making Elisa's lifehell, I don’t want to see her definition of hell.  Goodness. 

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Friday, October 19, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #68 10/19/12: In which someone finally spells it out for Fernando and Santi. With apples.

It's time for everyone to hand in their reports, but Marcela's has mysteriously disappeared from her computer. I keep thinking that she will say "no problem, I saved a password-protected backup on the network [or on a flash drive or whatever] and/or I printed a bunch of copies and hid them in the ladies' room," because it would be so funny if her saboteur's plan could fall apart that fast. But Marcela does not have a backup or a printed copy. I am disappointed in her.

My disappointment turns out to be short-lived. Meanwhile, Renato offers to help Cindy collect the rest of the reports.
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El Mundo de Telemundo - Discuss among yourselves - Week of October 22

This week's posting for your comments. Enjoy!

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Weekend Discussion: Misogyny in Telenovelas

What is it really about and will it every go away?

Alas, even in the 21st century we are still dealing with misogyny in our entertainment, in business, and in our lives. It's one of my biggest pet peeves in all of these and what is particularly troubling is that so many telenovela authors are women (at least in Mexico).

We'll leave out discussion of novelas de epoca as they take place in eras where women's legal rights were so much less than today and where women's voices were completely ignored (although there were moments in the 1993 Corazón Salvaje where we saw the seeds of feminism in Mónica) and address contemporary stories, starting with the ones currently airing. In Thursday's discussion of Amor Bravío I listed the following examples of misogyny expressed by women:
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Amor Bravío #47 (Uni 42) Thu 10/18/12 Amor Suspendido

Aaron asks D'Andres what the plan is now, but he's basically stuck until Camila recovers.  Aaron can't stay forever, so he figures he'll go back to Chiapas and come back when he's needed.  He's not happy leaving Vivi alone with Bruno on the loose, but he's gotta recharge his peace battery.  He thinks Rafa should move in while he's gone.  D'Andres leaves them to that uncomfortable discussion.

Luzma is waiting in D'Andres' tossed room.  Piedad sees her and asks what's up.  Luzma says she was just waiting for a report on Camila.  Piedad thinks D'Andres is a slob.  She confronts Luzma about being expelled, but Luzma won't give her any answers.

Vivi's glad Aaron's looking out for her, but she doesn't want him coercing Rafa into moving in.  She doesn't want to cramp Rafa's style in case he still has a chance with Camila.  Aaron the yenta doesn't think Rafa has anything in common with Camila…now, Vivi, on the other hand….  Vivi thinks she needs to handle Bruno on her own and not let him get to her.  Aaron says in the meantime, she needs to let them help.  Vivi would love to run to Chiapas and start over, and Aaron would like that to, but he thinks major life decisions need to be made in calm and not out of fear.  Vivi says it would have to wait in any case--Camila needs her right now.

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Abismo de pasión #150 10/18/12: when serpents bargain for the right to squirm

Como dijo Marta: At la quinta… Carmina is making holes on the floor pacing around. Gabino gets a 34mm migraine from watching her and listening to her shouting. Carmina is getting paranoic that Horacio is alive and can tell all to the police. Gabino knows well if Horacio sings, they both can end up in jail… Gabino grunts in pain… Carmina tells him they have to find a solution..(continue working on the casualty list, what else??)
Lolita is crying a river at Lucio’s… Horacio comes around her and tells her ‘I did not do it, Lolita. I did not kill Padre Loopy’.

Lo Nuevo:  Lolita begs Horacio not to hurt her. Her words wound him. He’s not capable of harming her. She doesn’t believe anything he says and lists his recent crimes, escaping from the police, faking his death, etc. “Hey, I did it all for you!” he swears, “To protect you.”  She demands how could he have stabbed Padre Lupe in the back? How did that protect her?

Out in the plaza Braulio runs into Elisa and expresses his concern that the murderer Horacio has surfaced. He’s worried for Lolita. Elisa’s not so sure he’s the guy that killed Lupe. If he was the murderer why would he show up at Alfonsina’s with blood on his hands? Braulio’s got a theory or two but Elisa makes the “Hmmmmmm” face with her pointy chin in her hand. She’s not convinced. Nor does she seem at all concerned about Lolita. Meh, it’s not about her yet.

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #67 10/18/12: Don't Give In To Him 'Cause He Will Only Ask For More.

Rebeca is in Plutarco's office haranguing him again about getting married, and Pluto complains she is acting just like Antonia did.  Rebeca reminds him of the incriminating video she has of him and that time is ticking away for him to marry her.  Tick tock tick tock, she taunts him.

Fernando calls his pal Santiago to tell him he's late for work and an important meeting.

Rebeca is rattling off a list of personal chores for lackey Onesimo to do for her.  She asks him if he told Pluto about her visit to Pluto's home, and when he says no she tells him she will repay his discretion.  He misunderstands and she snaps at him to take his eyes off her body (she does have more curves than the Indy 500).  Pluto calls Onesimo.  Pluto thinks the video is a lie, but he wants Onesimo to go search for it just in case.

Everyone is at the big colorful table and Helena is reporting on the successes of the trip to Playa Majagua.  First Eva, and then Pluto kvell about Helena's participation.  Rebeca glowers.  Adriano asks where Santiago is, and Fernando makes excuses for his buddy.  Santiago bursts in apologizing, but Adriano doesn't want to hear apologies, he wants him at work on time.  Renato wants his work situation defined for him, and makes the observation that a lot of the workers there don't know exactly what their job is.  Eva is angry at this accusation, but Adriano agrees.  Everyone looks worried.

Modesto is meeting with Eugenia's doctor, who is telling him about her prognosis.  The doctor says that Eugenia's lack of activity and motivation have contributed to her illness.  Modesto protests that he saw Eugenia happy being a mother.  But her son is now dead, the doctor tells him.  Modesto visits Eugenia in her room.  She is not happy to see him and she reiterates what the doctor told him.  Modesto took away her career as an actress and then took on a second family.  "Now I am no longer anything," she flatly tells him.

OMG, it's taken Mousse Boy to point out that almost nobody at Grupo Imperio ever seems to do any work.  Adriano wants everyone, from the assistants to the executives, to work on a report detailing what they do and what their aspirations are.  He wants it first thing tomorrow morning, and he tells them their jobs depend this information.  Eva tries to excuse Helena from this task but Helena is uncomfortable with this.  Eva continues to object and Adriano looms over her to say that in all his years no one has been indispensable. 

Onesimo searches Rebeca's apartment, and takes time out to enjoy a roll on her bed imaging the possibilities.  He finds a camera in the bedroom and takes the disc out of it, cackling gleefully at what it might contain.  Viewerville wonders if it's Pluto and Rebe's version of 'Finding Nemo' and just what that connotes.
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Refugio Para el Amor #136 Thu 10/18/12 Luci Grieves, It Sucks To Be Rod, Lil Roddy is Baptized

Luci's Apartment of Faith and Hope:

There is little hope and faith right now in Luci's apartment. She is crying by her lil Roddy's crib, wanting forgiveness for lil Roddy being taken from her and she is desperately crying and wondering where her bebe is. She is depressed and greiving.

Rod and Gagme's Apartment of Hate and Gloom:

Rod has come home, tired and anxious and of course gets accosted by the screaming Mimi (Ed Note: When I lived in Florida the natives always talked about the screaming Mimis, the skeeters that is. Huge suckers and will suck you dry of blood well this is Gagme right on the money). Does she greet her husband lovingly, oh no, she is screaming about how he aint been home, he should have been with her cause she's sick and Julie and his Mama had to take care of her, when he is the one that should have taken care of her, as Anita said, ME , ME , ME, and after all she is six months pregnant with HIS bebe, and he tries to tell her of course, been looking for his other bebe, but that of course isn't her problem to deal with, and she tells him he is reponsible for everything that is going on. Sucks to be Rod. Note to Gagme: I hope the hounds of hell pursue you into the fiery lake of hell, that is, after your poor innocent bebe is born.

Luci's Apartment of Faith and Hope:

Luci is still crying by lil Roddy's crib, asking for forgivness and desolation is palatable in that room as she grips the crib and cries. Paz and Claudio come in to comfort her. Claudio asks her to go back and rest, she needs the rest and it isn't her fault. Claudio doesn't want her punishing herself. They are doing and will do anything they can to find Luci's bebe. They tell her to have faith and both have to hold her up as she cries and wants her bebe. She is totally desolate.

The Boxcar Barrio:

Dona Chuy is showing Don Chelo how to burp the bebe so he doesn't get colic. Don Chelo is learning. She is telling him the bebe will have to be changed also. Don Chelo wants to know if she is coming back tomorrow, she says no. She tells Don C he has to feed the bebe every three hours! ( I remember doing that) and she says this bebe is his sole reponsiblity. He wants to know why? Dona Chuy tells him that this little angel was put in his path for a reason! I think all of Viewerville knows why that is! At this lil Roddy belches, which means he's good to go.

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Amor Bravío #46 (Uni 41) Wed 10/17/12 “Doctor, the Patient is Coding! …. Stand Clear!Paddles!Zap! Everyone is Shocked”

What a zinger of a capitulo tonight!  We begin tonight’s capitulo as Isa saunters into her new manipulated manor, greets AlLocoLonso and ever so coolly announces that Camila is essentially bleeding to death and will soon be dead.  Camila has been gored by a bull and left to die.  Al actually shows he has little stomach for this level of cold-blooded murder.  We are left to wonder if he would have preferred some extra pills, water and permanent nighty-night for Camila.  He is, however, mouth agape, listening to the fine specimen of sociopathy that is mumsy Isavibora.  She dismisses his horrorstruck face and tells him to get over his sentimental feelings for Camila, to think about the millions of pesos he will inherit, and to have fun boinking  X-Inmoral.  Zap!  AlLocoLonso is shocked.

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Refugio Para el Amor #135 Wed 10/17/12 There is no Joy in Mudville

Prelude – The torrential downpour ended, the scene is left muddy.  There is a baby missing; there is a baby found.  There are parents, family and friends distraught knowing a newborn baby has disappeared; there is an unknown man equally distraught at what he found—a newborn baby now in his possession.

Ayer –  In case you missed it, Univision wants to make sure you are completely saturated with what happened in yesterday’s episode before starting tonight’s.

Pato is crying out in anguish from his bed to Matilde that he feels impotent, tied to this bed and wheelchair.  He confesses that he loves Luci with all his might and soul.

Claudio and Rodrigo come back to the Cruz Roja waiting area, where Luci was brought, with coffee for Paz and Magda.  Claudio urges Paz to eat.  She needs her strength.  Luci needs her to be strong.

Claudio gets a call from Norma on what Barrera has been doing.  Regrettably, he’s been all over the neighborhood where Luci was, but no one saw anything.

Max arrives.  He asks how Luciana is.  She’s weak, but stable.  Max wants to know if Rod is going to be the one to tell Luci.  Yes, of course he has to be the one.  He started to but that’s when she collapsed and her blood pressure went haywire.

They’ll join forces, with Claudio.  Max tells Rod he loves him and won’t abandon him.

Rodrigo swears he won’t rest until he finds their child.

A red convertible is whizzing down a busy street.  It’s Gala at the wheel, tossing overboard the disguise she wore to the Julia, SE meeting, one piece at a time.

Paz wants to see her daughter.  Rod explains that she’s sedated and when Claudio comes out, she can go in to see her.  Paz doesn’t know what she will say to her.  Rod tells her to have faith.  Paz says I have to or I’ll go crazy.  Rod swears he will not rest until their son is back in her arms.

Claudio is at Luci’s bedside.  She is still sedated and unconscious.  He’s anguished because he failed her.  He begs her to recover and promises to find her son.  We’ll find him.

A camera pans past old box cars, then billboards and posters of Cosi Fan Tutte, La Bohème and Phantom of the Opera, featuring a dapper gentleman, seen in costume and in photographs.   A baby cries.  A shabby hung-over man with dirty white fingerless gloves wakes with a start.  He stumbles over to the source of the crying.  It’s a baby in a cardboard box.  He looks as though he’s never seen this creature.  He picks up the baby and thinks to himself—What am I doing with this?

Hoy –
Casota Grande de Dios
Roselena is back with the Padre Honesto.  He’s deeply concerned for Luciana and the bitterness she’s going through.  The death of a child is heavy enough but this type of loss is worse.  RE is putting on a first class show for him with her own version of anguish and suffering—for the lost baby and yes, for the mother who will live in torment the rest of her life.  She assures the padre that Max and Claudio are doing everything he can.  They will be investigating into what happened in the first few minutes before Luciana left the clinic.  She asks Padre for prayers and masses to be said every Sunday for Luciana and my grandchild.  What pain to endure not to know where the child is or if he’s dead.  Padre Honesto assures her he will take charge.

The Red Cross Clinic
Paz is now in Luci’s room watching over her.  A very no-nonsense nurse comes in to read the monitor.  Paz wants to know what all the numbers mean.  The nurse tells her they are a read-out of her pressure.  She’s stable, doing well.  It’s my daughter.  Nothing is more important in life than one’s children, at least it is for her she tells Paz, not knowing she’s just shoved the knife in her wound a little deeper.  Luci comes to.  Paz tries to talk to her, but Luci just repeats over and over, “Donde está mi hijo.” [Get used to it, Viewerville will be hearing this phrase a lot.]  Luci drifts into unconsciousness again.  Paz and Rod exchange places and when Luci comes to again, Rod is with her.  Luci tells him she had a nightmare that she heard him say that their son wasn’t with them.  Luci begs Rod for an answer, “Donde está mi hijo.”   Rod tells her she left the clinic she had the baby, then she fainted in a nearby park.  Yes, she knows that.  She had to leave.  Rod tells her that when the ambulance picked her up, there was no baby. “I want my son, I need my son,” she keeps repeating.  She cries inconsolably in Rod’s arms.  Rod tries to calm Luci down.  I’m going to find him, I swear it.  Luci cannot be consoled.  She rips off her cuff and tries to get out of bed while Rodrigo holds her back.
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Abismo de pasión #149, 10/17/12: Emotional funeral for Pa'padre... But deep inside everything stays the same... except Ramona is ready to sing the opera!! needs a formal request from Queen Botox, though

Paloma seduces Gael in bed… and just when he is getting into the game(he is tired of the ‘let me play hard to get’ and joins her in the ‘operation skinny sheet-ing/nos estorbo la ropa’ game)….. RRRRIIINNNNGGGG!!!
Dam tells Gael they have to return to LaE. Gael immediately suspects something happened to Elisa (how original!!) but Dam clears that it is Lupe, Tio Lupe is dead!! (Gael gets instantly pale and unbalanced)
Elisa and Lolita barge into la quinta accusing Carmina that she killed Lupe…
Lo Nuevo:
Carmina(faking surprise to hear Lupe’s dead): ‘yo no se nada… yo llegue ahora mismo… y algo paso… yo no estaba ahi!!’ (sorry couldn’t resist, that is the lyrics of a song my dad loved… ‘I don’t know anything… I just got here and something had happened… I wasn’t there!’… anyway, back to the show) of course I deny it.
Elisa won’t stop there and also accuses her of killing Augie… Of course Carmina shoots back that Elisa killed MY son… Elisa says she is witness of Carmina kicking Lupe out of the quinta, and Lolita jumps in saying she is witness that Lupe suspected her of killing Augie… Carmina keeps denying denying… Elisa says don’t bother trying to convince me, you will have to convince the police… Gabino comes in saying ‘eeepale Caballo!!’ which is odd since Gael used to call Elisa ‘potranca’ (mare) himself. Anyway Elisa asks the cops to arrest Carmina but the cops tell Elisa they are not there to arrest Carmina but to tell them that they already have a suspect, Horacio, whose prints they found on the knife. He was also seen all bloody at the Arango hacienda. Lolita is in disbelief totally taken aback.
Braulio arrives at Inmundo/Enrique’s house to tell them Lupe was killed and will be watched at the church.
At Ramona’s we hear a door knock… (ok, it is a TN, it is a TN, why can't they be original and have someone arrive through the window on a parachute? or down the chimney)… it is … wait for it… wait for it…. The ANGEL of Lupe!! But Ramona does not know this… He is dressed in white (no blood anywhere), he gets confused at her whinning that she does not feel good, worried sick that Galoma won’t work as a marriage… Loopy tells her don’t loose the faith, there can be a miracle… Loopy won’t sit down, he seems in a hurry but has a very important task to assign Ramona. He is leaving town and there is nothing that can stop that train… but his mission must be completed… and he delegates the completion of his mission to her, ‘la elegida’ (the chosen one). She has to take the light of truth to the others, she has to clarify what happened… the only one that can do it is …you. (another knock on the door and Loopy is gone… Inmundo comes in to tell her about Lupe being killed). Ramona is totally taken aback. Elisa mad at Carmina that Gabino is there in same bed she shared with Augie… Carmina says mind your own business… Elisa says I don’t know your way of loving, you destroyed my father ever since you married him, turned him into a wasted drunk with your lies and the bitter life you gave him. Carmina pulls her ‘get out of jail free’ card, accusing Stefie, Elisa’s mom… The moment she ran away from here is the moment our lives turned for the worse. Elisa wants her to shut up. She won’t take her lies anymore, she is convinced Stefie is innocent and is growing convinced Augie did not kill himself. Carmina changes tactics and accuses Elisa and Lolita of bringing a murderer in ‘this house’. What if it was Horacio who killed Loopy? (Lolita looks scared at even the thought but she reminds Elisa the cops found his prints on the knife, and also he excaped prison to avoid his sentence, even Loopy suspected him… blames herself ‘es mi culpa mi nina’… Elisa tries to convince her of the contrary, takes Lolita away).
Carmina goes to bedroom… Carmina asks Gabino what will we do?? She is breaking the limits of loudness and that is enough to set off the migrains in Gabino. Gabino assures Carmina he cleaned the knife of her prints but does not know how Horacio’s prints got on it… Carmina tries to bring him into the equation as an accomplice.. Gabino says no you won’t take me down with you… Carmina assures him they all have info on him as well… Gabino gurgles/grunts in pain…
Damian and Lucio arrive at hacienda and a hysterical Tonia tells them about Horacio having been there and told Alfie the truth about Loopy. Tonia believes Horacio killed Loopy. Lucio gets startled, where is he!!!!?? Tonia says she called the police. Dam runs to find Alfie. She begs Dam to tell her it is not true, but after he confirms the tragedy, she assures him Horacio did not kill Lucio or wanted to hurt her, he only came to tell her about what happened to Loopy and that he could not do anything to prevent it. On the contrary, Horacio knows who killed Lupe but did not have time to tell her who it was. Where did it happen? How?? Dam won’t tell her because her heart can’t handle the truth. Alfie says she is fine, her pittpatt can handle it. Dam has no choice but to tell her Elisa and him found Loopy stabbed by Stefie’s grave. Alfie is devastated.
The funeral service at church. Everyone in white, you could easily run a detergent/Clorox commercial with this video… Ramona walks in a packed church, then Maru/Lucio/Carito, then Elisa and Lolita with Braulio.
Outside, Dam and Alfie walk toward the church… Alfie not a happy camper when she sees Elisa by the coffin, asks Dam ‘quitala!, he was my brother, it is my sorrow’. Dam responds ‘it is the whole town’s sorrow, mother’. Elisa walks away and Alfie approaches the coffin, which has a nice framed picture of Loopy on it. Dam sits down, crying a river, Alfie tells Loopy she will miss him (me vas a hacer mucha falta).
As Gael and Paloma make their way to church, Gael remembers some of our favorite scenes, when Loopy consoles kid Gael when he was upset he had no family, that even Paloma had her grandmother. But not him. Loopy says you got ME, mijito! (lets remember this, it will come up again later in episode when Dam/Gael talk). Then another scene where Gael asks Loopy how he will afford his school supplies. Loopy tells him leave that to me. And the playful hand games they played… (we come back to current time with Gael upset, but holding back the tears and managing to walk ever so slowly toward church).
Paloma comes to hug him from behind ‘I am here with you and won’t leave you alone. You have to say goodbye to him.’ Gael agrees. Gael and Paloma approach the coffin, Alfie is still there… Gael has one final memory scene, where adult Gael told Loopy that ‘you have not only been the priest who picked him up at the door of the church, you have been my ‘papa, the best papa in the world’…
Gael approaches the coffin, tells Alfie ‘Senora, would you allow me? I know he was your brother, but he was everything for me… he was my papa’’. Alfie is moved enough to nod yes and walk away… Gael finally lets out the tears and leans onto the coffin… devastated… Dam watches him and continues to cry a river.
Ramona suggests to Paloma to go join her husband. But on his way back out he grabs Elisa’s hand and tells her ‘my papa died!’… Paloma is hurt by this… Elisa hugs him but whispers to him that Paloma is there, that he should go to her. Gael lets go of Elisa and goes to embrace Paloma who caresses him in support.
(Have to say I applaud the acting here… everyone… Mark, David, Blanca, Livia, even Angelique… were great)
The procession to the cementery begins…the new priest followed by the coffin carried by the obvious: Dam/Gael/Lucio/Enrique and huffing and puffing Lucio and Inmundo in the back, followed by the whole town in white with yellow flowers… A very emotional goodbye with Gael throwing the soil on the coffin… hmmm Gael and Paloma both are wearing their amulets…
Flo talks to Dam, sharing her support… Enrique approaches Paloma (who has Gael just a foot away from her), asks her how her marriage is going… Paloma says not the best moment to talk about that. Paloma walks away and Flo invites a reluctant Enrique to get a coffee… (I still say these are the two with the best chances of making a long lastin relationship).
Dam: You have to be strong, brother. We all hurt by losing uncle Loop but you must be the one carrying the worse hurt. IF Loopy fought for anything it was for us two to have a close relationship as brothers. (Gael has a cold insensitive face to what Dam is saying, for all he cares Dam could be giving him a sales pitch for a brand of spray starch) … We cannot let him down. I know how all this is affecting you, and believe it or not I too am very affected by this. I too will miss my uncle as you cannot imagine.
Gael: You think life was so unfair with me. But not so. I did not grow up at the hacienda surrounded by wealth and luxury… (Dam changes demeanor, realizes Gael is still very hurt and very cruel/rough with him). But if we think about it, life was more unfair with you Damian. I had my dad… I had a dad who tucked me in bed every night, who gave me advice. Who reprimanded me. Who worried about me. A papa who always had the table ready to eat with me. And I would not change any… ANY of that for having the Arango surname. So if you think about it, even with all those millions, the procesadora, the hacienda and all that jazz, the loser here was you, Damian. (Dam is serious in his glance, but somehow seems to acknowledge what Gael is saying is true). Gael walks away, very sad. Dam rejoins Alfie… Alfie wants him to leave her alone by the grave. She shared the funeral with the whole town, she wants to be alone with Loopy. Take your time. When you are ready to leave, I will be sleeping under the tree… working on a looong long beard.
Paloma and Elisa hug (I can’t believe Elisa is wearing black boots… can’t she toss the boots away even in this occasion?) They comfort each other… Elisa had never seen Gael so sad in her life. Paloma says now I am here to support him, and I am sure with our baby coming it will be some consolation for him. Elisa agrees. Elisa is sorry they had to cut short the honeymoon. How did he treat you? Very good! (LIAR!!!)
Gael comes to get Paloma. They have not slept and she needs to rest for the baby. Elisa likes his worrying about Paloma, but not enough to avoid being left alone with him. She embraces him and he won’t waste a moment to remind her that she is still in his head and his heart (I don’t know if he is the one with the bigger head issue or Gabino with the bullet in his head). (And I thought you had made some strides… Are you EVER going to grow up, Gall??)
Enrique and Flo comment how the whole town turned out to such a moving emotional goodbye. Enrique can only think that Gael is the one with the woman he loves. Sorry I hurt you with that. Flo says don’t worry. Want to be your friend and want you to torture me with those statements. But time changes people. Look at me. I thought I would enjoy Alfie’s sorrow, and that I would feel payback for losing my dad, but I felt sorry for her. Btw, where is your mom? She was not there. Enrique thinks his mom was just sick. Flo walks with him to check on his mom.
Ramona catches up with Alfie at the grave. ‘You won’t find the answers you are looking for just standing here’. Alfie tells her she was right, life is collecting on her mistakes… but her brother’s death is too high a price for her to pay. Ramona tells her ’I might have the answers you are looking for. When you can put your ego/pride aside and want to get the answers, you know where to find me. By the way … just for the record. I am so sorry for your loss. It is not only a great loss for you and your son, for the whole town of LaE.
Enrique and Flo do not find BeGoneYa, they find the phone pulled off the hook. Enrique notices the family portraits are gone… he runs upstairs. Flo finds a letter from BeGoneYa on the dining table. Enrique reads it.
‘My dear Enriquito. Sorry but I can’t take it anymore. Overnight I lost everything. Your dad, your sister fled, you, the light of my eyes… even my untouchable reputation.. suddenly I am the talk of the town. All my friends turned their backs on me and I can’t deal with that. I went to my sister’s in Guadalajara for a while.’
At la quinta… Carmina is making holes on the floor pacing around. Gabino gets a 34mm migraine from watching her and listening to her shouting. Carmina is getting paranoic that Horacio is alive and can tell all to the police. Gabino knows well if Horacio sings, they both can end up in jail… Gabino grunts in pain… Carmina tells him they have to find a solution..(continue working on the casualty list, what else??)
Lolita is crying a river at Lucio’s… Horacio comes around her and tells her ‘I did not do it, Lolita. I did not kill Padre Loopy’.
Previews: Apparently Lolita tries to grab the phone and Horacio has to yank it off the wall… Lolita tells Lucio Horacio swore he did not kill Lupe. Carmina suggests to Gabino to flee before its too late… Dam asks Elisa if she wants to get back with him, and in comes Gaeloma. The awesome foursome sit down at same café table. Elisa tells Gael she is back with Dam. Gael says he can’t believe it is true(of course with an annoyed face). (DANG!!!! The plot thickens!!! And at same time it stays the same forthe four ‘leads’. Every other character in the novela seems to be going through more interesting stuff than the ‘main’ foursome)


Por ella soy Eva #66 10/17/12 It's a Madhouse Between Eugenia, Adriano, Angelica and Polluti

Jennifer is on the phone with her boyfriend.  He has a plan that will make her father thrilled to see him.  It sounds devious!

Modesto and Eugenia are leaving for a trip, from the looks of the maid; I don’t think that it’s Paris.

The kids are asking Fernando to take them out and as usual Fernando doesn’t want to do anything but eat and complain.  Everyone is whining and Jennifer is trying to butter him up. He thought that she should be locked in her room because of last night. (She was at home unsupervised but fully dressed with a young man)  The doorbell rings and it’s the young man from last night.  Fernando nearly chokes on his giant muffin that he hands to Kevin. He is trying to be tough and asks the young man who is very polite, why are you here?  Last night I said that you are not welcome here and wants to fight him.  Marsela tells him to stop being ridiculous, but then he couldn’t be Fernando.

Playa Mayagua- Polluti and Helena are walking along the beach discussing the previous day- Polluti couldn’t sleep because he was thinking of her.  Helena wants to take it slow and Polluti is just happy to be with her. (I have to comment on Polluti’s outfit.  The pedal pushers or modern day capris were not working for him.)  They held hands, but Helena looked around and looked uncomfortable.

Back to Fernando’s house-the young man doesn’t want to fight and he apologizes for last night and being there without their permission.  Fernando is still chewing.  The young man invites the family over to a bbq at his house for dinner.  Fernando is not impressed at first because it would require that he would have to wipe the crumbs off of his face, but then agrees as he takes another bite from the large muffin.  Thank you Jennifer –she motions for him to wipe his face.

At the hospital- Eugenia goes off with hospital worker.  She always trusts the goodness of strangers.  It was a sad scene.  Modesto tried to look sad, although I’m not sure how genuine it was.

Polluti is admiring the scenery, which includes Helena.  (Does Helena notice that he stopped mourning rather quickly?)  Helena loves being at the Mayagua Beach, its where her project began and they agree that its paradise.  Along comes Eva and spoils the moment.  Polluti is disgusted and goes back to his room.  Eva wants the 411 on what’s going on with Helena and Polluti?  Helena plays coy and Eva backtracks by saying that she doesn’t want to be a noisy body.  Helena leaves to pack because they are returning to Mexico City.  JC’s mantra- have faith in Helena, have faith in Helena.

Mimi goes to visit Eugenia and the maid tells her that she has been committed.  The maid begs Mimi not to cause any more trouble.  Mimi calls Eva to give her the news, that his/her mom has been committed to a psychiatric hospital.  Eva is on her way back to Mexico City.

Fernando and his family arrive to #417, which is a large mansion.  Marsela wanted to make sure that they were at the right place.  The young man greets them.  Fernando changes his tune and is joking with the young man about his house.

Eva/JC wants details about the commitment of his/her mother.  Eva is ready to have Juan Carlos get his mother and Mimi tells him to use his head as she takes Eva’s suitcase and squeezes it into the trunk of the Beetle.

Oh, Fernando is thrilled that the kids are a couple; he hopes that they will be life long partners.  The boy’s parents seem a little weird but like Jennifer.  Fernando is more interested in the boy’s family. Oh and there is food involved, so he is a happy camper. They have been invited to a bbq in a large Hollywood mansion type backyard and the men head to the grill.

Mimi tries to see Eugenia, but she can’t have visitors, doctor’s orders.  Eva pretends to be reporter who is doing an article on the actress.  The nurse doesn’t budge.  Eva tries to bribe her and that doesn’t work either.  Mimi shows the nurse a picture of William Levy and she has others of Fernando Colunga, Gabriel Soto, David Zepeda, etc.  The nurse took the bait and the William Levy photo and she led the girls to Eugenia’s room.  Eugenia was reciting lines and thought that the nurse was calling her onto the stage.  She was not happy to see Eva.  Eugenia is tired of being deceived and asked Eva to leave but Eva thought that she meant being deceived by her husband.  The doctor came in and asked Eva to leave.

Adriano is calling Eva on his cell.  He’s worried. A worker tells Helena and Polluti that Eva left with her suitcases about a half hour ago, some type of emergency.  Adriano doesn’t understand why Eva is not answering.

The doctor explained that Modesto arranged to have Eugenia committed.  Eugenia will improve under the right medical care, which she will receive there.  It will be gradual.  She will be committed about a month depending on how she responds to the treatments.  Her husband is very concerned about his wife.  Eva was thankful and slipped and said her mother and changed it to marvelous.

Fernando is having the time of life, eating and taking about nothing.  Marsela asked about Daniel and how he was adapting to the school and his mom said that this was his first year at that school. He was at an American boarding school.  She was happy to have her family together.   Fernando did some type of united for all gesture.
What an idiot!  Marsela was pensive and was trying to digest the conversation because it didn’t sit right with her.

Mimi assured JC not to worry about his mom.  JC still doesn’t trust his father.  Eva is still trying to figure out why his/her mother is angry with him.

At the Escuderos’ apartment- Angelica has gone shopping and wants to “paint the town red” yet again.  Santi has to work and needs a good night’s sleep.  Angelica will go out with her good friend Rebeca.  She wants to make Rebeca jealous when she sees her dressed like a lady.  Between her taste and Rebeca’s animal prints, I not sure who is more tacky.  Santi is less than thrilled.  (Good for you, when you don’t think with your head that’s attached to your neck.)

Helena is home and is greeted by Lalo.  Polluti brought a gift for Lalo.  Helena thanked Polluti for being so good with Lalo and Polluti lied and said that Lalo won him over since day one.  Helena doesn’t want to share the romance with Lalo just yet. (Ahh, not ready to shout it to the four winds?)  Polluti kisses Helena’s hand and her mom comes into the room.  Silvia asks Helena if anything happened between she and Polluti?

Angelica shows off an expensive dress that does not impress Rebeca who is dressed sans animal print, I think.  They are from the same zip code now but Rebeca was not impressed because Angelica left the tag on her dress.  They start cackling about friends at the company and how her marriage was not for love but for lust, oops interest.  Rebeca is just jealous because Angelica got married first.  She threw some flowers to her as if it was a bouquet at a wedding and was teasing her because she didn’t catch it.  Rebeca was not happy.

Helena shared to Silvia that they are an item but it has to be kept quiet especially around Eva. Silvia passed her test!!!

Eva fells like its turning into a madhouse, between Helena, Eugenia and Adriano.  He was complaining about his manicure.  It is very apparent that Camil is studying feminine mannerisms, because I can picture myself curled up in my bathrobe at the end of a long day.

At Fernando’s’ house, the family enters, Marsela is carrying the large Tupperware containers, Fernando calls for his son, not Kevin the other one, Danny.  I can’t say it enough, what an idiot?  Now Danny is the perfect teenage boy.  Ay vay!  Danny and Jennifer get Fernando’s blessing and they go out on a date.  Marsela lets him have it.  Just because Daniel’s family has money doesn’t make him perfect.  Marsela is feels as if there is more to the story about him coming home from his American internship than his mother let on.  Daniel has Fernando’s stamp of approval. 

Adriano came over to see Eva and find out why she disappeared so suddenly.  Eva said that her friend needed her and Adriano just loves her more.  She is so selfless.  She reminds Adriano that she will never fall in love with him.  She is still in love with her dead husband.  Adriano wants all or nothing.  If he is alone he will sell his shares to Polluti.  So Eva agrees to be his girlfriend.  Adriano is a happy man.

Daniel and Jennifer are at the movies and Daniel has a big prize for Jennifer and I don’t think that it’s a Grammy.

Adriano is the happiest man in the universe.  As per Eva’s directive, she is his girlfriend BUT under certain conditions- is it to be displayed, no, PDAs, discretion is the key word, especially at GI.

Juan Carlos is kicking himself; he is Adriano’s girl.  Mimi can’t stop laughing.  He only did it so that Adriano wouldn’t give his shares to Polluti and he is trying t clear his name.  What a sacrifice?  Mimi wishes that she were in Eva’s shoes.

Santi tells Angelic its time to come home, but Rebeca insisted that she hang out with her a bar and could he come and pick her up.  If he comes they can have a drink together. He tells her to take a cab home because he has to get up very early for work and he has a long day.

Mimi is flirting with the accountant who will offer any financial tutoring to her.
Helena arrives to work and Polluti is stalking, I mean waiting for her to steal a kiss.  They can’t be seen arriving together because it may arouse suspicions.  Mousse Boy is happy to see Polluti; he wants to know what his new position at the company will be.

Rebeca is waiting for Pluto in his office.  She wants to know if he’s angry with her.  Polluti is not in the mood for her animal print today. Rebeca reminds him that time is ticking away and he has less than a month left before their wedding or otherwise she may have to show her video.

Polluti is left with his characteristic expression- Duh!

Coming attractions:
A board meeting that is going to decide who is staying at GI and who is leaving; Eva interrupts Helena and Polluti.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #65 10/16/12: The Bad, the Worse, and the Grotesque

It's yet another double-header tonight, squeezed into 90 minutes of horror, humor, and irony.

Part 1: Paybacks and Payoffs
Helena and mom are on the phone. Mom has an exam tomorrow. Everything at Playa Majagua reminds Helena of Juan. Someone (like we can't guess who) slips a note under her door. It's a mushy note from Pluto.

Rebeca sneaks around Pluto's office and finds a photo of Helena, which she curses enthusiastically. She is interrupted by Renato, who didn't bother to knock. Each has a lame excuse for being in Pluto's office. Rebeca kicks him out.
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Abismo de pasión #148 10/15/12


Senior writer Fluffy, his son Fluffy Jr, and the rest of the monkeys have worked up a doozy of an episode tonight. Since they have no sense of how humans react and behave, being simians after all, they bring us some outrageous scenes that make little sense to us. So if you put your beanies on and watch this through the eyes of an ape, it will all fall into place.

Fluffyʼs show notes:
-14 more episodes to go.
-Ideas on how to stretch this out. 1.Kill off every character in the show one at a time. 2.Introduce new characters. 3. repeat old story lines.
-Let Fluffy Jr. write some scenes and dialog. Give him a minor character, probably will give him Horacio.

-Plan el gran finale party. Put Mrs. Fluffy on that job. Televisa bosses love her parties. Have her provide Tostachos® to please the advertisers.

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Monday, October 15, 2012

Amor Bravío #45 (Uni 40) Mon 10/15/12

Capitulo 45:   Tercio de Muerte

Lo del Pasado

Augustina tells Ximeana she is attending the event "te guste o no te guste."  Andres returns Julian's firearm and cell phone to El Diablo, who now promotes him to a lower position. He wants daily reports on everything about Camila.  Ximeana shops for shoes when she bumps into Bruno, who knows she and her friend stole things in Monterrey.

Lo de Nuevo:

Outside the Shoe Store: Augustina exits the store and Bruno introduces himself as a friend of Ximeana's; Augustina is pleased that Ximeana has run into such a charming friend. Ximeana tries to brush him off by saying he's just passing through, but he corrects her, saying he's going to be around for a few days.  Augustina actually invites him to La Malquerida, which does not please Ximeanita.

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Refugio Para el Amor #134 Mon 10/15/12 Where in the World is Luciana Jacinto Flores Linares, ex de Torreslanda?; Roddy Stars in His Own Version of ‘The Hangover’

Remember everyone, DEEP breaths! Breathe in…breathe out…breathe in…breathe out….

All of Luci’s peeps have FINALLY arrived at the clinic to find both Luci and the baby gone. A group freak-out ensues. Luci is currently bleeding and unconscious in the back of an ambulance, whizzing by the clinic and to a hospital with a real emergency room. Baby Rodrigo Jr. has been dumped by that BITCH Gala in a pile of garbage in the driving, freezing rain. He is luckily being protected by his uncle Pato’s Virgin medal, and a shuffling drunk hears his cries and rescues him. I mean, who could resist that cute face?

The Duo of Witches returns to the scene of the crime, the garbage heap where Gala so callously left Rosa’s first-born grandchild. Gala panics that the baby has disappeared. Rosa panics that someone saw her. Gala is sure no one saw her, but she’s ticked that SHE’s the one who had to take the risk. She says Rosa’s name aloud, which makes Rosa panic even more—the authorities might be near and hear. Rosa really loses it. “Estamos perdidas!” (We’re sunk!) Gala, doesn’t like to be upstaged as the drama queen in any situation, so she tells Rosa to shut the hell up. They make a hasty retreat to their rented car.
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Por ella soy Eva #64 10/15/12: Adriano and Plutarco are undeterred by the demurrals of their respective love objects. Por ella soy eva October 15

Helena is not sure re-hiring all the women is a good idea. Does GI have the money for it?

Renato is pithed to lose his place with Helena. He complains to Helena: "This is nepotism." "Lucia knew this project from the beginning, don't doubt my motives." Mousse boy leaves in a dark mood. He is clearly a villain.

Pluto is the opposite of complimentary about Eva's physical attributes, but Adri is enchanted. "She keeps rejecting me but I'm stubborn." He says his sister would have wanted Pluto to get on with his life. He says he can't.

Juan frets that he's not allowed to see Eugenia and considers coming out to Modesto. Mimi: "He didn't want to help JC when he was fleeing, so it would be crazy to hope for his help now." Juan complains he never has time to check out the company's finances and figure out the fraud.

Lucia, after all the nagging to get to be Helena's assistant, now is distressed that she's put Renato out of the job. She is MENSA to like him when he's so clearly a villain! Helena warns Lucia to be very businesslike or she's off the project.

Now Pluto wants his pet hacker to get into Eva's computer and find something damaging, he doesn't care what, nude pictures would be fine, just something to help get rid of her.

Helena is sad, she doesn't really want to go back to the beach, last time she was there with JC and they had such a great time... Helena tries to convince Eva that Pluto has suffered but Eva's heart is not melted. In fact, Eva tells Helena: "My friend Toni died sure that her husband had a lover!!" Helena is impactada.

Pluto enters, interrupting the revelations; he makes sly jokes about Adri's lust. Eva denies their relationship is anything but professional. When Eva exits, Helena asks Pluto if what Eva said was true. With smoke and mirrors Pluto deflects the gossip.

Now Santi, the dissolute drunk with the low-class wife, is sleeping on the job. He and Fer are the most useless employees at Grupo Imperio.

Pluto tells evil Mousse Boy: "**I** am your only boss."

Adri is so sad, it flusters Juan/Eva who says: "I am a man for only one woman. Uh. I mean, a woman for only one man." S/he says Adri should get a dog if he's lonely and suggests: "Let's be excellent friends, as you were with JC." Moved by Adri's misery, Eva makes a concession: Adri will have to make great sacrifices to win her love.

Lalo: "Ma, you haven't laughed the way you used to ever since Juan has been gone." He wishes he could go to the beach with her. He is cute.

Juan Carlos to Mimi: "Now that I see how awful it is to take hair off my body, I wouldn't mind hairy women." He morosely mulls: it's gonna be tough at the beach, avoiding Adri while simultaneously keeping Pluto away from Helena.

Wait, who is this gorgeous woman lying in Adri's lap while he moans about Eva? She's annoyed listening to his moaning and leaves.

Pluto comes to take Helena to the airport. Silvia asks if his love for Helena is true. He assures her he is infatuated. "Then promise you'll never make her suffer."

Eduardo's friend says he should go get Silvia back. Ed would rather hire a servant.

At the beach, Eva tells Helena: "Let's you and I not be separated for an instant." However, Adri tells Helena he's so in love with Eva and has a surprise for her, a romantic dinner. Helena promises help.

The vela! A band comes in, playing a fine romantic bolero, there is a huge hideous valentine that says "I love you," Adri narrows his eyes lustfully. He grabs Eva, he kneels at her feet and presses his head to her ... abdomen ... Helena, watching, is overcome with amusement.

Eva, indignant and decisive: "I have strong reasons to deny you and any man." Adri wonders if she's interested in women. Juan Carlos throws the rose in his face and flees. Adri eats the rose as the musicians play. They play while he eats dinner alone and gets drunk. "This is exactly why I planned never to fall in love. Now all I want are a few kisses from this gigantic woman."

Santi asks his wife if she thought of learning to cook. She says she's a modern woman and doesn't need to cook, in fact, he should hire her a maid. And, she has organized a party to introduce herself to everybody he knows. And, she wants an extension on her credit card. She spells out their contract: "You give me little ... things ... and I give you little ... kisses..."

Helena tells Pluto she doesn't want to feel pressured by his desire that she be his girlfriend. He says of course not, then pressures her: "Leave Juan Carlos in the past - the pain isn't worth it." She goes alone to her absolutely gigantic hotel suite and remembers being there with Juan and his bogus ha ha ha Argentinian accent.

Her reverie is interrupted by Eva at the door, yelling, how could you leave me with that lunatic!!!!

Helena tries to convince Eva: "You could be happy with this man who obviously loves you. Leave that dead husband in the past." As they stare into each other eyes Helena finally sees something... in Eva's eyes... oh, it's nothing. She sends Eva away. Eva is very reluctant to go.

Back at GI, Rebeca is planning some media event to her own advantage.

Juan tells Mimi he is full of memories of the wonderful things that happened at the beach last time and he wants to kiss Helena 24/7. Mimi tells him to snap out of it and concentrate.

Tomorrow the show will be at 7 pm.


Amorcito Corazón Discussion #129-133 Oct. 15-19

Hola amigas/os

I plan to have something up soon.  Here's the good, the bad, and the ugly thus far.  The good - Juancho and Marisol kissed; the bad - Barf acts like her name; the ugly - she and Knuckles plan to have Juancho beat down again b/c of the kiss.  The ugly also includes everything concerning EWM.

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #63 10/12/12: Pluti Lies, Rebeca Serves Up An Ultimaitum, It's A Marvelous Night For A Moondance

Part I

Santi comes shagging his butt into to work, he looks likes he's been thru the wringer, his shirt tail is hangin' out and he's got bed head. He's in the elevator with Eva, gets off with her, and tries to straighten up. She remarks she hasn't seen him since the non wedding when he went to Vegas. Santi finally says he got married in Vegas. Eva says don't tell me, it was a countess right??? Santi says no, I married my ex Angelica! Eva expounds on how bad this woman is, and Santi says but you don't know her, cause remember JC knew her, but not Eva. She backtracks a bit, says the woman probably is no good for him and then Pluti comes down the hall, giving Santi grief about how he looks and Eva saves Santi's bacon, by telling Pluti, Santi was with her, she's a partner too and she and Santi had things to discuss. Pluti finally leaves and Santi thanks her profusely. Eva almost knees him, tells him to stop being stupid and get to work. Santi goes and Adri is right around the corner hissing at Eva, too funny, she thinks one of the Evalettes did it, but they point to Adri. Adri does a kissy face at her and motions with his head, like this way, and the Evalettes have to tell Eva, Adri wants her to follow him. lol.

Adri is holding the door of his office for Eva, and she scoots by him, so as no part of her body brushes against his. Eva brings up the fact she misses all those women that worked at G.I., you know the hundred women who were fired/let go/down sized, you get the pic. Adri reminds her, Pluti said they weren't viable. So Eva turns the tables on Adri and starts to seduce him with his tie, of all things. lol. She rubs it on his face as she sweetly talks to him about women in the bidness and he is sweating and really liking this seduction of Eva's. He says something about looking at the papers again, that Pluti provided to get rid of these women, but Eva says I am going to work and sticks Adri's tie in his mouth, lol. He says Eva, Eva.

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Amor Bravío #44 (Uni 39) Fri 10/12/12 Wanted: One Trustworthy Right Hand Man For My Dirty Work. Tats Optional.

capítulo 44    

With a shout out to the memory of his poor, supposedly dead, preggers, and exotically Jewish Miriam, for whom—lest we forget--our galán had converted to Judaism, we j.i.p. (join in progress) the Mexican mishigas of the meshugges at Hacienda La Malquerida.  Ximena has told la metiche de mama, Agustina, that she’s siding with Team Alonso over blood; and as Dan has now given his heart to the very much alive and present Camila, he and Cami have thrown caution to the winds by pledging their bocas to besos from none but each other forever and always, though celebrating said pledge with a round of the horizontal Hora must needs wait till Cami’s finalized divorce papers are firmly in her possession.  L’chaim! 

Across the way at La Buenaventura, Yago (who definitely needs a wash and style about now) finds Eliana still up and gives her a hard time about agreeing to stick around there at the hacienda when she knows that Pablo’s going off to school soon to the United States.  Illy accuses him of dreaming up stuff for no good reason and walks off in a huff.  ( I hope this means we don’t have to FF through any more of her scenes this episodio.)
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El Mundo de Telemundo - Week of 10/15/12: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

Here's your page for the coming week.  The Telemundo evening shows were preempted tonight (Friday, 10/12) so there won't be any mini-recaps for Corazón Valiente or Pablo Escobar until Monday night or Tuesday morning.  This is a good opportunity to chime in on some of the other shows that no one is recapping regularly but many people are still watching.

Have a great week, everyone!

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¿Dónde está Elisa?-index

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Friday, October 12, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #133 Fri 10/12/12 the moms and dads are further delayed by weather and traffic... One creepy plan from the witches goes smoothly except one little detail.. leaving one live little Rod on the loose.


Don A’s well wishes to Magda and Paz for Luciana at Het Het. He orders the Cap’n to take good care of them.

Pato and Janah and Jorge… he won’t give up… ever.. (good for him!) He wants Janah to call the hangar to know if Paz/Magda took off from Het Het yet)

RosaE on phone with Julie/Gala… they need to get together to talk about the plan…

At Barrio Clinic(Thanks Madelaine!) the girls are caring for Luci, more like spoiling the heck out of her. The guys and everyone else arrives, making a lot of noise, enough for Carmela. The girls leave, followed by the guys, Fabi tells nurse ‘take care of her for me’.
Estela wants to stay a little while longer and ends up convincing Luciana to let her stay.
Carmela comes in announcing she’s about to bring baby Rod to Luci so he can eat.

Max orders Aldo to find Lastra to find out how close the Police is to their Antro business. Aldo gets scared at a briefcase full of money Max gives him. Max asks ‘can you handle it?’ Aldo says ‘yes I can!’

Lo Nuevo:

The sanitation engineer (SE for short, again thanks Madelaine!) comes in to get the trash. She hears that Estela is about to leave but wants to stay a while longer.
At Gala’s offices, Gala has debriefed RosaE and Julie on the SE lady and her attitude. Julie wonders if they can trust her to keep her mouth shut. RE says necessity is the best ally when it comes to persuading someone to stay quiet. Gala says you should have seen her, she almost kissed my hand when I handed her the money.
RE says they have to rent a car and pay for it in cash, so they leave no tracks. Gala is sure this will be the last bitter pill she has to take from Rod when he gets home tonight.
SE lady calls Luci’s room, plays the role of a woman from hospital admin, saying someone needs to come to the cashier desk to get an invoice for the bill so far. Estelita leaves luci alone. And SE immediately texts Gala. (For a woman who has no education beyond elementary school, she speaks very fluently and with educated wording).

Paz, Magda, Ariche and Mr Pilot have arrived. He tells them he will drive them to the clinic personally, on orders from Pato, Rod and Claudio himself. Ariche says you know how to drive many things. Trains too? Not quite.

Back at Barrio Clinic, SE goes to get Carmela and plays like it is Gala who plans to come steal the baby herself. They both run in Luci’s room to alert her. Carmela is very nervous asking Luci not to get scared (LOL!). They tell Luci about a young elegant woman (why did they not tell her she is pregnant?) was around asking questions about Luci and the baby. SE plays it like she is doing a good deed warning Luci about her and her baby being in danger (that is enough info for Luci, she knows who it is.). She grabs the baby and holds it hard to her chest and jumps up from her bed. Carmela is heading to alert hospital Admin, leaves SE with Luci.(ouch!)  Luci is very … VERY…anxious.

Paz and Magda with Ariche and Mr Pilot are still stuck in traffic under a nasty storm.

Estelita finally gets to the front of the line at Cashier. She asks the lady for the invoice.

Back At Luci’s room SE keeps working Luci into a paranoia attack. Luci holds baby Rod very tightly. She won’t even let SE touch her. Now she is in ‘suspect anyone’ mode and heads out. SE helps Luci sneak out around security guard. Then she immediately texts Gala ‘she already left’. (sorry I have a police/MP husband, this woman almost dance a jarabe tapatio [complete with mop & bucket cart] around the CLUELESS security guard).

[Ok, Luciana… let me give you a few options you should have thought about before you ran with your baby into a lightning diluve story only 24 or fewer hours after having a C section [you might say… its late, why bother them; at which time I would smack you on the head with the food tray] IT IS YOUR SAFETY AND YOUR BABY”S!!!! MOVE!!!!:
1.    Call Pato (he certainly can put resources out there for you in a flash…)
2.    Call Claudio (same as above, he can call and get lots of resources moving for you immediately)
3.    Call Rod (heck, this might be HIS wife and HIS mother, after all…)
4.    Get out of the room but don’t leave the hospital: Hide in a maintenance closet, ANYWHERE… Your top priority should be to change your location but to HIDE somewhere where your team could find you easily!!
5.    Doesn’t even Lorenzo have a cell phone now?? Why not call him or Vio? They were on the way there anyway…
6.    Go right to the hospital admin yourself and get them to protect you while the people you could call on the phone get there. 
7.    Pop a Zumba DVD and dance away with Beto until Lorenzo and Vio get there… after that let Vio take care of RE and Gala… she already has a grudge on them anyway.
8.    Put a set of scrubs on and go mingle with the resident doctors, maybe you will find one that will help you hide after you tell him your entire story and he actually believes it.
9.    Write a last will so everyone will know what you intend to do with your proceeds from the pot making and what you want them to do with the baby if it survives. Leave a PS for Lorenzo and Hanah to adopt Ariche.
10.  Any combination of the above..
11.  (the one you chose… running out like a maniac holding your baby out in the storm with no energy, no stamina, low blood pressure, no specific plan of action/defense at all and not alerting any trusted backup help you out.DUH!)

Poor (AND STOOPID) Luci is out on the street under a diluve complete with lightning all over. A car is following her from behind as she walks down the sidewalk.

Meanwhile Paz/Magda/Ari/MrPilot are still stuck in traffic at same spot for almost 1 hr.

Luci keeps walking down holding Little Rod, she is wabbling, surely weak and in pain, her wound surely has opened up again… Car still follows her. Baby starts to cry.
Luci gets to a covered bus stop. Car still approaching very slowly. Luci cries and eventually faints to the floor. A covered woman in designer heels gets out of the car, goes to Luci and takes the baby, leaving Luci there. Woman in heels gets back in car. Its … wait for it… wait for it… RE!! she hands the baby to Gala and says ‘do what you need to do. I will take care of Luciana’. Gala leaves the car, baby on hand. RE calls for an ambulance for Luci (hmmm!... so she does NOT want Luci to die, she wants Luci to suffer the rest of her life for the disappearance of her baby! AND be blamed for it?? GGGRRRR!!!! In a creepy way it makes all the sense in the world, no worse torture for a mother than to know her child is out there somewhere and team RE blames her for it.)

At TL house, Pato is having nightmares, seems like he hears the cries of a woman… Mati comes in, she notices Pato is anxious in his sleep and she and Janah wake him up.
He keeps hearing the cries… but he does not realize what it is… He asks them if they heard about Luci.. no nothing since yesterday. They smile talking about the baby. Then Pato asks for RE, they have not seen her all day, Mati says she left after ‘comida’. They find it strange that RE would go out and be out so late under a storm.

 Back at Barrio Clinic, Estelita keeps waiting for the invoice. They won’t have it ready until the doctor releases Luci. Estelita complaints about someone calling the room … She rushes back to Luci’s room.

Nicole and Vicky leave work, Nicole is excited about her new location. She leaves Vicky in charge while she is out starting the other place. Vicky is excited about the task. She hopes she will be independent someday. Vicky gets grabbed by a man

Procopio and Don Aq try to call Luci’s room. But no one is there. Don Aq tries again, to no avail.

Gala drops the baby at some trash cans… hides from a police car with sirens on nearby. ‘hasta nunca little devil. Everything that happens to you will be that cabaretera’s fault. Die already!’ She leaves him there, but seems baby is covered by the trash bags nearby.

At TL manor, Max comes in Pato’s room and tells them Rod must be here any moment. Max also finds it weird that RE is away and not back yet and didn’t tell anyone where she was going, didn’t even take Genaro with her.

Estelita is back in Luci’s room and does not find her or baby, gets alarmed instantly. Starts asking Carmela where Luci is. Carmela is also surprised. Carmela runs out. Estela is upset now.

Back to Vicky’s stalker… … it is Aldo! Vicky yells at Aldo told you I did not want to see you or Max. Aldo pulls out a stack of money (from Max’ briefcase) and tells her he wants to give it to her for her new business. Vicky does not want it. She is afraid someone will assault him for it. She runs out. Leaving Aldo upset.

Rod and Claudio finally make it to airport.

Luci is picked up by ambulance on the street. They notice she is unconscious but still breathing, and bleeding quite a bit through the C-section wound. (Shouldn’t they have covered her before walking her to the ambulance so she would not get the cold water on her face? Duh!! Also, wouldn’t she still have her hospital bracelet? Similar to the one Gala took from her baby?)

RE: this would not have happened if Luci had listened to me. IF she had left from our lives!
Gala: Well, I hope she dies, because from now on her life will be a calvary.
RE: Where did you leave the baby?
Gala: Where he belongs, in the trash.
RE: Did you ensure no one saw you? Did you leave him well hidden?
Gala: I could not. A police car came by and I had to leave him out there.

Vio, Fabi and Lore arrive to the hospital, the ambulance goes right by them and Lorenzo seems to get a bad vibe. He says it is sooo cooooolldd!!

Inside the ambulance, Luci is still alive but seems to be in critical condition judging from the urgency to arrive the medics are in. She has low blood pressure and is bleeding heavily.

Paz, Magda, Ariche and MrPilot are finally nearing the hospital. But not quite there yet.
Paz comments that for a while she has been feeling a bad vibe of anxiety. Ariche can’t wait to meet Luci’s baby. Paz can’t wait to hug the baby. They tell Ariche they don’t think they will let him come in the hospital so they will drop him off at the vecindad first.

At TL house Pato keeps looking at the baby picture. He and Janah wonder if he will look like Rod later when he grows up. Pato can’t wait to feel better to go see Luci and his nephew agay. Janah wants to go with him, her first class is not until noon so she can go with him to see Luci and baby. Janah tells him he has to rest to continue with the therapy  ‘si quiero llegar lejos tengo que ir despacio’ (if I want to get far I have to take it slow)

Lore, Vio and Fabi arrive, Estela anxiously tells them what happened. As she is telling them Luci is nowhere to be found, Paz and Magda arrive, Paz gets panicky instantly asking Lore what happened if she asked him to care for Luci. Lore and Fabi run out to look for her. Paz shakes Carmela, they can’t disappear. Carmela has alerted the Hospital Admin. Just then Rod and Claudio arrive while Paz is still in her panic attack. Paz tells Rod that they can’t find Luci or her grandson. Claudio asks where they are. Rod looks at Luci’s empty bed, and he and Claudio/Paz stare at each other.

Meanwhile the baby is found by a drunk street bum… just in time to save him from Gala and RE who came back to the trash cans …
Previews: Julie asks RE and Gala what happened… they say … eh… weeeeeellll… SE gets questioned by hospital security (or police)…

Sorry I did not have a lot of snark because I did not feel very encouraged after Luci’s stoopid decision making…


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